House Riddles 2
Can you find out what I am?
(ou $an rela) here. There is usually a sofa. I*m a room. 'eo#le often wat$h T+ here. I*m .uite green.
(ou $an sit or work in me. I have trees and flowers. I*m behind or around the house.
(ou $an $lose me. I kee# out the light. I am made of fabri$. I*m in front of windows.
I need ele$tri$ity. I need water to workI*m a big ma$hine. I $an wash $lothes.
I*m made of wood. I*m made of $on$rete. (ou use me to go u#. (ou use me to go down.
I* round. I*m made of metal. (ou use me to $ook. (ou $an make sou# in me. I*m in the kit$hen. I have burners. I use gas or ele$tri$ity. (ou $ook on me.
I*m soft.
(ou #ut a $ase around me.
(ou $an o#en me. (ou $an $lose me. I have glass in me. (ou see through me.
I*m in many rooms. I*m made of wood. (ou #ut stuff in me. I have doors and drawers.
I*m round. I have a handle. (ou use me to $ook. I*m not very tall.
I*m made of fabri$. I lie on the floor. (ou walk on me. I make floors warmer.
(ou #lug me in. I $an use batteries too. (ou listen to me. I #i$k u# many stations.
I $an be anywhere. I*m made of wood. (ou #ut things on me. I hang on the wall.
(ou don*t like me. I*m noisy. I*m in the bedroom. I wake you u#.
I $an be anywhere. I*m made of wood. I*m a #ie$e of furniture. (ou #ut books in me.
%uthor& 'hili#R
Team /
(ou $an rela) here. There is usually a sofa. I*m a room. 'eo#le often wat$h T+ here.
Team 0
(ou $an $lose me. I kee# out the light. I am made of fabri$. I*m in front of windows.
I*m round. I*m often $erami$. (ou $an break me. (ou eat on me.
I need ele$tri$ity. I need water to workI*m a big ma$hine. I $an wash $lothes.
I*m made of wood. I*m made of $on$rete. (ou use me to go u#. (ou use me to go down.
I* round. I*m made of metal. (ou use me to $ook. (ou $an make sou# in me.
I*m soft.
(ou #ut a $ase around me.
(ou $an o#en me. (ou $an $lose me. I have glass in me. (ou see through me.
I*m in the kit$hen. I have burners. I use gas or ele$tri$ity. (ou $ook on me.
I*m in many rooms. I*m made of wood. (ou #ut stuff in me. I have doors and drawers.
I*m round. I have a handle. (ou use me to $ook. I*m not very tall.
I*m made of fabri$. I lie on the floor. (ou walk on me. I make floors warmer.
(ou #lug me in. I $an use batteries too. (ou listen to me. I #i$k u# many stations.
I $an be anywhere. I*m made of wood. (ou #ut things on me. I hang on the wall.
(ou don*t like me. I*m noisy. I*m in the bedroom. I wake you u#.
I $an be anywhere. I*m made of wood. I*m a #ie$e of furniture. (ou #ut books in me.
%uthor& 'hili#R
Reading Worksheet & Team Game %nswer 3ey & Instru$tions Team Game The first #age $an be used as an individual worksheet 4reading and writing fo$us5. 6el# with s#elling or vo$abulary if ne$essary. The se$ond #age $an be used as a $om#etitive team game 4reading- s#eaking#ronun$iation and listening fo$us5. o ,ivide the $lass into 1 or 0 teams. o 7ne team reads out the $lues slowly and $learly 8 one by one 8 on one of their $ards. ,on* o 7ther teams listen and try to guess the animal. 79"( 79 G: !! I! %""7W ,- so teams have to work together and not guess too .ui$kly. o If all the $lues are e)hausted- teams $ould show the #i$tures or give e)tra $lues. o Teams s$ore one #oint #er $orre$t answer. o These rules $an be ada#ted or used $reatively. n;oy. %fter the game- students $an $hoose an animal and write their own $lue $ards. living8room garden iron #illow #i$ture 4frying5 #an shelf ,+,8#layer #late stairs window $u#board $ar#et or rug alarm $lo$k $urtain4s5 washing ma$hine #ot $ooker or stove bedroom radio 4radio C,8#layer5 book$ase 4bookshelves5
%uthor& 'hili#R