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15885.pollak Paper IAEG1998

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D. Pollak
Institute of Geology, Zagreb, Croatia

K. Braun
Institute of Geology, Zagreb, Croatia

ABSTRACT: Exploration for highway construction and tunneling in Croatia besides normal field
investigations, involved sedimentological survey. This paper presents results of laboratory and field
investigations which can improve our conclusions about rock mass quality. The authors encourage the
application of sedimentology in engineering geology, particularly in karstic regions, for more appropriate
understanding of the rock mass and intact rock. Introduction of sedimentological modelling into this project
indicates a great influence of sedimentology into engineering geology and it certainly enhanced our
engineering-geological model.

RESUM: Dans le cadre de la construction des routes et tunnels en Croatie, en plus des travaux de
reconnaissance usuels, ont t effectus aussi les essais sdimentologiques. Larticle prsente les rsultats des
essais en laboratoire et sur le terrain ayant amlior sensiblement lvaluation de la masse rocheuse.
Ladoption des modles sdimentologiques dans les projects de reconnaissance gotechnique, a dmontr,
spcialement dans la rgion karstique de la Croatie, une grande influence de la sdimentologie sur laspect et
sur la qualit du modle dingnirie gologique dfinitif.


Sedimentary rocks are of considerable importance in
Croatia since they compose more than 90% of its
territory. At the central and southern part of the
country, most are carbonate rocks.
Increased planning, designing and constructing of
the highways in our country demanded thorough
investigations of certain areas. Since most
investigated areas are sedimentary rocks, mostly
carbonates, the investigations have been reconciled
to demand of nature. The authors idea was to cover
the investigated area with sedimentological
mapping, in addition to the usual complex field
investigations: photogeology, geological and
engineering-geological mapping, structural
measurements, refraction seismic, geoelectrics,
analytical research and data processing.
Therefore all of the sedimentological exploration
in the paper were directed towards limestone and
dolomite rock masses.
Since numerous sedimentation factors have a
great impact on geotechnical characteristics of rocks
(structure and texture, shape of the sediment body,
thickness of layers, mineral composition, diagenesis,
roughness of the bedding surfaces etc.), depositional
conditions and models should have an important
place in creating of engineering-geological models.


To determine the properties of the intact rock and
rock mass, it is very important to know as much as
possible about its history. Its formation, genesis,
structure, texture and later transformation, alteration
and destruction are the basic processes which
determine properties of the rocks. The engineering
geologist should pay particular attention to this
when developing the model.

Classification of the intact rock
A very simplified classifications was used in the
course of basic geotechnical (engineering-
geological) description of rocks and rock masses.
Considering carbonate rocks, a more detailed
description was based on classification systems
given by Carozzi (1960) and Folk (1959). Both of

Figure 1. Classification of limestones based on depositional texture. After Dunham (1962) with modifications of Embry & Klovan.
From Tucker (1991).

classifications require microscopic determination of
the rock type. For engineering-geological practice,
following up the approach in sedimentological
investigations, classification proposed by Dunham
(1962) (Fig. 1) seems to be more convenient,
because it enables description of intact carbonate
rocks according to their depositional texture directly
in the field. Depositional textures, furthermore,
make it possible to recognize the depositional
environment defining facies transitions, disposal,
scale and persistence of certain rock types.
Importance of these factors in engineering-
geological modelling is paramount, since they define
diversity, appearance, shape, dimensions and
persistence of single lithological unit (Fig. 2) and
consequently, members of the engineering-
geological model.

Figure 2. Stages of reef growth. A sketch of the four divisions
of the reef-core facies with a tabulation of the most common
types of limestone, relative species diversity and shape of reef-
builders found in each stage. After Walker (1984).

Facies modelling in defining the engineering-
geological properties of rock masses is particularly
important, acting as a framework and guide in
prediction of rock mass engineering-geological and
geotechnical behavior, in certain circumstances (e.g.
in tunneling).
Sedimentological studies offer the possibility of
defining the regularities in deposition of important
or reference geotechnical members in the
lithostratigraphical sequences. In carbonate rocks,
belonging to the carbonate platform, low energy
intertidal sequences are very common, including a
transition from typical muddy to typical grainy ones
(Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Low energy intertidal. Two hypothetical sequences
with a low energy tidal flat unit developed on a low energy
subtidal unit (left) and high energy lime sand unit (right). After
Walker (1984).

Regularities of facies variations can be a
considerable aid in engineering and geotechnical
modelling and defining prognostic profiles, for
example in tunnel designing.
Sedimentological modelling was, recently, very
successfully applied in designing the tunnels
(Cicarija, 12.7 km and Velebit, 5.7 km) and
highway (Rijeka-Karlovac, 100 km) in Croatia. For
example, the Velebit tunnel area is of carbonate
rocks of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform ranging
from Middle Triassic, to the late Cretaceous.

Figure 4. Schematic geological column of the Velebit tunnel
area. After Maticec at al. (1997).
Main depositional environments are represented by
peritidal carbonate sediments (subtidal, intertidal
and less supratidal sedimentary deposits) (Fig. 4). In
that case detailed sedimentological classification of
the sedimentary rocks clearly shows correlation with
their engineering-geological properties. Exploration
enabled designing a very reliable geotechnical
profile which was checked while the excavation is in

Facies models, bedding and engineering geology
A layer is a geologic body separated from its
surrounding rock mass by a primary discontinuity. It
represents the consequence of changes of
granulometry, mineralogy, lithology, orientation or
pattern of particles or simply the termination of
sedimentation. In most cases it is external bedding,
represented with the upper and lower discontinuity
separating the layer from the next one.
Internal bedding is a textural or structural
property of the layer itself, and can be laminated,
crossed, parallel, undulated, graded etc.
Thickness and persistence of the layers can vary
vertically and laterally, and often depends on the
mechanism of the deposition and conditions of the
The roughness of the bedding surfaces directly
influences engineering-geological properties of the
rock mass and can be influenced by rain drops,
ripple marks, turbiditic traces, rolling marks, sliding
marks etc.
There are also some chemical, biochemical and
diagenetic processes which can influence
geotechnical rock mass properties, like
stylolitization, bioturbation, recrystallization,
dolomitization, silicification, selective dissolution
and cataclasis.
For example, stylolitization can improve
roughness of certain discontinuity, but on the other
hand, it also very often contain clay mineral fill, and
rock with the a lot of stylolites separate easily.
If mica flakes are oriented parallel to the layer
itself, the discontinuities becomes slickenslided and
a separation of interlayers is much more likely. If
coarse-grained particles constitute the base of the
layer, they usually erode the fine grained top of the
lower bed, creating irregular bedding surfaces.
Sedimentological investigations, divide the
carbonate deposits into sedimentary sequences,
using appropriate knowledge to predict, for example,
the density of slickenslided primary discontinuities.
Obviously, higher density of such discontinuities
occurs in muddy parts of sequences (mudstones,
wackestones) of the intertidal or shallow subtidal
marine depositional environments.

Lithological type and strength of the intact rock
In clastic sedimentary rocks, physical properties of
the intact rock can be determined by strength of the
grains and their matrix. It is even possible to
calculate the theoretical strength of some rocks, but
they are far from being ideal materials, with many
irregularities in texture and structure. Our aim is not
to predict the exact value of some physical property
of the rock, but to place the rock mass on its right
group. Here it should be noted that the index of the
rock texture (m
), an important factor of the Hoek-
Brown failure criterion, depends generally on grain
size, but also on: particle texture (detrital, muddy or
skeletal); their fabric or ratio between the content of
particles and matrix (wackestone or packstone); kind
of matrix (micritic or sparitic); and degree of
recrystallization of the intact rock.
Strength of most of the sedimentary rocks
depends on characteristic of the matrix between the
particles, kind of particles and their bonds. For
example analysis of the uniaxial strength of
limestone indicated a higher strength of packstone
and grainstone than mudstone and wackestone.
A good example of this situation is the Upper
Triassic dolomite in the Gorski kotar region,
Croatia, covering more than 5 km of Zagreb to
Rijeka highway (and expected to be excavated in the
Velebit tunnel) (Fig. 5).
qu / MPa
Stromatolite dolomite

qu / MPa
Crystalline dolomite

Figure 5. Uniaxial strength of stromatolite and crystalline
dolomite at the core samples.
The dolomite is represented by coarse crystalline
dolomite and interlayers of stromatolitic dolomite.
Stromatolite dolomite represents about 10-20% of
the dolomite mass. With a lower uniaxial strength
and laminated texture it interrupted the homogeneity
of the rest of the rock having higher uniaxial
strength. Distinction between crystalline and
stromatolite dolomite was simple, so the
homogeneity and anisotropy could be established by
measurements of visible bed thickness.
Different textural rock types which occurred in
investigated highway and tunnels in Croatia, have
variable uniaxial strength. The differences, related to
the different varieties of limestones, can be seen in
the following tables (Table 1 and Table 2).

Table 1.
strength / MPa
waves mean /
texture (num. of samples) mean range

MUDSTONE (163) 119 70-169 5800 2584
PACKSTONE (16) 136 89-183 6129 2862
117 57-177 5217 2382

Table 2.
strength / MPa
waves mean /
texture (num. of samples) mean range

CRYSTALLINE (46) 85 39-131 3853 2002
STROMATOLITE (8) 43 26-60 3977 2194

Facies model and sampling
In creation of an engineering-geological model it is
vital to have valid quantification of the data. It is
often a challenging problem to evaluate the impact
of different factors to the rock mass. Consequently,
the most important is that the sample taken for
analysis have to be representative of the rock mass.
As carbonate rocks are product of sedimentation
under various conditions, each textural type should
be recognized in the field and placed in correlation
with sedimentary sequences or their parts. The
establishment of the sedimentological model that
includes a determination of depositional
environment of the investigated area, dimension,
shape and persistence of rock types with equal or
similar mechanical and geotechnical characteristics,
allows establishment of a reliable engineering-
geological model. Only reliable engineering-
geological models can act as an appropriate input for
successful geotechnical modelling and designing,
particularly in tunneling and highway construction.
Therefore, more detailed classification of the
sediment type and determination of depositional
conditions, seems to be fundamental and effective in
engineering-geological modelling.


Sedimentological modelling was recently and
successfully applied in designing the tunnels
(Cicarija and Velebit) and highway (Rijeka-
Karlovac), in Croatia.
Basic properties of sedimentary rocks normally
determine engineering-geological properties of the
rocks. Impact of these factors on geotechnical
properties of the rocks should be evaluated by the
engineering geologist.
In engineering-geological practice, following the
approach in sedimentological investigations, the
Dunham (1962) classification of limestone modified
by Embry and Clovan was used. It enables
description of intact carbonate rocks according to
their depositional texture directly in the field.
Depositional textures, furthermore, enable
recognition of the depositional environment,
defining facies transitions, disposal, scale and
persistence of certain rock types.
Facies models furthermore act as a framework
and guide in the prediction of rock mass
engineering-geological and geotechnical behavior.
Geometry of sedimentary bodies, thickness and
persistence of the layers, roughness and other
characteristics of primary discontinuities, directly
influence engineering properties of rock masses, and
depend on condition of depositional environment.
The strength and rock texture index (m
) in most
of the sedimentary rocks is the consequence of grain
size, particle varieties and fabric, matrix between the
particles and their bonds. Analysis of uniaxial
strength of limestone indicated higher strength of
packstone and grainstone than mudstone,
wackestone and rudstone. Also crystalline dolomite
is stronger than stromatolite ones.
Prompt establishment of the sedimentological
model, linking rock types with the equal or similar
mechanical and geotechnical characteristics (using
Dunhams classification of carbonate rocks), allows
the establishment of the appropriate and reliable
engineering-geological model. It enables also the
appropriate sampling according to the diversity,
mode of appearance, shape, dimensions and
persistence, defined in the frame of facies model.
Therefore, more detailed classification of the
sediment type and determination of sedimentation
conditions already in the field, seems to be
fundamental and effective in engineering-geological


Braun, K.; Pollak, D.; Mlinar. Z. (1995): Engineering-
geological Modelling. 1. Croatian Geological
Congress, Proceedings, vol. 1, 125-131, Opatija.
Carozzi, A. V. (1960): Microscopic Sedimentary
Petrography. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
Dunham, R. J. (1962): Classification of carbonate
rocks according to depositional texture. From:
classification of carbonate rocks (Ham, W. E.,
Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Mem., 1.
Folk, R. L. (1959): Practical petrographic
classification of limestones. Bull. Amer. Assoc.
Petrol. Geol., 1-38.
Hoek, E. (1995): Strength of Rock & Rock Masses.
ISRM News Journal, vol. 2 (No 2), 4-17,
Hoek, E.; Kaiser, P.K.; Bawden, W.F. (1995):
Support of Underground Excavations in Hard
Rock. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam.
Tucker, M. E. (1991): Sedimentary Petrology.
Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
Maticec, D.; Fucek, L.; Ostric, N.; (1997): Tunnel
Velebit-Geotechnical report; Sedimentological
investigations. Professional report, Institute of
Geology, arch. no. 63/97
Walker, R. G. (1984): Facies Models. Geoscience
Canada, Second Edition, Ainsworth Press
Limited, Kitchener, Ontario.

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