8630 Cast Steel
8630 Cast Steel
8630 Cast Steel
Fatigue and monotonic test specimens having porosity ranging from micro- to macroscopic levels were cast from 8630 steel. Monotonic and fatigue properties were obtained to determine the effect of porosity on the mechanical performance of the cast steel. Axial fatigue tests were conducted under fully reversed conditions in both strain and load control on specimens containing microporosity, and in load control for specimens containing macropores. Monotonic tests revealed that specimens containing microporosity had strength properties comparable to sound material, but with substantially reduced ductility (76% less reduction in area). At stress amplitudes of 126 MPa, microporosity specimens were found to have lives greater than 5 million cycles (run-out) whereas macroporosity specimens had fatigue lives in the 102104 cycle range at the same stress level. Fatigue lives for macroporosity specimens were in a range from 104 to 106 cycles when tested at the lowest stress amplitude, 53 MPa. The measured specimen elastic modulus was found to vary with porosity volume. Specimens with higher measured modulus outperformed the lower modulus specimens. Fatigue lives of the cast steel specimens were calculated using conventional models of fatigue behaviour, the strainlife and linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) approaches. Life calculations made using the strainlife approach gave good agreement with measurements for specimens having microporosity, but this approach gave non-conservative results for macroporosity. LEFM modelling gave non-conservative results for both micro- and macroporosity specimens. For specimens with macroporosity, the calculations are difcult because of the porositys complex shape and large size relative to the specimen, and the inability to determine the specic macropores responsible for fatigue failure of the specimens which is necessary for direct model-measurement comparisons. IJCMR/514
# 2004 W. S. Maney & Son Ltd. Manuscript received 27 January 2004; accepted 20 April 2004. Keywords: Porosity; Cast steel; Fatigue; Strain-life; Fracture mechanics
Porosity in steel castings is a central concern of foundries. It results if there is insufcient liquid metal to feed a casting section as molten steel contracts
{Present address: Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, P.O. Box 748, Fort Worth, TX 76101 *Corresponding author, email christoph-beckermann@uiowa. edu
during solidication and dissolved gases come out of solution. All porosity can be detrimental to strength and fatigue life of cast components because the pores act as stress risers within the casting and cracks can nucleate at pores leading to fracture. Despite this, the quantitative impact of porosity on the fatigue behaviour of steel castings is not fully understood, and there is no well accepted method to predict the effect of porosity on casting performance. As a consequence, design engineers have little choice but to use overly large safety factors in many designs, resulting in over-designed, heavy and expensive castings leading to increased costs and lead time, while decreasing casting yield and productivity. Other important features of the metal, such as microstructure, grain size, segregation at grain boundaries, and inclusions inuence the fatigue and fracture behaviour as well, and these effects compete with one another and porosity. However, the objective of the current work is to study the relative effects of only micro- and macroporosity on fatigue behaviour of cast steel, and investigate models to predict their effects. Since there are no performance-based guidelines for design of cast components where the amount or location of porosity is considered, it is difcult to assess during the design stage whether a cast component will be produced at a high enough quality level to meet its performance requirements. Conversely, a casting might be designed and specied at too high a quality level resulting in an over-designed, over-priced part. Current criteria for the acceptance or rejection of steel castings, such as the ASTM standard casting radiographs,13 dene only the qualitative amount of porosity allowed in a casting. These standards consider only the relative amount of radiographically detectable macroporosity present in the casting and not the location or the size of the porosity contained within the casting and its relationship to the design. Furthermore, the radiographic standards do not address microporosity which may be undetectable, but is known to have a detrimental effect on material properties. In the case of microporosity, the engineering approach investigated in this work is to predict the formation of microporosity during the casting process and, then, to design the part considering the impact of microporosity on performance using fatigue and/or fracture mechanics principles. The size and location of porosity and the loading conditions have been shown to inuence the fatigue strength and fatigue life of various castings with
DOI 10.1179/136404604225020588
larger pores in the higher tensile stress elds resulting in shorter fatigue lives.48 The primary methods to calculate fatigue lives of cast specimens containing porosity involve modelling pores as equivalent notches or cracks.4,7,912 Modelling of pores as elliptical or semi-elliptical cracks is the most common technique, but modelling pores as three-dimensional ellipsoidal notches has also been evaluated.9 Modelling pores as three-dimensional notches uses a local strain model to calculate the fatigue lives of components. The local strain model assumes that crack nucleation encompasses the majority of the life of the component. Linear elastic fracture mechanics, LEFM, is used to model pores as pre-existing cracks within the component, and assumes that crack propagation will consume the majority of the fatigue life. In this investigation, the effects of porosity on the fatigue behaviour of axially loaded 8630 quenched and tempered cast steel specimen were obtained. Then typical methods were used to calculate the fatigue lives of the specimens. A recently developed porosity prediction algorithm was used to design and produce cast specimens having a wide range of porosity as shown in Fig. 1.13 This algorithm has been implemented within the commercial casting simulation software MAGMAsoft as a software module.14 This computational tool predicts the location, volume percentage and size of porosity in castings ranging from radiographically undetectable microporosity to macroporosity. Four casting geometries were designed with this software to produce specimens with three levels of radiographically detectable macroporosity (termed least, middle and most), and test specimens with only microporosity. Other than porosity level, the as cast specimen blanks were produced to reduce as much as possible their variability in microstructure and inclusion content by casting them from the same heat of metal, with all types of specimens together in the same mould box, and heat treating them all together. Fatigue testing in accordance with ASTM standards was then performed using 10 stress/strain amplitudes for 14 microporosity specimens, and four stress amplitudes for 25 macroporosity specimens. Fractography and microscopy were conducted on the fracture surfaces using a scanning electron microscope, SEM, upon completion of mechanical testing. Microscopy work was conducted on fracture surfaces, and cut and polished sections, of the microporosity and macroporosity porosity specimens. Analysis was conducted on both the macroand microscopic levels using microporosity specimens and specimens from each macroporosity porosity group to understand the fracture morphology and pore geometry. Regions of fatigue crack nucleation and growth were of particular interest and were studied to determine the actual cause of failure. Determination of the pore sizes, shapes, and locations responsible for specimen failure are required in fatigue life calculations. Microscopy was performed to obtain what could be considered average pore geometries and volumes from ground surfaces from within the gage sections of the specimen groups. This information combined with the crack nucleation data gathered from fractography was used to calculate specimen fatigue life. Calculated and experimental specimen fatigue lives were then compared.
1 Typical comparison between a radiographs of specimen blanks and b computer model predictions of specimen blanks porosity volume percentages
Experimental procedure
Test specimens Test specimens used in this investigation were prepared from AISI 8630 quenched and tempered
132 Sigl et al. Fatigue of 8630 cast steel in the presence of porosity
Dimensions of cast blanks in millimetres. Dimension X~5, 7.5 and 10 mm for least, middle and most macroporosity specimen groups, respectively
cast steel. The composition (wt-%) was 0.93 Mn, 0.66 Si, 0.50 Ni, 0.48 Cr, 0.29 C, 0.27 Mo, 0.045 Al, 0.022 S and 0.027 P. Microporosity specimen blanks (Fig. 2a) were cast with reservoirs of molten steel at the ends of the blank with a narrow gage section located in the centre in an attempt to minimise the occurrence of macroshrinkage in the casting. Specimen blanks with macroporosity (Fig. 2b) were cast as 14 mm dia. cylinders with an approximate 25 mm dia. disc located at the mid-length of the casting to create a hot spot where the porosity would form. The amount of porosity in the casting was controlled by changing the thickness of the central disc, with more porosity occurring in the castings with thicker discs. Casting simulation (Fig. 1b) predicts a maximum porosity of approximately 0.5% in the gage section of the microporosity specimen blanks, and a porosity range between 2 and 25% in the macroporosity specimen blanks depending on the central disc thickness. All cast blanks received identical heat treatment; normalised at 900uC, austenised at 885uC, water quenched, and nally tempered for 1.5 h at 510uC. This heat treatment resulted in a tempered martensitic structure with a Rockwell C hardness of 34. This heat treatment matched that used on the 8630 steel tested in a 1982 Steel Founders Society of America (SFSA) study15 to produce specimens having the same material properties as this baseline data. Specimens used in the 1982 SFSA report were machined from large cast trapezoidal-shaped keel blocks, and data from the report15 will be referred to as sound specimen data throughout the remainder of this paper. After heat treatment, each cast specimen blank was machined into a round test specimen with the nal polished dimensions shown in Fig. 3. Machining followed the ASTM E60616 standard that provides guidelines for specimen preparation, geometry, nal surface nish and uniformity. The machined specimens were examined through visual inspection and radiographic analysis to
determine a qualitative measure of the porosity present in each casting group. Typical radiographs of selected specimens are shown in Fig. 4. Visual inspection showed that two of the 15 microporosity specimens and 27 of the 29 specimens with macroporosity had exposed pores at the specimen surface. No porosity was detectable in the radiographs of the microporosity specimens; they appeared to be radiographically sound. The micropores were too small (v200 mm diameter) to be detectable by the radiographic analysis used. Based on the radiographs of the macroporosity specimens, it was observed that the least and middle porosity groups contained very similar amounts of macroporosity with pore radii of approximately 0.75 mm. The most porosity group of specimens showed the presence of even larger voids. In a study of the ASTM standard radiographs,17 it was shown that the equivalent radii of the porosity in the radiographs (determined by two times the area of a radiographic indication divided by its circumference) were in a range from 0.6 to 1.1 mm over all ve ASTM levels of porosity severity. For the three lowest levels of porosity in the ASTM standard radiographs (including all types, A, B and C), it was found that the average equivalent radius of porosity was approximately 0.75 mm,17 which agrees well with
Radiograph images of a microporosity specimens, b least macroporosity specimens, c middle macroporosity specimens, and d most macroporosity specimens
observations of the least and middle porosity groups examined here. It was concluded17 that the typical size of macropores detected through the ASTM Standards13 was about 0.75 mm with larger sizes forming in worse porosity through the merging of pores. Mechanical testing Testing was performed using a 100 kN closed loop servo-hydraulic test system. All fatigue tests were performed under fully reversed (R~21) loading conditions. The alignment of the load frame gripping xtures was veried according to ASTM Standard Practice E1012, Type A, Method 1, and meeting the requirements of ASTM E606, which requires that the maximum bending strains so determined should not exceed 5% of the minimum axial strain range imposed during any test program.16,18 Monotonic and fatigue property data of the 8630 steel with microporosity were obtained rst, before the macroporosity specimens. Monotonic tests were conducted in displacement control following standard ASTM E08 that provides guidelines on specimen preparation, geometry, surface nish, diameter measurement, test machine preparation, grips, alignment, rate of testing and determination of tensile properties.19 Testing procedures for strain controlled low cycle fatigue (LCF) tests outlined in ASTM E606, that provides guidelines for alignment, calibration, grips, transducers, xtures, cycle counting, extensometers, test environment, wave form, frequency, number of specimens and failure criteria, were followed to gather the needed cyclic and fatigue properties.16 Tests conducted in strain control had constant strain rates of 0.01 s21 with frequencies varying between 0.25 and 1.25 Hz. At smaller strain amplitudes, the behaviour of the specimens was predominantly elastic, making it possible to approximate strain amplitudes using load control. Cycling specimens in load control allowed the testing speed to be increased to 1030 Hz with lower frequencies used for higher stress amplitudes. All least, middle and most macroporosity specimens were run in load control at 1020 Hz. The extensometer was also used on these tests to produce readings for the elastic modulus E. These data were collected to determine whether a relationship between the apparent elastic modulus and the porosity volume measured from the radiographs could be established. Specimens with macroporosity were tested at four different stress levels with the rst stress level chosen as 126 MPa; note this was the runout stress amplitude for the specimens with microporosity. The second stress level of 66 MPa was chosen by converting the strainlife eN curve of the microporosity specimens to a stresslife, SN, curve and then shifting this curve down to the lives of the specimens with macroporosity previously tested. This adjusted SN curve was then used to estimate stress amplitude and lives of the specimens with macroporosity. The goal was to obtain a life on the order of 106 cycles without a run-out occurring. The remaining stress levels were chosen to ll in gaps within the macroporosity specimen data. All fatigue tests were
performed until fracture of the specimen occurred, or a run-out life was achieved at 56106 cycles.
Experimental results
Monotonic testing Monotonic material tensile properties were obtained from two microporosity specimens with the average results shown in Table 1. In this table, the ultimate tensile strength, Su, yield strength, Sy, Youngs Modulus E, per cent reduction of area, %RA, per cent elongation, %EL, true fracture strength sf, true fracture ductility ef, strength coefcient K and strain hardening exponent n are given for the microporosity specimens. Only values for Su, Sy, E, %RA, sf and ef may be compared to the sound specimen data,15 since %EL, K and n were not given in the earlier study. Monotonic tensile stressstrain curves for the specimens with microporosity are shown in Fig. 5. As is evident in Table 1, both the sound and microporosity material gave similar properties for E, Su and Sy, found by the 0.2% offset method. The %RA for the microporosity specimens was found to be 76% lower than the %RA for the sound specimens. Neither monotonic microporosity test specimen showed signs of necking, and, in conjunction with small values of %RA and %EL, these tests indicate that the specimens with microporosity exhibited low ductility.
Table 1 8630 steel monotonic properties
Property Su, MPa Sy, MPa E, GPa %EL %RA sf, MPa ef K, MPa n Micropore material avg. 1125 1088 197 2.5 7.0 1156 0.073 1307. * . 0.0279. * . Sound material15 1144 985 207 ^ 29 1268 0.35 ^ ^
*Not the arithmetic mean but the best fit regression to the aggregate data.
134 Sigl et al. Fatigue of 8630 cast steel in the presence of porosity
Halife hysteresis loops used to create cyclic stressstrain curve for microporosity specimens
Microporosity specimen fatigue testing Cyclic and fatigue material properties for the microporosity specimens are shown Table 2, and they are again compared with the results for the sound specimens.15 The rst two entries in Table 2 are the fatigue strength (or fatigue limit) Sf at 56106 cycles, and the fatigue ratio Sf/Su. The fatigue ratio is reduced by more than a factor of 2 from the sound data. Via the companion sample method, the cyclic stressstrain curve shown in Fig. 5 was generated using the approximate halife stable hysteresis loops from a series of fatigue tests run at six strain amplitudes ea. In this process, the tensile points (loop tips) of the stabilised hysteresis loops at the specimen halife are connected as shown in Fig. 6 to form the curve. In Fig. 6, only four of the six strain amplitudes tested are discernible; the lowest two strain amplitudes collapse onto the curve for ea~0.004. The cyclic stressstrain curve is used to determine the material properties which relate the nominal true stress and true strain ranges as given by equation (1) 1 DS D S n De~ z2 : : : : : : : : : (1) E 2K 0 where the symbols DS and De are the nominal true axial stress and true axial strain, respectively, E is Youngs modulus, K9 is the cyclic strength coefcient, and n9 is the cyclic strain hardening exponent. Values
Table 2
Property Sf, MPa Sf/Su K9, MPa n9 S9 y , MPa b c s9 f , MPa e9 f
of these parameters are given in Table 2 for the sound and microporosity material. The value of cyclic yield strength S9 y was found to be 894 MPa, which is less than Sy (comparing Tables 1 and 2), indicating that the material cyclic softened. Cyclic softening commonly occurs with high strength materials and results in softening of the material as the cyclic loading progresses. The majority of softening occurred within the rst 1020% of specimen life, and then slowed to an approximate constant slope of decreasing maximum stress in tension, and increasing minimum stress in compression. A strain versus reversals to failure e2Nf curve (Fig. 7) was constructed from the plastic and elastic curves, which when summed produce the total e2Nf curve equation De Dee Dep sf ~ z ~ (2Nf )b zef (2Nf )c : : : (2) 2 2 2 E where De/2 is the total strain amplitude, Dee/2 is the elastic strain amplitude, Dep/2 is the plastic strain amplitude, s9 f is the fatigue strength coefcient, b is the fatigue strength exponent, e9 f is the fatigue ductility coefcient, and c is the fatigue ductility 9 exponent. The values for s9 f , b, ef and c from the microporosity specimens are given in Table 2 and were determined by a curve t of the test data. Comparison between the microporosity and sound data in Table 2 reveals the largest difference to be the fatigue ductility coefcient. In equation (2), the rst addition term is the equation of the elastic strain amplitude curve, and the second term is the equation of the plastic strain amplitude curve. Many steels behave in a predominantly plastic manner under high strain amplitudes, and in a predominantly elastic manner at lower strain amplitudes with a transition point where the elastic and plastic curves cross. It was observed that this transition point never occurred in the microporosity specimens as the elastic strain amplitudes were always larger than the plastic strain amplitudes. At strain amplitudes of 0.004 and below, plastic strains were virtually nonexistent, and the Dee/2 data points can be seen to fall directly on top of the De/2 data points.
*Data determined from the companion method. {Data determined from the companion and incremental step methods, respectively.
8 Porous material fatigue data with scatterbands; dotted pattern, least porosity; vertical shading, middle porosity; inclined shading, most porosity
Macroporosity specimen fatigue testing The fatigue test conditions and test results for all specimens with macroporosity are given in Table 3. They are grouped by least, middle and most porosity specimen geometry types, and then from largest to smallest stress amplitude level within each group. Experimental fatigue results of the least, middle, and most macroporosity levels are shown in comparison to the microporosity specimens in the stresslife, SN, curve of Fig. 8. Scatter bands are drawn around each of the three porosity groups. The scatterbands for the least and middle porosity groups show signicant overlap, indicating that the groups had similar fatigue lives. The scatterband for the most porosity group falls farther to the left of the
Table 3
least and middle porosity groups and has fewer areas of overlap, demonstrating generally lower experimental fatigue lives at the same stress level. Note that all of the macroporosity specimens had considerably shorter fatigue lives than the lives of the microporosity bearing material, and were tested below the microporosity specimens fatigue limit for the majority of the fatigue testing. A modulus of elasticity Emeas of each macroporosity specimen was measured during testing to determine whether the porosity level and measured modulus could be correlated. It was also believed that this might serve as an indicator of porosity volume. This apparent specimen modulus is reduced from the modulus of sound specimens by the lost section thickness associated with porosity. The modulus of the microporosity test specimens was only 5% lower than the sound data15 as seen in Table 1, and this difference could be attributable to normal variability and/or the greater microporosity. As determined from the data in Table 3, the macroporosity specimen modulus values were 2063% lower than the sound material modulus, and 1661% less than the microporosity specimen measured modulus. Measured modulus ranges of 137153, 111166 and 77 136 GPa were found in the least, middle and most specimen groups, respectively. Note that the least and middle specimen groupings had mean Emeas of approximately 144 GPa and produced similar experimental fatigue results, and the mean measured modulus of the most specimens was 113 GPa. Both the least and middle materials had a mean measured modulus signicantly higher than the most porous material and outperformed the most porous specimens in fatigue testing.
136 Sigl et al. Fatigue of 8630 cast steel in the presence of porosity
Porous material fatigue data grouped by modulus Emeas with scatterbands; dotted pattern, modulus 140 GPa and greater; vertical shading, modulus 110139 GPa; inclined shading, modulus less than 110 GPa
Calculated stress amplitude macroporosity data; squares, least porosity; diamonds, middle porosity; triangles, most porosity; and test stress amplitude data Sa for (lled circles) microporosity material
Based on the relationship between the measured specimen modulus and fatigue life, a more appropriate grouping of specimens would be on the basis of measured modulus rather than specimen casting geometry. Therefore, new macroporosity groupings based on measured moduli of 140 GPa and greater, 110139 GPa, and moduli less than 110 GPa were made, approximately splitting the total range of moduli data into thirds. These new groups are plotted in the SNf graph of Fig. 9 which has scatterbands drawn around the measured modulus groupings. Generally, the data when plotted in these three new groupings show that the higher modulus specimens outperformed the lower modulus specimens, and that categorising the data based on measured modulus provides a better grouping, with less overlap, than the as cast geometry did in Fig. 8. All macroporosity tests were conducted using load control. This meant that the amplitude of the axial force on the specimen was determined based on the nominal specimen cross-sectional area and the desired stress amplitude levels before testing. The nominal specimen area was determined from diameter measurements made using an optical microscope without consideration of porosity. This test amplitude stress is lower than the true stresses experienced by the specimen material since the specimen area is reduced by the macroporosity. Assuming that the decrease in measured modulus is because of the reduced volume caused by porosity, there is a reduction in the effective cross-sectional area of the specimen test section. Considering this, a better representative value of the effective stress amplitude applied to the macroporosity test specimens is calculated by equation (3) Sa :Emicro Scalc ~ : : : : : : : : : : (3) Emeas where Emicro and Emeas represent the modulus of the microporosity specimens and macroporosity test specimens, respectively, and Scalc and Sa represent the newly calculated nominal applied stress amplitude, and the original stress amplitude based on a
sound test specimen, respectively. Using this equation, the calculated test stress amplitudes ranged from approximately 70 to 250 MPa instead of the four stress amplitude groups of 53, 66, 96 and 126 MPa. The calculated stress is given in Table 3 for each test specimen. New data points using the calculated stresses, shown as open shapes, are shown in the S Nf plot in Fig. 10. From Fig. 10, the test specimens fall into a power function pattern with the higher stresses generally seeing shorter lives than the lower stresses, as is normally expected with fatigue data. Even with the calculated nominal stress, the specimens with macroporosity still had signicantly shorter lives than the microporosity specimens with similar stress amplitudes. It is apparent that using this representative stress amplitude alone does not entirely explain the poor fatigue behaviour of the specimens with macroporosity. The actual stresses responsible for failure are even higher than these calculated stresses. The calculated stresses in Fig. 10 are based on a measured modulus arising from the entire specimen test section and are not determined at the failure initiation sites. Results of the fatigue testing of the micro- and macroporosity specimens are compared with the sound material test curve15 in Fig. 11. Note that the microporosity data (dashed curve) depart more from the sound data (solid curve) at decreasing levels of stress, and at lower levels of stress (300 MPa), the fatigue life is reduced by a factor of about 100. Since this microporosity is difcult to detect, it may point to a cause of the overly large safety factor applied by designers to cast material throughout an entire cast part in lieu of the ability to predict the presence of microporosity in parts and design for its localised effects. The ratio of the stress amplitudes of the microporosity specimens to macroporosity specimens range from 5 at 102 cycles to failure to 3 at 105 cycles, which emphasises the dramatically reduced fatigue resistance associated with macroporosity. Run-out tests (Nfw56106 cycles) occurred at the 126 MPa stress level in the microporosity test specimens.
Stress amplitude versus cycles to failure for sound cast 8630 material property curve,15 microporosity data and macroporosity data using calculated stress amplitude from equation (3) 12 Typical ductile dimples found in nal fracture regions of microporosity specimens
The results of the fatigue testing point to the importance of integrating the prediction of porosity in the casting process with the casting design. In the case of microporosity, since it is difcult to detect using nondestructive inspection (NDI), predicting microporosity in the casting process and considering its effect on fatigue life of the part will be useful in designing and producing parts with greater durability and reducing overly large factors of safety applied to design calculations. The results for the macroporosity specimens provide a lower bound or worst case boundary for property. Certainly more research into the effects of macroporosity and an explanation for the signicant data scatter observed here are warranted. Unless an engineering approach can be developed to conservatively consider the effects of macroporosity on the casting performance, good casting practices and NDI must be relied upon to prevent it from occurring.
Specimens tested at strain amplitudes below ea~0.003 had at regions in the fracture surface indicating areas of fatigue crack growth (FCG). Clear regions of crack nucleation and nal fracture were also observed in these specimens. The nal fracture region was composed primarily of ductile dimples (Fig. 12) and the FCG region was composed of fatigue facets. Typical fatigue facets found in the FCG region are shown in Fig. 13. Three low strain amplitude specimens were evaluated under the SEM, and all were found to have cracks that nucleated from surface or near-surface porosity approximately 200 mm in diameter such as shown in Fig. 14. No indication of unsoundness was observed on the radiographs for all microporosity specimens. Three of the 15 microporosity specimens were examined under 2030006 magnication. Pores of 100200 mm dia.
138 Sigl et al. Fatigue of 8630 cast steel in the presence of porosity
were observed in the fracture surface of these three specimens. Only after sectioning the microporosity specimens approximately 5 mm behind the fracture surface, and polishing to a mirror surface nish, was the widespread presence of micropores revealed. The observed micropores on the polished surface were nearly spherical in shape with diameters ranging from approximately 220 mm. Larger pores on the order of 200 mm, as found in three specimens on the fracture surface, were not evident in any ground and polished sections. On the polished surfaces, the micropores were not distributed evenly across the surface; therefore, a conservative estimate of total local micropore volume gathered by measuring the total micropore surface area from a high micropore concentration region is approximately 0.65%. An
image of typical micropores found on the ground surface is shown in Fig. 15. Specimens with macroporosity Eight specimens with macroporosity were chosen to have their fracture surfaces examined with the SEM. The fracture surfaces fell into two categories: those that showed clear evidence of fatigue fractures such as in Fig. 16a, and those that did not (Fig. 17a). Specimens with evidence of fatigue fractures typically had a FCG region as indicated by a large at region on a macroscopic view, and had the appearance of fatigue facets on a microscopic view. In several specimens, a nal fracture region was found on the macroscopic level as a shiny region containing a small but identiable shear lip. Upon evaluation of the nal fracture region on a microscopic level, ductile
Macroporosity specimen; a fracture surface showing signs of FCG near edges of specimen and b ground surface
Macroporosity specimen; a fracture surface with no signs of macroscopic fatigue and b ground surface
dimpling was observed as was the case with the microporosity specimens. Unfortunately, none of the specimens showed a clearly identiable region of crack nucleation at a specic pore. This introduces uncertainty to the application of predictive fatigue life models. Fracture surfaces of the eight specimens selected for study were ground back to more clearly show the porosity present within the specimen. The polished surfaces of the specimens are shown aligned in the same orientation as the fracture surfaces in Figs. 16b and 17b. The total macropore surface areas of the polished surfaces were then measured using image analysis, dividing this by the total cross-sectional area of the specimens gives porosity ranging from approximately 2.2 to 30.9% for the eight specimens. Also a calculated porosity percentage was determined from the measured elastic modulus Emeas of each specimen according to equation (4) Emeas (4) Calculated porosity %~100 1{ Emicro where the constant Emicro is the modulus of the specimens with microporosity. The measured pore area percentages are compared to calculated porosity percentages in the third and fourth columns of Table 4. It should be noted that the macroporosity was not uniformly spread throughout the gage section of the specimens. Therefore the measured pore area
Table 4
percentages are not entirely representative of the pore volume of these specimens and are merely a snapshot of a section near the region of fracture. Though their magnitudes are different, the calculated and measured porosities appear to be in somewhat relative agreement between specimens.
Specimen H2 G7 C4 C10 C2 E6 E1 D5
Calc. porosity, % 23.4 27.4 27.4 28.4 30.5 39.1 54.3 55.8
Meas. pore area, % 14.9 2.2 10.5 13.5 23.2 27.6 29.7 30.9
Major axis, 2a, mm 2.25 2.01 1.50 1.75 3.33 2.35 4.10 4.00
Minor axis, 2b, mm 1.8 0.43 0.75 1.00 1.15 2.00 1.79 2.35
140 Sigl et al. Fatigue of 8630 cast steel in the presence of porosity
depends not only on the stress concentration factor, but also on the notch radius, material strength, and mean and alternating stresses.23 Kf was determined from Kt using21,24 Kt {1 : : : : : : : : : : (5) K f ~ 1z 1z a=r : 2070 1 8 a~0:0254: : : : : : : : : : (6) Su where, r is the notch root radius in millimetres, Su is the ultimate tensile strength of the material in MPa, and a is a material constant in mm. It should be noted that equation (6) was originally developed for wrought steels.24 Extending equation (6) to cast steels was the best approximation available for the constant a. Nominal stresses were calculated at each strain amplitude tested, assuming perfectly sound specimens. This was accomplished using equation (1), which relates the nominal true stress DS and true strain ranges De. The local notch root stress and strain ranges were then calculated from the nominal stress and strain ranges by simultaneously solving Neubers rule, equation (7), and the stable cycle hysteresis loop equation, equation (8), given below as De:Ds~Kf2 De:DS : : : : : : : : : : (7) 1 Ds Ds n z2 : : : : : : : : : (8) De~ E 2K 0 where Ds and De are the local axial stress and strain at the notch root, respectively. The material properties, E, K9 and n9, were taken as those of the sound keel block material as provided in Table 2.15 The local notch strain range from equations (7) and (8) was then put into equation (2) to calculate the fatigue life of the specimens with microporosity. Spheroid notches of 10, 20, 100 and 200 mm dia. were chosen to represent the range of possible pore sizes where the fatigue failure initiates. These representative values were chosen based on observations made on the fracture and polished surfaces, and demonstrate how micropore size data might be used to determine the effect of microporosity on the steel fatigue resistance. The resulting life calculations are shown in Table 5 and in graphical form in Fig. 18, which plots the strain amplitude ea versus cycles to
Table 5
ea 0.01 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.0015. * . 0.001. * . 0.0008. * . 0.00065. * .
Local strainlife curve for sound material, microporosity data and model calculations for microporosity specimens using 10, 20, 100 and 200 mm dia. surface notches
failure Nf. Note that calculated run-out points are not indicated in Fig. 18, and note that life calculation modelling lines are extended out to 16107 cycles. Any notched fatigue life values that are calculated to be greater than 56106 cycles should be considered calculated run-outs. The results shown in Fig. 18 are encouraging, since micropores responsible for the failure of the three circled specimens in Fig. 18 were observed to be nearly spherical in shape with diameters of approximately 100200 mm and were located at, or near, the specimen surface. The three experimental data points agree better with the 100200 mm pore size calculations than with the 1020 mm pore or sound material curves. Calculations using micropores of 100200 mm dia. result in reasonably accurate and conservative life calculations using the strainlife approach for all microporosity specimens. Also, the two run-out specimens that were tested at the lowest strain amplitude agree with the run-out calculation for the 200 mm sized pore. Examination of the micropore specimen fracture surfaces with a SEM showed that the specimens tested at high strain amplitudes, De/2o0.003, showed no clear indication of crack
Comparison of experimental microporosity specimen fatigue lives and calculated fatigue lives for 200 mm spherical notch using local strainlife model
Experimental Nf, cycles 10 29 153 and 381 3800 650 and 3476 19 299 62 112 517 015 and 512 858 951 965 Run-out. {/run-out . Calculated Nf (cycles) for a 200 mm notch 27 40 70 170 300 2100 11 800 222 000 1 240 000 Run-out
Note: fatigue lives for runs at repeated strain levels are separated by and. *Strain amplitude approximated using load control. {Run-out was taken as 5 000 000 cycles.
nucleation, FCG, or nal fracture regions whereas the specimens tested at low strain amplitudes, De/2 v0.003, clearly demonstrated all of these features. This may explain the disagreement with the two points at the far left in Fig. 18. Since the most useful region of this gure is the high cycle range, these high strain levels would not be desirable in a design or application. Modelling micropores by linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) principles were used to calculate the microporosity specimen lives and compare with fatigue testing results. It is assumed that for the microporosity material, a fatigue crack of size a has a crack growth rate of da/dN that can be modelled by the Paris equation da ~A(DK )n : : : : : : : : : : : (9) dN where A and n are material constants and DK is the mode I stress intensity factor range operating on the crack. The constants A and n are determined from crack test data for a given material, and unfortunately it was not feasible to measure fatigue crack growth properties in the current series of material testing for the microporosity specimens. Therefore, properties from the sound material, as given in Table 6,15 were used in the LEFM calculations presented here. For fully reversed testing, the value of DK was calculated using equation (10) p DK ~Smax paF : : : : : : : : : : (10) where Smax is the maximum stress, a is the crack depth, and F represents a shape factor that relates the geometry of the crack front to the crack depth. Equation (10) only takes into account Smax because the minimum stress intensity factor is undened in compression and will have a value of zero. Additional crack closure was not incorporated. Substituting equation (10) into equation (9) and integrating from the initial crack depth ai to the nal crack depth af results in equation (11), giving the total cycles to failure.
N f a f
diameter of the round specimen, the shape factor F(a/Dsp) becomes a a a F ~g 0:725z2:02 Dsp Dsp Dsp (12) 3 # p a : z0 37 1{ sin 2 Dsp g 1=2 , a 2 p a p a tan ~0:92 Dsp p 2 Dsp 2 Dsp p a (13) cos 2 Dsp
Nf ~
dN ~
da p : A(Smax paF )n
: :
: : (11)
Cracks responsible for the failure of the specimens were formed from pores located near or at the surface of the round specimens. Therefore, the cracks were modelled as semi-circular surface cracks. Forman created a model for semi-circular cracks growing in round bars, much like the cracks growing in these specimens.25 Using this model, where Dsp is the
Table 6
Property Sy, MPa DKth, MPa m1/2 Kc, MPa m1/2 A, m cycle^1 n
The initial crack length was taken as the square root of the projected area of the pore that nucleated the crack.10,12 For simplicity, it was assumed that for all microporosity specimens, the cracks leading to fracture nucleated from 200 mm dia. pores. Therefore, an initial crack length of 177 mm was used for all micropore specimens. This assumed initial crack length is termed physically small by ASTM Standard E647, since it is less than 1 mm.26 Five of the eight stress levels resulted in DK below the long crack threshold stress intensity factor DKth so small crack growth behaviour was assumed to exist. Since small crack growth behaviour was not evaluated for the sound specimens, this growth was calculated by extrapolating equations (9) and (11) into the small crack growth region from the sound data.15 The specimens tested at strain amplitudes greater than ea~0.0015 were run in strain control, so the stable cycle stress taken from mid-life of the specimen was used as an approximation of Smax. The maximum stress used during testing must be less than or equal to eight-tenths of the yield strength for LEFM to be applicable. Therefore, two of the testing levels, ea~0.01 and ea~0.008, could not be evaluated with this procedure since the stable cycle tensile peaks were too large and violated LEFM restrictions. The nal crack length of each specimen was determined either at the point where net section yielding would occur, or at the point where the critical stress intensity factor Kc was reached. Some difculty arises applying this method for nal crack size determination in the Forman crack front model. The Forman model is only capable of reaching crack sizes equivalent to the radius of the specimen, as is demonstrated by the following equation for determining the crack length a(2:Rsp {a) : : : : : : : : : : (14) r~ 2(Rsp {a) where r is the radius of the circle describing the crack front, a is the crack length, and Rsp is the specimen radius. As the crack length a approaches Rsp, the equation becomes undened. If net section yielding could only be reached when a crack length larger than Rsp was reached, the crack shape was assumed to become a straight front, so net section yielding, and consequently af could be calculated. Equations (12) and (13) were used to calculate the stress intensity factor. It was found that all failures occurred by net section yielding.
142 Sigl et al. Fatigue of 8630 cast steel in the presence of porosity
microporosity. However, it appears now that, compared to sound material, material with microporosity will likely have a lower threshold value and a faster crack growth rate at a given DK as a result of stress concentrations created around microvoids within the material. Shorter LEFM calculated specimen lives will result from either shifting the Paris equation up by increasing the constant A, or from increasing the slope of the equation by raising the value of the exponent n. Both would lead to shorter calculated specimen life.
Table 7 gives specimen test information, and the experimental and calculated fatigue lives using the Forman crack front model. These results are compared in Fig. 19. It can be seen that LEFM calculations (dotted line) modelling the micropores as cracks overestimates life compared to all test data except the three longest life specimens. In the calculations, ve of the eight strain amplitudes were not large enough to produce a stress intensity factor that was above the long crack threshold intensity factor of DKth~9.4 MPa m1/2 for the given crack size. Even though the LEFM calculations indicated that the initial discontinuities would not lead to specimen failure, if they were treated as long cracks, evaluation of the fracture surface indicated that the near surface porosity did indeed contribute to the failure. Since small crack growth can occur below this DKth, an explanation for this disagreement lies in looking at small crack growth. Small crack growth is greatly inuenced by the microstructure of the component and is often very unpredictable. It can be approximated by the extrapolation of the Paris equation into the small crack growth behaviour regime as was done here. However, this extrapolation may have contributed to unrealistic calculations. Another source of error is the use of fatigue crack growth properties that were not measured for the microporosity specimens. It was hoped that the sound material constants A and n used in equation (9) could be used in the material with
Table 7
Smax, MPa 862 790 698 395 296 198 158 126
Macroporosity fatigue life calculations by strainlife approach An appropriate notch model must be selected to calculate the fatigue life of the macroporosity specimens using the strainlife approach. Both size and shape for the notch responsible for the failure must be dened for the notch. Since it was not possible in the present study to identify particular notches responsible for failures of the macroporosity specimens, the course of action taken was to perform test calculations using a variety of available notch models using notch (pore) size and shape data determined from microscopy. As an initial step, specimen C4 was determined to be a representative specimen for the purpose of applying strainlife calculations. In specimen C4, the macroporosity was encapsulated at the specimen centre and did not extend as near the surface as it did in some specimens. Specimen C4 had three large macropores on the ground-back fracture surface. Based on the average dimension of the pores in C4, a spherical notch of radius 0.75 mm was selected as the representative notch. The cross-sectional area of this notch was close to the average pore area in specimen C4. Using the spherical notch model21 for this size of notch gave agreement between calculated and measured fatigue life for specimen C4. In the current work, these stress concentration factors were determined from best t lines to the curves found in the handbook of stress concentration factors by Peterson.21 These assume the notch to be internal in an innite body and so the surface stress concentration factor Kt was increased by 7% as mentioned earlier. As a next step, results of the life calculations are compared with experimental lives in Fig. 20 using this representative 0.75 mm radius notch for all specimens. Note that the data point for specimen C4 is
Note: fatigue lives for runs at repeated stress levels are separated by and. *Run-out is 56106 cycles. {Small crack growth assumption was needed to make life predictions.
Calculated versus experimental life for strain life modelling based on typical macropore sphere found in specimen C4; Rpore~0.75 mm
indicated in the gure. Since an identical notch size is used in all specimens, the variables reecting the different amounts of porosity in each specimen are Emeas and Scalc. Macropores cause a substantial loss of cross-sectional area within the specimen, and hence a large increase in the applied stress. Considering this, the calculated stress from equation (3) was used as the stress amplitude in the strainlife modelling. Agreement between experiment and calculation is good for about two-thirds of the specimens in Fig. 20, and poor for the other third. Also, where there is poor agreement, it is unfortunately non-conservative. Eight specimens (circled in Fig. 20), four of which are above the upper 106 life interval line, were selected for further analysis to see if using more scrutiny in the selection of the notch model, and the notch dimensions, would produce better agreement. These eight specimens are the same specimens listed in Table 4. Note that these eight specimens were tested over a range of stress amplitude levels. Specimens C10 and E6 were chosen for detailed analysis specically for their unusually long and short lives, respectively. Each macroporosity casting group was represented in the eight selected specimens. Aside from the 0.75 mm radius spherical notch model used in Fig. 20, hemispherical or 3-D ellipsoidal notches (the Sadowsky/Sternberg or the Neuber notch models) were used to model the stress concentration factors. The Sadowsky/Sternberg type
Table 8
Specimen H2 G7 C4 C10 C2 E6 E1 D5
notch was used for pores that loosely resembled the shape of a cigar or American football. Pores of this type required measurements of the major and minor axes, which were determined by microscopy of the 2D polished surface images. The Neuber notch model was used for pores that were more disc-shaped. The plane of the ellipse is parallel to the loading direction for the Neuber notch with the axis of revolution about the minor axis. Notch size and shape data are required to develop a model notch within the material, and this was determined from microscopy. Using these notch models, the stress concentration factors Kt ranged from 2.27 to 2.97. From Kt, a fatigue notch factor was calculated using equations (5) and (6). Table 4 contains the ellipsoidal notch information used in the specimens selected for analysis: notch type, major and minor ellipse axes length, Kt and Kf. In cases where a specimen contained multiple pores, the notch was created to t the dimensions of the largest pore on the ground surface of the specimen. Using Scalc from equation (3), the nominal strain ranges were determined from equation (1), and the notch root strain was determined from equations (7) and (8). The specimen life was calculated using equation (2), with the results shown in Table 8. Calculated versus experimental fatigue lives are shown in Fig. 21 using solid data points for strain life modelling. Generally, the calculations are still nonconservative. The effectiveness of the local strainlife model with ellipsoidal notches in calculation of the fatigue life of specimens with macroporosity varied signicantly. Unfortunately, no remarkable differences were observed during microscopy examination between the specimens that were in good and in poor agreement with the notch modelling. However, there are fundamental factors that contribute to the modelling uncertainties and may be sources of disagreement between the notch calculations and tests: complex pore shape, an inability to determine a specic pore responsible for failure, the presence of multiple pores in the specimens, the use of innite body notch models, use of bulk material properties of the microporosity specimens, and the use of a calculated stress based on the modulus Emeas. The shape of the porosity was very torturous and made the process of tting a notch to the pore geometry difcult and not entirely quantitative. This contributes to uncertainty in the notch dimensions. Though many macropores were evident throughout the ground surfaces of some of the specimens, the fatigue life calculation only takes
144 Sigl et al. Fatigue of 8630 cast steel in the presence of porosity
for the life calculation equations must be modelbased, instead of using a measured stress Scalc. Modelling macropores by LEFM approach Modelling the fatigue lives of the eight selected specimens listed in Table 4 by LEFM was also performed. Since it could not be determined through fractographic analysis which pores were responsible for the failure of a particular specimen, the square root of the total surface area of the porosity was used to determine the initial crack length for each specimen as measured. It was anticipated that this approach would give a conservative estimate and would be applicable for life calculations. The crack length at fracture was determined to be the point of net section yielding and was determined in the same manner as af was found in the micropore LEFM calculations. The value of DK was determined using equations (10), (12) and (13) and the maximum nominal stresses encountered during testing. The Forman crack front model, equations (12) and (13), was again used as a result of the presence of surface porosity on all of the evaluated specimens, though actual crack nucleation regions could not be determined. The life calculation was made by numerically integrating equation (11), with the results shown in Table 9. Fatigue lives calculated using LEFM are plotted in Fig. 21 versus experimental fatigue lives using open symbols. The LEFM life calculations produced results that were generally in less agreement with the measurements than the notched strainlife calculations. Only one of the LEFM life calculations was conservative, with ve specimens having calculated lives more than 10 times longer than what was observed experimentally. The initial crack length was taken as the square root of the total pore surface area found on the ground surface instead of just a single pore or group of pores that were thought to be responsible for the failure of the specimen, which should have led to conservative results. As with modelling the micropores, the use of crack growth properties taken from sound (keel block) material may have adversely affected the life calculations of the specimens with macroporosity. In summary, assumptions that may have resulted in disagreement between the model calculations and test data are: modelling macropores as the square root of the total pore area, uncertainty in the actual macropore sizes responsible for failure, and the lack of good crack front propagation models for material surrounding the macroscopic pore.
Calculated versus experimental life for strain life and LEFM modelling for eight identied points in Fig. 20 using pore measurements given in Table 4
into account the inuence of a single pore, or tightly spaced group of pores modelled as a single ellipsoidal notch. Strainlife material properties from the specimens with microporosity were used in the fatigue life calculations for the specimens with macroporosity. These material properties used are given in Table 2. This is believed to be an accurate representation of the specimens with macroporosity because the sound portions of the specimens were observed to contain micropores ranging from approximately 10 to 200 mm in diameter. Essentially, the macropore notches reside within material having properties of the specimens with microporosity. Recall that the notch models assume an innite body. However, as is evident in Figs. 16 and 17, the macropores are of a size comparable to the nominal area of the specimen. Therefore another shortcoming of the calculations is that the corrected innite body solution does not accurately reect the true Kt of these specimens. The pores were also very large in relation to the overall dimension of the specimens. It may have been benecial to use larger specimens or create specimens with smaller amounts of porosity. Either case would address these issues, and reduce the difference between the specimens and the notch model. Finally, to develop a truly predictive model, the stress input
Table 9
Specimen H2 G7 C4 C10 C2 E6 E1 D5
*Run-out is 56106 cycles or greater. {Stress intensity factor threshold value was not exceeded.
Cyclic and fatigue material properties were measured through strain and load controlled R~21 testing of the microporosity specimens. Microporosity specimens had low Dep/2 at high strain amplitudes and virtually no Dep/2 at strain amplitudes lower than De/ 2~0.006. The fatigue limit Sf was also much lower than sound cast material. The difference in material properties was as a result of the occurrence of microporosity. Comparison of the micropore cast steel material with sound specimen properties revealed similar monotonic strengths, but reduced ductility. Percent reduction in area was signicantly reduced by approximately a factor of 4, and though a direct comparison between per cent elongation was not possible, a value of 2.5% would be considered very low for cast steels of similar strength which normally have a per cent elongation near 20%. Microporosity had a signicant inuence on the cyclic and fatigue properties of the specimens with microporosity. The reduced ductility of the steel gave a lack of plastic strain observed during cycling, causing the elastic strain amplitudes to remain larger than the plastic strain amplitudes at all strain levels tested. This would cause the material to behave in a more brittle manner with increased crack growth rates and consequently reduced fatigue strengths at all strain amplitudes. Evidence of this is shown in the reduced fatigue limit at 56106 cycles which is less than half of the Sf observed in the sound specimens. Further, the micropores themselves would act as stress risers within the specimen, further decreasing the crack nucleation times. Specimens containing macroporosity performed signicantly more poorly than specimens that contained microporosity in fatigue testing. For a stress amplitude of 126 MPa, the two specimens with microporosity resulted in run-out tests; their fatigue lives were greater than 56106 cycles. At the same stress level, eight macroporosity specimens in all three groups were tested, and the lives of these specimens ranged from 160 to 41 000 cycles. Within the three macroporosity specimen groups, the least and middle porosity groups were found to have similar fatigue lives and both outperformed the most porosity group. A correlation between the measured specimen modulus Emeas the porosity level (represented by specimen group), and the specimen fatigue life was observed. The specimen modulus Emeas was shown to have a strong correlation with the fatigue life of the specimens and was subsequently used as a new way of grouping the specimens. Generally, specimens with higher Emeas outperformed the lower modulus specimens, but signicant scatter could still be observed within the modulus groups, particularly noticeable in the modulus 110139 GPa grouping, as well as in the calculated stress grouping. Emeas appears to be a better indicator of fatigue performance than specimen grouping, but this information alone cannot be accurately correlated to the life of a specimen. The most common pore size found on the polished microporosity specimen surfaces with microporosity was approximately 8 mm in diameter. However, sizes up to 20 mm in diameter were also observed. Larger
pores, on the order of 200 mm in diameter, were observed on several of the specimen fracture surfaces. Though these larger pores may not be numerous within the current material, they have a signicant inuence on the fatigue life. From local strainlife modelling, a notch diameter of 200 mm gave good agreement with fatigue testing. LEFM modelling of micropores did not produce accurate life calculations as a result of the small crack growth behaviour of the micropores and lack of crack growth property data. As a result of the small size of the micropores, the extent of microporosity could not be determined conclusively, neither by examination of the radiographs nor through the examination of the fracture surfaces. Information on the size and distribution of microporosity was gathered through microscopy conducted on ground surfaces of the microporosity specimens. The total microporosity area was determined to be 0.65% or less within the microporosity specimens. This relatively small percentage of microporosity caused signicant reduction in ductility performance, which concurs with a study by others who found that microporosity values greater than 0.5% signicantly reduced per cent elongation and per cent reduction in area while having little effect on strength properties.27 For the macroporosity specimens, it was determined that strainlife calculations using a spherical notch radius of 0.75 mm gave agreement with the test data to within one decade for 20 out of the 27 of the specimens tested. The notch radius used in the calculations was chosen because it agrees with the pore radius observed via SEM in a typical macroporosity specimen and the equivalent radius of porosity on ASTM standard radiographs.17 The disagreement between the measured and calculated lives of the specimens with macroporosity was primarily non-conservative for both the strainlife and LEFM approaches, with LEFM giving more disagreement. The largest disagreement between the calculations and test data was observed at the lowest lived specimens (highest stress levels). Modelling the effect of macroporosity using the strainlife and LEFM approach was hindered by the torturous shape of the shrinkage porosity and the large size of the macropores relative to the specimen diameter. Determining a proper value for Kt was difcult. The complex shape of the porosity is not the idealized hemispherical and three-dimensional elliptical notches. Here, as in other investigations, an envelope was constructed around the pore to approximate it as a 200 mm sphere (in the case of microporosity), and a 0.75 mm dia. sphere and threedimensional notches as shown in Table 4 (in the case of macroporosity).9,10 This is the rst attempt by these authors to relate the fatigue life to the size of the porosity as it may be found on an X-ray or a cut section. The crack initiation and growth from pores is much more complex than this and is inuenced by the detailed geometry of pores deep in the solidied structure with smaller radii and sharper corners. However, crack initiation and growth from pores also depend upon location of these pore features relative to the grain boundaries and the orientation of grain boundaries on the pore periphery relative to the
146 Sigl et al. Fatigue of 8630 cast steel in the presence of porosity
stress.28 These issues may be difcult to include in a general predictive model, and a more thorough analysis that takes into account more details of pore shape and other issues will have to be done in the future to see if predictions can be improved. Modelling the effect of macroporosity using LEFM was hindered by using crack growth properties taken from sound keel block material, as well as the large size of macroporosity located within the specimens, which is expected to increase the stress amplitude in the section. Examination of the porous material fracture surfaces with the SEM showed that many specimens had no clear indication of crack nucleation, FCG, or nal fracture regions on either the micro- or macroscopic levels. However, several specimens tested did have FCG and nal fracture regions similar to the micropore material low strain amplitude specimens on both the micro- and macroscopic levels, but there was no clear indication of crack nucleation.
and the nal test specimen castings, Alloy Weld Inspection Co. for their digital and lm radiography of the fatigue test specimens, and MAGMA GmbH for their support of the porosity prediction model used to design the test specimen castings.
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This research was undertaken as part of the Integrated Design of Steel Castings for Service Performance project which is funded by the United States Department of Defense through the American Metalcasting Consortium (AMC) PRO-ACT program. AMCs PRO-ACT programme is sponsored by Defense Supply Center Philadelphia (DSC, Philadelphia, PA, USA) and the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA, Ft. Belvoir, VA, USA). This research is also conducted under the auspices of the Steel Founders Society of America, and through substantial in-kind support, guidance and interest from SFSA member foundries. In particular, the authors would like to thank Harrison Steel for several trial iterations on the casting of test specimens