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EE 504C - Microprocessor & Microcontroller: Short Answer Type Questions

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EE 504C - Microprocessor & Microcontroller

Short Answer Type Questions

1. a) What is T-state? b) Stack is used only when a CALL instruction is executed in 8085. Comment. c) What is multiplexed address/databus? 2. a) Explain the function of the following routines: i) LXI SP, (8700) H PUSH B PUSH D POP B POP D RET ii) LXI SP, (8800) H MVI C, (00) H PUSH B POP PSW RET

b) Write a program (in Assembly Language) to add two Hex numbers (7A) H and (46) H and to store the sum in memory location (8898) H and flag status at (8897) H location.

3. What are the advantages of having segmentation? How does the 8086 microprocessor support segmentation? 4. Describe the different modes of operation of 8253 timer. 5. If the system clock is 2 MHz, find the time to executr the given instruction code: MVI A, (5A) H MVI B, (A7) H ADD B INR A XRA A HLT / RST 1 6. a) What are the functions of program counter and stack pointer? b) Distinguish between Software interrupts and Hardware interrupts in 8085 Microprocessor.





7. a) What are the functions of the following pins of 8086? BHE / S7 LOCK b) What is the clock frequency used in 8086?

Long Answer Type Questions

8. a) What are the difference between a microprocessor and a microcontroller? b) Discuss the memory organization of 8051 microcontroller. What is the function of program status word (PSW) in 8051? c) What is the role of SFRs in 8051 microcontroller? Explain. d) Write an 8051 assembly language program to add two 16 bit no. 9. a) Describe the different addressing modes of 8086 microprocessor. b) What are the main functions performed by BIU and EU unit of 8086 microprocessor? c) How is pipelining achieved in 8086 microprocessor? 10. a) i) What do you mean by subroutine? ii) Briefly discuss the sequence of events that takes place while executing CALL instruction. iii) With the help of diagrams, explain Multiple ending subroutine, Multiple calling subroutine and nesting. b) Exchange the contents of DE register pair with that of HL register pair, using PUSH & POP instructions. c) Explain the functions of RESET & READY pins of 8085 microprocessor. d) What is the purpose of DMA controller? 11. a) Draw the timing diagram for IN instruction of Intel 8085 microprocessors. b) Write an 8085 assembly language program for 1 ms delay. Assume the system clk period as 0.33 sec. Calculate the maximum delay for that subroutine. c) Write down the MODE-0 control word for the following: i) Port A = Input ii) Port B not used iii) Port C upper = Input, Port C lower = output

Please remember that this is just a guess paper, please try to cover the whole syllabus.





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