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Philosophy of Education Faculty of Education Lesson Plan: Science and Technology

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Date: 7 November 2006 Time: 10.00 a.m 11.00 a.m Form: 2 Creative Number of students: 24 peoples ub!e"t: #n$lis% Topi": "ien"e and Te"%nolo$& 'nit: plants

(t t%e end of stud&) students *ill +no* about t%e plants around t%em. T%e& not onl& re"o$ni,e t%e plants but also +no* %o* to treat and ta+e "are of t%em. Tea"%ers also %ave spe"ified it into variet& topi" of %erbals for t%e student to +no* +inds of %erbals t%at *e %ave no*ada&s. tudents *ere e-posin$ to t%e fa"t t%at all t%ese "reature and nature on t%is *orld is "reate b& it.s /0ne and 0nl& Creator.) (lla% .1.T. tudents also "an dis"ipline t%eir self in "lassroom *%ile tea"%er is $ivin$ t%e lesson. To insert 2slami" value for students in t%eir dail& life.

Cont2nt4 of t52 4tudy

2ntrodu"tion and %istor& of t%e plants. 3ivin$ t%e e-planations about t%e plants and t%e use of it in medi"al a"tion and uses. Des"ription of t%e plants and divide it in various $roup. %o* t%e students t%e met%od to "ultivate and t%e importan"e to ta+e "are of t%e plants.

4et t%e students +no* about t%e value of natures t%at $iven b& 3od. To "reate t%e students t%at balan"ed p%&si"all& and mentall&.

5efore starts t%e "lass) students *ill ma+e sure t%at "lass is in proper *a&. 2f t%e tea"%er is late) t%e "lass monitor s%ould remind t%e tea"%er t%at %er6%is period and t%e& are late for t%e "lass. 7a+e sure t%at t%e& %ave no important "ase at t%at time. 2f %as) as+ for t%e solutions. 1%en t%e tea"%ers enter t%e "lass) ma+e sure all t%e students stand up and +eep 8uite. T%e "lass monitor *ills $reat t%e tea"%er *it% / alam. and for t%e non97uslim $reat t%e tea"%er *it% appropriate $reetin$s. (fter t%at) start t%e "lasses *it% somet%in$ t%at *ill be bless b& 3od) b& re"itin$ t%e pra&ers *%i"% are "all /Doa.. T%en) *ait till t%e tea"%ers admit t%e students to sit do*n. (l*a&s ma+e sure t%at t%e tea"%er is t%e priorit&. T%e tea"%er as+s t%e students to open t%e boo+s and start $ivin$ t%e lesson first. T%e introdu"tions to plants must be $iven spe"ifi"all& to t%e students b& t%e tea"%ers be"ause it *ill %elp t%em in t%eir presentations. 7a+e sure tea"%ers elaborated *ell about t%e e-istin$ of t%e plants) t%e pro"ess of $ro*t%) proof of t%e po*er of 3od) and our responsibilit& as t%e %uman as t%e +%alifa% of (lla%. (llo*ed t%e students to as+ 8uestions and ma+e t%em feel ver& "omfortable *it% t%e "lass. Tea"%er %as to ma+e sure t%at all t%e students understand *%at t%e& are tea"%in$. tudents %ave to ma+e sure also t%at t%e& are al*a&s "ontrol t%eir self *%en t%e tea"%er is in front be"ause it s%o*s t%at t%e& are respe"t t%eir tea"%ers. (l*a&s ma+e sure t%at t%e older is al*a&s bein$ respe"tful b& t%e &oun$er. (l*a&s *ait for t%e tea"%er permission *%en doin$ somet%in$) and do t%e !ob and tas+ *ell.

(l*a&s t%an+ to t%e tea"%ers *%en t%e& are $ivin$ t%e e-planations and lessons. :emember *%at t%e& are $ivin$ is never "an be paid *it% t%e mone& or $old. 7ost important t%in$ t%e tea"%er s%ould al*a&s remembered t%e students t%at t%e& %ave to state on t%eir mind t%at not%in$ "an %appen in t%is *orld *it%out (lla% permission. T%e& s%ould al*a&s t%an+ful for *%at t%e& %ave. T%e tea"%ers $ive t%e tas+ to t%e students to$et%er *it% t%e materials li+e arti"les) and t%en students start doin$ t%eir preparations for t%e presentations. T%e evaluations *ill be doin$ *%ile t%e students doin$ t%eir tas+s and presentations. (ll t%e "riteria are bein$ "ount b& t%e tea"%ers) li+e t%eirs "orporations *it% t%e $roup members) t%e& *a& t%e& *or+) t%eir manners and man& more. tudents %ave been told t%at t%eir *or+s influen"es t%eir final e-am mar+s. (t t%e end of t%e "lass) tea"%er *ill $ive some e-planations t%at "overed all t%e lessons t%at da&. T%e students t%an+ t%e tea"%ers to$et%er *it% t%e /Doa. before %e6s%e leaves t%e "lass. T%e "lass end.

Acti3ity fo6 Stud2nt4: P6242ntation4

tudents *ill be $iven t%e 8uestion b& t%e tea"%er based on t%e arti"le t%at t%e& %ave read. T%e arti"les are provided b& t%e tea"%er. T%e students *ill be divided into si- $roups to prepare for t%e presentation t%at *ill be %eld after t%e& find t%e ans*ers. T%e ans*ers must be $iven in appropriate *a& and all t%e ans*er t%at t%e& $ive %as to %ave t%e proved. T%e& also %ave to insert t%e moral and 2slami" values in t%eir findin$s) su"% as (lla% .1.T as t%e "reator of all t%e livin$ t%in$s and t%e ob!e"ts around it. (ll t%e ans*ers and t%e *a& of presentations *ill be evaluated b& t%e tea"%er in"ludin$ t%e manners of t%e presenters) t%e st&le) t%e *a&

t%e& intera"tion to t%e peers and t%e "ontents of t%e points. T%e value of 2slami" and moral *ill be !ud$ed. T%e evaluations *ill influen"e t%e final mar+s.

7alu24 of 4tudy
2slami" values in #n$lis% lan$ua$e learnin$. Create proper manner to t%e students. (bsorb 2slami" *a&s in student.s dail& life. From t%is *a& of tea"%in$) it also "an tea"% t%e non97uslim students about t%e 2slami" values. Tea"%ers also *ill be more respe"tful b& t%e students.

Natu62 a4 M2ntion in Al(8u6an

;<e it is *%o sends do*n *ater =rain> from t%e s+&? from it &ou drin+ and from it &ou drin+ and from it =$ro*s> t%e ve$etation on *%i"% &ou send &our "attle to pasture. (n9Na%l: 10 ;1it% it <e "auses to $ro* for &ou t%e "rops) t%e olives) t%e date palms) t%e $rapes) and ever& +ind of fruit. @eril&) in t%is is indeed an evident proof and a manifest si$n for people *%o $ive t%ou$%t. (n9Na%l: 11 ;T%at 1e ma& produ"e t%ere*it% "orn and ve$etations)A ;(nd $ardens of t%i"+ $ro*t%.A (n9Naba.: 1B (n9Naba.: 16

Form 2 s&llabus @ariet& of plants boo+s 2nternet


(s *e "an see) t%e s"%ool s&stem toda& is more advan"ed "ompared to t*ent& or t%irt& &ears a$o. T%e tea"%ers more e-pert) t%e students more une-pe"table) and all t%is $ive bi$ impa"t to t%e s"%ool s&stem. 7a&be in t%e rural area *e "ant. see it ver& *ell) but in to*n t%is "ases %appen *%en students s%o*n t%eir unrespe"ful feelin$ for t%eir tea"%ers. Not all t%e s"%ool %as t%is +ind of problems) but it must be "ure and prevent from t%e be$innin$ and t%e earl& a$e. tudents must be tea"%in$ from +inder$arten %o* to treat and be%ave *it% proper *a& to t%e tea"%er. 2slami" value "an be absorbed at t%at time to soft t%eir %eart and "lean t%eir mind to a""ept t%e proper *a& of learnin$. (s all t%e people said if *e *ant to s%ape t%e "%ild) does it *%ile t%e& are &oun$ be"ause t%e& still "lean and free from all t%e dirt. T%is lesson must $o on and t%at.s *%& t%e 2slami" lesson s%ould be absorbed in all t%e sub!e"ts in s"%ool. From t%is) *e "an train t%e students to appre"iate all t%e t%in$s around t%em and learn %o* to live a $ood life. For sure) be t%e $ood person t%at is *ort% to t%e nation) reli$ion and "ountr&.

Nur%ida&a% binti 7at Na*i 19spl

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