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Appendix C: C1 Modified Prototype Bridge Model Loading Calculation

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Modified Prototype Bridge Model Loading Calculation


Dead Load

(a) Self-weight of Beam

Cross Section Area, AB Length of Beam, L En of Beam to S!""ort Effecti#e Length, Le $nit %eight of Beam, B %eight of Beam, %B

= = = = = = =

0.598475 18.80 0.4 18 25 *AB+*Le+*B+ 2,9.)1)8 134. ! "

m2 m m m &'(m)

&' #N

-eaction -.1 an -.2

(b) Self-weight of Concrete Slab (b1) Slab to Beam 1 & 8 Cross Section Area, As Length of Beam, L En of Beam to S!""ort Effecti#e Length, Le $nit %eight of S/a0, S = = = = = 0.22512 18.80 0.4 18.0 25 m2 m m m &'(m)


%eight of S/a0, %S

= =

*AS+*Le+*S+ 101.)04 !$. !% &' #N

-eaction -.1 an -.2

(b2) Slab to Beam 2,3,6 & 7 Cross Section Area, As Length of Beam, L En of Beam to S!""ort Effecti#e Length, Le $nit %eight of S/a0, S %eight of S/a0, %S = = = = = = = -eaction -.1 an -.2 = 0.17824 18.80 0.4 18.0 25 *AS+*Le+*S+ 80.208 4$.1$4 &' #N m2 m m m &'(m)

(b3) Slab to Beam 4 & Cross Section Area, As Length of Beam, L En of Beam to S!""ort Effecti#e Length, Le $nit %eight of S/a0, S %eight of S/a0, %S = = = = = = = -eaction -.1 an -.2 = 0.1784 18.80 0.4 18.0 25 *AS+*Le+*S+ 80.28 4$.14 &' #N m2 m m m &'(m)

(c) Self-weight of !remi" (c1) #remi" to Beam 1 & 8 Cross Section Area, A" Length of Beam, L En of Beam to S!""ort = = = 0.08442 18.80 0.4 m2 m m


Effecti#e Length, Le $nit %eight of .remi1, . %eight of .remi1, %.

= = = =

18.0 2).50 *A.+*Le+*.+ )5.709 1&.'!4

m &'(m)

&' #N

-eaction -.1 an -.2

(c2) #remi" to Beam 2,3,6 & 7 Cross Section Area, A" Length of Beam, L En of Beam to S!""ort Effecti#e Length, Le $nit %eight of .remi1, . %eight of .remi1, %. = = = = = = = -eaction -.1 an -.2 = 0.0,,84 18.80 0.4 18.0 2).50 *A.+*Le+*.+ 28.27) 14.13& &' #N m2 m m m &'(m)

(c3) #remi" to Beam 4 & Cross Section Area, A" Length of Beam, L En of Beam to S!""ort Effecti#e Length, Le $nit %eight of .remi1, . %eight of .remi1, %. = = = = = = = -eaction -.1 an -.2 = 0.0,,9 18.80 0.4 18.0 2).50 *A.+*Le+*.+ 28.2987 14.1! &' #N m2 m m m &'(m)



Self-%eight of #ara!et = = = = 0.185 18.80 0.4 18.0 25 *A.a+*Le+*.a+ 8).25 41. %! &' #N m2 m m m &'(m)

Cross Section Area, A"a Length of Beam, L En of Beam to S!""ort Effecti#e Length, Le

$nit %eight of .ara"et, .a = %eight of .ara"et, %.a = = -eaction -.1 an -.2 =


Self-weight of &ia!hragm

Cross Section Area, A2 Length of Ca" 0eam, LC 'o. of 2ia"hragm 3ota/ Area, A23 3hic&ness, t $nit %eight of 2ia"h., 2 %eight of 2ia"hragm, %2

= = = = = = = =

1.)2,, 9.50 7 9.28,2 0.) 25 *A23+*t+*2+ ,9.,4,5

m2 m nos m2 m &'(m)



$2L on Ca""ing Beam

= =

,9.,4,5(9.5 &.33 #N()


Li*e Load

(a) 'B3( 4B)0 /oa ing is a mo#ing /oa ing 5hich is con#erte to static /oa 06

ass!ming one of the tr!c&7s tires to 0e "!t on to" of the 0eam. 3he ana/6sis is in trans#erse #ie5 5here the "osition of the tires is as fo//o5s,

3he schematic arrangement of 4B)0 5here the /oa ing s!""orte 0eam are as fo//o5s

06 the


8orce of tire on 0eam, 9 = Beam S"acing, : -eaction -A;-B 3ri0!tar6 Loa to Beam

= 75 = = = =

)00(4 &' 1.115 75 m &'

V x(1.115 1.0) 1.115 7.7)5 &'

3ota/ Loa on Beam, -B

= =

-A;-B;*2<3ri0!tar6 Loa + "$.3! #N

Each of the 0eams 5i// recei#e "$.3!#N of /oa

from the 4B)0. 3his is to

ens!re the "ro0a0i/it6 of the tr!c& "osition 5hen it is sto""e at the "ier.


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