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Execware LLC

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, JURY TRIAL DEMANDED Defendant. C.A. No. _________

COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT Plaintiff Execwa e, LLC file! it! Co"#laint fo Patent Inf in$e"ent a$ain!t Defendant Bl%e Nile, Inc., alle$in$, &a!ed on Bl%e Nile'! (nowled$e of it! action! and t)e action! of ot)e !, and &a!ed on Execwa e'! info "ation and &elief a! to all ot)e "atte !. PARTIES 1. Execwa e, LLC i! a li"ited lia&ilit* co"#an* o $ani+ed %nde t)e law! of t)e

Co""onwealt) of ,i $inia, )avin$ it! # inci#al office! at -../ 0o%t) 1effe !on 0t eet 21134, 5all! C)% c), ,i $inia 33/.1. 3. U#on info "ation and &elief, Defendant Bl%e Nile i! a Delawa e co #o ation. It!

a$ent fo !e vice of # oce!! in t)i! di!t ict i! Co #o ation 0e vice Co"#an*, 3611 Cente ville Road, 0%ite .//, Wil"in$ton, Delawa e 178/8, and it! # inci#al #lace of &%!ine!! i! located at 6/4 5ift) Aven%e 0o%t), 0%ite 7//, 0eattle, Wa!)in$ton 781/.. JURISDICTION AND VENUE -. 9)i! i! an action fo inf in$e"ent of a United 0tate! #atent a i!in$ %nde -4

U.0.C. :: 361, 381, 38., 384, a"on$ ot)e !. 9)i! Co% t )a! !%&;ect "atte ;% i!diction of t)e action %nde 38 U.0.C. : 1--1 and : 1--8<a=.


,en%e i! # o#e in t)i! di!t ict %nde 38 U.0.C. :: 1-71 and 1.//<&=. U#on

info "ation and &elief, Bl%e Nile i! a Delawa e co #o ation, Bl%e Nile eceive! !e vice of # oce!! in t)i! di!t ict, Bl%e Nile )a! t an!acted &%!ine!! in t)i! di!t ict, and Bl%e Nile )a! di ectl* and indi ectl* co""itted act! of #atent inf in$e"ent in t)i! di!t ict. 4. Bl%e Nile i! !%&;ect to t)i! Co% t'! !#ecific and $ene al #e !onal ;% i!diction

%nde d%e # oce!! and t)e Delawa e Lon$ A " 0tat%te d%e at lea!t to Bl%e Nile'! eceivin$ !e vice of # oce!! and !%&!tantial &%!ine!! in t)i! di!t ict, incl%din$> <i= at lea!t a #o tion of t)e inf in$e"ent! alle$ed )e ein? and <ii= e$%la l* doin$ o !olicitin$ &%!ine!!, en$a$in$ in ot)e #e !i!tent co% !e! of cond%ct, and de ivin$ !%&!tantial even%e f o" $ood! and !e vice! # ovided to individ%al! in Delawa e. COUNT I INFRINGEMENT OF U.S. PATENT NO. 6,216,139 @. An A# il 1/, 3//1, t)e United 0tate! Patent and 9 ade"a ( Affice <BP9AC= d%l*

and le$all* i!!%ed United 0tate! Patent No. @,31@,1-7 <Bt)e 1-7 #atentC=, titled BInte$ ated Dialo$ Box fo Ra#idl* Alte in$ P e!entation of Pa a"et ic 9ext Data A&;ect! on a Co"#%te Di!#la*,C invented &* Ro&e t Li!to%. 6. Execwa e i! t)e owne of t)e 1-7 #atent wit) all !%&!tantive i$)t! in and to t)at

#atent, incl%din$ t)e !ole and excl%!ive i$)t to # o!ec%te t)i! action and enfo ce t)e 1-7 #atent a$ain!t inf in$e !, and to collect da"a$e! fo all elevant ti"e!. 8. Bl%e Nile )a! notice of it! inf in$e"ent of t)e 1-7 #atent at lea!t f o" t)e filin$

and !e vice date! of t)i! Co"#laint. 7. Bl%e Nile, alone, o wit) one o "o e of it! c%!to"e !, !%##lie !, and di!t i&%to !

di ectl* <lite all* and %nde t)e doct ine of eD%ivalent!= and indi ectl* inf in$ed <%nde ind%ced and cont i&%to * inf in$e"ent= one o "o e clai"! of t)e 1-7 #atent in t)i! di!t ict and in t)e 3

United 0tate! &*, a"on$ ot)e wa*!, "a(in$, )avin$ "ade, !ellin$, offe in$ fo !ale, %!in$, o i"#o tin$ # od%ct! t)at fo "at and efo "at ta&%la di!#la*! of eco d!, #a a"ete !, and text data o&;ect! %nde it! )tt#>EEwww.&l%enile.co"E we&!ite <)e einafte , BAcc%!ed P od%ctC=.1 1/. Bl%e Nile !#ecificall* intended to ind%ce inf in$e"ent of t)e 1-7 #atent &* ta(in$

active !te#!, di ectl* o t) o%$) cont act%al elation!)i#! wit) ot)e !, to ca%!e it! c%!to"e !, !%##lie !, and di!t i&%to ! to "a(e, %!e, !ell, offe fo !ale, i"#o t, o ot)e wi!e # ovide t)e Acc%!ed P od%ct in a "anne t)at di ectl* inf in$ed one o "o e clai"! of t)e 1-7 #atent. Bl%e Nile'! !#ecific intent i! !)own &*, fo exa"#le, it! adve ti!in$, advi!in$, con!%ltin$, in!t %ctin$, $%idin$, o di ectin$ it! c%!to"e !, !%##lie !, and di!t i&%to ! )ow to "a(e, %!e, !ell, offe to !ell, o i"#o t t)e Acc%!ed P od%ct in a di ectl* inf in$in$ "anne . Bl%e Nile, a! t)e la $e!t and leadin$ online etaile of dia"ond! and fine ;ewel *, )ad !%fficientl* detailed (nowled$e of t)e activitie! of it! c%!to"e !, !%##lie !, and di!t i&%to ! !ince at lea!t t)e filin$ of t)i! Co"#laint. 11. Bl%e Nile !#ecificall* intended to cont i&%te to t)e inf in$e"ent of one o "o e

clai"! of t)e 1-7 #atent &* de!i$nin$ o "a(in$ !oftwa e co"#onent! of t)e Acc%!ed P od%ct t)at a e e!#eciall* de!i$ned o "ade fo %!e wit) co"#%te !*!te"! and ot)e "o&ile o !tatic device! o !*!te"! in an inf in$in$ "anne . 9o t)e extent Bl%e Nile did not # ovide t)e!e co"#%te !*!te"! and device!, it too( active !te#!, di ectl* o t) o%$) cont act%al elation!)i#!, to ca%!e di ect inf in$e"ent &* it! c%!to"e !, !%##lie !, and di!t i&%to ! f o" it! adve ti!in$, advi!in$, con!%ltin$, in!t %ctin$, $%idin$, o di ectin$ it! c%!to"e !, !%##lie !, and di!t i&%to ! )ow to inte$ ate !%c) co"#%te !*!te"! and device! wit) t)e Acc%!ed P od%ct. Bl%e Nile )ad (nowled$e of it! cont i&%to * inf in$e"ent !ince at lea!t t)e filin$ of t)i! Co"#laint.

Execwa e acc%!e! Bl%e Nile of #a!t, # e!ent, and f%t% e inf in$e"ent of t)e 1-7 #atent. All alle$ation! of inf in$e"ent o act! leadin$ to inf in$e"ent a e "ade in t)e #a!t ten!e, at)e t)an al!o in t)e # e!ent and f%t% e ten!e, !t ictl* fo !i"#licit*'! !a(e. -


9)e Acc%!ed P od%ct )a! )a dwa e o !oftwa e co"#onent! t)at a e e!#eciall*

de!i$ned and ada#ted fo %!e wit) !%c) ot)e co"#%te !*!te"! and device! in ca *in$ o%t t)e fo "attin$ and efo "attin$ ta&%la di!#la*! of eco d!, #a a"ete !, and text data o&;ect!, a! !een &* )ow # o"inentl* t)e!e f%nction! a e # o"oted &* Bl%e Nile on it! we&!ite and in it! "a (etin$ lite at% e. 9)e!e co"#onent! in t)e Acc%!ed P od%ct con!tit%te a "ate ial #a t of t)e invention of one o "o e a!!e ted clai"! of t)e 1-7 #atent and a e not !ta#le a ticle! of co""e ce !%ita&le fo !%&!tantial nonFinf in$in$ %!e!. 9)e!e di!tinct and !e#a ate co"#onent! a e %!ed onl* to #e fo " t)e fo "attin$ and efo "attin$ f%nctionalit* and not an* ot)e f%nctionalit*. 1-. Execwa e )a! &een, i! &ein$, and will contin%e to &e da"a$ed &* Bl%e Nile'!

inf in$in$ cond%ct. Bl%e Nile i! lia&le to Execwa e fo da"a$e! in an a"o%nt t)at adeD%atel* co"#en!ate! Execwa e fo Bl%e Nile'! inf in$e"ent. B* law, t)i! a"o%nt i! no le!! t)an a ea!ona&le o*alt* fo Bl%e Nile'! and it! c%!to"e !', !%##lie !', and di!t i&%to !' %!e of it! Acc%!ed P od%ct, to$et)e wit) inte e!t and co!t! a! fixed &* t)i! Co% t %nde -4 U.0.C. : 38.. JURY DEMAND Execwa e eD%e!t! a ;% * t ial fo t)e clai"! a!!e ted in t)i! Co"#laint. PRAYER FOR RELIEF Execwa e eD%e!t! t)i! Co% t to find in it! favo , a$ain!t Bl%e Nile, and t)at t)i! Co% t $ ant Execwa e t)e followin$ elief. a. 1%d$"ent t)at Bl%e Nile di ectl* inf in$ed of one o "o e clai"! of t)e 1-7

#atent, eit)e lite all* o %nde t)e doct ine of eD%ivalent!, o t)at Bl%e Nile, alone o in co"&ination wit) ot)e !, indi ectl* inf in$ed one o "o e clai"! of t)e 1-7 #atent, eit)e cont i&%to il* o &* ind%ced inf in$e"ent?


A #e "anent in;%nction en;oinin$ Bl%e Nile, it! office !, di ecto !, a$ent!,

!e vant!, affiliate!, e"#lo*ee!, divi!ion!, & anc)e!, !%&!idia ie!, #a ent!, and all ot)e ! actin$ to$et)e wit) Bl%e Nile f o" di ectl* inf in$in$, cont i&%to il* inf in$in$, o ind%cin$

inf in$e"ent of t)e 1-7 #atent? c. 1%d$"ent t)at Bl%e Nile acco%nt fo and #a* to Execwa e all da"a$e! and co!t!

t)at Execwa e inc% ed f o" Bl%e Nile'! di ect o indi ect inf in$in$ activitie! and cond%ct de!c i&ed in t)i! Co"#laint? d. 1%d$"ent t)at t)i! Co% t $ ant Execwa e it! # eF and #o!tF;%d$"ent inte e!t on it!

da"a$e! ca%!ed &* Bl%e Nile'! di ect o indi ect inf in$in$ activitie! and cond%ct de!c i&ed in t)i! Co"#laint? e. 1%d$"ent t)at t)i! Co% t decla e t)i! an exce#tional ca!e and awa d Execwa e it!

ea!ona&le atto ne*!' fee! and co!t! %nde -4 U.0.C. : 384? and f. # o#e . Dated> 5e& %a * 31, 3/1. A5 CAUN0EL> Gac)a ia) 0. Ha in$ton Iatt)ew 1. Antonelli La * D. 9)o"#!on, 1 . Pete 1. Co co an, III AN9ANELLI, HARRINJ9AN K 9HAIP0AN LLP .3// Iont o!e Blvd., 0te. .-/ Ho%!ton, 9X 66//@ <61-= 481F-/// +acLa)tlawfi ".co" "attLa)tlawfi ".co" la *La)tlawfi ".co" #eteLa)tlawfi ".co" BAMARD, P.A. /s/ Richard D. Kirk Ric)a d D. Ni ( < (/733= 0te#)en B. B a%e "an <!&.743= ,ane!!a R. 9i adente! <vt4-78= 0a a E. B%!!ie e <!&4634= 333 Delawa e Aven%e, 0%ite 7// Wil"in$ton, DE 178/1 <-/3= @44F4/// (i (L&a*a dlaw.co" !& a%e "anL&a*a dlaw.co" vti adente!L&a*a dlaw.co" !&%!!ie eL&a*a dlaw.co" Atto ne*! fo Plaintiff Execwa e, LLC 1%d$"ent t)at t)i! Co% t $ ant all additional elief t)at t)i! Co% t dee"! ;%!t and

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