Zigbee: Introduction
Zigbee: Introduction
Zigbee: Introduction
The concept of zigbee is associated with controlling all electronic devices and communicating with themselves.
Introduction:Zigbee is the name of a specification for high level communication protocols using small lowpower. Digital radios based on the wireless personal area networks(WP !".Zigbee operates in the industrial#scientific and medical.The technolog$ is intended to be simpler and cheaper. !ow a da$s the latest technolog$ is zigbee. %n previous da$s two wireless communication protocols used. i.e ** Bluetooth ** Wi-Fi
&luetooth is a wireless communication .the &luetooth can be used transmitting the data in to one to another device.but the &luetooth transmitted ver$ less distances. 'o ne(t developing another technolog$ i.e Wi-)i.
Wi-)i is also a wireless communication protocol.these technolog$ using trasnsmitted
Zigbee is a set of wireless protocol.this gives commands and receives commands from
The ma/or advantage of zigbee is power consumption and other advantage is provide high securit$. %t builds on %000 standard 1+2.*-.3 which defines the ph$sical and 4 5 la$er. Zigbee defines the application and securit$ la$er. Zigbee is a superset of %000 specification. Zigbee consisting
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!etwork data is transmitted in packets.zigbee packets have a ma(imum size of *21 b$tes#including protocol overhead. Zigbee uses 2 kinds of addressing that is ,3-bit address *,-bit address The ,3-bit address can be used compared to the %P address on the internet. The *,-bit address can be used once a network is setup. The *,-bit address is 2*,9,-#-.- nodes connect at a time.
Zigbee support star topolog$ . star topolog$ is ver$ simple#all nodes are connected directl$.
0ach node ma$ communicate with an$ other node within range.
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*ata (eliability: The data reliable is data transmitting and delivering ver$ simple to zigbee. The information is coded as packets or frames. Battery ,i$e: The &atter$ life is ver$ high.zigbee used in ver$ small power.
'(A#%MI%%I&# (A#-): The transmission range of zigbee is *+ to *++m are reasonable but depending upon environment #antenna and fre<uenc$ bandwidth. %IZ): 'ize is ver$ less *ata %ecurity: %n zigbee the data is ver$ secure zigbee can contain securit$ tool bo( *ata (ate: The datarate are given power level mean there is less energ$ per transmitted bit.
=eliable and 'elf healing 'upports large no of nodes >er$ long batter$ lif 'ecure ?ow cost 5an be used globall$.
% can conclude that in future we are going to a new world with cables ever$thing is done b$ single controls without using multi switches multipurpose.
*. William stalling #@wirless communication and netwoks@#)ourth edition pearson publication limited#2++3
2. ndrew '. Tenenbaum# A5omputer !etworks@# )ourth 0dition Pearson Publication# ?imited# 2++. .. &ehrouz . )rouzan# AData 5ommunication@# Third 0dition# Tata 4c7raw-6ill Publishing # compan$ ?imitted# 2++3 3. httpBCCwww.zigbee.orgCenCdocumentsCzigbeeoverview3.pdf