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Résumé Arafat Faruk: 315, Kabi Jasimuddin Hall, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000 Cell: 01911207585

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Arafat Faruk
315, Kabi Jasimuddin Hall, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000 Cell 01!11"0#5$5

%-m&il arafat'inf&yahoo()om Objectives:

*o +ain e,-erien)e and kno.led+e about )ustomer relationshi- a)tivity and marketin+ resear)h .ith a vie. to develo- my )areer and sho. my )om-atibility in the related field, and thereby )ontribute to the ultimate .elfare and enhan)ement of the or+ani/ation 0 )ountry(

Recent Educational Status:

Masters of Business Administration (MBA1 23unnin+1 Major : 4nternational 5usiness Name of Institution : University of Dhaka Session : "00!-"010 Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA1 Major : 6arketin+ 3(73 Name of Institution : University of Dhaka Session : "005-"007 Hi her Secondar! "ertificate (H#S#"$ %&A 8(5 "olle e Chitta+on+ 9ovt( Commer)e Colle+e Board Chitta+on+ &assin 'ear "008 Secondar! School "ertificate (S#S#"$ %&A 8("5 School Chitta+on+ 6uni)i-al 6odel Hi+h :)hool Board Chitta+on+( &assin 'ear "00"

Computer S ills:

%,)ellent in 3eadin+, ;ritin+, s-eakin+ 0 listenin+ of 5an+la 26other <an+ua+e1( Com-atible %,)ellen)y in %n+lish as a se)ond <an+ua+e Specialty: =-eratin+ system-- ;indo.s !$>"000>?@( 6i)rosoft offi)e @a)ka+e( %-mail and ;eb 5ro.sin+( :(@(:(:( <o+o Desi+n Primary Knowledge: 6a)romedia Alash2:.iss "(001 Bdobe @hotosho-, Bdobe 4llustrator Dream .aver and basi) H*6< for ;eb -a+e desi+nin+

Language Proficiency:

Professional !raining "nd E#perience:

Professional !raining: Brt and %vent 6ana+ement 2Bllian)e AranCois de Dhaka12:ession Aeb-6ay,"010 1 :@:: 2 De-artment of :tatisti)s, University of Dhaka1 25at)h no $th :ession June-July,"00!1

$or ing E#perience: ;orkin+ as 4ntern in 5ar+er @aints 5an+ladesh <imited in :u--ly Chain De-artment( Coverin+ the issue D%ffe)t of @romotion on Consumer and Dealer demand E 2*ime =)t "010 to De) "0101 ;orkin+ in field survey under Ain)a- titled DConsumers )onsiderations in sele)tion of tiles and )erami)s -rodu)t E ;orkin+ for raisin+ a.areness D3J:CE23e+ister of Joint :to)k Com-any1 2;orkin+ session Aebruary *o 6ar)h "0101 ;orkin+ as volunteer in the )elebration of fifty years of Bllian)e AranCois Brran+in+ 5lood Donation @ro+ram in Aa)ulty of 5usiness :tudies Brran+in+ :tudy *our in De-artment ;orkin+ .ith fund raisin+ @ro+ram for :idor affe)ted -eo-le2Ailm festivalsF Con)ert1 ;orkin+ for Gob fair arran+ed by 6arketin+ De-artment
E#tra%Curricular "ctivities:

Currently involved 4n 6arketin+ Bsso)iation 4n Hall( 6ember of ;orkin+ Committee of 5adon2 Kobi Jassim Uddin Hall Unit1 4nvolved .ith Distri)t :tudent ;elfare Bsso)iation in Dhaka

"rea of &nterest :

Personal &nformation:

%vent 6ana+ement C:3 2Cor-orate :o)ial 3es-onsibility1 C362Customer 3elationshi- 6ana+ement 1 6arket 3esear)h, 6arket develo-ment and @rodu)t develo-ment 5randin+ Bnd Bdvertisin+ :u--ly Chain of A6C9 4m-lementation of He. marketin+ strate+y

6otherIs Hame @ermanent Bddress Date of 5irth Hationality 3eli+ion 5lood 9rou-

AatherIs Hame : :hafiJur 3ahaman : :halina Bkter : 17#, Dharo+ahat 3oad Chitta+on+ : 31th De), 1!$# : 5an+ladeshi : 4slam 2:unni1 : 5K


6okter Bli Bssistant @rofessor(

6d( :hahin Bhmed Cho.dhury <e)turer

De-artment of 6arketin+, University of Dhaka( Cell - 01$1!1"#030

De-artment of 6arketin+, University of Dhaka( Cell - 01$1785$110

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