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MPL Assignment-7 Protected Mode

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JSCOE 210257: Microprocessor Laboratory 2019


TITLE: Write X86/64 ALP to switch from real mode to protected mode and display the 
values of GDTR, LDTR, IDTR, TR and MSW Registers. 

1. To be familiar with the format of assembly language program structure and
2. To study GDTR, LDTR and IDTR. 

Write X86/64 ALP to switch from real mode to protected mode and display the values of 
GDTR, LDTR, IDTR, TR and MSW Registers. 

INPUT: system file 

OUTPUT: contents of GDTR, LDTR and IDTR. 

Four registers of the 80386 locate the data structures that control segmented memory 
management called as memory management registers: 

1. GDTR: Global Descriptor Table Register 

 These registers point to the segment descriptor tables GDT. Before any  segment register
is changed in protected mode, the GDT register must point to a valid  GDT. Initialization
of the GDT and GDTR may be done in real-address mode. The  GDT (as well as LDTs)
should reside in RAM, because the processor modifies the  accessed bit of descriptors.
The instructions LGDT and SGDT give access to the  GDTR. 

2. LDTR: Local Descriptor Table Register 

 These registers point to the segment descriptor tables LDT. The LLDT  instruction loads
a linear base address and limit value from a six-byte data operand in  memory into the
LDTR. The SLDT instruction always stores all 48 bits of the six-byte  data operand. 

3. IDTR: Interrupt Descriptor Table Register 

JSCOE 210257: Microprocessor Laboratory 2019

 This register points to a table of entry points for interrupt handlers (the IDT). The  LIDT
instruction loads a linear base address and limit value from a six-byte data  operand in
memory into the IDTR. The SIDT instruction always stores all 48 bits of the  six-byte
data operand. 

4. TR: Task Register 

 This register points to the information needed by the processor to define the  current task.
These registers store the base addresses of the descriptor tables (A  descriptor table is
simply a memory array of 8-byte entries that contain Descriptors and  the descriptor
stores all the information about segments) in the linear address space and  store the
segment limits. 

SLDT: Store Local Descriptor Table Register 

Operation: DEST ← 48-bit BASE/LIMIT register contents; 

Description: SLDT stores the Local Descriptor Table Register (LDTR) in the two-byte register
or memory location indicated by the effective address operand. This register is a selector that
points into the Global Descriptor Table. SLDT is used only in operating system software. It is 
not used in application programs. 

Flags Affected: None 

SGDT: Store Global Descriptor Table Register 

Operation: DEST ← 48-bit BASE/LIMIT register contents; 

Description: SGDT copies the contents of the descriptor table register the six bytes of memory
indicated by the operand. The LIMIT field of the register is assigned to the first word at the 
effective address. If the operand-size attribute is 32 bits, the next three bytes are assigned the 
BASE field of the register, and the fourth byte is written with zero. The last byte is undefined. 
Otherwise, if the operand-size attribute is 16 bits, the next 4 bytes are assigned the 32-bit BASE 
field of the register. SGDT and SIDT are used only in operating system software; they are not 
used in application programs. 

Flags Affected: None 

SIDT: Store Interrupt Descriptor Table Register 

Operation: DEST ← 48-bit BASE/LIMIT register contents; 

JSCOE 210257: Microprocessor Laboratory 2019

Description: SIDT copies the contents of the descriptor table register the six bytes of memory
indicated by the operand. The LIMIT field of the register is assigned to the first word at the 
effective address. If the operand-size attribute is 32 bits, the next three bytes are assigned the 
BASE field of the register, and the fourth byte is written with zero. The last byte is undefined. 
Otherwise, if the operand-size attribute is 16 bits, the next 4 bytes are assigned the 32-bit BASE
field of the register. SGDT and SIDT are used only in operating system software; they are not 
used in application programs. 

Flags Affected: None 


1. Display welcome message on terminal using macro disp. 

2. Store the most significant bit of CR0 in the eax register. 
3. Check the PE bit of CR0. 
4. If PE=1 then display the message “Processor is in Protected mode”. 5. And if
PE=0 then display the message “Processor is in Real mode”. 6. Then copies/stores
the contents of GDT, IDT, LDT using sgdt, sidt, sldt instruction. 7. Display their contents
using macro function disp and disp_num.

JSCOE 210257: Microprocessor Laboratory 2019

In this way, we use GDTR, LDTR and IDTR in Real mode.
JSCOE 210257: Microprocessor Laboratory 2019


Oral Question Bank 

1. Different types of operating modes? 

2. State the difference between different operating modes? 3.
Explain descriptor and descriptor table? 
4. What is CR0 and what are its contents? 
5. Explain different types of descriptor tables? 
6. Explain how to load and store the contents of the descriptor table?

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