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Venkat's Resume

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S. VENKATA SIVA KUMAR EMAIL: venkatasks@gmail.

Cell: 9!"#!$
Seeking assignments which will allow me to use my natural extrovert nature along with my sharp
business and market knowledge to the fullest and result in greater growth for both the organization and
Completed MBA !"#Marketing$ in May %&&' in (niversity ).*. College+ ,akatiya (niversity+
-arangal with an aggregate of ./0.
Completed BSc MSCs$ in March %&&. in )riyadarshini 1egree College+ ,othagudem with an
aggregate of '%0.
Completed 2ntermediate M)C$ in March %&&3 in ,rishnaveni 4unior College+ ,othagudem with
an aggregate of '/./0.
Completed SSC in March %&&5 in Sri Sarada 6idyalaya+ ,othagudem with an aggregate of 770.
)R%'ECT *%RK:
8rganization 9 S2:*A";:2 C8<<2;"2;S C8M)A:= <2M2>;1
>itle 9 ;mployee Motivation in S.C.C.<
1escription 9 >he purpose of Motivation is to enhance and motivate the behavior and attitude
of employees and to enable them to meet the current and future re?uirement of their tasks and
roles. >he profitability and productivity of an organization mostly depends on employees who
were motivated by the company.
%-gani.ation: >alasila College of Management and 2>+ )aloncha@/&755/
(esignation: Assistant )rofessor
(/-ation: 4une@%&&' to 8ct@%&5&
S/01ects 2an3le3: Statistics Aor Management+ "esearch Methodology and Statistical Analysis+
8perations "esearch+ Buantitative Analysis for Business 1ecisions+ Business "esearch Methods
and all !"M+ Marketing specializations.
Nat/-e o4 'o0: >eaching above mentioned subCects. Conducting 2nternal D ;xternal
;xaminations as per the (niversity norms ,($.
%-gani.ation: <a?shya College of Management+ ,hammam
(esignation: Assistant )rofessor
(/-ation: :ov@%&5& to till date
S/01ects 2an3le3: Statistics Aor Management+ "esearch Methodology and Statistical Analysis+
8perations "esearch+ Buantitative Analysis for Business 1ecisions+ Business "esearch Methods
and all !"M+ Marketing specializations.
Nat/-e o4 'o0: >eaching above mentioned subCects. Conducting 2nternal D ;xternal
;xaminations as per the (niversity norms both ,( D 4:>(!.
E4ob prospects perception towards 8nline 4ob )ortals9 An empirical study on 4ob Seekers in
,hammam 1istrict+ Andhra )radeshF+ International Research Journal of Commerce, Business
and Social Sciences+ 2SS:9 %%77@G35&+ 6ol. 222+ 2ssue H 22$+ 4une %&5H.
EA study on societal awareness towards corporate social responsibility in Singareni Collieries
Company <imitedF+ International Research Journal of Commerce, Business and Social Sciences+
2SS:9 %%77@G35&+ 6ol. 222+ 2ssue 3+ 4uly %&5H.
-orking as MBA )lacement Coordinator in >"A2:2:* A:1 )<AC;M;:> C;<<.
-orking as an E;xamination 2n@chargeF for 2nternal#;xternal ;xaminations conducted under
,akatiya (niversity and 4awaharlal >echnological (niversity@!yderabad in our college.
-orking as )roCect *uide regarding !"#Marketing specializations in order to guide the students
in the duration of their )roCect -ork.
2n my corporate experience 2 placed 3& Cob seekers in reputed companies in (S.
6ery much familiar with the 4ob )ortals+ 2nternet.
8perating Systems 9 MS18S+ -indows I %&&&.
)ackages 9 MS@8ffice
<anguages 9 C+ CJJ
And also very much familiar with 2:>;":;> concepts.
:ame : S. 6;:,A>A S26A ,(MA"
AatherKs :ame : S. )"ASA1A "A8
Marital Status : Married
1ate@of@Birth : %% I &' I 5G'.
<anguages ,nown : ;nglish+ >elugu+ and !indi
"ead+ -rite D Speak$.
Address : !.:89 7@3@3G5#%
6iCaya:agar Colony+ %
Bypass "oad+ ,hammam I /&7 &&%+
,hammam 1istrict.
Mobile :umber : G...%.'/%H
2 am declaring that the above mentioned information is correct as per knowledge.

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