3 Hours / 100 Marks: Seat No
3 Hours / 100 Marks: Seat No
3 Hours / 100 Marks: Seat No
3 Hours / 100 Marks Seat No.
17527 [2]
2. Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16
a) State any four essential requirements of dielectric fluid used in
b) Explain closed loop control system with neat sketch.
c) Explain the construction of planomiller with neat sketch.
d) Write down the detailed classification of milling machine.
e) State the objectives and need of maintenance (2 points each)
f) Compare traditional and non-traditional machining processes.
(Four points each)
Fig. No. 1
b) Explain the working of PAM with neat labelled sketch. State its
any two applications.
c) What is the function of dividing head? Sketch and explain
internal mechanism of universal dividing head.
17527 [3]
4. a) Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
i) Differentiate between up-milling and down milling.
(Four points each)
ii) Explain gear hobbing process with neat sketch.
iii) Explain honing process with neat sketch.
iv) What is repair complexity? State its use in maintenance
of machine tools. (Any two)
b) Attempt any ONE of the following: 6
i) Explain the stepwise process of manufacturing hexagonal
shape on milling machine.
ii) Explain, how grinding wheels are specified.