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MP Assign5

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Assignment - 1

1. What is the difference between INR & INX instructions?

2. List all the interrupt signals of 8085 microprocessor.
3. Write short note on evolution of microprocessors.
4. Explain the functions of the ALE and IO/M signals of the 8085 microprocessor.
5. List the sequence of events that occurs when the 8085 MPU reads from memory.
6. If the 8085 adds 87H and 79H, specify the contents of the accumulator and the status
of the S, Z, and CY flags.
7. If the clock frequency is 5 MHz, how much time is required to execute an instruction
of 18 T-states?
8. Discuss the programming model of 8085 μP with the help of suitable diagram.
9. Draw and explain the timing diagram for opcode fetch operation
10. Discuss various types of addressing modes of 8085.
11. Explain why the number of output ports in the peripheral-mapped I/O is restricted to
256 ports.
12. In the peripheral-mapped I/O, can an input port and an output port have the same
port address? Explain.
13. What are the control signals necessary in the memory-mapped I/O?
Assignment - 2

1. List the four categories of 8085 instructions that manipulate data.

2. Define opcode and operand, and specify the opcode and the operand in the
instruction MOV H, L.
3. Write logical steps to add the following two Hex numbers. Both the numbers
should be saved for future use. Save the sum in the accumulator. Numbers:
i. A2H and 18H.

4. (a) Specify the contents of the registers and the flag status as the following
instructions are executed.
i. MVI A, 00H
ii. MVI B, F8H
iii. MOV C, A
iv. MOV D, B
v. HLT
(b) Write instructions to load the hexadecimal number 65H in register C and
92H in the accumulator A. Display the number 65H at PORT0 and 92H at

5. Draw and explain the block diagram of a microprocessor 8085.

6. (a) Why the lower order address bus is multiplexed with data bus? How they
will be de-multiplexed?
(b) Differentiate between maskable and non-maskable interrupts.

7. Write an 8085 assembly language program using minimum number of

instructions to add the 16 bit no. in BC, DE & HL. Store the 16 bit result in
DE pair.
8. (a)Explain in detail the following instructions:-
i. ADC (ii) LHLD (iii) RLC (iv) DI
Assignment - 3

1. What are important signals of Intel 8086?

2. How many operating modes does 8086 have?
3. How many functional units does 8086 contain?
4. What is the function of a segment register in 8086?
5. What are conditional and control flags in 8086?
6. How many interrupt lines does 8086 have?
7. What physical address is represented by:
a. 4370 : 561E H (ii) 7A32 : 0028 H
8. Describe the difference between the instructions:
(i) MOV AL,0DB H (ii) MOV AL,DB H

9. What is the difference between minimum and maximum modes of 8086?

10. How many interrupts are available in 8086? List the predefined software
interrupts available in 8086.
Assignment - 4

1. Briefly explain the maximum mode configuration of 8086.

2. What is the purpose of MN/Mx pin? Explain.
3. Explain the concept of segmented memory? What are its advantages?
4. Explain the concept of pipelining in 8086. Discuss its advantages and
5. Discuss the interrupt system of Intel 8086. What is interrupt pointer? What is
'type' of an interrupt?
6. Discuss the various addressing modes of 8086. What are displacement, base
and index? What is an effective address or offset?
7. What is the difference between minimum and maximum modes of 8086?
How are these modes selected?
8. Draw and explain the architecture of 8086.
9. Write an 8086 program to add two 16-bit numbers in CX and DX and store
the result in location 0500H addressed by DI.
Assignment – 5

1. What is interfacing?
2. Explain the concept of Direct Memory Access (DMA).
3. Explain the functions of Handshake signals.
4. Explain what SIM is. Discuss the bit pattern of the accumulator for SIM instruction.
5. List the operating modes of the 8155A programmable device.
6. Write a note on any of the applications of microprocessors.
7. Explain the DMA controller 8257?
8. Draw the block diagram of 8255 and explain its working. What is Control Word?
Determine the control word for the following configuration of 8255:-
Port A – Output
Mode of port A – Mode 1
Port B – Output
Mode of port B – Mode 0
Port C lower (pins PC0 – PC2) – Output
9. What is 8254? Discuss its various operating modes. What are its areas of
10. Explain major components of 8259 with the aid of suitable diagram.
11. Explain USART in detail.
12. Explain the functional diagram of keyboard and display controller.
13. Explain the functional diagram of 8155 and explain its control word.

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