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University of Waterloo

Department of Chemical Engineering

ChE 220 Process Data Analysis, Winter 2014
Homework #1 (Due Friday February 14, 2014)
Submit problems marked with a

Problem 1:

Errors in an experimental transmission channel are found when the transmission is
checked by a certifier that detects missing pulses. The number of errors found in an
eight-bit byte is a random variable with the following distribution:

0 x < 1
F(x) = 0.7 4 1 < x
0.9 7 4 < x
1 x 7

Determine each of the following probabilities:
(a) P(X ) 4 (b) P(X > 7)

(c) P(X ) 5 (d) P(X >4)

(e) P(X ) 2

Problem 2

If the range of X is the set { } 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 0 and P(X = x) = 0.2 determine the mean and
variance of the random variable.

Problem 3:

Thickness measurements of a coating process are made to the nearest hundredth of a
millimeter. The thickness measurements are uniformly distributed with values 0.15, 0.16,
0.17, 0.18, and 0.19. Determine the mean and variance of the coating thickness for this

Problem 4:

For each scenario described below, state whether or not the binomial distribution is a
reasonable model for the random variable and why. State any assumptions you make.

(a) A production process produces thousands of temperature transducers. Let X
denote the number of nonconforming transducers in a sample of size 30
selected at random from the process.

(b) From a batch of 50 temperature transducers, a sample of size 30 is selected
without replacement. Let X denote the number of nonconforming transducers
in the sample.
(c) Four identical electronic components are wired to a controller that can switch
from a failed component to one of the remaining spares. Let X denote the
number of components that have failed after a specified period of operation.

(d) Let X denote the number of accidents that occur along the federal highways in
Arizona during a one-month period.

(e) Let X denote the number of correct answers by a student taking a multiple
choice exam in which a student can eliminate some of the choices as being
incorrect in some questions and all of the incorrect choices in other questions.

(f) Defects occur randomly over the surface of a semiconductor chip. However,
only 80% of defects can be found by testing. A sample of 40 chips with one
defect each is tested. Let X denote the number of chips in which the test finds
a defect.

(g) Reconsider the situation in part (f). Now, suppose the sample of 40 chips
consists of chips with 1 and with 0 defects.

(h) A filling operation attempts to fill detergent packages to the advertised weight.
Let X denote the number of detergent packages that are under-filled.

(i) Errors in a digital communication channel occur in bursts that affect several
consecutive bits. Let X denote the number of bits in error in a transmission of
100, 000 bits.

(j) Let X denote the number of surface flaws in a large coil of galvanized steel.

Problem 5:

The random variable X has a binomial distribution with n = 10 and p = 0.5. Sketch the
probability mass function of X.

(a) What value of X is most likely?

(b) What value(s) of X is(are) least likely?

Problem 6:

Batches that consist of 50 coil springs from a production process are checked for
conformance to customer requirements. The mean number of nonconforming coil
springs in a batch is 5. Assume that the number of nonconforming springs in a batch,
denoted as X, is a binomial random variable.

(a) What are n and p?

(b) What is P(X ) 2 ?

(c) What is P(X ) 49 ?

Problem 7

A statistical process control chart example. Samples of 20 parts from a metal
punching process are selected every hour. Typically, 1% of the parts require rework. Let
X denote the number of parts in the sample of 20 that require rework. A process problem
is suspected if X exceeds its mean by more than three standard deviations.

(a) If the percentage of parts that require rework remains at 1%, what is the
probability that X exceeds its mean by more than three standard deviations?

(b) If the rework percentage increases to 4%, what is the probability that X
exceeds 1?

(c) If the rework percentage increases to 4%, what is the probability that X
exceeds 1 in at least one of the next five hours of samples?

Problem 8:

This exercise illustrates that poor quality can affect schedules and costs. A
manufacturing process has 100 customer orders to fill. Each order requires one
component part that is purchased from a supplier. However, typically 2% of the
components are identified as defective, and the components can be assumed to be

(a) If the manufacturer stocks 100 components, what is the probability that the
100 orders can be filled without reordering components?

(b) If the manufacturer stocks 102 components, what is the probability that the
100 orders can be filled without reordering components?

(c) If the manufacturer stocks 105 components, what is the probability that the
100 orders can be filled without reordering components?

Problem 9

The number of flaws in bolts of cloth in textile manufacturing is assumed to be Poisson
distributed with a mean of 0.1 flaw per square meter.

(a) What is the probability that there are two flaws in 1 square meter of cloth?

(b) What is the probability that there is one flaw in 10 square meters of cloth?

(c) What is the probability that there are no flaws in 20 square meters of cloth?

(d) What is the probability that there are at least two flaws in 10 square meters of

Problem 10:

A manufacturer of a customer electronics product expects 2% of units to fail during the
warranty period. A sample of 500 independent units is tracked for warranty performance.

(a) What is the probability that none fails during the warranty period?

(b) What is the expected number of failures during the warranty period?

(c) What is the probability that more than two units fail during the warranty period?

Problem 11

The probability density function of the time to failure of an electronic component in a
copier (in hours) is f(x) = [ exp ( -x / 1000 ) ]/1000 ] for x > 0. Determine the probability

(a) A component lasts more than 3000 hours before failure.

(b) A component fails in the interval from 1000 to 2000 hours.

(c) A component fails before 1000 hours.

(d) Determine the number of hours at which 10% of all components have failed.

Problem 12

Suppose the cumulative distribution function of the random variable X is

0 x > 0

F(x) = 0.2x 0 x < 5

1 x 5

Determine the following:

(a) P ( X < 2.8 ) (b) P ( X > 1.5 ) (c) P ( X < -2 ) (d) P ( X > 6 )

Problem 13:

Suppose f(x) = 1.5x
for -1 < x < 1. Determine the mean and variance of X.

Problem 14

The net weight in pounds of a packaged chemical herbicide is uniform for
49.75 < x < 50.25 pounds.

(a) Determine the mean and variance of the weight of packages.

(b) Determine the cumulative distribution function of the weight of packages.

(c) Determine P ( X < 50.1 ).

Problem 15:

Suppose the time it takes a data collection operator to fill out an electronic form for a
database is uniformly between 1.5 and 2.2 minutes.

(a) What is the mean and variance of the time it takes an operator to fill out the form?

(b) What is the probability that it will take less than two minutes to fill out the form?

(c) Determine the cumulative distribution function of the time it takes to fill out the form.

Problem 16

The compressive strength of samples of cement can be modeled by a normal distribution
with a mean of 6000 kilograms per square centimeter and a standard deviation of 100
kilograms per square centimeter.

(a) What is the probability that a samples strength is less than 6250 kg/cm

(b) What is the probability that a samples strength is between 5800 and 5900 kg/cm

(c) What strength is exceeded by 95% of the samples?

Problem 17:

The time it takes a cell to divide (called mitosis) is normally distributed with an average
time of one hour and a standard deviation of 5 minutes.

(a) What is the probability that a cell divides in less than 45 minutes?

(b) What is the probability that it takes a cell more than 65 minutes to divide?

(c) What is the time that it takes approximately 99% of all cells to complete mitosis?

Problem 18

The length of an injection-molded plastic case that holds magnetic tape is normally
distributed with a length of 90.2 millimeters and a standard deviation of 0.1 millimeter.

(a) What is the probability that a part is longer than 90.3 millimeters or shorter than 89.7

(b) What should the process mean be set at to obtain the greatest number of parts between
89.7 and 90.3 millimeters?

(c) If parts that are not between 89.7 and 90.3 millimeters are scrapped, what is the yield
for the process mean that you selected in part (b)?

Problem 19

A supplier ships a lot of 1000 electrical connectors. A sample of 25 is selected at random,
without replacement. Assume the lot contains 100 defective connectors.

(a) Using a binomial approximation, what is the probability that there are no defective
connectors in the sample?

(b) Use the normal approximation to answer the result in part (a). Is the approximation

(c) Redo parts (a) and (b) assuming the lot size is 500. Is the normal approximation to the
probability that there are no defective connectors in the sample satisfactory in this

Problem 20

The percentage of people exposed to a bacterium who become ill is 20%. Assume that
people are independent. Assume that 1000 people are exposed to the bacteria.
Approximate each of the following using a normal probability distribution.

(a) The probability that more than 225 become ill.

(b) The probability that between 175 and 225 becomes ill.

(c) The value such that the probability that the number of people that become ill exceeds
the value is 0.01.

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