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December 15, 2011 / Vol. 36, No.


Measurement of the spatial backscattering

impulse-response at short length
scales with polarized enhanced backscattering
Andrew J. Radosevich,1,* Nikhil N. Mutyal,1 Vladimir Turzhitsky,1 Jeremy D. Rogers,1
Ji Yi,1 Allen Taflove,2 and Vadim Backman1
Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, USA
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, USA
*Corresponding author: arad@u.northwestern.edu
Received August 9, 2011; revised October 25, 2011; accepted November 2, 2011;
posted November 4, 2011 (Doc. ID 152621); published December 13, 2011
In this Letter, we describe an easy to implement technique to measure the spatial backscattering impulse-response at
length scales shorter than a transport mean free path with resolution of better than 10 μm using the enhanced back-
scattering phenomenon. This technique enables spectroscopic measurements throughout the visible range and sen-
sitivity to all polarization channels. Through a combination of Monte Carlo simulations and experimental
measurements of latex microspheres, we explore the various sensitivities of our technique to both intrinsic sample
properties and extrinsic instrumental properties. We conclude by demonstrating the extraordinary sensitivity of our
technique to the shape of the scattering phase function, including higher order shape parameters than the anisotropy
factor (or first moment). © 2011 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 030.1670, 290.1350, 290.4210.

The spatial backscattering impulse-response at length of px; y. However, as we will demonstrate, the depen-
scales shorter than a transport mean free path ls is highly dencies are more complex:
sensitive to the shape of the scattering phase function
due to the fact that rays exiting within this regime have I EBS θx ; θy   F fpx; y · pcx; y · sx; y · cx; y
undergone relatively few scattering events. Typically this
measurement is accomplished using a lens to focus the · mtfx; yg; 1
illumination beam to a near impulse on the sample sur- where F denotes the Fourier transform operation, pc
face. A CCD camera then detects the spatial distribution specifies the degree of phase correlation between the for-
of backscattered light at the sample surface. With this de- ward and reverse path, s represents the effective distri-
sign, the full azimuthal backscattering distribution can bution of rays that remain within the illumination spot, c
easily be measured for each polarization channel [1]. is the spatial coherence function, and mtf is the modula-
Still, a true impulse can never be achieved and informa- tion transfer function of the optical instrument. Within
tion at short length scales is lost to an optical mask (∼mm the F operation, p and pc represent instrinsic sample
diameter) needed to reject specular reflections. Thus in properties while s, c, and mtf represent extrinsic instru-
media such as biological tissue with long ls on the order ment properties. Each of these functions will be de-
of 1 mm, information about the shape of the phase func- scribed in further detail in the following paragraphs.
tion is extremely difficult to measure experimentally. As The experimentally measurable peff is found by com-
an alternative to overcome these difficulties, here we re- puting the inverse Fourier transform of the EBS peak:
port a simple bench-top instrument using polarized en-
hanced backscattering (EBS) to first measure the
backscattering distribution in the angular domain and peff  F −1 fI EBS θx ; θy g. (2)
subsequently convert to the spatial domain through in-
verse Fourier transformation. For sample characterization, the functions p and pc are of
EBS is an angular intensity peak centered in the exact prime interest. In principle these intrinsic parameters can
backscattering direction that is formed by the summed be found by dividing peff by functions s, c, and mtf. How-
diffraction pattern from all sets of time-reversed path- ever, in practice this will amplify noise and a reliable re-
pairs within a scattering medium (a direct consequence sult can be difficult to obtain. Alternatively, a more stable
of the reciprocity theorem) [2]. Conceptually, it is useful approach that we follow in this Letter is to convert theory
to think of each time-reversed path pair as a single into the experimentally observable peff before compari-
Young’s double pinhole experiment. For a single time- son with experiment.
reversed path pair with rays exiting at a particular spatial Our experimental instrument is shown in Fig. 1. An il-
separation, the diffraction pattern is the Fourier trans- lumination source (xenon lamp with finite spatial coher-
form of two delta functions (cosine pattern). For a ence length Lsc or broadband laser with Lsc  ∞) is
semi-infinite medium under plane wave illumination the collimated by lens L1 and polarized by linear polarizer
distribution of spatial separations for all time-reversed P before being directed onto the scattering sample via
path-pairs is given by the spatial backscattering impulse- a nonpolarizing 50∕50 beam splitter B. Backscattered
response for multiply scattered light in the exact back- light is then collected by B and passes through a linear
ward direction px; y. As a result, in an idealized case analyzer A before being focused onto a CCD camera with
the EBS peak I EBS θx ; θy  is simply the Fourier transform a lens L2 . A liquid crystal tunable filter attached to the
0146-9592/11/244737-03$15.00/0 © 2011 Optical Society of America
4738 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 36, No. 24 / December 15, 2011

Fig. 1. EBS instrument. Collimating lens L1 (f  200 mm), lin-

ear polarizer P, mirror M, beam splitter B, quarter wave plate
QWP, linear analyzer A, Fourier lens L2 (f  100 mm), liquid
crystal tunable filter LCTF.
Fig. 2. Polarization sensitivities. (a) Function pc for the four
measured polarization channels as a function of exit radius.
CCD separates the backscattered light into its compo- (b) Experimental (symbols) and simulation (lines) peff . Sample:
nent wavelengths. All polarization combinations are 0.65 μm diameter sphere with ls  205 μm at 633 nm.
achieved by rotating P and/or inserting a quarter wave Spot size  6000 μm and Lsc  ∞. Simulation scaled by 0.65
plate (QWP) between B and the sample. to obtain match with experiment.
Information regarding the processing of experimental
and Monte Carlo simulated EBS data can be found in de-
tail in other publications [3,4]. It should be noted that all proportion of rays travel through irreversible paths
experimental data is scaled by a constant multiplicative and pc → 0 as r → ∞ [2]. Figure 2(b) shows the excellent
factor of 0.65 to obtain a full match with Monte Carlo si- agreement between experiment and simulation for peff
mulation [4]. This type of one parameter fit is common in measured from each of the four polarization channels.
EBS literature [5]. In this Letter, all experiments and Since realistic experiments have finite illumination
Monte Carlo simulations are for aqueous latex micro- beam extent, an effective distribution of rays that re-
sphere suspensions (10% solids by weight) that are di- mains within the illumination spot (and therefore possess
luted in deionized water to achieve different values of a time-reversed partner) must be found. This can be ob-
ls . After retrieving the experimental EBS peak, the spatial tained by computing the normalized autocorrelation
distribution of backscattered light is computed using function (ACF) of the illumination pattern A incident
Eq. (2). According to the properties of the discrete Four- on the scattering sample [4]:
ier transform, the spatial resolution Δs is related to the
angular resolution Δθ by sx; y  ACFfAx; yg. (5)

λ In our case, a circular beam is used and A is a top hat

Δs  ; 3 function (i.e., A  1 within the illumination spot and 0
n · Δθ
otherwise). For each spot size, s begins at 1 and de-
where λ is the illumination wavelength and n is the num- creases to 0 when the path-pair separation is larger than
ber of pixels in the x or y direction. Our instrument col- the beam diameter. Figure 3(a) shows function s for two
lects angles up to 7.5776° with 0.0074° resolution. Within illumination spot sizes. Figure 3(b) shows excellent
the visible range of illumination this corresponds to a agreement between the experiment and simulation peff
spatial extent of >1500 μm with <10 μm resolution. for 2000 and 7000 μm spot sizes.
Strictly speaking the reciprocity theorem is only fully va- Another consideration for the measurement of peff is
lid for polarization preserving channels (i.e., linear copo- function c, which describes the ability for path-pairs to
larized xx or helicity preserving ) [2]. For these interfere when using a partial spatial coherence source.
channels, each ray has a time-reversed partner that exits
with the same accumulated phase and pc  1 for all x, y
positions. However, in the orthogonal polarization chan-
nels (i.e., linear cross-polarized xy or opposite helicity
−) not all scattering rotations are reversible. As a result,
the forward and reverse paths may exit with different
phases and pc does not necessarily equal 1. Following
the calculations of [6], pc in the orthogonal channels can
be approximated from the degree of linear (dlp 
xx−xy −−
xxxy) and circular (dcp  −) polarization:

dlpr  dcpr 2 · dlpr

pcxy r  pc− r  . (4)
1 − dlpr 1 − dcpr
Fig. 3. Illumination beam spot size sensitivities. (a) s as a func-
Figure 2(a) shows function pc for the four measured tion of exit radius for two beam spot sizes. (b) Comparison be-
polarization channels. For very short length scales, rays tween experiment (symbols) and simulation (lines) for the
undergo relatively few scattering events and pc is nearly different beam spot sizes using  polarization. Sample:
1. As the exit radius increases, the average number of 0.65 μm diameter sphere with ls  950 μm at 633 nm.
scattering events also increases. As a result, a greater Lsc  ∞. Simulation scaled by 0.65.
December 15, 2011 / Vol. 36, No. 24 / OPTICS LETTERS 4739

Fig. 4. Sensitivities to the spatial coherence of the illumina- Fig. 5. Sensitivity of EBS to the phase function. (a) Phase
tion. (a) Function c for different Lsc . (b) Comparison between function for two microsphere samples with the same g but dif-
experiment (symbols) and simulation (lines) for different Lsc ferent ka. (b) Corresponding peff for  polarization shows a
using  polarization. Sample: 0.65 μm diameter sphere with large difference in shape at short length-scales. ka ∼ 4: 0.65 μm
ls  205 μm at 633 nm. Spot size  6000 μm and Lsc  ∞. diameter sphere at 633 nm. ka ∼ 16: 2.1 μm diameter sphere at
Simulation scaled by 0.65. 558 nm. Spot size  2000 μm and Lsc  ∞. Simulation scaled by

For a typical laser source, Lsc is sufficiently large that

over the extent of the beam spot size it can be considered quency oscillations have a profound effect on the shape
spatially coherent (i.e., c  1). However, even for illumi- of peff at short length scales. These slight differences are
nation with very short Lsc (e.g., sunlight or xenon source) readily distinguishable using the technique presented in
an EBS peak is formed. In this case, function c can be this Letter.
found according to the van-Cittert Zernike theorem. In summary we have presented EBS as a useful meth-
For our instrument, function c takes the form of a od to measure the backscattering impulse-response at
first-order Bessel function of the first kind J 1 [3]: small length-scales where information about the phase
function is preserved. We first discussed the various sam-
2J 1 r∕Lsc  ple dependent and experimental variables that affect the
cr  . (6) measurement and then provided a demonstration of its
extraordinary sensitivity to the shape of the phase
Figure 4(a) shows function c for illumination with four function.
different Lsc possible with our instrument. Figure 4(b) This study was supported by National Institutes of
shows the agreement between the experiment and simu- Health (NIH) grant numbers RO1CA128641 and
lation peff for each of these Lsc . R01EB003682. A. J. Radosevich is supported by a Na-
For any imaging system the mtf describes the ability to tional Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research
capture information from different spatial frequencies. Fellowship under Grant No. DGE-0824162.
As such, the measurement of peff will also be modulated
by the mtf. To determine our system’s mtf [shown in References
Fig. 3(a)] we computed the Fourier transform of the point 1. A. Hielscher, A. Eick, J. Mourant, D. Shen, J. Freyer, and I.
spread function measured by placing a mirror in the sam- Bigio, Opt. Express 1, 441 (1997).
ple plane and imaging the laser onto the CCD. 2. R. Lenke and G. Maret, in Scattering in Polymeric and Col-
As a final demonstration of the sensitivity of our tech- loidal Systems (2000).
nique to fine details in the scattering phase function, we 3. V. Turzhitsky, J. D. Rogers, N. N. Mutyal, H. K. Roy, and V.
measure two suspensions of microspheres with the same Backman, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 16, 619
ls (1000 μm) and anisotropy factor g (0.87) but different (2010).
4. A. J. Radosevich, J. D. Rogers, V. Turzhitsky, N. N. Mutyal, J.
size parameter ka (where k is the wavenumber in water Yi, H. K. Roy, and V. Backman, “Polarized enhanced back-
and a is the microsphere radius). Figure 5(a) displays the scattering spectroscopy for characterization of biological
two samples’ phase functions. Although they are gener- tissues at subdiffusion length scales,” IEEE J. Sel. Top.
ally similar in shape, the sample with higher ka has many Quantum Elect., to be published.
higher frequency oscillations in accordance with Mie 5. M. Ospeck and S. Fraden, Phys. Rev. E 49, 4578 (1994).
theory. In Fig. 5(b) we demonstrate that these higher fre- 6. R. Lenke and G. Maret, Eur. Phys. J. B 17, 171 (2000).

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