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3 Powerful Tex Ing Rules

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The key takeaways are 3 powerful rules for text seduction: 1) your first text should be unique, 2) your texts should compel a response, and 3) make an impression in person before texting.

The first rule is that your first text message should never be 'normal' or generic, but should be unique and related to your initial interaction.

Your first text messages should encourage and compel a response by making intriguing statements that make the other person curious or want to know more.

3 Powerful Text Game Rules

Ryan DRH As the title states, these are rules for text seduction. They are not rules for everyday texting, especially texts to your friends and family. Yes, some of these rules (and techniques could !e used "ith others, !ut they#re primarily designed to !e used "hen attempting to seduce someone. $et#s go% 1. Your First Text Message Should Never Be 'Normal' &rom the very !eginning, you "ant to stand apart from any other guy she may !e communicating "ith, especially someone that she met "ho tried to pic' her up. (o, don#t ever ma'e your first text )standard)...li'e... )Hi, this is *oe from the !ar last night. *ust "anted to say Hi, and that + had a great time... !lah !lah !lah.) Don#t do it% ... Don#t ever do that. That#s "hat every other chump "ill say to her. You "ant to stand out among all the other guys, right, +nstead, you should say something unique, and prefera!ly related to the time you met her, "hen she gave you the num!er... )Hey, "hat#d you thin' of that last !and &riday night,) -r something a little more unique, !ut someho" related ("e#ll tal' more a!out this shortly...

)(o, "hat#s your favorite flavor lollipop,) ./ +t#s something 0ust slightly flirty !ut not over the top, engages her senses a little, and it#s follo"ed !y a "in'y face, "hich lets her 'no" that you#re 'idding around. (This is also very important, and "e#ll tal' more a!out it !elo". +t#s also a good idea to sign your first fe" text messages, i.e. add your name at the end of it. 1xample2 (o, "hat the hell "as "rong "ith that spi'ey/haired dude last night,% / *oe 3otice again that you mentioned something from the actual event, i.e. last night. And, hopefully, the t"o of you had a good time ma'ing fun of this )dude.) 4ore on that later. (-f course, use your o"n 0udgment "hen using "ords li'e #hell# or #damn# etc. +t may not !e a !ig deal to you, !ut she may not feel the same "ay. Your first interaction "ith her should have given you some idea of "hether she can handle it or not. . Your Texts Should !"#ourage$ !%e" &om'el$ ( Res'o"se (tatements or general5!oring questions have very little chances of getting a response, especially if the girl doesn#t 'no" you all that "ell and therefore doesn#t really care much a!out you. 6omen, especially attractive ones, give out their num!er to more than one guy on any given night. You are not the only one she gave her num!er to. You#re 0ust one among many, nothing special really. (6e#ll fix that later so that you do !ecome someone

unique. (o, chances are very little that she#ll remem!er "ho you are, and she may not even care to tal' to you anymore. Therefore, you "ant to send her text messages that "ill get her to want to text !ac'. 1xamples... )+ 0ust reali7ed "ho you loo' li'e...ho" funny...) ...or... )+ 0ust reali7ed "ho you remind me of..."o"...) ...or... )That "as really interesting "hat you said to me last night...) ...or... )4y friend5co/"or'er thought it "as very interesting "hat you said last night...) These are all statements that ma'e her "onder, curious, or even go )huh,) And as such, she "ill "ant to 'no" more a!out it, or at least "ant to 'no" "hat the hec' you#re tal'ing a!out...even if she doesn#t remem!er "ho you are, yet. 3. Ma)e a" *m'ressio" Before You Start Text'i"g +er 4ay!e this one should have !een 89 on this list. 1ither "ay, this should at least !e (T1: 89 in order for your text/seduction strategy to "or' "ell from the start. ;sing this step can also ma'e things much easier, i.e. less effort "ill !e required on your part to ma'e everything else "or'. As mentioned in the previous rule a!ove, a "oman can (and does give out her num!er to more than one guy on any given night. +ncluding the night (or day that she gave it to you. (o, you should ma'e that first interaction "ith her memora,le. Do something unique or interesting that "ill force her to

remem!er "ho you are. That "ay, "hen you do text her, she#ll 'no" "ho you are right a"ay. You "on#t have to exchange a do7en messages trying to ma'e her remem!er "ho the hec' you are. Some te#h"i-ues that ha%e wor)ed well for us are... 4entioning something unique that happened, or that you learned a!out her, is good. (1arlier, "e mentioned )the last !and,)...)the spi'ey/haired dude)...)lollipop)...etc. All of "hich "ere ta'en from the actual event "here you first met, tal'ed, got her num!er, etc. (haring private 0o'es are great. +t can either !e a!out her, something she said a!out you, or of course, some 0o'e you made a!out something or someone around you that night (or day. $i'e )the spi'ey/haired dude) "ho seemed to act "eird. 3ic'names are also great. +f, during that first interaction, you can thin' of a funny (!ut not insulting nic'name for her, start calling her that. *ust don#t over/do it. ((ome guys have used #princess,# #angel# or even #!rat# / if it fits the exchange you t"o shared. Ariel, *asmine, etc....if she reminds you of a certain Disney character or cele!rity. *olie...if something a!out her resem!les Angelina *olie. $ara <roft... if she#s very active, out/doorsy, adventurous, ta'es 'arate...or again, if she 0ust reminds you of Angelina *olie. 3ic'names don#t have to !e exact matches either. You can ma'e them up very easily, even if there#s only a tiny hint of connection !et"een her and the nic'name. (4ay!e she has a mole, "hich is "hy you started calling her *olie, or Angie...or hec', <indy / as in

<ra"ford. The main point here is that she remembers it, and !y association, remem!ers you. T*P. Here#s something else that happens "hen you use the a!ove techniques... 6hen you first Text her "ith that nic'name, or mention something unique5funny from the time you first tal'ed to her, it also ta'es her !ac' to that moment emotionally. +n other "ords, she remem!ers all the fun the t"o of you had on that first meeting. And...!y association, it ma'es her thin' of you as )fun) as "ell. These little spi'es of interest you create in her mind are not huge !y themselves. =ut, stac'ed on top of each other, over the period of several texts, it can start to seed her mind and )help her) form an impression a!out you. 2/ Thin' of each of them as a little !ric' that you#re using to !uild that...uh...)!edroom of love.) (Yes, cheesy, + 'no". =ut the analogy is accurate. These little !ric's "ill eventually get you laid% /a"t more0 /at#h this %ideo "ow1

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