Positivee Real Function
Positivee Real Function
Positivee Real Function
Lecture (3)
Lecture (3)
Chapter (1)
Lecture (3) Properties of Driving Point (Positive Real) Functions Introduction:
In this lecture we derive some simple properties that all DP functions must have. The properties will apply to impedance and admittance function realized by using some or all of the permissible components. Driving point functions must satisfy the following general properties of network functions: Must be rational functions in s with real coefficients. May not have poles in the right half s plane. May not have multiple poles on the j axis. In addition, since the reciprocal of a DP function is also a DP function, its zeros must satisfy the same constraints as its poles. Therefore, a driving point functions: May not have poles or zeros in the right half s plane. May not have multiple poles or zeros on the j axis. A corollary of the second property is that the degree of the numerator can differ from the degree of the denominator by no more than one. The reasoning is that at infinite frequency (s = j), the terms associated with the highest power of s in the general form of a network function (H(s) is dominating, so that:
Now if n differs from m by more than one, H(s) will either have a multiple pole (n > m) or a multiple zero (m > n) on the imaginary axis, at s = j. Positive Real Function: Passive networks contain no energy sources and as such they can only dissipate - but not deliver - energy. This dissipative nature of passive networks imposes a further restriction on the DP function. The restriction is that if the function is evaluated at any point on the j axis, the real part will be nonnegative. Mathematically:
Lecture (3)
A heuristic argument to justify this statement follows. Suppose the network function has a negative real part at frequency s = j l. Then the function at s = jl can be written as:
We can place a capacitance (or inductance) whose reactance is jX(l) in series with the network (Figure 2.5), to cancel the reactance term in the original circuit. This new network, which is also passive, has impedance:
which is a negative resistance. If we applied a voltage source at this frequency to this network, the network would deliver current to the source, thereby violating the passive nature of the circuit. Thus the network cannot have a negative real part for any frequency on the j axis.
Another property of passive DP functions is that the residues of j axis poles must be real and positive. Summarizing the properties of Positive Real (passive network) function: Inspection test for necessary conditions: It is required that: Y(s) must be a rational function in s with real coefficients, i.e., the coefficients of the numerator and denominator polynomials is real and positive. The poles and zeros of Y(s) have either negative or zero real parts, i.e., Y(s) not have poles or zeros in the right half s plane.
Lecture (3)
Poles of Y(s) on the imaginary axis must be simple and their residues must be real and positive, i.e., Y(s) not has multiple poles or zeros on the j axis. The same statement applies to the poles of l/Y(s). The degrees of the numerator and denominator polynomials in Y(s) differ at most by 1. Thus the number of finite poles and finite zeros of Y(s) differ at most by 1. The terms of lowest degree in the numerator and denominator polynomials of Y(s) differ in degree at most by 1. So Y(s) has neither multiple poles nor zeros at the origin. There be no missing terms in numerator and denominator polynomials unless all even or all odd terms are missing. Test for necessary and sufficient conditions: Y(s) must be real when s is real. If Y(s) = p(s)/q(s), then p(s) + q(s) must be Hurwitz. This requires that: i. the continued fraction expansion of the Hurwitz test give only real and positive coefficients, and ii. the continued fraction expansion not end prematurely. In order that Re Y(j) >= 0 for all , it is necessary and sufficient that
have no real positive roots of odd multiplicity. This may be determined by factoring A(2) or by the use of Sturm's theorem.
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The inspection test reveals no obvious defects. Poles and zeros are clearly in the left half plane (from the quadratic formula), so that the residue test need not be carried out. It is only necessary to carry out the test: Re Y(j) >= 0 for all
This function is always positive or zero and the function is positive real.
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is slightly more complicated, but still passes the inspection test requirements. The poles are seen to be at s = +jl. The Hurwitz test is successful.
Lecture (3)
Lecture (3)
Lecture (3)
Lecture (3)
Lecture (3)
Lecture (3)
Lecture (3)
Lecture (3)
Find the number of real zeros of the following function using Sturm's theorem:
Test the positive reality of the following function by testing its real part using Sturm's theorem: