DR Renira Gambarato - Transmedia Storytelling Syllabus
DR Renira Gambarato - Transmedia Storytelling Syllabus
DR Renira Gambarato - Transmedia Storytelling Syllabus
Course Syllabus
Renira Rampazzo Gambarato, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Media Communications
The course methodology, in the context of media studies, consists of an interdisciplinary approach. More specifically, the course presents a particular analytical model developed by the courses author dedicated to the analysis of transmedia projects aiming to understand how complex transmedia narratives are planned and executed. The course consists of lectures, seminars and practical work. All students are expected to prepare and present a seminar presentation as formative coursework. The students will work in groups of three in order to develop all the courses activities. The course ends with the written analysis of a given transmedia narrative and respective creative project of a transmedia extension.
After successful completion of the course, the students will share: - Knowledge of theoretical approaches to transmedia phenomena; - Ability to analyze the composition of transmedia narratives; - Ability to evaluate the rethoric of transmedia storytelling; - Insight into recent developments in the field of transmedia storytelling; - Hands-on experience on developing a transmedia extension.
Target audience
The course is designed to provide MA level students, especially from the faculty of media communications, an overview of theoretical and practical application of the contemporary developments in transmedia storytelling. However, the course can be of interest for students from other faculties as well, such as cultural studies, integrated communications, and arts. Foreign and exchange MA level students could also participate and benefit from the fact that the course is offered in English.
Firstly, it is necessary to have a working level of English in order to be able to fully participate in all activities of the course, which involves lectures, seminar presentations, academic reading and writing. Secondly, it is recommended to have at least basic skills in dealing with photography/video/blog because the course has a creative practical work that incorporates basic technical and aesthetic knowledge. At last, attendance is required.
Course structure
Topic Total hours Audience hours Individual workload hours
Panorama: What is transmedia storytelling, overview of the current terminology Core principles: Main concepts and basic tools, audience engagement Transmediation: Intermediality, intertextuality, and adaptation Transmedia analysis: Analytical model to examines given transmedia projects Practical work: Creative development of a transmedia extension Total
Week 1 2 3 4 5 6
Topic 1. Panorama: What is transmedia storytelling, overview of the current terminology 2. Core principles: Main concepts and basic tools, audience engagement 3. Transmediation: Intermediality, intertextuality, and adaptation 3. Transmediation: Intermediality, intertextuality, and adaptation 4. Transmedia analysis: Analytical model to examines given transmedia projects 4. Transmedia analysis: Analytical model to examines given transmedia projects 5. Practical work: Creative development of a transmedia extension 5. Practical work: Creative development of a transmedia extension
notorious book Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide (2006). Probably the most referred terms alongside transmedia storytelling are crossmedia and multimedia. Are they really synonyms? No, definitely not, and this issue will be also discussed.
Core sources (alphabetical order) Bolin, Gran (2007). Media Technologies, Transmedia Storytelling and Commodification. In T. Storsul & D. Stuedahl (eds.). Ambivalence Towards Convergence. Digitalization and Media Change. Gtenborg: Nordicom, 19-31. Davidson, Drew et al. (2010). Cross-Media Communications: An Introduction to the Art of Creating Integrated Media Experiences. Pittsburgh: ETC Press. Dena, Christy (2009). Transmedia Practice: Theorising the Practice of Expressing a Fictional World across Distinct Media and Environments. PhD Dissertation. University of Sydney. Gambarato, Renira R. (2012). Signs, Systems and Complexity of Transmedia Storytelling. In Estudos em Comunicao, n.12, 69-83. Covilh (Portugal). Giovagnoli, Max (2011). Transmedia Storytelling: Imagery, Shapes and Techniques. Pittsburgh: ETC Press. Gitelman, Lisa (2008). Always Already New: Media, History, and the Data of Culture. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Jenkins, Henry (2003). Transmedia Storytelling. In Technology Review. Jenkins, Henry (2006). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York University Press. Jenkins, Henry; Ford, Sam and Green, Joshua (2013). Spreadable Media Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture. New York: NYU Press. Kinder, Marsha (1991). Playing with Power in Movies, Television and Video Games: From Muppet Babies to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Berkeley: University of California Press. Ryan, Marie-Laure (2004). Narrative across Media: The Language of Storytelling. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Additional sources (in alphabetical order) Iacobacci, Nicoletta (2008). From Crossmedia to Transmedia: Thoughts on the Future of Entertainment. http://www.lunchoverip.com/2008/05/from-crossmedia.html/ (24 May 2008). Lvy, Pierre (2001). Cyberculture. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Mittell, Jason (2006). Narrative Complexity in Contemporary American Television. In The Velvet Light Trap, n.58, 29-40.
Murray, Janet (1997). Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Producers Guild of America (2007). The 8 Defining Characteristics of a Trans-media Production (by Jeff Gomez). http://pganmc.blogspot.com/2007/10/pga-member-jeff-gomezleft-assembled.html (02 October 2007). Producers Guild of America (2012). Code of Credits New Media. http://www. producersguild.org/?page=coc_nm#transmedia (18 July 2012). Rose, Frank (2011). The Art of Immersion: How the Digital Generation Is Remaking Hollywood, Madison Avenue, and the Way We Tell Stories. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
Core sources (alphabetical order) Caddell, Bud (2009). Core Principles of Transmedia Storytelling. http:// whatconsumesme.com /2009/posts-ive-written/core-principles-of-transmedia-storytelling/ (15 December 2009). Evans, Elizabeth (2011). Transmedia Television: Audiences, New Media, and Daily Life. New York: Routledge. Ibrus, Indrek and Scolari, Carlos A. (eds.) (2012). Crossmedia Innovations: Texts, Markets, Institutions. Berlin / New York: Peter Lang. Jenkins, Henry (2009). The Revenge of the Origami Unicorn: Seven Principles of Transmedia Storytelling (Well, Two Actually. Five More on Friday). http:// henryjenkins.org/2009/12/the_revenge_of_the_origami_uni.html (12 December 2009). Jenkins, Henry (2009a). The Revenge of the Origami Unicorn: The Remaining Four Principles of Transmedia Storytelling. http://henryjenkins.org/2009/12/revenge_of_the_ origami_ unicorn.html (12 December 2012). Jenkins, Henry (2010). Transmedia Storytelling and Entertainment: An Annotated Syllabus Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies 24, 6, 943-58.
Jenkins, Henry (2011). Seven Myths about Transmedia Storytelling Debunked. http://www.fastcompany.com/1745746/seven-myths-about-transmedia-storytellingdebunked (8 April 2011). Mittell, Jason (2009). To Spread or To Drill? http://justtv.wordpress.com /2009/02/25/to-spreador-to-drill/ (25 February 2009).
Additional sources (in alphabetical order) Godest, Olivier (2011). The Puzzle of Transmedia Classification Criteria. http://www.transmedialab.org/en/storytelling-transmedia-2/le-casse-tete-des-criteres-declassification-transmedia-2/ (3 May 2011). Jenkins, Henry (2010). Hollywood Goes Transmedia. http://henryjenkins.org/2010/04/ hollywood_goes_transmedia.html (27 April 2010). Landow, George P. (1997). Hypertext 2.0: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Lemke, Jay (2011). Transmedia Traversals: Marketing Meaning and Identity. Anthony Baldry; Elena Montagna (eds.), Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Multimodality: Theory and Practice Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Multimodality. Campobasso: Palladino, 576-596.
3.3. Transmediation
In the context of the proposed course, it is essential to take into consideration the issue around adaptation and transmediation. Transmedia storytelling, according to Jenkins (2006), is unlike the current licensing system, which typically generates works that are redundant. Any composition that does not make a distinctive and valuable contribution does not offer a new level of insight and experience. Redundancy can burn up fan interest and may cause franchises to fail. Jenkins and other researches, such as Geoffrey Long, clearly exclude adaptation from the transmedia storytelling realm. Christy Dena, on the other hand, interrogates this issue in her thesis (2009) and suggests that, in opposition to the main argument by Jenkins, not every adaptation is necessarily redundant. Saldre and Torop also include adaptations of a text in the realm of transmedia. Carlos Scolari tries to conciliate both points of view and this perspective can be the appropriate resolution of the issue, especially taking into consideration the unlimited variety of scenarios in the realm of transmediality. Aspects of intermediality and intertextuality are also discussed in the course.
Core sources (alphabetical order) Bolter, Jay David and Grusin, Richard (2000). Remediation: Understanding New Media. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Elliott, Kamilla (2004). Literary Film Adaptation and the Form/Content Dilemma. Marie-Laure Ryan (ed.), Narrative across Media: The Language of Storytelling. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 220-43. Grishakova, Marina (2010). Intermedial Metarepresentations. Marina Grishakova; Marie-Laure Ryan (eds.), Intermediality and Storytelling. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 312-331. Herman, David (2004). Toward a Transmedial Narratology. Marie-Laure Ryan (ed.), Narrative across Media: The Language of Storytelling. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 47-75. Lessig, Lawrence (2008). Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy. London: Bloomsbury Academic. Ndalianis, Angela (2004). Polycentrism and Seriality: (Neo-)Baroque Narrative Formations. In Ndalianis, Angela. Neo-Baroque Aesthetics and Contemporary Entertainment. Cambridge: MIT Press. Saldre, Maarja and Torop, Peeter (2012). Transmedia Space. Indrek Ibrus and Carlos A. Scolari (eds.), Crossmedia Innovations: Texts, Markets, Institutions. Berlin / New York: Peter Lang, 25-44.
Additional sources (in alphabetical order) Barthes, Roland (1974). S/Z. New York: Hill and Wang. Castells, Manuel (2002). The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, Business and Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Manovich, Lev (2002). The Language of New Media. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. McLuhan, Marshall and Fiore, Quentin (2001). The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects. Berkeley: Gingko Press. Mungioli, Maria Cristina (2011). Narratives, Languages and Media in the Context of Interactive Digital Technologies - Interview with Carlos Alberto Scolari. In MATRIZes, 4, 2, 127-136.
methods incorporate quantitative and qualitative analyses and can be based on interviews, comparative studies, narrative analyses and documentary research, for instance. Indeed, a plurality of perspectives could be included in an analytical approach interested in understanding a transmedia narrative as a whole. The analytical considerations explored in the course aim to outline essential features of the design process behind transmedia projects in order to support the analytic needs of transmedia designers and the applied research in the interest of the media industry, considering analysis as a crucial aspect of the design process that can lead towards synthesis (Liestl 2003). Jay Lemke suggests that larger transmedia complexes have already grown beyond the capacity of individuals to cogently analyze them, which means that it may well take communities to investigate the transmedia phenomena (2011). The analytical model developed by the courses author is a possible way to build an objective view of transmedia storytelling project samples and involves 10 distinctive dimensions that are not restrictive (other layers of understanding can be considered and added as well). Qualitative and quantitative methods can be used accordingly to the nature of the question and the availability of data, if it is the case. The model is based on the following topics: 1) premise and purpose; 2) narrative; 3) worldbuilding; 4) characters; 5) extensions; 6) media platforms and genres; 7) audience and market; 8) engagement; 9) structure; and 10) aesthetics.
Core sources (alphabetical order) Bogost, Ian; Ferrari, Simon and Schweizer, Bobby (2010). Newsgames: Journalism at Play. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Dinehart, Stephen E. (2012). Transmedial Play: Cognitive and Cross-Platform Narrative. http://narrativedesign.org/2008/05/transmedial-play-cognitive-and-cross-platform-narrative/ (14 May 2012). Gambarato, Renira R. (forthcoming). Transmedia Project Design: Theoretical and Analytical Considerations. In Baltic Screen Media Review. Tallinn (Estonia). Gambarato, Renira R. and Alzamora, Geane (2012). Transmedia Storytelling Initiatives in Brazilian Media. In Luger, Kurt (ed.). Medien Journal Zeitschrift fr Kommunikationskultur: Kommunikationsraum BRIC, year 36, n. 4/2012. Salzburg (Austria): GK, 51-62. Long, Geoffrey A. (2007). Transmedia Storytelling - Business, Aesthetics and Production at the Jim Henson Company. Master Thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cambridge. Mittell, Jason (2009). All in the Game: The Wire, Serial Storytelling and Procedural Logic. Pat Harrington and Noah Wardrip-Fruin (eds.), Third Person: Authoring and Exploring Vast Narratives. Cambridge: MIT Press, 429-438. Moloney, Kevin T. (2011). Porting Transmedia Storytelling to Journalism. Master Thesis. University of Denver. Murray, Janet (1997). Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Von Stackelberg, Peter (2011). Creating Transmedia Narratives: The Structure and Design of Stories Told Across Multiple Media. Master's Thesis. State University of New York. New York.
Additional sources (in alphabetical order) Adams, Ernest W. (2013). Resolutions to Some Problems in Interactive Storytelling. PhD Dissertation. University of Teesside School of Computing. Middlesbrough, UK. Austin, Alexander Austin (2007). Expansions Across Entertainment Media. Master Thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cambridge. Eco, Umberto (1979). The Role of the Reader: Explorations in the Semiotics of Texts. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Liestl, Gunnar (2003). 'Gameplay': From Synthesis to Analysis (and Vice Versa): Topics of Conceptualization and Construction in Digital Media. Gunnar Liestl, Andrew Morrison, and Terje Rasmussen (eds.), Digital Media Revisited. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 389-413.
Core sources (alphabetical order) Bernardo, Nuno (2011). The Producers Guide to Transmedia: How to Develop, Fund, Produce and Distribute Compelling Stories across Multiple Platforms. London: CR Entertainment Ltd. Gottschall, Jonathan (2013). The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make us Human. Boston: Mariner Books. Hayes, Gary (2011). How to Write a Transmedia Production Bible. Sydney: Screen Australia. Hosein, Hanson (2011). Storyteller Uprising: Trust & Persuasion in the Digital Age. Seattle: HRH Media and University Book Store Press. Phillips, Andrea (2012). A Creator's Guide to Transmedia Storytelling: How to Captivate and Engage Audiences across Multiple Platforms. New York: McGraw-Hill. Pratten, Robert (2011). Getting Started in Transmedia Storytelling: A Practical Guide for Beginners. Seattle: CreateSpace.
Scolari, Carlos (2009). Transmedia Storytelling: Implicit Consumers, Narrative Worlds, and Branding in Contemporary Media Production. In International Journal of Communication 3, 586-606. Vogler, Christopher (2007). The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers. Studio City, CA: Michael Wiese Productions. Tierno, Michael (2002). Aristotle's Poetics for Screenwriters: Storytelling Secrets from the Greatest Mind in Western Civilization. New York: Hyperion.
Additional sources (in alphabetical order) Brookey, Robert A. (2010). Hollywood Gamers: Digital Convergence in the Film and Video Game Industries. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Burgess, Jean (2009). YouTube: Online Video and Participatory Culture. Cambridge, MA: Polity Press. Groth, Simon (ed.) (2011). Hand Made High Tech Essays on the Future of Books and Reading. Institute for the Future of the Book in Australia. Hartley, John and McWilliam, Kelly (eds.) (2009). Story Circle: Digital Storytelling around the World. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Manovich, Lev (2013). Software Takes Command. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Marx, Christy (2007). Writing for Animation, Comics, and Games. Boston: Focal Press. Miller, Carolyn H. (2004). Digital Storytelling: A Creators Guide to Interactive Entertainment. Burlington: Focal Press.
Seminar 1 (1 hour): Alternate Reality Game Seminar 2 (1 hour): Augmented Reality Seminar 3 (1 hour): Locative Media Seminar 4 (1 hour): Gamification Seminar 5 (1 hour): Interactive Cinema Seminar 6 (1 hour): Newsgames and Immersive Journalism Seminar 7 (1 hour): Transmedia for Social Change Seminar 8 (1 hour): Transmedia Storytelling in Russia The complete instructions to prepare and present the seminars are available on the authors Web site: http://talkingobjects.org/transmedia-2/transmedia/.
Final Exam
The final exam consists of a Web site displaying the written transmedia analysis of a given transmedia project and incorporating the creative transmedia extension (connected to the analyzed project) develop by each group of students. Transmedia projects to be analyzed: - The Cosmonaut - World without Oil - True Blood - Game of Thrones - Beat Girl - Angry Birds - The Great British Property Scandal: Every Empty Counts - The Power Inside The complete instructions regarding the final exam (Transmedia Analysis Web site + Transmedia Extension) are available on the authors Web site: http://talkingobjects.org/ transmedia-2/transmedia/.
Grading is based on four elements: - Attendance - Seminar presentation - Final exam -Transmedia analysis Web site - Final exam - Transmedia extension The evaluation criteria are: - Attendance: Presence and participation in class - Seminar presentation: Content, visual presentation, oral presentation - Final exam - Transmedia analysis Web site: Content, navigability, visual aspects - Final exam - Transmedia extension: Creativity, concept, execution Each grade is attributed according to 10-point scale and then is weighted according to the following percentage: Attendance Seminar presentation Final exam - Transmedia analysis Web site Final exam Transmedia extension 10% 30% 30% 30%