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Catherine I. Almendinger: Almecath@my - Dom.edu

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Contact Infoimation:
46uS Niuuaugh Ave.
Bowneis uiove, IL
(6Su) 967-4696
To seive the libiaiy anu its community while utilizing knowleuge gaineu thiough the
expeitise of a Nasteis in Libiaiy anu Infoimation Science uegiee fiom Bominican
0niveisity anu expeiience woiking at a public libiaiy in subuiban Chicago.
!"#$%& (#)* +,$#)-%. /-0)%)1 Westein Spiings, IL
Youth Seivices Assistant Nov. 2u1S - Piesent
Peifoim iefeience anu ieauei's auvisoiy foi both chiluien anu caiegiveis
Assist with collection uevelopment
Answei questions iegaiuing youth seivices piogiams, mateiials, anu policies
Fulfill SWAN intei-libiaiy loan holus anu book pull iequests
Cieate visually engaging uisplays to maiket libiaiy collections to useis
Stiive to maintain a welcoming uepaitment foi all pations
Facilitate anu oiganize piogiams foi a vaiiety of age gioups
Woik as a team to fulfill the neeus of the libiaiy anu pations
0puate bibliogiaphies to ieflect pation neeus anu new mateiials
Cieate flyeis to auveitise piogiams
2#34,)& 5)#6, 780.-9 /-0)%)1 Bowneis uiove, IL
Youth Seivices volunteei }une - August 2u1u
0iganizeu iecently ietuineu books accoiuing to call numbeis
Soiteu, secuieu, anu shelveu iecently ietuineu auuio visual mateiials
Assisteu in the piocess of weeuing books fiom shelves
2#$-4-9%4 :4-6,)&-;1 Rivei Foiest, IL
Nasteis of Libiaiy anu Infoimation Science }anuaiy 2u14
Ceitificate of Specialization in Youth Seivices uPA: S.94S

<..-4#-& =;%;, :4-6,)&-;1 Noimal, IL
Bacheloi of Aits Nay 2u12
Najoi: English Stuuies Ninoi: Chiluien's Stuuies 0veiall uPA: S.26

2#34,)& 5)#6, >#);" ?-@" =9"##. Bowneis uiove, IL
}une 2uu8
Nembei of Ameiican Libiaiy Association, Association foi Libiaiy Seivices to
Chiluien, anu Illinois Libiaiy Association.
Big Reu Naiching Nachine 2uu8-2u12
Tau Beta Sigma, National Bonoiaiy Banu Seivice Soioiity 2uu8-2u12
Pep Banu 2uu8-2u12
0niveisity Banu Spiing 2uu8 anu 2uu9
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A-@ B,* +%)9"-4@ +%9"-4,
!9:;<=>? 7>@?<A= +>:B>; CDEDFCDEC
Biiecteu anu facilitateu sectional ieheaisals
Pioviueu customei seivice at many School of Nusic events
Auministeieu auuitions foi the section anu evaluateu the iesults
Communicateu with the uiiectoi anu the giauuate staff on a uaily basis as a
liaison between the section anu staff
!%8 A,;% =-@$%
0iganizeu annual Banu Foimal (uance anu awaiu ceiemony)
Naiketeu socials within anu outsiue of the oiganization
Facilitateu anu ian annual "Ni. Nusic Nan" funuiaisei
Pioviueu customei seivice to stuuents anu faculty
Communicateu with community businesses anu piofessionals to plan events
7>@;>?:;IJ"9KL=< !G:<;M>;NA= CDDOFCDED
Authoieu uetaileu anu accuiate minutes uuiing all chaptei meetings
Bistiibuteu minutes to membeis anu faculty auvisoi in a timely mannei
Kept uetaileu iecoius of attenuance auheiing to the constitution's uefinition of
excuseu anu unexcuseu absences
$<N?A;<:=J4:;9<:L>=?:;<:= CDEDFCDEC
Collaboiateu with othei executive boaiu officeis anu chaptei membeis
Facilitateu iitual ieheaisals anu ceiemonies
Scheuuleu, oiganizeu, anu piouuceu annual composite pictuie
Chaiieu a committee that authoieu uetaileu anu substantial constitution
Enfoiceu anu taught Robeit's Rules of 0iuei
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Ny e-poitfolio featuies examples of how these skills have been applieu anu it can be
founu at http:calmenuingei.weebly.com.
Eveiy Chilu Reauy to Reau
Niciosoft 0ffice (PoweiPoint, Woiu, Excel)
NoveList Plus
SWAN CatalogNil Ceic
Web 2.u tools

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