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1)What is PGI? What is the significance of PGI?

2) Is there a limit on the number of line items in the

sales order ?

3) Does Availability Check happen in Inquiry ? ( If

not, why ?

4) o Are schedule Lines Created for an SAP

Quotation ?

o What is the Transaction code used to create a Return Delivery ? ( Is it different from standard delivery ? )
6)Where would you use an SAP Return Order and SAP Credit Memo ? ( Business Scenario Differences )

7) What is the difference between SAP Credit memo

request and SAP Credit Memo ?

8) o Can a Customer Belong to multiple Sales

Groups / Sales Offices ?
9) o Can you give me some examples of Shipping
Conditions you configured ?

10) o What are payment terms ?

11) Can a material belong to more than 1 division ?

12) What is the difference between Individual
Requirements vs Collective Requirements in SAP

13) o What is the difference between a cash sale

( CS ) and Rush Order ( RO ) ?
14) o What is the difference between commercial
invoice & Proforma Invoice ?

15) o How to view the Transaction Code associated

with a Program in SAP ?

16) o What is the Difference between Consignment

Special Stock and Regular Stock

o What is the difference between Golden Client and Sandbox Client ?

18) What is the difference between the SAP

Proforma Invoice Types F5 and F8 ?

19) o What are the advantages of SAP Milestone

Billing vs SAP Periodic Billing ?
20) o What is a Horizon in SAP Credit
Management ?

21) o Can billing be done in SAP without PGI ?

22) o Can Sales order, delivery and billing be done

for an item quantity of Zero ?

23) o What is the difference between Simple & Autom

22)What is difference between material type and
material group?

Post Goods Issue changes the ownership of the material to the customer, Company Inventory reduce & Customer stock increa

1)you can enter till 999 line items in sale order

2) I think the correct reply would be 999,999 because data type of item number POSNR is NUM 6, which means that it can hold

However, at the same time keep the following into consideration:

1. FI document has a restriction of 999 line items per document. So, depending on the account settings, there will be a lower li
items in the accounting document, then the max. no. of SO line items is limited to 499.

2. If FI summarization is active, then the system summarizes the account postings, thus reducing the no. of FI line items. Hence
However, this means that certain line item level details will not be available to the Finance guys (which they may not like).

3. As the number of line items in a Sales order increases, the system performance suffers greatly. There are performance fixes a
with large no. of line times through BDC's. 10 Sales orders with 100 lines each consume less system resources than 1 Sales ord

I t is not relevant to do availability check at Inquiry level, as u aware probability of inquiry is 30%, based on this we can not pro


1)In SD return delivery document type LR is created from order type RE. The return sale order RE is created in reference to F2 i
traceability at a later date as to against which original invoice, the materials were returned.
2) a returns delivery is created with reference to a billing doc or a sales order

normally happens wen goods are damaged in transit

for this first we have to create a returns delivery with reference to your billing doc

billing doc -

> returns del

we can customise in the returns order that returns has to be creted with ref to bill doc

field: reference mandatory in doctype RE ( T Code: VOV8 )

automatic delivery block is put in that doc

so that returns delivery has to be verified before a returns delivery is made

after the new delivery doc is created with reference to returns sales order by taking out that block

billing can take place normally with reference to delivery doc

.SAP Return Order is where when customer returns previously purchased products and requires a credit. Credit memo is when

1. The credit memo can be seen with transaction VF03 and credit memo request with VA03.
Credit memo request is a sales document used in complaints processing to request a credit memo for a customer. If the price c
because the wrong scale prices were used or a discount was forgotten, you can create a credit memo request. The credit mem
can be checked. If the request is approved, you can remove the block. The system uses the credit memo request to create a cre

shipping condition is a shipping strategy for delivery.

If the shipping condition states, for example, that the

goods must reach the customer as soon as possible, the

system proposes the fastest shipping point and route.

Loading group

A grouping of materials that share the same loading requirements.


o Equipment during loading (for example, a fork-lift truck)

o Amount of time for loading

o Loading point (for example, loading bay #6)

For just an information,payment term is an unit which is used for customer to pay service provider .
for an simple example: you have ordered for a asset or a material.
service is asking you to pay within 1 wk (terms & conditions applied- for 1 wk - 10 % discount)
if not then 15 days(terms & conditions applied- for 15 days - 2% discount)
or else 30 days (net pay without any discount )
may be payment terms are just applying for payment immediately .(no terms & conditions are applied further)
so ,terms of payment is just to simplyfy how customers will pay or to make their way of payment easy or comfortable.
It is always decided by the service only.

Division is not an organizational unit in SAP in MMR while creating MM01

This means while doing MM01 after inputting material type and industry sector you have to give organizational data like Sales O
You will not find division there as a organizational data
It is a field which is there in basic data 1 and sales org data 1 in MM01
Suppose if you change from div 01 to 02 in MM02 then the material belongs to 02 only
It will not exist in both
As per standard SAP a material cannot exist in more than 1 division
No way you can create a single material for 2 divisions or extend the material to 2 divisions
Moreover the division is under the basic data 1 directly under client and can be used across all organizational units like differen
logistics(sd,mm,pp) can use it
And the basic data of MMR cannot be changed easily
After seeing our elite friend AMITH's reply i still say
If you dont maintain division in sales org data 1 tab of MMR then the division from basic data will be taken by the system
Like a sales org is uniquely assigned to a company code in SAP the material is also division specific
If need be you can check with our MM friends
VOR2 will not be useful because it will not check MMRs
In VOR2 screen itself you can see it is for customers and conditions only there wont be materials mentioned in that img activi
also materials

01 - Individual requirement -For this system generates transfers the requirement for each order to the MRP .So that MM can ei
02- Collective requirement.-In this all the requirements in a day or in a week are processed at a time.
System stores all requirements and passes on to the MRP in MRP run. In this system performance is high. However you cannot
can do.

1) Cash sale : in this delivery automatically happen when you save the sales order. After that you have to give an invoice to the

2) Rush order. Here also delivery automatically happen when you save the sales order. But the difference is you can send invoic

If you goto any super market first, you pick up the item and then pay the bill and then you will get the bill, this process is cash s

Cash sales is order related billing whereas RO is delivery related.

Cash sales is not relevant for availability check as you will be picking the goods whereas RO is relevant for availability check.

Cash sales is also not relevant for credit management whereas RO is relevant credit management.

Cash sales uses RD03 as output which immediately prints the invoice whereas RO uses standard output RD00.

Cash sales has one time customer account group where as RO normally doesn't.

For cash sales order type is BV or CS and for RO it is RO

Cash sales triggers petty cash a/c where as in RO customers account is debited.

Delivery and settlement will be done immediately in in cash sales where as in RO only delivery will be done immediatrly.
Proforma invoice : Invoice document which is useful to complete custom clerance ( Crossing country border ) in case of Export
of commercial invoice which will not be posted to accounts.

Billing Types ( F5 : Ref to order & F8 : Ref to delivery).

Commercial invoice : This is final billing document which is posted to accounts and against which customer settles payment tra

Billing type : F2

Go to SE-38>Where used list->Choose transaction and press enter.

This will display all the transaction in which the program is used.

Consignment special stock is nothing but the stock reserved for the Consignment issue.. The stock has been formed

When we raise a sales order using Sales document Type KE/CI (consignment Issue) with Item category KEN. The mov
from special stock)

KEN is same as TAN apart from the feild “special stock” is set “W”

To view the stock in plant.. Use tcode MMBE

1) Sand Box Client

The name itself is self explanatory. As like sand, in this client you can play around with configuration settings and dump as man
2) Golden Client
Here again the name is self explanatory. As like the value of Gold, through this client, you can only make configuration changes
transactions here. This is a sensitive client and access will not be given to all.

F5 – Order Related Proforma Invoice

F8 – Delivery Related Proforma Invoice
Difference between both is very clear that if you want to send proforma invoice to buyer before creating the delivery
generated only from order. and if customer wants proforma invoice after delivery the type used is F8

Periodic Billing - This billing plan is used in the scenarios like...rental agreements, cycle billing, etc....
When V assign this billing plan in the sales docemnt type, billing control screen, in Tcode VOV8.
Milestone billing - Milestones are maintained as per the percentage of net value or as per the dates. While using this plan, in th
item....V have the option of maintaining % of value and billing date
The customer's credit exposure is split into a static part;
open items, open billing, and delivery values (see above),
and a dynamic part, the open order value. The open order
value includes all undelivered or only partially delivered
orders. The value is calculated on the shipping date and
stored in an information structure according to a time
period that you specify (days, weeks, or months). When you
define the credit check, you can then specify a particular
horizon date in the future (for example: 10 days or 2
months,depending on the periods you specify). For the
purposes of evaluating credit, you want the system to
ignore all open orders that are due for delivery after the
horizon date. The sum of the static and dynamic parts of
the check may not exceed the credit limit.

Copy controls between Delivery to billing Item level Copying reqiurements assign 11 -Head.dlv-rel.w/o GI

you can create sales order.you can create deliver but in

delivery item category level deactivate the check quantity
option then you can do the delivery and do the billing


It Considers the Doc.Value + Open Items.
Doc.Value : Sales Order Has been saved but not delivered
Open Item : Sales Order has been saved , Delivered, Billed & Transfered to FI, but not received the payment from the customer
Eg: Customer Credit Limit is Rs.1,00,000/-
Suppose Doc.Value + Open Item Value is Rs.1,10,000/-
Here credit limit exceeds then system reacts.
Options : A) Warning Message
B) Error Message (Sales Order won't be saved)
C) Error Message with Delivery Block
AUTOMATIC CREDIT CHECK : Give extra credit facilities to the particular customer.
STATIC CREDIT LIMIT DETERMINATION :Checking Group + Risk Catageory + Credit Control Area.
A) Credit Checking Groups : Types of Checking Groups.
01) Sales
02) Deliveries
03) Goods Issue
At all the above 3 levels orders can be blocked.
B) Risk Catageory : Based on the risk catageories company decide how much credit has to give to the customer.
MEDIUM RISK(0003) : Average Credit
Static Credit Check it checks all these doc value & check with the credit limit
1) Open Doc.Value / Sales Order Value : Which is save but not delievered
2) Open Delivery Doc.Value : Which is delivered but not billed
3) Open Billing Doc.Value : Which is billed but not posted to FI
4) Open Item : Which is transfered to FI but not received from the customer.
2) Open Delivery
3) Open Billing
4) Open Items
5) Horizon Period = Eg.3Months
Here the System will not consider the above 1,2,3& 4 values for the lost 3 months
Then assign the Sales Doc & Del Documents.
Sales Doc.Type(OR) + credit Check(0) + Credit Group (01)
Credit Limit Check for Delivery Type : Del.Type (LF) + Del Credit
Group (02) + Goods Issue Credit Group (03)

Material type is the division of material for the purpose of account determination
e.g.Raw,semi finish,finish
Material group is the grouping of material having common attributes
e.g.Electrical parts,mechanical parts etc









Default storage location in sales order


User exit:MV45AFZZ

Sales order account assign grp

AC Ass grp is determined from material master , this field is not editable in SO but we can make it ediatable by using user exit

This field is ediatble in billing until it is not released to accounting

Cust mat number should replace with material num

Use CMIR and maintain using VD51

Audit of sales order

tcde- AUT10

Plant determination in SO/Delivery


You can use this user exit to determine which plant will be used for the delivery. In the standard system, the delivering plant is
copied from the customer master or the customer-material info record. If you want to use a different rule, then you must enter
in this user exit

Company code in SO
goto--> header-->billing
This ccode is the sales org to which ccode is assigned

material type
The Material type is the highest level of categorization of material masters.
Material Types defined in configuration and below is a summary of main areas that material type influence:
Number range of material master and if it is internal (system allocated) or external (user allocate number)
Which fields in material are mandatory / read only / optional
User departments (Views in material)
Purchase Orders allowed
Valid valuation classes
Quantity and Value update (does it update stock qty and value)
Is it a pipeline material or not

3RD Party return order processing in SAP

3RD Party return order processing in SAP is not suppported. The note 751609 is the official statement of SAP to this problem.

But any return goods to vendor from customer can be settled through credit notes.

The process is to first pass a credit memo to Vendor and after the process the with reference to Sales order a third party credit
memo can be issued to customer

what is the diffrence between strategy type 82,20,40

of the (parent) product is not required or not possible. Neither Demand Management is involved in this process, nor is there an
allocation mechanism. Orders are taken as they come. This strategy represents a production procedure in which each product
only produced once, although over time the same or similar production processes are repeated. Each product is specifically
produced for an individual customer so that the finished product is rarely placed in stock.

The quantities produced for the individual sales orders cannot be changed. Each quantity is maintained specifically for the
individual sales order. A separate segment is created in the MRP list for make-to-order production.

Assemblies and components are produced or procured specifically for the pegged order and stock is managed separately for th
sales order.
Strategy 82:

This is assemble to order strategy with production orders. An assemble-to-order environment is one in which the product
assembled on receipt of the sales order. Key components are planned or stocked in anticipation of the sales order. Receipt of th
order initiates assembly of the customized product. Assemble-to-order is useful where a large number of finished products can
be assembled from common components.assemble-to-order is a special kind of make-to-order planning strategy; you define
planning strategies in Customizing.

If you use an assemble-to-order strategy, you can check material and resource availability at the moment when the sales order
created. You can quote your customers reliable delivery dates because you know whether the desired quantity will be available
on the desired date. If the complete quantity cannot be committed, the system tells you when the total quantity will be availab
and whether you can commit a partial quantity.

As the finished product is not usually kept in stock, an availability check is carried out at component level when the sales order
quotation, or inquiry is created. The results of the availability check are as follows:

1 :The committed order quantity of the sales order is based on the component with the smallest available quantity.

2: The confirmed delivery date of the sales order is based on the availability date of the component that will be available last.

Another important factor for ensuring that customers are provided with reliable due dates is continuous feedback between sal
and production. In the R/3 System, changes to quantities or dates for production or procurement of components are passed ba
to the sales order of the finished product where the committed quantity or confirmation date is also changed. Similarly, change
to quantities or dates in the sales order are passed on to production and/or procurement.

When you create a sales order, a customer quotation, or an inquiry with one of the assemble-to-order planning strategies, the
system automatically creates an assembly order. If strategy maintained is 82, then assembly order is production order.


ABF - Waste
CH00 - CH Contract Handling
CONT - Kanban Container
COUP - Coupons
DIEN - Service
ERSA - Spare Parts
FERT - Finished Product
FGTR - Beverages
FHMI - Production Resource/Tool
FOOD - Foods (excl. perishables)
FRIP - Perishables
HALB - Semifinished Product
HAWA - Trading Goods
HERS - Manufacturer Part
HIBE - Operating supplies
IBAU - Maintenance assemblies
INTR - Intra materials
KMAT - Configurable materials
LEER - Empties
LEIH - Returnable packaging
LGUT - Empties (retail)
MODE - Apparel (seasonal)
NLAG - Non-stock materials
NOF1 - Nonfoods
PIPE - Pipeline materials
PLAN - Trading goods (planned)
PROC - Process materials
PROD - Product groups
ROH - Raw materials
UNBW - Nonvaluated materials
VERP - Packaging
VKHM - Additionals
VOLL - Full products
WERB - Product catalogs
WERT - Value-only materials
WETT - Competitor products

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