Isabella Elanee Aldana Grade 4-7 Elizabeth 15 Most Common ELEMENTS at Home
Isabella Elanee Aldana Grade 4-7 Elizabeth 15 Most Common ELEMENTS at Home
Isabella Elanee Aldana Grade 4-7 Elizabeth 15 Most Common ELEMENTS at Home
ALUMINUM used as cooking materials or wrapping material 2. CARBON in c arcoal !. "UL#UR in some part o$ a matc %. &'O"&'OR on t e strike pad o$ a matc (ook ). MA*N+"IUM inside old t rowawa, $las (ul( -. "ILICION used as su(strate $or all computer c ips .onl, t e top sur$ace is etc ed and doped wit ot er compounds/ t e (ase is per aps t e purest $orm o$ an, element ,ou can t ink o$ t at is readil, a0aila(le1 2. NIC3+L in old coins .t at is w en t e ) cents got its name...1 4. L+A5 in car (atteries .(ut don6t go in t ere/ as it is to7ic1 8. M+RCUR9 .in 0apor $orm1 in $luorescent tu(es and in old t ermometer or switc es .again/ don6t go in t ere: to7ic1 1;. <UN*"<+N in incandescent lig t (ul(s 11. AM+RICUM .,es=1 in smoke detector .(ut 5ON6< *O IN <'+R+/ it is <O>IC AN5 RA5IOAC<I?+/ (ut sa$e w ile it is in its casing1 12. @INC .pure as coating $or gal0aniAed steelB (ut also most items like outdoor door andles are made wit cast Ainc1 1!. <IN is also sometime used in pure $orm $or plum(ing solder .and was used in $oil (e$ore aluminum $oil (ecame widespread1 (ut per aps ,ou6d a0e a ard time considering a piping s,stem as Crelati0el, smallC 1%. '+LIUM gas used to in$late (alloon 1). +L+M+N<AL C'ROMIUM as a plating on c romed metal parts. 15 Most common COMPOUNDS at home: Name 1. 2. !. %. ). -. 2. 4. 8. 1;. 11. 12. Dater <a(le "alt ?inegar "ugar C alk "and Ru((ing Alco ol Car(on 5io7ide Rust Ammonia Agua O7inada Acetone hemical !orm"la %&' Na l %( ''% 1&%&&'11 a '( Si'& &%5'% '& !e&'( N%( %&'& (%)' aS'4 Na% '( 1*%+ #here it is $o"nd or "ses #or cleaning and (od, support *i0es taste to $ood &reser0ati0e against spoilage "weetener Used $or writing on t e (oard Construction materialB $ound along coasts disin$ectant #ound in t e air t at we e7 ale D at appens to most iron Re0i0es consciousness 5isin$ectant and cleans wounds Remo0es nail polis and skin ad esi0es Moulds/ construction materials Baking and ouse old cleanser Animal repellant
1!. *,psum E &laster o$ &aris 1%. Baking "oda 1). Mot (alls
A T,IT- ANS#E. S%EET /ate: 0an"ar1 142 &*14 Activity 1. Study the table below. !ite the name o" the element in the last column. Name S1mbol 3ses 1. Car(on 2. Nickel !. <in %. "ilicon ). Lead -. 'elium 2. Magnesium 4. Aluminum 8. & osp orous 1;. Mercur, C Ni "n "i &( 'e Mg Al & 'g
Acti4it1 &5 ombine the elements belo6 to $orm a com7o"nd5 3se the n"mber o$ atoms to com7lete the $orm"la5 Common compounds in t e en0ironment: Name 1 Na atom F 1 Cl atom 1C atom F 2 O atoms 2 ' atoms F 2 O atoms 1N atoms F ! ' atoms 12 C atoms F 22 ' atoms F 11O atoms 2 #e atoms F ! O atoms 1 Ca F 1C F !O atoms 1 NaF 1 ' F 1C F !O atoms 2 C F )' F O' atoms 2' F 1O atoms !orm"la 3ses
Activity # . Combine the com$ounds to "o!m a mi%tu!e. $!oduct o" mi%in& these two mate!ials toðe!. '2O .water1 F NaCl .salt1 '2O .water1 F "ugar .C12'22O111 '2O .water1 F sand ."iO21 '2O .water1 F c alk .Ca"O!1 '2O .water1 F car(on dio7ide .CO21