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Social Issues and The Environment: From Unsustainable To Sustainable Development. Urban Problems

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Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

UNIT V Social Issues And The Environment : From unsustainable to sustainable development. Urban problems related to energy. Water conservation, rain water harvesting, water shed management. Resettlement and rehabilitation of people. Environmental ethics. Consumerism and waste products. Environmental protection act-air prevention and control of pollution! act, water prevention and control of pollution! act, wildlife protection act, forest conservation act. Role of an individual in prevention of pollution. "uman population and the environment-population growth, variation among nations, population e#plosion, role of information technology in environment and human health. Development $ true development does not mean a high standard of living with all benefits and an increase in the %&' %ross &ational 'roduct! of few countries. (ut it brings benefits to all, not only for the present generation, but also for the future generation. From ns stainable to s stainable development Definition $ccording to &orwegian 'rime )inister and *irector of World "ealth +rgani,ation W"+!, %.". (rundtland, sustainable development is defined as , - meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.. Is it true sustainable development? Few developed countries have reached the greatest heights of scientific and technological development. (ut the air we breathe, the water we drin/ and the food we eat at have been badly polluted. +ur natural resources are 0ust dwindling due to over e#ploitation. True sustainable development 1rue sustainable development aims at optimum use of natural resources with high degree of reusability, minimum wastage, least generation of to#ic by products and ma#imum productivity. !orld s mmit "A#enda$ on s stainable development 1he discussion on sustainable development was held in 2334 in the U& conference on environment and development U&CE*!, also /nown as the earth summit held at Rio de 0anerio, bra,il. 5everal documents were created for U&CE*, which brought out the fact the environment and development were closely connected and there was a need to - care for the earth.. 1he Rio declaration also states that - a new and e6uitable global partnership through the creation of new levels of cooperation among states.. +ut of its 7 significant agreements $genda-42 proposes a global programme of action on sustainable development in social, economic and environmental conte#t for the 42st century. Dimensions o% s stainable development 5ustainable development is multi dimensional concept aiming at benefits derived from the interactions between society, economy and environment. Aspe&ts "or$ aim o% s stainable development a! Inter generational equity: it states that we should hand over a safe, healthy and resourceful environment to our future generations. b! Intra generational equity: it states that the technological development of rich countries should support the economic growth of the poor countries and help in narrowing the wealth gap and lead to sustainability.

Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

Con&ept "or$ Approa&hes "or$ si#ni%i&an&e %or s stainable development 1o build up the sustainable development, the following approaches or! methods are proposed. 2. Developing appropriate technology: 8t is the one, which is locally adaptable, eco-friendly, resourceefficient and culturally suitable. 8t uses local labours, less resources, and produces minimum waste. 4. educe! euse! ecycle "#$ % approach: 8t insists optimum use of natural resources, using it again and again instead of throwing it on the waste land or water and recycling the material into further products. 8t reduces pressure on our natural resources and reduces waste generation and pollution. 9. &roviding environmental education and a'areness: (y providing environmental education and awareness, the thin/ing and attitude of people towards our earth and the environment can be changed. :. (onsumption of rene'able resource: 8n order to attain sustainability, it is very important to consume the natural resources in such a way that the consumption should not e#ceed regeneration capacity. 7. (onservation of non rene'able resources: &on-renewable resources should be conserved by recycling and reusing. ;. &opulation control: (y controlling population growth we can ma/e sustainable development.

U'(AN P')(*+,- '+*AT+D T) +N+'./ Urbani0ation Urbani,ation is the movement of human population from rural areas to urban areas for the want of better education, communication, health, employment, etc., Ca ses o% rbani0ation 5ince cities are the main centers of economic growth, trade, transportation, education, medical facilities and employment, rural people moves to cities. )rban spra'l: $bout 7<= of the world population lives in urban area and people from rural area is moving to cities for employment. 1hus the urban growth is so fast and it is difficult to accommodate all the commercial, industrial, residential and educational facilities within a limited area. $s a result there is spreading of the cities into sub-urban or rural areas. 1his phenomenon is /nown as urban sprawl. +ner#y demandin# a&tivities 8n developing countries, urban growth is very fast and pollution is uncontrollable and unplanned growth. When compared to rural people, urban people consumes a lot of energy and materials and generates a lot of waste. 1his is because urban people have a higher standard of life and their life style demands more energy inputs. E*amples for energy demanding activities 2. Residential and commercial lightings. 4. 1ransportation means including motor cycle, car and public transport for moving from residence to wor/ place. 9. 8ndustries using a large proportion of energy. :. )odern life-style using a large number of electrical gadgets fan, fridge, washing machine, $>C, water heater, etc.,! in everyday life. 7. Control and prevention of pollution, need more energy dependent technologies. 1hus due to high population growth and high energy demanding activities, the urban problems related to energy are much more magnified as compared to the rural population.

Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

Solution for urban energy problem 1. Urban people may use public transport instead of using motor cycles and cars. 2. Energy consumption must be minimi,ed in all aspects. 3. 'roduction capacity may be increased. 4. Use of energy efficient technology. 5. Using solar energy and wind energy. 6. 8mposing strict laws, penalties and energy audit.

!AT+' C)N-+'VATI)N De%inition The pro&ess o% savin# 7ater %or % t re tili0ation is 8no7n as 7ater &onservation. Water is an eli#ir of life and needs to be conserved. 8t is a natural renewable resource for sustaining life and environment. $ccording to a U.&. report, supply of clean and fresh water is fast depleting. 8n 9< years, two third of population will suffer from water crisis. Water crisis started affecting people in most parts of the world. +ften there is shortage of water supply during summer. 5o, it is necessary to start conserving water without wasting it. Need %or 7ater &onservation (etter lifestyles re6uire more fresh water. $s the population increases, the re6uirement of water is also more. *ue to deforestation, the annual rainfall is also decreasing. +ver e#ploitation of ground water, leads to drought. $gricultural and industrial activities re6uire more fresh water. -trate#ies o% 7ater &onservation Decreasing run$off losses: (y allowing water to percolate into the soil by contour cultivation, terrace farming, mulching, water storage structure e.g. farm ponds!, chemical treatment e.g. surfactants and gypsum! to improve soil permeability, we can decrease run-off losses of water. educing irrigation losses: We can reduce the water loss in irrigation by the following methods? *rip irrigation Use of covered canals. 8rrigating fields in early mornings or late evenings to avoid water evaporation. %rowing hybrid crop varieties which need less water. e$use of 'ater: 1he treated waste water can be used for lawns and gardens, washing and cleaning purposes. Prevention o% 7asta#e o% 7ater 1he following steps must be followed to prevent wastage of water? Closing taps when not in use. Repairing lea/ages in pipes. Using small capacity flush in toilets.

Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

,+T9)D- )F !AT+' C)N-+'VATI)N

1here are so many methods available for water conservation, of which the followings are important methods. 2. Rainwater harvesting 4. Watershed management

'ain7ater 9arvestin#
ain'ater harvesting is a technique of capturing and storing of rain'ater for further utili+ation, Rainwater, wherever it falls, is captured and pollution of this water is prevented. 1he )inistry of Water Resources in 8ndia is insisting the people to ma/e rain water harvesting a part of every-day life in our villages and cities. Need "or$ )b:e&tives o% rain7ater harvestin# 1o reduce loss of run-off water. 1o meet the increasing demand of water. 1o prevent flooding of water. 1o supplement ground water during lean season. 1o reduce ground water contamination. 1o raise the water table. Con&ept o% 'ain7ater 9arvestin# Rainwater "arvesting involves collecting water that falls on the roof of house during rain storms and conveying it through '@C or! aluminium pipe to a near by covered storage unit. 1he rainwater yield varies with the si,e and te#ture of the catchment area. ,ethods "or$ type o% 'ain7ater 9arvestin# (efore adopting a rainwater harvesting method, the soil characteristics, topography, rainfall pattern and climatic conditions should be understood. 1he most common method of rainwater harvesting is roof top rainwater harvesting. oof Top ain'ater -arvesting .ethod 8t is the method of collecting rainwater from roof of the building and storing it in the ground for our future use. 8t is the low cost and effective techni6ue for urban houses and buildings. 1he rainwater from the top of the roofs, road surfaces, play grounds, open lands is diverted into the surface tan/ or! recharge pits through a delivery system, which can be later used for several purposes. $lso, it can be used to recharge underground a6uifers by diverting the water from stored water to dug-well or bore wells.

Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

Advanta#es o% 'ain7ater 9arvestin# Reduction in the use of current for pumping water. )itigating the effects of droughts and achieving drought proofing. 8ncreasing the availability of water from well. Rise in ground water levels. )inimi,ing the soil erosion and flood ha,ards. Upgrading the social and environmental status. Future generation is assured of water.

!AT+'-9+D ,ANA.+,+NT "!-,$ !atershed "or$ Draina#e basin Watershed is defined as the land area from which water drains under the influence of gravity into a stream, la/e, reservoir or other body of surface water. !atershed mana#ement The management of rainfall and resultant runoff is called 'atershed management, 8t also involves conservation, regeneration and proper use of water. Fa&tors a%%e&tin# 7atershed 1he watersheds are found to be degraded due to uncontrolled, unplanned and unscientific land use activities. +vergra,ing, deforestation, mining, construction activities also affect and degrade various watersheds. *roughtly climates also affects the watershed. Need "or$ )b:e&tives o% 7atershed mana#ement 1o minimi,e the ris/s of floods, droughts and landslides. 1o develop rural areas in the region with clear plan for improving the economy of the region. 1o manage the watershed for developmental activities li/e domestic water supply, irrigation, hydropower generation, etc., 1o generate huge employment opportunities in the bac/ward rain-fed areas to ensure livelihood security. 1o promote social forestry and horticultural activity on all suitable areas of land. 1o protect the soil from erosion by runoff. 1o raise the groundwater level. Con&ept o% 7atershed mana#ement Watershed is not a technology but a concept which integrates construction management and budgeting of rainwater through simple but discrete hydrological units. !atershed mana#ement te&hni; es 8n watershed management, various civil structures were constructed in the catchment area to improve groundwater storage.

Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

Trenches "&its%: 1renches were dug at e6ual intervals to improve groundwater storage. Earthern dam "or% Stone emban/ment: 1o chec/ the run-off water, earthern dam must be constructed in the catchment area. 0arm pond: $ farm pond can be built to improve water storage capacity of the catchment area. )nderground barriers "Dy/es%: Underground barriers should be built along the nullahs to raise the water table. ,aintenan&e o% 7atershed "or$ Components o% inte#rated 7atershed mana#ement 1ater harvesting: 'roper storage of water in watershed is done with provisions that the water can be used in dry seasons in low rainfall areas. Afforestation and Agro forestry: $fforestation and $gro forestry help to prevent soil erosion and retention of moisture in water areas. educing soil erosion: 1erracing, bunding, contour cropping, strip cropping, etc., are used to minimi,e soil erosion and runoff on the slopes of watersheds. 5cientific mining and 6uarrying in the hills would minimi,e the effects in watershed. Aocal people including the farmers and the tribals must participate in the promotion of soil and water conservation progrmmes. '+-+TT*+,+NT AND '+9A(I*ITATI)N )F P+)P*+ Resettlement and Rehabilitation is one of the most serious problems caused by the developmental activities. 1hough the developmental pro0ects raises the 6uality and standard of living of the people of country, there is over e#ploitation of natural resources and degradation of the environment. (esides this, the native people are directly affected. Ca ses o% displa&ement o% people 1here are so many factors which contribute to the large scale displacement of native people. "owever, the followings are some important factors. Due to Developmental activities: *evelopmental activities include construction of dams, mining, roads, airports, ports, urban e#pansion etc., 1hese activities causes large scale displacement of local people from their home and loss of their traditional profession or occupation. Due to Disaster: *isaster may be of natural e.g., earth6ua/e, floods, landslides, etc.! or manmade e.g., industrial accidents, dam burst, etc.!. Due to conservation initiatives: 1hese include national par/, sanctuary, forest reserve, etc., 'esettlement Resettlement is simple relocation or displacement of human population. 1his process does not focus on their future welfare. 'ehabilitation Rehabilitation involves ma/ing the system to wor/ again by allowing the systems to function naturally. 8t includes replacing the lost economic assets, safeguard employment, provide safe land for building, restore social services, repair damaged infrastructures, etc. 'ehabilitation Iss es 8n 8ndia, most of the displacements have resulted due to land re6uirements by the government for various reasons. 1he government has the Aand $c6uisition $ct, 2B3C for this purpose, which empowers, the government to serve notice to the people to vacate their land. 'rovision of cash compensation in lieu of the land vacated e#ists in the $ct.

Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

1ribals are usually the most affected among the displaced, who are already very poor. *isplacement further increases their poverty due to loss of home, land, 0obs, food security and social isolation. (rea/ up of families is an important social issue in which the women are the worst affected and they are even not given cash compensation. 1he land ac6uisition laws ignore the communal ownership of property, which is an in built system among the tribals. Even if the tribals get cash compensation, they are not familiar with the mar/et policies and trend. )arriages, social and cultural functions, their fol/-songs, dances and activities vanish with their displacement. Aoss of identity and loss of the intimate lin/ between the people and the environment is one of the big loss.

'ehabilitation poli&y $ sound national policy on rehabilitation and resettlement of affected people in essential. 1he e#tent of damage and suffering that the proposed pro0ect would cause should be studied and ascertained before starting the pro0ect. 1he rehabilitation and resettlement wor/ should be a part of the pro0ect and all those affected should be rehabilitated before the commencement of the pro0ect. 1he people should be rehabilitated on minimum dislocation basis, by choosing ad0acent areas. 1he e#tent of rehabilitation should meet the ends of social 0ustice and balanced development. 1he advantages of rehabilitation should be on par with those of the beneficiaries of the proposed pro0ect. +NVI')N,+NTA* +T9ICDefinition -Environmental ethics refers to the issues, principles and guidelines relating to human interactions with their environment.. 8t is also means that efforts must be ta/en to protect an environment and to maintain its stability from the ha,ardous chemical pollutants. F n&tions o% environment 8t is the life supporting medium for all organisms. 8t provides food, air, water, and other important natural resources to the human beings. 8t disintegrates all the waste materials discharged by the modern society. 8t moderates the climatic conditions of the soil. $ healthy economy depends on a healthy environment. +nvironmental problems *eforestation activities. 'opulation growth and urbani,ation. 'ollution due to discharge of effluent and smo/e discharge from the industries. Water scarcity. Aand degradation and degradation of soil fertility. -ol tions to +nvironmental problems 1he environment can be protected due to the following activities.

Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

Reduce the waste of matter and energy resources. Recycle and reuse as many of our waste products and resources as possible. +ver-e#ploitation of natural resources must be reduced. 5oil degradation must be minimi,ed. 5ustainable development is essential on, conservation of resources, harvesting of non-conventional energy and waste management. (iodiversity of the earth must be protected. Reduce population and increase the economic growth of our country.

+thi&al . idelines Dou should love and honour the earth since it has blessed you with life and governs your survival. Dou should /eep each day sacred to earth and celebrate the turning of its seasons. Dou should be not hold yourself above other living things and have no right to drive them to e#tinction. Dou should be grateful to the plants and animals which nourish you by giving you good. Dou should not waste your resources on destructive weapons. Dou should not steal from future generations their right to live in a clean and safe planet by polluting it. Dou should consume the material goods in moderate amounts so that all may share the earthEs precious treasure of resources.

C)N-U,+'I-, AND !A-T+ P')DUCTCons merism Consumerism refers to the consumption of resources by the people. 8t is an organi,ed movement of citi,ens and government. 1he special concentration is given to improve the rights and power of the buyers in relation to the sellers. Consumerism is related to both increase in population si,e as well as increase in our demand due to change in life-style. 8n the modern society our needs have increased and so consumerism of resources has also increased. Traditionally %avo rable ri#hts o% sellers 2. 1he right to introduce any product. 4. 1he right to charge any price. 9. 1he right to spend any amount to promote their product. :. 1he right to use incentives to promote their products. Traditional b yer ri#hts 2. 1he right to buy or not to buy. 4. 1he right to e#pect a product to be safe. 9. 1he right to e#pect the product to perform as claimed. )b:e&tives o% Cons merism 8t improves the rights and powers of the buyers. 8t involves ma/ing the manufacturer liable for the entire life cycle of a product. 8t forces the manufacturer to reuse and recycle the product after usage.

Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

1he reusable pac/ing materials li/e bottles can be ta/en bac/ to the manufacturer. 8t ma/es the products cheaper and avoids littering and pollutions. $ctive consumerism improves human health and happiness and also it saves resources.

-o r&es o% !astes 1he sources of the waste materials are agriculture, mining, industrial and municipal wastes. E#amples for waste products are glass, papers, garbage, plastics, soft drin/ canes, metals, electronic e6uipments, etc. +%%e&ts o% !astes 1he waste released from chemical industries and from e#plosives are dangerous to human life. 1he dumped wastes degrade soil and ma/e unfit for irrigation. E-waste contains more than 2<<< chemicals, which are to#ic and cause environmental pollution, cancer and other respiratory problems if inhaled for long periods. 'lastics are difficult to recycle or incinerate safely because they are non biodegradable and their combustion produces several to#ic gases. Fa&tors a%%e&tin# &ons merism and #eneration o% 7astes People over<pop lation= 8t occurs when there are more people than the available supply of food and water. +ver population causes degradation of resources, poverty and premature death. 1his situation occurs in less developed countries A*Cs!. 1hus in A*Cs per capita consumption of resources and waste generation are less. Cons mption )ver<pop lation= 8t occurs when there are less people than the available resources. *ue to lu#urious life style per capita consumption of resources is very high. 8f the consumption is more, the generation of waste is also more and greater is the degradation of environment.

T9+ +NVI')N,+NT "P')T+CTI)N$ ACT "1>?6$ =<

1his act was passed by the parliament on 49rd may 23B;. 1his is an one umbrella act for the control of various environmental problems in 8ndia. 1he act is aimed at improvement of environment and its related matters. 1he act consists of 4; sections distributed among four chapters. 1he section-4 defines the terms environment and environmental pollutant as follows. E23I 42.E2T: includes water, air and land and the interrelationship which e#ists among and between water, air, and land and human beings other living creatures, plants, micro organisms and poverty. E23I 42.E2T &455)TA2T: means any solid, li6uid or gaseous substance present in such concentration as may be, or tend to be in0urious to environment. 1he act provides the following powers to the central government? 2. 'lanning and e#ecution of a nation-wide programme for the prevention and control of environmental problems. 4. Aaying down standards for the 6uality of environment in various aspects. 9. Aaying down standards for various emission or discharge of environmental pollutants. :. Restriction of areas in which industry, operations or process shall not be carried out or shall be carried out sub0ect to certain safe guards. 7. Carrying out and sponsoring various investigation and research activities relating to the problems of environmental pollution. ;. 'reparation of manuals, codes or guidelines relating to the statement of environmental pollution etc.,

Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

AI' "P'+V+NTI)N AND C)NT')* )F P)**UTI)N$ ACT "1>?1$=<

Which was amended in 23BC 'revention, control and abatement of air pollution. 8t is also a comprehensive legislation with more than fifty sections. 1his act mainly regulate and control emissions from automobiles and industrial plants. 1he central boards for the prevention and control of water pollution is authori,ed to implement and enforce the act also. 1his body lays down standards for the 6uality of air, under section 23 the central board is given powers mainly to co-ordinate the activities of the state boards. $fter consultation with the state board, the state government may declare any area within the state as - air pollution control area., and prohibit the use of any fuel other than approved fuel in the area causing air pollution. Further, no person may operate certain types of industries including the asbestos, cement, fertili,ers and petroleum industries without consent of the state board. 8t ma/es provisions, inter alia, for central and state boards, power to declare pollution control areas, restrictions on certain industrial units, authority of the boards to limit emission of air pollutants, power of entry, inspection, ta/ing samples and analysis, penalties, offences by companies and government and cogni,ance of offences etc.,

T9+ !AT+' "P'+V+NTI)N AND C)NT')* )F P)**UTI)N$ ACT "1>?1$ =<

Which was amended in 23BB is an e#tensive legislation with more than si#ty sections for the prevention and control of water pollution and maintenance of water bodies. Water act was enacted under article 474 2! of constitution as a social welfare measure to prevent and control water pollution and maintain or restore wholesomeness of water. Water includes rivers, rivulets, springs, canals, channels, ground water and coastal>tidal water. 'ollution under the act includes? a! Contamination of water. b! $lternation in physical, chemical or biological properties of water. c! *irect or indirect discharge of sewage, trade effluents or any other substance li6uid, solid, gaseous! into water. d! 1he discharge is li/ely to cause nuisance or render such water harmful or in0urious to public health or safety or to domestic commercial, industrial, agricultural or other uses or to the life and health of animals, plants or a6uatic organisms. $mong other things the act provides for constitution of central and state boards for preventing water pollution, power to ta/e water samples and their analysis, discharge of sewage or trade effluents, appeals, revision, minimum and ma#imum penalties, publication of names of offenders, offenses by companies and governments, cogni,ance of offenses, water laboratories, analysis etc., prevention and control of water pollution is achieved through a permit or -consent administration. procedure. *ischarge of effluents is permitted by obtaining the consent of the state water board, sub0ect to any condition they specify. $ny person who fails to comply with a directive of the state board is punishable under the $ctEs penal provisions.

Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

!I*D*IF+ "P')T+CTI)N$ ACT 1>@2 "A,+ND+D IN 1>>1$=<

1o protect wild life from human activities. 8n 8ndia, nearly 29: animal species have been regarded a threatened. $s against this 2 mammalian and 9 avain species have already become e#tinct, C2 mammals, :C birds and 27 reptiles species have been declared threatened /hoshoo, 23B:!. Wildlife is essential for maintaining ecological balance, preventing soil erosion, obtaining a number of economic products, potential source for breeding improved varieties, new fodder, drug, beverages, etc., 1he most serious threat to wildlife is posed by habitat destruction. E#panding agriculture, industry and urbani,ation etc., are the causes of this destruction. $ttempts have been made previously to protect wildlife through various legislative measures li/e a! )adras wild elephant preservation act 2BC9 b! $ll 8ndia elephant preservation act 2BC3 c! Wild birds and animals protection act 2324 d! (engal rhinoceros preservation act 2394 e! $ssam rhinoceros preservation act 237: $ central board of wildlife was established in 2374. $ comprehensive wildlife protection! act was passed in 23C4 which was further amended in 2332. Under this act there is an 8ndian board of wildlife chaired by prime minister and a wildlife advisory board for each state. 8ndian wildlife board has as/ed both botanical survey of 8ndia (.5.8! and ,oological survey of 8ndia F.5.8! to prepare lists of threatened species of plants and animals respectively. 1he wildlife protection! act governs wildlife conservation and protection of endangered species. 1he act prohibits trade in rare and endangered species. 1he wildlife act is adopted by all states e#cept Gammu and Hashmir, which has its own act. 1he centre provides financial assistance to states for 2. 5trengthening management and protection of infrastructure of national par/s and sanctuaries. 4. 'rotection of wildlife and control of poaching and illegal trade in wildlife products. 9. Captive breeding programmes for endangered species of wildlife. :. Wildlife education arid interpretation and development of selected ,oos. Reali,ing the importance of the wildlife resource and in order to prevent the gene erosion, our country has ta/en up steps to protect threatened species and preserve biological diversity by three types they are as follows? 6, 2ational par/s: 1hey are reserve areas maintained by government where cultivation, gra,ing, forestry and habitat manipulation are not allowed. 8ndia has currently C7 national par/s spread in about 2= of the geographical area. 7, Sanctuaries: 1hey are tracts of land with or without la/es where animals are not hunted. +ther activities li/e tilling of land, collection of forest products, lumbering etc., are not allowed. 8ndia has about :42 sanctuaries spread in 9.4= of geographical area. #, 8iosphere reserves:


Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

1hey are multipurpose protected portions of different ecosystems where wildlife, tribals, domesticated plants and animals are allowed to live in harmony. +ut of the proposed 2: sites, 8ndia has built B biosphere reserves e.g. &anda devi, &ilgris!. Each biosphere reserve has a core ,one where no human activity allowed, manipulation ,one where balanced human activity is allowed and restoration ,one where corrective steps are ta/en to reserve degraded area.

*iberation = 2. Enforcement of wildlife act has helped in increasing population of many endangered animals. 4. Ecological balance has been restored at several places where human activity is restricted under the act. 9. 8t has opened avenues for recreation and tourist attraction.

F)'+-T "C)N-+'VATI)N$ ACT "1>?A$ =<

Which was amended in 23BB. Conservation of forests and restrictions of using forest for non-forest purposes. $ccording to it? 2. *iversion of forest land for non-forest purposes including cultivation of rubber plants, palms, medicinal plants, species, tea, coffee etc.,! or conversion of a reserved forest into non-reserved one cannot occur with our the prior approval of central government. 4. Forest land, less than 4< hectare, can be used for non forest purposes with the approval of state government. For more than this land, the approval of ministry of environment and forests will have to be ta/en which will set up an advisory committee for this purpose. 9. 8f diversion is allowed, compensatory afforestation must be underta/en or an e6uivalent area of nonforest and land or double the area of degraded forest. :. $ control should be e#erted over shifting cultivation and encroachments. 7. 1ribal rights and concessions must be highlighted along with control mechanisms. ;. $ll forest wor/ing plans should stress conservation and have multidisciplinary approach. C. $ll critical areas in hills, catchment areas, steep slopes and other parts under erosion and landslides must be protected and 6uic/ly afforested. &o area above 2<<m altitude should be opened for tree felling, unless and until it has fully reserved. B. &o forest area should be cleaned of self grown trees and shrubs for the purpose of reforestation. 3. Clear felling bloc/s should not e#ceed a hectare in hills and 47 hectares in plains. Regeneration should be underta/en immediately. 2<. %ra,ing problems of the area should be studied and appropriate measures adopted. 1he act provides that the leasing of forest land or portions there of to private persons or any authority, corporation, agency or any other organi,ation not owned, managed or controlled by government and clearing of trees which have grown naturally in any forest land or portions there for the purpose of using it for re-afforestation also, will re6uire prior approval of the central government. (esides this a punitive provision for the enforcement machinery has been included in this act. ')*+ )F AN INDIVIDUA* IN P'+V+NTI)N )F P)**UTI)N Environmental pollution cannot be prevented and removed. 1he proper implementation and especially the individual participation are the important aspects which should be given due importance and stress. 1he individual participation is useful in law ma/ing processes and restraining the pollution activities and thereby the public participation plays a ma0or role in the effective environmental management. $ small

Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

effort made by each individual at his own place will have pronounced effect at the global level. 8t is aptly said BThin8 #lobally a&t lo&allyC. Each individual should change his or her life style in such a way as to reduce environmental pollution.

ole and responsibility of individual participation in environmental protection 2. 'lant more trees. 4. "elp more in pollution prevention than pollution control. 9. Use water, energy and other resources efficiently safe products. :. 'urchase recyclable, recycled and environmentally safe products. 7. Use CFC free refrigerators. ;. Use natural gas than coal. C. Reduce deforestation. B. 8ncrease use of renewable resources. 3. Remove &+# from motor vehicular e#haust. 2<. Use office machines in well ventilated areas. 22. Use less polluting substitutes for harmful cleaning agents, paints and other products. 24. Use of eco friendly products. 29. *onEt use polystyrene cups that have chloro fluoro carbon CFC! molecules, which destroy o,one layer. 2:. Use rechargeable batteries. Rechargeable batteries will reduce metal pollution. 27. Use organic manure instead of commercial inorganic fertili,ers. 2;. Reduce garbage by recycling and reuse. 2C. 5low population growth. ole of 'omen in environmental protection Women play an important role in environmental protection, considering their status in social production, consumption and their influence to future generations at home. @arious roles of women are 2. 8n rural areas, women plant trees and grass, grow vegetables with the drip-irrigation method in order to save water. 4. 8n urban areas, they go shopping using cloth bags to reduce white pollution. 9. Women refuse to use disposal products to save energy and resources. :. Women choose green products instead of poor 6uality that harm the environment. 7. Women reduce the amount of trash they dispose off so as to recycle natural resources. ;. Women buy non-phosphate detergents to reduce the incidence of water pollution. C. 1hey refuse to eat the meat, so variety of animals are preserved. B. 1hey value paper and thus protect trees. 3. Women bring the concept of environmental protection into families and thus plant a green seed in the heart of children. 9U,AN P)PU*ATI)N AND T9+ +NVI')N,+NT Pop lation 'opulation is defined as a group of individuals belonging to the same species, which live in a given area at a given time. Pop lation Density


Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

It is eDpressed as the n mber o% individ als o% the pop lation per nit area or per nit vol me. 1his varies in response to changes in the environment and introduction with other living organism. Parameters a%%e&tin# pop lation si0e Changes in population si,e are governed by : main parameters. 1hey are 8irth rate or 2atality: 8t is the number of live birth per 2<<< people in a population in a given year. Death rate or .ortality: 8t is the number of live deaths per 2<<< people in a population in a given year. Immigration: 8t denotes the arrival of individuals from neighbouring population. Emigration: 8t denotes the dispersal of individuals from the original population to new areas. Pop lation #ro7th 1he rapid growth of the globalEs population for the past 2<< years results from the difference between the rate of birth and death. 8n 23B<, the global population was about 2 billion people. 8t too/ about 29< years in 239<! to reach 4 billion. (ut the population reached to : billion within :7 years in 23C7!. &ow we have already crossed ; billion and may have to reach about 2< billion by 4<7< as per the World (an/ calculations. Ca ses o% rapid pop lation #ro7th 1he rapid population growth is due to decrease in death rate and increase in birth rate. 1he availability of antibiotics, immuni,ation, increased food production, clean water and air decreases the famine-related deaths and infant mortality. 8n agricultural based countries, childrenEs are re6uired to help parents in the fields that is why population increases in the developing countries. Chara&teristi&s o% pop lation #ro7th E*ponential gro'th: &ow population growth occurs e#ponentially li/e 2<, 2<4,2<9,2<: etc., which shows the dramatic increases in global population in the past 2;< years. Doubling time: 8t is the time re6uired for a population to double its si,e at a constant annual rate. 8t is calculated as follows, 1d *oubling time! I C< > r Where, r I annual growth rate. 8f a nation has 4= annual growth, its population will double in ne#t 97 years. Infant mortality rate: 8t is the percentage of infants died out of those born in one year. Even though this rate has decreased in the last 7< years, the pattern differs widely in developing and developed countries. Total fertility rates: 8t is the average number of children delivered by a women in her life time. 1he 1FR value varies from 4 in developed countries to :.C in developing countries. eplacement level: 1wo parents bearing two children will be replaced by their off spring. *ue to infant mortality this replacement level is changed. (ut, due to high infant mortality the replacement level is generally high in developing countries. .ale$0emale ratio: 1he ratio of girls and boys should be fairly balanced in a society to flourish. (ut the ratio has been upset in many countries including China and 8ndia. 8n China the ratio of girls and boys is 2<< ? 2:<. Demographic transition: 'opulation growth is generally related to economic development. 1he death rates and birth rates fall due to improved living conditions. 1his results in low population growth. 1his phenomenon is referred to as demographic transition. Problems "environmental iss es$ o% pop lation #ro7th 8ncreasing demands for food and natural resources.

Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

8nade6uate housing and health services. Aoss of agricultural lands. Unemployment and socio-political unrest. Environmental pollution.

Variation o% pop lation amon# nations *ifferent regions of the world find themselves at different stages of demographic transition from high to low mortality and fertility. 1heir growth path also differ considerably, resulting in significant shifts in the geographical distribution of world population. $t present the worldEs population has crossed ; billions. 1his e#isting population is also not evenly distributed, less developed countries have B<= population while the developed countries have only 4<=. Aess developed countries $frica, $sia, 5outh $merica! have B<= of the world population and occupy less than 4<= of the total land area. 8n the most developed countries li/e U.5.$, Canada, $ustralia, the population increases at the rate of less than 2= per year. (ut in less developed countries li/e 5outh $merica, $frica and $sia, the population increases at the rate greater than 2= per year. Henya is the fastest population growing country in the world, where 4< million people are residing. 8f the current rate of increase continues, the population would double by 4<<7. China and 8ndiaEs population was above 2<<< million in 4<<< year. 8ts share is about one-third of the worldEs population. Europe and &orth $merica accounts for 2:= of worldEs population. Variation o% pop lation based on A#e -tr &t re $ge structure of population can be classified into three classes, a. 're-productive population < J 2: years!. b. Reproductive population 27 J :: years!. c. 'ost reproductive population above :7 years!. @ariation of population is now e#plained based on the above three classes. &yramid shaped variation of population: "Increase% E#ample? 8ndia, (angladesh, Ethiopia, &igeria, etc., 1he following figure shows that the pre-productive age group population <-2: years! is more, indicated at the base of pyramid, and post reproductive age group population above :7 years! is less, indicated at the top of pyramid.


Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

1he large number of young age people will soon enter into reproductive age group population 27-:: years!, which increases the population growth. (ut the less number of old age people indicates less loss of population due to death.

8ell shaped variation of population "stable% E#ample? France, U5$, UH, Canada, etc., 1he following figure shows that, the pre-productive age group population <-2: years! and reproductive age group population 27-:: years! are more or less e6ual. 5o the people entering into the reproductive age group will not change the population, and thus the population growth is stable.

)rn shaped variation of population "decrease% E#ample? %ermany, 8taly, 5weden, Gapan, etc., 1he following figure shows that, the pre-productive age group population <-2: years! is smaller than the reproductive age group population 27-:: years!. 8n the ne#t 2< years, the number of people in the reproductive age group is less than the before, resulting in a decrease of population growth.


Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

Pop lation +Dplosion Definition 1he enormous increase in population, due to low death rate )ortality! and high birth rate &atality!, is termed as population e#plosion. 1he human population is not increasing at a uniform rate in all parts of the world. Doubling Time 'opulation e#plosion can be better understood by considering the double time. i.e., the number of years needed for a population to double in si,e. Co ntry Do blin# Time 8ndia 4B years 1ur/ey 4B years U5$ BC years 'a/istan 42 years UH 492 years 8taly 33 years France 22C years Gapan 7B years Ca ses "or$ reasons o% pop lation eDplosion 8nvention of modern medical facilities reduces the death rate and increases the birth rate, which leads to population e#plosion. 8ncrease of life e#pectancy is another important reason for the population e#plosion. 8lliteracy is one of the reasons for the population e#plosion.

+%%e&ts o% pop lation eDplosion "or$ environmental and so&ial impa&ts o% #ro7in# pop lation &overty: 8nfant mortality is one of the most tragic indicators of poverty. 1here are still 9: developing countries where more than 2 in 2< children die before he or she reaches the age of five. 8n developing countries few mothers opt for smaller rates. Efforts to /eep children alive and healthy are one of the /eys to reduce population growth rates. 'opulation e#plosion leads to environmental degradation.

Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

'opulation e#plosion causes over e#ploitation of natural resources. 1herefore there will be a shortage of resources for the future generation. )any of the renewable resources li/e forests, grass lands, are also under threat. 1he increase in population will increase disease, economic ine6uity and communal war. +ver crowding of cities leads to development of slums. Aac/ of basic amenities li/e water supply and sanitation, education, health, etc. Unemployment and low living standard of people.

emedy We should immediately reduce the fertility rate through birth control programs.

'ole o% IT in environment and h man health= 8nformation technology is one of the fastest growing recent technology. @arious software have been developed for environment and health care which are user friendly and help in better understanding for the topic. $ lot of techni6ues are used under 81 for development and application of computational tools to ac6uire, store, analy,e and visuali,e satellite data which is used for observation, and protection of environment. *ue to the development of the internet and information through the satellites a wide database is generated which is the collection of various interrelated articles.

'ole o% IT in environment= Remote 5ensing data have been used to derive thematic information on various natural resources and environment. 1he remote sensing image of land can be used to derive information of vegetative cover, water bodies, land use, pattern, geological features, soil, etc., %85 %eographic 8nformation 5ystem! provides data and /nowledge concerning the global environment as it is used for mapping and monitoring natural resources. *atabase is the collection of inter-related data on various sub0ects. )inistry of Environment and Forest )+EF! and %overnment of 8ndia %+8! have created an Environment 8nformation 5ystem E&@85!. *ifferent E&@85 centers are set up in different organi,ations for information collection, storage which wor/ towards boosting the relationship between trade and environment. 81 is used for computer based modeling and simulation of environmental scenarios for analysis and prediction. 81 enables environmental scientists and researchers around the world to communicate, collaborate and co-ordinate. 'ole o% IT in h man health 8nformation 1echnology plays a /ey role in human health. 8t has changed the human life style completely. )any health organi,ation are turning to pac/age solution of 81 for streamlining service oriented wor/ in an effective manner. 1he health service technology mainly involves three systems. 1hey are Finance 'athology 'atient $dministration? Clinical system


Prepared by P. Vinoth, AP / Chemistry.

81 can be used for audio, visual and data communications for medical consultation, diagnosis, treatment, nursing and medical education. 81 is used for testing of *&$, creating *&$ database and genetic information about population. )edical records and finger prints which are used by investigating agencies to identify missing persons and criminals. 81 helps in spreading awareness about endemic, epidemic and communicable diseases. With the help of Remote 5ensing and %85 there is identification of several infested areas which are prone to some diseases li/e malaria etc. based upon mapping of such areas.


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