Infinity Rules
Infinity Rules
Infinity Rules
The tactical possibilities of Infinity are vast and can give rise to unusual situations not covered by the Rulebook. In such cases, we suggest you go to the Infinity web page and log on to the forum at Here you are likely to find answers to most questions you have and clarification for any rules you are unsure of. If no clear situation can be found after considerable searching, we suggest players roll a die each and take the suggestion of whoever rolls highest.
Graphic 1: Measuring
Distances used for movement, shooting, etc. are measured in the same way every time a miniature acts. When measuring any movement made by a miniature, the entire route travelled must be taken into account (For instance, if a miniature has to avoid certain obstacles by taking a detour, this must be included in the measure taken). If a figure wants to shoot, a straight line is measured between the centre of the figures base and that of its target to determine the distance that separates them. (See Graphic 1).
Types of Units
A Unit is a group of soldiers belonging to the same army. These soldiers (Fusiliers, Zhanshi, Hellcats, etc.) have undergone the same type of training and possess similar Attributes, Skills, weaponry and basic equipment. ISC (INTERNATIONAL STANDARD CODE) All units have their own combat record and reputation associated with them. In some cases, their name is an international term known in all the Human Sphere (Line Kazaks or Bagh-Mari, for example), and in other cases a term which is translated in the different languages of the Sphere (Orc Troops or Invincibles). To avoid mistakes and confusion, O-12 has laid down an international nomenclature, known as ISC (International Standard Code), used for reports and intelligence analysis. The ISC will appear in the army lists, in title headlines, in blister holocards and in miniatures boxes. TYPES OF UNITS Light Infantry (LI): The common backbone of every army. These are fast troops, with limited armour but a good number of Support Weapons. Medium Infantry (MI): Special Forces. Better trained and equipped, these are experts in special combat tactics and techniques.
Heavy Infantry (HI): Outfitted with heavy armour, standard or powered, and able to resist enemy fire but slower than Light Infantry. T.A.Gs: A Tactical Armoured Gear is heavy powered armour and a light combat vehicle combined. A heavily armoured unit, gifted with superior firepower and movement. Skirmishers (SK): These are light Special Forces, specifically trained in stealth and infiltration. Warbands (WB): Light assault troops specialized in Close Combat. Remotes (REM): Semiautonomous support units, fast and versatile but with limited armour. Remotes require a Hacker or a T.A.G on the battlefield to be deployed, but they keep acting normally even if this dies. Special Units: Any units not falling under the above categories.
Deployment Zones
The Deployment Zone is the area where the troops of each participating army start the battle. It consists of a strip of 12 inches deep into the table along a players chosen table edge, with each players Deployment Zone normally facing that of their opponent. The position of each Deployment Zone can vary if a specific scenario or campaign mission is being played (See Graphic 2).
This indicates the character and background of the troops and their function in the army. Garrison Troops: These troops have lower quality training and fulfil support and rear guard tasks. Line Troops: The most common troops. These form the main body of most armies. Specially Trained Troops: Soldiers that have undergone special training to accomplish specific battlefield missions. Veteran Troops: These are experienced troops who have participated in other campaigns. They are experienced and have acquired a good reputation. Elite Troops: Special Forces. Committed to special operations, these troops possess the best training and equipment. Headquarters Troops: The finest elite troops, only deployed in exceptional cases.
Mechanized Troops: These possess mechanical assets that range from T.A.Gs to any other form of armoured vehicle. Support Troops: Generic term referring to troops that fulfil certain support purposes in combat, i.e., medics, mechanics... Mercenary Troops: Professional soldiers who rent their services to the highest bidder. These can be added to a regular army according to the rules for mercenaries detailed below.
There are two types of Availability: 1. General Availability: This value is printed in the troops description and is used when fighting a battle using a regular and non-mercenary army (Such as Pan Oceania, Yu Jing or Ariadna). Total Availability indicates as many figures can be chosen from that unit as desired. 2. Mercenary Availability. Mercenary forces allow a player to build a unique Mercenary Company rather than a regular army from a single faction (such as PanOceania or Ariadna). Mercenary Companies allow the enrolment of troops from up to three different factions to build a customized force. Troop Availability is significantly reduced in mercenary armies: Mercenary Availability is always half of the value (Rounded down) of a units General Availability. Troops with Total Availability have a Mercenary Availability of 4. Troops with General Availability 1 have a Mercenary Availability of 0. When building a mercenary company, a mercenary of General Availability 1 may be enrolled for every 200 points of an army.. Example: In a 400 points army you can choose one Hac Tao (General Ava. 1) and one Swiss Guard (General Ava. 1) and no more troops with General Availability 1. Of course, you never can choose two Hac Taos or two Swiss Guards, for example. Personalities (Uxia McNeill, Ko Dali, etc.) who do not have the Troop Classification: Mercenary cannot be enrolled as mercenaries under any circumstances Only armies constructed expressly by the player as Mercenary Companies may take troops from different factions and they do not require the units to have the Troop Classification: Mercenary. Regular armies (Like PanOceania, Yu Jing or Ariadna) can only take models outside their faction who have the Troop Classification: Mercenary Troop (Such as the Yuan Yuan, for example). Mercenary troops cannot be chosen from the Combined Army of the EI. Likewise, the Combined Army cannot enrol mercenary soldiers from any human army. Support Weapons Cost (SWC). Support Weapons are special weapons not included in the basic or standard equipment of a trooper. Every 50 points used to build an army provides 1 point to spend on Support Weapons for the troops chosen. For example, a battle of 300 points gives 6 SWC points to spend on miniatures equipped with Support Weapons. The SWC is indicated on every unit containing a figure equipped with a Support Weapon. Figures with basic equipment have a SWC: 0. For example, a Fusilier with a Combi Rifle has a SWC: 0, while a Fusilier with a HMG has a SWC: 1. Lieutenant. Once miniatures for the army are chosen, a figure must be designated as the leader, or Lieutenant, of the army. Only models having the Lieutenant option in their army list description can be designated, with a SWC equal to that indicated in the army list. If a Lieutenant is chosen who has a (+) before his SWC in the army list, the value after the (+) is added to the points available for Support Weapons rather than subtracted. For example, SWC: +1 adds 1 bonus point to spend on Support Weapons. The Lieutenant should be deployed on the battlefield from the beginning of the game. If no Lieutenant is deployed, the army will be in a Loss of Lieutenant situation, detailed in the Morale and Leadership section below. Combat Groups. When the number of figures in an army is greater than 10, it must be divided into Combat Groups. The player chooses the number of figures comprising each Group, with no more than 10 per group.
A Group cannot be reorganized during a battle, and neither the miniatures nor the Orders of a Group can be passed on to another Group. Each Group is counted as if it has its own non-transferable Orders Reserve.
Movement Table
Inches (1stMOV//2nd MOV) 20/20 20/15 15/15 15/10 10/10 10/5 5/5 Example Light Vehicle Motorcycle Antipodes, Heavy Vehicle T.A.G.s and REM LI, SK, WB MI, HI Minimum Movement
CC (Close Combat): CC is the aptitude of a miniature for hand-tohand combat. BS (Ballistic Skills): BS indicates the skill of a miniature in fighting with ranged firearms. PH (Physique): Covers all physical skills of a miniature (For example Strength, Dexterity, Thrown Weapons or Dodging). A miniature possessing a PH superior to that of another figure will be able to carry him on his shoulders. WIP (Will Power): Will Power encompasses all the mental skills of a miniature (For example, Discover, Doctor or Hacking) ARM (Armour): ARM reflects the type of armour a figure is equipped with. The higher the ARM value, the heavier the armour is and less damage will be taken from enemy weapons. BTS (Biotechnological Shield): Provides a figure with protection against NBCH (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) damage as well as Nanotechnologic, Electromagnetic, and Hacking attacks. W (Wounds): Wounds indicate the life force of a figure and the damage he can receive before dying.
STR (Structure): Represents the capacity of a vehicle or T.A.G. to receive an amount of damage before being destroyed. AVA (Availability): Reflects the number of miniatures of each unit that can be used in a battle. This number may vary if a Mercenary Company is fielded. SWC (Support Weapons Cost): Represents the number of points required to equip a figure in that unit with a Support Weapon. C (Cost): Points value of the figure, its skills, weapons, and equipment. This is the primary value used when creating armies or units. CHARACTERISTICS Theses represent a series of qualities, determined by a figures background and personality that determines their behaviour on the battlefield. These are detailed in the Characteristics section. SPECIAL SKILLS These are special capacities or training that miniatures have acquired that enable them to do things that others cannot, such as camouflage themselves or use parachutes. These are detailed in the Special Skills section. WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT These are weapons, materiel and equipment figures carry in order to perform different actions in the game. Examples of weapons or equipment include Rifle, MediKit, or Hacking Device. These are detailed in the Weapons and Equipment section. (See Graphic 3).
Line of Fire (LoF) The Line of Fire is an imaginary straight line that runs from the centre of a miniatures base to an enemy miniature. If there are any obstacles in the way that completely block an enemy miniature from sight, then there is no LoF. Miniatures have a 180-degree field of vision. A target may only be selected by a figure if the miniature can see it, at least partially. An enemy model may not be shot at if any object, figure, or scenery element blocks totally the LoF. A miniature must be able to see the targets head or a body area of equivalent size to be able to fire at him. In Infinity, the LoF is reciprocal, applying the rule If I can see you, you can see me. If a figure can draw LoF to its target, then the target can draw LoF to the figure as well (if it is inside its field of vision). In some cases, due to the positioning of the miniature or the type of scenery used, the LoF may not be easy to obtain. A good solution to this issue is to get in line with the figure at approximately the same height to check if it is possible to see an enemy. Another solution is to place a ruler or tape measure between both figures: there will be LoF if nothing obstructs the line traced by the ruler. Figures lacking a LoF are unable to attack unless they have weapons that permit Speculative Shots (See Ballistic Skills Section) or weapons with Guided Special Ammunition. Enemy and allied miniatures in the LoF block it and a player is not permitted to attack their own troops. If the target chosen is bigger than friendly models in the LoF, then LoF is not blocked. Figures engaged in Close Combat also block LoF (See the Close Combat Section: Shooting miniatures engaged in CC).
MOV 4--4
CC 13
Not Impetuous
Line Troops
BS 11
No Cube
PH 11
WIP 13
W 1
AVA Total
Pistol, Knife Pistol, Knife Pistol, Knife Pistol, Knife Pistol, Knife Pistol, Knife Pistol, Knife Pistol, Knife
0 1 1 0,5 1 0 0 0
9 29 14 18 28 12 13 9
Rifle and Light GL. Sniper Rifle Missile Launcher Rifle Rifle Rifle
Zone of Control (ZC) The rear sensors of a miniature, or even his auditory perception (Amplified or not) will allow him to be aware of his environment in a radius of 8 inches. This 8-inch radius around each model is known as the Zone of Control (ZC) (See Graphic 4). If any enemy moves into or acts inside the Zone of Control but out of the LoF of a figure, he is immediately able to react but only against that enemy. If an enemy enters a Zone of Control but is behind an obstacle that does not allow LoF to be drawn (For example a high wall or the interior of a house) a miniature is only provided with an Automatic Reaction Order to turn around and face his enemy. The figure is considered to have heard some noise and is turning towards its direction. If the model has any Special Skill or Equipment that allows it to act without LoF, it may use that instead of Change Facing.
If the addition of negative Modifiers is higher than the Attribute of the miniature, then it is an automatic failure and the Order/ Short Skill spent is wasted. Example: A miniature with BS 11 performing a Speculative Shot at Maximum Distance (-12).
A Face to Face Roll is used when two or more models engage in direct confrontation with each other and it determines which one will act first, achieve their goal and defeat their adversary. Both players roll a d20 and compare the results with the corresponding Attribute, after MODs have been applied. The results of the dice rolls are compared as below: 1. Both rolls fail. Neither achieves their goal.
Dice rolls
Dice are rolled to find out if a miniature has succeeded in an action: for example, to see if he hits a target after shooting or to discover hidden enemies. There are three types of dice rolls: Normal Rolls, Face to Face Rolls and Armour Rolls, all made with a d20 dice. To find out if an action taken by a miniature has succeeded, roll a d20 and compare the result with the corresponding Attribute. If the result is the same or less than the Attribute, the action succeeds and the miniature achieves his goal. In some cases, Modifiers must be added to or subtracted from an Attribute. A Modifier (MOD) indicates the action is easier or harder than usual. A MOD will increase or reduce the values of a troops attributes. For instance, the further away a target is, the harder it is to hit. Therefore, a negative MOD must be applied to the firers BS Attribute. Types of MODs can be: Distance: Modifies BS for Shooting and WIP for Discover rolls. Covers: Modifies firers BS and targets ARM. Skills and Equipment: Modifies multiple Attributes. Other: Modifiers not included in the above categories.
2. One roll fails and the other succeeds. The player that succeeds achieves his goal. 3. Both rolls succeed. In this case, the player that rolled the highest score is the winner of the Face to Face Roll and his action takes effect. As his Skill is assumed to have conquered his adversarys, the success of the opponents roll is not taken into account. 4. Both are successful but one player achieves a Critical. The player who obtains the Critical wins the Face to Face Roll, even if his enemy obtained a higher number. 5. Both achieve a Critical. The player with the highest score is the winner. 6. Dice rolls result in a draw. In case of a draw, whether the successes are normal or Critical, the winner is the one with the highest Attribute (The Attribute used in that roll, counting MODs). If the values are still the same, both dice rolls are cancelled and that Order is lost. Face to Face Rolls are performed when an acting miniature and a miniature using an Automatic Reaction Order (ARO) test their Skills. This means that the effect of their Skills is going to influence each other (For example, when models shoot at each other, or when one Dodges and the other shoots or attacks him in Close Combat).
A Critical result occurs when a d20 is rolled and a result equal to the value of the tested Attribute is rolled. A critical roll represents an action occurring in the best possible way - congratulations! It is important to remember that MODs are applied to the Attribute before testing. Therefore, a Critical is achieved when the result rolled is equal to the modified Attribute. For example, if the Attribute is 10 and a Modifier of 3 is applied, a Critical occurs on a roll of exactly 7. If the sum of the Attribute is greater than 20 after MODs are applied, the Attribute is counted as 20 and any points in excess of 20 are added to the range of the roll to determine a critical. For example: Attribute = 19, Critical occurs on 19. Attribute =20, Critical occurs on 20. Attribute = 22, Critical occurs on 20 and 2 is added to the result of the dice, meaning additional Criticals occur on the roll of 18 and 19. The Failure Category (FC) is the amount by which a dice roll surpasses the target Attribute, after MODs are applied. For example: Attribute (Including MODs) is equal to 14. A dice roll of 16 will therefore give a Failure Category of 2.
NO LoF LoF ZC 20 cm - 8
In a Face to Face roll the winner nullifies the action of his adversary. For example, the shots are missing (grenade or missile templates are not placed, limited or disposable weapons or equipment -like Panzerfaust, E/Maulers...- are spent) or a Dodge move in ARO is not performed. Face to Face Rolls can be carried out by more than two miniatures at once. Example: Face to Face Roll, One against One. Zhanshi Wen Liu detects his enemy, Fusilier Angus, and decides to shoot at him. He expends an Order using his Ballistic Skill Attribute (BS). Fusilier Angus decides to use his Automatic Reaction Order (ARO) to Dodge the shot and run for cover nearby. A Face To Face roll of BS (Shoot) occurs against PH (Dodge). Both players roll their d20. Wen Liu (BS 11) obtains a 3 (Success), while Angus (PH 10) obtains an 8 (Success). Angus is the winner of the Face to Face Roll (As even though both succeeded, his roll was higher), so he rolls on the floor as the bullets of Wen Liu hiss over his head. (See Graphic 5). Example: Face to Face Roll, Two against One. Fusilier Silva, equipped with a Machine Gun, shoots a whole Burst (B) against Zhanshis Wen Liu and Jang Qi. Both use their ARO to answer the attack with their Combi Rifles. Silva splits the Burst of her Machine Gun (B 4), shooting twice against each target. The Zhanshis, being in ARO, have only Burst 1. In this situation, two Face to Face Rolls take place: Silva against Wen Liu and Silva against Jang Qi. In her 2 shot face to face roll against Wen Liu, Silva (BS 12) obtains a 16 (Failure) and a 6 (Success). Wen Liu obtains an 8 (Success), winning the Face to Face Roll (Silvas first roll was a failure and 8 is higher than 6 in the second). Silva must now make an Armour Roll against his return fire, but only after resolving her two remaining shots against Jang Qi in another Face to Face Roll. Silva rolls an 11 (Success) and a 10 (Another success!). Qi rolls a 3, a success, but lower than both of Silvas rolls. Silva wins the Face to Face Roll and score 2 hits on Qi. Now Silva must make a single
Example: Face to Face Roll, Two against One but with a single Normal Roll. Silva again fires at the Zhanshis, concentrating all her Burst (B 4) on Wen Liu, with both Wen Liu and Jang Qi returning fire with ARO. The Roll between Silva and Wen Liu is a Face to Face roll, since they are shooting each other. As Silva is not firing at Jang Qi, her ARO shot is a normal roll. Silva rolls 4 d20 (B 4), and Wen Liu a single dice. Jang Qi will roll a single d20, with a target number less than or equal to her BS Attribute Modified by the Distance. Jang Qi does not need to worry about return fire from Silvas Machine Gun. (See Graphic 7).
Short Skill: B3
ARO: Dodge
Short Skill: B4
Types of Skills There are 3 Types of Skills: Short Skills: These can be used on their own or combined with a Short Movement Skill in the same Order. A given Short Skill cannot be used twice or combined with any other Short Skill. Short Movement Skills: A Short Movement Skill can be performed once, twice or combined with another Short Movement Skill as one Order (For example, Move and Jump). You can also combine a Short Movement Skill with a Short Skill as a single Order. Long Skills: Long Skills require an entire Order to perform and cannot be combined with any other skill.
Can be used in ARO.
Alert Attack: Ballistic Skill (BS) Attack: Close Combat (CC) Attack: Sepsitor Dodge Hacking Sensor Cannot be used in ARO. Attack: Forward Observer Coma Doctor Engineer Regenerate Reset Use MediKit/ AutoMediKit
Mount Open/Close
Using 1 Order a figure can: 1. Combine two Short Movement Skills = Move + Move, Climb +Move, or Move + Prone. 2. Combine a Short Movement Skill with a Short Skill or vice versa = Move + Ballistic Skill (BS), Move + Dodge, Discover + Alert, or Ballistic Skill (BS) + Prone 3. Use a single Long Skill = Camouflage, Intuitive Attack, or Cautious Movement. 4. Use a single Short Skill = Ballistic Skill (BS), Discover, Dodge Both Skills in the Order are used at the same time as part of a single Order. Therefore if a figure Moves and then Shoots to answer an Automatic Reaction Order (ARO) of his enemy, he can Shoot before, during, or after the Movement.
An Order is used to activate a miniature to use different Skills (Move, Shoot, etc.) in combat. Skills describe any and all actions that miniatures can undertake and are categorized as Short, Short Movement and Long to denote their complexity. A single Long Skill, a single Short Skill, or two Short Skills can be accomplished with each Order, combining Skills according to the following table.
Be aware that whatever happens, the Order will be fulfilled completely, meaning the figure will finish his Movement after traveling the inches initially declared, even if he ends up Unconscious or Dead. The only exception to this rule is Close Combat (CC), which always stops the MOV of the figure. Orders must be declared before measuring the distance separating figures. AUTOMATIC REACTION ORDER (ARO) Figures in the Reactive players army may act in the Active players turn to answer the use of an Order by the active player, only against the miniature that is activated by that Order. The reaction is always to the Order, and not to the Skills that constitute it. In other words, if a miniature moves and shoots in the same Order, the enemys figure obtains one ARO, not two. To react to the spending of an Order, a reacting figure must fulfil all the ordinary requirements to execute the Skill that will be used to react (For example, if he wants to shoot, he must have a LoF to his target. If he plans to Hack, the target figure must be in his ZC). It is compulsory that the Reactive player declares the ARO of all his figures in LoF with the miniature using an Order, immediately after the active player declares the Long Skill or the first Short or Short Movement Skill that will be performed in the Order. A figure can only react to this initial Skill use another ARO is not gained at the end of the Large Skill or when the second Short Skill of the Order is announced. If, during the execution of an Order, the acting figure enters the LoF or ZC of a new enemy miniature lacking LoF or ZC when the Order was declared, that enemy model receives an ARO immediately and can react to the Order
being undertaken. It is not possible to react to an ARO. ARO are only executed by the Reactive player. An ARO is always simultaneous to the Order it reacts to. A Face to Face Roll is required every time the actions of two figures affect each other (For example, one Shoots and the other tries to Dodge, or one tries Hacking and the other answers by Shooting). If the execution of a Skill does not require a roll (For instance, the Alert Skill), a Face to Face Roll will not be necessary. If a reacting model uses an ARO but is not itself the target of an action, a Normal Roll is made (For example, two models gain ARO as they have LoF to a figure using an Order. The acting figure shoots at one of the two that model must make a Face to Face Roll if he returns fire, while the second model fires on the acting figure with a Normal Roll). ARO are carried out simultaneously. Therefore, if a Camouflage Marker spends one Order to Move, an enemy may use an ARO to react and try to Discover it but even if successful, other models with ARO cannot shoot it as a reaction to the same Order. There is no limit in the number of miniatures that can react to a figure spending an Order, as long as they are eligible to gain an ARO. Only figures can be reacted to. Missiles and grenades are not considered figures, so they cannot be reacted to (Except Hacking missiles). Instead, the figure firing his Missile Launcher or the Grenade Launcher can be reacted to, if it is possible, in the normal way. It is permissible to react with a Move, by performing a Movement Short Skill, as an ARO to an Order. Any Movement Short Skill carried out in ARO is considered as a Dodge (See Dodging below) and will require a Normal or Face to Face Roll of PH against the corresponding Attribute.
Short Skill: B4
Graphic 7: Face to Face Roll, Two against one, One of the Rolls is not a Face to Face one.
Not all skills can be used in ARO. The previous table indicates which ones can be used in ARO and which cannot. ARO in CC: When two figures are in base to base contact, they are considered to be engaged in CC. In that case, the only two possible skills that can be used in ARO are CC and Dodge. ARO against Camouflage and Impersonation Markers: The only possible ARO against a Camouflage, TO Camouflage or Impersonation Marker is Discover or Change Facing. However, it is not compulsory that the ARO be announced immediately after the adversary declares the Markers first Short Skill. It is possible to wait until the Marker declares its second Short Skill, and if it reveals its presence, then an ARO may be generated to react accordingly. This rule does not cancel the advantages of Combat Camouflage and Impersonation. ORDER SPENDING AND ARO PROCEDURES 1. Choose the miniature on which an Order will be spent. 2. Declare the Order, announcing the first of the two Short Skills it will undertake or the single Long Skill. 3. Miniatures with Line of Fire (LoF) or that have the acting miniature in their Zone of Control (ZC) declare their ARO, specifying which Skill they will use. 4. The player spending Orders declares the second Short Skill used by the figure (If one is being used). 5. If new figures without ARO obtain a LoF to the acting miniature as a result of the second Short Skill, they can declare an ARO. 6. Rolls are made and their effects applied. Example: Zhanshi Wen Liu uses an Order and declares he will use a Short Movement Skill to move up to his first MOV value in inches. When his move takes him into the LoF of Fusilier Angus, the latter decides to use his ARO to shoot at him. Wen Liu now declares his second Skill, which must be a Movement or Short Skill. Wen Liu decides to Shoot, forcing a Face to Face BS (Shooting) roll between Wen Liu and Angus. In the resulting fight, Angus beats Wen Liu, who receives a Wound. Wen Lius figure is Unconscious, lying prone on the game table with a Wound Marker at the end of the Movement he declared at the beginning, no matter in where along the movement he was actually shot. (See Graphic 8). For example: Fusilier Silva uses an Order, declaring only her first Skill: Movement. When she enters the LoF of Zhanshis Wen Liu and Jang Qi, they declare their ARO to shoot at her. Silva uses her second Skill to return fire at both of them. Silva divides the B (3) of her Combi Rifle between the Zhanshis, two shots for Wen Liu and one for Jang Qi. Two Face to Face rolls take place, one between Silva and Wen Liu and one between Silva and Jang Qi. In the Face to Face Roll against Wen Liu, Silva fails her first shot but succeeds in the second, so Wen Liu must make an ARM roll. Silva loses the roll against Jang Qi, so she must also make an ARM Roll. Both Silva and Wen Liu fail their rolls, falling to the ground Unconscious with a Wound Marker. (See Graphic 9). LIEUTENANT SPECIAL ORDER The Lieutenant possesses an extra Order, which can only be spent on him. This order is not part of the Orders Reserve, it is an additional order for the Lieutenant alone.
He can use this ability on any miniatures in his group or on any other figure of his army. NOTE: Only those troops that include the Lieutenant option in their table of Support Weapons choices and those personalities who have the Lieutenant option available can be enrolled as a Lieutenant. Some personalities supply extra Support Points if enrolled as Lieutenant (Listed as +1, +2 before the SWC). There can only be one Lieutenant in an army.
Each player can place a single figure in reserve while deploying. This miniature is placed after his opponents initial deployment (If placing first) or after the opponent has placed their reserve miniature (If placing second). There are certain skills or equipment that allows miniatures to avoid being placed during the deployment phase [Camouflage and Hiding (CH), Airborne Deployment (AD), etc.] Officers and non-commissioned officers are essential to the chain of command. Accordingly, the Lieutenant must be deployed on the game table, even if he possesses Camouflage and Hiding (CH) or Airborne Deployment (AD), or the army will be in Loss of Lieutenant status, as described in the Morale and Leadership section. If he possesses CH: Camouflage or CH: TO Camouflage, he can start in the game with a Camouflage or TO Marker, but will be always deployed on the battlefield. INITIATIVE If a player takes the Initiative, then he decides, according to his best interest, who is the first active player. This playing order will be kept for the entire battle. Deployment and Initiative example: The PanOceanian Player, with 12 miniatures, has a WIP 12 Lieutenant, the Fusilier Angus. The Yu Jing Player, with 7 figures, has a WIP 13 Lieutenant, the Zhanshi Wen Liu. They roll the dice and the PanOceanian Player gets a 7 while the Yu Jing Player rolls an 11. Both succeed at the roll, but the Yu Jing Player wins the Face to Face Roll because he has the highest roll. Now, he must choose if he prefers to decide the Deployment or to take the Initiative.
The Lieutenant can spend the Special Order on himself and it works the same as any other Order in the game, but its use can be kept secret so as not to reveal the Lieutenant. The Lieutenant can otherwise spend the Special Order to automatically resist any Guts Roll, for himself or others. When a figure in the Lieutenants army is obliged to make a Guts Roll, the Lieutenant can sacrifice his Special Order to make it an automatic success.
Short Skill: B3
To choose the Deployment would be interesting, because the right side of the game table has more Cover, and that is an advantage. Nevertheless, the Yu Jing Player is loyal to the Who strikes first, strikes twice philosophy and chooses to take the Initiative and prefers to be the first active player. This means the PanOceanian Player can choose on which side of the game table to deploy his troops, and who will deploy first. The PanOceanian Player chooses the right side, with more Cover, and decides the Yu Jing Player will be the first to deploy the troops onto the battlefield. Following these choices, the Yu Jing Player places 4 of his figures on the left side of the game table, keeping aside one for reserve placement and two that have the Special Skill: Airborne Deployment (AD). The PanOceanian Player places 10 miniatures on the table, takes note of the position of his Croc Man (Who would be the 11th but he has the Special Skill CH: TO Camouflage) and puts a figure aside to deploy later. The Yu Jing Player places his reserve miniature (Keeping the Airborne Deployment troops aside for placement during the battle) and then the PanOceanian Player places his reserve figure. They are now ready to start!
BALLISTIC SKILLS (BS) Ballistic Skills, the exchange of ranged fire, is the nucleus of modern combat. It is the ultimate expression for the soldier: he pulls the trigger and lets his weapon spit death to remove the enemy from the battlefield and reach victory. Only the lucky and the brave survive when bullets hiss by in the midst of battle. In order to Shoot, it is necessary to possess a BS Attribute, a weapon that allows ranged firing, and LoF to a target.
3. A targeted enemy miniature has LoF to the shooter but uses his ARO to perform any action that does not directly affect the shooter. The shooter must make a Normal Roll as in situation 1, above.
Short Skill: B3
Short Skill: B4
ARO: Dodge
When shooting, the player can always choose the moment during the execution of his order in which to attack. The most usual choice is a point in which the situation is the most advantageous: a clear LoF, less cover for targets or optimum weapon distance. This is also applies when using an ARO to shoot. Each miniature can shoot as many times as indicated by Burst (B) value of his weapon. B varies between 1, for a Grenade Launcher or Missile Launcher, to 5, for the Hyper-rapid Magnetic Cannon. A player can distribute the shots in a Burst between one or more enemy figures, if they are within LoF and within range of the weapon. The whole Burst is considered to be fired from the same point on the table separate shots may not be fired from different points. When using an ARO to shoot, the Burst value always equals 1 (Except for Suppression Fire or with the Total Reaction Special Skill). To clarify, a figure shooting using an Order can fire from 1 to (B) shots, while any miniature using an ARO can only make one shot, or use a single other Skill (Hacking, Dodging, CC, etc.). If a target reacts directly to being fired upon, the figure using the ARO will have to roll less than or equal to his Modified corresponding Attribute (BS, PH, WIP) but roll above all the successful BS rolls of his adversary. The figure using the Order to shoot will hit with all the shots in his Burst that roll less than his modified BS but are higher than his opponents result in the Face to Face Roll. For instance: Wen Liu uses an Order to shoot with his Heavy Machine Gun at two Fusiliers in LoF who are 6 inches away (Distance Modifier: 0). Target one, Angus, uses his ARO to Dodge, while target two, Estvez, uses his ARO to Shoot. Wen Liu specifies that he will divide his weapons B value of 4 equally, shooting twice against each enemy. Face to Face Rolls are required, as both targets are using ARO to react directly to being shot. Wen Liu rolls a 7 and a 15 against Estvez, and with a Modified BS of 11, scores one success. Estvez must obtain a 15 or less (BS 12+ Short Distance for Combi Rifle +3), and rolls a 13, also a success. Both succeeded, but it is Estvez who hits Wen Liu as 13 is higher than 7. In the other Face to Face roll, Angus gets a 4 for his PH roll (PH=10), a success, Wen Liu rolls a 9 and a 5, passing his BS target of 11 with both shots. As both rolls are higher than Angus score, he receives 2 hits. Now Angus and Wen Liu must make their respective ARM rolls (See Graphic 10). It is not possible to choose as targets miniatures positioned within or behind an obstacle that impairs vision (Smoke grenades, walls made of soft materials or Zones of bushy tthick forests). It is not possible to shoot if the target is not in sight, unless the weapon allows a Speculative Shot or an Intuitive Attack. A miniature must also be within weapon range to be able to shoot. It is not possible to use the BS Attribute to shoot if in base to base contact with an enemy: in that situation, Close Combat rules are used instead. A Critical BS roll scores an automatic success, causing the target 1 direct Wound with no ARM Roll possible to prevent the damage. Cover is scenery that allows figures to receive Modifiers against Shooting attacks by partially covering them from their attackers. In order to receive cover Modifiers, a figure must be in base contact with the scenery. A figure is in cover if it is partially visible (With a part of the body of approximately the same size as a head showing) but scenery obscures the rest of it. If a figure is not even partially visible to a shooter, there is no LoF and the target is in Total Cover. There are two types of cover: 1. Partial Cover: Partial cover is made of dense material that prevents complete vision of the target. It causes a 3 Modifier to the BS of the shooter and a +3 Modifier tto the ARM or BTS of the target (except when Hacking). 2. Total Cover: Any figure completely out of LoF behind cover of this type cannot be chosen as a target except for grenades in Speculative Shot or by Guided Special Ammunition. Weapons with Armour Piercing Special Ammunition (AP) affect only the ARM Attribute of a target, but they do not affect the protection afforded by cover. A miniature in Prone position who is in a higher position than the figure shooting at it is considered to be in Partial Cover (-3 Mod to BS and +3 Mod to ARM). To shoot at a prone figure, a miniature must be able to see its base. Bunkers, embrasures and armoured personnel carriers are considered to block LoF to troops inside them, even though they may have an unobstructed view out. A 6 Mod is applied to all attempts to shoot at them. If these figures are also close to a wall, they have an additional 3 to BS to be shot at and a +3 to ARM rolls. Cover is essential in Infinity, so it is suggested that the battlefield be filled with as many scenery elements as possible (Purchased, homemade, or even improvised) to allow troops to have places to find cover and support their advance. Elevated positions also have great strategic impact on the game. (See Graphic 11) Area of Effect Template Weapons: A weapon that uses a Template affects an area, not just its targeted miniature. Any miniature whose base is totally or partially under the Template will be affected by the weapon. The targeted miniature does not need to be at the centre of the template: it is enough for the figure to be placed somewhere inside the area of effect. Elements of terrain limit the effect of the templates in the same way they limit LoF. If no LoF exists (Such as a wall blocking the template), then the target cannot be hit. If the target is partly obscured, it gets the partial cover bonus if its base is in contact with cover. (See Graphic 12) Area of effect templates are the Circular Template, the Large Teardrop Template and the Small Teardrop Template. The height of the templates is equal to their radius or half their width (Except in the case of Smoke Grenades, that have no height limit). To ascertain the Templates area of effect in 3d, perform a cut equivalent to the radius in one of them and insert another template in the cut, in such a way that they form a cross. If a Critical is rolled when shooting a Template weapon, the target figure (And only that figure) will receive a Wound automatically and may not make an ARM roll. If there are other figures affected by the template, they are able to make ARM Rolls as usual.
A figure with the Special Skill CH: Camouflage, or CH: TO Camouflage that is affected by a Template whose target was another figure, must make the relevant ARM roll and is automatically revealed, no matter if he succeeds or not. If the affected miniature was deployed using Hidden Deployment, he must also be revealed. Direct Template Weapons (Flamethrower, Chain Rifles, Nanopulsers, etc.) do not require a BS roll to hit: the Template is situated at the centre of the base of the miniature that shoots and all the figures under it must make ARM rolls. (See Graphic 13). If figures affected by a template intend to use the Dodge skill to avoid damage, a PH roll with a 6 Modifier must be made. If the figures intend to Shoot instead of Dodging, the Direct Template weapon will cause Damage in the usual way and the figures shooting make Normal Rolls in order to hit the Template weapon firer, and then must make an ARM roll. If two figures with Direct Template weapons confront each other, both will suffer the Damage caused by the weapon and make subsequent ARM rolls. Direct Template Weapons are the ones that allow use of the Intuitive Attack Skill. Figures with 2 Direct Template Weapons (Two Chain Rifles, for instance), can shoot them successively, one after the other. This is same as if the Chain Rifle had a Burst (B) of 2, allowing the Template to be positioned twice per Shooting Order, aiming at different targets if desired. If both hit the same target, and he decides to Dodge, the figure must make a PH with a -6 Modifier, avoiding the Damage of both Templates if successful. Attack with Thrown Weapons. Thrown Weapons, such as grenades, use the Attribute PH instead of BS, but in all other ways function like use of Ballistic Skills.
Parabolic Fire. It is possible to launch grenades in a parabolic trajectory (Tracing an arc) over an obstacle. The trajectory of parabolic fire creates two shadow zones: one where the firer is not able to shoot and another that cannot be chosen as a target zone. The length of these shadow zones is the height of the obstacle. To be able to use a Parabolic Fire, the centre of the base of the shooter and the centre of the Circular Template of impact must be situated outside the shadow zones. (See Graphic 14). If the shot is not successful and the Grenade falls in a shadow zone due to Dispersion, it must be placed with the centre of the Circular Template on the nearest edge of the shadow zone. Shadow zones can therefore be affected by the Area of Effect Template of the Grenade. Speculative Shot. A Speculative Shot is when a figure or area out of LoF (When shooting over a wall or through a window), is targeted with some form of Parabolic Fire weapon (i.e. a grenade). These weapons may be aimed at a zone or area, but a target figure must always be nominated: so a grenade cannot be thrown through a window into a room without nominating a figure inside the room as the target. Figures with Camouflage or TO Camouflage cannot be chosen as targets. A nearby zone also may not be targeted in order to cover them with a Template, as it is assumed that if they have not been discovered there is no reason to shoot there. Figures not Camouflaged or TO Camouflaged can be targeted with Speculative Shot, as their position is known thanks to Satellites or other Search and Location systems. Speculative Shot allows a weapon to be shot, or a grenade thrown, towards a point in the field rather than an actual figure, providing that when placing the centre of the Template on the point of impact, this affects the miniature nominated when firing (And that miniature cannot be Camouflaged or TO Camouflaged).
Partial Cover
No Cover
Not Affected
Affected Affected
When using Speculative Shot, an entire Order is spent and a Modifier of -6 is applied to the BS or PH roll required. If using grenades, a grenade launcher, or any other Parabolic Fire weapon, firing at targets behind the smoke of a grenade or in a Zero or Low Visibility Zone is always considered to be a Speculative Shot. Dispersion. If a BS or PH roll is failed when using a weapon which allows performance of Parabolic Fire, like Grenade Launchers (Light or Heavy) or Grenades, the trajectory of the projectile suffers from Dispersion, diverting to explode at another point on the battlefield. In order to discover where the grenade explodes, place the Circular Template at the original targeted point, with the number 1 facing in the same direction as the firers LoF. The projectile deviates a number of inches equal to the Failure Category multiplied by 2.5 (FCx2.5) in a direction indicated by the second digit of the d20 roll applied to the numbers around the edge of the Template. The Failure Category (FC) is obtained by subtracting the target number required from the result of the die roll. For example: Angus carries out a Speculative Shot with his Grenade Launcher. To hit his target, he must roll a 6 or less (BS 12-MOD Speculative 6). He rolls a 9, so his FC is 3 (9-6). Placing the Template over his original target point, it Disperses 7.5 inches (3x2.5) in the direction marked 9. A dispersing projectile may not travel further than its Maximum Distance characteristic indicated in Table of Weapons under any circumstance. Beyond that point, the shot has missed and has no effect. Shooting figures engaged in Close Combat. If figures in Close Combat are shot at, a 6 Mod (Plus corresponding Distance, Cover, or Camouflage Modifiers) is applied to the shot for each friendly figure engaged in the Close Combat. If the roll is failed and the Failure Category (FC) is the equal to or less than the Modifier from friendly troops (-6, -12, etc. depending on the number of friendly soldiers engaged in combat), then the shot hits a friendly miniature, who must make an ARM Roll. If there are several friendly figures engaged in CC, randomly decide which one will be hit. For example: Fusilier Angus sees how a comrade, Fusilier Silva, is being attacked in CC by Zhanshi Wen Liu. Angus, a real gentleman, decides to help, but being at a short distance from them, declares a shot using his BS as his ARO. In order to hit Wen Liu he must roll 9 or less on 1d20 [12 (BS) +3 (Distance MOD)-6(Friendly model in CC MOD) =9]. Angus rolls the die, obtaining a 12! He has failed the roll, and as his FC is equal to or less than the MOD applied for having a comrade engaged in CC (Roll of 12 Target of 9 = FC 3), his bullet passes over Wen Lius shoulder to hit Silva! Now Silva must make an ARM Roll, and if she succeeds she will have a word or two with her comrade Angus... Template weapons that touch a figure in Close Combat will always affect all figures involved in that combat.
Suppression Fire (SF). This is a Long Skill that requires an entire Order to be spent to allow a figure to engage in Suppression Fire. A Suppression Fire Marker (SUP FIRE) is placed on the table: the centre of the marker must be in a straight line with the LoF of the firer, with no obstacles in between, and no further than the LONG range of the wielded weapon. Suppression Fire creates a corridor of fire as wide as the Marker, drawn in a straight line from the base of the attacker to the extent of the weapons extreme range, unless blocked by terrain. Suppression Fire (SF) allows firing the complete Burst (B) of a weapon in ARO. Any miniature, allied or enemy, in LoF, that touches a SF corridor will receive (if the SF figure succeeds at its BS rolls) all the shots indicated by the B of its weapon, in reactive firing. The complete B of the weapon will be fired at each and every miniature activated in LoF by Order inside a SF corridor; and at any miniature that enters a SF corridor in LoF with a Normal Move, Dodge, Coordinated Order, Cautious Movement or any Short Movement Skill. An example of Suppression Fire use is placing it in a narrow zone or funnel on the battlefield: in that way, enemies pressed to move through it will have to choose another route or risk receiving a rain of bullets. If a Suppression Fire area is placed over a figure, he may be shot at as many times as allowed by the Weapons B value, when be activated by an Order in his active turn. Note that Suppression Fire cannot be undertaken with an ARO. In active turn, to place a Suppression Fire allows, with the same Order, to shoot in a normal way to those miniatures placed in LoF inside it. Example: Fusilier Angus spends 1 Order to place a SF which he covers 4 enemies, with the same Order, he splits the B 3 of his Combi Rifle to fire at 3 of them. The Suppression Fire area is maintained until the beginning of the next active turn of the player who declared it. A miniature with Suppression Fire will automatically have it cancelled if he tries to use any other Skill but Suppression Fire. This rule applies for active and reactive turns. Suppression Fire may be used against Zones of Zero Visibility (Smoke grenades, thick jungle, etc.). SF allows firing at figures placed inside or behind these zones, but with a BS Mod of 6. CLOSE COMBAT (CC) Close quarters combat, whether the urban struggle for the possession of a building or craft to craft boarding actions in the void of space, takes place in a limited environment where adversaries are always nearby and there is no space to use a long ranged firearm with any effectiveness. In such situations troopers resort to CC Weapons, short firearms (Pistols) and sharp instruments (Knives, machetes, sabres, swords, claws, etc.). Close Combat is gory, grimy, deceitful, and fatal. In CC a soldier may cut an enemys throat and taste his blood, or end up disembowelled at his foes hands. For miniatures to engage in Close Combat, it is necessary that their bases be in contact. Any figures in base to base contact are always considered to be in Close Combat, and they will automatically change to CC Weapons (Pistols, knives, swords, or natural weapons) without using any Skill to do so. T.A.Gs do not need CC weapons since their fists cause Damage equal to PH-2 naturally! When declaring a CC attack with figure against an enemy, a dice roll is required to discover whether the attack is successful.
When the miniatures to fight are in base contact, then a Face to Face Roll is required. The results can be:
1. Both fail, so neither achieves a hit on their target. 2. One fails and the other succeeds. The figure that fails receives damage, and must make an ARM Roll.
3. Both figures succeed. The miniature obtaining the highest score is the winner of the Face to Face Roll and hits his enemy. The figure that obtains the lowest number must make an ARM Roll with a +3 MOD to ARM (Defence Bonus) to reflect evasive manoeuvring. If there is a draw, the figure with the highest (Modified) Attribute will succeed. If there is another draw and the active player wishes to continue the fight, a new Order must be spent and another Face to Face Roll is required. 4. Both succeed and one gets a Critical. The latter wins the Face to Face Roll, even if his enemy rolled a higher number, and he causes a direct Wound, with no ARM roll allowed. 5. Both succeed with Critical rolls. The highest dice roll wins the Face to Face Roll and causes a direct Wound, with no ARM Roll allowed. If there is a draw, the higher Attribute (Modified) will be the winner. If there is yet another draw, both are mutually cancelled, the active player must spend an Order and engage in another Face to Face roll to continue the combat.
It is compulsory for the player to reserve one Order of the Order Reserve for each of his own figures engaged in Close Combat at the beginning of his turn, to keep the combat going or to Dodge away from it. The resolution of these combats can be performed at any moment during that players turn.
If the defender wins the roll, the charger must make an ARM Roll. If he succeeds, he will not need to make a Guts Roll, given that the miniatures are in base contact and they are in CC. If the charger wins the roll the defender misses his shot, no matter how high his roll, and must make an ARM Roll. 2. Countercharge. The defender decides to take the charge of his enemy, provoking a normal CC Combat situation. 3. Flee. The defender decides to dodge his enemys charge. In this case the Face to Face Roll is made by the dodger with his PH Attribute while the charger uses his CC Attribute. If the dodger succeeds, his figure moves half the first value in his MOV Attribute, escaping the attack of his charging opponent completely. Even if the attacker can still move enough inches to be in base to base contact, the miniatures will not be considered to be in CC and will have to be separated a millimetre to indicate this. If the attacker wins the Face to Face Roll, the figures are in CC and his opponent must make an ARM Roll. Overrun. Overrun is a Long Skill that consists of performing a Charge with a T.A.G, or a Light or Heavy Vehicle. The CC Attack is substituted by the MOV Skill, Overrunning the target, who must make a PH Roll or take damage. Using this Long Skill, any subsequent MOV that runs over a figure will be considered an Overrun attack. The Damage caused by an Overrun is equal to the PH of the vehicle. The target of the Overrun can choose to Shoot (Face to Face Roll BS against PH), Countercharge (Normal Roll of CC), or Flee (PH Face to Face Roll against PH). If the Overrunning figure wins the roll, the defender takes Overrun damage and must make an ARM roll or take a wound. The attacker continues on to complete his move. If the defender Shoots and wins the Face to Face Roll, the attacker must make an ARM Roll or take a wound, and passes right by his target without damaging him. He then continues his move in the direction the Overrun was initially declared. If the target declares a Countercharge, he makes a CC Normal Roll but automatically receives the damage of the Overrun, making an ARM Roll or taking a wound. If the target survives the impact, both figures are engaged in CC, and the attackers MOV action will be cancelled. If the defender Flees and wins the Face to Face roll, he takes no damage and moves aside from the Overrunning figure, who continues his move in the direction the Overrun was declared. Disengaging from Close Combat. If one of the fighters in a Close Combat wishes to disengage from combat, he must make Face to Face Roll, using his PH Attribute instead of CC (Dodging). A successful Dodging roll allows disengagement, separating the bases a millimetre to indicate this. In an active turn a figure can still declare the second Short Skill of the Order, and in ARO it can move half of its first MOV value. For example: The Zhanshi Wen Liu (CC 14) in his active turn, fights in CC with the Fusilier Angus (CC 13). They perform a Face to Face roll, Wen Liu getting a 9 and Angus a 7. Wen Liu wins the roll because he rolled the higher number, hitting Angus. If Wen Liu (PH 10) had declared he wanted to escape from CC, he would succeed too, separating his base 1 millimetre from Angus. As Wen Liu is in his active turn, he could still declare the second Short Skill of the Order. Close Combat with several enemies. Miniatures can fight several enemies simultaneously in Close Combat, but only when their bases are all in contact. Each extra allied figure fighting in CC adds a +3 Mod to a fighters CC (Or PH, if trying to Disengage) Attribute and this applies for both Active and Reactive players. For example: The Hac Tao Wu Shenru is in CC with 3 Fusiliers (Angus, Doucher, and Bipandra). Each of the Fusiliers has a +6 MOD to their CC or PH rolls, as they have the support of 2 friends.
Hence, all figures engaged in CC with a right to ARO can make their roll to hit with a MOD of +3 for each friendly figure engaged in combat. A miniature in his active turn must achieve a higher roll than all of his enemies and then will be able to hit one of them: any enemy figure with a superior roll to his will succeed in hitting him instead. Similarly, to get out of Close Combat an active figure will have to overcome all his opponents CC Rolls with his PH Roll. In the active turn it is compulsory to spend one Order for each figure engaged in CC, whether to continue combat or to disengage. For example: The Hac Tao Wu Shenru is surrounded by a group of 3 Fusiliers that have attacked him in CC, because he is not able to use the advantage of CH: TO Camouflage. In his turn, he decides to spend an Order to attack Fusilier Angus in CC. Fusilier Angus and his companions Doucher and Bipandra use their ARO to react, attacking Wu Shenru in CC. Wu Shenrus Face to Face Roll of CC is compared to the Rolls of the Fusiliers, obtaining a 12 (Wu Shenru, CC 16). Each Fusilier gets a +6 bonus for the assistance of his two companions (+3 for each of them) so their CC of 13 becomes CC 19. Angus rolls and obtains 20 (!), so he fails to hit. Doucher and Bipandra roll an 8 and a 10 respectively, succeeding but not overcoming Wu Shenru, who finally hits Angus. Now, poor Fusilier Angus must make his ARM Roll. Notes about Close Combat: Close Combat always cancels a figures Movement. If the figure moves only part of his first MOV value to enter base to base contact, then CC is declared and the figure will not be able to move the remaining inches of his MOV. A figure engaged in CC cannot Shoot in ARO at another figure that is not involved in that CC. Close Combat is so direct and fast that no Guts Rolls are required. There is simply no time to get scared in Close Combat! Modifiers due to Optical Disruption Devices (ODD) are not counted in Close Combat, neither are those from the Special Skills Camouflage and Hiding (CH). After finishing Close Combat the winning figure, which is the one still on his feet, can be placed facing any direction wished by his owner. Remember when attacking an enemy in Close Combat from behind, the target can turn to face his attacker with an ARO as soon as his Zone of Control is penetrated.
In Close Combat, allied figures have the right to an ARO in CC, but only against the figure that spends the Order, and with a Modifier of +3 for every extra friendly figure that is engaged in CC with them.
COORDINATED ORDER Coordinated Orders are organized actions or manoeuvres performed by several figures that will try to minimize any possible reaction of the enemy, benefiting from their numerical advantage and acting at once against the same target. A Coordinated Order requires the spending of 1 Order for each participant miniature. If composed of two Short Skills, the Coordinated Order must be stated fully before the opponent announces his ARO. Coordinated Order cannot be performed in ARO. Any Skill can be used in a Coordinated Order. All the figures participating in it must perform exactly the same Skills and in the same order so as to reflect coordination in the manoeuvre. Certain Skills call for a common goal for all characters participating in order to execute a Coordinated Order, hence all the figures sharing the Coordinated Order must execute these Skills against the same objective (For example, Shooting at a certain miniature).
The remaining skills, those not listed in the preceding table, do not require a common goal to be executed in a Coordinated manner. For instance, 3 miniatures acting in co-ordination can move in different directions. In a Coordinated Order to Shoot, the Burst (B) of each miniature participating is halved, always rounding up: the minimum B value being 1. In a Doctor, Use MediKit, or Engineer Coordinated Order, a successful Roll and a failed one will cancel each other, so the target will not suffer any change at all. You can use Impetuous Orders to perform Coordinated Orders. Miniatures performing a Coordinated Order provide only one ARO to each enemy miniature that is in LOF. You can Coordinate a maximum of 4 miniatures. Coordinated Orders must be declared in unison. You can only Coordinate figures possessing the same type of training (Regular/Irregular) and belonging to the same Combat Group. Miniatures participating in a Coordinated Order do not need to be at any given distance from each other. Example: Our tireless Fusilier Angus, with sidekicks Doucher and Bipandra, tries to discover a TO Camouflage Marker that has ducked behind a corner. They declare a Coordinated Order of Moving + Discover to discover him. The TO Camouflaged soldier can see three enemies are getting close to him, and is aware of having only one ARO to confront them. He decides not to move or shoot, trusting his skill to remain hidden and not being discovered. Angus, Doucher, and Bipandra spend 1 Order each and move 4 inches to get closer from their respective positions to the TO Camouflage Marker. Angus and Doucher are 6 inches (MOD by Distance: +3), and Bipandra is 18 inches from the TO (Distance MOD: 0). As the camouflaged figure has decided not to react, each Fusilier must make a Discover Normal Roll (WIP) Modified by the Distance and the TO Camouflage. Angus and Doucher will have to roll a 9 to Discover the TO [WIP: 12 with TO Camouflage MOD (-6) and a Distance MOD (+3)]. Angus rolls a 15 (Failure), and Doucher rolls an 11 (Failure). Bipandra will have to roll a 6 to be successful [WIP: 12, TO Camouflage MOD (-6) and Distance MOD (0)]. He rolls his d20 and obtains a 2! Bipandra discovers the TO, so the figure substitutes the TO Camouflage Marker on the game table. (See Graphic 15).
For example: The Zhanshi Wen Liu shoots at his eternal rival, Fusilier Angus. Wen Liu shoots and hits his target. Angus receives a Combi Rifle shot, Damage 13. His ARM is +1 so he will have to roll 13 or more to save his life (d20+ARM: 1). Remember that when in combat, a Critical in BS or CC means 1 direct Wound (W), and no ARM Roll is possible. Damage and BTS. Some weapons use Special Ammunition that ignores ARM and can only be stopped with Biotechnologic Shield (BTS) protection. BTS Rolls are used to resist the Damage caused by these weapons, and function the same as ARM rolls, substituting the ARM value with that of BTS as a positive modifier. Damage from Falling. If a miniature falls from a scenery element during the game, he must make an ARM Roll against 2.5 points (rounded up) of Damage per inch of distance fallen. Guts Roll When a character succeeds in an ARM or BTS Roll, it means that a shot (Or several) has hit his armour but not killed him, provoking an instinctive survival reaction motivated by the fear of being on the brink of death. The miniature will look for better protection or cover instinctively (Looking for Total Cover, if it is possible, when he is in Partial Cover, for example), going Prone or performing any other Short Movement Skill (except Alert) towards the nearest cover that provides better protection, moving up to a maximum of half his first MOV value, but never charging towards the enemy who caused the Guts Roll. To avoid this situation, a miniature can make a Guts Roll to keep his position by performing a successful WIP Roll. The Guts Roll is also made when the figure suffers an unsuccessful Hacker or Sepsitor Attack. Guts Roll in Close Combat. This kind of roll cannot be made in Close Combat. Guts Rolls during Bursts. When an enemys weapon is shooting in Bursts, the Guts Roll or the panic Movement is only done once, after all ARM Rolls are made. Unconsciousness When a miniature receives a wound after failing an ARM Roll, a Weapon Marker (WOUND) is placed beside him with the proper number. If he has only suffered a single Wound, the Marker will show 1: if he has accumulated more Wounds, the Marker must reflect their number. When a miniature receives as many Wounds as the value of his Wounds Attribute, he falls on the ground Unconscious at the end of the Order, but never before the Burst (B) is finished: therefore the number of Wounds can exceed his Wounds Attribute. An unconscious character is assumed to be lying down on the ground, except those unable to be Prone due to issues such as terrain, and can be indicated on the table with a PRONE Marker or by lying the figure down. A miniature in this state has all its devices disconnected and cannot use any Skill, save the Special Skill Regeneration, or an AutoMediKit. He will also lose his Camouflage Marker, TO, and Optical Disruption Modifiers, but not Cover Modifiers if he is eligible. During the time the figure remains Unconscious he will not add his Order to the Orders Reserve of his army, and will be considered a casualty in terms of calculating army points. In CC, if the miniature attacking declares that he is attacking an Unconscious character the latter will die without being able to roll for either CC or ARM: this is known as the Coup de Grce. To finish off an Unconscious miniature with BS, he only needs to be shot at with a Normal Roll. If successful, the Unconscious miniature is hit and must make an ARM Roll.
DAMAGE Damage When a figure is hit by a successful enemy BS or CC roll, he must make an ARM Roll. In this roll, the ARM Attribute is a positive number, and indicates the Modifier to be added to the roll. If the result of the Modified Roll (d20+ARM) exceeds the Damage value of the weapon, the Armour successfully absorbs the impact and the figure takes no injury.
Death If a figure in the Unconscious state receives a new Wound, he dies and will be removed from the battlefield. Some Special Ammunition can bring about this state directly. Figures remain Unconscious until they are healed or killed. If a player does not possess a Doctor or Paramedic, and the Unconscious figure does not possess an AutoMediKit or Regeneration, he passes to the Dead state and can be removed from the game table. Structures Some miniatures and vehicles have a STR (Structure) value instead of Wounds. These function similarly to normal miniatures, having Normal, Unconscious, and Dead states. Each time one of these miniatures receives the equivalent of a Wound they lose a point of STR (Causing no ill effect or Modifier) and a Wound Marker is placed beside them. When the number of Wounds received reaches the STR Attribute of the figure, the vehicle or miniature is immobilized and destroyed (An IMM Marker is placed and crew members, if any, are able to get out). If the army does not have a figure with the Special Skill Engineer, any miniature or vehicle with a STR value is removed from the table once destroyed and the crew members have left it. Immobilization. Some weapons and Special Ammunition have an ability to immobilize the target. A figure that has failed his PH Roll is marked as Immobilized with an Immobilized Marker (IMM), and is unable to take any action that implies movement (Move, Dodge, BS, or CC). It can however use Discover, Reset, Sepsitor or Sensor Special Skills. A miniature in this state loses all Modifiers allowed by his Special Skills. Figures in an Immobilized state still add their Order to the Orders Reserve of their army.
Scenery Structures. STR values can be to certain elements of scenery in order to represent their destruction, if battle conditions require such a measure. Remember that structures can only be harmed by DA and Explosive (EXP) Special Ammunition
Door Security Door Armoured Door Wall Reinforced Wall Brick Wall / Bulkhead
ARM 1 3 10 10 12 8
1 2 3 3 4 3
MORALE AND LEADERSHIP At some point in a battle, troops morale can fail. Losing a leader or large number of companions affects soldiers decision to continue fighting. During the game, the morale of the troops can be affected by two critical situations: 1. Retreat! If, during the count of Orders/figures at the beginning of the players turn, the army has lost figures equal to more than 60% of its original points composition, its troops will be automatically considered as demoralized and they will withdraw from the battle. They will turn Impetuous automatically, but every move must be made in the direction of their Deployment Zone, aiming to leave the battlefield as soon as possible, unless an Order is spent to regain control of them as described below. In a Retreat! situation, troops will ignore their officers in such a way that the Lieutenant loses his Special Order.
Wen Liu must roll 11 or less [11(BS Attribute) +3 (Distance Modifier of a Combi Rifle for 12 inches)-3 (Modifier for Cover, since Angus is close to a wall)]. Angus rolls 16, 19, and 7, while Wen Liu rolls 9. Only Wen Liu scores a hit (Since Wen Lius BS is successful and scores higher than Angus success of 7). To resist damage, Angus will have to roll 10 or more [ +1 (ARM) and +3 as he is behind Cover, against Combi Rifle Damage of 13]. Angus rolls a 17 and avoids the Wound, his bulletproof vest absorbing the impact. Angus recoils instinctively when he receives the impact, looking for a less dangerous location, moving 2 inches (half his MOV Attribute). If Angus had desired to, he could have tried to remain in his position by passing a Guts Roll, which would have required a successful WIP roll. (See Graphic 17). This was the last Order of Angus player, and now it is the Active turn of Wen Lius player, who spends 1 Order to activate Wu Shenru, a Hac Tao represented by the TO Camouflage marker near Wen Liu. Shenru moves 6 inches (Two Short Movements Skills = MOV: 4 inches + 2 inches) and arrives at a corner, achieving LoF to Angus. Angus will use his Automatic Reaction Order, gained as Shenru just entered his LoF, but as Shenru is a TO Marker, his only possible action is to try to Discover him. In order to do so, Angus measure s the distance (2 inches) and must make a WIP roll of 9 or less [12 (WIP Attribute)+3 (Distance MOD)-6 (TO Camouflage Modifier)]. He rolls an 11 and fails, so Shenru remains in the active TO Camouflage state. (See Graphic 18). Shenru receives a new Order and uses 1 Short Skill to Shoot. Since he has TO Camouflage, his shots are made before those made by Angus with his ARO. Shenru measures the distance separating them, 2 inches, and calculates that with every shot in the Burst (B3) he must roll 17 or less [14(BS Attribute) +3 (Distance modifier of MULTI Rifle)]. He rolls 18, 20 and 18. Buddha is not on his side it seems! (See Graphic 19). After finishing his shooting, Shenrus miniature must be placed on the table instead of the TO Marker. Now Angus is entitled to an Automatic Reaction Order. Angus shoots, with only a single shot in his Burst (Automatic Reaction Order) and must roll 9 or less [12 (BS Attribute) +3 (Distance Modifier for Combi Rifle) 6 (TO Camouflage Modifier)]. He rolls 8 (Hit!). Shenru must now make an ARM Roll of 9 or more [13 (the Damage of a Combi Rifle) with +5 (ARM) to the d20 Roll] and rolls a 17, so his armour resists the impact and he suffers no wounds. Shenru wants to keep his position, so he must make a Guts Roll, against his WIP of 14. He gets a 3, enabling him to avoid recoiling and losing his position. (See Graphic 20). Shenru receives a new Order and chooses to engage in Close Combat. He uses the Order to perform a Movement that ends in contact with the base of Anguss figure and then activates the CC Short Skill. Angus, of course, has a right to an ARO and decides to Shoot (This is a Face to Face roll as Shenru is not in TO Camouflage anymore). Both make a Face to Face Roll. Angus must roll 9 or less, the same number as before. Shenru needs 16 or less [CC Attribute of 16]. D20 results are 8 for Angus and 10 for Shenru, and as it is a Face to Face Roll, Shenru is the winner. Angus must roll and get more than 14 [Target of 14 (Shenrus PH Attribute while using a CC weapon) adding +1 (ARM) to his d20 Roll]. Angus gets 16 with his d20 (He is burning through his luck!) and avoids a Wound. As they are engaged in Close Combat, Angus does not need to make a Guts Roll. (See Graphic 21).
2. Loss of Lieutenant. When the miniature of the Lieutenant falls Unconscious or Dead, the army is without a leader. If such a case arises, 2 Orders can be spent and another miniature designated as the Lieutenant. The Unconscious Lieutenant may also be healed, but if at the end of the turn there is no active Lieutenant, there will only be 2 Orders available in total for the next turn, which can be consumed in enrolling another Lieutenant. If the Lieutenant is wounded or killed during an enemy turn, then the player starts the following turn with only 2 Orders that can be used to elect a new Lieutenant. The Loss of Lieutenant situation does not affect Impetuous Orders that are carried out normally. In a Loss of Lieutenant situation the player has got, not only the 2 Orders Reserve, but too the Impetuous Orders and those Orders given by figures with the Religious Troop Special Skill, which only them can use. Recovering Leadership 1. In case of losing a Lieutenant, the player can try recovering Leadership. If the player loses his Lieutenant during his turn, he can use 2 Orders to sign up a new Lieutenant, who will not have the use of the Lieutenants Special Order until the next turn. Any figure in the army can be made into a Lieutenant (except a REM, Antipodes, The Hungries, or any Irregular troop if it is a regular army). If the group or army does not have any figures on the field (Due to TO Camouflage or Airborne Deployment), it must reveal or deploy some in order to enrol a Lieutenant. 2. If an army is in Retreat!, a player may spend an order to control a figure and prevent him moving Impetuously towards the Deployment Zone. Once an Order is spent stopping him, the soldier can then behave normally until the end of the turn. At the beginning of the next turn, he will have to spend another Order to avoid turning Impetuous and withdrawing.
Fusilier Angus receives an Order: Move towards a corner to look for a target. After spending 1 Short Movement Skill he moves 3 inches (He could move 4 but he prefers not to leave the cover of the corner). At the corner he can now see Wen Liu, a Zhanshi enemy, and another miniature hidden by a TO Camouflage Marker. Wen Liu uses his Automatic Reaction Order (ARO) to shoot Angus, who just entered his LoF. The miniature represented by the TO Camouflage Marker could also use his ARO, but prefers not to do so as he trusts in the skilfulness of Wen Liu. Angus, who still has 1 Skill left from the Order, decides to shoot at Wen Liu. A BS combat arises in which the roll will be a Face to Face one. (See Graphic 16). After having declared that they are going to shoot, the distance between them is measured (12 inches) and rolls are made. Angus must roll 15 or less with the 3 shots of his weapons B (Burst) [12(BS Attribute) +3 (Distance Modifier of a Combi Rifle for 12 inches] and
Shenru receives a new Order, the last one available: he must finish Angus off or die. He spends the Order to make a CC attack and both make a Face to Face Roll. Now both use their CC values, as combat is joined. Angus must roll 13 or less [13(CC Attribute) with no TO Camouflage Modifier as they are in close combat] and Shenru must roll 16 or less [CC Attribute of 16]. Both roll their d20: Angus gets a 12, and Shenru rolls 14. Shenru will score a hit, but as Angus roll has also been successful, he will apply a bonus +3 to his ARM roll. He therefore needs to roll over 10 [14 (Damage) adding +1 (ARM) +3 (Defence Bonus)]. His luck has disappeared, as he rolls a 2. Shenrus CC weapon is of the Shock type, and Angus falls Dead on the floor (The special effect of the weapon consists in skipping the Unconscious state to pass directly to Dead), his miniature removed from the table.
Short Skill: B3
Short Skill: B3
Graphic 19: Wu Shenru shoots by surprise
Short Skill: CC
ADVANCED COMBAT (HACKING) In modern combat, computing and electronic systems are as important as bombs and rifles, since they ensure that everything works and moves in the correct direction. Long distance communications are possible thanks to the electronic devices that have taken the place of RF (radio) which is now relegated to emergency situations and mainly used for short distances. Without proper communications, supplies and support would never arrive, artillery would never be able to cover an advance, missiles would not be guided towards their targets and troops would not be aware of battlefield conditions. Without sophisticated communications, soldiers would experience a general situation of confusion similar to battlefields at the beginning of the twentieth century. The only troops that can provoke or avoid this kind of situation are the Tactical Hackers: soldiers equipped and trained to use Hacking Devices. These are specialists in infowar, cyberassault and electronic combat and defence. Hacking Devices are small quantronic computers specially designed for infowar and cybercombat, used to penetrate enemy cybernetic systems as well as protecting against them. Hacking Devices can function in Defensive or Attack Mode. Each mode uses specific skills and hacking programmes to fulfil a determined function in combat: 1. Attack Mode: Used to hack T.A.G.s, Remotes (REM), Heavy Infantry (HI), Doors, and Security/Data targets. It is also used to perform cyberattacks against other Hackers. It has a radius of action of 8 inches although it can be used through a Repeater. It does not require a LoF to the target, which only has to be inside of the 8 inch Zone of Control. Hacking in Attack mode is a Short Skill that allows the use of hacking equipment to perform some of the following activities: Hacking a T.A.G. To succeed in hacking a T.A.G, the miniature must make one or several hacking rolls, making a Normal Roll of WIP modified by the targets BTS.
Hacking a T.A.G. is a Short Skill. If the roll is successful, the enemy T.A.G. will remain completely paralysed (see Immobilize), until the next turn. An Immobilized marker (IMM) is placed beside the T.A.G. If, after having effectively paralysed the T.A.G., the same Hacker spends a new Order and succeeds in another consecutive hacking roll, the T.A.G. will be completely possessed. A Possessed Marker (POS) must be placed beside it. The Hacker is now in full control of the T.A.G, using all its Attributes and weaponry and controlling it with Orders spent from the Orders Reserve of the Hackers Combat Group. When a Hacker fails a roll, he loses all the accumulated effects so far: the T.A.G will be completely free of his influence and any Markers due to hacking will be removed. The Hacker must declare when he begins whether he wishes to immobilize or possess a T.A.G. Once his decision is declared, he may not perform any extra Hacking attempts on that T.A.G during that turn. The T.A.G. can get rid of the Immobilization by Hacking or Possession when its original player takes his next Active turn. To do so, it must perform a Reset Short Skill. Reset. The T.A.G. must make a Normal or Face to Face Roll (if an enemy Hacker is within hacking range) against its WIP Attribute. If it is not successful, it may try again with consecutive Orders. If it is successful, the POS or IMM marker is removed. A possessed (POS) T.A.G. can be controlled by any Hacker of the army which has taken possession of it. Due to the technological abyss that separates Humanity from the E.I., Combined Army T.A.G.s can be immobilized (IMM) but never possessed (POS) by human Hackers.
Hacking Heavy Infantry (HI) or Remotes (REM). To effectively hack a Heavy Infantry or a Remote, the Hacker must make a Normal WIP Roll modified by the BTS of his target. Hacking Heavy Infantry or Remotes is a Short Skill. If the roll is effective, the Heavy Infantry or Remote is completely paralysed and an Immobilized (IMM) Marker is placed beside it. Heavy Infantry or Remotes can be liberated from Immobilization by Hacking when their player has his next Active turn. This requires a Reset: Reset. This is a Short Skill. The figure must make a Normal or Face to Face Roll (if an enemy Hacker is within hacking range) against its WIP Attribute. If it is not successful, it may try again with following Orders. If it is successful, the IMM Marker is removed. Anti-Hacker Protocols: Hackers in Attack Mode can carry out cyberattacks against Hackers situated in their Zone of Control. These cyberattacks cause physical damage to the victim, provoking neural overload and brain haemorrhaging. Activating Anti-Hacker Protocols is dangerous, since the target can block the cyberattack and turn it against his attacker. This is a Short Skill. ATTENTION: This weapon is forbidden by the Concilium Convention. Its use will be penalized by the international courts. A cyberattack is performed normally by a Face to Face WIP Roll Modified by the BTS of each Hacker. The Hacker who loses the roll automatically enters the Unconscious state. If a target Hacker has already declared his Order and cannot use it to protect himself against the Anti-Hacker Protocols, then the attacker makes Normal Roll modified by the BTS of the target and the victim falls Unconscious if it is successful. If the defender or the attacker achieves a Critical, the adversary and Repeaters used by him are automatically destroyed, passing directly to the Dead state and ignoring the Unconscious state. In order to apply Anti-Hacker Protocols to an Unconscious Hacker, a figure must be 8 inches or less away and then make a successful WIP Roll. The target has no defence and will immediately die. 2. Defensive Mode: This is used to defend allied miniatures from Hacking Attacks, Guided Missiles and the use of Airborne Deployment: Combat Jump. A Hacker in Defensive Mode operates, hacks, or defends without distance limit. He can use his hacking equipment to perform some of the following defensive activities: Hacking Airborne Deployment: Gaining access to the enemy communications net, Hackers can detect and scramble onboard systems of Airborne Deployment craft. The short-circuiting and scrambling of the crafts avionics compels the transported troops to perform an emergency jump. To Hack an Airborne Deployment craft, the Hacker must spend an Order and perform a successful WIP Roll modified by the BTS of his target (Airborne Deployment craft have a standard BTS of -9). It is not necessary to have a LoF, or to be within any distance of the target. After succeeding in the hacking roll, the enemys Airborne Deployment craft navigation systems and jump protocols are scrambled. All enemy miniatures with the Special Skill AD: Combat Jump must leave the craft at once, following the subsequent rules for Emergency Jumping: Miniatures with AD: Combat Jump will choose, for all of them, a sole landing point in the game table. Each figure must make a Normal Modified Roll of PH-9. If they fail the roll, they must apply the Combat Jump dispersion rules.
If the adversary has not any miniature with AD: Combat Jump, or if he has noted they will deploy with AD: Aerial Infiltration, the Level 2, then the Order spent is wasted. Hacking Airborne Deployment cannot be executed in ARO. Hacking Defensively. When a player in the Active turn decides to do some hacking, the defender can (if he has a Hacker in his ranks) perform Defensive Hacking. In order to do this, he must state in the ARO of the targeted miniature an intention to respond with his Hacker. This will substitute the BTS Attribute of the miniature, Airborne Deployment or Guided Ammunition on his side with a Face to Face Roll of the WIP Attributes of both players hackers (Modified by their own BTS). 1. If the defender prevails, he avoids and cancels the original Hackers attack. 2. If the attacker wins, he will effectively hack his target. 3. If one of them achieves a Critical result, he succeeds in his objective and will disable (DIS) his enemys Hacking Device. It is not necessary for the defending hacker to have a LoF or to be within 8 inches of the target of the hacking attack. Hacking Guided Ammunition. To hack a Guided projectile effectively, the miniature must make a hacking roll, a Normal Roll of WIP modified by the targets BTS. Guided projectiles have a BTS of 3 and only Guided Ammunition attacks may be hacked. A defending hacker does not need LoF or to be within 8 inches of the projectile: When a Guided Ammunition attack is made, any hackers on the defending side gain an ARO that can be used to hack it. If the hacking roll is successful, the enemys projectile is completely deactivated. Hacking Guided Ammunition is a Short Skill.
Other functions of Hacking Devices: Controlling a Remote. Hacking Devices allow Remotes to be enrolled in an army. The Hacker will have a line of communication with the Remotes updating performance protocols to prevent enemies decoding their movement, combat or remote activity programs. Hacking Security and Information. To effectively hack an element of the scenery, for instance a door with an electronic lock or a computer, the miniature must succeed in a hacking roll, a normal WIP Roll modified by the targets BTS. Here are some examples:
CHARACTERISTICS Characteristics are distinctive features used to define troops, and they are related to the training, combat style, background, or personality of the miniatures. There are seven in total, grouped in three blocks: Back-up, Instruction and Fury. Back-up: Indicates whether the figure possesses a memory and personality recording and backup system, commonly known as Cube. Cube: The miniature has a recording Cube, so if he dies and his Cube is recovered, he can be resurrected to accomplish future missions. Some game campaigns can offer this possibility. Cubes are completely Disabled if their bearer fails their BTS Roll against E/M Special Ammunition. Figures with Cubes are vulnerable to EI Sepsitor viral attacks. No Cube: The miniature does not have a Cube, so he will be immune to Sepsitor attacks. In return, his death will be definitive and he will not be able to be recovered during a campaign. Instruction: This represents the type of military training that the figure has received.
Lock or simple computer equipment Lock or complex computer equipment Lock or high security computer equipment
0 -3 -6
Hacking Security and Information is a Short Skill. If the roll is successful, the lock or the computer equipment is hacked; the lock will open and data can be easily extracted from the computer. In order to do this the target must be inside the Hackers ZC (8 inches), with no LOF needed.
Coordinated Hacking. Up to four Hackers can Coordinate themselves to attack the same objective. Hackers are always connected to each other, so there is no distance limit to a Coordinated Order. It is compulsory that the nominated target be within the ZC of one of the Hackers, who is the only one at risk from receiving an ARO from the target. This coordinated Order may only generate an ARO from the target and this ARO may only be used against the nominated hacker, if possible. Coordinated Hacking cannot be executed in ARO.
Irregular: The miniature learned to fight without any discipline and in a disorganized manner: his only concern is himself. An Irregular miniature does not add his Order to the Orders Reserve of his army, keeping it for himself. However, he can still receive Orders from his armys Orders Reserve. Irregular figures cannot be enrolled as Lieutenant, unless their entire army group is also Irregular. If an Irregular Lieutenant dies, two of his Irregular troops can spend their Orders to enrol a new Lieutenant. Regular: The figure has received proper military training and knows how to follow orders, keep discipline under enemy fire, work in a team and Coordinate his actions with those of his companions. His Order is added to the general total of Orders, and can be used on himself or another figure. Fury: This Characteristic defines the psychology of the figure when in combat, his ability to disdain safety considerations and only focus on destroying the enemy. There are three levels of Fury: Not Impetuous: The miniature has the cold blood needed to keep cool in combat, and is not easily carried away by an irresponsible appetite for destruction. The miniature provides and uses Orders normally and is not Impetuous. Impetuous: The impetuous miniature is hungry for combat, the closer and dirtier the better. Impetuous obliges the miniature, at the beginning of each Active turn and before Orders are spent, to perform a mandatory, free, Impetuous Order. This Impetuous Order must be used in the following way: With the Impetuous Order the figure must move always the whole of his first MOV value as the Short Movement Skill: Move. The miniature may only move less if he engages in base to base contact with an enemy, or if he enters terrain that reduces his MOV or obliges him to change the Short Movement Skill being used (Such as encountering terrain requiring the use of Climbing, Jump, Swim etc.) here, the Move skill stops and the second Short Skill must be declared. The second Short Skill of the Order can be to repeat the Move Skill, or to perform a Dodge, an Attack (CC, BS, PH to throw a Grenade, Hacking etc.) or to perform one of these Movement Short Skills: Climbing, Jump, Swim. The figure may attack first and move afterwards or vice versa. If the miniature was Prone, he must perform an Order composed of Get Up followed by Move (Moving the whole of his first MOV value) Short Skills. It is not allowed to use the Impetuous Order to
move while Prone or to Go Prone. When engaged in an Impetuous Order, the miniature must move directly towards the closest enemy figure (The one that can be reached in the shortest time possible) in any direction, even if he is not in LOF but the miniature is aware of its presence. If there is no enemy figure the miniature is aware of, then he must always move towards enemy territory, never withdrawing. In an Impetuous Order, Markers are not considered enemy models. The first Short Skill Move can be substituted by Climbing, Jump or Swim, if the terrain and the trajectory forces it. A miniatures movement portion of the Impetuous Order permits it to move to avoid Suppression Fires, Mines and E/Maulers, but is compulsory to move the least distance possible while doing so. An Impetuous Order can be cancelled by spending 1 Order from the Orders Reserve, or the Order belonging to the figure if it is Irregular.
Impetuous Order
Move + Move Move + Attack Move + Climbing Move + Dodge Move + Jump Move + Swim Get Up + Move (whole MOV value) Frenzy: The miniature possesses an almost unmanageable hunger to kill. Once he tastes blood, he will turn into a whirlpool of death. After having caused a Wound, the miniature automatically becomes Impetuous for the rest of the game, losing the advantages from skills like CH: Camouflage and CH: TO Camouflage, reducing his skill level to that of CH: Mimetism. The free Impetuous Order is obtained at the beginning of the next Active turn. COMMON SKILLS Common Skills are those that any miniature can perform without needing a specific mention in the description of the Troops Skills. 1. Alert: Spending 1 ARO, the miniature can warn his companions that they are going to be attacked from behind, provided he has a LoF to the attacker. All companion figures can be turned to face the enemy, but do not receive an ARO to act against it immediately. They will of course gain ARO against subsequent Orders. 2. Ballistic Skills Attack (Shoot): A Short Skill that allows use of a ballistic skill weapon: the Attribute is modified by Distances and Cover. 3. Cautious Movement: T.A.G.s, Remotes, Motorcycles, and vehicles do not have this Skill. This Long Skill allows the miniature to move carefully from one point outside the enemys LoF to another point also outside the LoF of all his enemies. The figure moves a maximum equivalent to his first value in MOV as long as his start and end points are not in an enemy LoF. He will not generate any ARO if a LoF is crossed in the movement. Cautious Movement cannot be used within the radius of the enemys Zone of Control. The use of this Long Skill must be declared before performing the manoeuvre. 4. Change Facing: This Short Skill allows a miniature to change the direction of his facing without moving. By Spending 1 ARO, a miniature can turn to face any enemy miniature that has entered his Control Zone or otherwise alerted him. If the miniature does not have an ARO, it can Change Facing if it is hit by an enemy attack or if an allied miniature receives a hit inside its Control Zone. It is not necessary to roll dice to perform this Skill.
5. Climbing: Motorbikes and Vehicles cannot perform this Skill. A Short Skill that allows vertical movement, climbing a number of inches equivalent to half the figures MOV Attribute for each use of the Skill. To be able to Climb, the miniature must make a Normal PH Roll. If a Roll is failed, the miniature falls the distance travelled so far: see the Damage section, Damage from Falling. While climbing, a miniature will not be able to use any other Short Skills. If the Climbing Movement does not finish at the top of a wall, the figure remains hanging from it and is not able to use any other Skill until the climb is completed. 6. Close Combat Attack: This Short Skill allows use of Close Combat weapons with the CC Attribute. 7. Coordinated Order: By spending 1 Order per miniature, up to four figures can be activated to act at the same time and carry out the same Order. 8. Discover: This Short Skill allows discovery of a miniature in LoF represented by a Camouflage, TO Camouflage or Impersonation Marker. A Normal WIP Roll must be made, applying the relevant Modifier (Camouflage, TO Camouflage, etc.). To be able to Discover a figure, distance Modifiers must be applied as the farther a figure is, the more difficult it is to Discover. Distance Modifiers are applied according to the following table: Distance Modifier 8 inches +3 32 inches 0 48 inches -3 +48 inches -6
9. Dodge: Dodge is a Short Skill that allows a PH Face to Face Roll to be made against BS, CC, PH or Forward Observer Skills to avoid an enemy attack in LoF. A Dodging figure can spend the rest of his Order to carry out or finish his Movement. Dodge also allows to disengage from a CC. A figure dodging in ARO can move half of its first MOV value, or make any other Short Movement Skill that does not require a roll. A Dodge roll in the Active turn can be used to face all the ARO generated by an Order. In ARO, a Dodge roll will face all the shots of the Burst (B) or all actions done by the miniatures under Coordinated Order (Dodge all blows in Close Combat, dodge different opponents shots etc.). T.A.Gs, Remotes and Motorcycles must always apply a -6 MOD in order to Dodge. Vehicles cannot Dodge. In case of a draw of Attack and Dodge, the winner is the figure that has the Attribute with the highest value. Exceptions are Rolls against Direct Template weapons (Chain Rifle, Flamethrower, and Nanopulser) and others such as the Special Skill Explode. In this case, to be able to Dodge the impact a Roll of PH with a 6 Modifier must be made. The Modifier indicates the higher difficulty in Dodging a shot from an area saturation weapon. If the roll is successful, the miniature dodges the impact even if he is within the area of effect of the Template. 10. Get Up: A Short Skill that allows a miniatures stance to change from Prone to standing, removing the Prone position marker. 11. Intuitive Attack: With Intuitive Attack, a miniature can detect movement and shoot to cover a wide area where the enemy could be. Intuitive Attack can only be performed with Direct Template weapons (Flamethrower, Nanopulser, Chain Rifle...) deployable weapons and equipment (Mines, E/Mauler, Deployable Repeater, CrazyKoalas ) and the E/Marat. This Skill allows performing of an attack against a camouflaged figure that has not been discovered previously, as well as figures inside Zero Visibility Zone (like a Smoke template) or
If the WIP Roll is successful, the Marker must be removed and the figure placed in its position. The miniature will remain visible until it is camouflaged again. If a miniature fails when trying to Discover a Camouflage, TO or Impersonation Marker, he will not be able to try again until the next Turn with an ARO or with an Order in his next Active Turn. It may attempt to Discover other Markers after a failed attempt.
shooting from inside a Zero Visibility Zone. It also allows placement of a deployable weapon with an enemy inside its area of effect. Intuitive Attack is a Long Skill that consumes 1 Order. To be able to make an Intuitive Attack a figure must succeed in a WIP Normal Roll with no Modifiers (MODs from Distance and Skills CH: Camouflage and Hiding are not applied). If the camouflaged figure starts shooting, any shots will be simultaneous with Normal Rolls. If the camouflaged figure receives a hit, he will have to reveal himself, removing the Camouflage Marker and placing the appropriate figure, even if his ARM Roll is successful. If the WIP roll is failed, it is not allowed to repeat the Intuitive Attack on the same target until the next Game Turn. 12. Jump: Jump is a short skill that allows performance of a horizontal MOV to avoid a hole or a vertical jump to clear an obstacle. To be able to jump, the distance (either vertical, horizontal, or diagonal) betweenthe start point and the landing point must be measured and be within half the figures MOV Attribute. A PH Roll with no Modifiers must be successfully made to complete the jump. When this Skill is repeated in the same Order, a jump will not cover a longer distance, but two consecutive jumps can be made with two PH Rolls. In order to do this, it is compulsory that between each jump there is a rest point. In the second jump, the figure moves half of his second MOV Attribute. Any height greater than half the height of the miniature requires a Normal Roll of PH in order to be cleared. If the roll fails, see the section Damage: Damage from Falling. If when making a jump, MOV does not allow a landing point in which to situate the miniature, it is assumed that he falls vertically to the ground from the final point of his Movement. This height is calculated to estimate the Damage From Falling (See the Damage section). During a jump, no other Short Skills may be used until the figure lands.
16. Prone: Prone is a Short Movement Skill that allows the miniature to assume a Prone position, placing a Prone Marker (PRONE) next to it. Troops in Prone Stance have their Movement values halved and can not Jump or Mount/Dismount. Example: a Prone figure that declares Dodge will only move 1 inch and not the usual 2 inches. A figure in Prone Stance is considered to be the height of his base. T.A.G.s, Remotes, Vehicles, and Motorcycles cannot use the Prone position. Except these figures, any miniature can be deployed Prone by placing a Prone Marker besides it. 17. Speculative Shot: A Long Skill that requires 1 Order to be spent to allow a Parabolic Fire to an area or figure outside the LoF of the attacker, applying a Modifier of -6 to BS or PH, depending on the situation. Only those miniatures equipped with Grenades and Grenade Launchers can use Speculative Shot. 18. Suppression Fire: Long Skill that consumes 1 Order, and allows placing a miniature with a ballistic skill weapon in Suppression Fire mode. A Suppression Fire Marker must be placed on the table as per the Suppression Fire section of the rules. 19. Swim: A Short Skill that allows half a figures MOV Attribute to be used when traversing a liquid medium. Repeating this Skill in the same Order allows the figure to move half the second value of the MOV Attribute. SPECIAL SKILLS These are Skills that only certain units are able to use, whether from special training, the use of certain equipment or through natural talents. In those Special Skills that have a number of levels, superior levels always include the inferior unless stated otherwise. For example, a Level 3 Skill will include the Level 1 and 2 abilities as well. Alphabetical Levels (Like Level X) will indicate in their description if they include any other level. 1. Airborne Deployment (AD): Units of Airborne Deployed Infantry use aircraft to move to areas of the battlefield where they can cause the greatest damage when deployed. There is no need to place miniatures with Airborne Deployment on the table during the Deployment Phase. If the miniature is not deployed on the table, he does not add his Order to the Orders Reserve until positioned on the battlefield. To descend to the combat zone, figures possessing this Special Skill do not use Orders from the Orders Reserve of the army but instead must use their own Order. A figure with Airborne Deployment can also be placed in the normal way at the beginning of the battle, inside the players Deployment Zone, if desired. If the Lieutenant possesses this Special Skill, he must be deployed at the beginning of the battle in the players Deployment Zone or his army will be in a Loss of Lieutenant situation. In a Retreat! situation, all troops with AD who still have not been deployed cannot be placed on the game table. There are four levels of Airborne Deployment. Level 1- Parachutist: This miniature has been trained to deploy by using a parachute or rappelling from an aircraft, in the moments prior to combat, arriving from outside of the battlefield at the most critical point. In the deployment phase, AD: Parachutist allows the miniature, without spending Orders or having to make any roll, to avoid being placed on the battlefield. The borders of the game table must be divided into imaginary sections of equal proportion (Two per side, eight in total) to determine the parachutists point of entrance. An entry section from the eight is chosen before the battle starts for each figure, noted in secret so that it can be verified when the figure is deployed. This section cannot be the enemys Deployment Zone. When the player decides to Deploy the figure, 1 Order is spent (The miniatures own, not one from the Orders Reserve) and the figure is placed on the battlefield, somewhere along the table border of the section selected before beginning the battle. If using a Coordinated Order, all miniatures participating must enter through the same section of a table edge, chosen from those noted before the battle.
13. Move: Move is a Short Skill that allows the miniature to cover a number of inches equal to the first value of his MOV Attribute. Repeating this Skill in the same Order allows the figure to move a number of inches equal to the second value of the MOV Attribute. It is not compulsory to move the total distance indicated by the MOV values. When declaring Movement, the complete and exact route taken by a figure must be described so that an opponent can announce his ARO. A figure can pass over any obstacle whose height is equal or less than half of his own without suffering restrictions to his Movement. 14. Mount/Dismount: This Short Skill allows mounting or dismounting of a vehicle or mount. 15. Open/Close: A Short Skill that allows opening or closing of doors or windows and manipulating other mobile elements of scenery on the game table.
Level 2- Airborne Infiltration: Figures possessing the Special Skill AD: Airborne Infiltration are experienced parachutists, specialized in raiding and penetrating enemy lines. This Special Skill allows the figure, without spending any Orders or making rolls, to perform similarly to AD: Parachutist but without having to choose a specific zone of entry. He must still spend his Order to deploy but may be placed on any border of the game table. The entry point chosen cannot be inside the enemys Deployment Zone. If a Coordinated Order is used, all miniatures participating must enter through the same table section. Level 3- Combat Jump: Figures with this special jump equipment are trained to descend at full speed over the battlefield surprising enemies with devastating sudden attacks. The active player can deploy a miniature with AD: Combat Jump at any point during the battle. The figure spends 1 Order (His own, not one from the Orders Reserve) and makes a PH Normal Roll. If successful he deploys to any point on the table nominated by his owner, facing in any direction desired. Dispersion: If he fails the PH roll, the miniature suffers a detour in his fall, deviating as many inches as the Failure Category multiplied by 2.5 (FC x 2.5). In order to determine in which direction the miniature deviates, a Circular Template is used. Place the Circular Template on the target point where the miniature was supposed to land, with the number 1 facing towards the centre of the table. The second digit of the dice Roll is used indicate the direction in which the miniature deviates (See Graphic 22). If deviation prompts the figure to fall outside the battlefield, he will have to spend an extra Order from the Order Reserve to appear on the border of the game table at the point where he would have left. A figure cannot nominate as jump target the interior of a Smoke zone, or in Impassable Terrain or Zones of Low or Zero Visibility.
The landing zone is of the same size as a Circular Template and must be free of scenery elements. The figure with Combat Jump can land on any point in the landing zone but the whole of its base must be in the interior of the Circular Template. A figure cannot land in base to base contact with another miniature. If a Coordinated Order is used to perform a Combat Jump, all the miniatures participating must choose the same template as their landing point. Those failing their PH Roll will be dispersed individually. Figures possessing Combat Jump can also deploy themselves, if they wish to, as if they possessed the preceding levels in AD. Remotes with Combat Jump will have to perform a PH Roll in order to jump. PH determines the automation and programming level of their jumps. Impetuous Figures with Combat Jump will have to use their Impetuous Order to perform their jump. If they do not want to jump immediately, at the beginning of the turn they must spend an Order from their armys Orders Reserve in order to stop each impetuous figure from deploying with their Impetuous Order. Inferior Combat Jump functions exactly the same as normal Combat Jump, but in certain scenarios, owing to certain weather or technical conditions, figures will make their PH Roll with a Modifier of 3. Level X- Tactical Jump: A miniature that possesses the AD: Tactical Jump Special Skill is not only an excellent infiltrator parachutist, but is also a natural born leader with a superb tactical sense.
Tactical Jump allows performance of only AD: Airborne Infiltration, but without the enemys Zone of Deployment restriction access. Moreover, if the figure possessing this Special Skill is the leader (Lieutenant) of a group of figures with AD: Parachutist, these can be deployed in the same zone of entry and in the same turn as their Lieutenant, no matter if a different zone of entry was determined for them before the battle. If using a Coordinated Order, all miniatures participating must enter through the same section of a table edge. In addition, if the figure possessing Tactical Jump is the Lieutenant, as soon as he is positioned on the game table the situation of Loss of Lieutenant is automatically cancelled. The player recovers the whole Orders Reserve that would have been available, with the exception of Orders spent previously (which can only be one or two). 2. Antipode: Miniatures belonging to this alien race have a special and peculiar behaviour in the game. Three Antipodes are necessary to compose an intelligent entity, creating one personality with each individual contributing diverse characteristics. For this reason, it costs only 1 Order to activate an Assault Pack of three Antipodes. All the Antipodes in the Pack will then perform the same Skills simultaneously, but make separate rolls to resolve actions. Members of a Pack, in ARO as well as in their own turn, behave always as if they were only one figure. Although they can move in separate ways, they must execute the same Skills in a sole Order and choose the same target, providing only one ARO to enemy miniatures, as with standard Coordinated Orders. When a member of a Pack falls, the Antipode group identity suffers a mutilation of its reasoning capacity, with the WIP of each Antipode reduced by -3 for every lost member of the Pack. The Ariadnians have managed to work with Packs of 3 and 4 members, to increase their resistance capacity. If the Assault Pack belongs to an Ariadnian army and they lose their Controller or his Control Device is Disabled, they must make a WIP Roll. If the roll is successful, they continue with the last orders received by the Controller, which usually consists of charging against the enemy. In such a situation, the Pack is still considered as part of the Ariadnian army. If they fail the roll, they must make a d20 roll. With a result of 10 or less, the Pack will use its respective Orders (Impetuous and normal Order) to get off the table through the nearest edge, performing no orders except for Move or Dodge. If the result is over 10, the Pack will enter Frenzy state and go bananas, leaving the control of the Ariadnian player. In the following game rounds, the Antipodes will act before the rest of the players, using their Impetuous Order and their own Order to attack the nearest figure, continuing every turn until either they or all other miniatures on the table are dead. They attack the nearest figure each turn, whether friend or foe. Every time after the Controllers disappearance the Pack loses one of its members, a WIP roll must be made with the corresponding Modifier per dead Antipode, with results as above. When organizing Groups in an army, the Pack and their Controller will count as two figures and will always be in the same Group. The Pack gives 1 single Order to the Order Reserve, different from the Order given by their Controller. 3. Berserk: The figure is possessed by a brutal blood thirst that throws him into combat despising any safety measures. The CC roll, usually a Face to Face one, becomes a Normal Roll for each combatant. Each makes their Skill Rolls, with a successful attack roll compelling the enemy to make an ARM Roll, so it is possible that both players receive Damage simultaneously. The Berserker receives a bonus of +9 to his CC Attribute in return, but never gains the +3 ARM Defence Bonus for making a successful CC Roll. If the opponent decides to Dodge, a success on his PH Roll will not avoid the blow, but he will be able to move out of CC. Berserk is an automatic Special Skill that does not require Orders to be spent for activation but its use must be declared at the same time as the declaration of a CC Skill use. The use of this Skill is optional and it can only be applied in CC.
4. Booty: The figure devoted himself to pillaging in some previous battle, and now has some extra item in his equipment that is probably not very common in units like his. This element does not count as a Support Weapon when performing the Support Weapons calculation in army construction. The Booty does not substitute for the figures basic equipment: it is instead a complement. Before starting the battle a roll is made on the following table to ascertain which extra element of equipment the figure has:
1-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Light Protection (+1ARM) Explosive CC Weapon Light Shotgun Heavy Protection (+4 ARM) Grenades Adhesive-Launcher Light Grenade Launcher Light Flamethrower Panzerfaust 14-15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 E/M Grenades E/M CC Weapon Light Protection ARM) X Visor Monofilament Weapon Combi Rifle AP Rifle AutoMedikit CC (+2
If, in the course of a battle, a unit with the Special Skill Booty finds the dying body of another figure (in Unconscious state), he can spend 1 Order to scavenge. He may gain the figures ARM value instead of his own, or take one of its weapons or pieces of equipment. He will be able to pick only one object and in return must throw away any piece of Booty he is currently carrying. 5. Camouflage and Hiding (CH): This Special Skill marks the miniatures ability to merge with his environment and move with the highest stealth. Camouflage and Hiding has three levels: Level-1. Mimetism: The figure has the special ability to obscure his appearance to an enemy. Moreover, he has basic mimetic tools and clothes or camouflage gear made with a photosensitive material, a cheaper alternative to chameleonic tools, and knows how to use it with the maximum results in order to avoid discovery. In game terms, any miniature attacking a figure with Mimetism will have a -3 Modifier to his BS Attribute for ranged attacks. Level-2. Camouflage: The miniature has a special capacity, be it natural or learned, for hiding and stealth. He will also have chameleonic tools available: photoreactive cells and variable/ combinable environment patterns. These clothing-incorporated systems will merge the miniature with his surroundings. The Special Skill of Camouflage allows its owner to perform: Camouflaged Deployment. This use is exclusive to the deployment phase and does not require the spending of any Orders or making of rolls. The miniature is not deployed in the usual way: a Camouflage Marker is placed instead. This type of Deployment also allows 3 miniatures (All with the Special Skill of Camouflage) to be deployed under the same Marker.
One or more miniatures can be separated from the group at any point in the game, moving as a separate Camouflage Marker. All the figures placed under the Camouflage Marker are revealed if the adversary makes a successful Discover Roll, or if some of the figures perform an Order that uncovers them. When revealed, figures must appear no more than inch of distance from each other, although the player can place them facing however he likes. In game terms, a Camouflage Marker is always the same height as a base troop figure from its own army (Unless it has a Prone Marker beside it). Camouflage in Movement: This allows the player to move the miniature without placing him on the battlefield. Only his Camouflage Marker will move. When several miniatures are moved under the same Camouflage Marker, they behave as if they were only one miniature. If they have different MOV values, the lowest is always used. The only Skills whose execution does not automatically rreveal the camouflaged figures are Cautious Movement and all Short Skills of Movement that do not require any roll (except Alert). The camouflaged figure reveals automatically when it is in base contact with another figure. If the figure is Discovered or is automatically revealed, the Camouflage Marker is replaced by its miniature (or miniatures), facing how the player prefers. If a Camouflage Marker does not perform anything but MOV in his turn, even if it crosses a Suppression Fire zone or a figures ZC, the only ARO that can be executed against it is Discover or Change Facing. Defensive Camouflage. To act against a Camouflage Marker, enemies must succeed in a Discover roll with a -3 Modifier.
If the roll is failed, the camouflaged figure is not perceived and may not be a target of BS, CC, or any other Skill (Hacking, Sepsitor, etc.). If the Camouflaged miniature (Or miniatures, if they are clustered) is discovered, it will have to be placed on the battlefield, substituting the Camouflage Maker and losing all the advantages of Camouflage in Movement and Combat, but still complicating any BS Roll against him with a Modifier of -3. When placing the figure over terrain, he can face any direction his owner chooses. Combat Camouflage. This allows a miniature in a camouflaged state to make a BS, Forward Observer, Sepsitor or Hacking attack before his opponent does. This attack is made with a Normal Roll. If the adversary survives the attack, he may then make any attacks he may have declared in ARO which are also made as Normal Rolls, with -3 to BS if shooting at the revealed figure. After this, the player will have to replace the Camouflage Marker with the correct figure. Combat Camouflage is only available for use with Ballistic Skills. In ARO, the reactions of Camouflaged soldiers are simultaneous to the Order they react to, so Face to Face Rolls will be made. If the Camouflaged figure receives an Intuitive Attack without having been Discovered first, he will have to reveal himself even if he passes the ARM Roll, removing the Camouflage Marker and placing the real figure. In the same way, if he is affected by a Template but the target was another figure, he will have to make an ARM Roll, revealing himself whether he passes the roll or not. Camouflaging Again. When a figure has lost the Camouflaged status (It is represented by its figure and not a Camouflage Marker), he can recover his former status by spending 1 Order, provided that he is not in the LoF of any enemy miniatures. A figure in TO Camouflage in LoF of a miniature that intends to Camouflage itself again will have to reveal himself if he desires to prevent his enemy from re-entering Camouflaged status.
AD: Combat Jump allowed AD: Combat Jump not allowed
Level 3. TO Camouflage. The miniature possesses, besides the Special Skill Camouflage, a Thermo-Optical mimetizing device. This is a system that curves the light around its bearer, rendering him almost invisible and erasing his thermal signature. This sophisticated device also diffuses any possible atmospheric turbulence that its bearer may provoke and prevents his detection by radar or sonar. In game terms, TO Camouflage allows its possessor to perform the following: Hidden Deployment. It allows the same type of deployment as CH: L-2 Camouflage, but there is no need to make use of a Marker. Provided that he does not move, the figure with CH: TO Camouflage will remain completely invisible. The player must take note of his figures position in the most detailed possible way (Cover, Prone, etc.) so that the adversary will be able to verify the data in the moment in which he reveals his position. If the miniature moves, the player must place a TO Camouflage Marker, and show his adversary that he really was in that position from the beginning of the battle. If the figure performs any other action, he will have to be replaced by the miniature instead of the Marker. A miniature in Hidden Deployment does not add his Order to the Orders Reserve, as he is not on the game table. However, to carry out his first Order, which reveals his presence on the battlefield, he will not receive the Order from the Orders Reserve but will have to spend his own. Camouflage in Movement: Allows the miniature to carry out the same Camouflaged Movement allowed by CH: Camouflage. TO Defensive Camouflage: Allows the miniature the same Defensive Camouflage that CH: Camouflage provides, but a negative Modifier of 6 is applied if someone intends to attack him. TO Combat Camouflage: Allows the same Combat Camouflage as CH: L-2 Camouflage, with no orders needing to be spent. Camouflaging Camouflage. again: Functions exactly as CH: L-2
table. Miniatures can be healed as many times as necessary, provided that the WIP rolls are successful. A miniature that has been healed can also benefit later from a MediKit, AutoMediKit, or Regeneration, and vice versa. A figure must be in base to base contact with a patient to use the Doctor Special Skill. A Doctor with the Special Skill V: No Wound Incapacitation who has suffered one Wound can try to heal himself but if he fails the WIP roll he will die automatically. 10. Engineer: Any figure with this Special Skill has the means and technical knowledge required to carry out campaign repairs on faulty or damaged equipment. Engineer is a Short Skill that allows, with a successful Normal WIP Roll, the repair of Structure points (STR) of vehicles or figures (1 point per successful WIP Roll) which he is in base contact with. If the Engineer fails his WIP Roll, the target miniature or structure loses 1 point of STR instead of recovering it. Engineers can reactivate all weapons, equipment and armour affected by E/M and Adhesive Special Ammunition if they they pass 1 single Normal WIP Roll when in contact with the affected figure. If the Engineer fails the WIP Roll when reactivating, it is considered that the weapon or equipment is permanently shut down with no possibility of recovery. It is essential that a miniature be in base to base contact with the item he wants to repair. Figures that posses this Short Skill can also open locks, applying the same Modifiers as Hacking Security and Information (See Advanced Rules: Hacking). In order to open/close a door, base to base contact is required. Engineer also allows Mines to be deactivated (Antipersonnel and Monofilament), as well as E/Maulers and D-Charges. In order to deactivate a Mine in a same Order, the figure has to come into its
6. CC with 2 Weapons: The miniature has received special training in order to fight in Close Combat using a weapon in each hand. This Skill allows the effects of two different Close Combat weapon Special Ammunitions to be combined on a successful hit. This Special Skill functions automatically and does not require any Orders or Rolls to be activated. 7. Climbing Plus: A miniature with Climbing Plus is specially equipped or gifted at climbing. This Special Skill functions automatically and allows the miniature to climb as many inches as his MOV Attribute, with no need to make a PH Roll. The Climbing Plus Special Skill allows the figure to perform other skills while climbing or hanging from a great height (Climbing+BS per example). 8. Coma: The figure carries a device able to cover an 8 inch radius area around him with a potent nanovirus. The nanovirus can infect all figures possessing a Cube, functioning as an EI Sepsitor repeater. In order to propagate the virus this device uses all the metabolic power of the user, causing him to fall into an induced coma, which gives this skill its name. Coma is a Short skill. When activated, a miniature with Sepsitor can attack, by spending one Order per target, any figure with a Cube within an 8 inch radius of the fighter with this Skill. The Coma area will be active only during that turn. After activating Coma, the figure will have the status of Dead but still will be on the game table, with a Wound Marker to show the radius of action of the Coma during that turn. At the end of the turn, the miniature will be removed from the table. Morat troops have a strict code of regimental honour, so any Morat figure will not activate Coma until having caused at least one casualty to the enemy. 9. Doctor: The miniature is a qualified doctor, with complete training in combat medicine and is a specialist in saving his companions from death. Doctor is a Short Skill that allows the miniature, when in base contact, after passing a WIP Roll, to make his patient pass from the Unconscious state to Normal, with a single Wound. If he fails the WIP Roll, the figure is considered to be Dead and is removed from the game
action radius (Circular Template) and pass a WIP Roll. If successful, the Mine does not explode and is defused. If the WIP roll is failed, then it explodes, affecting the Engineer as normal. 11. Explode: This Special Skill is used by a figure to explode after it falls into an Unconscious state. The area of explosion is that of a Circular Template, causing 13 Shock Damage to all in the area. The detonation caused by this Special Skill can be Dodged by passing a PH-6 Roll. Exploding is a Short Skill that allows the figure to explode at any moment he deems suitable, after passing a Normal WIP Roll. Activating this Special Skill will provoke a rapid death in its bearer. Exploding can be used in CC substituting the CC Attribute with WIP, the figure Exploding rather than causing a hit: this allows the figure to Explode without being Unconscious first. In the specific case of T.A.G.s with Combat Jump, such as the Caskuda, the explosion is only produced when hitting the ground: the figure will not suffer any damage and will not be able to explode again.
12. Exrah: Concordat Exrah Operators are the ephemeral branch of the Exrah race. Their keratinous epidermis is softer, which allows them more mobility and personal speed, but makes them vulnerable to radiation, so their life expectancy is very short. Physical damage suffered by the Ephemeral is impossible to cure, as his internal organs, affected by the ambient radiation of their planet and cosmic rays received in their trips, have a very short endurance. Because of this, when an Exrah receives a hit that pierces his ARM, his state directly moves to Dead: he does not suffer the Unconscious state and is automatically removed from the battlefield. Furthermore, the organism of the Exrah is very sensitive to powerful E/M transmitters, which causes them severe internal damage. If an Exrah receives an E/M impact and fails his BTS Roll, he will pass directly to the Dead state and is removed from the game table. Ephemeral Exrah have a superior capacity of movement than would be assumed given their massive aspect: they move better than any other Medium Infantry. They also have short wings, which is powered by their combat keratin and allows them to move in great leaps, conferring the Super Jump Special Skill. 13. Forward Observer: This miniature is able to send his comrades ranging and other data about the position of the enemy on the battlefield, increasing the efficiency of their ranged attacks. Forward Observer is a Short Skill. Forward Observers can mark a target, allowing any other miniature on their side without LoF (And with a weapon that allows Speculative Fire or equipped with Guided Special Ammunition) to be able to attack that target at distance. A Forward Observer in LoF with an enemy will be able to mark him after passing a WIP roll (Face to Face, or Normal,
depending on the case), Modified by Covers, Distance, Camouflage and Hiding Special Skill, or an Optical Disruptor Device. Distance Modifiers for marking with Forward Observer are applied as per the following table: Distance Modifier 0- 8 inches +3 8-32 inches 0 32-48 inches -3 + 48 inches -6
There are two types of attacks that can be made as a result of the marking by a Forward Observer: Speculative: When the Forward Observer passes his WIP Roll, the target remains marked for any other comrade that wants to shoot at that target, and the Speculative Fire Modifier is not applied. Guided: When the Forward Observer passes his WIP Roll the target will remain marked for any other comrade possessing a weapon with Guided Ammunition. This figure will be able to use the Short Skill Ballistic Skills to hit the marked miniature without a roll required, as the WIP Roll of the Observer substitutes. A miniature marked by a Forward Observer will be considered as marked until the end of the turn of the player possessing the Observer that marked it. The special equipment of Forward Observers allows them to use the Flash Pulse. 14. Ghost (G): A Ghost, an organic or artificial intelligence is inside a machine, controlling it from distance, but what separates machines from living creatures?
Ghost Level 1: Remote Presence. This Special Skill is possessed by Remotes and unmanned T.A.G.s. Remotes have pseudo-AIs and expert programs that rule their behaviour in combat, operating in pure logic where fear has no place. In the case of Remote Presence T.A.G.s, the driver is not physically present on the battlefield and remotely controls it from a safe distance. Remote Presence is considered confers the Valor: Courage Special Skill. Figures with Remote Presence cannot have a Cube. Ghost Level X: Mnemonica. The Mnemonica Special Skill is a typical troop feature of the EI. If the original body chosen to host the Aspect of the EI that controls the army (Charontid, Anathematic or Avatar) is destroyed in combat, the Aspect will automatically jump to another figures Cube in his army. The Aspect can also jump when his body is in an Unconscious state, but this will cause the body to automatically autodestruct and it must be removed from the game table. The Mnemonica Special Skill does not require the spending of an Order and functions automatically. Mnemonica allows the EI to continue acting as Lieutenant in his army with no Loss of Lieutenant situation incurred whilst there are figures where it can discharge itself. When activating Mnemonica in another figure of the Combined Army, he will acquire the original WIP of the EIs Aspect (16 or 17), and the Ghost: Mnemonica Special Skill, but he will not be able to make use of any other Special Skill owned by the original body of the Aspect, or his equipment such as Sepsitor, Multispectral Visor, TO Camouflage, etc. Ghost: Mnemonica includes too the Ghost: Remote Presence Special Skill. 15. Immunity: The miniature has a natural capacity to resist different types of Damage. This Special Skill is automatic and does not need the spending of any Orders or making of rolls. Level-1: Shock Immunity: The miniature is immune to Shock Ammunition and Shock weapons, ignoring their special effect and considering them as normal weapons and Ammunition. Level-2: Total Immunity: The miniature is immune to all the special Weapons and Ammunition (Except Adhesive, E/M, Monofilament and Plasma), which are considered as normal attacks. 16. Impersonation: Figures possessing this Special Skill are experts in infiltration: they are incredible actors and have been outfitted with sophisticated holographic disguise equipment. Their Impersonation Skill allows them to cross enemy lines, eliminate an enemy figure and then impersonate him to gain the element of surprise. This Special Skill is affected by E/M Special Ammunition. There are two levels in Impersonation:
Level 1-Basic Impersonation: Allows deployment of the figure wherever desired, except in the enemy Deployment Zone, or in base contact, without having to make any rolls. To represent the impersonator an Impersonation Marker State 1 (IMP-1) must be placed. The Marker can be deployed within the 12 inch strip of the enemy Deployment Zone after passing a WIP Roll. If he fails his WIP roll, the miniature deploys as a normal figure as if he had been discovered and recognized as an enemy. There are three states of Basic Impersonation. State 1- Unnoticed. The impersonator has infiltrated the enemy troops without being noticed, and will be considered a comrade by his enemies, who will not be able to act against him (Using BS; PH, CC, etc.). The impersonator figure is represented by an Impersonating Marker State 1 (IMP-1). In order to discover the impersonator, the enemy must make a Discover Roll with Modifier 6. If the roll is successful, the impersonator passes to state 2. State 2- Characterized. The impersonator has been detected, but he still tries to pass for a comrade. The state 1 Marker (IMP-1) is substituted by another of Impersonation state 2 (IMP-2), but the figure still cannot be attacked, as his identity is still not clear and he is still considered a comrade by his enemies. They must make another Discover roll, a Normal Roll without the -6 MOD, to identify him as an enemy. If this Discover roll is successful, the impersonation passes to state 3. State 3- Discovered. The IMP-2 marker is replaced on the table by the miniature. The impersonator has been identified as an enemy and can be attacked as usual. The only Skills whose execution does not automatically reveal the impersonator are Cautious Movement and any Short Movement Skills that do not require any roll (except Alert). The Impersonator reveals automatically when he is in base contact with another figure. An impersonator not yet discovered can make a BS attack before his opponent can react. Therefore, no Face to Face Roll is made: each figure makes a Normal Roll of BS, the impersonator going first. If his adversary survives the ARM Roll, he may then return fire. After firing, the impersonators miniature replaces any IMP Marker. In ARO, impersonators reactions are simultaneous with the Order being answered, so Face to Face Rolls are used. To return to Impersonation status (Substituting the miniature with the IMP-1 Marker) 1 complete Order must be spent outside the LoF of any adversaries. An impersonator in state 1 or 2 (IMP-1 Marker or IMP-2) will be considered as a comrade by his adversary, but if he moves thrugh a Suppression Fire area he will be hit in a normal way. The miniature with Impersonation will always use his own Characteristics, Skills, and Equipment, although he will be able to pick up and use 1 enemy Weapon if he manages to kill a foe in Close Combat and then returns to Impersonation status. Scavenging a weapon from a victim is a Short Skill. Human figures with Basic Impersonation will never be able to pose as an alien miniature (Antipode, Morat, Shasvastii, etc.) and vice versa. The Impersonator will not be able to act in State 1 against the Combined Army of the E.I. but he will always act in State 2. Level 2- Impersonation Plus: Functions exactly the same as Impersonation but, due to advanced technological devices, it allows the impersonation of alien creatures by human agents and vice versa.
17. Infiltrate: Due to his ability to move stealthily, the miniature will be able to infiltrate the enemys lines without being noticed. The use of the Infiltrate Special Skill is only allowed in the Deployment Phase. Infiltration allows a miniature the following options:
You can use the Sensor to detect this miniature wih TO Camouflage
Sensor area
You can not use the Sensor to detect this miniature wih TO Camouflage
Miniature with TO Camouflage in Hidden Deployment , you can detect it with Sensor You can use the Sensor to detect this miniature wih TO Camouflage
Option A: The miniature can be deployed, without having to spend an Order or make a Roll, up to the central area of the game table (within the half corresponding to his army). He is deployed in Camouflage or TO Camouflage status if applicable. Option B: If the miniature wants to go further into enemy territory, he must to pass a Normal Roll of PH. Each 4 inch strip of distance advanced into enemy territory will add a cumulative Modifier of 1 to the roll. If he fails the roll, the Dispersion rule must now be applied. The centre of the Circular Template must be placed at the point in the battlefield where the figure wished to Infiltrate, with the number 1 pointing to the centre of the game table, multiplying the Failure Category by 2.5 (FC x 2.5) to determine where to place the infiltrator. Moreover, the miniature will lose the Camouflaged Deployment and Hidden Deployment options provided by the CH: Camouflage and CH: TO Camouflage Special Skills. It is not allowed to Infiltrate inside the enemys Zone of Deployment, or in base contact with another figure. If Dispersion would place the miniature in either position, move the figure back towards its initial Infiltration point until it is no longer in an illegal position; ie. the figure will be placed on the limit of the enemys Zone of Deployment closest to the initial Infiltration point. 18. Inspiring Leadership: If the figure with this Special Skill is the Lieutenant, the Characteristics of Instruction and Fury (Such as Regular, Impetuous, etc.) of all the troops under his command are replaced by his own. While the figure possessing Inspiring Leadership remains conscious on the battlefield, his troops will not disband, behaving as if they were figures with the Religious Troop Special Skill. This Special Skill has no effect on troops possessing Remote Presence.
If an Impetuous Troop, the figure possessing Inspiring Leadership must act before the other members in his group in order to set an example. This Special Skill functions automatically and its use is not optional. It only works while the user is conscious. 19. Martial Arts: The miniature has a superior capacity in Close Combat due to discipline, training, and meditation. This Special Skill is automatic; there is no need to spend Orders to activate it. Each level encompasses the advantaged of the previous levels and when one is activated, the rest are automatically activated if desired. Level 1- Attack to Vital Points. When both fighters succeed in a Face to Face Roll but this figure scores a hit, the enemy does not receive the +3 ARM bonus for being in CC. This level is only applicable to CC Level 2- Courage. Functions as the Special Skill of ValorCourage Level 3- First Attack. This allows the figure to attack first in CC, making a Normal Roll to hit. If the defender survives, he can counter attack with a Normal Roll of CC. A figure with this ability may also use the CC Attribute instead of PH to disengage from Close Combat. This level is only applicable in CC. Two figures with Martial Arts L3 will perform their First Attack at the same time, so they have to make a Face to Face Roll.
Example: A Ninja declares a Charge (Mov + CC) at the unlucky Fusilier Angus. Angus options are to react by Shooting or with CC. If Angus waits until the Ninja engages in CC with him, this could use his Martial Arts L3, and will perform a First Attack, a previous Normal Roll. But, if Angus reacts by Shooting, this will be a Face to Face Roll between the Ninjas CC and Angus BS, because it occurs before base contact. Level 4- Empty Mind. This functions as Sixth Sense L1, cancelling out Martial Arts Skills of Levels 1-3 of opponents. It also makes opponents incapable of turning to face this figure as an ARO when he enters their ZC from behind, unless they have Sixth Sense L2. Level 5- Personal Defence. When in combat with several enemies, they will not receive the positive Modifiers from fighting in a group. Personal Defence also allows the martial artist to hit all his adversaries at once with a single successful roll in CC, requiring each one to make a separate ARM Roll. This level can only be used in CC. 20. Mechanized Deployment: The figure belongs to the Mechanized Infantry corps, whose armoured vehicles allow them to move ahead to cover the advance of their companions. During the deployment phase a miniature with Mechanized Deployment can be deployed in any part of the half of the game table corresponding to his side. All the figures with Mechanized Deployment must be placed in the same 8 inch radius area with a central figure as a reference, as if they just jumped off a vehicle. 21. MetaChemistry: The figure benefits from military nano-chemical substances used to control aggression and to improve bodily functions. As secondary effect, MetaChemistry memetic substances provoke the appearance of physical, neuronal, or metabolic advantages already latent in the subject. These improvements can be increased by the use of biotechnological implants. Before the battle, roll d20 and follow this table to discover the type of MetaChemistry improvement that the figure will have.
24. Paramedic: This figure is the units paramedic and is equipped with MediKits to cure his wounded comrades. 25. Poison: The miniature is able to secrete a neurotoxin which makes his blows highly lethal. Accordingly, the figures CC weapon is counted as having Shock Special Ammunition. The effect of the Poison can be combined with any other Special Ammunition that his CC weapon possesses. In addition, each time a figure with the Poison Special Skill suffers a Wound in CC, his blood splatters automatically to cause a Damage 9 hit on his adversary. Blood splatters cause Normal (Never special) Damage, and as the direct result of a Short CC Skill, they cannot be dodged. 26. Regeneration: The miniatures system is specially suited for self-healing and physical and metabolic regeneration. Regeneration is a Short Skill that allows the miniature, after passing a Normal PH Roll, to regenerate 1 Wound and even recover from an Unconscious state. When the miniature loses all his Wounds and becomes Unconscious, he must place a Wound Marker next to his figure. If he fails his PH Roll while Unconscious, he passes to the status of Dead and is removed from the game table. If the number of Wounds received leaves the miniature in a Dead state before being able to activate Regeneration, he will not be able to use this Special Skill again, and will have to be removed from the table. (For example, if a miniature with 1 Wound receives 3 hits from a Burst and fails 2 Armour Rolls). While the figure is in Unconscious state he will not add his Order to his army Orders Reserve. Figures with Regeneration automatically possess the Shock Immunity Special Skill. Regeneration is compatible with the use of MediKit or Doctor. A miniature with Regeneration can be healed and if he receives a Wound after that, he can try to regenerate it, and vice versa. 27. Religious Troop: The beliefs and teachings of his leaders have turned the miniature into an able warrior, with an unswerving faith that allows him to keep firm when others desist. This Special Skill functions automatically and allows the figure to keep his Order for himself after losing his Lieutenant, in addition to the minimum Orders due to Loss of Lieutenant. In addition the miniature may choose not be affected by the rules of Retreat! If all a players figures are Religious, then two of them may give up their Orders to elect a new Lieutenant. Otherwise they may continue operating using only their own Orders. 28. Repeater: Hacking range amplification system. This allows Hackers to use their skill in a radius of 8 inches around the Repeater. The Hacker can be at any distance from the Repeater, and he does not need to keep a LoF with it. This is a Special Skill that functions automatically and does not need the spending of any Orders to work. The Repeater can only be used by Hackers of the same army, or an allied one.
1-3 4-5 6 7-8 Natural Armour (+1 ARM) Dogged Shock Immunity
(+4 inches to the first MOV value or +2 inches to both first and second MOV values)
Superior Movement
9-10 11
19 20
22. Morat : The Morat are the militarist race par excellence. Morat troops possess an ingrained feeling of belonging to their combat units. Their instruction and training have produced an attack force where an individual sense of duty and personal honour is sublimated to those of the group. The Morat are very strict, follow rules to the letter and will fight until no soldier is on his feet: for this reason they will not disperse until they accomplish their mission. All the Morat have a racial ability equivalent to the Religious Troop Special Skill. In addition, the presence of Morat troops in an army increases the Retreat! threshold from 60% to 75%. 23. Multiterrain: Troops with Multiterrain Skill prepare themselves extensively for every mission, training with simulators or in zones that approximate the location where they will carry out their operations. Those troops stationed in adverse environments that include several types of Special Terrain (Aquatic and Jungle, for instance) will also possess Multiterrain. Before starting the battle, figures with Multiterrain will be able to choose in which type of terrain they will be specialized (See Terrain section). They will only be able to choose one type out of the five possible types (Aquatic, Desert, Mountain, Jungle, or Zero-G) and will reduce the MV difficulty of that Terrain by one level. This Special Skill is automatic and does not require any Order to be activated.
29. Sensor: The miniature possesses high sensitivity detection equipment, or a perfect sense of smell, that allows him to detect hidden figures nearby. The miniature that possess Sensor can make a Normal WIP Roll (Distance, Camouflage or TO Camouflage Modifiers are not applied) to Discover all models that are Camouflaged or in Hidden Deployment within a radius of 8 inches around him. Sensor is a Short Skill and does not need a LoF. (See Graphic 23) A miniature possessing the Sensor and Forward Observer Special Skills can mark a target outside his LoF (using his pertinent Short Skill), if he is within the Sensor radius of effect and the target has been previously discovered. In such a case, a Distance, Cover, CH and ODD Modifiers will not be applied to the Forward Observer WIP roll. A miniature with Camouflage, TO Camouflage, or Impersonation cannot Camouflage again, or return to the Impersonation state, within the Sensor area. 30. Shasvastii: The Shavastii are an alien race with a completely different biology to humans. Endowed with a strong survival instinct, all the Shasvastii are partially hermaphroditic, allowing them to bear a fast growth Spawn-Embryo inside them that they will later implant in enemy territory. After some time, a Shasvastii will sprout from the Spawn-Embryo, which will follow genetically codified information to continue the mission of the Shasvastii Continuum. Spawn-Embryos can feed from the corpse of the fallen Shasvastii, so it is considered that no Shasvastii troop yields Victory Points to his enemy until his Spawn-Embryo has been wiped out. It is therefore considered that, to count VP for victory as for Retreat! Shasvastii have three levels: Unconscious, Dead, and Spawn. When the Shasvastii is Dead, replace it with a Spawn-Embryo Marker (SPAWNEMBRYO). The Spawn-Embryo cannot move from its location, attack, or defend itself. It has ARM 0, BTS 0 and if it suffers one Wound it must be removed from the battlefield.
31. Sixth Sense: Miniatures endowed with this skill have a special capacity to sense danger. They are able to perceive the enemys intentions without having to see him, which allows them to react rapidly when attacked by surprise. Sixth Sense has two levels: Level 1: Within a radius of 8 inches, the miniature will be surprised by neither Impersonators, Camouflaged, nor TO Camouflaged miniatures, nor enemies hidden by a Zero Visibility Zone nor can he be attacked from the rear within his Zone of Control. In this way, when attacked from within an 8 inch radius in his Zone of Control, the miniature will answer the assault in a simultaneous fashion with a Face to Face Roll. Figures with Sixth Sense L1 will be able to react against Impersonators, Camouflaged, TO Camouflaged figures and enemies hidden by a Zero Visibility Zone inside their Zone of Control only at the moment of being attacked, acting as if those miniatures were in front of them and revealed but not Camouflaged and not applying the Modifier of 6 for a Zero Visibility Zone. They cannot however react to movements or any other action of Impersonators, Camouflaged and TO Camouflaged foes or troops hidden by a Zero Visibility Zone. This Special Skill functions automatically (No need to spend any Order or make any Roll). Level 2: Allows the miniature to react in a simultaneous fashion to attacks (Not to movements or any other actions) by Impersonators, Camouflaged and TO Camouflaged figures and enemies hidden by a Zero Visibility Zone in LoF, no matter the distance and the blocking of LoF by Zero Visibility Zones and not applying its 6 Modifier. This Special Skill functions automatically (you will not need to spend any Order or make any roll). 32. Strategos: : This Special Skill identifies the professional of the Strategy, an individual with an analytic mind and a deep and advanced knowledge of the art of war and the military psychology. There are three levels of Strategos:
is already calculated in the MOV value of the figure possessing this Special Skill, or else is indicated between brackets. 34. Terrain: Some troops are trained to fight in specific terrain, characterized by the difficulties they offer to the inexperienced. The Type of Terrain in which the figure is specialized is always indicated after the term Terrain. In the game, these Types of Special Terrain are Aquatic, Desert, Mountain, Jungle, and O-G. Figures possessing the Special Skill Terrain will suffer reduced MOV Modifiers in their environment. They will act as if the terrain were a level of difficulty lower: if it is Impassable terrain, it will be considered as Very Difficult, if it is Difficult terrain, it will be considered as Normal. This Special Skill is automatic and does not require the spending of Orders or making any kind of roll in order to be activated. 35. Total Reaction: Due to servos and a system of support and reinforcement of response speed and mobility, some miniatures are able to react with great celerity. To reflect this, Total Reaction allows the firing of the whole Burst (B) of a weapon in ARO. - If the BS roll is a Normal Roll, as many Rolls as the B value of the Weapon will be made. - If the BS roll is a Face to Face Roll, both players will have to make all their BS rolls. All the results (after applying the typical Modifiers) that overcome the best Roll of their adversary will be impacts. For example: Fusilier Angus is in an open field, 12 inches from a Yakng (a Remote with the Total Reaction Special Skill). Angus spends an Order to shoot the Yakng. The Remote reacts with his ARO, shooting. As he has the Total Reaction Special Skill, he shoots 4 times (His HMG has B=4) instead of 1, which would be the case normally. Angus makes 3 BS Rolls (His Combi Rifle has B=3). His BS is 12+3 (distance MOD) =15. He rolls a 3 (Success), 17 (Failure) and 12 (Success). The Yakng has BS=11+3 (Distance MOD). He rolls 4 times and obtains 2 (Success), 14 (Critical), 13 (Success), 20 (Failure). The best roll is the Yakngs (14, Critical), so he will hits with all his shots that are better than Angus best (12). The Yakng hits 2 times, with his rolls of 14 (Critical) and 13. Angus suffers a Wound directly (Critical) and must make 1 ARM Roll. 36. Transmutation: This Special Skill allows the figure to transform into a different miniature, with different Attributes and Skills, for example changing from Dogface to Dog-Warrior. In order to complete the Transmutation, the figure must be suffering great stress, for instance after receiving a Wound. Transmutation is automatic and does not require the spending of any Order. The new figure replaces the old one, minus any wounds taken, at the end of the Order in which he receives the first wound. 37. Valor (V): This Special Skill describes the bravery and ferocity of the figure in combat. There are three levels of Valor with each one encompassing the prior levels: Level 1-Courage: The miniature does not fear death and is completely ready to die if his duty calls for it.
Strategos Level 1: If the Strategos figure is the Lieutenant, he can assign the Lieutenant Special Order to any other miniature of his combat group. Strategos Level 2: This level allows to the player, during the Deployment phase to reserve two miniatures to deploy after his adversary. It is compulsory to be the Lieutenant to use this Special Skill. Strategos Level 3: If the Strategos figure is the Lieutenant, he not only can use the preceding levels of this Special Skill, but can also prevent his adversary, during the Deployment phase, deploying a miniature after him. A Strategos L2 against a Strategos L3 can reserve one figure in his deployment, while the L3 can reserve two miniatures. Two opposing Strategos L3 will perform a Deployment as usual and as stated in the rules, reserving one figure to deploy after their adversary. The origin of the Greek verb stratego means to plan the destruction of the enemies with the reason of the effective use of the resources. However, a Strategos not only dominates the Art of War, he professes it as a philosophy of life, applying it in every moment, elaborating strategies of action which he studies, oversees, modifies, and evolves constantly. For that reason, a Strategos will be always Your man with the plan. 32. Super-Jump: These miniatures are genetically, artificially, or evolutionarily designed to perform jumps of astonishing length and height. This Special Skill works automatically. It allows the miniature to move in a vertical, diagonal, or horizontal jump as many inches as indicated in his MOV, without having to make a PH Roll. Super-Jump is a Special Short Movement Skill that can be combined with other Short Skills. For example, with Super-Jump, the figure can shoot while flying through the air and this will be considered an Order of the Move+BS type. Also, when the miniature moves in a normal way he will be able to avoid any obstacle of his height or less without any Movement restriction. To calculate the Falling Damage taken by miniatures with SuperJump, the sum of both values of his MOV Attribute is subtracted from the distance and the result multiplied by 2.5. For example: a miniature with Super-Jump with MOV 4-4, that jumps from a terrace to the floor from a height of 10 inches will only have to make an ARM Roll against Damage 5 (distance of 10 minus MOV 4+4 = 2, multiplied by 2.5 to give 5). 33. Superior Movement: The miniature is specially equipped for fast movement. This Special Skill automatically increases the movement of the miniature, with no need to spend Orders or make any roll. This increase
Courage avoids, without spending any Order, the WIP Roll that is compulsory after surviving the impact of a ballistic weapon but the figure does not wish to move to cover (The Guts Roll made after a successful ARM Roll). The figure is not required to keep his position if he does not want to.
of service in the toughest frontlines: he possesses several skills acquired the hard way. Veterans are soldiers hardened by war, able to rise above the pain of their wounds and to detect danger wherever it lurks. The Veteran Skill provides the Sixth Sense L2 and V: No Wound Incapacitation Skills.
Level 2- Dogged: The miniature, owing to a vast contempt for life, is ready to suffer in order to achieve an objective, no matter the severity of his wounds. This Special Skill is automatic and does not require the use of Orders to be activated. Dogged allows the miniature to ignore the state of Unconscious. If the miniature uses the Dogged Skill he will be able to act normally provided he keeps spending Orders in a consecutive way. The figure will die when the turn he would have fallen Unconscious finishes, if the player stops spending Orders on him in a consecutive way, or if he suffers another Wound. In addition, the Dogged Special Skill includes also the Courage Special Skill. Dogged cannot be used in ARO. Dogged allows Impetuous figures to spend Orders from the Orders Reserve in order to keep acting normally, even though the player hasnt finished spending Impetuous Orders. Level 3- No Wound Incapacitation: The miniature, due to the extraordinary endurance of his system, is able to ignore pain and keep his awareness functioning further than reasonable human limits. This Special Skill functions automatically, allowing the miniature, after receiving a Wound, to avoid passing to the Unconscious state. Another Wound will be needed to destroy him. The miniature can be cured by a Doctor, AutoMediKit, MediKit, and Regeneration, although if he fails this roll he will automatically die.
Distances: There are four range distances: Short, Medium, Long, and Maximum. Depending on the type of weapon, the Modifiers applied to each one of these ranges varies. A Rifle, shooting at a target at a distance of 0 to 8 inches has a Modifier of 0 to its firers BS Attribute, up to 16 inches has a +3 BS Modifier, up to 24 suffers 3, and finally, at the maximum distance of 48 inches, the Modifier is 6. It is not possible to score a hit at distances further than the Maximum range. Damage. This is the destructive capacity of a weapon. The bigger the Damage value, the more powerful it is. The Damage value is used in an ARM Roll, where the result of the Roll plus the targets ARM value must exceed the Damage value of the weapon or a Wound is taken. Burst (B). This is a weapon characteristic that can only be used during the attack turn and never in ARO (Except in Total Reaction or Suppression Fire, per example). The value of B is the number of times a weapon can be shot during the use of Ballistic Skill. Thus, a Rifle can (Using 1 Short Skill BS Attack) perform 3 shots as its B is 3. Each shot of the Burst can be fired at a different figure amongst those who are
Disabled (DIS) Marker. Heavy Infantry, TAGs and Remotes are also Immobilized. Disabled equipment stops functioning and the Marking performed by a disabled Forward Observer has no effect. Figures with the Engineer Special Skill can repair Disabled equipment. Ariadnian Heavy Infantries and troops that are not Heavy Infantry, REM or T.A.G.s must make a Guts Roll when affected by the damage of E/M Ammunition. As an exception, those Heavy Infantry, T.A.G.s and REMs which are Immobilized by E/M Special Ammunition cannot perform the Guts Roll. ATTENTION: this Type of ammunition affects Cubes, deactivating them, and is forbidden by the Concilium Convention. Its use will be penalized by the international courts.
Ariadnian Heavy Infantry (HI) AutoMediKit in LoF. The Burst distribution must be announced when the BS Attack Short Skill is declared. TYPES OF AMMUNITION. Some weapons can be loaded with Special Ammunition types, which have their own characteristics: Adhesive Special Ammunition (ADH): This is a type of ammunition with a heavy load of fast adhesive, designed to immobilize a target. Once hit by this kind of ammo, the target must make a PH Roll with a -6 Modifier. If he fails the roll, his state changes to Immobilized, placing an Immobilized marker (IMM) besides the figure. Those troops Immobilized by failing the PH-6 roll cannot make the Guts Roll. Armour Piercing Special Ammunition (AP): This is a type of ammunition specially devised to penetrate armour plate and heavier vehicles. These projectiles incorporate AP Technology that allows them to pierce any plating like a hot knife through butter. Close Combat AP weapons usually incorporate specific Armour Piercing nanomachinery, or they are manufactured from Teseum, a neomaterial with Armor Piercing properties. Armour Piercing Special Ammunition penetrates all armours, and in those superior to 0, reduces their value by half (Always rounding up), with a minimum ARM of 1. If the target is behind physical cover, the Armour Piercing Special Ammunition will only affect the ARM of the figure and not the Modifier given by the cover. Double Action Special Ammunition (DA): This Special Ammunition is a high impact light calibre. The Double Action Special Ammunition has been developed as a reply to military requirements for a light ammunition with high stopping capability, which can be loaded in the main weapon of an Infantry soldier. The Double Action Special Ammunition obliges its target to perform two ARM rolls. Even if the target fails the first of them, or is Unconscious, he must still make the second Roll. Criticals with DA Special Ammunition cause a direct Wound and require the target to perform the additional ARM Roll as well. ATTENTION: This Type of ammunition is forbidden by the Concilium Convention. Its use will be penalized by the international courts. Electromagnetic Special Ammunition (E/M): This is a type of ammunition designed to interfere with electronic systems through the emission of a powerful microwave pulse. If a miniature receives a hit from E/M Special Ammunition he must make an ARM Roll using his BTS Attribute. If he fails the roll, all his Equipment and Weaponry, if vulnerable, is affected by the E/M pulse and enters the Disabled (DIS) state. Disabled. A miniature that fails his BTS Roll will be marked with a CH: TO Camouflage Control Device Cube Deployable Repeater ECM Forward Observer Hacking Device Heavy Infantry (HI) Humans and other Creatures Impersonation MediKit Motorcycles Optical Disruptor Device Remote (REM) Repeater Sensor (except Antipodes) Sepsitor T.A.G./ Vehicles Visor (Multispectral, X, 360) Weaponry
No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes See Weapons Chart
Guts Roll Disabled CH: Mimetism Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Immobilized Guts Roll Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Immobilized Disabled Disabled Disabled Immobilized Disabled Disabled
The E/M Special Ammunition emits radiation, so it can pass through solid matter, but this attenuates the signal intensity. This means that E/M can pass through any Cover, being Total or partial. Any figure behind Cover, even not in base contact with it, applies a +3 Modifier to its BTS. Example: The Zhanshi Wen Liu is behind a barricade, in base in contact with it, when an E/M Grenade explodes in front of him. Affected by the explosion Template of the Grenade, he must make a BTS roll. His BTS is 0, but being behind Partial Cover, he has a +3 Modifier to his roll. He fails the BTS roll, so a Disabled Marker is placed besides him. His reliable Combi Rifle doesnt work, and now Wen Liu has to make a Guts Roll. Meanwhile, the Zhanshi Jang Qi, who was some inches behind Wen Liu and the barricade, is also affected by the Template, and makes his BTS roll. Jan Qi, who is not in base contact with the Cover, can apply the +3 Modifier because the Template must pass through it. His BTS is a success, but now he must make the Guts Roll if he wants to stay in position.
The same Circular Template affects the Hac Tao Wu Shenru, who thought he was safe inside a building, in Total Cover, out of LoF. Wu Shenru is not in base contact with the wall, but this has attenuated the E/M pulse, and he has a +3 Modifier to his BTS. This Modifier is not enough and Wu Shenru fails the roll. His MULTI Rifle doesnt work, and whats worse, his armour disconnects, trapping and Immobilizing him inside it. (See Graphic A. Page 180) Explosive Special Ammunition (EXP): The Explosive Special Ammo combines the devastating effects of hollow point projectiles with a HE (High Explosive) core, improved nanotechnologically. It is a specially designed type of ammunition that generates massive damage by detonation on contact with the target. Close Combat Explosive weapons possess advanced military technology and are restricted and not very common. They apply a similar system to that of electrothermal ammunition, their edge having several microcorrugations through which a superconductive gel circulates. The kinetic shock energy from a blow given with this kind of weapon turns the gel into ionized plasma, provoking a small but powerful directed detonation. ATTENTION: This Type of ammunition is forbidden by the Concilium Convention. Its use will be penalized by the international courts. Explosive Special Ammunition requires the miniature hit to perform three ARM rolls. Even if the target fails some of them, or is Unconscious, he must still make all three Rolls. Criticals with Explosive Special Ammunition cause a direct Wound and require the target to perform additional 2 ARM Rolls. Fire Special Ammunition (FIRE): Ammunition which damages by Fire is designed to hurt with intense heat and flames, burning for as long as possible.
Once a miniature suffers Fire damage, he will have to make an Arm Roll. If he fails, he receives a Wound and will have to keep making ARM Rolls until he dies or passes an ARM Roll. After passing an ARM Roll, the Fire will be extinguished. Fire Special Ammunition damages the systems of CH: Camouflage and CH: Camouflage TO, reducing this Special Skill to CH: Mimetism until they are repaired. Moreover, Fire Ammunition disables all levels of the Impersonation Special Skill, Optical Disruption Devices and Holoprojectors affected by the template, considering them Disabled until repaired. Guided Special Ammunition (GUI): This type of ammo is able to move around the battlefield and dodge any obstacle until reaching a target determined by a Forward Observer. It allows shooting at an objective previously marked by the Observer, with no need of LoF or any BS Roll: the projectile automatically hits a marked target. The maximum rate of fire of Guided Special Ammunition, by magazine capacity and fire system re-calibration, is 5 rounds per Game Turn. Guided Ammunition can be hacked and intercepted by ECM as well. Guided projectiles have BTS3. Monofilament Special Ammunition (MF): A monofilament is an edge as thick as a molecule, stabilized by a tenuous E/M field. A monofilament can cut through any material with minimum effort. The Special Ammunition, or Monofilament Weapons, reduces any ARM value to 0. It has a fixed Damage of 12 and kills right away (Dead state and remove from the game table) independent of the number of Wounds, points of Structure or Special Skills (SpawnEmbryo, Remote Presence) that the target figure may have. Close Combat Monofilament weapons do not add a Defense Bonus in Close Combat. Monofilament Weapons are affected by E/M Special Ammunition. Monofilament Mines, when exploding, leave the area of detonation covered by a web of Monofilaments that can only be removed using an E/M weapon, or using the Engineer Special Skill.
Nanotech Special Ammunition: Nanotech weapons disperse a load of nanobots, microscopic robots charged with a lethal attack program. The effect they cause varies according to the type of program loaded, but the final result is always the same: loss of 1 Wound. Nanotech weapons ignore normal armour, and can only be stopped by BTS. To resist the damage of Nanotech Special Ammunition a successful BTS Roll is required. Plasma Special Ammunition: The Plasma used in this type of Special Ammunition is a type of ionized gas controlled by electromagnetic fields. An impact causes the disintegration of the E/M containment field, provoking the expansion of plasma in an explosive way. This type of Special Ammunition is characteristic of VoodooTech, the technology of the Rationalist Ur race, so nobody knows exactly how it works. Plasma Special Ammunition causes simultaneous Normal and E/M Damage that disables the equipment and weaponry of the target. It requires the target to make an ARM Roll and a BTS Roll to avoid each type of damage. It also uses the Area of Effect Template from its point of impact to determine figures hit. A Critical with Plasma Special Ammunition means a direct Wound to the target and also a BTS roll. Shock Special Ammunition (SH): This is a type of ammo which causes a strong hydrostatic shock in a targets system. Specifically designed to cause a great amount of internal damage after penetration, Shock technology varies according to the manufacturer, but the cheapest consists mainly of hollow point projectiles, which shatter after impact into hundreds of metal shards that tear internal organs. Close Combat Shock weapons usually have their edge impregnated with a fast action selective lethal synthetic neurotoxin. ATTENTION: this Type of ammunition is forbidden by the Concilium Convention. Its use will be penalized by the international courts. Shock Special Ammunition means that after a failed ARM roll, the target passes directly to the Dead state, ignoring the Unconscious state.
When it hits its target, Shock Ammunition cancels the effects of the Valor L2: Dogged and Valor L3: No Wound Incapacitation Special Skills. Shock Special Ammunition does not have any special effect on figures with more than 1 Wound (W), Heavy Infantry with powered armour, or figures that possess Structure (STR) instead of Wounds (W) such as Remotes and T.A.G.s. In such cases, Shock Special Ammunition acts as if it were Normal Ammunition. Smoke Special Ammunition (SMOKE): Smoke Ammunition generates a Zero Visibility Zone with the size of a Circular Template and without height limit. Only grenades and grenade launchers can be loaded with this type of ammunition. The Smoke curtain will remain throughout the turn of the player in which it was thrown, and the Template is removed when the turn finishes. Smoke Ammunition impairs vision completely, and the Template area is considered a Zero Visibility Zone. This Special Ammunition is used to interrupt the enemys LoF and to cover the advance of allied troops. Shooting Smoke Special Ammunition is always considered an attack but being a type of non-offensive ammunition, it is not necessary to target a model and it can be launched at a point without any enemy miniature needing to be specified. Stunning Special Ammunition. This type of non lethal ammunition is used to repress revolts, in operations where a big number of hostages is involved, to capture targets alive, or in sensitive areas such as badly pressurized zones. With the Stunning Ammo Special Damage, the Unconscious state only lasts a whole turn, applying its effect at the end of the Order, although further impacts will provoke Unconsciousness for as many turns as times the ARM Roll is failed. Stunning Special Ammunition is often used in missions where it is imperative to capture a target alive. It can be loaded into any MULTI weapon. COMBI AND MULTI WEAPONRY COMBI: A type of light weapon this is simple to use, adapted to the needs of modern battlefields. It is designed using recoil suppression and shot optimization technologies, allowing it extra precision at short and medium distance. Combi Rifles cause the same Damage as a Rifle (D=13), at any distance. MULTI: These are Multipurpose Combi weapons that can be loaded simultaneously with different types of ammunition: 1. Normal Ammunition. Using this Ammunition, it functions normally and its B value is not reduced. 2. Light MULTI: AP or DA Special Ammunition may be chosen by the shooter but the B value is reduced to 2. The types may be alternated between, not during, Bursts. Light MULTI Ammunition is only available in light weapons such as MULTI Rifles. 3. Heavy MULTI: AP or EXP Special Ammunition may be chosen by the shooter but the B value is reduced to 2. The types may be alternated between, not during, Bursts. Heavy MULTI Ammunition is only available in heavy weaponry, such as MULTI Heavy Machine Guns.
T arget: Affected
Not Affected
LIMITED OR DISPOSABLE WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT Weapons and equipment with limited ammunition or quantity (Panzerfaust, Deployable Repeater etc.) are consumed each time its use is declared, no matter if the roll to use them is successful or not. WEAPON TYPES Adhesive-Launcher (ADHL). This is a semi-automatic weapon with a rotary cylindrical chamber that shoots self-propelled projectiles with a charge of fast drying adhesive liquid. The Adhesive-Launcher can be used as an anti-vehicle weapon, immobilizing them to facilitate their destruction. Although it is not a directly lethal weapon, the Adhesive-Launcher is very cheap and can stop the best equipped and armoured enemy targets. All pilots of T.A.G.s and other vehicles have learned to fear this weapon. The most powerful machine can be utterly defenseless after a good shot from an Adhesive-Launcher. Autocannon. The Automatic Portable Cannon (Autocannon for short) is always loaded with Integrated Armour Piercing and Explosive (AP+EXP) Special Ammunition and their effects are combined. It cannot be used in Close Combat. The Automatic Portable Cannon is a compact light version of the main weapon used in primitive light armoured vehicles from the middle of the 21st century. Technicians from Ariadna have learned how to reduce the size of the supply system and improve recoil suppression. In order to turn it into a fully portable weapon, it has been provided with a manual shooting device and an optical aim system. It may have an archaic look, but it possesses an undeniable destructive capacity.
Chain Rifle. This is a Direct (Large Teardrop) Template Weapon with no distance and no dispersion. Chain Rifles cannot be used in CC. Shooting this weapon does not require a BS Roll, as it hits automatically. The vertex of the Large Teardrop Template is placed touching the base of the miniature using it. Face to Face Rolls do not occur against a Chain Rifle attack: they will always be Normal Rolls. A PH roll with a -6 Modifier is required to Dodge this weapon. During the active turn, figures with two Chain Rifles, such as Dog-Warriors, can shoot both with the same Order, aiming at different targets if so desired and applying the rules of Direct Template Weapons to both. This weapon allows performance of Intuitive Attacks. ATTENTION: This weapon is forbidden by the Concilium Convention. Its use will be penalized by the international courts. The Chain Rifle has a chain inside with an electric trigger that shoots red hot scrap metal. It was designed specifically for the Third World campaigns, where there was no time to teach peasants to shoot. It has a devastating effect at short range, owing to its open fire arc. Its low cost of production, added to its mortal efficiency, has made the Chain Rifle a very popular weapon in conflicts all around the Human Sphere. Close Combat Weapon (CCW). This name encompasses all sharp instruments (Swords, sabers, axes, spears, etc.). The generic Damage caused by CC Weapons is the PH value of their bearer. They can load Special Ammunition if available. In some cases, the skill and training of certain elite troops makes the use of the combat knife as lethal as the efficiency of a CC weapon. In such cases, even though the miniature is bearing a knife, it appears in his weapon list as a CC Weapon. Even though despised by many, those that follow the Way of the Sword know that its usefulness in close combat can be as lethal as or even more so than the most technological weapon. The wide range of sharp instruments (Machetes, katanas, plain swords, Teseum swords, etc.) available which are standard-issue in the armies of the Sphere is such that it would be too exhausting to describe them all. The Master says: Honor your weapon and protect yourself from your enemys.
D-Charges. Demolition Charges (D-Charges) are a weapon detonated by remote control. D-Charges do not use templates when exploding, as they have been designed to perform a concentrated and directed detonation, with the aim of penetrating the targets armour. They possess a directional casing so that the explosion will only affect the surface which they are stuck to. D-Charges are often used in demolition missions. Placing D-Charges is a Short Skill that does not require any kind of roll, detonating them is also a Short Skill with no need for a roll. They can be used in Close Combat in the following way: to place a D-Charge on a target, use a Short Skill and pass a CC roll. If the target is Immobilized it is not necessary to roll CC. Detonating a D-Charge in CC is a Short Skill that does not require a CC roll. D-Charges can be placed or detonated in ARO. D-Charges can be remote detonated by any Engineer of the same army. Each figure equipped with D-Charges has a total of 3 charges. D-Charges load AP+EXP Special Ammunition, of Damage 14, and are very useful to destroy and demolish vehicles, structures, brick walls and similar architecture. Electric Pulse. This is a Close Combat Weapon, activated by contact. It is an automatic device which does not require any Close Combat roll, but it imposes a Modifier of 6 to an adversarys CC, who must make a Modified Normal Roll (not a Face to Face one). If the adversary fails his CC roll because of the Modifier (If the Failure Category is equal or less than 6 in other words), then he will be automatically Immobilized during that game turn and an IMM Marker is placed next to his figure. The Electric Pulse is a defensive system usually placed on vehicles or security zones. It generates a strong discharge able to knock out, but not kill, any intruder or adversary. E/Marat. This is an E/M portable weapon, used with a Circular Template. The E/Marat is activated by the use of a Short Skill. It emits a Damage 13 E/M pulse, with a radius of effect the size of a Circular Template. The Template must be placed centred on the figure carrying the E/Marat, who will also suffer the effect of the E/M pulse (Requiring a Guts Roll). The emission device of the E/Marat is not affected by its own discharges. This weapon can be used in CC, substituting the CC Attribute with WIP. The E/Marat can be used in ARO and allows performance of Intuitive Attacks. ATTENTION: This weapon deactivates Cubes, and is forbidden by the Concilium Convention. Its use will be penalized by the international courts.
The E/Marat, whose name signifies power in Arabic, is a somewhat crude but effective weapon. It is the size of a small backpack and is composed of a generator battery and a compact radial short range transmitter. The meager radius of action of this device has prevented its popularity as infantry weapon, since it requires being close to the target. Nevertheless, it is a good weapon to turn the tide when poorly trained and volunteer forces must fight better trained and equipped armies. E/Mauler. This is an E/M deployable weapon, with a Circular Template effect, activated by proximity. When an enemy troop penetrates the radius of the Circular Template, the device emits an E/M pulse of Damage 13. A Short Skill is used to drive an E/Mauler into the ground and activate it. E/Maulers remain active until the end of the battle or until they are destroyed by a shot or a Template Weapon. E/Maulers have ARM 0, BTS 0 and STR 1. Due to their size when completely deployed, E/Maulers cannot be Camouflaged so they do not have Shot Modifiers. They are able to recognize ally figures, and are never activated in their presence, even if they are Unconscious. E/Maulers deactivate any guided projectile penetrating their radius of coverage, emitting their E/M Pulse as they do so. This weapon cannot be used in CC. Each figure equipped with an E/Mauler will carry 3 of the devices. This weapon allows performance of Intuitive Attacks. E/Maulers are a hybrid of a Position Repeater and a Mine. They are equipped with a movement sensor and an IFF (Identification of Friend or Foe) device, both connected to a transmitter of E/M pulses. E/Maulers are designed and patented by the Nomad Nation, who has sold several bundles to Ariadna after the experiences of Commercial Conflicts. ATTENTION: This weapon affects Cubes, deactivating them, and is forbidden by the Concilium Convention. Its use will be penalized by international courts.
Flamethrower (Light FT / HeavyFT). This is a Small Teardrop/ Large Teardrop Direct Template weapon. The vertex of the Teardrop Template is placed in the base centre of the miniature shooting. Using this weapon does not require a BS Roll as it hits the target automatically. There are no Face to Face Rolls against a Flamethrower shot; only Normal Rolls. Flamethrowers use FIRE Special Ammunition. The roll required to Dodge this weapon is PH with a -6 Modifier. Flamethrowers allow performance of Intuitive Attacks. ATTENTION: This weapon is forbidden by the Concilium Convention. Its use will be penalized by international courts. The Flamethrower is a classic assault weapon which has not evolved too much. They are now smaller, safer, and easier to use but the main idea is the same: to create a fire curtain to open routes and clear reduced enemy areas with a single shot. Flash Pulse. The sophisticated special equipment which some figures such as Forward Observers possess, allow them to emit a concentrated light or data beam at the target, denominated as a Flash Pulse. The massive discharge of the Flash jams the vision and sensor systems of the target, so the only Skills he can perform are Movement Short Skills (except Discover) and those which dont required LoF to act. The use of the Flash Pulse is considered an Attack and it is a Short Skill or ARO which requires LoF (even using the Hacker Plus Device) and success at a Normal or Face to Face WIP roll. The target must roll BTS against Damage 13. The effect of the Flash Pulse is active until the end of that player turn. Grenade Launcher (Light GL/Heavy GL). This weapon cannot be used in close combat. It can be loaded with Normal, E/M, or SMOKE ammunition. It is a Circular Template weapon, and its shots can be affected by Dispersion of up to the Failure Category multiplied by 2.5 (FC x 2.5) inches. It can be used with Speculative Fire.
The grenade launcher allows bombing enemy positions with parabolic fire even if they are outside of LoF. This is particularly useful against close formations and to cover the advance of other units. Grenades. These weapons are used at close quarters and use a Circular Template which can suffer Dispersion up to the Failure Category multiplied by 2.5 (FC x 2.5) inches. There are several types of grenades, with Normal, SMOKE or E/M Special Ammunition. Grenades are used with the PH Attribute. Grenades can be launched with Speculative Fire. The tactical possibilities of hand grenades, especially in assault operations, can be spectacular. In urban or jungle combat, the use of grenades is essential and all veteran troops would like to carry a good number of them. Heavy Machine Gun (HMG). This weapon cannot be used in Close Combat. Heavier versions can load Special Ammunition, allowing the Heavy MULTI mode. MULTI Machine Guns cannot be picked up with the Booty or Impersonation Special Skills. Modern Heavy Machine Guns have constant integrated autocooling systems that allow them to keep high rates of fire for long periods of time and neither the barrel nor the firing mechanism will melt. Multiple magazines and programmed systems allow them to alternate ammunition, which endows the weapon with great versatility, adapting itself to the changing situations of the battlefield. Hyper-Rapid Magnetic Cannon (HMC). This weapon loads Armour Piercing (AP) Special Ammunition. It is only available for vehicles and T.A.G.s and cannot be used in Close Combat or be picked up with the Booty or Impersonation Special Skills. The Hyper-Rapid Magnetic Cannon is a rail accelerator equipped with a Gatling system. It shoots 3mm metal shards faster and more powerfully than a heavy machine gun, achieving greater penetration over the same effective range. Given its size, it is exclusively assembled for artillery units.
Knife. This Close Combat weapon has a Damage of PH-2. The reduced size of its blade makes it the latest resort for a soldier. Modern combat knives, although varied in their shape and design depending on their manufacturer, are multi-use weapons. Light and balanced for combat, they can also be integrated as a bayonet. They are sharp, resistant, and ideal for survival. Mines. Mines are variable Template Weapons which can use a Circular Template or Small Teardrop Template, as the player prefers during the game. They are activated by proximity, by any enemy miniature or Marker penetrating or acting in the radius of the Circular Template or in the equivalent radius of the Small Teardrop Template, but they act only in the Template area. Mines always load Special Ammunition and can be SH (Antipersonnel), or Monofilament Mines, depending on their purpose. A Mine explosion can be Dodged by succeeding at a PH-6 roll. Modern Mines are quasi-intelligent, possessing an IFF (Identification of Friend or Foe) device, so they will not explode if a member of the army who placed them is around, even if he is Unconscious. Mines are not detonated by the presence of nonDiscovered Impersonators or non-Discovered Sepsitorized troops. Mines have a 360 LoF to act, detonating when an enemy miniature or Marker penetrates or is activated by Order or ARO inside its area of effect (Only if there is no any allied figure in it) using the type of Template chosen by the owning player. A delayed detonation system on the Mine allows to the player to choose the moment of the explosion. Mines are placed Camouflaged. Placing a Mine is a short Skill that allows placement of a Camouflage Marker (Camo) in base contact with the figure. To detect them, it is necessary to make a Discover Roll at WIP-3, applying Distance Modifiers. Once discovered, the Camouflage Marker is substituted by a Mine Marker (Mines). Then they may be shot or a Template weapon used to disable them.
Mines have ARM 0, BTS 0, STR 1 and dont explode when they are destroyed. They can also be deactivated by figures possessing the Engineer Special Skill. Mines are weapons with only one use, and they must be removed from the battlefield after exploding. Each figure carrying Mines will have a total of 3. Mines can be placed in ARO. These weapons cannot be hacked, although all of them are affected by E/M Special Ammunition. If Cover obstructs the Area of Effect of a Mine (Circular or Small Teardrop Template) then that Cover limits its action and detection radius, creating a blind spot past which it will not explode, in effect blocking its LoF. It is not allowed to place a Mine with an enemy Camouflage or TO Marker inside its Area of Effect. The only exception to this rule would be the presence of an enemy not camouflaged figure inside its Area of Effect, or to perform an Intuitive Attack. Monofilament Mines, when exploding, cover the area of detonation with a web of monofilaments that can only be removed using an E/M weapon or by a successful WIP roll by a troop with the Engineer Special Skill. Therefore, after detonation, the Mines Marker is not removed and the player must put a Circular or Small Teardrop Template to mark the area is full of monofilaments that effect to any figures entering the area. Figures take damage at the beginning of each Order or ARO they spend while in the radius. The Biomines excreted by the Pretas expel neurotoxic spores: they only respect the members of their own race, the Hungries: Gakis and Pretas, exploding near any other being. Apart this, they are considered to be Antipersonnel Mines. ATTENTION: This weapon is forbidden by the Concilium Convention. Its use will be penalized by the international courts. Missile Launcher (ML). These weapons cannot be used in Close Combat. Missile Launchers have a twofold effect. They are designed to cause AP and Explosive damage to a target by penetrating armour and causing as much internal damage as possible, causing a great conflagration and turning it into a ball of fire. A Missile Launcher has an area of effect defined by the Circular Template. It must place the centre of the Template over the target miniature. The target miniature receives AP+EXP damage. Other miniatures affected by the Circular Template will suffer only EXP damage. Guided Missile Launchers are equipped with magazines full of intelligent target tracking projectiles guided by satellite transmitted data. Needle micromissiles have guided heads that possess a programmable selection of target acquisition levels, which can be disconnected to perform unhackable direct shots. The top rate of fire of these Guided Missile Launchers, given the magazine capacity and the firing system recalibration, is 5 per game Turn.
To summarize, Guided Missile-Launchers can shoot at any target marked by a Forward Observer, gaining the benefits of Guided Special Ammunition: no need for LoF or BS Roll, but they become vulnerable to hacking and ECM. They can also make normal shots, not Guided: in which case the missiles cannot be hacked or affected by ECM. Guided Missile Launchers can only fire 5 times per game turn. Modern Portable Missile Launchers shoot Needle projectiles, micromissiles of great offensive capacity but reduced size. Needle micromissiles allow the shooter to carry extra ammo without having to depend on a loader (Another figure carrying the ammunition). At the same time, their size also allows this reserve ammunition to be shared between other members of the army without a great weight increase over their basic equipment. Nanopulser. This is a Short range Weapon that shoots Nanotech Special Ammunition. The nanobots have fast consumption propellers, so their range of action is reduced, and they disperse in a wide jet. The Nanopulser has a Damage 13, uses a Small Teardrop Direct Template weapon and requires targets to make a BTS Roll or take 1 Wound. This weapon allows performance of Intuitive Attacks. Nanopulsers cannot be picked up with the Booty or Impersonation Special Skills. ATTENTION: This weapon if forbidden by the Concilium Convention. Its use will be penalized by international courts. The Nanopulser can be implanted in the body of a host and can be shot without having to unfold the launcher muzzle, even though this could reduce its range radius. Given its role as an invisible silent weapon, it is exclusively considered a military weapon and is absolutely illegal in the entire Sphere. Ojtnik. Military version of an Ariadnian big game rifle. More powerful than a conventional assault rifle, it loads Armour Piercing (AP) Special Ammunition, although it has a low fire rate. It cannot be used in Close Combat. Ojtniks are built with indigenous Ariadnian wood in the main body, very light and resistant, and the barrel has a Teseum bore. Their sight is the best available in Ariadna with the exception of sniper visors. Ojtniks are manufactured in a traditional way: parents give them to their heirs, and master marksmen give them to their best disciples. Scarce and highly appreciated, these rifles are a status symbol in Ariadna, an exclusive weapon for Scouts in the Spetsnaz Cossack Corps. Panzerfaust. This portable Rocket Launcher cannot be used in Close Combat. It will always use AP and EXP ammunition simultaneously. Note that it is a disposable weapon with only 2 uses. The Panzerfaust is an ideal light antitank option for infantry as a result of its reduced weight and its tubular folding system: any soldier can be equipped with a Panzerfaust without having to do away with his basic equipment. Pistol. This weapon is used at Short Range and Close Combat. It cannot load Special Ammunition. In Close Combat it is used with the CC Attribute, not with BS, and allows only B (Burst) 1, even though it causes the same Damage.
The Pistol is a standard belt weapon, a short gun that can fire in bursts, the expected evolution of traditional pistols. Every soldier carries one and it is the weapon most commonly used in Close Combat. Plasma Rifle. This is an alien weapon that cannot be used in Close Combat. It is loaded with Plasma Special Ammunition. An Area of Effect Template must be placed at the point of impact: either a Circular Template or a Small Teardrop Template may be chosen. The Plasma Rifle is the best example of the quality and range of the so-called VoodooTech, the higher technology of the Ur Rationalists. Human scientists study and analyze these weapons with the hope of being able to understand how they work and replicate them. Members of certain special elite troops can carry weapons captured from the enemy, so every now and then some human soldiers are seen with these weapons. Plasma Rifles are coveted booty for veteran soldiers because they can sell them at a high price to underground scientific rings or on the weapons black market. Rifle. This weapon cannot be used in Close Combat. It can also come in Light MULTI and Combi models. As a Light MULTI Rifle, it can be loaded with Special Ammunition, although only AP and Shock ammo. Normal modern, Combi, and MULTI Rifles are equipped with a standard connectable module that allows them to set up the interior mechanism and the ammunition of a light shotgun, a light flamethrower or a light grenade launcher as a whole piece, without changing the outside appearance of the weapon or its weight. Any pieces fitted will be connected with a trigger device that allows instinctive fire. The versatility that these modules allow is undeniable and this is the reason they are common in armies with good technology and budget.
Sepsitor. The Sepsitor is a short range viral launcher system. It allows the most powerful computer minds to infiltrate systems and lower webs, taking sheer control of them. The most twisted use of a Sepsitor is the hacking, corruption and possession of human memory Cubes, which allows complete possession of their bearers. The Sepsitor is a weapon with an 8 inch radius range (ZC) and Burst 1, but it does not need a LoF. Shooting a Sepsitor is a Short Attack Skill. In order to use the Sepsitor, a WIP Face to Face Roll is made against the WIP or other Skill used by the target, which must be a figure with a Cube. If this figure chooses to face the roll with his WIP and wins the roll, he must perform a Guts Roll. A successful Sepsitor roll allows the target figure to be added to the ranks of the army of the figure possessing this weapon, but without his Order contributing to the Orders Reserve. The former possessor of the target figure considers it as Dead in respect to the Orders Reserve and army points count. Due to the technological abyss that separates Humanity from EI, the Sepsitor is not susceptible to being hacked. This weapon cannot be picked up with the Booty or Impersonation Special Skills. In order to identify a troop as sepsitorized, a Discover Roll with a -3 Modifier must be made. A sepsitorized figure cannot be shot at if it has not been previously Discovered. Once Discovered it may be acted against normally for the rest of the battle. A Camouflage Marker is placed beside the sepsitorized figure until he is discovered as such. If the figure performs any other action besides Moving, he is automatically discovered. Sepsitor does not affect figures without a Cube or those with Remote Presence. Shotgun (Light Shotgun/ Boarding Shotgun/ Heavy Shotgun). This weapon is used mainly at short range.
The cartridge has a simple proximity detector that detonates it when approaching the target, projecting a cloud of flechettes that saturates the surrounding area. Shotguns, due to their heavy cartridges, only have automatic firing in short bursts. The Boarding Shotgun, a more powerful weapon with a higher range, has been designed for assault and close combat. Heavy Shotguns are weapons of huge size and caliber which are usually mounted on vehicles for support operations. Sniper Rifle. This weapon cannot be used inClose Combat. Some of them can be fired in Light MULTI mode, allowing loading of AP and DA Special Ammunition. The Sniper Rifle is a precision weapon with a range that allows its user to control the whole battlefield. A Sniper equipped with one of these weapons, loaded with Normal or MULTI Ammunition, can effectively paralyze a whole enemy army. EQUIPMENT AutoMediKit. This is a nano-medical device that some troops have integrated to their personal tactical equipment. It injects nanorepairers automatically in their systems allowing them to recover from the Unconscious state. It requires the spending of 1 Complete Order and the passing of a PH roll. If the roll is successful, the figure recovers from 1 Wound automatically, leaving the Unconscious state and adding his Order to his armys Orders Reserve as usual in the next active turn. If the figure fails his roll, he will automatically pass to the Dead state and will have to be removed from the battlefield. With an AutoMediKit, miniatures can recover from the Unconscious state as many times as necessary, provided that they pass their PH roll each time. The AutoMediKit is a sophisticated device, a product of the highest technology, but it can be affected by E/M weapons. If it suffers from E/M damage an AutoMediKit will be Disabled. Braces. Some vehicles and T.A.G.s can carry troops on their bodywork. Each figure can cling to a single brace. The number of braces, indicated between brackets, marks the number of figures that the vehicle or T.A.G can transport.
It uses a Small Teardrop Template, but without Dispersion. It cannot be used in Close Combat. Heavy, Light and Boarding Shotguns place the Small Teardrop Template at the point of impact of the shot, affecting an additional area. The Template will only be placed when the BS Roll is successful and always following the LoF. (See Graphic 24). In game terms, a miniature with 2 Light Shotguns is considered to be armed with a Light Shotgun with Burst 3. Boarding and Heavy Shotguns allow the firing of Normal Ammunition with a Template, or the Special Ammunition stated in the Weapons Chart (Like AP, for example) as a standard shot with B value of 2 and without Template. All the shots in a burst must be of the same type of ammunition. The Boarding and Heavy Shotguns allow the firer to choose the type of ammunition shot in ARO. ATTENTION: This weapon is forbidden by the Concilium Convention. Its use will be penalized by the international courts. Shotguns are loaded with flechette ammo, a wide calibre cartridge full of little pointed and aerodynamic bullets, with sharpened fins. The special design of flechettes makes them spin as they go through space and when penetrating their targets body, causing severe internal damage and provoking strong hydrostatic shock. Shotguns are equipped with a laser target selector that transmits data to the cartridge situated in the chamber.
In order to get on or off a brace, a figure must use the Short Skills Mount/Dismount. Troops gripping braces cannot perform any other action save Dismount or Dodge. When Dodging, it is always assumed that the figure jumps off the vehicle. Troops cannot be deployed already gripped to braces. Miniatures must be positioned next to the brace positions on the vehicle model when clinging to braces, in Order to determine LoF and cover situations. The Maghariba Guard, for example, has its Braces in the rear area. If a vehicle or T.A.G. with figures gripped to braces is shot at, it must be indicated whether the T.A.G. or the troops clinging to it are being targeted. Template weapons fired against the vehicle or T.A.G. will also affect the passengers. Control Device. The Antipodes Control Device allows controlling an Ariadna Assault Pack. It can be affected by E/M weapons. Deployable Repeater. This portable and deployable instrument is used to amplify the range of hackers and is specially designed to be placed in a fixed point, covering a specific area. Placing and activating a Deployable Repeater is a Short Skill, and it must be marked by a Deployable Repeater Marker (REPEATER) placed in base contact with the user. Unlike Mines, it cannot be Camouflaged. Deployable Repeaters have ARM 0, BTS 0, STR 1 and an effective range radius of 8 inches. Each figure with Deployable Repeater carries a total of 3. ECM. Electronic Countermeasures. This term encompasses all devices that vehicles and T.A.G.s use to avoid and neutralize incoming enemy guided projectiles.
Standard ECM includes a system of fire detection, localization and proximity radars as well as small battery of micromissiles loaded with nanotechnological chaff. This equipment tampers with the systems of enemy guided projectiles, forcing them to deviate from their target and to explode out of range. ECM from Ariadna are similar to modern ones, although comparatively bigger. Instead of nanotech micromissiles, their ECM systems are equipped with a battery of rockets that create a wall of explosions that detonate enemy guided projectiles. ECM has a standard level of 5, requiring a Normal Roll of 5 or less for each incoming guided projectiles to deflect and detonate the projectile without causing any damage. ECM functions automatically and does not require spending of any Orders or having LoF and can be used in ARO. ECM allows reacting in ARO against enemy guided projectiles. Hacking Device. This allows computer attacks to be performed against other systems and devices and also to defend against a cyberattack. See Hacker combat rules for details. All Hacking Devices are Repeaters for the other Hackers of the same army. . The Hacking Device Plus has an additional advanced system of Localization-Identification-Liaison that works as a Forward Observer, but only within the Hackers, or his Repeaters, Zone of Control (8 inches): LoF with the enemy is not required. In order to mark a target with the Hacker Device Plus Forward Observer function, it is necessary to spend an Order and pass a WIP Roll. The target can react by Dodging the marking of the Forward Observer Hacking Device Plus, provided he has LoF.
Graphic A
Hacking Devices are personal combat quantronic superprocessors. They are loaded with infowar software, defensive programs and offensive virus. Linked with remote overwatch and sensor devices flying over the battlefield, they allow tracking the data web to search for possible threats and chances to attack. The Hacking Device is connected to its bearers comlog and to a Kalyptra system, a pair of Magnified Reality glasses that screen data directly over the Hackers retinas, overlapping them to real images, which is known in their slang as Data Escape. The Kalyptra system also generates a tenuous electric field over the owners body, sensing and translating his movements in response to the keyboards and screens projected in front of him. MediKit. This is a wound recovery medical device carried by all Paramedics. It is used to heal Unconscious miniatures. Using the MediKit is a Short Skill that requires a PH Roll with a -3 Modifier by the patient. If he fails his roll, he will immediately pass to the Dead state and will be removed from the game table. If he passes the roll, the patient recovers 1 Wound, automatically leaving the Unconscious state and contributing his Order again to the Orders Reserve of his army in the next active turn. With a MediKit, miniatures can be healed from the Unconscious state as many times as necessary, provided they pass their PH-3 Rolls. Human MediKits do not work on Aliens (Assault Packs, Dog-Warriors, etc.) and vice versa. The MediKit is the most frequent medical system of nano-injection on battlefields. There are several syringe models; the most modern being a device with the form of a gun, using a chamber with a magnetic coil. After introducing the nanotreatment cartridge and pulling the electric trigger, the magnetic field accelerator injects at high speed the medical nanobots suspended in the cartridge serum. Other versions of the MediKit are the hypo-spray, with a lower speed performance, or the archaic pneumatic pistols. Motorcycle. An individual light vehicle characterized by its great speed and manoeuvrability. Modern army motorcycles are hybrid offroad multipurpose vehicles and adapt themselves to any environment or situation. In order to reflect this in the game, Motorcycles can use the Dodge Skill with a 6 MOD. Normally, army Motorcycles have an integrated Light Grenade Launcher with Smoke Special Ammunition. Motorcycles are not susceptible to being hacked, although they are affected by E/M Special Ammunition. Motorcycles cannot Overrun. Dirayat Ind. Motorcycles are characterized by their compact stout structure and engine installed over a monocycle system, stabilized with gyroscopes, and equipped with an intelligent suspension device that adapts perfectly to the movements of the pilots body. The Dirayat Armale (Widow) Military model is the one used by Kum Motorized Troops, although all their units are customized with slight personal modifications made by their pilots. Multispectral Visor. This device increases the visual capacity of the miniature to track diverse wavelengths. It has a special ability to detect hidden figures. This Special Equipment device has three levels: Level 1: This allows the performance of Discovery or Shoot rolls without having to apply the Modifiers for CH: Mimetism, CH: Camouflage and Low Visibility Zones. Level 2: This allows the performance of Discovery or Shoot rolls without having to apply any Modifier for any level of the Camouflage and Hiding (CH) Special Skill, for Optical Disruption Devices (ODD) and Low Visibility Zones. Level 2 allows LoF through Zero Visibility Zones and doesnt apply the 6 Modifier. Level 3: This works exactly the same as the previous levels but will also allow attacks against a Camouflage or a TO Camouflage Marker without having to pass any Discover roll previously. These attacks against a Marker do not reveal it to the rest of the army. Also, L3 prevents the use of Combat Camouflage and Combat TO Camouflage against its user. Optical Disruption Device (ODD). This is a device used to disrupt photons, impairing a clear visualization of the figure bearing it and merging it with its surroundings. ODD equipment functions automatically, and does not require the spending of any Order. ODD Modifiers are not applied in CC. There are two types of devices, small personal models and Disruptor Fields, which are bigger and have a higher range.
1. Level 1-Optical Disruptor: This Special Skill produces a personal field of photonic perturbation, frustrating any attempt to aim at its bearer. It allows the possessor, without spending any Order or making any roll, to deploy with an activated OD. During the battle, any figure trying to aim at the possessor of an OD will suffer a 6 to his BS Attribute rolls 2. Level 2-Optical Disruptor Field: More powerful than the previous level and with a higher range, it creates an Optical Disruptor Field around the miniature the diameter of a Circular Template. Deployment of ODF. This allows deployment with an activated Optical Disruptor Field, without having to spend any Order or make any roll. This functions only in the deployment phase. Defensive ODF. During the battle, any figure aiming at the bearer of an activated ODF will suffer a 6 to his BS Attribute roll. Defensive ODFs do not require any Order or need any roll. Any miniature placed within an ODF area receives a 6 Modifier to be shot at that is lost after leaving the field. ODF in combat. Figures can act normally inside the ODF without losing the 6 effect when shot at. The Modifier from an ODF is not cumulative with those from Camouflage and Hiding (CH). If a figure is in CC within an ODF, the -6 Modifier is not applied to CC Attribute rolls. Powered Armour and Traditional Armour: Heavy powered armour is an important addition to the level of protection of a soldier, as well as a boost to their strength, stamina and fire control ability. On one hand, their automedic systems, able to prevent certain levels of interior trauma, leaves the soldier untouched by Shock Ammunition: on the other, powered armour is susceptible to being hacked and suffers Damage from E/M Special Ammunition. A heavy powered armour taken with the Booty Special Skill only gives its ARM value and no other Attributes, and it is not affected by E/M Special Ammunition. Traditional heavy armour, typical of Ariadna, is not powered and only allows a higher protection level to their possessor. Use of Teseum in these armours helps provide a good Protection/Weight/ Comfort ratio. Traditional armour cannot be hacked and is not affected by E/M Special Ammunition. Remote Presence, Manned and Archaic T.A.G.s. T.A.G.s are closed armoured vehicles, so damage will always affect the vehicle much more than any of its pilots. For this reason, instead of Wounds they have Structure values. Manned T.A.G.s cannot be repaired once they pass from Unconscious to Dead, (Taking the fourth point of Structure damage), while Remote Presence T.A.G.s can be repaired and recovered from the Dead state. An additional Wound Marker should be placed to indicate the Dead state of the T.A.G. If a Remote Presence T.A.G. suffers two points of Structure more than indicated by its STR Attribute it is considered destroyed and must be removed from the battlefield. Remote Presence T.A.G.s posses the Valor: Courage Special Skill, as their pilots, being physically distant from the battle, do not fear enemy fire. T.A.G.s without the G: Remote Presence Special Skill are considered to be manned. T.A.G.s allow the enrolment of Remotes in the army as Hackers do. They possess a line of communication with the Remotes, actualizing their performance protocols to prevent the enemy decoding their movement, combat or remote activity programs. Archaic T.A.G.s are not susceptible to be hacked as they are so old that they do not possess the advanced cybernetic systems required to allow an effective computerized interference. In Close Combat, T.A.G.s do not require Close Combat weapons since they can use their fists, causing Damage of PH-2. T.A.G.s cannot be picked as Booty by the figures that possess that Special Skill. X Visor. Technological and evolutionary advances have given this miniature a vision with a zoom effect. Modifiers for Long Distance are reduced to 0 and those of Maximum Distance drop to 3. 360 Visor. The miniature possesses a natural or artificial capacity of seeing his surroundings in 360. A 360 Visor functions automatically and does not require the spending of an Order to be activated. It allows a LoF of 360, so the figure has no blind points and cannot be surprised from behind.
Dropships: Orbital transport vehicles with capacity for Airborne Deployment: Level 3, Combat Jump. When a Dropship descends it is considered to be performing a Combat Jump, using the rules as described above for Dispersion. Dropships cannot be destroyed while descending, and figures cannot shoot at Dropships while descending.. If the PH roll to land is failed, a Dropship will disperse normally but being equipped with sensors will not fall outside the battlefield (Around the table borders), or on buildings or over other figures. They will instead seek the most propitious location close to the final Dispersion point. Nevertheless the Dropship must make an ARM roll (the Damage is the Dropships PH value) as a consequence of the sudden landing if it suffers Dispersion. A failed ARM roll will result in the loss of 1 Structure point. Dropships cannot descend to the interior of a Smoke Template, Low or Zero Visibility Zones or over those Terrain categories that do not allow it. After landing, Dropships will automatically open their hatches. Dropships, as with other figures with AD: Combat Jump, are susceptible to being hacked. When a Dropship loses all its STR points it will be destroyed, remaining inert on the battlefield and turning into another scenery element. If a Dropship loses one more point of Structure (STR) than it has, it will suffer an internal explosion, which will provoke the automatic death of all the figures inside it.
Troops placed in the interior of a grounded Dropship can react to any attack against them getting out when the attackers Burst is finished. If such a case arises, figures will normally remain close to the Dropship. Dropships are not included in a normal army, instead they are present in certain special missions or at the agreement of both players. Usually, in scenarios with a Dropship option, the spending of 1 Order allows 1 Dropship to descend, though this parameter can vary according to the scenario. In order to take off, each Dropship will have to spend 1 Order. Once the Dropship has taken off, figures will not be able to shoot at it. If there was any figure clinging to its hull during takeoff, he will fall off and die due to the impact. Dropships have 4 cargo spaces. Light, Medium, and Heavy Infantry each use one space. Figures with a Motorcycle and Remotes need two spaces. T.A.G.s require three spaces. In the Download section of the Official Infinity Webpage you have a paper cut-out model and a Dropship template to recreate its presence on the battlefield. PH Dropship 15 BTS -9 ARM 8 ST 3
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Graphic 25: Low Visibility Zone
Different types of terrain on the battlefield are delimited by zones that are marked with a different ground colour or by building pertinent scenery. These zones must be assigned three defining characteristics: Type of Terrain, MOV Difficulty and Visibility Conditions. MOV Difficulties. Special Terrain, independent of their characteristics (Jungle, thick forest, desert, ice, mountain, tundra, swamp, etc.) is defined by one of three categories: Difficult Terrain: Restrictions are applied to MOV of MI, HI, T.A.G.s, REM, Motorcycles and vehicles. These are only able to move half of their MOV values. Very Difficult Terrain: T.A.G.s, REM, Motorcycles, or vehicles will not be able to penetrate this terrain, which will make impossible any Mechanized Deployment. All the other troop types, save Skirmishers, will have their two MOV values restricted to half. Impassable Terrain: T.A.G.s, REM, Motorcycles, vehicles, or MI and HI are not allowed to enter here, which will make impossible any Deployment by Combat Jump and Mechanized Deployment. All other troop types, including Skirmishers, will have their MOV restricted by half. Troops trained in specific terrain will suffer fewer Modifiers in those environments. They will act as if in a lower category of terrain: if it is Impassable terrain they will act as if in Very Difficult, or if it is Difficult, they will act as if in Normal terrain. It is considered that all Skirmishers receive more intense special training which enables them to move without any difficulty in any type of terrain, with the exception of Impassable terrain. Some Medium Infantry and other expert troops are specialized in specific terrain while others receive instruction courses prior to the missions they undertake, allowing them the Multiterrain Special Skill, so they can choose one type of Special Terrain in which they have been trained before a battle. Visibility Conditions. Some terrain such as thick bushy forest, very rocky zones, or sand or snow storms, present many problems to vision and shooting besides hampering movement. To reflect this, some special conditions are applied to the game. These Zones are divided in two categories: Low Visibility Zone: With this type of terrain any Skill which requires LoF passing through any of these zones will have a Modifier of 3 to the roll (BS; Discover, Forward Observer, etc.). Thus, miniatures already possessing the Camouflage and TO Camouflage Special Skills, or Optical Disruptor Device, will have their Modifier increased when discovered and shot at by an additional 3. A Camouflaged figure in a Low Visibility Zone will have therefore have a Modifier to hit of 6 instead of the usual 3, while a TO Camouflaged figure will have a Modifier of 9 instead of the usual 6. Landing with AD: Combat Jump will not be possible into these areas. (See Graphic 25). Zero Visibility Zone: With this Visibility Zone category, there is no LoF. Only those Skills that dont require LoF, or those that need to be in base contact can be used inside a Zero Visibility Zone. Moreover, AD: Combat Jump will be impossible in these Zones. However, it is allowed to place Suppression Fires and Speculative Shots over a Zero Visibility Zone, adding in both cases the Modifier of 6 to BS to Distance Modifiers. In an active turn, miniatures with a Special Skill or Equipment which ignores the blocking of LoF created by Zero Visibility Zones, can perform a BS attack or Forward Observer before his target. If his adversary survives the attack (Succeeding at an ARM roll or corresponding reaction) all enemy figures with LoF to the attacker can perform their ARO despite the Zone, because the attacker has revealed for a moment his location. If the reply is a BS attack, or Forward Observer, they must apply not only Distance and Cover Modifiers but the 6 Modifier for the Visibility Zone. So in this case, for a BS combat in, or through, a Zero Visibility Zone there is no Face to Face Roll, just Normal Rolls.
In a reactive turn, if any figure with a Special Skill or Equipment which ignores the blocking of LoF created by the Zero Visibility Zone, reacts in ARO with a BS attack or Forward Observer, it can perform a Face to Face Roll BS attack or Forward Observer skill but does not need to apply the Modifier of 6 for the Zero Visibility Zone. If the opposing figures all have a Special Skill or Equipment which ignores the blocking of LoF, then they will perform Face to Face Rolls. Example: Active Turn of a figure with Multispectral Visor: The Intruder Zakalwe, in his active turn, declares a BS attack at the Fusilier Angus. There is a Smoke Template in his LoF, considered a Zero Visibility Zone, but Zakalwe, thanks to his Multispectral Visor L2, can ignore it. This Zero Visibility Zone prevents Angus, who has no Visor, reacting in ARO. Taking advantage of the Zero Visibility Zone, allowing him to shoot first, Zakalwe performs 2 BS rolls with his MULTI Sniper Rifle (B2) but only gets one success. Surprisingly, Angus succeeds at his ARM Roll, so he can perform his ARO. Angus declares a BS attack, shooting with his Combi Rifle. Now, since Zakalwe as an Intruder has CH: Camouflage, Angus has to add the Camouflage Modifier (BS-3) to the Zero Visibility Zone (-6) and to any Cover and Distance Modifiers. Example: Active Turn of two figures with Multispectral Visor: If Zakalwe attacks a Nisse, and not a Fusilier, the situation would be quite different. The Nisse has Multispectral Visor L2 as well, so can react at the same time as Zakalwe, performing a Face to Face Roll. Both must apply the Cover and Distance Modifiers, but not the Modifier for Camouflage and Hiding, because they both have the Visor. The Nisse does not have to apply the Modifier of 6 for the Zero Visibility Zone, because his Visor allows to LoF through it. Example: Reactive turn of troop with Multispectral Visor L2: The Fusilier Angus declares a Movement Short Skill, and part of his move is seen by the Intruder Zakalwe through a Zero Visibility Zone. Zakalwe declares a BS ARO. Angus declares the second Short Skill of his Order, which is a BS attack at Zakalwe. Both have to perform a Face to Face Roll, but Angus, not having a Multispectral Visor, must add the Zero Visibility Zone Modifier of 6 to the Distance and the CH: Camouflage Modifiers. Possessing the Terrain or Multiterrain Special Skill does not eliminate the Visibility Modifiers of any given Zone.
Beach Sea Swamp Stony Area Dunes Desert Low Mountain or Hills Artic Plains Middle Mountain High Mountain Wood Jungle Thick Jungle Zero-G Storm
Type of Terrain
Aquatic Aquatic Aquatic Desert Desert Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Jungle Jungle Jungle Zero-G Aquatic/ Desert/ Mountain/ Jungle
Visibility Conditions
--- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --Low Visibility Low Visibility Low Visibility Zero Visibility --- --Adds a level to Visibility Conditions
A battle is fought at as many points of army as previously decided. For instance, between 150 and 300 army points, battles at 150 points are going to be more or less short and battles over 300 points are going to be longer. Army points are important to calculate the Availability of Support Weapons and the percentage of figures required to cause Retreat! The battle will be over when one of the two armies disbands (After losing more than 60% of their army points) and runs away. It can also finish when the targets of a mission are achieved or when one of the armies has been completely wiped out. The Victory Points obtained by both sides can also be compared to see who the winner is. Victory Points are the points that your army has eliminated of your opponents force. The army that obtains more Victory Points, or the one who achieves the biggest number of computable casualties at the end of the battle, will be the winner. Or to look at it another way, the winner is the one who has the greater percentage of living troops.
ARMY LISTS: Army Lists are hidden. A player has to identify each troop during the Deployment, but he does not have to tell to his adversary which troops are those deployed as a Marker and not with a figure, neither does he say who is his Lieutenant or if he has any troops with Hidden Deployment or Airborne Deployment. MEASURING: It is not allowed to pre-measure before declaring an Order/ Short Skill/ ARO except if all the players, for some specific situation during the game, decide to the contrary. MARKERS: You can glue round Markers to a miniature base to facilitate their use. GAME TABLE: Due to weapon ranges, battles can be more interesting if the Deployment Zones of both players are on the short sides of the table (Playing lengthways, not across). ORDERS. A 10 sided die can be used to count the orders left for each Combat Group in an army.