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Turnip28 Core Rules v15

This version includes the core rules,
cavalry, a single piece of artillery and 8

ud-churned swampland stretches out into the gloom. Thick fog hangs heavy in the air. Rolling barrows loom
out of the murk. A strange root writhes underfoot. A thousand years after the defeat of Napoleon at the Battle
of Austerlitz, the world has fallen into decay. Endless war has led to technology stagnating, and beautiful
countrysides have been ground to a thick ruin under the boots of a million dead men. Now, nothing grows. A bizarre
and horrible root covers the land: strangling the life from the trees, poisoning the water, and filling the sky with an acrid
mist. Humanity barely endures by harvesting this disgusting tuber. It twists their bodies and minds, and infests their
thoughts with divine visions of lost vegetables. Bizarre religious orders have formed, and they stockpile abandoned
weapons unearthed by the twisting roots. Marching in column under fluttering banners, and brandishing mud-clogged
muskets and rusted bayonets, they are cruel parodies of long-forgotten armies on the march.

Gather your troops. Fix bayonets. Devote yourself to the roots.

The following is a living document. Basing: Every model in Turnip28 Dice: The Game is played with
These rules will help you build your must be mounted on a base. six-sided dice abbreviated as D6.
Regiment and fight battles in the world Some rules may ask a player to roll
of Turnip28 The shape of the base has little or 2D6, 3D6 etc. To do this, roll that
no impact on gameplay and should number of D6s and add the totals
GENERAL PRINCIPLES be acceptable, a complete guide to together.
Models: The game of Turnip28 is basing will be contained along with
a miniature wargame using 28mm the unit profiles. When asked to roll a D3 Roll a
scale figures lovingly converted by single D6 and halve the result,
its players. We call these figures Players often prefer to base their rounding up.
Models. Toadies on slightly smaller bases
than their Toffs to help differentiate Characteristic Tests: The game
Units: All models in Turnip28 are them on the table. If playing in a uses several characteristics in a
organised into Units. A unit must competitive setting make sure that units profile to describe a model's
consist of at least 1 model, but may a standard sized base is agreed on abilities. Some characteristics,
have more. All models in a unit for all Snobs and Followers. for example Accuracy (Acc), are
must be equipped the same. given as X+ where X refers to the
It is highly encouraged that minimum score needed for a single
Both Snobs and Followers are units. players use movement trays success.
or base multiple models on a
When a unit is deployed on the single large base for units of 6 or To make, for example, a successful
table its models must be within 1” more as it dramatically reduces Acc roll of 4+ the player is required
of at least one other model from the complexity of charging and to roll at least a 4, 5 or 6.
their unit and no more than 8” from retreating. Models based this
all others in its unit. This is called way must still be able to stay in Modifiers: A characteristic of 7+
Coherency. coherency and all models must represents the sheer improbability
belong to the same unit. of the event occurring. If a
A unit must always maintain characteristic is 7+ or higher a
coherency at the end of its order. To help count casualties on bases player must first roll at least a 6 and
You may never break coherency with multiple figures Players then roll that dice again and score a
when removing casualties. will need to bring some suitably 4, 5 or 6 to succeed.
distinguishable tokens. A dice
may also be used to represent the A characteristic can never be
Unit Profiles: You will find a amount of dead.
comprehensive list of Unit Profiles reduced below a 2+, and a roll of a
at the end of these rules which will 1 is always a fail.
describe the characteristics of all the Measuring: When measuring
units and how they function on the the distance between two Models it
battlefield. is always between the two closest
points of their bases.
Models in units belonging to Turnip28 allows the Player to
you and those of and your allies measure at any time, in any
are considered Friendly. Units situation. It is always acceptable for
belonging to your opponent and a Player to check that their Models
their allies are considered as the are in or out of range with no
Enemy. penalties.


The Battlefield: The game is Initiative: First the players must

played on a Flat 4'x4' surface with roll to see who gets the Initiative.
at least 3-5 pieces of terrain on it. The player who rolls highest gets to
The details and Types of terrain choose to take the Initiative or not.
will be covered later, but for now
its a good principle to have at least Deployment: At the start of
1 piece of terrain for every 2' square the game, unless stated in the
of board. scenario, the player who took the
initiative picks one table edge as
The Regiments: Players bring their deployment zone, with their
forth their Regiments to battle opponent taking the opposite.
TOOLS consisting of an agreed and equal
number of characters, collectively Starting with the player who took
Tokens: Players will need a called Snobs. For each Snob a the initiative the players alternate
selection of distinguishable tokens player has in their Regiment in placing one Snob and their
to play the game. they may also take an amount of Followers within their deployment
Followers that we will look at later. zone. The Toff will place their two
Panic: To represent panic, players units of Followers at the same time.
can use small glass beads, animal There are two breeds of Snob:
corpses or any suitably noticeable Scenarios: Each Turnip28
token. A unit can never have more • The Toff the leader of your game will be based on a scenario.
than 6 panic tokens at one time, and Regiment who can bring TWO Scenarios will come with rules for
so can be represented by a single units of Followers. army composition, deployment,
D6. victory conditions, scenario
• The Toadies a collection of blunders and any other special
snivelling sub-commanders rules.
Powder Smoke: Black powder
weapons can only fire once per who can bring ONE unit of
round and emit plumes of smoke Followers each.
when fired. To represent this a
player will need some powder Every Regiment must have 1 Toff,
smoke tokens. Players can use bits no more, no less, but may take any
of cotton wool, or stuffing as well number of Toadies.
or a single white glass bead.
A typical game of Turnip28 is
Objective Markers: Some a 3 Snob game. With players'
scenarios may ask for players to Regiments containing 1 Toff,
place Objective Markers. These 2 Toadies, and their 4 units of
can be represented with a 40mm Followers. Battles of this size tend
base featuring something thematic. to last about an hour as deranged
Players are also encouraged to peasants kick each other to death in
make some with heraldic banners, the mud.
switching them out with their
Opponent when they are captured. For games larger than 1v1 it is
recommended that each player
takes 1 fewer Toady for every extra
Activation Tokens: To remind couple of players.
players which unit's have activated
so far in a round, players may
wish to use tokens. They should Root Cults: Once Players have
be similar to a panic token, but chosen their Regiments forces they
distinct enough that they cannot be may choose a single cult that their
confused. Regiment belongs to. Cults provide
a thematic way to play Turnip28
Finally, players will of course need including strange stilt walkers,
a tape measure, and a good handful weird root shrines, and Tod.
of six sided dice.

PLAYING THE GAME Snobs: The two breeds of Snobs Orders: Listed below are the
have different command ranges all of the basic orders that a unit
Rounds: Turnip28 is played in can receive. Belonging to a cult
rounds. A typical game lasts 4 • Toffs can be activated once a or playing a certain scenario may
rounds. Starting with the player round and have a command grant your Regiment access to
who took the initiative, players take range of 6". more.
turns activating one of their Snobs.
When activated Snobs may order • Toadies can be activated once • Volley Fire!
their Followers to do their bidding a round and have a command Taking time to unclog and pick the
or attempt to perform some limited range of 3". leeches off their muskets they open
heroics themselves. fire.
Once all Snobs have been activated The ordered unit shoots a
and given their orders players Units that have been ordered target enemy unit within range
proceed to activate any remaining can perform one of a selection of and receives a +1 to all their
follower units that haven’t been actions called orders. To perform rolls to hit. If this unit blunders
ordered yet, players take turns an order Players must follow this it does not receive the +1 to its
activating and ordering units sequence. to hit rolls.
of Followers until every unit of
Followers of the table have received 1. Declare the unit which is
their orders.
• Move and Shoot
receiving the order and check
Trudging through the mud they
if its in command range. Snobs
bring up their muskets on an
Once all Followers have completed can order themselves but
unsuspecting foe.
their orders the round ends and cannot order other Snobs.
a new one starts with every unit
The ordered unit moves
ready to receive their new orders. 2. Declare which order you are
up to their full Movement
attempting to perform to your
characteristic (M) and shoots
A unit can only ever be ordered opponent.
a target enemy unit in range.
once a round and all Snobs must be
If this unit blunders it only
activated before any Followers are 3. Roll to see if your unit
moves D6" before Shooting.
activated. blunders.

Each new round, the player who 4. Perform order to completion. • March
finished ordering all their Followers Moving at double pace through the
first starts activating their Snob mire the ragtag band of followers
Command Range: For a unit to
first. be able to receive a Snob's orders takes ground.
at least one of its models must
If a player does not want to order be within the Snob's line of sight The ordered unit moves up to
a unit this round they simply roll and at least one model from the M+2D6". If this unit blunders
to see if they blunder as usual unit must be within the Snob's it only moves M+D6".
and that unit has been considered command range.
ordered. • Charge!
Range: To be within Range it is Into the puddle of death they
enough for a model's base to be screamed
partially within that distance. For
something to be wholly within The ordered unit performs a
range its entire base or bases must M+2D6" charge against a target
not be further than the maximum Enemy unit in range. If this unit
range. This applies to all cases Blunders it may only charge a
ACTIVATION where these terms are mentioned. distance of M+D6".

To activate a Snob a Player picks a If players are using wildly different

single Friendly Toff or Toady and bases for their Snobs, they may Blunders: After the order has been
declares they are activating them. wish to measure from centre of the declared the player must roll a D6
model's base instead. to see if the unit misunderstands
Once Activated a Snob may order the order or is simply incompetent
a single friendly unit including and blunders. On a roll of a 1 the
themselves within its command unit blunders and can only perform
range to perform one of the orders a limited form of the order as seen
available to them. above.

The command range is measured A blundering unit immediately

from the edge of the Snob's base. receives a panic token for its efforts.

ORDERS CONTINUED MOVEMENT Range: This is the maximum

distance a model can target an
Catching up: When a unit is Models that make a move can Enemy.
ordered to move and shoot, march travel up to their movement
or charge the player may move characteristic (M) across the table. To be in range it is enough for the
their activated Snob at the same They can take any path so long any part of the enemy models base
time. as length is no further than their to be within that distance.
maximum M".
The Snob may move as far as they Most Followers will have a range of
like, so long as they end their Units can never end their move 18" and Snobs a range of 6" whether
movement within command range within 1" any enemy units or they choose to use blackpower or
of the ordered unit. any friendly follower units. The missile weapons.
exception to this rule is when they
Activating and Ordering Follower have been ordered to charge. Line of sight: Line of sight is
Units: After Snobs have been an imaginary line drawn from the
activated, units of followers yet to Units cannot move through each edge of your shooting model's base
be ordered can then be activated other unless retreating. to its target. If this line intersects
and receive orders. These units anything that blocks line of sight
are however considered lost in the Again, models must always finish then that model cannot shoot.
confusion of battle and are at risk. their move in coherency: Within
1” of at least one other model from Friendly and enemy units block
Lost units can still receive orders, their Unit and no more than 8” line of sight, as does space between
but must roll to see if they suffer a from all others. models in a unit. Terrain can block
scenario blunder. line of sight if it obscures 80%-100%
Models can move over dangerous, of a model. It can be worth getting
Scenario Blunders: When a lost defensible terrain and cover with down to the model's eye level to
unit blunders it must apply the no penalty to Movement. check if they can see their enemy.
scenario blunder effect instead of
the normal one. This will be given You can always see through models
in the scenario description and can in the shooting unit as well as any
vary from quite tame to incredibly Snobs. They tend to be ducking.
SHOOTING Range and line of sight are worked
out per model.
Only units equipped with black
powder or missile weapons can If some models in a shooting unit
shoot. When a unit shoots a target cannot target their enemy because
enemy they enter a Shooting they do not have line of sight or
Engagement. are out of range those individuals
cannot shoot.
To shoot an enemy a player must
follow these steps If some models can target the
enemy but receive a penalty for
1. Declare the target of your whatever reason these should
shooting attacks, check models be rolled separately to avoid
are within range and line of confusion.
Targeting: You must always
2. If the enemy unit is equipped target the closest enemy unit, you
with ranged weapons, and if may only target one unit and not
able, they must return fire. If split your fire.
they have no ranged weapons
or have a powder smoke token If there are multiple units the same
they cannot return fire. distance away the player may
choose which to target.
3. Fire! All parties involved
make their shooting attacks If the closet unit is not within line
simultaneously. of sight then the player may choose
the next closest unit in line of sight.
4. Remove casualties and work
out the winners and losers of Units generally will not be able to
the engagement. The loser of see or shoot through other units.
combat must retreat.

Shooting Attacks: When a unit Casualties and Retreating: CHARGING

makes a shooting attack roll 1 dice Once all the shooting attacks have
for every model in range and line of been resolved and wounds suffered To charge an enemy a player must
sight of its target. casualties are taken. follow these steps:

Every dice that scores equal to or All models usually have only 1 1. Declare the target of your
higher than the shooting unit's wound. Meaning as soon as they charge and check they are
Accuracy (Acc) is a hit. suffer their first they are killed and within range.
removed from the table.
For every hit rolled the target 2. The target unit must take a
enemy unit suffers one wound. It Players count the wounds inflicted panic test.
a unit is hit at any time during an during the engagement on each
shooting engagement it receives 1 side. The side that caused the 3. If the panic test is passed and
panic token. most wounds after resilience rolls if the enemy unit is equipped
have been made is considered the with ranged weapons, they
Resilience: Though they might winner, and the unit that caused MUST stand and shoot. If they
rupture spleens and burst rib cages the fewest is the loser. have no ranged weapons or
wounds aren't always fatal. have a powder smoke tokens
The loser of the engagement must they cannot stand and shoot.
The Enemy player rolls 1 dice for retreat. We will cover retreating A unit out of range and line of
each wound received. and plebs in its entirety later on sight can still stand and shoot.

Every dice that scores equal to or In the case of a tie, neither side 4. If the charging unit survives
higher than their unit's Resilience retreats select and commit to the
(Re) will negate 1 wound. charge.
Resilience rolls of a natural 1 Powder Smoke: To represent the
always fail. time it takes to fire a musket in the 5. Roll the charge distance.
heat of battle units equipped with M+2D6, or M+1D6 if your unit
Wounds: Each Model in a unit black powder weapons can only blundered.
has a number of Wounds (W) fire once per round. Once they have
specified in their unit profile. Once fired place a powder smoke token 6. The charging unit moves
a model has suffered a number next to them. The unit cannot fire directly towards the target
of wounds total to their wound again until the start of the next unit one at a time trying to get
characteristic they are considered to round when the token is removed. into base to base contact with
have perished and are removed as This counts for standing and at least one model and aiming
a casualty. shooting and when a unit returns to get as many of the unit into
fire. base to base contact with the
The player in control of the unit enemy as possible.
suffering the wounds may allocate CHARGING
them one at a time to any model in 7. If the charging unit makes it
the unit. Once a model has begun All units are able to charge the into base to base contact the
receiving wounds the player must enemy so long as it is possible to do charge is successful and both
continue to allocate wounds to that so. This means that a single model units will fight in a melee. If the
model until it has perished. in the charging unit may be able to models in the charging unit fail
enter within base to base contact to reach their target the charge
This way there can never be two or with its target using the maximum fails and the order is complete.
more wounded models in a unit at possible charge distance rolled.
any time. Usually M+2D6. They do not need 8. Players remove casualties from
to be within line of sight. the melee and work out the
Return Fire: A shooting winners and losers of the melee
engagement is performed If they cannot do this, then they in the same way as shooting.
simultaneously as both units fire. If cannot charge. The loser must retreat.
the target of the shooting attack is
in range and line of sight and can For example, a unit of blundering If there is no winner, then
shoot they must Return fire. Fodder wishes to charge a unit players fight another melee
of Chaff 16" away. This would until a winner is found or a unit
Return fire is treated as a normal be impossible as this is over 12" is destroyed.
shooting attack, resolved at the (M+D6 or 6"+6"), and so they
same time as the attacking unit's cannot charge.
and so will not be affected by
any causalities taken during the
shooting engagement. It may
however receive penalties from
terrain or special abilities.

Targeting for a Charge: As Stand and Shoot: If the charged Moving Charging Units: If
with shooting you must always unit has passed its panic test, is the charging unit has survived any
target the closest enemy unit. equipped with ranged weapons incoming fire it proceeds to roll its
and has no powder smoke tokens it Charge Distance (M+2D6).
When you charge you may only MUST stand and shoot.
target and fight a melee with one Once this has been rolled the
unit and cannot charge multiple A unit that stands and shoots charging unit moves its models
units. makes a free shooting attack at the starting with the model closest
charging unit even if they are out of to the enemy towards the target
If the closest enemy units are in range or not within line of sight. aiming to get into base-to-base
dangerous terrain you may choose contact with at least one model via
to ignore them and target the next The charging unit will not receive the shortest route possible.
closet unit that would not cause a a panic token if hit by a unit using
dangerous terrain test. stand and shoot. Base-to-base contact refers to the
placement of models so that their
If there are multiple units the same After the shooting attack is resolved bases are touching.
distance away the player may and casualties are removed, and
choose which to target. if there is anything left of the If this move is enough to get
charging unit, the charge proceeds. the into base-to-base contact the
charging player proceeds to move
The charging unit may not return the rest of the unit into coherency,
Fire. aiming to get as many into base to
base with the Enemy as possible
and making sure no model moves
more than its charge distance.

If no model cannot get into base to

base contact with the enemy then
Panic! Over the course of the the charge has failed.
game units will build up panic
from the stress of battle. These When a charge is failed all models
come in the form of tokens. A unit in the charging unit must still move
may get panic from various places their maximum charge distance
of the course of a battle such being towards the target as if they were
hit by missiles or from being in trying to get into base-to-base
close quarters combat. contact.

A unit may only ever have a

maximum of 6 panic tokens.

Panic Tests: When a unit is

charged it will need to take a panic
test to see if it still has the will to

To perform a panic test the player

who's unit is being charged rolls
a dice and adds its score to the
number of panic tokens belonging
to the charged unit. If the total is
7 or more the unit immediately
retreats. A roll of a 1 always passes.

Units with no panic tokens will

always pass their panic test.

When a unit fails a panic test it


If a unit retreats after a panic test

the charging unit must still attempt
to charge, moving directly towards
the fleeing unit.

MELEE Melee Attacks: Models fighting RETREATING

in melee generate a number of
When two units meet after a attack dice equal to their Retreating: When a unit retreats
successful charge it is called a melee Attack (A) characteristic. Every they must move directly away from
model in a unit participates in the the enemy D6 + 2" for every panic
The process is similar to shooting, melee despite their position or line token.
but rather more deadly. of sight.
Moving Retreating Models:
To fight an enemy in melee a Attacks follow the similar 'to hit' To retreat a player must follow
Player must follow these steps. and resilience rolls as shooting. these steps:
To help remove confusion from
here onwards we will refer to the • The Player rolls their attack To avoid confusion we will call
charging unit as the Attacker, and dice. Every dice that scores the unit that caused the retreat the
the charged unit as the Defender. equal to or higher than the Winner, and the retreating unit the
unit's Accuracy (Acc) is a hit. Loser.
1. The Attacker rolls its attacks
and the defender tries to For every hit rolled the target 1. The Loser rolls their retreat
protect themselves. enemy unit suffers one wound. distance, remembering to add
2 inches for each panic token
2. The Defender removes any • The enemy player rolls 1 dice they have.
casualties they suffer. for each wound received.
2. Loser selects a model closet to
3. The defending unit attacks back Every dice that scores equal the winning unit. This model
with any remaining models to or higher than their unit's is called a Pleb. The Pleb
and the Attacker tries to protect Resilience (Re) will negate 1 retreats directly away from the
themselves. wound. Resilience rolls of a Winner's closet enemy model.
natural 1 always fail. If there are model equally
4. The Attacker removes any distant the player retreating
casualties. Units do not receive a panic token gets to choose.
while being hit in combat as they
5. The winners and losers of the are too focused on trying to stay 3. Once the Loser's has finished
melee are found and the loser alive, instead after the melee is moving their Pleb the Loser
of combat must retreat. resolved and the winner has been moves the rest of their unit so
declared all participants receive 1 that they are in coherency with
If there is no winner, then panic token. this model. Models moved this
players return to step 1. way must move in a straight
line and must move at least as
If one unit is completely far as their retreat distance.
destroyed before it can
fight back then the melee
immediately ends, and the
surviving unit is considered to Defending: As you may have If players are unsure which
have won. noticed melee combat is not
direction to retreat, draw an
resolved simultaneously like
imaginary line through the centre
If a unit with Fearless loses shooting. This means that if either
of the Pleb and the closest Enemy
combat, but does not retreat player suffers casualties these
move it directly away 1". This models will not generate any
does not count as Retreating. attacks and a unit that is completely
wiped out will not be able to attack Retreating through Units:
back at all. Retreating Models are able to flee
through Friendly and Enemy Units,
This is the same for the stand and though they will be hurt doing so.
shoot fire. If the attacker loses any
models from the stand and shoot • If a Pleb is forced to retreat
these models will not generate any through an friendly Follower
attacks either. unit, enemy Follower unit or
piece of dangerous terrain,
every model in the unit must
Resolution: Both units receive take a dangerous terrain test
their panic tokens and like shooting
the winner of the melee is the unit • Models can retreat through
that caused the most wounds after Snobs or models in their own
resilience rolls. unit with no penalty. They're
used to it by now.
The loser must retreat.

Plebs ending up inside A.

Units: Retreating Plebs that find
themselves ending up within 1" Key:
of another friendly or enemy unit I. Winner
must continue moving in the same II. Loser
direction until they are at least 1"
away from any unit, including
Snobs and models in their own

A Pleb may have to retreat through

several units this way.

The unit will take a dangerous

terrain test for every enemy unit
or friendly Follower unit the
Pleb moves through this way not
Including Snobs or models in their
own unit.
This diagram (A.) shows a standard retreat, where the Pleb from the Loser's unit (II.),
here marked in black, retreats directly away from the Winner (I.) before the rest of its
Once the Pleb has stopped its
unit is placed. In this case, it moves over its own Toady. This will not cause a dangerous
movement the rest of the retreating
terrain test as units are always free to flee over Snobs.
unit is placed. Remembering that
no model from the unit can end up
If the Loser's Pleb had ended up within 1" of its Toady, it would have had to continue
within 1" of another unit and must
retreating until it was 1" away.
all be in coherency.
If it is impossible to place a model
this way, the model is removed.
Functionally this leads to units I. Winner
'popping' out of the other side of II. Loser
units they might end up in. III. Friendly unit

If a Pleb cannot be placed because

the of models in its own units, keep
retreating the Pleb until it can be

Retreating Off the Map: If any

model would move within 1/2” of
the table edge as a result of a retreat
then it is removed as they flee from
the battle!

Dangerous Terrain Tests: The diagram above (B.) shows a common occurrence, where the Pleb of losing unit (II.)
If a model moves into or across Here marked in black, retreats directly away from the Winner's Pleb and finds itself
dangerous terrain at any point ending up inside a friendly unit (III.) The Pleb must continue along its path in a straight
during their move then they must line until it's 1" away before the rest of its unit are placed.
pass a dangerous terrain test.
In this case the Loser's unit must take a single dangerous terrain test.
Models taking a dangerous terrain
test must roll a die. On the Role
of a 1, that model is removed as
they are brutally murdered by the


Set-up (Board Size 48x48")

Starting with the player who took
the initiative, take turns placing a
piece of dangerous terrain so that
its base is within that players 12"
deployment zone, but not within
8" of each other or 6" of the Table

After 3 pieces of dangerous terrain

has been have placed the player
that lost the initiative then places
a single piece of defensible terrain
within the centre of the table.

Each player now places a piece of

6" cover anywhere they like.

Objectives: Starting with the player

who took the Initiative players take
turns placing objective markers on
the table until there are 5.

They must be not be within either

players deployment zone, and must
not be within 8" of each other or 8"
of the table edge. Scenario Blunder: This unit must remove D3 models before it performs
its order as gives in to its ravenous hunger. Models can and will eat
The 5th objective marker must be themselves .
placed in the very centre of the
board. TERRAIN

Deployment: Players deploy as Cover: Units that shoot at targets with at least half of their models behind
standard with a deployment zone and within 3" of cover receive a -1 penalty to their rolls to hit. Cover can be
of 12" from each players table edge. represented by gabions, twisted roots or any low obstacles. Typically they
are about 6" long
Capturing Objectives: An
objective marker is captured when Defensible Terrain: Units shooting at targets wholly within defensible
a unit finishes it move within 1" terrain receive a -1 penalty to their rolls to hit. Units that are the target of
of it. Snobs can never capture shooting attacks while in defensible terrain are considered to have Fearless.
objectives unless a cult allows it. Defensible terrain can be represented by an area of about 6x6”and could be
represented by twisted palisades, sunken row houses, root forts or any other
Once captured a marker remains area that offers heavy protection.
captured but can be seized by
another player by moving within Dangerous Terrain: Units that move into or across dangerous terrain,,
1". including retreating , must take a dangerous terrain test. If they suffer any
wounds from this they receive 1 panic token. Dangerous terrain can be
If both player's units are within 1" represented by an area of about 6x6”and could be represented by leech
of the objective marker the objective swamps, root pits, bogs, or any other area that poses a threat to adventuring
is considered uncaptured. Regiments.

Victory Conditions: The game Dangerous Terrain Tests: Models taking a dangerous terrain test must
ends after 4 rounds. The player that role a die. On the roll of a 1 that model has failed its test and is removed.
controls the most objective markers
at the end of the 4th round is the Impassable Terrain: Units treat the edge of the board as impassable
victor. terrain. This terrain also includes cliffs or fortifications and cannot be moved
through for any reason.
If at any time a Player loses all their
Snobs they lose the game. The Crush: Any model that ends its retreat within 1/2" of Impassable terrain
is removed.



Toff (1 Model)
A Regiment is always led by a character, known to their followers as the Toff. Individuals exhibiting odd mutations and
outstanding personalities, Toffs represent the fanatic holy men, inspiring commanders, and suspicious prophets that aim to gain a
reputation in the swamps.

Command Range: 6”

M A Acc W Re
6” 2 5+ 2 5+

Weapons range: 6"

Toff Off!: When a Toff is chosen to activate, and there is an enemy Toff within 18" and in line of sight, they may
propose a Toff Off!

When a Toff is challenged to a Toff Off they have the right to choose their own weapon. They may choose to duel

• Pistols: Both Toffs will make simultaneous shooting attacks against each other until one of them has perished.

• Sabres: Both Toffs will make simultaneous melee attacks against each other until one of them has perished.

To add a bit of visual flair players are encouraged to pick a suitable spot on the battlefield to host their Toff Off. Mark
the Toff's original positions with tokens and place the Toffs together 6" apart if using pistols, or in base-to-base if
using sabres.

Both Toffs will now make attacks against each other until one of them has died. Once one Toff has fallen, return the
victor to their original position and proceed with their orders.

Toady (1 Model)
Following the Toff like leeches are a collection of squabbling Toadies. These are the snivelling subcommanders that fawn and
flatter their self-important Toff on their crusade.

Command Range: 3”

M A Acc W Re
6” 1 5+ 1 6+

Weapons range: 6"



Equipment: All Snobs and Followers including cavalry, but excluding artillery has a choice of equipment with which
to be armed:

• Black Powder Weapons: These are the rusted relics of a lost age, representing the muskets, rifles, blunderbusses and other
black powder projectile weapons the Regiments have scavenged.

A unit with black powder weapons generates a powder smoke token every time they make a shooting action.

• Missile weapons: Bows, slings, crossbows, javelins or particularly vicious potatoes these are the traditional weapons of the
Turnip World. Older warriors often grumble about the fashionable youth and their flashy musketry.

A unit equipped with missile weapons does not generate a powder smoke token when fired, but increases the
resilience rolls of their target by 1. e.g a roll of a 4 becomes a 5. Remembering natural 1s always fail.

• Close Combat weapons: Axes, Swords and Shields, Pitchforks and all manner of other nasty looking objects these are
crude but effective killing tools.

A unit equipped with close combat weapons cannot make shooting attacks but decreases the resilience rolls of
their target by 1 and increase their own by 1 when fighting in melee.

A unit can only ever be equipped with one type of weapon.

Fodder (12 Models)

Forming the core of most regiments these followers are the masses willing to lay down their lives for their odd causes.
Malnourished saps, Fodder are gathered together in tight order and pushed onwards by pounding drums and inspiring banners.

M A Acc W Re
6” 1 6+ 1 6+

Weapons range: 18"

Safety in Numbers: If the unit begins a round with 10 or more models they are Fearless (see Brutes).

Chaff (4 Models)
Representing the lighter skirmishing troops. They are remarkably terrible shots considering all their boasting, but the Chaff’s
ability to distract and confuse opponents proves invaluable in the heat of battle.

M A Acc W Re
6” 1 5+ 1 6+

Weapons range: 18"

Sharpshooters: This unit can target any enemy unit with shooting or charging not just the closest.

Vanguard: This unit and their snob may deploy inside a deployment zone that is 6" larger. If deploying with a Toff
and another unit without Vanguard. The unit without Vanguard must use the standard deployment zone.

Skirmish: -2 to hit to rolls if this unit is the target of a shooting attack

Brutes (6 Models)
Especially dedicated to the cause and completely addicted to the strange powers of the roots, Brutes are relatively well fed and
often heavily armoured.

M A Acc W Re
6” 2 5+ 1 5+

Weapons range: 18"

Fearless: Every time this unit is required to retreat, on a 3+ they do not retreat, and are treated as if they passed any
panic tests.


Whelps (4 Models): Roaming the countryside in packs, these riders stalk the endless columns of pilgrims that march
through the fog picking off the starving, the feeble and the afraid.

M A Acc W Re
12” 2 6+ 1 7+

Weapons range: 18"

Run them Down!: If this unit charges or initiates a shooting engagement with an enemy unit that retreated this
round (including after failing a panic test) they receive +2 to their Accuracy rolls until the melee or Engagement has

Bastards (3 models): The illegitimate offspring of the countless toadies that travel through the marsh. Eager to prove their
worth to their uncaring parents they will hurtle headlong into the most gruesome combats on their frothing steeds without a
second thought.

M A Acc W Re
12” 3 5+ 1 5+

Weapons range: 18"

Bowel-loosening Charge: When a unit of Bastards charges, their target counts as having twice as many panic tokens
remembering a unit can never have more than 6 panic tokens.


Stump Gun (1 Model): Heads are pulped, legs severed, arms are torn from their sockets as plumes of blood and mud erupt
from the enemy ranks. The ancient relic laughs its bellicose laugh and another cannonball is rammed down its greedy gullet.

M A Acc W Re
0” 3 6+ 3 5+

The Stump Gun is a composed of a cannon and its crew, but is considered 1 model. If the cannon and crew are on
separate bases the crew are not part of the game and simply act as wound tokens.

The Stump Gun is a blackpowder weapon

Ammunition: When a Stump Gun makes a shooting attack it can use one of two types of ammunition: Round shot
and Grape Shot.

Round Shot (Weapons range: 60")

The player rolls three shooting attack dice instead of the usual one. Any hits cause 2 automatic wounds to the unit.
These cannot be prevented by a resilience roll.

Grape Shot (Weapons range: 12")

Before making the shooting attack the player rolls three dice. The total rolled is the number of shooting attacks the
Stump Gun makes this round. These attacks are made with an Accuracy of 6+ and the target can make its Resilience
rolls as normal.

Unstable Icon: like all artillery the Regiments use Stump Guns are prone to failing catastrophically.

• When rolling to hit as part of a shooting attack the Stump Gun receives one panic token for each natural 1 rolled.
Any 1s rolled when generating Grape Shot attacks do not cause Panic tokens.

• If the Stump Gun has 3 or more panic tokens before it makes a shooting attack it is dangerously unstable. If any
further natural 1s are rolled when rolling to hit something has gone horribly wrong, immediately remove the gun
from the table as it detonates obliterating the crew completely. The gun resolves its shooting attacks as normal if it
explodes. Its crew, the barrel and surrounding plant matter cease to exist, but their shot still speeds towards their

A Stump Gun must have at least 3 panic tokens when it rolls its shooting attacks to have any risk of exploding,
and shooting attacks should be rolled all at once, not one at a time.

Stubborn fanatics: The crew of a Stump Gun love their grumpy child and will never abandon them. The Stump Gun
cannot charge, march or move and shoot, and will never retreat in any circumstance.

Preliminary Bombardment: After players have deployed and before any cult abilities have been used players may
choose to fire a preliminary bombardment. Starting with the player who took the initiative players take turns making
a free round shot attack with their Stump Guns. Preliminary bombardments can generate panic tokens, but do not
cause a unit to Retreat.

You do not need to roll for blundering for Preliminary Bombardment.



Fodder, Chaff, Brutes, Grogs and Rootlings

• A model belonging to a Fodder, Chaff, Brutes, Grogs and Rootlings unit can be on any shaped base as long as it is
no larger than a 30mm square and no smaller than a 20mm square.

Toffs, Toadies, Tod, Root Priests,

• A Toff or a Toady model must be on a base no larger than a 40mm square and no smaller than a 20mm square. It
is common for players to base their Snobs on bases slightly larger than their Followers so they stand out.

Whelps, Bastards, Lopers and the Houndmaster

• A model belonging to a Whelps, Bastards, Lopers and Houndmaster unit can be on any shaped base as long as it
is no larger than a 40mm square and no smaller than a 20mmx40mm rectangle.

Root Shrine

• A Rootshrine unit must be on any shaped base as long as it is no larger than 80x120mm rectangle and no smaller
than 75x105mm.

Snail Knights

• A Snail Knight unit can be on any shaped base as long as it is no larger than a 60mm square and no smaller than a
40mmx60mm rectangle.

Stump Guns

• A Stump Gun and its crew are considered 1 model and can be on any shaped base so long as its no larger than a
80mm square and no smaller than a 60mm rectangle.


Strange Regiments on the March: Before the battle a Regiment may align itself with an established Cult. Cults
provide a Regiment with a range of unique powers and units fitting their ideals. If a Regiment chooses a Cult
every unit in that Regiment now belongs to that Cult. A Regiment may only choose ONE cult

Listed below are a selection of the more prominent cults in Cist, a turbid, mud puddled County somewhere in
the remains of the Prince-Bishopric of Liège.

The Slug's Lament

Hunched and grumbling they march through fire and rain into the jaws of death. Irate and exhausted
Veterans too bitter to back down, the Grenadiers of The Slug's Lament are a formidable foe on the Battlefield.


By Choosing this Cult you gain access to a collection of incredibly grizzled veterans, the Grogs.

Every unit of Brutes in your Regiment becomes a unit of Grogs.

Grogs (6 Models)“Bah! Call that a bayonet? I’ve seen sharper parsnips”

Maximum 2 units excluding the Old Guard.

M A Acc W Re
6” 2 4+ 1 5+

Weapons range: 18"

Fearless: Every time this unit is required to retreat, on a 3+ they do not retreat, and are treated as if they passed any
panic tests.

Disgustingly Stubborn: When retreating Grogs only retreat ONE inch for every panic token.

Grenadiers: Grogs must be equipped with black powder weapons

Bristling: Snobs belonging to The Slug's Lament must

be equipped with Moustaches and well as their chosen
weapons. While fetching, Moustaches sadly confer no
benefits and are for appearance only.

Call the Old Guard: Toffs belonging to The Slug's

Lament are deployed in a unique fashion. Toffs are not
deployed during the deployment step at start of the
battle. Instead they are set aside for later use. The Toffs
Followers are deployed on the table at the start of the
game as usual.

At the start of the THIRD Round place your Toff along

with a free extra unit of Grogs up to 6” from any table
edge. The Grogs must be deployed within command
range of the Toff.

The Grogs from the Old guard are tired and weary. This
unit arrives onto the battlefield with SIX panic tokens
attached to them.

Tod's Folly
Tod was once a dashing cavalry officer who after a heavy night's carousing decided to lick an amphibious
shaped radish for a bet. He became increasingly toad shaped over the course of about a week and now, a
lumpy toad mutant, acts as a sword for hire to those Regiments yet ignorant of his illustrious career.


Your Regiment has decided to abandon their original Toff for this battle and have replaced them with Tod. He retains
any Mutations that your Toff might have had. He is still considered a Toff.

Tod (1 Models) “Half a league onwards!” Cheered Tod as he tripped, slid and fell face first into a puddle.”

Command Range 6"

M A Acc W Re
6” 3 7+ 1 7+

Weapons range: 6"

Warty Charisma: Units ordered by Tod can never blunder.

Minders: Toadies belonging to Tod’s Folly are considered to be his Minders. Minders
 often carry with them a large
sack and some rope to restrain Tod if he becomes too boisterous. Minders are considered exactly the same as Toadies
with this exception:

• When a Minder Order a unit they may choose to deactivate Misplaced Confidence for that unit until the start
of the next activation. They must do this before they declare what their order will be and before rolling for any

Son of Tod: If there are two or more Tods on the field then Players should roll off to decide which player has Tod and
which players have Son of Tod. Tod’s
 sons are unfortunately exactly like their father.

Misplaced Confidence: Every Follower unit in your Regiment now behaves unusually.

• Every time your Follower units wins a shooting engagement or a Melee they are considered to have lost.

• Every time your Follower units lose an engagement they are considered to have won.

Note: This does not endlessly repeat on itself, and does not take effect if one unit is completely destroyed.

Temple of Swellings
It struck him square in the chest and he ruptured. The rootlings started stirring, and squelching as the
bulbous growth blossomed in front of them.

Making shadowy pacts with the marsh your Regiment has been blessed by swarms of Rootlings.

Every unit of Chaff in your Regiment becomes a unit of Rootlings.

Rootlings (4 Models) “Squelch.”

M A Acc W Re
6” 3 6+ 1 5+

Pathetic: Units of Rootlings must be equipped with close combat weapons, but do not
decrease the Resilience rolls of their target by 1 in melee.

Marsh Born: Units of Rootlings never take dangerous terrain tests.

Vanguard: May deploy with their Snob inside a deployment zone that is an extra 6" bigger.

Skirmish: -2 to hit to rolls if this unit is the target of a shooting attack.

Root Priest: Your Toff has been elected Root Priest A tendril must be placed with one narrow end in base
and given a horrific projectile called the Swelling. to base contact with the Swelling and its other at least
2" away. Once a tendril has been placed it also counts
Toss: Once per game your Root Priest can make a as the Swelling.
special shooting attack with a range of 12".
A tendril must be placed so that it is at least 1"
The Toss can be preformed any time you would make a away from all other units or objective markers. If its
normal shooting attack. The Toss is made as if the Root impossible to place a tendril it is not placed.
Priest had an accuracy of 1+.
The Swelling constantly hungers for flesh.
If the Toss hits you may pick one model in the target
unit. This model is removed and replaced with The • If a unit ends its move within 2" of the Swelling it
Swelling. If there are any models in the way of the must immediately take a dangerous terrain test.
Swelling they are moved 1" directly away keeping in This includes retreating.
• If a tendril is placed within 2" of a unit, that unit
must immediately take a dangerous terrain test.
The Swelling: The swelling is a maleficent growth
that devours flesh and anything it can get its tendrils on.
• At the start of a round, after the Swelling
sprouts any units within 2" of the Swelling must
The Swelling is represented by a bulbous growth on
immediately take a dangerous terrain test.
a circular base with a diameter of 4". Its tendrils are
represented by roots on bases 1" wide and 4" long.
The Swelling can only ever force a unit to take one
dangerous terrain test a round
The Swelling starts without any tendrils and may only
ever have a maximum of 8 tendrils at any time.
Players treat The Swelling as an enemy unit for the
sake of movement and retreating. The Swelling can
Tendrils: At the start of a Round if the Swelling is on never be the target of a shooting attack or a charge.
the table it Sprouts TWO tendrils. Only the circular base of the Swelling blocks line of
Every time the Swelling sprouts you must roll to see if
you blunder. If you blunder your opponent must place Call of the Swollen One: Your Root Priest may forgo
the tendrils instead. You only need to roll once each their Activation to call on the Swelling. When chosen
time the Swelling sprouts, not once for each tendril. to Activate the Snob may instead sprout a single
tendril, rolling to blunder like normal.

Lopers of the Maudlin Marsh

Stilt walkers of the Maudlin Marsh. Pitiful drunks, they stride into battle tottering this way and that.

Your Regiment is accompanied by the sounds of split stomachs as your Lopers stick their hardened stilts through soft

Every unit of Brutes in your Regiment is replaced by a unit of Lopers

Lopers (6 Models) “Make sure you don't look up lad" said the pleb as the reassuring patter of vomit and yesterday's rations
rained down from above.

M A Acc W Re
12” 2 5+ 1 5+

Stilts: Lopers are armed only with their hardened stilts and must be armed with close combat weapons.

Unfortunate Wobble: This unit may never volley. Every time this unit makes a move as part of a move and shoot or
march order they must move the full distance possible and no less. They must move in a straight line.

If this unit retreats they must take a dangerous terrain test in addition to any caused by other units or terrain.

Stride: Units with this trait can move through enemy and friendly units with no penalties. Units with this trait also do
not take dangerous terrain test from dangerous terrain.

Exposed: Units with this trait can never benefit from any type of cover.

Stilt Spotter: Any unit of Followers in your Regiment that are not Lopers may be accompanied by a Stilt Spotter,
represented by one model in their unit equipped with stilts.

Units with Stilt Spotters increase their weapons range by 6" and have the Unfortunate Wobble trait.

Snobs: Snobs in this Regiment are all equipped with stilts. The Toff mounted on a pair much taller than the rest. This
increase their weapon range and their command range by 6" and have the Stride and Exposed trait.

Brotherhood of Greed
A Regiment of shuddering Cannibals. Gourmands on a delicious pilgrimage to taste the various rooty
mutations of Cist's Aristocrats.


Your Followers are starving, they cannot be satiated. They demand to be fed, and if not watched closely will descend
on their weakest, ripping them apart and feasting on their the lumpy innards.

Every unit of Followers in your Regiment has the Gluttony trait.

Gluttony: Every time a unit makes a shooting attack, before any dice have been rolled, they may remove one model
from their unit to add 4 dice to their shooting attacks.

• They may do this any number of times.

• The models removed do not count as wounds for the sake of winning and losing a shooting engagement

• You may never remove your last model this way. While possible to eat yourself, it's hard to shoot someone after.

Grub: Your Regiment collects only the tastiest of mutated Snobs. These Grubs struggle to command their followers
without offering them the occasional treat. To motivate their shambling horde they often have to cut off a few fingers
or possibly donate a limb or two.

Both your Toff and your Toadies are considered Grub for their ravenous followers. When a Grub orders a friendly
unit of Followers as part of their Activation they may immediately take a dangerous terrain test. If they take this test
they have severed a part of their body and served it to that unit.

If a Grub serves a body part to a unit that unit will immediately gain any mutations that Grub has until the start of the
next round.

If the test is failed the donation has been too much for the Grub and they are removed as a casualty. The served unit
will still gain the mutation for the rest of the round.

Each Grub may take one free mutation. If playing a standalone game each Grub must take a different mutation.

If players are playing standalone games without any • Tuberous Tendrils: Prehensile roots fold out
campaign Mutations they may use the mutations distended pores of the Snob. Units with this
provided below. Players may either choose or randomly mutation generate +2 attack dice in melee.
pick their mutations.
• Appalling Stagnation: The Snob reeks. It is
Each Grub may take only each mutation once. impossibly difficult to concentrate through the
vomiting. Enemy units attacking units with this
• Bulbous: The Snob's stomach and limbs swell, mutation in melee reduce their Accuracy rolls by -1.
bursting plate and splitting mail. This new body
becomes supernaturally resilient to blows which • Shrivelled: The Snobs limbs shrivel and dry out as
find it hard to penetrate the thick sinewy flesh. if they were a root left out in the sun. A unit with
Units with this mutation gain +1 to all Resilience this mutation has -1 movement.
• Crown of Toes: Wiggling toes sprout out in number
• Wings: Pathetic crusted flaps fold out of the Snob's all over the Snob's body proving a somewhat
back. As the Snobs bones decay internally they are unnerving sight. Enemy units charged by units with
able to take off from the ground and soar over the this mutation count as having +1 panic tokens.
battlefield. Units with this mutation may move
across dangerous terrain, units and objectives • Instability. The body of this Snob quivers and
as if they weren't there. They may not end their pulses with barely contained energy. When a
movement within 1" of a unit like normal. model with this mutation removed as a causality it
explodes! All other units within 2" suffer 1 wound.
• Toothlessness: Difficulty eating hard foods. This wound can be prevented with a resilience roll.

Procession of Woe
The Rootshrine is coming to town. It creaks and groans under the weight of its enormous relic. Frothing
Zealots are driven forward in its wake. Maybe this year the Root Priests will allow them a taste.


This Regiment drags with it the fabled Rootshrine. An awesome relic sacred to the root-addled Cults. Your Toff is
replaced by the Rootshrine, it maintains any mutations that your Toff may have. It is still considered a Toff.

Rootshrine (1 Model) “You can have another lick once we've cleaned off all the gore”

Command Range 6"

M A Acc W Re
6” 3 6+ 4 4+

Ululating Shrine: The Rootshrine carries with it an ancient and gigantic root relic as well as a plethora of smaller
travel-stained icons.

The Shrine is lovingly maintained by a Confessor. The Confessor hears the all the worries of his followers and either
soothes them or whips their concerns into a bloody frenzy.

Confession: Every tine the Rootshrine is activated it may take up to 2 panic token from any friendly unit on the table
and give it to another unit within 12". The screams of anguish will always reach the Confessor. These units do not
need to be within line of sight. The Shrine must take panic tokens from friendly units, but can give them to enemy

The Rootshine must be on a base no larger than 80x120mm and no smaller than 75x105mm. If there are two shrines
with different sized bases, measure its Confession range from the centre of its base.

Zealots: Every Follower

unit in your Regiment is
considered a Zealot.

When fighting in melee

a unit of Zealots receives
two extra attack dice for
every panic token it has.
Zealots can still only have
a maximum of 6 Panic
tokens at any time.

Root Priests: Every

Toady in your Regiment
is considered a Root

When a Root Priest orders

a unit they may give that
unit Fearless until the end
of the round. If the Root
Priest does this, that unit
receives a Panic Token.

Uprising of the Louse

Battered and bruised they marched him up the scaffold steps and into the Tall Man. The hacking cough of
the Houndmaster was almost drowned out by the pathetic screams.

By Choosing to dedicate your Regiment to this cult you have chosen to throw off the shackles of your hated betters.

The Uprising of the Louse may never take any Follower units and its Snobs may capture objectives.

Houndmaster (1 Model) “Come on my pet, I can smell 'em."

Command Range 6"

M A Acc W Re
6” 4 5+ 2 5+

The Houndmaster: Trained to hunt Snobs the Houndmaster is on the hunt. You may take 1 free Houndmaster. The
Houndmaster is considered Snob.

The Houndmaster is accompanied by their trusty Root hound. The Root hound and the Houndmaster are considered
one unit with a shared profile. If they take one wound they are both removed. They are based like Snobs.

Sniff them Out: The Houndmaster may declare a Toff Off! with any enemy Snob. The enemy Snob must always
choose Sabres.

Rebellion: The seeds of rebellion have been sown. The Tall Man's Gaze: The Tall man sees you. He is
pleased by your offering, but it searches for more.
When an enemy unit Blunders you may instead make a
free shooting attack against any target of your choice, so
The Tall Man's Gaze Stretches out 6" from its centre
long as it is in range and line of sight of the blundering
of its base. Any unit even partially within this area is
considered in The Tall Man's Gaze.
The unit may still make perform its order normally after
• At the Start of the second round increase the range
this special shooting attack has been resolved.
of the Tall Man's Gaze by 6".
If the unit has no ranged weapons it instead makes a
• If an enemy Snob is removed for any reason increase
shooting attack hurling: rocks, boots and rotten veg with
the range of the Tall Man's Gaze by 6".
a range of 6" and an accuracy of 6+.
The Tall Man Reveals: If an enemy Follower unit is
The Tall Man: A towering sacrificial site the staring within the Tall Man's Gaze that unit blunders not on a 1,
eyes of the tall man watches all. but instead on the Round Number.

The Tall man is a piece of terrain with about a 4" For example on round 3, a enemy unit within the Tall
diameter base. The site can be represented by a Man's Gaze will blunder on a 1,2 or 3.
guillotine, a wicker man, a pit, a cauldron of soup or
any other suitable place of execution. The Tall man must The Tall Man Protects: Any friendly unit within the Tall
have an obvious central point from which to measure Man's Gaze may ignore wounds on a 2+
from and players should leave enough room for models
to be placed on or around the Tall Man.

The Tall man is placed on the table after terrain and

objectives, but before any units have been deployed. It
must be placed anywhere within 24" of your table edge.
If there are multiple Tall Men, they are deployed one at
a time, starting with the player who took the initiative.

The Tall man cannot be placed within 1" of any objective

marker of piece of terrain. The tall man can be moved
across with no penalty.

The Tall Man Stands: The Tall Man is a piece of terrain

and cannot be destroyed in the normal way.

Knights of the Shellwood

Shields, banners and shattered lances litter the shells of the ancient knights. They ooze over the battlefield
unstoppable in their advance, an army dedicated to their snails' pace.


This Regiment may take up to two units of Snail Knights as Followers.

Snail Knight (1 Model) “What man can pretend to know the riddle of a Snail's mind?”

M A Acc W Re
0” 5 5+ 3 3+

Hardshelled: Snail Knights are always considered to be wholly within defensible terrain.

Defensible Terrain: Units shooting at targets wholly within defensible terrain receive a -1 penalty to their rolls to hit.
Units that are the target of shooting attacks while in defensible terrain are considered to have Fearless.

Mucous Manoeuvre: Once per game, at the start of a round the Player can announce they are performing their
Mucous Manoeuvre. All Snail Knights count as having a movement of 6" for that round only.

Snail keepers: Unit protects their hometown snail mascots with their lives. In return these smaller, slimier snails
provide excellent cover for their loving guardians.

Each unit in this Regiment counts as having a movement of 0". This does not count for Snail Knights during the
Mucous Manoeuvre. They can still move about by marching and charging, just a bit slower than usual.

If a unit from this Regiment has not moved so far this round they count as being in defensible terrain.

Slow and Steady: When playing a game against the Knights of the Shellwood the game lasts an extra round. For
example when playing the Long March, the game will last 5 rounds instead of 4.

Quick Reference Sheet


1. Activate Snobs Only black powder and missile weapons can

shoot these are ranged weapons.
2. Activate Followers without orders
1. Declare the target of your shooting attacks,
3. Start new round. Player who completed their check models are within range and line of
Follower orders first takes the Initiative. sight.

2. If the enemy unit is equipped with ranged

weapons, and if able, they must return fire.
ORDERS If they have no ranged weapons or have a
powder smoke token they cannot return fire.
• Volley Fire! Make a shooting attack with +1 to hit
3. Fire! All parties involved make their shooting
Blunder: Make a shooting attack with no bonus attacks simultaneously.

• Move and Shoot: Move then shoot 4. Remove casualties and work out the winners
and losers of the engagement. The loser of
Blunder: Move D6 then shoot. combat must retreat.

• March: Move M+2D6

Blunder: Move M+D6
1. Declare the target of your charge
• Charge!: Charge M+2D6 towards the target
2. The target unit must take a panic test.
Blunder: Charge M+D6 towards the target
3. If the panic test is passed and if the enemy unit
Note: Ordered unit receives a panic token every time MUST stand and shoot if able.
it Blunders
4. If the charging unit survives select and commit
to the charge.

MOVEMENT 5. Roll the charge distance.

Units can never end their move within 1" of any enemy 6. The charging unit moves directly towards the
units or any friendly Follower units. The exception to target unit one at a time trying to get into base
this rule is when they have been ordered to charge. to base contact with at least one model and
aiming to get as many of the unit into base to
Units cannot move through each other unless retreating. base contact with the enemy as possible.

Coherency: Models must always finish their move 7. If the charging unit makes it into base to base
within 1” of at least one other model from their unit and contact the charge is successful and both units
no more than 8” from all others. will fight in a melee.

If the models in the charging unit fail to reach

TERRAIN their target the charge fails and the order is
Dangerous Terrain Test: Roll a dice, on a 1 the model is
removed as a casualty. 8. Players remove casualties from the melee and
work out the winners and losers of the melee
Defensible Terrain: Units shooting at targets wholly in the same way as shooting. The loser must
within defensible terrain receive a -1 penalty to their retreat.
rolls to hit. Units that are the target of shooting attacks
while in defensible terrain are considered to have If there is no winner, then players fight another
Fearless. melee until a winner is found or a unit is


1. The Attacker rolls their attacks and the Defender Toff (1 Model)
rolls their resilience rolls M A Acc W Re
6” 2 5+ 2 5+
2. The Defender removes any casualties they suffer
Command Range: 6"
3. The Defending unit attacks back with any remaining
models and the Attacker rolls their resilience rolls. Weapons range: 6"

4. The Attacker removes any casualties. Toady (1 Model)

M A Acc W Re
5. The winners and losers of the melee are found and 6” 1 5+ 2 5+
the loser of combat must retreat.
Command Range: 3"
If there is no winner, then players return to Step 1.
Weapons range: 18"
If one unit is completely destroyed before it can
fight back then the melee immediately ends, and the Fodder (12 Models)
surviving unit is considered to have won. M A Acc W Re
6” 1 6+ 1 6+
If a unit with fearless loses combat, but does not
retreat move it directly away 1". This does not count Weapons range: 18"
as retreating.
Safety in Numbers

Brutes (6 Models)
6” 2 5+ 1 5+
Retreating: When a unit retreats they must move
directly away from the enemy D6 + 2" for every Panic Weapons range: 18"
1. The loser rolls their retreat distance, remembering to
add 2 inches for each panic token they have Chaff (4 Models)
M A Acc W Re
2. Loser selects a model closest to the winning unit. 6” 1 5+ 1 6+
This model is called a Pleb. The Pleb retreats directly
away from the winner's closest enemy model. If Weapons range: 18"
there are model equally distant the player retreating
gets to choose. Sharpshooters, Vanguard, Skirmish

3. Once the loser's model has finished moving their Whelps (4 Models)
Pleb the loser moves the rest of their unit so that M A Acc W Re
they are in coherency with this model. Units moved 12” 2 5+ 1 7+
this way must move in a straight line and must
move at least as far as their retreat distance. Weapons range: 18"

Run them Down!

Bastards (3 Models)
M A Acc W Re
12” 3 5+ 1 5+

Weapons range: 18"

Bowel-loosening Charge.
A game designed and illustrated by Max FitzGerald.

Thanks to all the wonderful people that helped make this possible.

Games Design: Gaetano Ferrara

Illustrators: Alain Gruetter, Moritz Krebs, James Ball, Nic Evans, Alexei Vella
Editors: Matt Carr

Special thanks to my Patrons:

Aash, Aaron Mills, Abokasee, Adam, Adam Jonathan Young, Jordan Lee, Josef Taylor, Josh
Isherwood, Adam Trumble, Adam Robins, Alan Monik, Julian Faulkingham, Jungle Clams, Kamen,
Gruber, Alban Voss, Alek Hayward, Sanguis_effusus, Kenjimurasame, Kenneth Erickson, Kevin, Kevin
Alex Black, Alex Haines, Alex Severa, Alexander Bates, Kevin Wall, Kim Dahlin, Korvak’s Saga, Kyle,
Cubi, Alexander M Barke, Alexander Spira, Alexander Lars White, Laurence Scarrott, LeVermenarque - AA,
State, Alexander Veronensis, Alexandra Nicholson, Lee Davie, Lee Mullock, Lena Lockwood, Lennart
Alexandre Duchamp, Alexei Vella, Alfred Landwehr Brink-Abeler, Liam Audley, Liam Markey, Liam
Sydow, All Red Wires, Álvaro Gutiérrez, Amy Reap, Parker, Little Nash, Lorenzo Paoli, Lourens te Beest,
Anders Tibbling, Andreas Bo Knudsen, Andreas Luke Makins, M, M B, Marc Cardwell, Mark, Mark
Uneby, Faultie, Andrew Dyer, Andrew McCulloch, Bird, Trapdoor Ogre, Mateo Oswaldo, Matt C, Matt
Andrew Morris, Andy “Krug” Rodriguez, Angus Carr, Matt Hickey, Knucklebones Miniatures, Matt
H, Anthony Watts, AJ as Cardinal Roothabaggs, Suter, Matthew Anglin, Matthew Barclay, Matthew
Archie Lindsay, Ariel Nataf, Artstankus, Ashwin, Liguori, Matthew Sheret, Matthew Spreadbury,
Asmus Flegel, Astulious, Austin Thompson, Axel Matthew Vazquez, Max McComsey, Mechabowie,
Klingberg, Balázs Kiss, Banhus Miniatures, Barrence Micha Davis, Michael Noppers, Michael Sellwood,
of the Konjac, Barry Wilson, Bart Dalemans, Ben A, Michael Wiatrak, Mik, Mike DeBolt, Morgan
Ben Doane, Ben Massey, Ben Morgan, Ben Patterson, Marshall, Narkeekran, Nate Bogner, Nathan Plaschka,
Ben Rose, Copper Oracle, benhosac.art, Benjamin, Ned Smith, Neil Burns-Morales, Nemo, Neoclown,
Benjamin Fail, Benjamin Madsen, BerserkerWorks, Nerd In Nottingham, Nick Garrard, Nick Rutter,
Brainlocki3, Brendon Jakubowski, Bridger Keyes, Nicolai Østergaard,Nikki Oh No!, Not Applicable,
Brofist, Brush Wielders Union, Bryan Byers, Bryce Odin Games and Hobby , Ole-Wilhelm, Ondrej Kohel
Pearcy, Cade Bauer-Showers C G, Cat Lawrie, Cayce ,Onno Ebbers, Orion the Above Average, Owen
Popp, Caz Granberg, Channing S, Charles Riendeau, Rehrauer, OwlShield, Paddy McAllister, Pariahpaints,
Chilvers Indistries, Chloe Turner, Chris, Chris Paul Cleary, Paul Edminson, Paul Pietsch, Peter
Bryan, Chris Page, Christopher Cale, Christopher Robertson, Peter Williams, Philip McAuley, Phillip
Chant, Christopher Osapai, Coffee&Lazyness, Cole Miracle, Philipp, Raeken, Jack Davenport, Reilly,
Coward, Colt Johnson, Conan The Rootbarian, Rich Palmer, Richard Cunningham, Richard
Connor Anderson Makis, Conor Stewart, Corey Shaw, Rick Lewis, Rob Howell, Robert Plant, Rory
Chiasson, Cory, Corey Croot, Craig Fenion, Craig Eaglestone, Ruaraidh Dobson, Ryan Warner, Sam,
Scoular, Brian Swan, D3th3n, Dani Tomahawk, Danial Sam Taylor, Sam Yool, Samuel Araya, Sawyer Klose,
Amphlett, Daniel Majarucon, Daniel Regenstreif, Sean Mckechnie, Sebastián Acevedo, Seth Baxter,
Daniel Wellington, Daniele Carnelli, Dark, Dave Shane Case, Shayne, Shawn, Shortpilgrim, SilverBoy,
Collins, Dave Higgins, Dave Parry, Dave O’Mahony, Simon Alskans, Simon Terry, Smythe313, Spencer
Dave Winter, David Friemann, David Letizia, David CF, Stephen Charzuk, Steven BarnesStu Cunningham,
Powell, David Rajkay, David Raven, David Sondered, Stuart Crawford, Sunday Night Publishing, T Jones,
Dean Goldsmith, DIYPossum, Don Merkin, Drake Tat Dexter, The_Uruk_Guy, ThePixelPirate, Thomas
Wiza, Duane, Edward Cardall, Eduardo Aquino, Collis, Thomas Dale, Thomas Widgren, Tim, Tim, Tim
Erik Ingelman, Ethan Steward, Evan Morcom, Mountain, Tim Popelier, Timothy Cochrane, Tmango,
Exliontamer, Federico Mazza, FootofTape, Gairarius, Tobias Sieber, Toby Keddie (@SorcererDave), Tom
Gardens of Hecate, Gary Connors, Gary Jones, Gareth Okley, Tomas Mayo,Tony Scarletta, Tossing Hydras,
Den, Garry Gross, Gavin Beaton, Gavin Butstraen, Tyler Kabana, Tyler Stevens, Uneven Frostgun,
Geert-Jan, Georgia Rose de Carvalho, Gerard O’Brien, Uselesswizard, Viktor, Vladimir Matic - Kurylev,
Gergely Bence, Ghost Clown, Goblinpaladin, Gregor, Vokmortian, Wargames Atlantic, Wayne Bollands,
Gregory Fisher, Grimdarkpaints, Gunnar Lopez, Whiskey Werewolf, Will Gauntlett, William Gibson,
Guy Curtis, Hank Single, Harry Knight, HB Huddy, Wilting Moon, Witold Krawczyk, Xander Day, Zed,
Helenice, Henry Titcomb, Huon, Hydrukachan, Zig, 普羅田 龍野湖, ~___~
Imitation of Life Miniatures, Itswhatevan, J, Jordy
Kocken, Jac Bottjer, Jack Good, Jack MacCormick, Jack A very special thanks to Dean and Matt, creators of
Pullman, Jagerkampf, Jake Ozga, James Ball, Drillary the Toff Off!
Clinton, JamesO’Neill, James Stallard, Jamie Evans,
Jason DeForest, Jason Newell, Jef Denruyter, Jens
Granström, Jens Reinecke, Jeremy Me, Jezry Venn,
John Shawcroft, Joe, Jon Sparrow

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