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Questionnaire For Sales and Distribution Part 1

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SAP SD Questionnaire. Part 1 Ver 1.

Questionnaire for Sales and Distribution SAP Functional transition - SD North America - Plan of Action Instruction This questionnaire is a tool that you can use to collect information about your business that will be useful for tailoring the !" System to your business needs# $ou will need %icrosoft &ord for &indows to wor' with this document# (nter your answers in the fields after the questions) using the TA* 'ey to mo+e from field to field# $ou may sa+e and later change your answers in this questionnaire ,ust as you would with any other &ord document Stage -# (nter.rise Structure -#- SD / 0or.orate Structure

&hat selling entities 1Sales 2rgani3ations4 are res.onsible for establishing terms of sale5
To &hat mar'ets 1Distribution 0hannels4 do you sell5 1 etail) &holesale) etc#4

SAP SD Questionnaire. Part 1 Ver 1.0

&hat Product di+ision 1.roduct lines4 do you ha+e5 &hat Sales offices do you ha+e5 A sales 2ffice is a .hysical location res.onsible for sales within a gi+en geogra.hical location 12.tional4 &hat sales grou. do you ha+e5 These are grou.s of .eo.le res.onsible for .rocessing sales of certain .roducts or ser+ices 1o.tional4 Do you ha+e more than one sales .erson res.onsible .er customer5 &hat warehouses) .roduction sites 1Plants4 do you ha+e5 &hat are the storage location at each .lant5 &ithin each .lant) what are the areas from which you shi.5 For e6am.le) different loading doc's that shi. different ty.es of materials 1Shi..ing Point4 Stage / 7 7# %aster Data 7#- 8ogistic *usiness Partners
*usiness Partner $es No

&hat 'inds of business .artners do you ha+e5

Sold-to Shi.-to *ill-to Payer Pros.ecti+e 0ustomers 0om.etitors Sales Partners Forwarding Agent

SAP SD Questionnaire. Part 1 Ver 1.0

2ne Time 0ustomers

Do customer ha+e multi.le shi.-to and .ayers5 If yes) how do you choose5



In+oice to .artner

Payer Partner

Do you ha+e +endors that are also customers5



Please define the structure of your current customer numbering9 7#7 SD *usiness Partners SAP 0ustomer :ierarchies define com.le6 buying structures within a single com.any and allow different .ricing for each hierarchy# Do your customers ha+e multi-le+el com.le6 buying structures within their own com.any5



Define the following o.tional %ar'eting information that can be attached to your customers# Industry Sectors for 0ustomers5 0ustomer 0lassification5 Nielson IDS5 8egal Status5 Define the following o.tional Sales information that can be attached to your customers# 0ustomers ;rou.s Sales Districts

SAP SD Questionnaire. Part 1 Ver 1.0

Define the following o.tional Deli+ery information# Deli+ery .riority le+els# Also) e6.lain the allocation .rocess9 0ustomer 0alendars9 0ustomer ;oods ecei+ing :ours9 Define the following information that will .ertain to you billing documents# 0ustomer Terms of Payment and 0ash discounts you offer9 0ustomer Incoterms5 These are deli+ery terms you offer your customers 1i#e# F2*4 Do you record contact-.erson information for your customers5 Do you record sales em.loyee information in your customer table5 Do you record customers who are .lace on a <Table of Denial=) thereby denying deli+eries to them



7#" 8ogistics %aterial Do you record status information on your material records that would suggest a material should be bloc'ed from sales stages5
For e6am.le) bloc'ing a sales order because the %aterial is discontinued) or bloc'ing a deli+ery *ecause the material is still in de+elo.ment#



SAP SD Questionnaire. Part 1 Ver 1.0

If yes) list the +arious status codes9 Define the 8ength and Format of your material numbering scheme9 Define your material grou.s9 This 'ey allows you to grou. together se+eral materials and ser+ices that ha+e the same attributes# This grou.ing can be used for re.orting and .ricing# Define the .roduct di+ision that allow you to organi3e your sales structure around grou.s of similar .roducts or .roducts line9

8ist your Storage 0ondition for %aterial9

8ist your Tem.erature condition for %aterial9 8ist your 0ontainer %aterial9 equirements for

Do you ha+e .roduct hierarchy structure for re.orting and .ricing5 If so) what are the hierarchy le+els5 >.to ? 7#" SD %aterial Today) what information does your material master feed to the sales order .rocess5



SAP SD Questionnaire. Part 1 Ver 1.0

Do you use *ills of %aterials5



If yes) do you .rice at the header or com.onent le+el5 If yes) do you .erform transfer of requirements and in+entory mo+ements on the header or com.onent le+el5 Do you ha+e 0onfigure-to-2rder materials5 Do you sell any of your material in batches5





$es $es

No No

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