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AA NEXT WAR DevDraft v2.0.0

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Ambush Alley:

The Next War

Development Draft Edition

Ambush Alley Games

Ambush Alley Games, ©2020

Modern, Near Future, and Science Fiction Infantry Combat

DevDraft 2.0.0
AMBUSH ALLEY © 2007, Ambush Alley Games, LLC
AMBUSH ALLEY: NEXT WAR © 2020, Ambush Alley Games, LLC
PRIMARY AUTHORS Shawn Carpenter, Robby Carpenter, Peggy Carpenter

This development draft is a living document. It allows Ambush

Alley Games fans the opportunity to play the latest
development version of our newest game and offer input to
help shape its final form. We will announce the release of new
revisions which can be downloaded at no additional charge
throughout the development process.

The presentation of the rules in this book is purposefully

spartan to make it easier for you to print and use it at your table.
The production version will meet AAG’s traditionally high
standards for art, photos, and graphic layout.

We hope you enjoy this journey with us and your friends around
the table!
Development Draft THE NEXT WAR©2020, Ambush Alley Games, LLC Subject to Change

INTRODUCTION 1 5. Player 1’s Unit Completes Its Action 11
Move Action 11
REQUIRED GEAR 1 Fire Action 12
CQB Action 12
Defend Another Unit 12
Perform a Special Action 12
6. Rinse and Repeat 12
1. Attempt to Rally Pinned or Retreating
Units 13
2. Check for a Winner 13
3. Neutralize Hot Spots 13
4. Reinforcement Checks 13
5. Civilian Mobs Move Randomly 13
6. End of Turn 13
Unit Card Example 5
Building Models and Movement 16
Operator Card Field Definitions 6


Initiative Player Declares Overwatch Units
1. Player 1 Activates a Unit 8
2. Player 2’s Units React! 9
3. Overwatch Fire Against Reacting Units 10
Terrain Effects on Line of Sight 20
4. Resolve the Reaction 10
Line of Fire 20
Reaction Fire 11
Interruption Movement 11
Move into CQB as an Interruption 11
Perform a Special Action as an Interruption
Support Weapons 23
Target is in Optimum Range (OR) 23
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Diminished Firepower 24 VEHICLE ACTIVATIONS 37

Target is Making a Rapid Move 24 VEHICLE MOVEMENT 38
Target is Making a Jump or Burst Move 25 ROUGH TERRAIN 38
Intervening Cover or Concealment 25 VEHICLE CREWS 39
Solid Cover 25 VEHICLE CLASS 39
Improved Cover 25 WEAPON AT CLASS 39
Body Armor 27 Vehicle Facing 42


SHOTGUNS & SMGS 31 Heavy Sniper Rifles/Anti-Material Rifles 44
HANDGUNS 32 Aerial Snipers 45
Morale Modifiers Table 34
Stand 34
Pinned 34
Rally Modifiers Table 35
Advanced Sensors (SF) 48
Animosity 48
Berserkers (Involuntary) 48
Berserkers (Voluntary) 49
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Borged Up (SF) 49 Teleportation – Strategic (SF) 57

Burst Movement (SF) 49 Teleportation – Tactical (SF) 58
Cannibal (SF) 50 Tyrant (SF) 59
CQB Monsters 50 Unpredictable 59
Damage Projectors (SF) 50 Very Large (SF) 60
Despised 50 Vulnerability (SF) 60
Designated Marksman(DMR) 50 ASSET CARDS 61
Dreadful (SF) 50 ASSET TYPES 61
Elusive 50 Attached Assets 61
Eroding Morale 51 Independent Assets 61
Exo-Armor – Assault (SF) 51 Off-Board Assets 62
Exo-Armor – Infiltrator (SF) 51 Expendable Assets 62
Hard to Kill (SF) 52 BIG GUNS VS. BUILDINGS 64
Heightened Situational CIVILIANS ON THE BATTLEFIELD 65
Awareness/Reflexes 52 DISPERSING CIVILIAN MOBS 65
Inspiring 52 HOSTILE MOBS 66
Intimidating 53 Taunt 66
Natural or Augmented Armor (SF) 53 HOT SPOTS 66
Natural or Augmented Weapons (SF) 53 Neutralizing Hot Spots 67
Plentiful Grenades 53 ALIENS 67
Poor Initiative 53 THE HUMAN ADVANTAGE 67
Poor Training 54
Psionic Levels 54
Psionic Attacks 54
Psionic Effects 55
Battles of Will 55
Psionic Duels 56
Psionic Resistance (SF) 57
Remote Controlled (SF) 57 CARDS 87
Small Target (SF) 57
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Ambush Alley: Next War was written to give you a set of go-to rules for small
unit conflicts set in any period from the Cold War forward – far forward! The
A FRAGO (Fragmentary
rules support down-and-dirty Post War skirmishes, clashes in the news today,
Order) is a brief order used to
conflicts of the near future, and the wars that follow us into the stars. clarify a longer, more detailed
Operational Order. In this
As a result, this book is a toolbox. Some of the tools will be useful in any period,
book, each major rule section
while others will only get pulled out for games set in a specific era (unless you
is preceded by a FRAGO that
want to shake things up and drop an invasion force of aggressive robotic summarizes it in a bulleted
aliens in Los Angeles). Don’t feel like you need to use every tool in the box on format.
every job. Sometimes you only need a hammer!

You also have a lot of latitude with the tone of Next War games. By manipulating the ratings of troops and
the attributes available to them, you can run anything from gritty, historically accurate scenarios to over the
top, Hollywood style action romps. You don’t need separate rule books to suit your group’s current mood.
Next War has your back.

As a bonus, Next War can be used to play the dozens and dozens of scenarios we’ve published for Ambush
Alley, Force on Force, and Tomorrow’s War. We wrote these rules with backwards compatibility in mind, so
you can play scenarios from your favorite Ambush Alley Games books with little to no modification.

Miniatures. Any scale, any manufacturer.

A flat surface to play on. The amount of space needed depends on the size of figures used and the scenario
played. You’ll want somewhere between 4’ x 4’ and 4’ x 8’ of available space, though.

Appropriate terrain to battle over. Buildings, ruins, woods, hills, and vehicles are all common terrain features
a Next War table. You can build your own terrain or buy commercially available models and table dressing.

Dice of the following types: D6, D8, D10, and D12. We suggest that every player have 10 dice of each type,
but this isn’t a requirement. We also suggest that you color-code your dice (i.e., all dice of the same type are
the same color–D6s are all green, D8s are all orange, etc.). This speeds up play for folks who aren’t used to
“funny” dice.

Several tape measures and/or rulers.

A few status markers and templates. You can either make your own from chits of paper or cardboard or
buy commercially available markers.

An assortment of snacks and beverages. All games are better with snacks!

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As mentioned earlier, you’ll need a selection of +DS (Positive Die Shift) = Use next higher die type (no higher
six, eight, ten, and twelve-sided dice to play Next than D12).
-DS (Negative Die Shift) = Use next lower die type (no lower than
We use the normal shorthand to describe which +X DRM (+X Die Roll Modifier) = Add X to your die roll. Only used
dice and how many of them you need to throw for single die Tests.
-X DRM (-X Die Roll Modifier) = Subtract X from your die roll. Only
in a test. For instance, if you need to throw five
used for single die Tests.
six-sided dice, we’ll say you need to throw 5D6. If +XD (+X Bonus Dice) = Add X dice to your roll.
you needed to throw four eight-sided dice, we’d -X D (-X Penalty Dice) = Subtract X dice from your roll. Never
show that as 4D8, two ten-sided dice would be reduces your total dice below 1 die.
2D10, etc.


The rules will often call for you to apply a Die Shift to your roll. Negative Die Base Die Positive Die
Shift (-DS) Shift (+DS)
If a rule calls for a Positive Die Shift (+DS), use the next higher
N/A D6 D8
sized die than you normally would. If it calls for a Negative Die
Shift (-DS), roll the next lower sized die. D6 D8 D10
D8 D10 D12
D6 is the lowest die type used in the game and D12 is the highest.
D10 D12 N/A
Example: I would normally roll 4D8 for an attack roll, but a rule says my attack
suffers a -DS. I roll 4D6 instead. If the rule said that I got a +DS, I’d roll 4D10.


Rules will call for you to apply a Die Roll Modifier (DRM) to your die rolls. The value of the DRM is added or
subtracted from your die roll to determine the roll’s final, modified value.

DRMs are only applied to Test rolls involving a single die (such as Morale Tests). They’re never applied to
tests that require you to throw multiple dice, such as a Firepower Attack test.

Example: If a rule said that I got a +1 DRM to my roll, I’d roll my die and add 1 to the result. If I rolled a 5, it would become a 6. If the
rule called for a -1 DRM, I’d subtract 1 from my roll, reducing it to a 4.


Some rules call for Bonus Dice or Penalty Dice to be applied to your roll in certain circumstances. Add or
subtract the number of dice indicated to the pool of dice you’re throwing.

Penalty Dice can never reduce the number of dice you throw to zero or less.

Example: If a rule calls for +2D Firepower, I’d roll 2 extra Firepower dice. If it called for -2D Firepower, I’d roll 2 less Firepower dice
(this couldn’t reduce the number of dice I roll to zero, though).

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Any time the rules call for you to make a die roll, you’re making a
Test. Tests are used to determine if your unit succeeds at FRAGO: Tests
something. If you pass a test, you pulled it off. If you fail a test, Simple Test: Pass by rolling a 4+.
things don’t go your way. Opposed Test: Pass by rolling higher than
your opponent.
There are two types of Tests: Simple and Opposed.

Simple tests are used to determine whether your unit succeeds at an uncontested task using your Troop
Quality (TQ) or Morale Quality (MQ). A simple TQ test would be used to see if your ragtag unit of rebels is
able to organize defensive fire against the Marines storming their position. A simple MQ test would be used
to see if your rebels abandon their position after losing friends to the assault.

To pass a simple test, roll a modified score of 4+ on the appropriate die. If you roll less than a 4, you fail the

Example: My Operator needs to pass a Simple Troop Quality Test to call for fire from a mortar unit. If they roll a modified score of 4
or better on their Troop Quality die, they pass the fire instructions on correctly. If not, they must repeat them more clearly on the
next turn.

Opposed tests are used to see if succeeds at a task the enemy is actively contesting.

To resolve an opposed test, both units roll the appropriate die. The unit with the highest modified die roll
passes the test.

If there is a tie, the unit with the highest Troop Quality wins. If opposing units have the same TQ, the unit
belonging to the Force with initiative wins.

The most common opposed test in the game is the reaction test. You’ll be making lots of those!

Example: My fire team is trying to spot an enemy Sniper with the Elusive Attribute. My team and the sniper both roll their TQ die. If
my team rolls higher than the sniper, they can engage them with fire. If not, they remain elusive.

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• Each Player is in command of a force.
Any miniature or group of miniatures on your table
• A Force can be composed of teams, leaders,
that you can activate, move, fire, etc., is a unit.
operators, and assets.
Units are the basic playing pieces of the game, and • Teams consist of one or more figures and usually
the same rules apply to them whether they’re a include a team leader.
fireteam of four grunts, a lone sniper, or a tank. • Multiple Teams can be grouped into a squad with an
independent squad leader.
Some units can be organized into larger formations. • Specialists are a single figure. Some specialists act
Three fireteams might form a squad, for instance, or independently, and others must be attached to a
four tanks a troop. This is only an organizational team.
concept, though. Units still act individually. • Operators are single figures who act independently.
• Leaders may or may not be attached to a specific
The units under your control comprise your Force. team. Leaders bolster morale and can rally teams
Units are comprised of one or more figures. It can under their command.
contain one or more attached assets and will usually • Independent assets, such as vehicles, operate
include a unit leader. A team can represent a fire independently.
• Each team, specialist, operator, and independent
team, insurgent cell, mob of civilians, etc.
asset is a unit.
All figures in a unit, including the team leader, • Each unit may have a unit leader. Single figure units
must stay within cohesion distance (2”) of at least don’t have a unit leader.
• Units have the following combat quality ratings:
one other figure in their unit, measured from the
• Troop Quality = Quality of the unit’s training and
head of each figure.
overall competence.
• Morale Quality = Quality of the unit’s morale.
• Armor Quality = Quality of the unit’s body armor.
In some scenarios or force lists, several units will be organized into a squad. A squad isn’t a unit for purposes
of activation (or anything else), but units assigned to a squad benefit from the presence of a squad leader
that can boost their morale.

Assets are added to a force to increase its capabilities. An asset might be a specialist figure attached to a unit
(a Terminal Air Controller or Interpreter, for instance), an additional unit (a sniper team or machine gun team),
a vehicle, or even some sort of off-board support (such as a mortar battery or drone).

Each asset’s capabilities and any special rules are described on its Asset Card. The asset’s Card will also identify
it as being independent or attached to a unit.

Assets and Asset Cards are described in more detail under Assets in the Toolbox section.

Leaders motivate their troops and keep them on mission.

A force can contain multiple leaders. Teams will normally have a leader, as will each squad. Higher level
leaders, like platoon leaders and company commanders can also be fielded. The most senior leader in a force
is the force leader, unless a scenario states otherwise.
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Some leaders are attached to teams and others can act independently, as described by their Unit Card.
Leaders have a positive impact on the morale of units under their command. They can also rally units under
their command.

Operators are highly skilled combatants who operate independently on the battlefield. In Next War, they are
usually individual Special Operators (hence the name), but they might be any other highly competent

Operators function like any other unit regarding activation, combat, morale, etc. The number of firepower
and CQB attack dice they throw is based on their Operator Class. Operators are fully described in the section
entitled, Operators in Action.


Each unit in a Next War game has a Unit Card that describes its capabilities. Examples of Team and Operator
Cards are shown below, along with a brief explanation of each field on the cards.


Unit Name: Regular Light Infantry Fire Team
# of Troops TQ MQ AQ Armor Desc.
4 D8 D8 6 -1 Medium
Unit Member Weapon Class FP Dice AT Class AOE
Team Leader Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0 N/A
Rifleman Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0 N/A
SAW Gunner SAW Light 2 0 N/A
Grenadier Rifle GL Light 2 1
Plentiful Grenades: +1D FP vs. targets in base Optimum Range; +1D to Attack in 1st CQB round.

Unit Name: The name of the Unit.

# of Troops: Total number of figures in Team, including attached leader if applicable.
TQ: Troop Quality die type.
MQ: Morale Quality die type.
AQ: Armor Quality
Reaction DRM: Reaction Die Roll Modifier due to armor, if any.
Armor Desc.: Armor Description.
Team Member: List of figures and their role in the Team.
Weapon: Weapon used by a specific Team Member.
Class: Weapon Class.
FP Dice: Total Firepower Dice thrown by figure.
AT Class: Anti-Tank Class of weapon used by figure, if applicable.

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AOE: Area of Effect of weapon used by figure, if applicable.

Assets/Attributes: List of any Assets and/or Attributes assigned to the Team.


Operator Name: Peter Rogriguez
Operator Class TQ MQ AQ Armor Desc.
D10 D12 6 -1 Medium
Elite Base FP Base CQB Defense Dice
3D10 3D10 3D10
Weapon Class FP Dice AT Class AOE
Sniper Rifle Small Arms 6D10 0 0
Suppressed Pistol Small Arms 3D6 0 0
Sniper: +2D FP; All targets treated as in Optimum Range; designate one figure in the team which must make a Casualty Check;

Elusive: Enemies beyond Optimum Range must pass a Contested TQ Test with Sniper to fire at them.

Operator (Elite)

• Operator Name: The Operator’s name or codename.

• Operator Class: The Operator’s class.
• TQ: Troop Quality die type.
• MQ: Morale Quality die type.
• AQ: Armor Quality
• Reaction DRM: Reaction Die Roll Modifier due to armor, if any.
• Armor Desc.: Armor Description.
• Team Member: List of figures and their role in the Team.
• Base FP: The basic number of Firepower dice thrown by the Operator before any bonus dice for Support
Weapons are added.
• Base CQB: The basic number of Attack dice thrown by the Operator in a CQB pulse.
• Defense Dice: The base number of Defense Dice thrown by the Operator in Firepower combat and CQB.
• Weapon: Weapon used by a specific Team Member.
• Class: Weapon Class.
• FP Dice: Total Firepower Dice thrown by the Operator when firing this weapon.
• AT Class: Anti-Tank Class of weapon used by the Operator, if applicable.
• AOE: Area of Effect of weapon used by the Operator, if applicable.
• Assets/Attributes: List of any Assets and/or Attributes assigned to the Operator.

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The Basic Rules

1. Initiative Phase
a. Initiative Test (Initiative Player chooses to be Active in Phase 1 or Phase 2
b. Initiative Player declares Overwatch Units
2. Phase 1
a. Active Player Activates a Unit
b. Passive Player Activates Units to Interrupt
c. Resolve any Overwatch Fire
d. Resolve Interruption Action
e. Resolve Active Unit’s Declared Action
f. Repeat steps 1-6 until all Activations are complete.
3. Phase 2 (See Phase 1, above)
4. Management Phase
a. Rally Pinned or Retreating Units
b. Check for a Winner
c. Neutralize Hot Spots
d. Reinforcement Checks
e. Civilian Mobs Move Randomly
f. End of Turn

You determine whether player 1 or player 2’s force will have initiative during this phase by making an initiative
test. You’ll also designate any Weapon Teams that are on Overwatch.

Initiative tests are an opposed test. You and your opponent make an
Opposed Troop Quality test using the die type of your force’s FRAGO:
predominant Troop Quality. If in doubt, use the lower die type. Make an Initiative Test. Winner can:
• Choose to be Player 1 or 2
The player with the highest die roll chooses whether to act as Player
• Place Weapon Teams on Overwatch
1 or Player 2 for the turn.

If you’re making the first initiative test of the game and the result is
a tie, simply re-roll. Otherwise, the force that won initiative the previous turn wins on a tie.

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Some scenarios dictate which force has initiative for the first few turns. If this is the case, no initiative tests
are needed on those turns.

Player 1 or Player 2 – What’s the Difference?

Choosing whether you’ll be Player 1 or 2 may not sound like a big deal, but it can be. It allows you to shape the pace of the game to
better suit your goals. If you’re trying to reach an objective before your opponent, for instance, being Player 1 is a big advantage. If
you’re trying to lure your opponent into a fire pocket, being Active in Player 2 might be a better choice.

• Overwatch units can engage Reacting units before they perform
UNITS their Reaction
If you won the initiative test, declare which of • Each Overwatch Fire is resolved separately. Each must be
your weapon teams will be on Overwatch for completely resolved before moving on to the next
the turn. The loser of the initiative test cannot • Overwatch Fire attacks can be resolved in any order the player
place their units on Overwatch. wishes
• Overwatch Fire Units must have LOS to the Reacting unit to
We’ll talk more about Overwatch units later. engage them
For now, you just need to know that: • Overwatch Fire attacks must occur in logical, chronological
• Only weapon teams can be placed on • Reaction units that are wiped out or suffer a Morale condition
Overwatch due to Overwatch fire cannot complete their Reaction
• Overwatch units can react multiple • Once all Overwatch Fire triggered by the Reacting unit have
been resolved, resolve its Reaction
times and in both player’s Phases.


If you are Player 1, this is your phase. You can
activate units to move, fire, or take other actions. • Player 1 Activates their Units one at a time.
• Each unit can only be activated once per turn.
Be careful, though, because your opponent can
• Player 2 can Activate their Units to React to Active Units.
also activate units to foil your plans!
• Overwatch Fire is resolved against any Reacting Units (if
Player 1’s Phase plays out in the order described appropriate).
• Phase ends when Player 1 has no more Units they wish to (or
can) Activate.
• Move on to Action Player 2’s Phase.
If you are Player 1, you can activate your units one at a time to perform various actions (see Valid Actions in
Your Phase for details). Each of your units can only be activated once per turn, so those activated in this phase
cannot be activated to React in Player 2’s Phase.

When you Activate a unit, you must declare what Action it will take. Your options are listed in the Valid Action
Phase Actions table. You also need to describe how the unit will perform the Action so that the Passive Player
can decide if they want to Activate any of their units to Interrupt your unit.

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Valid Actions in Your Phase For instance, if one of your units is going to move, you must describe what path
Move it will take. If it’s going to Fire, you need to designate which enemy unit is being
Fire targeted. If your unit will be moving and firing, you must announce whether it
Move & Fire or Fire & Move will move and fire or fire and move, as well as the path it will take and the unit it’s
Initiate CQB firing at.

Defend another Unit You can activate as many or as few of your units as you choose. It’s usually a good
Perform Special Action idea to save a few units so that you can React to their Player 2’s units during their
phase, though.

How Do I Activate Vehicles, Independent Assets, or Operators?

We use the word unit in the Turn Sequence for brevity’s sake. A unit can be a Team, Vehicle, Independent
Asset, or an Operator. It’s just shorter to say “unit” than it is to say “Team, Vehicle, Independent Asset or


If you’re Player 2, your units can React to Player 1’s units as • When Player 1 activates a unit, Player 2 can
Activate one of their units to React.
they are activated. To do so, you must declare which unit is
• Player 2 can React to a single Player 1 Unit with
Reacting and how (see Valid Reactions for your options). multiple units, but each Reaction is declared and
You can activate multiple units to React to a single Player 1 resolved separately.
unit, but each Reaction must be completely resolved before • All Overwatch Fire against a Recting Unit must be
you move on to the next. resolved before it performs its Reaction.
• Units can only React to enemy activations within a
Reactions are subject to Overwatch fire. Overwatch fire distance determined by their Troop Quality.
triggered by a Reacting unit must be resolved before you • Reacting units must have LOS to the unit they are
determine the outcome of your unit’s Reaction. Reacting to at the time that the Interruption is
Units can only react to enemy actions within a number of • Reactions must occur in logical, chronological
inches equal to their Troop Quality die. TQ D6 Troops can order
React to enemies within 6”, TQ D8 can React to enemies • A Reacting Unit can only perform one Reaction
withing 8”, etc. Action.

Your unit must have line of sight (LOS) to Player 1’s unit at the time it Reacts
Valid Reactions
Move to it. This means that you can’t React to a unit that is hidden behind a
Fire (Interruption Fire) corner, for instance, but you can if it moves around the corner and into your
Initiate CQB view.
Defend Another Unit
Reactions must occur in logical, chronological order. Player 2 must state
Perform a Special Action
where their unit’s Reaction will occur an enemy unit’s movement path.
Once fire (or any other Reaction) has occurred at one point in a unit’s movement path, subsequent Reactions
cannot be declared at an earlier point.

Once a Reacting unit has completed its Reaction, you can activate another to React to the same Player 1 unit
if you wish.

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When Player 2 activates a unit to React to a unit
you’ve activated, you can choose to engage it with fire
• Overwatch units can engage Reacting units before they
from one or more Overwatch units. Each Overwatch
perform their Reaction
attack will be resolved separately, and each must be • Each Overwatch Fire is resolved separately. Each must
completely resolved before you can designate be completely resolved before moving on to the next
another Overwatch unit to attack. • Overwatch Fire attacks can be resolved in any order
the player wishes
You’re never obligated to attack with any of your • Overwatch Fire Units must have LOS to the Reacting
Overwatch units. unit to engage them
• Overwatch Fire attacks must occur in logical,
You can resolve fire from your Overwatch in whatever
chronological order
order you wish. • Reaction units that are wiped out or suffer a Morale
condition due to Overwatch fire cannot complete their
Overwatch units must have Line of Sight to the
Reacting unit at the time they make their Overwatch • Once all Overwatch Fire triggered by the Reacting unit
Fire attack. have been resolved, resolve its Reaction
Like Reactions, Overwatch fire must occur in logical,
chronological order.

If a Reacting unit is wiped out or suffers a Morale condition due to Overwatch fire, it cannot complete its

4. RESOLVE THE REACTION Make an opposed Reaction Test between Player 2’s
Once you’ve resolved all Overwatch Fire against the Reacting unit and Player 1’s unit
Interrupting unit, it can complete its declared action, • If the Player 1 wins, the Player 2’s unit’s Reaction
assuming it hasn’t been Wiped Out or suffered a is ineffective and has no impact
Morale condition. • If the Player 2’s unit wins, resolve the Reaction
The first step in resolving the Interruption is to make • Move on to the next Reacting unit if there is one.
an opposed Reaction Test between Player 1’s activated If not Player 1’s activated unit resolves its
unit and Player 2’s Reacting unit. declared Action.

If Player 1’s unit wins this Reaction Test, the Reacting unit doesn’t get to perform its declared Reaction. Note
that this doesn’t mean the unit didn’t try to perform its reaction, only that it wasn’t able to do so effectively
and the attempt has no impact in game terms.

If the Reacting unit wins the test, it immediately performs its declared Reaction.

Once the current Reaction is resolved, the Player 2 player can activate another unit to React if they choose.

Player 1 can continue to declare and resolve Reactions against a single unit until they have no units left that
can React.

Once all Reactions have been resolved, Player 1’s activated unit can attempt to complete its declared action.

Below are specific descriptions of the outcomes of Reaction Tests for the various valid Reactions:

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If the Reacting unit wins Reaction Test: The Reacting unit immediately resolves a Firepower Attack. Player
1’s unit can Return Fire.

If the Reacting unit loses the Reaction Test: The Reacting unit’s fire is ineffective. No Firepower attack is
resolved. Player 1’s unit cannot Return Fire.

If the Reacting unit wins Reaction Test: The Reacting unit immediately moves normally. This movement can
be used to avoid a Firepower attack declared against it. If the Reacting unit is able to move out of the firing
unit’s LOS, it can avoid the Firepower Attack completely. Player 1’s unit can Return Fire if the Reaction unit is
still in its LOS after completing its move.

If the Reacting unit loses the Reaction Test: The Reacting unit remains in place. Player 1’s unit cannot Return


If the Reacting unit wins Reaction Test: The Reacting unit immediately resolves a CQB against your Active
unit. No further Reaction Tests are Resolved. Player 1’s unit can only Return Fire as permitted by the rules
governing CQBs.

If the Reacting unit loses the Reaction Test: The Reacting unit remains in place. Player 1’s unit cannot Return


If the Reacting unit wins Reaction Test: The Reacting immediately resolves its Special Action. Player 1’s can
Return Fire if the rules governing the Special Action permit.

If the Reacting unit loses the Reaction Test: The Reacting unit is unable to perform the Special Action. Player
1’s unit cannot Return Fire.


ITS ACTION • Once all Interruptions have been resolved,
resolve the Activated Unit’s declared Action.
Once all Reactions triggered by your unit have been resolved,
• If the Action was to fire at an enemy unit,
it can try to complete its declared Action, assuming it hasn’t make a Reaction Test. The winner of the
been wiped out, forced to Retreat, etc. The methods for Reaction Test immediately resolves a
resolving each action are described below. Firepower Attack against the loser, who may
Return Fire.
• Remember that a Unit can only fire once at
MOVE ACTION the same enemy Unit within a single turn.
• If the Action was to initiate a CQB, make a
If you declared that your unit was going to move, you can
Reaction Test as described in the CQB
move it now. See Movement for details.

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Fire Action
If you declared that you were going to fire at an enemy unit, resolve a Firepower attack against it now. It can
Return Fire if it wishes. See Ranged Combat for details.

Remember: You can only fire once at a single unit during the same turn. If your target unit Interrupted you and you Returned Fire,
you cannot shoot at it again now. For all intents and purposes, you’ve already performed your Declared Action.

If your unit declared that it was going to CQB an enemy unit, see the CQB rule section for details.


Your unit can Defend Another Unit of your choice.


Your unit can perform a valid Special Action.


Repeat all the steps above until Player 1 has activated all the units they wish or has activated all their units.
Then proceed to Player 2’s Phase.


What happens in Player 2’s Phase? Essentially the same • Player 2 activates their units one at a time.
• Player 1 activates their units to React to Player
things as Player 1’s Phase, but:
2’s activations
If you are Player 2, you cannot activate any units that were • Overwatch Fire is resolved against any
activated to React in Player 1’s Phase. Reacting units (if appropriate)
• Phase ends when Player 2 has no more units
If you are Player 1, you cannot activate any units to React they wish to or can Activate.
that were activated in Player 1’s Phase. • Move on to Management Phase.

Otherwise, the same 6 steps occur in the same order as described for Player 1’s Phase, but Player 2 is in the
driver’s seat now.

Once Player 2 has activated all the units they can (or wish to), proceed to the Management Phase.

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MANAGEMENT PHASE • Attempt to Rally Pinned or Retreating Units.
No combat actions occur in the Management Phase. • Check to see if either player has won.
Instead, the following steps are performed in preparation • Neutralize Hot Spots (if in use).
for the next turn: • Check for random reinforcements (if available).
• Randomly move civilians (if in use).
• End of Turn – proceed to Initiative Phase of next
Both Players can attempt to Rally any Pinned or Retreating units by making a Rally Test. See Rallying Units.


Check to see if either Force has achieved victory conditions that grant them automatic victory or if the
scenario’s turn limit has been reached.

If one force has achieved victory according to the scenario’s victory conditions, the game ends.

The game also ends if the scenario’s turn limit has been reached. Total up the Victory Points each side has
earned according to the scenario’s Victory Conditions to determine who, if anyone, has won.


Hot Spots can be neutralized to prevent further arrival of reinforcements from that location. See Neutralizing
Hot Spots.

Both forces roll for Reinforcements at this time if the scenario indicates that they have Reinforcements

Reinforcements will normally arrive from a randomly determined Hot Spot, unless a scenario dictates
otherwise. See Hot Spots for more details on their use.


Each civilian mob on the table rolls 1D6. On a roll of 4+, the mob will move 6” in a random direction. Otherwise
it remains in place. See Civilians on the Battlefield.

Once all the steps above have been completed, the turn has ended. Move on to the Pre-Turn Phase of the
next turn.

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Overview of Fire Types

A NOTE ON RETURN Type of Fire Subject to Subject to
FIRE & OERWATCH FIRE Return Fire? Overwatch Fire?
Declared Fire Yes Yes
We note in the Turn Sequence above when units are
Reaction Fire Yes Yes
subject to Return Fire and/or Overwatch Fire. After a
Return Fire No No
game or two, it will all be old hat to you, but until then,
Defending Yes Yes
the table below is a handy reminder of what Another Unit
actions/reactions can trigger other types of Return or Overwatch Fire No N/A
Overwatch Fire.

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• All units have two movement rates: Tactical
Your units can move as part of an action (i.e., Move, Move & Fire, and Rapid. See the Movement Rates table.
or Initiate CQB). The distance your unit moves depends on the • Terrain Modifiers effect how far your unit can
Movement Rate you declare for it and the type of terrain it is move. See the Movement Modifiers table.
crossing. • To move a Unit, place its Leader figure at the
Unit’s intended destination. Indicate the
path taken to allow Interruptions to occur.
UNIT MOVEMENT RATES After any Interruptions are resolved, place
the rest of the figures in the unit in cohesion
All units have two movement rates: Tactical and Rapid. with the Leader figure.
Units making a Tactical Move suffer no modifiers to Fire or

Units making a Rapid Move suffer a -1D penalty to their Firepower and a -1 DRM to Reaction Tests but gain
+1D to their Defense. These modifiers apply for the duration of the unit’s current Activation.

Typical Movement Rates for standard unit types are shown in the Movement Rates table.

Movement Rates
Movement Type Normal Normal Game Effect
Infantry Vehicles*
Tactical Move 6” 10” No bonuses or penalties
Rapid Move 12” 20” -1 D Firepower; -1DRM to Reaction Tests; +1D Defense
*Note that Vehicle movement rates are only shown here for comparison – vehicle movement is described in full in the Vehicles &
Vehicle Combat section.

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The following table describe how different types of terrain effect a unit’s movement.

Movement Modifiers Table

Terrain Type Terrain Examples Infantry Movement Vehicle Movement
Restrictions Restrictions
Open Ground Open fields, Light Woods None None
Buildings Buildings Movement within buildings is Cannot be entered by
measured normally. vehicles
Movement between floors is
measured from the floor the
Unit is on to the floor to
which they’re moving.

Obstacles Walls, Hedges, Fences, Ravines, Must pass Simple TQ Test to Must pass TQ Test to cross
Other Linear Obstacles cross. If unit passes the test,
the it can move across the
obstacle with no penalty to
its movement. If the Unit
fails, it must end its move
halted at the point it
attempted to cross the
Difficult Ground Medium Woods, Marshy Movement is halved. Movement is restricted to ½
Ground, Ploughed Fields, Steep Tactical movement.
Hills or Grades, etc.
Treacherous Ground Jungle/Dense Vegetation, Near Movement is restricted to ½ Vehicles cannot enter unless
Vertical Grades, Mangroves, Tactical movement. scenario or vehicle attribute
Deep Water, etc. states otherwise
Impassable Terrain Vertical Grades, Extremely Cannot be entered or crossed Cannot be entered or
Rough or Deep Water, etc. crossed


Buildings can be entered from any side, regardless of the presence of doors or windows on the model (we
assume a building model represents an archetype of a building, not literal representation, so there may be
means of ingress and egress that aren’t visible).

If you wish to use your buildings as literal representations of an actual structure, you can restrict movement
into and out of buildings based on the door and window positions on the actual model. It’s up to you and the
folks you play with. Moving Units

An infantry unit’s movement is based on its leader (or a figure positioned roughly in the middle of the unit if
it has no leader).

To move one of your units, measure movement from the leader figure to the unit’s desired destination.

Pick up the leader figure (or a figure from the rough center of the unit) and move it slowly from its starting
point to its ending point, giving your opponent plenty of time to announce they wish one of their units to

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Once any Interruptions resulting from the unit’s movement have been resolved, place the leader figure on
the table and position the members of their unit within Unit Cohesion around them.

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Firepower Combat
Firepower Combat is the most common form of combat between Infantry units. Any time one of your infantry
units or vehicles fires at an enemy infantry unit, it’s making a Firepower Attack.

Firepower attacks resulting from a unit activation or a Reaction is “declared fire.” Declared fire is resolved
normally, as described in Resolving a Firepower Attack.

Return Fire occurs when an eligible unit fires back at unit that has attacked it. Return Fire always suffers a -
1DS to TQ, but otherwise is resolved normally.

The player who wins the Initiative Test at the beginning of a
• Overwatch units can fire at enemy Units that
turn can place any or all their Weapon Teams on Overwatch perform Actions within their Overwatch Arc in
by placing an Overwatch marker of some sort next to them. both Players’ Phases
• Each Overwatch Fire is resolved separately. Each
Being placed on Overwatch counts as a unit’s single
must be completely resolved before moving on
activation for the turn. to the next
• Overwatch Fire attacks can be resolved in any
Overwatch units can fire at enemy Units that perform
order the player wishes
Actions within their Overwatch Arc in both Players’ Phases, • Overwatch Fire Units must have LOS to the
but you’re never obligated to use Overwatch fire. Reacting unit to engage them
• Overwatch Fire attacks must occur in logical,
Overwatch Units can engage enemy Units that are
chronological order
activated or perform any actions within both their LOS and • Reaction units that are wiped out or suffer a
Overwatch Arc (90º perpendicular to the support weapon’s Morale condition due to Overwatch fire cannot
barrel). complete their Reaction
o Once all Overwatch Fire triggered
You’re never obligated to attack with any of your Overwatch by a Reacting unit have been
Units. resolved, it can resolve its declared
You can resolve fire from your Overwatch in whatever order
you wish.

Overwatch Units must have Line of Sight to the Interrupting Unit at the time they make their Overwatch Fire

Like Interruptions, Overwatch Fire attacks must occur in logical, chronological order.

Each Overwatch attack against a single unit must be resolved separately and be completely before you can
designate another Overwatch unit to attack.
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Overwatch Fire is resolved as a standard Firepower attack.

When making an Overwatch attack, an Opposed TQ Test is made between the Overwatch unit and target
unit. If the Overwatch unit wins the Test, resolve a normal Firepower attack against the target unit. If the
target unit wins, no Overwatch Fire occurs. Additionally, the Overwatch unit loses its Overwatch status.

Units in Overwatch status can fire at multiple enemy units in the same turn, but are subject to the
Diminishing Firepower penalty.

Units attacked with Overwatch Fire can’t Return Fire.

Overwatch Units can lose their Overwatch Status during a Turn. Overwatch units lose their Overwatch status
if they:

• Lose a Reaction Test at any point in a turn.

• Move for any reason (to evade a CQB, for instance).
• Are engaged in CQB.
• Fail a Morale Test.
• Are attacked by an artillery salvo (including mortar fire) or airstrike. The unit doesn’t need to
suffer any hits from the salvo or airstrike. The attack alone is enough to make them duck their
heads and lose their Overwatch status.


While technically not a Firepower attack, defending another unit does involve fire, so we’re describing it here.
When you activate a unit, you can declare that it’s defending another unit. This counts as the defending unit’s
action and it can only return fire to defend itself from a CQB. The defended unit receives +2 Defensive dice of
the defending unit’s TQ dice type.

Your unit can only defend the unit the declared and that unit must be in LOS and within optimum range. If
the unit you’re defending is successfully engaged in CQB, it loses the defense bonus until the CQB is
completely resolved.


Some weapons, particularly explosive weapons, have an Area of Effect or AOE.

A weapon’s Area of Effect is measured from its point of impact. For direct fire weapons, this is the center of
the unit or Vehicle being targeted, for indirect fire, such as IEDs or artillery, it is a point on the table designated
by the firing player.

All vehicles within an AOE are struck by an attack using the weapon’s AT rating.

All infantry units with any figures within an AOE are struck by an attack using the weapon’s Firepower rating.

Units with the “Plentiful Grenades” Attribute receive a +1D FP bonus against target units within Optimum
Range and a +1D Attack Bonus in the first turn of a CQB.
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Units may have specialized grenade Asset Cards. The Asset Card will describe how it is used and its game


Before a Firepower (FP) Attack can occur, you must
determine whether your unit has Line of Sight (LOS) to
• A firing unit must have Line of Sight (LOS) to at least
the target unit. You’ll also need to determine whether half of its target unit.
any friendly units are in the Line of Fire (LOF). • Terrain affects LOS. See the Terrain Effects on Line of
Sight table.
A firing unit must have LOS to a target unit to engage it
• A Firepower Attack can’t be made if there are any
with a Firepower Attack. friendly figures in the Line of Fire (LOF).
You can’t make a Firepower Attack if friendly units are in
the Line of Fire.


All units (including vehicles) have a 360º field of vision unless otherwise noted. There is no “maximum visual
range” unless a scenario or terrain feature description card states otherwise.

LOS is blocked by terrain features, such as buildings, high walls, thick brush, etc.

If a line can be traced from the rough center of a firing unit to the rough center of its target unit, the firing
unit has LOS. This holds true whether the units involved are Teams or Operators.

If in doubt, roll 1D6. On an even result, the unit is in LOS, on an odd result it’s not.


The following table summarizes LOS effects of the most common types of terrain found on a Next War table.

Line of Fire (LOF) is determined by tracing a line from the rough middle of your firing unit through the middle
of the target unit to the table’s edge. This line represents your unit’s LOF. Your unit can’t fire at an enemy
unit any members of a friendly unit are within 2” of your LOF.

Friendly units that are behind terrain that would block friendly fire (buildings, hills, etc.) aren’t in LOF.

Units at a higher or lower elevation than the Firing unit are also not in LOF. Vehicle mounted weapons are
always considered higher than ground level (in other words, they can shoot over infantry units on the ground
around them).

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Terrain Effects on Line of Sight

Terrain Type LOS Into/Out of Terrain LOS Through
Buildings A Unit in a building is exposed (and therefore able to see, be seen, No
fire, and receive fire) unless the player declares that it is concealing
itself, in which case it can neither see Units or be seen by Units
outside the building.
Units within the same building and on the same floor or on an
adjacent floor can always see one another.
Light Woods LOS can be traced to and from Units inside Light Woods Yes
Medium Woods LOS can be traced to and from Units 6” or less from the edge of No
Medium Woods. Units beyond 6” cannot see or be seen from
outside the woods.
LOS can be traced between Units within 6” of one another within
Medium Woods.
Jungle/Dense LOS can be traced to and from Units on the edge of Jungle/Dense No
Vegetation Vegetation.
Units beyond the edge cannot be seen from outside the terrain
feature, nor can they see outside it.
Units within 6” of one another within the terrain feature can see
one another.


Due to the size represented by the playing area of a Next War game, Weapons have no maximum range unless
ranged weapons have no “maximum range” unless specifically otherwise noted.


Regardless of whether a Firepower Attack is being
made as part of declared Fire, Overwatch Fire, or • Determine the Firing Unit’s Firepower
what have you, it’s resolved using the process • Determine the Target Unit’s Defense
outlined below: • Roll Firepower & Defense Dice
• Target Unit makes Armor Test for figures that are Hit.
This process is used for both infantry and vehicle Figures that fail the Test are Taken Out
Firepower attacks against infantry targets. • Make Morale Test, if Required
• Target Unit may Return Fire if it wishes and is able.

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The first step in resolving a Firepower attack is to
determine how many Firepower (FP) dice your firing • A Unit’s Firepower equals the total of:
unit will throw in the attack. The more Firepower dice o Number of figures in Unit
your unit throws, the more likely it is to cause enemy o Any additional Support Weapon dice (See
casualties. Infantry Support Weapons table)
o Any Firepower Bonus or Penalty Dice (See
The die type used in a Firepower attack is determined
Firepower Bonuses & Penalties table)
by your unit’s Troop Quality. A TQ D8 unit throws D8s
• A Unit’s FP can never be reduced below 1D by Firepower
when making a Firepower attack, for instance, while a
Penalties or other modifiers.
TQ D6 unit would throw D6s. • Units whose TQ is currently reduced below D6 by
Your unit’s Firepower is equal to the number of Firepower Penalties or other modifiers cannot make
Firepower Attacks.
figures it contains, plus any additional Firepower (FP)
dice for Support Weapons it might have. Bonus or
Penalty Dice may also apply to your final Firepower total.

WIA or KIA figures do not count towards the Firepower total.

Your unit’s Firepower can also be adjusted up or down due to the conditions described in the Firepower
Bonuses & Penalties Table.

Your unit’s total Firepower can never be reduced below 1 Die by Firepower penalties.

If your unit’s effective TQ is reduced below TQ D6 through Firepower Penalties and/or other TQ reductions, it
cannot make Firepower attacks.

Firepower Bonus & Penalties Table

Condition Bonus or Penalty to Attack Roll
Target in Optimum Range +1D FP
Weapon Team Bonus +4D FP
Per Support Weapon in Unit Variable Based on Weapons in Unit
Diminished Firepower (Applied if a Unit has already fired -1 DS (Unit cannot fire if TQ reduced below D6)
during the turn).
All Modifiers are Cumulative.
Unit Firepower cannot be reduced below 1D by FP Penalties.
If a Unit’s Firepower is reduced below TQ D6, it cannot make FP Attacks.

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SUPPORT WEAPONS Infantry Support Weapon Table

Infantry Support Weapons are more powerful Class FP Movement Penalty Example Weapons
than ordinary small arms. A unit receives Bonus
additional Firepower Dice for each Support Light +1D N/A SAWs, Grenade
Launchers, Sniper
Weapon it uses in a Firepower Attack.
There are three classes of Infantry Support Medium +2D -1D FP if Unit has made a GPMGs, RPGs, Heavy
Weapons: Light, Medium, and Heavy. Tactical Move in the Turn Sniper Rifles, AMRs
-2D if the Unit has made a
A weapon’s class determines how many dice Rapid Move in the Turn
it contributes to an attack and can affect its Heavy +3D -2D FP if Unit has made a HMGs, AGLs, ATGMs
unit’s ability to maneuver (lugging around a Tactical Move in the Turn
-3D if Unit has made a
heavy machinegun isn’t easy). All of this is
Rapid Move in the Turn
described in the Infantry Support Weapon

Your unit’s Unit Card will list any Support Weapons it has. Each Support Weapon’s listing will indicate how
many additional Firepower dice it grants the unit.

A unit must have at least one combat effective figure per Support Weapon it wishes to fire in an attack.

Most troops are cross trained with the various weapons in their unit, so a combat effective figure can
automatically pick up and use the weapon of a fallen comrade.

Units may have Attributes (such as Poorly Trained Attribute) that prevent combat effective members from
taking over a fallen gunner’s support weapon. Such units must pass a Troop Quality Test for a healthy figure
to pick up and use the weapon of a fallen comrade.


The ranges for most weapons far exceed the size of tables used in the Optimum Range
Next War, so the general rule is that if your unit can see a target, that Troop Quality Optimum
target is in range (CQB Weapons, such as pistols, submachine-guns or Range
shotguns, are an exception to this rule). D6 6”
D8 8”
Closer targets are easier to hit than more distant targets, though. D10 & D12 12”
Optimum Range (OR) represents the distance at which a unit has an Weapon Teams & +6”
improved chance of scoring hits. Snipers or Sniper
If the target unit is within your firing unit’s Optimum Range, your unit’s
attack receives +1D Firepower.

Troops with better Troop Quality have a longer Optimum Range, as shown in the Optimum Range Table.

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A unit that has already fired in the turn does so at a -1 Die Shift to their Firepower.

Units with a TQ of D6 would have their TQ reduced below D6 by the Diminished Firepower penalty, so they
can only fire once per turn.

Example: One of your Teams with a TQ of D8 Returns Fire against a Reacting unit. You activate it later to fire at an enemy another
enemy unit. Since it has already fired this turn, it suffers a -1 DS to its TQ and will fire with a TQ of D6 on this Firepower attack and
any others it makes for the duration of the turn.


A target Unit’s Basic Defense is equal to the lesser of:
The number of figures in the Unit • A Unit’s Basic Defense is equal to the
or lesser of
The number of Firepower dice thrown by the attacker o Number of figures in Unit
o The number of FP dice thrown
A Target’s Unit Basic Defense is modified by the Conditional and by the attacker
Cover Modifiers shown in the Defense Modifiers Table. • A Unit’s Basic Defense is modified
Conditional or Cover Modifiers (see the
Conditional Modifiers add additional Defense dice of the same die Defense Modifiers table) to arrive at its
type as your Unit’s Troop Quality. Cover Modifiers add a number of total Defense.
D10s to your Defense, regardless of your Unit’s Troop Quality. All
Defense Modifiers are cumulative.

See the Defense Modifiers Table for details.

Defense Modifiers Table (All Modifiers are Cumulative)

Conditional Modifier Bonus Defense Dice
Target Unit is making a Rapid Move +1 TQ Die
Target Unit is Exo-Armor Unit Jumping or +1 TQ Dice
Making a Burst Move
Target is a Special Operator +2 TQ Die
Target is an Elite or Heroic Operator +3 TQ Dice
Target is Defended by Another Unit +2 Other Unit’s TQ Dice
Target is Defended by Another Unit
Intervening Cover/Concealment +1D8
Target in Soft Cover +1D10
Target in Solid Cover +2D10
Target in Improved Cover +3D10


Units making a Rapid Move receive +1D to their Defense against Firepower Attacks.

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Units using exo-assisted jump capabilities or burst movement receive +1D to their Defense against Firepower

Units making a Jump or Burst Move are also making a Rapid Move, so the Rapid Move modifier is also applied,
bringing the total modifier to +2D to Defense.

The normal -1DS to Firepower and -1 DRM to Reaction Tests for Rapid Movement also applies when making
a Jump or Burst Move.

Units that are capable of both Jump and Burst Movement cannot combine them in a single movement. They
must either Jump or perform a Burst Move.

If all the figures in a unit are behind the same type of cover, they receive its full cover bonus. If any figures are
any different type of cover (or in the open) the unit suffers a -DS to its cover bonus.

Intervening Cover or Concealment

Intervening cover is cover which a unit’s base is not in contact with. Cover that makes a unit harder to see
and target but provides no protection against gunfire is classified as concealment.

A unit receives +1D8 Defense if enemy fire must pass over intervening cover to reach it or it is in concealment.

Soft Cover
Soft cover offers more concealment than cover. Soft Cover includes terrain such as light woods, brush, normal
interior walls, decorative walls, civilian vehicles, etc.

A unit behind Soft Cover receives +1D6 Defense.

Solid Cover
Solid Cover represents sturdy construction that is likely to provide real protection against enemy firepower,
such as buildings, stone or cement walls, cement or dirt embankments, steel containers, armored vehicles,

A unit behind Solid Cover receives +2D10 Defense, regardless of its Troop Quality.

Improved Cover
Improved Cover has been prepared as a defensive position – sandbags or ballistic cloth has been added, walls
are made of reinforced concrete, etc.

A unit behind Improved Cover receives +3D10 Defense.

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FIREPOWER ATTACK • To make a FP Attack Roll:
o Firing Unit rolls its FP Attack dice and Target Unit rolls
ROLL its Defense dice.
To determine the outcome a Firepower attack, o Both Units discard any dice with a score less than 4.
your firing unit rolls its Firepower dice and the o Target Unit checks for Hits.
target unit rolls its Defense dice.  Any Attack Die that the Target Unit cannot
match or exceed with a Defense Die is a Hit.
You and your opponent discard any dice with a
o If Hits are scored against a multiple figure Team, roll
score lower than 4. Keep your remaining dice on
to see which figures were Hit.
the table so that your die rolls are visible.  Each Figure in a Team can only be Hit once
Any Attack Die that the target unit’s player by a single FP Attack.
cannot match or exceed with a Defense Die is a o Figures who are Hit must make an Armor Test.

Hits are attacks that have the potential to inflict a casualty.

Any figure that suffers a Hit must make an Armor Test. If the attack was against a multi-figure Team, you’ll
need to determine which figures were Hit.

Example: A Team with a Firepower of 7D8 makes a Firepower attack against a Team with a Defense of 5D6
Each Team rolls the following successes (rolls of 4+):
Firepower Defense Outcome
Firing Team: 8, 8, 6, 5, 5, 4
Die Die
Target Team: 6, 6, 4, 4 8 No Match Hit!
The Target Team’s player matches their Defense dice up against their opponent’s 8 No Match Hit!
Firepower dice as shown: 6 6 Blocked!
As you can see, the Target Team was not able to match or exceed three of the firing Team’s 5 6 Blocked!
six successes – meaning that the Target Team suffered three Hits and must make three 5 4 Hit!
Armor Tests, one each for three separate figures. 4 4 Blocked


If you’re shooting at an Operator, it’s pretty obvious who got hit: The Operator. If you’re shooting at a unit
containing multiple figures, things get a little trickier. You need to know if the Team’s Leader or any Special
Figures attached to the unit are down. If your unit is Poorly Trained, you’ll want to know if any of your support
gunners were hit, too.

The simplest way to determine who was Hit is to roll a die roughly equivalent to the number of figures in the
unit and assign each figure a number. If a figure’s number comes up, it’s been Hit. Make an Armor Test to
determine its fate.

Each figure can only be Hit once in a single Firepower Attack. If your team suffered 3 Hits, you’ll be making 3
Armor Tests for 3 different figures in the team.

While an Operator can only be Hit once from a single attack and therefore will only make one Armor Test,
keep track of the total number of Hits scored against them. Additional Hits will modify their roll on the
Operator Hit Table.

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Example: A unit containing a Team leader, a grenadier, a medic and two riflemen is fired on two of its figures are Hit. There are five
figures in the unit, so the player could either assign each figure in the Team a number from 1 to 5 and roll a D6 (re-rolling results of 6)
or they could roll a D10 and divide the resulting number in half for an actual roll of 1 to 5.


To make an Armor Test, roll 1D10 plus any DRMs • To make an Armor Test:
and compare the total to the Armor Quality o Roll 1D10 plus any DRMs. Compare result to Armor
(AQ) shown on the Armor Summary Table for Quality (AQ) for figure’s Armor (See Armor Summary
the armor your figure is wearing. If your Table)
modified die roll is equal to or greater than the o Armor Test is successful if the modified die roll is equal
number shown in the Armor Quality column, to or greater than the figure’s AQ. Otherwise, it is a
the figure’s armor has shielded it from any failure.
• Non-Operator Figures who fail an Armor Test are Taken Out
serious injury. If not, it has failed the Armor Test.
(removed from play).
Figures who fail an Armor Test are Taken Out, • Operators who fail an Armor Test roll suffer a cumulative -DS to
unless they are Operators. TQ for the duration of the game. If an Operator’s TQ is reduced
below D6, they are Taken Out
Figures who are Taken Out are removed from
the table and from play.

A unit is Wiped Out if all its figures are Taken Out. Wiped Out units are removed from play.

• Roll equal to or greater than Armor’s AQ to pass an Armor Test. If you roll lower than your AQ, you take the hit.

The Armor Summary Table indicates each type of armor’s Armor Quality (AQ).

Armor Type Examples of Armor Armor Quality

Unarmored Unarmored 10
Soft Typical Police-Style “bullet-proof vest” 9
Light Military grade plate-carrier and basic plates 8
Medium Plate carriers plus additional armor 7
Heavy Bomb Disposal Armor 6
Tactical Exo Tactical Exo-Armor 6
Assault Exo Assault Exo-Armor 5
Infiltrator Exo Infiltrator Exo-Armor 6
TL 1 Powered Armor First generation fully-enclosed Powered Armor 5
TL 2 Standard Powered Armor 2nd generation fully-enclosed Powered Armor 4
TL 2 Recon Powered Armor Lighter Recon/Infiltration version of 2nd generation Powered Armor 5
TL 3 Advanced Powered Armor Bleeding edge 3rd generation Powered Armor 4
Darghaur Bio-Armor Darghaur “natural” armor. 4
Marshborn Natural Armor Marshborn Natural Armor. Use this for unarmored Marshborn. Otherwise, 9
use the standard AQ for the armor they are wearing.

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TEST, IF REQUIRED • Units that suffer any Hits from an attack must make a Morale
If a unit suffers any Hits, even Hits that didn’t Test, even if those Hits didn’t result in any Figures being Taken
result in any casualties, it must make a Morale Out.
Test (see the Morale section). If the unit fails the • See the Morale section for details on Morale Tests and Morale
Morale Test, the resulting Morale effects are
applied immediately.

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CQB (Close Quarter Battle) represents combat in which
units are in such close proximity that it’s virtually (or FRAGO:
literally) a hand-to-hand melee. 1. Declare the Target Unit
2. Resolve Overwatch and Defensive Fire
CQBs can last several turns. They end when a unit 3. Resolve CQB attack
retreats, either or both units withdraw, a unit 4. Repeat each Turn until one side is wiped out,
surrenders, or a unit is wiped out. surrenders, or withdraws

The following sections describe all the steps to resolve

a CQB.


You can Activate one of your units to engage an
enemy unit within LOS in CQB. The enemy unit
• Target of CQB must be within LOS and movement range of
must be within movement range of your unit. the Assaulting Unit.
Declaring a unit’s intent to CQB an enemy unit • Declaring a CQB counts as the Assaulting Unit’s Activation for
the turn, even if the CQB doesn’t occur.
counts as its Activation for the Turn, even if the CQB
doesn’t occur.


DEFENSIVE FIRE • Resolve any Overwatch Fire against the Assaulting Unit
• Resolve Target Unit’s Defensive Fire (TQ D6 Units must pass
When you declare your unit is launching a CQB, it a Simple TQ Test to use Defensive Fire
becomes a target for enemy Overwatch fire. • If your unit survives and isn’t pinned, move it into contact
with the target unit
Such fire is resolved normally. If your unit isn’t
pinned or wiped out by Overwatch fire, it still has to
weather defensive fire from the unit it’s assaulting.

Defensive fire is resolved in the same way as Return Fire, but no Reaction Test is required. A unit defending
itself from a CQB can always get off a blast of defensive fire.

TQ D6 units are the exception. They must pass a Simple TQ Test to prove they’re disciplined enough to lay
down effective defensive fire. If they fail the test, they cannot make a defensive fire attack against your
bloodthirsty assault.

If your unit becomes pinned by either Overwatch or defensive fire, it aborts its assault and remains in place.
If your unit is wiped out by either type of fire, it certainly won’t be assaulting anyone.

If your unit isn’t pinned or wiped out, move it into contact with the unit you’re assaulting and immediately
resolve an assault round.

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ATTACK • Attacking Unit throws attack dice equal to the number
of figures in the unit, plus any bonuses or penalties for
To resolve a CQB attack, your unit throws a number of
CQB weapons or unit attributes.
attack dice equal to the number of combat effective
• Defending Unit throws a number of defense dice equal
figures currently in your unit, plus or minus any
to the number of figures in the unit, plus or minus any
bonuses for close combat weapons or unit attributes.
defense bonuses or unit Attributes.
The defending unit throws several defense dice equal • Both sides discard any dice with a score lower than 4.
to the number figures in the unit, plus or minus any • Any attack dice that cannot be matched or exceeded by
bonuses or unit attributes. a defense die are hits.

Both units use their Troop Quality die for their rolls
and discard any dice with a modified score less than 4.

The defending unit matches its defense dice against your attack dice. Each attack die that the defender
cannot match or exceed results in a hit against them.

Armor tests resulting from hits are resolved exactly as described in the Firepower Combat section.

If figures either unit fail an armor test, the unit must make a morale test.


CQB Morale tests are made by either or both sides if one or more of
If any of your figures fail an armor test, your unit their figures fail a armor test.
must take a morale test. The same is true for the If one side fails its morale test and the other side passes (or
opposing unit. wasn’t required to make one), it must retreat. This retreat move
If one unit in the assault fails their morale test can be either tactical or rapid.
while the other passes theirs (or wasn’t required to • The assaulting must retreat towards its original position.
take one), it immediately retreats. This retreat • The assaulted unit must retreat in a logical direction and
move can be either tactical or rapid. Retreating cannot retreat to a position that would earn victory points.
units are not subject to Overwatch fire. • Retreating units are not subject to overwatch fire.
• If both sides fail a morale test, they remain locked in
The assaulting unit must retreat towards its
combat. Their morale suffers a negative die shift.
original position. The defending unit must retreat • If a unit’s morale is reduced below D6, it surrenders.
in a logical direction. • If neither side fails a morale check, they remain locked in
Under no circumstances can either unit retreat to combat.
a position that would earn victory points for their

If both units fail a morale test, they remain locked in combat and suffer a negative die shift to their MQ. If a
unit’s MQ is reduced below D6, it surrenders.

If both units pass or weren’t required to make morale test, they remain locked in combat. They must stay in
the same place and resolve another assault round in the next turn.

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• A unit can withdraw from CQB in any assault round
CQB after the first. The withdrawal must be declared before
A unit can withdraw from CQB in any assault round any dice in the current round are thrown.
after the first. The withdrawal must be declared before o The unit suffers one more attack as it
any dice in the current round are thrown. withdraws. This attack receives a positive die
The unit suffers one more attack as it withdraws. This
 If both units withdraw, no parting
attack receives a positive die shift.
attack occurs.
If both units withdraw, no parting attack occurs. o Unit must withdraw in a logical direction
using a tactical or rapid move.
The unit must withdraw in a logical direction (towards o Unit cannot move towards a victory point
friendlies, a covered position, etc.) and can make a objectives
tactical or rapid move. o Unit is pinned at the end of their movement.

Withdrawing units cannot move towards a victory

point objective of any kind.

Withdrawing units are pinned at the end of their movement.


• CQB Weapons Bonuses are not cumulative
Handguns, shotguns, submachine-guns and
• Units armed with shotguns or SMGs:
more prosaic weapons like riot batons or even
o +1D Bonus to CQB
swords are designed to be used up close. Troops o +1D FP Bonus within Optimum Range
equipped with these weapons have an o TQ D6 outside Optimum Range
advantage in CQB. We go describe those • Units armed with Handguns:
advantages in the following sections. o +1D Bonus to CQB
o -1 DS within Optimum Range (if only armed with
IMPORTANT NOTE: CQB bonuses for CQB weapons are NOT
cumulative. A unit containing SMGs and Handguns would
o No attacks outside Optimum Range (if only armed
only receive the CQB bonus for one type of weapon or the
with Handguns)
other, not both.
o Units with specialized melee weapons: +1D Bonus to
Units armed with shotguns and SMGs receive a +1D CQB bonus.

In a standard firepower attack, they a +1D FP to units making a firepower attack against units within
Optimum Range.

SMGs and shotguns roll D6s for their Firepower dice when engaging targets beyond optimum range,
regardless of the firing unit’s TQ.

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Units armed with handguns receive a +1D CQB bonus.

In standard firepower combat, units armed exclusively with handguns suffer a -1 DS to TQ on firepower
attacks against targets beyond optimum range and cannot engage targets beyond optimum range at all.


Units equipped with specialized melee weapons, like tomahawks, swords, stun batons, etc., receive +1D CQB.

All units are assumed to have basic melee weapons such as combat knives, bayonets, e-tools, etc., so they
don’t provide an advantage in close combat.

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Morale FRAGO:
• Units that suffer a Hit or other Morale Test Trigger
When a unit suffers a Hit, it must make a Morale Test. must make a Morale Test. (See Morale Test Triggers
Some confidence shaking events (such as the death of a table)
Platoon Leader) will also trigger a Morale Test. See the • Morale Tests are resolved immediately after a Hit
Morale Test Triggers Table for a list of conditions that dealing attack or Morale Test Triggering event
require a unit to make a Morale Test.
o If multiple-Morale Triggers occur
Morale Tests are taken after an attack that caused a Hit is simultaneously, only one Morale Test is
resolved or another Morale Test triggering event occurs. made.
If multiple Morale Test triggers are involved (a unit was • Effects of Morale Tests are applied immediately.
hit by an artillery salvo and sustained one or more Hits for
example), only one Morale Test is made.

The effects of failed Morale Tests are applied immediately.

Vehicle Crews have slightly different Morale Test triggers, as described in Vehicle Combat.

Morale Test Triggers

Condition Unit(s) Affected
Unit suffers one or more Hits (regardless of Hit results) Unit that suffered Hits.
from an FP attack.
Unit suffers one or more Taken Out results during a Unit that suffered the Taken Out result
Close Assault pulse.
Leader Taken Out All Units under the Leader’s Command
Infantry Unit struck by Air Strike All Units struck.
Infantry Unit struck by Artillery Salvo All Units struck.
Any other time dictated by a scenario or Unit Attribute Varies.


To make a Morale Test, make a Simple

Morale Tests are a Simple MQ Test. Your unit’s die roll is modified by any • Roll the Unit’s MQ die and apply any
applicable Modifiers from the Morale Modifiers Table. If multiple Morale modifiers from the Morale
Conditions apply, use the worst for the Morale Test. Modifiers Table.
o If Unit passes Morale Test,
If your modified die roll is a 4 or higher, your unit passes the test and nothing occurs.
Stands. o If Unit fails Morale Test,
Unit becomes Pinned.
If the modified roll is less than a 4, your unit is Pinned.

If your unit was already Pinned when it fails a Morale Test, it is forced to

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Morale Modifier
Unit is currently Pinned -1DS
Unit’s Squad Leader became a casualty in -1 DRM
this turn
Unit’s Platoon Leader or Force -2 DRM
Commander became a casualty in this
Per WIA/KIA suffered by Unit this Turn -1 DRM


Units within 12” of a Leader can use its MQ for a Morale Test, if it is higher than their own. If more than one
Leader is within 12”, use the highest Morale Rating.


The effects of failing a Morale Test for infantry units are If a Unit passes a Morale Test, it Stands and
described below. suffers no penalties.

Vehicle Crews suffer slightly different Morale effects, as If a Unit fails a Morale Test and is not already
described in Vehicle Combat. Pinned, it becomes Pinned.

Units will respond in one of three ways to Morale Tests. They will • Pinned Units cannot be Activated for the
either Stand, become Pinned, or Retreat. duration of the turn.
• Pinned Units in cover must stay there until
STAND • Pinned Units in the open can move up to 6”
If a unit passes its Morale Test, it will stand firm and suffers no to or towards cover. This move can’t bring
penalties. them nearer to any enemy unit.
• Pinned Units suffer a -1DS to Firepower until
PINNED • Pinned Units suffer a -1DS to MQ until Rallied
Infantry units can become Pinned as the result of a failed (cannot be reduced below D6).
Morale Test. • Pinned Leaders can only Rally a Unit to
which they are attached.
Pinned units suffer the following effects: • Units remain Pinned until Rallied.

• Pinned Units cannot be Activated for the duration of the

• Pinned Units that are in cover must remain in place until Rallied.
• If a Unit is not in cover when it is Pinned, it is automatically moved to the nearest position within 6”
that puts it in cover or out of enemy LOS. This relocation cannot take the Unit nearer to the enemy
whose fire Pinned it. If no cover is available within 6”, they must be moved 6” towards the nearest
cover that doesn’t take them closer to the enemy Unit that Pinned them.
• Pinned Units suffer a -1DS to Firepower. If this reduction reduces the Unit’s TQ below D6, it cannot fire.

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• A Pinned Unit’s Morale suffers a Negative Die Shift if it remains Pinned. A Unit’s Morale cannot be
reduced below D6 unless they suffer from the Eroding Morale Attribute.
• Pinned Leaders cannot attempt to Rally Units other than one to which they are attached.

Units regain their original Morale Quality when Rallied, unless they are subject to the Eroding Morale

Pinned units remain Pinned until they are Rallied.

Rallying a Unit removes its Morale Effect (Pinned or RALLY MODIFIERS TABLE
Retreating). Troop Quality Modifiers Modifier
Leader in Command Range (12”) Use
Units can be Rallied by their attached Leader or a Squad or
attempts to Rally Unit Highest
Platoon Leader within 12”.
Rally attempts occur in the Management Phase. MQ
Self-Rally Modifier DRM
Pinned Leaders can only attempt to Rally a Unit to which Unit is Self-Rallying without a Leader to -1
they are attached. assist
Casualty Modifiers DRM
Units with no attached leader or nearby Squad or Platoon
Unit’s attached Leader WIA/KIA this turn -1
Leader can attempt to self-rally using their own MQ.
Unit’s Squad Leader or Platoon Leader -1
WIA/KIA this turn
Unit’s Force Leader WIA/KIA this turn -2
Cover Modifiers DRM
To Rally a Unit, a Leader must make a Simple MQ Test.
Unit is in Solid Cover or out of LOS from +1
The Leader’s die roll is subject to modifiers shown on the enemy Units
Rally Modifiers table. Fire Modifiers DRM
Unit Pinned by fire from a Sniper fire this -1
All Morale modifiers are cumulative.
If the Leader passes the test, the Unit is Rallied. Otherwise, Unit Pinned by fire from an MG Weapon -2
it is not. Unit this turn
Unit Pinned by mortars, artillery, air- -3
strike, or main tank gun this turn

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Vehicle Combat
Next War is primarily an infantry game, so infantry combat is the focus of the rules. This isn’t an armored
combat game.

Battles fought using Next War are hard-fought close engagements, not sweeping armor battles across open
country. In a typical game of Next War, vehicles will be relegated to the role of transport or fire-support assets
for infantry units, rather than as the armored spearhead of a major assault. With that in mind, the vehicle
combat rules presented here are purposefully abstract and tightly focused on representing the use of AFVs
in close support of a small infantry force.


Each type of vehicle in a player's force will have an Asset Card associated with it. This asset card displays the
information players need to use a vehicle in a game. An example vehicle card for an Up-Armored Humvee is
shown here.

Example Vehicle Asset Card – Up-Armored Soft-Skin Transport

Name: Up-Armored Soft-Skin Transport

Class: 1 – Soft-Skin Type: Wheel Nationality: USA
Dedicated Crew? No. Dismounts: 5
Name FP AT AOE Notes
M2 HMG 3 1 N/A
• Up-Armored: -1DRM on Vehicle Damage Table rolls to damage this vehicle.
Vehicle Damage Table
AT CLASS Min. D10 Roll To: Damage Results
0 7 10 N/A DAMAGED: Vehicle must pass a Simple TQ Test to
1 3 7 9 either move or fire for duration of game. Crew and
Dismounts must make a Survival Check.
2 2 6 8 DISABLED: Vehicle cannot move or fire. Crew and
3 1 4 7 Dismounts aboard must make a Survival Test.
4 1 3 6 BREWED UP: Vehicle destroyed. Crew/Dismounts
5 1 2 5 aboard vehicle must make a Survival Test with -1

Each of the fields on a Vehicle Asset Card are defined below:

Name – The name of the vehicle described by the Vehicle Card.

Class – This field indicates the Class of the vehicle: Soft-Skin, Light, Medium, etc.
Type – This field indicates the movement type of the vehicle: Wheeled, Tracked, etc.
Nationality – The vehicle’s country of origin.

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Dedicated Crew - If this field is marked with a Y, the vehicle has a Dedicated Crew (see below). If not,
it is manned by members of the dismount unit it transports.
Dismounts – Troops carried by a vehicle are referred to as “Dismounts.” This field indicates how many
Dismounts (soldiers) a vehicle can transport.
Smoke – A Y in this field indicates the vehicle can Pop Smoke because it has smoke launchers or
generators. An N means it cannot.
Weaponry Section – The Weaponry section indicates the number and type of weapons mounted on
the vehicle and their Firepower/AT values.
Attributes Section – This section lists any special Attributes that apply to the vehicle.
Vehicle Damage Table – This table is used when a vehicle is hit by an attack.

The results depicted in the Vehicle Damage Table of a vehicle's Asset Card is purposefully abstract and
represents reasonable outcomes for combat at extremely close range. We haven't taken a "rivet-counter's"
approach to vehicle combat that might be appropriate for engagements between vehicles at normal ranges,
because many of differences of design that are obvious at 1,000 meters are less telling at 100 or less.

Each Vehicle in your force is a unit. Vehicles follow the
normal rules for unit, unless stated otherwise in the sections FRAGO:
that follow. They are Activated and perform actions, • Each vehicle is a Unit and follows the normal
interruptions, and Return Fire in the same manner as other rules for Units except where noted otherwise.
units. They can be placed in Overwatch status. • Vehicles cannot perform Close Assault actions.
• Vehicles with smoke launchers can combine the
Vehicles cannot perform Close Assault actions. Pop Smoke action with any other declared
Vehicles with smoke launchers can combine the Pop Smoke
action with any other action declared during an Activation.

Vehicles equipped with smoke grenade launchers or smoke
generators can pop smoke as part of any declared action.
• A vehicle must pass a Simple TQ Test to Pop
To pop smoke, the vehicle must pass a Simple TQ Test. If it Smoke.
passes the test, it benefits from the Pop Smoke cover state • A successful Pop Smoke receive a +1DS to their
described in the Vehicle To Hit Modifiers table. Defense.
• LOS can be traced to a vehicle that has Popped
Popping smoke also effects visibility. Units can trace LOS to Smoke but cannot be traced through the
a vehicle that has popped smoke, but they cannot trace LOS vehicle.
through a vehicle that has popped smoke.

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Vehicles move like other units and use the same Movement Rates
(Tactical or Rapid).

Moving vehicles can fire their main gun and MGs at any point along
their route of movement.

When moving a vehicle, the player must state the movement rate
it will use and where they intend the vehicle to move.

Movement Rates
Movement Type Normal Vehicles Game Effect
Tactical Move 10” No bonuses or penalties
Rapid Move 20” -1DS to TQ on Attacks; -1DRM to Reaction Tests; +1D Defense

The player should then “Drive” the vehicle to its destination by moving it across the table and indicating
where the vehicle will turn, when it will fire, and its orientation when it stops. This allows enemy units reacting
to its movement to fire at the most advantageous time (when the vehicle’s rear or side facing is towards
them, for example).

Movement is measured from the vehicle’s leading edge (or its base’s leading edge, if it is mounted on a base).

A scenario (or you and your fellow players) may identify parts of the table as Rough Terrain. Wheeled and
Tracked vehicles suffer a 50% movement penalty when crossing Rough Terrain. Ground Effect Vehicles (GEVs)
and Anti-Grav Vehicles (AGVs) ignore this penalty.

Vehicles carrying Infantry units are referred to as “transports.” Their
passengers are called “dismounts.”
• Vehicles carrying infantry are transports.
Vehicles can carry the number of dismounts indicated on its Asset The infantry aboard are called
Card. dismounts.
• Vehicle Cards indicate how many
Vehicles that are not designed to carry passengers can be pressed dismounts a vehicle can transport.
into service to do so if necessary. Assume that tanks can carry 8 to • Vehicles cannot move on the same turn
10 men on its deck and smaller vehicles can carry 4 or 5 men on they load or unload dismounts.
theirs. Feel free to apply a little common sense of your own, • Dismounts can only mount and
though! dismount vehicles at Tactical Speed.

A vehicle cannot move on the turn it loads or unloads dismounts.

Dismounts can only mount and dismount vehicles at Tactical speed.

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Vehicle Cards indicate if a Vehicle has a dedicated crew or
is crewed by its dismounts. • Vehicle Cards indicate if a Vehicle
Transports with dedicated crews can continue to function dedicated crew or is crewed by
as a separate unit after unloading their dismounts. dismounts.
• Transports with a dedicated crew can be
A transport without a dedicated crew requires at least one Activated as a Unit after unloading their
figure from its dismount unit to stay behind to operate it. dismounts.
One or more figures can be removed from a dismount • Transports without dedicated crews
unit’s stand and placed next to the vehicle to indicate that cannot be Activated while their
it is manned. dismounts are unloaded, unless:
If a vehicle is only manned by one figure, it can either move o A figure stays in the vehicle, in
or fire in a turn. If at least two figures remain with the which case it either move or fire.
vehicle, it can move and fire. o Two figures stay in the vehicle, in
which case it can move and fire.


Vehicles have two primary combat ratings:
Vehicle Class, which determines its survivability,
and AT Weapon Class, which determines how • Vehicles fall into one of five classes: Soft-Skin, Light,
lethal its guns are against other vehicles. Medium, Heavy, or Very Heavy.
• Weapons have an AT Rating of 0 to 5.

Vehicles are divided into five classes, ranging from Examples of Vehicles by Class
Soft-Skin to Very Heavy. These are rough classes Vehicle Class Vehicle Examples
and you may not agree with some of our 0 - Soft-Skin Utility vehicle, civilian vehicle
assessments of your favorite (or most disdained) 1 – Up-Armored Soft Skin Armored utility vehicle
2 - Light Light APC, scout car
vehicle. If that’s the case, feel free to change the
3 - Medium Heavy APC, light tank
rating – just make sure that the folks you’re playing
4 - Heavy Medium tank
with agree with your assessment!
5 - Very Heavy Heavy Tank

A weapon’s AT Class determines how effective it will be against vehicles. Larger, more powerful weapons and
weapons specifically designed to destroy vehicles will have a higher AT Class.

A weapon’s description will show its AT Class – if a weapon’s description doesn’t indicate its AT Class, the
weapon has an AT Class of 0.

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AT Suggested FP vs. Examples

CLASS Infantry

0 Per Support Weapon Infantry Small Arms, SAWs, LMGs, MMGs


1 Per Support Weapon Heavy Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, Heavy Sniper Rifles

2 4D Automatic Grenade Launchers, Light Shoulder-Launched Missiles (LAWS), Non-AT RPGs, Small

3 6D Rapid Fire Medium Cannons, Low Power Tank Guns, AT RPGs, Medium IEDs

4 8D Medium Power Tank Guns, Lower Power ATGMs, VBIEDs, Heavy IEDs

5 10D High Power Tank Guns, Heavy ATGMs

You must have a clear LOS and LOF to an enemy vehicle to
fire at it. FRAGO:
Normal LOS and LOF rules apply to fire at Vehicles.
The AT Class of weapons being fired at vehicles and the
To resolve fire against a vehicle:
Vehicle Class of the target vehicle are key elements of vehicle
combat. The higher a weapon’s AT Class, the more likely it is • Determine if the vehicle has been Hit.
to cause damage, while a vehicle with a higher Vehicle Class • Determine the damage resulting from the Hit.
is more difficult to damage.

There are two steps in firing at vehicles: Determining a Hit and Determining Damage.


AGAINST A VEHICLE To determine a hit, firing unit resolves a Contested TQ Test
with the vehicle’s Crew.
To determine if a unit hits a target vehicle, make a
Contested TQ Test between the firing unit and the • Vehicle adds any modifiers applicable from the Vehicle
target vehicle’s crew. The vehicle’s crew can add any Defense Modifiers table.
applicable modifiers from the Vehicle Defense • Vehicle is hit if firing unit’s roll is 4+ and higher than the
Modifier table to their roll. The firing unit scores a Hit crew’s defense roll.
if it rolls a 4+ and rolls higher than the target vehicle’s Separate attacks are made for each AT 1 or higher weapon in
die roll. Otherwise, the attack is a miss. the Firing Unit.

AT 0 weapons used in an attack are combined into a single

A separate test is made for each AT Class 1 or higher
attack. Total FP dice must be 4D or higher to make an AT
weapon in the firing unit.
If the firing unit is using Class 0 AT weapons (small
arms) to attack a vehicle, they are all combined into a
single attack. The total Firepower of the attack must equal 4D or it isn’t powerful enough to be effective.

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Remember: Only one attack roll is made, regardless of the number of Class 0 weapons the unit uses in the

Vehicle Defense Modifiers

Factor Defense Modifier

At Least 1/2 the Vehicle Obscured

by Cover +1 DRM
Less than 1/2 the Vehicle Visible +2 DRM
Vehicle Popped Smoke this Turn +1 DS

DAMAGE CAUSED BY To determine the damage caused by a successful Hit:
A HIT • Roll 1D10
If a Hit is scored, immediately roll 1D10 and apply • Apply any Modifiers from the Damage Modifiers Table.
any appropriate modifiers from the Damage • Compare the result to the Damage Result Table on the
Modifier Table. Compare the result of this die roll Vehicle’s Asset Card and immediately apply the results.
to the Damage Result Table on the vehicle’s Asset
Card to determine the vehicle’s fate.

Every vehicle’s Asset Card has a Damage Result Table. The table
Vehicle Damage Modifiers Table
has a row for each weapon AT Class (AT 0 through 5) and a
Factor Modifier
column for each possible damage result (Damaged, Disabled,
Vehicle Hit in Side +1
and Brewed Up).
Vehicle Hit in Rear +2
Each Damage column shows the minimum die roll necessary to Vehicle Hit on Deck +3
trigger it. Compare your modified die roll to the number in each Up-Armored Vehicle -1
column. The column furthest to the right which your die roll Bar Armor vs. Missile/RPG -1
equals or exceeds is the damage result that is applied to the
target vehicle. If your die roll doesn’t equal or exceed the number shown in any of the columns, your Hit
caused no damage.

Damage results are applied immediately.

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Vehicles use the same arcs as infantry units for determining Reaction Test modifiers, FRONT
Overwatch limitations, etc.

To determine which of a vehicle’s faces will be hit by an enemy attack, trace a line from
the center of the firing unit to the center of the target vehicle. Use the diagram below to


determine which vehicle facing the line crosses. If the attack strikes the corner of the
vehicle’s stand, assume it was struck on the facing with the lowest DRM (for instance, if
the vehicle was struck on the corner between the vehicle’s side and rear, the side value
would be hit since it has a lower DRM than its rear facing).


When a damage result calls for Passenger Survival Test, each crewman and dismount figure aboard the
vehicle must make a Simple TQ Test. Any figure that fails the test must make an Armor Test.


Vehicles crews must make a Morale Test:

• Each time a vehicle suffers a Hit, even if it doesn’t cause any damage
• Each time a friendly vehicle within 12” and in LOS is Disabled or Brewed Up.
• Each time the crew takes casualties.

Vehicle crews make Morale Tests in the same manner as infantry units and the same modifiers apply to their

The Stand Morale Effect is the same for vehicle crews and infantry units – they press on without any ill effects
or penalties. The Pinned and Retreat effects are slightly different for vehicle crews, though, as described

Vehicle crews become Pinned when they fail a Morale Test taken due to some Morale trigger (a friendly
vehicle nearby is destroyed, for instance) or dictated by the Vehicle Damage Table.

The effects of being Pinned for a vehicle are the same as an infantry unit, with one exception: If there is no
cover within 6” that a vehicle can reach after being Pinned, it can move 6” away and Pop Smoke (assuming
it has smoke generators/launchers).

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Vehicles suffer a -1DRM to Reaction Tests against infantry units. Otherwise, vehicle Firepower attacks are
resolved normally.

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The Toolbox
The Toolbox is a collection of rules that expand on those described in
Basic Rules. They’re not “Advanced” rules, so much as they are You can use as many or few additional
optional rules that you’ll only need in very specific situations. rules from the Toolbox as you wish.
Published scenarios will identify any Toolbox rules that are required to
play them, so you can review them.

The idea behind the Toolbox is to spare you rules overload when you’re learning the game and to make it
clear that these extra rules are only needed when your game includes something to which they apply.

We strongly suggest you try a few simple infantry engagements before digging into the Toolbox.

Remember, nothing says you must use all (or any) of these rules in every game. These rules are literally extra
tools that you can dip into as needed.

Special Teams are usually Independent Assets, but some scenarios will include them as basic Units.

Weapon teams are built around an infantry support weapon and consist of at least one gunner and one
assistant gunner. Larger weapons may have bigger crews.
When determining a Weapon Team’s Firepower, include dice for the weapon, each team member, and a
special +2D Firepower Bonus. This bonus is lost if the team is reduced below 50% manpower or (or to a single
member, in the case of a two-person crew).

Sniper teams are Elusive. Their TQ, MQ, and Armor are the same as the predominate units in your force.

Everything on the table is in Optimum Range for a Sniper Team.

Sniper Teams have +2D Firepower.

Snipers teams can designate a leader, gunner, or other figure is taken out when they inflict casualties on an
enemy Unit. Only one figure can be designated, however. The rest are randomly determined as usual.

Example: A Regular sniper team scores three casualties. Normally the Irregulars player would dice to see if the leader was hit, but
since the casualties were caused by a sniper, the Irregular unit’s leader is automatically removed along with two other randomly
determined figures.


In addition to improved optics, ballistic computers, round development and general field craft, a new type of
sniper rifle was developed in the late 20th century: The Heavy Sniper Rifle. These rifles are usually built around
a large caliber round and would have been at home among the anti-tank rifles of the early 20th century. Highly

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accurate in deplorable conditions and at long ranges thanks to the stability of their massive rounds and
power of their cartridges, Heavy Sniper Rifles can pick off human targets at amazing distances. Those same
attributes make them excellent “anti-material rifles” which can be used to destroy or disable enemy vehicles
or field pieces.

Heavy Sniper Rifles are treated as Light Guns (FP:2/AT:1).

Snipers sometimes orbit the battlespace in helicopters or other aircraft capable of hovering in place to
provide fire support for units on the ground. Such teams suffer -1D penalty when firing from an aerial

AT Teams are specialized AFV hunters. They are Elusive. Their TQ, MQ, and Armor are the same as the
predominate units in your force.

AT Teams receive a +DS to their TQ when firing at an AFV and a +2 DRM on their Damage roll against AFVs.

Operators are highly skilled combatants who operate independently on the battlefield. In Next War, they are
usually individual Special Operators (hence the name), but they might be any other highly competent

Operators function like any other unit regarding activation, combat, morale, etc. The number of firepower
and CQB attack dice they throw is based on their Operator Class.


TESTS We’re considering adding mechanisms
Operators who fail an Armor Test suffer a cumulative -DS to their that allow Operators to restore lost TQ
TQ for the duration of the game. This reduction occurs each time Levels, such as Medics, sitting a turn out
of enemy LOS, special attributes, etc.
an Operator fails an Armor Test. If cumulative -DS from failed
Armor Tests reduce an Operator’s TQ below D6, the Operator is Your feedback is welcome!
Taken Out.

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Operators fall into one of three Operator Classes: Special, Elite, or Heroic.

Operator Ratings Table

Operator Class TQ MQ Base FP Dice Base CQB Dice Bonus Defense Dice
Special Operators D8 to D10 D10 to D12 2 2 2
Elite Operators D10 D10 to D12 3 3 3
Heroic Operators D10 to D12 D10 to D12 4 4 4

Special Operators represent real-life combatants who benefit from intense training, years of combat
experience, or both. They are the most common type of operators found in Next War games with a gritty,
realistic tone.

Special Operators have 2 firepower and CQB dice. They are normally TQ D8 or D10 and MQ D10 or D12.

Elite Operators are larger-than-life heroes. They represent truly rare and exceptional combatants in a realistic
game, but may be more common in a more cinematic game or a science fiction game featuring augmented
human troops or alien warriors.

Elite Operators have 3 firepower and CQB attack dice. They are normally TQ D10, although a few particularly
bad-ass examples may be TQ D12. Their MQ is usually D10 or D12.

Heroic Operators represent Hollywood action movie heroes, supernatural creatures, or highly augmented

Heroic Operators have 4 firepower and CQB attack dice. They might be TQ D10, but they’re more likely to be
TQ D12. Their MQ is invariably D12.

Operators can be assigned attributes like any other infantry unit, including sniper and weapon team


While some scenarios may organize operators into fire teams, they operate independently. They have no
cohesion restrictions, are activated individually, and make all attack, defense, and morale rolls separately.

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If a Close Assault is declared against Operators who are within 2” of one another, the Operators can pool their
dice for Return Fire and Close Assault attack and defense rolls. Any Morale checks are made using the MQ of
the Operator with the highest rating.

Tech Level is used when one side has a significant technological advantage over another. We suggest you
restrict its use to science fiction scenarios.

Tech Levels are roughly described as follows:

Tech Level 1: Outdated. Embodying last generation’s wonders, faded by the passage of time and the
advances of science and technology, this Tech Level is still the norm Third World nations on Earth and
many underdeveloped or poorly supported colonies.

Tech Level 2: Contemporary Technology: Good, solid technology that is the norm for most First World
Earth nations and wealthy or well-supported colonies.

Tech Level 3: Bleeding Edge Technology. This is the future’s tech, today. This level of tech is only
found in the hands of Earth’s most wealthy and powerful nations.

When units with different Tech Levels of armor and weapons engage one another, compare their Tech Levels
and subtract the low TL from the high TL.

• If the firing unit’s weapons have the higher Tech Level, it will receive bonus Firepower dice equal
to the difference between the two Tech Levels.
• If the target unit’s armor have the higher Tech Level, it receives a number of Defense dice equal to
the difference between the two Tech Levels.

Unarmored units are assumed to have an armor value of Tech Level of 1, regardless of the Tech Level of their
other gear.

Example 1: A TL 2 unit is firing at a TL 1 unit. Subtracting 1 from 2 equals 1, so the TL 2 unit throws 1 extra Firepower die in its attack.

Unit Attributes are tags added to a Unit to indicate they have specific advantages or disadvantages in play.

Sample Unit Attributes are shown in the following sections. Those that are normally associates with science
fiction/near future scenario are identified with the letters SF in their title.

Feel free to work with your group to create Attributes of your own, using ours as models!

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Units with advanced sensors:

• Receive a +DS when attempting to spot or detect enemy units

• Can “see” normally despite darkness or adverse weather/atmospheric conditions

Units subject to Animosity are very sensitive to perceived slights from their allies. On the battlefield, this
sensitivity sometimes leads to sniping between “friendly” units.

A unit with this Attribute must make an Animosity Test when:

o A nearby friendly unit gains a Victory Point (other than those gained for causing an enemy
casualty) - the nearest unit with Animosity to a unit that wins a Victory point must take an
Animosity test to avoid sniping at that unit.
 In this instance, the Animosity Check is performed immediately after the Victory point
is attained. If the Victory point is earned through combat, the check occurs after that
combat is resolved.
o A unit with Animosity fails a Morale Check with a roll of 1. In this event, the unit becomes
humiliated and must make an Animosity test to avoid sniping at the nearest unit it has
Animosity towards (assuming one is within LOS).
 In this instance, the Animosity Check is performed after the round of fire that triggered
it is completely resolved.
• To perform an Animosity Check, the affected unit must make a Troop Quality Test.
o If the Unit passes the test, nothing untoward occurs.
o If the Unit ails the test, the unit immediately makes a 2D Firepower attack against the nearest
unit towards which it has animosity.
• Overwatch/Reaction Fire is not permitted against attacks made due to Animosity.

If a unit with the Berserkers (Involuntary) attribute fails a Morale Test with a score of “1,” it goes berserk.

• Berserk units charge the nearest enemy infantry Unit to engage it in Close Assault, moving up to a
full Rapid Move to gain contact, even if they have already moved in a previous activation.
• If they are unable to get into Close Assault range with the nearest enemy unit this turn, they will
charge towards the nearest enemy unit in the following turn, again performing up to a full Rapid Move
to get into Close Assault range.
• Once engaged in Close Assault, the Berserk unit receives a Positive Die Shift to its Troop Quality and
is immune to all Morale Checks for the duration of the combat.
• Berserk units will not surrender or accept an enemy’s surrender, so both sides in a Close Assault
involving Berserkers will fight until all figures are down. If berserkers defeat an enemy unit in Close
Assault, they regain their senses.
• Once the Close Assault has been resolved, the Berserk unit returns to normal – assuming it survives.
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A unit with this Attribute automatically succeeds the first time it declares it is going Berserk, but mast pass
a TQ Test on subsequent attempts to go berserk. If it fails the Test, it must remain in place and can only
React to fire or Close Assault attacks directed against it.

• Once engaged in Close Assault, the Berserk unit receives a Positive Die Shift to its Troop Quality and
is immune to all Morale Checks for the duration of the combat.
• Berserk units will not surrender or accept an enemy’s surrender, so both sides in a Close Assault
involving Berserkers will fight until all figures are down. If berserkers defeat an enemy unit in Close
Assault, they regain their senses.
• Once the Close Assault has been resolved, the Berserk unit returns to normal – assuming it survives.

Units with this attribute receive the following advantages in CQB:

• +1 DRM to CQB Reaction Test.

• +1D when attacking and defending in CQB.
• +1DS when making Morale Tests during CQB.

Units that have been “borged up” have received cybernetic enhancements that make them faster and more
aware. They often seem to react before a threat is even obvious. Such units benefit from:

• A Positive Die Shift to their Troop Quality when making Reaction Tests (D12 maximum)
• A +1 die roll modifier to all Reaction Tests (this bonus is cumulative with the Overwatch bonus)


Some creatures or souped-up humans can move so fast during short bursts of speed that they’re a virtually
invisible blur while in motion. Units comprised of such creatures are difficult to hit with gunfire while on the

• A unit with the Burst Movement Attribute can move up to 12” in an Activation or as a Reaction Move
(including movement to avoid a Close Assault).
• The unit can only move to a spot that was in its LOS at the beginning of its movement (“running blind”
at these speeds can be fatal, after all).
• Enemy units attempting to React to a unit using Burst Movement receive a Negative Die Shift to their
Troop Quality die type to represent the difficulty in targeting an indistinct blur.
• Units firing at an enemy making a Burst Move lose two dice of Firepower.
• The above modifiers are also applied if a unit is attempting final defensive fire against a unit that has
used Burst Movement to close assault them. Once both units are engaged in close assault, the
modifier is discarded.
• Units using Burst Movement cannot React by fire and cannot return fire if fired upon while making a
Burst Move.

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Units with the Cannibal Attribute who suffer casualties must make a Troop Quality test to avoid feasting on
their dead or wounded. If they pass the test, they resist the temptation of fresh meat. If they fail, they can
perform no actions until the end of the next Turn.

Some Units are lethal in close quarters – these units receive the following benefits:

• They receive an extra die of Firepower and Defense in Close Assault (this is per unit, not per figure, and
reflects their familiarity with fighting together in close quarters).
• Close Assault Monsters receive a Positive Die Shift to all Morale tests taken arising from a Close Assault.


Some aliens or profoundly modified humans possess an innate capability to perform a limited ranged attack
against enemy units. These attacks might take the form of an acid spray, a gaseous cloud, hurled quills,
energy blasts, etc.

• Such attacks have a maximum range equal to the creature’s Optimum Range and are considered TL1
attacks (unless they are the product of some higher TL implant, genetic modification, etc.).
• These attacks are treated as normal Small Arms fire.

Units with this attribute are hated by the local population. Any interaction they have with them (attempting
to disperse a mob, convert civilians to combatants, etc.) will receive a -1 die roll modifier.

If a unit containing a DMR inflicts one or more casualties on an enemy unit within the unit’s Optimum Range,
the DMR may designate ONE specific figure (a leader, support weapon gunner, RTO, FO, etc.) as a casualty.

Some creatures are so dreadful that they practically freeze the blood in their enemy’s veins.

• Any enemy units within 6” of a Dreadful unit or figure are filled with a deep, confidence-shaking dread.
• Their Morale suffers a -DS and they must immediately make a Morale test..
• Units suffering from dread lose one die of Firepower in both ranged combat and Close Assault.
• Dreadful effects are negated (Morale and Firepower return to normal) the moment the unit is more
than 6” from the dread-inspiring unit or figure.

A unit firing at an elusive Unit beyond Optimum Range must pass an opposed Quality Check. If the firing unit
loses the opposed check, it can't locate the sneaky unit well enough to effectively engage it.

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Units with this Attribute suffer a permanent -DS to their MQ when they become Pinned. This penalty is
cumulative. If the Unit is pinned enough times to reduce its MQ below D6, the unit dissolves and is removed
from play.


Units equipped with Assault Exo-Armor:

• Automatically pass Tests to cross an Obstacle.

• Receive +1D Firepower to reflect the stability of their firing platform and targeting capabilities.
• Suffer no FP penalties for Movement when using Medium Support weapons.
• Receive +2D CQB to reflect their augmented strength and speed.


Units equipped with Infiltrator Exo-Armor:

• Automatically pass Tests to cross an Obstacle.

• Can perform Burst Movement.
• Are elusive.
• Can jump over obstacles that are less than 9” tall and 18” wide. They can also jump across gaps up to
18” wide or to the top of a terrain features up to 12” in height. The figure must be at the edge of the
obstacle at the beginning of their movement to perform the jump.
• Receive +1D Firepower to reflect the stability of their firing platform and targeting capabilities.
• Receive +1D CQB to reflect their augmented strength and speed.


Units equipped with Tactical Exo-Armor:

• Automatically pass Tests to cross an Obstacle.

• Can jump over obstacles that are less than 6” tall and 12” wide. They can also jump across gaps up to
12” wide or to the top of a terrain features up to 8” in height. The figure must be at the edge of the
obstacle at the beginning of their movement to perform the jump.
• Receive +1D Firepower to reflect the stability of their firing platform and targeting capabilities.
• Receive +2D CQB to reflect their augmented strength and speed.

Fearless Units are immune to Intimidation, Dread, or other fear related Attributes possessed by other units,
vehicles, or weapons (this includes the intimidating effect of weapons with a basic Firepower of 3D or higher).

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Some units are composed of “troops” that are very hard to kill. Examples might include large creatures,
cyborgs, or certain aliens.

• When such a unit takes potential casualties, a Survival Roll is immediately made for each casualty.
• If the casualty rolls a 4+ on their survival die, they are unhurt – they are not counted as casualties for
purposes of morale or casualty penalties and are not required to make a First Aid Check.
• A Hard to Kill figure’s Survival die is usually a D6, but some figures may use a different die type, up to
a maximum of D12.
• Hard to Kill units/figures follow the normal rules for allocating hits and hits in excess of their unit size
– they are ignored (i.e., a Hard to Kill unit consisting of three figures takes five hits in fire combat that
they cannot match with Defense Dice – all three figures in the unit are tipped on their side and each
figure makes one Hard to Kill Survival roll – the two excess hits are ignored.


Any time a Hard to Kill unit suffers a Firepower attack that includes a weapon with an unmodified
Firepower of 3D or higher, its Hard to Kill Survival die shifts down by one type (i.e., from D8 to D6).

Each die of Firepower over 3D from a single weapon will cause an additional Negative Die Shift (a weapon
with a FP of 5 would cause a Hard to Kill unit’s survival die to be reduced by three die types – from D12 to D6,
for example).

If the shift reduces the figure’s survival die below a D6, the figure may not make a Survival roll.


Units with Heightened Situational Awareness receive a Positive Die Shift to Troop Quality when making
Reaction Tests.

Hungry units enjoy the taste of their enemy’s flesh.

• They must make a Troop Quality test any time they defeat an enemy unit in Close Assault or come
within cohesion with unattended enemy wounded.
• If the unit passes the test, they can disregard the tasty feast.
• If they fail the test, however, they must eat the enemy wounded (no victory points for POWs). They
can take no further actions during the turn other than return fire if fired upon or engaged in Close
Assault. In those instances, they suffer a negative -DS to their Troop Quality as they are distracted.

The very presence of some units on the battlefield reassures and motivates their comrades. Friendly units
receive a +DS to their MQ as long as they are within line of sight of an Inspiring unit. If an inspiring unit is
destroyed, reduced below half-strength, or forced to Fall Back, friendlies within LOS must make a MQ test to
avoid becoming Pinned. They also lose the bonus to MQ.

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Some units are intimidating to their enemies, either through reputation or due to some natural trait (they
are alarmingly fast, they are enormous, they look like demons, etc.). A Unit attacked by an Intimidating foe
must make a MQ test whether they take casualties or not. They also must pass a MQ test before attacking an
Intimidating Unit.


Jump Capable troops:

• Automatically pass tests to cross an obstacle.

• Can jump over obstacles that are less than 6” tall and 12” wide. They can also jump across gaps up to
12” wide. The figure must be at the edge of the obstacle at the beginning of their movement to
perform the jump.

As a general rule, this attribute can be applied to near-future or science fiction troops using some sort of
exoskeleton, jump jets, genetic modification, or alien physiology.


Units with this attribute have naturally tough hides/carapaces, either naturally or through genetic

• Natural or Augmented Armor can have any armor rating.

• Truly Natural Armor is considered to be TL1.
• Augmented Armor can be TL1 through 3.


Units with this attribute have formidable teeth, claws, tentacles, or what-have-you which are highly effective
in Close Assault.

• Units with this Attribute are granted +1D to CQB rolls.

• Truly Natural Weapons are considered to be TL1.
• Technologically Augmented Weapons can be TL1 through 3.

+1D FP bonus against target units within Optimum Range and a +1D Attack Bonus in the first turn of a CQB.

Poor Initiative Units can only act if they have an attached leader or a clear LOS to a leader within 8”. If a Poor
Initiative unit is in cover at the start of their turn, they must pass a TQ test in order to Move.

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Poorly trained units, such as militias or insurgent groups suffer the following penalties:

• They can only make one Firepower attack per turn, regardless of the type of attack.
• They cannot be placed on Overwatch.
• If an Insurgent Gunner is taken out, its Unit must make a Simple TQ Test. If it passes the test, another
fighter can take up the fallen Gunner’s weapon. If it fails the test, the weapon can no longer be used
by the Team.
• Poorly Trained Units often suffer from the Poor Initiative Attribute.

Psychics are extremely rare in human forces but may be more commonplace in some alien forces.

• A Psychic must always be attached to unit of soldiers for whom they act as support.
• Psychics attached to a unit do not add to its Firepower (they are too busy going about their arcane
business to send ordinary rounds down range), but they are counted towards its Defense.

All battlefield psychics are categorized by Psionic Level. There are three Psionic Levels. Psionic Level 1 psychics
are the most commonly encountered psychic on the battlefield, with Psionic Level 2 being extremely rare.
Psionic Level 3 psychics are practically unheard of.

The effects of the Psionic Attacks peculiar to each level of Psychic are described below. Note that neither
Overwatch nor Defensive Reactions are triggered by any of these Psionic Attacks, although the movement
or fire of the unit to which a Psychic is attached may trigger Overwatch or Defensive Reactions in their own

A psionic figure can make psionic attacks that have the potential to injure or kill non-psionic figures (psionics
can only injure each other via a Psionic Duel, described later). These attacks may manifest themselves as a
telekinetic onslaught, forces suicide, or outright damage to the target’s brain.

Psionic attacks are restricted by the rules below:

• Only one Psionic Attack can be made per turn.

• Psionic Attacks cannot be made on the same turn that the psion manifested a Psionic Effect ( see
• Psionic attacks have a range in inches equal to 6x the figure’s Psionic Level.
• Psionic attacks are resolved separately from Fire Combat or Close Assault attacks.
• Psionic attacks throw a number of “Firepower” dice equal to the level of the Psion making the attack.
The Die Type used is the same as the Will Die Type for the psychic’s Psionic Level.
• If the unit being attacked contains a Psion of its own, he can attempt to defend the unit by engaging
the attacker in a Battle of Wills (see below).
• If no Psion is present in the defending unit, the unit rolls a single die Defense die of the same type as
its current Troop Quality. Human units may roll one extra Defense die to reflect their psionic resistance
(see Human Spirit).
• No cover or armor dice apply to the Psionic Attack.
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• Resolve the attack in the same manner as a normal Firepower attack, including First Aid checks to
determine the extent of injuries sustained by casualties.

A psionic figure can choose to utilize any one of the following effects per turn, assuming it has not made any
Psionic Attacks in that turn. Level Effects cease after a psionic figure engages in a Battle of Wills or a Psionic

Psionic Level 1 Effects

Level 1 Psychics are able to magnify the perceived threat their unit poses to the enemy.

• A unit with a Level 1 Psychic attached forces any unit it fires on or which fires at it to take a Morale
check even if no casualties resulted from their fire.
• This Effect is limited to enemy units within 12” from the Psychic himself.

Psionic Level 2 Effects

Level 2 Psychics have the same ability as a Level 1 Psychic, but are also able to project a wave of ennui and
self-doubt nearby enemy units.

• All enemy units within 12” and within LOS of the unit containing the Level 2 Psychic are affected.
• Units struck by the wave of doubt must make a Morale check.
• If a unit passes its Morale check, it suffers no ill effects.
• If a unit fails its Morale check, it becomes hesitant and makes all Reaction Tests with a Negative Die
Shift to their Troop Quality die type for the duration of the turn – i.e., a unit with at Troop Quality of d8
would make Reaction Tests with a d6.
• This effect “wears off” at the end of the turn.

Psionic Level 3 Effects

Level 3 Psychics are rare and potent assets. They have all the abilities of Psionic Level 1 and 2 Psychics and
also emanate an aura of dread that saps the confidence of nearby enemy units, even those units that are not
within the Psychic’s line of sight.

• All enemy units within 8” of a Level 3 Psychic at the beginning of a turn must make a Morale check.
• Units that pass the check are unaffected.
• Units that fail the check become Suppressed for the duration of the turn.

If Psychics are present in both forces in a scenario, they are likely to come into conflict, each trying to negate
the other’s effect on their comrades.

A Battle of Wills occurs when a unit with a Psychic suffers a Psionic attack or effect. The defending Psychic
attempts to ward off his opponent’s mental onslaught and protect his unit from its effects.

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To resolve a Battle of Wills, the Psychics involved must make an opposed Will roll.

• The type of die a Psychic uses in a Battle of Wills is determined by their Psionic Level.
• Both Psychics roll their Will die and compare scores:
• If the defending Psychic rolled highest, he and his units are unaffected by the opponent’s Psionic
• If the defending unit rolls lowest, he and his units suffer the effects of their opponent’s Psionic
• If the roll is tied, treat the highest level Psychic in the Battle of Wills as the winner. If the Psychics
are the same level, treat the defender in the Battle of Wills as its victor.

Psychic Will Die Types

Psionic Will Die Type

Level 1 D6
Level 2 D8
Level 3 D10

At the beginning of each turn, Psychics from either force may announce they’re entering into a Psionic Duel
with any enemy Psychic within 8”, regardless of whether they are within line of sight. A Psionic Duel is a fight
to the death and rages on until only one Psychic is left standing. Although such duels are over within seconds,
they are very draining to the survivor, who may take some time to recover to a combat ready condition.

To resolve a Psionic Duel:

• Make a Reaction Test using the involved Psychic’s Will die type rather than their Troop Quality die.
• The winner attacks first in the duel.
• In the case of a tie, or if both sides fail to roll a 4+, the Psychic with the highest Psionic Level attacks
first. If there is no difference in levels, the Psychic with Initiative wins.
• To perform a Psychic Attack during Psionic Duel, the Psychic rolls a number of Will dice equal to his
Psionic Level. The defender does the same. All rolls lower than 4 are discarded and the defender
matches his dice against the attacker’s.
• If the defender is able to place a die of equal or higher value against each of the attacker’s successes,
he has survived and becomes the attacker and the process is repeated.
• For victory conditions, a Psychic defeated in this manner is treated as a KIA.

Life isn’t a bowl of cherries for the winner, either.

• The victor’s effective Psionic Level is reduced by one for the duration of the game.
• If this reduction takes the Psychic below Psionic Level 1, the Psychic has fallen into a temporary coma
and is removed from play. His unit acquires the Casualties penalty, but the opposing force gains no
victory points for his incapacitation.

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Some Units are resistant to psionic attacks or influence and receive the following benefits against them:

• Troops who have Psionic Resistance receive a Positive Die Shift when making checks or tests to resist
psionic Domination.
• They also receive an extra die of Defense against Psionic attacks.
• Note that this Attribute does not stack with the Human Spirit Attribute – a Human unit cannot receive
the Psionic Resistance Attribute.


Some Units perform a last attack before succumbing to death. This attack might take the form of acidic
blood, a sonic blast, a burst of radiation, or even violent death throes.

• Pyrrhic Attacks only occur in Close Assault.

• When a unit with this Attribute receives casualties in a Close Assault, the unit that caused those
casualties receives a D6 strength attack equal to half the number of casualties (rounded up) it caused.
The unit suffering the Pyrrhic Attack defends against it as it would against a normal Firepower attack.
• This attack is resolved immediately before proceeding to the next round of Close Assault.
• Any morale results are applied immediately.

Example: The Air Sharks of Glory often burst violently when they suffer lethal trauma. A group of four Arden militiamen are attacked
by Air Sharks. In the first round of Close Assault, the Sharks fail to injure any of the militia. When the soldiers return the attack they
cause two Shark casualties. Since the Sharks have the Pyrrhic Attack Attribute, the militiamen immediately receive an attack equal
to half the shark casualties (two divided by two equals one) with a strength of D6. The Sharks roll 1D6 against the militiamen who
defend as normal.


Telepresence controlled Synthetics, non-autonomous robots, telepathically controlled possesses, and any
other unit on the battlefield that is basically a puppet with someone else’s hand shoved into its head suffer
from the Remote-Controlled Attribute.

• Units with the Remote-Controlled Attribute suffer a -1 Die Roll Modifier to all Reaction Tests.
• They are immune to Morale results and need not take Morale Checks and ignore the Casualty Penalty.
• Remote controlled units only contribute half an Initiative Die per unit fielded.


Some aliens are much smaller than humans and are very adept at using their size to their advantage. They
always receive +1D to their Defense.


Only Humanity’s most technologically advanced nations have had any success with teleportation, but it is
more common among some alien races. At the moment, Humanity’s ability to teleport troops and material
is somewhat limited.
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• The target zone (TZ) for a teleporting unit must be either pre-registered beforehand or pin-pointed
and transmitted (“fixed”) by a spotter.
• If TZs have been pre-registered, their location will be noted in a scenario.
• Teleporting units are held off table and can arrive at these TZs when Activated by the Initiative player
or during the End Phase for non-initiative units with this capability.
• Units teleporting onto the table at a pre-registered TZ automatically arrive safely (unless they have
been jammed).
• Units who are not teleporting onto a pre-registered TZ must have their TZ “Fixed” by a ground unit
(normally a recon or pioneer team).
o The fixing unit must have a clear LOS to desired TZ and must pass a TQ test to successfully
capture and send the TZ data to the teleporter.
o If the unit passes the test, the data was sent properly and the teleporting unit can be placed
on the designated TZ.
o If the unit fails the test, the teleportation is “waved off” and the teleporting unit is left off table.
o Only one attempt to teleport on to the table can be made per unit in the same turn.
o A single spotting unit can fix TZs for up to three teleporting units.
o No two TZs can be within 6” of one another, as measured from center point to center point.
• Due to the mental confusion caused by teleportation, units that teleport onto the table suffer a
negative die shift to their Troop Quality for the duration of the turn on which they arrive.
• On the turn a teleported unit arrives it must establish a perimeter, count heads, and recover from
teleportation stress. As a result, they cannot move and can only fire if returning fire or to fend off a
Close Assault.
• Troops that teleport onto the table are subject to Reaction or Overwatch fire.
o If the Reacting or Overwatch units are “On the Grid,” they will receive a positive die shift to their
Reaction die to represent the Grid’s ability to use the sensor net to detect the energy of
incoming troop teleports.
• If a scenario states that a force has teleportation jamming capabilities, a test must be made to see if
each teleport attempt was jammed.
o Each player rolls a D12.
o If the teleporting player’s roll is equal to or higher than the jamming player’s roll, his troops
arrive on table without mishap.
o If the jamming player rolls highest, each figure in the teleporting unit must make a Troop
Quality check.
o Any figures that fail are considered KIA.


Some advanced alien races are capable of tactical teleportation – that is to say making short teleport jumps
while under fire on the battlefield.

• When Activated (as an Initiative Unit or as a Non-Initiative Unit in a turn’s End Phase), Units capable
of Tactical Teleportation can teleport to any location within their LOS.
• If the teleporting unit is on the Grid, it can teleport to any point a friendly unit on the Grid has within
• Each time a unit makes a Tactical Teleport, it must make a Troop Quality test.
o If the unit passes the test, it arrives at its TZ without mishap.

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o If it fails the test, an additional Troop Quality test must be made for each figure in the unit.
Figures who fail the test are removed from play and area considered KIA.
• Units capable of Tactical Teleportation cannot teleport as a Reaction Move.
• Some forces have developed the technology to jam Tactical Teleportation (generally the same ones
who are capable of using it). If teleportation jamming resources are active on the battlefield, Tactical
Teleportation becomes riskier with each successive teleport.
• If Teleportation Jamming is active during a scenario, teleportation becomes a contest between the
teleportation device and the jamming technology. To represent this, a test must be made to see if
each teleport attempt is jammed.
o The first time a unit attempts to teleport in a game, each player rolls a D12. On each successive
teleport attempt, the teleporting unit’s die is reduced by a single die type. So, the first time a
unit attempts to teleport, it rolls a D12 against the jamming player’s D12. The next time it
attempts to teleport, it rolls a D10, the next time a D8, and on the fifth and all subsequent
attempts, the teleporting player rolls 1D6.
o The Jamming player always rolls a D12.
o If the teleporting player’s roll is equal to or higher than the jamming player’s roll, his troops
arrive on table without mishap.
o If the jamming player rolls highest, each figure in the teleporting unit must make a Troop
Quality check.
o Any figures that fail are considered KIA.
• Units performing a Tactical Teleport suffer the same disorientation effects and penalties as those
performing a Strategic Teleport.

Aliens with the Tyrant attribute exert mental control over other, less powerful members of their species.

• Any units of the Tyrant’s species that are within 10” (from the Tyrant to the nearest figure in the unit)
of it can be activated normally and use their normal Troop Quality and Morale.
o Units beyond 10” suffer a Negative Die Shift to their TQ and Morale and must pass a Troop
Quality Test before they can be activated or react.
o Units outside of a Tyrant’s control can only fire in one Round of Fire per turn until they are
restored to the Tyrant’s control.
• If a force has more than one Tyrant, all units in the force must be divided evenly between them.
o Units can only benefit from the proximity of the Tyrant under whom they serve.
• If a Tyrant is killed or seriously wounded, all units assigned to it suffer a -1Die Shift to their TQ and
Morale and must make an immediate Morale Test.
o They suffer from Poor Initiative for the duration of the game.

Units with this Attribute receive a +1 to all Reaction Test die rolls. If both units involved in a Reaction Test
possess this attribute, no modification is made to their die rolls.

Most non-human aliens find humans to be Unpredictable.

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Some aliens are significantly larger than the human norm. This makes them more intimidating in close
combat, but also makes them easier to hit in ranged combat.

• Troops in close combat with Very Large opponents (assuming they are not Very Large as well) receive
a -1 Die Shift to their Morale (this shift cannot reduce Morale below D6).
• Very Large creatures suffer a -1 Defense Die when being fired at with ranged weapons.
• Very Large creatures are frequently Hard to Kill.

Aliens with this attribute are particularly vulnerable to a certain type of attack, such as Energy, Laser, or even
Ballistic. Such attacks receive an extra die of Firepower against vulnerable aliens.

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• Asset Cards represent additional on or off-battlefield
Asset Cards represent combat assets or force support.
multipliers assigned to a Force – anything from • Each Asset Card is printed with rules describing how the
indigenous scouts or tactical air controllers to AFV Asset is used in the game.
support or off-board artillery. Each Asset Card • There are four types of Asset Cards:
includes the rules for its use. o Attached Assets: Must be attached to a specific
If an Asset of any type is destroyed, depleted, or o Independent Assets: Independent Assets are
otherwise removed from play its card is returned to treated as an Independent Unit.
the Asset Deck and all of its special effects are lost. o Off-Board Assets: Are not represented on the
Scenarios dictate how many and/or what type of
o Expendable Assets: Turned in as used. Once all
Assets are available to each Force.
cards are turned in, the Asset is no longer
• If an Asset is lost, destroyed, depleted, etc., its card is
returned to the deck and it has no further effect on the
There are four types of Asset Cards: Attached,
Independent, Off-Board, and Expendable.

Attached Assets must be attached to a specific unit. FRAGO:
• Attached Assets must be attached to a Unit
If the Attached Asset is a human asset, its Asset Card • Attached Asset figures contribute FP dice unless
will state whether it replaces one of the unit’s figures (a Asset Card says otherwise.
Designated Marksman replaces one of a unit’s riflemen, • Attached Asset figures have same TQ, MQ, and
for instance) or is an additional figure that is added to Armor as Unit unless Asset Card says otherwise.
the unit (like an Interpreter). • Attached Asset figures are subject to all attacks
directed at the Unit to which they are attached.
Attached Asset figures contribute dice to the unit’s • Attached Asset figures suffer the same Morale
Firepower unless their Asset Card says otherwise. They Effects, Fog of War effects, or other rules or
are assumed to have the same TQ, MQ and armor as the conditions that effect the Unit to which they are
unit they’re attached to unless their Asset Card Attached.
indicates otherwise.

Attached Asset figures are subject to all fire directed at their host unit. They share the fate of their host unit
when it comes to Morale Tests or any other rules or conditions that apply to it.

• Independent Assets follow the same rules as other
Independent Assets are Activated, moved, fired, etc., • Some Independent Assets can be attached to a Unit.
like any other unit. Their TQ and MQ and other game There Asset Card will indicate if this is allowed.
stats are shown on their Asset Card. • Independent Assets detach from a Unit by
Activating the Asset and declaring it has separated
Some Independent Assets can be attached to a friendly
from the Unit.
unit if you desire. This will be stated on their Asset Card,
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along with any effects this may have on the unit they join. While attached to a Team, the Independent Asset
is treated as an Attached Asset.

If you wish to separate an Independent Asset from a unit it has joined, simply state that the next time you
Activate the Asset.

Off-Board Assets aren’t on the table at all. They represent
resources that aren’t in the immediate vicinity that can still FRAGO:
affect the outcome of the engagement, such as snipers, • Off-Board Assets Cards describe how they are
mortars, artillery, or air assets. Activated and what their game effects are.
• Off-Board Assets may be Expendable. Their
Off-Board Asset Cards will describe under what conditions the Asset Card will indicate if this is the case.
Asset can be Activated and what effect it will have in game
terms. Off-Board Assets may be Expendable, which will also be
noted on their Asset Card.

Expendable Assets are assets that are used up during play. They’re sometimes granted through the
possession of another Asset (a Forward Observer Asset might grant Mortar Salvo Assets, for instance).

Expendable Asset Cards are returned to the Asset deck after they are played and cannot be played again.
They’re also returned to the deck if the Asset they’re associated with is Taken Out or destroyed.

Example: A TAC might have two Expendable Air Strike Asset Cards. If they call in an airstrike, they return one of their Airstrike Cards
to the Asset Deck. Once they’ve used both Airstrike Cards, they can no longer call for airstrikes. If the TAC is Taken Out, all of their
unused Expendable Asset Cards are returned to the Asset Deck.


PERFORM ACTIONS • Assets must be Activated to Perform any
Attached Assets are Activated at the same time as the unit they Special Actions described on their card.
are Attached to and can attempt to perform any Special Actions • Attached Assets are Activated with the Unit
they are attached to.
described on their card at that time. If the Special Action
• Independent Assets and Off-Board Assets are
requires the expenditure of an Expendable Asset card, the card
Activated like any other Unit, unless their
is returned to the Asset Deck after the Action is resolved.
Asset Card indicates otherwise.
Independent and Off-Board Assets are Activated as if they were • An Asset can only be Activated once per turn.
a normal unit unless their Asset Card indicates otherwise. They
can attempt to perform any Special Actions listed on their cards. Again, if the Special Action performed
requires spending an Expendable Asset Card, the card is returned to the Asset Deck after it is resolved.

An Asset can only be Activated once per turn, regardless of its type.

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If a player uses an Asset with a Destructive Icon, their opponent receives Victory Points equal to the value
next to the Icon.

Some Asset Cards can be detrimental to play if a scenario indicates that one or both Forces must avoid
causing unnecessary damage to local infrastructure.

In such scenarios, a player must turn over Asset Cards with the Destructive icon to their opponent after they
are played. The player receiving the card adds the number next to the card’s Destructive Icon to their Victory
Point total.

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Some vehicle mounted weaponry, such as a tank’s main gun, a powerful chain-gun, or vehicle mounted
missiles cause a tremendous amount of damage to buildings. Any vehicle mounted weapon with an
unmodified Firepower of 5D or more that fires at a building containing multiple infantry Units will perform a
separate attack against each Unit.

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Some scenarios will indicate that a specified number of civilian “mobs” must be placed on the table.

Civilian mobs should be represented by a 3 x 4 inch stand with a number of civilian figures mounted on it.
The number of figures on a on the stand is irrelevant.

Civilian mobs are subject to the following rules:

• Civilian mobs must check to see if they move during the Management Phase. Each civilian mob on
the table rolls 1D6. On a roll of 4+, the mob will move 6MU in a random direction. Otherwise it remains
in place.
• Fire at enemy Units is not permitted if a civilian mob is in the Line of Fire (some Attributes negate this
• Most scenarios involving civilian mobs will impose victory point penalties from attacks that result in
civilian casualties.

DISPERSING CIVILIAN Mob Dispersion Modifiers

MOBS (Modifiers are Cumulative)
Factor DRM
Non-insurgent Units can attempt to peacefully
Unit’s Force has caused civilian casualties in the game -1
disperse civilian mobs within 6”. Each unit can
Scenario indicates civilians are Hostile to the Unit’s -1
only attempt to disperse one mob per turn. The
force (see Hostile Mob)
attempt counts as the Unit’s Activation for the
Scenario indicates civilians are friendly to the Unit’s +1
turn whether it is successful or not.
A unit attempting to disperse a civilian mob If opposing Force has caused civilian casualties and the +1
must make pass a Simple TQ Test. Their die roll is Unit’s Force has not
modified by any applicable factors listed in the If the Unit has an Interpreter or Indigenous Scout +1
Mob Dispersion Modifiers table. If the Unit rolls a attached
4+, the civilian mob is removed from play. If not, Unit is attempting to Radicalize a civilian mob -2
it remains in place.


Insurgent Units can attempt to “radicalize” civilian mobs within 6” and replace them with an insurgent Unit.
Each Unit can only attempt to radicalize one civilian mob at a time.

The same process described for Dispersing Civilian Mobs is used to resolve an attempt to radicalize a civilian
mob. If the insurgent Unit’s passes its Simple TQ Test, the civilian mob is replaced with an insurgent Unit
composed of five riflemen with TQ D6 and MQ D8.

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A scenario may indicate that civilian mobs on the table are actively hostile to a specific Force.

Hostile mobs are under control of the Force they aren’t hostile towards. They are subject to the following

• Hostile mobs are Activated like any other Unit, but Move is the only Action they can perform.
• Hostile mobs that do not move during the turn can Taunt enemy Units within 6”.
• Fire at enemy Units is not permitted if a hostile mob is in the Line of Fire unless a scenario or Unit
Attribute indicates otherwise.

Hostile mobs can taunt enemy Units within 6MU. Each mob can only taunt one Unit per turn and a Unit can
only be taunted once per turn.

Units who have been taunted must make a Simple TQ Test. If they pass the test, they suffer no ill effects. If
they fail the test, they suffer a -1DS to their Troop Quality for the duration of the turn. If this die shift reduces
a Unit’s TQ below D6, it cannot be Activated to perform actions or interruptions.

A successful Rally will remove the effects of being Taunted.


Some scenarios will indicate that one or both sides will be reinforced during the course of the game. The
scenario will describe what sort of reinforcements will arrive.

Reinforcement units always arrive at the beginning of the turn (the scenario will indicate what turn
reinforcements will begin arriving), unless they arrive as the result of a Fog of War card, in which case they
arrive when and where the card indicates.

Scenarios involving reinforcements will indicate whether the reinforcements arrive at a specific table edge
or from a randomly determined Hot Spot (described below).

Hot Spots
Hot Spots are used to randomize entry points for reinforcements. Unless the scenario dictates a different
method, Hot Spots are placed as follows:

• At the beginning of the game, place five (5) Hot Spot counters on the table. No Hot Spot may be placed
within 6” of another. Each Hot Spot should be labeled with a number from 1 to 5.
• To determine which Hot Spot a reinforcement unit arrives from, roll 1d6.
• A roll of 1 through 5 indicates which numbered Hot Spot the unit arrives at. A roll of 6 allows the player
to pick which Hot Spot units arrive at.
Reinforcement Units may be placed anywhere within 4” of the hotspot at which they arrive.

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Some scenarios will specify Hot Spot locations while others will leave their placement entirely to the player’s
discretion. Some scenarios may use board edges and forego the use of Hot Spots all together.


Hot Spots may be neutralized by opposing Units. To neutralize an enemy Hot Spot, a Unit must spend one
turn stationary and in contact with its counter. Neutralized Hot Spots are removed from the table.

If the reinforcing player rolls a neutralized Hot Spot number when checking for placement of reinforcements,
those reinforcements are lost. The player may not re-roll for an active Hot Spot.

If a Reinforcement Roll results in reinforcements arriving at a hot spot which a unit is attempting to
neutralize, the reinforcement unit can be placed anywhere within 4” of the Hot Spot as usual.

Alien and Human Units follow the same rules unless they have an Attribute that says otherwise.


Humanity’s pugnacious spirit gives it some
advantages over most alien species. Humans TQ FRAGO:
and MQ range from d6 to d12. Aliens units can • Aliens Units follow the same rules as Human Units
only attain a TQ of D12 through genetic or • Alien Units can only reach TQ D12 through modification.
cybernetic modification and have an MQ cap of Their MQ cannot be higher than D10
D10. • All Human Units have the Unpredictable Attribute

All human Units also have the Unpredictable

Attribute (see Unit Attributes for details).

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Dicker (Insurgent Asset)
Independent Asset
A Dicker is spotter posing as a civilian. If they have LOS to a target you are engaging with an off-board
mortar/rocket attack, the attack receives +1FP Die. This is a flat bonus and isn’t increased if more than one
Dicker has LOS to the target.

Opposing forces must confirm a Dicker’s ID by passing a Simple TQ Test to engage them.

Indigenous Scout
Attached Asset
This asset represents a local scout attached to a unit in your force. The scout doesn’t contribute dice to
firefights or CQB and does not impact the unit’s morale in any way.

A unit with a Scout can re-roll any failed TQ test to spot hidden hazards (mines, booby traps, etc.) while
moving at Tactical speed.

Scouts also impart a +DS to rolls to detect Elusive, hidden, or ambushing enemies.

Attached Asset
This asset represents a local Interpreter attached to a unit in your force. The Interpreter doesn’t contribute
dice to firefights or CQB and does not impact the unit’s morale in any way.

Teams with an attached Interpreter receive a +1 to TQ tests when attempting to disperse civilian mobs.

Military Working Dog (MWD) Teams

Independent Asset
Dog teams can automatically detect any hidden unit within 8”.

Dog teams prevent out of Contact Movement within 8.”

Dog teams automatically detect IEDs, booby-traps or mines within 8.”

Dogs have the same TQ and Morale as their handlers (Normally TQ D8/MQ D8). They may only fight in Close
Combat. Some military dogs are equipped with body armor. Dogs count towards a unit’s Defense, but not
its Firepower.

Dog teams throw an extra die in CQB.

Injured dogs count as casualties for purposes of Morale Checks, but do not contribute Morale dice

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Dog handlers, the human part of the team, obey the same rules as any other unit. If the dog-team’s handler
becomes a casualty, the dog figure is also removed from play. If the dog becomes a casualty, the handler
may attach himself to a friendly unit.

Off-Board Sniper
Off-Board Asset
The off-board sniper team can be Activated once per turn to fire on a specified team/vehicle with a
FP:6D10/AT:1 attack. Roll 1d6 to determine if the sniper team is in position to effectively engage the target:

1: Sniper team can’t engage the target

2-3: Sniper team engages target but cannot designate Hits.
4-5: Sniper team engages target and can designate Hits against specific figures in the target team
6: Sniper team has been recalled and does not attack. Discard this card immediately.

Inherent Asset
A specific member of one of your units is an experienced Pointman, usually one of its riflemen. While moving
at Tactical speed, a unit with a Pointman can re-roll any failed TQ test to spot hidden hazards (mines, booby
traps, etc.) while moving at Tactical speed.

Pointmen also impart a +DS to rolls to detect Elusive, hidden, or ambushing enemies.

Sniper Team
Independent Asset
Sniper teams are Elusive.

Everything on the table is in Optimum Range for a Sniper Team.

Sniper Teams have +2D Firepower.

Sniper teams can designate a leader, gunner, or other figure is taken out when they inflict casualties on an
enemy Unit. Only one figure can be designated, however. The rest are randomly determined as usual.

Example: A Regular sniper team scores three casualties. Normally the Irregulars player would dice to see if the leader was hit, but
since the casualties were caused by a sniper, the Irregular unit’s leader is automatically removed along with two randomly
determined figures.

Weapon Teams
Independent Asset
Weapon Teams have +2D to their Firepower.

If a weapon team is reduced below 50% manpower or to a single man, it loses its special Firepower bonus.

A Weapon Team’s TQ, MQ, and AQ are the same as the that of the predominate units in your force.

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While we will be providing printed and print-yourself Fog of War Designer Note:
Cards, we also want you to be able to get into the game as soon We’ll update the FoW cards in a future
as possible. You can roll on the following table instead of drawing Development Draft to modernize them
a card. and make them more broadly
applicable. If you have any input on this
To use the table, roll 1d4 (or 1d8 divided by 2) to determine which or ideas for new FOW cards, please let us
group applies (Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange) and 1d12 to know!
determine the specific Fog of War result.

D6 Roll D12
Fog of War Result

An Excellent Position 1 1

What’s this Wall Made of? Swiss Cheese? 1 2

Fire! Fire! 1 3

The Bell Tolls 1 4

You’re Grounded! 1 5

Ammo Condition Black 1 6

BOOM! 1 7

Watch Where you Step 1 8

Wait, the Colonel Said WHAT?! 1 9

There’s Nothing Friendly About It! 1 10

Incoming! 1 11

Hunted! 1 12

Mad Minute! 2 1

Eye in the Sky 2 2

Radio Jamming 2 3

They Don't Call it a Predator for Nothing 2 4

Where Are YOU Going? 2 5

General Confusion Takes Command! 2 6

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In the Zone! 2 7

Man Down! 2 8

The Cost of the Lowest Bidder 2 9

Shuffling the Stack 2 10

Bug Out! 2 11

Amped Up! 2 12

The Golden BB 3 1

I Just Gave it a Good Smack! 3 2

Who Goes There? 3 3

A Break in the Clouds 3 4

Death or Glory! 3 5

We’re Not Looking for Trouble . . . 3 6

Gas! Gas! Gas! 3 7

All Clear! 3 8

Negative on Your Request, Ground-Pounder 3 9

Of Course I Know What I'm Doing! 3 10

It's a Bad Day to Die 3 11

It's a Good Day to Die 3 12

Hydration Check! 4 1

Caught Napping 4 2

Godfather's Gift 4 3

Who Asked for Help? 4 4

Spec Ops Lends a Hand 4 5

Heavy Metal Tour 4 6

Gun Trucks! 4 7

Hogs are Watching 4 8

Valor Above and Beyond 4 9

That Won't Play Well on Securityleaks.com 4 10

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In Your Face! 4 11

What, You Don't Believe in LSA? 4 12

An Excellent Position
One of your units has found an excellent position that affords them unexpected protection from enemy fire!

You may designate which of your units has located this “excellent position.” As long as the unit stays in its
current position it receives an additional Defense die over and above any Cover or Armor dice. If the unit
moves, it loses this advantage. Other units moving into the same position will not receive the additional
Defense die.

This card may not be played on a fortified position.

This card is played immediately.

What’s this Wall Made of? Swiss Cheese?

A position that seemed to offer decent cover turns out to be a bad spot due to poor construction or weird
lines of sight.

Your opponent may play this card on one building or terrain feature that would normally be considered Solid
Cover. The designated piece of terrain no longer counts as Solid Cover for the duration of the game.

This card may not be played on a fortified position.

This card is played immediately.

Fire! Fire!
Your rounds have struck something flammable and set a structure ablaze!

You may designate any building within LOS of one of your units (or anywhere on the table if you have air
support with offensive capabilities) and declare that it is burning. Any figures in the building must
immediately evacuate to a point at least 4” from the building. They may be fired on by units that are on
Overwatch or by Defensive Fire if appropriate. The building is impassable for the duration of the game.

This card is played immediately.

The Bell Tolls

Radio chatter informs your men that one of their favorite NCOs has been injured or killed in another
engagement. Roll 1d6 to determine how the news affects them:

1-3: Your force becomes despondent and demoralized. Lower your force’s Morale die by one type (i.e.,
d8 Morale is reduced to d6). Morale cannot be lowered beyond d6.
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4-6: Your force is fired up and hungry for some pay-back! Raise the Morale of every unit in your force
by one die type (i.e., d8 Morale is raised to d10). Morale cannot be raised above d12.

This card is played immediately.

You’re Grounded!
A ferocious storm blows up, grounding all air assets (including UAVs).

All units have their Optimum Range reduced to 6”.

This card is played immediately.

Ammo Condition Black

A supply snafu or prolonged fighting has left your units low on ammo. Your force is now considered to be
Poorly Supplied.

This card is played immediately.

An IED, booby-trap, or mine has detonated near one of your units!

Randomly determine which unit has been struck by the attack. The unit takes an FP:6/AT:2 attack to which
it may not React. The stricken unit’s Defense is determined as usual.

This card is played immediately.

Watch Where You Step!

A possible IED, booby-trap, or mine has been spotted in the path of one of your units. There is no time to
summon EOD, so the device must be bypassed!

Randomly determine the unit that has spotted the explosive. Your opponent may place a marker at least 6”
from that unit and at least 4” from nearby units. None of your units may approach within 4” of the marker.

This card is played immediately.

Wait, the Colonel Said WHAT?!

Radio communications is on the fritz and your force has just received garbled orders that contradict the
mission brief.

If the scenario allows Initiative to change hands, your opponent automatically gains Initiative on the next

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If the scenario doesn’t allow initiative to change hands, your units must remain in place until the end of the
next turn while orders are sorted out. Your units may move into cover if they are not already there but no
other movement is allowed. Your units may fire as normal.

This card is played immediately.

There’s Nothing Friendly About It!

One of your units has been struck by friendly fire, either from an errant aircraft or off target artillery.

Randomly determine which unit has been struck. If it is an infantry unit, each figure in the unit must roll a 4+
to avoid becoming a casualty. If a vehicle is struck, resolve an AT:2 attack against it.

If you had air assets, other than a UAV, they are grounded as a result of the attack and lost for the rest of the

This card is played immediately.

One of your units is struck by a random barrage of mortar fire.

Randomly determine the unit that is hit by the mortar rounds. The affected unit is struck with an attack of

This card is played immediately.

Your Area of Operations has just been transformed into a hunting reserve for two trained killers and it’s open
season on your men!

Your opponent gains a sniper team that can be placed anywhere within 24” of one of your units. The sniper
team is In Cover and Elusive. It is a two-man team with a Troop Quality and Morale of D10. It may be activated
or perform Defensive Fire any time after it is placed.

This card is played immediately.

Mad Minute!
One of your infantry units gets carried away and has a “mad minute.” They fire everything they have as fast
as they can the next time they engage an enemy unit.

Randomly determine the unit affected. This unit will receive an extra Firepower die for all attacks, Reactions,
or Defensive Fire for the rest of the turn.

Make a Troop Quality check for the unit at the end of the turn. If the unit fails the check, it is considered to be
Poorly Supplied for the duration of the game.
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This card is played immediately.

Eye in the Sky

You gain the use of an unarmed UAV if your force would normally have access to them.

If your force already has a UAV, you can disregard the next Fog of War card or other result that would result
in its loss.

This card is played immediately.

Radio Jamming
Your force has managed to mount a successful ECM attack against the enemy, temporarily shutting down
their radio communication.

The opposing player loses one Initiative die on the next Initiative check.

This card may be held and played later.

They Don’t Call It a Predator for Nothing!

Your force gains an attack UAV if it would normally have access to such tech.

The attack drone acts like any other UAV and prevents the use of Out of Contact Movement by your
opponent. You may also choose to fire its missile at a target if you choose. The attack is resolved with an
AP:6/AT:5 vs. Deck attack.

The UAV is removed from play if it fires its Hellfire missile.

This card is played immediately.

Where Are YOU Going?

One of your assets (your opponent’s choice) is recalled by higher command.

Roll 1d6:
1-2: Leaves immediately, even if activated this turn.
3-4: Leaves next time it activates.
5-6: Agrees to stick around 1 more turn. Roll again at the end of your next turn.

This card is played immediately.

General Confusion Takes Command!

An officer in the lofty realms of the chain of command takes a personal interest in your operation and
decides he knows better than any “strategic corporal” on the ground. His confusing and poorly considered
commands, passed down through the company net, have robbed your force of its tactical initiative.

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Your force loses Initiative (if you had it) and you cannot regain Initiative until General Confusion loses
interest in your operation. Roll a d6 at the end of each turn. On a 5 or 6 the General has lost interest and you
can test for Initiative on the following turn. Otherwise, your opponent automatically gains initiative.

This card is played immediately.

In the Zone!
A unit of your choice is in the zone! They’re clicking along like a well-oiled machine and nothing can stand
in their way!

The selected unit’s TQ and Morale are raised by one die type and they are treated as if they have High
Confidence for the duration of the turn (at the end of the turn, all values return to normal).

This card is played immediately.

Man Down!
A randomly selected unit in your force has suffered a non-combat casualty. Immediately treat the unit as if
it has taken a casualty. Roll on the First Aid table appropriate to the unit to determine the severity of the
casualty’s injuries.

This card is played immediately.

The Cost of the Lowest Bidder

A randomly determined vehicle in your force suffers a breakdown of some sort. Roll a d6:

1 – Electrical system failure. Vehicle completely disabled

2 – 3: Mobility failure – vehicle is immobilized
4 – 5: MGs or AGLs are so jam prone that they cannot lay down effective fire
6 – Main gun disabled

This card is played immediately.

Shuffling the Stack

New fast-air assets are arriving while those that are bingo on fuel withdraw. FACs need some time to orient
the new pilots to troop positions on the ground to avoid a friendly fire incident.

Your force may not call for any further air strikes from the time this card is drawn until the end of the next

This card is played immediately.

Bug Out!
Effective counter-battery fire has begun to splash around your force’s off-board artillery assets, forcing them
to relocate.

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You may not utilize off-board artillery for the duration of the game.

This card is played immediately.

Amped Up!
Your forces squad and platoon level leaders are doing a fine job of focusing your men’s attention on the job
at hand – their situational awareness is so amped up that it’s highly unlikely anyone will get the jump on

Your units receive a +1 to all Reaction tests for the duration of the game.

This card is played immediately.

The Golden BB
This card may be played by any AT capable weapon at the time that it engages a vehicular target. The
vehicle engaged is automatically destroyed, brewing up in such a dramatic fashion that it raises the morale
of the AT weapon’s force by one die type and lowers the morale of the opposing force one die type for the
duration of the current turn.

This card may be held by the drawing player until their next AT fire at a vehicle, then it must be played.

I Just Gave it a Good Smack!

An enterprising crew member is able to put his mechanical skills to good use and restore one of your
broken-down vehicles to action!

If your Force has suffered any Fog of War induced vehicle breakdowns (not combat damage), this card will
restore one of them to action. Randomly determine which vehicle is repaired.

This card may be held and played later.

Who Goes There?

Mist, fog, sheets of light rain, or swirling snow descend upon the battlefield, obscuring vision and muting

All fire is treated as if it is outside Optimum Range and units more than 18” away may not be engaged at all.
All units on both sides may only make Cautious moves for fear of drawing friendly fire.

Vehicles with advanced thermal optics function normally.

This effect remains in play for the duration of the game unless a Fog of War card negates it is drawn.

This card is played immediately.

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A Break in the Clouds

The sun breaks through the clouds and momentarily drives away the fog, rain, snow, or any other negative
weather effect currently in play.

This card negates any weather related Fog of War or scenario effects for the duration of the game or until a
new weather Fog of War card is drawn.

This card is played immediately.

Death or Glory!
One of your units has become so fired up (or so fatalistic), that they no longer weigh their own survival
against victory – they’ll either win or die trying!

One randomly determined unit in your force is not subject to Morale checks or Morale effects for the
duration of the game. Their Confidence Level is raised to High.

This card is played immediately.

We’re Not Looking for Trouble . . .

One of your units has become filled with a superstitious dread that they will be wiped out in today’s battle.
They’re playing things as safely as possible and cannot be counted on to risk themselves for victory.

On randomly determined unit in your force suffers an immediate 1 die type reduction to their Morale. If this
reduces its Morale below D6, the unit is removed from play. The unit’s Confidence Level is immediately
reduced to Low. Additionally, the unit must pass a TQ test before it can move out of cover or fire at an
enemy unit.

This card is played immediately.

Gas! Gas! Gas!

New intelligence indicates that an attack with chemical weapons is imminent. Your force must don its
chem gear and fight on as best they can.

All infantry units in your force receive a -1 to their Reaction Test rolls and suffer a 1 die type reduction to their
Troop Quality. These penalties apply until the end of the game or until countered by another FoW card

This card is played immediately.

All Clear!
This card negates the effects of the Gas! Gas! Gas! Fog of War card.

This card may be held and played later.

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Negative on Your Request, Ground-Pounder!

Sometimes the priorities of a platoon of grunts on the ground are far different from those of an Air Force
general who might be listening in from a continent away . . .

Play this card to automatically block one of your opponent’s CAS strike requests.

This card may be held and played later.

Of Course I Know What I’m Doing!

Sometimes TACs or FOs make such egregious errors in the heat of combat that no amount of fail-safes can
save them. This is one of those times.

Play this card when one of your opponent’s TACs or FOs calls in an air/interface strike or artillery salvo.
Instead of its intended target, the strike will land squarely on the unit that requested it.

This card may be held and played later.

It’s a Bad Day to Die

One of your units is seized by a sense of impending doom that fills them with dread and melancholy.

A randomly determined unit in your force suffers a -1 Negative Die Shift to their Morale (cannot be reduced
below D6 by this card) and loses one level of Confidence (cannot be reduced below Poor Confidence with
this card) for the duration of the game or until countered by another Fog of War card.

This card is played immediately.

It’s a Good Day to Die

One of your units is filled with a gallant disregard for their own safety and intense desire to “get the job

A randomly determined unit in your force receives a +1 Positive Die Shift to their Morale (cannot be raised
above D12 by this card) and gains one level of Confidence (cannot be raised above High Confidence with
this card) for the duration of the game or until countered by another Fog of War card.

This card is played immediately.

Hydration Check!
The exertion of combat and the heavy loads carried by the troops has taken its toll on an infantry unit
belonging to the initiative player. A randomly determined infantry unit which has not yet been activated
must spend the duration of the turn re-hydrating. It may react to enemy fire, but with a -1 die roll modifier
to its Reaction test die-roll. The unit’s firepower is halved.

This card is played immediately.

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Caught Napping!
Lack of sleep and constant stress has taken its toll on an infantry unit belonging to the non-initiative player.
A randomly determined infantry unit which has not yet failed a Reaction test (i.e., is still eligible to React)
loses its ability to React to enemy units. The unit may react to enemy fire directed at it, but with a -1 die roll
modifier to its Reaction test die-roll. The unit’s firepower is halved.

This card is played immediately.

Godfather’s Gift
Battalion HQ has decided to reinforce your sector and has sent you some support. Roll 1D8 to see what has
rumbled your way:

1-5 Light Vehicle

6-7 Medium Vehicle
8 Heavy Vehicle

Choose any suitable model from your collection.

This card is played immediately.

Who Asked for Help?

Your company commander isn’t sure if you are up to the task, so has sent you additional assets. Roll 1D6 to
see what has arrived:

1-2 GPMG Team

3-4 AT Team
5-6 Sniper Team

This card is played immediately.

Spec Ops Lends a Hand!

A fireteam of four special operators makes contact with your force. They attach themselves to a unit you
designate. They are Stealthy and have Night Vision. They are armed with assault rifles and 1D body armor.
They have a Troop Quality/Morale of D10/D12. They may be separated from the unit to act on their own if

This card is played immediately.

Heavy Metal Tour

Somebody upstairs loves you and they’ve sent a few tons of steel and fire to prove it.

A main battle tank has joined your force (use an appropriate model from your collection). It enters from the
most logical table edge. The vehicle crew has a Troop Quality/Morale of D8/D10.

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If you do not have a tank model or it would be illogical for your force to have tank support, draw again.

This card is played immediately.

Gun Trucks!
A gun-truck, light armored car, or technical roars joins your force (use an appropriate model from your
collection). It enters from the most logical table edge. The vehicle crew has a Troop Quality/Morale of D8/D10.

If you do not have an appropriate model or it would be illogical for your force to have this support, draw again.

This card is played immediately.

HOGs Are Watching

An off-board sniper team chimes onto your net and announces they have eyes on your operation. These
“Hunters of Gunmen” will add a little punch to your force!

On each turn, you may pick one enemy unit for the off-board sniper teams to engage. Roll 1d6 to determine
if the sniper team is in position to effectively engage the target unit:

1: Sniper team can’t engage the target unit.

2-3: Sniper team engages target w/5d10 Firepower. Cannot designate leaders/support weapons as
4-5: Sniper team engages target w/5d10 Firepower. Can designate leaders/support weapons as
6: Sniper team has been recalled. No fire this turn. Discard this card immediately.

Off board teams may not be fired upon.

This card is played immediately.

Valor Above and Beyond

A member of one of your units performs an act of self-sacrificing valor to save the lives of his comrades.

This card can be played when an infantry unit receives multiple casualties in a single round of fire. The
number of casualties taken, however many there were, is reduced to 1.

This card may be held and played later.

That Won’t Play Well on Securityleaks.com

Film of one of your units in action finds its way onto the internet. Some believe that what they see is
disreputable, so the video clip raises a public furor.

Lose 3 victory points from your total

This card is played at the end of the game.

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In Your Face
Film of one of your units in action finds its way onto the internet. The courage and professionalism (or raw
firepower) displayed gains the video clip a large and admiring audience!

Add 3 victory points from your total

This card is played at the end of the game.

What You Don’t Believe in LSA?

A randomly determined support weapon in a randomly determined unit in your force seizes up and cannot
be restored to action for the duration of the game (unless the I Just Gave it a Good Smack card is played).

This card is played immediately.

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Unit Name: Green Light Infantry Fire Team

# of Troops TQ MQ AQ Armor Desc.

4 D8 D6 7 Medium
Unit Member Weapon Class FP Dice AT Class AOE
Team Leader Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0 N/A
Rifleman Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0 N/A
SAW Gunner SAW Light 2 0 N/A
Grenadier Rifle GL Light 2 1
Plentiful Grenades: +1D FP vs. targets in base Optimum Range; +1D to Attack in 1st CQB round.

Unit Name: Regular Light Infantry Fire Team

# of Troops TQ MQ AQ Armor Desc.

4 D8 D8 6 Medium
Unit Member Weapon Class FP Dice AT Class AOE
Team Leader Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0 N/A
Rifleman Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0 N/A
SAW Gunner SAW Light 2 0 N/A
Grenadier Rifle GL Light 2 1
Plentiful Grenades: +1D FP vs. targets in base Optimum Range; +1D to Attack in 1st CQB round.

Unit Name: Experienced Light Infantry Fire Team

# of Troops TQ MQ AQ Armor Desc.

4 D8 D10 6 Medium
Unit Member Weapon Class FP Dice AT Class AOE
Team Leader Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0 N/A
Rifleman Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0 N/A
SAW Gunner SAW Light 2 0 N/A
Grenadier Rifle GL Light 2 1
Plentiful Grenades: +1D FP vs. targets in base Optimum Range; +1D to Attack in 1st CQB round.

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Unit Name: Veteran Light Infantry Fire Team

# of Troops TQ MQ AQ Armor Desc.

4 D10 D10 6 Medium

Unit Member Weapon Class FP Dice AT Class AOE
Team Leader Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0 N/A
Rifleman Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0 N/A
SAW Gunner SAW Light 2 0 N/A
Grenadier Rifle GL Light 2 1
Plentiful Grenades: +1D FP vs. targets in base Optimum Range; +1D to Attack in 1st CQB round.

Unit Name: Regular Light Infantry Weapon Team

# of Troops TQ MQ AQ Armor Desc.

4 D8 D8 6 Medium
Unit Member Weapon Class FP Dice AT Class AOE
Gunner GPMG Medium 3 0 N/A
Assistant Gunner Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 1
Weapon Team: +2D FP until reduced to 1 member.

Unit Name: Regular Light Infantry AT Team

# of Troops TQ MQ AQ Armor Desc.

4 D8 D8 6 Medium
Unit Member Weapon Class FP Dice AT Class AOE
Gunner AT Launcher Medium 5 8 2” Radius
Assistant Gunner Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0
AT Team: Elusive
+DS to their TQ when firing at an AFV and +2 DRM on Damage rolls against AFVs.

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Unit Name: Veteran Sniper Team

# of Troops TQ MQ AQ Armor Desc.

4 D10 D10 6 Medium

Unit Member Weapon Class FP Dice AT Class AOE
Gunner Sniper Rifle Light 2 0 2” Radius
Assistant Gunner Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0
Sniper Team:

Everything on the table is in Optimum Range
+2D Firepower
Designate a leader, gunner, or other figure is taken out when they inflict casualties on an enemy Unit. Only one figure can be
designated, however. The rest are randomly determined as usual

Unit Name: Insurgent Cell

# of Troops TQ MQ AQ Armor Desc.

6 D6 D8 9 Light
Unit Member Weapon Class FP Dice AT Class AOE
Leader Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0
Gunner LMG Light 2 0
Rifleman Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0
Rifleman Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0
Rifleman Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0
Rifleman Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0
Poor Initiative
Poor Training
Eroding Morale Permanent reduction in Morale when they become Pinned. If Morale is reduced below D6, the unit dissolves.

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Unit Name: Veteran Insurgent Cell

# of Troops TQ MQ AQ Armor Desc.

6 D8 D10 9 Light
Unit Member Weapon Class FP Dice AT Class AOE
Leader Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0
Gunner RPG Light 4 2 2” Radius
Rifleman Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0
Rifleman Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0
Rifleman Assault Rifle Small Arms 1 0
Bloody Minded Unit can be Pinned, but cannot be forced to Retreat

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Name: Utility Vehicle
Class: 0 – Soft-Skin Type: Wheel Nationality:
Dedicated Crew? No Dismounts: 5
Name FP AT AOE Notes
HMG 3 1 N/A Can be replaced with an AGL or AT Missile system.
Vehicle Damage Table
Min. D10 Roll To:
AT CLASS Damage Results
0 6 9 N/A DAMAGED: Vehicle must pass a Simple TQ Test to
either move or fire for duration of game. Crew and
1 2 6 8 Dismounts must make a Survival Check. A second
DAMAGED result bumps up to DISABLED.
2 2 5 7 DISABLED: Vehicle cannot move or fire. Crew and
3 1 3 6 Dismounts aboard must make a Survival Test.
4 1 2 5 BREWED UP: Vehicle destroyed. Crew/Dismounts
5 1 2 4 aboard vehicle must make a Survival Test with -1

Name: Up-Armored Utility Vehicle

Class: 1 – Up-Armored Type: Wheel Nationality:
Dedicated Crew? No Dismounts: 5
Name FP AT AOE Notes
HMG 10 5 N/A Can be replaced with an AGL or AT Missile system.
Vehicle Damage Table
Min. D10 Roll To:
AT CLASS Damage Results
0 7 10 N/A DAMAGED: Vehicle must pass a Simple TQ Test to
either move or fire for duration of game. Crew and
1 3 7 9 Dismounts must make a Survival Check. A second
DAMAGED result bumps up to DISABLED.
2 2 6 8 DISABLED: Vehicle cannot move or fire. Crew and
3 1 4 7 Dismounts aboard must make a Survival Test.
4 1 3 6 BREWED UP: Vehicle destroyed. Crew/Dismounts
5 1 2 5 aboard vehicle must make a Survival Test with -1

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Name: Light Armored Personnel Carrier

Class: 1 – Light Type: Wheel Nationality:
Dedicated Crew? Yes Dismounts: 8
Name FP AT AOE Notes
HMG 3 1 N/A Can be replaced with an AGL or AT Missile system.
Vehicle Damage Table
Min. D10 Roll To:
AT CLASS Damage Results
0 8 N/A N/A DAMAGED: Vehicle must pass a Simple TQ Test to
either move or fire for duration of game. Crew and
1 Dismounts must make a Survival Check. A second
7 10 N/A DAMAGED result bumps up to DISABLED.
2 5 8 N/A DISABLED: Vehicle cannot move or fire. Crew and
3 2 5 8 Dismounts aboard must make a Survival Test.
4 1 4 7 BREWED UP: Vehicle destroyed. Crew/Dismounts
aboard vehicle must make a Survival Test with -1
5 1 3 6 DRM. All infantry within 3” must make a Survival
Test with +1 DRM.

Name: Medium APC

Class: 3 – Medium Type: Tracked Nationality:
Dedicated Crew? Yes Dismounts: 10
Name FP AT AOE Notes
Light Auto-Cannon 6 3 N/A Can be replaced with AT Missile system.
HMG 3 1 N/A Can be replaced with an AGL.
Vehicle Damage Table
Min. D10 Roll To:
AT CLASS Damage Results
0 N/A N/A N/A DAMAGED: Vehicle must pass a Simple TQ Test
to either move or fire for duration of game.
Crew and Dismounts must make a Survival
1 10 N/A N/A
Check. A second DAMAGED result bumps up to
2 8 N/A N/A DISABLED: Vehicle cannot move or fire. Crew
and Dismounts aboard must make a Survival
3 3 6 9
4 2 5 8 BREWED UP: Vehicle destroyed.
Crew/Dismounts aboard vehicle must make a
5 1 4 7 Survival Test with -1 DRM. All infantry within 3”
must make a Survival Test with +1 DRM.

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Name: Medium Tank

Class: 4 – Heavy Type: Tracked Nationality:
Dedicated Crew? Yes Dismounts: 0
Name FP AT AOE Notes
Medium Tank Gun 8 4 N/A Destructive
HMG 3 1 N/A Can be replaced with an AGL.
Vehicle Damage Table
Min. D10 Roll To:
AT CLASS Damage Results
0 N/A N/A N/A DAMAGED: Vehicle must pass a Simple TQ Test
to either move or fire for duration of game.
Crew and Dismounts must make a Survival
1 10 N/A N/A
Check. A second DAMAGED result bumps up to
2 8 N/A N/A DISABLED: Vehicle cannot move or fire. Crew
and Dismounts aboard must make a Survival
3 3 6 9
4 2 5 8 BREWED UP: Vehicle destroyed.
Crew/Dismounts aboard vehicle must make a
5 1 4 7 Survival Test with -1 DRM. All infantry within 6”
must make a Survival Test with +1 DRM.

Name: Heavy Tank

Class: 5 – Very Heavy Type: Tracked Nationality:
Dedicated Crew? Yes Dismounts: 0
Name FP AT AOE Notes
HeavyTank Gun 10 5 N/A Destructive
HMG 3 1 N/A Can be replaced with an AGL.
Vehicle Damage Table
Min. D10 Roll To:
AT CLASS Damage Results
0 N/A N/A N/A DAMAGED: Vehicle must pass a Simple TQ Test
to either move or fire for duration of game.
Crew and Dismounts must make a Survival
1 N/A N/A N/A
Check. A second DAMAGED result bumps up to
2 10 N/A N/A DISABLED: Vehicle cannot move or fire. Crew
and Dismounts aboard must make a Survival
3 9 N/A N/A
4 5 7 10 BREWED UP: Vehicle destroyed.
Crew/Dismounts aboard vehicle must make a
5 4 6 9 Survival Test with -1 DRM. All infantry within 6”
must make a Survival Test with +1 DRM.
Development Draft THE NEXT WAR©2020, Ambush Alley Games, LLC Subject to Change

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