Cpa Review School of The Philippines Auditing Theory
Cpa Review School of The Philippines Auditing Theory
Cpa Review School of The Philippines Auditing Theory
402 and 315 The auditor hould o!tain an under tandin" o# the a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& audit and de(elo' an e##e$ti(e audit a''roa$h) u##i$ient to 'lan the
Accounting system &ean the erie o# ta * and re$ord o# an entit% !% +hi$h tran a$tion are 'ro$e ed a a &ean o# &aintainin" #inan$ial re$ord ) Su$h % te& identi#%, a e&!le, anal%,e, $al$ulate, $la i#%, re$ord, u&&ari,e and re'ort tran a$tion and other e(ent ) Internal Control System &ean all the 'oli$ie and 'ro$edure -internal $ontrol . ado'ted !% the &ana"e&ent o# an entit% to a i t in a$hie(in" &ana"e&ent/ o!0e$ti(e o# en urin", a #ar a 'ra$ti$a!le,1 orderl% and e##i$ient $ondu$t o# it !u ine , in$ludin" adheren$e to &ana"e&ent 'oli$ie 2 a#e"uardin" o# a et 2 're(ention and dete$tion o# #raud and error2 a$$ura$% and $o&'letene o# the a$$ountin" re$ord 2 and ti&el% 're'aration o# relia!le #inan$ial in#or&ation) The internal $ontrol % te& e3tend !e%ond tho e &atter +hi$h relate dire$tl% to the #un$tion o# the a$$ountin" % te&) Internal Control Co&'onent -PSA 315.
The $ontrol en(iron&ent2 The entit%/ ri * a e &ent 'ro$e 2 The in#or&ation % te&, in$ludin" the related !u ine $o&&uni$ation2 Control a$ti(itie 2 and Monitorin" o# $ontrol )
Control environment The $ontrol en(iron&ent in$lude the attitude , a+arene , and a$tion o# &ana"e&ent and tho e $har"ed +ith "o(ernan$e $on$ernin" the entit%/ internal $ontrol and it i&'ortan$e in the entit%) The $ontrol en(iron&ent al o in$lude the "o(ernan$e and &ana"e&ent #un$tion and et the tone o# an or"ani,ation, in#luen$in" the $ontrol $on $iou ne o# it 'eo'le) It i the #oundation #or e##e$ti(e internal $ontrol, 'ro(idin" di $i'line and tru$ture) The $ontrol en(iron&ent en$o&'a e the #ollo+in" ele&ent 1
Co&&uni$ation and en#or$e&ent o# inte"rit% and ethi$al (alue ) Co&&it&ent to $o&'eten$e) Parti$i'ation !% tho e $har"ed +ith "o(ernan$e) Mana"e&ent/ 'hilo o'h% and o'eratin" t%le) Or"ani,ational tru$ture) A i"n&ent o# authorit% and re 'on i!ilit%) 4u&an re our$e 'oli$ie and 'ra$ti$e )
Entitys risk assessment rocess An entit%/ ri * a e &ent 'ro$e i it 'ro$e #or identi#%in" and re 'ondin" to !u ine ri * and the re ult thereo#) 5or #inan$ial re'ortin" 'ur'o e , the entit%/ ri * a e &ent 'ro$e in$lude ho+ &ana"e&ent identi#ie ri * rele(ant to the 're'aration o# #inan$ial tate&ent that are 're ented #airl%, in all &aterial re 'e$t in a$$ordan$e +ith the entit%/ a''li$a!le #inan$ial re'ortin" #ra&e+or*, e ti&ate their i"ni#i$an$e, a e e the li*elihood o# their o$$urren$e, and de$ide u'on a$tion to &ana"e the&)
Page ! of 13 Ri * $an ari e or $han"e due to $ir$u& tan$e u$h a the #ollo+in"1
C"anges in o erating environment ) Chan"e in the re"ulator% or o'eratin" en(iron&ent $an re ult in $han"e in $o&'etiti(e 're ure and i"ni#i$antl% di##erent ri * ) #e$ ersonnel) Ne+ 'er onnel &a% ha(e a di##erent #o$u on or under tandin" o# internal $ontrol) #e$ or revam ed information systems ) Si"ni#i$ant and ra'id $han"e in in#or&ation % te& $an $han"e the ri * relatin" to internal $ontrol) Ra id gro$t") Si"ni#i$ant and ra'id e3'an ion o# o'eration $an train $ontrol and in$rea e the ri * o# a !rea*do+n in $ontrol ) #e$ tec"nology) In$or'oratin" ne+ te$hnolo"ie into 'rodu$tion 'ro$e e % te& &a% $han"e the ri * a o$iated +ith internal $ontrol) or in#or&ation
#e$ %usiness models, roducts& or activities) Enterin" into !u ine area or tran a$tion +ith +hi$h an entit% ha little e3'erien$e &a% introdu$e ne+ ri * a o$iated +ith internal $ontrol) Cor orate restructurings) Re tru$turin" &a% !e a$$o&'anied !% ta## redu$tion and $han"e u'er(i ion and e"re"ation o# dutie that &a% $han"e the ri * a o$iated +ith internal $ontrol) in
E' anded foreign o erations) The e3'an ion or a$6ui ition o# #orei"n o'eration $arrie ne+ and o#ten uni6ue ri * that &a% a##e$t internal $ontrol, #or e3a&'le, additional or $han"ed ri * #ro& #orei"n $urren$% tran a$tion ) #e$ accounting ronouncements) Ado'tion o# ne+ a$$ountin" 'rin$i'le 'rin$i'le &a% a##e$t ri * in 're'arin" #inan$ial tate&ent ) or $han"in" a$$ountin"
Information system& including t"e related %usiness rocesses& relevant to financial re orting& and communication An in#or&ation % te& $on i t o# in#ra tru$ture -'h% i$al and hard+are $o&'onent ., o#t+are, 'eo'le, 'ro$edure , and data) In#ra tru$ture and o#t+are +ill !e a! ent, or ha(e le i"ni#i$an$e, in % te& that are e3$lu i(el% or 'ri&aril% &anual) The in#or&ation % te& rele(ant to #inan$ial re'ortin" o!0e$ti(e , +hi$h in$lude the #inan$ial re'ortin" % te&, $on i t o# the 'ro$edure and re$ord e ta!li hed to initiate, re$ord, 'ro$e , and re'ort entit% tran a$tion -a +ell a e(ent and $ondition . and to &aintain a$$ounta!ilit% #or the related a et , lia!ilitie , and e6uit%) A$$ordin"l%, an in#or&ation % te& en$o&'a e ðod and re$ord that1
Identi#% and re$ord all (alid tran a$tion ) 7e $ri!e on a ti&el% !a i the tran a$tion in u##i$ient detail to 'er&it 'ro'er $la i#i$ation o# tran a$tion #or #inan$ial re'ortin") Mea ure the (alue o# tran a$tion in a &anner that 'er&it re$ordin" their 'ro'er &onetar% (alue in the #inan$ial tate&ent ) 7eter&ine the ti&e 'eriod in +hi$h tran a$tion o$$urred to 'er&it re$ordin" o# tran a$tion in the 'ro'er a$$ountin" 'eriod) Pre ent 'ro'erl% the tran a$tion and related di $lo ure in the #inan$ial tate&ent )
Co&&uni$ation in(ol(e 'ro(idin" an under tandin" o# indi(idual role and re 'on i!ilitie 'ertainin" to internal $ontrol o(er #inan$ial re'ortin") It in$lude the e3tent to +hi$h 'er onnel under tand ho+ their a$ti(itie in the #inan$ial re'ortin" in#or&ation % te& relate to the +or* o# other and the &ean o# re'ortin" e3$e'tion to an a''ro'riate hi"her le(el +ithin the entit%) O'en $o&&uni$ation $hannel hel' en ure that e3$e'tion are re'orted and a$ted on) Control activities
Control a$ti(itie are the 'oli$ie and 'ro$edure that hel' en ure that &ana"e&ent dire$ti(e are $arried out, #or e3a&'le, that ne$e ar% a$tion are ta*en to addre ri * that threaten the a$hie(e&ent o# the entit%/ o!0e$ti(e ) Page 3 of 13 8enerall%, $ontrol a$ti(itie that &a% !e rele(ant to an audit &a% !e $ate"ori,ed a 'oli$ie and 'ro$edure that 'ertain to the #ollo+in"1
Per#or&an$e re(ie+ ) In#or&ation 'ro$e in") Ph% i$al $ontrol ) Se"re"ation o# dutie )
(onitoring of controls Mana"e&ent/ &onitorin" o# $ontrol in$lude $on iderin" +hether the% are o'eratin" a intended and that the% are &odi#ied a a''ro'riate #or $han"e in $ondition ) Monitorin" o# $ontrol &a% in$lude a$ti(itie u$h a &ana"e&ent/ re(ie+ o# +hether !an* re$on$iliation are !ein" 're'ared on a ti&el% !a i , internal auditor / e(aluation o# ale 'er onnel/ $o&'lian$e +ith the entit%/ 'oli$ie on ter& o# ale $ontra$t , and a le"al de'art&ent/ o(er i"ht o# $o&'lian$e +ith the entit%/ ethi$al or !u ine 'ra$ti$e 'oli$ie ) Inherent Li&itation o# Internal Control
1. Mana"e&ent/ u ual re6uire&ent that the $o t o# an internal $ontrol doe not e3$eed the e3'e$ted !ene#it 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
to !e deri(ed) Mo t internal $ontrol tend to !e dire$ted at routine tran a$tion rather than non9routine tran a$tion ) The 'otential #or hu&an error due to $arele ne , di tra$tion, &i ta*e o# 0ud"&ent and the &i under tandin" o# in tru$tion ) The 'o i!ilit% o# $ir$u&(ention o# internal $ontrol throu"h the $ollu ion o# a &e&!er o# &ana"e&ent or an e&'lo%ee +ith 'artie out ide or in ide the entit%) The 'o i!ilit% that a 'er on re 'on i!le #or e3er$i in" an internal $ontrol $ould a!u e that re 'on i!ilit%, #or e3a&'le, a &e&!er o# &ana"e&ent o(erridin" an internal $ontrol) The 'o i!ilit% that 'ro$edure &a% !e$o&e inade6uate due to $han"e in $ondition , and $o&'lian$e +ith 'ro$edure &a% deteriorate)
A$$ountin" and Internal Control A e &ent 1t :nder tandin" o# a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& 2nd Plan the a e ed le(el o# $ontrol ri * 3rd Per#or&an$e o# te t o# $ontrol -i# a''ro'riate. 4th Rea e &ent o# $ontrol ri * 5th 5inal a e &ent o# $ontrol ri * -1 t. :nder tandin" o# A$$ountin" and Internal Control S% te& In the audit o# #inan$ial tate&ent , the auditor i onl% $on$erned +ith tho e 'oli$ie and 'ro$edure +ithin the a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& that are rele(ant to the #inan$ial tate&ent a ertion ) The under tandin" o# rele(ant a 'e$t o# the a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& , to"ether +ith the inherent and $ontrol ri * a e &ent and other $on ideration , +ill ena!le the auditor to1 -a. identi#% the t%'e o# 'otential &aterial &i tate&ent that $ould o$$ur in the #inan$ial tate&ent 2 (b) $on ider #a$tor that a##e$t the ri * o# &aterial &i tate&ent 2 and (c) de i"n a''ro'riate audit 'ro$edure ) The nature, ti&in" and e3tent o# the 'ro$edure 'er#or&ed !% the auditor to o!tain an under tandin" o# the a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& +ill (ar% +ith, a&on" other thin" 1 The i,e and $o&'le3it% o# the entit% and o# it $o&'uter % te&) Materialit% $on ideration ) The t%'e o# internal $ontrol in(ol(ed) The nature o# the entit%/ do$u&entation o# 'e$i#i$ internal $ontrol ) The auditor/ a e &ent o# inherent ri *) E3'erien$e "ained #ro& 'rior audit )
1. 2. 3. 4.
Procedures in )%taining *nderstanding Ma*e in6uirie o# a''ro'riate $o&'an% 'er onnel In 'e$t do$u&ent and re$ord O! er(e the $o&'an%/ a$ti(itie and o'eration ;al*9throu"h
Page + of 13 ,ocumentation of *nderstanding The auditor hould do$u&ent hi under tandin" o# internal $ontrol) The e3tent o# do$u&entation i a &atter o# the CPA/ 0ud"&ent and the #or& o# do$u&entation de'end u'on hi 're#eren$e and *ill ) 1 5lo+$hart ) Narrati(e de $ri'tion 3) 2 Che$*li t ) Internal $ontrol 6ue tionnaire -IC<. 4) -2nd. Preli&inar% A e &ent o# Control Ri * The 'reli&inar% a e &ent o# $ontrol ri * i the 'ro$e o# e(aluatin" the e##e$ti(ene o# an entit%/ a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& in 're(entin" or dete$tin" and $orre$tin" &aterial &i tate&ent ) There +ill al+a% !e o&e $ontrol ri * !e$au e o# the inherent li&itation o# an% a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te&) A#ter o!tainin" an under tandin" o# the a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& , the auditor hould &a*e a 'reli&inar% a e &ent o# $ontrol ri *, at the a ertion le(el, #or ea$h &aterial a$$ount !alan$e or $la o# tran a$tion ) The auditor ordinaril% a e e $ontrol ri * at a hi"h le(el #or o&e or all a ertion +hen1 (a) the entit%/ a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& are not e##e$ti(e2 or (b) e(aluatin" the e##e$ti(ene o# the entit%/ a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& +ould not !e e##i$ient) The 'reli&inar% a e &ent o# $ontrol ri * #or a #inan$ial tate&ent a ertion hould !e hi"h unle the auditor1 (a) i a!le to identi#% internal $ontrol rele(ant to the a ertion +hi$h are li*el% to 're(ent or dete$t and $orre$t a &aterial &i tate&ent2 and (b) 'lan to 'er#or& te t o# $ontrol to u''ort the a e &ent) -3rd. Te t o# Control I# a''ro'riate, te t o# $ontrol are 'er#or&ed to o!tain audit e(iden$e a!out the e##e$ti(ene o# the1 (a) design o# the a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& , that i , +hether the% are uita!l% de i"ned to 're(ent or dete$t and $orre$t &aterial &i tate&ent 2 and (b) operation o# the internal $ontrol throu"hout the 'eriod) Procedures for Performing -ests of Controls 1 3 ) In 'e$tion ) O! er(ation 2 4 ) In6uir% ) Re'er#or&an$e Re.uired ,ocumentation A e 4i"h -Ma3i&u&. Re6uired Re6uired Re6uired Not re6uired ed Control Ri * Le than hi"h -=elo+ Ma3i&u&. Re6uired Re6uired Not re6uired Re6uired
-4th. Rea e &ent o# $ontrol ri * =a ed on the re ult o# the te t o# $ontrol, the auditor hould e(aluate +hether the internal $ontrol are de i"ned and o'eratin" a $onte&'lated in the 'reli&inar% a e &ent o# $ontrol ri *) The e(aluation o# de(iation &a% re ult in the auditor $on$ludin" that the a e ed le(el o# $ontrol ri * need to !e re(i ed) In u$h $a e , the auditor +ould &odi#% the nature, ti&in" and e3tent o# 'lanned u! tanti(e 'ro$edure ) -5th. 5inal A e &ent o# Control Ri * =e#ore the $on$lu ion o# the audit, !a ed on the re ult o# the u! tanti(e 'ro$edure and other audit e(iden$e o!tained !% the auditor, the auditor hould $on ider +hether the a e &ent o# $ontrol ri * i $on#ir&ed)
Page / of 13 Co&&uni$ation o# ;ea*ne e A a re ult o# o!tainin" an under tandin" o# the a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& and te t o# $ontrol, the auditor &a% !e$o&e a+are o# +ea*ne e in the % te& ) The auditor hould &a*e &ana"e&ent a+are, a oon a 'ra$ti$al and at an a''ro'riate le(el o# re 'on i!ilit%, o# &aterial +ea*ne e in the de i"n or o'eration o# the a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& , +hi$h ha(e $o&e to the auditor/ attention) The $o&&uni$ation to &ana"e&ent o# &aterial +ea*ne e +ould ordinaril% !e in +ritin" ) 4o+e(er, i# the auditor 0ud"e that oral $o&&uni$ation i a''ro'riate, u$h $o&&uni$ation +ould !e do$u&ented in the audit +or*in" 'a'er ) It i i&'ortant to indi$ate in the $o&&uni$ation that onl% +ea*ne e +hi$h ha(e $o&e to the auditor/ attention a a re ult o# the audit ha(e !een re'orted and that the e3a&ination ha not !een de i"ned to deter&ine the ade6ua$% o# internal $ontrol #or &ana"e&ent 'ur'o e ) M:LTIPLE C4OICE <:ESTIONS
1. A$$ordin" to PSA 400, +hi$h o# the #ollo+in" i $orre$t re"ardin" internal $ontrol % te&> a. Internal $ontrol % te& re#er to all the 'oli$ie and 'ro$edure ado'ted !% the auditor to a i t in b. c. d.
a$hie(in" &ana"e&ent/ o!0e$ti(e) A tron" en(iron&ent, !% it el#, en ure the e##e$ti(ene o# the internal $ontrol % te&) In t e a!dit o" "inan#ia$ state%ents& t e a!ditor is on$' #on#erned (it t ose po$i#ies and pro#ed!res (it in t e a##o!nting and interna$ #ontro$ s'ste%s t at are re$e)ant to t e "inan#ia$ state%ents* The internal $ontrol % te& i $on#ined to tho e &atter +hi$h relate dire$tl% to the #un$tion o# the a$$ountin" % te&)
2. ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" i $orre$t a!out internal $ontrol> a. A$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& 'ro(ide &ana"e&ent +ith $on$lu i(e e(iden$e that o!0e$ti(e
are rea$hed)
b. One o" t e in erent $i%itations o" a##o!nting and interna$ #ontro$ s'ste%s is t e possi+i$it' t at c. d.
t e pro#ed!res %a' +e#o%e inade,!ate d!e to # anges in #onditions& and #o%p$ian#e (it pro#ed!res %a' deteriorate* Mo t internal $ontrol tend to !e dire$ted at non9routine tran a$tion ) Mana"e&ent doe not $on ider $o t o# the a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& )
3. Cor'orate dire$tor , &ana"e&ent, e3ternal auditor , and internal auditor all 'la% i&'ortant role in $reatin"
a 'ro'er $ontrol en(iron&ent) To' &ana"e&ent i 'ri&aril% re 'on i!le #or a. Esta+$is ing a proper en)iron%ent and spe#i"'ing o)era$$ interna$ #ontro$* b. Re(ie+in" the relia!ilit% and inte"rit% o# #inan$ial in#or&ation and the &ean u ed to $olle$t and re'ort u$h in#or&ation) c. En urin" that e3ternal and internal auditor ade6uatel% &onitor the $ontrol en(iron&ent) d. I&'le&entin" and &onitorin" $ontrol de i"ned !% the !oard o# dire$tor )
4. ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" !e t de $ri!e the interrelated $o&'onent o# internal $ontrol> a. Or"ani,ational tru$ture, &ana"e&ent 'hilo o'h%, and 'lannin") b. Contro$ en)iron%ent& ris- assess%ent& #ontro$ a#ti)ities& in"or%ation and #o%%!ni#ation
s'ste%s& and %onitoring*
c. Ri * a e &ent, !a$*u' #a$ilitie , re 'on i!ilit% a$$ountin" and natural la+ ) d. Le"al en(iron&ent o# the #ir&, &ana"e&ent 'hilo o'h%, and or"ani,ational tru$ture) 5. In an audit o# #inan$ial tate&ent , an auditor/ 'ri&ar% $on ideration re"ardin" a $ontrol i +hether it a. Re#le$t &ana"e&ent/ 'hilo o'h% and o'eratin" t%le) b. A""e#ts %anage%ent.s "inan#ia$ state%ent assertions* c. Pro(ide ade6uate a#e"uard o(er a$$e to a et ) d. Enhan$e &ana"e&ent/ de$i ion9&a*in" 'ro$e e ) 6. E##e$ti(e internal $ontrol a. Eli&inate ri * and 'otential lo to the or"ani,ation) b. Cannot !e $ir$u&(ented !% &ana"e&ent) c. I una##e$ted !% $han"in" $ir$u& tan$e and $ondition en$ountered !% the or"ani,ation)
Red!#es t e need "or %anage%ent to re)ie( e/#eption reports on a da'0to0da' +asis* Page 0 of 13
7. ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" tate&ent a!out internal $ontrol i $orre$t> a. Pro'erl% &aintained internal $ontrol rea ona!l% a ure that $ollu ion a&on" e&'lo%ee $annot o$$ur) b. E ta!li hin" and &aintainin" internal $ontrol i the internal auditor/ re 'on i!ilit%) c. E3$e'tionall% tron" $ontrol allo+ the auditor to eli&inate u! tanti(e te t ) d. T e #ost0+ene"it re$ations ip s o!$d +e #onsidered in designing interna$ #ontro$* 8. The ulti&ate 'ur'o e o# a e in" $ontrol ri * i to $ontri!ute to the auditor/ e(aluation o# the ri * that a. Te t o# $ontrol &a% #ail to identi#% $ontrol rele(ant to a ertion ) b. 1ateria$ %isstate%ents %a' e/ist in t e "inan#ia$ state%ents* c. S'e$i#ied $ontrol re6uirin" e"re"ation o# dutie &a% !e $ir$u&(ented !% $ollu ion) d. Entit% 'oli$ie &a% !e o(erridden !% enior &ana"e&ent) 9. A 'ro'er under tandin" o# the $lient/ internal $ontrol i an inte"ral 'art o# the audit 'lannin" 'ro$e ) The
re ult o# the under tandin" a. Mu t !e re'orted to the hareholder and the SEC) b. =ear no relation hi' to the e3tent o# u! tanti(e te tin" to !e 'er#or&ed) c. Are not re'orted to $lient &ana"e&ent) d. 1a' +e !sed as t e +asis "or (it dra(ing "ro% an a!dit engage%ent*
10. An entit% hould $on ider the $o t o# a $ontrol in relation hi' to the ri *) ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" $ontrol !e t a. b. c. d.
re#le$t thi 'hilo o'h% #or a lar"e 'e o in(e t&ent in hea(% &a$hine tool > Condu$tin" a +ee*l% 'h% i$al in(entor%) Pla$in" e$urit% "uard at e(er% entran$e 24 hour a da%) I%printing a #ontro$$ed identi"i#ation n!%+er on ea# too$* 4a(in" all di 'o ition a''ro(ed !% the (i$e 're ident o# ale )
11. Audit e(iden$e $on$ernin" e"re"ation o# dutie ordinaril% i !e t o!tained !% a. Per#or&in" te t o# tran a$tion that $orro!orate &ana"e&ent/ #inan$ial tate&ent a ertion b. O+ser)ing t e e%p$o'ees as t e' app$' spe#i"i# #ontro$s* c. O!tainin" a #lo+$hart o# a$ti(itie 'er#or&ed !% a(aila!le 'er onnel) d. 7e(elo'in" audit o!0e$ti(e that redu$e $ontrol ri *) 12. ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" tate&ent a!out 'reli&inar% a e &ent o# $ontrol ri * i $orre$t> a. A#ter o!tainin" an under tandin" o# the a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& , the auditor hould b. c. d.
&a*e a 'reli&inar% a e &ent o# $ontrol ri * , at the a ertion le(el, #or all a$$ount or tran a$tion $la e ) The 'reli&inar% a e &ent o# $ontrol ri * $an !e done onl% a#ter $o&'letin" te t o# $ontrol ) The 'reli&inar% a e &ent o# $ontrol ri * #or a #inan$ial a ertion i nor&all% lo+, unle the auditor i a!le to identi#% +ea*ne e that &a% indi$ate ine##e$ti(ene o# a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te&) T e a!ditor ordinari$' assesses #ontro$ ris- at ig $e)e$ "or so%e or a$$ assertions ( en it is not #ost e""i#ient to do tests o" #ontro$s*
13. ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" tate&ent $on$ernin" $ontrol ri * i $orre$t> a. ;hen $ontrol ri * i at the &a3i&u& le(el, an auditor i re6uired to do$u&ent the !a i #or that
a e &ent)
b. Control ri * &a% !e a e ed u##i$ientl% lo+ to eli&inate u! tanti(e te tin" #or i"ni#i$ant tran a$tion c. d.
$la e ) ;hen a e in" $ontrol ri *, an auditor hould not $on ider e(iden$e o!tained in 'rior audit a!out the o'eration o# $ontrol ) Assessing #ontro$ ris- and o+taining an !nderstanding o" an entit'.s interna$ #ontro$ %a' +e per"or%ed #on#!rrent$'*
14. =a ed on a $on ideration o# internal $ontrol $o&'leted at an interi& date, the auditor a e ed $ontrol ri *
at a lo+ le(el and 'er#or&ed interi& u! tanti(e te t ) The re$ord and 'ro$edure +ould &o t li*el% !e te ted a"ain at %ear9end i# a. Te t o# $ontrol +ere not 'er#or&ed !% the internal auditor durin" the re&ainin" 'eriod) b. Internal $ontrol 'ro(ide a !a i #or li&itin" the e3tent o# u! tanti(e te tin") c. The auditor u ed non tati ti$al a&'lin" durin" the interi& 'eriod te tin" o# $ontrol ) d. In,!iries and o+ser)ations $ead t e a!ditor to +e$ie)e t at #onditions a)e # anged*
Page 1 of 13
15. Althou"h u! tanti(e te t &a% u''ort the a$$ura$% o# underl%in" re$ord , the e te t #re6uentl% 'ro(ide
no a##ir&ati(e e(iden$e o# e"re"ation o# dutie !e$au e a. Su! tanti(e te t rarel% "uarantee the a$$ura$% o# the re$ord i# onl% a 'er on +ho 'er#or& in$o&'ati!le #un$tion ) b. T e re#ords %a' +e a##!rate e)en t o!g t e' are %aintained +' a person ( o per"or%s in#o%pati+$e "!n#tions* c. Su! tanti(e te t relate to the entire 'eriod under audit, !ut te t o# $ontrol ordinaril% are $on#ined to the 'eriod durin" +hi$h the auditor i on the $lient/ 're&i e ) d. Man% $o&'uteri,ed 'ro$edure lea(e no audit trail o# +ho 'er#or&ed the&, o u! tanti(e te t &a% ne$e aril% !e li&ited to in6uirie and o! er(ation o# o##i$e 'er onnel)
16. A#ter o!tainin" an under tandin" o# internal $ontrol and a e in" $ontrol ri *, an auditor de$ided not to
'er#or& additional te t o# $ontrol ) The auditor &o t li*el% $on$luded that the
a. Additiona$ e)iden#e to s!pport a "!rt er red!#tion in #ontro$ ris- (as not #ost0+ene"i#ia$ to b. c. d.
o+tain* A e ed le(el o# inherent ri * e3$eeded the a e ed le(el o# $ontrol ri *) Internal $ontrol +a 'ro'erl% de i"ned and 0u ti#ia!l% &a% !e relied on) E(iden$e o!taina!le throu"h te t o# $ontrol +ould not u''ort an in$rea ed a e ri *)
&ent o# $ontrol
17. The o!0e$ti(e o# te t o# detail o# tran a$tion 'er#or&ed a te t o# $ontrol i to a. Monitor the de i"n and u e o# entit% do$u&ent u$h a 'renu&!ered hi''in" #or& b. 7eter&ine +hether $ontrol ha(e !een 'la$ed in o'eration) c. 7ete$t &aterial &i tate&ent in the a$$ount !alan$e o# the #inan$ial tate&ent ) d. E)a$!ate ( et er #ontro$s operated e""e#ti)e$') 18. An auditor +i he to 'er#or& te t o# $ontrol on a $lient/ $a h di !ur e&ent 'ro$edure ) I# the $ontrol
lea(e no audit trail o# do$u&entar% e(iden$e, the auditor &o t li*el% +ill te t the 'ro$edure !% a $ ) Con#ir&ation and o! er(ation) ) Anal%ti$al 'ro$edure and $on#ir&ation) + d * O+ser)ation and in,!ir'* ) In6uir% and anal%ti$al 'ro$edure 1?) ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" +ould not !e a ðod u ed to $ondu$t te t o# $ontrol > a ! # ) In6uir% ) ;al*throu"h * Con"ir%ation the e3ten ion ) Thi i an e3a&'le o# a a* !) Test o" #ontro$s Su! tanti(e te t $ ) d ) 7ual 'ur'o e te t Te t o# !alan$e d ) O! er(atio n
20. The auditor i e3a&inin" $o'ie o# ale in(oi$e onl% #or the initial o# the 'er on re 'on i!le #or $he$*in"
21. ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" t%'e o# e(iden$e +ould an auditor &o t li*el% e3a&ine to deter&ine +hether
$ontrol are o'eratin" a de i"ned> a. Con#ir&ation o# re$ei(a!le (eri#%in" a$$ount !alan$e ) b. Letter o# re're entation $orro!oratin" in(entor% 'ri$in") c. Attorne% / re 'on e to the auditor/ in6uirie ) d. C$ient re#ords do#!%enting t e !se o" #o%p!ter progra%s)
22. ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" 'ro$edure $on$ernin" a$$ount re$ei(a!le i an auditor &o t li*el% to 'er#or& to
o!tain e(idential &atter in u''ort o# an a re$ei(a!le) e ed le(el o# $ontrol ri * !elo+ the &a3i&u& le(el>
a. Sendin" $on#ir&ation re6ue t to an entit%/ 'rin$i'al $u to&er to (eri#% the e3i ten$e o# a$$ount b. In 'e$tin" an entit%/ anal% i o# a$$ount re$ei(a!le #or unu ual !alan$e ) c. Co&'arin" an entit%/ un$olle$ti!le a$$ount e3'en e to a$tual un$olle$ti!le a$$ount re$ei(a!le) d. O+ser)ing an entit'.s e%p$o'ee prepare t e s# ed!$e o" past d!e a##o!nts re#ei)a+$e* 23. An auditor i lea t li*el% to te t $ontrol that 'ro(ide #or a. C$assi"i#ation o" re)en!e and e/pense transa#tions +' prod!#t $ine b. A''ro(al o# the 'ur$ha e and ale o# tradin" e$uritie c. Se"re"ation o# the #un$tion o# re$ordin" di !ur e&ent and re$on$ilin" the !an* a$$ount d. Co&'ari on o# re$ei(in" re'ort and (endor / in(oi$e +ith 'ur$ha e order
Page 2 of 13
24. In a &all $o&'an% that doe n@t e&'lo% an ade6uate nu&!er o# e&'lo%ee to 'er&it 'ro'er di(i ion o# a. b. c. d.
re 'on i!ilitie , e##e$ti(e internal $ontrol $an !e tren"thened !% Dire#t parti#ipation +' t e o(ner o" t e +!siness in t e re#ord -eeping a#ti)ities o" t e +!siness* E&'lo%&ent o# te&'orar% 'er onnel to aid in the e'aration o# dutie ) 7ele"ation o# #ull, $lear9$ut re 'on i!ilit% to ea$h e&'lo%ee #or the #un$tion a i"ned to ea$h) En"a"in" a CPA to 'er#or& &onthl% A+rite u'A +or*)
25. ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" i true o# the $o&&uni$ation to &ana"e&ent o# &aterial +ea*ne e in a$$ountin"
and internal $ontrol> a. Co&&uni$ation &u t !e in +ritin") b. Ora$ #o%%!ni#ation o" %ateria$ (ea-nesses& ( en appropriate& (o!$d +e do#!%ented in t e a!dit (or-ing papers* c. The $o&&uni$ation hould indi$ate that the auditor had e3ten i(el% e3a&ined the a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& o# the $lient) d. The auditor hould indi$ate in the $o&&uni$ation that the e3a&ination i 'ri&aril% de i"ned to deter&ine +hether the a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol i ade6uate) <:IBBERS
1. Tran a$tion authori,ation +ithin an or"ani,ation &a% !e either 'e$i#i$ or "eneral) An e3a&'le o# 'e$i#i$ a. b. c. d.
tran a$tion authori,ation i the Appro)a$ o" a #onstr!#tion +!dget "or a ne( (are o!se Settin" o# auto&ati$ reorder 'oint E ta!li h&ent o# a $u to&er/ $redit li&it E ta!li h&ent o# ale 'ri$e
2. Internal $ontrol hould 'ro(ide rea ona!le -!ut not ne$e aril% a! olute. a uran$e +hi$h &ean that1 a. T e #ost o" #ontro$ a#ti)ities s o!$d not e/#eed t e +ene"its* b. Internal $ontrol i &ana"e&ent/ , not auditor/ , re 'on i!ilit%) c. An atte tation en"a"e&ent a!out &ana"e&ent/ internal $ontrol a ertion &a% not ne$e aril% dete$t
all re'orta!le $ondition )
d. There i al+a% a ri * that re'orta!le $ondition &a% re ult in &aterial &i tate&ent ) 3. ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" tate&ent i an e3a&'le o# an inherent li&itation o# internal $ontrol) a. Errors %a' arise "ro% %ista-es in 2!dg%ents* b. The e##e$ti(ene o# $ontrol 'ro$edure de'end on e"re"ation o# dutie ) c. Pro$edure are de i"ned to a ure that tran a$tion are e3e$uted a &ana"e&ent authoritie ) d. Co&'uter 'ro$e lar"e nu&!er o# tran a$tion ) 4. Pro'er e"re"ation o# #un$tional re 'on i!ilitie $all #or e'aration o# the #un$tion o# a. A!t ori3ation& e/e#!tion& and re#ording* c. Cu tod%, e3e$ution, and re'ortin") b. Authori,ation, e3e$ution, and 'a%&ent) d. Authori,ation, 'a%&ent, and re$ordin") 5. ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" i a re 'on i!ilit% that hould not !e a i"ned to onl% one e&'lo%ee> a. A##ess to se#!rities in t e #o%pan'.s sa"e deposit +o/* b. Cu todian hi' o# the $a h +or*in" #und) c. Re$on$iliation o# !an* tate&ent) d. Cu todian hi' o# tool and &all e6ui'&ent) 6. ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" a$ti(itie +ould !e lea t li*el% to tren"then a $o&'an%/ internal $ontrol> a. 1aintaining ins!ran#e "or "ire and t e"t* b. Se'aratin" a$$ountin" #ro& other #inan$ial o'eration ) c. 5i3in" re 'on i!ilit% #or the 'er#or&an$e o# e&'lo%ee dutie ) d. Care#ull% ele$tin" and trainin" e&'lo%ee ) 7. A a. b. c. d.
"enerall% $on$ei(ed, the Caudit $o&&itteeD o# a 'u!li$l% held $o&'an% hould !e &ade u' o# 1e%+ers o" t e +oard o" dire#tors ( o are not o""i#ers or e%p$o'ees* Re're entati(e o# the &a0or e6uit% intere t -!ond , 're#erred to$*, $o&&on to$*.) The audit 'artner, the $hie# #inan$ial o##i$er, the le"al $oun el, and at lea t one out ider) Re're entati(e #ro& the $lient/ &ana"e&ent, in(e tor , u''lier , and $u to&er )
Page 3 of 13
8. ;hen $on iderin" internal $ontrol, the auditor/ 'ri&ar% $on$ern i to deter&ine a. T e re$ia+i$it' o" t e a##o!nting in"or%ation s'ste%* b. The 'o i!ilit% o# #raud o$$urrin") c. Co&'lian$e +ith 'oli$ie , 'lan , and 'ro$edure ) d. The t%'e o# an o'inion he +ill i ue) 9. O# the #ollo+in", the !e t tate&ent o# the CPA/ 'ri&ar% o!0e$ti(e in $on iderin" internal $ontrol i that a. b. c. d.
the re(ie+ i intended to 'ro(ide A +asis "or re$ian#e on t e s'ste% and deter%ining t e s#ope o" ot er a!diting pro#ed!res* Rea ona!le 'rote$tion a"ain t $lient #raud and de#al$ation !% $lient e&'lo%ee ) A !a i #or $on tru$ti(e u""e tion to the $lient #or i&'ro(in" hi internal $ontrol % te&) A ðod #or en urin" that there i rea ona!le a uran$e that the #inan$ial tate&ent are relia!le)
10. ;hen an auditor a e e $ontrol ri * !elo+ the &a3i&u& le(el, the auditor i re6uired to
do$u&ent the auditor/ =a i #or $on$ludin" that $ontrol Ri * i !elo+ the &a3i&u& le(el a* Yes !) No $) Ee d) No :nder tandin" o# the entit%/ internal $ontrol tru$ture ele&ent Yes No No Ee
11. The e6uen$e o# te' in "atherin" e(iden$e a the !a i o# the auditor/ o'inion i a. Su! tanti(e te t , do$u&entation o# $ontrol tru$ture, and te t o# $ontrol b. Do#!%entation o" #ontro$ str!#t!re& tests o" #ontro$s& and s!+stanti)e tests c. 7o$u&entation o# $ontrol tru$ture, u! tanti(e te t , and te t o# $ontrol d. Te t o# $ontrol , do$u&entation o# $ontrol tru$ture, and u! tanti(e te t 12. In o!tainin" an under tandin" o# an entit%/ internal $ontrol tru$ture, an auditor i re6uired to o!tain
*no+led"e a!out the O'eratin" e##e$ti(ene o# Poli$ie and 'ro$edure Ee No Ee No 7e i"n o# 'oli$ie and 'ro$edure Ee Yes No No
a) +* $) d)
13) ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" audit te$hni6ue &o t li*el% +ould 'ro(ide an auditor +ith the &o t a uran$e a!out the e##e$ti(ene o# the o'eration on an internal $ontrol 'ro$edure> a) Con#ir&ation +ith out ide 'artie $) Re$o&'utation o# a$$ount !alan$e d +* O+ser)ation o" #$ient personne$ ) In6uir% o# $lient 'er onnel
14. ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" i the $orre$t order #or 'er#or&in" the auditin" 'ro$edure A throu"h C !elo+
A F Te t o# Control = F Pre'aration o# a #lo+$hart de'i$tin" the $lient/ internal $ontrol tru$ture C F Su! tanti(e te t a) A=C +* 4AC $) AC= d) =CA
15. A#ter $on iderin" a $lient/ internal $ontrol, an auditor ha $on$luded that the % te& i +ell de i"ned and
i #un$tionin" a anti$i'ated) :nder the e $ir$u& tan$e , the auditor +ould &o t li*el% a. Cea e to 'er#or& #urther u! tanti(e te t b. Not in#rease t e e/tent o" p$anned s!+stanti)e tests c. In$rea e the e3tent o# anti$i'ated anal%ti$al 'ro$edure d. Per#or& all te t o# $ontrol to the e3tent outlined in the 're'lanned audit 'ro"ra&
16. A#ter $on iderin" internal $ontrol, an auditor &i"ht de$ide to a. In$rea e the e3tent o# te t o# $ontrol and u! tanti(e te t in area +here internal $ontrol i b. In#rease t e e/tent o" s!+stanti)e tests in areas ( ere interna$ #ontro$ is (ea-
tron" Page 14 of 13
d. Redu$e the e3tent o# !oth u! tanti(e te t and te t o# $ontrol in area +here internal $ontrol i
17. To o!tain an under tandin" o# the rele(ant 'oli$ie and 'ro$edure o# internal $ontrol, the auditor
'er#or& all o# the #ollo+in" e3$e't1 a) +* Ma*e in6uirie Design s!+stanti)e tests a o$iated +ith +hi$h o# the #ollo+in"> a) +* Se'aration o# dutie Understanding t e s'ste% $ ) d ) 5lo+$hart a$$ura$% Te t o# $ontrol $ ) d ) Ma*e o! er(ation In 'e$t do$u&ent and re$ord
18. In an auditor/ $on ideration o# internal $ontrol, the $o&'letion o# a 6ue tionnaire i &o t $lo el%
19. =e#ore rel%in" on the % te& o# internal $ontrol, the auditor o!tain a rea ona!le de"ree o# a uran$e
that the internal $ontrol 'ro$edure are in u e and o'eratin" a 'lanned) The auditor o!tain thi a uran$e !% 'er#or&in" 'lanned $ a) Su! tanti(e te t ) Tran a$tion te t d +* Tests o" #ontro$s ) Te t o# trend and ratio
20. A#ter o!tainin" an under tandin" o# a $lient/ $ontrol , an auditor &a% de$ide to o&it te t o# the $ontrol )
;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" in not a''ro'riate rea on to o&it te t o# $ontrol > a. The $ontrol du'li$ate other $ontrol ) b. T e #ontro$s appear ade,!ate* c. Re'orta!le $ondition 're$lude a e in" $ontrol ri * !elo+ the &a3i&u&) d. The e##ort to te t $ontrol e3$eed the e##ort a(ed !% not 'er#or&in" u! tanti(e te t )
in internal $ontrol &a% !e de#ined a a $ondition in +hi$h &aterial error or irre"ularitie &a% o$$ur and not !e dete$ted +ithin a ti&el% 'eriod !% a. An inde'endent auditor durin" te t o# $ontrol ) b. Mana"e&ent +hen re(ie+in" interi& #inan$ial tate&ent and re$on$ilin" a$$ount !alan$e ) c. E%p$o'ees in t e nor%a$ #o!rse o" per"or%ing t eir assigned "!n#tions* d. Out ide $on ultant +ho i ue a 'e$ial9'ur'o e re'ort on internal $ontrol tru$ture)
22. Internal $ontrol 'ro$edure are not de i"ned to 'ro(ide rea ona!le a uran$e that a. Tran a$tion are e3e$uted in a$$ordan$e +ith &ana"e&ent@ authori,ation) b. A$$e to a et i 'er&itted onl% in a$$ordan$e +ith &ana"e&ent@ authori,ation) c. Irreg!$arities (i$$ +e e$i%inated* d. The re$orded a$$ounta!ilit% #or a et i $o&'ared +ith the e3i tin" a et at rea ona!le
inter(al )
23. A e$ondar% 'ur'o e o# the auditor@ $on ideration o# internal $ontrol i to 'ro(ide a. A !a i #or a e in" $ontrol ri *) b. An a uran$e that the re$ord and do$u&ent ha(e !een &aintained in a$$ordan$e +ith
e3i tin" $o&'an% 'oli$ie and 'ro$edure )
c. A +asis "or #onstr!#ti)e s!ggestions a+o!t i%pro)e%ents in interna$ #ontro$ str!#t!re* d. A !a i #or the deter&ination o# the re ultant e3tent o# the te t to +hi$h auditin" 'ro$edure are to
!e re tri$ted)
24. The auditor@ re(ie+ o# the $lient@ internal $ontrol i do$u&ented in order to u! tantiate a. Con#or&it% o# the a$$ountin" re$ord +ith 8AAP) b. Adheren$e to re6uire&ent o# &ana"e&ent) c. Co%p$ian#e (it genera$$' a##epted a!diting standards* d. The #airne o# the #inan$ial tate&ent 're entation) 25. A $on ideration o# internal $ontrol &ade durin" an audit i u uall% not u##i$ient to e3're
an o'inion on an entit%@ $ontrol !e$au e a. ;ea*ne e in the % te& &a% "o unnoti$ed durin" the audit en"a"e&ent) b. A $on ideration o# internal $ontrol i not ne$e aril% &ade durin" an audit en"a"e&ent) c. On$' t ose #ontro$s on ( i# an a!ditor intends to re$' are re)ie(ed& tested& and e)a$!ated*
Page 11 of 13
26. The a$$ountant@ re'ort e3're in" an o'inion on an entit%@ internal $ontrol hould tate that the a. O!0e$ti(e o# the $lient@ internal $ontrol are !ein" &et) b. Con ideration o# the internal $ontrol +a $ondu$ted in a$$ordan$e +ith "enerall% a$$e'ted c. d.
auditin" tandard ) Esta+$is %ent and %aintenan#e o" interna$ #ontro$ is t e responsi+i$it' o" %anage%ent* Inherent li&itation o# the $lient@ internal $ontrol +ere e3a&ined)
27. The 'ri&ar% o!0e$ti(e o# 'ro$edure 'er#or&ed to o!tain an under tandin" o# internal $ontrol i to 'ro(ide a. b. c. d.
an auditor +ith E(idential &atter to u e in redu$in" dete$tion ri *) A !a i #ro& +hi$h to &odi#% te t o# $ontrol ) 5no($edge ne#essar' to p$an t e a!dit* In#or&ation ne$e ar% to 're'are #lo+$hart ) &ent and Internal Control
PSA 400 G Ri * A e
28. ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" i not 'art o# the $ontrol en(iron&ent> a. Mana"e&ent 'hilo o'h% and o'eratin" t%le) b. Or"ani,ational tru$ture and ðod o# a i"nin" authorit% and re 'on i!ilit%) c. In"or%ation and #o%%!ni#ation s'ste%s* d. The #un$tion o# the !oard o# dire$tor and it $o&&ittee ) 29. ;hen o!tainin" an under tandin" o# the a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& the auditor &a% tra$e a
#e+ tran a$tion throu"h the a$$ountin" % te&) Thi te$hni6ue i 1 a # ) Re'er#or&an$e te t * Wa$-0t ro!g test ! d ) Te t o# tran a$tion ) Halidit% te t th #ollo+in" li*el% 30) ;hi$h o# e lea t a##e$t the nature, ti&in", and e3tent o# the 'ro$edure 'er#or&e ! d % the auditor to o!tain an under tandin" o# the a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& o# an audit $lient> a. Materialit% $on ideration b. The auditor/ a e &ent o# inherent ri * c. T e $e)e$ o" a##epta+$e dete#tion risd. The i,e and $o&'le3it% o# the entit% and o# it $o&'uter % te&
31. The e(aluation o# de(iation that +ere o! er(ed u'on $o&'letin" te t o# $ontrol a. Ma% re6uire the need #or doin" &ore e3ten i(e under tandin" o# $ontrol) b. Ma% re6uire &ore e3ten i(e te t o# $ontrol ) c. Al+a% re6uire do$u&entation o# the !a i o# a e &ent o# $ontrol ri *) d. 1a' re,!ire %odi"i#ation o" t e nat!re& ti%ing& and e/tent o" p$anned s!+stanti)e pro#ed!res* 32. The #ollo+in" tate&ent are true a!out o! er(ation +hen u ed a te t o# $ontrol 'ro$edure , e3$e't) a. The auditor &a% u''le&ent hi o! er(ation +ith other te t o# $ontrol $a'a!le o# 'ro(idin" audit
b. Audit e(iden$e o!tained !% doin" o! er(ation 'ertain onl% to the 'oint in ti&e at +hi$h the
'ro$edure +a a''lied)
c. O! er(ation o# +ho a''lie a $ontrol 'ro$edure i u e#ul a a te t o# $ontrol 'ro$edure +hen d. 33. Te a. b. c. d. 34. Te a. b. c. d.
e(aluatin" $ontrol e##e$ti(ene o# !oth $o&'uteri,ed and &anual % te& Ordinari$'& %a-ing in,!iries pro)ides %ore re$ia+$e a!dit e)iden#e t an doing o+ser)ation ( en testing segregation o" "!n#tiona$ responsi+i$ities* t o# $ontrol &a% in$lude the #ollo+in", e3$e't1 Re'er#or&an$e o# internal $ontrol 'ro$edure In6uirie a!out, and o! er(ation o#, internal $ontrol +hi$h lea(e no audit trail) In 'e$tion o# do$u&entar% u''ort #or tran a$tion e(iden$in" authori,ation Ana$'ti#a$ pro#ed!res in)o$)ing #o%parison o" operating e/penses (it +!dgeted a%o!nt* t o# $ontrol are 'er#or&ed to o!tain audit e(iden$e a!out the e##e$ti(ene O'eration o# the internal $ontrol at the ti&e the te t are !ein" a''lied) O'eration o# the internal $ontrol in eli&inatin" #raud and error ) 7e i"n o# the internal $ontrol in eli&inatin" #raud and error ) Design o" t e a##o!nting and interna$ #ontro$s s'ste%s* o# the
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35. The auditor hould $on ider +hether the a e &ent o# $ontrol ri * i $on#ir&ed a. :'on $o&'letion o# under tandin" o# internal $ontrol) b. :'on $o&'letion o# te t o# $ontrol c. =e#ore the #inal audit 'ro"ra& i $o&'leted) d. Upon t e #on#$!sion o" t e a!dit& +ased on t e res!$ts o" s!+stanti)e pro#ed!res and ot er
a!dit e)iden#e o+tained* PSA 402 G Audit Con ideration Relatin" to Entitie : in" Ser(i$e Or"ani,ation
36. ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" i lea t li*el% $on idered !% the auditor in deter&inin" the i"ni#i$an$e o# er(i$e a. b. c. d.
or"ani,ation a$ti(itie to the $lient and the rele(an$e to the audit> Ter& o# $ontra$t and relation hi' !et+een the $lient and the er(i$e or"ani,ation) The &aterial #inan$ial tate&ent a ertion that are a##e$ted !% the u e o# the er(i$e or"ani,ation) Client@ internal $ontrol that are a''lied to the tran a$tion 'ro$e ed !% the er(i$e or"ani,ation) T e #ontro$ po$i#ies and pro#ed!res o" t e #$ient o" re,!iring t at a$$ pa'%ents "or goods and ser)i#es +e s!pported +' re#ei)ing reports*
37. ;hen the auditor $on ider that the er(i$e or"ani,ation a$ti(itie are i"ni#i$ant to the $lient and
rele(ant to the audit and he $on$lude that it +ould !e e##i$ient to o!tain audit e(iden$e #ro& te t o# $ontrol to u''ort an a e &ent o# $ontrol ri * at a lo+er le(el) Su$h e(iden$e &a% !e o!tained !%, e3$e't a. Per#or&in" te t o# the $lient@ $ontrol o(er a$ti(itie o# the er(i$e or"ani,ation) b. O!tainin" a er(i$e or"ani,ation auditor@ re'ort that e3're e an o'inion a to the o'eratin" e##e$ti(ene o# the er(i$e or"ani,ation@ a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& #or the 'ro$e in" a''li$ation rele(ant to the audit) c. Hi itin" the er(i$e or"ani,ation and 'er#or&in" te t o# $ontrol) d. Re)ie( t e ser)i#e #ontra#t +et(een t e #$ient and t e ser)i#e organi3ation*
38. ;hi$h tate&ent i in$orre$t re"ardin" the $lient auditor/ u e o# er(i$e or"ani,ation auditor/ re'ort> a. ;hen u in" a er(i$e or"ani,ation auditor/ re'ort, the $lient auditor hould $on ider the nature o#
and $ontent o# that re'ort)
b. The $lient auditor hould $on ider the $o'e o# +or* 'er#or&ed !% the er(i$e or"ani,ation auditor c.
and hould a e the u e#ulne and a''ro'riatene o# re'ort i ued !% the er(i$e or"ani,ation auditor) ;hen a T%'e = re'ort i to !e u ed a e(iden$e to u''ort a lo+er $ontrol ri * a e &ent, a $lient auditor +ould $on ider +hether the $ontrol te ted !% the er(i$e or"ani,ation auditor are rele(ant to the $lient@ tran a$tion - i"ni#i$ant a ertion in the $lient@ #inan$ial tate&ent . and +hether the er(i$e or"ani,ation auditor@ te t o# $ontrol and the re ult are ade6uate) Sin#e T'pe A reports %a' +e !se"!$ to a #$ient a!ditor in gaining t e re,!ired !nderstanding o" t e a##o!nting and interna$ #ontro$ s'ste%s& an a!ditor %a' !se s!# reports as a +asis "or red!#ing t e assess%ent o" #ontro$ ris-*
39. ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" i the lea t $on$ern o# the $lient auditor in re(ie+in" the re'ort o# er(i$e
or"ani,ation auditor on uita!ilit% o# internal $ontrol de i"n o# the er(i$e or"ani,ation> a. The a$$ura$% o# de $ri'tion o# the er(i$e or"ani,ation@ a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& , ordinaril% 're'ared !% the &ana"e&ent o# the er(i$e or"ani,ation) b. The % te& @ $ontrol ha(e !een 'la$ed in o'eration) c. The a$$ountin" and internal $ontrol % te& are uita!l% de i"ned to a$hie(e their tated o!0e$ti(e ) d. T e t'pe o" do#!%entation o" t e !nderstanding o" t e ser)i#e organi3ation.s #ontro$ s'ste%*
40. ;hi$h o# the #ollo+in" i lea t li*el% entitled to the re'ort o# the er(i$e or"ani,ation auditor on the
uita!ilit% o# the de i"n and o'eratin" e##e$ti(ene a) !) Ser(i$e or"ani,ation/ &ana"e&ent Ser(i$e or"ani,ation/ $u to&er o# the er(i$e or"ani,ation> $ ) Client/ auditor d Ser)i#e organi3ation.s * sto#- o$ders
1. A 'art o# under tandin" internal, an auditor i not re6uired o!tain *no+led"e a!out the o'eratin"
e##e$ti(ene o# internal $ontrol)
2. A CPA/ $on ideration o# internal $ontrol in a #inan$ial tate&ent audit i u uall% &ore li&ited than that 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
&ade in $onne$tion +ith an en"a"e&ent to re'ort on &ana"e&ent/ +ritten a ertion a to the e##e$ti(ene o# internal $ontrol) Pro'er e"re"ation o# dutie redu$e the o''ortunitie #or 'er on to !e in 'o ition to 'er'etrate and $on$eal error or #raud) Mana"e&ent/ a""re i(e attitude to+ard #inan$ial re'ortin" and it e&'ha i on &eetin" 'ro0e$ted 'ro#it "oal &o t li*el% +ould i"ni#i$antl% in#luen$e an entit%/ $ontrol en(iron&ent +hen &ana"e&ent i do&inated !% one indi(idual +ho i al o a hareholder) It i i&'ortant #or the auditor to $on ider the $o&'eten$e o# the audit $lient/ e&'lo%ee , !e$au e their $o&'eten$e !ear dire$tl% and i&'ortantl% u'on the a$hie(e&ent o# the o!0e$ti(e o# internal $ontrol) ;hen o!tainin" an under tandin" o# an entit%/ internal $ontrol, an auditor hould $on$entrate on the u! tan$e o# $ontrol rather than their #or& !e$au e &ana"e&ent &a% e ta!li h a''ro'riate $ontrol !ut not a$t on the&) In o!tainin" an under tandin" o# an entit%/ internal $ontrol in a #inan$ial tate&ent audit, an auditor i not o!li"ated to ear$h #or i"ni#i$ant de#i$ien$ie in the o'eration o# internal $ontrol) An inde'endent auditor &i"ht $on ider the 'ro$edure 'er#or&ed !% the internal auditor !e$au e the% are e&'lo%ee +ho e +or* &a% a##e$t the nature, ti&in", and e3tent o# audit 'ro$edure ) Internal $ontrol 'ro$edure are not de i"ned to 'ro(ide rea ona!le a uran$e that irre"ularitie +ill !e eli&inated) ;hen $on iderin" internal $ontrol, an auditor &u t !e a+are o# the $on$e't o# rea ona!le a uran$e, +hi$h re$o"ni,e that $o t o# internal $ontrol 'ro$edure hould not e3$eed the !ene#it e3'e$ted to !e deri(ed #ro& the $ontrol) The auditor/ re(ie+ o# the $lient/ internal $ontrol i do$u&ented in order to u! tantiate $o&'lian$e +ith "enerall% a$$e'ted auditin" tandard ) A#ter o!tainin" an under tandin" o# an entit%/ internal $ontrol , an auditor &a% a e $ontrol ri * at the &a3i&u& #or o&e a ertion !e$au e the auditor !elie(e internal $ontrol a$ti(itie are unli*el% to !e e##e$ti(e) The 'ri&ar% 'ur'o e o# the auditor/ $on ideration o# internal $ontrol i to 'ro(ide a !a i #or deter&inin" the nature, ti&in", and e3tent o# audit te t to !e a''lied) A#ter $on ideration o# a $lient/ internal $ontrol, an auditor &i"ht de$ide to in$rea e the e3tent o# u! tanti(e te tin" in area +here the $ontrol are +ea*) A $on ideration o# internal $ontrol &ade durin" an audit i u uall% not u##i$ient to e3're an o'inion on an entit%/ $ontrol !e$au e onl% tho e $ontrol on +hi$h an auditor intend to rel% are re(ie+ed, te ted, and e(aluated) E(iden$e a!out e"re"ation o# dutie i !e t o!tained !% dire$t 'er onal o! er(ation o# e&'lo%ee +ho 'er#or& $ontrol a$ti(itie ) An auditor/ #lo+$hart o# a $lient/ a$$ountin" % te& i a dia"ra&&ati$ re're entation that de'i$t the auditor/ under tandin" o# the internal $ontrol % te&) The 'ur'o e o# te t o# $ontrol i to 'ro(ide rea ona!le a uran$e that the $ontrol 'ro$edure are #un$tionin" a intended) A#ter do$u&entin" internal $ontrol in an audit en"a"e&ent, the auditor &a% 'er#or& te t on tho e $ontrol that the auditor 'lan to rel% on) The auditor o! er(e $lient e&'lo%ee in order to $orro!orate the in#or&ation o!tained durin" the initial re(ie+ o# the % te&)