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Tomorrows War PDF

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The document provides an overview of a science fiction wargaming rulebook called Tomorrow's War.

Major factions mentioned include the New Economic Union, New Soviet Federation, Organization of Progressive States, and United States of America.

Unit types described include regular troops, mounted units, vehicles, robots, drones and powered armor suits.


Science Fiction Wargaming Rules

First published in Great Britain in 2011 by Osprey Publishing Ltd.

2011 Osprey Publishing Ltd. and Ambush Alley Games LLC

Osprey Publishing
Midland House, West Way, Botley, Oxford, OX2 0PH, UK
4402 23rd St, Suite 219, Long Island City, NY 11101, USA
E-mail: info@ospreypublishing.com

Ambush Alley Games LLC

1792 Denim Lane, Enid, OK 73703 USA
E-mail: info@ambushalleygames.com

All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or
review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, no part of this publication
may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
electrical, chemical, mechanical, optical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of the copyright owner. Inquiries should be addressed to the Publishers.

A CIP catalog record for this book is available from the British Library

Print ISBN: 978 1 84908 531 1

PDF e-book ISBN: 978 1 84908 936 4
e-pub e-book ISBN:

Lead Authors: Shawn Carpenter, Robby Carpenter, Peggy Carpenter

Contributors: Piers Brand, Jim Roots, Ken Gordhamer, Jason Weiser, Dixie McCartney

AAG Editors: Shawn Carpenter, Peggy Carpenter

Consulting Editors: Kathy Murphy, Tom Konzcal

Miniatures Photos: Piers Brand, Jim Roots, Dana Boggs-Drake, Shawn Carpenter, Jed Norton, and Jeff Racel
Maps: Dixie McCartney
Cover Artwork: Des Hanley

Cover and page layouts by Myriam Bell Design, France

Index by Joseph McCullough
Typeset in Deca Sans, Bank Gothic and Nixona X2
Originated by PDQ Media
Printed in China through Worldprint

11 12 13 14 15 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Team Tomorrow (Playtest Team): Alex Gluck, Andy Rix, Brendan Sullivan, Chris Hyland, Chris Mihlan,
Christopher Maes, Curt Johnson, Cyril Vallin, Donogh McCarthy, Eric Emerson, George Grealy, Jake Rose,
Jason Mastros, Jason Weiser, Jed Norton, Jeff Racel, Jim Roots, Jim Wonacott, Jose Ventura, Ken Gordhamer,
Leigh Neville, Les & Alex Shorey, Mike Wikan, Mark Hannam, Mark Taylor, Michael Moore, Phillip Flores,
Piers Brand, Rene Raap, Rich Chambers, Rob Adams, Robert Connor, Roy Adams, Shaun Matthews,
Stephen Crawford, Steve Morris, Steve Roots, Tim Spakowski, Tom Konczal, Will Roots

General note on the figures shown in this book: The figures used to represent various forces in these
rules are from different manufacturers, specific details of figure availability being given in the appropriate
sections. All have been featured with the permission of the relevant figure manufacturers. The specific
rules and game stats that have been assigned to those figures are the creations of Ambush Alley Games,
and have been written for use in the Tomorrows War game background or are provided as generic
examples they may or may not reflect the background or description of the particular forces or races
as published by the figures manufacturers (either as generic backstory or for other rules sets). Where a
manufacturers own backstory for a particular race has been used here, it is with the manufacturers full
permission equally, some manufacturers have given us permission to redefine (and in some cases
rename) the figures to suit their use in these rules. All copyrights and/or trademarks of the figure
manufacturers are respected and acknowledged.

Osprey Publishing is supporting the Woodland Trust, the UKs leading woodland conservation charity,
by funding the dedication of trees.


For more information on Tomorrows War and other products, please visit www.ambushalleygames.com
Introduction 5 The Basics of Play 38
About Tomorrows War 5 The (Nearly) Universal Mechanic 38
A Note on Scale and Table Sizes 6 Tests & Checks 38
A Note on the Miniatures 6 Initiative 38
Designers Notes 7 Actions and Reactions 41
A Note of Thanks! 8 Line of Sight (LOS) 44
Fog of War Cards 45
Tomorrows War: Interstellar 9
Combat in the 24th Century Movement 45

The Interstellar Age 9 Units & Leaders 48

A Timeline of the Interstellar Age 12 Unit Types 48
Major National Powers 16 Unit Characteristics 49
Some Major Colonies 26 Unit Cohesion 53
Major Corporations 28 Split Units 53
Treaty Organizations and Political Blocs 30 Merging Units 53

Commonly Used Terms and 33 Leaders 54

Concepts Unit Attributes 55
Differentiating Between Special Figures 55
The Turn Sequence 35
Alternate Basing 55
Choose a Scenario 35
Set Up the Table 35 Infantry Combat 56
Draw Fog of War Cards 35 Fire Combat 56
Set Up Units 35 Rounds of Fire 56

Set Up Hot Spots 36 Resolving Fire Combat 57

Begin Play 36 Defense 57

Declare and Test for Unbuttoned AFVs 36 Firepower 58

Declare Overwatch Units 36 Casualties and Casualty Evacuation 64

Activate First Initiative Unit 36 Dependents 68

Resolve Reactions 36 Fire at Units with Dependents & Casualties 68

Continue Activating Initiative Units 36 Special Fire Combat Rules 68

End Phase: Move and/or Fire Remaining 36 Close Assault 83

Non-Initiative Units Morale 85
Start New Turn 37 Combat Stress 86
Declare Overwatch Units 37 Terrain Effects on Fire and Movement 88
Play Continues to Games End 37 Putting It All Together: Lost & Found 96
Mechanized Combat 100 Tomorrows Campaign 173
Activating Vehicles 100 Get to Know Your AO 173
Vehicle Types 100 Dening Your Force 174
Vehicle Movement 102 The Campaign Turn Sequence 175
Tank Commanders Buttoned Up & Unbuttoned 103 Building the Insurgency 184
Vehicle Firepower 104 Regular Platoon Log 188
Vehicle Defense 107
Insurgency Log 189
Sample Vehicle: Perkins M70 MBT 107
Vehicle Firepower Attacks vs. Vehicles 108 Appendix 1: Common Unit 190
Vehicle Crews & Morale 111
and Vehicle Attributes
Guns 112 Common Unit Attributes 190

Vehicle vs. Infantry Fire Combat 113 Common Vehicle Attributes 194

Gigantic Vehicles 118 Appendix 2: Organization 198

Vehicle Attributes 121 Examples
Putting It All Together: Tigers by the Tail 121 Democratic Peoples Republic of Glory (DPRG) 198

Close Air Support and 125 Imperial Russia 200

Interface Operations Marshborn Federation The Crusties 204
Resolving an Air Strike 125 Republic of Arden 206
Types of Airstrikes 127 United Arab Emirates 208
Dropships 130 United States of America 209
VTOLs and VTOL Operations 131
Hot Drops & Parasail Assaults 135
Appendix 3: Vehicle 214
Off-Board Artillery 137 Democratic Peoples Republic of Glory (DPRG) 214
Spotters & Forward Observers 137 France 216
Resolving a Fire Mission 137
Republic of Arden 217
Putting it All Together: The First Battle of 138
United States 218
Vallin Farm

Special Unit types 143 Appendix 4: Scenarios 222

Victory Points 222
Robots & Drones 143
Bots in Combat 145 Scenario 1: The Road to Happy Home 222

Robotic Force Enhancers 146 Scenario 2: The Last Stand at Red Ridge 227
Mounted Units 148 Scenario 3: The Big Suck 231
Aliens 150 Scenario 4: The High Tide 235
The Net-Centric Battleeld The Grid 154 Scenario 5: Red Star, Red Streets 237
Civilians on the Battleeld 160
Appendix 5: Artwork 242
Putting It All Together: Bugs in the Reactor 161
Generic Fog of War Cards 243
Asymmetric Engagements 166
Irregular Units 166 Index 259
Playing an Asymmetric Engagement 168
Putting It All Together: Ambush at 168
Bonaventure Crossing
I was very honored when Shawn asked me to write an the cutting-edge battlefield now, such as the innovative
introduction for Tomorrows War the first time I came and well-considered rules on electronic warfare and
across Ambush Alley I was immediately struck by the information technology embodied in The Grid, while other
quality of writing and clean design of the rules, and most parts belong firmly to the genre of written and filmed
of all the fact that they felt right as a simulation of Military Science Fiction which, scientifically accurate or
modern small-unit combat. not, is what most of us want to play. Besides, many of the
Shawn and Robs approach to rules design is very manufacturers featured in this book produce some really
similar to my own that as long as there are human spiffy grav tanks, walkers, aliens and so on, and it would be
troops on the battlefield, then their abilities, training and such a shame not to use them!
motivation are at least as important as the technology they In this set, as with Ambush Alley and Force on Force,
are equipped with and in many cases much more so. Shawn and Rob have emphasized the fluid nature of events
You can have the most amazing and expensive high tech that is such a big part of modern combat, and will only
weapon systems available, but put them in the hands of a become more so in the coming decades. The initiative
bunch of terrified conscripts who wont even point them at and reaction systems simulate this so much better than a
the enemy and you might as well not bother a squad of strict Igo-Ugo sequence ever can, and they also allow the
experienced, trained and determined fighters, on the other game to work for asymmetric forces and tech levels a
hand, can still be superbly effective even if carrying surprisingly difficult thing to do, but one that the original
fifty-year-old obsolete hardware Ambush Alley set managed so well.
Of course, thats not to say that technology doesnt If you want a game where you can buy success with
feature strongly in the game Tomorrows War is after all your army list, where every weapon you have works as it
a Sci-Fi game system, albeit (as the title suggests) one that should all the time, every metal or plastic figure follows his
is based more around near-future combat than with orders exactly, and where the flow of the game is chess-like
gothic weirdness 38 centuries from now. Some of the in its predictability, then there are quite a lot of others out
tech in the game is a progression from what we have on there for you. But if you want a game that makes you feel
like you are leading a squad of real soldiers in full NBC
gear through the rubble of Beijing, or youre up to your ass
in mud and bugs in the jungles of Exlax V and you know
that a Separatist Militia sniper team is out there
somewhere, then youre already holding it in your hand!

Jon Tuffley, August 2010.


Tomorrows War is a science fiction military miniature
wargame with emphasis on hard science fiction rather
than Space Opera or Science Fantasy. This rule book
contains background material for gaming in our campaign
setting, the colony world Glory, but the rules themselves are

2nd MEB patrol on Mars, 2014 not background dependent. You can use them to game gritty
(photo: Jim Roots, miniatures: Rebel & science fiction engagements against whatever narrative
Old Crow) backdrop you choose.


test the players ability to make decisions under fire, while

a 4x8 table might lead to a lot of careful maneuver
TABLE SIZES culminating in a sharp action.
Tomorrows War can be played with figures of any scale. Scenarios will indicate the size of table upon which
Ground scale and time scale are undefined. As with theyre intended to be played.
many things in the game, we opted for weapon and
movement ranges that felt and looked right on the table A NOTE ON THE MINIATURES
rather than resorting to actual scale conversions. Tomorrows War is scale independent. Feel free to use
Since movement and fire are fairly abstract, we decided whatever scale figures you wish. Most players of our
to avoid delving into the whole issue of time scale, as well. games find that the distances and ranges presented in the
It seemed to have little to offer the game save unnecessary rules work well for 15mm to 28mm figures, but feel free to
confusion. scale them up or down as you please. Just keep in mind
Tomorrows War scenarios are generally played on 4x4 the advice in the Ranges/Measurements design note.
tables, but may be played on much smaller or larger tables. Figures in Tomorrows War are independently based. We
A 2x2 table will produce a game of sudden action and find that US pennies and Australian 5p coins make perfect
bases for 15mm figures. If you wish to use some other
basing material, feel free bases should be roughly to
, either square or in diameter.
If you wish to mount multiple figures on a stand, thats
fine too. Youll just need some means to track casualties,
such as chits, casualty caps, etc.
Within these pages youll see photos of miniatures and
USMC, c.2280 (15mm miniatures: GZG) terrain from some of our favorite companies, namely:



While Tomorrows War scenarios indicate a because it will fit in the space they have available.
suggested table size, players are encouraged to Remember, though, that whatever size table the
use whatever table size seems to work best for the game is played on, ranges and measurements must
miniatures theyre using and the space they have remain proportional or scenarios with a turn limit
available for play. will be compromised. If you decide to double the
We find that the suggested measurements work size of the table, you must also double movement
great for games using 15mm or 20mm figures. If you and fire ranges if you halve the size of the table,
are using larger or smaller figures, you may wish you must halve movement and fire ranges. As long
to increase or reduce the table size. Some players as you follow this simple guideline, you can play
increase or decrease the table size because they like Tomorrows War on any size table with any size
the feel of the modified table size better or simply figures you choose!


SOG members also receive special discounts from

supporting vendors as well as a 15% discount on purchases
from Ambush Alley Games and Osprey Publishing.
To learn more, visit our website at
www.ambushalleygames.com today!

Here we are, back where we started.
When we started work on the rules that would grow into
Ambush Alley and Force on Force, it was our intent to use
them for a gritty, near-future science fiction campaign.
Now weve come back to where we began and weve
brought the game mechanics of Ambush Alley and Force
on Force with us to provide you a gritty, hard science fiction
NSF troops, c.2275 (28mm miniatures:
game: Tomorrows War.
Pig Iron)
Weve made some design decisions with this game that
Ground Zero Games some might find surprising. In a market flooded with
groundzerogames.net science fantasy and space opera, weve opted to focus on
Khurasan Miniatures a hard science fiction approach with Tomorrows War.
khurasanminiatures.tripod.com We dont foresee the game being played against a
Micropanzer Wargame Studio backdrop of far-flung galactic empires or apocalyptic
micropanzer.com wars pitting humanity against legions of blood-thirsty
Combat Wombat aliens. Instead, we imagine Tomorrows War being used
combatwombatminiatures.com to game conflicts between colonies or colonial powers on
QRF worlds that have only been settled for a few generations
quickreactionforce.co.uk rather than designing for an intergalactic Armageddon,
Rebel Minis: we have set our sights on brushfire wars on a few
rebelminis.com valuable colonies.
S&S Models While we may visit the more fantastic and far-future
sandsmodels.com aspects of science fiction gaming in future supplements,
Zombiesmith these core rules will be devoted to an examination of
zombiesmith.com the evolution of warfare, focusing primarily on what we hope
Old Crow Models is a logical extension of current and predicted technologies.
oldcrowmodels.co.uk Arthur C. Clarke famously observed that a sufficiently

Weve found miniatures and service from all these companies

to be outstanding and encourage you to consider their We have to diminish the idea that
products for use in your Tomorrows War games. technology is going to change warfare
Additionally, many of the companies above are War is primarily a human endeavor.
supporting vendors of Ambush Alley Games Special
General James N. Mattis (USMC), Commander,
Operators Group. The Special Operators Group (or SOG) is
U.S. Joint Forces Command; and NATO Supreme
a subscription service that ensures subscribers get the
Allied Commander Early 21st Century
latest Ambush Alley Games releases as quickly as possible
and provides them with additional, member-only content.


other Ambush Alley Games titles through suggestions,

constructive criticism, or the occasional sarcastic post,
please visit the Ambush Alley Games Forum. The forum
can be found at ambushalleygames.com/forum
You can also contact the authors directly by e-mail at
Shawn & Robby Carpenter
Ambush Alley Games

Ambush Alley Games would like to extend our heartfelt
thanks to the following people, each of whom helped make
Fighting in the Foix Gap, Glory, c.2291
this game possible in their own way, so thanks to:
(miniatures: GZG & Peter Pig)
Jason Weiser for his play-testing and contributions to
advanced technology would be indistinguishable from background material.
magic, and weve included some of that magic in these rules. Michael Moore (No, not the one from the
Well reserve actual techno-mages, psychic warlocks, giant documentaries) for being The Voice of Reason.
robots, and ravening hordes of aliens for some future Piers Brand for his painting, photography, design and
release, though. background contributions, and service as a whipping boy.
Our intent is that the victor in a Tomorrows War game Mark Hannam for support and constructive criticism.
isnt going to be determined by which player has the Jim Roots for background material and his enthusiastic
most rule-twisting alien weaponry or the most genetically support.
engineered super-soldiers. We believe that in the future, Dixie McCartney for her interpretation of Future Japan.
sound tactics and good leadership will prevail just as they The Osprey Gang (Joe, Rich, & Phil) for enthusiastically
do today. backing this project.
That isnt to say that Tomorrows War is just a modern Thanks as always to our great group of play-testers
or WWII wargame dressed up in a space-suit. The battles (listed on the credits page, just like us authors)!
youll see unfold on your table will have some things in And of course:
common with those fought today and even sixty plus years Thanks to Ambush Alley Games Players Everywhere
ago (tactical skill and the human factors of morale and For their encouragement, enthusiasm, and support!
confidence will always make themselves felt as long as
men are present on the battlefield), but you will also see
significant differences. Weve gone to great lengths to
model the presence and impact of realistic advances in
technology with these rules. Youll see robotics used to
support (and sometimes replace) human troops on the
field and the impact of a truly networked command
structure. These and other futuristic developments will
make your games of Tomorrows War unique in flavor, both
from other science fiction games and from historical
gaming in general.
If youre interested in contributing to the future
development of Tomorrows War, Force on Force, or USMC HQ Squad (miniatures: GZG)

What follows is material from our in-house campaign
setting. We offer it as an example for those wishing to
design backgrounds and histories for their own future wars
and for the use of those who would rather play a game
than create background material for it.
This is not an Official Background for Tomorrows
War. There is no such beast. This material simply describes
the backdrop against which the AAG staff set their games.
It is no more correct a setting than anything that you and
your friends might design.
Use what you want and discard what you dont even
if that means using none of it at all!

THE INTERSTELLAR AGE Tanks in the Deathground (vehicles by

Pig Iron)
The Interstellar Age is dated back to the discovery of gate
projection technology in 2065. Humanity, or at least Most of the worlds western powers aligned themselves
humanitys wealthiest (or most exploitive) nations, suddenly behind the US, intent on setting a precedent in a gamble
had access to the stars. The USA launched its first survey that their own surveying efforts might supply them with a
vessel, the USSN Hawkins, less than three years after the similar garden world.
break-through. Within ten years the UK, EU, Russia, China, The discovery of Zhuang by the PRC in 2101 led to a
and Japan had their own national survey fleets and several reversal in Chinas views on interplanetary imperialism
corporations launched private survey efforts. Within and left Brazil the only major power involved in the
15 years over a dozen exploitable planets (planets with so-called Grissom War. Fighting ground on until 2103
resources worth stripping but unable to support human when the International Accord on Exploratory Rights was
life) were discovered. While these industrial colonies ratified by the UN. The Accord granted rights to a planet
boosted the economies of the nations that discovered to its discoverer, be they a nation state or corporate entity.
them (and ruined several local economies on Earth), they Earths poorer nations were horrified by the accord and
did not capture the imagination of Earths masses. the schism between First and Third World nations
The discovery of Grissom changed all that. Videos of vast deepened. Many legal scholars deplored the Accords
expanses of virgin woodland, fertile plains, and unexplored, failure to address the issue of indigenous intelligent life on
white-capped mountains electrified the people of Earth. discovered planets and urged that such planets be
Americans puffed up with pride in the ownership of their excluded from colonization. Their remonstrations fell on
new colony, The Jewel of the Stars, and scoffed at deaf ears.
suggestions that the planet was the property of mankind as The fears of the Aliens Rights movement seemed
a whole. A three year global war seized Earth as nations unfounded. By the dawn of the 24th century, Man had laid
such as China and Brazil resorted to arms in their efforts to claim to hundreds of colony worlds but found no credible
force the US to open Grissom to generalized colonization. evidence of alien intelligence in the stars. Most of the


colony worlds were uninhabitable without external support,

others could support human life with difficulty, and a very
few were garden worlds as similar to Earth as to be
virtually indistinguishable.
Wherever Man found a foothold, however, from the
bleakest ball of ice to the most verdant Arcadia, his
contentious spirit followed him.
The Interstellar Age was not destined to be an epoch of
peace among the stars. The long awaited World of
Tomorrow had finally arrived, and brought with it the
seeds to all of tomorrows wars.

Planetary Ratings
NSF Rebels during the fighting on
All colony worlds fall into one of three rough categories:
Moscva, c.2274 (miniatures: Copplestone)
Exploitable Worlds possess useful mineral resources but
have no capability to support human life. Such planets lack cold or very hot. Extreme weather conditions, biological
a breathable atmosphere and often feature temperatures challenges, and too much or not enough water can also
and surface conditions too extreme or violent to allow qualify a world as Marginal. This status doesnt
surface activity. Colonies on these worlds are often either necessarily indicate the world will be under-populated or
underground or housed in sturdy surface complexes. It is utterly unpleasant. Zhuang is categorized as a Marginal
not unusual to find industrial production facilities orbiting World but it has the second highest population of any
these worlds to take advantage of the proximity of resources colony, eclipsed only by Grissom, a true Garden World.
and zero-g manufacturing. Though otherwise largely arid, the regions around the world
The majority of colonies fall into this category. of Herberts enormous land-locked sea are compared to
Marginal Worlds can support human life, but some Earths Riviera and Caribbean and are an enormously
difficulty is inherent. Some Marginal Worlds, like Albion, can popular tourist destination. The planet Glory, with its heat,
only support human life in limited geographical areas, such humidity and violent storm season was nearly classified
as along the equator or at the poles. Others may be very as marginal.
The majority of colony worlds not classified as
Exploitable are Marginal Worlds.
Garden Worlds are worlds on which Man can settle with
little or no adjustment. Grissom is the most famous Garden
World, followed by Eureka, St. Brenan, and Glory. Garden
worlds are extremely rare and the discovery of one is
almost always cause for international tension.

The Bloom Effect

Many Earth-bound humans tend to think of colony worlds
as sparsely inhabited places vast planetscapes dotted
with tiny settlements consisting of a single street and a
handful of shacks constructed of shipping crates and local
Member of a private survey security materials. This image is fostered by the presentation of
team, unknown world, c.2150 colonial worlds in popular entertainment, which finds the
(miniature: Rebel) image as satisfying to comfortable viewers on Earth as


the Wild West was to similar viewers several centuries Nature does. When Man sees vistas of unsettled territory
ago. This presentation of colonial life isnt altogether he seems to be genetically compelled to fill that territory
incorrect, either. There are still worlds, mostly new with his off-spring. Provide colonists with advanced
colonies, which would look right at home in a John Huston medical capabilities, solid nutrition, and modern hygiene
film from the 20th century. Most colony worlds, however, and this reproductive goal is easily reachable.
are fairly populated and support a reasonable number of
well-developed cities and towns. Some planets, such as
Grissom, have populations that have already eclipsed those
of their founding nations back on Earth.
That such population growth should occur is hardly
surprising. For a historical analog, one need only look at
Earths own North America. From an initial colony of a few
hundreds, North Americas population surpassed that of
the nations that colonized her within a century or two
thanks to the Bloom Effect.
An historian of the 22nd century observed that a single
human colony would bloom to fill the planetary disk in the
same way that a virus fills a petri dish. As time marched
on, this Bloom Effect became more obvious and less DPRG Guards on patrol, Foix Gap, Glory,
remarkable. Mankind hates a vacuum just as much as c.2289 (miniatures: GZG)

[TL1 or 2 IFV]


2101 (Discovery of Zhuang): PRC survey ship 35-11

discovered second Earth-like world: Zhuang. Like the US
INTERSTELLAR AGE before it, the PRC claimed unilateral rights to Zhuang. The
The following timeline is in no way exhaustive. It is meant planet has a slightly higher than Earth gravity and its fertile
to identify high points of history and does not mention a zones swarm with small but vicious insect life. It was soon
myriad of events and conflicts. A comprehensive timeline discovered that viruses on Zhuang are able to make the leap
for the three centuries covered would require a work far to contagion in Earth organisms. The first several thousand
larger than this one. colonists to Zhuang died within one year of arrival. Only a
ruthless policy of forced colonization and an increased
2062 (River Plate War): The River Plate War began understanding of exobiology allowed Zhuang to eventually
between Argentina and Brazil over Uruguays access to become a successful colony.
the River Plate.
2103 (End of Grissom War)
2065 (Gate Projection Discovery): Accidental discovery of
gate projecting technology and the beginning of the 2105: (Discovery of St. Brendan): The Catholic Church
Interstellar Age. End of the River Plate War. began funding efforts to support the operation of a small
fleet of survey vessels and supplemented those vessels
2099 (Discovery of Grissom): US survey ship Damocles efforts by leasing the services of several private surveying
discovered first Earth-like garden planet: Grissom. corporations. While the Church was fortunate in its
US colonization efforts began the following year. The US discovery of several marginal worlds early on in its efforts,
claimed sole rights to the planet, resulting in the Grissom it was the discovery of a garden world, St. Brendan, which
Crisis which nearly plunged Earth into its fifth world war. secured the place of the Church as a successful colonial
An agreement by the US to support other so-called power. Revenue generated by St. Brendan and profitable
Western Powers in asserting the same rights over any marginal and exploitable discoveries helped fund the
planet discovered by their own survey efforts restored Churchs massive Promised Land colonial effort.
some equanimity with those nations but further polarized
mistrust along the old East/West lines and exacerbated 2110 (Martian Union War): The Ares Mining Corporation
poor relations between the US and Brazil. touched off a shooting war when they broke up unionizing
by the United Mine Workers to organize an effort to
secure better pay and working conditions. The miners
initially took control of large swathes of the Martian
colonies and independence was openly discussed. By
2112, AMC admitted it had lost control of the situation.
The corporation and the governor of Thiyamata Colony (a
paid-for stooge of AMC), declared a state of emergency
and asked for federal assistance. The US government
agreed and sent in a Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB),
and a nasty three year insurgency ensued. After the end
of hostilities, Congress held hearings to get to the
bottom of the matter. The investigations lead nowhere.
A presidential amnesty was declared in 2116 for

A typical surveyors camp, this one on all involved.

St. Brenan (photo: Dana Boggs-Drake,
miniatures: Khurasan & GZG) 2115 (End of Martian Union War)


the UN was completely disbanded, with many of the

disaffected nations joining the New Economic Union (NEU)
proposed by Brazil.

2122 (The Corinth War): The struggling Central African

Union (CAU), headquartered in Nairobi, was approached by
the nascent OPU to help deal with the warlord problem in
Somalia. The CAU was receptive as they were bidding on the
EU Space Elevator contract along with Nigeria. Decisively
settling the warlord problem would give them a leg up, it
was felt. And thus, a twenty year struggle to pacify Somalia
began. The war was characterized by OPS advisers backing
up local armies that didnt have any significant advantage
AMC mercenaries during the Martin Union
over their warlord rivals. Even with OPU technology and the
War (photo & miniatures: Pig Iron)
resolve of the CAU to see it through, it took over 20 years
2121 (Corinth Shoot-Down UN Disbanded): In February to finally run the last of the Somali warlords to ground.
of 2121, the luxury Interface Lifter Corinth was hit by
a surface to high-atmosphere missile fired from the 2127 (Discovery of Eureka & Albion): EU survey ship
Somalia/Ethiopia border region. Corinths reentry track Magellan discovered Eureka, an Earth-like world with a
took her over Somalia en route to a touch-down in fractionally higher gravity. The same system was found to
Madrid. The missile, designed by the PRC to knock down have a second, smaller world that is marginally habitable
US and EU spy drones, destroyed the lifter on contact. (low gravity, extremely cold climate beyond the equatorial
Wreckage was scattered over a five-hundred mile debris band, with a thin but breathable oxygen atmosphere). This
trail and over a thousand passengers returning from the planet was dubbed Albion.
Tycho Wonderdome were slain. A coalition of Somali
warlords took credit for the attack and claimed to have 2135 (The Spratley Island War): War broke out between the
obtained six more of the Chinese missiles from unknown PRC and Vietnam over the Spratley Islands, which were
sources. The Somalis threatened to shoot down any rumored to be rich in oil and other minerals. The war,
interface lifter attempting to enter Earths atmosphere which lasted for four years, was mostly an aero-naval
unless they were paid five-hundred million dollars a conflict, but it ended when the PRC launched a massive
month. When the crisis was brought before the UN drive into northern Vietnam, reaching the suburbs of
General Committee, discussion on appropriate action Haiphong before the Vietnamese accepted an EU/Korean
quickly devolved into a debate over the justification of the brokered cease-fire.
Somali warlords actions with several developing nations
openly commending the attack. The US, to whom the 2139 (End of Spratley Island War)
Corinth was registered, vowed to neutralize the missile
threat and break the power of the warlords involved. 2142 (Capture of Gutaale Ali Khalid, last of the Somali
When a vote of censure against the US was called for, Warlords, and end of the Corinth War)
the American delegate withdrew. Three days later, the
President of the US and leaders from the majority of other 2151 (Zhuang Rebellion): A rebellion occured on the PRC
First World nations announced that they would no longer world of Zhuang against corrupt local officials that soon
participate in or support the UN. These nations banded lead to all-out civil war on the colony. The PRC sent its
together to found an alternative to the UN: the 11th Stellar Intervention Division to bring the world back
Organization of Progressive States (OPS). By years end, under control, and the first extra-solar CI operation began.


It took seven long bloody years, and 2,000 military and 8,000
colonists dead before the rebellion was finally crushed by
the PRC. The rebellion was ultimately put down in 2158.

2158 (Discovery of Glory): The private survey ship Bernard

de Jussieu discovered the lifeless hulk of PRC survey ship
49-19 adrift in a system used for refueling. The vessel had
been holed and her crew unaccounted for. The Jussieu
downloaded the ships survey data and discovered that
49-19 had discovered yet another garden world in a
neglected system near Grissom.
Titan Interplanetary, the corporation owning the Jussieu,
claimed the planet, which they named Glory. Titan was well NSF Rebels during the fighting at
along the way in their plans to lease territory on Glory to Novolgograd, c.2274 (miniatures: Pig Iron)
various nations and corporations unable to afford their
own exploration and colonization efforts when the PRC colonists on Glory, world opinion hardened against them.
discovered the fate of 49-19 and the origin of Titans The arrival of US warships from Grissom to observe and
lucrative discovery. enforce interstellar law left the PRC with the hard choice
The PRC demanded the immediate surrender of Glory to of abandoning Glory or precipitating an interstellar war.
their sole control and accused Titan Interplanetary and the China relinquished its rights to Glory in an arbitration
crew of the Bernard de Jussieu of piracy. Titan took the agreement before an OPS Arbitration Committee in 2161,
matter before the OPS for arbitration, claiming that the officially ending the First Glory War.
49-19s cargo was salvage which defaulted to those who While the fighting on Glory was short in duration and
recovered it even if that cargo consisted of data alone. involved little more than a company of combatants per side,
Despite strong language and saber rattling from the PRC, an it did prove that Earth based nations could effectively
OPS special committee found in favor of Titan Interplanetary. project force on other worlds. Development of Cold
The PRC declared that it would not abide by the decision and Navies and fighting forces specifically trained for combat
would seize Glory by force if necessary. They issued a operations on other worlds began in earnest after Titan
warning that the planet should be evacuated and that anyone Interplanetarys mercenaries secured a defensive victory
still on Glory when the PRC liberation fleet arrived would be against PRC national forces. The Age of Interstellar Warfare
treated as pirates. began when the first shot was fired in anger on Glory.

2159 (The First Glory War): None of Earths space-faring 2245 (3rd Chechen War): Yet another Chechen uprising
nations had attempted a military action on an extra-solar occurred, allegedly bolstered with covert military aid from
system world prior to the First Glory War. There had been Iran. It would cost the Russian Army 4 years and 18,000 dead
small commando actions prosecuted in asteroid mining to bring the Chechens back under control using methods
bases, some fighting on Mars and the PRC had conducted that appalled the rest of the civilized world and served to
ruthless operations to squelch rebellions on Zhuang, but isolate Russia somewhat diplomatically. Upon wars end in
there had been no ground combat outside our solar-system 2249, a recession swept Russia and lead to increased taxes
up to this point. both at home and in the extra-solar colonies.
The resulting war was a limited affair that lasted a
little over a year, but it saw the first use of Armored 2263 (2nd IranIraq War): Iran defeated Iraq in a six-week
Fighting Suits (AFS) in combat. When the PRC attacked a blitzkrieg that lost Iraq the southern third of the country
CAU vessel attempting to deliver relief supplies to the and seeded the formation of the UAE.


2273 (Rise of the New Soviet Federation): Labor unrest

on the Russian-dominated colony world of Moscva If you want to know where the colonels are,
developed into a full-fledged revolution when charismatic Ill tell you where they are
political scientist Vladimir Kruchek was executed for Yes Ill tell you where they are,
treason. Within a year the planet was under the control of If you want to know where the colonels are,
the revolutionary Red Star Organization. Inspired by Ill tell you where they are
Krucheks works, the new rulers of Moscva undertook (shouted) Theyre orbiting this rock!
transforming the planet into a workers paradise based
Old Army marching cadence, revived and
on Soviet-style communism from the 20th century.
updated, Second Glory War
A world government, the New Soviet Federation (NSF),
was declared. Over the next decade, the NSF would
contribute arms and military training to disaffected
colonists on three worlds, helping them win their nation for military support. High-tech Brazilian gear,
independence and welcoming them into the NSF. By the particularly aerial drones and grav tanks, began to pour
end of the 23rd century, the NSF and its affiliated states into the DPRG. With their technological advantage lost,
were considered rogue states. the RA began to suffer against the superior numbers of
the DPRG. They were left with no choice but to reach out
2288 (The Second Glory War & the First Interstellar War): to allies of their own. The US colony on Grissom, a long
The Republic of Ardens (RA) steady expansion inevitably time trade partner with the RA, was only too happy to
brought it into conflict with the equally territorially send US Marines to bolster their defense. This action led
ambitious Democratic Peoples Republic of Glory (DPRG). to direct conflict between the United States and Brazil,
The conflict came to a head when clashes between settlers which soon escalated to involve the allies of both nations.
in the Foix Gap rapidly escalated from a brushfire conflict The resulting conflagration became known as the First
into full-fledged war. The DPRG found itself technologically Interstellar War (or IW I).
outclassed by the RA (specifically by the elements of the
French Foreign Legion based in Arden). The beleaguered 2296 (The Battle of Jump Point Zulu End of the First
dictatorship had previously entered into a profitable trade Interstellar War): A joint British/German battle group was
alliance with Brazil, and it now called upon that terrestrial able to intercept a Brazilian/PRC battle group en route to
support the ongoing invasion of Albion. The battle was
decisive, resulting in the destruction of two Brazilian
assault carriers and three PRC battle cruisers as well as
the capture or destruction of half a dozen smaller combat
vessels. The cold naval victory left Brazilian and PRC
troops on Albion with no hope for support for months or
more. Faced with diminishing supplies and ordnance, the
invaders surrendered. Western diplomats leveraged the
twin defeat into an armistice and ultimately a peace treaty
that would last until the Saints War.

2299 to Present (Moro Uprising): The Moro Liberation

Army seized control of Palawan and half of Mindanao and
proclaimed an independent Islamic republic before the
DPRG Guards near Angeleme, Foix Gap, Philippine government could do a thing to stop it. Attempts
Glory, c.2290 (miniatures: GZG) to retake the territory had ended in bloody disaster, even



While Earths geopolitical puzzle pieces have shifted
repeatedly in the intervening centuries, a man of the
21st century would still find a map of the world reassuringly
familiar. The relationships between many of the familiar
nations have changed, however, as has the general character
of some states.
Descriptions of a few of the 24th centurys stand-out
nations follow.

Military Tech Level: 2+
Civilian Tech Level: 2+
French Foreign Legion troops and
Civilian Standard of Living: Above Average
captured Brazilian Grav Tanks, Glory,
c.2294 (miniatures: GZG & Combat Wombat)
Brazil rose to international prominence in the late
21st century due to the efficient exploitation of its
with OPS assistance against the rebels; the Philippine army own natural resources and a ruthless program of
made little headway. destabilization aimed at preventing its neighbors from
doing likewise. Through the 22nd century, Brazils wealth,
2304 to Present (Indonesian Civil War): Indonesias slow stability, and influence continued to grow, as did their
decline in the latter half of the century exploded as radical reflexive distrust for the US. When the UN was disbanded
Islamists in the armed forces and the government attempted in 2121 to be replaced by the US-spearheaded OPS,
to launch a coup. The Islamists botched it and the Federal Brazil refused to participate and founded the NEU as an
Republic retained about half the country with OPS weapons alternative for younger, more aggressive developing
and advisers, mainly Australian. The Federal Republic was states. As distaste for the US became a Brazilian national
considering a counter offensive against the Islamic Republic trait, the nations political leadership became more
in an attempt to end the war in one bold stroke. belligerent and openly hostile. Bellicose speeches and
provocative policies quickly won the support of the
2309 to Present (Terrorist Attack on Grissom Space Port general populace. This policy of intense nationalism and
The Saints War): Terrorists from the Kingdom of Eden focused hostility towards the US inevitably led to war in
on Glory simultaneously detonated explosive devices on 2288 and led to an uneasy alliance between the NEU and
several starliners in orbit around Grissom. The ships were the PRC.
carrying laborers from Glory home for the Christmas While Brazil isnt at the technological vanguard, it is
holidays. A US naval vessel was also damaged when only a short step or so behind. Most of the technological
caught in the explosion of one of the civilian craft. Most conveniences available in the US and Japan are also
of the slain laborers were from the Republic of Arden. US commonplace in Brazil. Brazils military industry is state of
forces on Grissom were immediately sent to Glory to the art and her factories have turned out most of the AFVs
assist Arden in bringing the rogue Kingdom of Eden to and weapons that fill the arsenals of the NEUs member
justice. Edens ties to the NEU soon brought Brazil and states. Brazil has even exported its older model AG AFVs to
the DPRG into the fighting and Glory was once again colonies with deep pockets or resources to trade such as
wracked by war. the DPRG on Glory.


The Brazilian National Liberation The CAU is considered to be the OPS first and most
Army (BNLA) resounding success. When the chaos and anarchy that
The BNLA is an energetic dynamo which draws inspiration defined life in much of central Africa in the 21st century
from a long (and, according to critics, largely fictional) continued unabated into the 22nd century and the hollow
military tradition and political zeal. All recruits must be remnant of the UN proved helpless in facing the challenge,
members of the Brazilian National Party (BNP) and the US and several other First World nations broke away
their training involves as much political indoctrination to form the OPS. The OPS identified progressive central
as military discipline and tactics. Political officers are African leaders and put money and military aid behind
assigned at the platoon and squad level. Unlike traditional them. Although it took two decades, the region finally
commissars, BNLA political officers promote high morale stabilized and formed the Central African Union. With
and political loyalty by acting as counselors who provide continued support from OPS, the CAU quickly developed a
individual troops with advice and assistance, including strong economy based on industry and the responsible
helping to assure that poor soldiers families receive the exploitation of natural resources. The CAU was admitted
maximum economic benefit from their military service. into the OPS when it demonstrated that it had become a
BNLA troops are generally well trained and highly self-supporting nation state with sufficient economic power
motivated. Their equipment is a match for anything but the to lend assistance to less fortunate nations.
bleeding edge gear fielded by US and European troops. The average citizen in the CAU is still slightly poorer than
Units down to the company level are named for political those of most First World nations, but only moderately so.
and military heroes or victories and most units possess While the CAU has sunk a substantial amount of its national
some iconic item (a banner, flag, bugle, etc.) that is revered product into technological advancement, the citizenry only
with almost religious awe. The average BNLA soldier firmly sees so much of it. For the most part, technology in this
believes that he is part of a great campaign to deliver the growing nation is a generation behind, a circumstance that
world from the despotic grasp of the greedy, declining Old has produced some internal criticism, especially in regard to
Powers and create a global paradise based on Brazilian the CAUs highly successful and ever growing fleet of
political and economic enlightenment. interstellar survey and colony ships not to mention the
military vessels to protect them.
The Brazilian Navy Life on CAU colonies tends to be even more Spartan
The Brazilian Navy is similar in character to the BNLA, but than at home and this has led to some friction between the
the level of political indoctrination is not quite as deep. nation and her colonists. In the case of Anubis, disaffection
Many naval officers come from wealthy, patristic families turned to outright rebellion.
whose histories far predate those of the current
nationalistic movement. As a result, the navys officer CAU Army
corps is a bit more measured and restrained than that of Although hobbled by low-tech and hand-me-down
the BNLA. Still, the Brazilian Navy has a reputation for technology, the Army of the CAU is a respected military
being ably commanded and aggressive. The navy includes force. What it lacks in cutting edge weaponry and sensors,
a well-developed troop transport capability, strong fleet it makes up for in discipline and training. Army veterans
combat assets, and a large and well equipped fleet of are given preferred placement in vocational training and
survey and exploration ships. business loan programs, making military service a stepping
stone to future economic security. As a result, a steady
Central African Union (CAU) stream of recruits is available, of which only the best are
Military Tech Level: 2+ selected. The CAU are enthusiastic supporters of the OPS,
Civilian Tech Level: 1+ so CAU troops can nearly always be found wherever the
Civilian Standard of Living: Below Average OPS forces are deployed.


CAU Navy nations. The people of France enjoy a standard of living

The CAU fleet is large for its economy, but it is a matter of that they share with most of Europe with an economy
pride for most CAU citizens. The fleet receives technology propped up by colonial successes, most Frenchmen
and officer training from both the United States and Great earn enough to enjoy an abundance of consumer goods.
Britain and CAU vessels are always included in OPS fleet Technologically, France is on a par with the US and UK,
exercises and operations. CAU survey and exploration with most dangerous and tedious work falling to
efforts are extensive and well-supported. autonomous robots.
While France has not invested heavily in its army, it has
France increased the size of the French Foreign Legion, establishing
Military Tech Level: 2+ bases on Eureka and Glory. France generally relies on
Civilian Tech Level: 2+ the Legion to respond to any off-planet emergencies.
Civilian Standard of Living: Above Average The French cold (space-going) navy, on the other hand,
has received generous funding, especially for survey vessels
France, like most of Western Europe, has been on the rise and commerce escorts. The French fleet lacks the numbers
since the colonization of Eureka. Her coffers and prestige of the British and American fleets, but not by much.
have also been braced up by the success of the Republic
of Arden on Glory. While not a state sponsored colony, French Army
the Ardenois maintain a very strong connection with their Frances national army is a cutting edge force and a match
motherland a connection that is evidenced in the strong for any terrestrial First World army. French national policy
trade and military alliance that exists between the two keeps the majority of the army earthbound for the protection

[Urban Assault]


of French territory and national interests. Off-world military Moons of Jupiter

operations are generally prosecuted by the French Foreign Though its the mining operations in the asteroid belt that
Legion, although Special Expeditionary Forces of regular have been most important to Japans economic success,
army units may be organized to support them if necessary. its slow colonization of the moons of Jupiter has had more
impact on public impression. Though confirmation of
French Navy saltwater seas on both Ganymede and Europa offered the
France takes particular pride in her large, technologically promise of important discoveries, the relatively stable
advanced navy which is seen as a match for any First orbital situation of Callisto won the day when it came to
World navy and a key element in countering the growing setting down a human footprint or rather, a synthetic
power of the NEU and PRC. one, as Japans first galactic colony was founded by
AI units, who executed a carefully designed plan to make
Japan Azuchi Colony ready for human arrivals. Numerous
Military Tech Level: 2+ subculture groups and even a few non-OPS nations claim
Civilian Tech Level: 3 that this plan was a failure and the colonists are solely
Civilian Standard of Living: High synthetics, but the steadily growing population and
expanding structure of the colony suggests otherwise.
Japan, having survived two world wars and a long-standing Azuchi Colony, or Azuchi-Kyo in the words of envious
cold war with China, enters the 24th century a careful and media who remain on the crowded Earth islands, is known
conservative nation. Rather than throw its treasure at best for its development as an education and research
interstellar colonization, Japan has focused its efforts on center a strange route for colonization, but the moons
the Sol systems asteroid belt, where it has established of Jupiter offer better resources for the sciences than
extensive mining and manufacturing facilities. Partially they do for terraformers and agriculturalists. Since
from a quirk of national character and partially due to Azuchis founding, several much smaller research
the dangerous work environment in the asteroid fields, colonies have been established on Ganymede and Europa.
Japan is at the bleeding edge of robotic and AI research Ios surface has presented challenges to permanent
and development. All hazardous jobs (police, fire, and facilities, though numerous expeditions occur every year,
much of the military) in Japan are performed by robots often made entirely by teams of synthetics. Azuchi has
and synthetic people who are difficult to impossible to turned to the much smaller moons orbiting Jupiter as
distinguish from flesh and blood humans. Synthetics are sources of fuel and export products, capitalizing on
also utilized extensively in the service industry, medical Japans expertise in asteroid mining to make the most of
field, and education. the neighboring rocks.
In daily life, the ubiquitousness of synthetics in service
positions doing everything from housework to heavy The Japanese Defense Force
lifting has made the average population feel even more (JDF)
distanced from such labor than they did in the previous The Japanese Defense Force (JDF) is characterized by its
century, and most Japanese now consider such work heavy reliance on robots and synthetics and a pragmatic
beneath real people. Just the same, popular culture approach to the application of technology. JDF synthetic
reviles and romanticizes synthetics with equal delight, infantry and robotic support units are not over-engineered.
turning out so-called silver metal movies and music with They have been developed along carefully minimalistic
self-indulgent abandon. lines to produce a fighting force that is both effective and
Some amount of tension is being felt in Japan as cheap (the Japanese taxpayer/voter rarely shows any
the UAE continues to make inroads in the asteroid belt. enthusiasm for military spending).
Many believe it is only a matter of time until Japanese and A fighting force composed of fairly effective, cheap to
UAE security forces come into direct conflict. replace troops whose loss stirs no emotional responses


among the electorate has created a tactical and strategic The modern Peoples Republic of China has come a long
philosophy that would be considered blood-thirsty if way since its founding in 1949. It finally reunified with
human troops were involved. A Japanese commander will Taiwan in the late 21st Century and has attempted,
not think twice about abandoning a unit to assured with mixed success to steer a middle course between the
destruction by the enemy, especially if he believes that the OPS and the NEU. In so doing, the PRC has become a
enemy will be bloodied in the process. After all, all that is responsible counterweight to the US and its allies in the
lost is a little money, not human life. This same sanguine OPS. This has led to some interesting problems for
outlook is displayed in assaults and special operations the PRC diplomatically as the OPS nations are its leading
missions. Any toss of the dice that might produce a win is trade partners. This is true even in the wake of the First
worth a try after all, the JDF really has little of value riding Interstellar War, as commercial interests in the PRC put
on the roll. pressure on the government to end hostilities in 2296 after
The same attitude does not hold true towards the the defeat at Jump Point Zulu.
JDFs human officer corps. Headquarters units are still The alliance with the NEU is strained at best, as many
dominated by human personnel whose safety is guarded to Chinese politicians privately wonder if the NEU is good for
a degree that might seem fantastic to other military forces. anything more than getting the PRC into wars for marginal
This over-protective stance is not rooted in any cowardice extra-solar real estate. The problem on Glory is a good
on the part of the JDFs officer corps, but rather on political example of this, as the NEU is an enthusiastic ally of the
necessity. The loss of a single Japanese human in combat DPRG, which the PRC only supports to retain the NEU
can potentially spell political defeat for the JDF. While as allies.
the Japanese public may have no issue with the loss of Domestically, the average citizen of the PRC is content,
countless synthetic combatants, they have no stomach at if not happy. While he may not have the latest tech
all for losing human soldiers in combat. available to OPS citizenry, he also has a more relaxed and
predictable life-style than the lamentable gui-lo.
The Japanese Space Navy (JSN) In the wake of the Zhuang Rebellion and the troubles on
The Japanese Space Navy (JSN) is a sophisticated cold Glory, PRC authorities have taken a go slow approach
navy that finds its roots in anti-piracy and territorial with regards to further extra-solar colonization. They take
defense operations in the asteroid belt. While the majority a dim view of the dangerously independent thought
of its resources are still devoted to a system defense role, that many colonists have exhibited. Still, ever expanding
the tides of interstellar war have led to the creation of two population and its associated pressures force the PRC to
Special Task Forces (STFs). STFs are built around several search for potential colonial pressure valves.
large troop and vehicle transports capable of carrying JDF
forces anywhere in human space. These transports are The Peoples Liberation Army
protected by a battle-cruiser and a flotilla of lesser combat (PLA)
and combat support vessels. The Chinese arms industry is robust, diverse and well
The JSN has invested little to nothing in survey vessels known for building cheap, well-made weapons systems.
or operations. Japan is perfectly happy with its profitable Chinese arms may not be bleeding edge, but they perform
presence in the asteroid belt and its domination of under conditions that more fragile systems might not
Jupiters moons. handle as well. Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) weapons
systems tend toward a bigger is better principle which
Peoples Republic of China results in some of the largest caliber small arms in military
(PRC) use today.
Military Tech Level: 2+ The PLA uses robotics enthusiastically, though mostly in
Civilian Tech Level: 2+ a semi-autonomous support role. None of their domestic
Civilian Standard of Living: Average designs are really smart enough to handle anything else.


Synthetic humans are also embraced for their manageability. to quell the uprisings, disarm the militants and place both
Every year, new battalions are raised of Shbng chngzh ng politicians under arrest.
(grown soldiers), conditioned for total obedience and loyalty The politically astute (and undeniably romantic) Grazin
to the state. Assigned to the Special Response Corps, these appointed a civilian head of government, a Tsar supported
soldiers are primarily tasked with counter-insurgency work by a coalition government and with limited influence over
on Zhuang, although a battalion or two have seen action the military. While the rejuvenation of White Russia
against Uigur and Tibetan bandits. The OPS is disturbed by captured the worlds imagination, back-room deals were
the PLAs growing reliance on synthetics. being cut by pragmatic power-brokers far more interested
The PLA is a fairly advanced force. Its best technology is in securing a stable government, continuing Russias off
reserved for elite formations, such as the 15th Special world expansion, and securing their fortunes than their
Response Corps, which was formed in the late 21st Century often dewy eyed press releases indicated. Instructed by
from the 15th Airborne Corps. PLA forces on off-world observation of the USAs increasing terrestrial wealth
colonies are locally raised units supplemented by PLA based on extra-terrestrial holdings, the New Russia was
trainers brought in from Earth. Units on Zhuang are watched predicated not so much upon Divine Right as upon a
carefully, as a third of the local units sided with the program of exploitation designed ensure that Russian
rebels during the uprising in 2151. A large garrison of the colony worlds were squeezed for every cent they could
Peoples Revolutionary Police is housed on Zhuang to produce. In exchange for securing the Tsar his throne,
prevent future perfidy. the Russian military would gain control of colonial
administration and the keys to the treasure house.
The Peoples Liberation Navy What developed was a two-tier class system. Those on
(PLN) Earth benefitted from the exploited resources of the colony
Chinas cold navy is large, effective, and constantly planets, which in turn lived under a military rule that
expanding to meet NEU commitments. Beyond that, the became increasingly harsh as colonial resentment built. It
PRC is determined never see a repeat of the indignities it was not until the rebellion of Moscva that the civilian
suffered at Glory. Any future garden worlds discovered by government on Earth was forced to take notice of the
the PRCs extensive fleet of survey vessels will be protected situation. An intense struggle verging on civil war ensued
by an overwhelming PLN and PLA presence. on Earth which resulted in Tsar wrestling colonial control
from the military. It was fortuitous that the Chief of the
Russia Armed Forces at the time, Marshal Volkov, was amenable
Military Tech Level: 2+ to the idea and realized the need for civilian rule to avoid
Civilian Tech Level: 2+ repetition of the Moscva incident. His support of civilian
Civilian Standard of Living: Average rule eventually weighed against the hard-line elements of
the military and by the late 2300s, civilian rule was well
Some see Russias course over the last few centuries as established on the two remaining colony planets.
regressive rather than progressive, but most Russians Today, the Russian state seems to have attained its
would disagree. The most remarkable change to occur equilibrium. Its foreign policy is somewhat isolationist, but
in recent Russian history was the re-introduction of the it has developed strong ties with the OPS, of which it is a
Tsar as head of state. In the late 2100s the wrangling member. Its relationship with the PRC is cold and border
between Russias President and Prime Minister spilled clashes are not infrequent.
into open civil war, with the supporters of the two The foundation of the Neo-Soviet Federation on Moscva
politicians vying for dominance while the rest of the is still a grave concern. The NSF is regarded as the states
populous struggled to cope. Thankfully, few military units greatest enemy. Neither of the two Russias have exhibited
were involved in the struggle and a force of Naval, Air the will to attempt to settle their differences by arms thus
Force and Army troops combined under Marshal Grazin far, but saber rattling and intrigues are the rule of the day.


The Imperial Russian Armed The Navy also maintains a cadre of Marines trained to
Forces (IRAF) conduct zero-g, vacuum and other hostile environment
The new Imperial Russian Armed Forces (IRAF) are broken combat actions. Though their numbers are small, the
down into the three traditional services: The Imperial Army, marines boast far higher training levels than the regular
the Imperial Navy and the Imperial Air Service. It is worth army. Marine personnel can be spotted by the black
covering these in a little more detail as we examine the berets and blue and white stripped undershirts they
Russian state. Each branch maintains an elite fighting proudly wear.
force: The Armys Spetsnaz, the Navys Marines, and the The IN also operates a number of fleet carriers. These
Air Forces Airborne formations. large vessels have several Imperial Air Service squadrons
based on them and the two services work closely together.
The Russian Imperial Army The IN maintains several of its own fighter squadrons for
The Imperial Army has long been the dominant force among fleet protection and orbital security, though this role is
Russian armed services and this remains apparent today. generally undertaken by the Air Service.
The Russians have adhered to a policy of good enough Additionally, the IN has several large transport vessels
when it comes to military hardware. Their traditional sense permanently assigned to the Army in order to provide
that military equipment should be rugged, easily produced them with a heavy, long distance lift capability.
and simple to operate and maintain has served them well.
Indeed, many military analysts regard the Russian mantra of The Russian Imperial Air Service (IAS)
development and production to be the most sensible for The IAS is responsible for planetary defense, both
a space faring state the highest tech is not always the atmospheric and low orbit based. There are, however, a
best tech. All Russian equipment is easily made, repaired, number of squadrons based on IN fleet carriers. These
maintained and amazingly reliable. While Russian industry squadrons operate in the role of fleet protection and are
may lack something in finesse and technology, its products also available for orbit-to-ground attacks if required.
have a lot going for them. Russia, for example, is one of The squadron personnel rotate service aboard the fleet to
the few states whose colonies have local armaments integrate pilots and provide all with shipboard experience.
production facilities rather than relying on imports. The Service upon a fleet carrier is generally regarded as the
simplicity of Russian design allows this ease of manufacture most exciting duty in the Air Service and is a favorite
and Kalashnikov Corp has factories on each of the main deployment for many personnel.
colony worlds (including the factory taken over by the NSF
on Moscva). United Arab Emirates (UAE)
The Russian army lags behind in other areas. Currently Military Tech Level: 2+
no Russian gravitic vehicles are in operational service, Civilian Tech Level: 2+
though several are under development. Robotic support Standard of Living: Average
staff and fire teams are rare, with most robots being
utilized for medical and communications duties. Those that The UAE dates back to the Treaty of Amman in 2264. In
are present are a generation away from those currently the wake of the 2nd IranIraq war, the Sunni Arab world
deployed by the US Armed Forces. The Russians do not realized that against the power of a resurgent Iran, it was,
field synthetics, though the rumored Cossack program is in the words of Benjamin Franklin, better to hang together,
believed to involve genetically altering human DNA to because they would hang separately otherwise. The UAE
provide a more perfect soldier. spent the next fifty years coalescing into its present form:
A moderate Arab emirate ruled by elected emirs who serve
The Russian Imperial Navy (IN) five year terms. The Emir is elected by a council of emirs
The Russian Imperial Navy is responsible for an ever- from their ranks. This council is composed of the royal
growing space fleet as well as more traditional vessels. families of the UAEs member nations.


The territory of the UAE is made up of the former

nations of the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Jordan, Egypt,
Kuwait, Qatar, and the Federated States of Iraq (a loose
federation that consisted of the Sunni and Kurdish regions
of the country). The UAEs foreign policy is primarily
focused on the peaceful pursuit of new markets for its
various petrochemical and information-based exports.
Its partnerships with Israel have proven very profitable in
that regard, especially on the technology side. Relations
with the rest of their neighbors are good, except for the
UIT, which the UAE was formed to counter, and Yemen,
which has become the festering sore of the Arab world
a sort of Port Royal writ large.
The UAEs expansion into space has been cautious and
UAE troops supported by a 1st generation
very cost-conscious. The UAE wants nothing to do with the
AGV on maneuvers on a planetoid in the
sort of rolling conflict seen on Glory and feels no need Asteroid Belt (photo: Jim Roots,
to invest in prestige colonies seen in the NEU. So far, miniatures: GZG)
the UAE has contented itself with the colonization of a
world called Ayrun, a planet with the potential to become Although some ground-effects vehicles are fielded most
as productive as Grissom, despite the violent and of the UAE makes do with wheeled vehicles and track-layers.
unpredictable weather patterns that denied it a Garden A few first generation AGVs are fielded, primarily by units
World classification. UAE is also heavily invested in mining assigned to security operations on some of the larger
the Asteroid Belt, a course which has brought it into planetoids in the Asteroid Belt.
conflict with Japan. Robots are mostly used for rear-echelon duties such as
The UAE is neutral in most disputes between the great maintenance and administrative duties. These are dumbots
powers, but supports the OPS when push comes to shove because any kind of AI is anathema to the UAE for cultural
in matters regarding the UIT. reasons. The Iraqis, however, have a long history of robotic
recon and combat engineering units. For the same reasons,
UAE Army synthetic humans are often purchased second hand from
The UAE Army is a successor force to a mixed bag of various suppliers by the wealthier states and often used as
armies with different martial traditions, experience, and palace guards, like the Janissaries of old. The conditions
expectations. Each member army remained protective of that these synthetic humans are subjected to has drawn
their independence, which proved to be a major stumbling criticism from both the OPS and NEU.
block in creating a unified, post-Amman agreement army.
After forty years, most of these difficulties have been UAE Aerospace Force
smoothed over, but smoldering resentment and deep-seated Most of the high-technology military purchases made by
jealousies remain. the UAE are related to aerospace. Control of the force is
The armys equipment is roughly a generation or so dominated by the UAEs wealthier states, which produce
behind that of most OPS nations. Worse, its a mismatched the highly educated pilots and engineers required to
assortment of Russian, French, US, British and German left operate modern aerospace craft.
over from the pre-treaty days. Much of the equipment is While most of the gear purchased is a generation
beginning to get a bit long in the tooth, but the wheels of behind, it is suitable to face the even older assets the
the UAEs military bureaucracy turn especially slowly and UAE will meet in the hands of the UIT. Maintenance is
replacement material is a distant dream. performed by dumbots and foreign contractors, while


training is often done overseas in friendly countries, such years on loan to the British Army. Additionally, British
as Russia and the US. officers are often found acting as advisors in other OPS
The UAEs cold navy consists of four older British forces, especially those of the USA.
frigates and a dozen gunboats purchased from the PRC.
There is a rumor that the UAE might contract with the NEU The Royal Navy
to build a new light cruiser design for naval expansion, but The Royal Navy has maintained its long history and sustains
this rumor seems contingent on the UAEs successful a space fleet that rivals most other states, and which excels
colonization of Aryun. in performance. Its main role is policing the shipping lanes
and protection of merchant ships in war zones. It is,
United Kingdom (UK) however, fully battle capable and its ships boast names that
Military Tech Level: 2+ remind their crews of their proud and ancient heritage.
Civilian Tech Level: 2+ The Royal Navy played a key role in ending the First
Civilian Standard of Living: Above Average Interstellar War, crushing the Brazilian and Chinese fleets
at Jump Point Zulu. Naval historians have noted that the
While the UK may not be the huge Imperial power of British ships produced a higher ratio of damage per ton
centuries ago, its close links to the USA and its position as than the German vessels they fought beside, a fact that
a founding member of OPS have seen its prestige steadily leads credence to the Royal Navys claims of creating a
rise. Its successful colonization efforts and reputation as a new breed of smaller, more powerful energy weapons.
go-to power in the OPS have added extra luster to the
UKs name. United States of America
UK civilians and colonists enjoy a good standard of (USA)
living and still follow a democratic system that is many Military Tech Level: 3
hundreds of years old. The UK is one of the last nations on Civilian Tech Level: 2+
Earth that continue to maintain a royal family. All of this Civilian Standard of Living: High
gives the UK a unique sense of identity and a deep seated
sense of history. To some this makes the nation seem While the USA has gone through a number of high and low
somewhat aloof, but the average subject of the crown is points since its rise to international power in the second
still resourceful and capable of a long hard struggle to half of the 20th century, it is considered by many to be
reach a desired aim. This makes the people of the United experiencing its peak of power and influence in the early
Kingdom some of the most successful colonists to be seen. 24th century. As a founding member and strong supporter
of the OPS, the US has gained a reputation as an effective
The British Army force in keeping the peace and raising the standard of
The UKs military maintains its proud history and many living and political freedom of less fortunate states. Much
units have a lineage that extends back over 700 years. Few of the wealth that was required to gain and maintain this
other nations can boast such a proud military tradition. reputation comes from the nations strong and stable
Although its armed forces are smaller than most, they are relationship with its colonies, specifically Grissom, a world
highly competent and professional. They have built up a that many describe as Planet America.
close working relationship with the USA and many of their The USA is at the forefront of technological development.
combat systems are fully integrated to allow tandem Some of its advances have led NEU critics to accuse
deployment to flashpoints. America of secret contact with an advanced alien race. Most
In addition to its prowess in the field, the British Army US citizens have some sort of bio-ware, ranging from
is also seen as the ideal finishing school for up and coming internal phones and appetite control modifications to IAs
military officers. It is not unusual for successful combat (Internal Assistants). Advanced robotics are very common,
commanders from other OPS nations to have spent two with much of law enforcement and firefighting conducted


by autonomous robots augmented by expert human

handlers. While genetic engineering for non-health related When I was young I watched all the science
issues is illegal prior to birth, many genetic treatments are fiction shows. They always had the aliens
available to Americans which will increase their lifespan, come down with these amazing guns and
reduce the need for sleep, strengthen bones and muscles, ships. The poor Earthlings always had to win
etc. More advanced genetic treatments and cybernetic by luck or pluck because they were completely
enhancements are constantly under development, often to
outclassed. I always fantasized about fighting
the benefit of US Special Forces operators.
aliens someday. Then I saw the American grav
tanks drop on Oaxaca. They burned down
The US Army
through the atmosphere and we began to see
The US Army relies heavily on robotic troops, which they
use in roles that are particularly hazardous to human Brazilian tanks explode in their revetments
infantrymen. Specialized drones are used in place of around the city. The Yankee tanks were killing
point-men and heavy weapon gunners. Robotic medics are them before they had even touched down.
also deployed to ensure that wounded troops will receive I saw grav APCs swoop in and soldiers literally
treatment even under conditions that would leave the fly out of them, firing as they swooped to the
bravest human corpsman scrambling for cover. The Army ground like angry angels. The thought struck
also provides cybernetic and genetic enhancement to me then: Im in a war with aliens. Thank God
specialized troops whom it will benefit the most. Life-like were on the same side!
humanoid synthetics are not used, however, due to the
Lt. Col. Carlos Carranza, 3rd Infantry
United States continued refusal to allow their creation
Division, Army of Mexico.
within its borders.
The US possesses a vast array of armored vehicles,
ranging from the latest anti-gravity tanks and APCs to
hardy wheeled vehicles. This is in keeping with the US The US Army has also benefited from the top secret
Armys guiding philosophy over the last century: The right Peek Programs begun in the late 20th century and
tool for the job saves money and lives in the long run. culminating in the development of the Savant Corps in
Always send bullets before you send men. the last half-century. Savants are parceled out down to the
company level to provide some insurance against
catastrophic grid loss.
Supported by the US Navy, US Army troops may be
quickly deployed anywhere in human space. Unlike the
Marine Corps, the Army has remained entirely Earth based.
There are no large, permanent Army bases off planet.

The US Marine Corps

While the US Marine Corps (USMC) shares the same
general technology as the US Army, it often receives that
tech as hand-me-downs from the Army. Over half of the
USMCs tank units field last generation grav tanks, for
instance, and it has nowhere near as many robots in the
US Patton and Perkins grav tanks in field. This suits the Corps to a tee. Most marines firmly
action in the Foix Gap, Glory (photo: Dana believe that the Army (or the Puppetry Corps as they
Boggs-Drake, miniatures: GZG & Khurasan) sometimes call it) will eventually be comprised entirely of


robotic combat units and they have no desire to follow in Grissom

its footsteps. Military Tech Level: 3
The USMC maintains large bases and training facilities Civilian Tech Level: 2+
on both Earth and Grissom (a planet for whom the USMC Civilian Standard of Living: Average to Very High
is responsible for providing security) and provides combat
and security details for all USN vessels. Grissom was the first garden world discovered by mankind.
The planet was located by a survey ship belonging to the
The US Navy government of the USA and was immediately claimed by
The US Navy (USN) is arguably the most sophisticated that nation, an act that both set precedent and precipitated
interstellar war-fleet in existence, although a recent edition world-wide warfare on Earth. When the dust settled,
of Janes gave that honor to the British Royal Navy. The however, the US found itself in sole possession of an
USN continues to expand, with fleet construction bases Earth-like world.
orbiting both Earth and Grissom. The USN works closely In the centuries since its discovery, Grissom has been
with the Royal Navy, performing joint exercises and transformed from a rough, frontier world to a settled
operations at every opportunity. Some believe that this planet with major metropolitan areas on each of its
close relationship between two of Earths finest navies is all continents. The planet is crisscrossed by highways and
that keeps the NEU and PRC in check. covered in farms, plantations, and settlements ranging in
size from small farm towns to the sprawling urban giant of
SOME MAJOR COLONIES Gotham, named in tribute to terrestrial New York, a city
Glory it dwarfs in size. Grissoms character is unabashedly
Military Tech Level: 1 to 2+ American, from architecture to diet, so much so that many
Civilian Tech Level: 1 to 2 people refer to the colony as Planet America.
Civilian Standard of Living: Average Indeed, the people of Grissom do not think of
themselves as colonists, but rather as Americans. They
Glory is a roughly Earth-sized garden planet whose are represented in Congress and several presidents in the
discovery ignited the First Glory War. Although ownership last century have been Grissomites. Grissoms economy
of the planet was originally contested by the PRC, a private has actually outstripped that of the USA and most
surveying companys ownership was eventually recognized. historians and political scientists, even those back on
The planet was opened for colonization to those nations, Earth, admit that while the US capital is on Earth, its seat
individuals, or corporations that could afford both the of power is Gotham, on Grissom.
effort and the colonization fee. This free-market approach
to colonization rocketed Titan Interplanetary to the top of Eureka & Albion
the interstellar corporate food-chain and created a planet Military Tech Level: 2+
of widely disparate settlements, ranging from the modern Civilian Tech Level: 2
and stable Republic of Arden and the iron-clad dictatorship Civilian Standard of Living: Average to High
of the DPRG to the wild-eyed theocracy of the Kingdom
of Eden. Eureka was discovered by a European Union survey ship
and has been colonized primarily by western European
nations. Although its gravity is slightly higher than that of
There may be no glory in war, but there sure Earth, it is in other ways a close match for the home-world,
was war on Glory! so colonies there have prospered. Like Grissom, Eurekas
economy has outstripped that of terrestrial Europe, but
Max Narvik
unlike the American colony, the reins of power are still
firmly in the hands of the national governments on Earth.


Albion, a small, cold world with a thin but breathable attract the attention of the Ministry of State Security (MGB)
atmosphere, was discovered by a British survey ship and by pointing that out. The Gulags on Kirovs night-side have
has been solely colonized by that nation. Although the fostered tales that are nothing short of lurid.
world has exploitable natural resources and does support The NSFs foreign policy can be summed up by the
a number of settlements, Albions main value to Britain is Partys directive to agitate and strike at the Capitalists
in the shipyards that orbit the little world. Albions low and other enemies of the Party and State. The identity of
gravity makes it cheaper and easier to transport raw those enemies is determined at the whim of the Peoples
material to the orbital production facilities. The large UK Assembly of the Red Star on Moscva. This provocative
naval presence in the system has ensured that the British stance leads to incidents with other interstellar powers on
colony is first among equals on Eureka. an almost monthly basis.
A pariah state, the NSF survives in part due to the
New Soviet Federation difficulty that most analysts associate with the idea of
Military Tech Level: 2 bringing it under control. Any direct interference with NSF
Civilian Tech Level: 1 sovereignty would certainly result in all-out war. Each of
Civilian Standard of Living: Below Average the NSFs colony worlds would likely fight to the bitter end,
with fanatical communist cadres raising a poorly trained
The New Soviet Federation (NSF) consists of four worlds but numerically daunting levee en masse. To date, this
centered on Moscva, a borderline garden world whose prospect has discouraged any major power from settling
agricultural sector is strained to the breaking point feeding things with the NSF.
the marginal colonies of New Stalingrad, Kirov and Maxim Life in the NSF is difficult: Rationing is common and
Goriky. Contrary to bombastic NSF propaganda, none of the shortages are rife. NSF citizens soon learn to navigate the
secondary colonies are truly capable of supporting black and grey markets and to accumulate blat, or status,
themselves, a reality which places a tremendous strain to better grease the squeaky wheels of the state
on Moscvas newly collectivized agricultural industry. bureaucracy. The only organization that gets what it needs,
Agricultural output is significantly down since the revolution or at least seems to, is the military. Even there, though, the
and collectivization, but few local Moscvavites would dare NSF operates on a shoestring.

Some in the Motherland call us the enemy, a brothers on other planets. I was one of those
relic of the past, a danger to humanity. Well I beg who had the honor of serving the cause in this
to differ. Our struggle is to free humanity from manner and I spent two years helping free a
the sprawling excesses of capitalism, to free the planet from the oppressive shackles of the CAU.
workers from the chains of oppression. I spent Those on Earth look at us with disdain, they call
many years fighting, first as a guerrilla, living off us the enemy. One day we will return home
the land, then as a regular soldier in the NSF Red and bring the struggle for freedom back to the
Army. Those were good times; we fought together capitalists lair. We will never tire of our duty,
as brothers for a cause greater than ourselves. while they will inevitably grow lazy.
Once we claimed Moscva in the name of the
Peoples Soviet, several of us were selected to Kapitan Vladimir Katutin (Retired),
121st Insurgency Support Corps
bring the struggle for freedom to our oppressed


Primacy of Alterarum Zhuang

Terrarum (PAT or Church Military Tech Level: 2+
Space) Civilian Tech Level: 1 to 2+
Civilian Standard of Living: Below Average to High

Zhuang, an Earth-like world discovered by the PRC about

the same time as Glory, has become an interstellar Hong
St. Brendan (Garden World)
Kong. The first resource finds allowed rapid expansion
Capital: Grace
and urbanization of the first two landing sites, Fanrong
Military Tech Level: 2+
(Prosperity) and Jingwei (Reverence). Within fifty years,
Civilian Tech Level: 2+
the planet could boast of orbital shipyards, a strong
Civilian Standard of Living: Average to High
manufacturing base and a rapidly expanding population.
Dozens of Marginal and Exploitable Colonies
As a result, Zhuang today is considered a major interstellar
trade center. A strong military presence from its start
ensured that Zhuang maintains its allegiance to the PRC.
Shortly after the discovery of gate technology, Pope Settlements were initially established along the coast of
Pius Tertius Decimus announced the formation of the the Peoples Ocean. Separated from the rest of Zhuangs
Standing Interdicasterial Commission for the Alterarum sole continent by the Dragon Mountains (the source of the
Terrarum (Other Earths). The multi-disciplinary planets mineral wealth), they enjoy a moderate climate.
Commission was charged with developing a major Earth flora and fauna flourish here, though local plants and
Church effort to relieve the plight of some of Earths wildlife are able to compete equally. The rest of the
poorest populations by providing them with land and continent features vast savannahs and steppes, broken up
resources on planets colonized and developed by the by the occasional river or forest.
Church. Within a decade the Church had developed its Zhuangs emigration was restricted to Chinese nationals
own surveying and colonization fleets and within 50 years only for the first hundred years. A disproportionate number
had lain claim to a number of marginal and exploitable of Mongolians and Tibetans joined the ranks of the
worlds and the gem of the Papal Crown, St. Brendan, colonists seeking to escape the ever-growing population
a garden world. and political pressures in China. Once on Zhuang, a
The Churchs colonial holdings, referred to by most laity significant portion of the non-Chinese ethnic groups took
as Church Space, were organized as a Primacy centered to the steppes and went native. These nomadic groups
on St. Brendan. In order to preserve order on the colonial have been labeled bandits by the Zhuang government.
worlds, whose inhabitants often brought old feuds with
them to their new homes, and to protect them from MAJOR CORPORATIONS
external threats, a new Military Order of St. Mauricius was Ares Mining Corporation
established and equipped. Ares Mining Corporation (Public NYSE: AMC)
While the Primacy of Alterarum Terrarum has prospered Incorporated 2042. HQ Tucson, AZ
for the most part, it is well known that political tension exists Ares Mining Corporation formed as a joint venture between
between the Primate, a Bishop inevitably chosen from Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold and Canadian-based
among the ranks of adherents to the philosophy of Barrick Gold Corporation following the confirmed discovery
liberation theology, and the Order of St. Mauricius, which of metal and mineral deposits near areas of previous Martian
draws most of its recruits from the Churchs more volcanic activity. Ten years later, Ares Mining had established
conservative membership and whose leadership is often two mining colonies in the Tharsis region of Mars;
associated with Opus Dei. Thunderbolt near Mons and Cartertown near Biblis Patera.


Start-up expenses were enormous, but eventually both fizzled out, due more to the discovery of Gate Projection
operations began production. By 2058, however, it was Technology than any decisive military action. GPT made
starting to become clear that planetary surface-based mining sure that the barely-habitable Martian colonies would
was more expensive than mining the near-Earth asteroids, never vie with worlds like Grissom and Zhuang. The end of
simply because of gravity. The best use of the Martian metals the rebellion also marked a golden opportunity for Ares
and minerals was on Mars, but most of the demand was Mining, as its many years of investment and experience left
in near-Earth orbit. Ares Mining shifted its focus to the it perfectly poised to exploit the unlimited opportunities of
asteroids and scaled back operations on Mars, at least until Earth-like worlds.
more industry and population arrived.
Wall Streets patience with Ares Corporation came to a Titan Interplanetary
head in the recession of 2061. Concerned over multiple Titan Interplanetary LLC (Public NYSE: TLC)
corporate initiatives that had not borne much in the way Incorporated 2050. HQ Paris, France
of profits, the company came under pressure to lower Inspired by the success of Ares Mining Corporation (AMC),
operating costs even further. Cheaper sources of labor a group of predominantly French investors formed Titan
were found in the countries belonging to the Union of Interplanetary to make sure Europe was not left behind in
Islamic Theocracies (UIT). This move ultimately resulted in the space gold rush. Unlike AMC, Titan Interplanetary
the 2063 rebellion at Cartertown. focused its efforts on near-Earth asteroids, developing
After intervention by Ares Mining security forces and cutting edge methods for surveying, prospecting and
ultimately the United States Marine Corps, the rebellion harvesting in zero-g environments. Titan Interplanetarys

[A Walk in the Garden]


major accomplishment was the development of survey and governing over a teeming mass of unemployed and
mining vessels capable of long-duration missions. under-employed workers who are wondering why they
Titan Interplanetary jumped into the public spotlight havent received their Golden maanas de trabajo, la salud
in 2056 with its spectacular success at 433 Eros, a large y la abundancia (Golden tomorrows of work, health and
near-Earth asteroid first discovered in 1898 and landed on abundance a common propaganda line of the South
by an unmanned NASA probe in 2001. The NASA probe American members of the NEU).
determined the comet held more gold, silver, zinc and Moreover, the NEU sees itself as the last bastion against
aluminum than had been mined from the Earths crust the corrupt plutocratic lackeys of the new neo-imperialist
previously. Titan Interplanetary confirmed that fact by order (read: The OPS and its allies). It champions the
establishing the richest mining operation in human history. rights of the oppressed everywhere and often by teaching
Following the discovery of Gate Projection Technology, the most judicious use of the weapons it provides. One of
the corporation rapidly refitted its existing fleet and the more well-known examples of this policy is extant on
became one of the most prominent interstellar survey Glory in the guise of the DPRG. This is in spite of the
groups in the mass exodus from the Solar System. Titan DPRGs various excesses in pursuit of revolutionary
ships plied the unknown in search of exploitable worlds victory. The NEU also supports the NSF in words from
and the enrichment of its investors. time to time, but this depends on whether or not the two
The corporation came again into prominence in 2128 nations are getting along. The spats between the NEU and
when its survey ship Bernard de Jussieu discovered the NSF over who is the last great hope for revolutionary
lifeless hulk of a PRC vessel in a refueling system. The data humanity have become fodder for many late night
downloaded from that hulk led to the discovery of Glory. comedians in the OPS nations.
NEU member states should not be underestimated,
TREATY ORGANIZATIONS AND however, especially Brazil. They fought both Glory Wars
POLITICAL BLOCS and the 1st Interstellar War with vigor and lan, if not
New Economic Union (NEU) strategic acumen. Currently, the NEUs foreign policy is to
The New Economic Union (NEU) was founded by Brazil in maintain its guard against the OPS in what many observers
2127 as a counterbalance to the American Organization referred to as a 2nd Cold War.
of Progressive States (OPS). The alliance has been a The various member armies range from fairly
success from the point of view of the richer members, such competent (India, Pakistan, Argentina, Brazil and the
as Brazil and India, but the rest of the members are often Serbian Republic) to frighteningly inept amateurs (Most

Most South American Nations Pakistan
Capital: Varies by Nation Capital: Karachi
Military Tech Level: 2 (average) Military Tech Level: 2+
Civilian Tech Level: 1+ (average) Civilian Tech Level: 2+
Civilian Standard of Living: Low to Average Civilian Standard of Living: Low to High
India Serbian Republic
Capital: New Delhi Capital: Belgrade
Military Tech Level: 2+ Military Tech Level: 2+
Civilian Tech Level: 2+ Civilian Tech Level: 2+
Civilian Standard of Living: Low to High Civilian Standard of Living: Low to High


of the South American nations). Pakistans army is often Since its foundation, the OPS has been extremely active
tied up dealing with hostile tribes on its borders with Iran in supporting developing nations (or factions within those
and Afghanistan. This produces tension with the UIT, a nations) that demonstrate a desire to establish governance
distraction that the NEU would rather do without. that respects human and property rights which includes
NEU military technology ranges from Brazilian Grav those of their neighboring states. This support normally
Armor brigades, to Peruvian Peoples Cadre Battalions takes the form of economic and technological assistance,
equipped with old Chinese QBZ-97 rifles and equipment that but military aid and outright military actions are not
dates back to the River Plate War. Most of the imported uncommon, either.
gear comes from the PRC, which demands cash up front. The OPS has been repeatedly criticized by the UIT and
NEU for excessive zeal in aiding freedom fighters or
Organization of Progressive governments in exile, an enthusiasm that is often expressed
States (OPS) through direct support of insurgencies or local rivals of
The Organization of Progressive States (OPS) was founded oppressive or terrorist states. In their defense, OPS
by First World nations that broke away from the UN over the members cite their charter, which states that OPS nations
spiraling chaos in central Africa. The departure of many of are morally obliged to assist in the advancement of the
its most wealthy and influential members quickly reduced human condition, whether that assistance is economic or
the UN to an ineffective rump which eventually dissolved. military, direct or indirect.

Australia Civilian Tech Level: 2+
Capital: Canberra Civilian Standard of Living: Average to High
Military Tech Level: 2+
Nations of the European Union (EU)
Civilian Tech Level: 2+
Capital: Varies by nation
Civilian Standard of Living: Average to High
Military Tech Level: 2+ (average)
Canada Civilian Tech Level: 2+ (average)
Capital: Ottawa Civilian Standard of Living: Average to High
Military Tech Level: 2+ New Zealand
Civilian Tech Level: 2+ Capital: Wellington
Civilian Standard of Living: High Military Tech Level: 2+
Central African Union Civilian Tech Level: 2+
Capital: Kigali Civilian Standard of Living: Average to High
Military Tech Level: 2+ Russia
Civilian Tech Level: 1+ Capital: Moscow
Civilian Standard of Living: Below Average Military Tech Level: 2+
Japan Civilian Tech Level: 2+
Capital: Tokyo Civilian Standard of Living: Average
Military Tech Level: 2+ United States of America
Civilian Tech Level: 3 Capital: Washington D.C.
Civilian Standard of Living: High Military Tech Level: 3
Civilian Tech Level: 2+
Civilian Standard of Living: High
Capital: Mexico City
Military Tech Level: 2+ And others


Troops from member nations serving on OPS missions in dozens of insurgencies and civil wars. The alliances goals
refer to themselves as Peace Makers rather than Peace at this time are unclear, as the members rarely interact with
Keepers and OPS operations tend to be direct and effective. other nations, except through bombastic rhetoric aimed
either at the OPS, CAU, Israel, or the UAE or the occasional
Union of Islamic state-sponsored terror attack or border incident.
Theocracies (UIT) Meanwhile, the civil wars in the Philippines and Indonesia
The Union of Islamic Theocracies was formed in the provide a place to blood new Iranian SOF operators and
mid-22nd Century in the wake of the 2nd IranIraq War. test new weapons against the beleaguered governments.
Initially an alliance between Iran, the newly formed Basra The Indonesian government, with OPS support, seems to be
Republic, and Sudan, it has become a fellowship of last turning things around slowly, and forced landings in Sulawesi
resort for pariah nations on Earth, including the Islamic are rumored to be in the offing.
Republic of Bangsamero and the Indonesian Islamic What trade the members of the UIT engage in is mostly
Republic, both of which are both still at war with the with either the PRC or the NEU. Rumors abound that the
nations they were carved from. These nations have all been NEU might be offering colonial rights to the UIT on the newly
added to the US State Departments list of state sponsored discovered planet of Carmandrid, but these rumors arent
terror states and are havens to assorted terror groups and seen as likely, as it is a marginal world of little value to
disaffected revolutionaries, not the least of which are the anyone. There are also rumors the NSF might be providing
survivors of the Somali groups that shot down the Corinth. aid in such a colonial endeavor.
The UIT has a minimal presence in the extra-solar Weapons available to UIT member armies range from
colonies, but their advisory groups (mostly Iranian domestically built gear and weapons purchased from the
Revolutionary Guards Special Command) can often be seen Chinese and NEU, to cast-offs purchased on the illegal
supporting brothers of the book throughout human space arms market

Islamic Republic of Iran Capital: Makassar
Capital: Tehran Military Tech Level: 1+
Military Tech Level: 2+ Civilian Tech Level: 1+
Civilian Tech Level: 2+ Civilian Standard of Living: Below Average
Civilian Standard of Living: Average
Sudanese Islamic Caliphate
Basra Republic (Shia parts of Iraq gain Capital: Khartoum
independence in 2nd IranIraq war in the mid-22nd Military Tech Level: 1+
Century. Source of the cold war between the UIT Civilian Tech Level: 1+
and the UAE.) Civilian Standard of Living: Below Average
Capital: Basra
Islamic Republic of Bangsamero (Made up of half
Military Tech Level: 1+
of Mindanao, and Palawan in the Philippines island
Civilian Tech Level: 1+
chain. The nation is only recognized by the other
Civilian Standard of Living: Below Average
members of the UIT and is still at war with the
Indonesian Islamic Republic (Controls the territories Republic of the Philippines.)
of Papua, Sulawesi and Maluku of the former Capital: Oromoc
Indonesian Republic, has been fighting a 5 year civil Military Tech Level: 1+
war with the Australian-backed Federated Republic Civilian Tech level: 1+
for control of the rest). Civilian Standard of Living: Average

Actions When a unit is activated (see below), it can take and actively defend themselves is degraded. Pinned units
a number of actions such as move, fire, get in cover, who suffer further Morale failures become Shaken (if
request air support, etc. Enemy units may react to an Irregulars) or are forced to Pull Back (if Regulars).
activated units actions. Pull Back Regular units that suffer a second Pinned
Activation The player with initiative activates his units result in a single turn are forced to Pull Back. They must
one at a time. An activated unit can perform actions. move away from the enemy and into a covered position to
Confidence A units confidence determines how it will regain their nerve.
react in the face of overwhelming fire or other tactically Reaction When one unit responds to something another
challenging situations. There are three Confidence Levels: unit has done, it is termed a Reaction. A unit that is fired
Low, Confident, and High. upon may React by trying to move out of the line of fire,
Die Shifts Some actions may be modified by a die shift. for instance. Units may also choose not to React at all.
A positive die shift allows a player to throw a higher die type Reaction Tests - Reaction Tests are called for when one
than normal from a D8 to a D10, for instance. A negative unit attempts to React to another. Both units roll a troop
die shift forces a player to throw a lower die type. quality die and the unit that rolls a 4+ and higher than its
First Aid Check When a unit takes a casualty, a First Aid opponent wins the test. The winner of the Reaction Test
Check is made to determine how serious the casualtys acts first (i.e., fires, moves before its opponent fires, etc.).
injuries are. At least one healthy figure must be within Regulars Regulars are professional soldiers with a
cohesion of the figure or its unit to perform the check well-defined chain of command and a shared understanding
unless the stricken figure has powered armor with a of tactics and battlefield operations.
medical AI, Active Trauma Treatment nanites, etc. Round of Fire Regular units can return or even pre-empt
In Cover A unit that is In Cover is actively taking advantage fire when attacked by another unit. When a Regular unit is
of that covers properties to get the best protection possible. fired upon, a Reaction Test is made to see who fires first.
This is different than simply being behind cover, which Fire is then resolved between each unit. This is referred to
provides more passive protection. Bonuses for covering as a round of fire.
terrain and being In Cover are cumulative. Shaken Irregular units who fail a Morale Check become
Initiative Unit A unit that has been activated by the Shaken. They must move away from the enemy and their
player with initiative is an Initiative Unit. Morale suffers a permanent negative die shift. If their
Irregulars Irregulars are poorly or un-trained fighters Morale is reduced below D6, they are no longer fit for
with a hazy chain of command, little discipline and little combat and are removed from play.
tactical ability or coordination. Supply Quality Level - Better supplied units have
Morale Unit Morale is represented by a die type, the more ammunition to burn than less well supplied units.
higher the die type, the more steadfast the unit. There are three Supply Quality Levels: Poor, Normal,
Morale Checks When a unit takes casualties or is subjected and Abundant.
to some other traumatic experience, it must make a Morale Suppression A unit may decide to lay down a large
Check to determine if it becomes pinned or shaken. volume of fire in an effort to keep the enemys head down.
Non-Initiative Unit Units belonging to the player without This fire is slightly less likely to cause a casualty, but it may
initiative are Non-Initiative Units. suppress the enemy and hinder his movement and fire.
Pinned Enemy fire that unnerves a unit can pin it. This is Tech Level (TL) Tech Levels describe the technological
usually the result of a failed Morale Check. Pinned units advancement of a force in general or for specific areas
must scurry to cover and their ability to engage the enemy of development, such as armor, weapons, sensors,


communications, etc. There are three Tech Levels in well-disciplined military unit will generally have a Troop
Tomorrows War, with TL1 being lower than average, Quality of D8. Highly experienced combat veterans or
TL2 being average, and TL3 being advanced. specially trained troops might have a Troop Quality of D10.
Troop Quality (TQ) A units overall training and combat Only rare individuals combining an abundance of natural
capability is represented by its Troop Quality it is a gauge talent and years of training and discipline would ever attain
of a units discipline, training, and experience. The better a a Troop Quality of D12.
units Troop Quality, the larger its Troop Quality die. A mob Troop Quality Checks Some actions or events call for units
of angry civilians or a poorly led group of conscripts would to make a Troop Quality Check. To pass a Troop Quality
probably have a Troop Quality of D6. A typically trained, Check, a unit must roll a 4+ on its Troop Quality die.

[Look Into the Light]

The sequence of play for a typical Tomorrows War game SET UP THE TABLE
is presented below. Dont get too bogged down in details Each scenario contains a description of how the table
on the first read through of the sequence were should be set up, including the location of key roads,
presenting it here to give new players a general reference buildings, and other terrain features.
to the structure of the game. Mechanics and procedures Table sizes in Tomorrows War are generally 2x2 or
referenced in this section are more fully explained later in 2x3 for 15mm games, but may be much larger depending
the rules. upon the scenario in play. Table size will be designated by
the scenario.
Tomorrows War is a scenario driven game. The victor isnt DRAW FOG OF WAR CARDS
determined by totaling up points of troops lost or by Some scenarios dictate that one or both sides draw a
playing till one side is obliterated. Instead, the victory Fog of War card before the first turn. Scenarios may
conditions of the scenario being played determine who indicate that additional Fog of War cards are drawn during
gets bragging rights and who is left cursing their dice. the course of a game, as dictated by Reaction tests.
Players can either pick one of the provided scenarios to See Reaction Tests and Fog of War, pg. 44, for details.
play or they can create their own. Tomorrows War will be
supported by future campaign and scenario packs and SET UP UNITS
player-created scenarios are frequently posted on the The scenario will indicate how many units each side will
Ambush Alley Games website (www.ambushalleygames.com). receive, what their composition will be, and where theyll be


1. Choose a Scenario 12.Start New Turn. If Initiative is not dictated by the
2. Set Up the Table scenario, perform an Initiative Test. The force
3. Draw Fog of War if Scenario Dictates that wins the test has initiative in the new turn.
4. Set Up Units Perform as appropriate, or skip:
5. Set Up Hot Spots a. First Aid
6. Declare (and test for) unbuttoned AFVs b. Arrival of Reinforcements (starting on turn
7. Declare Hidden & Overwatch units 2 or as dictated by the scenario)
8. Initiative Force activates first unit c. Declare (and test for) unbuttoned AFVs
9. Resolve Reactions d. Declare Overwatch Units
10.Repeat 8 & 9 until all Initiative Units have been e. Merge Units
activated 13.Repeat steps 6 through 12 until the turn limit for
11.End Phase: Once all Initiative units have been the scenario is met or a force achieves victory
activated, any Non-Initiative unit that has not through attrition or fulfillment of an automatic
made a Reaction during the turn may move victory condition.
and/or fire. Regular Initiative units who are fired 14.If victory is not clear-cut, determine the winner
at may react as part of a Round of Fire, as may by totaling Victory Points for both forces.
units on Overwatch


placed on the table. It will also indicate which side sets up announcing that hes charging into close assault) and
their units first. indicate the route it will take. If the unit is not moving, the
Normally, all units will be set up on the table at the player should announce whether it is getting In Cover.
beginning of play, but some scenarios will call for units to Example: The initiative player is about to activate his first
be held off the table for later deployment. unit. He decides to activate one of his fireteams and move
Note that it is not unusual for opposing units to begin them to a position behind a wall where they can engage an
play in line of sight and range of each other. Starting games enemy fireteam from a position of cover. He points at the
with units in contact is one of the defining features of any unit and tells his opponent, Im going to move this fireteam
Ambush Alley Games title. at Tactical speed around the corner of this building to take
Players may declare that units (including vehicles and up a position behind this wall.
guns) placed in buildings, woods, behind walls, etc. are
Hidden at the beginning of the game unless the scenario RESOLVE REACTIONS
dictates otherwise. Units on the side without initiative (referred to as non-
initiative units) may React to the Actions of initiative units
SET UP HOT SPOTS within their line of sight. Reactions may take the form of fire
If applicable, place Hot Spots as described by the scenario. or movement well go into more detail later in the rules.
See Hot Spots, pg. 37, for further details.
Continue activating initiative units and resolving Reactions
DECLARE AND TEST FOR until all initiative units have been activated.
Both players declare which if any of their AFVs are END PHASE: MOVE AND/OR
unbuttoned and make button tests as necessary. See Tank FIRE REMAINING NON
Commanders Buttoned and Unbuttoned, pg. 103, for INITIATIVE UNITS
further details. Once all initiative units have been activated, any non-
initiative units that have not Reacted may move and/or fire.
At this time, the player with initiative must declare which of
his units will be on Overwatch for the duration of the turn.
See Overwatch, pg. 70.


Scenarios indicate which side has initiative in the first turn.
Units belonging to the player currently holding initiative
are referred to as initiative units, while those belonging to
the other player are called non-initiative units.
The player with initiative may pick which unit he wishes to
activate first and what action(s) it will perform. The activated
unit may respond to the Reactions of non-initiative units as DPRG Dear Leader I and Dear Leader II
long as it has remaining Firepower dice or Movement. Heavy Tanks credited with stopping the
Republic of Ardens armored drive to
If the activated unit will move, its controlling player relieve the town of Herret (photo: Shawn
must clearly state where he intends to move it (including Carpenter, miniatures: Combat Wombat)


Such units may also be moved into Close Assault with At the beginning of the game, the force associated with
opposing units within Rapid movement range. them will place five (5) Hot Spot counters on the table.
Only Overwatch units may react to a non-initiative unit No Hot Spot may be placed within 6 of another. Each Hot
that moves in the End Phase, although units being Spot should be labeled with a number from 1 to 5.
charged by a non-initiative unit initiating Close Assault To determine which Hot Spot a reinforcement unit
may still perform defensive fire according to the rules for arrives from, roll 1d6.
Close Assault. A roll of 6 allows the player to pick which Hot Spot units
If a non-initiative unit chooses to fire at an initiative unit, arrive at.
that unit may respond with fire or movement, assuming it Units may be placed anywhere within 4 of the Hot Spot.
has not moved or has Firepower dice remaining. They may be placed as Hidden units upon arrival.
Overwatch units may interrupt the movement or fire of Reinforcements that arrive at a Hot Spot that is already
non-initiative units in the End Phase as normal again, occupied by a friendly unit may automatically merge with
assuming they have the Firepower dice to do so and have that unit if desired.
not fallen off Overwatch. Some scenarios will specify Hot Spot locations while
others will leave their placement entirely to the players
START NEW TURN discretion. Some scenarios may use board edges and
Reinforcements forego the use of Hot Spots all together.
Roll for and/or receive reinforcements if the scenario
indicates they are available. Neutralizing Hot Spots
Hot Spots may be neutralized by Regular units. To neutralize
Initiative Checks a Hot Spot, the Regular unit must spend one turn stationary
Determine which force has initiative. See Initiative, pg. 38. and in contact with its counter. Neutralized Hot Spots are
removed from the table.
First Aid Checks If the reinforcing player rolls a neutralized Hot Spot
Perform First Aid Checks for all casualty figures. See First number when checking for placement of reinforcements,
Aid Checks, pg. 65. those reinforcements are lost. The player may not re-roll
for an active Hot Spot.
Arrival of Reinforcements If a Reinforcement Roll results in reinforcements
Some scenarios will indicate that one or both sides will be arriving at a hot spot which a unit is attempting to
reinforced during the course of the game. The scenario will neutralize, the reinforcement unit can be placed anywhere
describe what sort of reinforcements will arrive, as well as within 4 of the Hot Spot as usual. The Reinforcement unit
when and where they will appear. can opt to immediately initiate Close Assault following the
Reinforcement units always arrive at the beginning of normal procedure.
the turn, unless they arrive as the result of a Fog of War
card, in which case they arrive when and where the card DECLARE OVERWATCH UNITS
indicates. At this time, the player with initiative must again declare
Some reinforcements may arrive at Hot Spots, as which of his units will be on Overwatch for the duration of
designated by the scenario. the turn. See Overwatch, pg. 70.


Hot Spots are used to randomize entry points for GAMES END
reinforcements. A scenario will dictate whether or not Hot Play continues until one side has met its Victory Conditions
Spots are in play. Unless the scenario dictates a different or the number of turns indicated in the scenario has
method, Hot Spots are placed as follows: been completed.

This chapter describes the basic, recurring mechanics Opposed Tests/Checks
used in Tomorrows War. The actual application of these Opposed checks and tests are called for when units are
mechanics is explained in more detail later for now our engaged in an active contest against one another. In such
goal is simply to introduce you to some of the fundamental cases, both players will roll the die type specified by the
concepts of the game. rule in question in an attempt to roll a 4+ as described
above. The winner is the player who rolls a 4+ and higher
THE (NEARLY) UNIVERSAL than his opponent!
Tomorrows War has one (nearly) universal mechanic that Die Shifts
applies to the resolution of a wide range of unit actions, Tests and checks will indicate what die type will be used,
ranging from determining hits against the enemy to digging normally based on the involved units Troop Quality or
in under fire: Roll a 4 or better. Morale. Under certain circumstances, the rules will call for
If the action calls for an opposed roll, such as firing the die type used to shift up or down. This indicates that a
on the enemy, Roll a 4 or better and roll higher than die with more or less sides than the units normal die type is
your opponent. to be used for the test, changing their chances of rolling 4+.


Roll a 4+ D6 D8 -
If opposed, roll a 4+ and higher than your D8 D10 D6
opponents roll D10 D12 D8
D12 - D10


At different points in these rules, you will be asked to make INITIATIVE
checks or tests, such as Morale Tests or Quality Checks. When units with equivalent training and discipline meet
Some tests/checks are unopposed, while others, such as in combat, initiative can be very fluid. To reflect this, an
Combat Tests are opposed rolls. Regardless of the source Initiative Check is made at the beginning of each turn.
of the test, it will be resolved as described below. To make an Initiative Check, both players roll one
Initiative die for every two units in their force, rounding
Unopposed Tests/Checks down (rounding cannot reduce a force to less than one
An unopposed test or check is simplicity itself to resolve. Initiative die, however). The type of Initiative die rolled is
The rule in question will indicate what die to use in determined by the Initiative Value for the force as dictated
the test in most cases this will probably be the units by the scenario.
Troop Quality die. Roll the appropriate die type. Add any Add one die for each armored vehicle (not including soft-
modifiers associated with the rule to the die roll. On a skins, whether they are up-armored or not treat soft-skin
modified roll of 4+, your unit has passed the test or vehicles as infantry units for purpose of Initiative). The
check. On a modified roll of less than 4, your unit resulting total number of dice for infantry units and vehicles
has failed! indicates how many basic initiative dice the Force has.

[The Loot]


initiative changes hands if/when certain events occur during

the game. In games featuring Regulars vs. an entirely
Irregular force, the Regulars always have Initiative. Certain
Per three Victory Points earned in the preceding
Fog of War cards may also dictate which force has initiative
turn (round down applies only to the
in the following turn.
following turn): +1 die
Example: The first turn of a scenario with no special
Had initiative last turn: +1 die
initiative instructions is over and its time to decide which
More units than opponent: +1 die
force has initiative in Turn 2.
For each positive leader in the force: +1 die
The Red Player, who had initiative in the first turn, has
For each negative leader in the force: -1 die
6 fireteams and 3 APCs. He gets 1 die for each two infantry
Scenario Initiative bonus/penalty (if any): +/- X dice
units (6 2 = 3 dice) and 1 die for each vehicle (3 dice) for
Modifiers can never reduce a force to less than
a basic initiative of 6 dice. He receives 1 bonus initiative
1 Initiative die.
die because he had initiative in the previous turn (1 die)
and his Platoon Leader is a +1 Positive Leader so he
receives a bonus die for his positive Leader (1 die). Totaling
The maximum number of basic initiative dice a force up the dice, he determines he has 8 initiative dice. The
may have is ten (10D). scenario indicates that his forces Initiative Level is D8, so
A forces basic initiative dice may be modified by certain hell throw 8D8 in the Initiative Test.
factors. These factors are described in the Bonus Initiative The Blue Player has ten fireteams (10 2 = 5 dice) and
table and may raise a Forces Initiative dice above 10D. six armored vehicles (6 dice). His basic initiative is thus
A force can never have its initiative reduced below 1D. 11 dice. A units basic initiative cannot exceed 10 dice, so
Both players roll their initiative dice and discard all dice it is reduced to 10. The Blue player outnumbers the Red
with a score less than 4. player, however, which garners him a bonus initiative die
The player with the most dice with a score of 4+ has that raises his total to 11 dice. The scenario indicates that
initiative for the turn. In case of a tie (or if neither player his forces Initiative Level is D6, so hell throw 11D6 in the
rolls any dice with a score of 4+), initiative is retained by Initiative Test.
the player who had it last turn. Red rolls 8D8 and discards any dice with a score of 3 or
Scenario briefings indicate which player has initiative on less. Hes left with 7 dice. Blue rolls 11D6, discards all dice
the games first turn. Some scenarios will dictate that one with a score of 3 or less, and is left with 8 dice. Blue has
side has initiative throughout the game and no Initiative initiative for this turn and becomes the initiative force. Red
Checks are required. Other scenarios may dictate that becomes the non-initiative force.



In a firefight, initiative usually falls to the side which a Quality Die is rolled for each unit the
whose units lay down the most aggressive volume side with the most successes has more units
of fire, whether that fire was effective or not. This is enthusiastically (or desperately) pouring it into
represented by the mechanic described above in the enemy.


player must indicate where it will move and what its path of
movement will be.
Combat in Tomorrows War is very dynamic. Players will
rarely if ever find themselves sitting around eating popcorn Reactions
and waiting for their next chance to get involved in the While the force with initiative sets the pace of the turn,
game. The force with initiative will enact their plans of opposition units are unlikely to sit idly by and allow them
attack, while their opponent will actively attempt to thwart to maneuver and fire with impunity. They will take actions
them. Players must adjust to a shifting pattern of actions to counter the enemys plan as it unfolds by moving to
and reactions. avoid contact or laying down defensive fire.
In game terms, the ebb and flow of combat during a When the player with initiative announces that he is
turn is represented by Actions and Reactions. In the most activating a unit to move and/or fire within line of sight of
basic terms, the force with initiative performs Actions and opposing units, those units may choose to React with fire
his opponent Reacts to them. or movement of their own. These Reactions may result in
an exchange of fire (called a Round of Fire) or a frenzied
Initiative and Non-Initiative rush for cover.
Units belonging to the force with initiative are referred to
as initiative units. Units belonging to the force without
initiative are called non-initiative units.
Actions Fire
When an initiative unit is activated, it must announce what Spot Hidden Units & Fire at Them
Actions it will take and in what order. It may move, fire, Request Air Support*
move and fire, fire and move, etc. Request Artillery*
Some actions may be taken in conjunction with others Close Assault Infantry
in a turn, such as Move and Fire/Fire and Move. Others, Close Assault Vehicle
such as Request Air Support, have limitations which are *Units may not React to Reactions marked with
described in the appropriate rules section. an asterisk.
Units may not React to Actions marked with an asterisk.
If movement is taken as part of a units action, the controlling

Move Spot Hidden Units*
Fire Spot Hidden Units & Fire at Them
Move & Fire Place Breaching Charge
Fire & Move Close Assault Infantry
Go On Overwatch (at start of turn)* Close Assault Vehicle
Request Air Support*
*Units may not React to Actions marked with an
Request Artillery *


If a unit chooses not to React, it can only roll its normal to roll a 4+, the initiative unit acts first.
Defense against an enemy units attack it may not return Units who have made a Rapid Move during a turn
fire or move to safety. Units may choose this option in receive a -1 to their die roll when taking a Reaction Test.
order to avoid the movement and fire penalties associated
with Reactions (or to fulfill a scenarios victory condition), Reaction Movement
but the choice is a risky one. Non-initiative units may choose to React to the activation
As an initiative unit is activated and declares where it of an initiative unit within their Line of Sight by moving.
intends to move and at what units (if any) it intends to fire on, They may make a Tactical or Rapid move, as desired.
the non-initiative player must declare which of his units A Reaction Test must be made to see if the Reaction move
React. This Reaction declaration must indicate what Reaction occurs before the initiative unit can perform its declared
each unit is taking. If non-initiative units are engaging moving actions (See Reaction Tests).
initiative units with fire, they must announce at what point in A non-initiative unit can avoid being fired at if its Reaction
that units movement it will occur. movement takes it out of the firing units line of sight.
Example: Red force, with initiative, announces that hes A unit may only make one Reaction move per turn.
going to activate a tank and move it around the corner of Reaction movement may result in the target unit taking
a building. This move is in line of sight of a Blue Force AT fire if it loses the Reaction Test or is unable to get out of
team and will bring the tank into line of sight of a Blue the firing units LOS. Units making a Reaction move can
Force infantry unit on the other side of the building. also be fired at by enemy units on Overwatch.
Blue force announces that hes going to React by having Example 1: Non-Initiative Unit Wins Reaction Test
his AT team fire at the Red Force tank as it comes side-on A player fielding a DPRG force has initiative. He activates
to the team and that his infantry unit is going to attempt one of his machine gun teams and declares that it is going
to move to a position where the tank wont be able to see to fire at a FFL fireteam in a nearby courtyard. The FFL
it when it rounds the corner). player announces that the fireteam is going to React by
trying to move out of LOS. A Reaction Test is made, which
The Reaction Test the FFL player wins. He is able to move his fireteam into a
Reaction Tests are performed when a non-initiative unit position that is out of the DPRG MG teams LOS, so it is
Reacts to an initiative units Action. Both units roll their unable to engage them with fire.
Troop Quality die. The unit which passes the test by rolling Example 2: Initiative Unit Wins Reaction Test
a 4+ and higher than its opponent wins the Reaction Test. As above, but this time the FFL team loses the Reaction
In the case of a tie of any sort, including both units failing Test. The DPRG MG team fires first in a Round of Fire with


Both involved units roll their Troop Quality die. Vehicles which are Buttoned Up receive a -1 to their
The unit which passes the test by rolling a 4+ and die roll
rolls highest wins the Reaction Test. In the case of Vehicle traveling at Rapid speed receive a -1 to their
a tie of any sort, including both units failing to die roll
roll a 4+, initiative unit acts first.
Modifiers are cumulative.
Units on Overwatch receive a +1 to their die roll
Infantry/Mounted Units making a Rapid Move The inititiative unit may complete his declared
receive a -1 to their die roll actions unless combat results prevent it.


the FFL fireteam. Any FFL fireteam members who are runs across the road into the next building and is now out
capable of movement at the end of the Round of Fire may of LOS of the FFL. They may not, therefore, fire at the
then move. DPRG unit.
As the FFL fireteam has failed a Reaction Test, and they
Reaction Fire are a non-initiative unit, they may no longer react for the
Non-initiative units may choose to React to the actions of remainder of the turn, and can only return fire if fired upon.
an initiative unit within their Line of Sight by engaging it in
a round of normal or Suppression fire. As with Reaction Opportunity Fire
movement, a Reaction Test must be made to see if the An Initiative Unit that has not yet been activated may
Reaction fire occurs before or after the initiative units sacrifice its activation for the turn to react to a Non-Initiative
declared action (See Reaction Tests). Units action or reaction.
If the non-initiative unit wins the Reaction Test, the
Round of Fire will be resolved before the initiative unit Resolving Chains of Actions and
performs its declared actions. If that action is to return fire, Reactions
the non-initiative unit will fire first in the Round of Fire. The Action/Reaction process is pretty straightforward
If the initiative unit wins the Reaction Test, the initiative between two units. During the course of play, however, it is
unit will fire first in the round of fire. quite common for more than one non-initiative unit to
Non-initiative units lose one die of firepower for each declare a Reaction to a single initiative units actions. This
reaction fire they declare after the first. Non-initiative units can get a little confusing, but the following guidelines
may continue to React with fire as long as they have should help keep everything straight:
remaining Firepower dice. Remember, Reactions are declared the moment an
Non-initiative units that fail to win a Reaction test may initiative unit is activated. At that time, the non-initiative
not React for the remainder of the turn and may only player must declare ALL units within LOS who will
return fire if fired upon (a Reaction test is still made to React to the activated unit.
determine who fires first in the round of fire, though). The only exception this rule occurs when an initiative
Note that Irregular units may only React with fire once unit moves into the LOS of a non-initiative unit that
per turn. could not see it at the time of its activation. In this
Example 1: Non-Initiative Unit Wins Reaction Test case, the non-initiative unit may declare a Reaction
A player fielding a DPRG force has initiative. He activates as the initiative unit moves into sight.
one of his machine gun teams and declares that it is going A non-initiative units declaration of Reaction
to fire at a FFL fireteam in a nearby courtyard. The FFL counts as a Reaction for determining Firepower
player announces that the fireteam is going to React by even if the unit they were attempting to React to
trying to take out the MG team by firing first. A Reaction was destroyed or moved out of LOS before they
Test is made, which the FFL player wins. He is able to could take any real action.
engage the DPRG MG team first, and in the round of fire Example: A DPRG initiative unit is activated and two
eliminates the crew. non-initiative FFL fireteams (A and B) announce they
Example 2: Initiative Unit Wins Reaction Test will React to it by firing. FFL fireteam A has a hot run
The DPRG player then activates another of his units, a on the dice and wipes the DPRG unit out. FFL
small group of gunmen. He declares that they are going to Fireteam B must count its declaration of fire as a
run from one building and cross the street to get out of Reaction when determining its Firepower against the
sight behind another building. The FFL player announces next unit it Reacts to i.e., it loses a die of Firepower.
that the fireteam is going to React by trying to shoot the Reaction tests are made starting with the non-initiative
DPRG soldiers as they run across the street. This time unit nearest to the initiative unit being activated and
the FFL fireteam loses the Reaction Test. The DPRG unit working outward. Do not resolve the Reactions at this


time, but note which non-initiative units passed their There is no maximum visual range unless a scenario
Reaction Tests and which didnt. or Fog of War card states otherwise. The boards on which
Once all Reaction Tests have been rolled, resolve the game is played are small enough that figures can see
Reactions in which the non-initiative units lost the (and, indeed, fire) from one side to the other.
Reaction Test. Start with the non-initiative unit LOS can be blocked by terrain features, such as
nearest to the activated initiative unit and work buildings, high walls, deep trenches, etc.
outward, resolving each Reaction in turn. LOS is not determined on a per figure basis. LOS is
Finally, resolve all Reactions in which the non-initiative traced from the rough center of the firing unit to the rough
unit won the Reaction Test. Start with the non-initiative center of the target unit.
unit nearest to the activated initiative unit and work If half or more of the firing unit can see the target unit,
outward, resolving each Reaction in turn. it may fire. If less than half the target unit is visible to the
Once all Reactions have been resolved, the initiative unit firing unit, it cannot be fired upon.
may complete its activation. Remember that units lose Example: A DPRG Fireteam exits a building and moves
1 die of Firepower and 1 of Movement for each Reaction across the path of some advancing US Marines. Only one
after the first! of the four DPRG troopers is in LOS of the Marines the
rest are concealed by a tall wall. Since the Marines
Reaction Aftermath cannot see half or more of the DPRG unit, they cannot
An initiative unit that survives all Reactions against it react to it. On the other hand, since less than half the
without being Pinned or forced to Pull Back may finish its DPRG troopers can see the Marines, they cannot fire at
activation as usual. It may finish its movement and fire, them, either.
minus any movement penalties or lost Firepower dice When we look at the example above, it may at first seem
accrued for previous fire or Reactions. odd to say that the Marines can see two out of six figures in
a DPRG unit but cannot shoot at the unit (or at the two
Reaction Tests and Fog of War exposed individuals, for that matter), but it is our intention
Reaction Tests also serve as triggers for Fog of War events. to represent a fluid combat situation. Models on the table
If either player rolls a 1 on their Troop Quality die while delineate the area controlled by a unit, but do not specifically
making a Reaction Test, a Fog of War card is drawn and the
effects are applied.
Example: A USMC initiative unit rolls its Troop Quality
die in a Reaction Test. The die comes up with a score of 1.
The Marine units controlling player draws a Fog of War
card. The cards effects are read and put into effect
immediately unless the card indicates that it can be saved
and played at a later time.

Optional Fog of War

If youd like to see more Fog of War effects in your games,
try this alternative rule: At the beginning of each turn make
a Quality Check for the highest Quality unit in the initiative
force. If the Quality Check fails draw a Fog of War Card!

These units do not have a clear LOS

LINE OF SIGHT (LOS) to one another because neither can see
All infantry units have a 360 degree line of sight. Figure at least half of the others miniatures
facing is irrelevant. (photo: Shawn Carpenter, miniatures: GZG)


represent the static location of individuals. Figure placement Example: A unit of DPRG Guards wants to fire at some
simply indicates that the unit is exhibiting some control of Marines. Unfortunately, a second Guard unit is directly
the area they are placed in. between them and their desired target. The Guard units
When you embrace this idea, youll discover it opens a and the Marines are all at street level, so the second Guard
wide array of tactical options and provides a far faster, unit blocks the first units fire.
smoother game than those that depend on checking line of
sight for individual figures. FOG OF WAR CARDS
Note that if any portion of a vehicle or single figure unit Fog of War is a term used to describe the tendency for
is visible to an enemy unit, they are in LOS. A vehicles things to become confused and unmanageable on the
position at the end of its movement or reaction is considered battlefield. Fog of War cards simulate this effect by providing
its chassis orientation for firing or receiving fire (in other an opportunity for unpredictable challenges or opportunities
words, the way the vehicle sits determines whether shots are to arise.
against its front, side, or rear). In Tomorrows War, a player draws a Fog of War card
if he rolls an unmodified 1 on a Reaction Test. The Fog
Line of Fire (LOF) of War card will indicate whether the player must play
A unit must have a clear line of sight to a target to fire the card immediately or may hold it in his hand and play
at it. If there are other units or civilians between the it later.
firing unit and the target, Line of Fire (LOF) must also Fog of War cards may affect either or both players
be considered. the card drawn will indicate which force will suffer (or
LOF is a line traced from the middle of the firing unit to enjoy) its effects.
the middle of the target unit. Any units or civilian stands Some scenarios will dictate that Fog of War cards
within 2 of this line and at the same elevation are should be drawn at the start of the game or when certain
considered to be in the line of fire. milestones in the scenario are met others may dictate
Units or stands that are within 2 of the LOF of a target that no Fog of War cards are used, even if a 1 is rolled on
unit at a higher or lower elevation than the firing unit are a Reaction Test.
not in the line of fire.
Example: An initiative unit is firing at a sniper on a roof MOVEMENT
top. Another initiative unit is directly in front of them at When a player decides to move an activated unit, he must
street level. Since they are firing over the heads of the declare what unit hes moving and at what movement rate.
intervening unit at a target above them, the street level unit All units have two movement rates, Tactical or Rapid. If he
is not considered to be in the line of fire. The initiative unit doesnt declare a movement rate, its assumed the unit is
can engage the sniper. moving at Tactical speed.
Most units may not fire at a target if other friendlies are Movement may be restricted or modified by Terrain
in the line of fire (i.e., within 2 of their LOF). They may fire Effects (see pg. 88 for details) or scenario specific
if civilians are in the LOF, but they have a chance of hitting conditions.
them (See Civilians on the Battlefield, pg. 160). Note,
however, that some scenarios may forbid fire that might Movement Rates
injure civilians. All units have two Movement Rates: Tactical and Rapid.
Irregulars may fire at targets regardless of whom or
what is in their LOF unless a scenario restricts them, but Tactical Movement
have the same chance of injuring friendlies as described in Tactical Movement allows units to take advantage of
Civilians on the Battlefield. available cover and carefully assess their surroundings for
Regular units may not fire directly through another unit threats. Units making a Tactical move suffer no Reaction
at the same elevation. Test modifiers.


[Load Bearing Exo]


Infantry units may make a Tactical move of up to 6. Out of Contact Movement is generally only allowed for
Mounted units may make a Tactical move of up to 8. one side in a scenario and may only be used while that side
Vehicles may make a Tactical move of up to 10. is the non-initiative force.
A unit capable of Out of Contact Movement that is not
Rapid Movement currently visible to any initiative unit, i.e., no initiative unit
Units that move more than their allotted Tactical has an open Line of Sight to it, may move anywhere on
Movement in a turn are using Rapid movement. the table as long as it can trace a path from its current
Units may make a Rapid move and then fire, but may position to the spot it wishes to move to without crossing
not fire and then make a Rapid move. It is much easier to any initiative units line of sight. Note that aerial sensor
dash into position and start firing than it is to disengage at drones belonging to the initiative force will prevent Out of
a sprint. Contact Movement altogether.
Units that have moved rapidly receive a -1 penalty to Units utilizing Out of Contact Movement must end their
all Reaction Test die rolls and lose one die of Firepower. movement before they enter an initiative units line of sight.
Rapid moving units are also extremely vulnerable This unrestricted movement is meant to represent the
to fire, so units attacking them receive an additional die uncertainty of local force dispositions until the initiative
of Firepower. force is able to fix their actual positions by moving into
Infantry units may make a Rapid move of up to 12. contact or through aerial reconnaissance.
Mounted units may make a Rapid move of up to 16.
Vehicles may make a Rapid move of up to 20. Jump Movement
Some units are capable of moving across the battlefield in
Default Movement Rate great leaps and bounds that may carry them over terrain
People who want to survive on the modern battlefield tend features that might be impassable to other troops. A units
to move cautiously. To reflect this, all units have a default jump capability may be derived from a special exoskeleton,
movement rate of Tactical. forced thrust, limited anti-grav, or, in the case of some
aliens, simple biology.
Moving Units on the Table As a rule, Jump capable troops may make a Tactical
To simplify movement, Tomorrows War bases unit Move of up to 8 and a Rapid Move of up to 16.
movement on the position of a units leader. To move Jump moves may take the troops across any horizontal
a unit, simply measure movement for the units leader barrier in their path (trenches, gorges, rivers) or over vertical
and then place the members of his unit within cohesion obstacles (walls, cliffs, buildings) unless a scenario indicates
distance around him. that such terrain features are impassable to jump troops.
Jumping troops are a difficult target, so units firing at
Out of Contact Movement them suffer a -1 Firepower Die penalty.
Out of Contact Movement may only be utilized by units Units who are jumping have a lot on their mind
designated by a scenario. Generally, units capable of Out (maintaining proper thrust, clearing any obstacles, landing
of Contact Movement will be local guerrillas, special safely), so they are a bit distracted while in the air. As a
forces units, or Irregulars under the command of an result, units who perform a jump move (whether Tactical or
attached leader. Rapid) suffer a -1 penalty to their Reaction Check rolls.

The unit is the basic playing piece in Tomorrows War. Most units in a Tomorrows War game will be Regulars.
Players activate units to perform actions or react to their Irregulars, on the other hand, are combatants with
opponents units. Units generally represent an infantry minimal military training and discipline. They tend to fight in
fireteam, weapon team, or an individual vehicle. mobs or loosely affiliated packs rather than organized units
Leaders are usually an inherent part of a unit, as in and only recognize the command of those with sufficient
fireteam leaders, but may also represent an additional firepower or force of will to intimidate and/or inspire them.
command asset external to the fireteam (such as a squad Irregulars are generally untrained and poorly disciplined
or platoon leader) or even a free-roaming personality that troops who might be highly motivated by religious and/or
might take control of different units during the course of political zeal but are just as likely to be sullen and resentful.
a game (such as an insurgent leader). Examples of Irregular troops include conscripted soldiers,
The following rules explain the structure and local militia, criminal gangs, and local insurgencies.
characteristics that define the nature of units and leaders. Irregulars may occasionally be led by Regulars, but
Irregular troops cannot be integrated into a Regular unit.
UNIT TYPES Irregular units may fight alongside Regular units on the
There are three basic unit types in Tomorrows War: same side in a scenario.
Regular, Irregular, and Robotic. Irregular troops will generally be encountered in Mixed
Basic unit types are defined below: Force scenarios or when pitted against each other. If a
Regulars are professional soldiers who have received Tomorrows War scenario pits a Regular or Mixed force
formal military training, are under military discipline, against an opponent force comprised solely of Irregulars,
and function as a cohesive group on the battlefield. the Irregular force may never be awarded initiative.
Regulars might include members of a national army, Robotics may be autonomous, semi-autonomous, or
Special Operations forces, paramilitary law enforcement purely remote controlled. Their behavior differs according
groups (such as SWAT or Hostage Extraction Teams), or to their level of sophistication. See Robots and Drones for
professional mercenaries. more information.

The Rule of Equivalency

When two forces of equivalent nature are pitted against
each other (i.e., Regulars vs. Regulars or Insurgents
vs. Insurgents), use the standard rules to resolve the
In engagements that involve disparate troop types
(i.e., Regulars vs. Irregulars or even Regulars vs. Regulars
& Irregulars), the Irregular troops are subject to the special


Unless otherwise noted, Alien units will belong to
Regular troops could be professional one of the same three basic unit types as
soldiers, well-trained paramilitary units, humans: Regular, Irregular, or Robotic.
or even mercenaries (photo: Piers Brand,
miniatures: Foundry & Old Crow)


We were conscripts, raised up to fill the ranks

of the Archenault Farm militia. We hero
worshipped the real soldiers of the ANG who
showed us which end of the FAMAS to point at
the dinks and taught us how to tell the friendly
and enemy APCs apart. We got pretty
confident because we had these fire-eaters
looking out for us. Then The Legion showed up
and made the ANG boys look like kids playing
at war. Thats when we realized how screwed
we were. We knew then that the ANG were
going to be too busy trying to stay alive
themselves to hold our hands.
Irregular forces might include rebels,
criminal gangs, militia troops or bandits Anton LeChef, Sergeant in the Archenault
(photo & miniatures: Pig Iron)
Militia, later Captain in the Republic of Arden
National Guard (ANG)
rules governing Irregular initiative, actions, leadership,
and morale. Games of this sort fall into the category of
Asymmetric Operations.
found leading or supporting Veteran units, but so-called
UNIT CHARACTERISTICS Elite units usually consist of Veteran quality troops
All units in Tomorrows War share certain characteristics. who have been augmented through bio-engineering,
These characteristics differentiate units from one another cybernetics, or a mixture of the two.
and give a fighting force its character. Unit characteristics Elite units should only be found in special purpose,
include Troop Quality, Morale, Confidence Level, and hand-picked organizations.
Supply Quality. Irregulars may never have a Troop Quality higher than
D10 and the majority of Irregular units are Troop quality
Troop Quality D6 untrained units.
Troop Quality is a measure of a units combat capability. When designing scenarios of your own, keep in mind
Troop Quality indicates the level of training and discipline that a one-step difference in Troop Quality is significant.
for most units, but it might also represent more exotic unit Veteran units pitted against Trained units, for instance, can
characteristics, such as bio-engineering, cybernetic count on winning most Reaction Tests, benefiting more
enhancement or inhuman ferocity. from cover and concealment, and creating more casualties
Each unit will have a Troop Quality die type associated with their fire.
with it. This is the type of die thrown by the unit when A two-step difference, such as Green/Untrained units
it makes the various Troop Quality Tests required by against Veterans or Trained units against Elites, will result
the rules. in an extremely one-sided engagement unless the superior
Units in most military forces will have a Troop Quality Troop Quality units are grossly outnumbered.
of D8 or higher, but may include some green D6 units.
The vast majority of troops in standing armies should have Examples of Troop Qualities
a Troop Quality of D8. Green/Untrained Units: Armed civilians, police,
Veteran (D10) units should be rare. Elite (D12) rebels, poor quality military units, conscripts, and
individuals, naturally suited for a life of combat, may be most third-world and colonial military units.



Untrained/Green Troops: TQ D6, variable Morale. Elite Troops w/Special Training, Extensive
Low Confidence Experience: TQ D10, Morale D12, High
Trained, Low Experience Troops: TQ D6, variable Confidence, Default to Abundantly Supplied
Morale, Confident Hand-Picked Elite Operators w/Special Training,
Trained/Moderately Experienced Troops: TQ D8, Extensive Experience, and Natural Aptitude:
Morale D8, Confident TQ D12, Morale D12, High Confidence, Default
Veteran Troops or Troops w/Advanced Training: to Abundant Supplies
TQ D8, Morale D10, High Confidence
Elite Operators would normally only be encountered
singly, in pairs, or in a fireteam at most.

Experienced/Trained Units: Regular military such as the legendary SAS, SEALs, or French Foreign
formations, including Marines and Rangers, police Legion although many of these units may be led by
SWAT teams, some standing colonial armies, and soldiers of Elite Troop Quality.
experienced freedom fighters or terrorists. Elite Units: Among humans, only a few gifted
Veteran Units: As Trained units above, but with individuals reach this level of combat ability naturally.
extensive and intense combat experience. This The vast majority of truly Elite units are comprised of
category is also home to special operations units, genetically modified and/or cybernetically enhanced
soldiers who have proven themselves worthy of
the expense necessary to convert them into purpose-
Li was struck by one of the French war built soldiers.
criminals big sniper rifles and we were all
splattered with his blood and tissue. Pak, Morale
the meekest of soldiers in our squad rubbed A units Morale rating reflects how motivated and eager (or
blood from his eyes and stared at it with an resigned and fatalistic) it is to fight and continue fighting
expression Ive never seen before. He turned when things get dicey. Units with higher Morale ratings are
to me and said calmly, This is unacceptable. less bothered by set-backs and casualties and are more
He then dashed out from behind our Angry likely to keep fighting in the face of hardship. Low Morale
Hawk and ran to cover nearer the criminals units may show their heels at the first sign of trouble.
and engaged them with his rifle. The rest of Theres no real relationship between Morale and Troop
us followed. Later, after the fighting that day, Quality a unit with Elite Troop Quality may have low
I learned that Pak had killed three of the
criminals with his rifle and two more with his
shovel. Such is our exuberance for our dear MORALE DICE
Life President that even the meekest among
Low Morale D6
us is a tiger in his cause.
Average Morale D8
Cpl. Shin Jung, Democratic Peoples Army Good Morale D10
of the DPRG High Morale D12


Morale because theyve been in the field too long or have to stay in a vehicle under fire or try risky maneuvers
lost their favorite squad-mate. A mob of rabble might be in the face of heavy weapon fire. Their motto is
so inspired by a charismatic leader that theyre willing to Better safe than sorry.
face certain death to follow his commands. Confident: Confident troops are fairly sure that
There are four Morale ratings: Low, Average, Good, things are going to work out for them and that gear
and High. Each Morale rating has a Morale Die associated and plans will function as advertised. Theyre not
with it. likely to bail out of their vehicles at the sound of the
first angry shot or to give up on a maneuver just
Confidence Level because the going gets a little tough. This is the
A units confidence level reflects how much faith they put default confidence for all units unless a scenario
in their gear and/or the plan for their current operation. dictates otherwise.
The more confident a unit is, the more likely they are to High Confidence: High Confidence troops are sure
trust their equipment and leadership. The less confident that their gear and plans are first rate and more than
they are, the less likely they are to put themselves at risk a match for anything the enemy throws at them.
by relying on a plan or piece of equipment to actually work Theyre likely to stay at their tanks guns no matter
as intended. what the enemy throws at them and they certainly
Confidence isnt the same as Morale. High Morale units wont let a little thing like machinegun fire or mines
might have a very low confidence and vice versa. keep them from advancing as needed!
Confidence Level is used to determine whether a vehicle As noted above, Confident is the default confidence level
crew decides to bail when the going gets hot or how well for all units in a game unless a scenario dictates otherwise.
an infantry unit reacts to certain battlefield conditions, Force Lists may also indicate normal confidence levels for
such as concentrated machinegun fire. units from certain forces at different times in their history.
There are three levels of confidence:
Low Confidence: Low Confidence troops or crews Supply Quality
are certain that their armor, weapon, or tactics will The quality and quantity of a units supplies has a large
fail at the worst possible moment. Theyre unlikely impact on its performance on the battlefield. Units with
limited ammunition will be miserly with their fire, possibly
to their detriment, while those that have been subsisting
I saw the American Marines make a on sub-standard or spoiled rations are certainly not at their
dash across the street while the dink most combat effective.
MG hammered away at them. They didnt There are three levels of supply quality: Poorly Supplied,
seem to run particularly fast and were only Normally Supplied, or Abundant Supplies. The effects of
slightly hunched over, probably more to the each are described below:
load they were carrying than out of concern Poor Supplies: Poorly Supplied units have limited
for getting hit. I thought, hell, if the Yanks ammunition, poor rations, a shortage of water, or
can do it, so can we. I shouted for my boys any number of other logistical shortcomings that
to follow me but we didnt get more than might adversely affect their combat effectiveness.
a couple of feet into the road before they
decided they were fine where they were
until the Yanks shut that MG down. Give em hell, boys! The drop is in and we
got bullets to burn!
Anton LeChef, Lieutenant and later Captain in the
Republic of Arden National Guard (ANG) SSgt. Dan Gurule, US Army, Battle of Juarez


In game terms, Poorly Supplied units lose a die The Tech Levels are roughly described as follows:
of Firepower. Tech Level 1: Outdated. Embodying last generations
Normal Supplies: Normally Supplied units suffer wonders, faded by the passage of time and the advances of
no disadvantages and gain no advantages over science and technology, this Tech Level is still the norm for
other units. Third World nations on Earth and many underdeveloped
Abundant Supplies: Units with Abundant Supplies or poorly supported colonies.
have pouches full of ammunition and bellies full of Tech Level 2: Contemporary Technology: Good, solid
decent rations. They have all the beans, bullets, and technology that is the norm for most First World Earth
bandages they need to take it to the enemy in style. nations and wealthy or well-supported colonies.
In game terms, units with Abundant Supplies gain a Tech Level 3: Bleeding Edge Technology. This is the
die of Firepower. futures tech, today. This level of tech is only found in the
Some scenarios will indicate the supply quality of one or hands of Earths most wealthy and powerful nations.
both sides if supply quality isnt defined by a scenario,
then all units default to Normally Supplied. The Sliding Scale of Technology
Example 1: A fireteam with Normal Supplies consisting So, what adjustments do you make if you decide to base
of four riflemen has a basic Firepower of 4. your games in the far future rather than the near future?
Example 2: A fireteam with Poor Supplies consisting of Do Tech Levels top out at Tech Level 3? Of course not
four riflemen has a basic Firepower of 3. because technology is on a sliding scale!
Example 3: A fireteam with Abundant Supplies Whatever level of technological development represents
consisting of four riflemen has a basic Firepower of 5. the norm in your vision of the future is classified as Tech
Level 2. For some settings, this may mean that tracked
Tech Level vehicles and rail guns are TL2 for some settings, while
Tech Level describes how advanced a forces weapons, anti-grav vehicles and energy weapons are TL2 in another.
armor, and sensors are. There are three Tech Levels, with Tech
Level 1 (TL1) being the lowest and Tech Level 3 (TL3) being the Tech Level Related Unit
highest. The baseline Tech Level for Earths developed nations Attributes
in the era in which Tomorrows War is set is TL2. There are four Tech Level related unit stats: Weapons,
Armor, Stealth, Sensors. Unless otherwise noted, a unit
defaults to its forces primary TL.
Weapons: Higher TL weapons tend to be combat
multipliers, either due to their increased accuracy, lethality,
or simplicity of use.
Armor: Higher TL armor tends to soak up more damage
with less weight. Units with no armor at all default to TL1.
Stealth: Most units have some stealth capability, either in
the form of camouflaged uniforms or more active systems,
such as optical image camouflage. The higher the TL of
the stealth systems, the more effective they are.
Sensors: Combat sensors can range from advanced optics
to high and low frequency light and noise scanners or
Obsolete Type 88 Shouting Dragon APCs chemical sniffers. The higher the TL of the sensor suite,
in use by the DPRG 77th Home Guard the more likely they are to detect stealthy units or other
(photo: Shawn Carpenter, miniatures: GZG) battlefield targets.


Contests between Varied Combat & Tech Levels

Tech Levels As described above, units with superior technology have
Forces in Tomorrows War have a basic, default Tech Level an advantage over those with less advanced systems.
that describes their overall level of technical advancement. In combat, this effect requires a little more definition.
In some cases, specific units may be outfitted with gear of When units with different Tech Levels of armor and
varying Tech Levels a units weaponry may be more weapons engage one another, compare those Tech Levels
advanced than its armor and sensors, for instance. and subtract the low TL from the high TL. If the firing
When opposed rolls involving multiple dice (combat units weapons have the higher Tech Level, it will receive
rolls, for instance, or ECM rolls) are called for between a number of Firepower dice equal to the difference
units with differing Tech Levels, subtract the low TL from between the two Tech Levels. If the target units armor
the high TL. The difference is the number of extra dice the has the higher Tech Level, it receives a number of
higher TL will throw in the contest. Defense dice equal to the difference between the two
The appropriate tech attributes should be matched. If a Tech Levels.
unit is utilizing stealth technology, the tech level of that Unarmored units are assumed to have an armor value
technology should be compared to that of their opponents of Tech Level of 1, regardless of the Tech Level of their
sensors. In combat, the weapon tech of the firing unit other gear.
should be compared to the armor tech of the unit receiving Example: A unit of mercenaries known for stealthy
their fire. infiltration and sabotage has TL3 Stealth & Sensors, but
Example: A TL2 unit is firing at a TL1 unit. Subtracting their weapons and armor are TL2.
1 from 2 equals 1, so the TL2 unit throws 1 extra Firepower
die in its attack. UNIT COHESION
Under normal circumstances, all figures in a unit must
remain within 1 of one another.
A unit may be spread more thinly and still effectively
We almost felt bad for em, the poor devils. occupy and hold defensive positions. While wholly
They were awfully sure of all that armor, three occupying a defensive position a Regular units cohesion
track-laying tanks and four APCs. They just distance is expanded to 2.
rolled up the hill at us in a big skirmish line, Units that break cohesion due to movement or terrain
belching diesel smoke. Lord, whens the last must regroup to restore it in their next activation.
time you smelled that? Anyway, Boylan fired
the first Harridan AT missile when they were SPLIT UNITS
still a thousand meters out. The lead tank took Units may divide into smaller elements at the start of their
it right in the glacis and just vanished in a activation. Only one element of a unit may move and fire
geyser of flame, smoke, and junk. Three-and- during the activation that the unit is split. From that point
a-half-minutes later all seven vehicles were on, each element is treated as a separate unit for the
flaming smudges in the snow and the infantry purposes of movement and fire.
smart enough to bail out of their APCs before Split elements may merge to reform their unit at the
they were hit were sprinting in the opposite beginning of any subsequent turn.
direction. We let em go.
That was the Battle of Hill 301. MERGING UNITS
Units may merge to form a larger unit if one of the merging
Sgt. Bryce Coughlin, British Royal Marines
units has been reduced to half strength or less. Single
figures may also merge with a friendly unit.



The Merging Units rule can be used to represent Example: A unit consists of four riflemen and a
units comprised of figures with varying Troop fireteam leader. Three of the riflemen and the
Quality and Morale values and was designed to fireteam leader have a TQ/Morale of D8/D10. One
provide a quick, easy method to handle that of the riflemen has a TQ/Morale of D10/D8.
situation. If you wish to model the impact of For Reaction Tests and Optimum Range, the
differing TQ/Morale values more closely, however, majority TQ of D8 will be used for this unit. When
you can use this optional rule: determining their Firepower for an attack, the unit
In a unit with varied TQ/Morale values, use the would roll 4D8 +1D10. In a Morale Check, the unit
appropriate die type for each figure when making would roll 4D10 +1D8.
rolls based on TQ/Morale. Use the TQ of the
The Who Got Hit? (see pg. 64) rule can be used to
majority of the unit for Reaction Tests and Optimum
determine if the stand-out figures become
Range for the unit. If there is an even split, use the
lowest value.

To merge, figures in both units must be within unit Regular Leaders may attach themselves to an Irregular unit
cohesion distance at the beginning of a turn. and act as its leader.
Merging units are not required to have the same Troop
Quality or Morale. Units with different Troop Quality and LEADERS
Morale ratings use the values associated with the majority Leaders may move freely about the table. They are not
of the figures in the new unit. If there is an even split, use subject to Unit Cohesion rules. However, leaders who are
the lower of the two values. not within cohesion with a unit may not act as its leader
Irregular units may not merge with Regulars, although unless it is established in the scenario (or in the units
notes) that he has the capability to contact units by radio,
cell-phone, HUD, etc.
Leader figures are more critical to Irregulars forces
than to Regulars.
Regulars have an established chain of command and
when a leader is lost, a subordinate is there to take over his
role. Some leaders have a positive or negative effect on a
units Combat Stress Level.
Leadership in Irregulars forces tends to be based on
force of personality or charisma without a leader,
Irregular units become hesitant and indecisive. This is
reflected in the fact that Irregulars must make a Troop
Quality test to perform any action if they do not have a
Mercenary troops move through a war-torn designated Leader figure attached.
city supported by a Heavy Autonomous Gun There is no limit to the number of Irregulars that a
Platform (photo & miniatures: Micropanzer) single Irregular Leader may have in his Unit.


Effects of Leaders Unit Attributes may take the form of an attached asset
If a leaders morale rating differs from the base morale of (such as a medic or scout), special training (engineers, for
the unit he is attached to, the unit uses his morale for instance), or a psychological effect (like improved Morale
checks rather than their own. against a hated enemy). The chapter on Unit Attributes
Any unit within LOS of a higher command leader must contains a selection of common attributes, but it is not an
use his morale rating rather than their own when taking exhaustive list. More attributes will likely be described in
morale based tests. future companion books and players are free to devise
Example: A fireteam has a Morale of D8. They are in their own, as well.
LOS of their Squad Leader, who has a Morale of D10. Sample Unit Attributes can be found in Appendix 1: Unit
The fireteam will use his Morale for Morale tests as long & Vehicle Attributes.
as he is within LOS. Note that if the squad leader had a
Morale of D6, the fireteam would have been forced to use DIFFERENTIATING BETWEEN
a lower Morale for Morale tests. SPECIAL FIGURES
Positive and negative Leaders, identified in scenario While not as big a problem with 20-28mm figures, it
briefs, can raise or lower a units Combat Stress. can sometimes be hard to tell the difference between
These rules apply equally to infantry and vehicle 15mm figures, especially at table distance. This can be a
leaders. problem for the Irregulars player, as its important to
know which Irregulars are leaders and which are carrying
Leaders Joining a Unit support weapons.
A separated leader may join any unit it pleases by moving We solve this problem by painting a colored dot on the
into cohesion with that unit. back of the bases of our special figures: Yellow for leaders,
If the unit the leader joins has already been activated in red for support weapons.
the turn he joins it, the unit and leader may perform no Feel free to use whatever method you wish to identify
further actions. Both the unit and the leader are finished your own figures, but the colored dots have worked quite
for the turn. well for us!
If the unit has not been activated before the leader
joins it, it may be activated later in the turn but may only ALTERNATE BASING
fire, not move. The leader joining the unit counts as the Many Tomorrows War players may already have figures
units movement. based on multi-figure stands for use with other games.
This basing method works perfectly well with Tomorrows
UNIT ATTRIBUTES War, so theres no need to rebase your existing armies or
Some units have inherent capabilities or characteristics replace them with new figures. Simply treat each stand
that stand them apart from others. We refer to these as as a fireteam and keep track of how many casualties it
Unit Attributes. has taken.


The Kalashnikov Advanced Combat Rifle 200, the poly-carbons, ceramics, polymer, metal, plastic
AK-200 as its better known, is the perfect composites whatever a colony has to hand, it
example of what can be done for a low budget can arm itself with the AK-200 design, and more
but maximum efficiency. The weapon is a importantly, it can make them itself with the most
standard assault rifle, using caseless 9mm basic of equipment.
ammunition within a virtually indestructible body. While it may lack the range and finesse of
The weapon is rugged in the extreme. You can other weapons, its ease of use and long lifespan
drop it off a cliff, bury it in the Martian dust, make it the ideal weapon for low budget armies
dunk it in an ocean, sink it into mud and the gun and insurgencies.
will come out and fire first time, every time. This gun will usually outlive its user. Study it
It is the perfect weapon for low quality troops. closely; it will be firing at you.
It needs virtually no attention. It is easy to break
down and maintain. It has very few parts and is Gunnery Sergeant Josephine Marcia,

simple throughout its construction. It can be OPFOR Weapons Trainer, Quantico

made from whatever material is available


Fire Combat occurs whenever one unit takes another When a unit reacts to fire from another unit by firing back,
under fire. In the following section, youll find a description it is referred to as a Round of Fire. Make a reaction Test to
of how Fire Combat is resolved in Tomorrows War. You determine which unit fires first in a Round of Fire.
wont find a lot of charts, tables, and weapon lists, though. When one unit engages another with fire, either as an
Tomorrows War puts less emphasis on the specific Action or Reaction, a Reaction test is made to see which
weapons used in a firefight than on the skill and training of unit fires first. The unit that passes the test with the highest
the combatants using them. Rather than focus minutely on die score will fire first. In the case of a tie (or if neither side
the individual characteristics of weapons, comparing one passes the test with a 4+), the initiative unit will fire first.
weapons range, reliability and accuracy to anothers, we The side that fires first will resolve its fire as described
assume that all classes of weapons designed to perform in Resolving Fire Combat, below. If the unit receiving fire
the same battlefield tasks are basically analogous it is first survives, it will return fire unless it has suffered some
the man using the tool that makes the difference. morale effect that prevents it from doing so, has been
Low Troop Quality units may be using better weapons completely wiped out, or has no remaining Firepower dice.
than a higher Troop Quality unit, but its doubtful that the When both units have fired, the round of fire is complete.
differences in weapon performance will make up for the Note that irregular units may only participate in a round
disparity in training and experience. On the other hand, of fire that they have initiated by action or reaction.
high Troop Quality units are familiar with their weapons Otherwise, they must receive fire without responding to it.
and know how to take advantage of their strengths and Since an irregular unit can only be activated or react once
compensate for their weaknesses. per turn, they can only engage in one Round of Fire per turn.


might provide ample cover for a unit of infantry. In other

words, it must be assumed that our gaming tables contain
To resolve Fire Combat, both units involved determine how features too small or difficult to model which might provide
many dice they have in Firepower and Defense. Each unit cover for our figures.
rolls the appropriate number of Troop Quality dice and To represent this invisible terrain we assume that any
discards any dice with a score lower than the target unit that is not Exposed (see below) is taking advantage of
number (4+). The defender matches his Defense dice to unseen terrain features.
the attackers Firepower dice, attempting to equal or In instances where terrain features exist to provide
exceed the score on each dice. Any die which the unit being obvious cover, its benefit is not determined on a per figure
fired on cannot equal or exceed causes a casualty. basis, but rather on the position of the unit as a whole.
If half or more of a given unit is in cover, the entire unit
DEFENSE receives the benefit of that cover.
Basic Defense Cover modifiers that overlap are cumulative.
A units basic Defense is equal to the number of figures in Example: Six Kingdom of Glory militiamen move into
the unit or the number of Firepower dice with which it is position in the cover of some low walls surrounding a
being attacked, whichever is less. Extra Defense dice for fountain. 4 of the KoG militiamen make it behind the walls,
armor or cover are then added to the basic Defense to but two are left in the open. Since half or more of the militia
determine the units final defense value. The type of die figures are in Solid Cover, the entire unit is considered to
thrown is determined by the units Troop Quality. be in Solid Cover.
A units Defense can never be reduced to zero. No Units may receive additional dice to their Defense based
matter what negative factors apply, a unit will always have on any additional cover beyond the usual battlefield clutter:
at least one Defense die. In Cover (+1 Defense Die): A unit that does not move may
declare that it is In Cover. Units may get In Cover
anywhere, even in a position that would normally be
BASIC DEFENSE Exposed. Being In Cover represents a unit using all
Basic Defense = Number of Figures in Unit or available cover to its full advantage, even if that means little
the Firepower of the attack against it, more than laying a little flatter on the ground. In Cover units
whichever is less. benefit if theyre using better cover, so the In Cover bonus
is applied in addition to any other cover bonuses the unit
might receive for being behind Solid Cover, in a Fortified
Example: A group of 8 militia soldiers is being fired on Position, etc.
by a fireteam with a Firepower of 5D. The militiamen are Regular units are automatically In Cover on any
moving on the other side of a brick wall and can claim activation that they do not move and are not Exposed.
Solid Cover. Since the militiamen are being attacked with a Irregulars that have not moved during their activation
Firepower of 5D, their basic defense is 5D rather than 8D. and Exposed Regular units must pass a Quality Check to
They can claim Solid Cover, though, which bumps their get In Cover.
defense to 6D. The militiamen have a D6 Troop Quality, so Pinned units may take a Quality Check to get In Cover
their final Defense total in this situation would be 6D6. even if they have moved. This bonus die is cumulative with
other applicable Defense Dice.
Cover Dice Solid Cover (+1 Defense Die): Cover that has a good chance
Although Tomorrows War is played on a tabletop, the of deflecting or outright stopping bullets is considered to be
battles the games represent are not fought on one. Even Solid Cover. Some examples of Solid Cover might include
the flattest expanse of steppe-land is crisscrossed with concrete or adobe buildings, sand bags, stone walls,
wrinkles and dotted with low rises any one of which wrecked APCs, etc.


Intervening Cover: If enemy fire passes over an intervening bunkers, small concrete pill-boxes, etc. Such positions
terrain feature, such as a stone wall, an AFV, etc. to reach are generally not available unless a scenario specifically
a unit, that unit may claim the Solid Cover bonus. states they are present.
Deployed Smoke this turn (+1 Defense Die) See Smoke, Reinforced Fortification (+4 Defense Dice): Units sheltering
pg. 74. within improved positions fortified expressly to protect them
Improved Cover (+2 Defense Dice): Cover that has been from enemy fire are particularly difficult to ferret out. Units
reinforced for extra protection against enemy fire such in bunkers, fortified buildings, or improved trench networks
as trenches, sandbagged walls, etc. receive the Fortified Position bonus. Such positions are
Fortified Cover (+3 Defense Dice): Fortifications generally not available unless a scenario specifically states
designed specifically to provide protection from gunfire they are present.
and blast effects, such as prepared trenches, log Exposed (+1 Firepower Die for Attacker): If a unit is in
open ground and is not within 2 of a scenic piece
representing cover of some sort, it is considered to be
Exposed. Exposed units are extremely vulnerable to fire, so
units attacking them receive an extra Firepower Die.

Armor Dice
Units who are wearing body armor receive additional
Defense dice.
Light Body Armor: +1 Defense Die
Hard Body Armor (carapace armor, most combat
environment suits, light powered armor): +2 Defense Dice
Heavy Powered Armor: +3 Defense Dice
Units wearing armor are designated by the scenario.

A units Firepower represents its capability to bring effective
Troops in Light Body Armor (photo: Piers fire against the enemy. Tomorrows War works on the
Brand, miniatures: Copplestone) assumption that the quality of the man using the weapon is

In Cover: +1D Fortified Cover (purpose built trenches, log
Solid Cover (inside buildings, behind walls, etc.): +1D bunkers, and other field fortifications): +3D
Deployed Smoke this Turn: +1D Reinforced Fortification (concrete bunkers with
Improved Cover (shallow trenches, sand-bagged firing slits): +4D
walls, etc.): +2D Exposed: +1 Firepower Die for Attacker
Intervening Cover: If enemy fire passes over
an intervening terrain feature to reach a unit, All modifiers are cumulative.
it may claim the Solid Cover bonus (assuming A units Defense can never be reduced to zero.
the terrain would provide Solid Cover under No matter what negative factors apply, a unit will
normal circumstances). always have at least one Defense die.

[Smoke em if you got em]


within Optimum Range of a target, however, have a better

chance of causing casualties. Troops with better training or
more experience have a greater Optimum Range than less
Light Body Armor: +1 Defense Die
experienced opponents.
Heavy/Hard Body Armor: +2 Defense Dice
Optimum Range should not be confused with effective
Heavy Powered Armor: +3 Defense Dice
range, which is a term with a very specific meaning. It is
+1 die for each TL higher than the attackers
the distance at which a weapon may be expected to fire
weapons (See Tech Levels)
accurately enough to inflict damage or casualties. The
effective range for most weapons used in the game will be
many times the width of even the largest tables.
more important than minor differences between individual Our term, Optimum Range, refers to the distance on the
weapons within the same class. As a result, a units Troop tabletop at which the average soldier of a given Troop
Quality is the most important factor in determining Quality is likely to cause a wounding hit. It is a measure of
its Firepower. the firers ability to shoot well, rather than a gauge of the
To determine a units Firepower, total the number of weapons innate accuracy.
combat effective figures in the unit armed with standard Optimum Range is directly linked to a firing units Troop
weapons (Assault Rifles, Advanced Combat Rifles, Laser Quality: The higher the units Troop Quality, the greater its
Rifles, etc.). Subtract any dice lost from Reactions, Optimum Range.
Defensive Actions or Overwatch fire. The resulting total is There is no maximum range for most weapons. If a
the attacking units basic Firepower. target is in LOS, it is generally considered to be in range.
Add any Special Weapon or bonus dice to the basic Exceptions are noted in the rules.
Firepower dice to determine the units final, adjusted
Firepower. This is the number of Troop Quality dice the unit
will throw in an attack.
The ranges for most weapons exceed the size of most D12 Troop Quality Units have an Optimum
tables used for Tomorrows War games. Units who are Range of 12
D10 Troop Quality Units have an Optimum
Range of 10
D8 Troop Quality Units have an Optimum Range
of 8
D6 Troop Quality Units have an Optimum Range
of 6

Support Weapons and units with enhanced fire

control (usually powered armored troops) have
twice the usual Optimum Range for their Troop
Vehicle mounted and emplaced Support
Weapons always treat their attacks as being
within Optimum Range, regardless of the
distance fired.
Troops in Hard Armor (photo & miniatures:
Pig Iron)


Figures using Support Weapons add dice to their units

Firepower in excess of the dice received for the figures
Support Weapons fall into the following general
Light (+1 Firepower Die): Light Support Weapons are man-
portable and can be operated without assistance although
an assistant gunner may be on hand to spot or pass
ammunition, his services are not required to operate the
weapon effectively. Light Support Weapons generally use
standard small arms ammunition, but have a greater range
or rate of fire than their smaller brethren.
Examples of Light Support Weapons include: SAWs, Rifle
Grenade Launcher, Grenade Launcher, Light Mortar, and
A typical NSF revolutionary militiaman
light Energy Support Weapons (ESWs)
at the battle of Novolgograd (photo
& miniature: Pig Iron) Medium (+2 Firepower Dice): Medium Support Weapons
usually require a crew of at least two for transport and
A unit only receives one Optimum Range die per round effective operation. They are often vehicle mounted or
of fire. emplaced. Other Medium Support Weapons, such as
A unit can only claim an Optimum Range die if all RPGs and other shoulder launched missiles, are easily
weapons used in the attack are within Optimum Range. portable but cause increased damage due to their
Example 1: A Trained fireteam of four soldiers, two explosive power.
armed with rifles and one each with a grenade launcher Medium Support Weapons tend to be a bit unwieldy due
and a SAW, are firing at an enemy unit 7 away. Since the to their weight and size. As a result, any unit that moves in
enemy unit is within Optimum Range of all the fireteams a turn receives one bonus Firepower die rather than two
weapons (8 for the rifles, 16 for the grenade launcher and (i.e., an RPG team with a normal Firepower of 5D would
SAW), the fireteam receives a bonus Firepower die. have a Firepower of 4D during any turn in which it moved).
Example 2: The same fireteam described above is firing Examples of Medium Support Weapons include: GPMGs,
at an enemy unit that is 14 away. If the entire unit fires at AGLs, medium mortars, standard RPGs, and medium ESWs
the distant enemy, the Fireteam does not receive the Heavy (+3 Firepower Dice): Heavy Support Weapons
Optimum Range bonus (14 is beyond the rifles Optimum are rarely man-portable and are usually vehicle mounted
Range). If the fireteam decides to split their fire, firing the or emplaced. However, some of the more powerful
SAW and grenade launcher at the enemy unit 14 away, man-portable missile systems are also classified as
that portion of their fire would receive the Optimum Range Heavy Support Weapons due to their devastating
bonus die. explosive power.

Infantry Support Weapon

Infantry Support Weapons are more powerful than
ordinary small arms. They are generally used against other
infantry, but some infantry support weapons also have Light Support Weapons: +1 Die

anti-armor capabilities. In Tomorrows War, such weapons Medium Support Weapons: +2 Dice

include SAWs, GPMGs, and grenade launchers, RPGs, Heavy Support Weapons: +3 Dice

heavy machineguns, etc.


Heavy Support weapons are generally large, weighty Diminishing Firepower

chunks of ordnance, making moving and firing them in a The more frantic a units movement and fire becomes, the
short period of time difficult. As a result, any Heavy less effective it is. To represent this a units Firepower
Weapon that make a Tactical Move during a turn suffers decreases as its activity increases.
a two dice penalty to its Firepower (i.e., a HMG team that The first time a unit fires per turn, it uses its full
normally had a Firepower of 8D would be reduced to a Firepower. After that, a unit loses one die of Firepower:
Firepower of 6D if it moved during a turn). Heavy support Each time it fires as part of an Activation, Defensive
Weapons whose crew makes a Rapid Move may not fire Action, Reaction, or on Overwatch.
at all. Each time it moves as part of a Defensive Action,
Heavy Support Weapons include: HMGs, Heavy Mortars, Reaction, or Morale test failure.
AT missiles, AT RPG, and Heavy ESWs When a units Firepower is reduced to zero, it may no
Example: A corporate mercenary fireteam of four longer fire during that turn.
figures is about to fire on a unit of Martian Rebels. The
mercenary team has a basic Firepower of 4 (one die for The Firepower Cap
each figure in the unit). One of the figures is armed with a No infantry unit may have a total Firepower greater than
SAW, a Light Support Weapon that adds a bonus die, 10 dice.
raising the fireteams Firepower to 5. Since the mercs have This rule reflects the fact that there are limits to even
a Troop Quality of D8, theyll throw 5D8 for their Firepower the most highly trained units fire discipline.
roll (if they were in optimum range of their target, theyd Note that all negative penalties are applied to the 10D
throw 6D8). cap, regardless of the number of figures in the unit.
Vehicular weapons, bombs, and certain game effects
Support Weapon Annotation are exempt from the 10D cap.
The stats for a support weapon are abbreviated in unit
organization or vehicle write-ups. The stat-line for a
support weapon indicates the weapons Tech Level, type,
class, and the number of anti-personnel (AP) Firepower
Firepower: Number of Figures + Special Weapon
dice it adds to a unit (or throws, in the case of a vehicle). Dice = Number of Troop Quality Dice in
If the weapon has anti-tank capabilities, its AT factor is Firepower
listed along with its AT gun class. +1 die if in Optimum Range
As an example, a light support weapon, such as a SAW, +1 die if target Unit is Exposed
would have a stat-line like this: TL2 ABW, Lt. AP:1 (Tech +1 if unit has Abundant Supplies
Level 2 Advanced Ballistic Weapon, Light support, +1 die +1 die for each TL higher than target (See
Tech Levels)
to anti-personnel Firepower).
-1 die if unit made a Rapid Move this turn
An anti-tank laser cannon might look like this: TL2 LWS, -1 die for each Reaction/Defensive
Hvy. AP:3/AT:2(M) (Tech Level 2, Laser Weapon System, Action/Overwatch fire after the first in a turn
Heavy support, +3 dice to anti-personnel Firepower, -1 die for each move as part of a Defensive
AT factor of 2, classed as a Medium (M) gun). Action, Reaction, or Morale test failure.
Weapon types are abbreviated as follows: -1 die in defensive fire vs. Close Assault
TST: Traditional Slug Thrower -1 die if unit is Poorly Supplied
-2 dice firing at/from an NOE (Nap of Earth) target
ABW: Advanced Ballistic Weapon
LWS: Laser Weapon System Infantry Firepower may never exceed 10D. All
GWS: Gauss Weapon System negative penalties are applied to the 10D cap,
regardless of the number of figures in the unit
EWS: Energy Weapon System


Example: A mob of DPRG militiamen, some armed with

SAWs and RPGs are firing at a Foreign Legion unit
sheltering in a boulder strewn ravine. The militiamens total
Firepower is nearly 20D, but it is reduced to 10D due to the
Firepower Cap. The militiamen are Poorly Supplied, earning
them -1 die penalty to their Firepower, reducing it to 9D for
this attack.

Splitting Fire
Units normally find that it is tactically advantageous to
group their fire, but there may be situations in which a unit
would benefit from splitting its fire between multiple
targets in the same activation.
DPRG Guards check traffic for RA
Note that a unit that fires on infantry with its small arms
insurgents along the Great Progress
while using Support Weapons to engage a vehicle is not Highway prior to hostilities in the 2nd
considered to be splitting its fire. Glory War (photo: Shawn Carpenter,
To split fire, the player must announce what targets a miniatures: GZG & Combat Wombat)
unit is going to engage and how many Firepower Dice will
be devoted to each target. A Support Weapons dice must Making the Attack Roll
be allocated to one target and may not be split among To determine the outcome of an attack during a firefight,
multiple targets (i.e., a Medium MG with two dice could not the attacker rolls his adjusted Firepower versus the
split them between two targets). defending units adjusted Defense.
The number of targets a unit can service is limited by its The attacker rolls a number of dice equal to his adjusted
Troop Quality. Firepower and discards any dice with a score of less than 4.
Example: A Brazilian Guard unit taking cover in a traffic The defender rolls a number of dice equal to his adjusted
circle is being engaged from two sides by US Marines. The Defense and discards any dice with a score of less than 4.
Brazilians are trained D8 troops, so they can split their fire The defender matches his Defense dice to the attackers
between two targets. They have a Firepower of 6 (4 figures Firepower dice, attempting to match each of the attackers
plus 2 dice for two Light Support weapons a SAW and dice with an equal or higher die roll. The defender may
RGL). The Brazilian player decides to split his fire exactly in arrange his successful dice against the attackers successful
half, with one rifleman and the SAW gunner engaging one dice as he sees fit.
group of Marines and the other rifleman and RGL engaging Any of the attackers dice with a score of 4 or greater
the other. The Brazilians will engage each unit with a that cannot be equaled or exceeded by a Defense Die
Firepower of 3. indicates a casualty.
Example: A fireteam of 5 D10 Troop Quality veteran
Marines (3 with rifles, one with a SAW, and one with a Rifle
TARGETS ENGAGED BY GL) make a ranged fire attack on a unit of 4 Martian rebels
crouched behind a low mud wall. The Rebels are within the
Marines Optimum Range.
D6 Troop Quality: May only engage ONE target The Marine players Firepower is 7 (one for each figure in
D8 Troop Quality: May engage TWO targets the fireteam), +1 die each for the SAW and Rifle GL, which
D10 Troop Quality: May engage THREE targets are Light Support Weapons). The rebels are in Optimum
D12 Troop Quality: May engage FOUR targets Range for all the units weapons, so it receives another
bonus die. The Marines final Firepower total is 8D10.


The rebels basic Defense is 4 dice, one for each Who Got Hit?
member of the unit, which is less than the Marines 8D When a unit takes casualties, it can occasionally be
Firepower. Since a units basic Defense is equal to the lesser important to determine who the casualty is. As in most
of the number of figures in the unit or the Firepower of the things, its importance varies depending on whether it is a
attack directed against it, the Rebels have an unmodified Regular or Irregular unit that has taken the hits.
Defense of 4D. Any Cover dice are added to this, so the For the most part, it doesnt matter what figure in a unit
rebels receive +1 Defense die for being In Cover and of regular soldiers was hit. If the Fireteam Leader was hit,
another +1 die for the Solid Cover provided by the wall. one of the other Fireteam members will take over. If a Special
This brings their Defense total to 6D8 (these rebels have a Weapon gunner was hit, everyone in the fireteam is
Troop Quality D8). cross-trained on the weapon, so someone else will pick it up.
The Marine player rolls his Firepower of 8D10, noting each If a unit contains specialist troops (such as a Medic or Tech)
individual roll: 10, 9, 7, 5, and 4 (he also rolled a 3 and two 1s, or robots, however, who was hit becomes more important. If
but since those are not a 4 or higher, they are discarded). a unit containing such figures sustains casualties, roll a die
The rebel player rolls 6D8 for Defense and notes the result for each casualty to determine who got hit.
of each die: 8, 5, 4, 4, 3, and 2. The 3 and 2 are discarded. For example, a unit containing a fireteam leader, a
The dice are laid out and the rebel player matches his grenadier, a robot and two riflemen is fired on and takes
Defense dice against the Marines Firepower dice as best two casualties. There are five figures in the unit, so players
he can, trying to equal or exceed as many of the attackers could either assign each figure in the unit a number from
scores as possible. 1 to 5 and roll a D6 (re-rolling results of 6) or they could
He arranges the dice as shown (underlined numbers are roll a D10 and divide the resulting number in half for an
the Firepower dice): actual roll of 1 to 5.
Lets assume the players decide to go the D10 route.
10-X, 9-4, 7-8, 5-5, 4-4
They agree to number the figures in the unit thusly: 1:
Since the rebel player had no die rolls that could equal or Leader, 2: grenadier, 3: robot, 4 & 5: riflemen. They roll
exceed the attackers 10 and 9 rolls, he leaves the 10 2D10, one for each casualty. The first D10 roll is a 4, which
unanswered and sacrifices one of his 4s against the 9. This divided by 2 results in a 2, indicating the grenadier was hit.
allows him to put his 8, 5 and remaining 4 against the The second D10 is 7, which divided by 2 (rounding up), is
Marines 7, 5 and 4, negating them. End result the a 4 a rifleman is hit.
defender takes two casualties, leaving two rebels cowering Irregulars arent as flexible in their command structure
behind the bullet-pocked mud wall! as regular soldiers, nor are they as well trained. So, its
important to see who went down when an Irregular unit
CASUALTIES AND CASUALTY takes casualties. Always dice to see if an irregular units
EVACUATION casualties include its Leader or Special Weapon gunners.
Tomorrows War takes an abstract approach to casualties If an irregular Leader or Special Weapon Gunner is hit,
and casualty evacuation. It is our goal to reflect the effect the following effects apply:
of casualties on combat units without resorting to unwieldy Irregular Leader is a Casualty: If an irregular unit loses
book-keeping to keep track of who is wounded and how a leader, it remains leaderless until joined by a new leader.
badly. The following rules are an abstraction designed to Irregular Special Weapon Gunner is a Casualty: If an
facilitate speedy, book-keeping free play and simulate the irregular units Special Weapon Gunner is hit, the unit must
resource straining and psychologically painful impact of make a Quality Check to see if anyone else is able to use
casualties on the units to which they belong. the weapon. If the Check succeeds, another irregular can
When casualties are taken during a firefight or close use it. If the check fails, either nobody else in the unit
assault, a First Aid Check is made at the beginning of the knows how to use the weapon or the weapon has been
next turn to determine the nature of their injuries, if any. damaged and is no longer usable.


More Casualties Than Figures may ignore this restriction, as can Grid enabled units (as
A unit may receive more casualties than it has figures. If so, long as their Grid is actually operational).
any excess hits are ignored. A friendly unit may provide First Aid for a wiped out unit
Example: A unit of 4 French Foreign Legionnaires is by moving into cohesion with it. A First Aid Check may be
caught in an artillery barrage that causes six hits against made for all casualty figures in both units at the beginning
them. Since there are only 4 figures in the unit, the excess of the following turn.
2 hits are ignored. A wiped out unit may be captured by an enemy unit that
moves into cohesion with them. Once a unit takes custody
First Aid Checks of enemy wounded it is subject to the Dependents Penalty.
When a unit takes casualties, it must make a First Aid A unit with POWs can remove the Dependents Penalty by
Check at the beginning of the following turn to determine moving to one of its own CASEVAC areas or a friendly
the severity of their injuries and provide immediate aid. table edge, if either exists in the scenario being played.
In most cases, at least one healthy figure must be To determine the seriousness of a casualtys injuries,
present to make the First Aid Check (see Advanced First roll 1D6 for each figure hit by enemy fire and consult the
Aid). If no healthy figure is present, a First Aid Check may appropriate First Aid Table:
not be made until assistance from able-bodied troops or Apart from figures with Light Wounds, a units
robotic medics arrives. In such cases, the wounded figures casualties are not considered when determining the units
are left tipped on their side where they were wounded. basic Firepower or Defense. Seriously wounded figures are
Such units are considered wiped out. too preoccupied with their immediate survival to contribute
Units with self-aid capabilities, such as nanites, meaningfully to their units offensive or defensive
regeneration, or medic functions built into their armor capabilities. In a similar vein, seriously wounded troops do



Since we dont know if our casualties are casualties units, but also the inherent fog of war that hinders
at all yet, why cant a wiped out unit just make its platoon and company commanders: Theyve lost
own First Aid Check? One or more of the downed contact with a unit but they dont know how badly
figures may be okay or only have a light wound! the unit has been mauled and now they must choose
Our intent in this rule is to represent the shock and between taking assets out of the fight or potentially
trauma induced in members of a unit that has been leaving men to succumb to their wounds.
struck by overwhelmingly effective fire and the Infantry commanders face this decision in battle
challenges casualties pose to combat leadership. and their choices and resulting tactical adjustments
Think of a wiped out unit as suffering from a are often key to their success on the battlefield.
Super Pin that can only be lifted by the presence Youre free to ignore this restriction, of course,
of a friendly unit. if both players agree to do so, but you will be
This condition encourages the stricken units eliminating one of the key decision points faced
comrades to come to its aid, which not only reflects by todays combat leadership: How to deal with
the natural instinct (and training) of real combat casualties humanely while keeping a mission on track.


If the casualty just had the wind knocked out of him, he

pops back up with his buddies care and the unit may finish
the turn without a penalty of any sort.
TABLE Rear Areas or CASEVAC Areas at which casualties may
Roll a D6: be turned over are defined by the scenario or a pertinent
1: Dead. Unit may act as normal if it passes a TQ Fog of War or Asset Card.
Check. If not, it may only React to fire this turn,
Example 1: A mercenary fireteam is fired on by bandits.
but may act normally next turn.
The attack causes two casualties. The mercs pass their
23: Serious wound. Unit suffers Casualty
Morale Check and return fire, pinning their attackers. At the
penalty. Unit may only react to fire this turn.
Injured man may not participate in combat and beginning of the following turn, the merc fireteam makes a
does not count towards the units Firepower. First Aid Check for each of their fallen buddies. One D6 is
The injured man may be escorted to the rear rolled for each downed soldier. A 1 and a 6 are rolled.
or to a medic. The roll of 1 indicates that the figure is dead. The merc
45: Light wound, walking wounded. Unit may fireteam must pass a Quality Check or it can do nothing but
take turn as normal. Lightly wounded figures react for the duration of the turn. In this instance, the mercs
may remain with the unit and fight, but the unit check is successful, so the unit may act normally in this turn.
suffers from the Casualty penalty. The figure The roll of 6 indicates that the figure was only winded or
may also make its own way to the rear or to a stunned and returns to the fight immediately.
Example 2: A Marine fireteam is caught in the blast of
6: OK, gets back up! Unit may take turn as normal.
an IED planted by the Martian resistance and one of their
number is injured. On the following turn, a D6 is rolled on
the First Aid Table . A 3 is rolled.
not contribute Morale dice when their unit is forced to take The 3 indicates that the downed man has received a
a Morale Check. Serious Wound. Since his unit is busy giving him life-saving
If a casualty is found to be Dead, a Troop Quality Check aid, they may only react this turn. The unit will suffer the
must be made to determine the units reaction to the loss Casualty penalty until the wounded man is escorted to a
of their comrade. If the unit passes the TQ Check, it suffers rear area or a CASEVAC area designated by the scenario
no penalty. If not, it may only React to fire for the duration or a Fog of War/Asset Card.
of the turn, but may act normally next turn. Example 3: A squad of DPRG regulars is struck by FFL
If a casualty is found to have a Serious Wound, its unit sniper fire. One of their men drops to the ground, bleeding.
may only React for the rest of the turn. The unit suffers from On the following turn, a D6 is rolled on the First Aid Table.
the Casualties penalty until the wounded figure is escorted A 4 is rolled.
off the table or to an on-table casualty evacuation center by The 4 indicates that the fallen man has received a Light
a healthy team-mate, medic, stretcher team, or ambulance. Wound. His squad may take its turn normally and he may
If a casualty is found to have a Light Wound, it remains continue to fight alongside them, adding to their Firepower
with its unit and may even contribute to the units like any other figure. The unit will suffer the Casualty
Firepower. The unit suffers from the Casualty penalty, penalty until the wounded man is escorted to a rear area
however. A figure with a light wound may move off the or a CASEVAC area designated by the scenario or a Fog of
edge of the table, or make its way to a CASEVAC point War/Asset Card.
(thus removing the Casualty penalty from the unit), or the
unit may elect to keep the lightly wounded figure to benefit Advanced First Aid
from the Firepower die it contributes. Casualties with Light Units with access to Advanced First Aid follow the same
Wounds can also escort those with Serious Wounds off rules above, but use the Advanced First Aid Table.
table or to a CASEVAC point. Advanced First Aid may take the form of a medic, robotic


Calling for a medic

ADVANCED FIRST AID Units who are making a First Aid Check for casualties at
the start of a turn may call for a medic to treat them if a
medic figure is within Rapid Movement distance. The medic
1: Dead. Unit may act as normal if it passes a TQ is immediately moved to the unit with casualties (even if
Check. If not, it may only React to fire this turn, the medic has already moved during the turn) and a First
but may act normally next turn. Aid Check is taken as usual.
2: Serious wound. Unit suffers Casualty penalty. Units with medics attached automatically benefit from
Unit may only react to fire this turn. Injured man his presence.
may not participate in combat and does not A medic may only treat the wounded of ONE unit per turn.
count towards the units Firepower. The injured
man may be escorted to the rear or to a medic. Casualty Evacuation
34: Light wound, walking wounded. Unit may (CASEVAC)
take turn as normal. Lightly wounded figures If a force has CASEVAC assets available (VTOLs,
may remain with the unit and fight, but the unit ambulances, an on-table aid station, etc.), then a unit may
suffers from the Casualty penalty. The figure lose its Casualties (and the associated penalties) by moving
may also make its own way to the rear or to a into contact with the CASEVAC asset. Wounded are
CASEVAC area. assumed to be handed over for treatment, freeing the unit
56: OK, gets back up! Unit may take turn up to move without transporting their casualties.
as normal. Units can also detach healthy figures or casualties with
Light Wounds to escort seriously wounded figures to the
rear or to a CASEVAC location. One healthy figure must be
medic, first aid gear built into most powered armor, healing detached for each serious casualty. The figures must move
nanites, or even a more than human resistance to trauma to their home edge of the table or a scenario identified
resulting from cybernetic enhancement or an alien races CASEVAC area and then move back to its unit.
inherent toughness. Walking wounded (Light Wound on the First Aid Table)
Members of Special Forces units all receive advanced life- can be removed immediately and are assumed to have
saving training, so all Special Forces figures count as Medics. made their way to safety on their own. Lightly wounded
Units with automatic casualty care capabilities (units with figures may also elect to stay with their unit, trading an
medic-assist powered armor, healing nanites, self-repairing extra die of firepower for the Casualty Penalty.
cybernetic systems, cellular regeneration, etc.) do not Some scenarios will also indicate rear areas or casualty
require the presence of a healthy figure to tend to them in collection points on the table at which units may relieve
order to make a First Aid Check. themselves of their casualties and lose the Casualty
penalty. In scenarios permitting CASEVAC choppers to pick
The Casualty Penalty up casualties, the CASEVAC aircraft must be requested by
If a unit has casualties that have not been escorted to the a TAC (or unit leader) in the same manner as an airstrike.
rear (usually the owning forces home table edge) by one of See Resolving an Air Strike, pg. 125.
the units healthy members or handed over to CASEVAC area,
the unit must make a Quality Check each time it attempts to Abandoning Casualties
move faster than Tactical. This reflects the fact that the men Units may, as a last resort, abandon their casualties. This
in the unit are a little less eager to stick their noses into a action goes against the strong bond formed between
hornets nest after seeing what happened to their buddy or men-at-arms and seriously shakes a units confidence.
that their casualties are not always able to move as swiftly as A unit that abandons casualties is no longer subject to
theyd like. the Casualty penalty, but it suffers severe consequences


that may outweigh this short-term gain: The units Troop Abandoning dependents that require their protection
Quality and Morale are both reduced by one die type. (such as rescued hostages, fleeing civilians, etc.) has the
If this reduction takes either value below D6, the unit is no same effect as abandoning casualties.
longer combat effective and is removed from play.
Abandoned casualties may fall into enemy hands at FIRE AT UNITS WITH
the end of the scenario. Roll 1D6 for each abandoned DEPENDENTS & CASUALTIES
casualty. On a roll of 4+, the casualty becomes a POW If a unit with Dependents or Casualties is fired upon, it
(omit this roll if you are playing a campaign game the makes its Defense roll as normal. Note that only combat
campaign rules cover the chances of abandoned effective figures contribute a defense die in other words,
casualties being captured). Casualties and Dependents do not add dice to the units
Defense. However, if the unit rolls more failures (scores of
DEPENDENTS 3 or less on their Defense dice) than successes and it is
Combat units often find themselves responsible for the well- determined that they have suffered casualties, then one (1)
being of those who cant (or wont) take care of themselves, of the casualties must be counted against a Dependent or
be they captured POWs, or civilian functionaries who require pre-existing Casualty.
squiring about the battlespace. Casualties and non-casualties Casualties are only subject to the most serious injury
who depend upon a units protection to survive have an result theyve received thus far. A casualty that was
effect on their host units combat capabilities and behavior, determined to have Serious Wounds in earlier play would
as described below. not suffer any additional effects if they received an
additional Light or Serious Wound later in the game. If the
Dependents unit received a KIA result, however, it would be KIA.
Units that are escorting POWs, VIPs, or other non- Example: A Marine fireteam is escorting two wounded
combatants are considered to have Dependents. The contractors to safety when it is fired upon by Martian
special rules for some scenarios may dictate other rebels. The Marine player rolls 4D8 for Defense and scores
circumstances under which a unit may acquire or dispose a 1, 2, 3, and 4. The rebel player rolls 4D6 for Firepower
of Dependents. and scores a 2, 3, 5, and 6.
Dependents are non-combatants that have become The Marine player allocates his Defense dice and
attached to a unit through one means or another. determines that the unit will suffer 2 casualties. Since more
Dependents have the unfortunate effect of degrading a than half of the Marine players Defense dice were failure
units combat effectiveness and mobility. rolls (with scores less than 4), one (and only one) of those
two casualties must be a Dependent. One of the contractors
The Dependent Penalty is hit and a First Aid Check must be made to determine
Units with Dependents lose one die of Firepower and may his fate.
not use Rapid Movement.
Figures representing the Dependents should be added SPECIAL FIRE COMBAT RULES
to the unit escorting them. This allows the figures to be Suppression Fire
captured (or re-captured} by the opposition. There are times when a unit is more interested in pinning
an opposing unit down than in causing casualties.
Disposing of Dependents Suppression fire is intended to do just that and involves a
Scenarios will indicate how and where units may drop off massive barrage of fire which (hopefully) will keep the
dependents without penalty. enemys head down and stick him in place.
Units may release any POWs in their custody at any A player must announce in advance that a unit is laying
time without adverse effect (other than any victory points down Suppression Fire during its activation. The unit
they might lose). throws 2 less firepower dice than normal, but may

[Boots on the Ground]


Suppress its target unit even if no casualties are caused. Only units with a Troop Quality of Trained (D8) or higher
The firing players Suppression roll must include at least may use Overwatch. Irregular units may not use Overwatch
one die roll of 4+ to succeed, however. under any circumstances. They lack the training and
Weapon Teams or units equipped with LMGs (not discipline to utilize this tactic.
SAWS), GPMGs, MMGs, HMGs, or AGLs do not suffer the Only the force with initiative may use Overwatch.
-2 Firepower penalty and are always considered to be using The player with initiative must declare which units in his
Suppression Fire. force are going on Overwatch before any of his units are
Suppression effects are determined by the target units activated. Going on Overwatch is not an interruptible
Confidence Level. action.
Overwatch units may attempt to interrupt the Reactions
of any hostile unit in their LOS. Overwatch units receive a
SUPPRESSION FIRE +1 to their Reaction test die roll.
Non-initiative units may not React to Overwatch fire.
Overwatch units lose one die of Firepower for each
Low Confidence Units: Make Morale Check with
Overwatch fire after the first. They may continue to
a -1 die shift to their Morale. Failure indicates
interrupt until they run out of dice or fail an Overwatch
unit is Suppressed
Reaction test.
Confident Units: Make Morale Check if
When Overwatch units wish to interrupt a Reaction, a
Suppression attempt has a modified Firepower
Reaction Test is made. Note: The Overwatch Reaction test
of 3+. Failure indicates unit is Suppressed
and successful Overwatch fire take place before the unit
High Confidence Units: Cannot be Suppressed
the Overwatch unit is defending makes its Reaction Test.
All infantry units engaged by Intimidating
If the Overwatch unit passes the Reaction Test, it may
Weapons must make a Morale Check to
perform a Firepower attack against the unit it is interrupting.
avoid becoming Suppressed.
This attack is resolved before the enemy unit may perform
its Reaction. The Reacting unit can choose to return fire,
but the Overwatch unit fires first, followed by return fire
Suppressed units suffer from the same effects as from any survivors in the target unit. If the target unit is not
Pinned units, but multiple Suppressions will not force a unit wiped out, Pinned, or Shaken, it may complete its Reaction.
to Pull Back. Diminishing Firepower applies.
Any casualties resulting from Suppression Fire are If the Overwatch unit fails the Reaction Test, the target
resolved normally. Morale checks resulting from casualties unit completes its Reaction before the Firepower attack
are also resolved normally and take precedence over any from the Overwatch unit is resolved. The Overwatch unit
Suppression results. will fire last, assuming the target unit still exists or has not
A unit remains suppressed until the turns end. moved out of the Overwatch units line of sight.
An Overwatch unit that fails its Reaction test is taken off
Overwatch Overwatch after any fire between it and its target unit has
Overwatch is a term used to describe the common been resolved. For the remainder of the turn, a unit that
battlefield tactic of one unit covering for another. It is has fallen off Overwatch may only engage in a round of
most often employed by troops using bounding over fire with units that fire at it.
watch to move to contact with the enemy one unit Example 1: The US Marine player with initiative
bounds forward while another covers its advance activates a fireteam atop of a building with a good view
with their guns. When the bounding unit reaches cover, of the table and announces that this unit is going on
it goes on overwatch while the unit that covered it Overwatch. He then activates a second fireteam and
moves forward. announces that it is going to exit the building it is currently


in, move down the street, get in cover behind some wrecked fireteams fire produces another casualty among the
cars, and fire at a Martian unit in a ditch across the street rebels. This time the rebel unit fails its Morale Check and
from that position. becomes Pinned. Its return fire at the Overwatch fireteam
The non-initiative player announces that his unit is causes no casualties.
going to React to the moving unit and fire at it as it moves As stated previously, the Overwatch unit falls off
out of cover in the building and runs down the street. Overwatch because it failed its Reaction Test. For the rest
The initiative player announces that his USMC fireteam of this turn it may react to fire directed at it just as any
on Overwatch will attempt to interrupt the Martian rebel other unit would, but it can no longer engage in Overwatch
units Reaction. A Reaction Test is made. The USMC fireteam fire or claim any Overwatch bonus.
wins the test and a Firepower attack is immediately resolved
between it and the non-initiative rebel unit. The Overwatch Ambush
fireteam fires first, causing casualties and a Morale Check Hidden units can spring an Ambush on enemy units within
that leaves the rebel unit Pinned and unable to complete its a distance equal to twice their unmodified Troop Quality.
Reaction. The second USMC fireteam finishes its activation
unmolested. The non-initiative unit may now return fire at
the Overwatch fireteam. AMBUSH RANGES BY
Example 2: Later in the same turn, the USMC player
activates another unit, an IFV, and announces that it is
going to move around the corner of a building and fire its TQ D6: 12

chain gun at a building full of enemy soldiers. TQ D8: 16

The non-initiative player announces that hes going TQ D10: 20

to have a mixed unit of rebel soldiers in the building TQ D12: 24

React and fire their AT RPGs at the IFV as it as it rounds

the corner.
The initiative player announces that the same USMC When an enemy unit approaches an ambushing unit or
Overwatch fireteam from Example 1 is going to interrupt units, it must make a Spotting Check when it comes within
the rebel unit. A Reaction Test is made. The Overwatch unmodified Optimum Range for their Troop Quality (6 for
team fails the Reaction test. The rebels will be able to fire TQ D6 troops, 8 for TQ D8, 10 for TQ D10, 12 for TQ
their AT RPGs at the IFV before the Overwatch team can D12) of the ambushing unit(s). Use the rules described in
do anything about it. Additionally, since the Overwatch Spotting Stealthy Units, pg. 81.
unit failed its Overwatch Reaction test it is no longer If the ambushing unit is spotted, make a normal Reaction
on Overwatch. test to determine which acts first. If the ambushing unit is
Now a Reaction Test is made between the IFV and the not spotted, the ambush is resolved normally at a point in
rebel unit to see which of them fires first. The IFV loses the the enemy units movement designated by the ambushing
Reaction Test and the AT RPGs fire before it can react. The unit in other words, if the Spotting Check fails, the
RPGs damage the IFVs chain gun mount, reducing the ambushing unit can wait to spring the ambush until the
vehicles Firepower by 50%. enemy unit is as close as possible.
The IFV now fires at the rebel unit and succeeds in To successfully spring an ambush, a Hidden unit must
causing a casualty despite the vehicles reduced Firepower. pass a Troop Quality Check. If they pass the test, no
The rebels pass their Morale Check and stand firm. Reaction Test is required for the attack the Ambushing
Now the round of fire between the rebel unit and unit automatically fires (or moves) first. If the Hidden unit
the Overwatch fireteam is resolved. Since this is the fails the test, a Reaction Test is made as usual.
Overwatch fireteams second Overwatch fire, it loses one Units on Overwatch or sacrificing their activation to
die of firepower in this attack. Nonetheless, the Overwatch React may attempt to interrupt an Ambush, but their fire


will always occur after the ambush fire, even if the PA troops have double the normal Optimum Range
ambushing unit failed its ambush Troop Quality Check. for their Troop Quality (i.e., TQ D8 PA troopers would
Example 1: A group of Arden militia lie in ambush for a have an Optimum Range of 16)
DPRG patrol. At TQ D6, they can ambush any enemy unit The protection and firepower of PA Suits tends to
within 12. They opt to spring the ambush before the make their users feel invulnerable PA troopers
DPRG are close enough to detect them. The DPRG have generally have High Confidence
an unmodified Optimum Range of 8 (TQ D8), so the PA troops are Intimidating to non-PA troops
militiamen must spring the ambush while the DPRG troops Typical Attributes associated with Powered Armor troops
are more than 8 away. Unfortunately, this means that the include:
DPRG will be outside of the militiamens Optimum Range Advanced Sensors
(6 for TQ D6), but the Arden player is willing to sacrifice a Active Trauma Treatment
die of Firepower for a good chance at going first in a round Intimidating
of fire. The Arden player makes a Troop Quality Check and Jump Troops (Recon Suits)
rolls a 5: Success! The DPRG fireteam is caught in an Stealth (Recon Suits)
ambush and must weather the militia fire before taking any Chameleon Suits (Recon Suits)
action themselves! Inspiring
Example 2: The same situation as above, but this time
the militia player opts to let the DPRG approach within 6 Types of Powered Armor
before springing the ambush, thereby bringing them within Most PA falls into one the categories described below:
his units Optimum Range and gaining a die of firepower.
When the DPRG are within 8 (their unmodified Optimum Early Powered Armor (TL1)
Range), a Spotting Check is made to determine if they Early Powered Armor was somewhat bulky and
notice the militia ambush. The DPRG pass the check and cumbersome. It enhanced its wearers carrying capacity
spot the militia position, spoiling the ambush. A Reaction and provided extensive armor protection, but at the cost of
test is made and the firefight is resolved normally. mobility. Units in TL1 PA suits receive +3 Armor Dice, but
Ambushing units suffer a Negative Die Shift when may only move at Tactical speed (6). These early suits do
attempting to ambush enemy units with an attached not always contain an on-board medical AI.
Indigenous Scout or designated Pointman.
Standard Powered Armor (TL2)
Powered Armor (PA Suits) The Powered Armor used by most PA troops today is a
Powered Armor (PA) transforms a normal trooper into great improvement over early Powered Armor. Standard
something with the size and mobility of an infantryman but Powered Armor grants a +3 armor dice bonus and allows
the firepower and survivability of a light armored vehicle. In its wearer to move normally, like any other infantryman.
addition to boosting a troopers strength and providing him Standard PA includes a robust sensor suite, allows
with enhanced protection from enemy fire, PA suits usually communications and tracking through Network command,
provide their users with an advanced communications and and is normally equipped with an onboard Medical AI and
sensor suite. Powered Armor also allows the infantryman to casualty assist gear.
function and fight in nearly any environment without any
real reduction in capabilities. Recon Powered Armor (TL2)
Recon Powered Armor sacrifices some of its armor in
Advantages and Attributes of exchange for speed and agility. A trooper in Recon
Powered Armor Powered Armor receives +2 Armor dice but is able to make
As a rule of thumb, PA Suits provide wearers with the 8 Tactical moves and 16 Rapid moves. The Recon PA suit
following general advantages: has the same built in features as a standard PA suit.


Advanced Powered Armor (TL3) Combat Drugs fall into one of two categories:
Advanced PA suits have improved power capabilities and Awareness Enhancement Drugs or Performance Enhancing
are therefore able to provide all the protection of a Drugs. A third category, Frenzy Drugs, is not used by most
Standard PA suit and the speed and agility of Recon PA forces capable of producing them, but a few irresponsible
suits. Troops in Advanced PA suits receive +3 Armor dice nations will subject troops to their effects.
and are able to make 8 Tactical moves and 16 Rapid Scenarios will identify which units/forces are using
moves. Advanced PA suits contain advanced sensor suites, Combat Drugs, if any. All units using Combat Drugs are
On Grid capabilities, an on-board medical AI/casualty considered to be under their effects from the beginning of
assist, and often have Chameleon Suit capabilities. the scenario until its end, unless a Fog of War card or
special scenario rule dictates otherwise.
Despite miniaturization and the weight reduction provided Awareness Enhancement Drugs
by advanced materials, the combat load carried by Awareness Enhancement Drugs are usually issued to troops
many soldiers approaches or exceeds their own body who are operating for long periods of time without relief and
weight. Soldiers are often left with the unenviable may suffer degraded situational awareness due to fatigue. It
choice of sacrificing mobility or leaving gear behind that is also, more rarely, issued to troops who may find themselves
might save their life. An early solution to this problem up against particularly stealthy or fast moving opponents.
was the exoskeleton. Awareness Enhancement Drugs may not be used in
Exoskeletons brace the wearers skeletal form and take conjunction with any other drugs.
up a proportion of the weight carried. They also amplify Troops using Awareness Enhancement Drugs receive a
the wearers muscular power the net result is that a basic +1 to all Reaction Check die rolls (i.e., a Reaction Check die
exoskeleton allows a soldier to carry more and feel it less. roll of 3 would be treated as a roll of 4).
This, of course, led to a further overburdening of troops
with even more gear. It can be assumed that most TL2 and Performance Enhancement Drugs
TL3 forces have some sort of light exoskeleton built into Performance Enhancement Drugs help fine tune the users
their body armor this basic exoskeleton has no effect on motor skills, resulting in more accurate shooting and more
game play as its effects are balanced out by the load a focused close assault techniques.
soldier is assumed to be carrying. Units using Performance Enhancement Drugs throw an
Some forces field lightly equipped units with advanced extra die in Fire Combat and Close Assault.
mobility exoskeletons. These exoskeletons are designed to Performance Enhancement Drugs may not be used in
increase the mobility of the wearer, allowing them to move conjunction with any other drugs.
faster and jump higher with less effort. Troops so equipped
have a Tactical move of 8 and a Rapid move of 16. Frenzy Drugs
So-called Frenzy Drugs are only deployed to troops by
Combat Drugs the most degenerate and irresponsible nation states
Some Forces make use of Combat Drugs to enhance their or organizations. These drugs expose their users to
troops performance. Combat Drugs are distinguished from unnecessary and often fruitless risks and typically carry with
street drugs that some irregular formations use to bolster them a high chance of neuro-motor damage and addiction.
their courage during combat (see Hopped Up Units) due to Troops under the influence of Frenzy Drugs accrue the
the fact that they have a very focused purpose and (generally) following advantages:
lack any negative or addictive side effects. Units using +1 to all Reaction Die Rolls (as Awareness
Combat Drugs do occasionally suffer from ill effects, however. Enhancement Drugs)
In game terms, these effects are either scenario related or +1 TQ Die Type shift, up to a maximum of D10.
brought about due to an unlucky Fog of War card draw. +1 Die in Close Assault


Additionally, units using Frenzy Drugs that suffer a Pinned Units protected by smoke gain an extra Defense die
result become Frenzied and break cover to charge the whether they move or not. Smoke reduces visibility for
nearest enemy unit to engage it in Close Assault. It receives friend and foe alike, however, so units protected by smoke
a full Rapid Move even if it has already moved this turn. also lose one die of Firepower.
If the Frenzied unit cannot reach the nearest Enemy unit in
one Rapid Move, it will continue to move towards it on Smoke from Heavy Mortars and
following turns until it either makes contact or is destroyed Artillery
by enemy fire. If the Frenzied unit destroys the unit it A fire mission request must be completed successfully to
charges, it will become sated and may move and fire deploy smoke from heavy mortars or artillery batteries.
normally until the next time it becomes Frenzied. Firing smoke counts as the mortar or artillery assets fire
mission for the turn.
Smoke Smoke shells create a smoke cloud of the same size as
Smoke, anti-laser aerosols, and other obscurants delivered a normal salvo for the artillery type used. This cloud
in the form of grenades, shells, or vehicular dispensers completely blocks Line of Sight. Heavy Mortar and Light
have long been used to mask movement and blunt the Artillery smoke will last two turns. Heavy artillery smoke
force of enemy fire. Each type of smoke delivery system will last three turns.
has its own characteristics, which are described in the
following sections.

Smoke from Grenades and Light SMOKE

Grenades, Rifle Grenades: +1D Defense and -1D
Smoke and other aerosols delivered by grenades and light
Firepower for one turn
mortar round are often in greater demand than availability
Light Mortar: Must be requested. +1D Defense
can support. Smoke also must be placed properly and
and -1D Firepower for one turn for unit
at the right time to be effective. To reflect this, a unit
requesting smoke
deploying smoke by grenade or light mortar must make a
Heavy Mortars, Light Artillery: Must be
Troop Quality Check. If the unit passes the check, smoke
requested. 6 radius screen blocks LOS.
has been deployed effectively and the unit receives its
Persists two turns
defensive bonus. If the check is failed, the unit didnt have
Heavy Artillery: Must be requested. 8 radius
a smoke grenade at hand or were unable to deploy it due
screen blocks LOS. Persists three turns
to wind, a bad throw, etc.
A unit may only attempt to lay smoke once per turn
and, in the case of grenades, it can only be placed within
the units Optimum Range. Special Weapons
Mortars deploying smoke must be contacted to request Advanced Support Weapons
fire in the same manner as normal fire mission requests. Although traditional magazine-fed slug-throwing or grenade
Firing smoke counts as the mortar assets fire mission for lobbing support weapons are still widely used by many
the turn. On-board mortars may lay smoke when activated colonial and Third World forces, most major military
instead of conducting normal fire. powers make use of a variety of advanced support
Smoke from grenades, grenade launchers, or light weapons. While the man behind the gun is still the most
mortars only provide protection for the unit for whom the important factor, some of these advanced support weapons
smoke was deployed (one unit may pop smoke for do provide tangible advantages over the older types.
another designated unit). This type of smoke only persists A comparison of various weapons common to the
for the duration of the turn in which it is deployed. battlefield is found below:


Traditional Slug-Throwing Machine Guns (TSTs) tuned on the fly to increase velocity for increased kinetic
Traditional slug-thrower MGs would be familiar to soldiers impact, lower it to conserve propellant, or allow more
as far back as the 20th century. They fire chemically controllable automatic fire. ABWs often allow the firer to
charged rounds from individual cartridges that are select not only the rate of fire but also the type of projectile
generally fed into the weapon from a belt or box magazine to fired discarding sabot, fin-stabilized flechettes for
of some type and launch an inert metal slug at medium to targets at range, explosive rounds for armored targets, or
high velocities. Robust and easy to care for, these weapons fragmentation rounds for close quarter battle.
are an obvious choice for under-funded colonial militias Laser Weapon Systems (LWS)
and Third World armies. Laser Weapons, whether anti-personnel MGs or armor
Units armed with Traditional Slug-Thrower support busting cannons, are very accurate weapons with a Line of
weapons receive no bonuses or penalties to their Firepower. Sight range. While most laser weapons are not automatic
Advanced Ballistic Weapons (ABWs) in the traditional sense, their rate of fire is still quite high.
Although advanced Ballistic Weapons and their smaller Gauss Weapon Systems (GWS)
cousins, the Advanced Combat Rifles (ACRs) still throw Gauss weapons or rail guns use an amplified magnetic
a slug of sort down range, the method of propulsion field to accelerate a projectile to enormous velocities.
and nature of the slug differ greatly from traditional slug While slower firing than lasers or ABWs, the gauss rifles
throwing weapons. ABWs rely on caseless rounds or binary flat-trajectory accuracy and powerful wallop make up for
propellant systems that allow the weapons ballistics to be the shortcoming.

[Highway 61]


Energy Weapons Systems (EWS) with the small arms and other support weapons in a unit
Energy weapons come in several varieties, ranging from to attack an enemy unit) and when it is being used as part
phased plasma weapons to fusion guns. These weapons of a Weapon Team or its fire is being split from the rest of
tend to be a bit heavy and suck up power at a horrifying the units fire to service a specific target (i.e., a squad fires
rate, but the enormous energy they deliver on contact its small arms and light support weapon at the infantry
tends to blast or burn its way right through targets! supporting an AFV while the squads plasma gunner
engages the vehicle itself).
Effects of Advanced Support Weapons The charts below indicate the effects expected from
While many forces equip their soldiers with advanced each weapon type based on its Tech Level when used in
small-arms, such as laser rifles, gauss rifles, etc., the organic fire or split fire.
advantages these weapons hold over traditional slug
throwing small arms are negligible and their disadvantages
often counter balance what little advantage may exist.
As a result, all small arms and light support weapons are
treated the same. A plasma assault rifle or SAW receives Adv. Support
Weapon (AP:2+)
no advantage over a similar ballistic weapon.
+1 Firepower in addition
Advanced Medium (AP:2) or higher support weapons Advanced Ballistic Support
to usual Support
have recognizable advantages over their more traditional Weapon (ABW)
Weapon bonus
counterparts, however, and these advantages are Increase the units
Laser Support Weapon (LWS)
expressed as special effects. The special effects of an Optimum Range by 1.5x
Advanced Support Weapon vary according to the Tech +1 Firepower in addition
Level of the weapon. Early versions of a weapon type Gauss Support Weapon (GWS) to usual Support
might provide a firepower advantage over traditional Weapon bonus
support weapons but have not yet reached the level of Ignore 1 Die of an
development that takes full advantage of the weapons Energy Support Weapon (EWS) infantry targets Armor/
specific advantages.
The effects achieved by an advanced support weapon Effects are cumulative A unit with a laser cannon and
differ slightly when the weapon is used as part of a units a fusion gun would have 1.5x Optimum Range and ignore
a die of cover/armor for an infantry target.
organic fire (i.e., the support weapon is throwing its dice in


Adv. Support Weapon
TL1 Effect TL2 Effect TL3 Effect
+1 AT effect (or AT effect
Advanced Ballistic Support +1 Firepower in addition to +1 to die roll when rolling
of 1 for weapon with no
Weapon (ABW) Support Weapon bonus on Vehicle Damage Table
normal AT effect)
All targets are in Optimum +1 to die roll when rolling +1 Firepower in addition to
Laser Support Weapon (LWS)
Range on Vehicle Damage Table Support Weapon bonus
+1 AT effect (or AT effect
+1 Firepower in addition to Ignore one die of target
Gauss Support Weapon (GWS) of 1 for weapon with no
Support Weapon bonus units Cover/Armor
normal AT effect)
+1 Firepower in addition Ignore an additional die of
Ignore one die of target
Energy Support Weapon (EWS) to Support Weapon bonus target units Cover/Armor
units Cover/Armor
and -1 to all Reaction Tests (2 dice total)
Effects are cumulative, so a TL3 weapon would also have the advantages of TL1 & 2.


SMGs, Shotguns, Pistols, & Flamethrowers

Other Close Assault Weapons Flamethrowers are fearsome weapons which are
Some weapons have been designed specifically for use in terrifyingly effective at burning infantry out of fortified
close quarters battle, including firearms like shotguns and positions. Flames ability to penetrate cover coupled with
submachine guns. its overpowering psychological effect make flamethrowers
Close Assault firearms have been designed to be very ideal weapons for dislodging even the most determined
effective at in your face ranges, but the factors that make foes from bunkers, tunnels, and other fortified positions.
them so useful in a virtual knife fight dont serve them so Flamethrowers can be a double-edged sword, though.
well when engaging targets at long range. Their tanks of volatile fuel are quite likely to immolate their
In game terms, Close Assault weapons such as bearer if punctured by enemy fire, a fact that is never very
shotguns and SMGs throw an extra die in Close Assault far from most flamethrower mens mind.
or when firing at a target within Optimum Range. Beyond Flamethrowers may only be fielded by units with a
Optimum Range, SMGs and shotguns use a D6 for Troop Quality of Trained or higher. Flamethrowers are
their Firepower Quality die regardless of the firing units Intimidating Weapons.
Troop Quality. Flamethrower attacks are resolved separately from
Like SMGs and Shotguns, handguns are very handy in any other attacks made by the unit to which they are
close quarters. They dont throw down the volume of fire attached in other words, the flamethrowers Firepower
that a subgun or shotgun does, however, and so are a little dice are not pooled with its units small arms or support
less effective. Firepower dice.
A figure firing a handgun at a target in Optimum Range Flamethrowers ignore all Cover and Armor dice. A unit
receives a reduction of one die type to its Troop Quality attacked by a flamethrower may only use its basic Defense.
(i.e., a figure with a Troop Quality of D8 would throw a D6 Any unit attacked by a flamethrower must make a Morale
when using a handgun). Troop Quality cannot be reduced Check whether the attack causes casualties or not. If the
below D6. unit fails its Morale Check, it automatically suffers a Pull
Handguns cannot fire effectively enough at targets Back result.
beyond Optimum Range to engage them at all. Casualties caused by flamethrowers are usually
Handguns are very effective in Close Assault, however, fatalities. Instead of the regular First Aid Check for
and figures using handguns in Close Assault receive a flamethrower casualties, roll a D6. On a roll of 6 the
bonus Firepower die. casualty is only singed and breathless and may return to
Some troops may use actual melee weapons in combat. combat. All other results indicate a fatality.
These also allow their users an extra die of Firepower in Units with flamethrowers attached must make a Morale
close assault, but are obviously of no use in fire combat. Check every time they are fired at, whether they take a
casualty or not.
Intimidating Weapons If a flamethrower equipped unit takes casualties and the
While nobody wants to get shot by anything, some figure carrying the flamethrower is determined to be
weapons are particularly fearsome or intimidating. among them, roll a D6. On a roll of 1 the flamethrower
Infantry units that come under fire from an Intimidating explodes and subjects the unit to a flamethrower attack
Weapon must make a Morale Check to avoid becoming with a Firepower of 8D6.
Suppressed. Flamethrowers may be either man-portable or vehicle
As a rule of thumb, any weapon that has an unmodified mounted. Man-portable flamethrowers have a maximum
Firepower of 3D or higher is an Intimidating Weapon. Some range of 8. They do not receive an Optimum Range bonus.
weapons may be identified by theater specific rules or a Vehicle mounted flamethrowers have a maximum range of
scenario as Intimidating even if they have a Firepower of 12 and also do not receive any Optimum Range bonus.
less than 3D. Flamethrower teams do not receive a Weapon Team bonus.


Teams. When firing at a target that is out of their LOS,

on-board mortar teams use the same fire request rules as
FLAMETHROWERS off-board mortars and artillery. On-board mortars may
Man-Portable: 8 Max Range, 6D Firepower engage enemy units in their LOS without going through
Vehicle Mounted: 16 Max Range, 10D Firepower the call for fire sequence.
Flamethrowers ignore cover dice Light mortars have a No Fire Zone of 18. They may not
No Optimum Range Bonus be fired at enemy units that are within 18.
No Weapon Team Bonus If fired upon directly by enemy units, the mortar team
May only be fielded by units with a Troop Quality may react in the same way as any other unit. If attacked by
of Trained or higher an enemy unit that is within their No Fire Zone, the mortar

Flamethrowers are Intimidating Weapons team may reply with small arms fire.
On-board mortar teams may go on Overwatch but do
not receive the +1 bonus to their Reaction Die roll.
Medium or Heavy Mortar teams may be placed on the
Flamethrowers and Buildings table as part of a scenario. They are normally placed as
Flamethrower attacks against infantry in buildings have a scenario objectives, because neither type of mortar may
chance to ignite the building. Non fortified and lightly normally fire at targets on the table.
fortified buildings catch fire on a D6 roll of 4 or higher. Medium Mortars have a No Fire Zone of 24.
Medium and heavily fortified buildings are flame resistant Heavy Mortars on the table are always present as
and will not ignite. objectives only and may never be fired at on-table units.
Infantry units must evacuate a burning building on their
next activation. Treat the burning building as inaccessible Special Teams
for the rest of the game. Weapon Teams
Where Firepower is concerned, some teams are worth
Flamethrowers and AFVs more than the sum of their parts. Machinegun teams,
Flamethrowers may attack tanks and other AFVs, but with mortar teams, and sniper teams generally project more
a reduced Firepower. Flamethrowers lose one Firepower die power on the battlefield than suggested by their small size.
when used against vehicles. Resolve the attack as any other For this reason, Weapon Teams receive a two dice bonus
anti-vehicle attack, but roll to see if the vehicle catches fire to their Firepower.
whether the attack damages it or not. On a D6 roll of 1, the
vehicle is ignited and its crew must make a Troop Quality
Check to douse the flames. If they fail, they must Bail Out
and the vehicle is considered to be destroyed.

On-Board Mortars
Forces often have the support of off-board mortar teams
some distance away that are responding to the forces calls
for fire. Mortar teams can occasionally be fielded on the
table as well.
Small mortars that are homogenous to an infantry
squad or fireteam are treated as normal Medium Support
Light mortar teams may be deployed on the table. A DPRG heavy weapon team (photo: Piers
On-table light mortar teams are treated as Weapon Brand, miniatures: GZG)


Note that this bonus ONLY applies to units that are

specifically designated as Weapon Teams and who have a
Troop Quality of Trained or better. Just having a support
weapon in a unit doesnt make that unit a Weapon Team.
The units entire purpose must be to operate their special
weapons in accordance with the tactics associated with
those weapons.
If a weapon team in reduced below 50% manpower or
to a single man, it loses its special Firepower bonus.
Example: A force has a Machine gun Team. The team
consists of a gunner and assistant gunner with a Troop
Quality of Trained. Normally their Firepower would be 3D8
(1 die for each figure and a third die for the light support
An NSF Sniper Team at work during the
weapon), but with their Weapon Team bonus, their
battle of Novolgograd (photo: Piers
Firepower is raised to 5D8. Brand, miniatures: Pig Iron)

Sniper Teams
In addition to the extra dice received for being a Weapon anti-material weapon. These rifles are usually built
Team, sniper teams may also designate Leaders or around a large caliber round or an exceptionally intense
Support Weapon gunners as casualties in a unit theyve energy charge. Heavy Sniper Rifles are generally highly
scored a hit against. Note that only one of a units Leader accurate in deplorable conditions and at long ranges.
or Support Weapon gunners may be killed in a single A sniper equipped with one can pick off human targets at
sniper team attack. amazing distances or destroy/disable enemy vehicles or
Simply having a sniper attached to a unit does not field pieces.
convey this advantage. If the sniper is part of a normal unit, On average, Heavy Sniper Rifles are rated AP:2/AT:1(L)
his dice are simply added to that units firepower as usual. and are Intimidating Weapons (See pg. 77).
Everything on the table is in Optimum Range for a
Sniper Team. Animal Teams
Sniper Teams are Stealthy units. They normally have Dogs have fought alongside men since they were
Night Vision. Sniper Teams may automatically get In Cover domesticated. They have continued to see widespread use
and Hide on any turn that they do not move. Sniper Teams on the battlefield. There are certainly sensor suites that
do not need to be out of enemy LOS to hide, but they must can do everything a dog can do and more, but not for the
be out of Optimum Range. Sniper Teams are assumed to price. Thanks to the amazing canine sense of smell, dog
start any scenario already Hidden. teams are ideal for sniffing out sappers attempting to
Example: An NSF sniper team scores three casualties infiltrate through the lines or other dangers that human
against a unit of Tsarist irregulars. Normally the Tsarist senses would not reveal. Other, non-terrestrial, domestic
player would dice to see if the irregulars leader was hit, animals sometimes fill the same role.
but since the casualties were caused by a sniper, the Tsarist Animal teams automatically detect any hidden unit
units leader is automatically removed along with two other within 8.
randomly determined figures. Animal teams prevent Out of Contact Movement within 8.
Animal teams automatically detect IEDs, booby-traps
Heavy Sniper Rifles or mines within 8.
Heavy Sniper Rifles are extremely powerful sniper rifles Animals have the same Troop Quality and Morale as
that can perform dual roles as an anti-personnel and their handlers. They may only fight in Close Assault. Some


Screwed. We are so screwed. The bot-handler Sgt. Burns raised a hand as Morrelle started to
flicked his diagnostic comp closed with a disgusted rise, fists clenched. Secure that, Private! Heres the
flick of the wrist and powered down the drones. Loot with a replacement for bug-boys toys.
They settled on the small tarp at his feet like We dont have a sensor suite in the inventory
a cloud of sleepy beetles. Grids down for small enough that doesnt need the Grid to operate,
the count. the bot-handler grumbled. You guys are screwed
Pvt. Morrelle frowned, confused. So? We only until my bugs get their feed back.
need the things to work locally. All it has to do is The Lieutenants Rover pulled to a stop a short
sniff out any mines between us and the ambush site. distance away. Sgt. Burns laughed as his boss,
It doesnt have to report back to higher, so who another soldier, and an alert looking dog unloaded
cares if the Grid is down? and headed his way. The soldier, the dogs handler,
We do, genius. You think these little bugs carry paused to give the dog a treat.
enough brains on board to tell one of umpteen- See that? Morrelle hissed at the bot-handler.
thousand explosive compounds from the smell Looks like our sensor suite has all the feed it needs.
coming off you? Pack your toys where you keep your chocolate, Ponts!

military dogs/animals are equipped with body armor its Firepower is reduced to 5D and its Optimum Range,
(or possess it naturally). which was 6, is reduced to 3.
Animal teams throw an extra die in Close Assault.
Injured dogs do count as casualties for purposes of Hidden & Stealthy Units
Morale Checks. Hidden Units
Animal handlers, the human part of the team, obey the Units who begin play placed in buildings, woods, ditches,
same rules as any other unit. If the dog-teams handler behind walls, or in other terrain likely to allow for it, may
becomes a casualty, the animal is removed from play. If the be declared Hidden by their player. Hidden units may not
animal becomes a casualty, the handler may attach himself be fired upon until they are detected.
to a friendly unit.
Going into Hiding
Night Fighting Units may also go into hiding after the game has begun.
Night vision is de rigueur on the battlefields of Tomorrows To go into hiding, a unit must be out of LOS of any
War. Unless stated otherwise in a scenario, all combatant opposing units and make a successful Troop Quality test.
units are assumed to have night vision devices. Some alien Stealthy units may automatically go into hiding if there
races and genetically/cybernetically altered humans have are no opposing units in LOS.
innate night vision. Vehicles and guns can only be hidden at the beginning of
In those instances where units lacking night vision the game; they may not go into hiding once the game begins.
devices are forced to fight a night engagement, they lose
one die of Firepower and have their Optimum Range cut Aerial Drones and Hidden Units
in half. Units with night vision devices suffer no such Some scenarios allow one or both players the use of aerial
penalty. drones or an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle or UAV. A drone or
Example: A squad of Arden Village Militia troops with a UAV may also be drawn as a Fog of War card.
Firepower of 6D and a Troop Quality of Untrained is Many drones are unarmed, but they are still a powerful
fighting at night. The unit has no night vision capability, so asset. If a drone is present over the battlefield, the


opposing players units may not use Out of Contact Stealthy units are almost always armed with suppressed
Movement. weapons and equipped with night vision devices. They are
Additionally, the player owning the drone may make a highly trained in infiltration tactics and silent killing
Detection Check for all of his opponents hidden units at techniques.
the beginning of each turn and opposing units roll as if Night operations are the bread and butter of stealthy
they were one Troop Quality lower when attempting to units. Most scenarios involving them will be night missions.
hide, i.e., a D8 Troop Quality would roll as if they were D6 Stealthy units are very good at moving without being
Troop Quality if their opponent had a drone in the area. seen or heard. To represent this, they must be spotted
Armed drones have the same effect, but have before another unit can engage them or react to their
some limited offensive power as described on its Fog of movement.
War card.
Spotting Stealthy Units
The Grid and Hidden Units For a unit to spot the movement of a stealthy unit,
If any unit that is part of a force on the Grid spots a hidden the stealthy unit must be within the Optimum range of the
unit, it is spotted by all units in its force. majority of the spotting units figures. If this is the case,
a Spotting Check is made.
Stealthy Units When stealthy units attack in fire combat, they may use
Some units are extremely proficient at moving without the Suppressed Weapons rules if the scenario indicates
alerting nearby enemies, either through natural talent or they possess suppressed weapons.
the use of stealth technology. These Stealthy Units rely on Stealthy units are found in both Regular and Irregular
darkness and/or careful movement to infiltrate a target forces. Stealthy units are identified in scenario briefs
area, fulfill their mission objectives, and exfiltrate without and/or the Insurgent Reinforcement table.
attracting the enemys notice. Scenarios and Force Irregular units usually rely on their intimate familiarity
descriptions will identify Stealthy Units. with the local terrain for their stealth they are usually not
equipped with night vision devices or suppressed weapons
unless the scenario calls for it. Regular stealthy units are
We had no idea where the DPRG Recon troops often equipped with night vision and suppressed weapons.
were. Their stealth gear was way better than Scenarios will dictate what gear is available to any
our detection gear. Then the major got on the stealthy units involved.
comm. A few minutes later, I heard something
buzzing and getting louder. When I looked up, Spotting Hidden & Stealthy
damned if it wasnt an ancient biplane that Units
one of the local farmers had. He flew over the Units within Line of Sight and Optimum Range of a
field to our front and started crop dusting! hidden/stealthy unit may attempt to spot it. Both units
This white junk falls from the back of his involved must make an opposed Troop Quality test. Note
plane, and the next thing you know, there that the Optimum Range associated with the units Troop
were a bunch of white silhouettes crouching Quality is used, not that of the weapon system they are
in front of us. Our heavies opened up and that manning (e.g., a vehicle crew with a TQ of D8 could only
was that. That guy was one of the bravest attempt to spot stealthy units within 8 despite their vehicle
damned fools Ive ever seen. mounted weapons unlimited Optimum Range).
If the spotting unit fails to roll a 4+, or if it rolls a 4+ but
Dieter Marisch, Mercenary for
its roll is also equal to or less than the hidden/stealthy
the Republic of Arden
units roll, the Spotting Check fails and the spotting unit
may not engage the hidden unit.


A stealthy unit using suppressed fire must be spotted

before it can be engaged with fire and can only be fired at
DETECTION DIE ROLL by the unit(s) that spotted it.
MODIFIERS FOR HIDDEN When units with suppressed weapons engage a unit that
UNITS hasnt spotted them, that unit cannot interrupt it can only
(Modifiers are Cumulative) take the fire and hope to fire back. It is difficult to spot the
For Hidden or Stealthy Unit source of suppressed fire, though, so a unit being attacked
+1 if Detecting Unit Moved Rapidly this turn with suppressed weapons must make a Spotting Check to
+1 if Detecting Unit is a Buttoned Up AFV return fire.
+1 if Hidden Unit is a Stealthy Unit Units may normally only spot suppressed fire if it
+1 if Hidden Units Position is Camouflaged originates within their own optimum fire range. Units
(Dictated by Scenario) equipped with advanced sensors can attempt to detect the
+1 for each TL the units stealth tech is superior origin of suppressed fire against them regardless of the
to the opponents sensor tech ranges involved. Such units will be identified by their Force
List or the scenario being played.
For Spotting Unit
Spotting Checks are not necessary if the unit being fired
+1 if Detecting Unit is a Stealthy Unit
on has already spotted the stealthy units movement or if
+1 if Hidden Unit is a Vehicle or Gun
the unit fired non-suppressed weapons in addition to its
+1 for each TL the spotting units sensor tech is
suppressed small arms.
superior to the hidden units stealth tech
Note that Tech Level may affect Spotting Checks. Units
with different Tech Level sensors and stealth should apply
the appropriate modifiers. A unit with superior stealth or
If the spotting unit rolls a 4+ and higher than the hidden sensor technology receives a +1 die roll modifier for each
or stealthy units die, it has spotted the hidden/stealthy unit level their tech exceeds their opponents.
and may engage or React to it normally.
A Hidden unit that has been spotted by another unit Chameleon Suits
remains spotted by that unit until it moves completely Some recon and infiltration units make use of Chameleon
out of sight. suits to become virtually invisible. Chameleon suits are able
A Stealthy unit that has been spotted by another unit to read the terrain around them and change their colors to
remains spotted by that unit until it moves completely blend into their surroundings. Troops in Chameleon suits
out of sight. Stealthy units spotted by any unit in Grid are notoriously difficult to spot and once spotted, just as
capable force are spotted by all units in that force. difficult to keep in sight.
Troops in Chameleon suits are always considered to be
Suppressed Weapons hidden until spotted even when moving.
Suppression reduces a weapons report and muzzle flash. If a Chameleon unit is spotted by a unit that is on a Grid,
Suppressed weapons are normally used by Stealthy units, including a UAV or other sensor drone, its location is
including sniper teams. Only small arms may be silenced, known and it may be engaged by all units in the spotting
including pistols, assault rifles, and sniper rifles. Support units force.
weapons may not be silenced. If a Chameleon unit is spotted by a unit that is not part
Since most suppressed weapons use a subsonic round of a Grid system, its location is only known by units that
and/or a heavy suppressor on the end of the barrel, their have actually succeeded in spotting it and only those units
stopping power and accuracy are often decreased. Units may fire at it.
equipped with suppressed weapons lose one Firepower die Chameleon suited troops may resume hiding by passing
unless indicated otherwise in their unit description. a Troop Quality test after remaining motionless and not


firing for one turn even if there are enemy units in LOS charge into the enemy. Assaulting units are subject to this
at the time. modifier even when being fired upon as part of reactions
Tech Level modifiers apply for spotting Chameleon or interruptions from units not directly involved in the
suited units. See Contests Between Varied Tech Levels, close assault itself.
pg. 53. If the Assaulting player takes casualties, he must make
Units in Chameleon Suits have a better chance of a morale check as usual. A Pinned or Shaken result aborts
remaining hidden from a Grid capable force. They receive the assault. Pinned and Shaken units are returned to their
a +1 die shift when taking a Grid Quality Test to avoid being positions prior to the assault and are subject to the usual
detected by grid enabled troops, sensors, drones, etc. Pinned/Shaken effects
If the Assaulting player takes no casualties or passes
CLOSE ASSAULT any resulting Morale Check, move the assaulting figures
Despite advances in combat technology, victory in into contact with the defenders and resolve the Close
Tomorrows War may still come down to a scuffle between Assault.
desperate men armed with knives, bayonets or entrenching If the defending unit fails its Quality Check it can either
tools. Sometimes the only way to dislodge the enemy from stand in place and fight with no defensive fire or it can flee
a position is at the end of a sharpened length of cold steel. up to one full Rapid move and become Pinned. Remember,
If one or more figures in a unit are within Rapid units with Dependents may not flee.
movement distance of an opponent unit, the entire unit If the defending unit doesnt flee, the assaulting figures
may launch a charge and attempt to engage the enemy in are moved into contact with the defenders and the Close
a close assault. Assault is resolved.

Close Assault Quality Resolving an Infantry vs.

Checks Infantry Close Assault
Once a unit has declared a Close Assault on another unit, Infantry Close Assaults are resolved in the same manner as
it must make a Unit Quality Check. Fire Combat, except the combat continues until one side is
If the unit passes the Quality Check (it rolls a 4+ on a either wiped out or captured. Additionally, neither side may
Troop Quality die), it may proceed with the Close Assault. claim Cover dice other than Body Armor.
If the unit fails its Quality Check, it must remain in place The assaulting unit makes the first attack roll, casualties
and forfeits its activation. The unit may spend its activation are determined, and morale checks are resolved. If the
taking cover or tending to its wounded, however. It may defending unit isnt wiped out or captured, it may make an
also still react to enemy units. attack using its surviving figures. This process continues
If the Assaulting unit passes its Quality Check, the until one side is wiped out or surrenders.
defending unit must make a unit Quality Check of its own. Morale checks are resolved normally, but their results
If the defending unit passes its Quality Check (by rolling are used to determine if a unit has lost the will to
a 4+ on its Troop Quality die), it may either opt to attempt continue fighting.
to break the charge with defensive fire or flee one full If an Irregular unit becomes Shaken enough to break
Rapid movement away. Units with Dependents may not (its morale is reduced below D6), they are considered to
flee. Regardless of how it responds to the assault, the be captured by their opponents.
defending unit forfeits any other actions for the turn. Regular units are also subject to Morale checks during
Resolve defensive fire in the same manner as regular close assault. If they become Pinned, their Morale drops by
fire combat, but subtract 1 die from the defending units a die type. If their Morale drops below D6, they surrender
Firepower to reflect the unnerving effect of being charged and become POWs of the unit they are fighting. Multiple
and 1 die of Defense from the Assaulting unit to represent pins in Close Assault reduce the units Morale level, but
how heedless they are of danger during their break-neck they do not force a Pull Back.

[Bump in the Night]


If a unit is wiped out in Close Assault, roll 1D6 to Morale Checks

determine the fate of each of its figures. Each figure that Troops take morale checks under different circumstances.
rolls a 1 is captured and becomes a POW (if the Irregulars In general, Irregular troops are more brittle and thus take
deign to take prisoners). On any other roll, the figure is a more checks during the course of a game, as described in
casualty and removed from play. the section on Mixed Force engagements.
Units may choose to finish off captured opponents A units Confidence Level also effects when it takes
rather than take prisoners and suffer from Dependent Morale Checks. Things a high confidence unit might shrug
penalties. Unless otherwise stated, human units MUST off may be the final straw for a low confidence unit.
take prisoners. When a unit is called upon to make a Morale Check, it
must roll a Morale Die for each figure in the unit and
POWs consult the appropriate Morale Effects rules to determine
If figures from one side surrender to the other, they are the Morale Checks results.
kept with the victorious unit until they are either escorted Morale checks are taken immediately as they are
off the table or the game ends. This allows their owning incurred. If multiple instances of the same type of Morale
player a chance to rescue them. Rescued POWs become Check points occur at once, only one Morale Check is
Dependents to the unit that rescues them until that unit made for all of them.
moves to a friendly board edge (where it is considered Example 1: A fireteam with low confidence is fired at by
to have handed off the POWs to another friendly unit) or an opposing fireteam armed with Small Arms. The low
disposes of the POWs in some other way dictated by a confidence fireteam immediately takes a Morale Check ,
scenarios special rules. which it passes. The Firepower attack is resolved and the
Once a figure has been made a POW, it may not be used unit takes a casualty, incurring another Morale Check,
in combat for the duration of the game, even if it is which it also passes.
rescued. It is assumed that such figures have been stripped
of all their weapons and armor and are quite likely in a
debilitating state of shock.
Close Assaults against LOW CONFIDENCE TROOPS:
Units with Dependents & Each time a Unit is fired on
If a unit with Dependents and/or Casualties launches or
Each time a unit is fired on by Support Weapon
receives a Close Assault, the Dependents and Casualties
or Vehicle Mounted Weapon with an
are not counted as combatants. If a unit with Dependents
unmodified Firepower of 3D+
or Casualties is wiped out or captured as the result of a
Close Assault, the unit that defeated it takes custody of ALL TROOPS:
its Dependents/Casualties and is subject to the usual Each time a Unit takes casualties
Dependent penalties it is not subject to the Casualty Each time a Unit is fired upon by a weapon with
penalty unless the casualties it has captured are friendlies. an unmodified Firepower of 4D+
Each time an IED is detonated within 10
MORALE Each time a unit is subjected to an artillery salvo
Even the most highly motivated units have their limits a or air-strike
unit that has been badly mauled will often take a moment Each time fire from their unit injures/kills a
to reflect on cost vs. gain. In Tomorrows War, these civilian or non-combatant
moments of battlefield introspection are referred to as
Morale Checks.


Example 2: A confident fireteam is crossing a street Pinned units must move to cover if they have any
when they are fired upon by a heavy machinegun (a movement left. They may not move towards the enemy
support weapon with a Firepower of 3D higher). The unit while seeking cover.
immediately takes a Morale Check and is Pinned. Now A pinned unit that cannot move to cover without
the actual fire is resolved and the unit takes a casualty, moving towards the enemy may attempt to get In Cover.
indicating another Morale Check. The unlucky unit receives Pinned units may fire at enemy units during their
another Pinned result and is forced to Pull Back. normal activation or interrupt an enemy movement with
Example 3: A confident fireteam is fired upon by an fire. However, pinned units are treated as if they are one
enemy unit and takes three casualties. Only one Morale Troop Quality die type lower for the duration of the turn.
Check is taken by the unit with casualties. Troops reduced below D6 by being pinned may not fire at
all until they become un-pinned.
Making the Morale Check The Morale Dice of pinned units are unaffected.
If a unit has been forced to make a Morale Check, roll a Pinned units become un-pinned at the end of the turn
Morale Die for each figure in the unit. All rolls of 4+ are in which they were Pinned.
counted as Successes and all rolls less than 4 are Pull Back
counted as Failures. Total the number of successes and Units that have been Pinned are forced to Pull Back if they
failures and consult the appropriate rules below for are Pinned a second time in the same turn. A unit that is
effects on Regular units. forced to Pull Back will immediately move away from the
See the Asymmetrical Operations rules for Irregular last enemy unit that fired at it and take up a covered
morale effects. position to re-group. It can move up to 6 to find cover
(regardless of how far it has already moved), but must
Morale Effects move into the nearest covered position that does not
Units will respond in one of three ways to Morale Checks. require movement towards enemy units.
They will either Stand, become Pinned, or Pull Back. Units that are forced to Pull Back must spend their
Stand Result: If a unit makes a Morale Check and the next turn regrouping. Regrouping units can return fire in
number of Successes (4+) is greater than the number of a round of fire, but may not initiate a round of fire or go
Failures, the units morale Stands suffers no adverse effects. on Overwatch. Nor may they move. At the end of the turn
Pinned Result: If a unit makes a Morale Check and the they are re-grouped and may move as desired on the
number of Failures is equal to or greater than the number following turn.
of Successes, the unit becomes Pinned. A unit that is regrouping following a Pull Back will treat
Pull Back Result: If a Pinned unit is Pinned again, it must all failed Morale results as another Pull Back.
attempt to Pull Back unless it is already in a defensible
Stress, and the individual soldiers reaction to it, is an
Explanation of Morale Effects integral part of the combat experience. The cumulative
Stand effect of individual stress may eventually have an effect on
Units that Stand have passed their Morale Check and a units overall combat performance.
suffer no negative effects. Most scenarios represent short, sharp actions where unit
Pinned stress is less of an issue, but it might be a deciding factor in
Even the most well-trained and highly motivated unit of a longer engagement. The effects of these stressors are
soldiers will take pause when suddenly reminded of their simulated through the Combat Stress rules.
mortality in the face of enemy fire or faced with moral Scenarios using Combat Stress will indicate it in their
predicaments that take them out of the zone. This (usually) Special Rules section. Players may also opt to use these
temporary drop in motivation is referred to as being Pinned. rules with whatever scenarios they choose.


I remember one fight on Glory that really got to for 10 hours in that deserted ghost town. Even
me. I still have nightmares about that day. My when they came down to check the corpses of my
squad was walking through a deserted village buddies. Not my finest hour in combat but I had
when they hit us. MacKenzie, our SAW gunner, lost it by then. I was picked up a day later by a
got hit first. He took a rail gun round to the chest. patrol sent out to find us. I was curled up in a
Didnt even slow the round down, went clean house sobbing like a baby. All my buddies were
through him and his armor. It left a perfectly dead. It took several sessions with the Shrink
round hole right through him big enough to put before they let me out to play again. I do my duty
your fist through. Then his number 2, Peterson, as well as ever now, but something in me died
got hit by another sniper. He took a round right that day.
through his flexiglass visor and was dead before
he hit the ground. One by one that sniper team Staff Sergeant Hamilton Clane, Royal Marines
trimmed us down. Finally, I was on my own. I hid

Background Stress Level The Stress Modifiers table describes conditions that will
The background stress level of a game is determined by raise or lower a units Stress Level (modifiers are cumulative).
the scenario. Generally, the background stress level will be
0, but if the scenario involves units that have been out in Positive Leadership &
the field too long with too little rest, are cut off, etc., the Stress
background stress level might start at 3. Initially, all While most leaders, regardless of rank, are functionally
Regular units on the table will have the same Stress Level, competent, some possess the extraordinary ability to
but as time goes by those Stress Levels will begin to vary. inspire their men. In Tomorrows War, we refer to this
combination of charisma and moral authority as Positive
STRESS MODIFIERS Positive Leaders may be of any rank, but most are
squad leaders or platoon leaders.
+1 for each turn after the first
Each Positive Leader has a Leadership rating ranging
+1 for Dependents/Wounded in the unit
from 1 to 3. This equates to the level of stress per turn the
+1 for each objective achieved by opponent
leader can alleviate for each friendly unit within 6.
+1 if fired on in last turn
Leaders with Positive Leadership and their leadership
+1 if taunted by mobs in the last turn
rating are noted in Scenario briefs.
+X for negative leader within 6

-1 If unit is in Solid Cover or has no LOS to Negative Leadership &

enemy Stress
-1 for each objective achieved by your force While some leaders inspire their men or put them at ease,
-1 for each turn not under fire or taunted others have the opposite effect, robbing their men of their
-X for positive leader within 6 enthusiasm and confidence.

X = Positive or negative value of Leader Like Positive Leaders, each Negative Leader has a
Leadership rating ranging from 1 to 3. This equates to
Modifiers are cumulative. levels of stress per turn the leader can cause for each
friendly unit within 6.


Leaders with Negative Leadership and their leadership

rating are noted in Scenario briefs
Roll for regained Confidence if:
Mixed Leadership
Unit is within 8 of Positive Leader
Situations may arise where a unit is within 8 of both
Unit was not fired on in the last turn and is
a Positive and a Negative Leader. To determine the mixed
In Cover.
leaderships effect on the units stress, compare the leaders
Unit is not in the LOS of any opposing units.
leadership values and subtract the lowest from the highest
Unit received Air Support last turn
and apply the difference.
Unit has friendly armored vehicles in sight
For instance, if a unit was within 8 of a Positive Leader
with a Leadership of 1 and Negative Leader with a
Unit achieved a scenario objective in the last turn
Leadership of 2, the difference is 1, so the unit gains 1
If one of these conditions applies to a unit at the
level of stress rather than 2. If the situation were reversed
beginning of a turn, it may roll to regain
(Positive Leadership of 2, Negative Leadership of 1), the
confidence. This is accomplished by
unit would lose 1 level of Stress rather than 2.
performing a Stress Test. If the unit passes the
stress test it will regain a die of Firepower.
Stress Test
At the beginning of each turn after the first, each unit on
the table will make a Stress Test. Any negative effects
resulting from the Stress Test are applied immediately. Units may regain lost confidence if one or more of the
To perform a Stress Test, roll 1 Quality die for each following conditions apply at the end of a turn see the
figure in the squad. Roll an extra die if a Positive Leader is Regaining Confidence text box.
within 8 of the testing unit and lose one for each Negative
Compare each die to the current Stress Level of the AND MOVEMENT
game. If more dice are equal to or greater than the current The terrain on the gaming table, and the players use of it,
Stress Level, the unit has passed the Stress Test and suffers will have a marked impact on the results of any Tomorrows
no effects. War game.
If more dice are less than the current Stress Level, the Many games have extensive rules defining the effects
unit has failed the Stress Test and Loses Confidence. of all terrain features on movement, fire, and line of sight,
subtracting so much movement for climbing a hill or
Losing Confidence crossing a fence and applying umpteen modifiers to fire at
A unit that loses confidence due to a failed Stress Test loses units in this or that type of woods. Tomorrows War takes
a Firepower die and is reduced one Confidence Level - i.e., a a slightly different approach.
unit with a basic Firepower of 6D goes down to a Firepower One of the underlying philosophies of Tomorrows War
of 5D and Confident unit is reduced to Low Confidence. is the assumption that the gaming table is an abstract
If a unit loses all its Firepower dice through repeated rather than exact representation of a battlefield. A flat, open
loss of confidence, it becomes combat ineffective and is field on the gaming table may appear to offer no cover or
removed from the table. concealment to an infantry unit crossing it, but in reality
such a field would be likely to have variations of elevation
Regaining Confidence and vegetation that could provide cover or concealment for
Under the right circumstances, units may regain lost a unit going to ground in it. These variations are too small
confidence. Units may not regain confidence in the same for us to model on the gaming table, so we must assume
turn that they lost confidence. they are there whether we can see them or not.


In the other extreme, terrain that looks completely Figures within a building may move from one story to
impassable on the table might offer routes of passage in another at will without expending movement to do so.
reality. A hills vertical face might look impossible to Units that move into a building may immediately set up
traverse on the table, but the life-sized hill the terrain piece a defensive position based on the 2 unit cohesion for units
represents might have game trails crisscrossing its front or in a defensible position.
an abundance of easily ascended hand and footholds Units may only use Tactical Movement on turns in
pocking its face. which they move through, into, or out of a building.
Take into account the fact that a stand of trees used on
the gaming table might represent an orchard one week and Destroying Buildings
impassable tangle the next, and the abstract approach Some scenarios may call for one side or the other to
weve described above makes even more sense! destroy a building to gain victory points or a player may
All of this is not meant to imply that terrain has no decide that some troublesome enemy stronghold simply
effect other than giving us something pretty to look at has to go. Any time infantry inside a building are engaged
while playing a game. It simply means that we prefer to by weapons with powerful blast effects the building itself is
let the scenario dictate the true nature of a terrain targeted and may be destroyed.
feature rather than be limited by a one-size-fits-all rule Any time a building is fired at by a weapon with an
or mechanic. unmodified Firepower of 4D or higher, a check should be
The following sections describe some commons sense made to determine if the building is destroyed.
effects for the most common types of terrain these Additionally, any time infantry within a building are
effects may be modified or negated by scenario notes, engaged by a weapon with an unmodified Firepower of
however, and are only meant as guidelines. 4D or higher, the building itself will be targeted rather than
the infantry within. A Building Destruction Check will be
Buildings & Structures made to see if the building is dropped on the infantry
Artificial structures, such as houses, shops, and factories, sheltering inside. Even if the building remains standing,
are some of the most commonly found terrain features on the infantry inside it are likely to take casualties from the
a Tomorrows War game table. Like any other piece of attacks blast effects.
terrain, a building on the tabletop is assumed to be much
more complex than the model representing it. As a result, Structural Strength
we place no significance on the number of doors or All buildings have a Structural Strength rating that
windows depicted on the model. After all, a building may represents how much punishment they can take before
have combat damage not represented on the model collapsing. There are three levels of Structural Strength:
holes blasted in its walls from previous engagements may Weak, Average, and Reinforced.
provide gaps to shoot from or breaches that allow entry. Unless stipulated by the players before the game or
As a result, the following rules apply to buildings unless specifically noted in a scenario, all buildings default to
otherwise noted in a scenario brief: Average structural strength.
Buildings may be entered from any side, regardless of Weak Buildings were never meant to last through the ages.
the presence of doors or windows. Such buildings are serviceable, but not particularly
Units within a building have a 360 LOS and firing arc. durable. Think sheet metal buildings, free standing
We recommend that units be placed on top of a building residential garages, or industrial outbuildings.
to indicate they occupy it. We also recommend that the Average Buildings are, well, average. They are sturdy,
number of figures that will fit atop a building be used as a durable structures perfectly suited to everyday use. Think
rule of thumb for how many figures may usefully occupy it. normal houses and shops.
Common sense must prevail for buildings that are three Reinforced Buildings are built to last. They are generally
or four stories tall, of course. built of reinforced concrete and can take quite a beating.


Think industrial buildings, government buildings, and large

commercial structures. FORTIFICATION BONUS
Exotic structures are usually alien in origin. They are
constructed using materials and methods that are beyond
human capabilities and are invulnerable to human Light Fortification: +1 Die

weaponry. Such structures are often artifacts from Medium Fortification: +2 Dice

another age. Strong Fortification: +3 Dice

Each class of building receives a number of Structural

Strength dice:
Light Fortification generally consists of ad hoc
reinforcement of a building through the addition of

STRUCTURAL STRENGTH sandbags, metal sheeting, or stacks of bricks or concrete

Medium Fortifications are either purpose built structures,
Weak: 3 Dice like small bunkers, or have received fairly major
Average: 6 Dice modifications to make them more resistant to gunfire,
Reinforced: 9 Dice artillery, or bombing raids.
Exotic: Indestructible Strong Fortifications are nearly always purpose built
structures, such as headquarters or communications hubs.

Fortified Buildings Structural Strength

Some buildings are either constructed as military grade The type of Structural Strength die a building uses is
fortifications or are fortified later by the addition of determined by its construction quality. The better a
sandbags, concrete reinforcement, etc. Fortification gives buildings construction quality, the better its Structural
a building additional Structural Strength dice. Strength die type.
There are three levels of fortification: Light, Medium, Unless stipulated by the players before the game or
and Strong. specifically noted in a scenario, all buildings on the table
are generally of Decent construction.

Building Destruction Tests

Only explosive weapons (or weapons that produce
explosive effects) are destructive enough to reduce even
the weakest of buildings to rubble. Buildings may only
be destroyed by grenade launchers, shoulder launched

Shoddy Construction: D6
Decent Construction: D8
A DPRG tank destroyer with a scout Quality Construction: D10
car spotter during the 1st Battle
Exceptional Construction: D12
of Tiaret (photo: Piers Brand,
miniatures: GZG)


missiles, demolition charges, main tank guns and other the second destruction test against this building and it is
cannons, artillery, or aerial bombs and missiles. weakened) but isnt as lucky this time, only garnering 4 dice
To perform a Building Destruction Test, the player with scores of 4 or higher. The building collapses into
attempting to destroy the building rolls the Firepower rubble and the infantry unit inside is attacked with a
dice for the weapon he is using against the building Firepower of 7D8 (6D8 +1 Firepower die bonus for the
and his opponent rolls the number and type of dice collapsing building). None of the HMG team survives!
indicated by the target buildings Structural Strength and
Construction Quality. Breaching Buildings
Both players discard any dice with a score lower than 4. Some scenarios may indicate that certain buildings must
If more Firepower dice are left than Structural Strength be breached to enter or a unit may decide it wants to blast
dice, the building collapses into rubble. If not, the building its way into an occupied building in a shock and awe attack.
remains standing but will throw one less Structural Strength There are two techniques used to breach a building:
die the next time it takes a Building Destruction Test. Breaching with charges and stand-off breaching. Both
Whether a building is destroyed or not, units inside are methods are described in the rule sections that follow.
likely to take casualties from the attack. If the building is
destroyed, any unit within is struck with a Firepower equal Breaching with Charges
to that of the weapon used in the destruction attempt To Breach into a building or through a wall using explosive
with a +1 Firepower bonus. If the building survives the charges, a unit must have at least one figure in contact
destruction test, any unit within is struck with a Firepower with the building. Once in contact, the unit may make a
equal to that of the weapon used in the destruction attempt Breach Test. To successfully Breach a building or wall,
with a -1 Firepower die penalty. The unit may claim all the breaching unit must make a Troop Quality Check.
applicable cover bonuses against either attack. A successful Troop Quality Check indicates that the unit
Example: An enemy HMG team positioned in a hastily may enter the building through their newly established
fortified office building is giving Red Players advancing breach. Failure means the unit must remain where it is for
infantry a hard time. Red decides try to reduce the building the rest of the turn.
to rubble with the help of two main battle tanks.
The target building has an Average Structural Strength
(6 dice) and has been hastily fortified with sand bags and
rubble. Prior to the start of the game, both players agreed
Make a Troop Quality Check for the breaching
that the building has Light Fortification (+1 die, for a total
unit. Success indicates the unit may enter the
of 7 dice) and is of Decent Construction (D8). The building
building immediately. Failure indicates the unit
will throw 7D8 for its Structural Strength.
must remain where it is for the rest of the
The MBTs main guns have a Firepower of 5D8 + 1D for turn. It may make further attempts to breach
a 120mm gun using advanced munitions, so they attack on following turns.
the building with a Firepower of 6D8 each. Modifications to the Troop Quality Die Roll:
The first MBT fires and rolls its 6D8, coming up with Unit Has Breaching Gear: +1
4 dice with scores of 4 or better. The Defender rolls 7D8 Unit Specializes in Breach Entry (SAS, Delta,
and has 5 dice with scores of 4 or better. The building etc.): +1
doesnt fall, but the HMG unit inside is still struck with a Building Structural Strength is Weak: +1
5D8 (6D8 -1 die penalty described above). Miraculously, Building Structural Strength is Reinforced: -1
it takes no casualties. Building is Lightly Fortified: -1
Building is Medium Fortified: -2
In its activation, the second MBT fires at the building
Building is Strong Fortified: -3
and comes up with 6 dice with scores of 4 or better.
The defender again rolls 6D8 (reduced from 7D8, as this is


The Breach Test roll may be modified by factors such as any unit within is struck with a Firepower equal to that
use of specialized tools or the buildings strength. of the weapon used in the destruction attempt with a -1
Example: A FFL team needs to breach through the back Firepower die penalty. The unit may claim all applicable
wall of a building occupied by a DPRG command unit and cover bonuses against either attack.
seize prisoners and intel.
The unit must make a Troop Quality test to successfully Breaching Into a Hostile Building
breach the wall. Their Troop Quality is Veteran, so theyll be If a unit successfully breaches into a building containing a
rolling a D10. They have Breaching Gear (+1), specialize in hostile unit, Close Assault is immediately initiated between
breaching operations (+1), but the building is Reinforced the two units. Close Assault is resolved as normal, with the
(-1), so they gain a total of +1 to their die roll. following modifications:
The FFL team rolls a D10 and scores a 3. Normally this The breaching unit is not required to pass a Troop
would be a failure, but the +1 to their die roll raises the Quality Check to engage in Close Assault.
score to a 4 good enough to pass the Troop Quality test The defending unit may not flee. If it is able to lay down
and breach the wall. The FFL team rushes in and takes final defensive fire, resolve as normal but subtract TWO
the stunned DPRG officers by surprise! dice from the defending units Firepower and add TWO dice
to the breaching units Defense to reflect the shock and
Stand-Off Breaching surprise of a Breach attack. If the breaching unit is specially
Stand-off breaches use fire from a heavy weapon at a equipped for breaching operations or has flash-bang
distance to open a breach in a wall or building rather than grenades, add THREE dice to the breaching units Defense.
relying on hand-placed breaching charges. Only very Example: The FFL team from the previous example
powerful weapons such as tank guns or shoulder fired breaches into a DPRG command center and close assaults
rockets are capable of opening a stand-off breach. its occupants. Because they breached in, the FFL team is
To perform a stand-off breach, the breaching player not required to make Troop Quality Check to close with the
announces his intent and the weapon hell be using for DPRG officers.
the breach. Creating a breach requires very accurate The shocked command staff makes a Troop Quality
placement of fire, so the weapon being used must be within Check to see if they can run away or fire defensively, per
6 of the target building or wall. the Close Assault rules. They pass their test and would like
The breaching player rolls the Firepower dice for the to run, but are unable to (smoke, dust, and the concussion
weapon he is using against the building and his opponent of the breaching charge have left them disoriented and
rolls the number and type of dice indicated by the target stunned). They raise their weapons and fire at the figures
buildings Structural Strength and Construction Quality surging at them through the smoke and debris. Normally
with a -1 die penalty (this is to reflect that it is easier to they would have a Firepower of 6D8 (there are six officers
blow a hole in a building than to flatten it entirely). with a Troop Quality of D8 armed with small arms), but the
Both players discard any dice with a score lower than 4. shock of the breaching charge has left them so shaken that
If more Firepower dice are left than Structural Strength they suffer a -2 die Firepower penalty, reducing their
dice, a breach has been opened and the breaching players Firepower to 4D8.
units may now enter the building. If less Firepower dice are
left than Structural Strength dice are left, the breaching Water Obstacles
attempt failed. Rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds may or may not be
Whether a building is breached or not, units inside are impassable terrain. The scenario should dictate whether
likely to take casualties from the attack. If the building is water obstacles are shallow enough to be crossed on foot
breached, any unit within is struck with a Firepower equal or by vehicles. Any fords should be identified and it should
to that of the weapon used in the destruction attempt with be noted whether they are passable by infantry, vehicles,
a +1 Firepower bonus. If the building is not breached, or both.


Vertical Obstacles
Steep hills, cliffs, escarpments, ravines and other vertical
obstacles may be impassable terrain if identified as such
by the scenario. Some vertical barriers may be impassable
to vehicles, but not infantry. If not impassable, such terrain
may be crossed by infantry or vehicles using Tactical
Speed. The scenario will identify any vertical obstacles that
impair or prevent movement.
Some units are trained and equipped to scale vertical
obstacles. Such units are identified by the scenario. Units
scaling a cliff or other vertical surface must begin their
turn at the edge of the obstacle and may only use Tactical
Movement for the turn. They must also pass a Troop
Heavy AFVs require a sturdy bridge to
Quality Test to determine if the ascent was accomplished
cross water obstacles (photo: Jim Roots,
miniatures: Khurasan) without mishap. If the test is passed, the unit arrives at the
top (or bottom) of the obstacle unharmed. If the test is
Both infantry and vehicles may only use Tactical failed, the unit takes a 4D8 attack and may claim no
Movement on a turn in which they cross a water obstacle. Defense modifiers. Casualties are checked at the end of
Vehicles that are capable of swimming may cross water the climb. Fatalities are assumed to have fallen to their
obstacles that do not have fords, but must start their turn deaths, while seriously wounded troops are assumed to
at the edge of the obstacle and may only use Tactical speed have suffered climbing injuries.
for the turn. Ground Effects Vehicles and Class 1 Anti-Gravity
Infantry units that are trained to cross water obstacles Vehicles may only negotiate moderate slopes at best.
by swimming (such units are identified by the scenario) Slopes that may be passable to tracked, wheeled, and
may cross in the same manner as vehicles above. legged vehicles may be impassable to GEVs and Class 1
Additionally, they must pass a Troop Quality Test to cross AGVs. Such impassable slopes should be identified before
the obstacle without incident. If the unit fails their Troop play begins.
Quality test, it suffers a 4D8 attack and may claim no Class 2 & 3 AGVs are not affected by vertical obstacles.
Defense modifiers (no cover, body armor, etc.). Casualties
are determined on the opposite shore of the water Forests and Woods
obstacle. Fatalities are assumed to have drowned Forests, groves, stands of trees, tree-like plants, crystalline,
while seriously wounded figures sustained some sort of ice or rock structures can impede both movement and
injury in the crossing. Note that power armored troops line of sight. They may also provide cover for units
need not take this test their suits provide a self- sheltering within.
contained atmosphere. Woods generally fall into one of three categories:
Ground Effects Vehicles (GEVs) and Anti-Gravity Dense, Average, and Light, plus a special category of Heavy
Vehicles (AGVs) may cross water obstacles without Foliage Cover.
hindrance. Dense Woods are impassable to most vehicles, but may
Jump capable infantry units must make a TQ Check be negotiated by small walkers in some cases. They block
to safely land or jump out of a water obstacle. Failure LOS past 1 from their edge. Troops within Dense Woods
indicates they take a Firepower attack equal to half the can only see half their Optimum Range to target enemy
number of figures in the unit. Only Armor may be counted units inside the terrain with them.
as additional defense against this attack, which represents Infantry units may only use Tactical Movement through
the chance of members in the unit suffering some mishap. Dense Woods and may claim the benefit of Solid Cover.


Heavy Foliage Cover can take the form of dense jungle Average Woods are passable by vehicles, but they may
undergrowth, thickets of heavy, tangled brush, or even only move at Tactical Speed. Infantry movement is not
expanses of tall, trackless grassland. Heavy foliage cover hindered by Average Woods. Average Woods block LOS
blocks line of sight. Non-indigenous troops may only use past 3 from their edge. Visibility within an Average Wood
Tactical Movement when moving through or in terrain is also limited to the units Optimum Range. Infantry inside
designated as Heavy Foliage Cover Certain troop types, an Average wood may claim the benefit of Solid Cover.
such as special forces units or indigenous guerrillas may Jump capable troops may jump over or out of average
have this restriction removed as dictated by the scenario. woods, but must take a Troop Quality test to safely land in
This allows guerrillas and certain specialized forces an them. If the Troop Quality test is failed, the unit must take
advantage over regular troops in this challenging terrain. a Firepower attack equal to the number of figures in the
Troops inside a Heavy Foliage Cover terrain feature unit. Only Armor may be counted as additional defense
cannot be seen unless they are at the edge of the terrain against this attack, which represents the chance of
feature and can only be spotted by units within Optimum members in the unit suffering some mishap.
Range. Units in Heavy Foliage also have no line of sight Light Woods are little more than decorative clumps of
out of it unless on the edge of the terrain feature. This trees and thin underbrush. They do not block LOS or
allows troops to hide in dense jungle terrain but requires impede infantry or vehicle movement. Light Woods provide
them to be on the edge of a terrain feature in order to fire no special cover benefits.
at enemy forces.
Troops in a Heavy Foliage terrain feature may see half Artillery and Woods
their Optimum Range through the terrain to target enemy Artillery fire into wooded areas adds a storm of wooden
units inside the terrain with them. splinters to the usual hail of shrapnel. Artillery salvos
Common sense must be applied when considering striking units in Average or Dense Woods receive a bonus
vehicle movement through heavy foliage. Dense jungle Firepower die.
undergrowth will generally be impassable to vehicles (with
the possible exception of walkers), while thick fields of Extremely Rough Ground
elephant grass wont impede them at all. If not described Extremely rough ground, such as boulder fields, heavily
by the scenario, players should agree on the effect of heavy cratered areas, or areas choked with thick, resilient
foliage on vehicles prior to the game. plant-life, or even terrain strewn with lava pools might
be encountered in a game. Obviously, such terrain can
prove to be tough going for both infantry and vehicles,
but the sheer number of possibilities makes it rather
difficult to come up with a single cut and dried solution
for all extreme terrain. The effects of such terrain should
be determined on an individual basis, generally in a
scenario brief. The following guidelines might prove
helpful, though:
Rough ground, sharp shards of rock, and entangling
vines and plant stalks/trunks, are bad news for wheeled
and tracked vehicles, which may only move through such
terrain at Tactical speed.
If the hazards involved are less than knee-high to a
FFL recon vehicles in Average figure, then GEVs and Class 1 AGVs may pass over the
Woods (photo: Shawn Carpenter, terrain without penalty. Movement of Class 2 & 3 AGVs is
miniatures: GZG) unaffected by any terrain.


Vacuum or Hazardous
It is not unusual for Tomorrows War forces to clash on
worlds with lethal atmospheres or no atmosphere
whatsoever. Troops must obviously wear protective
environment suits if they intend to fight outside pressurized
vehicles. Such suits require a fair amount of practice to
use within the relatively safe confines of a spacecraft, to
fight in one requires extensive training and familiarization.
It is unusual for troops with a Troop Quality less than
Trained to be deployed in such environments.
Combat in vacuum or hostile environments can be
horrifyingly lethal. The smallest breach of an environment
suits integrity may prove fatal, even if the suits occupant
War-torn urban settings are a good
is otherwise unharmed. During combat in a hostile
example of Extremely Rough Ground
(photo & miniatures: Pig Iron) environment, any casualty in an environment suit must
make a Troop Quality Check prior to its normal First Aid
Infantry may pass through such terrain without penalty Check. If the figure passes the Troop Quality Check, make
in some cases, but must limit themselves to Tactical the First Aid Check as usual. If it fails the Troop Quality
movements in others. If not dictated by the scenario, Check, the figure has succumbed to the hostile environment
players should agree on the effects of rough ground on and is dead.
infantry movement at the beginning of the game. Note that troops in Powered Armor are not required to
Jump capable troops must make a Troop Quality Check make a Troop Quality Check to survive suit breaches it
to land safely on extremely rough ground. If the Troop
Quality test is failed, the unit must take a Firepower attack
equal to the number of figures in the unit. Only Armor may I hate fighting in evac suits, they just aint
be counted as additional defense against this attack, which made for the job. The joints always lock up
represents the chance of members in the unit suffering when you least want them to, leaving you
some mishap. looking like a spare dick at a wedding. The
As a general rule, Walkers will suffer the same penalties new Combat Environment Suits are better,
as listed for infantry when traveling across extremely but we are way down the list to be issued
rough terrain. with them. I remember one action where a
CAU registered freighter got jacked by some
Unearthly Environments insurgents. The numb-nuts killed off the
Not all battles take place in a terrestrial environment. gravity simulators halfway through the fight.
Some wars are waged on planets with hostile We were all floating around that place like
atmospheres or no atmosphere at all. Gravity on these fairies. Every time you fired the recoil
worlds may be significantly higher or lower than that of propelled you backwards. Would have been
Earth. Without special gear and, just as importantly, funny as hell if they hadnt been trying to
special training a soldier is as likely to die from kill us.
exposure to the environment before ever laying eyes on
Sergeant Carlos Turk Mozo, 2nd Assault Company,
an enemy soldier.
3rd Marines
The following rules describe the effects of hostile
environments on game play.


accustomed to the local gravity. Additionally, troops from

low gravity worlds face compounded difficulties when
operating on a high gravity world and vice versa. The
rules below describe the effects of low and high gravity on
troops from a world with Earth-like gravity.
Troops who are operating in gravities other than their
own must make a Troop Quality test each time they
attempt to make a Rapid move. If they succeed, they may
make a normal Rapid move. If they fail, they may only
make a Tactical move.
Troops in vehicles or powered armor are not affected by
strange gravities.

A survey team working in a hazardous PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER:

environment (photo: Piers Brand,
miniatures: GZG) LOST & FOUND
Colony World: Glory
is assumed that even the most basic suit of Powered Area: Foix Gap, Near DPRG Border
Armor will automatically compartmentalize the damaged Year: 2295
area. Alpha Company, 1st Battalion Landing Team, 6th Marine
Some alien troops or genetically modified/ Regiment is on patrol in the Foix Gap near the DPRG
cybernetically enhanced humans may be able to operate border. The Marines have recently arrived from Grissom
in noxious atmospheres without the benefit of in support of their Republic of Arden comrades in arms.
environment suits. Such troops will be identified in their From the moment of their arrival, the troops find
force lists or will be specified by the scenario. themselves fighting rough terrain, oppressive heat, biting
insects and the occasional sniper. Action takes a turn for
the dramatic when an Interface Fighter supplying close air
VACUUM OR HAZARDOUS support for a nearby operation suffers a catastrophic
engine failure and the pilot is forced to bail out over
contested territory.
CHECK Charlie Squad of 1st Platoon suddenly finds its routine
Make a TQ Test: patrol turned into a footrace to make contact with a
Pass: Move on to appropriate First Aid Check. downed pilot before the DPRG can lay their hands on
Fail: Figure is KIA a fantastic propaganda coup!

Scenario Information
Gravity Effects Duration of Game: 8 Turns
Troops are used to the gravities of their homeworlds. Initiative: USMC for the first turn, then roll for Initiative
Troops face a variety of challenges when forced to operate normally
in gravities lower or higher than that to which they are Special Conditions: None
accustomed, not the least of which can be simply moving. Fog of War: Generated normally by Reaction Tests
Poorly trained or green troops will find moving difficult and Table Size: 3 x 3
even the most experienced may find it challenging. P: Pilots starting position in an abandoned building
The effects of low or high gravity vary. Obviously, these 14: DPRG Team positions Team 1 is at 1, Team 2
effects do not apply to troops who are native or highly at 2, etc.


USMC Mission USMC Victory Points

One of Charlie Squads fireteams must make contact with USMC fireteam makes contact with pilot: 3pts
the downed pilot. See Special Rules for the pilots behavior USMC fireteam escorts the pilot off table prior to
in game terms. The pilot must be escorted off the table by Turn 6: 10pts
the Marines by the end of Turn 8. USMC fireteam escorts the pilot off table by end of
Turn 8: 7pts


USMC Forces Fireteam Bravo

USMC Basic Attributes 1 x Fireteam Leader w/M1 ACR
Initiative Level: D8 1 x Gunner w/M233 SAW (TL3 Lt. AP:1)
Confidence Level: High 1 x Gunner w/Mk 17 SLAM (TL3 Med. AP:2/AT:2(M)
Supply Quality Level: Normal 1 x Riflemen w/M1 ACR
Overall Tech Level: 3
On Grid? No. Fireteam One Charlie
Body Armor: Hard Armor (2D) 1 x Fireteam Leader w/M1 ACR
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10 1 x Gunner w/M233 SAW (TL3 Lt. AP:1)
1 x Gunner w/Mk 17 SLAM (TL3 Med. AP:2/AT:2(M)
USMC Rifle Squad 1 x Riflemen w/M1 ACR
1 x Squad Leader w/ M1 ACR
DPRG Border Legion
Fireteam Alpha Mission
1 x Fireteam Leader w/M1 ACR The American Marines have recently arrived here to fight
1 x Gunner w/M233 SAW (TL3 Lt. AP:1) alongside the Ardenois. Here is a chance to use the
1 x Gunner w/Mk 17 SLAM (TL3 Med. AP:2/AT:2(M) American pilot to lure the Devil Dogs into a bloody defeat!
1 x Riflemen w/M1 ACR Catch them in a fire pocket and cause as many American

[TL2 MBTs]


casualties as possible as they try to rescue their airman. If DPRG Team Three
you do your job right, the Marines will be wiped out or 1 x Fireteam Leader w/AK-400 rifle
driven off and you can deal with the pilot at your leisure! 1 x Gunner w/M. 78 SAW (TL1, TST, Lt. AP:1)
1 x Grenadier w/ RPGMP-3 (TL2, Med. AP:2/AT2(M)
DPRG Victory Points 2 x Riflemen w/AK-400 rifles
Per USMC KIA: 2pts
Per USMC with Serious Wound: 1pt DPRG Team Four
Per Marine Captured: 3pts 1 x Fireteam Leader w/AK-400 rifle
Pilot still on table at end of Turn 8: VICTORY! 1 x Gunner w/M. 78 SAW (TL1, TST, Lt. AP:1)
1 x Grenadier w/ RPGMP-3 (TL2, Med. AP:2/AT2(M)
DPRG Forces 2 x Riflemen w/AK-400 rifles
DPRG Basic Attributes
Initiative Level: D6 Special Rules
Confidence Level: High The Downed Pilot
Supply Quality Level: Normal One of Charlie Squads fireteams must make contact with the
Overall Tech Level: 2 downed pilot by moving into cohesion distance. The pilot can
On Grid? No. be moved as part of that fireteam. He may be handed off to
Body Armor: Carapace (2D) another Marine fireteam if the two fireteams are in contact.
Troop Quality/Morale: D6/D10 The pilot must be escorted off the table by the Marines by the
end of Turn 8. The pilot adds no Firepower or Defense dice to
DPRG Border Legion Units the fireteam he is with. The pilot does not contribute dice to
DPRG Team One Morale checks. For the purposes of this scenario, the pilot
1x Squad Leader w/AK-400 Rifle cannot be injured or become a casualty. If a unit the pilot is
1 x Fireteam Leader w/AK-400 rifle with is wiped out, the pilot will move to the nearest cover that
1 x Medic w/AK-400 rifle takes him away from the nearest DPRG unit.
1 x Gunner w/M. 78 SAW (TL1, TST, Lt. AP:1)
1 x Grenadier w/ RPGMP-3 (TL2, Med. AP:2/AT2(M) Terrain
2 x Riflemen w/AK-400 rifles Woods, walls, buildings, and the bank of the stream provide
cover (+1D defense). Woods and buildings block line of sight.
DPRG Team Two
1 x Fireteam Leader w/AK-400 rifle Ambush Rules are in Effect
1 x Gunner w/M. 78 SAW (TL1, TST, Lt. AP:1) This means any DPRG units that are outside of Optimal
1 x Grenadier w/ RPGMP-3 (TL2, Med. AP:2/AT2(M) Range may not be targeted by USMC troops unless they
2 x Riflemen w/AK-400 rifles move or fire. USMC troops must pass a TQ Check within
Optimal Range to spot hidden DPRG troops. The DPRG
automatically fire first from ambush.


Being a treadhead has its disadvantages

you can get burnt alive if your ride catches
fire, suffocated by your own fire suppression
system, blown to pieces by an ammunition
detonation, shot by a sniper while out of the
turret or turned to jelly by concussion hits.
All that said It still beats the hell out of
walking to war.

Corporal David Smith, 1st Royal Tank Regiment

A DPRG wheeled scout-car (photo: Piers

It should be noted that the play area of the typical
Brand, miniature: GZG)
Tomorrows War game represents a more-or-less point-
blank encounter between AFVs. Vehicle engagements in VEHICLE TYPES
this game are not stand-off affairs between carefully Vehicles are grouped in types based on their method of
maneuvering tanks they are short, brutal knife fights that mobility. The types are Wheeled, Tracked, Ground Effects,
may well be decided on the first, hurried shot. Anti-Grav/Direct Thrust. Descriptions of each type follow.


Vehicles are activated in the same manner as infantry units. Wheeled vehicles have been around nearly as long as man
Like infantry units, an activated vehicle may move/fire or and will probably still be rolling down streets (and over
fire/move. Vehicles may be placed on Overwatch. battlefields) far into the future.
Vehicles may not use Out of Contact Movement. Wheeled vehicles have several advantages, in that they
are fairly quiet, handle most rough terrain well (assuming
they were designed to), and are easy to maintain.
All of these advantages make them a favorite on most
colony worlds.

Tracked vehicles have the advantage of being able to move
on a stable road surface that they lay down in front of
themselves and pick up after they pass over it. This allows
a well-designed tracked vehicle to handle rough terrain
with aplomb. Unfortunately, the same process makes
tracked vehicles very loud and more difficult to maintain
than their wheeled counterparts. Still, if you need to move
A selection of USMC armor fielded on something heavy somewhere there arent any roads, tracks
Glory during the 2nd and 3rd Glory Wars are a time honored solution that continue to win battles
(photo: Piers Brand, miniatures: GZG) on Earth and beyond.


and are incapable of climbing steep slopes that would be

negotiable by wheeled or tracked vehicles.

Anti-Gravity Vehicles (AGVs)

Anti-gravity is the newest form of vehicle mobility, closely
followed by direct thrust vehicles. Anti-gravity vehicles rely
on a technology that presses against a planets gravitic
field to lift and propel it.
There are three classes of AGVs:
Class 1: Skimmers - (TL2)
Skimmers can only bear relatively light loads (APC and Lt.
Tanks only). They have difficulty negotiating steep grades
or very rough terrain (tree-stumps, boulders, etc.). They
French Foreign Legion scout vehicles
must be landed on a planets surface via drop ship.
unload their dismounts (photo: Jim Roots,
miniatures: GZG & Micropanzer) Class 2: NOE Flyers - (TL2 & 3)
NOE Flyers can be any sized vehicle up to MBTs. They can
Ground Effects Vehicles literally fly over rough terrain, including skimming over
(GEVs) the tops of trees or steep grades. They cannot pass over
Ground Effects Vehicles (GEVs) use a cushion of air (or any vertical barriers of significant height, however (cliff faces).
other available gas, for that matter) to lift themselves off They may do pop-up attacks from behind terrain features.
the ground. Propulsion is usually provided by rotor tilt, but They must be landed on a planets surface via drop ship.
may be provided by small fans mounted on the vehicle, too. Class 3: Orbital Landers - (TL3)
The main advantage of GEVs is that they are able to
negotiate land or water with equal ease. GEVs also supply a
fairly smooth ride, even over moderately rough terrain. This The damn Frogs had a real edge over us at
is a big advantage for vehicles attempting to fire on the move. the start of the fighting on Glory. Backed up
Unfortunately, GEVs come with disadvantages, too. They by the FFL, we were really out-gunned till a
kick up an amazing rooster-tail on dusty surfaces and are shipment of grav tanks arrived from Brazil.
fairly loud. They are also somewhat prone to breakdown They were Jaguar 4 grav tanks. State of the
art mounting a 125mm Kinetic cannon in
its turret. First time we went out in one we
knocked-out two Arden Gaul MBTs by
popping up over a wood and letting rip
before dropping back into cover. Once we
had these and other equipment, we really
started to hit back hard against Arden. We
would have won if the US hadnt got involved...
just another example of American Imperialism.
My Jaguar was knocked-out by a USMC grav
tank. They popped out and hit us the same
way we did the Arden tankers.

Colonel Javier Menendez, 1st Armored, DPRG

A pair of GEVs cross a plowed field
(photo: Jim Roots, miniatures: Old Crow)


to lower themselves quite close to the ground when halted,

a virtue that makes it quite easy for these types of AFVs to
easily find hull down positions.

All vehicles have two movement rates Tactical Speed and
Rapid Speed.

Tactical Speed
Vehicles use Tactical Speed when actively patrolling or
rolling in support of dismounted infantry. Most vehicles
may move up to 10 per turn when using Tactical Speed.
Vehicles traveling at Tactical Speed suffer no Reaction
The Brazilian Jaguar IV is a typical Class
1 Grav Tank (photo: Dana Boggs-Drake,
miniatures: Combat Wombat)
Rapid Speed
Orbital Landers may be any sized vehicle up to MBTs. They Vehicles use Rapid Speed when they need to move quickly
have all the abilities of an NOE Flyer but may also Repel and no maneuvers are required. Most vehicles at Rapid
Up vertical faces. They may do pop-ups and may also Speed may move up to 18.
make strafing runs as they fly on or off the board. Orbital Vehicles traveling at Rapid Speed receive a -1 to their
Landers may be dropped from a space craft in orbit and die roll when making Reaction Tests.
fly down to the surface. They still must be lifted off the
planet by a drop ship, however. Nap of the Earth (NOE)
Class 2 AGVs have limited flight capability that gives them
Direct Thrust Vehicles the ability to follow the nap of the earth. In other words,
(DTVs) they can skim over tree tops, houses, and hills, often using
Direct thrust vehicles rely on powerful, efficient turbofans those very terrain features to conceal themselves from
to coast above the ground, hop over low obstacles and, enemy observation or fire. DTVs and VTOLs may also use
if necessary, take to the sky in actual flight. DTVs are NOE movement.
capable of flight, NOE flight, hovering and ground
hugging movement.
DTV APCs and IFVs can perform fast rope operations
from a hover like any other VTOL.

Walkers use two or more legs for motivation rather than
wheels or tracked. The most common type of Walker is the
Armored Fighting Suit (AFS), although some walking tanks
and APCs have also been fielded.
Walkers have an advantage when moving through most
rough terrain, but generally arent very fast or agile (there
are exceptions of course, especially among the smaller
Armored Fighting Suits). They tend to be taller than A robotic DTV prowls the battlefield
ordinary AFVs while on the move, but most have the ability (photo: Jim Roots, miniatures: Khurasan)


No matter how advanced sensors and tactical displays
become, the human mind continues to work most
effectively with data from its favored sensor suite its own
eyes, ears, nose and skin. Its not unusual for an unbuttoned
tank commander (in other words, a TC standing exposed in
an open hatch) to spot threats before his crews sensors
pick them up. Unfortunately, its also not unusual for an
unbuttoned tank commander to meet a sudden, messy end
when the bullets and energy bolts are thick in the air.
Tank commanders are faced with a difficult choice when
their vehicles are engaged in combat, especially at the
short ranges and in the close terrain typical of most
Ares Mining Corporation mercenaries made
Tomorrows War games: Should they boost their situational
extensive use of combat walkers during
the Martian uprising (photo: Jeff Racel, awareness while risking becoming a casualty or should
miniatures: Rebel) they sacrifice quick reactions for safety? To button up or
not to button up, that is the question.
Vehicles moving NOE may move up to 24. Vehicles
utilizing NOE movement are vulnerable to fire if they pop Unbuttoned TCs
over an obstacle or otherwise become visible to enemy A player must declare which tank commanders they wish
units or vehicles. Fire at NOE vehicles receives a -2 die to be unbuttoned at the beginning of a turn. Each TC
Firepower penalty, as does fire from an NOE vehicle. designated must pass a Troop Quality Check to spend
the turn unbuttoned. If they fail the check, they remain
Flight buttoned or button up.
Some vehicles, such as aircraft of all sorts and Class 3
AGVs may actually fly. Such vehicles can move anywhere
on the table during a turn.
Flying vehicles are subject to Ground Fire rule when
landing, taking off, picking up passengers, or dropping
them off.
Flight capable vehicles also have the option of using
Nap of the Earth movement as described above.

Loading and Unloading

A vehicle may not move on the turn it loads or unloads
Passengers unloading from a vehicle may only use
Tactical movement. Passengers may use Rapid movement
to board a vehicle, however. US anti-grav IFVs perform a road
movement through a Republic of Arden
Units may only use Suppression Fire or fire as a energy farm (photo: Dana Boggs-Drake,
Reaction on the turn they dismount. miniatures: GZG)


Tanks whose TCs are buttoned up receive a -1 to their

die rolls when making Reaction Tests. This penalty is
cumulative with other Reaction Test penalties.
Note that some vehicles possess outstanding sensor
suites which alleviate the Buttoned Up penalties. Such
vehicles will be identified in their vehicle description.

All vehicle mounted weapons have a number of
Firepower dice allocated to them. Like infantry units,
the type of die used is determined by vehicle crews
Troop Quality.
It should be noted that some vehicle mounted weapons
A TL3 Grav Tank capable of NOE flight
are also Infantry Support Weapons. The Firepower shown
(photo: Piers Brand, miniature: GZG)
for such weapons may be different when vehicle mounted
TCs may only unbutton at the beginning of a turn and this difference represents the vehicles more stable firing
must remain unbuttoned for the duration of the turn or platform, available optics, etc.
until forced to button up by enemy fire. Some vehicular weapons have separate Anti-Tank (AT)
Tanks whose TCs are unbuttoned suffer no Reaction and Anti-Personnel (AP) Firepower ratings. Where different
Test penalties. ratings apply, they will be described in the vehicles
Unbuttoned TCs may be fired upon as if they were description.
an infantry unit In Cover behind Solid Cover (+2 Vehicle mounted weapons treat all targets as being at
Defense dice). Optimum Range. This bonus is already included in the
If a tank with an unbuttoned TC is hit by AT fire, the TC Firepower listed for vehicles.
becomes a casualty on a D6 roll of 1 whether the hit
causes any other damage or not.
A TC who is fired upon by either small arms or AT fire
and survives must make a Troop Quality test to remain
unbuttoned. If they fail the test, they immediately button
up and remain buttoned up for the rest of the turn.
If a TC becomes a casualty due to small arms or AT fire,
the tank crew must take a Morale Check with their Morale
die reduced by one die type (i.e., if their Morale is normally
D10, it would be reduced to D8 for the purpose of this check).

Buttoned Up TCs
TCs are assumed to be buttoned up unless their player
indicates otherwise at the beginning of the turn if the TC
has not been designated as unbuttoned and has not
passed a Troop Quality test, he is buttoned up and must
remain that way for the duration of the turn. The commander of a DPRG Dear
Leader II Heavy Tank unbuttons to
TCs that are unbuttoned with enemy units in LOS during
get a better view of the battlespace
a turn must pass a Troop Quality test at the beginning of (photo: Shawn Carpenter, miniature:
the next turn or button up. Combat Wombat)


continued to evolve in parallel with laser, energy, and gauss

weapon types. Improvements in charges, round material,
and explosive compounds proceed slower than the leaps
and bounds being made in newer weapon technology, but
these weapons remain effective threats on the battlefield.
The conventional cannons ability to fire explosive or
kinetic projectiles makes it very effective against both
personnel and enemy AFVs.
Typical conventional cannons would have stats similar
to these:
Heavy Tank Gun: AP:6/AT5(H)
Medium AT Gun: AP:4/AT:4(M)
Light Auto-Cannon: AP:4/AT:1(L)
US Army troops, escorted by a Patton
tank, on patrol in Tiaret (photo: Jim
Roots, miniatures: Khurasan) Laser Cannons
While Laser based AT guns are not among the most
Vehicle Weapon Classes powerful weapons of their type, what they lack in heavy
For purposes of vehicle design, vehicular weapons are punch they make up for in precision. A well-maintained
divided into 4 classes. The class rating has no impact laser cannon with decent optics and fire control can pick
on the weapon in game terms, but does help establish a out an enemy tanks weakest points and punch through
starting point for assigning Firepower dice for vehicles you them. As a result, Laser Cannons of all types receive a +1
design yourself. die roll modifier when rolling on the Vehicle Damage Table.
Below are some examples of weapons in each class: In the case of some Heavy guns, this can be cumulative
Small Arms & Infantry Support Weapons Infantrys small with the Heavy Hitter attribute.
arms and most squad support weapons fall into this Typical vehicle mounted laser cannons would have stats
category. Examples include assault rifles, SAWs, rifle grenade similar to these:
launchers, GPMGs, most coaxial MGs, etc. Heavy Laser Tank Gun: AP:5/AT4(H)
Light Guns Large caliber MGs (.50 or 12mm+); Medium Laser AT Gun: AP:4/AT:3(M)
Automatic Grenade Launchers; kinetic anti-tank rifles, Light Rapid Pulse Laser Cannon: AP:4/AT:2(L)
regular RPGs.
Medium Guns Light auto-cannons; energy anti-tank rifles; Rail Guns (Gauss Cannons)
AT RPGs Rail guns or Gauss cannons deliver incredible kinetic
Heavy Guns Main tank guns; ATGMs impacts at line of sight ranges. The incredible velocities
generated with these weapons, coupled with the enormous
Advanced Vehicle Weapons density of the advanced penetrator rounds they fire
The big guns didnt get left behind while small arms make them deadly tank killers but only lack-luster
development leap-frogged past simple slug-throwers. anti-personnel weapons.
Tomorrows armored fighting vehicle has a number of Rail Guns ignore one die of a target vehicle or units
advanced weapon types to choose from and more are armor or cover.
always in development. The unique effects of some Typical vehicle mounted rail guns would have stats
advanced gun types are detailed below. similar to these:
Heavy Gauss Tank Gun: AP:3/AT:5(H)
Advanced Conventional Cannons Medium Gauss AT Gun: AP:2/AT:4(M)
Conventional cannons firing HE or kinetic rounds have Light Gauss Cannon: AP:2/AT:2(L)


Energy Cannons Some vehicles may have further fire restrictions, which will
Energy Cannons rely on intense plasma or fusion bursts to be noted in their vehicle descriptions.
burn and blast their way through enemy armor. These are by Vehicles whose crew has been reduced to half or less
far the most brutishly powerful of all the anti-tank weaponry may fire either their main gun or a secondary weapon
developed by man at this time. Their only drawback is that system, but not both.
the enormous amount of energy they require to operate AFVs moving at Rapid Speed receive a -1 to their die
takes time to build up, which makes them slow to fire. roll for all Reaction Tests.
They tend to be very heavy weapons, too, which require AFVs that are Buttoned Up receive a -1 to their die roll
large, cumbersome turrets to house. for all Reaction Tests. This is cumulative with the Rapid
Energy Cannons ignore up to two dice of a target units Speed penalty.
cover or armor. Vehicles lose 1D of Firepower for each Reaction/
All vehicle mounted Energy Cannons have the Slow Defensive Action after the first.
Firing Weapon Attribute. Like all other units an AFV that fails a Reaction Test will
Typical vehicle mounted energy cannons would have fall off Overwatch.
stats similar to these:
Heavy Energy Tank Gun: AP:6/AT:5(H) Firepower & Tech Level
Medium Energy AT Gun: AP: 5/AT:4(M) Weapons whose tech level exceeds that of the armor
Light Energy Cannon: AP:4/AT:3(L) theyre firing at are generally more effective. To reflect this,
a weapon receives +1 Firepower die for each Tech Level
Restrictions on Vehicle Fire by which it exceeds its targets armor tech level.
Most AFVs have more weaponry than they have crew
members to fire it all, some guns cannot be fired in Infantry Fire from Vehicles
conjunction with others, and some guns have a naturally Infantry mounted in/on a vehicle may add the weight of
slow firing rate that limits how many times they may be their fire to that of the vehicle, if the vehicle is suitable for
fired in a turn. them to fire from.
As a rule of thumb, a vehicle may only fire its main gun Infantry fire from a vehicle is resolved during the
and one secondary weapon system on a single activation. vehicles activation. Infantry may add their Firepower to
the vehicles attack against a target or attack a separate
Infantry in an APC or IFV with firing ports may fire with
half their Firepower. Only Small Arms and SAWs may be
fired in this manner.
Infantry in an APC or IFV with firing ports and top hatches
for carried troops may fire with half their Firepower and
may fire rifle grenade launchers in addition to SAWs and
Small Arms.
Infantry in open top or soft-skin vehicles may fire with
their full Firepower -1 die.
Infantry riding on top of a vehicle such as a tank may
fire with their full Firepower -2 dice.
Infantry firing from a vehicle may not use any weapon
A Republic of Arden Tank Destroyer takes
which creates a back-blast (RPGs, LAWs, etc.) that normally
a DPRG tank patrol by surprise (photo:
Shawn Carpenter, miniatures: GZG & require a ground mount/tripod to fire (heavy machineguns,
Combat Wombat) mortars, AGLs, etc.).


Like Vehicle Firepower, Vehicle Armor is rated in four
classes to assist with vehicle design. Vehicle Class is also TYPICAL VEHICLE
used to determine a Vehicles Reliability Die Type. DEFENSE BY CLASS
Below are examples of vehicles from each Defense Class: Soft-Skinned Vehicle: 1D6
Soft-Skinned Vehicles Unarmored or nearly unarmored Light Vehicle: 3D8
vehicles, such as civilian vehicles or military utility vehicles. Medium Vehicle: 3D10
Very light APCs, armored cars, or recce vehicles also Heavy Vehicle: 4D12
fall into this category. This class of vehicle affords their
passengers little or no protection.
Light Vehicles Light armored vehicles, such as armored
cars and basic Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs),
provide rudimentary protection against small arms fire and VEHICLE DEFENSE
shell fragments.
Medium Vehicles Medium vehicles, such as light tanks and
Infantry Combat Vehicles (ICVs), are designed to provide Target at Rapid Speed: +1D

direct combat support to the squads they transport or Target more than half obscured: +1D

support. Their armor provides protection against small Target more than half covered by solid cover

arms, artillery, and light anti-tank weaponry. (hull-down): +1D

Heavy Vehicles Heavy vehicles, of which Main Battle Discharged smoke this turn: +1D

Tanks (MBTs) are the most common, are the kings of the Reactive Armor (ERA): +1D on FIRST

battlefield. Class 4 AFVs are practically immune to any missile/RPG attack per facing covered

weapon system not specifically designed to overcome their Per Level of TL Superiority of Armor over

massive armor and defense systems. Attacking Weapon: +1D

Example: A typical civilian vehicle (Soft-Skinned Vehicle) A vehicles Defense can never be reduced to

would have a basic Defense of 1D6, while a basic APC zero. No matter what negative factors apply, a

(Light Vehicle) would have a basic Defense of 2D8. unit will always have at least one Defense die.


Name: M70 Perkins MBT
Class: Heavy
Basic TL: 3
Weapon TL: 3
Armor TL: 3
Sensor TL: 3
Front Armor: 4D12
Side Armor: 3D12
Rear Armor: 3D10
Deck Armor: 2D8
Australian GEV tanks and APCs during
the Indonesian Civil War (photo: Jim Main Gun; 200mm fusion cannon (Heavy Gun)
Roots, miniatures: Old Crow & AT Value: 6D
Micropanzer) AP Value: 4D


Secondary Weapon: Gauss HMG (Light Gun) a 5. The Defenders roll of 5 exceeds the attackers 4,
AT Value: 2D countering it. The attacker is left with two dice that the
AP Value: 4D defender could not match. Hes scored a hit!
Additional Weapons: MGs The attacker refers to the Medium Gun vs. Light Vehicle
AT Value: N/A table. If he had only scored a hit with one die, he would roll
AP Value: 4D 1D8 on the table, but since hes scored a hit with two dice,
Attributes & Notes: he receives a +1 die shift. He rolls 1D10 on the table
Heavy Hitter instead of 1D8.
Improved MGs The attacker rolls a 9, and the enemy vehicle brews up!
Safe Haven The defender must now make casualty checks to see if
Detonation Field (TL3) any of the vehicles crewmen or passengers survive the
ATTACKS VS. VEHICLES Vehicle Damage Table
Whenever one vehicle fires at another or an infantry unit with Using This Table
effective anti-vehicular weaponry fires at a vehicle, use the Determine the class of the target vehicle (Soft-Skin, Light,
following process to determine damage to the target vehicle. Medium, or Heavy Vehicle) and the size of the firers gun
Step 1: Determine Hits (Light, Medium, and Heavy). Roll 1D8 and cross reference the
Step 2: Roll for Damage Effect result with the gun class on the appropriate damage table.
Apply a +1 die shift for each successful hit die after the first,
Determine Hits up to a maximum of 1D12. Results are applied immediately.
Hits against vehicles are determined in much the same
way as firepower attacks against infantry units. The Table Results
attacker determines the Firepower of the weapon he is Vehicle Suppressed!: The vehicle has been hit by fire that,
firing at the target vehicle and the defender determines while not damaging, is definitely disturbing! Exposed
the vehicles Defense. crewmen/TCs must make a Troop Quality Check to avoid
Both sides roll the appropriate number of Troop Quality buttoning up. The vehicle receives a -1 die shift on
dice and discard any rolls lower than 4. Reaction Tests and Firepower for the duration of the turn.
The defending unit matches his dice against those of Mobility Hit - Half Movement: Vehicles Tactical and Rapid
the attacker. If the defending unit cannot match or exceed Speed are reduced by half. Bail Out Check. A subsequent
all of the attackers dice, the attacker has scored a hit on Half Movement hit on the same vehicle Immobilizes it.
the defending vehicle! Optics Damaged 1 RT: The vehicles optics are damaged.
To determine the results of the hit, roll 1D8 on the The vehicle suffers a -1 to Reaction Test rolls for the
appropriate Vehicle Damage Table (Soft-Skin, Light, duration of the game. Bail Out Check.
Medium, and Heavy Vehicle). Apply a +1 die shift for each Weapons Damaged - Half FP: The Firepower for all the
of the attackers dice the defender was unable to match or vehicles weapons is cut in half. If a vehicle suffers two such
exceed, up to a maximum of 1D12. results, consider it a Main Gun K/O. Bail Out Check.
Example: A vehicle with a medium gun fires at a light Immobilized: The vehicle is stuck in place and may not
vehicle. The attackers gun has a firepower of 4D8 while move for the duration of the game. Bail Out Check.
the target vehicles defense is determined to be 3D8. Both Main Gun K/O: The vehicles main weapon is damaged and
players roll their dice. may not fire for the duration of the game. Bail Out Check.
The attacker rolls 3, 4, 6, and 8. The defender rolls 2, 3, Vehicle Kill: The vehicle has been disabled and rendered
and 5. Both players discard dice with scores less than 4, combat ineffective. Make casualty checks for all crew and
leaving the attacker with 4, 6, and 8 and the defender with passengers.


Brew Up: The vehicle brews up in a ball of flame. The passenger in the vehicle. Those that pass the check
vehicle is destroyed. Crew and Passengers make survival are unhurt. Those that fail are casualties. A First Aid
checks with a -1 die shift to their Troop Quality. Check must be made to determine the extent of
Catastrophic Kill: The vehicle explodes dramatically, their injuries.
throwing flaming wreckage in all directions. All crew and Secondary Hits: When a vehicle suffers a damage result
passengers are instantly killed. that is already in effect (i.e. a second Immobilized or Main
Casualty Check: Where Casualty Checks are called for, Gun Kill result), make crew casualty/AI damage checks for
make a Troop Quality Check for each crewman and its crew and apply no additional effects.

Die Small Arms & Infantry
Light Gun Medium & Heavy Gun
Roll Support Weapons
1 Vehicle Suppressed! Vehicle Suppressed! Mobility Hit - Half Movement
2 Vehicle Suppressed! Main Gun Damaged - Half FP Immobilized
3 Vehicle Suppressed! Mobility Hit - Half Movement Main Gun K/O
4 Vehicle Suppressed! Immobilized Vehicle Kill Casualty Check
5 Main Gun Damaged - Half FP Main Gun K/O Vehicle Kill Casualty Check
6 Half Movement Vehicle Kill Casualty Check Vehicle Kill Casualty Check
7 Main Gun K/O Vehicle Kill Casualty Check Brew Up! Casualty Check!
8 Immobilized Brew Up! Casualty Check! Brew Up! Casualty Check!
9 Half Movement + Casualty Check Brew Up! Casualty Check! Catastrophic Kill!
10 Main Gun K/O + Casualty Check Catastrophic Kill! Catastrophic Kill!
11 Immobilized + Casualty Check Catastrophic Kill! Catastrophic Kill!
12 Vehicle Kill Casualty Check Catastrophic Kill! Catastrophic Kill!

Light Gun Medium Gun Heavy Gun
1 Vehicle Suppressed! Main Gun Damaged - Half FP Mobility Hit - Half Movement
2 Main Gun Damaged - Half FP Mobility Hit - Half Movement Immobilized
3 Mobility Hit - Half Movement Immobilized Main Gun K/O
4 Immobilized Main Gun K/O Vehicle Kill Casualty Check
5 Main Gun K/O Vehicle Kill Casualty Check Vehicle Kill Casualty Check
6 Vehicle Kill Casualty Check Vehicle Kill Casualty Check Brew Up! Casualty Check!
7 Vehicle Kill Casualty Check Brew Up! Casualty Check! Brew Up! Casualty Check!
8 Brew Up! Casualty Check! Brew Up! Casualty Check! Brew Up! Casualty Check!
9 Brew Up! Casualty Check! Brew Up! Casualty Check! Brew Up! Casualty Check!
10 Brew Up! Casualty Check! Brew Up! Casualty Check! Catastrophic Kill!
11 Brew Up! Casualty Check! Catastrophic Kill! Catastrophic Kill!
12 Catastrophic Kill Catastrophic Kill! Catastrophic Kill!


Light Gun Medium Gun Heavy Gun
1 Vehicle Suppressed! Vehicle Suppressed! Main Gun Damaged - Half FP
2 Vehicle Suppressed! Main Gun Damaged - Half FP Mobility Hit - Half Movement
3 Vehicle Suppressed! Mobility Hit - Half Movement Immobilized
4 Optics Damaged (-1 RT Die Roll) Immobilized Main Gun K/O
5 Main Gun Damaged - Half FP Main Gun K/O Vehicle Kill Casualty Check
6 Half Movement Vehicle Kill Casualty Check Vehicle Kill Casualty Check
7 Main Gun K/O Vehicle Kill Casualty Check Brew Up! Casualty Check!
8 Immobilized Brew Up! Casualty Check! Brew Up! Casualty Check!
9 Half Movement + Casualty Check Brew Up! Casualty Check! Brew Up! Casualty Check!
10 Main Gun K/O + Casualty Check Brew Up! Casualty Check! Brew Up! Casualty Check!
11 Immobilized + Casualty Check Brew Up! Casualty Check! Catastrophic Kill!
12 Vehicle Kill Casualty Check Catastrophic Kill! Catastrophic Kill!

Light Gun Medium Gun Heavy Gun
1 Vehicle Suppressed! Vehicle Suppressed! Vehicle Suppressed!
2 Vehicle Suppressed! Vehicle Suppressed! Main Gun Damaged - Half FP
3 Vehicle Suppressed! Vehicle Suppressed! Mobility Hit - Half Movement
4 Optics Damaged (-1 RT Die Roll) Optics Damaged (-1 RT Die Roll) Immobilized
5 Main Gun Damaged - Half FP Main Gun Damaged - Half FP Main Gun K/O
6 Half Movement Half Movement Vehicle Kill Casualty Check
7 Main Gun K/O Main Gun K/O Vehicle Kill Casualty Check
8 Immobilized Immobilized Brew Up! Casualty Check!
9 Half Movement + Casualty Check Half Movement + Casualty Check Brew Up! Casualty Check!
10 Main Gun K/O + Casualty Check Main Gun K/O + Casualty Check Brew Up! Casualty Check!
11 Immobilized + Casualty Check Immobilized + Casualty Check Brew Up! Casualty Check!
12 Weapon K/O + Casualty Check Vehicle Kill Casualty Check Catastrophic Kill!

Vehicle Crew/Passenger Vehicles do not need to move to a safe position for their
Casualties crews to perform a First Aid Check on crew or passenger
Any time a vehicle suffers a Casualty Check result on the casualties. They may not, however, fire their main gun until
vehicle damage table, check for crew and passenger a First Aid Check is made at the beginning of the next turn.
casualties. Roll a Troop Quality Check for each crew Each crew casualty a vehicle suffers reduces its Firepower
member and passenger aboard the vehicle. A failed test with all mounted weapons by one die. Vehicles with crew
indicates the figure is a casualty. casualties also suffer a minus -1 to any Reaction Test rolls.


If a vehicles crew is reduced to half strength or below,

it must pass a Troop Quality test each time it attempts to
move, fire, or react. If the vehicle fails the test, it may not Vehicle crews may be forced to take Morale checks due to
perform the action. casualties or battlefield conditions. Due to the additional
Example: A DPRG DL-1 Main Battle Tank was struck by protection their vehicles provide, the conditions that
an AT missile in the previous turn and suffered 2 casualties. trigger morale checks are slightly different than those
The tank has a crew of 4, so its crew has been reduced to that affect foot-soldiers, but the Morale Check itself is
half strength. Now the tank wishes to move into a more resolved in the same manner for vehicles as it is for
protected position and fire its main gun at the SAGP that infantry units.
bloodied its nose. Do not confuse vehicle crew Morale checks for Bail Out
Since the tanks crew is at half-strength, it must pass checks. A vehicle crew can fail a Morale Check and not
a Troop Quality test before it can move. The tank passes bail out and a bail out check can be caused without any
the TQ test and may move. As it moves to cover it is taken need for a Morale Check.
under fire by an infantry unit with shoulder-launched AT
missiles. The tank must pass a TQ test to react it fails
the test and may not react to the infantry fire it can VEHICLE CREW MORALE
only take the hits and keep trundling towards the covered
position. If the tank survives and reaches its designated
end of movement, it must make a Troop Quality test Low Confidence Vehicle Crews Make a Morale

to fire. Check:

Vehicles whose crew has been reduced to half or less Each time their vehicle is fired upon by an

may fire either their main gun or a secondary weapon Infantry Gun, AT Gun, or Tank Gun

system, but not both. Each time a friendly vehicle within 12 and in

If a vehicle is reduced to 1 crew member by casualties, LOS is damaged or destroyed

that crew member will automatically bail out of the vehicle Confident and Low Confidence Vehicle Crews

and will not attempt to remount for the duration of Make a Morale Check:

the game. For victory conditions, the vehicle counts Each time a friendly vehicle within 12 and in

as destroyed. LOS is destroyed

Each time an IED is detonated within 10
Each time a unit is subjected to an artillery salvo
or air-strike
All Vehicle Crews Make Morale Checks:
Each time the crew takes casualties
When their vehicle is damaged (immobilized,
gun destroyed, movement or firepower reduced)
Each time fire from their vehicle injures/kills a
civilian or non-combatant

Morale Results for Vehicle

US Marine AT teams hunting DPRG armor Pinned: Pinned vehicles stop where they are and may not
near Songnim (photo: Piers Brand, move for the rest of the turn unless forced to Pull Back.
miniatures: GZG) Pinned vehicles may React to fire directed at them, but


rest of the game. If their die type is reduced below D6,

they have become combat ineffective and are removed
from play.
A crew that has bailed out may not attempt to re-mount
their vehicle till the following turn. They must pass a
Morale test before remounting. Remounting an abandoned
vehicle counts as the crews activation for the turn,
although they may React or Interrupt as normal.
Note that some vehicles have Attributes which may
modify when and if their crews bail out.

Fire at Infantry in Open

Topped Vehicles or Riders
A troop of DPRG Chonma-Ho tanks (photo:
Piers Brand, miniatures: GZG)
on Vehicles
Infantry in open-topped vehicles or riding on top of a
may not initiate fire themselves. Vehicles that are Pinned vehicle such as a tank are fired at as if they were In Cover
twice in the same turn are forced to Pull Back. (+1 Defense die). If the vehicle is an open topped AFV, they
Pull Back: Vehicles that are forced to Pull Back will back are fired at as if they were In Cover behind Solid Cover
away from the enemy and attempt to place a Line of Sight (+2 Defense dice). If the unit is in Body Armor, it may claim
blocking terrain obstacle between themselves and any that Defense bonus as well.
enemy unit. If they are unable to do so, they will back
straight back a full Tactical Move (stopping at the edge of GUNS
the table, if it is reached). Units that are falling back may Some forces make extensive use of towed guns, either anti-
not fire other than to react to fire directed at them. tank guns or infantry guns (so called for their deployment
by and use against infantry).
Bail Outs In game terms, a gun is very much like a vehicular
Modern AFVs are extremely survivable and most tank weapon sans vehicle. They tend to have many of the
crews would prefer to stay inside their rolling fortress firing properties of a tanks main gun, but none of its
during a firefight rather than expose themselves to shot mobility. Still, they can be very useful under the right
and shell. Still, poorly trained and/or demoralized crews circumstances.
might jump out of a perfectly good tank if enemy fire is
ringing the bell too often. Types of Guns
Low Confidence crews, as identified by scenarios or Guns generally fall into one of two categories (although
force write-ups, must make a Morale Check on ANY hit there is some overlap): Anti-tank guns or infantry guns.
against their vehicles even Vehicle Suppressed results.
If a Low Confidence Crew fails their Morale Check, they Anti-Tank Guns
will bail out. Place their figures anywhere within 4 of their Anti-Tank (AT) Guns are, not so surprisingly, guns
abandoned vehicle. designed to kill tanks. They are generally long barreled
Confident or High Confidence Crews need only make a and fire something akin to the round deployed by the
Bail Out Check if their AFV suffers actual damage (reduced AFVs they hunt. AT-Guns can be very successful against
speed, firepower, loss of armament or mobility). AFVs, especially when sited in a camouflaged ambush
Crews who bail out suffer an additional loss of position. Many AT-Guns fire Armor Piercing rounds
confidence, both in themselves and their AFV. As a result, that are virtually useless against infantry formations.
their Troop Quality is reduced by one die type for the Some AT-Guns are capable of firing AT rounds and High


Explosive (HE) rounds that are more useful against for the duration of the game, although their facing can be
infantry targets. adjusted up to 45 per turn (or more/less, as indicated by
the guns write-up).
Infantry Guns Guns that can be manhandled may be moved up 4 per
Infantry Guns are light guns intended to give extra punch turn. Guns may move and fire like ordinary infantry units,
to front-line units. They are generally shorter barreled and but are always treated as if theyve made a Rapid Move.
fire explosive rounds that are largely ineffective against
tanks. Some infantry guns can be broken down into small, Firing Guns
packable pieces and are referred to as Pack Guns or Guns may be fired like any other weapon system, either as
Mountain Guns. part of a gun units activation or as part of a Reaction or
While once widely used, Infantry Guns have mostly Defensive Action. Guns may only fire once per turn.
fallen into disuse in modern armies. Organic weapons such
as grenade launchers, shoulder launched missiles, and the Firing at Guns
weapon systems mounted on modern IFVs and APCs have While guns may be as powerful as the weapons mounted on
rendered the Infantry Gun largely obsolete. AFVs, their crews are woefully exposed to enemy fire. Any
fire at a gun has a chance of disabling it or slaughtering
Using Guns its crew.
Placement and Movement of Guns Attacks against the gun itself are resolved in the same
Most scenarios will indicate where guns should be placed manner as an attack against a vehicle, except that any result
on the table. As a general rule, guns may be placed in other than Vehicle Suppressed on the Vehicle Damage Chart
the open, in Light to Average Woods, in gun pits, or indicates that the gun is destroyed. Guns have a Defense of
anywhere else a gun would fit and still have a clear LOS 4D8 unless noted otherwise in their description.
to targets. Any time a gun is fired at, its crew is also struck by an
Guns are placed at the beginning of the game and may attack with a Firepower of one die less. The attack is
only be moved if they have a vehicle (or draft animals) resolved in the same manner as an ordinary Firepower
available to transport them or if they are small enough to attack against infantry. The gun crew can claim whatever
be manhandled. Otherwise they must remain where placed cover their gun position grants them. If the gun has a
gun-shield, they may claim Solid Cover if their position
doesnt already grant that bonus.
If a gun crew takes casualties or its gun is destroyed, it
must make a Morale Check and abide by the results just
like any other infantry unit. If more than half of the gun
crew are casualties, the gun may no longer fire.


Non-AT Infantry Weapons vs.
Infantry weapons classified as Small Arms and Light
Support are only effective against Soft Skin vehicles and
their Firepower is halved against Up-Armored Soft Skin
A DPRG AT gun team waits in ambush Medium Non-AT Infantry Support Weapons engage
(photo: Dana Boggs-Drake, miniatures: GZG) Soft-Skins with their full Firepower. Their Firepower against


Light vehicles and

Non-AT Infantry Soft skin Medium Heavy
up-armored soft
Support Weapons vehicles vehicles vehicles
skin vehicles
Small arms Full FP FP* No effect No effect
Light non-AT support weapons Full FP FP* No effect No effect
Medium non-AT support weapons Full FP FP* No effect No effect
Heavy non-AT-support weapons Full FP Full FP FP* No effect
*Rounded Down

Light vehicles is halved, rounding down. They may not Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGM)
effectively engage Medium or Heavy vehicles. Infantry may be equipped with Anti-Tank Guided Missiles
Heavy Non-AT Infantry support weapons engage (ATGMs), which may be primitive or advanced. These
Soft-Skin, and Light vehicles with their full Firepower. Their weapons are very effective against tanks, but the missile
Firepower against Medium vehicles is halved, rounding must travel some distance before arming. As a result,
down. They may not effectively engage Heavy vehicles. ATGMs may not be fired at targets any target closer than 6.
All Infantry Support Weapons (other than those ATGMs use the Heavy Gun column of the vehicle
specifically designed as anti-vehicular or AT weapons) damage table unless otherwise noted.
receive a -2 to their die roll when rolling on the vehicle The normal modifiers for TL differences apply.
damage table.
All infantry non-AT Support Weapons other than Small Reacting to and Evading Primitive Anti-Tank Guided Missiles
Arms and SAWs roll on the Light Guns column of the Vehicles fired upon by primitive ATGM may attempt to
Vehicle Damage Table. avoid being hit by suppressing the ATGM team and/or
Non-AT weapons only count their own Firepower dice jinking (driving erratically at a high speed to throw off
and that of the figure firing them when firing at vehicular the ATGM gunners aim).
targets. Weapon Teams receive their normal bonus. When a primitive ATGM is launched at a vehicle, the
Example: A GPMG gunner opens fire on a Light APC. target vehicle may make a Troop Quality test to spot
The gunner counts his own Firepower die plus the two the missiles distinctive puff of smoke.
extra dice for a Medium Support Weapon for a total
Firepower of 3 dice. He is firing at a light vehicle, so he
throws half his normal Firepower, rounded down for final
Firepower of 1D.

Infantry AT Weapons vs.

Some infantry weapons are designed specifically with
Anti-Tank capabilities in mind. Such weapons will have two
Firepower values, AT for Anti-Tank and AP for Anti-Personnel.
Unlike non-AT support weapons, weapons with an AT rating
do not suffer from the -2 die roll modifier on the Vehicle
Damage chart.
Infantry firing AT weapons at vehicles only use the
USMC ATGM team takes aim at a DPRG
Firepower of their weapon against the vehicle (plus the +2 armored column (photo: Piers Brand,
Firepower die Weapon Team bonus, if applicable). miniatures: GZG)


ATGM Availability
Units do not have an inexhaustible source of ATGMs and
ATGM FIREPOWER prepping missiles for fire can take time. As a result, each
TL1, primitive or poorly engineered ATGMs time a unit attempts to launch an ATGM it must make a
(colonial manufacture, usually operator guided): 3D Troop Quality test. If the unit passes the test, it may launch
TL1 ATGMs: 4D* a missile. If not, the unit had no missiles ready for fire. The
TL2 ATGMs: 4D** attempt to launch the ATGM counts as the units activation.
TL3 ATGMs: 4D*** Units launching an ATGM for the first time in a game need
No ATGM may be fired at a target closer than 4 not make the test.
*Negates ERA
**Negates ERA, Performs Deck Attack Limpet Mines, Sticky Bombs,
***Negates ERA, Performs Deck Attack, -1 to APD Suicide Vests & VBIEDs
Some forces use explosive weapons that must be placed by
hand upon a vehicle or carried by a person into close
proximity with a vehicle to have any effect. These weapons
If the vehicle fails the Troop Quality test, it fails to react require a great deal of courage (or desperation) to deploy.
to the missile and the attack is resolved normally. To make an attack with a weapon of this sort, a unit or
If the vehicle passes the Troop Quality test, the vehicle figure must declare at activation that it is making such an
may attempt to suppress the ATGM team and is assumed attack and which opposing vehicle is the target.
to take some evasive action to evade the missile. The The unit/figure must immediately make a Morale
ATGM team must immediately make a Troop Quality test. Check (not Troop Quality Check) to determine if they are
If it fails the test, it has lost lock on the vehicle and the willing to go through with the attack. Units making such an
missile misses. Otherwise, the missile will hit unless the attack make their normal Morale Check. Figures attacking
vehicle successfully suppresses the ATGM team. singly must take their Morale Check with their Morale die
The vehicle may use one of its MGs to suppress the reduced by one die type (i.e., if the figure normally has a
ATGM team using the normal Suppression Fire rules. If the Morale of D10, it has a morale of D8 for the purposes of
ATGM team is successfully suppressed, its missile goes out this Morale Check).
of control and misses the target vehicle.

We spent three days waiting in ambush for the

PRC column. My platoon was well equipped
with Firefly A/T missiles and a couple of L14
Machine Guns. When the PRC column drove
through the Messines Gap we hit them at the
narrowest point in the gully. Haskins team lit
up the lead Type-23 MBT with a Firefly round
to the turret. Blew it clean off. Wright and his
team popped two APCs at the rear of the
column with their missiles and we locked the
whole lot of them into the gully with nowhere
to escape. For the next while it was like
shooting fish in a barrel.
A Mexican Army AT team engages a Major Dick Todd, 2nd Royal Marine Commando
Brazilian GEV Light Tank (photo: Jim
Roots, miniatures: Old Crow)


If the unit/figure fails the Morale Check, it becomes Pinned. Vehicle Weapons vs.
If it passes the Morale Check, the attack may continue. Infantry
The unit/figure must approach within 2 of the target Vehicles may engage infantry units with their mounted
vehicle and have line of sight to it to make the attack. Keep weapons. We assume that the vehicles gunners know their
track of the amount of movement used to reach the business and switch to the correct type of round to engage
vehicle, as this will determine how far away the unit/figure infantry targets rather than forcing the player to announce
will be able to move away from the target vehicle before what sort of round hell be using.
their weapon explodes (assuming they are not using Unless otherwise noted, vehicle weapons use the same
suicide weapons). The target vehicle may Interrupt/React number of Firepower Dice against infantry and vehicles.
if able to do so, as may other units, in keeping with the Weapons with different Firepower ratings vs. infantry
normal Overwatch, Defensive Action, and Reaction rules. or vehicles will have separate Anti-Personnel (AP) and
If the unit/figure is able to get within 2 of the target Anti-Tank (AT) Firepower ratings in their descriptions.
vehicle, the unit/figure must pass a Troop Quality Check Being fired at by a tanks main gun or the scenery-
to successfully deploy their weapon. If the unit/figure has chewing chain-gun of an IFV is a nerve wracking experience.
any movement left (and is not deploying a suicide weapon), Main guns on an AFV are generally Intimidating Weapons.
it may move that distance away from the vehicle to avoid When particularly powerful vehicle weapons are fired
being caught in the ensuing explosion. at infantry in buildings, they are more likely to aim at the
Resolve the attack as normal. The vehicle and any building itself rather than the infantry scurrying around
other infantry units within the weapons blast radius inside it. A good hit may well bring the building down
(including the unit/figure that placed it) are attacked by around the infantry units ears and flying shrapnel and
the weapons Firepower. Other vehicles within the blast blast effects are going to make life hard for them even
radius are not affected. if the building stays up. To reflect this, any weapon with
Suicide weapons automatically kill their bearers an unmodified Firepower of 4D or higher that engages
regardless of whether their attack scores any hits on their infantry in cover in a structure such as a building or a
target vehicle. bunker will make a Building Destruction Check against
Suicide attacks by vehicle borne improvised explosive the structure rather than fire directly at the infantry
devices (VBIEDs) are resolved in the same manner, but unit within.
any successful fire attack against the vehicle before it is
within range of the target vehicle causes the VBIED to Infantry Close Assault vs.
explode harmlessly. Vehicles
Infantry who are not equipped with stand-off anti-tank
weapons will sometimes, if desperate enough, attempt to
FIREPOWER FOR TYPICAL take out an AFV by close assaulting it in an attempt
to damage or immobilize it with grenades, Molotovs, gun
fire through vision slits, etc. Such attempts are resolved in
VESTS a manner similar to ordinary infantry vs. infantry close
Improvised Sticky Bomb: 2D (Light Gun) combat, but with a few key differences.
Sticky Bomb: 3D, 3 radius (Light Gun) Note that the following rules apply only to light vehicles
Satchel Charge/Limpet Mine: 4D, 4 radius or better. Close Assaults against soft-skins and civilian
(Medium Gun) vehicles are resolved as ordinary infantry Close Assaults
Suicide Vest: 6D, 6 radius (Medium Gun) most soldiers would rather dismount and fight than try
VBIED (car): 8D, 8 radius (Heavy Gun) to defend themselves while sitting in the back seat of
VBIED (pickup or van): 10D, 8 radius (Heavy Gun) thin-skinned SUV.


weapons. The Well Equipped bonus does apply, however,

as this indicates the unit has plenty of grenades to devote
to the attack. If the unit is Poorly Equipped, that penalty
also counts.
If the unit is equipped with purpose built anti-tank
weapons, such as AT grenades, limpet mines, sticky bombs,
or even satchel charges, the full Firepower of those weapons
may be added to the units halved Firepower.
To resolve the attack, match the assaulting units final
Firepower against the vehicles Defense in the same manner
as a normal Firepower attack.

USMC forces breaching the DPRG

defenses at Tiaret (photo: Piers Brand,
Improvised AT (Molotovs, Sticky Bombs): +1D
Infantry attempting to Close Assault a vehicle must be AT Grenades: +2D
within a Rapid Move of the target vehicle and make a Limpet Mines: +3D
Troop Quality Check to follow through on their intention. Satchel Charges: +4D
Even light armored vehicles are intimidating to a man on
foot, so the Troop Quality Check is taken with a -1 penalty
applied to the die roll (i.e., the unit must roll a 5+). If the assaulting unit scores no casualties against the
The vehicle being assaulted must also make a Troop vehicle, it is unharmed. If the infantry unit does cause
Quality Check (no penalty applies to this check). If the casualties, the Light Gun column of the Vehicle Damage
check is successful, it may evade the assault by making Chart is consulted with each casualty counting as a hit
a Tactical Move away from its attackers or attempt to against the vehicle. Apply damage results as normal.
repel the assault with gunfire, assuming the vehicle is still If the vehicle scores casualties against the assaulting
capable of movement or fire. infantry, the infantry unit must make a Morale Check. If the
The vehicles defensive fire is resolved as normal Fire unit fails its Morale Check, it must abandon its assault and
Combat. The vehicle may only use one of its machineguns make a Rapid Move away from the vehicle at the beginning
or grenade launchers in defensive fire not its main gun of the next turn. If it passes its Morale Check, it may
(unless that happens to be a machinegun or grenade attempt to continue the assault against the vehicle in the
launcher, of course). If the vehicle is an APC with firing following turn.
ports or is open topped, half the dismounts within may add If a vehicle crew Bails Out due to a Close Assault, they
their Firepower to the vehicles defensive fire. are immediately engaged in a regular infantry vs. infantry
If the assaulting infantry take casualties from the Close Assault in the following turn. Vehicle crews are
vehicles defensive fire, they must make a Morale Check as normally armed with pistols or submachine guns.
usual. A Pinned result aborts the assault. If the unit passes This completes the Close Assault against the vehicle for
the check, they may be moved into contact with the vehicle. this turn.
If the assaulting unit makes it into contact with the If the assaulting infantry unit failed to damage or destroy
target vehicle, they may attack it with a Firepower equal to its target vehicle and wishes to continue the assault in the
half their normal Firepower. following turn, it must make another Troop Quality Check.
The assaulting unit does not receive an Optimum Range If it succeeds, another turn of Close Assault against the
bonus nor do they throw any bonus dice for Close Assault vehicle is fought. If it fails, the infantry unit must move away,


making up to a Rapid Move to get into a position of cover

(or out of LOS) from the vehicle.
Continue to resolve turns of Close Assault until either
the vehicle or the unit assaulting it breaks off or is
destroyed. Continuing Infantry vs. Vehicle Close Assaults
are the first actions resolved at the beginning of each turn.
Infantry units receive a bonus Firepower die for each
consecutive round of Close Assault after the first.
Vehicles may not engage in any fire other than
defensive fire while being Close Assaulted by infantry.
Vehicles may attempt to break off from a Close Assault
at the beginning of any turn by simply making a Tactical
move away from their current location. The assaulting
infantry unit may stick to the vehicle if they are able to
A gigantic quadruped walker (photo: Jim
make a Troop Quality Check with a -1 penalty to the die
Roots, miniature: Khurasan)
roll. If they fail the check (or dont opt to make it), the
infantry unit simply remains in place.
can bull their way through or over terrain that would be
Firing into an Infantry vs. Vehicle impassable to smaller vehicles, and they are very intimidating
Close Assault to infantry.
Units who see a friendly AFV crawling with enemy infantry Such vehicles are not without disadvantages, however, not
may fire into the Close Assault to attempt to break it. Such the least of which are that they are relatively easy to hit and
fire takes place after the round of Infantry vs. Vehicle Close can quickly become bogged down in soft or built up terrain.
Assault has been resolved for the turn.
The Firepower attack is resolved normally, but the unit Gigantic Vehicle Weaponry
assaulting the vehicle may only claim a Body Armor bonus Gigantic vehicles can mount multiple large weapon systems.
to their defense they are too distracted to make proper These weapons may be crewed or controlled by an AI (this
use of cover and concealment. will be indicated in the vehicles description). Each crewed
As long as the weapons used in the attempt to scrub weapon may be fired independently when the gigantic
the assaulting infantry off the vehicle are incapable of vehicle is activated or reacts to an enemy activation. The
harming the vehicle itself, only assaulters may be harmed number of weapons that can be fired independently by an AI
by the attack. If weapons powerful enough to harm the is dependent on the TL of the AI:
vehicle are used, an attack is resolved against both the A gigantic vehicles size can be a liability in a firefight
assaulting infantry and the vehicle they are assaulting. not only is it easier to hit, but its also not as agile as

Thanks to advances in materials and active/passive
defense systems, it is possible to manufacture gigantic FIRED BY ARTIFICIAL
AFVs. Prohibitive production costs and difficulties in INTELLIGENCE PER
transport make such vehicles rare, however. ACTION/REACTION
Gigantic vehicles have several advantages: they are able
TL1: 2
to mount a large number of weapons and/or carry numerous
TL2: 3
crewmen and passengers, they can support a high degree
TL3: 4
of redundant design, making them difficult to damage, they


smaller vehicles. We assume that smaller vehicles can Damaging a Gigantic Vehicle
easily swivel or jink to bring their weapons to bear, but Resolve fire against a gigantic vehicle normally, but use the
gigantic vehicles are more ponderous and their bulk special table below to determine damage results.
can impede their own firing arcs. As a result, a Gigantic
Vehicle can never fire more than two weapons in the TABLE RESULTS
same firing arc. PING!: The vehicle has been hit, but taken no real damage.
A gigantic vehicle has four firing arcs: Front, Left Side, Low Confidence crews must take a Morale Check.
Right Side, and Rear. Mobility Hit - Half Movement: Vehicles Tactical and Rapid
Alternately, players may agree on allowable firing arcs Speed are reduced by half. Bail Out Check. A subsequent
for weapons based on the design of the model in play. Half Movement hit on the same vehicle Immobilizes it.
Optics Damaged 1 RT: The vehicles optics are damaged.
The vehicle suffers a -1 to Reaction Test rolls for the
GIGANTIC VEHICLE FIRING duration of the game.
Weapons Damaged Half FP: The Firepower for a
randomly determined weapon system is cut in half. If a
vehicle suffers two such results against the same system,
Left Side consider the system knocked out.
Immobilized: The vehicle is stuck in place and may not
Rear Front move for the duration of the game. Bail Out Check.
Weapon System K/O: A randomly determined weapon
system is damaged and may not fire for the duration of
Right Side the game. Bail Out Check.
Vehicle Kill: The vehicle has been disabled and rendered
combat ineffective. Make casualty checks for all crew and
Firing at a Gigantic Vehicle Brew Up: The vehicle brews up in a ball of flame. The
Due to their size, gigantic vehicles are easy to hit. All fire vehicle is destroyed. Crew and Passengers make survival
at a gigantic vehicle receives a bonus Firepower die. checks with a -1 die shift to their Troop Quality.

Light Gun Medium Gun Heavy Gun
1 Ping! Ping! Ping!
2 Ping! Ping! Optics Damaged (-1 RT Die Roll)
3 Ping! Optics Damaged (-1 RT Die Roll) Mobility Hit - Half Movement
4 Optics Damaged (-1 RT Die Roll) Mobility Hit - Half Movement Weapon System Damaged - Half FP
5 Mobility Hit - Half Movement Weapon System Damaged - Half FP Crew Casualty/AI Damaged
6 Weapon System Damaged - Half FP Crew Casualty/AI Damaged Weapon System Damaged - Half FP
7 Crew Casualty/AI Damaged Weapon System Damaged - Half FP Mobility Hit - Half Movement
8 Weapon System Damaged - Half FP Mobility Hit - Half Movement Weapon System K/O
9 Mobility Hit - Half Movement Weapon System K/O Immobilized
10 Weapon System K/O Immobilized Vehicle Kill Casualty Check
11 Immobilized Vehicle Kill Casualty Check Brew Up! Casualty Check!
12 Crew Casualty/AI Damaged Brew Up! Casualty Check! Catastrophic Kill!

[ L e ad i n g Fr o m t he F r o nt]

Catastrophic Kill: The vehicle explodes dramatically, When word reached the Democratic Peoples Republic of
throwing flaming wreckage in all directions. All crew and Glorys (DPRG) high command that the United States had
passengers are instantly killed. entered into an alliance with the Republic of Arden (RA),
Casualty Check: Where Casualty Checks are called for, make Dear Leader ordered the efforts to shatter the RAs
a Troop Quality Check for each crewman and passenger in defensive front and penetrate into Arden itself. If DPRG
the vehicle. Those that pass the check are unhurt. Those armor was within one or two days march of their capital,
that fail are casualties. A First Aid Check must be made to Dear Leader reasoned that the RA would sue for peace
determine the extent of their injuries. before US forces could arrive and change the complexion
of the war. DPRG military intelligence knew that some
Gigantic Vehicle Movement advance elements of a Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF)
Most gigantic vehicles can only move at Tactical speed, but had arrived in Arden, but the assumption was that these
some are capable of Rapid movement. A gigantic vehicles forces, consisting of a light company at best, would stiffen
movement limitations will be noted in its vehicle description. the defenses at Landfall and take no major role in the
Terrain affects gigantic vehicles in basically the same fighting until the balance of the MEF arrived on Glory.
way as it would ordinary vehicles of the same mobility type, In the weeks following the war, Dear Leader would order
with the following exceptions: the execution of most of his senior intelligence analysts for
Built Up Areas: Non-GEV/Grav gigantic vehicles moving failing to account for the innate aggressiveness of the US
through a built up area must make a TQ Check before Marine Corps.
moving. Failure indicates the vehicle has become stuck.
Make a TQ Check. If the check is failed, the vehicle is stuck. Scenario Information
It may make a TQ Check at the beginning of each turn to Duration of Game: 6 Turns
determine if it can un-stick itself. Initiative: USMC has initiative for first two turns. Test on
Water Obstacles: Vehicle descriptions will indicate if a following turns.
gigantic vehicle can swim across water obstacles. Special Conditions:
Non-GEV/Grav vehicles may become stuck on the soft Fog of War: Generated by Reaction Tests
bottom of a water obstacle. Make a TQ Check. If the Table Size: 4 x 4
check is failed, the vehicle is stuck. It may make a TQ
Check at the beginning of each turn to determine if it can DPRG Mission
un-stick itself. Your platoon must escape the unexpected USMC attack! If
you can take a couple of the Yankee devils out in the process,
VEHICLE ATTRIBUTES that might save the rest of Tiger Forces trailing units.
Some vehicles have special attributes that make them stand
out from similar vehicles. Special attributes are noted on a DPRG Victory Points
vehicles card. If an attribute modifies a vehicles Firepower, Per DPRG AFV that exits the board by games end: 2pts
Defense, Movement, etc., that modification will be taken into Per USMC AFV destroyed: 1pt
account on the vehicle card.
Examples of common vehicle attributes can be found DPRG Forces
in Appendix 1: Common Unit and Vehicle Attributes. DPRG Basic Attributes
Confidence Level: High
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: Supply Quality Level: Normal
TIGERS BY THE TAIL Overall Tech Level: 1
Colony World: Glory On Grid? No.
Area: Republic of Arden Border at the Foix Gap Body Armor: Light (1D)
Year: 2292 Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10


@ 98@J<C<D<EK



Bais Element USMC Mission

1 x Platoon Leaders Tank (Bais Chonma-Ho III) The border defenses are in disarray and Landfall is in
2 x Chonma-Ho III MBTs danger of assault if the situation isnt solidified rapidly.
Lead Element HQ has made the decision to deploy advance elements
2 x Chonma-Ho III MBTs to harass and delay the advancing DPRG forces long
enough for further reinforcements to arrive and for a
See Appendix 3: Vehicle Examples strong defense to be developed. This involves two or


Platoon Leader Bai watched the first two tanks ENEMY TO THE REAR! EVADE! EVADE! He
of his platoon disappear into the verdant tunnel dropped into the turret of the Avenging Dragon
formed by Highway One (Route Glorious according and the hatch slammed close just above his head.
to the DPRG battle maps) as it lanced through He actually felt the air grow warmer around him as
a thick prominence of tangled forest. The lead an energy bolt ravened past his wildly jinking tank.
elements of Tiger Force had already passed through On his HUD he saw the lead two tanks of his
the leafy darkness and onto the sunlit plains beyond platoon accelerating to clear the forest the
without incident, so Bais nervousness at sending his growth was too close on either side of the road to
four Avenging Dragon MBTs into what would appear permit them to turn around and only a fool would
to any tanker as the very gullet of death was strictly reverse into enemy fusion cannon fire. With the
professional. This was bad ground for a tank, but loss of Dragon 3, that left him with two tanks on
fortunately there were no enemy units nearby one side of the forested bulge and two on the
according to the company drones. other the enemy had timed the attack to divide
Bais command tank was grinding into the his platoon with no real way to rejoin the halves.
lowering shadows of the forest when the alert icon To speed down the road after his lead elements
leaped to scarlet life on his helmets HUD. ENEMY would expose him to fire from the rear.
DETECTED! Frantically searching for the contact Dragon 1s main gun barked and Bais bones
his Brazilian sensor suite could not pinpoint, Bai nearly jumped out of his skin. Enemy engaged,
swiveled his gun mount just in time to witness the his gunners voice said coolly. And identified:
fiery death of Dragon 3, the tank just behind his, USMC Variant of M70 Perkins Main Battle Tank.
as it was consumed by a gout of fusion energy. That cant be, Bai protested. High Command
He traced the actinic after-image of the blast back firmly stated the Yankees arent scheduled to be
to a low slung AFV emerging from a sparse stand of on line for weeks!
trees behind him. It was obviously a tank, despite the The gunner smirked fatalistically. Hed just seen a
blurred and shifting outline apparently produced by round from his gun and one from Dragon 5 splash
advanced stealth tech. The tank seemed to glide harmlessly off the Perkins glacis. Apparently the
forward like a ghost and to his horror he realized Yanks didnt get the schedule, Most Honored
that it was gaining altitude to fire over the burning Platoon Leader.
hulk of Dragon 3 at his own tank.

three vehicle Strike Teams taking advantage of their USMC Victory Points
superior stealth and ECM capabilities to penetrate behind All DPRG tanks destroyed* without loss* of a USMC
the lines and strike at the trail elements of advancing tank: DECISIVE VICTORY!
enemy formations. Per DPRG tank destroyed: 2pts
Your two tank Strike Team has been tasked with *A tank is considered lost or destroyed if it is
disrupting the advance of a veteran DPRG BCT, the so-called immobilized, all crew are casualties, or if it receives a
Tiger Force. Bloodying this hard-nosed unit enough to Vehicle Kill, Brewed Up, or Catastrophic Kill result.
delay it for even a few hours will take a lot of pressure off
Landfalls defenders and wont do the morale of ordinary USMC Forces
DPRG line units any good, either. USMC Basic Attributes
Hit em hard, hit em fast, and head home for further Confidence Level: Confident
assignments! Supply Quality Level: Normal


Overall Tech Level: 3 Special Rules

On Grid? No. The Forest Road
Body Armor: Carapace (2D) Vehicles traveling on the road within the forest itself may
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10 not exceed Tactical Speed. The forest is too close to the
edge of the road to allow vehicles to turn around.
USMC Units
2 x Perkins MBTs Options
Try the scenario again, but upgrade the DPRG tanks
See Appendix 3: Vehicle Examples to Chonma-Ho IVs.
Make Bais command tank a Dear Leader I.

[Out of the Cold]

Fixed wing aircraft will not engage hostiles near friendly
The grunts like to slag us. They call us troops unless they are guided on target by a specially
Air Jocks, Clean Team, Fly-Boys and all trained Terminal Air Controller (TAC).
manner of names that I wont repeat in polite If combat operations on the ground are supported by
company. Thats when they are drinking, or cold space naval operations, forces may have access to
in a muddy wet hole, or on a cramped troop interface fighter craft for use in Close Air Support (CAS).
ship. When they are under enemy fire, being Interface fighters (IFs) suitable for CAS operations in a
blown to shit, they have a different name for planet with any atmosphere of note share most of the
us; they call us Pay Back. characteristics of conventional fixed-wing or VTOL aircraft,
but tend to have more advanced countermeasure and
Major Roger Eightball Hannigan,
targeting systems. Interface fighters are also notorious for
12th Marine Aerowing
sudden, terrifying attack runs which literally streak in from
space trailing fire and death behind them.
Interface Fighters are large craft compared to
Fixed wing aircraft have been a potent force on the conventional atmospheric fighters and carry more and more
battleeld since the early 20th century and continue to see sophisticated countermeasures, sensors, and weaponry.
extensive use in the re-streaked skies of Tomorrows War. They are virtually immune to air defense assets likely to be
Manned and unmanned aircraft scream through the sky, found on a Tomorrows War table, but they are also unable
deadly raptors with wings that can contort and reshape to loiter near a battlefield for any protracted period of time.
themselves as needed and driven by ramjet engines capable Interface fighter support is never up for grabs by
of many times the speed of sound. Despite the amazing Combat Air Controllers, as fixed wing and VTOL assets
advances made in atmospheric craft, their use in warfare often are. A force either has interface fighter support
has changed very little. They still hunt the skies to dominate dedicated to its operation or it does not. Scenarios will
them and, when need be, respond to desperate calls for help indicate whether any of the forces involved have interface
from men far below them, ghting and dying for control of fighter support available.
a patch of ground iers could traverse in seconds. To reach the battlespace represented by the gaming
The following rules describe how Close Air Support table, fixed wing aircraft and interface fighters must defeat
(CAS) works in Tomorrows War and, on the opposite end area air defense assets and/or air superiority fighters.
of the spectrum, how air defense assets try to knock
marauding aircraft out of the sky. RESOLVING AN AIR STRIKE
Most fixed-wing air support operations in Tomorrows Air strikes occur when a player plays an airstrike Fog of
War come in the form of fast burners, conventional War card or activates a unit with a CAC attached and
atmospheric aircraft which streak over head, attack from declares he is requesting air support.
high altitude and vanish before the enemy knows what hit Air strikes are resolved by following these steps:
them. Air support may also take the form of an interface 1. Resolve air support request (skip this step if playing
fighter strike, but that specialized operation will be a Fog of War card)
described later. 2. Determine current air defense environment
Conventional support aircraft take the form of fast- 3. Declare type of strike (bombing/missile run or
flying fighters and fighter bombers or slower but more strafing run)
heavily armed gunships. 4. Determine effect of strike


Resolve Air Support Determining the Air Defense

Request Environment
Any unit with a Terminal Air Controller (TAC) attached or Its much easier to hit a small target on the ground from a
which has the inherent ability to act as a CAC (USMC speeding aircraft if thats all the pilot has to worry about.
Scout/Snipers, for example, and most Grid enabled units) The more ground fire or enemy fighters hes forced to
may request air support once per turn, assuming the dodge, the more challenging the task becomes. In other
scenario indicates Close Air Support is available. words, the lighter the air defense environment, the better
The actions of units requesting air support may be the chances of landing the package where it belongs.
restricted based on their Tech Level:
TL1 May not Move
TL2 Tactical Movement Permitted EXAMPLE AIR DEFENSE
TL3 Rapid Movement Permitted
To call in an airstrike, the unit must have the proposed
target in line of sight and must pass a Troop Quality Test. Light AD Environment: One or more units armed

The Troop Quality Test may be modified. with shoulder fired missiles or one or more

A force may only attempt to call in one airstrike per light AD guns

turn. It is too hazardous to have more than one aircraft Medium AD Environment: One or more medium

attempting a strike in an area as small as that represented ADA guns or small missile batteries.

by a Tomorrows War table. The type of strike must be Heavy AD Environment: Heavy ADA guns

designated when the request for air support is made or medium missile batteries. Contested

(strafing run, bombing run, pylon gun run). Air support air superiority.

may also be pulled at any time as assets are redirected Overwhelming AD Environment: Heavy missile

to higher priority targets or aircraft run low on fuel batteries. Uncontested air superiority.

or munitions. SFAD: Synchronized Fire AD is classified as a

See Precise Fire Missions and Air Strikes for air medium environment unless otherwise noted.

support requests called in by a Grid capable force.

A Terminal Air Controller (TAC) must have the target TACs force is under Grid Control: +1
in sight and pass a Troop Quality Test.
If request is successful, the air strike arrives at
The following modifiers apply:
beginning of NEXT turn unless unit has priority air
TAC has laser designator: +1 support. With priority and Grid based air support,
TAC has priority for air support (indicated by the airstrike arrives immediately after a successful
scenario): +1 request for air support.
TAC has spotty radio reception (indicated by On an unmodified die roll of 1 or 2, air support
scenario): -1 is no longer available.
TAC is working with unfamiliar aircraft (indicated by Note that interface fighter strikes may only
scenario): -1 be requested once per game. If the request fails,
TAC has TL1 sensors: -1 no IF strike will occur.
TAC has TL3 sensors: +1


The table below simulates the effect of the AD

environment on airstrikes. AIR DEFENSE
Determine Effectiveness of
Air Strike +1 For Agile aircraft

Roll the pilots Troop Quality Die on the table below. If the +1 For IF Fighter

scenario does not indicate the pilots Troop Quality, it +1 For each level of aircraft TL superiority over

defaults to a TQ of D8. Apply the results immediately. ADA

All modifiers are cumulative. -1 For each level of ADA TL superiority over

Good Strike: Air/IF Strike hits target(s) with a full strength aircraft

attack. -1 If ground force is utilizing SFAD

Strength Attack: Air/IF Strike hits target(s) with a half -1 For Slow aircraft

strength attack. -1 If Enemy has air superiority

Evasion! No Strike: Air/IF Fighter is forced to take evasive -1 If Enemy has orbital superiority

maneuvers and may not perform a strike this turn. Try

again next turn.
Too Hot: The air defense environment is unexpectedly Airstrikes may occur when the scenario indicates one or
active or effective and air assets are withdrawn no both sides have air support or when certain Fog of War
further air strikes available for the requesting force for the cards are drawn.
duration of the game. There are four types of Airstrikes: Bombing runs,
Aircraft Destroyed: An air/IF fighter has been shot down. strafing runs, pylon gun runs, and interface fighter strikes.
Treat the downed aircraft as a destroyed vehicle for Bombing Runs deliver a single devastating attack to a
victory conditions. Air assets are withdrawn no further specified target on the battlefield, while Strafing Runs are
air strikes available for the requesting force for the long, slashing gun attacks across the battlefield. Pylon
duration of the game. gun runs can only be performed by gunships with side
mounted weaponry and involve the aircraft orbiting a
TYPES OF AIRSTRIKES central point and pouring fire onto it. Interface strikes
Aircraft have an inordinate amount of firepower which they involve interface (IF) fighters performing a blistering pass
are able to deliver with devastating and demoralizing effect over the battlefield while unleashing guided or smart
against ground forces. Just the proximity of an airstrike can weapons on multiple targets.
shake the morale of nearby units.

TQ Die No AD Light AD Medium AD Heavy AD
1 or less Evasion! No Strike! Aircraft Destroyed Aircraft Destroyed Aircraft Destroyed Aircraft Destroyed
2 Strength Strike Too Hot! Aircraft Destroyed Aircraft Destroyed Aircraft Destroyed
3 Strength Strike Evasion! No Strike! Too Hot! Aircraft Destroyed Aircraft Destroyed
4 Good Strike Strength Strike Evasion! No Strike! Too Hot! Aircraft Destroyed
5 Good Strike Good Strike Strength Strike Evasion! No Strike! Too Hot!
6 Good Strike Good Strike Good Strike Strength Strike Evasion! No Strike!
7 Good Strike Good Strike Good Strike Good Strike Strength Strike
8 Good Strike Good Strike Good Strike Good Strike Good Strike
9 Good Strike Good Strike Good Strike Good Strike Good Strike
10+ Good Strike Good Strike Good Strike Good Strike Good Strike


Interface Strikes Strafing Runs

Interface fighters take advantage of their larger weapon Strafing runs involve an aircraft (fixed wing or helicopter)
load out and advanced fire control systems to deliver with front facing weaponry performing a slashing, linear
potentially devastating missile, energy, or kinetic weapon attack across the battlefield.
attacks to targets identified by Terminal Air Controllers on To represent a strafing run on the table, nominate an
the ground. If an IF fighter and its ground force are both entry point along one of the table edges and exit point
operating on the same Grid (and that Grid is operational), on any other table edge. The gun run will engage all
it may deliver up to three strikes in attack run, assuming enemy units within 6 of the line connecting the exit and
that each target is either identified by a separate TAC entry points.
and/or illuminated with a designator. Vehicles attacked by a strafing run are particularly
Each unit or vehicle targeted by an IF strike will suffer vulnerable because AFV deck armor is relatively thin.
an attack with a Firepower of 12D. This attack will also To reflect this, vehicles attacked by a strafing run suffer
strike all units within 6 of the designated target. Infantry, a -2 Defense Die penalty (i.e., a vehicle that usually has
buildings, and vehicles in the blast radius are affected. Defense of 5 dice would only have a Defense of 3 dice
The Danger Close rule applies to IF strikes. against a strafing run).
IF strikes have a shattering effect on enemy morale. Any Aircraft will not fire on enemy units that are within 4 of
unit within the affected area of an IF strike is immediately a friendly unit unless the units player voluntarily chooses
Pinned. Any morale checks those units are called on to to do so to fire on enemies in close proximity see the
make later in the turn are taken with a -1 die type shift (i.e., Danger Close rule.
from Morale D8 to Morale D6). Morale may not be reduced All units engaged by a strafing run must make a Morale
below D6. Check. Units that take casualties make their Morale Check
Following an IF strike, all units in the same force as the with their Morale die shifted down one level, i.e., if their
IF fighter take any Morale checks for the rest of the turn Morale die is usually a D10, it is reduced one level to D8.
with their Morale die shifted up by one level, i.e., if their Following a strafing run, all units in the same force as
Morale die is usually a D8, it is a D10 for the rest of the turn. the aircraft take any Morale checks for the rest of the

I came in way too low over the target, a PRC got a strike on a vehicle that must have been
Torpedo Battery, and dropped a cluster of six carrying extra torps as it went up like a box of
MK9 Zeus bombs. The MK9 is a nasty piece fireworks. When I got back to the Washington the
of hardware. Each bomb contains 12 smaller crew chief gave me grief for flying too low. I didnt
bomblets that explode 6 meters off the surface see the problem till he showed me the tail of my
filling the air with flechettes, cutting anything F-77 Hellcat. It looked like a pin cushion with a
soft down. As well as the bomblets, each MK9 load of flechettes stuck in the underside. One of
also has an ECM homing round that vector in the MK9s must have detonated almost as soon
on any ECM jammers. Its always a handy way as I dropped it and as I was so low I got a few
of hitting the control unit and also the torps reminders of it to take home.
themselves as they carry a primitive ECM
Always made a point of flying a little higher
jammer. I wasnt supposed to but I couldnt
after that. No-one wants to shoot himself down!
resist making a high pass over the target to see
what I had done. I got a pretty good hit on them, Lieutenant James Suicide Harper,
knocked out all the battery launchers and also 4th Marine Aerowing


Aircraft performing a Pylon Gun Run do not receive any

extra Defense dice, but ground units firing at them still lose
one Firepower die.

Precision Guided Missile

(PGM) Strikes
To perform a precision guided missile (PGM) strike, the
player controlling the aircraft designates a target point on
the table for the PGM to hit. Remember that the Danger
Close rule applies to PGM strikes when choosing the target
point. The ordinance available for the strike is determined
by the air support asset in play. The effects of the strike
vary according to the ordinance selected.
A DPRG SP Anti-Aircraft gun (photo: Dana
PGMs are devastating to structures they strike and to
Boggs-Drake, miniature: GZG)
infantry or AFVs caught within their blast. PGMs exist
turn with their Morale die shifted up one level, i.e., if their which are capable of leveling entire city blocks, but in the
Morale die is usually a D8, it is a D10 for the rest of an area of engagement of the size represented by a typical
the turn. Tomorrows War game, only light and medium PGMs
The Firepower of the Strafing Run is defined by the air are deployed.
support asset in play. Light PGM
This is probably the most commonly used PGMs. Its
Pylon Gun Runs destructive effects are limited, allowing it to be deployed
Pylon Gun Runs involve a VTOL, helo, anti-grav, or against vehicles or target buildings without undue
fixed-wing aircraft circling a center point into which they collateral damage.
pour fire from side mounted weapons. Such attacks are The light PGM has a Firepower of 8D10 and strikes all
extremely destructive and terrifying to infantry units. units within 4 of the designated target point.
To represent a pylon gun run, nominate a spot on the Medium PGM
table to be the center of the gun run orbit. All enemy Larger and more destructive than its lighter sibling, the
units within 8 of this point may be engaged by the Medium PGM can be devastating to buildings and AFVs.
circling gunship. Its larger kill-zone makes it more dangerous to use in close
The aircraft may not fire within 4 of friendly units, proximity to friendly troops, however.
unless their player volunteers to risk his troops to friendly The Medium PGM has a Firepower of 10D10 and strikes
fire see Danger Close. all units within 8 of the designated target point.
Vehicles struck by a Pylon Gun Run automatically suffer Multi-Purpose Cluster Munitions
hits to their decks. Multi-Purpose Cluster Munitions attack all infantry units
All units engaged by a Pylon Gun Run must make a and vehicles within 8 of their impact point with a
Morale Check. Units that take casualties make their Firepower of 6D10. Buildings are not damaged by cluster
Morale Check with their Morale die shifted down one level, bombs. Vehicles and Infantry units inside buildings are not
i.e., if their Morale die is usually a D10, it is reduced one subject to attack by this ordinance. Exposed vehicles suffer
level to D8. a -2 die defense penalty for being attacked from above.
Following a Pylon Gun Run, all units in the same force as
the aircraft take any Morale checks for the rest of the turn Danger Close
with their Morale die shifted up one level, i.e., if their Morale Danger Close is a term used to describe incoming fire
die is usually a D8, it is a D10 for the rest of the turn. that is likely to cause casualties among friendlies as well as


hostiles. Danger Close fire is usually reserved for situations still attacked, meaning that both sides may take casualties
so dire that the alternative to a few casualties is the loss of if the Danger Close Check is failed.
an entire unit. Being on the receiving end of friendly fire is very
In game terms, the Danger Close rules are applied any disheartening. Any unit struck by friendly fire as the result
time indirect fire or aerial fire is directed at a target within of a Danger Close attack suffers an immediate -1 Die Shift
4 of a friendly unit. in Morale, i.e., from a Morale of D10 to D8. This Morale
When friendly units are within 4 of indirect or aerial drop will remain in place till the end of the next turn.
fire, a Danger Close Check must be made to determine
if those units suffer any casualties. To perform the check, DROPSHIPS
the players should make an opposed Troop Quality Dropships are specialized interface transports that carry
Check. The player making the air strike rolls based on the troops and gear from orbit to the planetary surface,
Troop Quality of the TAC or unit controlling the air-strike. sometimes to the battlefield itself. Dropships vary in design
The opposing player makes the check on a D10. If the unit from small, fast, tactical insertion vehicles optimized for
in jeopardys Quality Check roll is a 4+ and higher than the stealthy penetration of enemy airspace to slow, hulking
the D10 roll of the opposing player, the friendly unit takes heavy lifters capable of depositing a company and all its
no casualties. If the roll was less than 4 or less than the gear on the ground in a single landing.
opposing players D10 roll, then the results of the friendly When Dropship landings occur during a scenario,
fire are determined just as if it were an enemy unit. designate a landing spot for each incoming ship at
Note that the original target of the Danger Close fire is the beginning of the turn they are scheduled to arrive.

Die Overwhelming
Light ADA Medium ADA Heavy ADA
Roll ADA
1 Deviate Deviate Deviate Deviate
2 Hit Hit Hit Hit
3 Safe Landing Crash Landing Crash Landing Crash Landing
4 Safe Landing Safe Landing Destroyed Destroyed
5 Safe Landing Safe Landing Safe Landing Destroyed
6 Safe Landing Safe Landing Safe Landing Safe Landing

+1 For each level of ADA TL superiority over Crash Landing. If a Dropship deviates onto troops
Dropship or vehicles, those units receive a 10D8 attack.
+1 For each level of Dropship TL superiority over Hit The Dropship has taken a serious hit. The
ADA ships passengers take 1D6 casualties, distributed
+1 For Agile Dropships randomly among units aboard. The Dropship also

-1 For Slow Dropships deviates 6 as above.

Crash Landing The Dropship is forced down. It
Modifiers are cumulative.
deviates 6 and every figure aboard must make a
Deviate Dropship deviates 6 in a random Troop Quality Check or become a casualty.
direction. If the Dropship collides with another Vehicles on the ship receive a single Heavy Gun hit.
Dropship or a major terrain feature (such as a Destroyed The Dropship and everything aboard
substantial building or hill), upgrade the result to are destroyed.



Vertical Take Off and Landing vehicles (VTOLs) come in
many forms, ranging from basic VTOLs, through advanced
direct thrust vehicles, to AGVs. Regardless of the form they
take, however, VTOL operations share certain common
attributes, which are described in the following sections.

VTOL Troop Insertions

The most basic use for VTOLs is as combat taxies. They can
quickly transport troops to and from the battlefield, inserting
An independent surveying companys
them in areas that ground based vehicles cant reach.
exploratory dropship (photo: Piers
Brand, dropship scratch-built by Johan Most scenarios begin with any airmobile infantry
Gunbird Van Ooij) already on the ground, but some may call for one or more
VTOLs to land and dismount troops on the table. The
To determine whether a Dropship lands safely, determine scenario will indicate the location of the landing zones
the ADA environment and roll on the Dropship Landing (LZs) the VTOL(s) must use for landing. VTOLs must land
table below. on the turn indicated in the scenario and depart on the
If there is no ADA in the area, the Dropship following turn
automatically lands safely at the designated landing point. On the turn that a VTOL is landing, it is vulnerable to
Landed Dropships may be fired at and engage enemy ground fire. Fire against VTOLs is resolved in the same way
units like any other vehicle. Unlike VTOLs, they are as normal fire against vehicles, but the VTOL damage table
specifically designed to provide some fire support for their is used to determine fire results.
dismounts when landed. If a VTOL is fired at and suffers any result other than
CRASH, it is able to land more or less safely and
dismount its troops. While on the ground, the VTOL may
not use its own weapons and must rely on the perimeter
I remember my first combat drop like it was established by its dismounts to protect it.
yesterday. We made it over Glory in a Kestrel If the landing VTOL is engaged by ground fire and
dropship. It felt like the wildest roller coaster suffers a CRASH result, it crash lands on the LZ. Each
ride you ever been on I lost count of how figure on board must make a successful Troop Quality
many times my stomach tried to evac the rest Check to avoid becoming a casualty.
of my body And that was before the PRC AA Once the VTOL is on the ground and its troops have
fire started up, trying to vape us before we hit been dismounted, it may still be engaged by opposing units
the ground. The bird next to us took a Type 88 with a line of sight to the aircraft. If fire at a landed VTOL
missile right on the nose. I saw the ship just results in a CRASH result, the VTOL is too damaged to lift
disintegrate from the window beside me. I can off again and is considered disabled and lost. No other
remember seeing the soldier bodies tumbling results have any effect on the landed VTOL.
through the air. Things didnt get any better Unless a VTOL crash lands or is disabled on the ground,
when we hit the ground it will depart the table at the beginning of the following
Captain Rex Tanner, 2/3 USMC Marines turn. It may be engaged by ground fire as it departs. VTOL
damage results are applied normally. Once the VTOL has
survived all ground fire directed against it (and reacted to


The following rules describe fast rope/grav belt

insertions in game terms:
Place a marker indicating the point that the troops
are disembarking from the VTOL. All figures in the
dismounting unit must be placed within 4 of this marker.
This represents their landing perimeter. If you are using
a VTOL model, you can use its flight stand instead of a
marker (VTOL models are not required for play but they
definitely look nice on the table).
VTOLs carrying a single squad may disembark them all
in a single turn. VTOLs carrying multiple squads may
disembark one squad per turn (note that we are referring
to squads here, not fireteams i.e., a USMC squad consists
Passengers disembark under the watchful
of three fireteams).
eye of the local militia (photo: Piers
Brand, miniatures: Old Crow & Foundry) Units fast roping/dropping onto the table may do
nothing on their first turn but establish their perimeter.
that fire, if desired), it is removed from the table. It may They may not move unless forced to Pull Back. They may
not buzz around over the board engaging ground targets only React by returning fire.
like some sort of disposable gunship lite. On the turn that infantry disembark, their VTOL transport
VTOLs ferry units off the table in a similar manner, often is in jeopardy from ground fire. To resolve ground fire
as part of medevac operations. Extraction zones (EZs) are against a VTOL making a fast rope insertion, use the Ground
identified in the scenario and VTOL(s) must land at the EZs Fire rules.
on the turns dictated by the scenario. While landing at an Note that VTOLs may actually land to disembark their
EZ, a VTOL is vulnerable to ground fire and may react to passengers in the same manner, but are susceptible to
it as described above. ground fire on the turn they land their troops and the turn
After a VTOL has landed at the EZ, infantry may board they lift off. See VTOL Troop Insertions.
it in the same manner described for boarding land vehicles.
The VTOL must spend a turn on the ground to load Ground Fire
passengers and is vulnerable to fire as described for landed When VTOLs are operating low and slow, as during a fast
VTOLs above. rope insertion or strafing run/pylon attack, theyre subject
On the following turn, the VTOL must depart the board to infantry fire from the ground ground fire. Light VTOLs
and is again subject to ground fire. may be damaged or downed by RPGs or other Medium to
Heavy Support Weapons.
Fast Rope or Grav Belt VTOLs are only subject to ground fire when they are
Insertions disembarking troops or when they are making a low-level
Air mobile troops often utilize fast rope or grav belt gun-run.
insertions to enter the battlespace. A VTOL shuttles the Ground fire against VTOLs is resolved in the same
troops to their drop point and hovers while they slide down manner as regular anti-vehicle fire, although all fire against
ropes or perform a controlled fall to the ground. Once the aerial targets receives a -1 firepower die penalty. Even
troops are landed, the VTOL either withdraws or goes into hovering in place, a VTOL is a difficult target. VTOLs also
orbit to provide additional perimeter security. have their own damage result chart.
Performed well, this maneuver can be accomplished Vehicles equipped with Air Defense Radars or using
very quickly but it does leave the VTOL a motionless purpose built Air Defense Weapons do not suffer from the
target while the troops disembark. -1 Firepower penalty for aerial targets.

[Enhanced Exoskeleton]


Units with a VTOL in sight may fire at it. VTOL gun crews Overwhelming sheets of small arms and rocket fire or
may react to ground fire, but it is more difficult for them to ground troops armed with purpose built ground to air anti-
locate and engage ground targets while disembarking aircraft weapons: 8D8
troops. Reduce the crews Troop Quality die by one class If Ambient Ground Fire is used, ground units on the
when reacting to ground fire while disembarking troops table may not fire directly at aerial targets their fire is
(i.e., a Troop Quality of D8 is reduced to a D6). assumed to have contributed to the Ambient Fire firepower.
VTOLs may only engage targets to their sides unless they The -1 firepower die modification does not apply to
are equipped with a chin gun. If a gun is mounted on the Ambient Ground Fire.
right side of the VTOL, it may only react to interruptions Ambient Fire is an optional rule and must be agreed on
from the right side and vice versa. VTOLs may not rotate prior to the start of play.
while disembarking troops or making a gun run. VTOLs In extreme circumstances, Ambient Fire could also be
Reacting to ground fire while landing troops may only use applied to any moving vehicle or even moving squads of
Suppression Fire. infantry. We dont recommend this, however, as it tends to
be quite lethal!
Alternate Ground Fire
Ambient Fire VTOL Damage Effects
If players want to reflect a more hazardous air-space for If hits are scored against a VTOL, use the same procedure
VTOL operation, they may opt to use Ambient Ground described for regular anti-vehicular fire and consult the
Fire instead of the direct ground fire previously described. tables below:
Ambient ground fire simulates a mass of fire being
thrown up at aerial targets from all directions and not VTOL Damage Chart
simply from units on the table. PING No damage, but make a Morale Check or Jink.
Each time a VTOL makes a gun run, performs a fast Weapon Damage The Firepower for all the aircrafts
rope insertion, or lands/lifts off, it is subject to an attack weapons is cut in half. This may represent damage to
using xD8 firepower. The more overwhelming the ground weapon systems, injuries to gunnery crew, or damage to
fire, the larger a number x represents. the aircraft that renders it an unstable gun platform.
Here are some guidelines for Ambient Fire: Jink The aircraft jinks violently to avoid fire and may not
Sporadic or random ground fire from mixed small arms: make further attacks or disembark troops this turn.
2D8 Firepower Withdraw The aircraft withdraws from the airspace for
Steady, directed ground fire from mixed small arms and the rest of the turn. It must make a successful Morale
shoulder fired rockets: 4D8. Check to return on a following turn.

Small Arms & Infantry
Die Roll Light Gun Medium & Heavy Gun
Support Weapons
1 Ping! Jink! Jink!
2 Ping! Jink! Withdraw
3 Jink! Withdraw Withdraw
4 Jink! Withdraw Weapon Damage
5 Withdraw Weapon Damage Forced Landing
6 Withdraw Forced Landing Forced Landing
7 Weapon Damage Forced Landing Crash!
8+ Forced Landing Crash! Crash!


Die Roll Light Gun Medium Gun Heavy Gun
1 Ping! Jink! Jink!
2 Jink! Jink! Withdraw
3 Jink! Withdraw Withdraw
4 Withdraw Withdraw Weapon Damage
5 Withdraw Weapon Damage Forced Landing
6 Weapon Damage Forced Landing Forced Landing
7 Forced Landing Forced Landing Crash!
8+ Forced Landing Crash! Crash!

Die Roll Light Gun Medium Gun Heavy Gun
1 Ping! Ping! Jink!
2 Ping! Jink! Jink!
3 Jink! Jink! Withdraw
4 Jink! Withdraw Withdraw
5 Withdraw Withdraw Weapon Damage
6 Withdraw Weapon Damage Forced Landing
7 Weapon Damage Forced Landing Forced Landing
8+ Forced Landing Forced Landing Crash!

Forced Landing The aircraft is forced down in a Parasail Assaults are closer to the tradition of airmobile
randomized quarter of the table. All troops and crew aboard operations of the 20th century. Troops are inserted from
must make a Troop Quality Check to avoid becoming conventional aircraft and parachute to the ground. The
a casualty. chutes used are advanced parafoils, however, which allow
Crash Unless the scenario dictates otherwise, the VTOL paratroopers to virtually fly to their landing zone. Parasail
crashes off the table. All troops aboard are lost. assaults are also very difficult to detect and often achieve
the same level of surprise as a Hot Drop.
HOT DROPS & PARASAIL While it is traditional for many infantry units to undergo
ASSAULTS parasail training, very few actually practice the technique on
While most troops in Tomorrows War arrive on the the battlefield. Mass airdrops of troops arent as difficult to
battlefield via ground transport or VTOL, some take a more detect, which may expose drop troops to overwhelming
direct approach: They simply fall from the sky. ground fire with predictable results. As a consequence, Hot
There are basically two flavors of traditional airborne Drops and Parasail Assaults are normally performed by
operations: Hot Drops and Parasail Assaults. small, highly specialized units.
Hot Drops are interface operations involving insertion Drops or assaults may occur before play begins or
of troops directly from an orbiting or sub-orbital space during the course of a game, as dictated by the scenario.
craft. Hot Drops are only performed by power-armored If a drop occurs prior to play, resolve unit placement
troops and have the advantage of allowing such potent during the Set Up Figures phase of the turn sequence
units to appear as if by magic nearly anywhere in the as follows:
battlespace. It is very difficult for sensors to detect Hot Choose insertion point for each unit and roll a Troop
Drop troops, and they nearly always achieve surprise in Quality Check. If the unit passes the check, place all its
their operations. figures within 6 of the insertion point.


If the unit fails its Troop Quality Check, it has become the units activation must consist of moving all figures into
scattered. Roll according to the table below with the cohesion with one another. Until cohesion is established with
appropriate dice and a scatter die for each figure in the all combat effective figures in the scattered unit, it may only
scattered unit: move to establish cohesion and fire as part of a Reaction.
Tech level 3 Scatter 1D8 from insertion point If a drop occurs during play, follow the same method
Tech level 2 Scatter 1D10 from insertion point described above at the beginning of the turn the units are
Tech level 1 Scatter 1D12 from insertion point scheduled to arrive. Hot Drop or parasail units that arrive
Figures in a scattered unit may only React on the turn they during play may do nothing in the turn in which they
arrive. Treat each scattered figure as an individual unit for arrive other than establish their perimeter. They may not
purposes of Reaction Tests, fire, and defense unless they are move unless forced to Pull Back. They may only React by
in cohesion with another friendly unit. On the following turn, returning fire.


Some scenarios grant one or both sides access to off board
artillery. Off board artillery may take the form of anything CALLING FOR A FIRE
from light mortars to a prolonged missile barrage. While
the effects of various artillery strikes will vary, the methods
for governing them are the same. Artillery, regardless An FO or leader must have the target in sight

of what form it takes, must be requested by a spotter and pass a Troop Quality Test.

who must have a clear line of sight to the target to The following cumulative modifiers apply:

be bombarded. Spotter is an actual Forward Observer: +1

Spotter is a Special Forces leader: +1
SPOTTERS & FORWARD Spotter is a Squad Leader or lower: -1

OBSERVERS Spotter is calling for assets other than his own: -1

Before artillery of any form can splash onto the board, Spotter has unreliable communications with fire

a spotter or Forward Observer (FO) must radio the control (designated by scenario): -1

appropriate artillery unit, request a fire mission, and

provide fire control with the correct coordinates for
the target. The Danger Close rules may apply to fire missions
Unless noted otherwise by a scenario, any regular unit called in too close to a friendly ground unit.
with a leader may request an artillery fire mission, Note that these rules may or may not apply to fire
assuming assets are available. Forward Observer figures missions available to a player through a Fog of War card
or teams may also request fire missions. the method used to call a fire mission will be described
on the card itself.
Calling for a Fire Mission See Precise Fire Missions and Air Strikes for fire
Only ONE fire mission request may be attempted per missions called in by a Grid capable force.
artillery asset per turn. So, for instance, if one force had
a light mortar unit and a light artillery unit as assigned RESOLVING A FIRE MISSION
assets, they could make two fire mission requests: one for To resolve a fire mission, designate a center point of
the mortars, and one for the light artillery. impact for the incoming salvo. If the salvo arrives as
A unit with a forward observer attached may not move planned, all infantry units and soft-skin vehicles within the
while the observer is calling in a fire mission, but they may salvos impact radius take an attack using the salvos
fire normally or even go on Overwatch. Note that the Firepower. Some artillery barrages will also affect AFVs
leader or FO performing the fire mission request may not within the radius.
add their Firepower to any attacks made by their unit. They
are too busy on the radio to shoulder their rifle. C-RAM
To call in a fire mission, the unit/FO must have the Whether in the form of energy weapons, slug-throwing
proposed target in line of sight and must pass a Troop mini-guns, or missiles, Counter Rocket/Artillery/Mortar (C-
Quality Test. The Troop Quality Test may be modified by RAM) fire can knock down incoming artillery or mortar
various factors described below. rounds, protecting them from all or part of an enemy salvo.
The requested salvo will arrive immediately after the C-RAM coverage falls into the following general
successful request for fire. categories:
To avoid confliction, artillery can never be called on the Individual Some AFVs have their own C-RAM systems
same turn as a friendly air strike or VTOL operation. which will detect incoming mortar rounds, artillery shells,


or missiles and attempt to neutralize them before they can Resolving Counter Battery
cause any damage. Any unit within 4 of such a vehicle is Fire
assumed to fall under its umbrella of protection. While C-RAMs goal is to knock down incoming indirect
Local Specialized C-RAM vehicles or a number of AFVs fire, Counter Battery (CB) fire is aimed at destroying the
with C-RAM systems coordinated by the Grid can provide an source of that fire. A CB asset may engage any enemy
anti-artillery/mortar defense for an entire force. If the C-RAM rocket, artillery, or mortar asset that that launches an
vehicle is destroyed (or, in the case of coordinated C-RAM attack against any unit in its force, unless the scenario
fire, the Grid goes down), the protective umbrella is lost. dictates otherwise (some artillery may be out of range of
Operational Large operations often feature a network the CB assets available in the scenario, for instance).
of C-RAM and/or Counter Battery assets that are A force with Counter Battery assets has a chance of
arranged and coordinated by the Grid to provide an destroying or suppressing mortars or artillery that
effective C-RAM umbrella for the entire operational area. engage them.
Such networks are off-table and virtually impossible If a force has Counter Battery capabilities granted by
to destroy, barring a scenario specific method. An the scenario, any indirect fire from opponent mortars,
operational level C-RAM/Counter Battery network may be artillery, or missile artillery will be engaged if they fire upon
still be compromised or disabled by local Grid disruption. the protected forces units. Counter Battery (CB) fire has
the following effects:
Resolving C-RAM Fire Vs. Off Table Fire
When a unit protected by C-RAM is attacked by a rocket, After resolving the fire mission, roll a TQ check, modified
artillery, or mortar salvo, it may roll a number of additional as described below. If successful, enemy loses 1 indirect
Defense Dice equal to the Tech Level of the C-RAM system. fire asset.
These dice may raise the units Defense above the 10D cap. Apply the following modifiers to the TQ check:
C-RAM fire against Flat Trajectory Mortars is reduced Each Tech Level Higher Artillery is Higher than CB: -1
by 1 die. CB Target is Low Trajectory Mortar: -1
Each Tech Level Lower Artillery is Lower than CB: +1
Determine Salvo Effect Modifiers are cumulative.
Unless stated otherwise in a scenario, artillery salvos use Vs. On Table Fire
a Troop Quality of Trained (D8). The radius and effect of the Center a Heavy Artillery strike on the enemy on-board
incoming salvo depends on the type of fire mission called: indirect fire asset that engaged the protected force.


Light Mortar Salvo: AP:3 (3 radius)
Colony World: Glory
Medium Mortar Salvo: AP:4/AT:2 (L) (4 radius)
Area: The Foix Gap
Heavy Mortar Salvo: AP:6/AT:2 (M) (6 radius)
Year: 2292
Light Artillery: AP:8/AT:2 (M) (6 radius)
The long-standing feud between the Democratic Peoples
Heavy Artillery: AP:10/AT:2 (H) (8 radius)
Republic of Glory (DPRG) and the Republic of Arden (RA)
Heavy Artillery (AT): AP:10/AT:3 (H) (8 radius)
has finally erupted into war! DPRG forces have plunged
Missile Salvo: AP:12/AT:4 (H) (10 radius)
deeply into the Foix Gap, only to find their advances blocked
Artillery attacks affect all vehicles within the by advance RA National Guard and militia elements. Sharp
blast area and are resolved using their Side engagements are being fought wherever the two forces
armor rating. come into contact. One such meeting engagement occurred
at the tiny farming village of Vallin Farm.



) ;GI><O@K<;><

Scenario Information 1: RA Militia may set up anywhere in village of Vallin

Duration of Game: 6 Turns 2: RA PA Squad, APC, & Tank enter from this corner
Initiative: DPRG has Initiative on Turn 1. Test on following at the beginning of TURN 2.
Special Conditions: DPRG Mission
Fog of War: Generated by Reaction Tests It is important to maintain the timeline of attack while
Table Size: 4 x 4 simultaneously reducing any RA forces encountered.


Assault past Vallin Farm and join up with your flanking DPRG Squad 2
units at the Resolution river bridge. Try not to bog down 1 x APC
in a toe to toe fight with expected RA resistance, but do DPRG Fireteam 2A
not leave a strong RA force behind you to threaten your 1 x FTL w/ACR
communications or menace follow on units! 1 x Gunner w/Advanced SAW (TL3, Lt. AP:1)
1 x Grenadier w/Launcher (TL3, Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
DPRG Victory Points 1 x Rifleman w/ACR
Per vehicle or half-strength + unit that exits south
edge of the table by end of turn 3: 3 pts DPRG Fireteam 2B
Per vehicle or half-strength + unit that exits south 1 x FTL w/ACR
edge of the table by end of turn 5: 2 pts 1 x Gunner w/Advanced SAW (TL3, Lt. AP:1)
Per vehicle or half-strength + unit that exits south 1 x Grenadier w/Launcher (TL3, Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
edge of the table by end of game: 1 pt 1 x Rifleman w/ACR
Per RA Soldier POW: 3 pts
Per RA Infantry Unit Reduced below Half Strength: DPRG Squad 3
2 pts 1 x APC
Per RA Vehicle Disabled: 2 pts DPRG Fireteam 3A
Per RA Vehicle Destroyed: 3 pts 1 x FTL w/ACR
1 x Gunner w/Advanced SAW (TL3, Lt. AP:1)
DPRG Forces 1 x Grenadier w/Launcher (TL3, Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
DPRG Basic Attributes 1 x Rifleman w/ACR
Confidence Level: High
Supply Quality Level: Normal DPRG Fireteam 3B
Overall Tech Level: 2 1 x FTL w/ACR
On Grid? Yes 1 x Gunner w/Advanced SAW (TL3, Lt. AP:1)
Body Armor: Hard Armor (2D) 1 x Grenadier w/Launcher (TL3, Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10 1 x Rifleman w/ACR

DPRG Infantry Squads DPRG Tank Platoon

DPRG Squad 1 3 x DPRG MBTs
1 x APC
DPRG Fireteam 2A DPRG Vehicles
1 x FTL w/ACR Name: DPRG MBT
1 x Gunner w/Advanced SAW (TL3, Lt. AP:1) Class: Heavy
1 x Grenadier w/Launcher (TL3, Med. AP:2/AT:2(L) Front Armor (TL2): 4D12
1 x Rifleman w/ACR Side Armor (TL2): 3D12
1 x TAC (Terminal Air Controller) w/ACR Rear Armor (TL2): 3D8
Main Gun (TL3): 120mm (Heavy Gun)
DPRG Fireteam 2B AT Value: 6D
1 x FTL w/ACR AP Value: 4D
1 x Gunner w/Advanced SAW (TL3, Lt. AP:1) Secondary Weapon: MGs
1 x Grenadier w/Launcher (TL3, Med. AP:2/AT:2(L) AT Value: N/A
1 x Rifleman w/ACR AP Value: 4D
Crew: 3 (Commander, Gunner, Driver)


Attributes & Notes: Republic of Arden Forces

Heavy Hitter 120mm main gun uses advanced rounds Republic of Arden Basic Attributes
Improved MGs MG Firepower increased due to Confidence Level: Confident
advanced Fire Control, ROF, and large MG ammo stores. Supply Quality Level: Normal
TL2 APD (Active Point Defense) Overall Tech Level: 2
On Grid? No
Name: DPRG APC Body Armor: Varies, see below.
Class: Medium Troop Quality/Morale: Varies, see below.
Front Armor (TL2): 2D8
Side Armor (TL2): 1D8 RA Militia (Troop Quality D8/Morale D8, Light Body
Rear Armor (TL2): 1D8 Armor (1D)
Main Gun (TL2): Twin mounted 25mm autocannon
(Hvy. Support/Med. AT) RA Militia Squad 1
AT Value: 3D Fireteam 1A
AP Value: 4D 1 x Lt. w/CR
Crew: 2 (Driver & Gunner) + 8 to 10 passengers 1 x Gunner w/ SAW (Lt. AP:1)
Attributes & Notes: 1 x Grenadier w/MPRPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
TL2 Detonation Field 1 x Rifleman w/CR
1 x Artillery FO w/CR (Light Artillery on Call)
Republic of Arden Mission
DPRG Forces have broken through all across the border. Fireteam 1B
One of our militia units has established a defensive 1 x Lt. w/CR
position in the village of Vallin Farm. They are not strong 1 x Gunner w/ SAW (Lt. AP:1)
enough to halt a concerted DPRG advance. Due to the 1 x Grenadier w/MPRPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
importance of the road connection from Vallin Farm to the 1 x Rifleman w/CR
critical bridge over the Resolution River, you must reinforce
the militia and destroy or ablate any advances by DPRG RA Militia Squad 2
forces! We have very little armor to allocate to this Fireteam 2A
operation, but we do not believe they are aware of our 1 x Lt. w/CR
advances in powered armor. You should be able to deliver 1 x Gunner w/ SAW (Lt. AP:1)
a surprise blow that will leave the DPRG reeling and 1 x Grenadier w/MPRPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
perhaps blunt the speed of their advance across the 1 x Rifleman w/CR
breadth of the frontier!
Fireteam 2B
Republic of Arden Victory Points 1 x Lt. w/CR
No DPRG units exit the board by the end of turn 6: 1 x Gunner w/ SAW (Lt. AP:1)
DECISIVE VICTORY! 1 x Grenadier w/MPRPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
Per DPRG vehicle or half-strength + unit still on 1 x Rifleman w/CR
table at end of turn 6 (this counts destroyed/disabled
vehicles): 5pts AT Gun & Crew
Per DPRG Soldier POW: 3pts 1 x Fusion AT Gun (Hvy. AP:4, AT:5(M)
Per DPRG Infantry Unit Reduced below Half 1 x Gun Crew Commander w/SMG
Strength: 2pts 3 x Gunners w/SMG


RA PA Squad (Troop Quality D10, Morale D10) RA Vehicles

May arrive mounted in APC or dismounted at the RA Name: RA MBT
players choice. Class: Heavy
PA Fireteam 1A Front Armor (TL2): 4D12
1 x Fireteam Leader w/SAW (Lt. AP:1) Side Armor (TL2): 3D12
1 x Gunner w/Assault Gun (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L) Rear Armor (TL2): 3D8
1 x Grenadier w/MPRPG (Med. AP:2/AT:3(L) Main Gun (TL2): 120mm (Heavy Gun)
AT Value: 6D
PA Fireteam 1B AP Value: 4D
1 x Fireteam Leader w/SAW (Lt. AP:1) Secondary Weapon: MGs
1 x Gunner w/Assault Gun (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L) AT Value: N/A
1 x Grenadier w/MPRPG (Med. AP:2/AT:3(L) AP Value: 4D
Crew: Commander, Gunner, Driver, Loader
RA Tank Attributes & Notes:
1 x RA MBT Heavy Hitter 120mm main gun uses advanced rounds
Improved MGs MG Firepower increased due to
Special Rules advanced Fire Control, ROF, and large MG ammo stores.
Dropping the Grid TL2 Detonation Field
Republic of Arden ECM units are hard at work attempting
to block the DPRGs Grid. Roll 1D6 at the beginning of each Name: RA APC
turn after the first on a roll of 5+ the DPRG Grid goes Class: Medium
down for the duration of the game. Front Armor (TL3): 2D8
Side Armor (TL3): 1D8
RA Powered Armor Rear Armor (TL3): 1Dd8
The RA force is fielding TL3 Powered Armor. These PA Main Gun (TL3): Rapid Pulse Plasma Cannon (Hvy.
suits receive +3 Armor dice and are able to make 8 Support/Med. AT)
Cautious moves and 16 Rapid moves. They feature AT Value: 4D
TL3 advanced sensor suites and an on-board medical AP Value: 3D
AI/casualty assist. Crew: 2 (Driver & Gunner) + 8 to 10 passengers
Attributes & Notes:
TL3 Detonation Field

Robots and drones (often referred to jointly as bots)
are common brothers in arms for human forces on the
battlefields of Tomorrows War. While these artificial warriors
come in many forms and serve many functions, they all fall
into two broad categories: Dumb Bots and Smart Bots.
All bots share certain attributes:
Bots contribute to the Grid. What they see, everyone
on the Grid can see.
Bots may be controlled via the Grid by any friendly
operator on or off the table.
Ground mobile bots intended to work with
dismounted troops move like ordinary human
infantry unless otherwise noted.
Ground mobile bots intended to serve alongside
SAGPs (photo: Piers Brand, miniatures:
vehicular assets will use the normal vehicular
movement rates.
Aerial bots use normal vehicular movement rates Bots dont contribute dice to morale checks for units
and never suffer from terrain penalties. to which they belong.
Destruction of bots integral to a human unit triggers Weapons mounted on a bot are very stable all
a Morale Check. targets are treated as if theyre in optimum range.

Remote snipers I think the reason most of us everything running. Nada. Then we caught a
grunts hate em is because well, theyre so muzzle flash from one. Cost us Preddy to find
impersonal. To think, some geek well away that much. So, we assault the building, lose two
from the battlespace is playing God with a .300 more guys to booby traps, make our way to an
Magnum caseless sniper rifle on a tripod mount upstairs loft, and there it is, firing through a
and an auto-loading system. Heck, or its a missing shingle in the roof a NSF copy of a
friggin AI. I remember when I was a Private with Japanese auto-sniper system. Well, we butt-
1-504 on Shane four years ago when some of the stroked the rifle and that set off the spoil-sport
folks there got a little out of hand with that cult charge, blew my leg off below the knee and killed
of theirs. We were clearing a town the navy had two other guys. I did the next four months of my
hit and there was nobody, I mean nobody there. time in a hospital bed on Grissom re-growing my
Or so we thought well within seconds, the PL leg and learning how to walk again. 12 other guys
and SFC Anderson, hell, my squad and fireteam werent so lucky. I hate remote snipers.
leaders, plus the SAW man are all down. Rest of
us? Trying to find what we thought were wacked SSGT Mike Coleson, HHC, 1-75th Rangers
out colonists playing sniper. We had IR, thermal,


Bots receive no penalties for rapid moves. Escort Duty

Bots do not fall off Overwatch if they fail an Dumb Bots on escort duty must be assigned a person, unit,
Overwatch Reaction Test. or vehicle(s) to escort. The bot must stay within 6 of
whatever it is escorting. It will spot and engage enemy units
Dumb Bots as described under Sentry Duty. If the bot has a specific
Dumb Bots arent really all that dumb. In fact, theyre smarter function, such as a medic bot, it will perform that function
than most animals and can be trained or programmed to as needed (i.e., a medic bot escorting a fireteam would
perform many tasks autonomously. Theyre only dumb in automatically move to tend for any wounded, while an AT
comparison to their brighter cousins, the Smart Bots. bot would automatically fire at any enemy vehicle threatening
In general, Dumb Bots may either operate independently a convoy it was escorting).
or under the direct supervision of a human controller. Dumb
Bots must use their own Troop Quality while operating Patrol
independently, but use their Operators Troop Quality when A force fielding Dumb Bots on patrol must indicate the
under human control. patrols intended course at the beginning of the game.
A Dumb Bots Troop Quality is determined by its The patrol must stick to that course until it encounters an
Tech Level. enemy unit. When a patrolling bot detects an enemy unit,
it will engage it. A tech will normally take over a bot in
contact with the enemy, but if one does not, the bot will

DUMB BOT TROOP seek the nearest cover and continue to engage the enemy.

Controlled Dumb Bots
TL1: D6 Troop Quality Dumb Bots under the direct supervision of a human
TL2: D8 Troop Quality controller may be activated, fire, and move just like a
TL3: D10 Troop Quality human unit. Any tests or checks the bot must take
involving Troop Quality will use that of the controller.
A single human technician may control up to two Dumb
Dumb Bots are never subject to Morale tests. Bots per turn. Non-technician troops may control one
Dumb Bots become available at Tech Level 1. Dumb Bot per turn, assuming they have Grid access.
A technician or trooper controlling a bot may not move
Independent Dumb Bots
Dumb Bots can be fielded independently, but they may only
perform very basic duties, such as sentry duty, escort duty,
or following predetermined patrol routes.
A technician may take a robot over at the beginning of
any turn, taking it out of its current role and transforming
it into a Controlled Dumb Bot.

Sentry Duty
Dumb Bots that are assigned to sentry duty may be placed
on the board and left unattended. Sentry units are
automatically on Overwatch. They will automatically spot
and fire at any enemy units that come within line of sight
(the robot must still test to detect stealthy units or units A US Army unit on patrol with AGPs
using chameleon armor) using Overwatch or Defensive fire. (photo: Shawn Carpenter, miniatures: GZG)


unless forced to by a morale result (this applies to

controllers on foot controllers riding in a vehicle suffer
no movement restrictions) or engage in fire combat.

Smart Bots
The artificial intelligence or expert programs of a typical
Smart Bot are sophisticated enough to allow them to
perform with much the same tactical alacrity as a human
unit. As such, they obey the same rules for activation,
movement, and fire as a human unit.
Smart Bots may be fielded as part of a human unit,
independently, or in units of their own.
Second Generation robotic warriors, by
Smart Bots will always have Troop Quality of D8 or
Ashigaru Corporation, c.2189 (miniatures:
D10 (it takes true sentience to develop the artistry for Copplestone)
mayhem represented by Troop Quality D12, not just
artificial intelligence). Contact Teams that move into contact with the enemy in
Unlike Dumb Bots, Smart Bots possess a highly tailored order to force him to expose his position. Most human
self-preservation protocol that mimics human behavior in troops are more than happy to relinquish this task to their
some ways. To reflect this, AGPs have a Morale of D12 and robotic allies.
are subject to Pinned and Pull Back results when operating
independently. Bots and Reaction Tests
Smart Bots have a fixed morale of D10. Smart Bots As explained earlier, Dumb Bots arent really that dumb and
operating autonomously may ignore Fog of War cards that are capable of learned behaviors which allow them to
affect their sides morale. They are also unaffected by perform a restricted set of battlefield tasks for limited
morale reductions periods of time without supervision. An unsupervised Dumb
Smart Bots become available at Tech Level 2. Bot has to rely on their behavioral programming and IFF
protocols to determine if an enemy unit is a valid target.
BOTS IN COMBAT As sophisticated and rapid as this process may be, it results
Combat robots are known by a myriad of nick-name and in a slightly slower reaction time to enemy movement.
acronyms, from combot to SAGP (Semi-Autonomous To represent this, independent Dumb Bots receive a -1 to all
Gun Platform), but most soldiers simply refer to them as Reaction rolls (this cancels out the +1 for Overwatch).
bots. Bots are widely used by technically advanced military Smart Bots and Dumb Bots under human control do
forces in Tomorrows War. Bots have been in use by human not suffer any Reaction roll penalties.
military forces since the 20th century, although advances
in robotics have expanded their role far beyond their Bots and Fire Combat
humble origins as remote hands for EOD and remote eyes While bots conduct fire combat in much the same way as
for force commanders. human troopers, some general exceptions apply.
Many advanced military forces have replaced their As noted earlier, bots treat all targets as if they were
human heavy weapon gunners with bots. Since heavy in optimum range. The bots steady gun mount, lack
weapon fire tends to draw massive counter-fire, the use of of breathing or flinching, superior optics, and expert
bots in this role undoubtedly saves human lives at least programs eliminate most shooting errors, making it a
for the force to which theyre attached. formidable marksman.
Entire small units composed of bots have also become Bots do not become short of breath and their ability to
popular with some militaries such units are often used as scan for targets is not inhibited by running. As a result,


bots do not suffer from rapid movement penalties. Rapid personality traits to them, and generally come to think of
movement also doesnt limit a bots firing options when them as one of the guys. Robots have no similar feelings
making a rapid move: It may fire before or after its move. for their human counterparts.
Bots who are attached to a human unit add to its Robots dont contribute to a units morale dice (i.e., a
Defense and Firepower normally. unit with 4 human members and one robot gunner would
throw 4 morale dice, not 5).
Bot Casualties If a robot attached to a unit becomes a casualty, the
If a bot is determined to be a casualty, make an immediate unit must make a Morale Check just as if a flesh and blood
Survival Check rather than waiting for a First Aid Check. trooper was hit.
A bots durability and survivability are based on its Tech Robots attached to a human unit will stick with it if it
Level. Higher Tech Level bots are better armored and have becomes pinned or is forced to fall back.
more redundant systems. Robots acting independently respond to threats
To perform a bot Survival Check, roll 1D6. On a 4+, the differently, depending on what type of bot they are. Dumb
bot survives. On any other roll, it is effectively destroyed Bots are immune to all morale checks and effects when
and removed from play. This roll is modified by Tech Level operating independently. They will drive straight into enemy
difference of the robot and the weapon which struck it. guns and pay no heed to their losses. Smart Bots, on the
Additionally, bots struck by a Medium or Heavy support other hand, are programmed to mimic human survival
weapon or any weapon with an AT value receive a -1 to traits. They are subject to normal morale checks when
their survival die roll. If a robotic specialist or technician acting independently or in a robot only unit and may
is attached to the unit, add a +1 to the bots survival roll. become pinned or be forced to fall back in the same
All modifiers are cumulative. manner as a human unit.


A unit with a bot attached may place it on Overwatch at the Most technically advanced military forces field Robotic
beginning of the turn. This does not count as the units Force Enhancers (RFEs). Unlike Robotic Force Multipliers,
activation and it may move and fire normally, leaving the RFEs do not have any offensive capability. They exist
bot in place if desired. to make life easier or safer for the human unit theyre
Bots do not fall off Overwatch as human units do. attached to, allowing the human soldiers to concentrate
Otherwise, all Overwatch rules for human troops apply to on defeating the enemy. Common RFEs include robotic
bots as well. medics, load bearers, sensor/ECM platforms, or EOD bots.

Recalling a Separated Bot Robotic Medics (Care Bears)

A unit can recall a bot theyve left behind by announcing Robotic Medics are AI driven automatons whose sole
their intention to do so at the beginning of a turn. Again, purpose is to care for fallen soldiers and, if necessary,
this does not count as the units activation. The bot can transport them to a CASEVAC point or field hospital. They
then be activated at any point in the turn. It will follow the are controlled by a very basic AI, only marginally more
safest and most direct route back to its home unit. It can intelligent than a dog. The AI is just smart enough to follow
react to enemy fire en route back to its unit. The trip back a unit, find its way back and forth between a unit and a
to its unit may take the bot multiple turns and it is not CASEVAC point or field hospital, and obey verbal commands
required to make full moves each turn. from the humans it serves.
Robotic medics utilize sophisticated expert programs
Bots and Morale to provide immediate life-saving care for fallen soldiers.
Human troopers tend to anthropomorphize bots they work They are also designed to carry up to three casualties
with on the battlefield. They give them names, attribute to CASEVAC areas or field hospitals. Once their patients


We called him Smokey, which is about as original behind him laughing and shooting. They loved getting
as naming your dog Rex. He was an older bot, their hands on our wounded around that time. This
one of the first M11s, but hed been upgraded to was right after that Brazilian cruiser got smoked.
an A3 standard. They say that care bears arent Smokey bounced down a ditch that ran along the
smart enough to have personalities, but Smokey edge of a field. He went through some thick shrubs
seemed to have a mind of his own. He didnt in the ditch and dumped me right in the middle of
like going out with us on ECM missions unless them before roaring off at top speed at a right angle
Lt. Wilson was the lead tech none of the other across the field, bouncing along like some kind of
techs were as careful as Wilson and Smokey didnt crazy kids toy. The DPRG goons saw him and took
like having his circuits frazzled. off after him and away from me.
Smokey liked me. The guys would joke about it, The next time I saw Smokey, he was in a few
saying I gave good lube jobs and other crap of that hundred pieces. The goons finally stopped him with
nature. I dont know why Smokey liked me. Maybe an RPG. Then they shoved a grenade in his circuit
because I talked to him sometimes on night watch box and blew his brains to shards. I guess they were
or because I always cleaned off his optics before a pretty pissed off about not getting to play with me.
mission. Who knows? They fixed my spine, of course, but there wasnt
All I know is this: I took a .30 slug in the spine at enough of Smokey left to repair. None of the guys
Third Archinault Farm and dropped like a sack of laughed when I asked them to help me bury that old
potatoes. Smokey scooped me up and high-tailed it bot in a shady corner of that damned field in Arden.
for the CASEVAC point at the crossroads east of the Now that the fighting is over, I go out there every
farm. The Grid was down, so we didnt know that a year or so and visit Smokeys grave. Theres a stone
DPRG militia unit had us encircled. Smokey nearly marker there now with his name on it and the dates
ran right into one of their patrols. They saw him he went into service and was... removed from
and opened up. I was hit in the leg but didnt feel it. inventory. Its very nice. I hear Lt. Wilson paid for it.
Spinal injury, you know how they can be. Anyway, Who says officers are all jerks?
Smokey took off in the opposite direction, crossing
a windbreak of trees. The DPRG soldiers were right Sgt. Mike Johnston, USMC

are dropped off, the medic bot will return as quickly as Small Drones
possible to its unit. Small drones range in size from slightly smaller than man-
size to the size of a small dog or cat. They may equipped
Sensor Drones with small arms to engage the enemy if necessary, although
Sensor or spy drones are almost ubiquitous on the they are normally not used aggressively. A drones job is
battlefields of Tomorrows War. Ranging in size from slightly tospot things for its bigger friends to kill, not to wander
smaller than man-sized to dust particles, sensor drones around looking for a fight. Most small drones also carry
prowl the battlefield to ferret out tactical information to an explosive charge which can be remotely detonated to
make the mission run smoother and have a better chance prevent them from falling into enemy hands. Drones are
of success. often outfitted with chameleon or stealth technology to
Drones may be classified as either smart bots or make them harder to spot.
dumb bots and behave according to the rules for smart Most drones rely on aerial movement, but some use
and dumb robots. ground movement.
Sensor drones are divided into three categories: Small Small drones are available at TL1 and higher.
drones, tiny drones, and distributed drones. If a force is on the grid, all units can see and are aware


Remotely detonated tiny drones inflict a 3D8 attack on

any figures within 2.

Distributed Drones
Distributed drones are very small drones, usually as small
as or smaller than a grain of dust, which are scattered over
the battlefield. They are not represented by figures on
the tabletop.
If a force has distributed drones deployed, it may make a
Grid Quality Check at the beginning of each turn for each
hidden enemy unit to determine if they have been detected.
Unseen units detected by distributed drones may be engaged
by friendly units using artillery, air strikes or BLOS fire,
assuming they have that capability.
Distributed drones are only available at TL3.

Wherever conditions allowed, Man brought his horses with
The Japanese military makes extensive use
him to the stars. In some instances, he found analogs waiting
of un-manned, AI controlled, robotic gun
platforms (photo & miniatures: for him. Whether imported or newly discovered, Mans
Micropanzer) contentious nature soon transformed simple riding beasts
into instruments of war. When beasts wont suffice, man will
of anything any of their drones can see. If the grid is down make machines to take their place motorcycles and AG
or a force doesnt use a grid, only the unit to which a drone bikes often serve as stand-ins for flesh and blood destriers.
belongs can see what it sees. The following rules outline the use of mounted troops
Units spotted by a drone may be engaged by friendly (including those mounted on motorcycles or AG bikes) in
units using artillery, air strikes or BLOS fire, assuming they Tomorrows War.
have that capability.
Armed sensor drones may engage enemy units with Types of Mounted Units
their onboard weapons. Their Troop Quality is determined There are two types of mounted units: Mounted Troops
according to the rules for smart or dumb bots. Aerial and Cavalry.
drones receive +1 die to their Defense some drones Mounted Troops use their mounts to transport
may receive additional bonus Defense dice if they are themselves and their gear to and from the battlefield.
particularly fast or agile. Drones with stealth or chameleon They normally picket their mounts a safe distance away
tech follow the rules for troops in Chameleon Suits. If a from the fighting and walk the rest of the way in on foot
drone is determined to be a casualty it is automatically theres no percentage in getting your mount killed, after
removed from play. all. You might need it to escape if things go wrong.
Small drones may be remotely detonated, inflicting a These are the most commonly encountered mounted
4D8 attack on any figures within 3. units in Tomorrows War.
In most scenarios involving Mounted Troops, their
Tiny Drones riding animals will not be represented on the table, being
Tiny drones become available at TL2 or higher. Tiny drones stabled somewhere off table. Some scenarios might involve
follow the same rules as small drones, but receive +2 extra Mounted Troops stumbling into the enemy sooner than
dice to their Defense (or more if very fast and/or agile). expected or being caught in an ambush.


Cavalry troops not only ride their mounts to battle, they bonus from terrain features that are tall enough to cover
generally ride them in battle. They fight from their mounts, most of their mount and rider.
using the animals extra speed and height to their advantage. All foot units firing at a mounted unit (while it is mounted)
Unfortunately, on the modern battlefield, those advantages receive an extra Firepower Die. Mounted units (while
are usually outweighed by their inability to hug cover and mounted) do not receive this bonus for firing at one another.
avoid being chewed to pieces by enemy machinegun and When Mounted Troops are fired at, they must immediately
small arms fire. make a Troop Quality Check to remain mounted. If they fail,
Only units with a Troop Quality of Trained our higher they will dismount immediately. High Confidence Mounted
can qualify as Cavalry units. Troops may ignore this check and remain mounted or
dismount at their own discretion. Low Confidence Mounted
Movement for Mounted Troops will immediately dismount and are considered Pinned
Units for the remainder of the turn.
Like infantry, mounted units have two movement rates: Cavalry units are not required to make a check to
Tactical and Rapid. remain mounted, regardless of their Confidence Level, but
Tactical movement for most mounted units is 6, just they may always dismount immediately when fired upon.
like a unit on foot. The unit whose fire forces mounted units to dismount
Rapid movement for most mounted units is 16, slightly receives the +1 Firepower die bonus to their attack, but
faster than that of a foot unit. subsequent units do not.
Any casualties received by either type of Mounted Unit
Fire Combat and Mounted (while mounted) have a 50% chance of being the rider or
Units the mount.
Firing from a Mount Regardless of which is hit, immediately make a Troop
It is difficult to fire a weapon accurately while sitting on a Quality test for the figure affected. If the Troop Quality test
stationary animal, much less from a moving one. is successful, the rider remains mounted. If not, he is thrown
Mounted Troops have very little practice in fighting or from his mount.
firing from a mount. Their riding animals are organic First Aid checks are resolved normally on the next turn
taxies, not living, breathing IFVs. As a result, Mounted for riders who remained mounted. Riders who were thrown
Troops who attempt to fire while mounted suffer a -1 shift receive a -1 modifier to their die roll on the First Aid table.
to their Troop Quality die type (from D10 to D8, for Mounts who become casualties are always considered
instance) and their Optimum Range is reduced to zero. to be dead or too seriously wounded to ride.
Cavalry units actually practice firing from their mounts
and are capable of slightly more accurate fire. They still Close Assault and Mounted
suffer a -1 shift to their Troop Quality die type, but they Units
retain the Optimum range associated with their unmodified Horses trained for use by Mounted Troops are not trained
Troop Quality. to make heroic charges into the enemy ranks. In fact, they
find the concept alien and unacceptable. Cavalry mounts,
Firing at Mounted Units on the other hand, take such things in their stride, literally.
Mounted units have some definite disadvantages in a Mounted Troops may not charge into Close Assault
firefight. Their height and mass make them easy targets while mounted. Moreover, if a unit of Horse Troops
for all but the shakiest of riflemen, easily balancing out is engaged in Close Assault while mounted, they
any advantage their speed and intimidating stature automatically lose the initial Reaction Tests i.e., they are
might provide. unable to flee or lay down defensive fire and their attacker
Mounted units (while mounted, of course) may never automatically gets the first attack as they dismount to
claim the In Cover bonus. They may claim the Solid Cover defend themselves.


Cavalry units suffer no penalties in Close Assault. result, many science fiction wargames become games of
Their training, power, and height give Cavalry troops a exceptions, where games are won and lost based on each
solid advantage over foot soldiers in a melee. Cavalry players ability to take advantages of the special exceptions
units receive a +1 die type shift to their Troop Quality innate to their force.
when making Reaction Tests during Close Assault. Design by exception can lead to an escalation that
Each mounted figure also throws one bonus attack die in makes the exception the norm and reduces baseline
Close Assault. human troops to sub-par units. A natural reaction to this
Casualties in Close Assault follow the same rules is to give certain human units their own special rules,
described for Fire Combat, above. which often results in a re-jiggering of rules for aliens and
thus begins a cycle of defining units based on differences
Casualties, Dependents and and a necessity for arbitrary play-balancing of forces
Mounted Units rather than scenarios.
Mounted Troops suffer the same Casualty and Dependent In Tomorrows War, were more interested in using the
Penalties as an infantry unit. standard mechanism to describe an alien force than in
Cavalry units ignore the Casualty Penalty but suffer creating a lot of special rules and exceptions. We believe
Dependent Penalties in the same way as an infantry unit. that most alien forces will share more similarities than
differences with human forces.
ALIENS Alien weaponry, however wildly its mechanisms may
Its a science fiction game, so there have to be aliens and differ from ours, will still fall into some analogous category
lots of em, right? of human weaponry. Their purpose and effect will be
Well, maybe. It depends on what one means by alien. similar to those of our own weapons, even if their means
In wargaming parlance, the word alien can usually be of achieving those effects might differ. The fearsome
translated more accurately as special. An alien army gravitic carbines of the Bem Empire legions may use a
in most cases is really a special army that is supported gravity pulse to propel a diamond tipped projectile, for
by special rules which often break or bypass the rule instance, but its overall effect is still that of an assault rifle:
mechanisms by which normal (read human) armies are It creates infantry casualties and is more effective in the
bound. In addition to their own rules, alien armies also hands of higher quality troops than in those of lower
receive special weapons, armor, and vehicles that generally quality troops.
give them an advantage over normal (again, read as The same is true of alien armor or defensive technology
human) troops. The more aliens a rule-set supports, the - the Bem Empires hauberk of durathril is still just body
more special rules one usually finds to support them. As a armor. Their officers personal anti-kinetic field generators
still have the effect of reducing casualties - again, its just
body armor.
Aliens? Heard talk of stuff, you know, big bugs The true difference between alien and human forces will
the size of men, aliens with ray guns, the usual be found in their respective organization and psychology
sorta grunt bull-crap. One things for sure in other words, they will be similar enough to human forces
though, the universe is a mighty big place, to be governed by standard Troop Quality and Morale
and I think its a bit arrogant to think we is the ratings. Some differences in the application of Morale
only ones out here. What you can be sure of is Effects might be called for, but in most cases existing rules,
when we meet em, we will sure as hell try and applied with a mixture of imagination and common sense,
kill em. Its the way we roll will suffice.
In the following section, youll find some pointers on
Cpl. Hank Vermouth, USMC
developing Alien forces for use with Tomorrows War.

[The Pointman]

How disciplined are your aliens? Do they work together

like a coordinated team and utilize established tactics?
Or are they contentious individuals who make things
up as they go along? The answer to this question will
determine whether your aliens field a Regular or
Irregular force.
I dont see the Space Demons as a particularly
disciplined force. They look more like a bloodthirsty
swarm that is likely to attack the first living thing they
see. Im going to call them Irregulars. Since I also dont
see the Space Demons allying themselves with anyone
else, this means theyll be deployed as an Irregular only
force theyll never be allowed to have Initiative in a
scenario unless theyre up against another Irregular
Aliens come in many forms (photo: Jim
only force.
Roots, miniatures: Khurasan)
How are your aliens organized? Are they intensely
Defining an Alien Force hierarchical or do they work in loose mobs? Use your
As mentioned above, developing an alien force in answers to this question to develop a rudimentary
Tomorrows War is an exercise in imagination and common organization for your alien force.
sense. What follows is an outline of the process that we Space Demons dont strike me as having a very rigid
use when dreaming up aliens to challenge humanity for the organization. I imagine them working in loose mobs of
sovereignty of the stars. We hope youll find these pointers 4 to 6 Demons. It seems likely to me that these mobs
helpful in developing your own alien combatants. would blend into larger mobs if they run into each other
(in other words, they merge automatically if they come
Who Are These Guys? into cohesion distance with each other).
The first step is to get an idea of the character of your alien How are your aliens led? Do they possess an adaptive
force. Your aliens might be based on a literary work, a chain of command, or is their leadership style
movie, another game, a miniature line you like the looks of authoritarian and brittle? Your answers to this question
or they may be your own original concept. Whatever will help further define your aliens organization.
their inspiration, you should ask yourself the following Space Demons are led by a Space Demon King
questions. The answers to these questions can be used to and/or Queen. Ive decided that these giant creatures
define your aliens in game terms. have a psychic bond with the warriors under their
To illustrate the process, well develop Tomorrows War control. As long as the Demon King and/or Queen are
stats for Khurusan Miniatures Space Demons as we go alive and on the table, all Space Demon units are treated
(visit http://khurasanminiatures.tripod.com if youd like to as if they have a Leader present. If neither a King nor
buy some Space Demons of your own). Queen is alive, Demon units must make a Leadership
How technologically advanced are your aliens? This Check to activate, as per leaderless Irregular units.
question will help you determine whether your force is How effective are your aliens in combat, in general?
Tech Level 1, 2, or 3. Are the majority of their combatants well-trained
Khurusan Miniatures Space Demons dont utilize (or ferocious), or are they poorly trained (or meek)?
any visible technology. These miniatures show a fast, The answers to this question will help you determine
agile looking creature with bony, protective plates and the Troop Quality of your alien forces average unit.
ferocious looking claws. Theyll default to TL1 for These Space Demons look mean! I wouldnt want to
purposes of bonuses for Tech Level differences. meet some in a dark, alien forest, thats for sure. Ive


decided to make them pretty scary Im assigning them I cant see these guys ever having a crisis of
a Troop Quality of D10 across the board, from regular confidence. Im calling Space Demons High Confidence
Demon to Demon King/Queen. troops!
How motivated are your aliens? Are they fanatics, How well equipped are your aliens? Do they have a
willing to throw their lives down for the cause, or are secure supply line and ample bullets, beans, and
they reluctant warriors who would really rather just bandages, or are they under-supplied and forced to
go home? The answers to this question should allow make do? The answer to this question will establish
you to determine the average Morale value of your your alien forces Supply Quality.
alien force. Supplies? What supplies? Do they run out of claws?
It would be tempting to say that these guys dont I imagine if Space Demons start running low on food
have to make Morale checks at all making them they just thin the ranks of the weak. Well call them
mindless meat-grinders on legs but on second Normal Supply Quality no bonuses or penalties for
thought I decide thats pretty unimaginative. Anybody supply quality.
can design an uber-killer force, its more fun and Do your aliens have any signature characteristics?
challenging to design a force that feels like it could Are they big and dumb? Fast and ferocious? Are
exist somewhere other than a comic book or bad they technological wizards? Your answers to this
movie. Instead, Ill give them a very high Morale D12 question will help refine the stats you arrive at for your
as long as their King or Queen is alive and on the alien force.
table. If their King/Queen dies or leaves the table, Signature characteristics for Space Demons? Hmm.
normal Space Demon Morale drops to D8. This seems Did I mention armored hide and scary teeth and claws?
more realistic feeling to me and is one more thing to These guys also look fast and agile I can imagine
tie a tactical significance to protecting/killing the them tearing up the ground in terrifyingly swift leaps
Space Demon King/Queen! and bounds. Sooo Now I need to translate that into
How confident are your aliens? Do they trust their gear, game terms:
their tactics, and the warriors next to them? Or are they Armored Hide Easy. These guys have body armor.
leery of their forces overall chances of victory? This Im not going crazy with it, though. Im going to call it
question will help you determine the Confidence Level light (1D) body armor.
of your alien force. Scary Teeth & Claws Again, easy! These guys have
Close Assault weapons and receive an extra die per
figure in Close Assault.
Fast and Agile Strangely, this one requires the
most thought! We could make an exception based rule
and say that the Aliens dont suffer a -1 to Reaction rolls
when making a Rapid Move. We could even give their
opponents a negative to their Firepower when shooting
at the rapidly bobbing and weaving Demons... but thats
kind of counter to our goal of keeping exceptions to a
minimum. After a glass of tea and a little thought it
occurs to me that what I really want to model is the
unnerving effect of a Space Demon charge so instead
of coming up with exceptions to existing rules, I should
be looking at rules that already exist to represent units
Space Demon attack! (photo: Piers Brand, reacting to something scary or unnerving et voila:
miniatures: Khurasan) Intimidating Weapons!


Space Demons are an intimidating weapon! When Close Assault Monsters These guys look like theyd
human troops are charged by Demons, they must make a be hell in a fracas! I can imagine Demon Kings or
Morale Check to avoid becoming suppressed, a state you Queens tossing men around like pillows in a pillow fight.
really dont want to be in when a boney alien comprised Ill represent this by saying that they count as TWO
mostly of teeth and claws has picked you out for dinner. Space Demons when determining the Demons Close
Do your aliens have any unusual troop types? Are some Assault Firepower.
of your aliens able to blend naturally into the background? Hard to Kill I can also see Demon royalty
Do some have superior senses? Maybe some have an shrugging off damage that would kill or incapacitate
ultra-durable exoskeleton? Again, these answers will help a less over-the-top being! As a result, Ill designate
refine the stats for your alien force. them as Hard to Kill and give them a D8 Survival
Well, I obviously need to look at the Demon Queen die type.
and King. The first thing about the Demon royalty that There are also the Hammerhead Space Demons,
stands out to me is their immense size. These guys are but I dont have any of them painted at the moment, so
BIG. I imagine that theyre very hard to kill and are Ill put that off for another day!
overpowering in Close Assault! Ive already mentioned
their psychic connection to their comparatively runty THE NETCENTRIC
warriors. I put some thought into it and came up with BATTLEFIELD  THE GRID
this for them: Advances in communications and networking began
Fast and Agile Even though Kings and Queens transforming the nature of command and control on the
are huge, theyre still Space Demons. In fact, theyre battlefields of the 21st century and progressed rapidly,
even scarier Space Demons. Treat their charge as an ultimately reaching a level of development that allows
intimidating weapon, too. everyone from individual troopers to the battlefield
Psychic Connection Demon Kings and Queens commander to have nearly instantaneous access to
have a psychic connection to their troops as described information from every corner of the battlespace. This
above. level of God-like awareness brings advantages and
Thick, Spiny Armor This one is easy. It looks to me disadvantages to the forces that rely on it.
like they have thicker, spikier armor than a regular Net-Centric command requires a robust
Demon, so Ill upgrade them to 2D armor. communications net with appropriate communications gear
available to the lowest node in the network for some
forces, the lowest node will be the individual soldier, for
others it may be the fire-team leader, squad leader, or so on
up the chain of command. A powerful array of sensors is
also required, including cameras and unit locators on the
ground, manned or unmanned atmospheric craft above the
battlefield, and satellites or spacecraft in low orbit. Such an
integration of assets is referred to as a Global Information
Grid (GIG) or, more simply, a Grid.
A Grid is expensive to establish and maintain, so they
are generally only widely used by the wealthier Earth
militaries or their expeditionary forces. Colonial forces are
usually limited to more conventional communications and
control that would not have been out of place on the
Space Demons on the prowl for prey battlefields of Earth in the 20th century.
(photo: Piers Brand, miniatures: Khurasan)


Grid Quality Checks the battlespace. They have a more precise knowledge of
When two Grids are competing for dominance over the the location of both friendly and hostile units and their
battlespace or stealth/ECM is attempting to defeat a Grid, capabilities and this intelligence is updated in real time
a Grid Quality Check may be called for. through the observation of other units, drones, and spy
To perform a Grid Quality Check, determine the Tech satellites in their network. This enhanced battlespace
Level of the Grid(s), stealth, or ECM (Sensors) involved. awareness is reflected in game terms through the
Each TL has a Quality Die associated with it, ranging from following rules:
D6 for TL1 to D10 for TL3.
Roll a TL Quality Die for the Grid under attack and the Enemy Force Location
Grid, stealth, or ECM asset attacking it. Both sides must roll Since a Grid capable force is able to locate the enemy and
a 4 or better, or fail the check. If both sides roll a 4+, compare track his movement, their opponents may not make use of
their scores. The highest die roll has won the check. Out of Contact Movement.
If both sides fail to roll a 4+ or if the die rolls for both Note, however, that some scenarios may identify units
sides are a tie, the side with the highest Tech Level wins. which can use Out of Contact Movement regardless of
If both sides have the same Tech Level, the defending their opponents Grid capabilities (units equipped with
Grid wins. advanced stealth capabilities or dedicated ECM support,
for instance).

GRID QUALITY CHECK Improved Command & Control

Forces operating on a Grid may ignore many Fog of War
Roll a TL Quality die for the Grid and the
effects related to Command and Control. Individual Fog of
opposing Grid or stealth/asset attempting to
War cards will indicate whether or not they are effective
defeat it. If one side fails to roll a 4+, their
against Grid capable units.
opponent wins the check.
If both sides roll a 4+, the highest die roll wins
Force Location and Competing Grids
the check.
When two Grid capable forces come into conflict, it is
If the roll is a tie or both sides fail to roll a 4+,
normal for one of them to gain Grid Superiority, usually
the side with the highest TL wins. If both sides
through jamming or destroying communications assets
have equal TLs, the defending Grid wins.
and satellites. In some rare occasions, though, both sides
Grid Quality Dice may be able to maintain their Grid capabilities. In such
TL1: D6 instances, an ongoing ECM battle will normally rage, as
TL2: D8 each side tries to confuse, mislead, or temporarily disable
TL3: D10 their opponents Grid.
When competing Grids are available in the battlespace,
units capable of Out of Combat Movement may attempt
Advantages of the Grid to utilize it, hoping that their movement will be masked by
Forces with Grid access have a number of advantages ECM or lapses in their enemys Grid coverage.
over forces with less advanced command, control and To determine if a unit is able to make a successful
communications (C3) capabilities. Some of these advantages Out of Combat Movement, make a Grid Quality Check.
are more pronounced at higher Tech Levels. If the unit attempting the move wins the Grid Quality
Check, they may make an Out of Contact Move. If they
Increased Battlespace Awareness fail or lose the check, they may only make a normal
Units with Grid access have an expanded awareness of move.


Precise Fire Missions and Air

Units on a Grid are able to call in fire missions and air
TL of Grid Opponents Die
strikes more quickly and accurately than units using
1 D8
traditional FAC or FO procedures.
2 D6
Units on a Grid use the standard rules for calling in Fire
3 X
Missions and Air Strikes, with the exceptions noted in the
Grid Fire Missions & Air Strikes text box.

Reduced Danger Close Effects Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) Fire

Grid Capable units may call in artillery fire missions and air The Grid allows units to be aware of enemy units that are
strikes with greater precision, reducing the likelihood of not within line of sight and can assist in guiding indirect
Danger Close casualties. fire onto them. This is known as Beyond Line of Sight
As a result, the die type of the opposing player is reduced (BLOS) fire.
when performing casualty checks for units who are within BLOS Fire allows units with indirect fire capability to
Danger Close range of an airstrike or fire mission from a engage targets that are not visible to them but are visible
unit on their GIG. to friendly units, UAVs, or satellites in their network without
Normally, the opposing player rolls a D10 to determine the normal kill-chain delays associated with the use of a
Danger Close casualties (See Danger Close), but this die is forward observer.
reduced according to the Tech Level of the Danger Close Remote SAGPs may also react and fire on targets within
vulnerable units Grid. their LOS but beyond LOS of any live units. If directed
Units with TL3 Grids are not susceptible to Danger locally, they use the TQ of the controlling unit. The SAGPs
Close casualties at all their munitions are smart enough TQ suffers a -1 Die Shift (i.e., from D8 to D6) if directed
not to detonate in a manner to cause friendly casualties. from beyond the battlespace.


Grid Directed Air Strikes On an unmodified die roll of 1, air support is no
A unit or TAC on a Grid is not required to have the longer available.
target in sight (although some unit in its force must)
Grid Directed Fire Missions
but must pass a Troop Quality Test.
A unit or Forward Observer on a Grid is not required
The following cumulative modifiers apply: to have the target in sight (although some unit in its
Grid Directed Air Strike: +1 force must) but must pass a Troop Quality Test.
Actual FAC Requesting Air Strike: +1
The following cumulative modifiers apply:
Request Routed to Another Forces Grid: -1
Grid Directed Fire Mission: +2
Spotter is calling for assets other than his own: -1
Spotter is an actual Forward Observer: +1
Airstrike arrives immediately after a successful Request Routed to Another Forces Grid: -1
request for air support unless the request is routed Spotter is calling for assets other than his own: -1
to another forces Grid, in which case it arrives at
the beginning of the following turn.


Synchronized Fire Synchronized fire against aircraft

Units belonging to the same Grid can synchronize their fire If SFAD is targeting an actual aircraft, be it manned or
at a point or area target. This tactic is often used by laser, unmanned, total up the number of vehicles mounting laser,
energy, or rapid fire kinetic weapon equipped vehicles to energy, or kinetic auto-cannons with a Firepower of 3D or
produce a protective umbrella of fire to ward off incoming more. Roll a Tech Level Quality die for each vehicle and
missiles, artillery shells, or attack aircraft. The same tactic discard any rolls with a score less than 3. The remaining dice
is occasionally used by laser or energy weapon equipped represent the Firepower of the SFAD salvo against the aircraft.
units to destroy AFVs. Use the number of dice noted above to attack the target
aircraft in the same manner described under Air Defense
Synchronized Fire Air Defense (SFAD) Weapons. Use the Tech Level Quality die of the targeting
Any time an artillery, missile, or aircraft attack is Grid for the Troop Quality of the attack. Apply the usual
announced against a force utilizing a Grid and containing penalties for firing at an aircraft. Additionally, the aircraft
one or more vehicles equipped with laser, energy or rapid receives an extra defense die.
fire kinetic weapons, its player can announce it is using
Synchronized Fire Air Defense. Synchronized Fire, Anti-Tank (SFAT)
No matter how sophisticated the means of directing A unit armed with laser or energy small arms may use
them, weapons used in this manner represent an ad hoc the Grid to synchronize their fire at a designated weak
defense and lack the effectiveness of purpose build Air point on an AFV. This is referred to as Synchronized Fire,
Defense Artillery (ADA) or Point Defense Weapons (PDWs). AT or SFAT. A unit can declare that it is performing an
The method of determining their effectiveness varies by SFAT attack as part of its activation, Overwatch, Defensive
the type of defense they are mounting. Action, or Reaction.
Note that any number of missile or artillery barrages The Firepower for this attack is equal to their normal
may be engaged by synchronized fire per turn, but that any laser or energy weapon small arms Firepower minus one
unit which participates in even a single SFAD salvo may die. Dice reductions for previous fire apply. SFAT fire
take no other actions for the remainder of the turn other counts as a Light Gun attack.
than further SFAD. A unit can only make one such SFAT attack per turn
There are no die reductions for successive salvos of and may only react to fire directed at it for the duration of
SFAD. the turn. SFAT fire counts as a Reaction when determining
Note that vehicles mounting purpose-built ADA or the Firepower of subsequent Defensive, Overwatch, or
PDWs resolve their defensive efforts separately and Reaction fire (In other words, a unit that was involved in
according to the rules found under Air Defense an SFAT attack loses a die of Firepower from its next
Weapons. Firepower attack).

Synchronized fire against Disadvantages of the Grid

incoming missiles and artillery With all its advantages, the Grid comes with a price. An
shells effective Grid is a complicated network that requires the
If Grid directed synchronized fire is being used against efforts of a legion of technicians to deploy and maintain.
incoming missiles or artillery shells, total up the number of It is vulnerable to signal-blocking weather and atmospheric
vehicles mounting laser, energy, or kinetic auto-cannons conditions and may be brought down by hardware failure,
with a Firepower of 3D or more. Roll a Tech Level Quality software glitches, or enemy jamming. The loss of the Grid
die for each vehicle and discard any rolls with a score less can have a profoundly negative effect on the confidence
than 3. Subtract the number of remaining dice from the of units who are accustomed to operating under its
Firepower of the incoming missile or artillery barrage. comforting umbrella.


While units operating under Grid command and control remain stationary for an entire turn. They may not make any
have a number of advantages over units that dont, they Firepower or Close Assault attacks during the turn. If fired
are also subject to potential pitfalls that dont affect units upon, they may not return fire without aborting their chance
off the Grid. Sometimes these pitfalls arise from too little to jam the grid.
information, some from too much. To exploit a vulnerability in the Grid and begin the
jamming process, an ECM unit must pass a Troop Quality
Anti-Grid ECM Check modified by the difference in Tech Levels between
it and the target Grid. The ECM compares its basic TL (or
the TL of its Sensors, if that is higher or lower than its
This TOC is shielded from detection and basic TL) to the TL of the Grid. Shift the ECM units Troop
hardened against EMP munitions. No PRC Quality die type up or down one type per difference
fighter is capable of hitting... between Tech Levels.
Last words of Lt. Col. Jacob Hardesty, USMC Example 1: An ECM unit with a Troop Quality of Trained
(D8) is trying to bring down the opposing forces local Grid.
The opposing force has a TL of 3. The ECM unit has a basic
The Grid may go down for any number of reasons, ranging TL of 1, but has TL2 Sensors. Since the Sensor TL is higher
from natural signal interference to active jamming. Large than the units base TL, it will be used in the jam attempt.
scale jamming effects or Electronic Counter Measures Since the ECM units Sensor TL is one level lower than the
(ECM) are represented in-game through Fog of War cards Grids TL, the unit suffers a minus one die type shift,
or scenario specific rules. Some scenarios may involve the reducing its TQ from D8 to D6 for the attempt.
use of expert units whose specialty is bringing the Grid Example 2: An ECM unit with a Troop Quality of Trained
down locally. The following rules describe the operation (D8) is trying to bring down the opposing forces local Grid.
and effects of such units. The opposing force has a TL of 2. The ECM unit has a basic
TL of 2, but has TL3 Sensors. Since the Sensor TL is higher
ECM Units than the units base TL, it will be used in the jam attempt.
ECM units are generally vehicle mounted, but units equipped Since the ECM units Sensor TL is one level higher than the
with high-tech gear or who are only attempting to jam a small Grids TL, the unit receives a plus one die type shift, raising
portion of a grid may carry their equipment in on foot. ECM its TQ from D8 to D10 for the attempt.
units are comprised of technical specialists. These specialists
are also combat soldiers, but their primary purpose is to kill
the enemys local communications and control rather than
his troops. As such, ECM units are almost always supported
by a security element that watches their back while they work
their technological black magic.
ECM units must be stationary and may not fire while
attempting to jam or actively jamming the local Grid. Grid
Jam checks are made at the end of the turn and, if successful,
take effect on and remain in effect for the duration of the
following turn.

Jamming the Local Grid

To attempt to jam the local Grid (basically the portion of the A USMC Mobile ECM Team at work (photo:
Grid covering the games playing area), the ECM unit must Piers Brand, miniatures: GZG)


Example 3: An ECM unit with a Troop Quality of Trained They may not utilize BLOS
(D8) is trying to bring down the opposing forces local Grid. They may not utilizes SFAD or SFAT
The opposing force has a TL of 3. The ECM unit has a basic They may not call in airstrikes or fire missions
TL of 3, but has TL2 Sensors. Since the Sensor TL is lower Tech Level 2 Forces: TL2 troops are more reliant on the
than the units base TL, it will be used in the jam attempt. Grid and feel its loss more acutely. Better quality TL2
Since the ECM units Sensor TL is one level lower than troops have more experience and training in non-Grid
the Grids TL, the unit suffers a minus one die type shift, supported operations and are less affected by Grid loss.
reducing its TQ from D8 to D6 for the attempt. All TL2 Grid controlled troops who lose access to their Grid
If the ECM unit passes its Troop Quality Check, it may suffer the following penalties:
initiate a Jamming Attack. Jamming Attacks are resolved They may not utilize BLOS
with a Grid Quality Check. The check is resolved normally, They may not utilizes SFAD or SFAT
with one exception: ECM units who are not supported by They may not call in airstrikes or fire missions
an ECM vehicle receive a -1 die type shift. Those with an All units of Trained Troop Quality or lower become
ECM vehicle attached use the normal Grid Quality die Pinned for the duration of the turn that the Grid
associated with their base TL (or the TL of their Sensors is lost
if it differs from their base TL). Tech Level 3 Forces: Since TL3 troops carry out most of
If the ECM unit wins the Grid Quality Check, the local their operations and training under Grid command and
Grid goes down at the beginning of the next turn and control, they suffer the most from its loss. All TL3 grid
remains down for the duration of that turn. If the ECM unit controlled troops who lose access to their Grid suffer the
fails the check or the check results in a tie, the Grid stays up. following penalties:
To continue jamming the grid, this process must be They may not utilize BLOS
repeated at the end of each turn. They may not utilize SFAD or SFAT
An ECM unit only brings down the enemys local Grid They may not call in airstrikes or fire missions
with a Jamming attack. Its own forces Local Grid will not All units of Trained Troop Quality or lower become
be affected by the jamming. Pinned for the duration of the turn that the Grid
is lost
Loss of Grid All units of Trained Quality or lower suffer a one level
Forces who are accustomed to operating under Grid reduction in Confidence for the duration of the
based command and control suffer a temporary loss game. Units reduced below Low Confidence become
of operational efficiency when the network goes down. combat ineffective and are removed from play.
The more Grid reliant a force is, the more severe and
long-lasting this compromising effect will be. Naturally, Irregular Units and the
higher tech level forces are more prone to these negative Grid
effects than low tech forces. Irregular Units lack the technical training to utilize the Grid.
Loss of Grid connection may hamstring or even The Grid may be aware of their location, but they may
paralyze a force that is too reliant upon it. The Tech Level not pass information through the Grid unless they have a
of the Force and Troop Quality of units involved determine Regular leader attached.
the severity of the negative effects: Irregular units without a Regular, Grid capable leader
Tech Level 1 Forces: TL1 troops are generally not as receive NO advantages from the Grid.
immersed in the Grid. They are used to using alternate Irregular units with a Regular, Grid capable leader
methods of command and control and simply make do attached receive all Grid advantages except Synchronized
with what they have. All TL1 Grid controlled troops who Fire. Irregular units may never use Synchronized Fire.
lose access to their Grid suffer the following penalties:


CIVILIANS ON THE BATTLEFIELD Civilian mobs are moved at the end of each turn. They
Some scenarios call for the presence of civilians on the move 3 towards the nearest gunfire. They will stop when
battlefield. While the scenario may have some special rules they come within 6 of a unit. Note however, that some
governing the behavior of these civilians, the following scenarios may dictate special movement rules.
general rules usually apply: Units may not fire or move through a mob (stand) of
We understand that many players wont have a civilians unless the scenario dictates otherwise.
collection of civilian miniatures and unfortunately there If a unit shoots at a target with a Line of Fire that passes
arent many modern, non-combatant civilian figures out within 2 of a civilian mob, a check must be made for
there so feel free to use substitutes if you wish! civilian casualties. Roll the firing units Quality Die. On a
We use 2x3 paper stands to represent civilians and die-roll of 1 or 2, the mob has suffered a casualty.
suggest that civilian figures be mounted on stands this size,
if you have them (assuming youre using 15mm figures
if youre using a larger scale, adjust the stand size
The initial location of civilian mobs is usually dictated (All Modifiers are Cumulative)
by the scenario card. If the Force the unit belongs to has caused any
civilian casualties: -1
If the scenario indicates that civilians are hostile
You talk to an ordinary grunt... or even a to the units Force: -1
Ranger, for that matter... and theyll tell you If the scenario indicates that civilians are friendly
its all our high speed, low drag gear that to the units Force: +1
makes us so effective. They think, yeah, give If the opposing Force has caused civilian
me a stealth suit and all the bio-engineering casualties but the units Force has not: +1
Uncle Sam can afford and Id be able to do If Civilians in the area are friendly according to
the things those guys do, too. Truth of the the Scenario or a Fog of War card: +1
matter is, that just aint so. Those guys are If the unit has an Interpreter or speaks the
generally working with more advanced tech civilians language: +1
than we are they have the Grid, the recon
drones, the Care Bears... plus all the air and
arty anyone could want a whisper away. None
of that would do them any good where we go, Regulars and Civilian Mobs
doing the jobs we do. Its not our gear that Normally, units may not purposefully engage civilians, but
makes us effective, its the fact that we dont they may attempt to peacefully disperse them.
need it. We know how to use a paper map and A unit must be within 6 of a civilian mob to attempt to
a magnetic compass and were qualified with disperse it. To disperse the mob, the unit must attempt
weapons that our great-great-granddaddies to reason with it. To succeed, the unit must roll a Troop
would have called obsolete. That Grid goes Quality die against the scenarios Insurgency Level (the
down and were not hunkered down in a hole level defaults to 4 if it is not given in the scenario see
waiting for God-Vision to come back, no sir,
Asymmetric Engagements for more information). If the
that Grid goes down and were in our own
result of the die roll is higher than the Insurgency Level,
element! We dont need nano-tech to heat
the mob disperses and is removed from play. If not, the
up a big, hot can of whoop-ass!
mob remains in place.
SSgt. Mike Hayes, SFODA-555 A unit may attempt no other actions in a turn in which
it attempts to disperse a civilian mob.


Popular Leaders and When determining the Firepower of a mixed-mob, only

Civilian Mobs count the armed irregulars. For Defense, the mixed-mob
Some scenarios involve insurgent, guerrilla, or other popular counts both armed and unarmed figures.
leaders who attempt to manipulate civilian mobs or convert When a mixed mob takes casualties, the owning player
them into armed Irregulars. To do so, a popular leader (in the may freely select which model within the mixed-mob
form of any of the forces Irregular leaders) must be in base will be removed. If the casualties selected are unarmed
to base contact with the civilian mob. It must announce civilians, they may count against the opposing forces
whether its attempting to manipulate the mob or transform Victory Points.
it into an armed Irregular unit. To succeed, the Irregular leader
must roll less than the current Insurgency Level on a D6. Hostile Mobs
If the popular Leaders roll to manipulate the civilian Sometimes civilian mobs are actively hostile but fall short
mob was successful, he may immediately move it 6 in any of armed resistance. Instead, they make their displeasure
direction. Once the civilian mob has moved, it is no longer known by hurling taunts and the occasional rock at regular
under the popular Leaders influence. units. Since rules of engagement usually disallow firing on
If the popular Leaders roll was successful and he was unarmed civilians, this harassment can sometimes add
attempting to transform the mob into armed Irregulars, he to a units stress level. Hostile mobs will also move to
may arm the mob as long as he has at least one figure with purposefully interfere with a units movement and fire.
him to pass out weapons. The more figures with him, the Hostile mobs are under the control of a player
larger an armed mob hes able to create. designated by the scenario. They are activated and moved
If the popular Leader succeeds in transforming a like any other unit.
civilian mob into an armed mob, roll 1D6 on the table Hostile mobs may move to place themselves in a
below. Add +1 to the die roll for each armed figure manner that interferes with regular lines of fire.
accompanying the Leader: A hostile mob may also taunt any regular unit within 4.
Each mob may only taunt a single regular unit. Taunting
raises the regular units stress level see the rules on
Die Roll Irregular unit Created
combat stress.
15 1D6 Irregulars w/Small Arms

1D6 Irregulars w/Small Arms and 1 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER:
Irregulars with RPG
1D6+2 Irregulars w/Small Arms and 1 Nouvelle Angouleme, 30 April 2315
with RPG
Nouvelle Angouleme, first discovered in 2257 by the EU
1D6+3 Irregulars w/Small Arms and 1 and settled predominantly by French and citizens of former
with RPG
French protectorates, is primarily an agricultural world
1D6+4 Irregulars w/Small Arms and 1 and one of the few planets able to support select strains
with RPG
of terrestrial grapes. Nouvelle Angoulemes vineyards
1D6+5 Irregulars w/Small Arms and 1 produce some of the finest cognacs available in known
with RPG
space. The high demand for these unique cognacs has
resulted in a significant trade surplus over the years and
Mixed Mobs: Civilians & has allowed the local government to invest significantly in
Combatant Units infrastructure and amenities for its citizens. The colony
Occasionally a group of armed irregulars may include boasts a top-notch starport with state-of-the-art cargo
unarmed supporters. Such groups are called mixed handling facilities. The pride and joy of the colony is its
mobs and will be identified by the scenario description or new GE Fusion Reactor that provides more energy than the
by the reinforcement table. colony will need for the next fifty years.


Still, Nouvelle Angouleme remains a world of rural Scenario Information

tranquility. Groupe Alpha Securitie, a contracted paramilitary Duration of Game: 12 Turns
and police force, provides local defense and security for Initiative: Colonists/Legion for entire game
the starport and the reactor, as well as acting as law Special Conditions: None
enforcement for the very infrequent citizen infraction or Fog of War: Generated normally by Reaction Tests
altercation. The planet is also occasional host to units of Table Size: 4 x 6
the Legion Etrangere, who conducts training exercises in
unsettled areas of the planet and allows soldiers to go on Colonist/Legion Mission
liberty at the starport. The Colonist/Legion mission is a simple one. Get as many
Fortunately, a company of the Legion Etrangere was on colonists out of harms way and headed to the starport
hand when things went very, very wrong at the reactor. as possible
Power fluctuations caused Groupe Alpha Securitie personnel
to investigate. Not only did they find the problem aliens in Colonist/Legion Victory Points
the reactor they also discovered that the aliens were now Per Colonist exited off the east edge of the board:
boiling out of the reactor compound and slaughtering 3pts
the local colonists. They called for help from the Legion Per Groupe Alpha/Legionnaire exited off the east
Etrangere and began evacuating citizens edge: 1pts
Per Alien King or Queen Killed: 5pts


Colonist/Legion Forces First Squad (Enter Turn 1 within 6 of Point C)

Groupe Alpha Securitie Basic Attributes 1 x Squad Leader w/Advanced Combat Rifle
Initiative Level: N/A
Confidence Level: Confident First Fireteam
Supply Quality Level: Normal 2 x Riflemen w/ Advanced Combat Rifles
Overall Tech Level: 2 1 x Rifleman w/Heavy Advanced Combat Rifle (ASAW)
Body Armor: Light (1D) (Lt. AP:1)
Troop Quality/Morale: D6/D8 1 x Missile Launcher/RPG (Med. AP:2)

Patrol Alpha (Set up first anywhere in Area A) Second Fireteam

1x Fireteam Leader w/Slug Thrower Rifle 2 x Riflemen w/ Advanced Combat Rifles
3 x Patrolman w/Slug Thrower Rifle 1 x Rifleman w/Heavy Advanced Combat Rifle (ASAW)
(Lt. AP:1)
Patrol Bravo (Set up first anywhere in Area A) 1 x Missile Launcher/RPG (Med. AP:2)
1x Fireteam Leader w/Slug Thrower Rifle
3 x Patrolmen w/Slug Thrower Rifle Second Squad (Enter Turn 1 within 6 of Point C)
1 x Squad Leader w/Advanced Combat Rifle
Patrol Vehicle (Improvised Farming Tractor)
(Set up first anywhere in Area A) First Fireteam
Class: Light 2 x Riflemen w/ Advanced Combat Rifles
Type: Tracked 1 x Rifleman w/Heavy Advanced Combat Rifle (ASAW)
Basic TL: 2 (Lt. AP:1)
Weapon TL: 2 1 x Missile Launcher/RPG (Med. AP:2)
Armor TL: 2
Sensor TL: 2 Second Fireteam
Front Armor: 1D8 2 x Riflemen w/ Advanced Combat Rifles
Side Armor: 1D8 1 x Rifleman w/Heavy Advanced Combat Rifle (ASAW)
Rear Armor: 1D8 (Lt. AP:1)
Deck Armor: 1D6 1 x Missile Launcher/RPG (Med. AP:2)
Main Weapon: Gauss LMG
AT Value: 0D Third Squad (Enter Turn 1 within 6 of Point C)
AP Value: 4D 1 x Squad Leader w/Advanced Combat Rifle
Crew: 3 (Lt. Body Armor, SMG Slug Throwers)
Attributes & Notes: First Fireteam
Fire or Move 2 x Riflemen w/ Advanced Combat Rifles
Technical 1 x Rifleman w/Heavy Advanced Combat Rifle (ASAW)
(Lt. AP:1)
Legion Etrangere Basic Attributes 1 x Missile Launcher/RPG (Med. AP:2)
Initiative Level: N/A
Confidence Level: High Second Fireteam
Supply Quality Level: Normal 2 x Riflemen w/ Advanced Combat Rifles
Overall Tech Level: 2 1 x Rifleman w/Heavy Advanced Combat Rifle (ASAW)
Body Armor: Light (1D) (Lt. AP:1)
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10 1 x Missile Launcher/RPG (Med. AP:2)


[The Night Owl]


Alien Mission Hard Body Armor (2D)

New worldnew hostsnew food. The humans have Intimidating
provided a nest for our young. Now expand and feed, Hard to Kill (D8)
Alien Queen
Victory Points 1 x Alien Queen w/Close Assault Weapons (count as TWO
Per human killed: 2pts Demons in close assault)
Hard Body Armor (2D)
Alien Forces Intimidating
Alien Force Basic Attributes Hard to Kill (D8)
Initiative Level: N/A
Confidence Level: High Special Rules
Supply Quality Level: Normal Colonists
Overall Tech Level: 1 There are 30 colonists deployed within Area A. Following
Body Armor: TL1 the Alien and Colonist unit placements, each side takes
Troop Quality/Morale: D10/D12* turn placing one colonist inside the perimeter until all
*As long as King or Queen are alive. Defaults to D8 if colonists are on the board. Colonists may be placed in
both are killed. buildings or in the open.
Activation/Movement: Colonists do not activate or
All set up within Area B following Groupe Alpha move, but instead react to the movement of other figures.
deployment Whenever an Alien moves within 6 of a colonist without
close assault, the Colonial side makes a TQ Check. If
Brood One 5 x Demons w/Close Assault Weapons passed, the colonist figure may make an immediate move
away from the Demons. If missed, the colonist is frozen
Brood Two 5 x Demons w/Close Assault Weapons in place, mesmerized by the Demon psychic powers or
sheer terror. A colonist within 2 of a Groupe Alpha
Brood Three 5 x Demons w/Close Assault Weapons or Legionnaire figure may join with that figure and
activates/moves with that figures unit for the remainder
Brood Four 5 x Demons w/Close Assault Weapons of the game. Colonists do not count as dependents in
terms of reducing movement or firepower of units they
Brood Five 5 x Demons w/Close Assault Weapons have joined. Colonists attached to Groupe Alpha or Legion
units do not need to make a TQ Check, but simply stay
Brood Six 5 x Demons w/Close Assault Weapons with the unit.
Basic attributes: Colonists have a nominal TQ
Brood Seven 5 x Demons w/Close Assault Weapons D6/Morale D6 for purposes of defending themselves. They
never initiate combat. They do not fight in combat. They do
Brood Eight 5 x Demons w/Close Assault Weapons count as casualties in close combat.

Alien King Psychic Connection

1 x Alien King w/Close Assault Weapons (count as TWO The Alien King and Queen act as leaders for all Alien units
Demons in close assault) on the table, so long as one or both are alive.

A game that involves a Regular force against a purely As long as an Irregular unit has a leader attached, it
Irregular force is an Asymmetric Engagement. An may be activated like any other unit. If an Irregular units
asymmetric engagement might revolve around a leader becomes a casualty, that unit must pass a Troop
counter-insurgency effort or an uprising against a colonial Quality Check to be activated. Failure indicates that the
government even a game about a small colonial village unit must remain in place and may only React if fired on.
protecting itself from a well-organized troop of bandits Free-roaming leaders or leaders who are the last
could fall into this category. survivor of their unit may opt to join an Irregular unit.
Regular forces follow the rules already laid out in the See Leaders Joining a Unit.
previous chapters. Irregular forces abide by some slightly
different mechanics described in the following sections. Irregular Units in Supervision
Range of a Regular Unit
IRREGULAR UNITS Irregular units may be found fighting alongside Regular
Irregular units suffer some shortcomings not shared by units in either Kinetic or Asymmetric engagements.
more professional standing forces. These tactical warts For best performance, an Irregular unit must be within 6
give irregular units a lot of character and make them a and line of sight of its Control unit. Radio communication is
challenging force to field. Dont be deceived, though, not sufficient without the comforting sight of their Control
irregulars arent push-overs. Theyre generally highly unit, Irregular units tend to hunker down in place at best or,
motivated (translating into high morale) and have a at worst, take to their heels.
tendency to be drawn in hordes by the sound of gunfire. Irregular units within supervision range and LOS of their
Control unit may be activated normally, regardless of the
Irregular Unit Command presence of a leader in the unit. They may also freely
Issues interrupt or react whether they have a leader attached or
Irregular units do not have a flexible command structure. not. For all intents and purposes, they act like a Regular unit.
Nor have they been formally trained to react doctrinally to Irregular units that are farther than 4 from their
battlefield challenges. As a result, Irregular units require Control unit or out of LOS with it may only be activated if
close supervision. Otherwise, they may spend much of the they have a leader attached or pass a Troop Quality Check.
battle hunkered down behind cover trying to decide what If they do not have a leader attached and fail their Troop
to do. Quality Check, they must remain in place and take no other
This supervision can take one of two forms. An action. They may still React if fired upon, however.
Irregular unit must have a trustworthy leader attached If an Irregular units Control unit is wiped out or
or be within Supervision Range of a Regular Unit that acts becomes combat ineffective, its Morale automatically
as its mentor on the battlefield. Without an attached suffers a -1 die shift. It is treated as a leaderless Irregular
leader or proper supervision from a Control Unit an unit until it a leader joins it or a Regular unit takes it under
Irregular unit may only be activated if it passes a Troop control by spending an entire turn in unit cohesion with it.
Quality Check.
Leaderless Irregular Units
Leaders Attached to Irregular If an Irregular unit has no leader attached and is not in
Units both supervision range and LOS of its Control unit, it must
An Irregular unit may be led by a Regular or Irregular make an Activation Check in order to take any form of
leader. The leader must be attached to the unit, that is to independent action. The unit must roll a 4+ on its Troop
say, it must be part of and maintain cohesion with the unit. Quality die in order to be activated or React in the turn.


Checks. They will either Stand (and possibly Shrink) or be

Stand Result: If an Irregular unit makes a Morale Check and
TEST the number of Successes (4+) is greater than the number
Without Leader or out of Supervision Range: 4+ of Failures, the units morale holds, but they may still Shrink.
on Troop Quality Die Shrink Result: Some Irregular units are subject to shrinkage.
With Leader or in Supervision range & LOS of
Members of such units may desert if the situation becomes
Control Unit: No Roll Required
too intense for them. Scenarios indicate whether or not
Irregular units are subject to shrinkage. As a general rule,
insurgent units, dragooned militia, and other conscripts are
Irregular units with leaders attached and/or in both likely to shrink.
supervision range and LOS of their Control unit can Irregular units that are forced to take a Morale Check
automatically Activate or React and do not need to make may Shrink, even if they pass the check. This represents the
this check. tendency for less motivated members of an Irregular unit to
show the better part of valor when the fighting really starts.
Irregular Unit Reactions Any time an Irregular unit makes a Morale Check, any
Irregular units may only React once per turn. They may figures in the unit that roll a 1 on their Morale Die are
only move or fire once per turn. They may not be placed removed from play. Irregular Special Weapons figures are
on Overwatch. Irregular units who React to a Regular unit always the last to be removed due to shrinkage.
may not be activated in the End Phase. Irregular leaders are never removed in this manner. They
are too devoted to the cause to shrink from combat.
Irregular Morale Shaken Result: Irregular units that fail a Morale Check (i.e.,
Irregular Morale Checks are performed in the same they roll more Failures than Successes on their Morale
manner as Morale Checks for regular units, but the events Check) are Shaken. The Morale level of a Shaken unit is
that trigger them are slightly different, as are the effects. reduced by 1 level (i.e., a unit with a Morale Die of D10 that
becomes shaken has its Morale Die reduced to D8). Units
Irregular Morale Checks whose Morale Die is reduced below D6 have broken and
Irregulars take Morale Checks as described in the text box are removed from play.
below. Shaken units must move to cover if they have any
movement left. They may not move towards the enemy
while seeking cover.
IRREGULAR UNIT MORALE Shaken units must spend the duration of the next turn

CHECKPOINTS recovering their will to fight. Any movement they make

must be away from the enemy and they may not engage
Each time an Irregular unit without a leader is
enemy units with fire or close combat attacks.
fired upon
Each time an Irregular unit takes casualties
Each time an air strike or Regular artillery Hopped Up Units
mission hits within 6 Just as some regular forces utilize combat drugs, many
Each time the Irregular Units Control Unit is irregular units fortify themselves with various drugs before
more than 4 distant or out of LOS. entering combat, generally home-brewed stimulants.
In game terms, there are two types of stimulants: mild
and strong.
Irregular Morale Effects Mild stimulants boost a units aggression and sense of
Irregulars will respond in one of two ways to Morale confidence.


In game terms, irregular units under the influence of Insurgency Level and
mild stimulants may attempt to interrupt even if they have Reinforcements
no leader attached and are not subject to shrinkage due When a scenario calls for an Insurgency Level test to
to morale checks. Mild stimulants do not have a significant determine if the irregular force receives reinforcement, the
combat effect on regular units. irregular player rolls a D6 and compares his score to the
Strong stimulants have all the effects of mild stimulants Insurgency Level. If the die roll is less than the Insurgency
and also instill a sense of invulnerability and blunt the Level, reinforcements arrive. If it is higher, they do not.
effects of shock and trauma.
In game terms, irregular units under the influence of PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER:
strong stimulants may attempt to interrupt even if they AMBUSH AT BONAVENTURE
have no leader attached and are not subject to shrinkage CROSSING
due to morale checks. All units under the influence of Colony World: Glory
strong stimulants throw an extra Defense die to represent Area: Bonaventure Crossing, Foix Gap
their ability to shrug off all but the most grievous of Year: 2292
injuries, but lose a Firepower die due to their wild and As the DPRG advanced deeper into the Foix Gap and
undisciplined fire. neared the Republic of Ardens official border, they began
Units under the influence of stimulants are identified in to encounter more extensive settlements and denser
scenario briefs or the insurgent reinforcement table. concentrations of population. In these more developed
areas, the local Ardenois population had more than a
PLAYING AN ASYMMETRIC temporary farmstead to fight for and, thanks to the efforts
ENGAGEMENT of the Citizens Militia (CM), more to fight with.
Asymmetric engagements are played in the same way as This weather change first evidenced itself at Bonaventure
normal games with a few key exceptions: Crossing, a small road hub a few kilometers east of the
town of Bonaventure, when a DPRG recon element was
Initiative ambushed and mauled by a CM Brigade commanded by
The regular force always has the initiative in an Asymmetric Captain Vallin. Vallin, a scion of the Vallin family which had
Engagement. Initiative checks are not required. spearheaded the Arden expansion into the Gap, would
become a national hero for the Republic of Arden and a
Insurgency Level Supreme Enemy for the DPRG.
Asymmetric Engagements have an associated Insurgency
Level. The Insurgency Level is an indication of how strong Scenario Information
a presence the insurgents have in the local area and helps Duration of Game: 6 Turns
determine the likelihood of insurgent reinforcements and Initiative: N/A
civilian compliancy. Special Conditions: Citizens Militia Troops are Irregulars.
The Insurgency Level will range from 1 to 6, the higher This is an Asymmetric Engagement
the rating, the stronger the local insurgency. Fog of War: Generated by Reaction Tests
Table Size: 2 x 2
Irregular Reinforcements The stricken APC is depicted in the crossroads.
Asymmetrical Engagements generally involve an irregular CS: CM Command Squad
force that is regularly reinforced, often via Hot Spots. C1 C4: CM Squads
Reinforcements may be automatic or may require a roll 1-5: CM Hotspots
versus the scenarios Insurgency Level. CCP: DPRG Casualty Collection Point
Xs: Buildings to be used as DPRG strongpoints


DPRG Mission 1 x Grenadier w/Launcher (TL3, Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)

After driving unopposed through several roadside hamlets, 1 x Rifleman w/ACR
DPRG recon elements became careless and overconfident.
They paid the price for their inattentiveness at Bonaventura DPRG Fireteam 2B
Crossing where the Bonaventure Brigade of the Citizens 1 x FTL w/ACR
Militia sprung a classic mine initiated ambush. As the first 1 x Gunner w/Advanced SAW (TL3, Lt. AP:1)
of two DPRG APCs entered Bonaventure it was struck by a 1 x Grenadier w/Launcher (TL3, Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
command detonated mine that immediately took it out of 1 x Rifleman w/ACR
action and left all of its occupants dead or injured. Before
the last echo of the blast had faded both DPRG vehicles DPRG Fireteam 2C
were taken under intense fire. 1 x FTL w/ACR
The DPRG squad based out of the second APC must 1 x Gunner w/Advanced SAW (TL3, Lt. AP:1)
secure the wounded from the stricken vehicle and sanitize 1 x Grenadier w/Launcher (TL3, Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
it to prevent sensitive data and electronics from falling into 1 x Rifleman w/ACR
the hands of the CM. Once this is accomplished, they need
to disengage and await reinforcements to clean out this Type 88 Shouting Dragon APC
vipers nest! Class: Medium
Vehicle Type: Tracked
DPRG Victory Points Basic TL: 2
Second APC still mobile and capable of fire by end Weapon TL: 3
of turn 6: 4pts. Armor TL: 2
Wounded transported to Casualty Collection Point Sensor TL: 1
(CCP) by turn 4: 3pts. Front Armor: 3D10
Per Destroyed APC sanitized: 3 pts. Side Armor: 2D10
All DPRG troops withdrawn to strongpoint by end of Rear Armor: 2D8
turn 6: 3pts. Deck Armor: 1D6
At least 6 DPRG soldiers/officers are not Seriously Main Gun: Dual 10mm Rapid Pulse Fusion Gun (Med.
Wounded/KIA by end of turn 6: 3pts. AP:4/AT:2 (L)
Crew/Passengers: 3/13
DPRG Forces Attributes & Notes: Amphibious; TL2 Detonation Field
DPRG Basic Attributes Description: The Type 88 is a cheaper version of the Brazilian
Confidence Level: Confident Leo I tracked IFV. In place of the Leo Is advanced
Supply Quality Level: Normal composite armor, the Type 88 utilizes a basic composite
Overall Tech Level: 2 armor that has the advantage being manufactured locally
On Grid? No. by the DPRG. The APCs sensor suite is also a local product
Body Armor: Hard Armor, 2D and is quite rudimentary in capability. The very fine twin
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D8 Carabina pulse fusion guns make up for some of the
vehicles other shortcomings.
DPRG Squad 1
1 x Type 88 APC Citizens Militia Mission
DPRG Fireteam 2A Shortly after the first battle at Vallins farm, the Republic of
1x Squad Leader w/ACR Arden mobilized its Citizen Militia Brigades in the Foix Gap
1 x FTL w/ACR and issued orders to Brigade Captains directing them to
1 x Gunner w/Advanced SAW (TL3, Lt. AP:1) slow the DPRG advance through guerrilla actions while


( )
:J :FDD8E;

+ :+



limiting the loss of RA life as much as possible. Captain ambush while awaiting the arrival of other Brigade volunteer
Vallin of the Bonaventure Brigade saw the small cluster of squads. These squads would filter into the fight over the
shops and fueling stations centered on the road crossing course of the battle.
a few kilometers east of Bonaventure as an ideal way to Vallins directions to his men were simple and to the point:
bloody the DPRGs nose without risking many civilian lives. Stop the approaching DPRG force and savage it. If possible,
The core of his Brigade evacuated the population of capture DPRG soldiers and seize items of intel value.
Bonaventure Crossing and began setting up a mine initiated Withdraw and disperse before DPRG reinforcements arrive.


CM Victory Points Special Rules

If functional APC is destroyed*: 5pts Sanitizing an APC
Per APC ransacked: 5pts A DPRG unit must spend an entire turn sanitizing an APC.
Per DPRG soldier seriously wounded/KIA: 1pt They may not move or fire during that turn. Make a TQ test
Per DPRG soldier captured: 2pts at the end of the turn a success indicates that nothing of
DPRG force wiped out (all casualties) by end of tactical or intel value has survived and the vehicle is clean.
Turn 6: VICTORY!
*An APC is considered lost or destroyed if it is Ransacking an APC
immobilized, all crew are casualties, or if it receives a To ransack an APC, a CM unit must spend an entire turn
Vehicle Kill, Brewed Up, or Catastrophic Kill result. searching the vehicle. They may not move or fire during
that turn. At the end of the turn, the vehicle is considered
CM Forces (Irregulars) ransacked for the purposes of victory points. A single
CM Basic Attributes APC can only be ransacked once per game.
Confidence Level: Confident
Supply Quality Level: Normal Local Insurgency
Overall Tech Level: 2 CM units can utilize Out of Combat Movement and
On Grid? No. Ambush rules.
Body Armor: N/A
Troop Quality/Morale: D6/D10 Reinforcements
CM volunteer squads will converge on the area during
Brigade Command Squad the course of the battle. Roll 2D6 on the table below at the
1 x Captain C. Vallin w/FAMAS CR beginning of each turn after the first to determine what
1 x Gunner w/MPRPG (TL2, Med. AP:2/AT:2(M) reinforcements arrive:
1 x Gunner w/LMSAW (TL2, Lt. AP:1) Roll 1D6 to determine at which Hot Spot each CM
2 x Riflemen w/FAMAS CR reinforcement unit will arrive. On a roll of 6, the CM
player may designate which Hot Spot a unit uses.
Squad 1
1 x Squad Leader w/FAMAS CR Die Roll Reinforcements
1 x Gunner w/LMSAW (TL2, Lt. AP:1) (2D6) Received
3 x Riflemen w/FAMAS CR 2 1D6 w/FAMAS CRs
3 1D3 w/FAMAS CRs; 1 w/LMSAW
Squad 2 4 1D6 w/FAMAS CRs + ROLL AGAIN
1 x Squad Leader w/FAMAS CR
5 1D3 w/FAMAS CRs; 1 w/MPRPG
4 x Riflemen w/FAMAS CR
6 2 w/FAMAS CRs; 1 w/MPRPG
7 1D6+2 w/FAMAS CRs; 1 w/MPRPG
Squad 3
1 x Squad Leader w/FAMAS CR
1D6 w/FAMAS CRs; 1 w/LMSAW; 1
1 x Gunner w/MPRPG (TL2, Med. AP:2/AT:2(M) 9
Leader w/FAMAS CR
3 x Riflemen w/FAMAS CR
1D6 w/FAMAS CRs; 1 w/MPRPG; 1
Leader w/FAMAS CR
Squad 4 1D6 w/FAMAS CRs; 1 w/MAG90
1 x Squad Leader w/FAMAS CR GPMG (TL2, Med. AP:2)
1 x Gunner w/LMSAW (TL2, Lt. AP:1) 2D6 w/FAMAS CRs; 1 Leader
3 x Riflemen w/FAMAS CR


Securing Wounded from Stricken secure wounded and ransack/sanitize an APC in the same
APC turn, although two units may separately secure the
There are an unspecified number of seriously wounded wounded and sanitize a vehicle simultaneously. A unit that
soldiers in the disabled APC. To secure them, a DPRG or has secured wounded from the stricken APC is considered
CM unit must spend a turn in contact with the APC. They to have Dependents.
cannot move or fire during that turn. A single unit cannot

[GravBelt Drop]

Sometimes you want to know what happens to your units prepared by one or both players in advance of the
tomorrow in a Tomorrows War game. You see that squad campaign. Campaign Packs are generally three to twelve
of plucky recon marines make it through a scenario scenarios in length.
untouched and you wonder what will happen to them next Free-Form Campaigns are simply a selection of random
and what lessons did they learn today? Well, fulfilling that scenarios strung together to represent part of some
curiosity is what these campaign rules are all about. units tour of duty. A Free-Form campaign is composed of
If youre interested in playing a series of games as randomly generated scenarios, scenarios designed by the
chapters in an ongoing story so that you can watch units players, or appropriate pre-published scenarios selected
or even individual soldiers become more adept at combat by one or both of the players.
(or lose the will to fight after repeated drubbings), youre If players wish to determine a winner in a Free-Form
going to want to play a campaign game. Campaign games campaign, they should agree on a turn length ranging from
allow players to track the progress, for good or ill, of their three to twelve turns, with each turn representing a game of
units and watch them become grizzled veterans or lose Tomorrows War. If desired, however, a Free-Form campaign
their edge as casualties are replaced with raw recruits. can continue indefinitely without ever determining a winner.
Youll be able to see your leaders gain confidence or, Sometimes campaigning is a journey, not a destination.
alternately, transform into the kind of dangerous fools that
are usually more danger to their own men than the enemy. Whats the campaign
Campaign games are a great way to spin up scenarios setting?
and work them into a cohesive story-line. Youll find yourself Players should establish in advance what the nature of the
getting attached to particular units and figures and suddenly campaign setting will be. Will they be using a pre-published
you might not be so sanguine about sending them to their Campaign Pack or will they be playing a Free-Form
make-believe death. If youve never played a campaign campaign set on Mars? Or in the fertile Archenault valley
game, you should really give it a try. Nothing generates more on Glory?
good gaming stories than a decent campaign! Players should agree in advance about what forces are
available in the setting, including what types of vehicles,
GET TO KNOW YOUR AO artillery, aircraft, and so forth are available. Players should
The Area of Operations in which your Tomorrows War also determine at this time the starting Supply Quality and
campaign takes place will determine the nature of the Confidence Levels of their forces.
campaign itself, influencing everything from the types of
scenarios played to the variety of forces available to both Whats the campaign
players. So, before embarking on a campaign, you must duration?
make a few decisions: This is obvious for a Campaign Pack the campaign is as
long as the pack says it is. If playing a Free-Form campaign,
What Type of Campaign Are the players will have to agree on a campaign length.
We Playing? Normally, campaigns may be three to twelve turns in
There are two types of Tomorrows War campaign: length. Longer campaigns are perfectly acceptable as long
Campaign Packs and Free-Form Campaigns. as both players agree to a length.
Campaign Packs feature pre-designed scenarios that, A Free-Form campaign may also be declared to be
played together, follow a set narrative plotline. Campaign open ended, meaning that it ends when both players
Packs may either be published packs or they may be agree it ends if ever.


What force am I playing? Confidence Level: We suggest your platoon begin with
Campaign Packs will dictate the forces available and a Confidence level of Confident.
each player must choose which force hes playing. Supply Quality Level: We suggest that your platoon
In a Free-Form campaign, the players can play begin with a Normal Supply Quality Level unless the force
whatever combative forces are available in the setting it belongs to generally has a higher or lower rating. In such
theyve selected. a case, apply the forces normal Supply Quality Level.
Leadership: We suggest that your Platoon Leader and
What level of force am I Platoon Sergeant (or equivalent) should begin the campaign
playing? with a +1 Positive Leadership value.
We suggest that campaigns follow the progress of a If you want to make things a little more interesting, roll
platoon, with each player taking the role of a platoon a D6 for each leader in your platoon down to the Squad
leader. Leader level. On a roll of 6, consult the Leadership Rating
In a Tomorrows War campaign focusing on combat Table to determine leaders leadership rating.
against an insurgency, only the regular player will be in
charge of a specified unit again, we suggest a platoon. The
irregular player will be in charge of the entire insurgent LEADERSHIP RATING
force in the area. See Developing the Insurgency.
Roll 1D6
1: -2
Is this a co-op campaign?
2-3: -1
Most campaigns are head-to-head affairs with two
4-5: +1
players contending against one another, but campaigns in
6: +2
which both players are on the same side are also possible.
If youre playing a co-op campaign, we suggest that
each player be given their own unit(s) to control and that,
wherever possible, all players have units represented in Platoon Attached Assets
each scenario. When this isnt possible, we suggest that the Determine what assets your platoon has, based on its type.
odd man out assist with running the opposition force! These should be assets that are more or less homogenous
to the platoon or are directly attached to it available
DEFINING YOUR FORCE assets from higher up are discussed in Available Assets.
Your Platoon Does it have APCs for transport? Helos? Or is it a
As mentioned above, we suggest that campaigns follow the straight leg platoon? Does it have a TAC assigned? A
exploits of a single platoon. The size and composition of robotic medic? SAGPs? Decide all this before the campaign
that platoon will vary according to the nature of the force begins and note it on your Platoon Record Sheet.
it belongs to and the theatre it is deployed in.
Irregular forces are not defined at all, but their starting Available Assets
assets are, as explained later. Players should decide in advance what assets their
platoons are likely to have available to them from higher
Starting Ratings up, such as company or battalion assets. This doesnt limit
We suggest your platoon begin with the following ratings: the assets that a platoon might randomly receive during a
Troop Quality & Morale: We suggest that platoons mission due to a Fog of War card draw, but it does limit
begin their first campaign with a Troop Quality of Trained what assets the unit can specifically request from higher up
and a Morale of D10. You may decide to raise or lower during a scenario. See Calling Big Brother.
these values, however, as long as both players agree with Platoons will rarely have higher level assets assigned
the alteration. to them other than on-call mortars, CASEVAC, loaner


transport, etc. They may occasionally be teamed with Scenarios involving Regular vs. Irregular forces only
tanks or LAVs. Thought should also be given to what units require the regular player to determine a Mission. The
a platoon might reach out to for help are there Special Irregulars have victory conditions that apply to all
Forces operating in the area? Friendly Irregulars? scenarios and may earn bonus points for objectives that
These available assets will come in handy during the regulars fail to meet.
scenarios, when their assistance can be called for to help
secure key victory conditions albeit by sacrificing some Step 2: Determine Plan and Issue
victory points to do so! Orders
Based on the missions they are assigned (or the dictates of
THE CAMPAIGN TURN SEQUENCE the scenario being played from a campaign pack) players
Pre-Action Sequence select which of their units to commit to action.
1. Receive Mission and Objectives At minimum, each player should deploy two squads
2. Determine Plan and Issue Orders (roughly four to six fireteams each). Additional assets may
3. Reconnoiter also be assigned from the forces Available Assets with
4. Initiate Plan the appropriate expenditure of Operational Momentum
5. Execute Operation Points.

Execute Operation Play the game! Operational Momentum Points

Each force is assigned 2D6 Operational Momentum Points
After Action Sequence at this time (some scenarios may indicate that this roll
1. Operation Assessment should be modified in some way to represent the relative
2. Casualty Status and Recovery importance of an operation).
3. Campaign Victory Points These points represent the operational momentum
4. Combat Development that each force has accumulated prior to the actual
5. Replacements operation.
Irregular troops do not receive Operational Momentum
Pre-Action Sequence Points.
Step 1 Receive Mission and Operational Momentum Points may be kept and
Objectives converted to Victory Points at the end of the game, or they
Each Campaign Turn consists of a scenario. The scenario may be spent now (and during the course of the game) to
may be part of a campaign pack or it may be randomly purchase additional assets from the forces pre-determined
determined. pool of Available Assets.
If playing through a campaign pack, the scenarios will be Examples for the costs of Available Assets are given in
played in the order presented in the pack. Some campaign the Available Asset Cost table. Players should use these
packs may indicate that random missions may occur costs as a guideline to price out their own assets. The cost
between scenarios use the Random Scenario Generator to of all assets should be determined prior to the beginning
determine the nature of those missions. of the campaign.
If playing a Free Form Campaign, the scenario for each Note that the price of available assets may differ from
Campaign Turn will be determined using the Mission scenario to scenario in our published campaign packs.
Generator. This is to represent the variable value of such assets based
Tomorrows War scenarios involving regular forces on on the mission at hand. It is suggested that players take
both sides require both players to roll for a mission and the same approach when pricing out their own available
each side must complete its own mission objectives to earn assets, although this will require quite a bit of trust and
victory points. cooperation between the players involved.


Roll 1D6 4 Snatch and Grab
You have been ordered to assault a location that
1 Breaking Contact
reliable sources have identified as an enemy
Your force must deploy within 3 of the table
command center. Neutralize it and bring back the
center line. You are withdrawing under pressure or
most senior officer and any intel you can lay hands
have been ordered to withdraw in the face of
on! You must contact (move within 3 of) one of the
enemy forces while slowing them without taking
objectives on your opponents half of the board and
unacceptable casualties. Your objective is achieved
then return at least one unit off your table edge by
by exiting at least half your force off your base
the end of the game.
edge by the end of turn four.
5 Sweep and Clear
2 Blocking Positions
Ground and air patrols have been encountering
You have been ordered to take up blocking
sporadic fire from the vicinity of a settlement.
positions in support of a battalion assault on a
You are to conduct a sweep and clear operation
hostile settlement. Your task is to secure the
in the area. Deploy 5 from your table edge and
battalion flank and sweep up any leakers from the
advance past the centerline by the end of Turn 4.
settlement. You will hold your position until ordered
Do not allow any enemy units to exit the board.
to RTB. You must deploy within 6 of your table
edge. You have secured your objective when you 6 Consolidate! Hold What You Have!
start the turn within 3 of an objective marker on You have the enemy on the run, but the boys at
the other half of the table with no enemy within 5. Battalion are afraid youre walking into a prepared
You must hold it until the end of the game. counter-attack. Fall back to defensive positions
and prepare to hold on to the ground youve taken!
3 Over Run
Your force must start within 3 of the table centre
Another Company has stumbled on to a small bunker
line. Success is achieved by holding both objectives
complex. You are to roll it up from the right flank
in your half of the board at games end.
and continue the assault to the enemys rear in order
to block his escape and prevent reinforcement. You
Do NOT reveal your mission to the other player.
may deploy your force within 6 of your base edge.
Make a note of it on a slip of paper and keep it
Your objective is to exit at least half your force over
in your pocket to reveal at the games end.
the enemys base edge by the end of the game.

Step 3: Reconnoiter The suggested amount of terrain on the table top is

Scenery, objectives, and Hot Spots are set up during this around 9-11items and should include plenty of LOS
phase and the table edge for each player is determined. blocking features and hard cover, all spread out fairly
evenly over the table. Care should be taken to ensure that
Setting Up Terrain it is always possible to make a Rapid move to the next
The area of terrain the board represents will be dependent piece of forward cover and normally possible to make a
on what theatre of operations in which the campaign Tactical move to the nearest piece of cover.
is set.
If youre playing a published scenario from a Campaign Setting Up Objectives
Pack, this bit is easy; just set everything up the way the One piece of scenery in each quadrant of the table is
scenario dictates! designated as an Objective. Players take turns designating


begins. We usually do, but be warned it can occasionally

AVAILABLE ASSET COSTS have a disproportionate effect on the game. Fog of War
cards are obtained as normal during the game.
Asset Operational Momentum
Set up your units according to the mission youre
Points Expended
playing (or according to the dictates of the scenario, if its
Sniper Team 2 from a Campaign Pack). Dice off as described earlier to
On Call Light Mortars 2 determine who sets their units up first.
Fireteam from Own Platoon 2
Squad from Own Platoon 5 Execute Operation
Soft-Skin Transport 3 In other words: Play the game!
Transport IFV/APC 6
SpecOps Fireteam 3 Fog of War
SpecOps Squad 6 In a published scenario, draw a Fog of War card or not, as
Transport Helo 6 directed by the scenario. If this is a random mission, each
Powered Armored Fireteam 6 player may choose whether or not to draw a Fog of War
Tank 8 card in the first turn. Fog of War cards are generated as
VTOL Gunship 8 described by the core rules during the course of play.
Artillery 8
Fixed Air Support 8 Spending Operational Momentum
Gunship Air Support 10 Points
IF Fighter Strike 12 At the beginning of any turn and prior to determining
Initiative, either (or both) players may spend Operational
Momentum Points to purchase additional assets from their
what piece of terrain is an Objective, dicing off with the Available Assets pool. These assets will appear at the
highest Troop Quality die associated with a unit in the force purchasing players table edge and may be activated as
they are deploying during this game. High die goes first. normal once play for the turn begins.
Note that a force and its transport must be purchased
Setting Up Hot Spots separately, even if transport is Normally Supplied for the
If the game involves insurgents or Irregular forces, place all unit being purchased.
Hotspots now, following the normal rules for their The cost to bring on additional assets is subtracted
placement. from the forces Operational Momentum Points. Since any
of these points left unspent at the end of the game are
Determine Players Board Edges added to the forces Victory Points, a force is basically
Dice off again using the highest Troop Quality die gambling that an additional asset will gain them more
associated with a unit in the force they are deploying Victory Points than they cost.
during this game. High die picks his board edge. The
opposite board edge is assigned to the other player. Initiative
If this is an engagement between regular forces, Initiative
Step 4: Initiate Plan is determined normally unless dictated by the scenario.
The normal forces used to play are two squads (or sections)
and maybe a Lt and a medic (we play on a D6 roll of a 4+ End of Game
the player is allowed to choose one, on a 6 they get both). Games last for 5 - 8 turns.
This will give 4 units for most nations. It is up to the players At the end of Turn 5, the player with Initiative rolls a D6:
to choose if they each draw a Fog of War card before play On a 4+ the game continues as normal, a roll of less than


4 indicates the game is over. At the end of Turn 6, make For Each Objective the Regular Player Fails to
the same check on a D8, and then on a D10 at the end of Achieve: +15pts
Turn 7.
Play automatically ends at the end of Turn 8 and the Determining the Victor
After Action sequence begins. To determine the winner of the game, compare the
difference between the two Victory Point totals.
After Action Sequence If the totals are equal, the engagement is considered an
This half of the Campaign Turn determines what affect the inconclusive Draw.
game just finished has on the forces involved. If one side has:
More Victory Points than its opponent, but less than
Step1: Operation Assessment twice as many: Marginal Victory.
In this phase, each forces Victory Points will be totaled Twice as many Victory Points as its opponent:
and the Victor and Margin of Victory will be determined. Victory.
Thrice as many Victory Points as its opponent:
Victory Points Decisive Victory.
Add up Victory Points at the games end to determine the
winner. Step 2: Casualty Status and
In a scenario from a published Campaign Pack, use the Recovery
Victory Points provided by the scenario plus any remaining Once an operation is complete, the fate of Regular
Operational Momentum points to determine a forces total casualties must be determined. This step does not apply to
Victory Points. Irregular forces.
In a Free-Form Campaign (or if a random mission is There are seven categories of casualties:
being used in a Campaign Pack campaign), use the Victory Deceased: The soldier subsequently dies of wounds
Points below to determine each sides Victory Point total. received in action. Add one die to your Replacement Pool.
Duty Status - Whereabouts Unknown: Roll again on the
Typical Victory Points for Regular Forces Straggler table after the next scenario.
For Each Objective Achieved: +15pts Missing: Roll 2 Troop Quality dice on the Straggler table
For Each WIA: -1pt (-2 if Casualty is an Officer) below.
For Each KIA: -2pts (-3 if Casualty is an Officer) Very Serious Injury: The soldier sustained injuries that
For Each POW: -3pts (-4 if Casualty is an Officer) permanently remove him from the campaign. Add one die
For Every Enemy AFV Disabled: +3pts to your Replacement Pool.
For Every Enemy AFV Destroyed: +5pts Serious Injury: The soldier requires additional medical
For Each Civilian Mob Peacefully Dispersed: +5pts treatment before returning to duty. Add one die to your
Plus Any Remaining Operational Momentum Points Replacement Pool.
Incapacitating Injury: The soldier is recuperating. Add one
Typical Victory Points for Irregular Forces (Insurgents) die to your Returned to Duty Pool.
Insurgents receive the following Victory Points in a Free-Form Not Seriously Injured: The soldier rejoins his unit
Campaign, regardless of the Mission the Regular player drew: immediately.
For Each Insurgent Leader Killed: -1pt While KIAs from the battlefield are easy to recognize,
For Each Regular Vehicle Disabled: +5pts other casualties may appear to be more or less seriously
For Each Regular Vehicle Destroyed: +7pts injured than they actually are until treated by actual
For Each Civilian Casualty: +5pts physicians in a medical facility.
For Each Civilian Mob Converted to Insurgents or To determine what category a figure that has suffered
Influenced: +3pts a Serious Wound during play falls into, find the category


below that best describes the casualtys treatment during Stragglers

the game or condition at the end of the game and roll on If a casualty is still on the table at the end of the scenario
the table associated with it: and is unaccompanied by friendly combatants roll 2 Troop
Quality dice on the following table.
Evacuated Casualties
If the casualty was evacuated off the table before the end
of the scenario, roll 2 Troop Quality dice (added together) STRAGGLERS
on the following table. Note that evacuated includes
Die Roll Total Casualty Status
CASEVAC as well as simply moving off the table with a
2-3 Duty Status Whereabouts
friendly unit. Unknown*
4-6 Captured.
7-9 Recovered, roll on the Escorted
Die Roll Total Casualty Status 10+ Recovered, roll on the
2 Deceased Add 1D to Evacuated table above.
Replacement Pool *Roll for casualtys status on this table again
3 Very Serious Injury Add 1D to after the next scenario.
Replacement Pool
4-5 Serious Injury Add 1D to your
Replacement Pool
6-7 Incapacitating Injury - Add 1D Captured
to your Return to Duty Pool Casualties who are captured become POWs. Each POW a
8+ Not Seriously Injured Rejoin Force loses subtracts 5 points from its Campaign Victory
unit immediately Points for the Campaign Turn.
If players desire, they may create a scenario revolving
around a mission to rescue their POWs, but in general,
Accompanied Casualties once a casualty becomes a POW, it is lost to its force
If a casualty is still on the table at the end of the scenario forever.
and is accompanied by friendly combatants, roll 2 Troop
Quality dice (added together) on the following table. Note Step 3: Campaign Victory Points
accompanied includes having any friendly combat troops Once the Victory Points for both sides have been
within 2. determined and any points subtracted for POWs, record
the scores for each force as their Campaign Victory Points
for the Campaign Turn.

ACCO M P A N IED CAS U ALT IES Step 4: Combat Team Development

As teams of men face combat together, they become
Die Roll Total Casualty Status
increasingly close knit and develop a group dynamic that,
2 Deceased.
hopefully, increases their chances of surviving and prevailing
3-4 Very Serious Injury.
in their next engagement. The following rules reflect
5-6 Serious Injury.
this evolution of successful combat teams. By contrast,
7-9 Incapacitating Injury.
teams that fare poorly in combat are unlikely to form into
10+ Not Seriously Injured.
well-honed fighting units


Eligibility for Team Development Combat Fatigue

Combat is the furnace that forges units into what they Much in the same way it influences how a unit will cope
will become, for good or for ill, so only units who find with extreme physical demands, a units training and
themselves in the thick of it will have the opportunity to experience will often dictate how well it reacts to the
roll on the Campaign Development chart. intense psychological stress of combat. The immediate
A team is considered to be eligible for advancement effects of combat stress are covered in the core rules, but
if it meets each of the following requirements during combat stress can also have more insidious, long term
the scenario: effects if a unit is not given sufficient time to rest and
The team successfully engaged at least one hostile unit recuperate before being thrust back into the cauldron of
and inflicted at least one casualty to a hostile unit during combat. These rules deal with those long-term effects,
the game. often referred to as combat fatigue.
The team was engaged by at least one hostile unit and Units suffering from combat fatigue, as indicated by
no member was killed or captured during the scenario. their die roll on the Unit Development Chart, are likely to
Later fatalities that may occur as the result post game suffer a drop in combat efficiency. They may be slower to
casualty evaluation do not count against this restriction. react or indecisive when faced with tactical decisions. They
On a related point, units that abandon their casualties are may begin to ignore basic combat discipline to the
not eligible for advancement. detriment of their own survival and the safety of others
Each Regular team that meets both criteria may roll who depend on them.
one D10 on the Unit Development chart (note that To determine what effect, if any, combat fatigue has had
Insurgent or Irregular units do not use this chart, nor are on a unit, roll 2 Troop Quality dice and compare their total
they governed by these rules see Developing the on the Combat Fatigue table.
Insurgency for the rules covering their advancement).
The result of the die roll indicates whether the units Continuous Combat
participation in this Campaign Turn has caused it to suffer Once a team begins to suffer from combat fatigue, their
from Combat Stress, remain unchanged, or gain a rank in effectiveness will continue to degrade until they have an
one of the five unit development areas. opportunity to recuperate. If a fatigued unit doesnt sit out the
Only members of the platoon itself are eligible for next Campaign Turn, it must roll again on the Combat Fatigue
combat advancement. Attached or available assets are not chart, regardless of what was rolled on the Unit Development
eligible for advancement. chart. All combat fatigue results are applied cumulatively.

UNIT DEVELOPMENT A chance to rest and get adequate food and shelter is
CHART an important part of recovering from combat fatigue.
For the purposes of the campaign, a team automatically
Roll 1D10:
Die Roll Result recuperates from all their combat stress simply by not
1 Combat Fatigue. The team suffers a being assigned to a mission during the Issue Orders phase
temporary negative effect. of a Campaign Turn.
2-5 No development
6 Firepower development Unit Development Areas
7 Defense development The first time a team rolls a Firepower, Defense, or Reaction
8 Reaction development development, they gain the Rank 1 advancement in that
9 Special development development category. If they roll the same development
10 Leadership development following a subsequent scenario, they gain Rank 2, and so
forth up to Rank 3.

[Squad Assault Weapon]


Die Roll Total Combat Fatigue Effect Die Roll Total Combat Fatigue Effect

2-3 Degraded Defense. Until the team 8-9 Degraded Reactions. Until the team
recuperates, one of their Defense recuperates, their Troop Quality level
dice degrades one die type. For degrades one level when making
example, if a team would roll 5D8 Reaction rolls. For example, a D8
for Defense, they will roll 4D8 and Troop Quality unit would throw a
1D6 instead. D6 when making a Reaction roll.
Units may not have their Troop
4-5 Degraded Firepower. Until the team
Quality reduced below D6 for
recuperates, one of their Firepower
purposes of Reaction checks.
dice degrades die type. For example,
if a team would roll 6D8 for 10-11 Loss of Edge. Until the team
Firepower, they will roll 5D8 recuperates, they gain no benefit
and 1D6 instead. from any previous Unit Development
6-7 Degraded Morale. Until the team
recuperates, their Morale Die 12+ Fatigued. Although suffering from
degrades by one die type. For combat stress, the teams combat
example, a D10 Morale unit becomes effectiveness is not impacted at this
a D8 Morale unit. Units reduced time. Raise the units combat stress
below D6 Morale become combat level by 1 in all future scenarios until
ineffective and may not be fielded the unit recuperates.
until they recuperate.

The five Development Areas and the effects of each of Rank 2: Once per game, at the start of the turn, the unit
their ranks are described below. may set up in An Excellent Position as per the Fog of War
card of the same name.
Firepower Development Rank 3: This units defense is now upgraded by one Troop
Rank 1: Once per game, immediately after the team rolls to Quality die type, i.e., from D8 to D10.
engage a hostile, the player may choose to reroll one (and
only one) of its lowest Firepower dice. Reaction Development
Rank 2: The unit adds +2 inches to their Optimum Range. Rank 1: Once per game, immediately after the unit rolls
Rank 3: The unit is upgraded one Quality Die level when a Reaction test, the player may choose to reroll their
engaging a hostile with Firepower or Close Assault attacks. Reaction die.
Rank 2: Conditions which would normally adjust Reaction
Defense Development rolls negatively do not apply to this team.
Rank 1: Once per game, immediately after the unit is Rank 3: This unit throws one Quality Die type higher than
engaged by a hostile, the player may choose to reroll one normal when making Reaction rolls, i.e., if the unit has a
(only one) of its lowest Defense dice. Troop Quality of D8, it would roll a D10 for all Reaction rolls.


Special Team Development Leadership Development

Roll 1D12: Roll 1D6:
1 - Advanced Overwatch: When on Overwatch, this team 1 - Able and Willing: The unit may re-roll its first failed
may React whenever a friendly team within LOS Morale test of the game.
engages a hostile by combining half its FP with the 2 - Plan B: The units player may draw one Fog of War
friendly teams roll. All other normal rules apply. card before the start of the game to hold. This card may
This Reaction qualifies as a Reaction for purposes of be played at the start of any turn after the first.
Firepower reduction. 3 - Misdirection: When a 6 is rolled to determine the
2 - Get Some!: If this unit wins the Reaction roll against a Hot Spot for the placement of new Insurgent units, roll
hostile, it may choose to reduce its own Defense dice by one D6. On a 4+, the Regular Player may pick the Hot
1 to add 1 die to Firepower for the round of fire. Spot rather than the Insurgent Player.
3 Cover Fire!: If this unit wins the Reaction roll against 4 - Master of Chaos: At the start of play, the player for
a hostile, it may choose to reduce its own Firepower dice this unit may look at the top two cards of the Fog of War
by 1 to add 1 die to its Defense for the round of fire. deck and choose to place one or both back on top of the
4 - Babysitters: The unit no longer suffers a -1 Firepower deck or at the bottom of the deck.
penalty when they have Dependents. 5 - Situational Awareness: This leader provides one
5 - Alley Dogs: The unit may immediately go In Cover Command Die. This special die may be used at any time,
after completing a Tactical Move. once per game, to contribute an additional die to any
6 Fearsome: Insurgent Units Shrink on a 1 or 2 against one roll.
this team. In addition, when this team launches a Close 6 - Unf**k Yourself: Once per scenario, this leaders unit
Assault the Defenders loses half their FP rather than just may roll a Troop Quality Check if his unit is suffering from
-1 dice, on their Defensive Fire. Combat Fatigue. On a 4+ the effects of the Combat
7 Cowboys: The unit may choose to engage one Fatigue is negated until the end of the scenario.
additional target when Splitting Fire.
8 - Shoot and Scoot: As long as this unit does not have Step 5: Returned to Duty and Replacements
Dependents or Casualties, they have the option to Fire Once all advancement checks have been made, determine
and then Rapid move. They still suffer all the normal the status of your casualty figures by consulting your
penalties for a Rapid Move, including -1 Firepower. Unit Sheet.
9 Eyes on the Prize: Hostiles entering the game after Casualties fall into one of two categories: Returned to
the first turn may not be placed within 6 of this team. Duty or Replacements.
10 Bushmasters: The unit gets one free 3 move after Each casualty category indicates whether a wounded
all setup is complete, but before the actual start of the figure should be added to the Return to Duty or
game. Replacement Pool on your unit status sheet. Rolling a die
11 - Hard: This team may reroll one result on the First for each figure will determine whether figures are
Aid table once per game. returned to their unit or are replaced with a stranger.
12 Ace Point Man: This unit may identify a single figure
as a Designated Point Man. If the designated point Roll for Casualties in Return to Duty Pool
man is killed, the unit loses this advantage. It is possible Roll a unit Quality Die for each casualty figure in the
for a unit to have more than one Ace Point Man, but Returned to Duty pool. On a 4+ they join their unit
no additional advantage (other than having a spare) update your Roster.
is accrued. On a roll of less than 4, the casualty remains in the
Returned to Duty pool.


Roll for Casualties in Replacement Pool Since the fireteam has received replacements equal to
After rolling for troops in the Return to Duty Pool, roll one half its size in a single campaign turn, it must make a
Quality Die for each casualty in the Replacement Pool. modified Troop Quality test to determine if it loses its
On a 4+ they are moved to the Return to Duty Pool and Combat Advancements. The unit needs to roll a 4+ to
continue to recuperate - update your Return to Duty retain its Combat Developments but receives a -1 to its
and Replacement pool. die roll for each replacement it has received (-2 in this
On a roll of less than 4, the casualty is determined to case). The unit rolls a 5, which would normally be a
be unfit for duty and your unit receives a replacement. success, but the -2 modifier for two replacements reduces
Roll on the Replacement table to determine the quality of the roll to a 3, which is a failure. The unit loses its Combat
the replacement. Developments.


Rather than follow the development of individual insurgent
cells, which occasionally melt away and reform with entirely
Die Roll Replacement Quality
different members thanks to a combination of casualties
12 Raw Recruit D6 Troop Quality/D8
and arrest, these rules focus on the local insurgency
in general.
35 Trooper D8 Troop Quality/D8
Insurgency Hierarchy
6 Lifer D10 Troop Quality/D10
Most insurgencies share a vaguely defined hierarchy.
At the top of the hierarchy are the True Believers who
keep the resistance rolling. These are the insurgents top
commanders and their loyal, idealistic troops. They are
Replacements and Combat classified as Tier 1 insurgents.
Development Tier 1 insurgents generally have a D8 to D10 Troop
Combat Developments reflect a teams hard won synergy Quality and D10 to D12 Morale. They tend to be Confident
in combat, their ability to work together without any to Highly Confident and have Normal Supply Quality
extra effort or superfluous communication. When team Levels.
members are lost and replacements are brought in, that Next in the hierarchy are the local insurgents. The
synergy can change. Too many replacements, regardless local insurgency is usually comprised of resistance
of their quality, can reduce a units combat effectiveness fighters who lead normal lives during the day, but take up
until a new synergy is formed. arms to support the cause at night or when the Tier 1
If half or more of a unit are replaced at once, it must insurgents put out the call. Local insurgents may also
make a Troop Quality test modified by -1 for each be drawn from the ranks of hired gunmen and criminals
replacement assigned to it in this campaign turn. If the test who ally themselves with the insurgency for security or
is passed, the unit retains its combat advancements. If it fails, political and financial gain.
the unit loses any Combat Advancements it has received. Local Insurgents generally have a D6 Troop Quality and
Example: A fireteam of four soldiers takes it on the nose D8 to D10 Morale. They tend to have Low Confidence and
during a mission and receives two casualties. Both casualties Poor Supply.
are serious and are allocated to the Replacement Pool. Troop Quality, Morale, Confidence and Supply Quality
When casualty recovery checks are made at the end of the for Tier 1 and local insurgent units are suggestions only.
next campaign turn, both the wounded soldiers roll less than They may vary widely based on the insurgency in question.
a 4 and are sent home. Two replacements are assigned to Scenarios and companion books will define these attributes
the fireteam. if they differ from those described here.


Insurgency Development Rank 2: Supplies pour into the Insurgent force in such
Rolls quantity that it becomes possible to establish decent
As an insurgent force wins engagements against the stockpiles. Permanently raise the Supply Quality of all
enemy, its prestige and credibility grows. It attracts more Insurgent units to Average (although their Supply Quality
support, either directly (in the form of new recruits and may be lowered by Fog of War cards or scenario rules).
weapons) or indirectly (in the form of voluntary support Rank 3: The Insurgent supply situation is well in hand.
from the local population). At the beginning of a game, roll 1D6 for each Insurgent
Each time an insurgent force ends a scenario with a unit deployed in the scenario on a roll of 4+, their Supply
result of a draw or better, it may make a roll on the Quality is raised to Abundant Supplies for the duration of
Building the Insurgency table. the game.

Improved Troops
B UILDING T H E IN S U RG EN CY Rank 1: The Insurgent forces reputation has attracted
(Roll 1D10) some tougher, more ideologically motivated recruits. At the
Die Roll Result beginning each game, roll a D6 for each local insurgent
1 Disillusionment unit deployed in the scenario on roll of 4+, the unit has
25 No Development
a Troop Quality of D8 and Morale of D10.
6 Improved Supplies
Rank 2: Enough hard cases and ideologues have flocked
7 Improved Troops
8 Improved Tactics to the cause that the Troop Quality of all units is raised to
9 Special development D8 and their Morale to D10.
10 Improved Leadership Rank 3: Roll 1D6 for each unit at the start of each game.
On a 4+, the unit has a Troop Quality and Morale of D10.

Note that multiple rolls of a single improvement raise Improved Tactics

that improvement by one rank. For instance, if an Insurgent Rank 1: Insurgent units have developed better field craft
force rolled a 6 (Improved Supplies) after a victory and and are treated as Stealthy Units.
then rolled a 6 again after a subsequent victory, the force Rank 2: Insurgent units have honed their stealth skills to a
would receive Rank 2 Improved Supplies. fine edge. Units attempting to spot them receive a -1 to
If a force has already reached Rank 3 in an their die roll.
improvement and rolls that improvement again, treat the
roll as No Development.

Sometimes winning can be so bittersweet that the joy of a
victory is lost in its aftermath. If the insurgent campaign
force receives a Disillusionment result, Local Force
Insurgent become subject to the Shrink rule described in
the Morale rules for Insurgents.

Improved Supplies
Rank 1: The Insurgent force receives an influx of food,
Opportunistic bandits operating on the
bullets, and medical supplies. Roll a D6 at the beginning
road between the DPRG and the Kingdom
subsequent games on a roll of 4+, the Supply Quality of of Glory (photo: Piers Brand, miniatures:
all Insurgent units is raised by one level. Old Crow)

[Behind Enemy Lines]


Rank 3: Insurgent units have become so familiar with their 5 Booby Trap Artists: This force receives a +1 to
enemys tactics that they can usually predict their actions. its die rolls to determine how many Booby Trap
All Insurgent units receive a +1 to their Reaction Test cards it has for a game.
die rolls. 6 Victory or Death: This Insurgent force is so
ideologically fanatical that its members will
Special Development continue to fight on after receiving injuries that
Roll 1D6 would normally prove disabling. When making
Die Roll Special Development casualty checks for this force, rolls of 5 or 6
1 Avengers: This Insurgent force has a reputation result in the figure remaining in combat without
for avenging any losses through merciless ill effect.
reprisals against the villages of those that stand
in the way of the resistance. Opposing Irregular Improved Leadership
units are reluctant to engage this force and Rank 1: Insurgent leadership has been invigorated by
receive a -1 to all Reaction Test die rolls. recent successes. Raise the Morale of all Insurgent leaders
2 Light of the Revolution: This force shines with to D10.
such a true and heartfelt devotion to the Rank 2: Insurgent leaders in this force have developed a
revolutionary cause that it can even inspire turn- level of tactical flexibility that allows them to overcome
coats to return to the fold. At the beginning of some of the communications and command issues
the game, any indigenous scouts or interpreters inherent to their force structure. Once per game the
must make a Troop Quality Test. If they fail the Insurgent force may add an additional die to any
test, they are removed from the table. multi-die roll.
3 Night Stalkers: This force receives a +1 die shift Rank 3: Insurgent leaders have tapped into the fighting
to their Morale die type when fighting at night. spirit of their force and once per game they can deliver a
4 Unpredictable: Once per game at any time motivating speech or battle-cry that raises the Morale of
during a turn, this force can compel its opponent all insurgents on the table by one die type.
to draw a Fog of War card.



Troop Quality: Morale: Confidence: Supply Quality:

Ret. Advancements
to Duty



Troop Quality: Morale: Confidence: Supply Quality:

Advancement Advancement Type Description


as if it were superior to another. On the battlefield, this
sensitivity sometimes leads to sniping between units.
Active Trauma Treatment Under certain circumstances, such units must make an
Active Trauma Treatment normally takes the form of a Animosity Check. To perform an Animosity Check, the
Medical AI and trauma prevention/treatment technology affected unit must make a Troop Quality test. If the unit
built into a suit of Powered Armor. It allows wounded passes the check nothing untoward occurs. If they fail the
figures to make a First Aid check as if they were being check, surreptitious sniping breaks out between the two
treated by a medic (i.e., they use the Advanced First Aid units. They engage each other in a round of fire with
Table). Additionally, figures with Active Trauma Treatment AP:2D Firepower.
can make a First Aid check whether healthy figures are Animosity checks must be made when:
available to assist or not. A nearby friendly unit gains a Victory Point (other than
those gained for causing an enemy casualty). The nearest
Advanced Life Saving unit with Animosity to a unit that wins a Victory point must
Capabilities take an Animosity test.
Some units, especially those trained for special operations, If a unit with Animosity fails a Morale Check and
receive advanced first aid training. Such units are adept in rolls multiple 1s. In this event, the unit becomes very
the use of specialized trauma techniques and advanced life embarrassed and must make an Animosity test. If it fails,
support (ALS). Members of units with Advanced First Aid it snipes at the nearest friendly unit as described above.
Training can be split off to man a casualty collection point.
This bonus also applies to units accompanied by a medic, Cannibal
robotic medic, or with specialized life- saving capabilities Units with the Cannibal attribute must make a Troop
or technology (nanotech, advanced powered armor, rapid Quality test before making a First Aid Check for their
regeneration, etc.). casualties. If the check is failed, the unit eats their wounded
Units with this attribute roll on the Advanced First Aid (or at least snips off the tastiest tender parts for later) and
Table for casualty checks. their casualties are all classified as KIA. If they pass the
test, a normal First Aid Check can be made.
Advanced Sensors Cannibal units may or may not also be Hungry.
Units with advanced sensors receive a +1 die shift when
attempting to spot or detect enemy units. Additionally, their Cavemen CASEVAC
optimum range is doubled for the purposes of detecting Units with this attribute do not follow the standard rules for
stealthy or hidden units. They are also considered to have checking casualties and do not employ front-line medics in
night vision and can see normally despite adverse a Western sense. Instead, wounded and dead are spirited
weather conditions. As a result, units with this attribute away very rapidly to satisfy burial requirements or confuse
are not subject to night fighting penalties or to the enemy as to the number of casualties suffered.
weather/atmospheric conditions that limit visibility unless To represent this in Tomorrows War, units with this
specifically stated otherwise. attribute must check casualties in the turn following the
attack, rolling a single D6 for each casualty. Rolls of 6
Animosity indicate that the casualty was only stunned and is classed
Units subject to Animosity are very sensitive to perceived as OK. Any die roll other than a 6 results in the figure
slights, particularly those that involve one unit behaving being taken from the table as a casualty.


Designated Marksman (DMR) A hard to kill figures Survival die is usually a D6, but
It is common for squads or even fireteams to have a some figures may use a different die type, up to a
rifleman who fulfills the role of Designated Marksman or maximum of D10.
DMR. A DMR is generally equipped with a larger caliber
rifle, better optics, or both. Designated Marksmen are not Big Guns and Hard to Kill Units
snipers, but they are trained to identify and neutralize high Any weapon with an unmodified Firepower of 3D or higher
priority threats. will cause a Hard to Kill figures Survival die to shift down
If a unit containing a DMR inflicts one or more by one type (i.e., from D8 to D6). If the shift reduces the
casualties on an enemy unit within the units Optimum figures survival die below a D6, the figure may not make
Range, the DMR may designate ONE specific figure (a a Survival roll.
leader, support weapon gunner, RTO, FO, etc.) as a casualty.
Despised Hungry units enjoy the taste of their enemys flesh. Such
Units with this attribute are hated by the local population. units must take a Troop Quality test any time they defeat
Any interaction they have with them (attempting to an enemy unit in Close Assault or come within cohesion
disperse a mob, convert civilians to combatants, etc.) will with unattended enemy wounded. If the unit passes the
receive a -1 die roll modifier. test, they can disregard the tasty feast. If they fail the test,
however, they must eat the enemy wounded (no victory
Elusive points for POWs).
Whether due to natural ability or extensive familiarity with
their surroundings, some units are able to virtually vanish Indigenous Scout
into the woodwork. A unit firing at an elusive unit must Forces operating in foreign areas of operation sometimes
pass an opposed Quality Check. If the firing unit loses the use indigenous scouts if they can obtain them. Such
opposed check, it cant locate the sneaky unit well enough scouts know the local terrain like the back of their hand
to effectively engage it. and are very adept at spotting even the smallest branch
Elusive units are often capable of Out of Contact out of place.
Movement and Ambushes. If so, these capabilities will be Units with this attribute have a local scout (TQ/Morale
identified in their Force List or the scenario. 1D8/1D8) attached to their force. Scouts can spot hidden
units beyond their own Optimum Range by passing a Troop
Forward Observer (FO) Quality test. If the enemy unit is in Dense Foliage and/or
Units with a Forward Observer (FO) receive the Actual Dense woods, the scout suffers a -1 die shift to their Troop
Forward Observer bonus when requesting fires. Quality while making the Spotting Check.
Ambush attempts against a unit with an Indigenous
Hard to Kill Scout suffer a -1 die shift to their Troop Quality test to
Some units are composed of troops that are very hard to spring the Ambush. See Ambush, pg. 71.
kill. Examples might include large creatures, cyborgs, or Local scouts are not famous for their dependability.
certain aliens. When such a unit takes casualties, a Survival The first time the unit an indigenous scout is attached to
Roll is immediately made for each casualty. If the casualty takes enemy fire, the scout must make a Morale Test. If he
rolls a 4+ on their survival die, they are unhurt they are passes, nothing untoward happens. If he fails, remove the
not counted as casualties for purposes of morale or scout from play hes used his skill and knowledge of the
casualty penalties and are not required to make a First Aid area to slip away from the unit and return home for a nice,
Check. If their roll is less than a 4, they are treated as a safe night in his own bed.
normal casualty.


Inspiring Back friendlies within LOS must make a Troop Quality

The very presence of some units on the battlefield Check to avoid becoming Pinned. They also lose the bonus
reassures and motivates their comrades. Friendly units to their Confidence as well.
receive a one level Confidence boost as long as they are
within line of sight of an Inspiring unit. If an inspiring unit Intimidating
is destroyed, reduced below half-strength, or forced to Fall Some units are intimidating to their enemies, either
through reputation or due to some natural trait (they are
alarmingly fast, they are enormous, they look like demons,
etc.). Being attacked by such a unit has the same effect as
being attacked by an Intimidating Weapon.

Forces operating in foreign areas of operation often use
local interpreters to liaise with the population and friendly
indigenous forces.
Forces with this attribute have an attached interpreter
(TQ/ D6, Morale: D6/D8), which provides a +1 to TQ Check
die rolls when the unit attempts to disperse civilian mobs.

Jump Troops
Units with this attribute are capable of moving around the
battlefield by great leaps and bounds due to exoskeletons,
jump packs, or native ability. They may use the Jump
Movement rules, as described on pg. 47.

Mounted Unit
Units with this attribute follow the rules for Mounted Units
described in the Mounted Units section.

Mounted Cavalry
Units with this attribute follow the rules for Cavalry
described in the Mounted Units section.
[ S y n t h e t i c T r oop e r]

Units with this attribute have a Medic attached. Such units
roll on the Advanced First Aid Table for casualty checks.
All other rules for Medics apply to the medic figure
attached to the unit.

Natural Armor
Units with this attribute have naturally tough hides/
carapaces, either naturally or through genetic engineering.
Natural armor is limited to 1D strength and is cumulative
with other armor dice.


Natural Weapons booby traps, etc. (normally placed in accordance with a Fog
Units with this attribute have formidable teeth, claws, of War card). A Pointman also increases his units effective
tentacles, or what-have-you which are highly effective in Optimum Range for the purposes of spotting hidden or
Close Assault. They always receive the bonus die in Close elusive enemies. Whenever making such a Spotting Check,
Assault for being equipped with close assault weapons. treat the unit as if it had the next higher optimum range.
Ambush attempts against a unit with a Pointman suffer
Old School a -1 die shift to their Troop Quality test to spring the
Units who are used to operating off the grid or who have Ambush. See Ambush, pg. 71.
trained extensively in non-grid operations are able
to compensate for grid loss when it occurs. Units with Poor Initiative
this attribute will not become Pinned or suffer any Some units require an active leader to prod them into
Confidence loss. actions beyond hunkering down and taking pot shots at
the enemy. Such units are said to have Poor Initiative.
Physical Augmentation A Poor Initiative unit that doesnt have either an attached
Physical Augmentation can take the form of bio-engineering, leader or a clear line of sight to a leader within 8 must make
cybernetics, or, in the case of mutants or aliens, a natural a successful Troop Quality Check in order to move. If the unit
trait that exceeds the human norm. Physical Augmentation fails the check, it may not move but can still fire.
isnt generally performed on regular troops, but is not
uncommon among the most elite special operations units. Special Teams
Some typical augmentations are described below: See Special Teams, pg. 78, for descriptions of Weapons
Teams, Sniper Teams, and Animal Teams.
Active Trauma Treatment Nanites
Active Trauma Treatment Nanites allow wounded figures Stealthy
to make a First Aid Check as if they were being treated by Some units are extremely proficient at moving unnoticed
a medic. Additionally, figures with Active Trauma Treatment through enemy territory. Stealthy units rely on darkness
Nanites can make a First Aid Check whether healthy and/or careful movement to infiltrate a target area, fulfill
figures are available to assist or not. their mission objectives, and, if all goes well, exfiltrate
without the enemy knowing they were ever there.
Skeletal Augmentation Stealth may be the result of natural abilities and intimate
Skeletal Augmentation strengthens a soldiers long bones knowledge of the area or technological capabilities, such as
and reinforces and widens their ribs to more effectively chameleon suits and/or sound dampers.
protect vital organs. Troops with Skeletal Augmentation Naturally stealthy units are treated as TL1 for purposes
receive an additional armor die. of spotting. Units relying on gadgets for their stealth can
have Tech Level ranging from TL1 to TL3.
Augmented Senses Stealthy units are almost always armed with suppressed
Figures with Augmented Senses receive a +1 die roll weapons and equipped with night vision devices. They
modifier to spot hidden or stealthy units. are highly trained in infiltration tactics and silent killing
Pointman Night operations are the bread and butter of stealthy
Some units are fortunate enough to have a designated units. Most scenarios involving them will be night missions.
Pointman. A skilled Pointman can spot traps and hidden Stealthy units are very good at moving without being seen
enemy positions that a less observant man might miss. or heard. To represent this, they must be spotted before
If moving at Tactical speed, a unit with a Pointman may another unit can interrupt or react to their movement. See
re-roll any failed Troop Quality Check to spot enemy mines, Spotting Hidden & Stealthy Units, pg. 81.


Some stealthy units utilize technology like stealth suits, TL3 APD will destroy an incoming ATGM on a D10 roll
chameleon suits, noise dampers, etc., to get the edge over of 4+. Nearby infantry will not be harmed.
their opponents. APDs receive a -1 to their die roll for each missile they
engage after the first. APD may be coupled with other
Terminal Air Controller defenses, such as ERA, Detonation Fields, or Bar Armor
The unit has a Terminal Air Controller attached. If a Amphibious
scenario indicates that air support is available, the unit Vehicle may cross most water obstacles at Cautious Speed
receives the bonus for having an actual TAC. (scenarios will designated what water obstacles may or
may not be crossed by regular and amphibious vehicles).
COMMON VEHICLE ATTRIBUTES GEV and Grav vehicles have this attribute by default, unless
Note that vehicle attributes are already applied in vehicle noted otherwise.
Anti-Personnel Grenades
Advanced Sensors Vehicles equipped with anti-personnel grenades may
Vehicles with advanced sensors receive a +1 Die Shift detonate them as part of their defensive fire against
when attempting to spot or detect enemy units. infantry units attempting to or actually engaging them in
Additionally, their optimum range is doubled for the close assault. The grenade has an AP firepower of 3D8.
purposes of detecting stealthy or hidden units. They are
also considered to have night vision and can see Anti-Vehicular Melee
normally despite adverse weather conditions. As a result, Weapon (Walkers Only)
units with this attribute are not subject to night fighting Some combat walkers are armed with specialized anti-
penalties or to weather/atmospheric conditions that limit vehicular melee weapons. Such weapons can be used to
visibility unless specifically stated otherwise. perform a contact attack against another vehicle or a unit
of infantry. To make the attack, the vehicle must be in base
Artificial Intelligence (AI) to base contact with another vehicle or within cohesion (1)
The crew in this vehicle has been replaced by an AI. They distance with a figure in an enemy infantry unit.
follow the same basic rules as Smart bots. Use the Smart This attack is resolved in the same way as a firepower
bot survival roll if the vehicle receives a crew/passenger attack. Anti-vehicular weapons generally have a Firepower
casualty. If the AI is knocked out, the vehicle is out of rating of AP:4/AT:3(M).
Effective vehicular AI is not available until TL2. Back-Up AI
Back-Up AI is becoming standard in western TL3 vehicles.
Active Point Defense (APD) If the human crew of a vehicle thus equipped is rendered
Vehicles with Active Point Defense mount specialized sensors combat ineffective, the Back-Up AI will assume control of
and weapon systems devoted to detecting and defeating the vehicle. See Artificial Intelligence.
incoming ATGMs. Their effectiveness varies by tech level.
TL1 APD will destroy an incoming ATGM on a D6 roll of Bar Armor
4+. Infantry within 8 of the vehicle and within 2 of the Bar armor provide additional defense against RPGs and
flight path of the missile/RPG must pass a TQ attack or ATGMs. These weapons require the proper stand-off
suffer a 6D8 Firepower attack. distance for their shaped charges to be fully effective.
TL2 APD will destroy an incoming ATGM on a D8 roll of Bar armor prematurely detonates warheads and disrupts
4+. Nearby infantry will not be harmed. their stand-off distance. Vehicles with bar armor receive


an additional defense die vs. RPG and missile attacks. If any dismounted infantry are within 4 of a vehicle
Bar armor is not always applied to all sides of a vehicle. equipped with Explosively Reactive Armor on the first turn
Vehicles only receive the bonus defense die if an attack is that it is struck by enemy fire, they suffer an immediate
against a vehicle facing equipped with bar armor. 4D8 Firepower attack. Armor and cover bonuses to
Defense count with regard to this attack.
The vehicle is equipped with countermeasures such as IR
jammers, MCD, etc. It receives an additional Defense Die
against ATGM attacks.

Some AFVs are so poorly designed that even a minor
penetration has a good chance of detonating their ammo
stores or igniting their fuel. When rolling for damage
results, hits scored against vehicles with this unfortunate
attribute receive a +2 die roll modifier.

Detonation Field (DF)

Detonation Fields are electro-magnetic fields that may
cause ATGMs to detonate prematurely, compromising their
stand-off distance and penetration.
A Detonation Fields Tech Level determines how
effective it is against ATGMs. Subtract 1 die of Firepower
from an ATGM attack for each TL of the vehicles DF. Thus,
a TL1 DF would subtract 1 Firepower die from an incoming
ATGM and a TL3 DF would subtract 3 dice.

Enhanced Fire Control

Vehicles with Enhanced Fire Control receive +1 die to their

ERA Equipped
Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA) detonates when a missile
strikes it. Its counter blast disrupts the shape of the
[Synthetic NCO]

missiles charge, making it less effective. Vehicles with

ERA armor receive an extra die of Defense vs. missile or
RPG attacks.
ERA is not always applied to all sides of a vehicle. The
defense bonus is only applicable to vehicle facings which
actually have ERA applied.
Once the ERA on a specific side of a vehicle has been
hit by any missile or RPG, it no longer receives any defense
bonus for ERA on that side.


Fire-or-Move dampening, anti-spalling nanite layers, and advanced fire

Weapons or vehicles that are Fire-or-Move may only fire containment. Their crews receive a +1 die shift when
when it is stationary. It may not fire on the same turn that making crew survival rolls.
it moves, or move on the same turn that it fired.
Mine Resistant
Gigantic This vehicle has been designed from the ground up
See Gigantic Vehicles. to survive mine/IED attacks. The vehicle receives an
additional die of Defense when struck by a mine or IED.
Some vehicles have been hardened vs. blast based attacks. Obsolete or Poor Armor
Such vehicles receive a +1 Defense die bonus vs. mines, The vehicle is obsolete or poorly armored and is easy
IEDs, and artillery. game for more up-to-date foes. Reduce the vehicles
Defense by one die and apply a -1 die shift to all armor
Heavy Hitter facings (the reduced values are normally displayed on the
Advanced ammunition, targeting capabilities, or simply vehicle card).
sheer size of the round they throw make some weapons
more extremely destructive. Weapons of this sort receive Remote Control
an extra die of Firepower. Some vehicles are equipped with remote interfaces that
allow their dismounted troops to control them from a
IED Countermeasures distance. A remotely controlled vehicle can be activated and
IEDs are a favorite weapon in the insurgent/irregular move, fire, move and fire, etc., like any other unit. This
arsenal. Many IEDs are triggered from a distance by a activation requires the full attention of one of the vehicles
variety of different wireless methods, ranging from cell dismounts, however, so its dismounted unit is treated as if it
phones to infrared beams. In response, modern armies is one man short for the purposes of Firepower and Defense.
have developed a plethora of counter measures that Remotely controlled vehicles can only be controlled by their
interfere with these remote detonation techniques. For own dismounts.
example, these jam certain signals, disrupt the triggering
device, overload broad spectrum receivers or work by a Restricted Arc of Fire
variety of other methods. Vehicles with a restricted arc of fire, such as turretless
Against any remote detonated IEDs that are placed tank-killers, may fire normally the first time that they
within 8 of a vehicle equipped with IED Counter Measures, perform Reaction fire. For each subsequent attempt at
the vehicle may roll a TQ Check. If successful, the IED is Reaction fire, they must take a Troop Quality test. If the
detected and neutralized. test is passed, the vehicle may fire normally. If the test is
failed, the vehicle was not able to adjust its point of aim
Improved MGs quickly enough to engage the target with effective fire.
A vehicles machine gun performance may be improved by Vehicles with this attribute also suffer a -1 to all Reactions
better fire control, higher rate of fire, large stores of ready after their first in a turn.
ammunition (most tanks have very limited MG ammunition
at hand). Such vehicles have a basic MG firepower of 4D Safe Haven
rather than 3D. Some AFVs are so trusted by their crews that no matter
how badly theyre beaten about theyd rather stay safely
Lifesaver inside them than risk exposing themselves on the
Vehicles with this attribute feature advanced crew survival battlefield. Crews of vehicles with this attribute receive a +1
features such as blow-out ammunition stores, radiation die shift on Bail Out checks.


Slow Firing Weapon process of most energy resistant armor requires zero
Vehicles with a Slow Firing Weapon receive a -1 to all gravity and special crystalline formations specifically
Reaction tests after the first during a turn. This modifier is designed to withstand and dissipate enormous force and
cumulative with other Reaction modifiers. heat. Vehicles with this armor receive an additional
Defense die when fired upon by energy weapons or HEAT
Slow Turret based ATGMs or rockets.
Vehicles with a Slow Turret receive a -1 to all Reaction tests
after the first during a turn. This modifier is cumulative Laser Resistant Armor
with other Reaction modifiers. Vehicles with this attribute are equipped with ablative
armor or aerosol dispensers that diffuse or deflect lasers.
Smoke Dischargers As a result, they receive an additional Defense die when
Vehicles equipped with Smoke Dischargers may pop fired upon by laser weapons.
smoke, usually in an effort to mask a hasty retreat. Vehicles
protected by smoke receive an extra Defense die. The Stealth (TL1TL3)
vehicle receives this benefit whether it moves or not. Vehicles equipped with advanced stealth gear are capable
The smoke dissipates at the end of the turn in which it of spoofing enemy sensors or even blending into the
was discharged. Note: Most AFVs (Light through Heavy) background using optical effects. A stealthy vehicle cannot
feature Smoke Dischargers as standard equipment such be fired upon until it is spotted. Use the spotting rules for
vehicle can be assumed to have Smoke Dischargers unless stealthy units.
otherwise noted in their descriptions.
Special Armor Types Technicals follow the standard vehicle rules with one
As a new tank-killing weapon is developed, armor to exception: Optimal range for weapons mounted on
defeat it is generally under way in another lab. Are your technicals is not the width of the table. Instead, a
enemys new laser cannons punching out your tanks and technicals mounted weapons have the normal optimal
IFVs too easily? Develop something to blunt the weapons range for the weapon type and troop quality of the crew
edge. Theres a good cat for every rat on tomorrows manning it.
battlefield. This exception to normal mounted weapon rules is
No vehicle can be proof against all weapons, however. meant to reflect the haphazard methods by which
A single vehicle can benefit from two Special Armor Types weapons are mounted on technicals and their often
at most. ad hoc crews lack of familiarity with the weapon
theyre using.
Advanced Conventional Armor
Advanced conventional armor has evolved over centuries Up-Armored AFV
of armored warfare. It is comprised of layers of material Some AFV variants offer the option to up-armor. An
of the correct density and structure to absorb heavy up-armored AFV receives +1D Defense on all facings.
kinetic impacts or disrupt the burning probe of a HEAT
missile. Vehicles with Advanced Conventional Armor Up-Armored Soft Skin
receive an extra Defense die against kinetic or HEAT based An up-armored soft skin vehicle has a Defense of 2D6,
missile/rocket attacks. rather than just 1D6. In addition, the vehicle is considered
armored against small arms fire. Small arms fire may
Energy Resistant Armor still inflict some damage although the Firepower is
Energy resistant armor is extremely expensive and is halved. Round-down factions and if the number of dice is
generally found on TL3 vehicles only. The manufacturing reduced below 1 then the attack is ineffective.

The following organization descriptions represent common
units found on the battlefields represented by Tomorrows
This force list and the organization descriptions it The DPRG fields two standing military forces, the Democratic
includes are not exhaustive. They are tailored to reflect the Peoples Army (DPA) and the Peoples Republican Guard
assets and manpower that would be applied to a typical (PRG). The DPA is comprised of a mixture of conscripts and
Tomorrows War mission, so they cut off at the Platoon (or volunteers and is haphazardly trained and equipped. Some
equivalent) level. DPA units are extremely efficient fighting forces while others
Organizations are described from the bottom up, are poor at best. The PRG, on the other hand, is comprised
starting with the Fireteam and working up to the Platoon. entirely of volunteers and soldiers cherry-picked from the
Weapon types are abbreviated as follows: DPAs best units. Their quality is uniformly good and
TST: Traditional Slug Thrower occasionally outstanding. The PRGs command structure is
ABW: Advanced Ballistic Weapon highly political, however, and commanders who displease
GWS: Gauss Weapon System Supreme Leader will see their formations suffer. It is for this
LWS: Laser Weapon System reason that the Tigers, one of the most effective and highly
EWS: Energy Weapon System decorated units of the Second Glory War never received new
equipment imported from Brazil while some absolutely
incompetent and ineffective formations were entirely
equipped with new anti-grav tanks and IFVs.
ORGANIZATIONS & GEAR Democratic Peoples Army
The organization descriptions that follow (DPA)
represent the paper strength of the units Troop Quality: D6D10
described. Actual units in the field rarely match Morale: D6D10
their official Tables of Organization & Equipment. Confidence Level: Low to Confident
They may be under or over strength, based on Supply Quality Level: Poor to Normal
conditions in the field or mission requirements. Overall Tech Level: 1 (Some formations are TL2)
They may also be issued weapons and gear On Grid?
tailored to their current mission or overall Major Operations: Yes (TL1)
operational environment. British and US forces Normal Operations: Sometimes
are notorious for their variation from Armor: Light Body Armor (1D)
documented norms, but other First World
forces tend to be just as flexible. Some powers, Typical Unit Attributes:
like the DPRG and the RIA, are incredibly Poor Initiative
restrictive, however, and will field units as close Despised (By Republic of Arden civilians)
to paper strength as possible and will rarely
deviate from the gear prescribed by the book. Special Gear Descriptions:
The weapon systems described below are Tech Level 1
unless otherwise noted. These are the weapons issued to


a fairly heavy and ballistically stable caseless projectile.

While not particularly outstanding for its class, the PMG
M7 is a perfectly functional and fairly reliable GPMG.

DPA Rifle Platoon

DPA Rifle Fireteam
1 x Fireteam Leader w/AK-400 rifle
1 x Gunner w/M. 78 SAW (TL1, TST, Lt. AP:1)
1 x Grenadier w/ RPGMP-3 (TL2, Med. AP:2/AT2(M)
2 x Riflemen w/AK-400 rifles

DPA Rifle Squad

1 x Squad Leader w/AK-400 rifle
2 x DPA Rifle Fireteams

DPA Rifle Platoon HQ Section

A DPRG armored column early in the
1 x Platoon Leader w/AK-400 rifle
2nd Glory War (photo: Piers Brand,
miniatures: GZG) 1 x Platoon Sgt. w/AK-400 rifle
1 x Gunner w/PMG M7 GPMG (TL2 ABW, Med. AP:2)
the majority of DPA infantry formations. Some special DPA 1 x Assistant Gunner w/AK-400 rifle
units or units whose commanders have political pull may be 1 x Lifesaver (Medic) w/AK-400 rifle
equipped with the same Tech Level 2 gear used by the PRG.
AK-400 Assault Rifle: This traditional slug-throwing DPA Rifle Platoon
assault rifle produced by the DPRG under license from the 1 x DPA Platoon HQ Section
NSF. The weapon would be familiar to insurgents and 3 x DPA Rifle Squads
soldiers of the 20th centurys Soviet Union and its client
states. Improvements have been made to the material Transport
components and the weapon now fires more advanced A DPA Rifle Platoon is normally transported by four Type
ammunition which allows it to remain effective against 88 Shouting Dragon APCs, one of which may be a
modern body armor. A simple, robust design, the AK-400 is command variant.
all but idiot-proof, making it the ideal weapon for a poorly
trained foot-soldier. Peoples Republican Guard
Mod. 78 Squad Automatic Weapon (TL1 TST, Lt. AP:1): (PRG)
The Model 78 SAW is a traditional slug-throwing weapon Troop Quality: D8D10
which fires the same advanced rounds as the AK-400. Like Morale: D6D12
the 89, it is a weapon of simple design and is easy to use Confidence Level: Low to High
and maintain. Supply Quality Level: Normal to Abundant
RPGMP-3 (TL2, Med. AP:2/AT2(M): The Rocket Overall Tech Level: 2 (Some formations have access to
Propelled Grenade, Multi-Purpose-3 (RPGMP-3) is a TL3 gear)
re-usable launcher that fires a multi-role projectile. It is On Grid?
equally effective against both infantry and vehicles. Major Operations: Yes (TL1)
Peoples Machine Gun Mod 7 (TL2 ABW, Med. AP:2): Normal Operations: Sometimes
The PMG Mod 7 is advanced ballistic weapon built around Armor: Hard Armor (2D) to TL1 Powered Armor (3D)


fairly heavy and ballistically stable caseless projectile. While

not particularly outstanding for its class, the PMG M7 is a
perfectly functional and fairly reliable GPMG.

PRG Rifle Platoon

PRG Rifle Fireteam
1 x Fireteam Leader w/AK-400 rifle
1 x Gunner w/M. 78 SAW (TL1, TST, Lt. AP:1)
1 x Grenadier w/ RPGMP-3 (TL2, Med. AP:2/AT2(M)
1 x Riflemen w/AK-400 rifle

PRG Rifle Squad

1 x Squad Leader w/AK-400 rifle
DPRG forces occupy Tiaret on the eastern
2 x PRG Rifle Fireteams
border of the Republic of Arden (photo:
Piers Brand, miniatures: GZG)
PRG Rifle Platoon HQ Section
Typical Unit Attributes: 1 x Platoon Leader w/AK-400 rifle
Poor Initiative Not as common among PRG as the 1 x Platoon Sgt. w/AK-400 rifle
DPA. Most PRG units will have normal initiative. 1 x Gunner w/PMG M7 GPMG (TL2 ABW, Med. AP:2)
Forward Observer 1 x Assistant Gunner w/AK-400 rifle
Terminal Air Controller 1 x Lifesaver (Medic) w/AK-400 rifle

Special Gear Descriptions: PRG Rifle Platoon

AK-400 Assault Rifle: This traditional slug-throwing assault 1 x PRG Platoon HQ Section
rifle produced by the DPRG under license from the NSF. 3 x PRG Rifle Squads
The weapon would be familiar to insurgents and soldiers
of the 20th centurys Soviet Union and its client states. Transport
Improvements have been made to the material components A DPA Rifle Platoon is normally transported by four Type
and the weapon now fires more advanced ammunition 88 Shouting Dragon APCs, one of which may be a
which allows it to remain effective against modern body command variant.
armor. A simple, robust design, the AK-400 is all but
idiot-proof, making it the ideal weapon for a poorly trained IMPERIAL RUSSIA
foot-soldier. The following are official TOEs for the Russian Imperial Army
Mod. 78 Squad Automatic Weapon (TL1 TST, Lt. AP:1): (RIA) units, as mandated by the Imperial administration.
The Model 78 SAW is a traditional slug-throwing weapon Obviously actual unit organizations may vary according to
which fires the same advanced rounds as the AK-400. Like the theatre, mission, and available resources.
the 89, it is a weapon of simple design and is easy to use The RIA has a number of different troop types under its
and maintain. all-encompassing umbrella. The first, and most numerous,
RPGMP-3 (TL2, Med. AP:2/AT2(M): The Rocket are the regular army detachments. These are often conscript
Propelled Grenade, Multi-Purpose-3 (RPGMP-3) is a formations with a core of career NCOs and officers.
re-usable launcher that fires a multi-role projectile. It is Conscription in Russia is not universal. Young people may
equally effective against both infantry and vehicles. elect not to participate as conscripts, though this precludes
Peoples Machine Gun Mod 7 (TL2 ABW, Med. AP:2): them from pursuing university education. They may also
The PMG Mod 7 is advanced ballistic weapon built around a elect to defer service for a period of up to five years. The


reward for completion of two years of military service is a While it may lack the range and finesse of other
fully financed higher education of great quality. Conscripts, weapons, its ease of use and long life span make it the ideal
especially those from Earth, are generally well disposed to weapon for low budget armies and insurgencies to use.
their two years of service and perform as well as most RPK-80 Kolchan Plasma Gun (TL2 Med. EWS
regular troops due to the benefits they receive afterwards. AP:2/AT:2(M): The RPK-80 is a second generation plasma
Colonial conscripts do not receive educational benefits and projector that has met with great success on the battlefield.
are less than keen to spend time in the army. This gives the The weapon is reliable, moderately effective against both
army a two-tier quality level. infantry and armor, and consumes a reasonable amount of
energy in operation. The weapon is rather cumbersome and
Regular Russian Army suffers from brutal recoil and intense heat discharge,
Troop Quality: D6D10 however. Despite these shortcomings, the Kolchan is a
Morale: D8D12 prized weapon among RIA units.
Confidence Level: Low to High SVG-1 Gauss Sniper Rifle (TL2 Med. GWS AP:2/AT:1(L):
Supply Quality Level: Poor to Abundant The SVG-1 Gauss Sniper Rifle is a bare-bones but highly
Overall Tech Level: 2 effective sniper rifle that has seen service in the RIA
On Grid? for several decades. While not as precise as many
Major Operations: Yes other sniper rifles, it is a robust weapon and, when firing
Normal Operations: Rarely special penetrator rods, can also serve as an adequate
Armor: Normal (1D) anti-material rifle.

Typical Unit Attributes: Russian Imperial Army Infantry

Poor Initiative (Colonial Units) Squad
Forward Observer First Fireteam
Terminal Air Controller Sergeant with AK-200 ACR
Medic Private with AK-200 ACR
Private with AK-200 ACR
Special Gear Descriptions: Private with AK-200 ACR & RPG-100 Single-shot A/T
AK-200 ACR (TL2): The Kalashnikov Advanced Combat Rifle Weapon (TL2 Hvy. AP:3/AT:3(M)
200, the AK-200 as its better known, is the perfect example Grenadier with AK-200 ACR & GP-40 Grenade Launcher
of what can be done for a low budget but maximum (TL2 Lt. AP:1)
efficiency. The weapon is a standard assault rifle, using
caseless 9mm ammunition within a virtually indestructible Second Fireteam
body. The weapon is rugged in the extreme. You can drop Corporal with AK-200 ACR
it off a cliff, bury it in the Martian dust, dunk it in an ocean, Private with AK-200 ACR& RPG-100 Single-shot A/T
sink it into mud and the gun will come out and fire first Weapon (TL2 Hvy. AP:3/AT:3(M)
time, every time. Gunner with RPK-80 (TL2 Med. EWS AP:2/AT:2(M)
It is the perfect weapon for low quality troops. It needs Assistant Gunner with AK-200 ACR Carbine
virtually no attention. It is simple to break down and
maintain. It has very few parts and is simple throughout Russian Imperial Army Infantry
its construction. It can be made from whatever material is Platoon
available poly-carbons, ceramics polymer, metal, plastic 1 x Lieutenant with AK-200 ACR
composites whatever a colony has to hand, it can arm 1 x Senior-Sergeant with AK-200 ACR
itself with the AK-200 design, and more importantly, it can 1 x Communication Specialist with AK-200 ACR and
make them itself with the most basic of equipment. Tri-Band Comms pack


1 x Private First Class with SVG-1 Gauss Sniper Rifle (TL2 Supply Quality Level: Normal to Abundant
Med. GWS AP:2/AT:1(L) Overall Tech Level: 2
1 x Rinda Medical Droid On Grid?
3 x Infantry Squads Major Operations: Yes
Normal Operations: Sometimes
Weapons issued may vary between units. In some formations Armor: Normal (1D) to Carapace (2D)
troops will carry the AT-70 anti-tank missile launcher or *D12 TQ ratings are rare even among elite formations.
commanders may be lucky enough to issue the TKB-80 At most, only a handful of men in a platoon will be rated
Kolchan Plasma Rifle to a few of their squads. At higher D12, and such men are often found in small, specialist
levels, companies will also have weapon platoons with heavy teams (such as Sniper Teams).
machine guns, either remote or crewed, automatic mortars
and further specialist weaponry. Typical Unit Attributes:
Forward Observer
Russian Imperial Army Terminal Air Controller
Airborne and Marines Pointman
Troop Quality: D8D10 Advanced Life Saving Capabilities
Morale: D8D10 Old School
Confidence Level: High Natural Weapons This attribute represents the brutal
Supply Quality Level: Normal to Abundant hand-to-hand techniques used by Spetsnaz troops)
Overall Tech Level: 2
On Grid? Spetsnaz or Special Purpose Troops, to give them their
Major Operations: Yes correct title, represent the R.I.A.s special forces but the
Normal Operations: Sometimes Reality of the Spetsnaz differs slightly from the popular
Armor: Normal (1D) to Carapace (2D) vision of super-elite masters of all weapons and brutal
hand-to-hand combat experts. There are large numbers
Typical Unit Attributes: of specialist troops who are lumped together under the
Forward Observer organizational heading of Spetsnaz, but the majority of
Terminal Air Controller such troops are simply special forces capable infantry with
Pointman little more (and often less) training than US Army Rangers or
Medic British Royal Marines. Certain units within Spetsnaz, however,
are every bit the shadowy super-soldiers of popular lore.
Russian airborne troops differ very little from the above Spetsnaz units tend to follow the basic troop structure
formation except in the higher than usual issue of specialist described below, but their equipment and role that from
weapons when required by mission parameters and the group to group. Units under the command of Alpha Group
occasional use of advanced armor systems, though these are tend to be trained for standard military special operations,
generally reserved for the most reliable units in the regime. while those of Victor Group specialize in anti-terrorist and
Naval Marines also have similar issues as their airborne internal security duties. It has to be stated that Alpha and
brethren. Airborne and Marine units are organized along the Victor Groups are both more than capable of acting as high
same lines as Spetsnaz and have analogous capabilities. quality infantry regardless of their specialization. These
groups also have the full array of weapons to choose from,
Spetsnaz Combat Team often being the first to receive new experimental weapons
Troop Quality: D8D12* and armor. Both the Kolontar system armor and the
Morale: D8D10 heavier Kuyak battle suit are available to Spetsnaz units
Confidence Level: High when required.

[The Special Operator]

Spetsnaz Combat Team peaceful compromises. Odd occurrences have been noted
1 x Sergeant with AK-200 ACR & RPG-100 Single-shot while observing the Crusties in combat such as an
A/T Weapon (TL2 Hvy. AP:3/AT:3(M) apparent tendency to brawl amongst themselves or even
1 x Corporal with TKB-80 Kolchan Plasma Rifle engage in sniping at units within their own force. The Crusties
(TL2 Med. EWS AP:2/AT:2(M) otherwise evidence strong tactical and strategic capabilities,
1 x Corporal with AK-200 ACR & GP-40 Grenade so this behavior seems quite anomalous.
Launcher (TL2 Lt. AP:1) Note: Mankind has not yet encountered intelligent alien
1 x Corporal with SVG-1 Gauss Sniper Rifle (TL2 Med. life in the timeframe covered by the basic timeline presented
GWS AP:2/AT:1(L) in this volume so feel free to vary from our timeline to game
All troops wear Kolontar System Armour (counts as encounters with alien forces if you wish!
Recon Power Armour)
Troop Quality: D8D10
In some teams, the fourth member of the squad will Morale: D8D12
wear a Kuyak battlesuit mounting the twin barreled Confidence Level: Confident to High
40mm PTRD-40 Anti-Material Cannon and twin-linked Supply Quality Level: Poor to Abundant
chain guns. Different load outs may be used based on Overall Tech Level: 3
mission parameters. On Grid?
Major Operations: No
THE CRUSTIES Armor: Genetically enhanced exoskeleton (TL2, 2D)
The Marshborn, as they call themselves, or Crusties as
human soldiers refer to them, are a very aggressive and
expansionist alien race. Although roughly humanoid
in form, the Crusties do not share humanitys primate I dont know what they were Sir. My squad
ancestry, but are more closely related to the crustacean. didnt stand a chance. Their guns just cut us
Their bodies are encased in a hard shell, from which they down, slicing through our armor and flesh
moult several times before reaching full adult size. While with ease. Within seconds I was the only one
the Crusty exoskeleton provides excellent protection (there left. Thats when they stopped firing and came
are indications that the warrior class undergoes genetic closer. I cant describe them, Sir. They walked
modification to militarize their exoskeleton), their open on two legs, their armor seemed part of them,
circulatory system leaves them vulnerable to wounds that like a crab or a lobster. But they were
crack their shell. certainly intelligent. One of them knelt down
Crusty technology is roughly equivalent to that of next to me and treated my wounds. It spoke
Mankind, at least with regard to mechanical technology such to me I dont know what it said. I couldnt
as firearms and spacecraft, but their skill in bio-engineering understand it. Then I must have passed out.
is cutting edge. The shells of Crusty scouts, for instance, are Next thing I knew I was in a hospital bed on
covered with a phototropic film which acts as a human the Peking.
chameleon suit, and a redundant set of antennae on all Testimony from Captain Chun Lai, 113th Infantry
Crusty soldiers has been repurposed to provide them with Regiment, PRC Army, during his court-martial for the
the equivalent of advanced sensors. murder of his entire squad. Captain Lai was found
Little is known of Crusty culture or their motivations, guilty of the murder of 11 of his men and executed
aside from an obvious acquisitive attitude towards suitable by firing squad upon recovering from his wounds.
colony worlds and an obdurate refusal (or inability) to coexist
with other intelligent species on a planet, or to negotiate


If a Crusty unit fails a Morale Check and rolls

Note: The Crusty figures for which this section multiple 1s. In this event, the Crusty unit
has been written are produced by Ground Zero becomes very embarrassed and must make an
Games (GZG) and sold under the generic Animosity test. If it fails, it snipes at the nearest
description of Crusty (pack codes SG15-X10 friendly Crusty unit.
through X13). This Tomorrows War force list
for use with these figures has been created with Special Gear Descriptions:
permission from GZG. You can purchase these Crusty Rifle (TL3): The Crusty Rifle is a very compact
miniatures at the GZG online store at plasma weapon. It is quite effective and experts theorize
www.gzg.com. that it interacts with the Crusty sensor antennae to
The game stats and background given here enhance targeting.
were designed for use in Tomorrows War Crusty Plasma Projector (TL3 EWS AP:2/AT:1(L) in AP
and do not necessarily reflect GZGs specific Mode or TL2 EWS AP:1/AT:2(M) in AT mode): The Crusty
descriptions of the particular figures, weapons Plasma projector can be toggled between an anti-personnel
or organization.
mode with a large splash and anti-tank mode which is
more focused. It requires a full turn without firing to switch
from one mode to the other. A Crusty fireteam will generally
Typical Unit Attributes: have one of their Plasma Projectors set to AP and the other
Chameleon Suit (TL2) normally only issued to to AT.
Scout/Sniper units or AT teams. Crusty Gauss Designated Marksman Rifle (TL3 Lt. GWS
Augmented Senses (TL3) AP:1/AT:1(L): The Crusty DMR is used in a manner
Animosity Crusty units tend to bond very tightly consistent with human doctrine, but also seems to be the
and their members routinely put the interests of their weapon of choice when Crusties engage in inexplicable
fireteam ahead of their Tactical Formation, and their bouts of fratricide.
Tactical Formation before their Operations Group, Crusty Heavy Arc (HAC) Gun (TL3 EWS AP:4/AT:2(M) AP
etc. They are very sensitive to perceived slights, Mode; TL3 EWS AP:2/AT:4(H) AT mode): Crusty Heavy ARC
particularly those that involve one unit behaving as if guns fire an ionized arc down which a powerful flood of
it were superior to another. On the battlefield, this plasma can be directed. The arc can be widened to take in
sensitivity sometimes leads to sniping between units. large area in order to splash a large number of infantry or
Under certain circumstances, Crusty units must it can be tightened to function as an anti-armor weapon.
make an Animosity Check. To perform an Animosity Crusty Launcher/Mortar (TL3 AP:3 w/3 radius, AP mode;
Check, the affected Crusty unit must simply make a AP:2/AT:4(H), Deck Attack, AT mode): The Crusty
Troop Quality test. If the unit passes the check nothing Launcher/Mortar is another dual mode weapon. It can either
untoward occurs. If they fail the check, the units lob a plasma bolt indirectly like a mortar for an indirect
attached DMR immediately snipes at a friendly Crusty anti-personnel attack, or it can fire a more focused bolt in
unit determined according to the circumstances. a slight parabola to strike an AFVs weaker deck armor.
Resolve a round of fire between the two units using
ONLY their DMRs. Crusty Tactical Formation
Animosity checks must be made when: Crusty Tactical Team
A nearby Crusty unit gains a Victory Point (other 1 x Fireteam Leader w/Rifle
than those gained for causing an enemy casualty). 2 x Gunner w/Plasma Projectors (TL3 EWS AP:2/AT:1(L)
The nearest non-Command Team unit to a Crusty in AP Mode or TL3 EWS AP:1/AT:2(M) in AT mode)
unit that wins a Victory point must take an 1 x DMR w/Crusty Gauss DMR (TL3 Lt. GWS AP:1/AT1(L)
Animosity test. 1 x Rifleman w/Rifle


Crusty Weapon Team

1 x Team Leader w/Rifle
3 x Gunner w/Plasma Projectors (TL3 EWS AP:2/AT:1(L) Republic of Arden National
in AP Mode or TL3 EWS AP:1/AT:2(M) in AT mode) Guard (Main Force)
2 x Riflemen w/Rifles Troop Quality: D8D10
Morale: D8D10
Crusty Command Team Confidence Level: Confident to High
1 x Commander w/Rifle Supply Quality Level: Poor to Abundant
1 x Rifleman w/Rifle Overall Tech Level: 2
3 x Marksmen w/Crusty Gauss DMR (TL3 Lt. GWS On Grid?
AP:1/AT:1(L) Major Operations: Yes (TL1)
Normal Operations: No
Crusty Tactical Formation Armor: Light Body Armor (1D)
1 x Crusty Command Team
3 x Crusty Tactical Teams Typical Unit Attributes:
2 x Crusty Weapon Teams Forward Observer
Terminal Air Controller
Crusty Scout/Sniper Formation Pointman
Scout/Sniper Team
1 x Team Leader w/Rifle and Chameleon Suit Special Gear Descriptions:
1 x Sniper w/Crusty Gauss Sniper Rifle (TL3 Med. GWS FAMAS Colony Rifle (FAMAS CR): A solid, easily
AP:2/AT1(M) and Chameleon Suit manufactured assault rifle supplied to French colonial
police and military forces, the FAMAS Colony Rifle is a
Scout/Sniper Formation magazine-fed, bull-pup configuration, selective fire weapon
1 x Formation Leader w/Rifle and Chameleon Suit chambered for 5.56mm conventional rounds. The Colony
3 x Scout/Sniper Teams Rifle and its ammunition can be produced by any colony,
even those with limited resources or industrial capacity.
Crusty Heavy Weapon Formation
Heavy Weapon Team
1 x Gunner w/Heavy ARC Gun (TL3 EWS AP:4/AT:2(M)
AP Mode; TL3 EWS AP:2/AT:4(H) AT mode) or Support
Launcher/Mortar (TL3 AP:3 w/3 radius, AP mode;
AP:2/AT:4(H), Deck Attack, AT mode) and Chameleon
Suit if deployed as an AT Team
1 X Spotter w/rifle and Chameleon Suit if deployed as an
AT Team

Heavy Weapon Formation

1 x Formation Leader w/Rifle
4 x Heavy Weapon Teams

RA Blaireaus on cross country march,

2nd Glory War (photo: Shawn Carpenter,
miniatures: GZG)


Multi-Purpose RPG (MPRPG): Like the Colony Rifle, the ANG Main Force Section (Groupes de Combat)
Multi-Purpose RPG is simple to manufacture, easy to 1 x Chef de Combat (Section Leader) w/FAMAS CR*
maintain, and effective without extensive training or 1 x Asst. Chef de Combat (Asst. Section Leader)
technical capabilities. They can be found in the hands of w/FAMAS CR**
police and militia members in all French colonies. MPRPG 1 x Caporal w/FAMAS CR ***
gunners usually carry an assortment of anti-personnel and 3 x Fireteams
anti-tank rounds. * Commands Fireteam 1
FN Low Maintenance Squad Automatic Weapon (LMSAW): ** Commands Fireteam 2
While FN manufactures top of the line, modern weapons *** Commands Fireteam 3
for wealthy, high-tech customers, they also market a line of
low-tech weapons primarily for colonial militias. The Low ANG Main Force Weapons Squad
Maintenance SAW is one of those weapons. The LMSAW 1 x Chef de Combat (Section Leader) w/FAMAS CR
is a compact, belt-fed, automatic weapon chambered in 1 x Gunner w/MAG 90 GPMG (Med. Support)
the same caliber as the FAMAS Colony Rifle. It provides 1 x Assistant Gunner w/FAMAS CR
fireteams with effective suppression fire in an affordably 2x Riflemen w/FP-3 (Sniper Team)
produced, easy to maintain package.
MAG-90 General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG): Standard ANG Main Force Platoon HQ Squad
GPMG of French colonial forces. Chemically cooled, 1 x Platoon Leader w/FAMAS CR
belt-fed, full automatic weapon chambered for .30 caliber 1 x Platoon Sgt. w/FAMAS CR
cased ammunition. 1 x Platoon Communications Specialist w/FAMAS CR
FP-3 (Fusil de Precision Model 3): The standard ballistic 2 x Riflemen w/FAMAS CR
sniping rifle of French national forces, this potent weapon 1 x VAB
has found its way into the hands of several colonies,
including the Republic of Arden. The FP-3 is a very ANG Main Force Platoon
traditional bolt-action rifle, updated by the use of 1 x ANG Platoon HQ Squad
composite materials and advanced optics. The weapon is 3 x ANG Sections
capable of firing self-correcting rounds, but their expense 1 x ANG Weapons Squad
means they are rarely used by colonial snipers. The
weapon is chambered for .330 caliber and is capable of French Foreign Legion
extreme accuracy even when nanite corrected rounds are Platoon
not employed. Troop Quality: D8D10
Morale: D8D12
ANG Main Force Platoon Confidence Level: Confident to High
ANG Main Force Rifle Binome Supply Quality Level: Poor to Normal
2 x Guards w/FAMAS Overall Tech Level: 23
On Grid? Sometimes (TL3)
ANG Main Force Weapons Binome Armor: Hard Armor (2D)
1 x Grenadier w/MPRPG (TL2 Med. AT2/AP: 2(L)
1 x Gunner w/LMSAW (TL2 Lt. AP:1) Typical Unit Attributes:
Forward Observer
ANG Main Force Fireteam Terminal Air Controller
1 x Rifle Binome
Indigenous Scout
1 x Weapons Binome Old School


Special Gear Descriptions: FFL Groupe Commandement

FAMAS ACR (Advanced Combat Rifle): Standard assault 1 x Lieutenant w/FAMAS ACR
rifle of the French Army and French Foreign Legion. 1 x Sergent w/FAMAS ACR
Selective fire, chemically cooled rifle chambered for .30 1 x Communications Tech w/FAMAS ACR
caliber caseless ammunition. Equipped with advanced 2 x Marksmen w/ Hecate IX AMR (TL2 Med. AGW
optics, HUD link, gun camera and TAG (Target Acquisition AP:2/AT:2(M)
and Guidance a target designator for air, artillery, or
orbital strikes) unit. (TL2 Small Arms) FFL Groupe Appui Anti Char
MINIMI Advanced Squad Automatic Weapon (A-SAW): 1 x Caporal w/FAMAS ACR
The Minimi A-SAW is a fully-automatic, chemically cooled 2 x AT Teams
weapon chambered for .30 dual propellant ammunition. 2 x Gunners w/Nemesis RAC (TL3 ATGM AP:4/AT:5(H)
The weapon is factory fitted with an Advanced Combat Deck Attack)
Sight and Optimizer (ACSO) which provides its gunner with 2 x Ammo Bearers w/FAMAS ACR
sophisticated optics and a basic but highly specialized expert
program that varies the weapons rate of fire and propellant FFL Groupe de Combat
charge to maximize suppression and generate appropriate 1 x Chef de Combat w/FAMAS ACR
penetration for the target being engaged. (TL3 Lt. ABW AP:1) 1 x Asst. Chef de Combat w/FAMAS ACR
LRAC (Lance-Roquettes Anti-Char) 98: Standard man 2 x FFL Scout Fireteams
portable light assault missile system. The LRAC 98 uses 1 x VBL
dual-purpose missiles that are effective in both anti-tank and 2 x Rifle Binome
anti-personnel roles. (TL3 Med. AP:2/AT:2(M) 2 x Riflemen w/FAMAS ACR
Hecate IX AMR (Anti-Material Rifle): The Hecate IX AMR is 1 x Weapons Binome
analogous to the US produced M9 GAT (Gauss Anti-Tank 1 x Gunner w/Minimi A-SAW (TL3 Lt. ABW AP:1)
Rifle). Like the M9 GAT, the Hecate IX AMR is a man- 1 x Grenadier w/LRAC 98 (TL3 Med. AP:2/AT:2(M)
portable rail-gun capable of propelling a .40 caliber at
hyper-velocities. This weapon has been used successfully
in a sniper role, anti-material role, and in defense against
light armored vehicles and Armored Fighting Suits (AFS). UAE Airborne Platoon
(TL3 Med. GWS AP:2/AT:2M) Troop Quality: D8D10
Nemesis RAC: This man portable AT launcher utilizes a Morale: D10
launch system with advanced sensors and targeting Confidence Level: Confident to High
capabilities. The rocket itself is a fire and forget advanced Supply Quality Level: Normal
ATGM. (TL3 ATGM AP:4/AT:5(H) Deck Attack) Overall Tech Level: 2
MULE (Multipurpose Logistics Vehicle): This wheeled, On Grid? Sometimes (TL2)
semi-autonomous UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) is Armor: Hard (2D)
used to carry supplies to fireteams in the field and, in an
emergency, to carry wounded to a CASEVAC point. The Typical Unit Attributes:
MULE is equipped with a Basic Life Support AI to assist in Forward Observer
its role as an impromptu ambulance. Terminal Air Controller
FFL Section de Combat
1 x Groupe Commandement (HQ Squad) Special Gear Descriptions:
1 x Groupe Appui Anti Char (AT Squad) L-79A6 ACR (Advanced Combat Rifle): An evolutionary
3 x Groupes de Combat upgrade of the venerable L-79 .35 caliber assault rifle from


British service. The weapon was replaced by the EK-L4a3 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
in 10mm four years ago. The L-79 was a popular weapon The armed forces of the United States of America represent
however, reliable and practically soldier-proof that more the bleeding edge of military development. Since the middle
than a few armies swore by, including the UAE. The weapon of the 20th century, Americas civilian culture has been
has been continually upgraded over the years by RSAF to resoundingly risk averse. American military planners have
keep the weapon up to current standards. It more than turned to technology to provide as close to bloodless
holds its own with newer designs and has a serviceable victories as possible. Wherever possible, robots or drones
optical interface scope system that includes HUD link, TAG are sacrificed instead of human lives. This approach is most
and a 30mm grenade launcher. evident in the US Army and US Navy (wet & vacuum). The
L-80 SAW: A heavy barrel version of the L-79 with a quick US Marine Corps, as befits its long history of doing more
change barrel, a bipod and an advanced cooling system with less, still relies heavily on flesh and blood troops.
coupled with a higher cyclic rate and modification to allow
for feeding from 300 round assault packs. US Army Light Infantry
RPG-150: The standard Russian made man-portable light Platoon
anti-tank rocket launcher. The system has options for HE, Troop Quality: D8D10
Thermobaric and SEFOP warheads. Morale: D8D10
Mle 70 UEMA: An autonomous medical retrieval unit of Confidence Level: Confident to High
French design. The Mle 70 is an example of the previous Supply Quality Level: Normal to Abundant
generation of AMU technology. Its a bit slower and less Overall Tech Level: 3
able to negotiate obstacles than current designs. On Grid? Yes (TL3)
Armor: Light Body Armor (1D)
UAE Airborne Platoon
UAE Airborne Fireteam Typical Unit Attributes:
1 x Fireteam TL with L-79 Forward Observer
1 x Gunner with L-80 (TL2 Lt. AP:1) Terminal Air Controller
1 x Gunner with RPG-150 (TL2 Med. AP:2/AT:2(M) Advanced Sensors
1 x Rifleman with L-79 Medic

UAE Airborne Squad

1 x Squad Leader with L-79
2 x UAE Airborne Fireteams

UAE Airborne Platoon HQ

1 x Platoon Leader with L-79
1 x Platoon Sergeant with L-79
1 x Tech with L-79
1 x Gunner with L-80 (TL2 Lt. AP:1)
2 x Mle 70 UEMA

UAE Airborne Platoon

3 x UAE Airborne Squads
Joint operations during the 3rd Glory
1 X UAE Airborne Platoon HQ
War often saw USMC Perkins and US Army
Patton tanks on joint patrol (photo: Dana
Boggs-Drake, miniatures: GZG & Khurasan)


[The Doc]


Special Gear Descriptions: US Army Light Infantry Platoon HQ Squad

M1 ACR (Advanced Combat Rifle): Standard assault rifle of 1 x Platoon Leader w/M1 ACR
US forces. Selective fire, chemically cooled rifle chambered 1 x Platoon Sgt. w/M1 ACR
for .30 caliber binary-propulsion ammunition. Equipped 1 x Platoon Battlenet Tech w/M1 ACR
with advanced optics, HUD link, gun camera and TAG 2 x Riflemen w/M1 ACR
(Target Acquisition and Guidance a target designator for 1 x MULE Command Variant w/3 x Small Sensor Drones
air, artillery, or orbital strikes) unit. 1 x Medic w/M1 ACR
MPGL (Multi-Purpose Grenade Launcher, TL3 Med. 1 x AMU (Autonomous Medical Unit)
AP:2/AT:2(M): Standard grenade launcher for the US Army.
Magazine fed, semi-automatic grenade launcher firing US Army Light Infantry Squad
30mm grenades, including anti-personnel flechette rounds, 1 x Squad Leader w/M1 ACR
HE rounds, and RAAT (Rocket Assisted Anti-Tank) rounds. 1 x MULE
AGP: Autonomous Gun Platform with mission specific 2 x US Army Light Infantry Fireteams
load-out. 1 x US Army Light Infantry AGP Contact Fireteam
MPPC (Multi-Purpose Plasma Cannon, TL3 Hvy. EWS
AP:3/AT:3(H): Standard medium plasma support weapon US Army Light Infantry Rifle Fireteam
for US forces. Highly effective in both anti-personnel and 1 x Fireteam Leader w/M1 ACR
anti-tank mode. 1 x Rifleman/Technician w/M1 ACR
AMU (Autonomous Medical Unit, a.k.a., Care Bear): 1 x Gunner w/SAW (TL3 Lt. ABW AP:1)
An autonomous medical robot that can provide advanced 1 x AGP w/launcher (TL3 Med. AP:2/AT:2(M)
life-saving support to wounded troops and/or bear them to
a CASEVAC point for more advanced care. US Army Light Infantry AGP Contact Fireteam
MULE (Multipurpose Logistics Vehicle): This wheeled, 4 x Light AGPs w/M41 GPMG (TL3 Med. ABW AP:2)
semi-autonomous UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) is 1 x Support AGP w/MPPC (TL3 Hvy. EWS AP:3/AT:3(H)
used to carry supplies to fireteams in the field and, in
an emergency, to carry wounded to a CASEVAC point. US Army Light Infantry Weapons Squad
The MULE is equipped with a Basic Life Support AI to 1 x Squad Leader w/M1 ACR
assist in its role as an impromptu ambulance. 4 x AGP w/Mission Load Out Either M41 GPMG (TL3
M41 GPMG (General Purpose Machine Gun, TL3 Med. Med. ABW AP:2) or MPPC (TL3 Hvy. EWS AP:3/AT:3(H)
GWS AP:2): Standard GPMG of US forces. Chemically
cooled, magazine fed, full automatic weapon chambered
for .30 caliber binary propellant ammunition.
M9 GAT (Gauss Anti-Tank Rifle, TL3 Med. GWS
AP:2/AT:2(M): Standard Anti-Tank rifle of US forces.
Man-portable rail gun which fires a .40 caliber, super-dense
penetrator at hyper-velocities. Capable of one shot kills
on AFS (Armored Fighting Suits) and causing combat
ineffectiveness for full sized AFVs (Armored Fighting
Vehicles). Sometimes also deployed by sniper teams.

US Army Light Infantry Platoon

1 x US Army Lt. Infantry Platoon HQ Squad
A USMC M70 Perkins assists dismounts in
3 x US Army Lt. Infantry Squads securing a DPRG refinery station on Glory
1 x US Army Lt. Infantry Weapon Squad (photo: Piers Brand, miniatures: GZG)


2 x Gunnery Techs w/M1 ACR A typical ODA split into two teams is presented below.
3 x MULEs In this example, the ODA is supported by a pair of TACs.
Note that it is not unusual for Special Forces operators
Company Level Savants to split into smaller teams of four, three, or two in order to
The US Army is unique in its use of Savants. Savants are accomplish specific mission tasks.
special individuals who are capable of absorbing, retaining, ODAs routinely have access to practically any special
and synthesizing combat data. In the event of a Grid weapon or gear that might be required for a mission.
outage, a Savant can take on many of its capabilities via
conventional communications. Special Gear Descriptions:
If a scenario or US Army force description indicates M1H ACR (Advanced Combat Rifle/GL (TL3 Lt. ABW AP:1):
the presence of a Savant at company level or lower, all US Standard assault rifle of US forces, modified for use
units in the force are immune to the effects of Grid Loss by Special Forces. Selective fire, chemically cooled rifle
with the exceptions of the inability to utilize BLOS, SFAD, chambered for .30 caliber binary-propulsion ammunition.
or SFAT. An under-slung 20mm grenade launcher has been added to
the weapon. Equipped with advanced optics, HUD link, gun
US Army Special Forces camera and TAG (Target Acquisition and Guidance a target
Operational Detachment designator for air, artillery, or orbital strikes) unit. The M1H
Alpha (ODA) rifle is suppressed. While the grenades it launches create a
Troop Quality: D10D12 racket, the launcher itself is whisper quiet.
Morale: D10D12
Confidence Level: High US Army Special Forces ODA
Supply Quality Level: Normal to High ODA Team One
Overall Tech Level: 3 1 x ODA Detachment Commander w/M1H ACR/GL (TL3
On Grid? Yes (TL3) ABW Lt. AP:1)
Armor: Light Body Armor + Skeletal Augmentation (2D) 1 x ODA Team Sgt. w/M1H ACR/GL (TL3 ABW Lt. AP:1)
1 x Weapons Sgt. w/SAW (TL3 Lt. ABW AP:1)
Typical Unit Attributes: 1 x Medical Sgt. w/M1H ACR/GL (TL3 ABW Lt. AP:1)
Advanced Life Saving Capabilities 1 x Engineering Sgt. w/Laser sniper rifle (Designated
Skeletal Augmentation Marksman can be split from unit with another member
Active Trauma Treatment Nanites as a spotter to act as a Sniper Team)
TL3 Augmented Senses 1 x Communications Sgt. w/M1H ACR/GL (TL3 ABW Lt.
Old School AP:1)
TL3 Stealth 1 x USAF or Navy CCT w/M1H ACR/GL (TL3 ABW Lt.
Following centuries old tradition, ODAs are 12 man teams
organized to split into two six man teams as needed. ODA Team Two
All members are specialized in a specific military task, 1 x ODA Asst. Detachment Commander w/M1H ACR/GL
(demolitions, medicine, weapons, etc.), but extensive cross (TL3 ABW Lt. AP:1)
training (and the use of expert programs when needed) 1 x ODA Intel Sgt. w/M1H ACR/GL (TL3 ABW Lt. AP:1)
mean that the loss of a specialist is blunted by redundancy 1 x Weapons Sgt. w/SAW (TL3 Lt. ABW AP:1)
of capability. 1 x Medical Sgt. w/M1H ACR/GL (TL3 ABW Lt. AP:1)
ODAs also have team specialties, such as hot drops, 1 x Engineering Sgt. w/Laser sniper rifle (Designated
zero-g combat/vacuum combat, urban warfare, etc. There Marksman can be split from unit with another member
are typically six ODAs per Special Forces company. as a spotter to act as a Sniper Team)


1 x Communications Sgt. w/M1H ACR/GL (TL3 ABW Lt. life-saving support to wounded troops and/or bear them to
AP:1) a CASEVAC point for more advanced care.
1 x USAF or Navy CCT w/M1H ACR/GL (TL3 ABW Lt. AP:1) MULE (Multipurpose Logistics Vehicle): This wheeled,
semi-autonomous UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) is
USMC Rifle Platoon used to carry supplies to fireteams in the field and, in an
Troop Quality: D8D10 emergency, to carry wounded to a CASEVAC point. The
Morale: D8D12 MULE is equipped with a Basic Life Support AI to assist in
Confidence Level: Confident to High its role as an impromptu ambulance.
Supply Quality Level: Poor to Normal
Overall Tech Level: 2 USMC RIFLE PLATOON
On Grid? Sometimes (TL3) USMC Rifle Fireteam
Armor: Hard Armor (2D) 1 x Fireteam Leader w/M1 ACR
1 x Gunner w/M233 SAW (TL3 Lt. AP:1)
Typical Unit Attributes: 1 x Gunner w/Mk 17 SLAM (TL3 Med. AP:2/AT:2(M)
Forward Observer 1 x Riflemen w/M1 ACR
Terminal Air Controller
Advanced Sensors USMC Rifle Squad
Medic 1 x Squad Leader w/M1 ACR
Old School 1 x AMU
1 x MULE
Special Gear Descriptions: 3 x USMC Rifle Fireteams
M1 ACR (Advanced Combat Rifle): Standard assault rifle of
US forces. Selective fire, chemically cooled rifle chambered USMC Rifle Platoon HQ Squad
for .30 caliber caseless ammunition. Equipped with advanced 1 x Platoon Leader w/M1 ACR
optics, HUD link, gun camera and TAG (Target Acquisition 1 x Platoon Sgt. w/M1 ACR
and Guidance a target designator for air, artillery, or orbital 1 x Platoon Battlenet Tech w/M1 ACR
strikes) unit. 1 x Riflemen w/M1 ACR
M233 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon): Standard Squad 1 x MULE Command Variant
Automatic Weapon for US forces. Similar to M1ACR but with
heavier barrel, increased cooling and magazine capacity. USMC Rifle Platoon
Mk. 17 SLAM (Shoulder Launched Light Assault Missile): 1 x USMC Rifle Platoon HQ Squad
Standard man-portable light assault missile system. May 3 x USMC Rifle Squads
fire anti-personnel HE rounds, thermobaric rounds, and
advanced HEAT rounds. This weapon is sometimes called USMC AFS Platoon
a bazooka by Marines. 1 x Platoon Leader in M2G Suit
AMU (Autonomous Medical Unit, a.k.a., Care Bear): 1 x M2G
An autonomous medical robot that can provide advanced 2 x M2H


Tech Front Side Rear Deck Attributes/
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Description
Level Armor Armor Armor Armor Notes
Chungul Kae 2 L W Turret mounted 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 1+4 If one passenger This rugged little vehicle is the
(Bush Dog) HMG (TL 2 Hvy. doesnt remain basic scout car for the DPRG.
Scout Car Support: with vehicle to The Bush Dog performs quite
AP:4/AT:1(L) man the gun, the well in off-road conditions, but
vehicle can move its motor is notorious for a
or fire in a turn high-pitched whine that its
TL2 Armor & operators find quite irritating.

Type 88 2 L T Dual 10mm 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 3 + 13 TL2 Armor & The Type 88 is a cheaper version
Shouting Rapid Pulse Sensors of the Brazilian Leo I tracked
Dragon APC Fusion gun Amphibious IFV. In place of the Leo Is
(TL3 Med. EWS TL2 Detonation advanced composite armor, the
AP:3/AT:3(L) Field Type 88 utilizes a basic composite
armor that has the advantage of
being manufactured locally by the
DPRG. The APCs sensor suite is
also a local product and is quite
rudimentary in capability. The

very fine twin Carabina pulse
fusion guns make up for some of
the vehicles other shortcomings.

Type 80 2 L W 25mm 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 2 + 13 Amphibious Interarms of South Africa
Fighting Boar Autocannon TL2 Armor & exports this sturdy APC, which
APC (TL2 Sensors they call Badger, to several
AP:4/AT:2(L) Can be Up nations on Earth as well as
Armored, but several colonies, including both
loses Amphibious the DPRG and the Republic of

Arden. The Badger is available

in command and mobile gun
configurations as well. The
Badger was based on the
French VAB and is virtually
indistinguishable from

that vehicle.
Type 80 2 L W 200mm Cannon 3D 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 4 Amphibious Mobile Gun System variant of
Roaring Boar (TL2 TL2 Armor & the Badger.
MGS AP:6/AT:5(H) Sensors
Heavy Hitter
Enhanced Fire
Tech Front Side Rear Deck Attributes/
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Description
Level Armor Armor Armor Armor Notes
Shung-Na-So- 1 S W GPMG (TL 2 Med. 2D6 2D6 2D6 1D6 1 + 13 TL1 Armor The Angry Hawk is the standard
Mae (Angry AP:3) TL1 Sensors battlefield bus of the DPRG. Supplanted
Hawk) Troop by the Shouting Dragon, the Angry Hawk
Carrier is primarily used by DPRG reserve and
militia forces.

Shung-Na-So- 1 S W Bool-Sae 2D6 2D6 2D6 1D6 5 TL1 Armor The gun carrier version of the Angry Hawk
Mae (Angry (Phoenix) TL2 TL1 Sensors is sometimes referred to as the Angrier
Hawk) Gun MLRS (Hvy. Hawk. It carries a basic MLRS system and
Carrier Support, the crew to operate it. The Angry Hawk G
AP:8/AT:6(H) 6 sees widespread use as a fire support
radius) vehicle throughout the DPRG.

Tech Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Attributes/Notes Description
Level Armor Armor Armor Armor
Chonma-ho 1 H T 100mm Main 3D 3D10 2D10 1D8 1D6 3 Obsolete The Pegasus III was the DPRGs first
(Pegasus) III Gun (TL2 ABW TL1 Armor & Sensors successful home-grown AFV. It was based
MBT AP:4/AT:4(H) TL 1 APD on an Interarms SA design, but modified
to suit DPRG manufacturing capabilities.
Although under-gunned and lightly
armored by Terran military standards,

it proved very effective against Republic
of Arden light AFVs. It is still in wide use
by DPRG reserve and militia units.

Chonma-Ho IV 2 H T 140mm Fusion 4D 4D12 3D12 2D10 2D8 3 TL 2 APD The Pegasus IV MBT benefited from the
MBT Gun (TL2 EWS TL2 Armor & Sensors DPRGs technological exchange with
AP:6/AT:5(H) Improved MGs Brazil and is a respectable modern AFV.
Advanced Sensors The vehicle is well loved by its crewmen,
(TL2) who boast of its solid performance and
Heavy Hitter minimal breakdowns. This is the tank
that began to turn the tide against the

Republic of Arden.
Dear Leader I 2 H T 130mm Railgun 4D 5D12 4D12 3D10 2D8 4 Advanced Sensors The Dear Leader I was the dream-child of
Heavy Battle (TL2 GWS (TL2) the DPRGs Supreme Leader, Life
Tank AP:4/AT:5(H) TL2 Armor & Sensors President Ahn Joong Pil and its
Advanced development was a requirement for the
Conventional Armor DPRGs entry into the NEU. Brazilian
(TL2) engineers were able to temper the
Save Haven Presidents exuberance with solid design
Up Armored AFV and succeeded in creating an effective if
Slow Turret somewhat ponderous fighting vehicle.
ERA Equipped Due to its expense, it was produced in
Advanced MGs relatively small numbers, but coupled
with the Pegasus IV it helped the DPRG
balance out the Republic of Ardens
technological advantage.
Dear Leader 2 2 H G2 130mm Railgun 4D 5D12 4D12 3D10 2D8 3 Advanced Sensors The Dear Leader II heavy grav tank is
Heavy Grav (TL2 GWS (TL2) manufactured in Brazil and exported to
Tank AP:4/AT:5(H) TL2 Armor & Sensors NEU member states. Operated in Brazil
Advanced under the designation Leopardo II, the
Conventional Armor Dear Leader II is a potent, modern AFV.
(TL2) It is capable of hot drops with the
Save Haven addition of ablative shields. A small
Up Armored number of Dear Leader IIs were delivered
Life Saver to the DPRG after French intervention in
TL2 APD the Second Glory War.
ERA Equipped
Advanced MGs

Sana-Oon Sa-Ja 2 H G2 Pulse Laser (TL2 4D 4D12 3D12 2D10 2D8 3 Advanced Sensors Sturdy, functional, and easy to maintain,
(Fierce Lion) AP:4D/AT:5D(H) (TL2) the Jaguar IV Grav Tank is the mainstay
TL2 Armor & Sensors of NEU forces. Substantial numbers of
Save Haven Jaguar IVs were delivered to the DPRG
Up Armored following the French intervention in the
TL2 APD Second Glory War.
ERA Equipped
Advanced MGs


Tech Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Attributes/Notes Description
Level Armor Armor Armor Armor
VBL (Vhicule 2 S W Option 1: 12.7mm N/A 2D6 2D6 2D6 1D6 2+3 Remote Control Some form of the VBL has been in

Blind Lger) HMG (TL2 Hvy. TL2 Armor & Sensors service with French forces since before
AP:4/AT:1(L) Up-Armored Soft-Skin the Interstellar Age. These vehicles are
used for scout cars, basic transport, and
Option 2: GPMG (if equipped with an ATGM launcher)
(TL2 Med. AP:3) AT vehicles.

ATGM (TL2 Hvy.


Tech Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Attributes/Notes Description
Level Armor Armor Armor Armor
VAB (Vhicule 2 L W M3 Rapid Pulse 3D 3D10 2D10 2D8 1D8 2 + 8 to Amphibious (Can be VAB is the workhorse APC of French
de lAvant Plasma Cannon 10 uparmored, but lose forces. Older models are also exported
Blind) (TL2 Med. EWS Amphibous capability) to colony worlds and friendly nations.
AP:4/AT:3(L) TL2 Armor & Sensors
The VAB is the The
Tech Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Attributes/Notes Description
Level Armor Armor Armor Armor
Destrier II MBT 3 H G2 High Energy Laser (TL3) (TL3) (TL3) (TL3) (TL3) 4 Heavy Hitter The Destrier II is considered the first
(TL2 LWS 4D 4D12 3D12 3D10 2D8 Improved MGs successful 2nd generation AG tank
AP:5/AT:5(H) TL 3 Armor, TL2 design and is still used extensively in
Sensors second line French formations. It is
Gauss HMG (TL2 Safe Haven considered by many to be the best AFV
Hvy. ABW Detonation Field (TL2) of its generation.
AP:4/AT:2(L) Stealth (TL2)
Advanced Sensors
Energy Resistant
Armor (TL2)

Destrier III MBT 3 H G3 180mm Fusion (TL3) (TL3) (TL3) (TL3) (TL3) 4 Heavy Hitter built as a direct response to the US
Gun (TL3 AP: 6D 5D12 4D12 4D10 3D8 Up-Armored AFV Perkins MBT. The French, who had sat on
6D/AT:7D (H) TL3 Armor, TL2 their laurels while the Destrier II became
Sensors increasingly long in the tooth, were
Gauss HMG (TL3 Energy Resistant startled by the improvements in the
AP:4/AT: 2(L) Armor (TL3) Perkins and vowed to restore the Destrier
Safe Haven to pre-eminence. Their efforts paid off.
Life Saver While the Destrier III may not be superior
Advanced Sensors in all ways to the Perkins, it is certainly
(TL3) its equal on the battlefield.
Stealth (TL3)
Detonation Field (TL3)

Back-Up AI
The Destrier III was


Tech Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Attributes/Notes Description
Level Armor Armor Armor Armor
2 L W 12.7mm HMG 3D8 2D8 2D6 1D6 2+8 Hardened The Myrmidon APC was developed
Desaix (TL2 Hvy. ABS TL2 Armor & Sensors by Desaix Arms, an indigenous arms
Myrmidon AP:4/AT1(L) Amphibious company based in the Republic of Arden.
The Myrmidon was a cheaper alternative
to the Badger and roughly equivalent in
capability. It was used extensively by the
French Foreign Legion during the Second
Glory War.
Tech Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Attributes/Notes Description
Level Armor Armor Armor Armor
Desaix Gaul II 2 H T 120mm Fusion 3D 4D10 3D10 2D8 2D6 3 Hard Hitter Like the DPRG Chonma-Ho, the Desaix
MBT Gun (TL2 EWS TL2 Detonation Field Gaul II MBT is based on an Interarms SA
AP:5/AT:4(M) Slow Firing Weapon design, but is produced locally by Ardens
TL1 Armor & Sensors Desaix Arms. The Gaul had a significant
TL1 APD technological advantage over DPRG
armor until the intervention of Brazil
and the NEU.


Tech Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Attributes/Notes Description
Level Armor Armor Armor Armor
M4 Erix APC 3 M V 20mm Pulse (TL2) (TL3) (TL3) (TL3) (TL3) 2+9 VTOL The M4 Erix Direct Thrust APC was
Laser (TL2 3D 3D10 3D10 3D10 3D10 TL3 Armor & Sensors initially developed by the USMC for use
AP:4/AT:2(L) Life Saver in actual maritime landing operations.
Detonation Field (TL3) The boxy little APC proved very useful
Advanced for fast in/fast out raids and general
Conventional Armor operations on worlds with enough
Advanced Sensors atmosphere for the Erix DT engines to

(TL3) bite and was far cheaper and easier
to maintain than more expensive grav
vehicles. The Erix has become a symbol
for the Corps, despite the fact that they
are steadily being replaced by M2A2

Ramirez IFVs.
M2A2 Ramirez 3 M G3 20mm Pulse (TL2) (TL3) (TL3) (TL3) (TL3) 3+10 Life Saver This advanced anti-grav vehicle is the
IFV Laser (TL2 3D 3D10 3D10 3D10 3D10 TL3 Armor & Sensors standard IFV for the US Army and is
AP:4/AT:2(L) Detonation Field (TL3) in wide use by other members of the
Advanced Organization of Progressive States.
Conventional Armor Fondly referred to as Rams by US
Advanced Sensors mechanized infantry.
Tech Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Attributes/Notes Description
Level Armor Armor Armor Armor
M70 Perkins 3 H G3 180mm Fusion (TL3) (TL3) (TL3) (TL3) (TL3) 4 Heavy Hitter The M70 Perkins MBT is the latest
MBT gun (TL3 EWS 4D 4D12 3D12 3D10 2D8 Improved MGs generation of anti-grave tanks adopted
AP:6/AT:5(H) TL3 Armor & Sensors for use by the USA. The Perkins has
Safe Haven replaced all earlier model tanks in the
Gauss HMG (TL3 Detonation Field (TL3) US Army and has been adopted for use
Hvy. ABW Stealth (TL3) by several OPS members. The tank is
AP:4/AT:2(L) Advanced Sensors used in more limited numbers by the
(TL3) USMC, but the Corps is expected to
Energy Resistant convert completely Perkins based armor
Armor (TL3) formations within the decade. Most US
tankers refer to the Perkins as the Papa
or Big P.
M88 Patton 3 H G3 180mm Fusion (TL3) (TL3) (TL3) (TL3) (TL3) 4 Heavy Hitter The M88 Patton is the first generation
MBT gun (TL3 EWS 6D 5D12 4D12 4D10 3D8 Up-Armored AFV heavy assault tank. Designed
AP:7/AT:6(H) TL3 Armor & Sensors specifically for orbital penetrations and
Energy Resistant exploitation of critical areas, the M88 is
Armor (TL3) perhaps the most rugged, survivable
Safe Haven AFV ever devised. It is armed with
Life Saver proven weapon systems from the M70
Detonation Field (TL3) Perkins and equipped with advanced
Stealth (TL3) stealth and sensor suites. The M88 can
Advanced Sensors even continue fighting if its crew has
(TL3) been incapacitated thanks to
Back-Up AI an emergency back-up AI. This AI

APD (TL3) acts as a fifth crewman under normal
circumstances, normally tasked with
target identification and electronic
countermeasures, but can take control
of all aspects of the tanks operation
if necessary.
Tech Front Side Rear Deck
Name Class Type Firepower MGs Crew Attributes/Notes Description
Level Armor Armor Armor Armor
M2FS Chesty 2 L S M12 Rotary (TL2) (TL2) (TL2) (TL2) 1 Walker The M2 Chesty Armored Fighting Suit
Gauss Gun (TL2 3D8 3D8 3D8 2D6 Hardened has long been a mainstay of the USMC.
Hvy. GWS TL2 Armor, TL3 Capable of zero-g and hostile
AP:5/AT:2(M) Sensors atmospheric combat and compact
Advanced Fire Control enough for use on space stations,
Fire Support Life Saver habitats, and aboard large starships, the
Version: Detonation Field (TL3) M2 is also right at home slogging across
AGL (TL2 Hvy. planetary surfaces. With the addition of
AP:5/AT:1(L) ablative shields, it can even be hot
dropped into action.

M2FT Pyro 2 L S M3 Flame (TL2) (TL2) (TL2) (TL2) 1 Walker The Pyro variant of the M2 was
Projector (TL2 3D8 3D8 3D8 2D6 Hardened developed specifically for use during the
AP:6/AT:3(M), 10 TL2 Armor, TL3 Martian rebellion. Flame weapons were
range) Sensors particularly terrifying in tunnels and
Advanced Fire Control habitats with enriched oxygen
GPMG (TL2 AP:4) Life Saver environments, especially when the
Detonation Field (TL3) vehicle and the troops supporting it
were fire-proof and could function
perfectly well without oxygen. To make
matters worse, rebels were not safe
from the Pyros flames on the planets
oxygen starved surface thanks to the

special fuel developed for use in the
M3 Flame Projector.

M2AT 2 L S M2 Laser Cannon (TL2) (TL2) (TL2) (TL2) 1 Walker The Gunslinger AT variant of the M2 was

Gunslinger (TL2 AP:3/AT:4(M) 3D8 3D8 3D8 2D6 Hardened a natural development, and provides
TL2 Armor, TL3 USMC units with an effective armored
GPMG (TL2 AP:4) Sensors AT capability even when their Perkins
Advanced Fire Control tanks are not available.
Life Saver
Detonation Field (TL3)
M2EN 2 L S M19 Light MICLIC (TL2) (TL2) (TL2) (TL2) 1 Walker The M19 Mine Clearing Line Charge
Boomer (TL2 Hvy. 4D8 4D8 4D8 3D6 Hardened (MICLIC) is a rocket propelled line charge.
AP:8/AT:2(M) (See TL2 Armor, TL3 When launched, it will produce an
Notes) Sensors explosion that affects an area beginning
Advanced Fire Control 4 in front of the M2EN Boomer and
GPMG (TL2 AP:4) Life Saver extending 24 inches in a straight line. Any
Detonation Field (TL3) mines within 4 on either side of this line
Manipulator Arm Up-Armored AFV are detonated. Any units or vehicles within
4 on either side of the line are struck with
Mine Resistant
an AP:8/AT:2(M) Firepower attack. The
MICLIC may only be fired once per game.
The M2ENs manipulator arm can be used
to de-fuse mines or IEDs. The M2EN must
be in contact with a mine/IED to defuse it.
Make a Troop Quality check modified
by the M2ENs Expert Program (TL3)
vs. the mines TL. On a successful roll,
the mine/IED is defused and harmless.
On a failed roll, it detonates, striking
the M2EN and any other units within
its blast radius with the appropriate
strength Firepower attack.
Since the USMC is often the first fighting
force sent into any counter-insurgency
conflict involving the US, the Boomer
Engineer variant of the M2 was a
natural development.

& GZG)

Brand, miniature: GZG)

retreat of an RA National Guard

column (photo: Shawn Carpenter,
A Chonma-Ho III MBT (photo: Piers
(photo: Piers Brand, miniature: GZG)

A single M88 Patton Tank covers the

A Chungul Kae Bush Dog Scout Car

miniatures: Khurasan, Combat Wombat,

Since Tomorrows War doesnt use point balanced armies,
Major Objective Completed: 5pts
the typical lets beat each other up and whoever has the
Minor Objective Completed: 2pts
most toys left standing wins approach to matches really
Per Hot Spot Neutralized: 3pts
doesnt apply.
No Friendly POWs at Game End: 5pts
As stated previously, Tomorrows War is a scenario
Per POW Captured: 1pt
driven game. As such, the winner or loser of a game is
Per Enemy Infantry Unit Reduced Below Half
determined by the victory conditions of the scenario
Strength: 1pt
they are playing. Towards this end, each Tomorrows War
Per Enemy Vehicle Disabled/Destroyed: 2pts
scenario includes a list of objectives or accomplishments
Per Enemy Tank Disabled/Destroyed: 3pts
that will garner one side or the other victory points.
Per Irregular unit Broken: 1pt
At the end of a game, victory points are totaled for
both sides and the difference between those totals is
used to determine who (if anyone) won and by how wide
a margin: SCENARIO 1: THE ROAD
Colony World: Glory
Area: The Foix Gap, Between the Republic of Arden and
MARGIN OF VICTORY the Democratic Peoples Republic of Glory
TABLE Year: 2288
Difference of 04 points = Indecisive In the spring of 2288, reports reached the Archenault
Difference of 59 points = Marginal provincial capital of a major disturbance in the contested
Difference of 1014 points = Decisive territory of the Foix Gap between the Republic of Arden (RA)
Different of 15+ points = Total and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Glory (DPRG). A
small group of Ardenois hunters and a survey team from
Ardens Department of the Interior both reported the
sounds of heavy gunfire and armored vehicles coming from
Suggested Victory Point the direction of Happy Home, a DPRG farm collective
Values established two years ago on a site well within the area of
Victory points are listed for individual scenarios, but the the Foix Gap claimed by the RA, and, unhappily, a region
following list can be used as a general guideline for that had recently seen an increase in armed banditry.
creating victory points for your own scenarios. A cadre from the Foreign Legions 2nd REP was in
These victory point values are only suggestions. Some the area performing a training mission with Main Force
scenarios may give the same victory conditions completely National Guard units at the time, and so they and a squad
different point values. You may decide that victory point of National Guardsmen were dispatched to perform a
values should be adjusted up or down based on their relative reconnaissance of Happy Home to determine the nature
importance in scenarios you write yourself. of the disturbance and render aid to the people of Happy
Home if necessary.



Scenario Information DPRG: Entry edge for DPRG troops

Duration of Game: 8 Turns 13: Location of civilian survivors from the earlier
Initiative: Arden on Turn 1, Initiative tests on Turn 2+ DPRG raid
Fog of War: Generated by Reaction Tests
Table Size: 4 x 6 Republic of Arden Mission
RA: Starting point of RA troops. They are unloading French Foreign Legion troops must make it into at least
from their vehicles in the village center and may not one building in Happy Home and spend a turn there
start inside a building gathering evidence. The more buildings they examine, the


Hell is loose on the border, Lieutenant Desmarais. Tension had been building for months since the
It was only a matter of time before one of these DPRGs dictator, Ahn Joong Pil, had appeared on
bandit groups was bold enough to try their luck DPRG TV to rattle his saber and demand the
against a whole DPRG village. Captain Roux immediate evacuation of bandit interlopers
looked like hed just bitten into one of the salted from the Foix Gap.
licorice candies the locals liked so much. I need you to take some of your men and a
Desmarais nodded sourly. Bandit Group was squad of these Guards to Happy Home and find
the term used by the Arden government to out what happened. Take Depuys Intel Team with
describe the locally led Arden militias that were you. Gather the best evidence you can. If these
engaged in a low level guerrilla war against Ardenois bandits have finally managed to pull
DPRG farm collectives encroaching on the Foix off a real atrocity, I want them hung. If it wasnt
Gap. Captain Roux was right; it had only been a them, I want to be able to prove it.
matter of time till things got out of hand. Yes, sir! Ill see to it!

better. If they encounter any survivors, they must escort 1 x Gunner w/Minimi A-SAW (TL3, Lt. AP:1)
them off the table alive. 1 x Grenadier w/LRAC 98 (TL3, Med. AP:2/AT:2(M)
1 x Rifleman w/FAMAS ACR
Victory Points
Per Building Intel Team Searches for Evidence: Cadre Team 2
3pts Sgt. Messier w/FAMAS ACR
Per Civilian Survivor Escorted Off Board: 5pts 1 x Gunner w/Hecate IX AMR (Med. AP:2/AT:2(M)
Per DPRG Soldier POW: 3pts 2 x Riflemen w/FAMAS ACR
No Friendly POWs at Game End: 5pts
Per DPRG Infantry Unit Reduced Below Half Strength: Intel Team
2pts 1 x VBL
Per DPRG Vehicle Disabled: 2pts Lt. Dupuy w/FAMAS ACR
Per DPRG Vehicle Destroyed: 3pts Lt. Bardot w/FAMAS ACR

Arden Forces Ra Main Force National Guard Squads

French Foreign Legion Squad Confidence Level: Confident
Confidence Level: High Supply Quality Level: Normal
Supply Quality Level: Normal Overall Tech Level: 2
Overall Tech Level: 2 On Grid? No.
On Grid? No. Body Armor: Light Body Armor (1D)
Body Armor: Hard Armor (2D) Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D12
Fireteam 1
Cadre Squad 1 x Chef de Combat w/FAMAS CR
1 x VAB 1 x Gunner w/LMSAW (Lt. AP:1)
Cadre Team 1 1 x Grenadier w/MPRPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
Lt. Desmarais w/FAMAS ACR 2 x Riflemen w/FAMAS CR


Fireteam 2 on Earth in his favor, Dear Leader staged a fake bandit

1 x Asst. Chef de Combat w/FAMAS CR attack against the isolated farm collective of Happy Home
1 x Gunner w/LMSAW (Lt. AP:1) and had evidence planted to confirm that the bandits
1 x Grenadier w/MPRPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L) were actually Special Ops troops from Arden.
2 x Riflemen w/FAMAS CR Unfortunately the Special Services team sent in to stage
the attack has bungled the job, leaving potential witnesses
Fireteam 3 behind who could testify that the attack was launched
1 x Caporal w/FAMAS CR by the DPRG and not the Republic of Arden. To set the
1 x Gunner w/LMSAW (Lt. AP:1) situation right, your force must locate and capture or kill
1 x Grenadier w/MPRPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L) any civilian survivors remaining in or around Happy Home
2 x Riflemen w/FAMAS CR and prevent RA forces from recovering any evidence of
DPRG involvement.
DPRG Mission
Dear Leader has launched a new operation against the Victory Points
False Republic of Arden. Called The Just March of Per Civilian Killed/Captured: 5pts
Righteous Retribution, the operations overall goal is the RA Intel Team Killed: 5pts
annexation of the entire Foix gap and as much of Ardens RA Intel Team Captured: 10pts
northwestern territory as possible. To justify a full scale Per RA soldier POW: 3pts
military invasion of the gap and marshal public opinion No Friendly POWs at Game End: 5pts

Lt. Cho stood locked in a rigid position of attention same course of action. Refusing an edict from Dear
as Capt. Yeung sat behind his desk, leisurely tapping Leader is treason, and treason must be answered with
information into a battered data-board. Cho was swift and fatal justice. Your criticism of such a just
irritated by the Captains obvious domination tactic and heroic action might be seen as a deplorable...
but his face remained calm, implacable. He was Fool! It is not the peasants Special Services killed
from a more exalted family than Yeung, who was that alarm me, it is those that they left alive! The
commonly known to be an orphan raised in one of idiots did not account for all the villages dead.
Dear Leaders Homes for Orphans without Parents Instead, they had a merry time shooting the village
in other words, orphanages for the children of up and left when they ran out of targets. They didnt
executed political dissidents or traitors. It was to be search the village or the surrounding fields.
expected that Yeung would feel the need to establish I accept your chastisement humbly, Capt. Yeung,
his superiority over a member of the Victorious Star and I share your disgust at the lack of zeal and
Clan, the clan of Dear Leader himself! rectitude shown by Special Services in this instance!
When the Captain finally deigned to address Cho, Say the word and my best men and I will personally
he did so without preamble: Lt. Cho, our comrades in see to it that none of these treacherous villagers live
Special Services have made a mess of things at Happy to become a dupe of the False Republic of Arden!
Home. When they ordered the farmers to evacuate, The captain nodded and answered gruffly, The
the half-witted peasants refused. The Special Services names, images, and DNA profile of each of Happy
captain in charge of the operation ordered his men to Homes villagers has been uploaded into your
open fire there was a massacre. personal databoard. Take three squads and make a
With respect, Captain, I would have followed the final accounting of all of Happy Homes inhabitants!


Per RA Infantry Unit Reduced Below Half Strength: 1 x Fireteam Leader w/T-95 CR
2pts 1 x Gunner w/SAW (Lt. AP:1)
Per RA Vehicle Disabled/Destroyed: 2pts 1 x Grenadier w/MPRPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
Per RA Tank Disabled/Destroyed: 3pts 1 x Rifleman w/T-95 CR

DPRG Forces Fireteam 3B

Confidence Level: Confident 1 x Fireteam Leader w/T-95 CR
Supply Quality Level: Normal 1 x Gunner w/SAW (Lt. AP:1)
Overall Tech Level: 2 1 x Grenadier w/MPRPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
On Grid? No. 1 x Rifleman w/T-95 CR
Body Armor: Light Body Armor (1D)
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10
1 x Type 88 Shouting Dragon APC Earth, Brazil, 2289
Fireteam 1A One of the most tragic and heroic actions of the First
Lt. Cho w/T-95 CR Interstellar War occurred when a Hot Drop by US Special
1 x Gunner w/SAW (Lt. AP:1) Forces aimed at capturing a mobile ballistic missile
1 x Grenadier w/MPRPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L) platform in the jungles of Brazil went terribly awry. USS
1 x Rifleman w/T-95 CR Spruance, the vessel performing the hot drop from low
orbit, was struck by a proximity mine at the moment of
Fireteam 1B launch, sending the ship into an uncontrollable yaw.
1 x Fireteam Leader w/T-95 CR Only the first six Green Berets left the ship on the correct
1 x Gunner w/SAW (Lt. AP:1) entry track. The rest of the team burned alive entering the
1 x Grenadier w/MPRPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L) atmosphere at an incorrect angle or were sent skipping
1 x Rifleman w/T-95 CR off the atmosphere and into the depths of space (the
seventh member of the team that survived the mission
Squad 2 was recovered after two days drifting in space in a
1 x Type 88 Shouting Dragon APC severely damaged drop sleeve.
Fireteam 2A To add insult to injury, it was later determined that the
1 x Fireteam Leader w/T-95 CR ballistic missile platform was in fact a heavy mining vehicle.
1 x Gunner w/SAW (Lt. AP:1) The six operators who made it safely to Earth still
1 x Grenadier w/MPRPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L) grounded over ten miles from their intended landing zone
1 x Rifleman w/T-95 CR in the middle of the vast swath of rainforest which
served as the home of one of Brazils elite Home Defense
Fireteam 2B Battalions. The Green Berets found themselves scattered
1 x Fireteam Leader w/T-95 CR by the shockwave of the mine detonation. Their team
1 x Gunner w/SAW (Lt. AP:1) leader directed them to rally at a stony prominence that
1 x Grenadier w/MPRPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L) jutted above the jungle floor. The doomed team was
1 x Rifleman w/T-95 CR closing in on the landmark now known as Red Ridge just
as alert Brazilian patrols closed the noose around them.
Squad 3 With no hope of exfiltration, the US operators made their
1 x Type 88 Shouting Dragon APC stand. Most believed it was better to die fighting than face
Fireteam 3A a Brazilian de-briefing team.

[Look Before the Leap]


Scenario Information 1-3: Green Beret Starting Positions

Duration of Game: Play continues till all US troops are Brazilian Squads & Armored Car begin set up within
casualties or captured 4 of their table edge:
Initiative: US for first two turns, test thereafter Armored Car: North Edge
Special Conditions: See Special Rules BHD Squad 1: West Edge
Fog of War: Generated normally by Reaction Tests BHD Squad 2: South Edge
Table Size: 4 x 4 BHD Squad 3: East Edge


US Green Beret Mission Victory Points

With the mission hopelessly broken, exfiltration impossible, Per American killed or seriously wounded: 1pt
and a strong enemy force closing in there is little to do but All Americans killed or Seriously Wounded by end of
rally for a last stand and make the Brazilians pay for tangling turn 3: 5pts
with Green Berets. All Americans killed or Seriously Wounded by end of
turn 5: 3pts
US Green Beret Victory Points Per American POW: 3pts.
Per Turn after the first that any US figures are
combat effective: 1pt. Brazilian Forces
Brazilian Basic Attributes
US Green Beret Solutions Confidence Level: High
Forces Supply Quality Level: Normal
US Green Beret Basic Attributes Overall Tech Level: 2
Confidence Level: High On Grid? No
Supply Quality Level: Normal Body Armor: TL2, Hard (2D)
Overall Tech Level: 3 Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10
On Grid? No
Body Armor: TL2, Standard Powered Armor (3D) Brazilian Home Defense Force Squad 1
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10 1 x Squad Leader
Fireteam 1A
Group 1 1 x Fireteam Leader w/Gauss ACR
1 x Fireteam Leader w/Gauss SAW (Lt. AP:1) 1 x Grenadier w/Gauss ACR & UGL (Lt. AP:1)
1 x Rifleman w/Gauss SAW (Lt. AP:1) 1 x Gunner w/ Gauss SAW (Lt. AP:1)
1 x Rifleman w/ Gauss ACR
Group 2
2 x Gunner w/ Gauss SAW (Lt. AP:1) Fireteam 1B
1 x Fireteam Leader w/Gauss ACR
Group 3 1 x Grenadier w/Gauss ACR & UGL (Lt. AP:1)
1 x Gunner w/Gauss SAW (Lt. AP:1) and Shoulder 1 x Gunner w/ Gauss SAW (Lt. AP:1)
Launched Missile Pack (AP:4/AT:4(H) 1 x Rifleman w/ Gauss ACR
1 x Rifleman w/Gauss SAW (Lt. AP:1)
Brazilian Home Defense Force Squad 2
Brazilian Home Defense 1 x Squad Leader
Mission Fireteam 2A
Yankees have invaded the sovereign nation of Brazil! Track 1 x Fireteam Leader w/Gauss ACR
them down and capture them for delivery to one of our 1 x Grenadier w/Gauss ACR & UGL (Lt. AP:1)
de-briefing teams if possible if not, bring back their bodies 1 x Gunner w/ Gauss SAW (Lt. AP:1)
and the combat cam footage from your helmets to prove 1 x Rifleman w/ Gauss ACR
this egregious violation of our borders truly occurred. Let
none of the Yankees escape! Fireteam 2B
1 x Fireteam Leader w/Gauss ACR
1 x Grenadier w/Gauss ACR & UGL (Lt. AP:1)
1 x Gunner w/ Gauss SAW (Lt. AP:1)
1 x Rifleman w/ Gauss ACR


Brazilian Home Defense Force Squad 3 The Boulder Field

1 x Squad Leader The boulder field at the foot of Red Ridge is Extremely
Fireteam 3A Rough Ground which reduces infantry movement to
1 x Fireteam Leader w/Gauss ACR Tactical speed only. Units within the boulder field can claim
1 x Grenadier w/Gauss ACR & UGL (Lt. AP:1) Solid Cover.
1 x Gunner w/ Gauss SAW (Lt. AP:1)
1 x Rifleman w/ Gauss ACR Take Him Alive!
Brazilian units can capture US figures through Close
Fireteam 3B Assault (as usual) or by coming into cohesion with an
1 x Fireteam Leader w/Gauss ACR unaccompanied US casualty.
1 x Grenadier w/Gauss ACR & UGL (Lt. AP:1)
1 x Gunner w/ Gauss SAW (Lt. AP:1) Youll Never Take Me Alive!
1 x Rifleman w/ Gauss ACR When a Green Beret is about to be captured (either in
Close Assault or as an unaccompanied casualty), make a
1 x TL3 Armored Car Troop Quality test for the figure. If the test is passed, the
figure triggers suicides by triggering a belt of grenades and
TL3 IFV the unit trying to capture him suffers a 3D Firepower attack.
Class: Medium If the figure fails the test, it is captured and becomes
Type: Anti-Grav a POW.
Basic TL: 2
Armor TL: 3 Richters Moon, 30 April 2295
Sensor TL: 2 Richters Moon is actually a small planetoid in the asteroid
Front Armor: 3D10 belt of the Johnston system. The planetoid was discovered
Side Armor: 2D10 by Alfred Richter, co-founder of the Johnston Corporation,
Rear Armor: 2D8 during a follow-up survey of the system. When Richter was
Deck Armor: 1D6 forcibly expelled from the corporation by Aaron Johnston,
Main Gun; Rotary Laser Gun he contended that Richters Moon, which was rich in
AT Value: 2D mineral wealth, belonged to him. As the court battle over
AP Value: 4D the moon ground on for years back on Earth, Richter
Secondary Weapon: Gauss LMG continued to occupy the moon and realize profits from
AT Value: 0D expanding mining operations. When it became clear that
AP Value: 4D Richter was likely to win based on the simple principle of
Crew: 3 (Lt. Body Armor, SMGs) possession, Johnston Corporation took the unprecedented
Attributes & Notes: step of hiring professional mercenaries (Apex Solutions) to
Lifesaver evict the squatters from their moon.
Improved MGs Unfortunately, Johnston Corp. and their mercenary
Safe Haven commanders underestimated the strength of Richters
security force and what they believed would be a rapid
Special Rules strike ending in quick surrender soon proved to be a small
Red Ridge but costly stand-up fight.
The slopes of Red Ridge are littered with fallen boulders
and cut by deep gullies and pits any unit on the Ridge
can claim Solid Cover.


Scenario Information Apex Mission

Duration of Game: 6 Turns The objective is Richter Minings main power generator.
Initiative: Apex for turn 1, test thereafter. Capturing the generator will force most of the mining
Special Conditions: Light Gravity, Vacuum Atmosphere operation to close down as emergency generators can
Fog of War: Generated normally by Reaction Tests only support life support. Its important to do as little
Table Size: 2 x 2 damage as possible, however, so that Johnston Corp.
can take over operations with as little down-time and


reinvestment as possible. Only use anti-tank weapons Fireteam Delta

as absolutely necessary! Be careful well be fighting in 1x Fireteam Leader w/Laser Rifle
The Big Suck, a full vacuum, so keep an eye on your suit 1x Grenadier w/Auto-Shotgun & Grenade Launcher
integrity at all times! (Lt. AP:1)
1 x Gunner w/Rapid Fire Laser Support Weapon
Victory Points (LWS, Lt. AP:1)
Per Apex infantry unit at strength or better within 1 x Rifleman w/Laser Rifle
6 of the generator entrance at the end of Turn 6:
5pts Transport
Per vehicle that fires main gun in a turn: -1pt 2 x Tracked Ruffian APCs

Apex Solutions Forces Apex Ruffian APCs

Apex Basic Attributes Class: Medium
Confidence Level: High Type: Track
Supply Quality Level: Normal Basic TL: 2
Overall Tech Level: 2 Weapon TL: 2
On Grid? No Armor TL:2
Body Armor: TL3, Hard (2D) Sensor TL: 3
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10 Front Armor: 3D8
Side Armor: 2D8
Fireteam Alpha Rear Armor: 2D6
1x Fireteam Leader w/Laser Rifle Deck Armor: 1D6
1x Grenadier w/Auto-Shotgun & Grenade Launcher Main Gun: Jenkins Heavy Laser (TL2, LWS, AP:4/AT:2(L)
(Lt. AP:1) Crew MGs: TL2, Lt. AP:4
1 x Gunner w/Rapid Fire Laser Support Weapon Secondary Weapon: N/A
(LWS, Lt. AP:1) Crew: 3 + 10
1 x Rifleman w/Laser Rifle Attributes & Notes:
Fireteam Bravo TL2 Detonation Field
1x Fireteam Leader w/Laser Rifle
1x Grenadier w/Auto-Shotgun & Grenade Launcher Richter Security Mission
(Lt. AP:1) Johnstons hired guns will obviously make a play for the
1 x Gunner w/Rapid Fire Laser Support Weapon main power generator. Theyll bring a vehicle or two, but we
(LWS, Lt. AP:1) should be able to balance that out with our RPGs and AT
1 x Rifleman w/Laser Rifle team. Tear up enough of their expensive gear, and theyll
make a run for it to save their bottom line!
Fireteam Charlie
1x Fireteam Leader w/Laser Rifle Victory Points
1x Grenadier w/Auto-Shotgun & Grenade Launcher Per Apex mercenary killed or seriously wounded:
(Lt. AP:1) 2pts
1 x Gunner w/Rapid Fire Laser Support Weapon Per Apex Vehicle Immobilized or Destroyed: 3pts
(LWS, Lt. AP:1)
1 x Rifleman w/Laser Rifle

[The Shock Trooper]

Richter Forces what has befallen the unlucky vehicle:

Richter Basic Attributes 1. Clouds of dust obscure the crews vision screens, so
Confidence Level: High they must rely on sensors alone. The vehicle receives
Supply Quality Level: Normal a -1 die roll modification when taking Reaction Tests
Overall Tech Level: 2 2. The vehicle labors through thick drifts of dust it
On Grid? No may only move at half Tactical speed this turn
Body Armor: TL2, Hard (2D) 3. Dust has gummed up the turret and put fire control
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10 on the fritz halve the Firepower of all external
Security Team 1 4. Dust has infiltrated the vehicles weapon system,
1 x Security Team leader w/Gauss ACR rendering it useless. The vehicle may no longer fire
1 x Gunner w/ RPG (TL2, Med. AP:2/AT:2(M) its external weapons
2 x Security Trooper w/ Gauss ACR 5. The vehicle drives into a deep pit the vehicle is stuck
where it is and counts as Immobilized for victory
Security Team 2 conditions. Each crewman/passenger must pass a
1 x Security Team leader w/Gauss ACR Troop Quality Check to avoid becoming a casualty
3 x Security Troopers w/ Gauss ACR 6. The vehicle drives into an apparently bottomless
crevasse. It and its crew disappear in a billow of dust,
Security Team 3 never to be seen again. The vehicle and crew count
1 x Security Team leader w/Gauss ACR as Destroyed/KIA for victory conditions
3 x Security Troopers w/ Gauss ACR Note that infantry are not subject to this test and may
move freely off-road.
Security Team 4
1 x Security Team leader w/Gauss ACR SCENARIO 4: THE HIGH TIDE
3 x Security Troopers w/ Gauss ACR Colony World: Glory
Area: 50km east of Landfall
Security Team 5 Year: 2293
1 x Security Team leader w/Gauss ACR Efforts to delay the DPRG drive on Landfall were moderately
1 x Gunner w/ RPG (TL2, Med. AP:2/AT:2(M) successful. USMC armor and combined USMC/FFL anti-
1 x Gunner w/ SAW (Lt. AP:1) armor teams succeeded in tying up the DPRGs conventional
1 x Security Trooper w/ Gauss ACR armored forces before they reached the Republic of
Ardens border. The new gravitic tanks supplied to the
Special Rules DPRG by Brazil were a different story, however. These
What Happened to the Truck AFVs advanced sensors and countermeasures (as well as
Behind Us? superior agility) allowed them to crash through the RAs
The surface of Richters Moon is covered with a talc like border defenses and reach a point with 50km of Ardens
dust that makes driving off-road difficult and occasionally capital, Landfall.
deadly, as the smooth gray surface may well disguise the This final, brutal thrust was comprised almost entirely
presence of a yawning crevasse! of tanks which were the most survivable and, despite their
Any vehicle that travels off the stabilized roads marked size, swiftest AFVs in the DPRG arsenal. If the tanks could
on the map must make a Troop Quality Check when it exits put the RAs interior defenses into disarray, infantry in fast
the road and each time it moves while off the road. A failed IFVs could rush in to exploit the situation. The USMC/RA
Troop Quality Check indicates that the vehicle has had some leadership saw the Hail Mary strike developing and put
sort of mishap. Roll 1D6 on the chart below to determine together a desperate counter-strike.


The high tide of the DPRG war effort was about to the RAs armored reserve you will have secured victory for
collide with a sea-wall whose bricks and mortar were Dear Leader!
comprised of US bleeding edge tech and Ardenois grit.
DPRG Victory Points
Scenario Information Per USMC AFV destroyed: 3pts
Duration of Game: 8 Turns Per USMC AFS destroyed: 2pts
Initiative: DPRG has initiative for first two turns. Test on Per RA AFV destroyed: 2pts
following turns. Per RA Gun destroyed: 1pt
Fog of War: Generated by Reaction Tests
Table Size: 4 x 6 DPRG Forces
DPRG Basic Attributes
DPRG Mission Confidence Level: High
Break through the joint USMC/RA defenses and create Supply Quality Level: Normal
chaos and confusion for follow-up forces to exploit. If you Overall Tech Level: 2
encounter a major armored force, neutralize it! Losses are On Grid? Yes. TL2
acceptable! Follow-up armored formations are close on your Body Armor: Light (1D)
heels, so even if your force is crippled in the destruction of Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10


3 x Medium Tank Platoons SCENARIO 5: RED STAR,

Medium Tank Platoon RED STREETS
3 x Sana-Oon Sa-Ja Medium Grav Tanks Colony World: Moscva
Area: Novolgograd
Heavy Tank Platoon Year: 2274
3 x Dear Leader 2 MBTs As the winter of 2274 ground to a bitter end, the fate of
Moscva was sealed. Rebel forces had taken the city of
USMC/Republic of Arden Moscva and every other spaceport and major population
Mission area. Only Novolgograd remained in Imperial Russian hands,
USMC/RA Victory Points protected as she was by a great bend of the tumultuous
Per DPRG tank destroyed: 3pts Novolgo River on three sides and her land approaches
*A tank is considered lost or destroyed if it is secured by elite units under the command of Count Vitor
immobilized, all crew are casualties, or if it receives a Remezovski. The city had endured six months of siege and
Vehicle Kill, Brewed Up, or Catastrophic Kill result. unrelenting Soviet artillery had reduced most of its proud
buildings to ruin. Still, Novolgograd held on, its people
USMC/RA Forces surviving on meager rations and huddling in the citys
USMC Basic Attributes basements and underground railways, inspired to tenacity
Confidence Level: Confident by Count Vitors stirring speeches and their confidence in
Supply Quality Level: Normal the Novlolgograd Legion.
Overall Tech Level: 3 In November, a special courier arrived at the
On Grid? Yes. TL3 headquarters of General Igor Roslov, commander of the 3rd
Body Armor: Carapace (2D) Peoples Shock Army whose frustrated forces surrounded
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10 the beleaguered city. The message was from the man the
entire revolutionary movement revered as Top Foreman.
USMC Tank Platoon It contained a cyanide pill and these seven words: Take
4 x M70 Perkins MBTs Novolgograd or this by weeks end.

AFS Gunslinger Platoon Scenario Information

4 x. M2AT Gunslinger Armored Fighting Suits Duration of Game: 6 Turns
Initiative: The NSF has Initiative on Turn 1. Test on
RA Basic Attributes following turns.
Confidence Level: Confident Special Conditions: See Special Rules
Supply Quality Level: Normal Fog of War: Generated by Reaction Tests
Overall Tech Level: 2 Table Size: 3 x 3
On Grid? Yes. TL2 Troops on TL3 Grid Z1 Z3: Zenchikovs Powered Armor Fireteams
Body Armor: Hard Armor (2D) M1 M5: Loyalist Militia Positions
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10 NSF Units enter anywhere along southern table edge

RA Tank Platoon Imperialist Mission

4 x Destrier III MBTs The NSF Shock Army surrounding Novolgograd have
decided to throw everything they have into an all-out
assault on Novolgograds landward approaches, gambling
that the sudden violence of the attack coupled with the
weight of fire and waves of assault troops will carry the


day. Unfortunately, the gamble has proven to be a sure Your unit must pull back from its forward position with
thing. Imperialist defensive positions have crumbled and the 2nd Novolgograd Home Guard and fall back to the
generalized street-fighting has ensued. Count Vitor ordered starport while maintaining as much combat strength as
his elite guard, which was parceled out to stiffen militia possible. The militia has sworn to screen your retreat and
units, to fall back to the starport. He intends to hold out at fade into the alleys and streets when you are clear, but
the regiments bunker complex there, either to await space bold promises do not always stand up against bullets
lift off the planet or to make a last stand. and grenades.

[Heavy Powered Armor]


Imperialist Victory Points Militia Squad 2 (M2)

Per Zenchikov trooper that exits the board by games Fireteam 2A
end: 1pt 1 x Fireteam Leader w/Assault Rifle
Each Militia unit of strength or more remaining at 1 x Gunner w/SAW (Lt. AP:1)
games end: 2pts 1 x Grenadier w/Launcher (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
2 x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle
Imperialist Forces
Zenchikovs Units Basic Attributes Militia Squad 3 (M3)
Confidence Level: High Fireteam 3A
Supply Quality Level: Normal 1 x Fireteam Leader w/Assault Rifle
Overall Tech Level: 1 1 x Gunner w/SAW (Lt. AP:1)
On Grid? No. 1 x Grenadier w/Launcher (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
Body Armor: Type 1 Powered Armor (3D) 2 x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10
Fireteam 3B
Zenchikovs Powered Armor Squad 1 x Fireteam Leader w/Assault Rifle
Powered Armor Fireteam 1 (Z1) 1 x Gunner w/SAW (Lt. AP:1)
1 x Fireteam Leader w/SAW (Lt. AP:1) 1 x Grenadier w/Launcher (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
1 x Gunner w/Missile Packs (Med. AP:2/AT:2(H) 2 x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle
1 x Trooper w/ SAW (Lt. AP:1)
Militia Squad 4 (This Weapon team can be placed at M4
Powered Armor Fireteam 2 (Z2) or M5 not both.)
1 x Squad Leader w/ SAW (Lt. AP:1) Weapon Squad 1 (Weapon Team)
1 x Fireteam Leader w/SAW (Lt. AP:1) 1 x Squad Leader w/Assault Rifle
1 x Gunner w/Missile Packs (Med. AP:2/AT:2(H) 1 x Gunner w/GPMG (Med. AP:2)
1 x Trooper w/ SAW (Lt. AP:1) 2 x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle

Powered Armor Fireteam 1 (Z3)

Neo-Soviet Federation (NSF)
1 x Fireteam Leader w/SAW (Lt. AP:1)
1 x Gunner w/Missile Packs (Med. AP:2/AT:2(H)
Your unit has made contact with elements of Count Vitors
1 x Trooper w/ SAW (Lt. AP:1)
elite Powered Armored platoon. General Roslovs high
Imperialist Militia Basic Attributes command has ordered that these units be cut-off, encircled,
Confidence Level: Confident and destroyed before they can rally to the traitor Count
Supply Quality Level: Normal and stiffen the defense of Novolgograds starport. Crush
Overall Tech Level: 1 any counter-revolutionary militia units foolish enough to
On Grid? No. interfere. On to Novolgograd and VICTORY!
Body Armor: Light (1D)
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D8 Victory Points
No Imperialist PA units exit the board by the end of
Militia Squad 1 (M1) turn 6: DECISIVE VICTORY!
Fireteam 1A Per Imperialist Militia Unit Reduced Below Half
1 x Fireteam Leader w/Assault Rifle Strength: 2pts
1 x Gunner w/SAW (Lt. AP:1) Per PA Trooper killed or seriously wounded: 1pt
1 x Grenadier w/Launcher (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
2 x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle


NSF Forces 1 x Grenadier w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)

NSF Shock Army Basic Attributes 1 x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle
Confidence Level: Average
Supply Quality Level: Normal Fireteam 3B
Overall Tech Level: 1 1 x Fireteam Leader w/Assault Rifle
On Grid? No. 1 x Gunner w/ SAW (Lt. AP:1)
Body Armor: Carapace, 2D 1 x Grenadier w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
Troop Quality/Morale: D8/D10 1 x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle

NSF Shock Army Units Special Rules

NSF Squad 1 Death is Preferable
Fireteam 1A Zenchikovs troops have heard what awaits them if theyre
1 x Squad Leader w/Assault Rifle captured and will fight to the bitter end to avoid the tender
1 x Fireteam Leader w/Assault Rifle mercies of the NSF. As a result, they will not surrender
1 x Gunner w/ SAW (Lt. AP:1) in Close Assault, which must continue until the involved
1 x Grenadier w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L) Zenchikov unit is either victorious or completely down.
1 x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle
1 x Medic w/Assault Rifle Optional Rules
Once youve played this scenario as is, you might want to
Fireteam 1B try it with some or all of the following twists:
1 x Fireteam Leader w/Assault Rifle Allow the PA Squad or Fireteam Leaders act as
1 x Gunner w/ SAW (Lt. AP:1) Forward Observers for off-board medium mortars.
1 x Grenadier w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L) Attach a Forward Observer for off-board Light
1 x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle Artillery to one of the NSF fireteams.
Provide a pair of armored cars (Light Vehicles) to the
NSF Squad 2 NSF and a light AT gun and crew to the Imperialists.
Fireteam 2A Increase the Tech Level of Imperialist weapons to
1 x Squad Leader w/Assault Rifle TL2.
1 x Fireteam Leader w/Assault Rifle
1 x Gunner w/ SAW (Lt. AP:1)
1 x Grenadier w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
1 x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle

Fireteam 2B
1 x Fireteam Leader w/Assault Rifle
1 x Gunner w/ SAW (Lt. AP:1)
1 x Grenadier w/RPG (Med. AP:2/AT:2(L)
1 x Rifleman w/Assault Rifle

NSF Squad 3
Fireteam 3A
1 x Squad Leader w/Assault Rifle
NSF troops during the battle for
1 x Fireteam Leader w/Assault Rifle Novolgograd (photo: Piers Brand,
1 x Gunner w/ SAW (Lt. AP:1) miniatures: Pig Iron)


Richard Chasemore Jesse McGibney

pg. 11 TL1 or 2 IFV pg. 34 Look Into the Light*
pg. 98 TL2 MBTs pg. 39 The Loot
pg. 136 TL1 VTOL pg. 59 Smoke em if you got em
pg. 75 Highway 61
Monsieur Fab pg. 84 Bump in the Night
pg. 18 Urban Assault pg. 120 Leading From the Front*
pg. 46 Load Bearing Exo pg. 151 The Pointman*
pg. 133 Enhanced Exoskeleton pg. 164 The Night Owl*
pg. 181 Squad Assault Weapon pg. 172 Grav-Belt Drop
pg. 186 Behind Enemy Lines pg. 203 The Special Operator*
pg. 223 Fire-Eater pg. 210 The Doc
pg. 239 Heavy Powered Armor pg. 228 Look Before the Leap
pg. 234 The Shock Trooper*
Des Hanley
pg. 29 A Walk in the Garden
pg. 69 Boots on the Ground
pg. 124 Out of the Cold

Peter Johnston
pg. 192 Synthetic Trooper * Jesse McGibney
pg. 195 Synthetic NCO All other art Osprey Publishing Ltd.

of of of


of of of


of of of
An Excellent Position Whats this Wall Made of? Fire! Fire!
One of your units has found an excellent Swiss Cheese?
position that affords them unexpected Your rounds have struck something
A position that seemed to offer decent flammable and set a structure ablaze!
protection from enemy fire!
cover turns out to be a bad spot due to
You may designate which of your units has poor construction or weird lines of sight. You may designate any building within LOS
located this excellent position. As long as of one of your units (or anywhere on the
Your opponent may play this card on one table if you have air support with offensive
the unit stays in its current position it
building or terrain feature that would capabilities) and declare that it is burning.
receives an additional Defense die over and
normally be considered Solid Cover. Any figures in the building must
above any Cover or Armor dice. If the unit
The designated piece of terrain no longer immediately evacuate to a point at least 4
moves, it loses this advantage. Other units
counts as Solid Cover for the duration of from the building. They may be fired on by
moving into the same position will not
the game. units that are on Overwatch or by Defensive
receive the additional Defense die.
This card may not be played Fire if appropriate. The building is
This card may not be played on impassable for the duration of the game.
on a fortified position.
a fortified position.
This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately.
This card is played immediately.

The Bell Tolls The Bell Tolls

Fire! Fire!
Radio chatter informs your men that one of Radio chatter informs your men that one of
Your rounds have struck something their favorite NCOs has been injured or their favorite NCOs has been injured or
flammable and set a structure ablaze! killed in another engagement. Roll 1D6 to killed in another engagement. Roll 1D6 to
You may designate any building within LOS determine how the news affects them: determine how the news affects them:
of one of your units (or anywhere on the 1-3: Your force becomes despondent and 1-3: Your force becomes despondent and
table if you have air support with offensive demoralized. Lower your forces Morale die demoralized. Lower your forces Morale die
capabilities) and declare that it is burning. by one type (i.e., D8 Morale is reduced to by one type (i.e., D8 Morale is reduced to
Any figures in the building must D6). Morale cannot be lowered beyond D6. D6). Morale cannot be lowered beyond D6.
immediately evacuate to a point at least
4 from the building. They may be fired 4-6: Your force is fired up and hungry for 4-6: Your force is fired up and hungry for
on by units that are on Overwatch or by some pay-back! Raise the Morale of every some pay-back! Raise the Morale of every
Defensive Fire if appropriate. The building is unit in your force by one die type (i.e., D8 unit in your force by one die type (i.e., D8
impassable for the duration of the game. Morale is raised to D10). Morale cannot be Morale is raised to D10). Morale cannot
raised above D12. be raised above D12.
This card is played immediately.
This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately.

Youre Grounded! Youre Grounded!

Praise the Lord and Pass
A ferocious storm blows up, grounding A ferocious storm blows up, grounding the Ammunition
all air assets. all air assets.
A supply snafu or a long march up has left
All units have their Optimum Range All units have their Optimum Range your units low on ammo. Your force is now
reduced to 6 unless they are equipped with reduced to 6 unless they are equipped with considered to be Poorly Supplied.
superior sensors. superior sensors.
This card is played immediately.
This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately.
of of of


of of of


of of of
Wait, the Colonel Said WHAT?! Wait, the Colonel Said WHAT?!
Radio communications is on the fritz and Radio communications is on the fritz and
your force has just received garbled orders your force has just received garbled orders
that contradict the mission brief. that contradict the mission brief.
Praise the Lord and Pass If the scenario allows Initiative to change If the scenario allows Initiative to change
the Ammunition hands, your opponent automatically gains hands, your opponent automatically gains
Initiative on the next turn. Initiative on the next turn.
A supply snafu or a long march up has left
your units low on ammo. Your force is now If the scenario doesnt allow initiative to If the scenario doesnt allow initiative to
considered to be Poorly Supplied. change hands, your units must remain in change hands, your units must remain in
place until the end of the next turn while place until the end of the next turn while
This card is played immediately.
orders are sorted out. Your units may move orders are sorted out. Your units may move
into cover if they are not already there but into cover if they are not already there but
no other movement is allowed. Your units no other movement is allowed. Your units
may fire as normal. may fire as normal.
This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately.

Theres Nothing Friendly Theres Nothing Friendly

About It! About It!
One of your units has been struck by One of your units has been struck by
friendly fire, either from an errant aircraft friendly fire, either from an errant aircraft
or off target artillery. or off target artillery. Incoming!
Randomly determine which unit has been Randomly determine which unit has been One of your units is struck by a random
struck. If it is an infantry unit, each figure in struck. If it is an infantry unit, each figure in barrage of mortar fire.
the unit must roll a 4+ to avoid becoming a the unit must roll a 4+ to avoid becoming a
casualty. If a vehicle is struck, roll on the casualty. If a vehicle is struck, roll on the Randomly determine the unit that is hit by
Medium Gun column of the appropriate Medium Gun column of the appropriate the mortar rounds. The affected unit is
Vehicle Damage Results chart. Vehicle Damage Results chart. struck with a Firepower of 6D6.

If you had air assets, other than unarmed If you had air assets, other than unarmed This card is played immediately.
UAVs or Drones, they are grounded as a UAVs or Drones, they are grounded as a
result of the attack and lost for the rest of result of the attack and lost for the rest of
the game. the game.
This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately.

Hunted! Mad Minute!

Your Area of Operations has just been One of your infantry units gets carried
transformed into a hunting reserve away and has a mad minute. They fire
Incoming! for two trained killers and its open everything they have as fast as they can the
season on your men! next time they engage an enemy unit.
One of your units is struck by a random
barrage of mortar fire. Your opponent gains a sniper team that can Randomly determine the unit affected.
be placed anywhere within 24 of one of This unit will receive an extra Firepower die
Randomly determine the unit that is hit by for all attacks, Reactions, or Defensive Fire
your units. The sniper team is In Cover and
the mortar rounds. The affected unit is for the rest of the turn.
Hidden. It is a two man team with a Troop
struck with a Firepower of 6D6.
Quality and Morale of D10. The team is Make a Troop Quality Check for the unit at
This card is played immediately. Stealthy and has Night Vision. It may be the end of the turn. If the unit fails the
activated or perform Defensive Fire any check, it is considered to be Poorly
time after it is placed. Supplied for the duration of the game.
This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately.
of of of


of of of


of of of
Mad Minute!
One of your infantry units gets carried away
and has a mad minute. They fire
everything they have as fast as they can the These Guys Can Hack It These Guys Can Hack It
next time they engage an enemy unit. Your force has managed to mount a Your force has managed to mount a
Randomly determine the unit affected. This successful ECM attack against the enemy, successful ECM attack against the enemy,
unit will receive an extra Firepower die for temporarily disrupting their temporarily disrupting their
all attacks, Reactions, or Defensive Fire for communications and Grid capabilities. communications and Grid capabilities.
the rest of the turn. The opposing player loses one Initiative The opposing player loses one Initiative
Make a Troop Quality Check for the unit at die on the next Initiative Check. die on the next Initiative Check.
the end of the turn. If the unit fails the This card may be held and played later. This card may be held and played later.
check, it is considered to be Poorly
Supplied for the duration of the game.
This card is played immediately.

General Confusion Takes

An officer in the lofty realms of the chain
Where Are YOU Going? Where Are YOU Going? of command takes a personal interest in
One of your vehicular or off-board assets One of your vehicular or off-board assets your operation and decides he knows better
(your opponents choice) is recalled by (your opponents choice) is recalled by than any strategic corporal on the ground.
higher command. higher command. His confusing and poorly considered
commands, passed down through the
Roll 1D6: Roll 1D6: company net, have robbed your force
1-2: Leaves immediately, even if 1-2: Leaves immediately, even if of its tactical initiative.
activated this turn. activated this turn. Your force loses Initiative (if you had it) and
3-4: Leaves next time it activates. 3-4: Leaves next time it activates. you cannot regain Initiative until General
Confusion loses interest in your operation.
5-6: Agrees to stick around 1 more turn. 5-6: Agrees to stick around 1 more turn. Roll a D6 at the end of each turn. On a 5
Roll again at the end of your next turn. Roll again at the end of your next turn. or 6 the General has lost interest and you
This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately. can test for Initiative on the following
turn. Otherwise, your opponent
automatically gains initiative.
This card is played immediately.

General Confusion Takes

An officer in the lofty realms of the chain of
command takes a personal interest in your
operation and decides he knows better than In the Zone! In the Zone!
any strategic corporal on the ground.
A unit of your choice is in the zone! Theyre A unit of your choice is in the zone! Theyre
His confusing and poorly considered
clicking along like a well-oiled machine and clicking along like a well-oiled machine and
commands, passed down through the
nothing can stand in their way! nothing can stand in their way!
company net, have robbed your force
of its tactical initiative. The selected units TQ and Morale are The selected units TQ and Morale are
raised by one die type and they are treated raised by one die type and they are treated
Your force loses Initiative (if you had it) and
as if they have High Confidence for the as if they have High Confidence for the
you cannot regain Initiative until General
duration of the turn (at the end of the turn, duration of the turn (at the end of the turn,
Confusion loses interest in your operation.
all values return to normal). all values return to normal).
Roll a D6 at the end of each turn. On a 5
or 6 the General has lost interest and you This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately.
can test for Initiative on the following
turn. Otherwise, your opponent
automatically gains initiative.
This card is played immediately.
of of of


of of of


of of of
The Cost of the Lowest
A randomly determined vehicle in your
Man Down! Man Down! force suffers a breakdown of some sort.
Roll a D6:
A randomly selected unit in your force has A randomly selected unit in your force has
suffered a non-combat casualty. suffered a non-combat casualty. 1: Electrical system failure. Vehicle
Immediately treat the unit as if it has taken Immediately treat the unit as if it has taken completely disabled
a casualty. Roll on the First Aid table a casualty. Roll on the First Aid table
23: Mobility failure vehicle is
appropriate to the unit to determine the appropriate to the unit to determine the
severity of the casualtys injuries. severity of the casualtys injuries.
45: MGs or AGLs are so jam prone that
This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately.
they cannot lay down effective fire
6: Main gun disabled
This card is played immediately.

The Cost of the Lowest

A randomly determined vehicle in your Shuffling the Stack Shuffling the Stack
force suffers a breakdown of some sort. New fast-air assets are arriving while those New fast-air assets are arriving while those
Roll a D6: that are bingo on fuel withdraw. FACs need that are bingo on fuel withdraw. FACs need
1: Electrical system failure. Vehicle some time to orient the new pilots to troop some time to orient the new pilots to troop
completely disabled positions on the ground to avoid a friendly positions on the ground to avoid a friendly
fire incident. fire incident.
23: Mobility failure vehicle is
immobilized Your force may not call for any further air Your force may not call for any further air
strikes from the time this card is drawn strikes from the time this card is drawn
45: MGs or AGLs are so jam prone that until the end of the next turn. until the end of the next turn.
they cannot lay down effective fire
This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately.
6: Main gun disabled
This card is played immediately.

The Golden BB
Amped Up! This card may be played by any AT capable
Bug Out! Your forces squad and platoon level weapon at the time that it engages a
leaders are doing a fine job of focusing vehicular target. The vehicle engaged is
Effective counter-battery fire has begun to automatically destroyed, brewing up in such
your mens attention on the job at hand
splash around your forces off-board a dramatic fashion that it raises the morale
their situational awareness is so amped up
artillery assets, forcing them to relocate. of the AT weapons force by one die type
that its highly unlikely anyone will get the
You may not utilize off-board artillery for jump on them! and lowers the morale of the opposing
the duration of the game. force one die type for the duration of the
Your units receive a +1 to all Reaction tests current turn.
This card is played immediately. for the duration of the game.
This card may be held by the drawing
This card is played immediately. player until their next AT fire at a vehicle,
at which time it must be played.
of of of


of of of


of of of
Who Goes There?
Mists, fog, sheets of light rain, or swirling
I Just Gave it a Good Smack! I Just Gave it a Good Smack! snow descend upon the battlefield,
obscuring vision and muting sound.
An enterprising crew member is able to put An enterprising crew member is able to put
his mechanical skills to good use and his mechanical skills to good use and All fire is treated as if it is outside Optimum
restore one of your broken-down vehicles restore one of your broken-down vehicles Range and units more than 18 away may
to action! to action! not be engaged at all. All units on both
sides may only make Cautious moves for
If your Force has suffered any Fog of War If your Force has suffered any Fog of War
fear of drawing friendly fire.
induced vehicle breakdowns (not combat induced vehicle breakdowns (not combat
damage), this card will restore one of them damage), this card will restore one of them Vehicles with advanced thermal optics
to action. Randomly determine which to action. Randomly determine which function normally.
vehicle is repaired. vehicle is repaired.
This effect remains in play for the duration
This card may be held and played later. This card may be held and played later. of the game unless a Fog of War card
negates it is drawn.
This card is played immediately.

Gas! Gas! Gas!

A Break in the Clouds A Break in the Clouds New intelligence indicates that an attack
The sun breaks through the clouds and The sun breaks through the clouds and with chemical weapons is imminent. Your
momentarily drives away the fog, rain, momentarily drives away the fog, rain, force must don its chem gear and fight on
snow, or any other negative weather effect snow, or any other negative weather effect as best they can.
currently in play. currently in play.
All infantry units in your force receive
This card negates any weather related Fog This card negates any weather related Fog a -1 to their Reaction Test rolls and suffer
of War or scenario effects for the duration of War or scenario effects for the duration a 1 die type reduction to their Troop
of the game or until a new weather Fog of of the game or until a new weather Fog of Quality. These penalties apply until the end
War card is drawn. War card is drawn. of the game or until countered by another
FoW card draw.
This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately.
This card is played immediately.

Gas! Gas! Gas!

New intelligence indicates that an attack
with chemical weapons is imminent. Your
force must don its chem gear and fight on
as best they can. All Clear! All Clear!
All infantry units in your force receive This card negates the effects of the Gas! This card negates the effects of the Gas!
a -1 to their Reaction Test rolls and suffer Gas! Gas! Fog of War card. Gas! Gas! Fog of War card.
a 1 die type reduction to their Troop This card may be held and played later. This card may be held and played later.
Quality. These penalties apply until the end
of the game or until countered by another
FoW card draw.
This card is played immediately.
of of of


of of of


of of of
Grid down Grid down Grid Up
If your force is on a Grid, the Grid goes If your force is on a Grid, the Grid goes
If your forces Grid is down, your techs
down. If not, your opponents Grid goes down. If not, your opponents Grid goes
have succeeded in restoring it. Your Grid
down. If neither side is Grid capable, down. If neither side is Grid capable,
is now up!
discard this card. discard this card.
This card may be held and played later.
This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately.

Solar Flares Dust Gets in My Eyes

The battlefield has been seeded with
Grid Up Unexpected solar activity is playing havoc
nano-dust that seeks out and destroys
with the Grid! Any unit in either force
If your forces Grid is down, your techs enemy drones. If you have any drones or
attempting to take advantage of a Grid
have succeeded in restoring it. Your Grid robots active on the table, each one must
based capability must make a Troop Quality
is now up! make a Tech Level test. If the test is failed,
Check first. If the check fails, the unit
the drone/bot shuts down for the
This card may be held and played later. cannot perform the desired action.
duration of the game.
This card is played immediately.
This card is played immediately.

Next Time Read the Next Time Read the

Field Book! Field Book!
One randomly determined figure in one of One randomly determined figure in one of
your units (also randomly determined) falls your units (also randomly determined) falls
prey to a local hazard they are bitten by a prey to a local hazard they are bitten by a Covered in Crap
poisonous insects, exposed to a poisonous poisonous insects, exposed to a poisonous
Atmospheric or local conditions have
plant, have stepped in a sinkhole, etc. plant, have stepped in a sinkhole, etc.
rendered an enemy unit less stealthy. Play
Roll 1D6: Roll 1D6: this card on any unit in your opponents
force to remove itsits Stealthy attribute for
15: Figure is considered Seriously 15: Figure is considered Seriously
the duration of the game.
Wounded Wounded
This card may be held and played later.
6: Figure is KIA 6: Figure is KIA
Morale for the affected unit suffers a -1 die Morale for the affected unit suffers a -1 die
shift for the duration of the game. shift for the duration of the game.
This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately.
of of of


of of of


of of of
Was That Your Stomach?
A randomly determined unit in your force
has heard a troubling noise that they
Negative on Your Request, Negative on Your Request,
cannot identify perhaps its hungry local
GroundPounder! GroundPounder!
fauna? Or the stories about ghost Sometimes the priorities of a platoon of Sometimes the priorities of a platoon of
spacemen are true? grunts on the ground are far different from grunts on the ground are far different from
those of an orbiting Combat Controller. those of an orbiting Combat Controller.
Roll 1D6:
Play this card to automatically block one Play this card to automatically block one
14: The unit goes on high alert! +1 to
of your opponents CAS or Interface of your opponents CAS or Interface
Reaction Tests for the duration the of game
strike requests. strike requests.
56: The unit is so nervous it gets a -1 to all
This card may be held and played later. This card may be held and played later.
Reaction Tests for the duration of the game
This card is played immediately.

Of Course I Know What Its a Bad Day to Die Its a Bad Day to Die
Im Doing! One of your units is seized by a sense of One of your units is seized by a sense of
Sometimes TACs or FOs make such impending doom that fills them with dread impending doom that fills them with dread
egregious errors in the heat of combat and melancholy. and melancholy.
that no amount of fail-safes can save them.
A randomly determined unit in your force A randomly determined unit in your force
This is one of those times.
suffers a -1 die shift to their Morale (cannot suffers a -1 die shift to their Morale (cannot
Play this card when one of your opponents be reduced below D6 by this card) and be reduced below D6 by this card) and
TACs or FOs calls in an air/interface strike loses one level of Confidence (cannot be loses one level of Confidence (cannot be
or artillery salvo. Instead of its intended reduced below Poor Confidence with this reduced below Poor Confidence with this
target, the strike will land squarely on the card) for the duration of the game or until card) for the duration of the game or until
unit that requested it. countered by another Fog of War card. countered by another Fog of War card.
This card may be held and played later. This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately.

Its a Good Day to Die Its a Good Day to Die

One of your units is filled with a gallant One of your units is filled with a gallant
disregard for their own safety and intense disregard for their own safety and intense Yeah, Thats a Bug
desire to get the job done. desire to get the job done.
A randomly determined bot or AI in your
A randomly determined unit in your force A randomly determined unit in your force force suffers a programming glitch that
receives a +1 die shift to their Morale receives a +1 die shift to their Morale renders its IFF capabilities ineffectual.
(cannot be raised above D12 by this card) (cannot be raised above D12 by this card) Rather than risk fratricide, the bot/AI shuts
and gains one level of Confidence (cannot and gains one level of Confidence (cannot down for the duration of the game.
be raised above High Confidence with this be raised above High Confidence with this
card) for the duration of the game or until card) for the duration of the game or until This card is played immediately.
countered by another Fog of War card. countered by another Fog of War card.
This card is played immediately. This card is played immediately.
of of of


of of of


of of of
Valor Above and Beyond
A member of one of your units performs an
That Wont Play Well on the Youre a Star, Grunt!
act of self-sacrificing valor to save the lives
HoloVids! Video of one of your units in action finds
of his comrades. Video of one of your units in action finds its its way onto the internet. The courage
way onto the web. Some believe that what and professionalism (or raw firepower)
This card can be played when an infantry
they see is disreputable, so the holo-vid displayed gains the holo-vid clip a large
unit receives multiple casualties in a single
raises a public furor. and admiring audience!
round of fire. The number of casualties
taken, however many there were, is Lose 3 victory points from your total Add 3 victory points to your total
reduced to 1.
This card is played at the end of the game. This card is played at the end of the game.
This card may be held and played later.

Hal? Hal? HAL? Hal? Hal? HAL?

If your force contains units in Powered If your force contains units in Powered
Armor, one of them has been infected by a Armor, one of them has been infected by a
Do These Coordinates Look
virus that affects the systems in their suits. virus that affects the systems in their suits.
Right to You?
Randomly determine which PA unit is Randomly determine which PA unit is Your cyber support has scored a homerun
affected. That unit immediately goes off the affected. That unit immediately goes off the and hacked the enemys artillery grid.
Grid and cannot rejoin it unless an I Just Grid and cannot rejoin it unless an I Just You can re-direct one of your opponents
Gave It a Good Whack card is played. Gave It a Good Whack card is played. artillery salvos against one of his units
Additionally, make a TQ check for each Additionally, make a TQ check for each (your choice) once after that, the enemy
figure in the unit. Any roll of 1 indicates the figure in the unit. Any roll of 1 indicates the is on to you and switch to back-up systems.
figures suit has locked up. Any locked up figures suit has locked up. Any locked up
You can hold this card and play it any
suit counts as a Serious Injury casualty suit counts as a Serious Injury casualty
time your opponent announces an
for victory purposes. for victory purposes.
artillery attack.
Play this card immediately or discard if Play this card immediately or discard if
there are no PA units in your force. there are no PA units in your force.

Is That Missile Getting

Your cyber support has scored a homerun
and hacked the enemys air support grid. Watch Your Step! Watch Your Step!
You can re-direct one of your opponents
air or interface strikes against one of his One of your units (randomly determined) One of your units (randomly determined)
units (your choice) once after that, has run afoul of an enemy booby trap or has run afoul of an enemy booby trap or
the enemy is on to you and switch to legacy mine. The unit immediately suffers legacy mine. The unit immediately suffers
back-up systems. an AP:4/AT:2(L) attack. an AP:4/AT:2(L) attack.

You can hold this card and play it any time Play this card immediately. Play this card immediately
your opponent announces an air or
interface strike.
A Close Assault 3637, 64, 7374, 77, 80, 83,
85, 92, 116118, 149150, 153154,
Firepower Cap 6263
Firing at Guns 113
Abandoning Casualties 6768 165, 182, 183, 191, 193194, 231, 241 Firing Guns 113
Activating Vehicles 100 Close Assault Weapons 77, 117, 153, 165, First Aid Checks 37, 65, 149
Advanced Ballistic Weapons (ABW) 193 Flamethrowers 7778
7576 Cohesion 33, 47, 5355, 65, 89, 99, 99, Fog of War Cards 35, 40, 45, 127, 145,
Advanced Support Weapons 7476 136, 152, 166, 191, 194, 231 155, 158, 177, 185
Air Defense Environment 126127 Combat Drugs 73, 167 Forests & Woods 93
Air Strikes 125127, 137, 148, 156 Combat Stress 54, 86, 161, 180, 182 France 1819, 29
Albion 10, 13, 15, 2627 Commonly Used Terms 33
Aliens 5, 79, 25, 47, 150154, 162,
191, 193
Confidence 8, 33, 4950, 67, 70, 72, G
85, 8788, 98, 111112, 119, 121,
Ambient Fire 134 Gauss Weapon Systems (GWS) 62, 75, 198
123, 140141, 149, 153, 157, 159,
Ambush 7172, 99, 112, 148, 168, Gigantic Vehicles 118119, 121, 196
163, 167, 169, 173174, 184, 192,
170171, 191,193 Glory 10, 1416, 18, 20, 23, 26, 28, 30, 96,
193, 198199, 201
Animal Teams 7980, 193 121, 138, 168, 173, 198, 222, 235
Cover Dice 5758, 64, 83
Anti-Gravity Vehicles (AGV) 23, 9394, Gravity Effects 96
C-RAM 137138
101102, 131 Green/Untrained 4850, 80
Anti-Grid ECM 158
Ares Mining Corporation 12, 2829, 103
D Grid 5, 25, 65, 73, 8183, 126, 128,
137138, 142144, 147148, 15455,
Armor Dice 58, 60, 7273, 77, 142, 192 Danger Close 128130, 137, 156 156159, 193
Artillery & Woods 94 Defense Roll 68 Grid and Hidden Units 81
Asymmetric Engagements 160, 166171 Dependents 65, 68, 83, 85, 150, 165, Grissom 916, 2324, 26, 29, 96
AT Guns 105, 112113 172, 183 Ground Effects Vehicles (GEV) 93, 101
Attack Roll 63, 83 Diminishing Firepower 62, 72 Ground Fire 103, 126, 131132, 134135
Direct Thrust Vehicles (DTV) 101102,
B 131
Distributed Drones 147148
Beyond Line of Sight Fire (BLOS) 148, Handguns 77
Drones 13, 15, 25, 4748, 8081, 83, 143,
156, 159, 212 Hazardous Atmosphere 9596
147148, 155, 211
Bloom Effect 1011 Heavy Sniper Rifles 79
Drones and Hidden units 80
Bots in Combat 145 Hiding 80, 82
Dropships 130131
Brazil 9, 1213, 1516, 24, 3031, 63, Hopped Up Units 73167
Dumb Bots 143146, 148
198, 227, 229231, 235 Hot Drops & Parasail Assaults 135, 212
Breaching Buildings 91
Buildings & Structures 8991
E Hot Spots 3637, 168, 176177

Effects of Leaders 55
Buttoned TCs 103104, 106
Elites 4950
C Enemy Force Location 155 In Cover 104, 112, 149, 183
Infantry AT Weapons vs. Vehicles 114
Energy Weapon Systems (EWS) 76
Calling for a Fire Mission 137
Eureka 10, 13, 18, 2627 Infantry Close Assault vs. Vehicles 116
CASEVAC 6567, 146147, 174, 179,
Exoskeletons 73, 193 Infantry Guns 112113
190, 208, 211, 213
Exposed Penalty 44, 5758, 62, 103, 108, Initiative Checks 37, 40, 168
Casualties 6, 33, 4950, 55, 60, 6471,
113, 129 Insurgency Level 160161, 168
7980, 83, 8586, 89, 9193, 99,
Extremely Rough Ground 95, 231 Interface Strikes 127128
109111, 113, 117, 121, 123,
Interstellar Age 910, 12
128130, 146, 149150, 156,
160, 165, 173, 178180, 183184, F Irregular Command Issues 166
Irregular Morale Checks 167
190191, 229, 237 Fast Burners 125
Irregulars Supervised by Regulars 166
Central African Union (CAU) 1314, Fast Rope Insertions 102, 132, 134
1718, 3132 Fire at Units with Casualties/Dependents
Chameleon Suits 72, 892, 148, 193194 68 JK
Civilian Mobs 160161, 192 Fire Combat 5657, 68, 73, 77, 81, 83, Japan 89, 16, 19, 20, 2223
Civilians on the Battlefield 45, 160 113, 117, 145, 149150 Jump Movement 47, 192


L Positive Leaders 8788, 174

Powered Armor (PA Suits) 33, 58, 67,
Synchronized Fire, Air Defense (SFAD) 157
Synchronized Fire, Anti-Tank (SFAT) 157
Laser Weapon Systems (LWS) 75 7273, 9596, 141142, 190
Leaders 48, 5455, 79, 87, 88, 161, 165,
166167, 173, 187, 241
POWs 65, 68, 83, 85, 179, 191, 222 T
Precision Guided Missile Runs 129
Line of Fire (LOF) 33, 45, 160 Tactical Movement 45, 47, 89, 9395,
Pull Back 33, 44, 70, 77, 83, 86, 111112,
Line of Sight (LOS) 36, 41, 4247, 70, 103, 126
132, 136, 145
7475, 81, 88, 9394, 99, 105, 112, Tech Level 5, 3334, 5253, 62, 76, 8283,
106, 126, 136, 138, 140, 144146, 152,
116, 126, 131, 137, 144, 156, 166, 193
Loading & Unloading Passengers 103
R 156159, 193194, 198
Rapid Movement 37, 47, 6768, 83, 103, Technicals 197
Loss of Grid 159
121, 126, 146, 149 Tests and Checks 38
Timeline 12, 204
M Reaction Chains 43
Reaction Fire 43, 157, 196 Tiny Drones 147148
Major Colonies 26 Reaction Movement 42 Titan Interplanetary 14, 26, 2930
Major Corporations 28 Reaction Tests 3334, 4244, 49, 96, Tracked 52, 9394, 100102
Major National Powers 16 102, 104, 106, 108, 121, 136, 145, Troop Quality Dice 57, 60, 108, 178180
Medics & Special Forces 67 149150, 197 Turn Sequence 3537, 135, 175
Merging Units 5354 Reactions 36, 4144, 60, 70, 83, 103, 167,
Morale Dice 50, 66, 86, 146 196 U
Morale Effects 8586, 150, 167 Regulars 33, 40, 48, 54, 160 UAVs 80, 82, 156
Mounted Unit Close Assault 149 Resolving an Air Strike 125 Unbuttoned TCs 103104
Mounted Unit Fire Combat 149 Resolving Counter Battery Fire 138 Unearthly Environments 95
Mounted Units 42, 47, 148150, 192 Restrictions on Vehicle Fire 106 Union of Islamic Theocracies (UIT) 29, 32
Mounted Units and Casualties/Dependents Robotic Medics 25, 65, 146 Unit Attributes 52, 55, 190, 198
150 Robotic Troops 145 Unit Characteristics 49
Moving Units 47 Robots & Drones 143 United Arab Emirates (UAE) 22, 208
Rounds of Fire 56 United Kingdom (UK) 22
N Russia 9, 14, 2124, 200204 United States of America (USA) 24, 209
Negative Leaders 55, 8788 Universal Mechanic 38
New Economic Union (NEU) 13, 30 S Using Guns 113
New Soviet Federation (NSF) 15, 27 Salvo Effect 138
Night Fighting 80, 19, 194 Sensor Drones 47, 1478 V
Non-AT Weapons vs. Vehicles 114 Shotguns 77 Vacuum 11, 22, 95
Shrink 167, 185 Vehicle Attributes 55, 121, 194
O Small Drones 148 Vehicle Defense 107
Smart Bots 143146 Vehicle Movement 94, 102, 121
Off-Board Artillery 137140
Smoke 58, 74, 92, 114, 197 Vehicle Types 100
On-Board Mortars 74, 78
Sniper Teams 7879, 82, 193, 211 Vehicle vs. Vehicle Combat 108
Opposed Tests/Checks 38
Solid Cover 5758, 64, 9394, 104, Vehicle Weapon Classes 105
Optimum Range 6063, 7172, 74, 77,
112113, 149, 231 Vehicle Weapons vs. Infantry 116
7981, 9394, 104, 117, 143, 145, 149,
Splitting Fire 63, 183 Vehicles vs. Infantry Combat 116
190191, 193194
Spotters and Forward Observers 137 Vertical Obstacles 47, 93
Organization of Progressive States (OPS)
Spotting Hidden/Stealthy Units 81, 193 Veterans 17, 34, 49, 173
13, 3031
Stealthy Units 52, 71, 7982, 193194, 197 Victory Points 68, 89
Out of Contact Movement 47, 79, 155, 191
Strafing Runs 102, 127128 VTOLs 67, 102, 131132, 134
Overwatch 3637, 42, 60, 62, 7071, 78,
Stress Tests 88
86, 100, 106, 116, 137, 144146, 157,
167, 183
Submachine Guns 77, 117
Supply Quality 33, 49, 5152, 153,
Walkers 5, 9395, 102, 194
173174, 184185
PQ Support Weapon Dice 61
Water Obstacles 9293, 121, 194
Peoples Republic of China 20 Weapon Teams 70, 7879, 114
Support Weapons 55, 6163, 74, 76, 78,
Pinned 33, 44, 57, 7071, 74, 83, 86, Wheeled 23, 25, 9394, 100, 208, 213
82, 104105, 113114, 132
Who Got Hit? 64
111112, 116, 128, 145146, 149, Suppressed Weapons 8182, 193
192193 Suppression Fire 43, 68, 70, 103, 115,
Placement and Movement of Guns 113 134, 207 Z
Planetary Ratings 10 Synchronized Fire 157, 159 Zhuang 910 ,1214, 2021, 2829


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