Advanced Manufacturing Processes
Advanced Manufacturing Processes
Advanced Manufacturing Processes
Time: 3 Hrs.
Subject Title : Advanced Manufacturing Processes Marks Instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data if necessary. 5. Preferably, write the answers in sequential order. : 100
12 Marks
a) Define the non-traditional machining process. Give example, state advantages of nontraditional machining processes. b) State the working principle of CNC Milling machine and list four operations performed on it. c) Define PLC. Draw block diagram of PLC d) Distinguish between EDM and LBM on the basis of i) working principle ii) tool used iii) accuracy iv) applications.
06 Marks
a) Explain working principle of ECM with neat diagram. State any two advantages, disadvantages of ECM b) State two specific applications of a] WEDM b] LBM c] ECM. Give reasons for it.
16 Marks
a) Write the Part Program for the job shown in Figure no 1. Use Absolute mode of programming.
Figure No. 1 b) State working principle of Transfer machine. Give the classifications of transfer machine and applications of each. c) What is the need for centomated Machine tool in context of modern manufacturing system?
16 Marks
a) Describe with neat diagram working of AJM process. State two applications. b) State the characteristics and function of dielectric fluid used in EDM. c) What is Automatic Tool Changer in machining centre? d) What is subroutine? Where it is required? How it is used? e) Describe Electron Beam Machining process with schematic diagram.
12 Marks
a) What is maintenance? Why it is required? Describe predictive maintenance. b) Differentiate between Capstan machine and Turret machine. c) What is repair cycle? Explain it with suitable example.
06 Marks
a) Why maintenance manual is necessary? Prepare sample machine history card for any machine. b) Define the working principle of SPM. How SPM helps in improving the productivity?
16 Marks
a) Explain with neat diagram Ultrasonic Machining process and state four applications. b) Define Canned cycle. Where it is required? How it is used? c) What is repair complexity? State its effect on deciding the maintenance schedule. d) Differentiate between Horizontal machining center and Vertical machining centre. e) State four functions of Limit switches and Proximity switches. f) Describe the function of tool magazine. State two types of tool magazine.
16 Marks
a) Suggest suitable nontraditional machining process for performing following operations. Give reason. 1) to prepare complex couture 2) to prepare Surgical needle 3) For cutting cavities to forging dies 4) Making small diameter hole in fuel injection nozzle. b) Differentiate between Absolute programming and Incremental programming with suitable example. c) List four factors on which Total Productive Maintenance system is based. State benefits to organization by implementing the TPM (mentions four benefits). d) Define automation. State four types of automation with example. e) Why axis identification is necessary in CNC machine system? Explain the axis identification in milling with simple diagram.