This guide is intended to be used in conjunction with the full Install and Operation manual IPN 997-00012-41, available from the documentation pages of the web site www.powerware.com/3com
Eaton Corporation disclaims any liability for direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of the application or use of any information contained in this document. The foregoing disclaimer applies to damages or personal injury, property damage, loss of operation, loss of profits, loss of product or loss of time, whether incurred by the purchaser, the purchasers employees or third party. Information in this document does not constitute a warranty, representation or guarantee concerning the suitability or performance of Eaton products. No such warranty, representation or guarantee is expressed or implied. Information contained in this document is subject to change without further notice. Subject to the right to use its equipment, Eaton Corporation does not convey any right, title or interest in its intellectual property, including, without limitation, its patents, copyrights and know-how. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means or for any purpose other than the Purchasers personal use, without the express written permission of Eaton Corporation. Eaton, Powerware, IntergyTM, CellSureTM, SiteSureTM, PowerManagerIITM and DCToolsTM are trade names, trademarks, and/or service marks of Eaton Corporation or its subsidiaries and affiliates. Unless otherwise noted, brands, product names, trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. Copyright 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 10640205 February 2009
Worldwide Support..................................................................................................................4
For Further Information and Technical Assistance......................................................................... 4
General Description..................................................................................................................5
APS3 and APS6 Series (48V) DC Power Systems ............................................................................ 5 Access Power Rectifiers......................................................................................................................... 5 SM45 Supervisory Module ................................................................................................................... 5 Low Voltage Disconnect (if applicable)............................................................................................. 6
Pre-Installation ..........................................................................................................................6
Warnings .................................................................................................................................................. 6 Inputs ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 Equipment Classification...................................................................................................................... 9 Outputs ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 Batteries (if applicable) ........................................................................................................................10 Rectifiers .................................................................................................................................................10 Location and Environment.................................................................................................................12 Servicing .................................................................................................................................................12 EMC Compliance..................................................................................................................................13 Inspecting the Equipment and Reporting Damage ......................................................................14
Installation ...............................................................................................................................14
Mounting the APS DC Power System .............................................................................................14 Connecting the DC Load Cables .......................................................................................................16 Installing the External Batteries (if applicable) ..............................................................................19 Connecting the Battery Cables (if applicable) ................................................................................22 Installing the Battery Temperature Sensor (if batteries are fitted) ............................................24 Connecting the APS DC Power System to the AC Supply..........................................................24
Commissioning .......................................................................................................................25
Inserting the Access Power Rectifiers ..............................................................................................25 Pre-Power-Up Check ...........................................................................................................................25 Applying AC Power ............................................................................................................................26 Configuring the APS DC Power System for Operation ...............................................................26 Applying DC Power to the Load ......................................................................................................26
Specifications ...........................................................................................................................28
Copyright 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 10640205 February 2009
Worldwide Support
For product information and a complete listing of worldwide sales offices, visit Eaton's website at: www.eaton.com/telecompower or email: DCinfo@eaton.com
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Tel. 1-800-843-9433
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Copyright 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 10640205 February 2009
General Description
APS3 and APS6 Series (48V) DC Power Systems
APS dc power systems provide high reliability 48V dc power for wiring closet and other data and telecommunications equipment. Each power system includes ac/dc rectifier modules, a supervisory module to provide control and communications functions, circuit breakers to protect the output cabling, and output terminals to connect the cables to the dc powered equipment and optional batteries. Four APS3 and two APS6 dc power system models are available, as shown on the following three pages.
APS3-058 rack-mounted version, without battery option APS3-059 rack-mounted version, with battery option APS3-060 desktop version, without battery option APS3-061 desktop version, with battery option APS6-058 rack-mounted version, without battery option APS6-059 rack-mounted version, with battery option
Input: APS dc power systems can be powered by a wide range of ac sources such as singlephase, two-phase, three-phase (L-N) and three-phase (L-L). Depending on the nominal voltage of the ac supply (120V or 240V), the power systems are equipped with either APU48 or APR48 rectifiers. Fused ac sockets (one per rectifier) are available for connecting the power system to the ac supply. Output: Eight floating dc outlets are available for connecting equipment power cables to the APS dc power system. Each dc outlet is protected by a corresponding 6A or 25A load circuit breaker. Any combination of 6A or 25A rated load circuit breakers (up to a maximum of eight) can be fitted, depending on customer requirements. Battery Option: External VRLA 48V batteries can be connected to APS3-059, APS3-061 and APS6-059 dc power systems to provide backup power during ac outages. The battery float voltage is temperature compensated.
Copyright 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 10640205 February 2009
This section contains important warnings relating to:
Inputs Equipment Classification Outputs Batteries (if applicable) Rectifiers Location and Environment Servicing EMC Compliance
Desktop Versions: Pluggable Type A: Except for 120V input, if APS3-06X power systems are fitted with three rectifiers, then only two ac power cords may be connected to one building branch circuit. The third ac power cord must be connected to a separate building branch circuit. Failure to do so voids all safety approvals. The maximum earth leakage current of each Access Power Rectifier is 1.5 mA. Ensure that any upstream Residual Current Devices (RCDs) are appropriately rated. The ac power cords (supplying the power system) must be suitably rated for the environment and ac power distribution system. In addition, these ac power cords must be approved and installed to comply with local wiring regulations. The earth conductor of each ac power cord must have a minimum cross sectional area of 1 mm2 (0.00155 in2). The maximum length of each ac power cord should not exceed 3m (10 feet), unless local wiring regulations permit otherwise. Ensure that the ac supply is disconnected from those fused ac power sockets before checking or replacing their respective fuses. Each socket, K1 to K3 (APS3), and K1 to K6 (APS6), contain two fuses, FS1 and FS2. CAUTION: DOUBLE-POLE / NEUTRAL FUSING Use only 15 A, 250 VAC, 6.3 x 32 mm, fast-acting fuses of the same type (Bussman ABC-15 or Littelfuse 314015 Type 3AB) for continued protection against risk of fire.
Copyright 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 10640205 February 2009
A APS3-06X 120V 1.5mARCD 1 mm2 3 K1K3APS3K1K6APS6FS1 FS2/ 15 A250 VAC6.3 x 32 mmBussman ABC-15Littelfuse 314-015 Type 3AB
Copyright 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 10640205 February 2009
Versions ordinateur de bureau : Enfichable Type A: Hormis pour l'entre 120V, si les systmes d'alimentation APS3-06X sont quips de trois redresseurs, deux cordons d'alimentation seulement peuvent tre connects au circuit de drivation de l'immeuble. Le troisime cordon d'alimentation secteur doit tre connect un circuit de drivation spar. Le non respect de ces consignes annule l'ensemble des garanties de scurit. Le courant de fuite maximum, la terre, de chaque redresseur de puissance d'accs est de 1,5 mA. Vrifiez que les dispositifs courant rsiduel (DCR) en amont sont correctement dimensionns. Les cordons d'alimentation secteur (fournissant le systme d'alimentation) doivent tre correctement dimensionns pour l'environnement et le systme de distribution CA. De plus, les cordons d'alimentation secteur doivent tre approuvs et installs conformment aux rglementations de cblage locales. Le conducteur de terre de chaque cordon d'alimentation secteur doit avoir une section minimale d'1 mm2. La longueur maximale de chaque cordon d'alimentation secteur ne doit pas dpasser 3 m, sauf disposition particulire de la rglementation de cblage. Assurez-vous que l'alimentation lectrique CA est dconnecte des prises lectriques secteur protges par fusible avant de contrler ou remplacer les fusibles de celles-ci. Chaque prise lectrique, de K1 K3 (APS3) et de K1 K6 (APS6), est dote de deux fusibles, FS1 et FS2. ATTENTION : PROTECTION DOUBLE-POLE / FUSIBLES SUR PHASE ET NEUTRE. Pour une protection continue contre les risques d'incendie, n'utilisez que des fusibles action rapide de 15 A, 250 V CA, 6,3 x 32 mm, de mme type (Bussman ABC-15 ou Littelfuse 314-015 Type 3AB).
Desktop-Versionen: Typ A, steckbar: Wenn APS3-06X Stromversorgungsanlagen mit drei Gleichrichtern ausgestattet sind, drfen an einem Hausstromkreis nur zwei Netzkabel angeschlossen sein (gilt nicht fr 120 V Eingangsspannung). Das dritte Netzkabel muss an einem separaten Hausstromkreis angeschlossen werden. Bei Nichtbeachtung werden jegliche Sicherheitszulassungen ungltig. Der maximale Erdschlussstrom fr jeden Access Power-Gleichrichter betrgt 1,5 mA. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass der Nennauslsestrom fr alle vorgeschalteten Fehlerstromschutzschalter (FI-Schalter) korrekt ist. Die Nennleistung der Netzkabel (zur Versorgung der Stromversorgungsanlage) muss in bereinstimmung mit den Umgebungsbedingungen und der Wechselstromversorgungsanlage ausgelegt sein. Darber hinaus mssen diese Netzkabel gem den fr Ihr Land gltigen Elektroinstallationsvorschriften zugelassen und installiert sein. Der Schutzleiter von jedem Netzkabel muss einen Mindestquerschnitt von 1 mm2 aufweisen. Die Maximallnge von jedem Netzkabel darf hchstens 3 m betragen, sofern andere Lngen durch landesspezifische Elektroinstallationsvorschriften nicht ausdrcklich zugelassen ist. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Stromversorgung von den abgesicherten Netzsteckdosen getrennt ist, bevor Sie die zugehrigen Sicherungen berprfen oder auswechseln. Jede Steckdose, K1 bis K3 (APS3) und K1 bis K6 (APS6), umfasst zwei Sicherungen, FS1 und FS2. ACHTUNG: ZWEIPOLIGE BZW. NEUTRALLEITER-ABSICHERUNG Verwenden Sie fr dauerhaften Schutz gegen Brandentwicklung nur flinke Sicherungen mit 15 A, 250 VAC, 6,3 x 32 mm desselben Typs (z. B. Bussman ABC-15 oder Littelfuse 314-015 Typ 3AB).
Copyright 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 10640205 February 2009
Ingressi C.A.
Versioni desktop: Tipo A inseribile: ad eccezione dell'ingresso da 120 V, se i sistemi di alimentazione APS3-06X sono dotati di tre raddrizzatori, sar possibile collegare solo due cavi elettrici C. A. a un unico circuito derivato. Il terzo cavo C. A. deve essere collegato a un circuito derivato separato. La mancata osservanza di questo punto rende nulle tutte le eventuali approvazioni per la sicurezza. La corrente di dispersione a terra massima per ogni Access Power Rectifier di 1,5 mA. Assicurarsi che eventuali dispositivi RCD (Residual Current Device, dispositivo di corrente residua) a monte presentino la tensione appropriata. I cavi elettrici C.A. (che alimentano il sistema elettrico) devono presentare la tensione adeguata all'ambiente e al sistema di distribuzione elettrica C.A. Inoltre, tali cavi elettrici devono essere approvati e installati in modo tale da essere conformi alle normative locali sui collegamenti elettrici. Il conduttore di messa a terra di ogni cavo elettrico C.A. deve avere una sezione trasversale minima di 1 mm2. La lunghezza massima di ogni cavo elettrico C.A. non deve superare i 3 m, ad eccezione del caso in cui le normative locali sui collegamenti elettrici prevedano diversamente. Assicurarsi che l'alimentazione C.A. sia scollegata dalle prese di alimentazione C.A. dotate di fusibili, prima di controllarne o sostituirne i relativi fusibili. Ogni presa, da K1 a K3 (APS3) e da K1 a K6 (APS6), contiene due fusibili, FS1 e FS2. ATTENZIONE: POLO DOPPIO/ FUSIBILE NEUTRO Utilizzare solo fusibili da 15 A, 250 V C.A., 6,3 x 32 mm, ad azione rapida dello stesso tipo (Bussman ABC-15 o Littelfuse 314-015 Tipo 3AB) per una protezione continua rispetto al rischio di incendio.
Entradas CA
Versiones de escritorio: Con enchufe tipo A: Excepto para la entrada de 120V, si los sistemas de energa APS3-06X estn instalados con tres rectificadores, solo dos cables de alimentacin CA se podrn conectar a un circuito derivado del edificio. El tercer cable CA deber conectarse a un circuito derivado diferente del edificio. Si no lo hace, se anularn las aprobaciones de seguridad. La mxima corriente de fuga a tierra de cada uno de los rectificadores Access Power es de 1,5 mA. Asegrese de que los equipos de corriente residual (RCD) tengan una capacidad nominal adecuada. Los cables CA (los que suministran el sistema de energa) debern tener una capacidad nominal adecuada para el medioambiente y el sistema de distribucin de energa CA. Adems, dichos cables CA debern ser aprobados e instalarse de acuerdo con las disposiciones locales referidas al cableado. El conductor a tierra de cada cable CA deber tener un rea de seccin transversal mnima de 1 mm2. La longitud mxima de cada cable CA no deber exceder los 3 m, a menos que lo permitan las disposiciones locales referidas al cableado. Asegrese de que el suministro CA est desconectado de las tomas CA con fusibles antes de verificar o reemplazar los fusibles correspondientes. Cada toma, K1 a K3 (APS3), y K1 a K6 (APS6), contienen dos fusibles, FS1 y FS2. PRECAUCIN: DOBLE POLARIDAD / FUSIBLE NEUTRO Use solamente fusibles de accin rpida de 15 A, 250 VAC, de 6,3 x 32 mm del mismo tipo (Bussman ABC-15 o Littelfuse 314-015 Tipo 3AB) para tener una proteccin continua contra el riesgo de incendio.
Equipment Classification
APS dc power systems are classified as Class 1 equipment that must be provided with an earth connected to the Protective Earthing Conductor in the building wiring. The earth conductor of each ac power cord must be connected to the Protective Earthing Conductor in the building wiring. APS3-06X (desktop versions) are classed as Pluggable Equipment Type A and intended for use as Desktop units, All other units, APS3-05X and APS605X are Pluggable Equipment Type B or for Permanently connection in host equipment.
The dc outlets of an APS dc power system are floating to meet the isolation requirements for powering Power over Ethernet IEEE802.3af compatible devices. In non-Power over Ethernet applications the positive or negative output of the dc outlets can be referenced to earth, if required.
Copyright 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 10640205 February 2009
To reduce the risk of electric shock and maintain optimum system cooling, always cover empty rectifier slots with blanking panels (Part Number: IPN 621-05722-63A). To avoid electrical shock, do not place hands inside the rectifier shelf. Rectifier cases may exceed 100C (212F), especially after prolonged operation. Use suitable gloves to remove the hot rectifier. Do not attempt to disassemble rectifiers. Return them, (in their original packaging) along with the completed Equipment Incident Report, to your local Eaton dc product representative for replacement or repair.
Copyright 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 10640205 February 2009
Pour rduire au minimum le risque de choc lectrique et garantir un refroidissement optimal du systme, obstruez les emplacements vides ne contenant pas de redresseur l'aide de bouchons (Rfrence : IPN 62105722-63A). Pour viter tout risque de choc lectrique, ne pas toucher l'intrieur du panneau contenant le redresseur. La temprature des botiers de redresseur peut dpasser les 100C, en particulier aprs une utilisation prolonge. Utilisez des gants adapts pour retirer le redresseur si celui-ci est chaud. N'essayez pas de dmonter les redresseurs. Retournez-les (dans leur emballage d'origine), accompagn du Rapport d'incident rempli, votre revendeur local de produits lectriques Eaton dc (courant continu) pour rparation ou remplacement.
Um das Risiko von Stromschlgen zu minimieren und eine optimale Khlung der Anlage sicherzustellen, sollten Sie fr ungenutzte Gleichrichterpltze stets Blindabdeckungen verwenden (Bestellnummer: IPN 621-05722-63A). Zum Vermeiden von Stromschlgen niemals in den Gleichrichterschrank fassen. Gleichrichtergehuse knnen u. U. ber 100 C hei werden, insbesondere nach lngerem Betrieb. Zum Entfernen des heien Gleichrichters geeignete Handschuhe verwenden. Gleichrichter drfen nicht auseinandergebaut werden. Senden Sie diese zwecks Ersatz oder Reparatur (in der Originalverpackung) mit dem ausgefllten Fehlerbericht an Ihren zustndigen EatonProduktvertreter.
Per ridurre il rischio di shock elettrico e conservare una refrigerazione ottimale del sistema, coprire sempre gli slot vuoti dei raddrizzatori con pannelli otturatori (numero di parte: IPN 621-05722-63A). Per evitare shock elettrici, non inserire le mani all'interno del supporto del raddrizzatore. Il contenitore del raddrizzatore pu superare i 100 C, in particolare dopo un funzionamento prolungato. Utilizzare gli appositi guanti per rimuovere il raddrizzatore caldo. Non cercare di disassemblare i raddrizzatori. Restituirli (nell'imballaggio originale) insieme al report sui problemi dell'apparecchiatura, al rappresentante Eaton dc locale, per un'eventuale sostituzione o riparazione.
Para reducir el riesgo de descargas elctricas y para mantener un enfriamiento ptimo del sistema, siempre cubra las ranuras de los rectificadores con paneles obturadores (Nmero de pieza: IPN 621-05722-63A). Para evitar descargas elctricas, no ponga las manos dentro del estante del rectificador. Las carcasas de los rectificadores pueden exceder los 100C, en especial tras periodos de funcionamiento prolongados. Utilice guantes para quitar el rectificador recalentado. No trate de desarmar los rectificadores. Devulvalos (en el embalaje original) junto con el Informe de incidentes del equipo completo, al representante local de productos Eaton dc para su reemplazo o reparacin.
Copyright 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 10640205 February 2009
APS dc power systems (rack-mounted and desktop versions) meet the safety and fire enclosure requirements (as specified in IEC 60950-1, UL 60950-1, EN 60950-1 and AS/NZS 60950.1). Always mount APS3-05X and APS6-05X dc powers systems in 19-inch wide host equipment racks (enclosed or open type) securely bolted to the floor and position the desktop versions (APS3-06X) on a surface that supports the weight (12kg/26lb) of the power system. To maintain optimum system cooling, keep the front and rear of the APS dc power system clear from walls or other equipment. The minimum recommended clearance distance at the front and rear of the APS dc power system is 50 mm (2). No top and bottom clearance is required. The location must provide adequate airflow around the unit, in an atmosphere free from excessive dust, corrosive fumes or conductive contaminants. Dust build-up within APS dc power systems may cause premature failure. In dusty environments, either install the power system in a sealed and air-conditioned equipment room, or provide fan assisted filtered air to create a positive pressure environment inside the equipment room. Both options require regular cleaning of the air filters. Do not allow water or any foreign object to enter the APS dc power system. Do not place objects containing liquid on top of or near the unit.
Data Power Solutions contain hazardous voltages. Do not attempt to disassemble or service the unit if you are not qualified. Only service personnel of Eaton Corporation's Telecommunications Solutions Division or their authorized service agents are permitted to service the unit. If the power system requires servicing other than external battery or rectifier replacement, isolate the unit first, as follows:
Unplug the ac supply cords from the ac power outlets. Disconnect the external batteries, by switching off the battery circuit breakers.
Entretien Les solutions Data Power utilisent des tensions dangereuses. Ne tentez pas de dmonter ou d'intervenir sur l'appareil si vous n'tes pas qualifi. Seul le personnel du service de rparation de la division Solutions de Tlcommunications d'Eaton Corporation ou leurs agents de maintenance autoriss sont habilits intervenir sur l'unit. Si vous devez intervenir sur le systme d'alimentation lectrique autrement que pour remplacer le redresseur ou la batterie externe, commencez par isoler l'unit, en procdant de la faon suivante : Dbranchez les cordons d'alimentation CA des prises de courant CA.
Dconnectez les batteries externes en coupant les disjoncteurs d'alimentation des batteries.
Copyright 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 10640205 February 2009
Bei Data Power Solutions-Anlagen liegen gefhrliche Spannungen an. Sie drfen das Gert ohne entsprechende technische Ausbildung weder auseinanderbauen noch warten. Das Warten des Gerts darf nur durch Wartungspersonal der Telecommunications Solutions Division von Eaton oder durch von Eaton zugelassene Wartungstechniker erfolgen. Fr andere Wartungsarbeiten als das Austauschen der externen Batterien oder des Gleichrichters der Stromversorgungsanlage isolieren Sie das Gert zunchst wie folgt:
Ziehen Sie die Netzstecker aus der Netzsteckdose. Trennen Sie die externen Batterien, indem Sie die Batterieschutzschalter ausschalten.
Manutenzione In Data Power Solutions sono presenti tensioni pericolose. Non cercare di disassemblare o riparare l'unit, se non si qualificati per farlo. Gli interventi di manutenzione sull'unit sono consentiti esclusivamente al personale di assistenza della divisione Telecommunications Solutions della Eaton Corporation o a eventuali tecnici da loro autorizzati. Se il sistema di alimentazione richiede una manutenzione diversa dalla sostituzione della batteria esterna o del raddrizzatore, innanzitutto isolate la prima unit, come indicato di seguito:
Scollegare i cavi di alimentazione C.A. dalle prese C.A. Scollegare le batterie esterne, spegnendo gli interruttori della batteria.
Reparaciones Las Soluciones de Energa para Datos contienen voltajes peligrosos. No trate de desarmar ni de reparar la unidad si no est capacitado para hacerlo. Solo el personal de reparaciones de la Divisin de Soluciones para Telecomunicacin de la corporacin Eaton o sus agentes de reparacin autorizados podrn reparar la unidad. Si el sistema de energa necesita ser reparado, excepto si se trata de reemplazar la batera externa o el rectificador, primero asle la unidad, como se indica a continuacin:
Desconecte los cables CA de los enchufes CA. Desconecte las bateras externas, apagando los interruptores de circuito de la batera.
EMC Compliance
APS dc power systems may be used in close proximity to other electronic equipment provided installation is carried out according to instructions in this manual. However, proper installation and compliance with EMC standards does not guarantee that the APS dc power system will not respond to electromagnetic disturbances, or will not cause interference to other equipment in a particular installation. APS3 and APS6 power systems comply with part 15 of the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
This device may not cause harmful interference, and This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications to APS dc power systems not approved by Eaton Corporation could void FCC authority to operate that equipment. APS3 and APS6 power systems have been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that the interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Copyright 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 10640205 February 2009
Mounting the APS DC Power System Location and Environment
APS dc power systems (rack-mounted and desktop versions) meet the safety and fire enclosure requirements (as specified in IEC 60950-1, UL 60950-1, EN 60950-1 and AS/NZS 60950.1).
Rack-Mounted Versions: APS3-05X and APS6-05X series dc power systems may be mounted in 19-inch wide host equipment racks (enclosed or open type) securely bolted to the floor. Desktop Versions: APS3-06X series dc power systems may be positioned on any surface that supports the weight (12kg/26lb) of the power system.
The location must provide adequate airflow around the unit, (as per Clearance Requirements below) in an atmosphere free from excessive dust, corrosive fumes, or conductive contaminants. Dust build-up within APS dc power systems may cause premature failure. In dusty environments, either install the power system in a sealed and air-conditioned equipment room, or provide fan assisted filtered air to create a positive pressure environment inside the equipment room. Both options require regular cleaning of the air filters.
Copyright 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 10640205 February 2009
Remarques importantes pour les systmes monts dans un rack: Si le systme d'alimentation dc est plac dans un ensemble ferm ou une baies, assurez-vous que la temprature ambiante est infrieure 40C. Vrifiez que l'air circule librement. Assurez-vous que le poids du systme est bien rparti. Vrifiez le courant secteur maximum indiqu sur la plaque signaltique. Contrlez que l'alimentation lectrique secteur est correctement dimensionne. Vrifiez le bon tat et la fiabilit de la mise la terre. Contrlez soigneusement la continuit de la terre depuis le circuit de drivation jusqu'au systme d'alimentation dc.
Wenn diese Gleichstromversorgungsanlage in einem geschlossenen Gehuse oder in einem Mehrgerte-Schrank installiert wird, darf die Umgebungstemperatur 40 C nicht bersteigen. Sorgen Sie fr ungehinderte Luftzirkulation. Das Gewicht des Gerts muss gleichmig gelagert und abgesttzt sein. Beachten Sie den maximalen Wechselstromwert auf dem Typenschild. Die Nennleistung der Wechselstromversorgung muss korrekt sein. Eine dauerhaft zuverlssige Erdung muss gewhrleistet sein. berprfen gewissenhaft Sie den Erdungsdurchgang zwischen Hausstromkreis und Gleichstromversorgungsanlage.
Se questo sistema di alimentazione dc installato in un'unit rack chiusa o in un gruppo multiplo, assicurarsi che la temperatura ambiente sia inferiore a 40C. Assicurarsi che il flusso dell'aria non sia ostruito. Assicurarsi che il peso del sistema sia adeguatamente e uniformemente supportato. Prendere nota della corrente C. A. massima indicata sulla targhetta. Assicurarsi che l'alimentazione C. A. sia corretta. Assicurarsi la presenza continua di una messa a terra affidabile. Controllare con attenzione la continuit di messa a terra dal circuito derivato al sistema di alimentazione dc.
Copyright 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 10640205 February 2009
Si este sistema de energa dc est instalado en un montaje cerrado o para varias unidades, asegrese de que la temperatura ambiente sea inferior a los 40C. Asegrese de que el flujo de aire no est restringido. Asegrese de que el peso del sistema sea adecuado y de que tenga un soporte parejo. Tome nota de la corriente de entrada CA mxima establecida en la placa de caractersticas. Asegrese de que el suministro CA tenga una capacidad nominal correcta. Asegrese de mantener una conexin a tierra confiable. Compruebe cuidadosamente la continuidad a tierra desde el circuito derivado al sistema de energa CC.
Clearance Requirements
All APS dc power systems (rack-mounted and desktop versions) require the following minimum clearances: Front and Rear Clearance 50mm (2) from walls and other equipment, required for optimum system cooling and access. Top and Bottom Clearance None
To easily distinguish between positive and negative load cables, we recommend using cables with different colors (as specified by local wiring regulations). The same applies to battery cables (if applicable). To reduce inductive coupling, separate dc load, battery and communications cabling from ac supply cables. If the cables have to cross, run them at right angles to the ac supply cables. In order to minimize parasitic cable inductance and reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI), all dc load cables should be routed in close proximity to one another, and large current loops should be avoided. The same applies to battery cables (if applicable). Eight dc outlets (labeled 1 to 8) are available for connecting your equipment power cables to the APS dc power system. Each dc outlet is protected by a corresponding 6A or 25A circuit breaker (accessible from the dc distribution at the front). The current rating of the corresponding circuit breaker determines the current rating of a dc outlet. The dc outlets are floating to meet the isolation requirements for powering Power over Ethernet IEEE802.3af compatible devices. In non-Power over Ethernet applications the positive or negative output of the dc outlets can be referenced to earth, if required.
Copyright 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 10640205 February 2009
Ensure that the polarity at the dc outlet(s) matches the power input polarity of your equipment. Connecting reverse polarity equipment power cables to the dc outlets of an APS dc power system might cause damage to your equipment. Such damage is not covered by our warranty. Ensure that the correct cable sizes have bee used (18AWG for 6A outlets and 12AWG for 25A outlets).