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MPMC All Questions and Answer

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Part a

(2m Questions)
1 Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)
(a) What is the basic clock frequency and maximum memory capacity of 8086?
(b) List out the interrupts and DMA control lines in 8086.
(c) What are macros & procedures?
(d) Which instruction mnemonics are used for multiplication and division of 8086?
(e) Write any four applications of MSP430G2XX family.
(f) Why BOR & WDT are used in MPS430?
(g) Explain about pull-up and pull-down resistors.
(h) Write any four differences between FRAM and FLASH.
(i) Explain half duplex and full duplex communication with example.
(j) Write any four features of CC3100.

1 Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)

(a) What are the interrupts present in 8086?
(b) What is the maximum memory size that can be addressed by 8086?
(c) List the various addressing modes present in 8086.
(d) Write an ALP program to perform 16 bit addition.
(e) What are the arithmetic instructions present in MSP430 microcontroller?
(f) List the addressing modes supported by MSP430.
(g) What are the factors affects the accuracy of the ADC?
(h) What are the different ways to reset the timer?
(i) Give the format of asynchronous serial data communication.
(j) Sketch the block diagram of Email application using CC3100.

1 Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)

(a) What does the pin MN/MX do in 8086 processor?
(b) Give the format of the flag register in 8086 processor.
(c) What is the use of PUSH in 8086?
(d) Define immediate addressing mode of 8086 microprocessor with example.
(e) Differentiate between RISC and CISC processors.
(f) Which are the low power operating modes of MSP430?
(g) List clock circuit and registers used to control function of clock module of MSP430.
(h) Write an ALP to check whether the content of the register R4 of MSP430 is even/odd.
(i) Give the format of asynchronous serial data communication.
(j) Mention the purpose of CC3100.

1 Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)

(a) What is the function of parity flag?
(b) What are the advantages of using memory segmentation in 8086?
(c) What are called assembler directives? Give two examples.
(d) Why do we use macros?
(e) Sketch the CPU block diagram of MSP430 microcontroller.
(f) List the features of MSP430.
(g) What are the features of real time clock?
(h) What is FRAM?
(i) What are the blocks present in embedded Wi-Fi?
(j) What are serial ports and parallel ports?
Unit 01,02,03,04,05
1. What are different data transfer schemes?
2. How is clock signal generated in 8086? What is the maximum internal clock frequency of
3. State the function of status lines in 8086 microprocessor.
4. What is a Microprocessor? What is the difference between microprocessor and CPU?
5. Why are the program counter and the stack pointer registers 16 bits?
6. What are Tristate devices?
7. Draw the flag register for 8086.
8. What is the purpose of BIU?
9. What is the need for ALE signal in 8086?
10. Write the size of the data bus and address bus of 8086?
11. What is the function of accumulator?
12. What is the clock frequency of 8086?
13. List the advantages of using direct memory access.
2. 1. How will carry and zero flags reflect the result of the instruction CMP BX, CX?
2. Write any four miscellaneous instructions in 16 bit microprocessor.
3. What is the purpose of LEA instruction in 8086?
4. List any four program control instructions available in 8086.
5. What are the 8086 instructions used for BCD arithmetic?
6. State the function of the given 8085 instructions JP, JPE, JPO, and JNZ.
7. List any two external hardware synchronization instructions.
8. What is the purpose of the following commands in 8086? a) AAD b) RCL
9. Write an ALP for 8086 to multiply two 16 bit unsigned numbers.
10.List any four string instructions.
11.List the addressing modes in 8086.
12.What is an assembler?
13.What is an assembler directive? Write two examples.
14.What is the function of the assembler directives ALIGN and ASSUME?
15.What is the function of the assembler directives SEGMENT and ENDS?
16.What is the function of the assembler directives TITLE and TYPE?
3. 1. Explain the concept of system on chip
2. With a neat block diagram explain the working of Air Conditioner as embedded
3. With a neat block diagram explain the working of smart phone as embedded system
4. Give the comparison between MSP 430 and 8051 micro controller
5. Compare various micro controllers with MSP 430
4. 1. Compare the MSP 430 ADC with that of ARM7
2. Compare the timing generation of MSP 430 with SHARC processor
3. Explain the applicability of MSP 430 PWM control with an example
4. Explain the importance of device drivers in embedded systems?
5. Write about interrupt service routines?
6. Explain the concept of interrupt programming in RTOS?
7. Give the architecture of RTOS?
5. 1. Define serial communication
2. What is SPI
3. What is I2C
4. What is USB
5. What is Embedded Wi-Fi
6. Draw the architecture of Internet of Things

Unit 01
1. 1.With a neat functional block diagram, explain the architecture of 8086
2. Explain the generation of dedicated address and data bus signals
frommultiplexed address/data bus.
3. Explain the bus structure of 8086 with a neat sketch.
4. Draw the pin diagram of 8086 microprocessor and explain the function of each
5. Explain the internal hardware architecture of 8086 microprocessor with neat
6. Explain the different data transfer schemes with examples.
7. What are the peripheral I/O instructions? Write its syntax. Explain the same
withthe timing diagram.
8. How are 8086 instructions classified according to their functional categories?
Explain with examples. 35
9. Explain the organization of 8086 stack and the instructions that will operate
onthe stack.
10. Distinguish between memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O.
11. Explain the external memory addressing of 8086
12. Explain the interrupt architecture of 8086 microprocessor.
13. Explain maximum mode bus cycle in 8086 microprocessor.
14. Draw and explain the signals and bus cycles in maximum mode system
configuration of 8086 microprocessor.
15. How is 8086 configured in maximum mode and in minimum mode? Explain.
16. Write short note on the Direct Memory Access.
2. 1. Explain the 8086 instructions used for transferring data between registers,
memory, stack, and I/O devices.
2. Write a program using 8086 instruction set to multiply a constant value with a
sequence of data, from 1 to n, stored in memory.
3. Write a program using 8086 instruction set to compute the average of ‘n’
number of bytes stored in the memory.
4. Explain data transfer, arithmetic and logical group instructions of 8086
5. Write an assembly language program for 8086 to arrange the set of numbers in
ascending order and explain.
6. How are the 8086 instructions classified according to their functional
categories? Explain with an example for each.
7. Write an assembly language program for 8086 to multiply two 16 bit binary
numbers to generate a 32 bit result.
8. Explain with examples the following 8086 instructions a) AAA b) CBW c) IMUL d)
9. Write an assembly language program for 8086 to sort the array of elements in
ascending order.
10. Write an assembly language program for 8086 to find the largest element in an
11. Explain the 8086 bit manipulation instructions with an example for each.
12. Write an assembly language program for 8086 to convert BCD data to binary
13. Explain the various assembler directives in 8086 microprocessor programming.
14. What is the function of the ASSUME, DB, EQU, EVEN assembler directives of
8086? 97
15. Explain the assembler directives ASSUME, EQU, DW, and EVEN with suitable
16. Explain the relative addressing mode and the implied addressing mode with its
syntax. Write an example for each.
17. Explain the operand addressing of 8086 with examples.
3. 1. Explain the embedded systems with a neat block diagram
2. Explain the applications of the embedded systems
3. Differentiate between RAM and ROM
4. Discuss the concept of memory mapped I/O
5. What are the architectures of embedded systems and briefly discuss
6. Write about the micro controller MSP 430 block diagram
7. Give the instruction set of MSP 430
8. Design an application based on MSP 430
9. Briefly explain the bock diagram of MSP 430x5x
4. 1. Explain the concept of on chip peripherals
2. What are interrupts? explain the concept of interrupt programming based on
MSP 430
3. Write about I/O ports pull up and pull down registers
4. Explain the operation of MSP 430 in low power mode
5. Draw the architecture of FRAM? Briefly explain FRAM
6. What are timers? Explain the real time clock in MSP 430
7. Explain about PWM control and timing generation?
8. Write about the remote controller using MSP 430
9. Explain the process of data acquisition using ADC and comparator
10.Write about data transfer using Direct Memory Access
5. 1. Write down the differences between serial and parallel communication
2. Explain the UART protocol and I2C protocol 268
3. Explain the concept of Serial Peripheral Interfacing
4. What are applications of Universal Serial Bus
5. Interface SPI with MSP 430
6. Write a program to interface USB with MSP 430
7. Using interface protocols interface humidity sensor with passive low frequency
8. Explain the architecture of Internet of Things
9. Give the concept of embedded Wi-Fi
10.Give the concept of Application programming Interfaces
11. Explain the user APIs for wireless and networking applications
12. Write about the applicability of embedded systems in wireless

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