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UCG Explained

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UCG Explained

02 UCG Series
This information sheet provides a technical description of the Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) process, the key parameters involved, factors in site selection and the operational influences on gas quality.

The UCG process

UCG is the process of the gasification of coal in-situ to produce a synthesis gas (syngas). The operating life of a UCG operation can be broadly broken down into four steps: 1.  Well construction and linkage: Wells are drilled into the coal to allow for oxidant injection and product gas extraction. The wells are linked or extended to form an in-seam channel to facilitate oxidant injection, cavity development and syngas flow.

2.  Ignition: The coal seam is dried and then ignited. 3.  Gas production: Syngas is produced through combustion and gasification reactions. Combustion produces heat, carbon dioxide and some syngas (through partial combustion).  Gasification reactions then take place, involving heat and carbon dioxide from combustion, pressure, steam and carbon from the coal.  The syngas flows from the gasification zone, through

constructed or formed horizontal channels, to the gas production well where it flows to the surface for treatment. 4.  Decommissioning: Once all the available coal has been extracted as a gaseous product, the gasification process is shut down according to known and demonstrated shut down procedures.



Overview of the UCG Process





Figure 1: Overview of the UCG process


UCG Explained
02 UCG Series
Well construction and linkage
Wells are constructed into the coal seam. Construction varies depending on whether a well is used in service as a production well. In this case, it must be constructed to withstand hot gases and the effects of heating and cooling. Linking the wells is necessary to ensure a flow path between the injection and production wells. Linking assists the development of the cavity and the collection of product gas. Linkage can be achieved in a number of ways: 1.  In-seam directional drilling: This involves developing a horizontal drill hole in the coal seam between the two wells. 2.  Artificial fracturing: This involves pressurising the coal, by using either air or water, to crack the coal between the wells. 3.  Reverse combustion: This involves igniting the seam and forming a linkage by combusting a channel between wells. The flow is then reversed and gasification commences. Linc Energy has trialled various methods and is progressing with in-seam directional drilling as the preferred method for achieving linkage.

In Seam Drill Head

Figure 2: Directional Drilling (in-seam)

Once the wells have been linked, the coal seam is partially dried. This is done by blowing air through the injection well until the location of ignition is sufficiently dry. The coal is then ignited, using any one of a variety of ignition methods.

Figure 3: Gas Velocity Profile (Linc Energy 2009)

Figure 4: Cavity Growth and Operating Temperature (standard two well configuration) (Linc Energy 2009)


Gasification and gas production

Following ignition, oxidants are injected and the conversion of coal through gasification occurs by: 1.  Oxidation and /or combustion reactions 2. Reduction 3.  Pyrolysis, producing gas, oils, char and vaporised tars. Air (21 per cent oxygen), oxygen enriched air or pure oxygen can be used as the oxidant in the process. Using pure oxygen (or oxygen enriched air) results in a higher temperature gasification reaction. The result is different production gas composition and volumes. The differences mainly relate to nitrogen, which is injected as an inert component when air is the oxidant of choice. The oxidant chosen will depend on economic considerations, including the end use of the gas. During the UCG process, exothermic (releasing heat) combustion reactions supply the energy required by endothermic (absorbing heat) reduction reactions. The UCG process can be roughly divided into zones, with the oxidation or reduction zone near the oxidant injection point. This is followed by a gasification zone and pyrolysis zone where the coal is exposed to temperature as a result of radiant heat and hot gases passing over the coal. Combustion (oxidation) stage reactions Combustion of the coal generates heat (i.e. an exothermic reaction) and other gases which are utilised in reactions which occur in later stages. The combustion reactions are: C + O CO + heat (complete combustion) C + O CO + heat (partial combustion) CO + O CO + heat

The gasification process will progressively consume the coal and create a cavity. The cavity will over time expand in the direction of the flow of gases, namely towards the production well. The lateral extent of combustion is controlled by the quenching associated with inward flowing groundwater. The rate at which groundwater flows into the process is governed by many factors, the main one being operating pressure. Reduction stage reactions After the oxygen in the process is utilised during the combustion stage and reducing conditions prevail, then reduction reactions take place utilising the heat from the combustion stage. These reactions include: C + HO + heat H + CO C + CO + heat 2CO These reactions are heterogenous, meaning they are gas/ solid reactions (gas and coal reactions). As the gas progresses through the process, homogenous reactions (gas phase only) take place until the gas reaches its equilibrium composition. Water vapour present in the process promotes the water-gas-shift (WGS) reaction that contributes significantly to the H/CO balance. Key chemical reactions during this stage include: CO + HO H + CO (WGS reaction) CO + 3H CH4 + HO (methanation reaction) The equilibrium gas composition is dictated by temperature, pressure, the amount of water vapour present, and the composition of the gas, once the heterogenous reactions are complete. As the gaseous product has enough residence time to reach equilibrium in the generator, it is fairly easy to predict the composition of the produced gas given a specific set of operating conditions. Pyrolysis As the coal loses its moisture it undergoes pyrolysis (thermal decomposition) at temperatures close to 400C: Coal CH4 + HO + Hydrocarbons + Tars + Volatile gases Depending on the temperature of the process, hydrocarbons and tars will either be consumed in the process or be entrained in product gas where they condense and are separated at the surface and can be reused or reprocessed into valuable by-products.

Figure 5: Linc Energy 3D Cavity Growth Model

UCG Explained
02 UCG Series
Syngas composition
The composition of syngas produced will ultimately dictate what the gas can be used for. Calorific value will be important for power generation and the H/CO ratio will be relevant for chemical or petrochemical applications. Syngas will contain differing proportions of CO, H, CO, N, CH4, water and gaseous hydrocarbons, depending on various factors, including: 1.  The oxidant used: Due to the presence of nitrogen, air will result in lower gasification temperatures and more inert gas dilution. The decision about whether to use oxygen or air as the oxidant is ultimately a financial one. 2.  Water influences: The rate at which groundwater (or introduced water) contributes to the gasification process ultimately dictates the hydrogen concentration in the gas. This is influenced by coal permeability, overburden permeability, natural or induced fracturing, coal moisture, hydrostatic pressure, and operating pressure of the cavity. 3.  Coal quality (meaning reactivity, ash content and structural properties): The ideal coals for UCG shrink and fall apart when heated. The break into smaller particles provides a larger surface area for reactions to take place. This includes most of the lower rank coals. 4.  Operating temperature and pressure: With increasing pressure, more methane and CO is produced, while the yield of H and CO drops. There are however, efficiency and economic advantages to operating gasification at high pressure.

Site selection
The main factors to consider for the selection of a UCG site are: Coal properties: Chemical nature, structure, depth and thickness Hydrogeology: Groundwater plays an integral part of the UCG process because it supplies water for the gasification reactions, and the hydrostatic pressure serves to contain the process. Operating the process below the hydrostatic pressure ensures there is movement of water towards the cavity, as well as movement of gas towards the production well Geology: Good structure and low permeability of rock immediately overlying the coal is favourable to limit subsidence and provide a seal between the coal and overlying strata.

Shutting down the gasification process and ensuring the spent gasification chamber does not contribute to groundwater contamination is a critical part in the lifecycle of a UCG operation. Decommissioning a UCG site involves a number of key principles: While the process is still hot, allow groundwater to flow into the cavity to generate steam. This ensures any residual tars or liquid hydrocarbons that may have condensed on the walls are remobilised as gas and flow through wells to the surface for treatment or use The groundwater inflows quench the process The cavity is pumped out and flushed until the water is clean (usually once or twice).

About Linc Energy

Linc Energy is a globally focused, diversified energy company with a strong portfolio of coal, oil and gas deposits. Linc Energys purpose is to unlock the value of its resources to produce energy to fuel the future. A public company, Linc Energy is the global leader in UCG, delivering synthesis gas for commercially viable energy solutions (electricity, transport fuels and oil production), via gas turbine combined cycle power generation, Gas to Liquids processing and Enhanced Oil Recovery.

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UCG, GTL and the Environment Modern Practices in UCG

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