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Q.No.3. Trace the history of the Muslim conquests of present day Pakistan areas highlighting their contributions in transforming the society and culture. (20) Q.No.4. What as the contribution of the Muslim Press in the struggle of creation of Pakistan! "#amine the role of prominent Muslim $ournalists in this regard. (20) Q.No.5. %ompare the socio&economic and political conditions of the Muslims and non& Muslims at the ad'ent of (ritish rule in )outh *sia! (20) Q.No.6. "lucidate the difficulties in establishment of an +slamic order in Pakistan after independence. (20) Q.No.7. ,The t entieth century itnessed the ar for oil. The t enty&first century ill itness the ar for ater-. "#amine the practical implications of this statement on situation of Pakistan. (20) Q.No.8. Through *llama +qbal.s ritings and 'ie s of /uaid&i&*0am e#plain their conceptual understanding about the +slamic state. 1o you agree that their 'ision found some place hile e#plaining the constitutional de'elopments throughout the case of Pakistan.s political history! (20) (Faisalabad Re-Exam) 2) %ongress policies in the year 2334 to 2524 6 ith special reference to at least t o leaders in this time. 2) *hmad shah abdali7s early raids against Muslims and )ikhs 6 gi'e e#amples. 8) Trace the history of land reforms in Pakistan. 9) %hange of political orientation of /uaid from :indu muslim unity to muslim unity. What role congress mindset played in this change. 4) +slamic ideology has failed to produce an +slamic pakistan . "lucidate. ;) 1ifference and similarities bet een <ia6 Musharraf and *yub. =) Muslim education mo'ements of 25h century ith special mention of 1eoband.

A em! o"l# $o%& '%es io"s. Q2 1iscuss critically the role of )ilsalah(>rders)in the de'elopment and progess of Muslim society in the )ub&%ontinent of +ndo&Pakistan. Q3 )ir )yed *hmad ?han belie'ed in @Trinity of ideas@ i.e loyalty6 de'otion and aloofness-. 1iscuss it in perspecti'e of his reformation mo'ement. Q4 (efore passing Aahore resolution (Pakistan Besolution)the di'ision of +ndian )ub& %ontinent as ad'ocated by 'arious thinkers6 intellectuals and reformers. 1iscuss.

Q5 The @>b$ecti'e Besolution@(2595) satisfied both orthodo# and modernists by combining the features of Western and +slamic democracy. 1iscuss critically. Q6 What is bureaucracy and hat are its characteristics! :o did it play its role in strengthening and integration of Pakistan! Q7.What are the security concerns of Pakistan! )uggest some measures by re'isiting the foreign policy of Pakistan. Q8 The location of Pakistan has gi'en the strategic strength to the )tate.What are its physical features and narrate its ad'antages and dis&ad'antages.

Q.2 (riefly analy0e and discuss the contribution of the religious reforms C )haik *hmed )irhandi6 )hah Walliullah6 )yed *hmed (arel'i and the like C in the gro th of Muslim consciousness in the )outh&*sian subcontinent. Q.3 Dohn Plamenta0 defines EFationalism. as ,the desire to preser'e or enhance peoples national or cultural identity6 hen that identity is threatened or the desire to transform or e'en create it hen it is felt to be inadequate or lacking.+n the light of abo'e definition6 briefly but comprehensi'ely discuss the respecti'e role played by )ir )yed *hmed ?han6 *llama +qbal and the /uaid&e&*0am in strengthening the Muslim nationalism in +ndia. Q.4 1escribe the main content and relati'e importance of the Auckno Pact and 1elhi Muslim Proposals and their respecti'e impact on the subsequent political de'elopment in +ndia. Q.5 %an the Aahore Besolution be termed as the EMagna %arta. of Pakistan! Take a position and support your argument by historical facts6 if any. Q.6 Gi'e a critical appraisal of the constitutional crisesHcrises initiated by the contro'ersial actions taken by Go'ernor General Ghulam Muhammad and endorsed by the superior %ourt of Pakistan. 1iscuss and analy0e its effects on the subsequent history of Pakistan. Q.7 Iederalism has been a continuing cause of political tension in our country. Will the 23th amendment made in the constitution by the present Go'ernment sol'e this issue for all! Take a position and support ith your argument. Q.8 Gi'en the problems that Pakistan is facing today6 hat is your 'ision of Pakistan in the year 2022! :o 6 in your opinion6 can be its internal and e#ternal problems sol'ed!


/2. )hah Waliullah realised @The renaissance of +slam and Muslim )ociety can not be affected until the intellectual life of the Muslims is re&oriented.@ 1iscuss %ritically. /8. *ligarh and 1eoband mo'ements had great contrast in their 'ie s and mission and their leaders ere at daggers dra n ith each other. 1iscuss /9. :o far is it correct to say /uaid&i&*0am consolidated the nascent state of Pakistan! %omment. /4. Why military of Pakistan inter'ened in Pakistan7s politics! What is the role of the present leadership to de&politici0e army! Gi'e specific measures. /;. What is meant by Fational Beconciliation! What are it7s ingredients! %an e equate Fational Beconciliation ith Fational Beconciliation >rdinance! /=. %ompare and contrast the resistance mo'ement of "ast Pakistan ith the present mo'ement of (aluchistan. )uggest remedies. /3. Pakistan7s industry is pro'iding $obs to 'arious categories of orkers and is earning foreign e#change for the country. %omment.

Q.2 ?eeping in 'ie the di'erse Muslim reformist Mo'ements of the subcontinent6 delineate the sequential unity in the formulation of the ideology of Pakistan. Q.3 What specific steps ere initiated by )ir )yed *hmed ?han hich later on became the agenda points of the mo'ement for Pakistan! :o did these steps orient the Political system in Pakistan! Q.4 +llustrate the role of /uaid&e&*0am for protecting the constitutional rights of Muslims of the subcontinent from 252;&2588! Q.5 Beferring to the e'olution of Political )ystem6 identify the commonalities in among the martial la administrators of Pakistan! Q.6 1iscuss and debate the diplomatic stance of Pakistan regarding , ar on terror ,. :o can it be impro'ised in the current geo&political situation! Q.7 %ompare and contrast the dynamics of recent ci'il society Mo'ement ith other mo'ements in the history of Pakistan! What impact ould it print on Iuture of Pakistan! Q.8 +nspite of strong research base6 rich lands6 reasonable ater resources and 'arious land reforms hy agriculture remained less de'eloped in Pakistan.!


Q.2. What influence )haikh *hmad )irhindi has left on the history of Muslims of +ndia! 1iscuss critically. (20) Q.3. *ligarh Mo'ement in$ected a ne life in the dead body of the Muslim nation and helped to regain its lost glory and prestige. 1iscuss. (20) Q.4. /uaid&e&*0am as the ambassador of ,:indu&Muslim Jnity-. 1iscuss it in perspecti'e of Aukhno Pact and hat future 'ision depicted from the pact! (20) Q.5. The proposals of ,%abinet Mission- (259;) could defer the establishment of Pakistan6 if accepted by Muslim Aeague. "'aluate %ritically. (20) Q.6. The %onstitution of Pakistan (25=8) is the ,mouth piece of +slam-. 1iscuss. (20) Q.7. What is ,Dudicial *cti'ism-! :as it brought Pak&Dudiciary in the state of morality in the recent past! Gi'e suggestion for the independence of Dudiciary. (20) Q.8. What are principal industries of Pakistan and hat problems Go'ernment of Pakistan is facing for its industrial de'elopment! (20)

/.2. %ritically e'aluate the contribution made by missionaries in the gro th of Muslim society in the )ub&continent of +ndo&Pak. /.8. The 1eoband )chool stood for @definite religio& political goals ith limited sphere of influence.@ 1iscuss. /.9. "lucidate +deology of Pakistan. What are the reasons hich contributed for the de'elopment of t o&nation&theory! +s t o&nation&theory rele'ant after the fall of 1acca! 1iscuss. /.4 Minto Morely Beform as a @tool of change@ in the political system of +ndia. 1iscuss it ith special reference to the demands. of )imla 1eputation. /.;. Aocal go'ernment system under the @1e'olution of Po er Plan 2002@ has miserably failed in deli'ering ser'ice to the masses. . 1iscuss. /.=. @Pakistan is a federation in form and unitary in spirit.@ 1iscuss it keeping in 'ie the strengths and ekness of Iederation of Pakistan.

)a* A$$ai&s 2006

/2. 1escribe the most notable feature of Muslims in +ndia in the light of their monothestic religion and egalitarian social structure. /8. 1iscuss the role of Muslim Ma$ority pro'inces in the establishment of Pakistan. /9. *ssess the account for the problems hich /uaid&e&*0am had to face as Go'erner General of Pakistan /4. :ighlight the 'arious characteristics of Pakistani culture. bring out the importance of customs and traditions in the society. /;. )ummari0e the go'ernment measures to impro'e the agricultural producti'ity in the light of introducing ne irrigation pro$ects /=. 1escribe the distribution of +ron and )teel industry of Pakistan. "'aluate its role in the industrial de'elopment of the country /3. Political map of Pakistan is the outcome of its geo&strategic location. Gi'e a reasoned account for the statement.

2. summari0e the political scene of the sub continent at the opening of the eighteenth century 8. critically e'aluate the contribution of frai0i mo'ement in the life of Muslims in the sub continent 9. e#amine allama iqbal.s concept of Muslim Fationalism in the light of allahabad address 4. address the importance of Pakistan.s relations ith the "uropean Jnion for the foreign policy of Pakistan as a hole ;. 1efine and e#plain the geographic inertia and its role in the de'elopment of Pakistan =. *ccount for the initial concentration of agro based industry in the manufacturing belt of Pakistan

3. Jsing as much e'idence as possible6 outline a case for the de'elopment of ater resources in the +ndus (asin. "#amine also polity in this phenomenon.

*ttempt any 4 questions. 2.*naly0e the factors responsible for degenaration of muslim society in 23th century! 2.7*ligarh is arsenal of Muslim +ndia7(/uaid&e&*0am)Farrate briefly the role of *ligarh for the cause of the muslims of the )ubcontinent ith special reference to the final phase of their independence! 8.*ccount for emergence of *ll +ndia Muslim Aeague and assess its importance in +ndian politics during 250;&2528! 9.Trace the course of khilafat mo'ement and assess its significance for the de'elopment of muslim nationalism! 4.@(et een 258=&259= congress policies ere such as to make Pakistan ine'itable761iscuss. ;.What do you kno about ater crisis in Pakistan.*lso suggest concrete steps for its solution. =.Thro light on the steps taken under 'arious Go'ts. for the promulgation of +slamic system in the country! 3.Write notes on any t oK a.>b$ecti'e resolution b.)i# points of Mu$eeb ur Behman c.Pakistan7s role in the ar against terrorism. %"&2008 )A+,-.AN AFFA,R- )a!e& 2003 I"1"B*A PJ(A+% )"BL+%" %>MM+))+>F %>MP"T+T+L" "M*M+F*T+>F I>B B"%BJ+TM"FT T> P>)T) +F P()&2=6 JF1"B T:" I"1"B*A G>L"BFM"FT6 2008 G"F"B*A ?F>WA"1G"6 P*P"B&+++ (P*?+)T*F *II*+B)) T+M" *AA>W"1 K Tl +B"" :>JB) M*M+MJM M*B?)K 200 FoteK *ttempt any I+L" questions. *ll questions carry "/J*A marks. Write clearly. 2. 1iscuss the role and efforts of Muslim religions leaders for the establishment of Muslim )ociety in the )ub&%ontinent. 2. 1iscuss the ideological foundations of the @T o Fations Theory2= ith reference to the contributions of 1r. +qbal and the /uaid&i&*0am. 8. %#amine the natute of %ongress rule in the Pro'inces under the Go'ernment of +ndia *ct6 2584. What as its impact on the Muslim Politics! (20604)

9. *s a result of (ritish&:indu conspiracy on the e'e of independence the )tate of Pakistan inch ultimately emerged in *ugust 259=6 as not so strong as 'isuali0ed by the /uaid&i&*0am but only a @mutilated@6 Nmoth&eatenO and @truncated@ Pakistan. "lucidate. 4. @7Muhammad *li Iormula as practicable compromise bet een the t o ings of Pakistan on the questions of representationH7 To hat e#tent6 it as acceptable to both the ings of Pakistan! ;. To hat e#tent the 'ersion of Irancis Mudie as true that @the greatest dangerO to Pakistan in 259= as @the refugee problem in West Pun$ab@ and ho did the Policy& makers of Pakistan respond to it! =. The so&called 7+nstrument of *ccession7 of (harat ith ?ashmir @is fraudulent and impossible to accept@ as it is @based on 'iolence@. 2 the light of7the /uaid&i&*0anrs statement make a comparison and correlation of the )late of Dammu and ?ashmir ith the )tate of Dunagadh6 Mana'adhar6 Mangrol6 )ardargarh6 (ant'a and :yderabad etc. 3. Write short notes on any TW> of the follo ingK (20620) (a) Problems of "ducational )ystem in Pakistan (b) Geo&PoliticalP position of Pakistan. (c) @Pakistan is a rich country here poor people li'e.@

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