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Two Americas: Bob Lonsberry

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Two Americas

Note: The below essay was sent to me by a friend, Lewis Shupe, who in turn received it from a friend of his. I believe it makes an interesting and worthwhile point: A society that guarantees equal results cannot succeed! The original author, Bob Lonsberry, is a controversial, conservative Republican writer and broadcaster. For more information on his writing, books, etc. please take a look at his website: www.lonsberry.com.

Bob Lonsberry

Bob Lonsberry, a Rochester talk radio personality on WHAM 1180 AM, said the following in response to ba!a"s recent #inco!e ine$%ality speech#&

'wo A!ericas
'he (e!ocrats are right, there are two A!ericas) 'he A!erica that works, and the A!erica that doesn*t) 'he A!erica that contrib%tes, and the A!erica that doesn*t) +t*s not the ha,es and the ha,e not"s, it*s the dos and the don"ts) -o!e people do their d%ty as A!ericans, obey the law, s%pport the!sel,es, contrib%te to society, and others don*t) 'hat*s the di,ide in A!erica) +t*s not abo%t inco!e ine$%ality, it*s abo%t ci,ic irresponsibility) +t*s abo%t a political party that preaches hatred, greed and ,icti!i.ation in order to win electi,e office) +t*s abo%t a political party that lo,es power !ore than it lo,es its co%ntry) 'hat*s not in,ecti,e, that*s tr%th, and it*s abo%t ti!e so!eone said it) 'he politics of en,y was on pro%d display a co%ple weeks ago when /resident ba!a pledged the rest of his ter! to fighting 0inco!e ine$%ality)1 He noted that so!e people !ake !ore than other people, that so!e people ha,e higher inco!es than others, and he says that*s not 2%st) 'hat is the rationale of thie,ery) 'he other g%y has it, yo% want it, ba!a will take it for yo%) 3ote (e!ocrat) 'hat is the philosophy that prod%ced (etroit) +t is the electoral philosophy that is destroying A!erica) +t conceals a f%nda!ental de,iation fro! A!erican ,al%es and co!!on sense beca%se it ends %p not benefiting the people who s%pport it, b%t a betrayal) 'he (e!ocrats ha,e not e!powered their followers, they ha,e

ensla,ed the! in a c%lt%re of dependence and entitle!ent, of ,icti!4 hood and anger instead of ability and hope) 'he president*s pre!ise 5 that yo% red%ce inco!e ine$%ality by debasing the s%ccessf%l 5 seeks to deny the s%ccessf%l the conse$%ences of their choices and spare the %ns%ccessf%l the conse$%ences of their choices) Beca%se, by and large, inco!e ,ariations in society is a res%lt of different choices leading to different conse$%ences) 'hose who choose wisely and responsibility ha,e a far greater likelihood of s%ccess, while those who choose foolishly and irresponsibly ha,e a far greater likelihood of fail%re) -%ccess and fail%re %s%ally !anifest the!sel,es in personal and fa!ily inco!e) 6o% choose to drop o%t of high school or to skip college 5 and yo% are apt to ha,e a different o%tco!e than so!eone who gets a diplo!a and p%shes on with p%rposef%l ed%cation) 6o% ha,e yo%r children o%t of wedlock and life is apt to take one co%rse7 yo% ha,e the! within a !arriage and life is apt to take another co%rse) Most often in life o%r destination is deter!ined by the co%rse we take) My doctor, for e8a!ple, !akes far !ore than + do) 'here is significant inco!e ine$%ality between %s) %r li,es ha,e had an ine$%ality of o%tco!e, b%t, o%r li,es also ha,e had an in e$%ality of effort) While !y doctor went to college and then de,oted his yo%ng ad%lthood to !edical school and residency, + got a 2ob in a resta%rant) He !ade a choice, + !ade a choice, and o%r choices led %s to different o%tco!es) His o%tco!e pays a lot better than !ine) (oes that !ean he cheated and Barack ba!a needs to take away his wealth9 :o, it !eans we are both free !en in a free society where free choices lead to different o%tco!es) +t is not ine$%ality Barack ba!a intends to take away, it is freedo!) 'he freedo! to s%cceed, and the freedo! to fail) 'here is no tr%e option for s%ccess if there is no tr%e option for fail%re) 'he p%rs%it of happiness !eans a whole lot less when yo% face the p%niti,e hand of go,ern!ent if yo%r p%rs%it brings yo% !ore

happiness than the other g%y) ;,en if the other g%y sat on his arse and did nothing) ;,en if the other g%y !ade a lifeti!e*s worth of asinine and shortsighted decisions) Barack ba!a and the (e!ocrats preach e$%ality of o%tco!e as a right, while co!pletely ignoring ine$%ality of effort) 'he si!ple Law of the Har,est 5 as ye sow, so shall ye reap 5 is so!eti!es applied as, 0'he harder yo% work, the !ore yo% get)# ba!a wo%ld t%rn that %pside down) 'hose who achie,e are to be p%nished as ene!ies of society and those who fail are to be rewarded as wards of society) ;ntitle!ent will replace effort as the key to %pward !obility in A!erican society if Barack ba!a gets his way) He seeks a lowest co!!on deno!inator society in which the go,ern!ent besieges the s%ccessf%l and prod%cti,e to foster e$%ality thro%gh !ediocrity) He and his party speak of two A!ericas, and their grip on power is based on %sing the ,otes of one to sap the prod%cti,ity of the other) A!erica is not di,ided by the differences in o%r o%tco!es, it is di,ided by the differences in o%r efforts) +t is a false philosophy to say one !an*s s%ccess co!es abo%t %na,oidably as the res%lt of another !an*s ,icti!i.ation) What ba!a offered was not a sol%tion, b%t a separatis!) He fo!ented di,ision and strife, pitted one set of A!ericans against another for his own political benefit) 'hat*s what socialists offer) Mar8ist class warfare wrapped %p with a bow) 'wo A!ericas, co!ing closer each day to pro,ing the tr%th to Lincoln*s !a8i! that a ho%se di,ided against itself cannot stand)

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