3 Hours / 100 Marks: Seat No
3 Hours / 100 Marks: Seat No
3 Hours / 100 Marks: Seat No
3 Hours / 100 Marks Seat No.
17619 [2]
2. Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16
a) Justify the use of semi conductor diode used in voltage regulation
of charging system.
b) State the importance of manifold absolute pressure sensor. Describe
the principle on which this sensor works.
c) State the need of low tyre pressure monitoring system. Describe
its working.
d) Write the applications of following instruments:
(i) Lux meters
(ii) Battery testers.
e) Draw a neat block diagram to show the configuration of closed
loop control system.
f) Enlist different types of communication system used in automobile.
State the function of bluetooth technology.