Heroheim Basic Rules
Heroheim Basic Rules
Heroheim Basic Rules
There are six phases each turn. Only the active players warriors act during that players turn. (Except in close combat.) During each phase, the steps detailed here must be followed in exactly this order:
Movement Phase
1. Move any warriors that you wish, working through them one at a time. 2. (Warriors cannot run if there are visible, non-hidden enemies within 6.) 3. Declare which warriors are hiding. (Unless a rule, spell or ability explicitly states that a warrior can hide at some other time, warriors can only hide at this point of the turn.)
Deployment Phase
1. Deploy any troops the scenario dictates. (Warriors can move, shoot and charge the turn they are deployed, and wizards generate power dice the turn they are deployed.)
Shooting Phase
1. Warriors armed with missile weapons may fire one of them. 2. A wizard may attempt to cast a spell. (When targeting missile weapons and spells, you may not measure distances beforehand. If the target is out of range, the shot or spell still counts as having shot or been cast.) 3. Work through each warrior, one at a time, in any order that you wish. 4. Declare which warriors are keeping overwatch.
Recovery Phase
1. Wizards and Priests that are not fleeing
generate 1 power dice each. (Priests must pass a Leadership test to generate power dice.) 2. Fleeing warriors attempt to rally. 3. If they fail, they immediately flee 2D6 towards their deployment zone again. 4. If they succeed they rally. (They may move/run and cast spells/prayers as normal that turn, but they cannot charge or shoot a missile weapon. They may hide as normal.) (Note that wizards and priests do not generate power dice the turn they rally.)
Charge Phase
1. Declare all charges before moving any warriors. You may not measure distances beforehand. 2. Once all charges are declared, move each charger, one at a time, in the order of your choice.
Characteristics Tests
When taking any kind of characteristics test (such as an Initiative test), a natural 1 always succeeds and a natural 6 always fails, regardless of the models characteristic. When taking any kind of Leadership test, a natural 2 always succeeds and Leadership cannot be increased beyond 10.
Normal Moves
Warriors move up to their Movement value in inches. Warriors can pass over obstacles up to 1 high without using Movement.
Jumping Horizontally
Warriors can jump over gaps (such as rooftops) up to 6 wide. (You may measure the distance across beforehand, unless the jump is part of a charge.) Jumping horizontally uses up movement. If the distance is further than 6 the warrior falls from where he jumped.
Running Moves
Warriors move up to twice their Movement value in inches. Warriors cannot hide or shoot a missile weapon the turn they ran, but they may cast spells. A warrior cannot run if there are any visible, non-hidden enemies within 6 of him.
A warrior that is in cover from all enemies may hide. Hidden warriors cannot be shot at, charged or targeted with spells. If a warrior can fly for any reason, he cannot hide at the end of a flying move. A hidden warrior is immediately un-hidden if: He runs, charges, shoots, or (attempts to) cast spells. An enemy moves within its Initiative value in inches of him. Any enemy has completely unobscured line-of-sight to him. (I.e. no cover.)
Climbing Up/Down
Warriors may climb a maximum of 6 per turn. (There does not need to be a solid wall or similar surface in between start and end.) Climbing uses up Movement. A warrior must take a single Initiative test to climb. If he fails while climbing up he stops were he started to climb. If he fails while climbing down, he falls the entire distance.
A warrior that falls takes one Strength X hits where X = [distance in inches that he fell]. You can only fall from a full 2 or more. Falling damage ignores armour saves. A warrior that has fallen down may do nothing else for the rest of that turn.
Jumping Down
Warriors jumping down take an Initiative test for each full 2 jumped. If they fail any one of them, they fall the entire distance. Jumping Down does not use up Movement. (You may measure the distance down beforehand, unless the jump is part of a charge move.)
Declaring Charges
You may charge any visible, non-hidden enemy but you may not measure the distance beforehand. You may engage multiple enemies with a charge if they are within 1 of each other and not behind the charge target. All charges are declared simultaneously. To determine how many fighters that can fit into close combat you may rearrange you own warriors but not the enemys wrriors.
Intercepting Enemies
If a warrior is within 2 of an enemys movement path, and that warrior is not already engaged in close combat, that warrior may intercept the enemy. The warrior moves into the enemys path. The enemy will count as charging the intercepting warrior. Each moving enemy can only be intercepted by one warrior. Interception can be made against all kinds of enemy moves; - normal moves, running moves, charging moves and flying moves. If either model causes fear, apply fear as normal. Warriors that are fleeing cannot intercept. Grey marks the interception zone:
Diving Charges
If a charge involving Jumping Down is executed so that the charger lands within 2 of his target and has enough Movement left to successfully charge the enemy, then that charge is a diving charge. Diving Chargers have +1 S on profile the first round of combat. (This may take them above their racial maximum.)
Failed Charges
If a warrior fails a charge, for whatever reason, he is moved his base Movement value towards the target or to where he fell or to the foot of where he failed his climb test. Warriors that fail a charge may not shoot missile weapons that turn, but they may cast spells or prayers.
Close Combat
Who can Fight
Enemies within 1 of each other will fight. (Enemies separated by low walls etc. will also fight.) Warriors can fight 360 around themselves. Warriors cannot shoot missile weapons while in close combat. Warriors may cast spells while in close combat.
Fighting Unarmed
Unarmed attacks are at -2 S. Warriors with the Fights Unarmed special rule are exempt form this.
Warriors armed with missile weapons may shoot once in their shooting phase. If they are armed with multiple missile weapons they must choose which to fire. Work through your warriors individually, one at a time, in any order you wish. Shooting requires line-of-sight. Warriors can see 360 around themselves. Warrior cannot shoot through allied warriors. Warriors cannot shoot the same turn they made a running move. Warriors cannot shoot if they are engaged in close combat or fleeing. When firing a missile weapon, a warrior shoots just once, regardless of how many Attacks he has on profile.
A warrior that is elevated at least 2 above the ground and did not run, or shoot, or (attempt to) cast a spell during his own turn may be set to overwatch. During the opponents turn, each warrior that is set to overwatch will automatically make a single normal shot at the first enemy that moves into his line-of-sight. (I.e. quick shot, multiple shot, etc. cannot be used for overwatch but other shooting skills apply as normal.) The shot will have an additional -1 to hit. Only missile weapons with a range of 18 or more can be used for overwatch. (Blunderbusses cannot be used for overwatch.)
Targeting Shooting
Warriors must shoot at the closest target, and must ignore fleeing enemies as long as there are other targets he can shoot at. If the closest target is in subject to BSpenalties, you may choose a more distant target provided that is it easier or just as easy to hit. (BS-penalties include cover, stealth, the Dodge: Ranged skill etc.) Pick Target: A warrior firing from a position elevated 2 or more above ground level may freely pick his target unless there is a visible enemy within 3 of him. (In which case he must follow normal targeting rules.) You cannot fire into close combat involving your own warriors. You may fire into close combat involving two other warbands. Roll to randomize hits.
Special Rules
Whenever a warrior charges or is charged by an enemy that causes fear, he must roll equal to or under his Leadership on 2D6. If failed, he suffers -1 to hit against all enemies that turn. Failing multiple fear tests will decrease a warriors 'to hit' rolls multiple times, but a natural 6 is always a hit. Warriors that cause fear only cause fear the turn they charge or is charged. (I.e. a warrior that is fighting the same fear causing enemy for multiple turns only has to test against that enemy in the first round of combat. But he will still have to test for fear if new fear-causing enemies join the battle.) Fear also applies when intercepting or intercepted. Warriors that cause fear are immune to fear themselves.
Other members of the warband that are within 6 of a leader may use his leadership instead of their own. The leader cannot use this ability while he is hiding or fleeing.
Warriors that hate their enemies have +1 to hit them in all rounds of close combat. Hatred only affects close combat attacks.
Heirloom: (Item)
Warrior has this item when hired. It may not be swapped or sold, but may be robbed and discarded. If a warrior would die or be sacked but his weapons, armour, and equipment be returned to his warbands stash, heirloom items are still lost.
Poisonous Hits
Poisonous hits may re-roll natural 1s to wound. If the target is immune to poison, no re-roll is gained.
Some abilities knock their target a certain distance backwards. (Usually D3.) Whenever target is knocked back it is always knocked directly away from the warrior that caused the knockback. Stop if the warrior reaches a solid object, like a wall or another warrior. If knockback takes the target into close combat with an enemy, the enemy counts as charging and the warrior cannot use the Strike First ability of Spears or Halberds that turn. If knockback takes target off a building, apply falling damage as normal. If a model is knocked back while engaged in close combat, it is always knocked out of that close combat. (It will be considered to have left that close combat and any enemies the warrior was fighting do not gain free hacks against him.) Monsters ignore knockback.
Flaming Hits
Hits that are flaming have an extra +1 modifier when rolling on the critical hit chart. If a hit is both flaming and poisonous, poison has no effect.
Regeneration Save
The warrior has a special save he can use after he has failed his armour save (if he has one). This save is not negated by the strength of the attacker. (This save can be used vs. hits that ignore armour saves.) Flaming hits ignore regeneration.
Ward Save
The warrior has a special save he can use after he has failed his armour save (if he has one). This save is not negated by the strength of the attacker. (This save can be used vs. hits that ignore armour saves.)
Fleeing Movement
Fleeing warriors always flee towards their deployment zone, avoiding any enemies. If a fleeing warrior has to descend from a building, the controlling player may decide whether that warrior climbs down or jumps down. Fleeing and Flying: Fleeing warriors that can fly still flee only 2D6 (or 3D6 if they are animals.) but do not have to pass climb or jump down tests while fleeing.
Blackpowder Misfires
Whenever a warrior rolls a natural 1 to hit with a blackpowder weapon, his weapon has misfired and he must roll on the misfire chart. When shooting twice with two pistols, all shots are resolved simultaneously. (So even if one shot misfires, thereby taking the shooter himself out of action, the other shot will still fire as normal.) Blunderbusses never misfire. D6 1 Result Boom!: Weapon cannot fire your next turn and wielder takes 1 Strength 4 hit. Take armour saves as normal. Phut: Weapon suffers -1 Strength for the rest of the battle. (Multiple Phuts stack, down to a minimum of Strength 1.) Jammed: Weapon cannot fire your next turn. Click-click: Weapon fails to fire but no extra effect. Ka-boom!: Shot hits its intended target with additional +1 Strength.
4-5 6
To Wound
A natural 1 always fails to wound. A natural 6 always wounds.
T1 4+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ T2 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ T3 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ T4 6+ 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ T5 6+ 6+ 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ T6 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ T7 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 2+ T8 6+ 6+ 7+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ T9 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ T10 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 5+ 4+
-1 WS Warrior is outnumbered -1 WS Target has Dodge: Close -1 WS per fear test failed this turn +1 WS Warrior hates his target
To Hit (Shooting)
A natural 1 is always a miss. A natural 6 is always a hit. BS D6 1 6 2 5 3 4 4 3 5 2 6 2 7 1 8 0 9 -1 10 -2
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10
A warrior that is wounded by a hit with a Strength that is double or more his own Toughness, loses 2 wounds instead of 1. (It is still only one wound and so there is only one save.)
-1 BS Target is in Cover -1 BS Target has Stealth (and is in Cover) -1 BS Target has Dodge: Ranged -1 BS Moving and Shooting -1 BS Shooting Longer than 18 -1 BS Shooter is keeping Overwatch -1 BS Shooting a full 3 or more up (Measured vertically.)
Dont Forget!
Fear, panic, magical miscasts and blackpowder misfires - they also apply in the heat of battle.