Renaissance Art and Architecture
Renaissance Art and Architecture
Renaissance Art and Architecture
means rebirth - it was a period of reviving classical learning, literature and the arts - art focused on the imitation or depiction of the natural world - nudity was an aspect present in different masterpieces - art had the goal to promote proportion, balance and harmony BERNINI - Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1860) - Considered as the greatest sculptor of the 17th century - Baroque style of sculpture - He created works that fused architecture, sculpture and painting through his marble works - The Ecstacy of Saint Theresa (1647-52, located at the Cornaro Chapel, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome) - Monument for Urban VIII (1627-47, defined iconography of future papal funerary monuments) - Trevi and Four River Fountains DONATELLO - 1386 - 1466 - greatest Florentine sculpture of his age - The Annunciation (1433, carved from limestone, located in Santa Croce, Florence) - Made sculptures in bronze - He was requested to do another youthful sculpture of David in bronze; stands over 5 feet tall and signifies the allegory of civic virtue over brutality MICHAELANGELO - Michaelangelo di Lovodico Buonarroti Simoni (1475 1564) - Neo Platonist - Ceiling of the Sistene Chapel (1508 1512) - David (1501-1504, 18 ft tall) - Pieta (1499) DA VINCI - Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) - Theme of his creations reflected the boldness and freshness of his depiction of reality - True Renaissance Man (well versed with things outside art, such as sciences, engineering, and such) - First artist to study proportions of humans - Mona Lisa (1502) - The Last Supper (1498) - Vitruvian Man (1485, mix of science and art, shows that there is no universal set of proportion for the human body)
RAPHAEL - Raffaello Sanszio (1483 -1520) - famous for frescoes in the Vatican palace - The School of Athens (reflects classical influence on Renaissance art) - Revolutionized portrait painting through his creation of the portrait of Julius II - the "cartoons" that are on the tapestries of the Sistine Chapel - The Resurrection of Christ (1499-1502, oil painting on wood, prevalent dramatic style of composition) BELLINI - Giovanni Bellini (1460-1516) - Influence was build upon techniques with the use of new paint and color - Painted Agony in the Garden - Lady Combing Her Hair (1515, one of his final works) SOURCES