Industry Perspective FDA Draft Validation
Industry Perspective FDA Draft Validation
Industry Perspective FDA Draft Validation
This article provides an overview of the draft guidance, the key changes in relation to the 1987 guidance, and reviews its potential impact on the current industry approaches to science- and risk-based design and qualification activities which support the process validation program.
he long anticipated draft of the FDAs Guidance for Industry on Process Validation should be welcomed for the clarity of its integrated three stage lifecycle process, its emphasis on the need for effective scientic knowledge led programs, and the elimination of the Three Golden Batches concept.
In November 2008, the FDA published the long anticipated draft of its Guidance for Industry on Process Validation: General Principles and Practices. This draft, which has just completed its public comment period, will replace the FDAs 1987 Guideline on General Principles of Process Validation when nalized and represents the FDAs current thinking in regard to process
validation. It sets out the approaches that the FDA consider to be appropriate elements of process validation for the manufacture of human and veterinary drugs, including biologicals and APIs. No specic mention is made within the scope to investigational medicinal products or medical devices, for which CDRH has published its own guidance through the Global Harmonization Task Force. This article provides an overview of the draft guidance, the key changes in relation to the 1987 guidance, and reviews its potential impact on the current industry approaches to science- and risk-based design and qualication activities which support the process validation program.
The guidance states at the outset that it has been written to promote modern manufacturing principles, process Basic Principles of Quality Assurance improvement, innovation, and sound science and is signicantly aligned Effective Process Validation contributes significantly with the Product Lifecycle Apto assuring drug quality. proach described in the ICH Guid The basic principle of Quality Assurance is that a ance Q8 (R1), Q9, and Q101 and the drug should be produced that is fit for its intended use; Quality by Design (QbD) initiative. this principle incorporates the understanding that the This lifecycle approach emphasizes following conditions exist: the importance of the links between Quality, safety, and efficacy are designed or built the following: into the product. Quality cannot be adequately assured merely by in1. product and process design and process and finished-product inspection or testing. development Each step of a manufacturing process is controlled 2. qualication of the commercial to assure that the finished product meets all design manufacturing equipment and characteristics and quality attributes including speciprocess fications. 3. maintenance of the process in a state of control during routine Ref: Guidance for Industry Process Validation: General Princommercial production ciples and Practices (Nov 2008).
Continued on page 10.
tion is then used to develop the approach to process validation, and the scientic knowledge is veried by testing (in-process, release, characterization) of each signicant step of the commercial manufacture process. The significant emphasis in the lifecycle is on maintaining the process in a state of control over the life of the process, which will require ongoing data analysis of both intra-batch and inter-batch variability, and appropriate provisions to address deviations and nonconforming data. It emphasizes the importance of both QA professionals and line operators in providing feedback for continued process verication. Not surprisingly, the guidance focuses on the importance of demonstrating, documenting, and utilizing process understanding in designing effective validation programs. It provides a strong lead in acknowledging that qualication programs devoid of process understanding will not guarantee the assurance of quality required.
One of the key messages from this draft is that validation of the process is not a one off event, but represents an ongoing continuum of scientic knowledge development and ongoing assurance. There is a real emphasis throughout the draft on the importance of acquiring this knowledge about the process from the early process design stage right throughout commercial manufacture, which is a signicant departure from the convention of (essentially) testing the process outputs. Success relies on the establishment of a comprehensive science-based process design, which focuses on understanding the sources of variability in achieving process understanding and recognizes that more knowledge will be gained during product commercialization. The draft emphasizes that the key to this success will lie in an organizations prociency in the collection and evaluation of information and data about the performance of the process, and outlines specic guidance relating to the use of quantitative statistical methods to enhance understanding of process performance. From this, the guidance denes Process Validation activities in three stages identied in Figure 1. Key tenets of the lifecycle approach outlined are: A manufacturer should have gained a high degree of assurance in the performance of the manufacturing process before any batch from the process is commercially distributed for use by consumers. This assurance should be obtained from objective information and data from laboratory, pilot, and/or commercial scale studies this implies a need for greater scrutiny of process performance during the early stages of commercial manufacture. A successful validation program depends upon the skilled interpretation of the information and knowledge gained from product and process development regarding sources of variation, its impacts, and the associated risks. This knowledge and understanding is cited as the basis for establishing the appropriate control strategy for the manufacturing process. The product and process design and development informa10 PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING MAY/JUNE 2009
Significant Recommendations
The main body of the guidance is provided under section IV Recommendations, where very useful general considerations on the three stages of process validation and their associated activities are outlined. This is where we see the most signicant alignment with current industry thinking for implementation of science- and risk-based lifecycle approaches and where the most signicant departures from the prescriptive approaches of the 1987 guidance are noted. Under General Considerations for Process Validation, it emphasizes the importance of making the entire process validation program more effective and efcient through the following: good project management robust scientific knowledge collection, management, and archiving uniform collection and assessment of information methods reducing the burden of redundant information gathering use of an integrated team approach
Figure 1. Process validation lifecycle activities shown in three stages. Continued on page 12.
appropriately documented Project Plans the support of senior management statistical assessment of data The draft recommends the integrated team approach as presented in the FDAs 2006 guidance entitled, Quality Systems Approach to Pharmaceutical Current Manufacturing Principles, involving expertise from a variety of disciplines, including process engineering, industrial pharmacy, analytical chemistry, microbiology, statistics, manufacturing, and quality assurance. Furthermore, both here and throughout the document, it emphasizes the need for effective and efcient programs and supports the move away from overly bureaucratic traditional qualication practices and in doing so provides good alignment with the key principles of the recent ASTM standard E2500-07.2 In Specic Stages and Activities of Process Validation in the Product Lifecycle, the guidance gives specic direction on each of the three stages of process validation.
conditions so that the process output remains constant and reproducible. However, it does indicate that in the case of PAT, the approach to process qualication will be different from that for other process designs by focusing on the qualication of the measurement system and control loop. Signicantly, by grouping the recommendations for product and process design together in this stage, it further endorses an integrated approach. Within this integrated approach, while it acknowledges that the full spectrum of input variability typical of the commercial production is not generally known at this stage, it directly recommends that the team responsible for process design take early consideration of the functionality and limitations of commercial manufacturing equipment by utilizing their knowledge about measurement systems in a production setting, contributions to process variability from different raw materials or component lots, production operators or environmental conditions. This ethos will no doubt be welcomed by many involved in the start up of regulated commercial manufacturing facilities who have dealt with the challenges posed when this early integration of commercial production and process design has not been successful.
Stage 2-1: Design of the Facility and Qualification of Utilities and Equipment
This section of the guidance opens with a welcome reference to the essential role that proper facility design and commissioning play in the start-up of a facility and cites them as prerequisites to the commencement of PQ. Most signicantly, the guidance gives a key denition for qualication as shown below: The draft guidance states that qualication of utilities and equipment generally includes the following activities:
ment, training, and verication of source materials validation status of analytical methods used to measure the process, materials, and product review and approval by the appropriate department and the quality unit Finally, the draft elaborates on the opportunities presented for manufacturers utilizing PAT systems to support activities undertaken in the next stage.
port their relaxation. It is noted that data gathered during this stage may identify ways to improve and/or optimize the process and appropriate procedures to control and manage these changes must be in
Concludes on page 16.
It is the opinion of the authors that this guide will be welcomed for many reasons, primarily for the clarity and simplicity of the integrated three stage lifecycle process, but also for the emphasis on the need for effective and efcient science-based programs, which seek to reduce unnecessary duplication in activities through the application of product and process knowledge throughout the lifecycle. From a facility, utility, and equipment qualication perspective the welcomed avoidance of traditional, prescriptive terminology such as DQ, IQ, and OQ offer teams real opportunities to look behind the prepared templates and design and execute qualication and validation programs which are not only valid, but valuable to the ongoing operation and continuous improvement. There is only one minor exception to this relating to an external cross reference in the introduction to the very prescriptive validation approach for APIs found in the ICH Q7A guidance. This is likely to add confusion rather than clarity and which hopefully will be dealt with through the public comment phase. Upon rst review, this draft in itself does not appear to have any new implications for the preparation and submission of regulatory lings. However, for many organizations, aligning this FDA process validation guidance with the current EMEA legislative requirements and recommendations for process validation would be very benecial.3 Finally, from an ISPE Technical Documents perspective, due to the revised use of terminology and the welcome step back from prescriptive qualication practices, nal publication of this guidance will provide an opportunity to review several current ISPE Guidance documents for alignment. This will impact both the Baseline Pharmaceutical Engineering Guides series and Good Practices Guide series, many of which are already under revision for alignment with recent ICH guidance.
1. See the FDA/International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) guidance for industry: a. Q8 Pharmaceutical Development b. Q9 Quality Risk Management c. Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality Systems 2. ASTM E2500-07: Standard Guide for Specication, Design, 16 PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING MAY/JUNE 2009