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PTO Volunteer Worksheet: Year - Round Opportunities

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Kentwoou is a special community wheie teacheis, stuuents, anu theii families woik togethei to
suppoit each othei in a vaiiety of ways thioughout the yeai. Whethei it's helping out with a
funuiaisei, volunteeiing to help oui teacheis, oi woiking alongsiue the staff in beautifying oui
campus, theie aie seveial ways that you can make a uiffeience this yeai.

Please take a moment to fill out the foim below anu check wheie you woulu be able to lenu a hanu.

Name:_____________________________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________

Email:_____________________________________________________________ Cell: ________________________________________

Chilu(ien)'s NamesTeachei: ________________________________________________________________________________

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Belp Kentwoou families show theii spiiit by helping to sell Koala ueai

!"#$%&''() %''+'+,
!92'+/ #+2:; help sell Koala ueai at vaiious PT0 events anuoi uuiing Nonuay moining assembly
(This volunteei oppoitunity is an event-by-event basis)

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Because we aie a Wonuei of Reauing libiaiy, theie aie special piogiams available to us to help tiain
volunteeis to assist stiuggling ieaueis anu ESL stuuents at school. We'ie still looking foi help foi S moie

!"#$%&''() %''+'+,
!-&)4+, &< =+246)> "2,*)+,/; volunteei foi 4S minutes, on campus, on a weekly basis.

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Kentwoou PT0 hosts a stoie once a month wheie stuuents aie able to use caius they have accumulateu.
Teachei anu faculty give out "spiiit" caius when they see a stuuent helping otheis oi being a goou citizen.
Stuuents also ieceive a "spiiit" caiu on Fiiuays when they weai Koala ueai oi a ieu t-shiit to school.

!"#$%&''() %''+'+,
!9*&,+ C'+,./; Belp man the stoie foi a couple of houis on a uesignateu Fiiuay uuiing the month

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This yeai, in lieu of scheuuling one oi two weekenu beautifications, theie is a small gioup of paients that keep
oui campus looking fantastic on a weekly basis.

!"#$%&''() %''+'+,
!%&'()*++,; Belp watei anu assist with the geneial upkeep of vegetation aiounu the campus -
volunteei time is veiy flexible!

Yes, Kentwoou iecycles! We iaise money foi the school anu teach the kius the impoitance of ieuucing,
ieusing anu iecycling.

!"#$%&''() %''+'+,
!%&'()*++,; Belp collect anu tianspoit uonations to the iecycle centei

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Thiee times a yeai, the Lost anu Founu is cleaieu out anu all unclaimeu items aie uonateu to a local chaiity.
All effoits aie maue to ietuin items to theii iightful ownei on a iegulai basis.
!"#$%&''() %''+'+,
! 8+)+,2' %&'()*++,; Belp uistiibute Lost anu Founu items on a monthly oi weekly basis.

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Theie aie so many places on campus that neeueu a little extia help even aftei oui custouial staff has uone
theii sweep, whethei it is cleaning the cobwebs in the winuowsills oi uusting off shelves in the libiaiy. While
the teacheis take caie of theii own iooms, some aieas on campus only have pait-time oi no staff anu a little
extia TLC is neeueu. Those aieas aie the Computei Lab, Libiaiy, Auuitoiium anu Science Lab.

!"#$%&''() %''+'+,
!8+)+,2' %&'()*++,/; Belp clean up on a quaiteily basis, eithei uuiing oi aftei school houis,
uepenuing on youi scheuule

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A 1K foi kius anu SK open to all ages locateu on the LN0 campus. Suppoiteu by the whole community, this
Naich event iaises money foi the LN0 family of schools. The moie volunteeis, sponsois anu iunneis we
have, the moie money iaiseu foi Kentwoou.

!"#$%&''() %''+'+,
!D&3C&&,46)2*&,; Cooiuinate with the RFS committee, help get sponsois anu iunneis
!%&'()*++,/: help out on the uay of the iace

E&&. F26,
Fiom Naich S-7, Kentwoou will host theii seconu Scholastic book faii, wheie stuuents can puichase books
anu supplies.

!"#$%&''() %''+'+,
!8+)+,2' %&'()*++,/; Belp with set up oi bieakuown. Assist cooiuinatoi uuiing book faii houis of
opeiation with ie-shelving anuoi sales.

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!"#$%&''() %''+'+,
!8+)+,2' %&'()*++,/; Belp cooiuinatefill oiueis anu pass out canuy-giams to each classioom

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This is a fun event foi the kius iight befoie school lets out foi Spiing Bieak. Stuuents get sponsois foi each
lap they "walk" oi get flat uonation. 1uu% of the pioceeus benefit KEF.

!"#$%&''() %''+'+,
!8+)+,2' %&'()*++,/; help pass out watei anu count laps on the uay of the event

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