ME111 1.1 The Mechanical Design Process: 9/27/00 ME111 Lecture 1 1 9/27/00 ME111 Lecture 1 2
ME111 1.1 The Mechanical Design Process: 9/27/00 ME111 Lecture 1 1 9/27/00 ME111 Lecture 1 2
ME111 1.1 The Mechanical Design Process: 9/27/00 ME111 Lecture 1 1 9/27/00 ME111 Lecture 1 2
7.5 10 / 9 12
ME111 Instructor: Peter Pinsky Class #1 September 27, 2000 1.1 The Mechanical Design Process To design is to formulate a plan for the satisfaction of a (human) need
Todays Topics
Identification of need Definition of goal Design is almost always an iterative process Good documentation of analysis is extremely important
Overview of ME111
Focus of ME111
Review of statics: free-body diagrams; internal forces; equilibrium Synthesis Reading Assignment Problem Set #1 Juvinall, Chapters 1 and 2. Puts together the design idea Takes the design idea apart! Idealization (modeling) of elements, supports and loads Determination of critical points for stress and deflections Analysis depends on knowledge of first principles Evaluation Determination of level of safety against all possible failure modes
ME111 Lecture 1 2
Due in class 10/4/00 1. 2. Juvinall 2.5 Juvinall 2.7 Juvinall 2.10 Juvinall 2.19
ME111 Lecture 1
1.2 Evaluating Designs The machine or structure must be designed to operate with an adequate factor of safety against failure. Requires knowledge of all possible failure modes and the conditions that will cause them to be active. Examples of common failure modes include:
2.1 Forces We will work with two systems of units: English Engineering Mass Length Time Force Newtons second law lbm ft s lb SI kg m s N
1. Fracture 2. Plastic (non-elastic) deformation 3. Excessive deflection 4. Buckling 6. Fatigue 7. Creep 8. Corrosion 9. Surface failure (e.g., fretting, wear)
F(lb) = m( lbm )
a ft s 2 gc
F( N ) = m ( kg ) a m s 2
F(lb) =
m(lbm) a ft s 2 gc
Good design decisions require a good understanding of the behavior of materials For example, the behavior of materials can be divided into two basic types: DUCTILE Stretchy before failure low carbon steel, polymers, skin, rubber, aluminum exhibit slow failure with large deformations
Weight Is the force required to accelerate unit mass in standard earth gravitational field
W ( N ) = m ( kg ) 9.81 1 N = 0.225 lb
BRITTLE Relatively little stretch before sudden failure Cast iron, glass, ceramics, concrete, bone
What is your weight in lb? exhibit fast explosive failure with small deformations
ME111 Lecture 1 3
In N? In N?
3.1 Review of Statics -- Examples Example 1.1 For the frame shown, find (a) all support reactions, and (b) internal forces at point X. C 7.5 ft D X Mid-point A B
W = F S ( ft lb; N m)
W = T ! = T W
! = F V (hp; J ) W
1 hp = 33,000 ft lb / s 1 watt (W ) = N m / s
Example A car transmission has a transmission ratio R=3.0 in first gear
W=1 klb 10 ft 10 ft
Tengine = 3,000 lb in
We know that
Tshaft = ???
Example 1.2 For the truss shown, find (a) all support reactions, and (b) internal forces at point X. Pin connection C D X Mid-point A B 7.5 ft
Example 1.3 Find (a) all support reactions, and (b) internal forces at point X. P = 50 kN 2.5 m
W=1 klb 10 ft 10 ft
ME111 Lecture 1
ME111 Lecture 1
Example 1.4 Find (a) all support reactions, and (b) internal forces at point X.
Example 1.5 Find (a) all support reactions, and (b) internal forces at point X. 2 P P B D
ble ca
X (mid-height)
ME111 Lecture 1
ME111 Lecture 1
4 6
T := 1
T cos ( ) 4 2 10
T := Find( T)
ble ca
D A V P M C 3 3 P=10
V := 1
M := 1
0 0
Find( P , V, M ) =
6.009 0 10
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ME111 Lecture 1
Example 1.7 30 C 20
3.2 Review of Statics -- Summary of equations Statics in 2-d Resultant of several forces
Rz , M z
z Ry , M y y Rx , M x
5 B 5 4 40 3
R = F
Rx = Fx
R = Fx i + Fy j + Fz k
R y = Fy Rz = Fz
Equilibrium of a particle R = F = 0 or
= 0;
= 0;
Principle of transmissibility The conditions of equilibrium or of motion of a rigid body are unchanged if a force acting on the body is moved along its line of action. Thus, forces acting on a rigid body may be treated as sliding vectors. Vector product in 3-d: V = PQ V = PQ sin
i V = Px Qx
In 2-d:
j Py Qy
k Pz = Vx i + V y j + Vz k Qz
i V = Px Qx
j Py Qy
k 0 = Vz k 0 Vz = PxQ y PyQ x
ME111 Lecture 1
ME111 Lecture 1
Varignons theorem The moment about any point of the resultant of several concurrent forces is equal to the sum of the moments of the individual forces about the same point. Couples in 3-d
y M0 r O d z x
A couple consists of two parallel forces that are equal in magnitude and opposite in sense. The moment of a couple may be represented by a free vector M = r F M = rF sin = Fd
i M 0 = rx Fx
j ry Fy
k rz = M x i + M y j + M z k Fz
r d
In 2-d: r F d
Equivalent force-couple systems A force may be tranlated parallel to itself to a new point of application provided a couple M 0 = r F is added.
M0 M0 = r F i M 0 = rx Fx
M 0 = rF sin = Fd j k 0 = M 0k 0
ME111 Lecture 1 15 9/27/00
F r
M0 O
ry Fy
M 0 = rx Fy ry Fx
ME111 Lecture 1
Mx = 0
M y = 0
Mz = 0
A = any point in x-y plane AB not parallel to y-axis A, B, and C not on straight line z
=0 =0
Equilibrium of a two-force body The two forces must be equal in magnitude, opposite in direction, and lie along same line. Equilibrium of a rigid body in 3-d Six equations: R = F = 0
R M0 = M0 = 0
Equilibrium of a three-force body The three forces must lie in same plane and be either concurrent or parallel.
M0 = r F M 0 = rF sin = Fd M x = M0 i = ry Fy rx Fx
i M0 = rx Fx
j ry Fy
k rz = M x i + M y j + M z k Fz
rz = ry Fz rz Fy = Cross ( ry , rz , Fy , Fz ) Fz rz Fz = rz Fz rx Fx = rz Fx rx Fz = Cross ( rz , rx , Fz , Fx )
M y = M0 j = M z = M0 k =
17 9/27/00
rx Fx
ry = rx Fy ry Fx = Cross ( rx , ry , Fx , Fy ) Fy
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ME111 Lecture 1