SCM600 Exercise 2 HW
SCM600 Exercise 2 HW
SCM600 Exercise 2 HW
ERP – Sales and Distribution – Exercise‐2
Table of Contents
Exercise-2: Customer Master, Material Master, and Customer-Material Info
Record ...................................................................................................... 2
ERP – Sales and Distribution – Exercise‐2
Exercise-2: Customer Master, Material Master, and Customer-Material Info
Exercise Objectives
After completing this exercise, you will be able to:
Maintain customer master record
Maintain material master record
Maintain customer-material info record
Maintain condition master data
Determine delivering plant and shipping point from the sales document
Combine and collectively process sales orders due for outbound delivery in one step
Combine and collectively process documents due for billing in one step
Describe presales activities
Use inquiries and quotations
Determine item categories
Replaced with
Character ES-A Pagi ES-B Pagi ES-A Sore ES-A Pagi ES-B Pagi ES-A Sore
(Sem. V) (Sem. V) (Sem. V) (Sem. VII) (Sem. VII) (Sem. VII)
* 1 2 3 4 5 6
$ A B C A B C
## Lab. Seat Number
ERP – Sales and Distribution – Exercise‐2
Customer Group Trading Companies
Shipping Conditions (*+30) Standard
Delivering Plant Hamburg (1000)
Billing Documents
Incoterms Free on Board Hamburg
Terms of Payment 14 days 3%, 30 days 2%, 45 days net
Tax Classification Liable for Tax
2. Create a new customer master record with reference to the customer 1*##1 for sales area
1000, 12, 00 and company code 1000 based on the information below. The number for the
new customer master record is 1*##2. Save the customer master record and write down the
General Data
Address Data
Name Your name-2
Search Term LO150-*##-2
Street <<Your address>>-2
Post Code <<Your post code>>
City <<Your city>>-2
Country Germany
Region Hamburg
Transportation Zone Region North
Language English
Sales Area Data
Billing Documents
Incoterms From Plant Hamburg
Terms of Payment 14 days 2%, 30 days 1.5%, 45 days net
Tax Classification Liable for Tax
Partner Functions
Ship-to Party 1*##2
Ship-to Party 1*##1
3. Create a new customer master record with reference to the customer 1*##1 for sales area
1000, 12, 00 and company code 1000 based on the information below. The number for the
new customer master record is 1*##3. Save the customer master record and write down the
General Data
Address Data
Name Your name-3
Search Term LO150-*##-3
ERP – Sales and Distribution – Exercise‐2
Street <<Your address>>-3
Post Code <<Your post code>>
City <<Your city>>-3
Country Germany
Region Hamburg
Transportation Zone Region South
Language English
Sales Area Data
Billing Documents
Incoterms Free on Board Hamburg
Terms of Payment 14 days 3%, 30 days 2%, 45 days net
Tax Classification Liable for Tax
Partner Functions
Ship-to Party 1*##1
Bill-to Party 1*##2
4. Create a new material master record with number M2*##1 for plant 1000, sales
organization 1000, and distribution channel 12. Maintain the new material master for view
Basic Data 1, Sales: Sales Org. Data 1, Sales: General/Plant Data, and Sales Text based on
the information below. Save the material master record and write down the number.
Field Data
Industry Sector Retail
Material Type Trading Goods
Basic Data 1
Material Description Mild Steel-1
Base Unit of Measure Kilogram
Gross Weight 1 Kilogram
Net Weight 1 Kilogram
Sales: Sales Org. Data 1
Tax Classification Full Tax
Minimum Order Quantity 20 Kilograms
Minimum Delivery Quantity 10 Kilograms
Price: as of 1 kilogram 50 EUR per Kilogram
Price: as of 10 kilograms 45 EUR per Kilogram
Sales: General/Plant Data
Transportation Group Container
Loading Group Forklift
Sales Text
Sales Text “Material is heavy! Handle with care!”
5. Add view Accounting 1 to material master M2*##1 for plant 1000 and maintain the view
based on the information below.
ERP – Sales and Distribution – Exercise‐2
Accounting Data 1
Price Control Moving Average Price
Moving Price 30
6. Create a new material master record (M2*##2) with reference to the material M2*##1.
Enter the material for plant 1000, sales organization 1000, and distribution channel 12. Use
these organizational units too when referencing the reference material. Maintain the new
material for view Basic Data 1, Sales: Sales Org. Data 1, Sales: General/Plant Data, Sales
Text, and Accounting 1 based on the information below. Save the material master record
and write down the number.
Field Data
Industry Sector Retail
Material Type Trading Goods
Basic Data 1
Material Description Mild Steel-2
Sales: Sales Org. Data 1
Price: as of 1 kilogram 60 EUR per Kilogram
Sales: General/Plant Data
Loading Group Manual
Accounting Data 1
Price Control Moving Average Price
Moving Price 50 EUR
7. Create a new material master record (M2*##3) with reference to the material M2*##1.
Enter the material for plant 1000, sales organization 1000, and distribution channel 12. Use
these organizational units too when referencing the reference material. Maintain the new
material for view Basic Data 1, Sales: Sales Org. Data 1, Sales: General/Plant Data, Sales
Text, and Accounting 1 based on the information below. Save the material master record
and write down the number.
Field Data
Industry Sector Retail
Material Type Trading Goods
Basic Data 1
Material Description Mild Steel-3
Sales: Sales Org. Data 1
Price: as of 1 kilogram 70 EUR per Kilogram
Accounting Data 1
Price Control Standard Price
Standard Price 60 EUR
8. Extend view Sales: General/Plant Data and Accounting 1 to material master M2*##1,
M2*##2, and M2*##3 for plant 1400. Use data from plant 1000 as reference.
ERP – Sales and Distribution – Exercise‐2
9. Maintain condition master record for customer-specific discount (Condition type:
Customer Discount) for customer 1*##2 (sales organization 1000, distribution channel 12)
based on the information below. Customer 1*##2 will be granted a percentage discount for
all materials depending on the sales item value, and this agreement will be valid from 1st
November 2017 until 31st December 2017.
Field Data
Value as of 800 EUR -1%
Value as of 1000 EUR -3%
Value as of 1500 EUR -5%
10. Customer 1*##2 usually places order using his own material number. Maintain customer-
material info record for sales organization 1000 and distribution channel 12 based on the
information below.
Customer Customer Material Minimum
Material Plant
Material Number Description Delivery Quantity
M2*##1 C1*##1 Steel-1 1000 15 Kilograms
M2*##2 C1*##2 Steel-2 1400 10 Kilograms
M2*##3 C1*##3 Steel-3 1000 15 Kilograms
Task 2: Transaction
1. On 1st November 2017, enter goods receipt of 1000 kilograms material M2*##1, 800
kilograms material M2*##2, and 500 kilograms material M2*##3 in plant 1000 and storage
location 0001. Use movement type 501. Display and capture screen the stocks for material
M2*##1, M2*##2, and M2*##3 in plant 1000. Record how many pieces are in stock and
available for use.
2. On 2nd November 2017, enter goods receipt of 800 kilograms material M2*##1, 1000
kilograms material M2*##2, and 500 kilograms material M2*##3 in plant 1400 and storage
location 0001. Use movement type 501. Display and capture screen the stocks for material
M2*##1, M2*##2, and M2*##3 in plant 1400. Record how many pieces are in stock and
available for use.
3. On 1th November 2017, customer 1*##2 sends the following inquiry (*##1) to our
company. The inquiry must be processed within 2 months. Use inquiry type IN for sales
organization 1000, distribution channel 12, and division 00. This inquiry uses ship-to-party
1*##1. Save the inquiry and write down the document number. Display and capture screen
the inquiry.
Material Number Quantity
C1*##1 50 Kilograms
C1*##3 20 Kilograms
4. On 5th November 2017, customer 1*##2 sends the following inquiry (*##2) to our
company. The inquiry must be processed within 2 months. Use inquiry type IN for sales
organization 1000, distribution channel 12, and division 00. This inquiry uses ship-to-party
1*##2. Save the inquiry and write down the document number. Display and capture screen
the inquiry.
ERP – Sales and Distribution – Exercise‐2
Material Number Quantity
C1*##2 30 Kilograms
5. On 8th November 2017, we create a quotation for customer 1*##2 based on the two previous
inquiry. The quotation can be valid within 3 months Use quotation type QT for sales
organization 1000, distribution channel 12, and division 00. Save the quotation and write
down the document number. Display and capture screen the quotation.
6. On 15th November 2017, customer 1*##3 sends the following purchase order (*##3) to our
company. Create standard order based on the purchase order for sales organization 1000,
distribution channel 12, and division 00. For this purchase order, the customer use bill-to-
party 1*##2. Save the sales order and write down the document number. Display and
capture screen the sales order.
Field Data
Requested Delivery Date 10 days from purchase order date
Material, Quantity, Ship-to-Party M2*##2, 50 Kilograms, 1*##1
Material, Quantity, Ship-to-Party M2*##3, 50 Kilograms, 1*##3
7. On 17th November 2017, customer 1*##2 sends the following purchase order (*##4) as a
result from our quotation. Create standard order based on the previous quotation for sales
organization 1000, distribution channel 12, and division 00. Save the sales order and write
down the document number. Display and capture screen the sales order.
Field Data
Requested Delivery Date 10 days from purchase order date
Material, Quantity M2*##1, 20 Kilograms
Material, Quantity M2*##3, 20 Kilograms
8. We decide to give an example of manual instruction T-AS$701 for free to customer 1*##2.
Change the previous sales sales to include this manual instruction. Save the sales order.
Display and capture screen the sales order.
9. On 20th November 2017, customer 1*##2 sends the following purchase order (*##5) as a
result from our quotation. Create standard order based on the previous quotation for sales
organization 1000, distribution channel 12, and division 00. Save the sales order and write
down the document number. Display and capture screen the sales order.
Field Data
Requested Delivery Date 10 days from purchase order date
Material, Quantity M2*##1, 25 Kilograms
Material, Quantity M2*##2, 25 Kilograms
10. Process delivery due list (collective processing) based on the information below.
Field Data
Shipping Point <<check from above exercise>>
Delivery Creation Date 1st November 2017 until 31st December 2017
Ship-to-Party <<check from above exercise>>
ERP – Sales and Distribution – Exercise‐2
Write down the result in the tabel below.
Field Data
Group Number
Number of Outbound Delivery
Outbound Delivery Document Number
11. Process picking using collective processing based on the information below. Use Adopt
Pick Quantity = 1 (Include picking quantities in delivery).
Field Data
Shipping Point <<check from above exercise>>
Picking Date 1st November 2017 until 31st December 2017
Group Number <<check from above exercise>>
12. Post goods issue using collective processing based on the information below.
Field Data
Shipping Point <<check from above exercise>>
Planned Goods Movement Date 1st November 2017 until 31st December 2017
Group Number <<check from above exercise>>
13. Process billing due list (collective processing) based on the information below.
Field Data
Billing Date 1st November 2017 until 31st December 2017
Sales Organization 1000
Shipping Point <<check from above exercise>>
Sold-to-Party 1*##2, 1*##3
14. Display and capture screen the reference status for the items in all inquiries.
15. Display and capture screen the reference status for the items in quotation.
16. Display and capture screen the document flow for all sales order.
17. Display and capture screen the stocks for material M2*##1, M2*##2, and M2*##3 in plant
1000. Record how many pieces are in stock and available for use.
18. Display and capture screen the stocks for material M2*##1, M2*##2, and M2*##3 in plant
1400. Record how many pieces are in stock and available for use.