NQ 63440
NQ 63440
NQ 63440
- A System's Perspective
Mario A . Morin
National Library
Acq~isitions and Bibliographie Services
395 Wellington Street OItawaON K l A O N 4 Canada
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There has been much discussion over the past several decades conceming the benefits of integrated mine design and planning systems. Although severai commercial packages exist, these systems fa11 far short of what is truly required for underground mine design and planning.
This thesis examines in detaii the information flows, processes, and fiinctions of the underground hardrock mine design and planning process. Extensive use is made of structured analysis and modeling techniques for fomally describing the design and planning process, illustrating graphically the activities and their relationship, descnbing the flow and transformation of information, and the constraints that apply. This modeling also provides a basis for business process re-engineering.
The core and design capabilities required of an integrated system are investigated and documented through requirements analysis. In addition, the integration of support elements such as expert systems, numerical models, data analysis and visualization tools, and simulation is discussed as a way to bring added fnctionality and intelligence to the system. The integration of these elements, if feasible, would form an intelligent design system with decision-support capabilities that exceed anything currently available o n the market. A fully integrated system would be capable of optimization on a more global level
by considering "cause-and-effect" interactions taking place between the design and
planning activities.
The thesis also examines the feasibility of developing and creating such a system., including research and development prionties, and identifies the benefits as well as the nsks in creating an integrated system. Recommendations on development options and system implementation are presented.
1 would like to thank INCO Limited and in particular Dr. Greg Baiden, formerly Manager
of INCO Mines Research, for the opportunity to work at their Mines Research facility while carrying out this research and for their generous financial support throughout. 1 would especially like to thank Sarnantha Espley for her continued support and understanding. 1 also t hank Harvey Buksa, Terry Villeneuve, JOhn Galbraith, Mike Leblanc, Allan Alceman, Eric Hinton, Neil Runciman and Dave Cook (EDS) for their help and advice.
especially Dr. Laeeque Daneshmend for their continuous encouragement, advice and enthusiasm for this project. 1 would also like to thank al1 the people of the Department of Mining Engineering and in particular Mrs. Bev McCallum and Mrs. Wanda Badger for their friendship and humour. 1 also acknowledge the financial support provided to me by the School of Graduate Studies.
Finally, 1 would like to thank my wife, Dawn and my son, Mark, for their patience, understanding and support, thus allowing me to complete this work.
PAGE i mSTUCT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... iv . LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF FIGURES.. ................................................................................................. viil LIST O F APPENDICES in 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Preamble 1 1.2 Research Objectives 5 1 . 3 Structure of the Thesis 7 2 EVOLUTION OF UNDERGROUND MINE DESIGN AND PLANNING SYSTEMS 9 2 . 1 The Traditional Mine Design and Planning Process 9 12 2 . 2 Defining the FuUy Latcgrated Mine Design and Planning Process 2.3 Historical Developments in Cornputer Applications for the Mining Industry ..............................................................................................13 2 . 4 Underground Hardrock Mine Design and Planning S o f ~ a n 16 2 . 5 Current State-of-theArt in Commercial Underground Hardrock Planning Systems 19 2.6 Proprietary or In-house Underground Mine Planning Systems 31 2 . 7 Future Trends .......................................................................................... 36 2.7.1 Integration 37 2 . 7 . 2 Decision-Support 42 2 . 7 . 3 Simulation and Optimuation 43 2 . 7 . 4 Remote Sensing and ReaCTime Coatrol 45 2 . 8 Capabilities Required in an Integirted Mine Design/Planning System 46 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 52 3 . 1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 52 3 . 2 Requirements Analysis ................,.. ........................................................ 56 3 . 3 Stmctured Analysis and Modding.......................................................... 61 3.3.1 Stmctured Analysis and Design Techniques (SADT) 63 3.3.2 Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs)..................................................... 71 3 . 4 Object-Oriented Modeling (OOMs)........................................................ 74 4. CONSIDERATIONS LN UNDERGROUND MINE DESIGN AND
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P W m G.................................................................................................... 78 4 . 1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 78 4 . 2 Significant Geological Analysis and Modeling Factors 80 4.3 Significant Mine Design Factors 84
......................... .............................................................
................................................... .................................... ..................................................... ................................................... ............................... .................................................................. ............................................................................ ............................................................... .......................................m. .................................................................... ..................................................................
7 . 3 Primary Systems Requirements ..............................................................214 7.3.1Mine Ccology.. .....,.... ................................................................214 7 . 3 . 2 Mine Design ...............................................................................220 7 . 3 . 3 Mine Planning and Scheduling.................................................232 73.4 Production Control and Monitofing.........................................239
7.2.1Database Engine ........................................................................176 7 . 2 . 2 Geomctric Modeling and Visualuation Enbine.......,......o........ 178 7 . 2 . 3 Simulation Engine .....................................................................183 7 . 2 . 4 Expert System Engine/Decision Support ................................. 209 7 . 2 . 5 Activity-Based Costing System .................................................210
7.4 Data Requirements 243 8- ).NON-FUNCTIONALREQUIREMENTS OF THE SYSTEM ...........................249 8.1 "Look-and-Feel" Requirements 249 . . Rcquirements 8.2 Usabil~ty 250 8 . 3 Pedormance Requirements ..................................................................... 254
...,................................ 8 . 7 Data Security Requiremen 261 8 . 8 Cultufal and Political Requinments .......................................................263 8.9 Lcyl Rcquirements ................................................................................. 264 9.SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATlON ISSUES..,................ 265 9 . 1 System Feasibity Assmment ................................................................. 265 9 . 2 System Development Issues ..................................................................... 268
t s ~ ~
8.4 Operational Requirements .................................................................... 256 8 . 5 Partner Applications ................................................................................ 258 8 . 6 Maintainabity and Portabity Rcquinments 259
........................................................285 9.6 System Development Options ..................................................................295 9.7 Recommended Development Options .....................................................301 9 . 8 System Conponents Implementation Complerity Assessrnent ..............302 9 . 9 System Pre-Development W o r k ...,........................a............................ . 307 9.10 Development Phasts...............................................................................309
9.5 System Development Cost Estimate
9.2.1 Open Issues ................................................................................ 268 9.2.2 Off-the-Shelf Solutions .............................................................. 270 9 . 2 . 3 Potentid Pmblems Caused by System Implementation ...........271 9.3 System Complexity Assasment ............................................................... 274 9 . 4 System R n k Assesment ..........................................................................280
.......................................................... 317 1 0 . 1Achievements and Original Contributions of the Research .... .............317 1 0 . 2 Scope of the Research ............................................................................ 318
1 0 . 3 Integration Benefits ............................................................................... 320 1 0 . 4 Future W o r k .......................................................................................... 322 323 1 0 . 4 . 1Systern Design Work ........................................................................... 1 0 . 4 . 2 Domain Expertise Work ..................................................................... 323
Review of Commercial Mining Software Functionalities for Underground Table 1. Mine Design and Planning 25 Table 2 . Commercial Underground Mine DesigdPlanning System Features 26 Table 3 - Functional Ekments of a Mine DsigdPIanning System 46 Table 4 . Mine Planning Stages, Factors and Objcetives 79 Table 5 . Volere Requirements Specification Template 157 Table 6 . Problems and Shortcomings of Traditiond DesigdPIanning Practices 159 Table 7 . Usen Characteristics 162 Table 8 - Business Events Applied to Mine DesigdPIanning Work Context 173 Table 9 - Application of Simulation to the Mine Life Cycle 185 Table 10 - T y p i c l Pedormance Metrics Used in Mining Simulation Work 186 Table 11- Mining Processes for Use in Simulation/Planning Work 188 Table 12 - Development Activities and Simulation/Measuremen~ Metrics 192 Table 13 - Stoping Activities and Simulation/Musurement Metrics 193 Table 14 - Equipment Considerations for Simulation Work 194 Table 15 - Equipment Attributes Required for Simulation Work 195 Table 16 - Potential Mining Block Status Codes ..................................................... 199 Table 17 . Other Relevant Simulation Parameten 203 Table 18 - Simulation Reports . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . e . . . . e 208 212 Table 19 - Activity-Based Costing Structure for an Underground Mine Table 20 - Mining Method Selection Considerations ............................m................. 221 Table 21 - Potential Planning Constraints and Objectiva 233 245 Table 22 . Mine Designfflanning Ccological Data Components Table 23 . Mine Daignfflanning Mine Layout Data Components 245 246 Tabk 24 Mine DesignIPIanning Scheduling Data Components Tabk 25 = Mine Daignfflanning Production/Cost Tracking Data Components 247 Table 26 - External Applications and Systems ........................................................ 259 277 Table 27 - System Complexity Assessrnent - Design DiCculty Table 28 System Complexity Assessrnent - Raource Requirements 278 Table 29 - System Risk Assessment 280 Table 30 - Softwire Project Classifications Scoring System 288 Table 31 - Mine Designfflanning System Estimates ............................................... 289 Table 32 - Mine Desigflanning System Range Analysis 290 Table 33 - Costs Breakdown for Development Effort 291 Table 34 - Mine Designfflanning Sub-Systems: Usefulnm. Criticality and Implementation Complexity Evaluation 303
........................................................................ . . . . . . . . .......................... .......................................... .......................................... .. ................................................................................. ......... ................................... .......... ....................... ............ ..................... .................................. ......................... .................................................. . ............... ..................................... ............................. ......................... ............................ ... ............................... .................... .......................................................................... ................................... ...................................... .............................................. .................................................
11 Figure 1 . Block Flowchart for the Traditionai Mine DaignlPlanning Process Figure 2 - Links between Mine Design/Planning and Other Mine Systems 49 Figure 3 - Logical Architecture of Mine Design/Planning System and Production Monitoring and Control System 50 Figun 4 . Physicai Architecture of Combined Mine DaignlPIanning and Production MonitoringKontrol Systems 51 Figure 5 . Softwire Development Lifecycle Methodologies 55 Figure 6 IDEF0 Function Bor and Intedace Arrows 64 Figure 7 . IDEF0 Decomposition MethodoIogr 67 Figure 8 . Gane and Sanon Notation for Data Flow Diagramming 72 Figure 9 . Gcologicd Modeling Process Flowchart 81 Figure 10 . Significant Geological Analysis and Modeling Factors 83 Figure 11 . Mine Design Procas Fiowchart 85 Figure 12 . Significant Mine Design Components, Factors and Parameters 86 Figure 13 . Mine Planning/Scheduling Procas Honihart 89 Figure 14 . Sigaihant Mine Planning and Scheduling Considerations 91 Figure 15 . Mine Planning and Scheduling Information Fiow 93 Figure 16 . Mine Production Control Considerations 95 Figure 17 . Rock Fragmentation Considentions and Factors 98 Figure 18 . Rock Miss Components and Parameten 99 Figure 19 . Ground Control and Support Factors and Considerations 101 104 Figure 20 . Rock Excavation and Handling Considerations Figure 21 . Mine Ventilation and Air Conditioning Considerations 107 108 Figure 22 . Equipment Life-Cyck Cost Analysis Factors and Considerations Figure 23 . Economic Analysis Components and Considerations 110 Figure 24 . Mining Project Evaluation Factors and Considerations 112 Figure 25 . Mine Monitoring Considerations 114 Figure 26 . Diagram A O Contest Diagram or Modeling Scope 118 Figure 27 . Diagram A0 . Design, Plan, Support and Monitor the UG Mine 121 Figure 28 . Diagram A l . Perform Strategic Planning 125 Figure 29 . Diagram A12 . Cnate and Maintain Corporate Strategic Plan 126 127 Figure 30 . Diagram A2 . Peiiorm Long-Term Planning 130 Figure 31 . Diagram A21 . Auess Mine Geology Figure 32 . Diagram A211 Collect the Geo~ogical Data 131 Figure 33 . Diagram A212 . Analyze the Ccdogicrl Data 132 Figure 34 . Diagnm A2122 . IdentiTy Geological Domains.. 133 Figun 35 . Diagram A2123 . Select and Perform Statistical Analysis on Domains133 Figure 36 . Diagram A2 13 . Model the Orebody 134 Figure 37 . Diagram A22 . Design Mine Layout and Facilities 135 Figure 38 . Diagram A221 . Select Production Rite 136 Figure 39 . Diagram A222 . Select Appropriate Mining Method(s) 137
....... ............. ............................................................... .................................................. ..................................... ............................................ ........................................................ .................... . . . ................................................. .......................... ............................................................ ............ ........................................ ................... ................................. .......................o...................... .................................. ........................................... ................. ................................... ..................... ...... .......................... ...................... .......................................................... ........................... ........ ........................................... .......... ....................................... ................................................... ........................................ ...................................... ................................ ................................................. .............................. ............................................... .................... . .
Figure 40 . Diagram A223 . Size Up, Layout and Sequence Stopes Figure 41 . Diagram A2232 . Size Up and Layout Stopes Figure 42 . Diagram A223212 . Select Stope Dimensions Figure 43 . Diagram A22323 . Determine Stope Support Rcquinments Figure 44 . Diagram A2234 . Assess Risks of Mining Method with Proposed Stoping Design Figure 45 . Diagram A224 . Design Mine Excavation Support System Figure 46 . Diagram A2241 . Design Muck Handling System Figure 47 . Diagram A23 -Prepare Long-Term Schdule. Figure 48 . Diagram A24 . Evaluate Project Economics Figure 49 . Diagram A3 . Perform Short-Term Planning Figure 50 . Diagram A33 . P n p a r e and Validate Detailed Schedule Figure 51 . Diagram A42 . Provide Monitoring and Technical Support Figure 52 . Diagram A421 . Monitor Excavation Work Figure 53 . Diagram A422 . Design Drilling and Blasting Layout Figure 54 . Diagram A424 . Monitor Ground Conditions Figure 55 . Diagram A425 . Monitor Ventilation N e m o r k Figure 56 . Diagram A44 . Implement and Monitor Short-Term Plan Figure 57 . Mine DcsignlPlanning System Work Context Diagram Figure 58 . Mine DtsigdPlanning Use Case Diagram Figure 59 . General Mine Simulator-Schedukr Architectural Mode1 Figure 60 . Mine DesigdPlanning System Models and Data Flows Figure 61 . The four regions of the Design DiCficulty versus Resources Plane Figure 62 . Mine DesigdPlanning System Complexity Assessrnent
......................................139 .......................................140 ............... 141 ..................................................................................... 142 .................143 ...............................144 ......................................145 ........................................146 ......................................147 ..................... 148 ...............149 ....................................... 151 ......................... 152 ..................................... 153 ................................... 154 ................ 155
1 . 1 Preamble
Depressed base and precious metal pnces worldwide and a very competitive mining industry means that Canada's rnining operations must become more efficient and productive. One way to increase efficiency is to make better use of resources, including computer-assisted engineering knowledge. Current computerized mine design and planning practices are typicdy based on a mixture of semi-integrated cornputer-assisted planning software combined with stand-alone computer-aided drafting (CAD), rnisceilaneous commercial software tools, in-house developed tools and manual methods. The result is a poorly integrated set of tools that generally results in duplication of data, increased work efforts and is unresponsive to mining environment and market changes.
The fragmentation of data and applications can result in other issues. For example, it is easier to misplace or lose information. A very mobile workforce can make it difncult to maintain a consistent and up-to-date information database. As the aging workforce retires,
These conditions mean that it is no longer realistic to store details about a mining operation within the minds of its designers or on separate pieces of paper or computer files. A common data repository where both spatial and non-spatial information is stored is now essential. The large quantities of data stored in this repository will require efficient
tools to quickly access this information, sort it in some logical order and present the results to the designer. The computer, with its powerful data querying and visualizing capabilities, is the ideal tool for this work. However, to be effective, the data must be kept up to date and be directly available to ail applications that require it. The result is a tightly integrated computerized mine design and planning system.
Udortunately, most of the comrnercially avdable computerized mine planning systems have a very narrow view of the mine design process. These systems tend to focus on geological modeling, ore reserve estimation, visualization tools, and simple computeraided drafting tools for development and stope layouts. These systems are usefl for feasibility studies. However, they generally fail when used in a day-to-day production environment. These systems generally do not integrate geomechanics and ground support analysis, mine method selection, equipment selection, and ventilation requirements. These aspects of mine planning are either left to manual methods or to other thkd-party software aids.
An integrated computerized design and planning system would offer many benefits if such a system could be designed. However, the fact that such systems do not yet exist tends to indicate that designing and prograrnming such systems is at best a daunting task. Several reasons may explain why fully integrated systems do not yet exist. First, the scope of work is extremely broad, requiring mining engineering and computer science skills in several fields. The underground mine design and planning process is very complex with many of
the activities interrelated and interdependent. Several minng variations are possible for every orebody, and selecting the optimum solution is not always clear. The selection process will depend on available expertise, available resources, past experience and practices, as w e U as corporate goals. Al1 of these factors play an important role in the design/planning process and are extremely difficult to incorporate in a genenc software package aimed at a commercial market.
The market for mining software applications is very small when compared to other areas
Wre office work, accounting, warehousing and so on. It is even smaller when the
underground hardrock mining sector is separated fkom the rest of the mining industry. Approximately 75 to 85% of al1 rninerals extraction woridwide is carried out using open pit methods (Hartman, 1987). Much of the underground mining done around the world is for coal, using either room-and-pillar or full-face mining, further reducing the underground hardrock mining sector. Software development firms in general prefer to have access to large markets whenever possible, because a small market resufts in generally expensive development costs being recuperated with oniy a few licenses. The pie is even smaller when one considers that there are several software developers competing for the same mining market share. It may well be that the retum on investment is simply too small for a software house to design, program and suppon a complete underground design system.
There is also the issue of rapid software and computer hardware obsolescence. Today's hot programming language or hardware platform may be tomorrow's old news, never
having had a chance to establish a strong following and to pay dividends to the developers basing their applications on these tools. The tendency of s o h a r e houses has been to develop general applications for the broadest customer base. This means Intel pentiumh" processors running Microsofi windowsm as the operating system. Such plaorms have seen tremendous changes over the last decade with order of magnitude improvements in capabilities. However, it is uncertain if these platforms offer enough capabilities to meet the demands of engineers and planners using an integrated mine desigdplanning system. Sorne applications, in particular, surfaces and solids graphic modeling tools as weli as numencal analysis tools (e.g. finite elements, boundary elements, and discrete-elements) requue tremendous resources in terms of raw CPU processing speed, addressable memory and storage space. Those requirements and the need for efficient and accurate algorithms
There is also an issue with design process complexity and decision-making support. Experience and knowledge play an important role in the design and planning process. Experience and knowledge are used in making selections, thus reducing the number of possible options and increasing the likelyhood of a wurkable solution. The "experience and knowledge" factor is very dificult to describe and integrate within a mining design application. Very few, if any, of the currently available commercial systems integrate knowledge for decision-making within their application. These systems u s u d y limit themselves to calculating results based on tightly defined criteria, leaving the interpretation of these results to the user of the system.
Generally, software application development is much simpler for open pits than for underground mines. The optimization and scheduling problems of open pits are generally well understood and some efficient solutions have been found and implemented. However, the situation is much diffrent for underground mines which are, in the opinion of the author, at least an order of magnitude more complex than open pits. Underground deposits can be mined using a much wider selection of methods than open pits and ground control issues are critical. Scheduling is a much more diflticult issue with timing and access being critical. Underground mine access is expensive to obtain and therefore tends to be much more restricted, with a higher potential for bottlenecks and interference. In addition, underground mines are more expensive to operate than open pits. While economies of s a l e are possible with larger equipment and bulk mining methods, this style of underground mining requires larger excavations which tend to have more associated ground control problems.
1.2 Research Objectives This research has the following objectives: To understand and describe the underground hard rock mine design and planning process.
To identie the significant factors, components and parameters affecting this mine
design and planning process and show how they are interrelated.
To describe, using formal software systems analysis, this design and planning process
as well as the flow of information within the process, resulting in a documented formal, comprehensive, process model.
To descnbe the functionalities and the capabilities required in a computerked integrated underground hardrock mine design and planning system, in accordance with the documented process model. To present the current state-of-the-art in underground mine planning systems. To describe how sophisticated computer science techniques such as object-oriented prograrnming, database methodologies, geometric modeling and Msualization, surface and soiid modeling, and expert systems can be used to integrate the various aspects of mine design and planning and considerably improve design and planning efficiency To outline a high-level object-oriented data model suitable for a mine design and planning system. To examine the benefits as wel as the potentiai risks when creating such systems and propose possible development and implementation avenues.
In addition, this thesis aims to provide a sound basis for revamping underground hardrock mine design and planning. The 1990's was a decade where companies sought to improve their operations through improvements in their processes. In essence, this thesis is about business process improvement (BPI) and business process re-engineering (BPR). Improving business processes is paramount for companies to stay competitive in today's
~s rnodel marketplace. Many companies introduce BPI through a c o n t i m ~ improvernent
that attempts to understand and measure the current "as-is" processes and make performance improvements accordingly. This activity is repeated to obtain gradua], incremental improvements. In the mining industry, the introduction of more powerfl rock drills with better percussive hammers and bits is representative of BPI activities.
Business process re-engineering is radically dinerent fiom the continuous improvement process described above. BPR attempts to re-define the processes in order to obtain more effective operations, hence the term re-engineering. In the mining industry, the vision of a fully robotic mine (Le. "manless" mine) requiring radical changes in mining processes (e-g. from cyclical to continuous mining) is representative of BPR the philosophy.
This thesis provides the groundwork for initiating future BPI and BPR efforts within the underground hardrock mining industry. It provides a detailed look at current mine design and planning processes, requirements and available technology as weU as an examination of how these processes can be integrated through technology t o create a supenor mine design and planning system.
Following this introductory chapter, the thesis examines the evolution of current underground mine design and planning software systems (Chapter 2). Chapter 3 introduces the research methodology employed for this thesis
modeling. Chapter 4 discusses sorne of the more important factors and considerations that influence the underground mine design and planning process. Chapter 5 presents the structured analysis and modeling work detailing, graphically, the mine design and planning process. Chapter 6 presents the project dnvers and constraints and outlines the scope of work of the proposed Mine DesigdPlanning System (referred to as the System). Chapters
7 and 8 detail the functional and non-fnctional requirements for an integrated
desigdplanning system. Core systems and primary sub-system requirements are outlined. Chapter 9 covers system implementation, discussing issues like system feasibility, complexity, risks, costs and development options. Chapter 10 concludes this work by outlining the original contributions made to science, presenting the potential benefits obtainable through a flly integrated design and planning system and discussing the future work requirements and potential research directions.
Accompanying this thesis is a CD-ROM that contains the entire text as weil as al1 five appendices in digital format. These files are stored in the Adobe PDF (Portable Document
File) format. A PDF file reader is included t o view these eiectronic files on an MS-DOS
computer using Microsoft windowsm as the operating system.
Appendix A presents several data flow diagrarns for the System and thus outlines a preliminary high-level information system. Appendix B outlines an object-onented data class model architecture that could be utilized in the creation of the System. Appendix C provides definitions for various technological tenns and acronyms used wit hin the thesis. Appendix D contains the structured analysis work and relevant definitions detailing the nune design and planning process. Appendix E describes the attributes of the object class model presented in Appendix B.
Traditionally, mine design and planning activities have been restricted to defining the methods for accessing and then extracting the ore reserves. Based on experience or current practice, the engineer would determine the best plan for extracting the ore while the planner would detennine and schedule the required resources to irnplement the engineer's plan. In many small mining operations, the same individual performed both tasks.
Typically, using paper level plans and section drawings, the stope outlines would be placed over the ore inventory previously defhed by the mine geologist. Later, the mine planner would add the development work. An approxhate grade and volume ( t o ~ a g e )would then be calculated, including an estimate for ore recovery and ore dilution. Using some valuation model, the value of the ore contained within the stope would be estimated. Based on expenence, the planner would estimate how much muck a stope could produce in a given tirne penod. It was then possible to determine roughly how many stopes would be needed to rneet the production objectives set by the corporate office. Depending on the mil1 feedstock requirements and observed variations in stope grades, additional stopes could have been added for ore blending purposes. Additional stopes might also have been added for increased scheduling flexibility.
In al1 cases, sufficient development work would have to be done before the stopes could start producing muck. Again based on experience, the planner would calculate the amount of lead-the required for completing the required development work. Based on average productivity rates, the number of shifts required could be calculated. Using one to three shifts per day, the number of days before the stopes would start producing could then be estimated. The planner could also estimate the required supplies, Le. drill steel and bits, explosives, etc., to complete the job. In addition, equipment and labour, currently used in other locations, could be allocated for the development and production work. If required, additional equipment would be ordered or rniners hired to meet development and production needs. With a mining schedule defined, it was then possible to generate a detaiied budget and estimate the economic retums of the rnine.
Thus, the rnine design and planning process described above ties together several
elements: ore reserves estimation, plan and section drawings, mining method selection and mine layout, development and production scheduling, equipment selection, cost estimation, and mine valuation. This process is presented in Figure 1 as a block flowchart that highlights the relationships between the major elements found in traditional mine design and planning.
It is obvious that several of the elements are interrelated and that an iterative solution will be required. Even with computer assistance, the traditionai design and planning process is tedious especialiy if the mine is marginal and the mineral prices are fluctuating ofien. Due to tirne constraints, the designerlplanner will likely look at only a few options before selecting what appean to be the best one, thus a lack of effective optirnization.
Increased computerization of the traditionai process can only help the designerlplanner. However, if greater design/planning efficiency and productivity are the goals, new elements need to be added to obtain the full benefits of computerization. Typicaiiy, these are the support elements like surveying, rock mechanics, ground control, ventilation, drillhg and blasting, maintenance planning, incident tracking, and mine monitoring.
However, other elements like expert systems, numerical models, data analysis and visualization tools, simulation, and optirnization techniques are needed to bring added intelligence to the process. The integration of these elements, if feasible, would fonn an
intelligent design system with decision-support capabilities that exceed anything currently
2.2 Defining the Fuliy Integrated Mine Design and Planning Process
In the context of this thesis, the term "traditional mine design and planning" is used to separate current methods, which are a mixture of semi-integrated mine planning systems, stand-alone programs and manual methods, fiom fully integrated computerized intelligent
mine systems. The traditional process relies almost excIusively on the "intelligence" of the mine designer/planner for its decision-making. The Mly integrated system, while not replacing the designer/planner, supplements his or her intelligence with expert knowledge and sophisticated data analysis, modeling7optirniration and simulation tools.
In the traditional process, the designer/planner is intimately involved in ail the data preparation and data translation required for each design activity. The fully integrated system handles al1 data preparation and translation work between design activities intemdly and transparently to the designerlplanner.
In the traditional process, the designer/planner typically optimizes sub-processes, or optimizes on a local level. The fully integrated system examines optisnization on a global level by considering "cause-and-effect" interactions between the design and planning activities. The ease with which dinerent options can be created and investigated increases the potential that an optimum, more robst design will be achieved.
Computers have been used in the mining industry since the late 1950's (Weiss, 1969). Early computer usage tended to be in simple process control ard data processing. However, cornputers and computer applications were already making inroads on the
mining engineering side with the k s t APCOM conference (Application of Computers and
Operations Research in the Minerai Industries) held in 1961.
Over the 19603, engineering design and planning applications expanded to cover several areas (Seegmiller, 1973; Weiss, 1969). However, the most cornmon applications tended towards ore reserves estimation (Mular, 1970), econornic financial analysis (Brown, 1970), inventory control and accounting, thus showing a strong business flavour. The open pit industry made use of cornputer technology early on, most likely as a result of the regular block model approach used for mineral inventory representation and the development of pit limit optimization algorithrns (Lerchs and Grossmann, 1965). Based on a simple, regular block model, the Lerchs-Grossmann algorithm represented a breakthrough in the application of computer science technology to real mining engineering problems. Open pit mine applications were expanding to include planning and scheduling
(Pana and Davey, 1973; Manula and Venkatararnani, 1973) as well as equipment
simulation (Jolley, 1970).
Applications, typically proprietary in nature, were developed using high-level prograrnming languages like BASIC and FORTRAN. Company-owned cornputers, essentially mainfiames, were few and represented an expensive corporate asset shared by the entire mine if not the entire Company. These computer systems were used mostly to store database information and were generally under the direct control of the accounting department. Applications were either batched or operated on a multi-terminal time-sharing system. Commercial computer-based graphics applications for the mining industry were non-existent. In 1974, Dowd worked with a CRT (cathode ray tube) for the design of an interactive mine planning and ore reserves estimation system (Dowd, 1974). Notley and
Wilson (1975) designed a simple 3-D underground mine drawing and plotting system based on wirefiarnes and hidden line elimination.
It was not until the mid 1970's that more complex integrated rnining engineering applications were developed. Bosman (1973) presented the development of Corninco's
MEPS for use in open pit mine evaluation and production scheduling. MEPS was capable
of handling geological data acquisition and analysis ore reserve calculations, plotting and contouring, pit design and scheduling. Mintec's Medsystem, probably one of the oldest commercial mine planning software packages, was marketed in the mid- 1970's. Developed for mainame cornputers, these packages were eventually rnigrated to powerful mini-cornputers. Early mine planning applications were limited mostly to the open pit muring (Zimrner, 1978; Garg and Piche, 1979; Nenonen, 1982) or coal mining industries @as, 1981;Chatterjee and Sridhar, 1986; Haycocks and Lucas, 1973).
The introduction of powerfil UND( graphic workstations and relatively inexpensive microcornputers in the 1980's revolutionized the engineering field. It was now possible for an individual to have his persona1 stand-aione computer. The relatively low cost of the hardware and software made it possible for many more individuals and cornpanies to develop and use new engineering tools (Franklin, 1985, 1988; Scott, 1988). There was unprecedented growth in al1 areas of mining engineering applications, starting with the migration of mainfiame applications to the new smaller and less expensive computer platfoms (Wright, 1989). Later, new planning packages based on the microcornputer
platforms started appearing. The regular block mode1 becarne more generalized as irregular solids-based models started appearing (Houlding, 1991a; 1991b).
The 1990's have seen unparaileled growth in the computer industry. Cornputer hardware costs have fallen dramatically while processing speeds have improved a hundredfold. The development of network technology has permitted the integration of the 1980's standalone cornputers into new business tools where users can share both information and equipment resources. New programming languages and techniques have evolved to take advantage of these new systems. Computers have more memory, storage capacity, and raw processing power at a lower cost then ever before. Sophisticated graphic user interfaces are now standard in engineering software applications.
This substantial increase in computing power has made possible the development of reasonably priced visualkation and graphic modeling systems that were once aimost exclusively the domain of the military and high-powered research laboratones. Today,
most rnining sofhware runs on Intel-based microcornputers running Microsofi windowsM
although UMX is still the operating system of choice for computationally intensive graphic applications ninning on powerful workstations.
There is no doubt that the underground hardrock mining industry does not have access to the same range and variety of integrated mine design and planning s o k a r e enjoyed by the
open pit mining industry. Practically ail of the commerciaily available planning systems have originated from, or were designed for, the open pit industry and were later retrofitted or generalized to include the underground mining industry. The author is not aware of even one integrated commercial package having been fuily developed for the sole use of the underground hardrock mining industry.
Several computerized planning tools are avaiiable to the underground coal industry. However, these packages are generaiiy not applicable to many underground hardrock deposits. Many hardrock mineral deposits are irregular, vein or massive type formations
while coal deposits tend to be seams. Cod mining operations typicaliy use continuous
miners for extracthg the coal whereas the hardrock industry uses mostly the ddl-blastmuck cycle. There are some similarities between coal and some sofl rock deposits like potash, gypsum and salt and coal-based mine planning software may be applicable to these types of deposits.
Several mining packages claim to be capable of handling the requirements of underground mining, however closer inspection of their capabitities indicates that these tools fdl far short of what is needed. The geological data analysis and orebody modeling requirements are cornmon to both industries: however, frther cornmonality disappears as soon as a rnining method has been selected.
Open pit deposits are amenable t o design using a block system that tends to parallel bench height. Open pits are developed from the top down and al1 waste rock must be removed to gain access to the ore below. Ventilation is not an issue with open pit mines. Access to the work faces is generally less constrained and equipment interference less likely to be an issue. Ground control problems are generally limited to slope stability and water i d o w s . Open pit equipment fleets tend to be smaller in number {not in size) and less varied because the haulage trucks are usually matched to the digging shovels. It is also the author's belief that planning and scheduling development and production work for open pit mines tends t o be simpler. From the point of view of open pit mine design, there are well known Optimization algorithrns available to aid the open pit engineer/planner.
Underground hardrock mines are designed to take advantage of the ore deposit. Because underground mines are more expensive to operate than open pit mines, waste rock is not mined unless absolutely necessary for stope access. Stope access is generally limited and constrained due to the cost of excavation and required ground support of levels and drifts. Ventilation is a serious issue as is ground control. Stope sequencing may well be dictated by ground control requirements. Bacldill may be required for support. Equipment fleets may be quite varied depending on the orebody complexity, the variety of rnining methods required and the number of workplaces required to operate simultaneously. Thus, planning and scheduling for underground hardrock mines tend to be much more complicated because activities tend to be much more interrelated and interdependent. Due to the limited nwnber and constrained nature of ail orebody access points, ore and waste rock
handling requirements must be balanced with the movement of supplies and resources. There is also a scarcity of optimization algorithms available to aid the engineer/planner and those that are available tend to oversimplifi the problem.
Over the years, several software vendors and in-house programmers have created mine design and planning packages for use in the mining industry. Most of these packages integrate geological information with orebody modeling and ore reserve estimation relatively weil. In most cases, excellent visualization tools are provided to help the geologist and the rnining engineer see the orebody. This is very helpfbl when performing feasibility studies.
However, for the most part, these packages fail in the area of underground mine design and planning. This is due rnostly to a narrow outlook on what is involved in design and planning. Most of these packages appear to consider mine design as a drafting process, thus they provide CAD drawing tools. Sirnilarly, planning is generaiiy lirnited to specifjing the order in which the development and production wiU proceed, accruhg tons and grades over a given time period while meeting set production targets.
However, mine design is much more than just CAD. It includes rnining method selection, stope sequencing, ground support, drilling and blasting, ventilation systems and equipment
selection among others. Mine planning deals with the management of constrained resources like time, money, labour, equipment and supplies. Logistics can be a major issue in large deep mechanized mines. Mine planning also means risk management and contingency planning. Production is a highly dynamic process and conditions can change rapidly. A good mine plan can be adapted and modified as required. Granted, there exist individual stand-aione design tools that can deal with some of the above factors, but no software package has yet to merge them into one integrated computerized system.
There are several explanations for the lack of good comprehensive integrated underground design and planning software. A list of potential explanations could include the following:
S m d software development houses with lirnited financial strength or technical skills. Very small market thus marginal return on vendor's investment or too expensive a price per license. Substantiai investment by the buyer to learn and effectively use the software hinders the introduction of new tools. Dficulties in developing tools that have broad applicability due to the variety of rnining options available.
Lack of numerical algorithrns to descnbe, solve and optimize underground rnining
problems. Poor understanding of the requirements or the complexities of underground mine design and planning. Rapidly evolving computer hardware and software technology causing uncertainty arnong software developers and buyers as to the best way to go.
Rapidly evolving computer hardware and software technology requiring constant upgrading of their products and re-training of the software programmers.
The overall market for mining software is small when compared to other business areas
and the underground hardrock mining software market is even smdler. There are relatively
few buyers. This makes mining software development very expensive since it is not possible for software vendors to reduce their unit costs by selling thousands of copies. With high unit costs to develop even basic applications, it is dficult for the software vendors to keep improving their products.
Substantial time and effort have t o be invested by a mining Company before its engineers and planners become effective in using the software. Even more effort will be required to transfer their mining files into something that the software will recognize and be able to use. This makes it difficult for companies to switch software should a better tool come dong. Once committed to a software package, it will take a major effort to change. The mining industry is also generally a conservative and somewhat skeptical group. Any software package will have to prove that it can handle the unique problems that exist at their operations before it will be trusted and used.
It is certain that the underground mine design and planning process is much more complex than that required for open pits. There are generally many more constraints to deal with, like rock mass strength and behavior, ground support, ventilation, and equipment. There are also many more mining method options available in underground mines. In many
deposits, the transition across and down the ore deposit will iikely require more than one
mining method. Sequencing of stopes for ground control can become an issue. Economics
are critical. It is difficult for a software developer to develop design and planning tools general enough to handle effectively the very broad range of issues encountered underground.
In addition, the complexities of underground mines mean that there does not exist at this
time any general optimizing algorithm similar to the Lerchs-Grossmann algorithm for determining the ultimate limits of open pits. Optimization in underground is a much more iterative process since the various components are strongly interrelated and it is likely that no numericd method exists that can tmly optimize an underground mine. Overall, global mine optimization may be a futile objective. A better strategy may be to use simulation t o analyze the impact of mining decisions, identifjing and controlling the factors to which the operation is most sensitive.
The rapidly evolving world of computer technology means that software development fims must constantly be improving their products to take advantage of the new hardware and software that their clients will be using. This means constantly upgrading the source code of their existing applications while developing new ones. This also means that the programmers must constantIy upgrade their skills thus creating an expense for the fims hiring them. With each product having only a few hundred licensed clients, it becomes
very difficult to pass on these costs to the clients who may or may not see any benefits in upgrading.
There is also the possibility that rapidly evolving hardware and software platforms is causing a paralysis within some software houses and their clients. It is expensive and very difficult for a software developer to maintain several versions of his products (Le.
~ , several variations of UND() while providing the fastest Windowsh, M ~ C O S and
possible code. Developers want access to the broadest client base, which today happens to be Microsoft windowsu". However, the rnost comrnoniy used platform does not necessarily irnply that it wl be the most suitable platform especially if performance is an issue (which it frequently is when performing graphies-intensive modeling or numencal
The availability of several hardware platforms makes it also dficult for mine planning users to select a suitable platform especially if there are no clear-cut guidelines or overall plan or the buyers are not aware of fture integration possibilities. It is not unusual for mining departments to buy incompatible cornputer platforms ancVor software packages based on uninformed decisions at an unqualified Ievel. This is especially likely to happen when one software package is incapable of satisfjing most if not al1 the needs of the various users. The resulting cornputer technology "islands" can be difficult to integrate later when people start to understand the needs and benefits of an integrated system. The inertia in a well-established system can be extremely difficult and costly to reverse or
change. This can be fiirther exacerbated if the departments are not CO-operating with one another or consider their information to be proprietary.
Tables 1 and 2 compare the fiinctionality and features of various commercial planning systems soid for underground mine design and planning. It should be noted that this analysis is based on 1999 marketing information and may not provide a current and completely accurate assessment of the capabilities of each system. A true comparison would require the testing of each system, using a realistic data set, for usability, accuracy, speed and fiinctionality. Such a comparison is beyond the scope of this research.
A cursory review of the capabilities indicates that many of the software packages are more
or less similar in fnctionality. For the most part, (with the exception of h p j D and ~ x a m i n e which ~ ~ , were designed for rock mechanics applications) al1 handle geologicd data capture, visualization and orebody modeling. They generally use a form of biock modei and are capable of working in a three-dimensional environment. AU systems can create mine Iayouts and provide capabilities to enter and store surveying information. Some packages offer limited dnlling and blasting design capabilities.
Table 1 - Review of Commercial Mining Software Punctionalities for Underground Mine Design and Planning1 o m Vendornul P d u b 1 CEMCoM 1 DATAMIMZ 1 SS1 1 mkmLYNX 1 MAPTEK 1 MINTEC 1 MINCQM 1 CEOSTATS 1 Mine
no ycs no
ycs na yes
Platform Databasc Platforni Graphical Interface R o g r m i n g Exlensions lmportlExpor Faciliiies
ModdngCqmbiWk Poinii and Lines Surfaces Solida DOSI Win95~N ODBC and MS Accw
Win NT
Win95MTand UNlX
Win 9SNT
Yes command languagc
1 Win 95M.I'
Y m
Y a
command languagc DXF
Access, Oracle Yes macro Exponto ArcView ycs yes Y= Olock Subblocks
2-D and 3-D
yes yes
Block Subblocks
Block Subblocks
yes yes Yes Block 2-D and 3D yes y en yes yes no no ycs ? ? Ventilation Analysis
ycs yes no
y p e Model T
OreR~esaiaaut# raphical Inierpretation Polygonal - . I n v m Distance Variogram and KriRing Layouts and CAD Stress Analysis Automatic Mesh Generator Ring Drill Layouts Bliisthole Layouis Explosive Charge tayouts Sprcid Fcatum a d Ertcniioni
three-dimensionai mode1 of the mine, the addition of a stress/displacement analysis module appears reasonable. Without looking at the influence of adjacent excavations, the impact of stope sequencing, the stabilizing effect of ground suppon and bacldill, dl these packages are very weak in one essential area of underground mine design. Al1 packages are also severely lacking in the area of matenal handling. The planning and scheduling functions provided are rudimentary and do not account for production resource availability, reliability and activity interference. No mine package includes a shulator for examining production sequences material handling sequences, and equipmenflabour performance. These mine packages also appear weak in the area of cost tracking.
In surnrnary, the currently available commercial systems appear to be very applicable and appropriate for canying out mineral exploration prograrns and feasibility studies. However, they are weak in the area of actual mine operations and generally very poor in the area of mine design, simulation and optimization. These packages do not offer decision-support capabilities and intelligence, providing instead computer assistance to the traditional manual methods. The mining operations using these packages either must accept these shortcomings, supplement these packages with other software (Le. standalone software), or develop their own custom-built applications.
Commercial packages like SURPAC", ~ a t a m i n e and ~ Gemcom represent today 's stateof-the-art mine planning systems. They provided an integrated three-dimensional, graphically based platform for doing geological modeiing and mine layouts. The important features of these prograrns can be summarized as follows: Graphic interface with sophisticated visualization system Three-dimensional approach (with 2-D support) Windows 95/NT operating system (with some UNIX-based systems) External commercial database linked to mine objects Block mode1 (with sub-block capabilities) Surfaces and DTM (Digital Terrain Modeling) capabilities Solid capabilities (unions, intersections, clippings, volumetrics) Excellent geological analysis and rnodeling tools Geological modehg generally based on sections linked together Geostatistical and other interpolation methods available Sophisticated open pit optimization routines Basic mine design capabilities (mine layouts, ramps) Basic computer-aided drafting tools Basic mine sumeying Basic mine planning/scheduling tools Basic drill and blast designs (ring blast mostly) Basic import and export capabilities (ASCII, AutoCAD DXF)
Several specialized, stand-alone commercial packages are available in the areas of Drafling (AutoCAR IMicroStationm) Simulation (AU~OMOD'", witnessm,G P S S ~ Geographical Information System ( ~ r c l ~ n fMaplnfom) o~,
FLAC? U D E C ~ ,
Geological data acquisition and analysis (PC-xPLORm, GEOSTATS'", ISATISm) Structural geology analysis @IPSO: UNWEDGE" Ground support design (StopeSofiv", GDAU") GoldRingm, ~ o l d ~ i r e - ) Driliing and blasting design (BLASTPA~, Microseismic data capture, modeling and analysis (ESG, MPZSO) Ventilation analysis net^^', ClimSimm, vents imm, 3D-c ANVENT'") Activity-based costing (ABECAS Lnsighttm) Equipment reliability analysis (FMEA, BestFitm) Operations management and maintenance tracking (MINCOM's MIMS'") Mining project economic and vduation analysis (MS ~xcel-, PCDEP, Opti-Cut'") Project and mine scheduling (MS projectv", Auto~cheduler'", XE RAS^, XPAC-)
Stand-alone packages have evolved for a variety of reasons. Several of them are genenc in nature, and applicable to several fields. Drafting, simulation, project scheduling, equipment reliability, numerical stress analysis, and activity-based costing al1 have applications in other areas. These packages are very mature in their development. Other packages are "niche" applications; they fil1 a specific need in the mining industry. Examples of niche applications include ventilation analysis, drilling and blasting aids, microseismic data gathering and analysis, and schedulers. Niche applications are typically started as small packages developed by one or two people, in many cases fiom a research or university setting, and later transformed into commercial applications. Niche applications are robust typically by being smaller than the large integrated systems and thus are easier to maintain. Niche applications are also less expensive to develop.
However, niche applications cm suffer from incompatibility with other products due to proprietary file formats, partial or rnissing file irnport and export capabilities or simply by a lack of foresight or knowledge on the part of their developers. Support and maintenance may be an issue. It is aiso possible for the produa developer to disappear from the marketplace because of buyouts, bankmptcies, lack of interest, retirement or death. The market for niche applications can be small and may not attract many new vendors over tirne, resulting perhaps in lower cornpetition, higher prices and a lower rate of software progress. These stand-alone packages are generally not uicluded in any of the serniintegrated planning packages mentioned previously. However, there may be facilities for exporting data between the two and thus removing some of the data fragmentation that currently exists. In many ways, semi-integrated mine planning packages like SURPAC and Gemcom represent niche applications because their markets are very small.
Developed mostly in an academic or research setting, several applications have never been marketed for one reason or another. These applications are typically crude and unpolished. Many mine optimization and expert systems developed for research purposes faIl under this category. Unfortunately, many if not most of these applications have faded into obscurity or are unavailable due to being proprietary.
Expert systems have been developed for use in several mining-related areas. H a r t et al.
(1978) worked on the PROSPECTOR expert system for minera1 exploration.
Dirnitrakopouios and David (1990) have examined the use of artificial intelligence in
geostatisticai ore reserve assessments. Miller-Tait et al. (1995) have extended Nicholas' rating system (Nicholas, 1981) for the selection of suitable mining methods while Gershon et al. (1993) have looked at including objectively more complex considerations for mining method selection. Hudson (1992) proposed a methodology for assessing rock mass domains. Gokay (1993; 1994), Hongwei and Shouji (1994) and Tapia et al. (1998) ail developed expert systems in the area of ground support selection and optimization. Zang and Wilke (1993), Urumov and Kulayev (1994) and Konyukn et ai (1994) have looked at equipment selection and assignment problems. Scheck (1988) and Smith and Hautaia (1990) developed expert systems for blast design. Su et al. (1993; 1994) have examined the application of expert systems to hydraulic bacffill design and stope scheduling respectively.
Because of a lack of suitable software addressing specific needs, severai mining companies and govemment agencies have created or attempted to create their own custom-built system. Noranda, Faiconbridge (Campbell and Smith, 1993), Kidd-Creek (Taylor and Paananen, 1991), Mount Isa (Hail, 1993), and CANMET (Boyer at ai., 1988) al1 have created at some point an underground mine desigdplanning system with varying degrees of success. Unfortunately, most mining companies are initially unaware of the comrnitment required to not only develop the software but also maintain it as it evolves. This is a very senous issue for any Company planning to develop its own custom software. Since mining
companies are not in the software business, they tend to abandon such projects and eventually buy ready-made commercial products.
The computational demands placed on the PDPll were so great that grades had to be calculated at night. In addition, the hierarchical database used was slow and inefficient. To speed up the work, the computer was upgraded to a PDP11/70and a new graphic screen was purchased. In 1983, Kidd Creek decided to move out of the in-house software business and started to look for commercial products. Software maintenance was taking up to 45% of the available programming time.
In 1985, a technical software vendor was selected (no details on who it was). The new hardware platform was a Cyberl8O. SIR, a relational database, was implemented for
storing the block mode1 used in grade estimation and for tracking rnining operations. The new hardware meant the replacement of the 3-D graphic screen with a software-based CAD approach. Urortunately, the block modeling software was designed for a singleuser. In 1988, the vendor went out of business. To obtain multi-user capabilities, the computer was replaced with a Cyber 932 and the hunt was on for a multi-user block modeling software package. Kidd Creek eventually selected the 3DGEO package and the block mode1 was transferred to it. At this point, Kidd Creek was no frther ahead in 1989 than it had been a decade earlier with most of their costs incurred migrating fkom one platform to another.
In 1989, Kidd Creek contracted out the development of a 3-D underground mine layout package with Datamine International. Poor graphic performance forced the addition of Cyber6 10 UND( workstations to augment the capabilities of their mainfiame.
The expenence of Kidd Creek is probably typical of many minhg companies and one can make the following observations: Early software implementations were hardware bound. Better computers meant better performance and capabilities.
Engineering modeling and storage demands rapidly reached and exceeded hardware capabilities. Migration fiom one hardware platform to another occurred every three to four years. Incompatibilities of older software mnning on new hardware resulted in functional trade-offs (losing one capability while gaining another).
Early in-house software development was eventually replaced with commercial offerings or contracted out.
It is unclear how much Kidd Creek paid over t h e , but the arnount was in the millions of dollars. The project could be Mewed as being both a failure and a success. It was a success because Kidd Creek was able to introduce computerized mine planning to its operations. It was a failure due to the lack of real progress over a period spanning 20 years.
selected the Schroff Corporation's Silver~creen'" development and CAD platform. SilverScreen offers an object-onented solid modeling toolkit complete with a C programming language. In addition, Microsofi's Visual c++<" programming environment is supported extemally. The developed applications work on either the Windows95' or
the NT"" platfonn although the UNIX based Silicon Graphics Irism platfonn is also supported. Objects can have non-spatial attributes stored internally or stored externally in a relational database. CAMP offers geological modeling and reserves estimation, mine layouts and surveying capabilities, and blasthole layouts. The geological modeling portion of CAMP is based on the placement of a "skin" over a series of sectional polygons. According to the CAMP software designer, reserves are calculated based on the inverse
distance square method (B.F. Smith, pers. comm., 1999). CAMP is currently implemented at both Fraser and Craig Mines.
Mount Isa's I M P S
In 1989, Mount Isa Mines Ltd. (Hall, 1993) started developrnent of a planning system
narned IMPS (Integrated Mine Planning System) based on Intergraph's Microstationmand oracle'su" database system and operating on a network of Intergraph's UNM workstations and PCs. Mkrostationu" oners an extensive CAD iibrary and a C like programming language. To facilitate the development, IMPS was built on top of
CAMP and W
Integrated geological modeling, reserve estimation, mine layouts, surveying, and blast design capabilities.
Based on a 3-D CAD development platfonn complete with an internai prograrnrning language. Object-onented principles used in design. Internai or extemal database linking spatial and non-spatial data. Built using competent systems analysts and pragrarnmers and meeting the user's and operation's needs (custom-built). Developed by "champions" who in tum are strongly supported by senior management. Long-term cornmitment by the companies.
It is anticipated that mine-planning systems will be extended in a variety of ways. Integration of mine design software for geomechanics, rnicroseismics, ventilation and drill and blast design is inevitable to improve the efficiency of the design/plannng process. Better analysis and visualization toois similar to those used in GIS (Geographical Information System) applications will also be included for the planner's use. The use of expert systems, integrated information systems or data warehouses, and activity-based costing are expected to improve the quality of the mine plans by providing decisionsupport capabilities and up-to-date information to the planner. Simulation techniques will see greater use in planning as a way to analyze and mode1 omplex situations and optimize the planning. It is also expected that there will be continuing efforts in the area of mine optimization.
As mines become more automated, it is anticipated that production control systems will eventually rnerge with the mine planning software to provide real-time control and feedback. Remote sensing capabilities will enhance the design/planning/production process by providing online data that will be analyzed in real-time. This new information will then be used to fine-tune the mining plans dunng the production cycle.
Integration will take place on several levels. Certainly, it is expected that support tools will continue to be integrated into the mine planning package however, with increasing mine automation, it is anticipated that the mine planning system will eventually be joined to the production control system.
Application Integration
The mine desigdplanning system offers a detailed and current three-dimensional mode1 of the mine complete with a sophisticated visualization interface. This creates a strong foundation to build frther applications.
GIS technology, or as some people cal1 it SIS technology (Spatial Information Systems, Salter and Francis, 1999), d l be integrated into the System to provide strong analytical tools. To date, GIS has been used most successfuUy in rnineral exploration programs (Bonham-Carter et al., 1988; Plummer, 1991).
GIS provides the ability to store, analyze, sort, display and combine large complex
surface-based data sets very rapidly to create new composites (Plumer, 1991). These data sets could include among others: satellite imagery, geophysicai data, discrete assay points, or rock mass domains. The information can be in two forms, raster and vector based. The information can be analyzed statistically or geostatistically, fiitered and sorted using complex queries that can in turn be displayed and used for frther analyses. A perfect application of GIS technology would be in microseismic data analysis. Where utilized, microseismics systems would be integrated within the mine planning system to take advantage of the visualkation and analysis capabilities, looking for trends or correlations with other factors.
It is expected that stand-alone mine design applications like geomechanics and ventilation
will be integrated in the mine planning system. Efficient mine design can not exist until
geomechanics is flly integrated in the mine planning system (Kazakidis et al., 1999). The optimization of stope dimensions, iayout, orientation, ground support and cost can not be achieved without considering geomechanics. With a detailed three-dimensional mine model, complete with geological, structural and excavation data, available on the mine planning system, it is inefficient to have to create a new extemal model to carry out a geomechanics analysis. Similarly, mine ventilation analysis could be integrated within the mine planning system since the planning system possesses an up-to-date model of the mine network.
Automation or Production Control Integration With increasing automation, the mine planning system wiil interface more and more with the automation or production control system. Based on monitoring and sensing idormation, the mine plan would be modified in real-time to meet the changing conditions. Some authors have coined the term "intelligent mine" t o describe the integration of mine computer systems with machines and equipment using a mine-wide communication and data network (Sakka et al., 1997).
However, it should be noted that the focus is on production control, not mine design and planning. Such a system requires that a plan already exists for the system to work properly. The "inteUigentY' system simply takes the existing plan and refines it. For instance, the mine planning software will download its drilling instructions to the drill. As d d h g proceeds, the drill itself will send information back to the planning software. Depending on what the drill "sees", the driling pattern may be adjusted or the explosive charge layout modified to consider the new information.
Similarly, remote sensors could record oxygen and contaminant levels in the air, requesting that the ventilation network be modified to provide better conditions. This would require that an analysis be performed to determine the impact of the change on the network. If feasible and if permitted by govenunent regulations, the ventilation software could then send instructions to remotely located fans and doors to alter the network to the new configuration.
Peck and Hendricks (1995) believe that timely information can be used to m o d e mining plans to better respond to market demands, equipment and labour productivities and mining conditions. This responsiveness would corne from the real-time accumulation of information fiom monitoring systems instaiied on mining equipment and within the mine. Using a communication network, monitors would provide a constant flow of information that would be accumulated and processed. This timely infonnation, combined with the operational objectives of the muiing plan, could be used in decision-making, possibly adjusting the plan and controlling the mining process.
While the above vision is true, information is valuable only if it is acted upon. This points to the marginal utility of information where the relevance of the Uifomition depends on its context. For exarnple, a mine that has good ground conditions wiil find the value of geomechanics studies to be marginal. Conversely, a mine with ground control problems will find geomechanics studies to be of great value.
In many situations, raw data is accumulated but never processed into information and
refined into knowledge. This processing and refinement will depend on who has the information and whether or not this information has value to them. Technology alone does not guarantee that information will be used even if it is available. However, it is likely that system integration will result in better use of the information because the software can be designed to accumulate, process and store this information for later use.
AU this accumulation of data can create a problem if it is not processed properly. This is a
real risk with computer systems where large and inexpensive data aorage is possible. Information overload or "data smogyyas coined by Shenk (1997) is the result of uncontrolled data gathering where quantity of information, instead of quality is the result. Any raw data that is accumulated will have to be sorted, filtered, and processed properly to obtain operational intelligence upon which to base future decisions. Data retention (Le.
just how long the information should be kept before it is discarded) also becomes an issue
to consider. The effective conversion of data into usehl information was highlighted by Houlding and Rychkun (1989) as an important component for data integration at al1 levels of a Company whether local to a department or global to the enterprise.
reliability of mobile equipment is important in estimating production rates. This information generally lies with the maintenance department. Similady, it is important to know what the operating costs are for the equipment in use. Knowing this information results in improved planning and cost estimates.
Over the last five years, cornputer systems integrating some of the above systems are starting to appear on the mining scene. DISPATCH~by Modular Mining Systems Ltd. (White and Zoschke, 1994; Zoschke and White, 1995), Aquila's Total Mining systemM (Peck and Gray, 1995; Peck and Hendricks, 1995) and Caterpillar-MINCOM's
MINE STAR^ offer comprehensive real-time monitoring, control and information systems
for open pit and underground mines. MINCOM, in particular with its MIMS~ software, offers an enterprise-wide information system integrating financial management, human resources. material management, and operations and maintenance.
Other areas include warehousing and inventory control. If the planning schedule calls for extensive blasting, it would be appropnate for the purchasing department t o be aware of the future demand for explosives. The planning system could be automatically tied to the warehouse system to check what is available and to place orders for new supplies as required. The benefits would be reduced warehouse inventories and storage requirements.
One definite trend is the use of mine information systems for decision-support. It is anticipated that mine planning will be enhanced by the use of expert systems or artificial intelligence. An adequately designed expert system could advise the inexperienced engineer when required, or supplement the experienced designer.
For instance, an aging and retiring workforce means that valuable expenence rnay be lost as these people leave their mining companies. Their replacements may not be as experienced and an expert system could help with the transition. Many mine sites also expenence high turnover rates. An appropriately designed expert system can not only help with the training, thereby shortening the leaming curve, but also advise on appropriate steps to be taken.
2 . 7 . 3
There have been some efforts in optimizing underground mines, however the problem is not trivial. The pursuit of an optimked mine design may even be questionable. An optimal solution is by its very nature inflexible because any deviations from the assumptions used for the optimization mode1 results in a sub-optimal design. The uncertainty associated with many of the parameters (e-g. grades, market prices, metal recoveries, costs, etc.) requires that mining solutions be flexible. Good solutions are robust and can tolerate variations and uncertainties.
This optirnization complexity is due to the interrelations between the various activities in mine desigrdplanning and the time element. A decision taken at a given point in time affects the options available later. If any optirnization is done, it is generally on a piecemeal basis and may not always consider downstream effects. Many of the constraints are difficult to measure and quanti&.
To be effective, mine optimization requires a more holistic approach. For instance, drilling costs are reduced by drilling fewer but larger holes. However, the detonation of these large blastholes may cause hangingwall sloughing which in tum affects dilution and ore recovery and thus the economics of the stope. Another scenario, the large blastholes can cause large rock fragmentation that in turn requires large scoops to muck. Large scoops require large shafts, raises and drifts that must be excavated and supported. Large drifts are expensive to create and maintain, especially at depth. However, small access openings are more dificult and costly to ventilate and in theory, there is an optimum access opening size that provides both the minimum development cost and ventilating cost (Wang and Ogbonlowo, 1982). The global optimization of this material-handling problem is complex because it involves several interrelated components.
Mine optimization is complicated by the variability and uncertainty observed in many of the activities and processes. For instance, there are variations in equipment reliability, availability, downtime, and productivity rates. For such problems, simulation is of benefit in examining the interrelationships and determining the potential risks of planning decisions. For example, are three large scoops better than six smaller ones for rnining a particular orezone? The answer could depend on equipment reliability, cost of operation, and interference between the various pieces among other factors.
In underground hardrock mining, simulation has recently been used to examine the productivity of haulage equipment, and the impacts of mining method and production rate
on the potential casMow for an ore deposit (Vagenas et al., 1995; 1996; 1998; Yazici et
al., 1999a; 1999b). It is expected that simulation will continue to play an important role in
assessing mine designs and plans.
Remote sensing research is ongoing in several areas. There has been much work in the area of sensor development for monitoring equipment status and performance (JSnights et al., 1993; Kumar et al., 1994). This work has application in equipment health monitoring where problems are identified early on and preventive maintenance work is perforrned.
Automatic ventilation control will likely become common place because al1 the required technological elements are available (i-e., sensors, communication network, analysis software, and controllers). Real-time monitoring of air quality with airfiows adjusted to meet the required demand should reduce ventilation costs (Dasys and Hardcastle, 1997) provided it is permitted by law.
Remote sensing of metal grades and rock mass conditions is continuing. Vibration sensors and artificial intelligence techniques have been used for detecting lithographie variations experienced by rotary drills (Pollitt and Peck, 1991). Some measures of success have been experienced but more work is required. McDowell et al. (1999) are currently investigating the use of gamma neutron activation for doing in-the-hole ore grade assaying. Gallie et al. (1999) are explonng the reflectance of infiared and visible wavelengths for logging core
and estimating metd grades. if this work becomes successful, the timeline between geological data gathenng and interpretation could be considerably shortened.
Several interrelated engineering, planning and economics elements must corne together when designing and planning an underground mine. Table 3 summarizes and sorts these fnctionai elements in broad categones.
Cat ow
Exploration and -0l0gy Engineering and Design
Geological Data Capture, Editing and Storage Geological Data Visuaiization, Anaiysis and Plotting Orebody Interpretation and Moeling Drill-indicated Mineral Reserves Inventory and Reporting Mining Mehod Selection Mineral Reserve Estimation Mine Valuation Stress Analysis and Modeling Ground Support Selection Stope SiPng, Orientation, Sequencinp:and Extraction Direction Prirnary Access Design Seondary Acess Design Material Handling System Design Mine Systems (Power, water, compresseci air, fans, pumps, networks) Price, Metal Demand, Inflation Forecasting Long-terrn Planning and Economics Analysis Short-term Planning and Economics Analysis Equipment Selection and Life-cycle Analysis Ventilation Design and Planning Drilling and Blastinp: Design Scheduling (Equipment, labour, bacffill, supplies, maintenance) Estimated Production Statisticsand Costs Surveying (excavation control) Actual Production Statistics and Costs (cost control) Fragmentation and Grade Control Incident Investigations and Statistics (injuries, bursts, falls of gmund, etc) Environmental Monitoring (ventilation, power, water, sludge, rock m a s )
1 Production Monitoring 1
and Control
To extend the capabilities and power of the desigdplanning system, the System must be networked to other extemal computer systems and databases within the mine as illustrated on Figure 2. These externai systems would likely include: Mine and equipment maintenance system (for production, downtime, repair history, reliability statistics for use in planning and simulation as weH as equipment assignments, availability status and unit costs) Mine inventory and warehousing system (for inventory tracking* unit costs and order forecasting of supplies and consumables) Personnel database system (for labour assignments, availability status and unit costs) Accounting system (for tracking costs and budgets for workplaces, processes and activities) Data warehouses (for enterprise wide transfer of information)
Depending on the level of automation within operations, the System could be interfaced to a Production Control and Monitoring System. This real-time system, built on a high-speed high-bandwidth communication network could provide the following fiinctionalities:
Production equipment and remote equipment control (real-time machine "health", current status monitoring and control) Mine control systems status for updating the very-short term mine plan and finetuning the production schedule Mine environment and energy monitoring (for red-time monitoring and control)
Both the Mine DesignPlamhg System and the real-tirne Production Monitoring and Control System would access the sarne common database for sharing, tramferring and
storing information. This common database repository, residing on one or more servers, would contain the spatial and non-spatial database infornation. Figure 3 illustrates the architectural breakdown in fnctions as well as the major data flows in, out and between the two major systems. Figure 4 illustrates the physical architecture of the systems with the communication/network backbone included.
The Mine DesigdPlanning System will be used for the analysis, design and planning of mining operations, storing its designs and plans within the common repository. The Production Monitoring and Control Syaem, operating in real-time, would translate the design and plans into instructions that would be downloaded to the equipment. At the same time, the Production M o n i t o ~ g and Control System would acquire information from the equipment and update the common repository. Later, the Mine DesignIPlanning System would access the database, confirm or m o d e its plans t o account for the latest information. At any point, planners, supervision, or management could request the latest layouts, plans or production reports for review and analysis.
Information System
& Layoutd
Ordering System
2 Machlm ronHulr~ 4C o n l r d
kOuhymumy D l c
iinr F n 1Sohaduli
U n t Co*
Hdorlcll hodudlm w
Figure 4 - Physical Architecture of the Combined Mine DesigdPlanning and the Production Monitoring and Control Systems
3.1 Introduction
The term system originates fiom the Greek "systema" and "synistanai" meaning "to combine" (Webster, 1989). Thus, Webster defines a system as:
Based on the discussion presented in Chapter 3, this definition can be considered applicable to the mine desigdplanning process where several components must interact with each other while also being interdependent to form a unified rnining plan. The identification of the relevant factors, parameters and components as weU as their interrelations and interdependencies is therefore one of the critical steps in the development of a stable, relevant and representative system. Methodologies are therefore required for describing the system in a manner that is accurate, consistent and complete. Ideally such methodologies are simple to understand and to use. These methodologies fa11 under the general description of system analysis.
Systems analysis uses a suite of methods that have evolved to analyze and descnbe complex systems by breaking down a complex system into hierarchically lower-level problems until manageable, relatively simple problems are defined. This decomposition process is fundamentai to the systems analysis process to reduce the apparent complexity.
Although frequently associated with software engiiteering, most systems analysis techniques can be applied to any complex system whether it is computerized or not. Systems c m take many forms, ranghg fkorn simple written procedures for carrying out a task to a complex strategic anti-ballistic missile defense system. Computerized systems uiclude among others: control systems, reporting and financial transaction systems, decision-support systems and mine design/planning systems.
The ability to describe a system accurately is important for several reasons including: Tramferring information fiom one party to another Coordinating the design, developrnent, testing and integration of the various components Describing the transformation process that takes place on information or materials as they flow through the various components Aiding in the future troubleshooting of problems or upgrading of the system Aiding in the design of system simulators for process troubleshooting, validation,
and testing
Aiding in the evaluation of the system's reliability Aiding in the documentation process
Systems analysis techniques form part of the methodologies used in software engineering. These techniques include among others: requirements analysis, aructured analysis and design (SAID), and object-oriented analysis and design (OOA/D).
SoAware engineering comprises methodologies, tools and procedures for s t r u c t u ~ g and controlling the software developrnent life cycle. Figure 5 illustrates two cornmon software development life-cycle methodologies: the Waterfaii and Spiral models. The WaterfaiI (Royce, 1970) software development life cycle model comprises the following consecutive phases:
1) Analysis and definition of requirements and functionality including system interactions into a logical model.
2) Design of a physical model based on the logical model defined during the analysis
phase. System architecture, data structure, module interfaces, object models are defined and assessed before actual coding.
3) Coding or programming the design specifications into procedures, modules and
5) Documentation of al1 software development work, system requirements and design specifications.
6) Maintenance or upgrading to the software as the product evolves.
Feasib ility
Each passage t o m phase to phase is marked by completion of s document that gwms the following phase
These phases are done in sequence with each phase being completed before proceeding to the next phase. Many practitioners believe that the Waterfall Model does not reflect reallife experience. It has been replaced with the Spiral Model (Boehm and Papaccio, 1988).
Under the Spiral Madel, software development progresses in smaller steps. Typically, some analysis work is done based on broad objectives followed by some design and coding however each phase is oniy partially completed. The stepwise progression permits the users and clients to provide input early on the process and make modifications early on when it is easier and less expensive to do so. The software becomes more defined and refined with each iteration, hence the cornparison to a spiral.
equipment is supposed to be able to do. Requirements are written to meet the specific needs of a client. It is a process of discovery between the client, the stakeholders, the customers and the users (Robertson and Robertson, 1999). Requirements Anaiy sis requires specific application domain (e-g. underground hardrock mining engineering) and organizational knowledge.
Requirements Analysis has several purposes which include: Detennining the scope of the problem domain Determining the services required Determining the constraints applicable
Determining the extemal systems Determining the performance expected fiom the product
The Requirements Analysis is based on meetings and i n t e ~ e w s with several parties that include the client, stakeholders, users, customers, and domain experts. However, the process of determining requirements can be difficult. Users ofien do not know exactly what they want. Users may have unreaiistic expectations or be completely unaware of what is actually feasible. There may also be communication barriers between the analyst carrying out the requirements work and the users, caused by training and environment. Unclear, rnissing, or contradictory requirements are a pcimary source of system development problems that result in unsatisfactory products, development costs and time overruns and abandoned projects (Vigder and Kark, 1994).
The Requirements Analysis is a critical phase within the software development life cycle
(Cen et ai., 1998). Errors cornmitted during this phase, for example misunderstanding the
exact needs of the user or poor formulation of the requirements, nearly always have serious and costly consequences. It has been estimated that fixing a requirement error i s
up to 100 times more costly than fixing a simple programming error (Kotonya and
Sommerville, 1998; Blum 1992). Unfominately, it is vimially impossible to write a complete and excellent set of requirements and specifications at the very beginning of a complex software project. It is only after programming has begun and users see the intefiaces and system capabilities that the requirements and specifications can be refined and finalized (Kovitz, 1998).
DifFerent stakeholders may impose different requirements with cornmon and conflicting goals thus requirements analysis may need a process to achieve consensus. Organizational and political factors can influence the requirements process. Requirements may actually change over time or additional requirements may be imposed (referred to as requirements creep).
Requirements are collected and entered in a Repirements Domment which is not, however, a design document. Ideally, the document should focus only on what the system or product should provide without applying constraints. However, in practice, few systems are stand-alone and thus need to interface or interact with other systems.
Although the format of a Requirements Document can vasr, there are several common elements to al1 such documents. The document must contain or define the prime or highest requirement. This is essentiaily a statement as t o the overall goal or purpose of the product. This prime requirement is actuaiiy quite important because it is used to compare and assess the vaiidity of al1 other requirements. Requirements that do not match the overall goal or objective of the product should not be considered. The prime requirement needs to be assessed as being achievable, reasonable, feasible and desirable. If the prime requirement does not meet ail these conditions, then the validity of the project must be questioned and re-exarnined. The Requirements Document needs to identm the client, al1 stakeiiulders, potential customers, and users. For a Mine DesigdPlanning System, potential stakeholders could include:
Mine managers Exploration and mine geologists Surveyors Mine engineers and planners
Potential users include definitely the mine geologists, surveyors, mine engineers and planners but could also include underground supervisors, the mine manager, costs analysts
The Requirements Document also details specific constraints that apply t o the system. Constraints include items such as specific computer platforms and operating systems, interfaces to specific external systems, specific development tools or applications, as well as specific legal or regulatory requirements. The document should state the tirne available to design, develop and implement the product, any budgetary cap, relevant facts and assumptions made, as well as an estimate of time and money to complete the system. The document should identifjr the risks associated with the project. One of the reasons for capturing al1 of this information is to enable the client to make an informed decision about moving on to the next phase of system development. Although defining the requirements is an expensive process, developing, programming and implementing a system is even
more expensive. The Requirements Document provides the client with an opportunity to reflect and think about the project. The client must be satisfied that the project is still worthwhile pursuing. The client must also detemine who wiN ultimately develop the system, and whether it will be developed internally or externally. The client will also have
to assess the tture maintenance requirements and determine what resources will be
Requirements are split into two kinds, functional and non-functional requirements. Functional requirements apply specifically to the domain, in this case mine design and planning. Non-functional requirements are related to other issues that include: "Look-and-Feel" or user interface Usability requirements Performance requirements Operational requirements Maintainability and portability requirements Security requirement s Cultural and political requirements Legal requirements Documentation requirements
In surnmary, Requirements Analysis is used to provide the following ( S o m m e ~ l i e and Sawyer, 1997):
Thus, requirements are a mixture of problem information, statements o f system behaviour, properties and design, and development constraints (Kotonya and Sommerville, 1998). Requirernents analysis defines the information that programmers wili need t o know t o create a system that will match the behaviour described in the specifications and ultimately fflls the requirements (Kovitz, 1998).
Chapters 6, 7 and 8 contain a prelirninary requirements analysis for an integrated underground hardrock mine design and planning system. Chapter 6 discusses project divers and constraints applicable to a computerized system. Chapter 7 details the functional requirements while Chapter 8 presents the non-functional requirements of the
One of the fndamental concepts of science is that to solve a problem one rnust first understand it! Developed in the late 1960's, SfructuredAnafysis (SA) is a methodology for analyzing and modeling the activities (Le. fnctions, processes) of complex systems o r organizations so as to gain an understanding of the systems (Ross, 1977). It was felt at the time that better methodologies were required for developing large complex systems
especially in the area of military defense where several weapons, radar and communications sub-systems located on one or more platfoms would have to interact correctly and reliably.
DeMarco (1979) popularized the term with the introduction of formal notation and techniques to create hierarchical structured models that exhibit high cohesion and Iow coupiing (Fertuck, 1992). A high cohesion and low coupling mode1 has a strong fnctional association within a single diagram but weak dependence between separate diagrams.
Modeliig tools and process decomposition utilized to build structured models include structured analysis and design (SADT), data flow diagrarns (DFDs), entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs), activity-entity diagrams organizational design, and process flowcharts. Ross (1993) points out that there are two distinct styles of structured models. Activiy
models (SADT) examine what happens within the system (Le. business processes) while
dataflow models (DFD) look at the components of the system (Le. information flows for
software development). Both SADT and DFD diagrams are used in this thesis for analyzing and describing the mine design and planning process. Both SADT and DFD techniques are based on formal graphical languages that help in understanding the process being modeled. Each method uses a few relatively simple graphic constmas that have specific meaning. The decomposition approach, performed at the process constmct level provides the means to increase the level of detail without introducing increased complexity.
SADT was the primary rnethodology used for modehg the mine design and planning process.
Originaliy developed for the United States Air Force for analyzing and comunicating the
f'unctional perspective of a system, SADT has evolved into a forma1 method suitable for modeling the decisions, actions, and advities of an organization or system. The 1993 govemrnent standard, IDEF0, formaiized the notation and methodology for this activity-based modehg tool (FIPS PUB 1993).
Effective IDEF0 models provideci several benefits incuding: rganizing the analysis of a system Promoting good communication between the analyst and the customer EstabLisbg the scope of an analysis, especially for a funaional analysis Enhancing dornain expert involvement and consensus decision-making through
peiform those hctions, what the current system does right, and what the current systern does wrong.
Thus, IDEF0 models are oflen created as one of the first tasks ofa systern development effort.
Functional Mode1
The "box and arrow" graphics of an IDEF0 diagram show the fnction as a box and the interfaces to or fiom the fnction as arrows entering or leaving the box (Marca and McGowan 1993). To express processes, boxes operate simultaneously with other boxes,
with the interface arrows "constraining" when and how operations are triggered and
following: Diagrams based on simple box and arrow graphies. English text labels to describe boxes and arrows and glossary and text to define the precise meanings of diagram eIements. The graduai exposition of details featuring a hierarchical structure with the major function at the top and with successive levels of sub-functions revealing wellbounded decomposition. An lDEF0 model starts with the whole system
h i s box is frther represented by a single box having a name and a set of arrows. T
sub-divided into a set of sub-ftnctions each having a unique name and set of arrows. This decomposition process is repeated with each level revealing an increasing level of detail.
A "node chart" that provides a quick index for locating details within the hierarchic
structure of diagrams. The limitation of detail to no more than six sub-fiinctions on each successive decomposition.
(an active verb phrase as opposed to a noun) and various interface arrows. The interface
arrows represent the complete set of extemal interfaces to the system as a whole. The context diagram essentiaily identifies the boundaries of the model. Each context diagram must have a purpose to state the intent of the model and why the model was created as well as presenting a vzewpoint The viewpoint refers to the perspective to be used when creating the model.
The box that represents the system as a whole is then detailed frther in a new diagram with new boxes accounting for major sub-functions of the parent function and connected
by interface arrows. This decomposition process, shown in Figure 7, reveais a complete
set of sub-functions, and each of them may be similarly decomposed to expose even more details. Finaily, the functional model is made up of a suite of diagrams with supportive documentation.
Incorning arrows represent the inputs required to perform an activity or fnction. Outgoing arrows represent the outputs created when the activity is carried out. Control (or constraint) arrows represent the circumstances or conditions that govem a function.
The crucial difference between controls and inputs is that inputs are modified in some way by an activity (although it should be noted that this distinction is often somewhat subjective
- especially when the inputs or controls are items of information rather than
physical things). The mechanim (or resource) arrow(s) are resemed for indicating the person or the device who 1 which carries out the activity. In summary, the input and output arrows show what is done by a fnction, the mechanism arrows show how it is done, and the control arrows show why it is done.
The positions of functions in a diagram do not indicate any particular time sequence, but a function cannot be performed until the relevant input is made available to it (e.g. by another function producing these data as an output). Feedback between dserent functions is represented as looping arrows. Arrows may branch or join and may also be tumeied. The use of tumeled arrows indicates that the data or items represented are not relevant at a previous, or subsequent, level of detail. The decomposition process leads to a hierarchical ordering of the functions and sub-functions represented on the IDEF0 diagrams. Each of the activities that is decomposed and represented on a separate diagram in greater detail, can also be represented as a node in a single activity tree.
The diagrarns in the tree are referenced using their node number. This number is obtained
by combining the letter A with the number that indicates the depth of the activity in the
hierarchy: A-O for the context diagram, then AO, Al, Al 1, etc.).
The rules of IDEF0 are sufficiently rigorous and precise to satisfy the needs of the analyst without being overly constraining. IDEF0 rules include the following (FIPS PUB, 1993): Control of the details communicated at each level (three to six fbnction boxes at each level of decomposition). Bounded context (no omissions or additional out-of-scope detail). Diagram interface connectivity (Node numbers, Box numbers, C-numbers, and Detail Reference Expression). Data structure comectivity (ICOM codes and the use of parentheses for tumeled arrows). Unique labels and titles (no dupiicated names). Syntax rules for graphics (boxes and arrows). Data arrow branch constraint (labels for constraining the data flow on branches). Input versus control separation (a rule for detennining the role of data). Data arrow label requirements (minimum labeling niles). Minimum control of fbnction (dl fbnctions require at least one control). Purpose and viewpoint (al1 models have a purpose and viewpoint statement that is stated on the Context Level Diagram).
IDEF0 Methodology
included in the purpose of the model and carried out by the selection of finctions and interface names dunng model development. Applying the IDEF0 methodology results in
an organized representation of the activities and the important relations between these
activities in a non-temporal fashion. IDEF0 does not support the specification of a recipe or process. Such detailed description of the specific logic or timing associated with the activities requires the IDEF3 Process Description Capture Method (Mayer et al., 1995). IDEF3 captures precedence and causaiity relations between situations and events in a form natural to domain experts by providing a structured method for expressing knowledge about how a system, process, or organization works
The prirnary strength of IDEF0 is that the method has proven effective in detailing the system activities for function modeling, the original stmctured analysis communication goal for IDEF0. Activities can be described by their inputs, outputs, controls, and mechanisms (?COMs). Additionally, the description of the activities of a system can be easily refined into greater and greater detail until the model is as descriptive as necessary for the decision-making task at hand. IDEF0 is effective in communicating and presenting results because everyone is looking at the same model and using the same definitions.
The nature of IDEF0 facilitates the ability to build ("AS-IS') models for baseline evaluation and frther analysis. DEF0 begins the road map from the "AS-IS to the "TO-
BE'. In complex activity models, it c m become difficult to distinguish and separate the
"AS-1s" fiom the "TO-BE diagrams especiaily if the changes are subtle.
One problem with IDEF0 is the tendency of IDEF0 models to be interpreted as representing a sequence of activities. Whde iDEF0 is not intended to be used for modeling activity sequences, it is easy to do so. The activities may be placed in a left to nght sequence within a decomposition and c o ~ e c t e d with the flows. It is natural to order the activities left to right because, if one activity outputs a concept that is used as input by another activity, drawing the activity boxes and concept connections is clearer. In cases where activity sequences are not included in the model, readers of the model may be tempted to add such an interpretation. It is sometirne difncult to distinguish between controls and inputs to a h c t i o n .
It may be dificuit to distinguish and separate dflerent viewpoints. This is very important since each SADT model is based on a specific viewpoint. M i n g dflerent viewpoints results in confusing models. For example, a process model created fiom the viewpoint of a mine manager will be different fiom that of an underground miner. Although both individuals are involved in mining related activities, they have different emphasis.
The abstraction away fkom timing, sequencing, and decision logic allows conciseness in an IDEF0 model. However, such abstraction also contributes to comprehension diiEculties
among readers outside the domain. This particular problem has been addressed by the
IDEF3 method that captures and describes the behavioural aspects of a system.
The structured, rigorous and graphical nature of SADT modeling makes it easy to implement in paper and pen format. However, much greater benefits are achieved when
SADT modeling is transformed into a CASE (Cornputer-Aided Software Engineering)
tool that will enforce the lDEF0 rules transparently thus pennitting the user to focus instead on the modeling aspects. However, a CASE tool does not automatically make a user an expert in activity modeling. Expertise is achieved through training and experience.
Appendix D contains a detailed set of SADT diagrams that describe the mine design and planning process. These drawhgs were prepared nom the viewpoint of the mining professional performing mine design and planning work.
3 . 3 . 2
Data Flow Diagrarnming @FD) is a graphic modeling tool for analyzing the flow of information as it goes from one process to another. As data fiows through the processes, it is trmsformed. The DFD identifies and captures these transformations as they physically happen in the real system. The transformations are then converted into a logical mode1 that eliminates the existing physical constraints (Fertuck, 1992). The DFD is not intended to mirror exactly an existing system or a new system. DFD only captures the essential features. Real concems like costs processing time, physical file lirnits and error checking
analyzing and modeling the information data flow for a robotic mine.
Several notations are available, however, for this work, the Gane and Sarson notation was used (Gane and Sarson, 1979). The notation is very simple and consias of four elements as s h o w on Figure 8.
Fik Name
Terminators are external entities with which the system communicates. Al1 terminators must have at least one data f l o w entering or leaving and al1 are named using a noun.
D a t a Flows carries data in the direction of the arrow, with the name of the data flow
located on the arrow itseif The arrow can cany data nom a temiinator to a process, fkom a process to a terminator, fiorn a process to a file, or fiom a file to a process. Data can not flow directly between two terminators, between files, fiom a terminator to a file, or fiom a file to a terrninator. The data can be in many formats including paper-based forms, computer disks, electronic signals or even verbal messages. The content of the data c m range from the very specifx (detailed) to the very general (aggregated). Flows are labeled using a noun and sometime with an adjective to add clarity fiom similar nouns. Data updates are indicated by a data flow with arrows at both ends.
Processes are used to transforrn one or more incoming data flows into one or more
outgoing data flows. Processes are labeled using a verb. DFDs are decomposed hierarchically at the processes only.
Files or Data Stores store data for later use by a different process or in a different place.
A series of prelirninary DR) diagrams are contained within Appendix A. These diagrams
outline a basis information system for an integrated computerized mine design and planning system.
The shift fiom procedurai-based to object-orientation in the 1980's represented a great paradigm shift in the world of software development. While object-onented concepts k e encapsulation, inhentance and polymorphism may appear somewhat abstract, we live in an object-oriented world where physical objects display specific characteristics and behaviours and where similarity is recognized and categorized. While stmctured modeling techniques begin by modeling the process and associated data flows eventually grouping them into data structures, object-oriented modeling starts by mapping the world into objects and classes and then encapsulating attributeq methods and data within. Therefore, 00 models are a better representation of the problem domain and are viewed by many as being more adaptable to evolving requirements. This is because 00 models are based on the stable fiamework of the problem domain itsell: rather than the changeable tnctionality of the system (Rurnbaugh et al., 1991). Other characteristics of 00 models include:
Data hiding or encapsuIation - Data can not be accessed except through code
specifcally associated with the data. Code and data are therefore bound together and objects are isolated from one another. One invokes a procedure in a given object or group of objects by "sending a message".
Hierarchy o f object definitions or inheritance - New objects are defined by first
defining a general concept (referred to as a class) and then refining the concept into a hierarchy of definitions. Definitions lower in the hierarchy are said to inherit fiom definitions above. An object created fiom a class is cailed an instance. Classes and instances are related to the data structure definition found in more conventional programming. Hierarchy provides a framework to define abstraction
of things and then to flesh out the abstractions into objects which mode1 the desired charactenstics. Higher levels define more abstract concepts, common protocol and shared code. Lower levels define concrete implementations. Hierarchy forces structure early on while providing generality and therefore significant code sharing and reuse. The hierarchy also aids in keeping the effect of changes locdized while providing significant design assistance. Poiymorphism (multiple routines or methods having the same narne) - Each object has procedures or subroutines associated with it (referred to as methods). Each method has a name and the narne can be the sarne as method narnes in other objectS. Polymorphism takes care of accidental narne confiicts and provides significant code sharing and code reuse.
Conventional procedural or fnction-oriented programming is based on fundons manipulating data by following a rigid senes of steps. The fiinctions or procedures are kept separate fiom the data. Most of the older programming languages (e-g. BASIC, Fortran, Cobol, Pascal and C) are procedurai languages. While still cornmonly used, procedural languages have several drawbacks as follows:
Code and data are separate. Data is provided to the procedure, which then transfomis this data into something else. The name of the procedures and the global data must be unique and not confiict with each other. Specific data types are built into the system. Data must be one of a few pre-defined types, or arrays or structures of these types (i.e., integers, floats, etc.) Building new data types can be difficult since they can not be implemented as a data type but as a procedure.
Programs are designed around code structure (Le., one writes code, not data). If the data format changes even slightly, substantial code revisions may be required. Related fnctions can be distributed throughout many modules. This makes the code more difficult to change. A change to one lnction may ripple to many other fnctions.
programming. With OOP, both the data and the procedure are closely intertwined. Developed in the late 19607s, SIMULA was the original object-oriented programming language (Sklenar, 1997). Examples of primary OOP languages are Smalltalk (Goldberg, 1994), C H (Stroustmp, 1991) and Java (Gosling and McGilton, 1996; Thomas, 1999). OOP offers several benefits over conventional procedural programming approaches for complex software projects. These benefits are a result of the basic characteristics of object-orientation and include the followings:
Code reuse permits the capitalization of sofhvare. Localization of changes (local to a class or subclass) thus reducing maintenance costs. Design assistance (hierarchicai nature of OOP forcing consideration of design before coding). Extensibility (easier to make changes or addition to a specific area of a program while minimizing the ripple effect to other areas). Faster development (as a results of the benefits above) providing rapid, incremental, iterative application development.
Appendices B and E contains a preliminary series of object class models for a computerized hardrock mine design and planning syaem built upon objectsriented principles. Appendix B presents in graphical form the basic class system and object hierarchy while Appendix E provides details on the corresponding object class attributes.
4.1 Introduction
Geologists engheers and planners must consider severai factors when performing mine analysis, design and planning. These fctors are usually interdependent and it is these interdependencies that increase considerably the complexity of underground mine design and planning especiay when an "optimum" mine plan and schedule is the final goal. To simplify the process, mine design and planning is divided into a multi-stageci iterative process where each stage has specinc objectives to be met. Table 4 outlines this mdti-staged planning approach
and presents some ofthe major fctors that impact the objectives to be met at each stage.
Each stage is affected by the decisions and assumptions made previously. Significant
discrepancies between assumptions and resuhs wi mean a return to an earlier planning stage for corrections and changes, thus resulting in an iterative planning process.
Knowledgeable engneers and planners, who use their judgement and experience when making assumptions and selecting suitable courses of action, can sigdcantly reduce this iterative process. However, good judgement and experience can be expensive and obtain. difkult to
Estimatexioverail ore dilution percentage.
Available technology will impact on the nning and milling methods usai
Mining methoci selected depends on depost features and dimensions.
Grade c u t d selected afltasavaiable ore reserves and depends on eamomic value of the depogt
Production IewUrate seleced &pends on &le ore tonnages available.
Ecommic value ofthe deposit (mine Metal prias impacts ecl,mmic value of valuation). depost Maxunize pmfitabityfrom the exmaion Long-Tenn PlPaning Mine and mil1 plant size (as weii as of the enire ore resewes (mine sxpencing). requidcapital expendihms) depend or Development on seleaed production 1eveVfate. Planning Opimize the development w r k requmto accessthe Qposit (mine Iayout). The development wodc quired depends on the orebody iayout and physical dimensionsas well as the minine:metbodelected. (driliing, blastinp:and handiing). . . The profitability of the selemxi mining Maxmm pmfitabiiity h m the exhadon Short-Term blodcs depends on all previously made Pianningor Operritiobs Planning amunpiionsand determined objectives.
The information presented in this section is meant to identiQ and highlight the signincant factors and parameters that should be considered in the design and planning of underground mines as well as their interrelationships and interdependencies. This information is based on an extensive literature review as weli as the author's personal experience. These factors and parameters may not be explicitly defined within the integrated computerized system but need to be considered as part of a complete assessment. A computerized system should ensure that due consideration is given to ali relevant factors even if it is in the form of a simple reminder to the user or a checklist to be filled by the user.
Gathered during field exploration, geological data foms the basis upon which ali mine design and planning is built. Exploration data is quite diverse in nature and can include geological, geochemicd, and geophysical data as well as surveying and mapping data. Because of the substantiai cost of field exploration, it is important to properly manage and analyze this data to gain the most benefits. Figure 9 illustrates the geological modeling process in a simple flowchart. As a whole, geological modeling is a sequential process. However, it is critical to have both the best geological data and modeling tools available to create as accurate as possible a representation of the orebody and geological model. Further drilling may be required to answer questions about the interpretation of the geology andfor reduce the potential error in the grade estimates.
Grade and ore reserve estimation is the process of transforming point sarnple information into ore zones having tonnage and grade. Ore reserve estimation is generaily a two-part process. First, drill-indicated reserves or resources that do not take into account mineability and economics are calculated. With the consideration of mineabiiity and economics, the resources are transforrned into ore reserves that can be used for mine design and planning. An ore reserve mode1 is a basic requirement for ail h r e mine design and planning because it is criticai to know the shape, dimension, and orientation of the orebody as well as the spatial distribution of the metals contained w i t h .
Figure 10 displays the factors affecthg geological analysis and modeling. The primary factor is the proper and accurate determination of geological zones and associated properties (i-e. lithology). This primary factor is dependent on the identification of geological controls, the sampling and assaying techniques used, the mapping and surveying accuracy, the selected statistical and geostatistical data anaiyses and the grade estimation methods (Valiee and Cote, 1992). Each one of these factors WUaffect directly the quality of the resulting geologicai modeling. Any erron or omissions made in identifjing the geological controls, in surveying, sarnpling and assaying, as well as statistical analysis work will have direct consequences that wiil affect al1 future work.
Mine design sets the stage for the orebody's long-term development and production schedule. Decisions made at this stage have a long-term impact on the economics of the mine. Mine design involves several interrelated and interdependent activities, components and factors as illustrated on Figures 11 and 12. The major activities inciude miing method selection, stope design, layout and sequencing, primary mine access layout, optimum production rate determination as well as rock excavation (fiagmentation) and material handling systems. A cost estimate for these systems combined with the value of the ore reserves will be used to judge the economic viability and value of the deposit.
Mining method selection is heavdy influenced by the orebody characteristics which were
identified during the geological analysis and modeling process. The mining method in tum influences the stope design (which depends on stope sizing, mining direction and sequencing). Setting the mine production rate is an important decision and is usually based
s fiequently determined on partial and incomplete on available reserves, however, it i
information. Once the production rate is set, it wiil influence the mine life, the number of stopes required, and the dnlling, mucking and haulage systems as well.
Ali underground orebodies require some f o m of permanent or primary access. Primary accesses will generally be used for the entire We of the mine and represent a substantial capital cost to the operation which occurs very early in the economic life of the mine. Because of the long working Iife requirement and the high initial investment in excavation, it is critical that the best layout be designed early on. A proper layout is based on knowing the shape, dimension, location of the ore deposit as well as the metal distribution within the ore deposit. It is also based on knowing the daily production rate as well as the equipment selected for development and production. High tonnage, bulk-mining methods
m require large pnmary accesses. Regdatory require large equipment which in t
requirements on clearance as well as pipes, power lines, and ventilation tubing means that the drifts must be large enough to safely accommodate the equipment operating in them. However, large accesses are costly to excavate and maintain. The following information is generdy required for pnmary access design: An orebody mode1 Knowledge of the rock mass conditions Anticipated or required production tonnage Equipment sizes Costing data
Primary accesses should be located in areas with stable ground conditions, close enough away to the orebody centre of mass to minimize hauling distances but far enough to be safe against disturbances h m mining operations. A numerical analysis of the proposed
primary access layout and taking into account al1 the future stoping should reveal if the primary accesses are at risk.
Rock nagrnentation is also a critical parameter because it has wide-ranging influence. The fiagrnentation will depend on the drilling system selected (which in hm depends on the mining method selected) and wiii affect the mucking and haulage systems. This is particularly true for bulk mining operations, which tend to create large muck fragmentation that in turn requires large LHDs for mucking.
maximize the econornic benefits of the orebody while respecting the production constraints and taking into account the available production resources.
Mine planning and scheduling is often labeled as either long-tenn or short-term planning. The difference lies with the time horizons, forecasting accuracy and the level of detail required. Long-term planning represents a tirne horizon ranging fiom 5 to 20 years while short-tenn planning varies in time fiom about 6 months up to 3 years. It is virtually impossible to forecast accurately some economic parameters for horizons longer than a few years. It makes no sense to plan an entire mine in detail if some of the cntical parameters will change in two years.
Thus long-term planning identifies in broad terms how the orebody will be developed and mined over the long term and is strategic in nature. Short-term planning examines more closely the resources required to implement the long-term plan and is therefore tactical in nature. However, uitimately, there is only one minhg plan with the short-term plan representing a detailed moving window on the long-term plan.
Figure 14 illustrates the factors and considerations affecting the mine planning and scheduling process. The primary factors show a "duality" in their nature. For example, planning consists of both long-term and short-tenn plans with the short-term plan dovetaiiing itself to the long-terni plan but inevitably dso afkting the long-tem plan. Production resources have a "requirements and availability" duality. Idedy, the resources avaiiable match those that are required, however, that may not always be the case. There is always the question of whether or not the availability of more or less production resources would improve the economic value of a particular mine plan. Production resources availability and requirements are used in determining mining plans and setting work schedules.
Work scheduling, mine planning and execution control f o m a triad that afEect one another directly. The short-term plan determines the work schedule to be implemented: however, if changes are required to the schedule or if unforeseen events occur, then the short-term plan will have to be changed.
Sirnilarly, execution control is concemed with being able to meet the schedufe: however, if development or production falls behind, then the schedule will have to be changed. Execution control and performance tracking are also related. Poor performance will be reflected in a delayed schedule that will necessitate a work change order. Performance tracking statistics wiil also be used in setting or updating the mine plans.
These concepts are iilustrated in a dEerent way on Figure 15 as idormation flows between major components. As shown, the mine planning and scheduling process ties the development and production needs of the mine with the long-term and short-term plans with information flowng both ways. Mine planning requires the detennination of resources required for the work whether they be money, labour, equipment or tirne that will be allocated (Le. scheduled) in a way that achieves production objectives while rnaxhbing the profitability of the plan. An important component to planning is execution control, detecting deviations and making corrections. Execution control also involves monitoring resource utilization and costs to verify that the work done will meet the plan objectives and constraints. Work performance control serves as a feedback mechanism to the entire mine planning and scheduling process, initiating work change order and monitoring work performance.
The short-term plan takes the long-term plan as a starting point and fleshes it out, adding the necessary details of resource availability and allocations as weU as priorities to make it feasible. Several of the more critical parameters like metal grades, metal pnces, productivity and available resources are known with a high Ievel of confidence thus lending greater accuracy to the plan and schedule as weil as the expected costs and revenues.
Mine production control is concemed with five primary areas, surveying control grade control, fiagrnentation control, cost control and schedule control as shown on Figure 16.
Surveying control is required to locate accurately geological and excavation information, for laying out developrnents and m e a s u ~ g advances. Accurate surveying is critical to the system for both implementation of the design and for verifcation that the design has been followed. Accurate surveys are also a regulatory and legal requirement.
Grade control ensures that the muck produced will meet the M U feed requirements and constraints (Le. grade range, contaminant levels and ore blending requirements).
Blasting and fiagmentation control ensures that the muck size distribution wiU be acceptable for mucking as well as keeping dilution to reasonable levels. In certain situations, blasting control may also be concerned with vibration control. This is particularly important when blasting close to sensitive mining installations (e.g. shafls, stations, motors) or geological structures.
Production statistics and reporting are important control elements in the production process and serve a variety of purposes. One purpose is accounting, keeping track of expenditures and production, an important management fnction. Another purpose is for progress tracking, for implernenting corrective action and deciding when to add more resources o r t o allocate them differently. Another purpose is to collect and extract valuable statistical information for improving future budgets and productivity estimates.
Rock fiagmentation was identified as a primary mine design factor. Figure 17 shows that rock c m be fiagmented by either driliing and blasting (Le. chernical means) and by mechanical means (e.g. boring, crushing, breaking and hammering). Under drilling and blasting, the blasthole pattern utilized as well as the explosive selected will afFect the fragmentation process. The layout of the blasthole pattem may take into account the rock mass properties in particular the joint set orientations aithough rock mass strength also influences the design. The properties of the explosives as well as their placement and detonation sequence will also influence the fiagrnentation- Drilhg equipment is also an
important consideration because it affects the drilling accuracy and the penetration rate, which in tum are infiuenced by the rock mass properties.
Rock m a s is one of those multi-dimensional factors that influences several areas of the mine design and production processes. Rock mass affects the rnining method selection, stope sizing, orientation, sequencing and ground support, drilling and blasting requirements as well as ventilation requirements. Rock mass properties can be difliicult to evaluate accurately, particularly at the early stages of the mine design process where adequate rock mass information is typically scant and critical for good decisions. Rock mass properties can not be changed or improved and mining must adapt to the avaiiable rock mass. Poor rock mass quality can be an operational and d e t y hazard, a source of ore dilution and an expensive cost item for its control. While not a serious issue for most mines located in the Canadian Shield, groundwater control can be a serious factor for many underground mines.
Figure 18 illustrates the various parameters used in evaluating the rock mass. The evaluation process begins with an assessment of joints and joint sets. The properties of selected intact pieces of rock in combination with the joint assessment are used to create various rock mass quality indices. These quality indices are in tum used to estirnate the rock mass properties for numerical modeling, preliminary stope si9ng and stability estimates and ground support estimate requirements.
The nature of the rock mass failures observed during mining, whether they are stress driven or stmcturally controlled-gravity dnven, will directly affect the ground support methodology employed as illustrated on Figure 19. Although some ground support methods are suitable to both conditions the design process and support objectives will be different.
For example, rockbolts and wiremesh screen can be used in both failure conditions. However, in structuraiiy-controlled gravity-driven failures, bolts and screen are used to reinforce the rock mass and contain the small pieces of rock that fdl off. In stress-dnven faiiures, the deformation of the bolts and screen are used to absorb a certain amount of the energy that is released by the failure. In fact, rockbolts may be too stiE a support, and a yielding bolt like SweUex may be more appropriate if the stress-induced defonnation is large.
Rock mass is also concemed with major structural features like faults and contacts that cm seriously affect the mining process. Groundwater is typicaily not an issue with hardrock mines in Canada. However, most mines do have some water that will require pumping. Rock mass is dso a source of heat, particularly for the deeper mines. Excessive heat affects the productivity of both equipment and labour and needs to be controlled through ventilation and air conditioning.
Figure 19
From an operational point of view, mining is primarily concerned with the efficient excavation and handling of rock. The production equipment, the desirable rock fiagmentation and the haulage network are designed to bring ore to surface at the lowest possible cost .
Drilling and blasting is the primary and most economical method used for rock extraction
As shown on Figure 20, there are several factors to be considered. Rock fragmentation and in particular the muck size distribution and variability impacts on the excavation and handling requirements. Too coarse a fragmentation results in large muck which is diacult to muck, requiruig re-work in the form of secondary drilling and blasting, and likely more cnishing effort. Too fine a fiagmentation means the excessive use of explosives as wel as a potential loss of metals (particularly important where precious metals are nvolved). Excessive use of explosives or irnproper distribution of explosives also result in wall damage in the stopes, rock overbreak and ore dilution.
Large muck typicay requires large mobile trackless equipment and infrastructure capable of handling it. Large equipment requires large drifts and ramps that are more costly to excavate and maintain. Muck with narrow size variability and with relatively smaii size is more amenable to handling by smaller mobile equipment, trams, and conveyors. Therefore, the equipment selected must be matched to the muck size expected and distances (i-e. horizontal and vertical) to be traveled.
Muck sizing and variability affect the muckuig rate, which in tum affects cycle times between loading and dumping/transfer points. Horizontal and vertical haulage distances
affect the overall transfer capacity of the haulage network. Deep mines and/or mines with
long horizontal extents demand special considerations to make them capable of sustaining the required production rate. The use of ore passes to transfer muck vertically can be either beneficial or a source of problems. Deep mines with either or both of poor rock masses or high stresses fiequently have ore pass stability problems, particularly bulk mines with large muck requiring large ore passes. In certain circumstances, it may be wise to avoid ore passes aitogether or m o d e the rnining system (Momson, 1996).
Material handling involves bringing resources (Le. personnel, equipment, and consumables like air, power, water, ventilation, fiil, and supplies) to the work face (development o r stoping). It also involves the extraction and transportation of the product (i.e. ore) to surface and the removal of waste materials (e-g. waste rock, fmes, heat, water and sludge, detritus) from the work place. From the point of view of an integrated mine system, the primary consideration has to be rock excavation, loading and hauling. The abiiity to move muck efficiently is an essential consideration in achieving
development/production targets. Efficiency and flexibility as weli as low cost are primary objectives. It is normal for many underground mines to have separate horizontal and vertical haulage equiprnent systems. Each system is fined-tuned to meet the production requirements at the lowest possible cost.
Efficient material handlig is a pre-requisite since any deiay has the potentiai to slow down, even stop, the mining cycle. This material handihg process is somewhat
complicated by the very nature of the mining cycle. DEerent requirements exist for the different parts of the cycle. Drilling has needs that are difEerent fiom blasting or rnucking. Drilling resources are brought to the work face then rernoved in preparation for blasting. Once blasting has been done, rnucking equipment can move in to extract the product.
AU underground mines require ventilation. In Canada, laws and regdations stipulate the
air quantity and quality to be provided underground. Ventilation is required to sustain He,
dilute and remove air contaminants and heat fiom both the rock mass and the equipment as shown on Figure 21. Diesel equipment performs better and cleaner when ventilated adequately. However, providing ventilation and air conditionhg is very expensive. Adequate ventilation (Le. flow and velocity) must be provided at the workplaces and travelways. The mine workings (i.e. branches), that is the shaft, raises, levels, drifts and stopes form the ventilation network. These workings will exhibit air resistance (Le. pressure drop) that must be overcome by the fans. Larger workings have lower resistance to airflow and are less expensive to ventilate. However, larger workings are more expensive to excavate and maintain. A Me-cycle cost anaiysis, one that forecasts ventilation costs over the life of the mine and compares them with the excavation and maintenance costs of the workings is required to select an optimum sizing and layout.
Life-cycle cost analysis is probably the most appropnate method o f evaluating, comparing and seiecting equipment. Life-cycle analysis examines the cost associated with a piece of equipment over its entire life that includes buying, production and eventually disposal. The equipment with the lowest life-cycle costs is the best buy. A relatively inexpensive piece of equipment at purchasing time may prove to be very expensive because of maintenance costs and lost production. Figure 22 illustrates the numerous factors to be considered when evaluating equipment. Production capabilities, maintenance requirements, s e ~ c e life, disposal costs, and vendor/supplier support are important considerations.
Mining projects are expensive, risky and generally have high capital and development costs. It is cntical that the project be evaluated for its economic retum and net present value. It is also cntical that nsks associated with the project be identified and quantified. This information plays a cntical role in obtaining project financing. Valuation analysis will generally require the following information (Peiiey, 1988): Ore Reserves Mining and processing requirements
A long-tenn development and production schedule
Price and inflation forecasts Cost data for intiastructure, development and production, processing and refining Financial details about the project, expenditures to date, royalties, hancial agreements, capital expenditures Taxation iformation
As show on Figure 23, al1 mines have three phases, narnely pre-production, production
and post-production (i.e. closure). Costs are incurred dunng al1 three phases, while revenues occur only dunng the production phase. The deferrai of costs and the acceleration of revenues always improve the economics of any project with a multi-year life.
Reolrmatlon Bond
fnvastmantTax Credltr
During the pre-production phases, there are costs associated with exploration, purchasing
of rights, engineering design, capital equipment and pre-production development.
Production has costs associated with labour, equiprnent and supplies for mining and processing. However, revenues are generated which are used to pay off debts and eventually pay divide~ds to the investon. Post-production is concemed with closure of the facilities and the long-term monitoring and treatment of mine wastes. The mining property is restored and eventuaily is returned to the government or sold.
AU mining projects need to be evaiuated for their suitability, their risks and their economic
value. This aspect of project analysis is complicated by the long the-life of the project
coupled with several factors for which the mining engineer/analyst has no control.
In many ways, project evaluation or feasibility analysis deals with assessing these risks. As
s h o w on Figure 24, there are risks with most aspects of a mining project. Risk starts with ore reserve estimation- How sure are the expected metal grades and tonnages? Would fbther exploration lower these nsks? What are the costs and benefits of doing so? The mining method selected also presents risks. Will the ore recovery and dilution be as predicted? Can the method be adapted to changing conditions if required? How locked are we by using this method?
Milling and refining presents risks also. How variable will be the mil1 feed? Will some contaminant reduce ore recovery? Can regdatory permits be obtained for waste disposal? Finally, the hancial or economic aspects create risks. What will be the forecasted metal prices over the next twenty years, the metal demand? What is the competition doing? Could new orebodies undermine our position? What will be the overall retum on this investment?
The feasibility decision will have to be based on al1 of the above considerations. Projects
with low nsks in al1 these areas will likely proceed to the next stage, projects with high risks will require more work, postponing or abandonment. Project evaluation is truly a multi-disciplinary problem where experience and judgement are crucial.
This chapter will conclude with a discussion of mine monitoring considerations. Mine
monitoring serves several purposes. As shown on Figure 25, mine monitoring is required for recording significant events that occur. Significant events include incidents like labour injuries and fatalities, equipment &es, falls of ground and rockbursts. Sigmficant events fiequently must be reported to regulatov agencies, investigated and followed-up.
Mine monitoring is required for recording over time what is happening in the mine. Many of the records are required by law and may have to be reported back to governrnent agencies. Water quality (especiaiiy process water), ventilation quality and quantity, and equipment safety features must be inspected, tested and recorded.
Mine monitoring is also required for monitoring the rock mass. The rock mass is
constantly changing. It moves into the mine excavations; it breaks apart due to high stress or unfavorable joint sets. Monitoring the rock mass becomes a safety issue. Seismically active mines need to be closely monitored. Rock mass monitoring also provides valuable information as to how the mine reacts to mining. The experience can be used to refine ground support systems, make decisions as whether or not rnining can proceed or should be stopped, or confirm that the mine behaves as predicted during the design process.
5.1 Introduction
A set of IDEF0-SADT diagrams was created to describe and enhance Our understanding of the underground hardrock mine design and planning process. These diagrams show how the various design and planning activities (processes) are related, what information is required (inputs), where it is corning fiom, how it is transformed, what is produced (outputs) and how it is used. The diagrams also show the constraints that influence
(controls) the processes as they transformed this information. As well, the diagrarns show the kind of technology (mechanisms) that is required to achieve this transformation of information. The result is a fnctional analysis of the mine design and planning process that could be used as a high-level architecture of an integrated mine design and planning system.
It should be noted that only a subset of the models created is presented in this chapter, to simplify the presentation. The reader is referred to Appendix D for a complete listing.
The CASE tool selected for this modeling work was Platinum ~ ~ w i version n @ 3.5.2 fiom Computer Associates. ~ p w i n @ supports the IDEF0 and IDEF3 modeling methodologies as well as DFD modeling (Platinum Technology, 1998).
The SADT diagrams are the "TO-BE models. No efforts were made to model current design and planning practices which are typically a mix of semi-integrated software packages, stand-alone tools and manual methods that c m span severd divisions, mines and departments. instead, the modeling focused on what mine design and planning practices should be. These models were developed through discussions with mining personnel from various departments, reviews of relevant documents and the author's experience.
Figure 26 illustrates the scope of the modeling. The A-O Context Diagram States that the primary activity (i.e. process or fnction) is to Design, Plan, Support und Monitor the
Underground H.&uck Mine. The boundaries are defined by dl the arrows entering or
leaving the primary activity.
For this model, the primary activity convens Eqdoration Data (input) to Mine Pims &
1R W E R
1 1
Purpose To document the processes perfomieb as part of underground hardrock mne design and planning.
Vierupoint Mining Professionals (e-g. mine geologirt, enginter & planner)
Design, Plan, Support and Monitor the Undemround Hard Rock Mine
Each input, output, mechanism and control is represented by an arrow entering or leaving the primary activity and has a specific meaning. For instance, Production Resources includes labour, equipment, power, water, compressed air, supplies and conswnables used in the production process that exist and are commonly available on the market. If these Production Resources do not exist (i.e. in the experimental stage) or are very hard to obtain (Le. propnetary), then they can not be used for designing and planning a mine.
Technology in this context represents both mining specific technology (e-g. bulk mining) and generic technologies iike computers, data analysis and visuaiization, soiids modeling, simulation and decision support. It could be argued that Prohuction Resmrces and
Technology are controls because the Mine DesigdPlanning Process is constrained by their
limitations. However, it is expected that these limitations will eventually be removed as technology improves and new technology is introduced.
Al1 other arrows are clear in their meaning and position. However, it is worthwhile discussing further fiowiedge & Eqxrience (control). The entire mine design/planning process is heavily iduenced by Kitowtedge & Lkprience and this will become clear as the decomposition process advances. A mining Company has access t o knowledge and expenence through the people it hires, through the consultants and contractors it retains and through the collective knowledge of researchers and scientists in the industry. However, this knowledge is always incomplete. We do not understand every problem and we do not have solutions t o every problem. Knowledge and expenence also intluences our decision-making abilities. Sometimes decisions will be simple, sometimes they will not. Mining professionals fiequently use past experience (both good and bad) in performing interpretations and making decisions. We are therefore limited or constrained by our knowledge and expenence.
Another important concept is that ffiowledge & d;erience represents intelligence. Every activity that requires intelligence for interpretation or decision-making is an activity that could be placed under the control of an expert systern. The expert system not only could control the activity but could also act as a collector of intelligence where knowledge and experience is gathered and formulated so as to provide improved control.
It should be noted that ail of the controls are outside the influence of the mine design and planning process. The mine design and planning process does not dictate market economics, taxation levels, corporate objectives, available capital and financing and mining regulations. These controls are infiuenced by outside forces whether they are the markets, the investors, the regulators or the corporate office.
Al1 structured analysis models have a specific viewpoint. The viewpoint for the mine design and planning process is that of the mine geologist, engineer and planner (i-e. mining professionals) doing design and planning work. The selection of the proper viewpoint is important because different viewpoints will result in difEerent models. The minng of viewpoints within the same model results in confusing diagrams. Although the viewpoint for this model is that of three people (Le. mine geologist, mine engineer and mine planner), it is consistent. In small mines, it is possible for al1 three tunctions to be combined in only
n larger mines, the distinction wiil become much more clear however one or two people. I
this distinction may have to do more with organizational boundaries than work
requirements and stnictured analysis is concemed with activity modeling, not organizational structures.
Figure 27 is the first level decomposition of the Context Diagram. There are four activities in this decomposition, each coded A l through to A4. This coding process is used to identify the decomposition level of the drawing.
Perfonn Srafegic Plmutng refers to al1 the activities that a Company performs to enhance
its long-term viability. These activities include selecting venture areas, knowing the market and the cornpetitors, predicting long-tenn demand and revenues, looking for the optimum allocation of financial resources, looking at long-term growth but making sure short-term
cash flow is sufficient, market share objectives, and making the right investment decisions. Strategic Planning is under several controls including market economics, available capital and financing, taxation regime, corporate objectives and applicable laws and regulations. Strategic Planning provides PrOaUction Objectzves & Tmgets for planning purposes,
Forecasted Metai Prices for planning purposes and project funding by Approving Budgets.
Perfonn Long-tenn Planning means making the decisions that wiU sustain the long-term
viability of the rnining project. Long-Tem Planning transfomis Expforation Data into selecting a Mining Methad and Stoping Sequence, detennining a Long-Tenn Plan, estimating Production Resourfes Repzrernents, defining a Muck Handling System and
Grmnd Support Reguirements. Many of these outputs are in tum used to control the
Short-Term Planning activity.
P e r j k n Short-Tenn Pfmning means looking at al1 the issues for producing successflly
over a short-duration time horizon. Short-Term Planning transforms Productzon
resource quantities needed for executing the plan while the historical cost data is used for
Budget Approvais requests to be approved if the plan meets the Prociiction Objectives & Turgefsidentified under the Strategic Planning activity.
Perform P l m Support & Monitoring involves the irnplementation and support of the
Short-Term Plan fkom a technical perspective (as compared to an operations perspective). Plan Support and Monitoring involves activities l k e ailocating speciic resources, acquiring new resources, surveying7 blasting and excavation control, grade control, incident investigations schedule m o n i t o ~ g and corrections production reporting and cost analysis. The information, gathered d u ~ these g activities, is used to make
corrections or hprovements to the current and future plans and schedules. This activity produces several Government R e m s to be submitted to the regulaton as well updates the Short-Tem Planning activity with Short-Tem P h (Ipdates and Novly Acquired
This diagram illustrates several feedback data flows (indicated as blue coloured lines). The Plan Support and Monitoring activity will likely have to produce Short-Tenn Pim
Updats based on information gathered d u ~ the g plan execution. Changes in the ShortTerm Plan result in a Long-Tenn Pian Updale and changes to the Long-Term Plan may require a Strategic Pian Update.
Technology resources are also further defined. 3-0Modelng/Visuaiization TechnoIogy is required for both Long-Terrn Planning and Plan Support and Monitoring activities.
Figure 28 illustrates the activities carried out under Strategic Planning. Strategic Planning is concemed with Muintainhg Corporate Finances7Creating & Maintaining a Strategic
These activities are clearly intendeci to maintain and sustain the long-term viability of the company. This viability is achieved by ensuring that there wiil be adequate hancing and capital available for mining projects, by providing a clear corporate strategic plan to guide the actions of the company in selecting and developing d
g projects, by perfonning
grass root exploration and by acquinng properties to ensure long-term ore resources suitable for development. Figure 29 examines funher the activities required under the creation and maintenance of a corporate strategic plan.
Strategic Planning defines several corporate activities that will be used to direct the longtenn objectives and plans of the company. There may be R&D Objectives (Research and Development) depending on the size of the corporation. Financia Objectives will define
expected or desired revenue objectives, rate of retum, market share and so on. There will likely be Marketing Objectives detaiiing how much product will be sold and at what price. These objectives will control the Operations Objectives activity that is used to produce the Production Objectives and Tmgets, the Approved Budget, as weil as determinhg
PerfOmStrategic Manning
NOTES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-= -
Long-Term Planning, as shown on Figure 30, consists of four activities, Assess Mine
Geology, de si gr^ Mine Layout & Facilities, Prepore Long-Tem Developnent & Production Schehrle and Evduae h j e c t Economics. The assessrnent o f the mine
geology produces three models (outputs), the Rock Mars Mo&, the Mineral Inventory Mo&. purposes.
the Orebody Model and
AUTHOR: Mano A M m n
C l
-T ~ L P
PerfionnLong-term Planning
Figure 30 - Diagram A2
The Rock Mars M o . will be used in geomechanics work, for estimating excavation stability and selecting appropnate ground support strategies. The 0reb.V Model is the interpretation of the rock lithology and rnineralization based on the exploration data. No attempts have been made to include grades or economics in this model. That purpose is
reserved to the Mineral Inventory ModeI. Instead, the Orebudy Model will be used for
locating mine infrastructure (e-g. shafts, taises, main levels and stations) away from the mineralized zones.
The Design Mine Layout & Facilities activity produces several outputs that include a
Planned Mine Model, a Material Handling System, a selected Mining Methad, Production Rate, a Stoping Sepence, Backfiil Support Requirements and Grotrnd Support Requirements. The P h n e d Mine Mode1 is the 3-D layout of al1 rnining
infiastructures including the proposed stope layout. The long-term plan will be based on this Planned Mine Mode1 and will have to take into account the rnining method selected, the proposed stoping sequence and ground support requirements. This activity is constrained by the three geological models identined earlier as well as applicable Mining
There is the Long-Term P l m (which will form the basis for the Short-Tenn Plan), an
Estimate of Production Resmrces Requirements and a feedback arrow for Adjusring the Prorhction Rate. This activity has several constraints that include the P h e d Mine
M W ,the Production Rae and the Tonnes & Grades Requirements established as part of
the Pruction Objectives and Targets.
The Evaluate Project Economics activity is an essential one that will ver@ that the LongTerm Plan will meet the established Prochrction Objectives & Trgets of the company as well the company Economic Evaluation Criteria. The Economic Evaluarion Criteria will be used to evaluate the retum on investment for the project. KnowIedge & Querience in
be applied in estimating mining costs, ore recovery, ore dilution, as wel as rnilling and processing costs. There is usudy a shortage of Uiformation at the early stage of project evaluation. As muiing proceeds, vaiuable uiformation is gained and estimates improve. This activity results in Long-Term PIan Adjustments, as well as changed in the Sefected
Cut-off Grade (which in turns defines the available ore reserves and changes the P h e d
Mine Modei).
the Geoiogical Data, Analyre the Geological Data, M & Minerai Inventory.
T l 1LE:
The Collect the Geological Data, on Figure 32, is the accumulation of dl exploration data. GIS Database Technoiogy (mechanism) is or could be used in this collection process. The Analyze the Geoiogical Data activity, s h o w on Figure 33, has two main functions:
Idenfla the Geological Domains (illustrated on Figure 34) and Select & Perfrm SfatisficaiAnalysis on GeoIogicafDomains (illustrated on Figure 35).
REV: 2000-1244
0 O A21
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The identification of geological domains involves selecting lithologies to be displayed (based on the geological data collection) and tracing the lithologies on specinc crosssections. A simple "skinning" operation is used to link similar lithologies on adjacent cross-sections thus forming surfaces.
particularly useful in assessing the continuity of the mineralization (through variogram modeling). This information will be used for estimating the grade of the ore blocks (regular or irregularly shaped) as well as calculating the estimation error. The estimation error can be used to assess the quality of the grade estimate.
The M d e l the Orebody activity, shown on Figure 36, focuses on transforming the exploration data and the lithological domains into block models (solids) that can be used for mine design and planning work. Although several solid modeling approaches exist (Stewart, 1990; MantyE, 1988; Mortenson, 1997), the decomposition approach or block modeling is the simplest method of assigning attribute information to solids. The block mode1 can be regular or adaptive using a recursive subdivision aigorithm (Kavouras et al.,
1988; Pnssang, 1994; Pareja and Pelley, 1995). Kavouras (1992), Bak (1991) and Jiang
(1998) al1 have designed geo-solids modeling systems based on octree-encoding approaches, a variant of recursive subdivision algonthms.
AUTHOR: Mido A Main PROSCI: kmglise Compitm~Qed U Mne Ddgn/Rmnrilng
0 0
NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 9 10
D O E .
A21 3
This activity is where most of the mine design work takes place. Figure 37 shows the decomposition of this activity.
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The determination of an optimum P r d ~ c t i o n Rote is most difncult because it is related to maximizing the economic value of the deposit, this evaluation being done afier designing the mine and setting a long-term schedule. To start the design, it is necessary to determine
the available ore reserves which are typicaiiy based on a cut-off grade selected using the expenence of the mine engineer. There are guidelines, based on empincai analysis or banking practices, for aiding the designer however most of them do not have any sound logical basis (Pareja, 2000). Nevertheless, a Prodrction Raie must be selected eariy on to enable the designer to site up properly the mine infiastructure and eventually set up a Long-Term Plan capable of meeting the company's Prodtction Objectives & Tmgets. This determination process is illustrated on Figure 38.
NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Select Appropriate Mining M e t w s ) is also an activity where previous experience is relevant in the seiection process. As show on Figure 39, the geometrical characteristics of the orebody as weil rock mass characteristics are used in making the selection.
REV: Z O O - 1 2 4 3
NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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G s w orUnicptibie Om ROODMI~ L
w Mlning U m h d Adju*mnls
Mtning Method(S
Once mining methods have been selected, it is required to design the stopes. Stope design involves several activities including sizing up, orienting and laying out the stopes. Stope sequencing implications must also be considered. Multiple mining horizons, using pillars
for support, can offer advantages in term of scheduling and meeting production objectives.
However, the eventual recovery of the pillars may be more diicult and costly due to
ground problems. These options are generaily evaiuated using numerical analysis methods like finite and boundary elements. The ultimate goal of this design process is to design a stoping system that will meet the required production objectives while presenting the lowest possible risks. These activities are illustrated on Figure 40.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mintng Melhod
techniques can help in improving recovery and controlling dilution and would set
reqtcirements for bacwill and grot~nd support. Once the stopes have been layed out, a
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M T E t00W62 REV:
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Mining Method
Mincnl lnuntuy M d e l
in Mina
PmauEilon Rata
4 0DE:
Ground support and bacffill requirements will depend on the nature of the problem to be solved. Generally, there are two pnmary failure modes (Hoek et al, 1995): stnicturdy controlled gravis, assisted and stress-induced (Figure 43) and the determination of the f d u r e mode will be based on expenence, observations and numerical modeling. Numencal modeling can estimate the extent of the failure and aid in selecting appropriate stabilization strategies.
U s n i Ar:
O ~ F T
is limited. Risk can originate fiom ground conditions that may not ailow self-supporting stopes. A mining method may be very inflexible and ditncult to adapt to varying ore or ground conditions. There may be operational nsks caused by miners having to enter stopes. Poor recovery due to dficult ground conditions or excessive dilution can transfomi a promising ore deposit into an uneconomic rnineralization. These risks must be assessed and quantified so that appropriate extraction strategies can be implemented. These concepts are shown on Figure 44.
ATHOR: M i n a A M a n
DATE n10007-0
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NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 9 10
Mining MelRod
' .
Mining Mathod Al
The Design Mine Excavation Supporl System activity, decomposeci on Figure 45, defines the primary system that will support the stoping operations. This activity involves selecting
a mucking and hauling system that will match the sue and quantity of muck produced by
the stope (Figure 46). It also involv& sizing up the drifts, levels and stations so that equipment will be able to use them effectively and locating them properly. Other inf?astructure design includes locating and sizing up a ventilation system that will provide fiesh air to the working areas.
Mlning Meth04
MLning L a a 4 Ragulwons
WuckHinding m
The work done during this activity will esfimate the prmhction resarres requirements, that is the drilling, excavation and haulage equipment required to support the production objectives of the mine. This information, in conjunction with the mine development work (for the infiastructure), will be used during the economic anaiysis phase for estimating capital costs as well as operating and maintenance costs.
AUThMI: M m o A Mmn
DATE 2 0 0 0 4 6 2
REV: 2000-12-0
Mining L i m a Ragulilions
Shms h Rimps S a @ ng
The purpose o f preparing a long-term schedule is to establish the broad, long-term development and production objectives, identifj. the work areas as well as estirnate the overall value o f the deposit. As illustrated on Figure 47, the long-term schedule also involves estimating the required labour and equipment resources for supporting the development and production objectives.
AUTHOR Mino A klmn PKOJECT: Intsgrilmd Canputsnad U Y n e DeSgn@inning NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ? O fl8n~d Une Mdal
Gmind S u p W
H m c d Mit
Eslmted P ~ 8 u d h n Reouices Riqulnmi&
R o d d r n Rile Mlullmnls
With a long-tenn schedule in place and an assessrnent of the resource requirements, it is possible to evaluate the economics of the project. This work involves estimating the costs as well as the revenues for the various time periods and calculating one or more economic indices like net present value or rate of retum. in addition, because of uncertainties in inflation rates, metal prices and production costs, a nsk analysis is performed to determine the sensitiviy of certain variables (O'Neil and Gentry, 1992). If the project meets or exceeds certain economic criteria (Le. desired rate of retum), the project can proceed otherwise changes in the long-term schedule, the company's strategic plan or the cut-off
grade may be required to irnprove the economics. These econornic evaluation concepts are illustrated on Figure 48.
Short-terni planning involves al1 planning and scheduling activities within the near future. The smaller time f h n e makes it possible to estimate the costs and forecast the revenues much more accurately. As illustrated on Figure 49, short-tem planning involves confirming the production areas, designing the required secondary stope access and
establishing a detailed schedule capable of meeting the production objectives. As weil, short-term planning is concemed with budget preparation and revenue forecasts.
, O
determination and allocation of the required resources. The required resources wiil depend on the development and production milestones to be satisfied and the priorities of the work to be performed. if critical milestones must be met, then extra resources may be required, even if they are needed only on a short-term basis (e-g. hire contractors). It is important to evaluate the nsks associated with any schedule. Although experience is
fiequently used for setung the schedule, other techniques can be used. Simulation is a valuable tool for validating a schedule especially if the simulation is based on realistic data. Other tools, like CPM or PERT,taken fiom the project management area, are ofien used for planning and improving the schedule (Antill and Woodhead, 1965; Macpherson et al,
1995). These concepts are shown on Figure 50.
The results of short-term scheduling activities are a short-tem plan complete with committed resources as well as the identification of resource shortfalls or excesses and an
updated long-terni plan. These results will be complernented with a budget and revenue estimate for management to consider and approve.
Al1 development and production plans need short-term plan support and monitoring.
Suppon activities involve ensuring that resources will be available when required as well as providing technical support and monitoring. to the operations. Figure 51 shows that technical support involves several activities like surveying for excavation control, drilling
and blasting design, grade control, ground control and ventilation monitoring.
There are other activities like the preparation of engineering and workljob standards, monitoring costs and evaluating the productivities of the labour and equiprnent resources. The costs and productivities will be used to improve future budgets and schedules. There
will also be several government reports that will be produced. Production incidents,
rockbursts and falls-of-ground must be reported. As well, up to date surveys of the mine excavations must be kept. Finally, plan support and monitoring will keep the short-term plan up to date.
Figure 52 shows that surveying activities have two m a i n purposes: to locate and a l i p where the excavation will be and to measure the size of the h a 1 excavation. Surveyors or engineers must prepare layout drawings for use underground identifjing the benchmarks as well as the required data to perform the survey. Work headings must be aligned properly before mining crews can start the work. Once the excavation work is complete, surveyors must measure the size of the excavation as well as its actual position. This work will be used to monitor the progress (Le. update the short-tem schedule) as well as calculate the work incentives or bonuses to the miners.
As shown on Figure 53, drilling and blasting suppon work involves the preparation o f iayout drawings as well as the inspection and foliow-up of drilling work, explosive loading and fragmentation analysis. This follow-up work is essential in monitoring and maintaining quality. Improper drilling and blasting can have severe consequences such as loss o f miwral resources dilution of grade, ground control problems, mucking and muck handling dficulties.
Cb %
Short-Tm Plan w a t e 1
30 ModellngMliiliziton TeUmolow
- -
W H O R Mana A M a n
NOTES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10
T l 1LE;
Ventilation and air conditioning are required for maintaking safe working conditions for miners as well as cooling down the equipment. Adequate ventilation is a mandated regdatory requirement. Ventilation is used to maintain adequate oxygen levels as well as dilute and remove air contaminants. Ventilation monitoring involves measuring air velocities as well as contaminant levels in specific parts of the mine. Ventilation network analysis is used for estimating the required air flows as well as evaluating the impact of changes to the ventilation fans and the baffles, as iliustrated on Figure 55.
M T E Z00-Tl-1
RN m L 1 2 4 P
NOTES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Implementing and monitoring the Short-Term Plan is generally the joint responsibility of the engineering, operations and maintenance departments. The engineering department provides technical support when it is required. As well, cost and schedule tracking is an important fiinction to ensure that the plan is being carried out within the time allowed, the resources allocated and the available budget. If discrepancies are found or problems are noted, then a prompt response is required to bring the work back in line with the schedule. These concepts are s h o w on Figure 56.
NOTES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
This chapter has presented a logical and structured view of the mine design and planning process. The complexity of the diagrarns and the degree of interrelationship and interdependence are well illustrated. To simple the presentation, not al1 models have been shown. The reader is referred to Appendix D for a complete listing of dl the diagrams including defiriitions of the activities and data flows.
The requirements anaiysis performed as part of this thesis is for the possible design and
implementation of an integrated computerized underground hardrock mine design and planning system. This work was initially completed for a large multi-national base metal Canadian mining Company as part of a major business process re-engineering effon based largely on a vision of a fuliy robotic mine. As such, the requirements analysis reflects some of this company's experience, practices, desires and objectives (Morin, 2000% 2000b,
2001). However, the requirements analysis work is generaly applicable for other hardrock
mines due to the relatively generic nature of underground hardrock mine design and planning. The requirements outlined in this chapter as well as Chapters 7 and 8 are a synthesis of literature review, papers, intemal documents and reports, conversations and persona1 experience.
This thesis covers only the more cntical and relevant aspects of the requirements analysis. The requirements analysis approach is based on the Volere Requirements Specification Template defined by Robertson and Robertson (1999). Table 5 lists and categorizes the table of contents for the template.
1 Catteom
Project Drivers
1 Content
Purpose of System The Client, Customers, and other Stakeholders Users of the Svstem 1 Requirements Constraints 1 Namng Conventions and D e ~ t i o n (Terminology) s 1Relevant Facts Assumptions , The Scope of the System Functional and Data Requirements Look-and-Feel Requirements
Pmduct Constraints
1 1
1 Performance huirements
Project Issues
Le@ Requirements Open or Unresolved Issues Possible Off-the-Sheff Solutions 1 New Pmblems Caused by the System T a s k s to be Done Cutover Issues or Conversions from Existing Systems Project Ri& Proiect Cos& Waitinp:Room or Future Issues Ideas for Solutions or Development Options
6.1 Project Drivers Project drivers are the busness-related forces that push forward the needs and capabilities for a specific product or system to be analyzed and documented. 6.1.1 Purpose o f the System
Depressed base metal prices worldwide and a very cornpetitive mning industry means that Canadian mining operations must become more efficient and productive. One way to be more efficient is to make better use of resources including engineering knowledge. Curent mine design and planning practices are a mixture of semi-integrated computer-assisted
planning software dong with stand-alone computer-aided drafting (CAD), misceIlaneous commercial software tools, in-house developed tools and manud methods. The result is a poorly integrated set of tools that generally results in duplication of data, increased work efforts and is unresponsive to mining environment and market changes. This lack of responsiveness is introducing lag within the system that eventually affects the overall profitability of the mine.
The traditional methods used are not conducive to determinhg an optimum design or plan. Better designs are frequently a matter of trial-and-error with little opportunity to fully analyze and optimize the design. Design and decision-making knowledge is frequently stored in the minds of the designers, making it difficult for others to access even if they are aware that it exists. This knowledge disappears when these people either leave the mine or retire. Frequently, this knowledge is not passed on to more junior people. These junior people will likely have to re-solve the sarne problems, make the same mistakes, and hire the sarne consultants to help them.
Table 6 summarizes the reasons behind the development of an integrated computerized mine design and planning system.
It will become clear that just cornputerking the desigdplarnllig procedures will only achieve part of what is t d y feasible and desirable. The fidl benefits are obtained only d e r intelligence is added to the systern: intelligence for decision-making. In addition, the system must be able to
make the best foreca~s and estimates, provide advice, and make the best plan it can accordkg
to these forecasts while taking into account corporate objectives and physical constraints The
system must also be able to make effective timely changes to the plan when new, significant
i n e design and planning system not only integrates information cornes in. Thus the integrated m
and manages information, it must also integrate and manage loiowledge.
The Client is typically the person or Company that pays for the development of the product or system (from now on referred to as the System). The Customer typically buys the System for his or her users to utilize. In this particular case, the Client and Customer are the same.
Stakeholders are people who have an interest or say in the System's requirements or capabilities. This interest may be direct as for day-to-day users of the system (Le. geologists, engineers, planners) or indirect as for information technology people, managers, supervison, warehouse, accounting, human resources, purchasing, business analysts, legal experts, domain experts, union groups and govemment regulators (e.g. Ministry of Labour). It is obvious that the Client, Customer and Stakeholders of the System have the greatest say in the makeup of the product. M e r all, the product is meant for their use.
Domain experts are there to provide advice on how the System should be put together, the functionalities that are needed and aigorithm to be used in the design. Domain expertise will be required in the following areas for the design and development of the core systems: Graphics and visualization Surface and solids modeiing Object-oriented design Databases design Simulation engine design and construction Expert systems and decision-support systems User-interface design Usability engineering Cornputer networks System designers
The foiowhgs are considered primary and secondary usen of the System: Geologists (exploration and mine) Mining engineers Mine planners (engineers, technologists, technicians) Mine surveyors Ventilation personnel (engineers, technologists, technicians) Ground control personnel (engineers, technologists, technicians) Mine production personnel (i.e., shift bosses, captais) Project Managers Cost controliers and accountants Mine management (i.e., department heads, mine manager)
The characteristics of these users as well as some of the other stakeholders are listed in
Table 7. Some users may suffer from poor vision, color-vision deficiencies, and poor hearing. In terms of education, most if not al1 will have a high-school diploma. Many will have a 2-year or 3-year college diploma in mining technology or surveying. Professionals will have a university degree in geology, mining, electrical or mechanicd engineering, commerce or business administration. A few will have post graduate degrees in engineering or business.
Uwr Rda
Dcfine mine geology, grades, resnves, and grade cokrol k i g n and plan mines, selcci mining method, equipment and infrastnidtue Repare schedules, budgets - production Layoul produdion layouts and mensure progress Maintain stable ground conditions for mining Measute and maintain air quality in mine Executc produdion plans, monitor workforce d mining &fine and e w k mining projecb, cons(nidion Modtor cxpm~es Moniior costs Depattmcnt hcrds
SiibJtcMacr Expcrbnce
Generally cnpnt Generally eKpn(
Variable dcpending on experience. Likcly in softwari. know~ed~cable Variable depending on experience. Likely knowledgeable in software, Variable depending on c&ence. Likely kn~wlcd~eable. ~ikely e k d to A U ~ O ~ A D . Variable dependingon clrpcrience. Likcly cxposed IO ~utoCAb. Likcly exposed to numerical modcling software. Variable depcndingon cllpcncncc. Likely cwpwcd 10 ventilation software. Likcly more limited in tcchnical software. Likely knowledge of office type software. Likcly knowledgc of officetype software. Likely knowledgc of oflice typc and accounting software Variable dependingon experiencc. Diploma B.Eng. M.Eng. B.Eng. ~iplo-ka Diploma M.Eng. Diploma B.Eng. Diploma B.Eng. Diplorna Diploma B.Com. B.Com.
b g r ~
(Jeologists Mining Engincers Mine Planncrs Minc Surveyors Ground Control Pn~nuicl Ventilation Pn~nuiel Mine Production Personnel Project Managers CM Controllns Acco~manis Mine Supcrvism
1 1
1 1 Kcy User
Kcy User
Key User
enerally expert Generally knowledgeable Variable cny position to knowledgcablc Variable. Enuy position to cxperl Variable cny poeition io knowlcdgeable Qenerally citpcct
1 1 Key Uscr
1 Key Uscr
1 1
User Secondary
Limiitd knowledge to knowlcdeeahlc Very knowledgerblc Limited knowledgc Limited knowledge Limited knowledge - IO knawledgcablc Vcry knowltdgcablc
B.Eng. B.A. M.B,A, , B.Sc. Diploma Diplotna High-school
M h
Maintenance Personnel Mining Regulators
Likely lirnited Liely limiid Variable dcpendingon expnience, Likely knowledgable in office-typc soflwarc.
The users are generaily highly motivated to do a good job although some may be bored with the repetition. They are generally well trained, however, some positions are entxylevel positions. These junior people will be supervised by more expenenced staff Attitude to technology varies depending on age and motivation. Younger people tend to embrace the new technology due to naturai enthusiasm and the desire to learn and move ahead. Older personnel, likely closer to retirement, may be less motivated. Some personnel, particularly those with strong union beliefs, may view the technology with suspicion, especially ifjobs may be lost or displaced.
Most of the personnel will have been exposed to computers to some extent and will kely have basic office-type software knowledge. Others may be highiy trained in specific applications lilce AutoCAD, Datarnine or numerical modeling software. Generally, a higher level of cornputer literacy can be expected with higher education levels and lower age groups.
Age of the users will Vary between 23 years to 65 years with the majority of people being
between 40 and 60 years old. The personnel are predominantly male however some females can be found in the industry.
Table 7 also shows which users are considered primary users of the System and those who are not. Primary users are considered key to the success of the System and will have precedence over ail secondary users.
Project constraints i d e n t e how the System must fit into the world. The range of constraints can be quite broad and could include interfacing to existing or using hardware and software, fitting within a specified budget or delivery by a certain date. AU constraints form part of the final System specifications and requirements.
Solution Constraints
viewed as critical for the long-term maintainability and extensibility of the System.
2) The System should be programmed using the C- language. C" offers a complete
prograrmning language complete with objectsnentation. The language is a mature product and several commercial libraries and tools are available to extend its capabilities.
Implementation Environment
The System will Iikely be implemented in a diverse computing environment equipped with mainfiames, workstations and PCs interco~ectedusing an Ethemet-based network. In some cases, the surface-based network may be connected to an underground leaky-feeder communication system for equipment control and remote sensing. While office conditions are relatively clean, the underground environment can be hot and dusty, cold and damp to
wet. Underground computer systems can also be subjected to mechanical vibrations and impact shocks.
6 . 2 . 3
Extemal Systems
The System will likely have to be interfaced to several extemal computer systems. These
systems are implemented to support other fnctions within the mine. These knctions include production costing and tracking, accounting, purchasing, warehousing, maintenance, payroll and human resources. These tnctions are typicaiiy database applications that are implemented on m&ames. Interfacing to these applications may be
simple if interfacing tools are available that support the SQL standard or difncult if they are old text-based legacy applications with no SQL links. Some applications, for example payroll, are in-house creations custom-built to meet the demands of the task. There may be also problems obtaining permission to set links with these applications from the departments that controls them.
System Implementation
The Mine DesignPlanning System will be implemented in a networked computer environment with the System available from both surface and underground locations. It would not be unreasonable for a production s u p e ~ s o r or even a miner to request a download of a mine plan or to view a production report using a portable computer (Wcely a Pen-based system) from an underground location. The database information stored on
one or more central servers would be available to authorized personnel who need access to the information.
It is expected that the Mine DesigdPlanning System will eventually be implemented in conjunction with a Production Control and Monitoring System as previously iilustrated in Figure 3. The Production Control System would h c t i o n in reai tirne, downloading information and instructions to underground equipment as weU as receiving data fiom underground sensors. The Mine Design/Planning System is not a real-time system. Instead, the Mine DesigdPlanning System would be used for design and analysis, as well
as process simulation. The updated mine plans would be stored in the Mine Model located
in a central database server. The Production Control System would have access to the
central database server to obtain new mine planning information as well as being able to upload survey information to update the Mine Model. The updated Mine Model would then be available to the Mine DesigniPlannhg System for future work. This results in one common Mine Model that is consistent and kept up to date. Both the Production Control and Monitoring System and Mine DesigdPlanning System would have access to other corporate systems as required. The Production Control System would likely interface with the Mine Information Management System (MIMS) for tracking production statistics and costs. The Mine Desigfllanning System would access the MIMS to get valuable production statistics and unit costs for improved scheduiing and budgeting.
Figure 4 illustrated in simple form how the Mine DesigdPlanning System would interface
with the Production Control and Monitoring System, the underground environment and
6.3 Terminology
This section of the Requirements Documents provides definitions of al1 terms, including acronyms, used in the project. Appendix C contains a temiinology List for this document.
These external factors rnay have an effect on the development of the System but are not mandated requirement constraints. Some considerations include the nature of the company itself. Does the company operate in more than one country? Ifso, the System rnay have to support various currencies. The System rnay have to be designed with a flexible interface capable of supporting multiple languages. There may aiso be cultural considerations. Colours have different meaning in different cultures. An icon used in an interface design rnay be clear to a North American user but completely obscure to an Australasian.
Does the company operate more than one mine in a mining area feeding to a common
mill? tf so, the System rnay have to be able to handle al1 the mines as one large site with
several individual deposits. Mill feed control rnay be a primary production objective.
The System rnay have to support multiple measurement systems (i-e. metric and imperial). Mixed unit data sets are not unusual. The System rnay have to support multiple survey grid systems. Frequently, mines will have two grids, one based on UTM coordinates and a local grid based on the orientation of the orebody. Local grids are logical because they simplify the orebody interpretation and mine planning process. Drawings are typicaily produced on plans, long sections (i.e. paralie1 to the strike of the orezone) and crosssections (Le. perpendicular to the strike).
Other considerations inchde the technological expertise of the workforce. 1s the workforce accustomed to using computers? 1s automation comrnon or is most of the work done by labour?
The company rnay have specific definitions unique to the culture of the organization. These definitions should be listed. For instance, mineral resource classifications rnay have certain implications as to their accuracy and the quality of the reserves estimate. The company rnay have specific ore evaluation formulas for calculating the ore value. These formulas would consider metal grades of one or more metals, ore recovery and dilution. Ore reserves rnay be segregated into different ranges and classifications.
The company will likely have a complex costing process for allocating indirect production costs like tramming, crushing, shaft and hosting facilities as well as ventilation and purnping costs to workplaces. Other costs to be allocated include overheads like support
personnel, marketing, property taxes, and corporate office charges. These wsts m u s t be allocated fairly to the difEerent workplaces. Incorrect allocations tend to obscure and distort the cost picture thus making economic decisions more difncult. Cost accounts rnay be setup by accounting on a separate extemal system. The Mine DesigdPlanning System should be able to interface with that system to maintain consistent accounting code numbers.
The company rnay have specific planning horizons designed to meet its production and budgeting objectives. All planning horizons must be able to work together while providing
the necessary level of detail. The company rnay also have specific mine planning,
production practices, budgeting practices and d e t y issues to be mnsidered. The System should be able to emulate these practices when it is logical to do so. There may also be specific reporting considerations. Depending on the requirements of the users, reports rnay be generic in nature to very specific.
Development and production resources rnay be allocated dierently. There rnay be different shift schedules to consider. Work incentives (i.e. "bonusy') will have to be included, however bonus rates can change over time.
6.5 Assumptions
It is important to identie and describe the assumptions made dunng the requirements analysis process. Assumptions made rnay influence the System. For instance, it rnay be
assumed that the operating system will be Microsofi Widows NTm.This assumption will influence the selection of libraries that can be used for the development process. There may be assumptions that corne about because of corporate standards or lack thereof
There may be assumptions made on the delivery of parts of the Systems, software components availability and suitability, software tools, etc. Assumptions may be made about the technological environment in which the System wiU be developed or operate. There may be assumptions made about compatibility or dependencies with extemal systems.
Figure 57 illustrates the scope of work for the Mine DesigdPlanning System through a work context diagram (not to be contirsed with an SADT context diagram). Note that the context diagram includes more than the intended System. Unless we understand the work that the System wili support, there is liale chance of building a product that will fit cleanly into its environment. The adjacent systems on the context diagram indicate other subject matter domains (systems, people and organizations) that need to be understood.
For the Mine DesigdPlanning System the adjacent systems, people and organizations are: Mine Information Management System (MIMS) Payroll and Benefit System Corporate Office Exploration Department
The first two are cornputer systems for accounting control, the next three are internat departments or people within the mining organization, and the last two are regdatory organizations specializing in labour and rnining development/production issues.
Work Partitioning
Table 8 is an event List identifjhg the business events to which the Mine DesigdPlanning work responds. The business events are user-defineci. The response to each event represents a portion of work that contnbutes to the total fiinctionality of the System. These business events also provide the sub-systems that can be used as the basis for managing detailed analysis and design.
System Boundary
Figure 58 iIlustrates graphically the business events, the users and the System boundaq
listed in Table 8 as a Use-Case diagram-
1 IapatrnJ<Wpa
( i n )
Exploration Costs (in) hg-terrn SctKQlle(out)
1 1
The Mine DesignlPlanningcsbblishcs the long-term schedde bascd on r rleftcd produdon rate, carporatc objectives and the M d Resemes nventory and issues than to rhe Conmate OfIce to l a them o p h k is mining/qidon macgy. The M k DesigniPlanningpcparrs and submit?r a Closuie Plui to ihe MNDM far the e v 4 closurr
The Mine DcsigdPlamiing requins Supplies and Consumables cost data to p ~ p u is c Sh-tcnn Rodudon Scbedule and Budget Availability is used to dc(nminc whcn to ardcr supplia 12 The M i DesigniPlanning r e q u k mining Activity Average Cost data t o pepue i(s Shoit-tcrm Roducicn Sdwdule and Budget. o prrparr ils S b - t c n n Pmduction 13 The Mine DesignlPIiumingrequircs Wage Rates and bmfm t Budget 14 The Mine DesigniPlanningroquircs Lbour Availability to preparc its ShortRoducticm Schedule andto~ifmorrrrsourccsarcrequircd. 1S The Minc DesignlPlanningprcparrs a Short-tcrm Sctiebult and Budget for the Roduaionpeople to J use. 16 1 The M i n e DesigdPlanningpcpares Fmecastd Tomuges and Grades report for use by rhe -011
(m) Supplia and Corwmubla Unit Cost Daia and AvaiIibility (in) Acivity Average Unit Pmductivity and Coas ( m ) WagcRa&sd&ncls(in) b b o u r Availability (in)
Short-tecm SchcQle
ud Widga
18 19
1 1 1
The Corporatc C3Rice approvesthe Short-tenn SchcQile and Budget s o as to l a promictionbcgin or continue. nie Mine DesigdPlarming prepares Development and s t o p Layouts f atfic Fmduction people to use in conjunaion with the Short-tum Schedule and Widget The Minc DesigtwPlarming and subMts Minc Plan Reportsto the MOL to keep thcm uadak -prq>lrrs . . of min in^ activhies. Bwdon the Devclopmcnt and Laywts, S U ~ V ~ ~ O fian C S the M i n e DesigniPlanning align the Roductim people and m u r e proas wcll which u used to check the pmgrcss of the Short-tcrm Scliedule as well as calculate work inccntivcspaymnits The M u n Design/Plamillig calculates work pmgrrss and use it to calculate Work incentivespaymmt for the labour fom. The M i Dcrign/Plannbgrcceives incident Rcpoots fian the Roductim people - anci recodhvesti& t h !&rious Incidents will k rrporledto the MOL The Mine DcsignlPllrniing calculatcs Safety Statistics and issues thcm to the MOL The Mine DesigdPlamiing acquires Minoseismic and M o n i t o r i n g of the - Data to chcck the mine to mining aciivities. The Workplace Accwnt informaticm i s s t d in the MIMS and is uscd to ~ccumulate cost and ezrpenditurc infinmation as mining. The MIMS prcparcs production rrpoiis for both the Mine DcsignlPlanningand Carpontc Officc to use in evaluahg the pmgm of the Short-tenn Sckdulc and to vaify thai Roduction Objectives are being met. Thc MIMS prepares production feporls for both the Mine DesigrilPlamhg and Corporatc W ~ c to c use in evaluating the pmgms of ttic Short-tenn Schedule and Ehdgct.
W o r k incentives Calculatiorrs (out) Incidan Rtports . (in) - SIfcty Stntistic~ (out) Microseismicand Mcmitaruia Data(in) WcnIc~lacc Account (in) - -
1 1 I
Fundonai requirements are what the Mine DesigdPlanning System must do. For clarity of presentation, much of the detailed results of the hnctional requirements analysis are not presented here. Instead, the fnctional requirements will be grouped under broad categories.
The very nature of requirements requires that they be written in the form of a specification. The use of the terms "shall" and "will" is common when preparing specifications as they indicate a mandatory requirement. The terms "should" and "could" imply an optional requirement that could be ornitted ifnecessary.
The System shall be able to maintain separate the current mine model and mine plan (i.e. for production) fkom models or analyses under consideration (Le. temporary). There will be a need to integrate a comprehensive model and plan approvaVcheckout system for approval of changes and revisions to the mine modeVplan (Le. change control management). Security is a concem and the current mine model or plan is not t o be updated or replaced with a new rnine model or rnine plan unless authorized by someone with the appropriate clearance. Revisions to the mine model or mine plan should be logged for auditing purposes and stored for joumalling purposes. The System must be
capable of supporting multiple users, located in one or more areas that may be linked by a communication network.
Database Engine
The database system is a critical core system of the Mine Design/Planning System. The data generated has to be stored, manipulated and retrieved in an efficient manner. Much of the data is spatial in nature and wil need to be accessed via the visualization system. However, there wili be a need to be able to access the database information outside the visualization system. The data stored within the database system wiil be accessed by ail other applications. It is critical that this data be protected from loss or damage.
The database system shall be closely coupled with the visualization system for storing spatial object attributes. This information shall be accessible both inside and outside of the visualization system. However, it is expected that some of the spatially based information will be accessible only within the visualization system.
The database system shall be flexible. It should be possible to adapt and modify easily the database structure through the database administrator as required by the users and application programrners. The database system should support the data dictionary concept for making changes to the database structure. The database system s h d have a comprehensive querying system for searching the database. The database system shall
have a comprehensive and flexible report generator for creating or modifjing reports by the user. The database system shall operate in a multi-user, multi-tasking, distributed client-server type networked environment. The database shall provide concurrency
control, providing selective locking capabilities to maintain control over simultaneous data access by two or more users and to avoid deadlocks. Locking capabilities shall extend to
an individual field of a record or data object. The database shall provide comprehensive
but flexible security and authorization checking through the control of a database adrninistrator and the use of an access control list. The database security system shall be capable of generating an audit trail of unauthorized access.
The database system shali provide high availability to the mine desigdplanning systern. The specified availability is 99.5% or higher. If required the database system shall be able to roll over to a dserent cornputer system in case of software or hardware failure. The database system shall be able to monitor and report its performance and database transaction demands. The database system shall provide an acceptable response tirne. AU database transactions shall be handled within a reasonable arnount of time for both average and peak loads. The database system shali be able to generate multiple indexes to improve searching capabilities and maintain an acceptable response time. The database shall provide an intemal system to check for data integrity. If the data integrity is lost, the database shall be able to remove and correct the erroneous data. The database system shall be able to recover properly in the case of software, system, hardware or power failure. Incomplete transactions shall be removed fiom the database, and placed into a temporary
file and the database system shall retum to its previous state. The database administrator shall be alerted for a decision on what to do with the incomplete transactions. The database system shall provide flexible import/export capabilities under the control of the database administrator and as permitted by the user's privileges. The importlexport capabilities will support a wide range of industry file formats.
The mine design and planning system requires sophisticated 3-D surface/solids geometric modeling and visualization capabilities as one of its core systems. The required sophistication is due to the diverse nature of the minhg information. A partial list is outlined below : Geology or rock type (e-g.ordwaste, norite, diorite, etc.) Geological structures and discontinuities (faults, joints, etc.) Diamond driii information (e.g. drill hole location, assay or grade profile) Ore grades (individual metal, metal equivalent, or caiculated NSR value) Stope outlines (e-g.blasthole, cut-and-fill, VRM, etc.) Development outlines (e-g. shafts, raises, drifts, ramps, levels, stations, etc.) Installed facilities (e-g. power Iines, water pipes, compressed air lines, bacml lines, etc.) Survey information (e-g. points and iines) Cavity surveying (Mah et al, 1995) (e-g. cornparison between planned and measured, cavity progression over time or dilution estimation) Surface topography (e.g. elevations) Ground stresses and strains (e.g. vector data from geomechanical analyses)
Microseismic data (e-g. event location, magnitude, energy released, t h e of event) Production scheduling (e-g. colour coding stopes rnined during different time periods) Equiprnent movernent (Le. objects)
The geometric modeling component provides drawing tools for creating and manipulating spatidy based data. The visualization system provides tools for displayhg the data thus and transfonning it hto uifonnation. The visualization system provides tools for r e n d e ~ g contouring this data. The visualization system acts as an intenace to al1 the spatially based data (e.g. geology, mine, numerical stress analysis) for querying, displayhg editing, and saving purposes.
The geometric modeling and Msualization shall be designed and implemented using objectoriented technology with ail graphic primitives including annotations and dimensions being true objects. The geometric modeling and visuaization s h d be designed and implemented for a 3-D coordinate system. The geometnc modeling system shall provide the capabilities to create, edit, manipulate (Le. move, copy, cut, rotate, scale, and renarne), undo, Save, retneve, delete the following graphic object entities: Points Lines Splines, beziers, NURBS (Piegl, 199 1)
Polygons (irregular or regular closed shapes like circles, arcs, ellipses, squares, rectangles) Surfaces, flat planes, polygonal meshes (Foley and Van Dam, 1982) Solids (regular and irregular shapes, octrees) Objects (abstract representations, e.g. a truck or a drill) Annotations (text and notes)
The geometnc modeling system must provide an application programmer's interface (AH) to permit complete customization of the modeling system. The API system should be complimented with a macro language to permit the creation and execution of complex sets of instructions for creating user-defned routines or parametric programs to aid in the design process.
arbitrary resolution) based on NURBS (Non-uniform rational B-splines) surfaces (Fisher and Wales, 1989).
The geometric modeling system shall provide the foilowing 3-D surfacedsolids modeling capabilities: Create, edit, delete, store, retrieve surfaces manually or from a block model Create, modiQ, delete, store, query block model (including Boolean union, intersection and difference operations on blocks) fiom pre-defined or calculated surfaces
Create a solid frorn a user-defined polygon following a pre-defined path or spline through space (for defining drifts, raises, ramps, s h a h and other regular shaped objects) often referred to as extrusion or sweeping. Create a solid from the "skinning" of consecutive polygonal sections (for use in orebody modeling and creating irregular shaped solids) Determine the centroid of a polygon Measure areas of polygons Merge two or more soiids into one solid having weighted attributes Section or split a soiid into two or more solids have similar attributes Detect intersections (interference checking) of solids Detect solids located within a pre-dehed zone of influence Calculate distance between solids Calculate the centre of mass, volume, or surface area of solids Convert solids to other representations (e-g. octree to B-rep)
The geometnc modeling and visualization shall provide basic computer-aided drafting (CAD) capabilities. These capabilities shall include the following: Extensive constructive geometry Dimensioning Annotations Blends and Fillets
Snaps and Tolerances Cutting planes Collision and interference detection Projections and elevations Measure angles and distances
Inclusion of custom libraries and templates Import/export capabil~ty to other CAD formats
The visualization system shall be integrated with the spatial and non-spatial database
systems. A mouse, tablet and/or a digitizer for selecting, picking, and highlighting objects displayed on the screen shall be used as an interface to the system and shall be designed with a WIMP interface (Le. Windows, Icons, Menus, and Pointers). The visudition system shall be capable of working on one or more objects smultaneously, providing and supporting multiple viewpoints or viewports on the screen that have full (but selectable) associativity. A change in one viewport should result in the automatic update of the other viewports. For pefiormance reasons, this feature should be selectable by the user. Basic graphic transformations shall be performed dynarnically (i-e. rotation, scaling, and translation, zooming). The system shali provide and support basic viewing controls (Le. perspectives, shading and rendering) for the visualization of the following type of geometric, surface and volume data:
2-D point (%y) 2-D scalar (%y, magnitude) 2-D vector (%y, magnitude, direction) 3-D point (qy,z)
Support for arbitrary slicing, orthogonal slicing, and threshold slicing of objects displayed on the screen shdl be provided as well as interpolation tools and algorithrns (local fit, cubic splie, triangulation, and Kriging).
The visuaiization system shall support the geomechanics numerical modeling system by
providing the following capabilities: Pre and post-processing capabilities for numerical solver
3-D mode1 import/export of models
Automatic mesh generation and adaptive mesh refinement Creation, storage and display of static images based on numerical results for creating animation sequences Materials (i.e. rock type, bacldl) libraqddatabase Displaying of vector field data (flow visuabation)
Basic presentation graphics capabilities shall include the following: Pie charts, bar charts, x-y plots, scatter plots, line or curve graphs, histograms Freehand sketching and painting Input of scanned images with manipulation and processing capabilities Integration of text and annotations
Simulation Engine
The System needs to integrate a simulation engine as one of the core systems. Mine development and production consist of a series of interrelated and interdependent processes that in turn comprise several activities requiring resources (Le. equipment,
labour, suppiies, time). The metrics used to descnbe these activities and resources are generally in the form of statistical distributions for which simulation is very amenable.
Simulation offers one of the better ways to mode1 and analyze the complexities observed in the desigdplanning process and in particular the planning and scheduhg work. However, simulation can be used at ail stages of the mine Mie cycle to find answers to complex questions as shown on Table 9. Other benefits include: The analysis of complex interactions between syaem components where cause and effect are not readiy apparent. The detection of system bottlenecks caused by shortcomings in capacity or unreliable equipment. The determination of optimum equipment fleet and capacities. Scenario analysis for impact on system caused by introduction of new technology.
Strategic Planning
Detail Design
Froduction requirements Degree of automation suitable E.vpected mine lif JAxw versus capital intensity Desirable mining flexibility Minuig Strategy Mining melhod seldon Extradon seledion Operationai philosophy Production System Design Material handluig specrfications Equipment selection
Operaiion Planning
Mine Operations
Mine layout Production rate detemimtion Shiftscheduling Production planning Equipment chedulng Wo&-iIl-pm~ levefs Activity timing EquipIImt Ipwul and + t y BoienedEproblems Day-tO-w = M g and secluencing preventivemaitenancescheduling Equipment ~eliability Quality control in erdration process Stockpiles control Expaiison of production capacity Addition of eqpipment Impaa of new technology REconfiguring the mine
Table 10 lists some of the more wmmon questions for which mining simulation can be used to
provide m e r s (adapted nom Joseph and Mies, 1990).
Rework rate
~ ~ p ~ S y J d e n i s
1 Lateness in scheduie
Totalupame/down!ime Utilization
Bortkacdra Percentirdili;raton
Primalybotunedrs Potentialbottl~
1 Maintenancecrews
capacity c b ~ ~ g e ~
Waiting tima
In mining simulation work, we are primarily interested in simulating the process of breaking or excavating the orehock from the orebody (or workplace) and moving it either to surface or to a place of disposal. Thus, to be truly usefl as a planning and scheduling tool, the simulator must make it easy and quick to create, run, validate and modiQ a process model (INCO, 2000. pers. cornm.).
To achieve this goal, the simulation engine must provide the foliowing f'unctionalities: The simulator must be integrated with the mine planning and scheduling system. The simuiator m u s t extract Eom the mine spatiai model:
The mine layout (geometry of minhg blocks, location, orientation, types of development and s t o p and development sequence and pnority). The ore reserves data (stope sue, tonnage and metai grades, specific gravity). The ground (or rock mass) conditions The haulage network conditions (degree of interference, congestion, ske of travel headings, ore pass capacities, hoisting capacity) The mine short-temi schedule must be described i n terms of processes that the simulator understands. The processes must have intrinsic knowledge of the activities required f o r each process. Each activity m u s t have cleariy d&ed associated with it, defined as statisticd distxibutions. The activity-based costing system There must be d e s for assigning resources between cornpetmg activities and processes or when axtain events occur during the simulation. resowce requirernents. Each resource must have ceitain costs, productivity and reliability data
considers rock mass conditions, explosive types and powder fctor and related impact
The integration of a simulator with the mine planning and scheduling system represents one of the more cornplex components to design and implement within the integrated Mine DesigdPlanning System. There are several reasons for this complexity as illustrated on Figure 59. The mine network is constantly changing and evolving as rnining progresses. Ground conditions in stopes, drifts, ore passes generdly deteriorate as the mine ages and the overall extraction ratio increases. The available resources have certain capabilities and Limitations. A well-designed simulator will be able to consider these factors. As well, the
simulator must have a set of rules for making decisions, allocating resources, and optimizing production.
The simulator/planner shall be designed on the concept of process flowcharts that describe the activities and the associated resources required in every process. These processes shali be used for defining a work schedule. Examples of rnining processes are listed in Table 11 and include drifting and raising f o r development work, and C&F and VRM for aoping operations. The process flowcharts must contain the flow of pnmary activities as well as the decisions that are used in controhg the flow. Thus, the process flowcharts describe the simulation logic. This process description approach pennits the evaluation of modifications to the process activities.
An example of simulation logic for the C&F mung process would look as foliows:
1) Excavate access drifts or crossnits to stop (depending on whether the minuig is
longitudinal or transverse)
2) Excavate or raisebore the ventilation raises at ends of the stope
3) C&F minllig is simulated more or less k e a development heading (Le. drill, blast, load,
haul, instal ground support and services). Jumbo drills or handheld jackiegs are used to
drill off each round4) At the end of each sIice or cut, fil fences are built.
The simulation logic for VRM rnining would look like this: 1) Excavate top sill Eom aiblevel (similar to dewlopment headings) using jurnbos drills 2) Excavate bottom siii fiom footwa access drift
3) Excavate footwall crossinits and drawpoints to bottom s a fiom access drift
4) Instail cablebolts support (ifrequired) fiom bottom sill
7) Muck out the l i e ushg remote LHD 8) Repeat blasting-mucking process (Steps 6-7)
While there are similarities between the two methods (i.e. both methods retreat vertically using
horizontal slices), there are many differences. DEerent drilling equipment is used. In C&F
mining, each round is drilleci and blasted individiially. h VRM, the entire stope is drilled off prior to production blasting. In C U mining, each cut is filled prior to mining the next slice. In
VRM mining, backfiihg can only be done when the stope is rnined out. C&F mining is
considered an entry method while VRM is not. As weii, each method has diffrent equipment,
resources, productivity, dilution, recovery, and costs.
Each process contains a series of activities. Tables 12 and 13 List potential developrnent and production activities and sub-activities that would be used in defining the mining processes of Table 11. The metrics for simulating these activities are aiso included. It must be noted that these simulation metrics will likely be in the form of statistical distributions.
Metncs for development activities are typicaliy set on a distance basis (Le. footage or metreage advance or round). Knowing the length and size of the heading makes it simple to estimate time required and costs for the work. It should be noted that it is a simple matter to transfer the simulation metncs from footage (or metreage) to round if the footage per round is known.
Metncs for stoping activities are based on tonnage of ore/rock. Tonnage is easily estimated fiom the stope volume (frorn the mine spatial model) and rock mass specific gravity (which depends on metal grades and rock type).
Loading Explosives
Conventional Raiseboring Dropraising Handloading Buikloading LHD MucluBg only ( 1000 A haul)
m g
Mete Hours per Foot (or Metre) Cost per Fwt (or Metre) Hom per Foot (or Mme) Cost per Fwt (or Metre)
Installing Cables
Rockbolting/RebadScreen Shotcreting Fgid Ducting Flexible Du&p. Compressed Air Water Fil1 Electrical Communication/Network
Installing Chutes
By conside~g these metrics and knowing the a p p r o k t e quantities hvolved, the process
flowcharts can be used for preparing the short-terrn schedule and the simulation model. For
f a certain size drift (say 4 x 5 metres) cm be advanced ushg jurnbos at the average exampIe, i
rate of 0.75 metre per hou, it is possible to calculate how many hours (and thus shifls) will be required to advance 100 m e t r e s of drift. Sirnilarly, if a siope is to be M e d off using an ITH
drill that can penetrate the rock at a given rate, it is possible to calculate how long it will take to drill o f f the entire stop provided we know how long the holes are and how many holes are
needed. If the powder factor is known, the blasthole volume and the number of holes c m be
estirnateci. With the addition of some cost metrics, we could caldate approxixnately how much it would cost to drill off the stop.
Met& Hom per Ton (or Tome) Cost per Ton (or Tome)
1 1
Loading Explosives
1 1
Installing Ground Support Mucking (includes Ioad and dump) Mucking and Hauiing FiU Barricade Constmction Bacffilling Oversize Drilling and Blasting Tramming Conveying
1 1
Hours per Ton (or Tome) Cost per Ton (or Tonne) Hom per Ton (or Tome) Cost per Ton (or Tonne) Hours per Ton (or Tome) Cost per Ton (or Tome) Hours per Ton (or Tome) Cost per Ton (or Tome) Hours per Barricade Cost per Barricade Hour per Fil1 Ton (or Tome) CO& per Ton (or Tonne) Hours per Ton (or Tome) Cost per Ton (or Tonne) Hours per Ton (or Tome) Cost per Ton (or Tonne) Hom per Ton (or Tonne) Cost per Ton (or Tonne) Hours per Ton (or Tome) Cost per Ton (or Tonne) Hours per Ton (or Tome) Cost per Ton (or Tonne)
Rock Crushing
Associated with each activity are certain resources (i-e.equipment, labour, and supplies). For example, bolthg and meening would require a crew of two miners, a scisson Ml,jackleg or stoper drills, bolts and screen, compressed air, and driii water. We can associate with the resources certain measurement metrics iike costs, productivity, availability and reliability and
use these metrics for planning and scheduling purposes. These attriiutes would be describeci
Equipment Considerations simulation work, we are ofien interested in analyzing the complex interactions that take place between the various pieces of equipment. The impact caused by variations in equipment performance can be subtle and simulation can provide insight that wouid difficult to obtain using other methods. Table 14 interest when anaiyzing and comparing equipment. some potential parameters
1 Pamnccr of Inkrcst
Performance Characteristics
Equipment Reliability
cycle rimes Mechanical availability Breakdown and repair characteristics Motor horsewwer 1 Fuel wnsumption (for diesel engines) 1 Maintenance and operating costs Lifelcycle costs Causes for breakdowu Time between failures based on opetatinp: hours Time to wait before reoairs can start in hours 1 Average repaU time or time to fix in hours Component reliability Failure costs
Table 15 Iists some o f the equipment attributes or parameters required for miing simulation work. These parameters must be described using statistical distributions. The simulator WU be able to work with these statistical distributions.
Table 15 - Equipment Attributes Requind for Simulation Work
M m
Explosive Leader
Collar Drill Hole Penetration Rate Puii Drill String Change Bit Bit Li& Mfxhnical Availabiliiiy Mean Time Between Failure Wait T i to Repair Mean Tirne to Repair Move
E%plosives Load Biasho1e Fil1 Rate Mechanical Availability McanTRetweenFailure Wait Time t o Repair Mean Time t o Repair Powder Factor BucketLoedTii
H m
H o u r s
Kgs or Lbs K~ourorLbs/Hour
H m Hours H m
Kgfonne or W o n
Tuni Anwad
MechanicalAvailability Mean Time Between Faiiure Wait T i to Repair Mean Time t o Repair
Hours Hopus
Percentage Heurs
Hours Hours
The simulator shall be capable of ushg statisticai distniutions for defining parameters or attributes that vary stochastically. All mining resources have perfocmance and reliability characteristics that cm be best d e s c r i i using statistical distributions. These characteristics include fdures, productivity, availability, t h e distniutions for loading, unloading, re-locating,
o on. Statistical distniutions can dso and acceleratiodspeed curves for distance travelled and s be applied to LHD bucket 6il factor, penetration rate for drills, muck produceci per blast and so
on. The simuiator shall be able to consider component reliability for equipment pieces. For
instance, it should be feasible to for a planner to examine the reliabii impacts of engine,
power drive, drill bit, steel, rod hanier and so on for a specific drill.
The simulator shall provide statistical and modeling tools for analyzing raw data and determining suitable distributions. These tools would include fimng algorithm as weli as
"goodness of fit" tests. The sniktor s h d be able to d e s a i the equipment attributes for
both generic cases (e.g. the load tirne for a typical6-yd LHD) and s p d c instances (e-g. the
load time for a 6-yd Toro LHD with a 250-HP motor).
different activities. Sometimes, equipment is shared betweeri development and production actinties. For example, LHDs are fiequently used to muck a development round first and then assigned to move some s t o p muck.
7 . 2 . 3 . 3
The sirnulator shall be capable of extracting the haulage network model and the material handling system from the spatial mine model (mine layout) including both existing and proposed (or to-be-excavated) layouts and status. The simulation network shaii use the same workplace names contained in the schedule when creating the network.
In simulation work, a mine haulage system is typidly represented by a network of nodes comected by segments (Macaulay, 1984). Drifts and raises are broken into straight segments with further breaks inserted at intersections ifrequired. The geometry consists of the beginning and end point of the centerline of the bottom of the segment (although some other location can be selected). Direction is important in indicating which direction the drifthg or raising will proceed. Nodes not only indicate the start and end of segments, but they can be used to indicate workplace locations, ore pass locations, and chutes among others.
Each segment must have a unique number assigned to it for reference and be cross-referenced to two nodes as well as information about the segment itseK typically a sequence that includes orebody name, level information, workplace ID as weli as a description of the type of development, and its rank. Each network n d e must have a unique number assigned to it that is used to iden* it.
The segments shaii be clasdieci based on their material handling chacteristics (Macaulay,
1984). Active segments indicate that mechanical equipment will be used to move ordrock fkom
one location to another whereas gravdy moves ore/rock through the passive segments. Passive
segments, those where material flows by gravity are required to have a de6ined capacty (in
tenns of tonnage) since passive segments a l l have storage potentiai within the haulage system. Passive segments also need to have a discharge rate specified Cui tondhour or torneshour).
The haulage network shall include both exkting and proposeci headings. The simulator must
keep track of the changes to the spatial network, adjusting dynarnicdy the network to be used
by the equipment.
Specific Uiformation about heading dimensions, grades and M a g e
conditions shall be embedded within the network. This information, coupled with the mine equipment data, wiU be used to calculate travel speeds as well as detennine potentiai travel paths. If a heading is wide enough, two pieces of equipment shall be able to p a s one another or one equipment piece rnay be able to overtake another (if perrnitted). The network shall contain information on possible tumoff points where one piece of equipment can tum off and wait while another is wming through.
Through the hauiage network and the equipment specified, the simulator shall understand the limitations af the equipment in use. For example, an LHD can travel in a drift, dong a level or sublevel, or along a ramp, but it can't travel dong a raise. An LHD can travel along a shafl provided that a cage big enough to cany it exists. The simulator must know where the equipment normal starting points are (e.g. parking areas, service areas, s t o p , load points,
dwnp points, etc.). Using the schedde, the mine planner will assign destinations and routes to the equipment (as weil as alternates). If multiple equipment routes are possible, the snulator should be able to select the best route using a network-solving algorithm. Selection criteria for the best route could include minimum travel tirne or lowest unit haulage cost.
The simulator shall able to calculate travel speed for mobile equipment based on pedormance charactenstics and travel path conditions. An LHD will travel slower with its bucket fuli than empty, or faster going downgrade than up a rarnp, or slower through a congested or foggy heading or a rough haulage road. The simulator must be capable of accounting for the age of the mining equipment and the maintenance strategies used by the Company when determinhg equiprnent performances and characteristics. Old, poorly repaired equipment wili not operate the same as new equipment.
Table 16 lists a set of codes that the simuIator/planner shall use for descnbing the status of
Status c o d e
Satus Dacription
Waitinp:for something else to complete Mining can start Mining is fished Minine: is not possible due to block king inaccessible Mining is not possible due to inadequate economics 1 Mining is proceeding and cunently performing the specined ' activity
The simulator shali integrate an expert system to provide decision-making capabilities (dispatching or production objectives) for modifjing the simulation "on the fly". Potential dispatching or production objectives shall include: a) Fixed dispatch (no re-allocation of equipment to another workplace unless a breakdown occurs)
. .
The simulator shall respect the five conditions below when attempting to optirnize development and production activities: Equipment must be available.
Manpower must be avaiiable.
schedule) that meets ail above requirements and is competing for the same resources.
The simulator will respect minimum resource (equipment and labour) requirements when
attempting to opbimize production. The simulator shali respect equipment assignments when attempting to optimize production. For example, equipment assigned to production crews will stay with production crews. The simulator shall be capable of respecting equipment assigned to
operate i n specific work areas or zones. The information regarding specific work areas or zones shail be contained within the equipment attributes and the spatial model.
The simulator shall respect minimum manpower requirements to c a r y out the scheduled activities and minhg processes when attempting to opumize production. The simulator will respect crew allocations when attempting to optimize production. Typically,
h i s has to do with matters development crews are kept separate Grom production crews. T
of efficiency and the ease with which a miner c m be re-assigned nom one crew to another.
The simulator shall be capable of using a crew efficiency factor when it is required to dflerentiate one crew from another. It must be noted that not all crews are equal. Some crews are more productive than others based on experience, skilis, training or motivation.
An efficiency factor can be used to dierentiate one crew from another. This permits
comparisons between union miners and contractors or even miners fiom different contractors (e-g. J.S. Redpath versus Dynatec).
The simulator shall respect minimum required times before starting new activities when optimizing production. If possible, the scheduler should take advantage of adding new activities (i.e. tasks or jobs) in a shift when time is available o r resources are idle, particularly in development headings (where blasting at fked times may not be required). However, there is usually a minimum amount of time required in a shift to make such a re-
assignment worthwhile. This time requirement has to do with getting the gear, setting up and doing something useful.
The simulator shall be able to consider the tirne and advance requirements for installing support services (Le. ventilation, piping, and cables) d u ~ development g work. During the development cycle, seMces will be advanced by a certain distance as long as there is
enough advance (minimum advance threshold) and idle t h e available. If no idle time is
available during the cycle, development can proceed until the total advance exceeds the maximum advance threshold before another round can be advanced. For ventilation in particular, there is a legal requirement to have fresh air blown a certain maximum distance away fiom the face. Note that the advance thresholds must be at least as great as the install length. The precedence in service installation is ventilation first, followed by pipelines and cables last.
The simulator shall be designed to accommodate the f a c t o r s listed in Table 17. The simulation system shall be capable of specifyug a different number of shifts for different processes. For
instance, it is not unusual to carry drilhg and blasting operations on two shifis per &y while
production mucking is done using three shifts.
Descripba Commeiit
The simulation system shall be capable of specifying the available number of working days per
year as well as the number and tirne duration of the M s . The scheduler shall be capable of handling annual shutdowns for major maintenance work as well the legislative requirements for
grnualholidays (which are based on years of senice) for the workforce as well as statutory
holidays (a total of ten in Ontario). The mine planning and scheduling system shal be capable of handling the issue of overtime rates when calculating labour costs.
The simulation systern shall be capable of considering the effective number of working hours
per shift. Most workhg shifts are 8 hours long however, they can be as long as 12 hours.
Labour laws alro have specific requirements on the length of time that a miner can stay
underground in any one day.
The simulation model shall be capable of being validated. Validation of the model shall consist of comparing actual mean tonnage hauled per hour versus simulated. The difference between the two values shall be within the 95% confidence interval (based on
The user shaU be able to define the period to be simulated. Once initial conditions are set, the simulation can proceed, accumulating the performance metrics desired by the user.
The sirnulator shdi be capable of including equipment delays and fdures in its sindation. Delays at nodes can occur for a variety of causes:
A node is ocacpied by another piece of equipment (which rnay be operating or may be
A counterpart equipment piece is not present or is down at an equipment interaction
A passive segment to which a machine dumps to is full.
u s t check which delay condition exists when it is present and repeat this check The sirnulator m
until the condition (i.e. cause of the delay) is removed. Delays can also o c a r i n segments
(active and passive). Each roadway segment has a dock at each end to indicate the amount of
time remaining before tratnc m e n t l y in the segment wi exit. The simuiator must check the
skut and end tirne of any new piece of equipment about to enter the segment. If the segment is
ocnipied, then the equipment piece must be delayed until t is kee. The length of the trafac delay d depend on the sub-dass ofthe roadway segment. Some segments wiii aow only one equipment piece in the segment at a the, and some wiii d o w two-way passage with overtaking capabiities.
The simulator shall be capable of sirnuia~g delays caused by ground control problems or other system Mures. Like equiprnent pieces, it is possible to define fdure distributions for: Haulage drift failure (ground support/fall of ground failtue)
Drawpoint fdure (muck oversize)
The simulator shall be capable of moeling equipment downtime with information Wre the
MTE3F (Mean Time Between Failure), the WTTR (Wait Time to Repair) and the MTTR
The simulator shall be capable of considering the options available when a piece of equipment
M s at the work face. When a piece of equipment fails at the work f&e, i t can tie up awess.
Tied up access means that development or production cornes to a hait until access is restored. It may be cntical to restore access to the work face as quickly as possible. The downed equipment can be repaireci at the face or towed to the shop for repairs. The decision will have to be base on the priority of the work fce,the tirne to make repairs, the t h e it takes to free up the work face and the towing t h e to the shop. Also, an idle work aew costs money and does not produce. The sirnulator must be capable of deciding when a work crew shall be reassigned to a new workplace.
When a piece of equipment fds, the simulator shall look at the standby
lia of available
equipment and make a suitable s e l d o n or allocation depending of course on the nature of the fidure and the expected duration. It may not be worthwhile replacing an equipment piece if the delay wiU be short (say l e s than 1/2 SM). The simulator shall look where at the iiiure has
taken place and the type of failure encwntered before deciding on a course of action. For
instance, a failure at a loading point, a dumping point or in a narrow cirifi means that no other
equipment can move to or fiom the node or segment umil the block caused by the downed machine has been removed.
It shall be possible to asign multiple workplaces to each mobile piece of equipment in case ore/rock runs out at one location or a breakdown in one workplace or in the system occurs. Mobe equipment that
pnorities to decide whether or not an equipment piece should be re-docated to another workplace and at how much time to wait before the re-allocation is done. Each new job
node, end node and tirne to travel fiom CUrCent job to next
job and to make any preparations at the load node. The shdator shall be capable of re-
assigning equipment to other workplaces when th& job is finished and are now on siandby.
Simulation Algorithm
Define the schedule to be simulated, the minuig processes and activities required, the available resources and their assignments, the production-Mage network the
statistical distributions.
Initialize aii production statistics variables.
Set the mode1 to reflect the curent work-in-progress, the resowce allocations and the
active workplaces. Determine the MTTF, WiTR and MTTR for all equipment pieces, stopes, haulage segments, etc as weU as a i l the relevant parameters in the simulation that are defined using statistid distributions. Initialize for the shift. Select the workplace with the next highest priority in the schedule. If no workplace can
be selected, the workpkces are place on a waiting status until resources are fieed up.
Check that the workplace is physicaiiy accessible and there are no restrictions as a
remit of nearby activities (adjacencies). Ifrestrictiom exist, go to step 6.
Check that suffiCient equipment and manpower is available to carry out the scheduled
activity. If resources are missing, re-aliocate thern fiom lower priority activities otherwise go to step 6
Check the clock for determinhg which equipment has filed, is down, or has been
repaired. Re-assign resources as required. Equipment that has been repaired will have a new MTTF, W T R and MTTR assigneci to them.
10) Determine the system status for the next incrernent (where ail equiprnent wiil be and
which activities are being pediormed, the tonnage in each stop, storage bins, skips, ore p , etc-) 11) Advance the master dock and update the production statistics.
12) Are we at the end of the SM? Ifno, go to step 9, otherwise proceed to the next step.
13) Generate the shift report.
14) Are there more shifts to simulate? If yes, go to step 4, othecwise proceed to the next
sep15) Anaiyze the simulation results statisticay and generate the inalsimulation report.
The sirnulator shall be able to coilate simulation r e d t s into a report suitable for analysis by the
mine planner. Table 18 lins potential simulation reports useW for mining process and
production analysis.
f T *
S u b p m s s times per deveopment heading or stope Waiting time for each process Qcie thne for development and production Equipment utilization and a & Maqmwer utibfon and c m Work utikation
FbCeSs An-
The sirnulator shaii use the visualization systern for displaying equipment movements a d o r development/production advances during the simulation process. The animation capabilities of the visualization system, in particular, WUbe used to displaying mining progress over specific user-defined tirne intervals. The simulator shall provide a simulation monitor for "step-by-step" examination of the simulation in action, history logs, and simulation debugging.
The mine design and planning system needs to integrate an expert systeddecision support system as one of the core systems. Mining design and planning consists of a series of interrelated and interdependent processes. Experience plays an important role in making selections from various options especially when data is sparse. An expert system is a way to add "intelligence" or knowledge to the mine desigdplanning system by embedding the experience of geologists engineers and planners within it. The expert system c m aid the user by asking the right questions and making suggestions. The expert system can also identi@ data gaps or areas where key or critical decision making information is rnissing. The expert system can also control the simulation process, making changes "on the fly" based on observed results. The a h of this control is to simulate the decision making that would take place naturaliy during the production as conditions change. It is expected that the expert system would be able to call on the various modules available to it for its decision making.
For exarnple, during the mining method selection, the expert system would be able to recommend likely mining methods based on the orebody configuration. If the mining method is an open stoping method, the expert system could call on the empincal Mathew's Open Stope Stability calculation for helping in the sizing of the stope. The expert system could help in sequencing the stoping operations by integrating the geomechanics numencal modeler. The expert system could automatically create the necessary mode1 and execute the analysis. Based on the results, ground support strategies
could be included. These results would form the basis for a mining strategy and the creation of a preliminary schedule. Based on estimated production requirements, the expert system could help in selecting an equipment fleet capable of supporting this production level. The expert system could then formulate a simulation mode1 to examine the probability of meeting this production level and the related costs.
The expert system shall be designed on a rule-based system that supports both fonvard
and backward chaining methods. The expert system shail be able to display the logic used
in reaching a decision when requested by the user. The expert system shall provide a sophisticated interface for the development and revision of expert system program modules. The expert system s h d implement a naturai language interface. The prograrnming language used in the development of the expert system shall be compatible with the language used in developing the mine designlplanning system. The expert system shall provide a control language or macro language for controlling the simulation system.
The mine desigdplanning system shall implement activity-based costing as a core system to support decision-making activities. Traditional cost accounting (TCA) methods (or general ledger accounting) have been used by accountants to monitor and report the financial health of an organization. K A focuses on grouping the cost items under broad categories with the focus clearly on monitoring spending. AE3C methods differ fiom traditional cost accounting systems by assigning the indirect or overhead costs to specific
products or processes by the identification and use of "cost drivers" (Baiden and Zanibbi, 1999). A cost driver is a measurable factor that is used to assign costs to activities and from activities to other activities, processes or products (Martin, 1998). Activities consume resources (Le. direct materials, direct labour, all overheads) and products consume activities. In a mining setting, cost objects could be products, the underground mine, the rniii, a specific project, individual stopes, or specific mining methods, etc. Traditional costing systems monitor spending and are accounting toois. ABC systems monitor resource consumption and are managing/decision tools (Kaplan and Cooper, 1998). This allocation represents a tmer cost picture for identifjing areas where cost reductions could be made or in ident=g profitable stopes fiom less profitable ones.
ABC systems give visibility to how effectively resources are being used and how aU activities contribute to the cost of a product or a process. ABC lads to activity-based
management (ABM) where an organization can identifjr activities with disproportionately
these activities, replaced them or reduce their cost. ABM helps management focus on the important issues, rethink and improve products, services, processes and market strategies (Brimson, 1997).
Table 19 illustrates a suitable structure for an activity-based costing system for an underground mine. Costs would be accrued for specific cost centers. A cost center could be either a workplace (e.g. stope, drift, sh&, etc.) or an equipment piece (e-g. LHD, drill, etc.). The cost accrued for an equipment piece could also be accrued under a workplace
cost center. Cost i t e m (e-g. supplies, power, etc.) incurred under specinc mining activities would be accrued to the cost centers at a specific date. Because each workplace and each equipment piece has a specific account code identification or equipment identification number, it would become possible to determine accurately where the costs are incurred and make better decisions.
It would be possible to determine al1 the costs for a specific stope, specinc mining method, specific piece of equipment or class or equipment. The cost information could aiso be related to the production data to calculate specific cost metrics liie cost per tonne of ore moved or cost per pound of metal produced.
Cost metrics can be used for budgeting purposes and provide valuable feedback based on actual data. Activity-based costs could also be aggregated dserently to suit the needs of a more traditional accounting system if so desired. For instance, aii electric power costs could be aggregated under a single cost item.
It should be noted that the items listed in Table 19 are not necessarily exhaustive. Additional items may have to be added or some dropped. The important thing is that the activity-based costing system must be flexible to allow customization to suit the needs of the mine.
Workplaces Cost Centera Stopes Sublevels Sills Pillars Drifts Level Stations Levels Ramps Cross-cuts
Equipment Cwt Ceneils JacWeg Drill Stoper Drill Maclean Bolter Electric-hyd. Jumbo ITH Drill TH Drill Bits ITH Drill Rods ITHDrill Accessories Top Hammer Drill Longhole Drill
Mining or Process Actmty Surveying . Primary Drilling Explosive Loading 1 Serondaq Drillhg Mucking Ore Haulage Rock Haula~e Bolting and Screening Cablebolting Shotcreting
Cost Ittms
Pumping Stations Ore Passes Waste Passes Storage Bins Cmher Loading Pockets Drv-Chanee Rmm
Bulk Expbsive Loader Scissors Truck Underground Jeep Utiity Hoist Wheeled Loader Road Grader Forklifl
Crushing Skip Hoisting Alimak Raising Raise Boring Drainage and Pumpinp: Diamond Drilling
Cableboits ScreedWiremesh
Substation Pump
Small Pumps Sand Fi11 Paste Fill Cemented Sand FiIl i Rock Fill - -1 Cemented Rock Fill Diesel Fuel Lubricating Oils
Greases Repair P a r t s
1 Misc. Supplies
Small Tools
One important aspect of implementing ABC wiil be the allocation of indirect and overhead costs fairly and representatively to the cost centers. For ABC to be successfiil, it wiil require the CO-operation of all individuals responsible for tracking costs. Although the c o a tracking will require more work on the part of the individuals, the benefits gained wiil more than compensate for the extra work. It is therefore critical that cost allocation methods be as simple as possible and as clear as possible. Some cost items can sirnply be counted as rockbolts or metered like &el or electric power. Other items may have to be aiiocated based on engine hours or tonnage moved or pounds produced.
Activity-based costing requires the following information: Access to the 3-D mine spatial mode1 (iink to specific objects) A database of mine process analyses (link to specific activities) A database for cost data storage
A way of measuring indirect costs to aiiocate them to the appropriate cost
Mine Geology
The System shall provide comprehensive geological data management, data analysis and modeling capabilities for a mono or poly-metallic deposit.
The System shall include data management to enter, edit, delete, search, queiy, report, import and export geological information. The geological information could include: Diamond dnlled core information Geochemical soi1 and water samples Geophysical idormation (resistivity, wnductivity, gravimetric, magnetic and seismic) Surface and underground mapping idonnation Channel and chip samples Geotechnical and hydrogeological information Geomechanical (i.e. rock mass data) Structural data (i-e.joints, faults) Field stress data (for numericai anaiysis caiibration) Description, color code, abbreviation, unit weight, specinc gravity, and other properties defined by the user for pre-defined rock types
The system shall be able to manage the following types of surface and underground mapping information: Topographical data f e a t u ~ g point and contour information and including specific surface structures such as buildings, roads, laices, rivers, streams, utility lines, legal or property boundaries, survey points and lines, grids Underground features like shafls, raises, drifts, stations, stopes and other mine openings Geological features including rock outcrops, sample locations, drilling locations Notes and annotations tied to specific rnapping features
The System shall be able to compute interactively and display graphically the foliowuig statistical analysis capabilities for selected variables and geological subsets: Hstogram generation Distribution analysis and fitting (e-g. normal, lognormal, etc.) Scatter plots Cross-correlation and multivariate cross-correlation
QQ plots (quantile-quantile plot) to compare the quantiles calculated on the
actuai data set versus those of a theoretical distribution Experimental variograms in any spatial orientation The System s h d provide the foiiowing interactive modeling capabilities: Provide different theoretical models to fit the experimental variograrns
7 . 3 . 1 . 3
Geological Modeling
The System shall provide modeling tools to transform the geologicai information into surfiaces and solids identifjing and defining geological domains. Geological domain delineation includes ore and waste zones and rock masses based on specifc rock types. The definition process shall consist of displaying user-defined information on sections. Geological information (Le. diamond driiiing core information) located on or nearby to the section, will be displayed. The geologist, using a pointing device (Le. mouse, tablet or digitizer) will interactively join points fiom one ciriilhole to another.
The section before and after the section currently under analysis wii be displayed to aid in the delineation process. Each zone delineated on each section must be closed. The geological modeler shd transform the 2-Dsections into a 3-D volume by placing a skin
joining adjacent sections using zones of a sirniiar rock type. A conversion algorithm shall
transform the volumes into cmesponding solids. The geologicai modeler shall provide the following geological domains delineation capabilities: Interactive joining of boundaries based on driliing information User-defined section names Support "skinning" process over several consecutive sections to fonn a sunace and transform the surface to a volume by closing the ends Uniodintersections of surfaces to create volumes User-defined volume names and rock type
Use of NURB S to creatddefine susurfaces meshes Interactive ability to refine/mod@ the surface meshes Saving of work in progress
The geological modeler shall provide the following sods modeling capabilities: Automatic transformation of volumes defined by the delineation process into solids. User-defined solid narnes Union (merge) of two or more solids to create a new solid having weighted properties Intersection of two solids to define a new solid having weighed properties Splitting of a solid using a user-dehed plane to create two new solids with identical properties
The geological modeler shall provide the following display, report and drawing capabilities: Use of multiple windows to facilitate understanding and visudization of geological domains or 3-D image as displayed on Printer or plotter output of any sectional (2-D) screen to a user-defined scale Drill-indicated ore resources (i.e. volume, tonnage and mineral grades) broken down by section, solid, and entire deposit
The system shall be able to estimate tonnages and grades using geostatistical techniques and the inverse distance square (TDS) method. The geostatisticai techniques implemented shall provide for each selected variable or subset: Variance estimation of the grades for arbitrary shaped blocks Several Kriging models (simple, disjunctive, lognormal, indicator, etc.) Options for Knging and CoKnging (point estimation, block estimation, drift estimation) Tools for analyzing the drill hole layout geostatisticdy to make recornrnendations as where to drill so as to reduce the variance and improve ore reserve estimates Tools for performing orebody simulation of grades
The IDS method shall provide the following capabiiities:
a 3-D search ellipsoid capability user-defined minimum and optimum number of points to consider in the estimate user-defined power factor for calculating the weight of each point
The tonnages shall be calculated using the estimated grades, block volumes and specific
gravity for the followings:
For identified geological domains or orezones For specific stopes or group of stopes For a specified grade cut-off
The System shall provide rock mass classification tools and incorporate them into a comprehensive spatial database system capable of storing geomechanical data for future use. Classification methods shall include Barton's NGI-Q (Barton et al, 1974; Barton, 1988) and Bieniawski's RMR (Bieniawski, 1988) systems.
The System shall provide comprehensive mine design tools for selecting appropriate rnining and stoping methods, detemiinhg the location and sizing of the mine's primary accesses, determining an adequate material handling system, exarnining broad long-term scheduling issues, as well as estimating anticipated costs and revenues for prelirninary and detailed economic analyses.
The System shall implement an expert system to aid the engineer select and design an appropriate mining method to extract the ore reserves. The mining method selection process shall be based on geoiogical considerations, geometrical and geomechanical parameters of the orebody as well as economic considerations as summarized in Table 20.
1 Details
Mineral or metal being extracted Grade distribution (clearly defined or disseminated orezone, massive or nuggety, geologically or grade controlled, etc) Expected production tonnage Expected dilution or required selectivity Orebody dip or inclination Orebody width or thickness 1 Orebody length Orebody depth Orebody proximity to surface and other land users Rock mass strength of footwd and hangingwall Rock mass strength of orezone Anticipated groutid support requirements Production safety Workforce s k i 1 1 level and training requirements Development time to brinp: orebody to production Development and production costs Manpower and equipment requirements Future closure requirements 1
1 1
1 1
The expert system shall: Provide a database of development, production, equipment, labour and supply costs for each mining method available (typical range, average or distribution). Provide a database of development and production productivities for each mining method available (typical range, average or distribution). Earact geological, geometrical and geomechanical information fiom the orebody model. Make recornmendations on a suitable equipment fleet and workforce to meet the required production rate for the mining method selected. Provide a database of purchase, maintenance, operating costs as well as productivity for the equipment fleet recommended.
Provide information to aid the mine engineer in doing the necessary development and production layout for the mining method selected while taking into account the potential equipment fleet and clearance requirements. Recommend an initial stope sizing and orientation based on the mining method selected and some empirical stope stability method. The expert system shall then recommend a mining direction and stope sequencing for the orebody. The expert system, in conjunction with the visualization system, shall assia in creating a stoping layout for geomechanical analysis. This layout shall then be transferred to
the geomechanics stress analysis module for stress and displacement modeling. The
resulting analysis shall be used to evaluate potential ground control problems, evaluate dilution potential and to recommend ground support strategies to complement the stoping method. Assist in estimating the anticipated mining costs for the stope layout under consideration. At this point, under the direction of the mining engineer, the stope sizing and layout may be adjusted and the process repeated until a satisfactory layout is obtained.
The System shall provide a set of tools that include empirical, analytical and numerical methods for calculathg stresses and displacements around the stopes, the orebodies and the mine.
The System shdl provide an expert system to aid the engineer in performing geomechanical anaiytical, modeling and design work. The expert system shall provide guidance in selecting appropriate techniques based on the nature of the rock mass, the excavation layout, and the speed of the results and the precision desired. The expert
system shall be able to aid the engineer by identifjmg gaps in the data set, and in interpreting the results.
The System s h d provide and integrate various empirical analysis tools that include the
following: Multiple rock mass classifkation systems (NGI-Q, RMR and GSI) Mahew's open stope stability assessment technique (Potvin et al, 1989; Stewart and Forsyth, 1995)) Mine pilar stability analysis (Hedley and Grant, 1972; Hoek and Brown, 1980) Cut-and-Fill stope span estimation Maximum span and estimated stand-up tirnes (Franklin and Palassi, 1993).
The System shall provide and integrate analytical tools that include the followings: Stereonet analysis of joints and faults obtained fiom geologicai information (Diederichs and Hoek, 1996). Stability analysis of wedges based on geologicai data (Goodman and Shi, 1985; Hoek and Carvalho, 1996) The System shall provide and integrate 3-D numerical stress analysis tools that inciude the followings: Boundary Element Mode1 or BEM (for linear-elastic constitutive models) Finite Element Method or FEM (for non-linear elastic constitutive models) Discrete Element Method or DEM (also referred to as Distinct Element)
Or Hybrid Finite/Boundary Element Model (Hoek et ai, 1992) Hybrid Distinct/Boundary Element Model (De Lemos, 1983)
The System shall integrate the numerical stress analysis tools with the mine geological and stope excavation model (solids) and the visualization system. Numencal results shall be displayed using the visualization system, cornplete with r e n d e ~ g and slicing capabilities for stresses and displacements. Stope sequencing results shall be visualized using
animation techniques. Colour-coding schernes shall be us4 to define the various rock types, as w e U as open or bacffilled stopes and for identifjhg stress and displacement levels. The user shall be able to create and mod* the numerical model interactively (Le. change stope sizing, rock mass properties, or stope sequencing) before s o l k g the problem.
The numencal modeler shall be able to consider and include both the currently existing mine excavations and the future excavations (fkom a pre-defined minhg plan) when preparing or generating the geometncal models to be solved. The numerical rnodel shall provide a way to control the modeling of the stope sequencing, storing and retrieving intermediate models for analyzing different options from a given set of conditions.
The numencal modeler shall support both elastic and plastic constitutive models. The elastic constitutive model shall include isotropic, transversely isotropic and orthotropic.
The plastic constitutive models shall include the Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown, and ubiquitous joint models. The numencal modeler shall provide a joint mode1 supporthg both Mohr-Coulomb and Barton-Bandis joint models. The numericd modeler will assist in the determination of the joint properties. The numerical modeler wiii assist in determning and setting-up the far-field stress levels and orientation. The numerical modeler shall be able to consider the stabilizing effkcts of backnll, cablebolts, rock dowels or rock bolts, and shotcrete on the rock mas.
7 . 3 . 2 . 3
The System shall assist in selecting appropnate ground control and support strategies that
are technically sound and as inexpensive as possible. The System shail provide decisionsupport capabilities for selecting appropriate gound control and support strategies for various ground conditions that would range from de-stressed ground to highly stressed and costs. ground conditions while considering purpose, longevity, su~vability
The System shall provide a database of ground support methods that could include rockbolts, rock dowels, cablebolts, split sets, and Swellex. The database shall contain design information on typical strength, size, capacities (peak and residual) as well as unit cost and installed cost.
The System shall provide a database of backtill information that would include cemented fill, paste fill, rocffill, cemented rocffill, and sandfill. The database shall contain design
information on strength, water and cernent content as well as installed unit costs. The System shall provide a database of surface support membranes that would include shotcrete as well as membrane coatings as well as installed unit costs.
Primary Access
The System shail provide assistance for the preliminary selection, sizing and location of the mine primary accesses (Le. shafts, ramps major raises, level spacing* and primary drifts). For its analysis, the System will take into account:
the mine production rate the type and size of equipment used the orebody depth the rock mass conditions the orebody orientation and extent (horizontal and vertical) the mine life ventilation requirements capital and operational costs) costs (includi~g
The System will automatically transfer the preliminary access layout to the mine mode1 where the mining engineer will finalize the design.
The System shall provide a set of tools for evaluating the f&bilty and economic viability of mining projects and shall consider the following items in its evaluation (Tapia, 1982):
Exploration expenditures Property purchase pnce Permitting costs and environmental deiay period expected Development and construction expenditures Royalty payment schedule Deposit size (mine life and cut-off grades detemiined fiom the spatial position of the rnining block) Minerals and contaminants contained in the ore (Le. grade, recovery) Size of the mining operation being considered (tonnagdday) Estimated capital requirements (Le. mine, miil, equipment, etc.) Estimated operating costs (Le. development, production, maintenance, consumables, supplies, utilities) based on the spatial position of the mining blocks Estimated closure costs Transportation, smelting, refining, marketing costs Forecasted long-term metal demand and price Forecasted long-term infiation rate Required yield or discount rate Taxation
The valuation analysis shall be tied to a cost-estimating program that is based on activity-
based costing principles. The cost-estimating program could be based on a database of average or typical costs, average cost curves (O'Hara, 1980; Camm and Smith, 1991; O'Hara and Suboleski, 1992), andior based on detailed cost sheets, or possibly a combination of al1 three methods.
The results of the valuation analysis shall be in the form of a spreadsheet containing al1 assumptions and listing on a yearly basis al1 expenditures and revenues as well as presenting ail relevant economic indicators (Le. NPV, iRR, payback time, etc.). The economic anaiysis program shall be able to support sensitivity analysis, modwng certain parameters by some +/- percentage to analyze the impact of changes on the value of the deposit as well as identifying the critical parameters. The economic analysis shall be complemented with a risk analysis of al1 critical parameters to gauge the overall risk associated with the project. Ail information used to derive both a cost estimate and an economic analysis shall be available for auditing, verification and re-use.
The System shall provide a drilling and blasting design system capable of designing the following work:
The drill and blast design system shall integrate the following information in its design:
Mine model showing the planned stoping and development layouts as well as existing excavations The rock breakage objectives of the production cycle (e-g. tonnage, fragmentation, etc.) Operating conditions (Le. development or production work, mining or tunneling, high altitude) Rock mass characteristics (drillability, hardness, fiacturing) Database of explosive characteristics including costs Database of detonators and initiation systems characteristics Database of rock and rock mass strength and properties (static and dynamic properties) Database of drill equipment operating characteristics, productivity, reliability and costs (includes drill bits, drill rods, drill depreciation, maintenance and power) Fragmentation model Relationships between fiagmentation, drilling and blasting costs, muck handling costs, crushing and processing costs.
The System shall be able to extract fiom the 3-D mine model the required stope configuration, the rock mass information and identify critical structures (e-g. shafts, mechanical-electricd installations, refuge stations, safety/ventilation doors) for its driliing and blasting design. The System shall be able to design drill hole firing sequences, delays
and timings for blasting vibration reduction. The System shall be able to design trim blast
hoies and pre-splitting sequences when requested by the user. The System shali be able to deck explosive charges where required, consider stemming where appropriate and be able to design the firing sequence and delays.
The System shall be able to run simulations on the firing sequence to determine the probabiliv of successf1 detonation or exceeding vibration limits. This simulation will take into account variations in blasting delays as weU as detonation velocity of explosives used. The results of these snuiations are to be displayed in the form of animation sequences as well as statistical summaries. The System s h d be able to predict the expected fi-agmentation based on rock mass conditions, explosives used and drill hoie pattern. The fiagmentation model used by the System shail be able to be calibrated fkom fiagmentation measurements obtained 6om scanned photographs or digital camera images.
The System shall be able to place its designs into the 3-D mine model to permit its visualization. The System shall be able to produce its design in the form of complete drawings that include a drill hole schedule, explosive charge layouts and firing sequence, and a bill-of-materials for the blast (powder, detonators, boosters, detonating cord). Consideration shall be given to the eventual direct uploading of the drill hole layout to an automated drill.
7 . 3 . 2 . 7
The System shall provide a material handling design system capable of providing design assistance in the following areas: Ore and waste rock handling system (i.e. ore pass system, storage bin sizing, cmsher, skip size, hoisting requirements) Determinhg the optimum fkagmentation (Le. for drilling and biasting)
Equipment fleet sizing (i-e.type, size and number of units required) Estimating personnel requirements (operations, maintenance and support) Estimating ventilation requirements Estimating water requirements Estimating electric power requirements Estimating compressed air requirements Sizing and estimating bacW requirements
The material handling design system shall integrate and consider the following information
in its designs:
The mine model complete with prirnary accesses Mining method and stoping layout The long-term scheduie Integrated database of mining equipment (e-g. LHD, trucks, drills, hoists, crushers, pumps, fans, etc.) complete with performance data, capital, operating and maintenance costs, as weli as reliability, downtime and repair data)
The material handling system, in particular the ordwaste rock handling system and equipment fleet, shall be closely integrated with the simulation system. Using the production schedule, the simuiator shall be able to create a representative model and analyze the performance of the material handling system and its ability to meet the required production rate. The simulator shall be able to estimate the production capacity
of the system, the probability of being able to meet this capacity, as weli as estimate the
life-cycle costs for the material handling system. The material handling system's objectives shall be the following:
To meet the required production capacity with a 90% reliability.
To minimize the overall life-cycle costs for the matenal handling system
Life-cycle costs shall include: Acquisition costs (Le. purchase, fieight, financing, testing) Operating costs (i-e.fuel, lubricants, tires, operator) Maintenance (i. e. planned and unplanned) Ownership costs (Le. working hours, years to depreciate) Training costs (i. e. operator and maintenance) Supply seMce costs (Le. spares, inventory, material support) Software and automation costs Research and development costs Retirement and disposal costs
The rnining equipment database shall be linked to the mine maintenance computer system for obtaining reliability, downtime, and maintenance history and cost data.
7 . 3 . 3
The System shall provide a comprehensive mine planning and scheduling system capable of handling both long-tenn and short-term planning issues. These mine planning tools shall
aid the engineer in selecting and optirnizing the mine development and production
schedule whiie meeting corporate objectives and production constraints. The mine planning
and scheduling system shall irnplement algorithms to satisfjr one or more of the production constraints and objectives listed in Table 2 1.
Pre-dehed mining direction Currentiy available / accessible production stopes Required development work Backfill plant capacity Hoistingkkipping capacity Processing plant capacity Stockpiles or storage bin capacity (ore blending) Production Objectives Meeting the rnining, rnilling and production constraints Meeting production level required Kemin~; develo~ment ahead of ~roduction ~ e e p i drilling n~ ahead of blasting Ensuring older areas are reconditioned prior to production Maximize the Net Present Value (NPV) of the stopes Minimize intemediate stockpile size Minirnize ~roduction costs 1 Maximize production flexibility ( e . ~ extra . stopes, extra shifts, extra resources)
Long-Term Scheduling
The System s h d provide a long-term scheduling system that will consider the following information: Anticipated daily and yearly production rate Annual required metal production (pounds or ounces of metal) Cut-off grade
Mill feed requirements and constraints (mono or poly-metallic deposit) Stope sequencing and ground control issues Required flexibility in development and production Forecasted metal prices Forecasted inflation and discount rates
The long-term scheduler shall identiQ and select blocks of stopes to be rnined over a designated time frame or over one or more horizons. The long-tenn mine schedule shall contain the order (priority) of the development work and stoping operations to be done. The order sha be verified for ground control issues using numerical geomechanics analysis. Ground support issues including backnll requirements s h d be identined early in the design process.
The long-term scheduler shall be implemented using a project management style of interface that will display the prioritized stopes on a "GanttY'-Like chart. Using average long-term mining productivities, a proposed production schedule of rnined tonnage and metal grades (as well as metal pounds) wili be displayed for the time period of interest. This proposed production schedule would be compared with a requed production schedule (for the miil). Using the mouse, the planner could move the approximate start and end date of any stope to change the proposed production. Once the stopes have been scheduled to meet the production objectives, the scheduling system wouid superimpose the required development work and display the required equipment and productivity requuements to meet the proposed schedule.
Tonnages, grades and metal pounds shall be accumulated for consecutive time periods. As much as is feasible, mil1 feed requirements and constraints must be adhered to and mil1 feed variations minirnized. If variations are inevitable and/or constraints are impossible to meet, the long-term scheduler s h d examine ways to reduce these variations or rninirnize the impacts. This could be done by the use of temporary stockpiles for blending or changing the mining sequence of the blocks. Whatever strategies are employed, the scheduler shdl examine the effect of these changes on the mil1 feed and ground conditions. The long-term scheduler shail be tied to an economics or valuation analysis program.
7 . 3 . 3 . 2
The System shaii provide a short-term mine planning and scheduling system will integrate the following infiormation: The ore reserves and mine mode1 complete with primary accesses Mining method (process) and stoping layout information The long-term schedule Production objectives and constraints Forecasted metal pnces Inflation rate and discount rate A database of rnining equipment (e.g. LHD, trucks, drills, hoists, crushers, pumps, fans, etc.) with complete performance data, capital, operating and maintenance costs, as well as reliability, downtime and repair data)
A database of mining and development crews with data on productivity,
A database of mining processes and activities (i.e. time and costs for d r i h g ,
aid in the layout of secondary accesses to the stopes as weii as other related
development work
The short-term mine planning and scheduling system shaii be integrated within the
simulation engine for schedule validation and evaluation purposes.
There are two items of conceni when creating a vaiid work schedule: connectivity and adjacency (INCO, 2 0 0 0 ) . ConnecfiMiyrefm to which ore or rock biocks have to be excavateci pnor to king able to access to the m e n t minhg block. Adjaency refers to idenb'filing which
mining biocks m u s t have no activity before being able to begin work on the auTent rnining
block (INCO, 2000). Adjacency issues arise mostly out of safty issues. It is not possible to
carry on with blasting while mucking is being done nearby. Stopes are the only materid blocks
subject to adjacency requirements. Development headings are not. A new stop c m not be worked ifany adjacent stope is actively being mineci.
The short-tem mine planning and scheduling system shall be designed to extract Ftom the longterm schedule the jobs that are to be done in the time period under consideration. The longterm mine schedule contains the approximate order in which the jobs are to be accornplisheci however the short-term mine planning and scheduling system shall implernent a more a c a w t e algorithm for ranking the order of the required s t o p and development work. The
development ranking wouid be basecl on the assigneci stope sequence values. Each s t o p and some development (identifid as criticai) are initiaily assigneci some rank or sequence number.
The algorithm would determine the ranking by propagating through the mine network mode1
while respecting the connectivity and adjacency rquirernents mentioned previously. Every
s t o p and drift has predecesson (to be excavated) unless it has been tagged as wmplete or is already accessible (Le. if the development is done, then no m e r work is needed). Second,
e v q inhtructure drift (Le. main access drift) on a given level is made a predecessor to every
s t o p on the level (i-e. the m a i n drift must be driven More stoping can even start). The user
The ranking algorithm works fiom branch to root (i-e. 6om fbthest s t o p back to the shaft) and lwks at its imrnediate predecessors one by one. If it has a higher ranking (i-e. higher priority) than the predecessor king exarnined does, it copies its ranking to that predecessor
and the rankings are adjusteci recursively tiom this point on. This ranking means that resouces
d be always docated preferentiaily to faces (stopes or drifts or raises) that have a higher
ranlang of execution (INCO, 2000). The finalized rank numbers are entered in the data fes for the stopes and the development works as well as the mine schedule.
The shoit-terni planning and scheduiing system shall use a project management style of interface ("Gantt7'-like chart) for planning and scheduling jobs. Jobs are defineci as s p d c pieces of work that are d e s c r i i by a single process. For example, one job could be the VRM
mining of Stope 94-260 (i.e. process is VRM mining). The expansion of these processes by
considering the activities required and the typical performance metrics wiil expand the jobs
listed on the Gantt chart and produce a preliminary schedule. At this point, no consideration
has been given to meeting resource wnstraints. The short-terni mine planNng and scheduluig
ystem SM notify the user when available resowces are king exceeded or are free. The mine
planner can now enforce the resources constraints and by considering prionties, wmectivity and adjacency requirernents, thus shifting dong the tirne iine the diffrent jobs to be perfomed. This shiftuig of jobs should cause the priorities to change automatically. The planner can also chwse to re-allocate resources or b ~ ing extra resources. If possible, the planna may choose (i.e. add extra resources). The planner may choose to to add extra shats or add weekend SMS
add more equipment to the process to inaease total advance or production rates or substitute
more productive equipment or work crews The planner may elect to remove or add some jobs fiom the List and adjust the schedule and the production forecast- Finally, the planner may chwse to perform some resowce leveIling iffeasible.
The short-term planning and scheduling system shall use a colour-coding scheme for identi-g the status of the activities (Le. proposed, active (Le. currently working),
inactive (i.e. not currently working), complete). The selection of any proposed activity will cause the display or required resources, start and end of the activity, expected duration and estimated costs and revenues. Selecting any active activity will cause the display of currently assigned resources, start of the activity and estimated completion date, as well as current costdrevenues and estimated costs/revenues to complete. Selecting any complete
activity will cause the display of assigned resources, comparison of start-end times as weli as comparison of estimated and actud costs/revenues.
The short-term mine planning and scheduling system SU be capable of considering the muck expansion factor (rock expands when it is broken with expansion values ranging fkom 30% to
50%) and the rock density factor and ore density &or
The short-term planning and scheduling system shall be able to estirnate costs for the period of interest, evaluate revenues, calculate the economic value of this work and prepared detailed budgets. The short-tenn planning and schedung system shall be able to prepare detailed reports outlining required resources, activities, costs and revenues.
The short-tenn planning and scheduling system shall be able to create detailed layout drawings suitable for surveying and production control personnel using the mine model and the short-tenn schedule.
The System shall provide comprehensive production control tools to aid the mine in ensuring that the mine plan is followed. The System shall implement production control in the areas of surveying, ventilation and air quality control, mine monitoring and production reporting.
The System s h d provide a survey system shall provide the folowing fnctionalities: Direct intedace with most popular "total stations" and field data recorders Angle and distance data reduction with standard error, averaging and tolerance calculations Calculation of temporary and adjusted coordinates of reduced observations using:
a a a a
Bearing and distance method Angle and distance method Resection by angles Resection by distances Distance intersection Bearing intersection Angle intersection Toping
The survey system shall be integrated within the spatial database system and the visualkation system and shall be capable of downloading layouts or uploading survey information. The survey system shall be capable of working in different coordinate systems (local, geodetic, UTM, etc) and units. The survey system shall support cavity-rneasuring systems (CMS).
The System shall provide a ventilation analysis system that will integrate the following information: Access to the mine mode1 as well as the short-term schedule
A database of drift resistance (extracted corn the 3-D mine model) A database of mine fans characteristics A database of ventilation tubhg and ducting characteristics
Calibration information obtained fiom underground surveys Long-term power cost forecasts
The ventilation analysis system s h d be able to extract its network from the 3-D mine model and create a ventilation model automaticaily. The ventilation analysis system shall be able to identify where the work areas are located as wel as areas that must be kept ventilated adequately. Interface to and the visualization of the ventilation network shall be done through the visualization system. Display of ventilation flows shall be done by clicking on the corresponding network branch (i.e. drift, raise, etc.)
The ventilation analysis system shall be able t o use underground measurements fiom senson and instrumentation to automaticaily calibrate itself and determine where the ventilation demands are located. Where pennitted by law, the ventilation analysis shail be able to adjust the network, including remotely controlling fans and regulators to achieve the optimum network. The optimum network is the one that provides the required arnount
of ventilation at the required places at the minimum cost. The ventilation analysis system
shdl be able to examine and predict climatic conditions within the mine.
Mine Monitoring
The System shall integrate a mine monitoring system capable of tracking, monitoring and storing the following type of information: Microseismic events Rock mass or ground stress data IncidentIAccident reports Ventilation and air quality readings Pumps data Power consumption data Equipment "health" data Equipment location and activity status Hoist, skip, storage bin and ore pasdwaste pass status
The mine m o n i t o ~ g system s h d be capable of processing this information, analyeng it statistically and determining if there are trends.
The System shall provide a production statistics and reporting system with the following
capabilities: Access to the mine mode1 as wel as the short-tenn schedule Access to the mine costing system Access to the mine production statistics system
The production statistics and reporting system shall be able to extract cost and productivity data for obtaining relevant metrics for planning,
and simulation.
The metncs will Vary depending on the nature of what is being measured. For instance, mining equipment is generally concerned with reliability, operating and repair costs. However, drilling equipment will require metrics regarding average drilling costs per foot, advance rates (in foothour), footage drilled per bit and s o on. Loading and hauling equipment will examine costs per ton (operating and repair), tonnage moved per hour, travel speeds and so on. For simulation purposes and to adequately represent the ranges observed, it is required that the metrics be expressed as statistical distributions.
The data requirements for the Mine DesigdPlanning System are quite extensive. DifEerent approaches may be required depending on the preference of the Company. The data could be stored in relationai databases as well as object-oriented databases. Most of the spatially related data will be object-oriented in nature and quite complex particularly the surfaces and solids data. However, it is expected that relationai databases systems will be used when it makes sense to use them, especially when establishing links with some of the extemal systems like the MI1MS.
Overall, the Mine DesigdPlanning System will use a variety of data models. These data models can be separated into four primary areas:
Each of the above areas comprises several database components that are detailed in Tables
22 to 25. Figure 60 illustrates in a high-level fashion the various data models that will be
required as well as the data flows (major and minor) between them. These data models are based on one or more database files and object models.
To describe these models, various modeling and diagramming techniques were used.
Appendix A contains several prelirninary data flow diagrams (DFDs) outlining a data structure that could be implernented on a relational database system. Appendices B and E present a set of object-oriented class diagrams (and object attributes) for implementing a
Diamond Drill Coring Borehole Sampling , Geophysical Data Geochemical Data Rock Mapping Orebody Model
Description Main source of raw, lithologid, grade and rock mass information. Basis for creating orebody models. Data provided h m surface-based drills (exploration) or fiorn underground-based drills (orebody delineation and definition). Important source of grade information obtained h m production dnlling
Source of raw, deep lithological information. Source of raw, surface-based metal information. Source of raw, surface/undergn,und rock, grades and rockmass information. Synthesis of diamond driiling, and rock mapping information into a - geophysical, - - 3-D spatial model. The orebody model focuses on lithdogkal domains. Grade or Block Synthesis of diamond drill information superimposeci over the Orebody Model. Mode1 1 Grades of blocks are estimated from small discrete samples using various 1 1 interpolation routines. Grades estimate include metai and wntaminank present 1 only, no economic values). Rock Mass Model Synthesis of diamond drill information, rock mapping data with the Orebody 1 Model. The Rock Mass Mode1 contains the rock engineering characteristics. 1
Dereription Main source of accurate 3-D based positional data. Survey information is discrete a h m but can be used to represent points, lines, d a c e s for locating and in n defining in space any mining featre (i.e. -natural or man-made). Survey Data on aiso include surface or topographical data.
Mine Model
Ventilation Model
Main repository of spatially-based 3-D mine layout or excavation information. Layouts include development (drifts, raises, etc.) and production (stopes) for both the work to be done ( D e Skhedule planned or scheduled) and the actual work done (Suwey Dota results). The Mine Infrasuucture Model contains al1 mine 3-D spatial information that is not directly related to mine excavations. This model includes water and compressed air, pwer and communication distribution networks, bacMiil and diesel fiel pipelines, etc. This model would include also the location of power substations, pumps, vent fans, safety doors and bafnes. This model is the union of the Mine Model with the Rock Mass Model. It can be used to analyze the response of the mine to mining. The Geomechanicai Model produces stresses and strains values calculateci in the tockmass surroundhg the mine excavations or openinp. h e Ore Reserves Model is the union of Repository of the value of the minerais. T the Mine Model with the Grade Model. Source of economic criteria used to assess the pmfitability in mining and processing a given ore. Metal prices, inflation inrecovery data are p u t o f the Economic Model, The Ventilation Model is extracted fiom the Mine Model however it includes data like pressure losses, pressure differentials, rock temperature and other sources of heat. m e r important and relevant data include Mine Fan data.
The Productivity/Cost Data is a repository of average producivity and cost information for the various Mining Processes Models. This data would originate h m the statistical analysis of ABC Data. This data would include srpical cost and productivity for cquipment and labour as well as cowumables andkPplies. This data can be used for general simulation purposes. Material Handling The Material Handling Model is a description of the flow of ore and waste within a mine. This mode1 incorporates information from the Mine Model, the D&P Mode1 Schedule, the Equipment Data. Simulation Model The Simulation Model comprises al1 of the above models (in this table) as weli as the Mine Model and the Ore Reserves Model. ProductivityKost Data
This data i s the daily production information accwnulated for each workplace. This inclues labour, equipment and supplies on a shift-by-shift basis. This data i s accumulateci fiom shifter reports. A ninriing summary can be used to monitor scheduled progress with actuai. The workplaces are assigneci accounting codes taken fiom the Accountinp:Systern. This data, collateci h m the Daily Production Data, is used as a summary of al1 expendinines, development~production progress and grades and tonnage produced. This data is verifid by surveying and reconciled where appropnate with the mil1 report. The validateci data forms the month-end report. The month-end report also contains a comparison of scheduled versus actual costs and production. This Monthly Production D a t a feed information to Work incentives System. The accumulation of this information forms the historical production record The ABC Model is used to keep a detailed account of al1 expenditures for the activities descrii in the Mine Activity Model. The statisticai analysis of the ABC data can be used for creating the Unit Cost Data This data i s created fmm the ABC data. It is used for estimating budgets.
Non-fnctionai requirements have to do with aspects of the System that are not directly reiated to its capabilities. Non-fiinctional requirements tend to be somewhat subjective.
8.1 uLook-and-FeelHRequiremcnts
These requirements address the interface between the System and its users. Issues like style, graphic o r text-based interface, colours, language used, degree of interaction, and intended audience fonn the essence of these requirements.
The System shall be designed using a graphical o r visual user interface made up of windows, icons, menus and pointers (WIMP). The intenace must adhere to relevant industry standards and be consistent. It is expected the information will be presented visually on the computer screen and in hardcopy format (Le. paper). The user will interface with the System using the keyboard, the mouse and the digitizer tablet.
The dialog used in the interface must be simple and in the language of the user (Le. the
u s t provide feedback to the user as to what is mining application domain). The interface m
happening within the System. Dangerous operations must be confirmed before execution and there must be an "Undo" cornmand for reverting t o a previous state.
The Mine DesigdPlanning System should be designed for and appeal to the mining professional. Therefore, the System should be conservative in appearance and professional
in its style. The interface language must be professional and never condescending. A
conversational style of language wouid be appropriate in the modules where expert systems or decision support is implemented. Consistency in the user interface is very important. Colour in the user interface should be used sparingly and limited to muted colours and pastels. However, the fidl use of the colour spectrum can be used in the visualkation system.
8.2 Usability Requirements Usability requirements are aimed at describing how easy the System will be to use by its intended users. The System's usability depends on the abilities of the expected users and the complexity of the System's fnctionality. Complex systems are more difficult to use. Usability is difficult to define but it is generally obvious when a product is unusable. Usability is made up of several concepts that are descnbed below (Nielsen, 1993; DeGrace and Stahl, 1993). In general, a usable system builds user confidence and trust.
Ease of Use
Ideally, the System should be easy and intuitive to use by people trained and experienced in underground mining geology, engineering and planning. The users must be able to understand how the System fits within their own work. The design and planning steps to be taken by the user should be clear and consistent. The user should be able to enter and
start using the system under the guidance of the system. Simiiarly, the System should enable the user to exit and back out of any operation without destroying information or worse crashing the System.
Ease of Leaming
The System shail be easy for a trained mining professional (i.e. geologist, engineer, planner) to learn. Only trained rnining professionals will be using the System. However, some users will be accessing the System more fiequently than others. The users should not have to re-access the documentation or have to re-learn how to use the System every time
The System shall be consistent in its interface, dialogues, and use of mining terminology. Users should not have to wonder whether difTerent words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. If required, terrninology should be defined in a glossary.
The System shall provide feedback to the user within a reasonable time about its current status. Users should not have to wonder what is currently happening within the System. Some operations can be lengthy and cause the user to wonder if the System has not crashed. The user should confirm particularly long operations before being initiated by the System. If possible, time to completion should be estimated and presented to the user.
Function and Process Exits
The System shail provide clearly marked exits out of most fiinctions. Ifa tiinction is a oneway operation with no exit, then the System shail no* the user for confirmation before
proceeding. Users ofien select fiindons by mistake and shouid be ailowed to gracefully back out of an unwanted operation or System tiinction without using an extended dialogue or crashing the System.
The System shall provide shortcuts and accelerators to speed up the interaction of the System with expert users. The user interface for novice and expert users can be very difEerent. Dialogues that help the novice user through an operation can be very tedious to the expert user. Providing shortcuts and accelerators make the System more usable to
both inexpenenced and expert users. The System should keep track of the expenence level of each user and automatically provide the desired level of user interface.
Error Messages
The System shall trap errors and provide good error messages, expressed in plain language (Le. no error codes), precisely indicating the location and nature of the problem, and constructively suggest a solution. Errors will occur no matter how careFuiIy programmed the System is or the user trained. For increasing the trust in the System, it is critical that errors are trapped and identified appropriately. The error message wiil be used by the user in making corrections. Obscure messages only increase user frustrations and reduce user trust in the System.
Error Prevention
The programmers shall make every effort possible to prevent errors from occurring within the System through carefl design and prograrnmhg. It is better to prevent errors fiom occurring in the first place than trapping them later. Error prevention can be achieved by: Ensuring that the data entered is venfied and acceptable Ensunng that the required resources are available (e.g. system memory) Following good programming practices dunng development Perfonning extensive system testing prior to releasing the System.
without documentation, it may be necessary to provide help and documentation. This information wiil be used by novice usen in leaniing the System or by more experienced users in carrying out more complex or infiequently used operations. Documentation wiil also be used by maintenance programmers in understanding how the System works.
The System does not have any critical constraints on speed because it will be used for design and planning. There is however a need for an effctive interface between the users and the System. This effectiveness translates to a reasonable response time between a user action and a System's response. Areas where good response is needed are as foliows: File loading and saving Database quenes and data display Rendering and contouring activities Zoorning, rotation, and translation operations on the rendered solid models. Surface and solid generation and manipulation including Boolean union, intersection and difference.
File loading and saving should be done in less than one minute. Database quenes should be quick in the order of a few seconds (thirty or less). Data should be displayed as it cornes in. Rendering and contounng activities should be in the order of a few seconds (three or less). Zooming, rotation and translation activities on the rendered solid models should be
nearly instantaneous, smooth and continuous. Surface and solid operations should be in the order of a few seconds (three or less).
Other areas where computational speed will be required include numerical analysis of stresses and strains (geomechanics). The speed performance of these operations is ditncult to define because they are dependent of the size of the model to be solved as w e U as whether or not the model is linear-elastic. Other factors include the arnount of random access memory (RAM) available to solve the large matrices and the efficiency of the matrix solving aigorithms. It is expected that such problems will take om a few minutes to several hours to solve. Such numencal problenls could be solved o&e separate process operating in a multi-tasking computer environment. or as a
Precision Requirements
This section quantifies the desired accuracy of the results produced by the System. 1) Al1 monetary amounts must be accurate to two decimai places (dollars).
2) Surveyed distance measurements can be accurate to 3 decimal places (mm in
This section quantifies the necesary reliability of the product. This is usually expressed as
the allowable time between failures, or the total allowable failure rate. 1t also quantifies the expected availability of the product. The System design and planning fnctions shall
achieve 95% up time. The database system shall be available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. This level of availability is required to ensure that the Production Control System
(an adjacent system or partner application) will have access to scheduling and production
Capacity Requirements
The database system shall be capable of handling the simultaneous requests, queries data storage and retrievals of up to 24 people.
may be located on or near the digitizer. The use of wireless keyboard and mouse may be
worth considering.
There is also the potential for a user to be located underground and accessing the System remotely for information. The underground environment can be quite chaiienging with
high heat, high hwnidity, fumes, dust, dirt and noise. Environmental conditions can Vary
substantially depending on the ventilation provided. Quick transitions fiom hot to cold,
moist to dry can be expected. Any computer system used underground shall be robust, and sealed against water and dirt. A Pen-based tablet may be worthwhile to consider. Portability is an issue and the computer system should be small and portable. The user may not have a place to set the computer down and may have to operate the unit while standing.
At this time, not al1 the components makhg up the System have been defined. However, it is expected that the foliowing pieces of hardware will be used: Desktop workstations (minimum of three). Workstations wiil have a hi& speed network card, very large hard drive for storage and maximum amount of RAM possible. Wireless keyboard and mouse would be usefbl. Large colour displays (2 1" or greater) with 3-D acceleration cards. At least one large digitking table (possibly two) 36"x48" in sue. One locally based black and white laser printer. One locally based colour plotter with capabilities to plot drawings up to 36" in width. One locally based colour inkjet printer or area-based colour laser printer. One database server equipped with a backup unit. One CD-ROM bumer (DVD) for permanent backups.
A high-speed network system.
The Mine Design/Planning System will require access to several extemal partner applications for various information as tisted in Table 26. These external systems may be either off-the-self software or custom-built depending on the requirements of the Company. From a software maintenance viewpoint, buying off-the-shelf commercial software is sensible provided it meets most of the requirements of the organization. In some cases, these requirements can not be met and software must be custom-built. Whatever approach is used is not relevant. The important thing is that it must be possible to nk to the software, extract information to it and pass on information to it without human intervention. If a human user is required to make the comection between the Mine DesigdPlanning System and a partner application, then the ease of access decreases and the overall performance of the systems degrades substantidy.
Therefore, al1 systems must provide hooks to their data files. These hooks could be in the fom of SQL and ODBC support or some other link. For each inter-application interface, it is required to speciQ the following items: The data content The physical material content The medium that carries the interface The fiequency of transactions The volume of data to be transacted
expected to change as dBerent users have difEerent needs and fiequently want to monitor specific information of concern to them. Idedly, the System should be designed to enable the users to generate easily their own custom reports using report generators.
The System must be able to be maintained by people who will not be the original prograrnmers. In particular, the expert system engine must be programmable by the endusers since one of the fnctions of the expert system is to capture user knowledge and experience.
The System shali have, as part of its programming, error detection and logging routines. Errors identified and captured shall be logged for future troubleshooting and maintenance.
Portability Requirements
It is expected that the System will be in use for several years. It is also expected that advancements in cornputer technology will result in faster microprocessors and better operating systems. The System must be developed with portability in mind. The System shall be designed in such a way as to minimize and localize system dependent tnctions. In addition, al1 system dependent calls, procedures, etc shall be clearly identifled. The System should be prograrnmed without using special p r o g r d n g language extensions or features. If such extensions or features are required, then they will be clearly identified.
The System shail be designed and implemented using object-oriented pnnciples (Mutagwaba et. al, 1992; Mutagwaba and Durucan, 1993; Mutagwaba and Hudson,
1993). The System shall be implemented using the C* programdg language and based
The information stored within the Mine Design/Planning System has great importance to any mining company on several levels. The System contains strategic and business information of value to the company and its competitors. Cost, grades and tonnage, and hancial information are fiequently viewed as strategic in nature and release of this information to competitors could be harmful. The Mine Design/Planning System is also criticai for the day-to-day operations of the mine. The loss of the System or its data could cause financial h m . The System represents a valuable asset to the company that must be protected fiom loss, either accidental or malicious.
For the above reasons, security measures will be implemented to protect the System.
These security measures will cornpartmentalue the access to the database system. The System itsef must be secured. System privileges must be set by someone other than a
user. It is recommended that a security consultant be retained to determine and set the security requirements since this is a speciaiized field.
Server secunty rneasures shall be irnplernented to restrict access to the System. The System shall incorporate security measures to protect the data files and its content using an access control List (ACL) and authentication procedure. Appropriate firewall technology shall be used if the System is accessible from external networks. The System shall maintain a log of user accesses. The user access log shall be accessible only to the system manager. Appropriate use of secure encryption technology shall be used for files requiring
this level of protection.
The database file system will implement field-level security to restrict access to specific parts of the database where it is appropriate. The System shall have data fde backup and restore capabilities.
implementation. Similarly, the part of the mine plan under the irnmediate control of the Production Control System shall be "Iocked out" of the Mine DesigdPlanniag Syaem until released by the Production Control System.
Audit Requirements
The database system s h d have buiit-in auditing capabilities. In addition, it is
recommended that the audit people of the Company be consulted for any special auditing requrements.
The Systern wiU tend to remove the boundaries that are typically found within many of mining
companies. The users of the System rnay feel that they have l o s t some of th& personal power
since the S y s t e m wiU now contain the information required to do the mine design and planning.
With mcentralued information gorage, no one department or individuai will be the keeper of
The System,with all its capabilities in place, WU mean that fewer technical personnel should be needed for design and planning. However, the persorne1 remaining to use the System will have
to be highly trained in computerized planning systems. T h i s may cause problerns with union members who may see their nmbers dwindling or theh job classification changed or eliminated.
The System must be designed to meet the applicable laws of the province and country where it will operate. The System will comply with applicable labour and occupational health and d e t y laws and regulations. The System will comply with applicable taxation laws and regulations. The System should protect access to personal information if any is present on the System. The System will comply with the professional engineering a* in areas where engineering design issues, due diligence issues, protection of the public and environment issues exist .
Applicable Standards
The System must be designed to comply with the company's engineering/production standards and policies.
There are severai issues to be addressed and resolved before the development of any complex software system like the one outlined in this thesis can begin. Fust, is the system feasible? There is no point in starting a sofhware project unless we are reasonably sure of success.
Next, is the question of open issues. These are problems not yet resolved that could have a signincant impact on the development. A risk assessment of the project should be done at this stage to define the problems Likely to be encountered during development. As well, a cost and time estimate of the development effort is mandatory.
Potential development options should be exarnined to determine the best way to proceed.
A plan showing the implementation phases and tasks to be accomplished should be
outlined in this thesis is technically feasible. The current state of computer technology and previous engineering work support this conclusion. This thesis has presented various data models and provided a functional decomposition of the mine design and planning process.
There is also substantial software technology available to support a development effort. Numerous stand-alone software packages are already available to handle many of the required design/planning functions. Visualkation, database, simulation and expert system engines exist for the core systems. Severai integrated geologic data capture, analysis, modeling .and reserve estimation software packages are available for the mining industry. These packages also integrate mine layout design and CAD faciiities. Geomechanics analysis programs are cornrnonly available. Similarly, driiling and blasting tools dong with ventilation analysis packages exist on the market. There are several commercial scheduling and planning tools as well as financial analysis and accounting tools. The overall mine desigdplanning process, as well as the decisions that rnust be made during this process, are understood.
The integrated underground mine desigdplanning system requires that these stand-alone applications be joined and integrated under a cornmon user interface to make them appear as seamless as possible. Ideally, data would tlow 6eely fiom one application to another. There will also be several new programs to be developed in the area of decision-support and expert systems. Mining method selection, ground control support selection, equipment selection and scheduhg expert systems will have to be developed and integrated. With economics driving the mine desigdplanning process, mine valuation, financial modeling, revenues and cost estimating tools wiil have to be designed and integrated. Finally, validation and possible optimization of the mine plan will be achieved through simulation and optirnization tecbiques.
However, because a system is technically feasible does not imply that it is econornical and worthwhile to create. First, a system with the kind of capability and fnctionality being proposed would be very complex, r e q u i ~ g carefl analysis, design, prograrnming and testing. Second, this system would be expensive to create and will likely require substantiai on-going maintenance. Third, the field of computer technology is conaantly evolving. This results in potentially rapid system obsolescence as advancements occur. Thus, the development effort requires carefl planning and design to manage and reduce the risks.
Some of the expected development and maintenance nsks can be managed using software engineering techniques. Software engineering goes beyond the irnplementation of good coding practices. Software engineering is about using formai techniques for planning and designing software that :
Can be programrned and coded quickly and with a minimum of errors Can be tested for correctness and accuracy
Can be validated
Studies have shown that the "code-and-fix" technique of software development mns much greater risks of cost overruns, late delivery, poor or inadequate performance, and being error-prone and fiagile (McConnell, 1999). Approximately 25% of al1 software projects are eventually cancelied for one reason or another. In spite of these shortcomings, the "code-and-fix" technique is still used for many projects simply because this method tends to show early progress. This early progress is rapidly consumed as problems with "bugs", incompatible modules, changing specifications, etc. become more prevalent.
Planning will start with a detailed requirements analysis of the client's needs. T h i s thesis has outlined several high-level requirements in Chapters 5 to 7 that wl have to be fieshed out friher before initiating a full development effort. This detailed requirements analysis work would be followed with system specifications. Decisions will have to be made on the programming approach (i.e. procedurai or object-onented), the programming language to be used, the operating platform to be selected, and the programming libraries to be utilized. A design will transform the system specifications into module specifications that will be coded later. This work will include the design of the database system, the design of the user interface to the System and the interfaces to the extemal systems.
Open issues are essentially factors that are uncertain and may make a significant difXerence to the System. A complex system like this one has several open issues. The choice of
operating system for the hardware is one of them. Although Whdowsm has several advantages, namely the relatively low cost of hardware and software as well as a wealth of development tools, training courses and software, it may not be the best platform for a graphic-intensive solid modeling application. UNIX workstations offer more power but generally at a higher per seat cost.
Another open issue is the database system. Should the database be relational, objectoriented or a hybnd? The relational system is well understood, very mature and complete with strong querying, data integrity, rollback, auditing, and reporting tools. However, the relational system is weak when dealing with the storage of spatial information, objects and complex data types. Object-oriented databases appear more suitable to the requirements of the System and would likely offer a much tighter integration. However, these products are relatively immature, not offering the same level of fnctionality as their relational counterparts. The hybrid model, a relationai system with the ability to add new complex data types would appear to be the best compromise. However, the hybrid model may not be able to offer the same level of speed and integration that is possible with objectoriented systems. Full-scale, or at a minimum, prototype testing may be required to test the database speed and access requirements.
Surface and solid modeling are complex mathematical processes. Numerical stability of the algorithms is cntical as well as their performance. Unfortunately, natural forms or geosolids are difficult to model using more traditional solid modelers Like those found in the
rnanufacturing or automotive industry. The performance and accuracy of any solid modeler will have to be verified before developing the System. In particular, Boolean operations like union, intersection, and difFerence will have to work properly and accurately. These operations are essential to the mine modeling process.
Off-the-Shelf Solutions
A review of the capabilities of commercial mine design and planning systems shows that there is not one off-the-shelf produa capable of handling ail or even most of the requirements outlined in this document. At best, several commercial systems are needed to provide some of the desired functionality.
Several commercial components and stand-alone applications are available for the development of the System particularly in the areas of geological data anaiysis, numerical modeling, simulation, blasting and ventilation design. It may also be possible to purchase or obtain a license of the source code to help with the development. However, the stability
and accuracy of each potential component has to be tested before being included in the
System. There is always the risk that the Company making and supporting a component will go out of business or disappear from the marketplace. The loss of a critical component could endanger the long-terni maintainability of the System. There is also the problem of rapid hardware and software evolution. Updates to a component may result in the System not performing as originally designed. One solution to this problem is to constrain the development effort to a specific hardware platfonn and software version.
However, a static system such as this one runs the risk of being obsolete very rapidly as improvements come about.
system. Thus, it is expected that two costing systems, running in parallel, will be required. This brings the issue of reconciiiation between two systems. The System may have trouble in accessing severai legacy systems; particularly the custom-written solutions implemented on older mainfiame systems.
Maintenance Support
The System will require sof?ware and hardware maintenance to keep running at optimum conditions and to fix the inevitable s o h a r e "bugs". It is likely that the companybscurrent
IT Department will not have the skills needed for doing this maintenance work. It is also
doubtfl that a third-party software support Company will be able to suppon a system as complex as the Mine DesigdPlanning System. Due to the requirement o f hawig this system operational for most of the tirne, the issue of adequate and timely maintenance becomes cntical.
User Impacts The System will also affect the existing users in several ways:
1) Job procedures will likely change, moving nom a paper-based system to a computer-
System is quite different from the current methods. Design and planning wiil be fuUy computerized and require computer literacy and competence.
3) Some users will likely lose personal power because of the centralization of the
productivity expected from the new System. Unions may demand job security for their members.
be detailed procedures (for design and operations) required for regulatory purposes as well as for ensunng consistency and maintainhg safety. There are likely several databases
to be found in many microcornputers and the mainfiame. There will be much information buried within Company reports and studies.
The task of transferring this legacy information to the new System is a daunting one at
best. It is possible to digitize the drawings and transfer the CAD fles to the new System. However, changing 2-D CAD information into a 3-D mode1 can be a c u l t especidly if there is conflicting or missing idormation. The task of cutting over the existing information to the new System wiii need to be exarnined on an individual basis to detemine what is truly necessary. It may be possible that only a part of the information
At a minimum, the foliowing information will be needed for the new System: The coordinate system in current use The location and sue of ail primary accesses (i.e. shafl, ramps, raises, levels, drifts) fiom existing drawing and computer files The geological information including diarnond drilling data and rock mass properties, faults, etc. fiom existing drawing and computer files The location of al1 relevant stoping excavations including details of whether backtill was used and what type from existing drawings and reports The current mine plan (i.e. development and production) kom existing drawings, computer files and reports
and databases
The development of an integrated Muie DesigdPlanning System will be difficult and cornplex. Moody et al. (1997) have proposed a methodology to assess the design difnculty and the resources required for completing a new project. As illustrated on Figure 61, the design difficulty and the resources metncs are plotted on a x-y plane.
Figure 61 - The four regions of the Design Difliculty versus Resources Plane (Source: Moody et al., 1997)
Moody identifies four regions based on the level of design difEiculty and the resources required to carry a project through. Most consumer products fa11 in the low to moderate
zones on both design dficulty and resources. This zone is well within the capabilities and resources available to most companies.
The Star Wars area represents a region that has very high design dif%iculties, where new technology wiil need to be developed or the project complexity is extremely high. The Star Wars area has a high research and development component. A flly robotic mine would be
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World represents an area where design is not difficult but requires enorrnous resources. This zone typically represents projects tnded by governments since only they have enough resources to complete them.
The last area, the Moon Landing region, represents projects of both great dficulty and high resources requirements like NASA's moon landing project of the 1960's and 70's.
Projects in the Moon Landing zone require both industry involvement and govenunent fiinding to succeed.
The Design Difficulty assessment includes the following factors: Design type - ranging fiom redesign of existing work to original h o v a t i v e design to breakthrough design Complexity of the knowledge needed for the design Number of design steps Quality requirements for the system o r by the developer
Process design (includes complexity of the fabrication process and the quantities of items to be produced) Aggressive goals for selling price or the degree to which the system design is driven and constrained by unit sales pnce requirements or goals
The Required Resources assessment includes: Costs to develop the product through the first production unit. T h e requed fiom the beginning of the effort through the fbst production unit I&astructure required for completing the design.
To assess the desigdiiplementation complexity of the underground computerized Mine DesigdPlanning System, each of the above items above was assigneci a subjective optimistic, expected and pessimistic assessment score as shown in Tables 27 and 28.
The Design Difficulty and Resources assessment values are plotted in Figure 62 dong with other potential or existing projects that were assessed by Moody. Moody d e h e s three broad project categories according to their implementation risks using by two diagonal
i s k projects are likely to fail for technical reasons because the lines. High technological r
technology is simply not available to solve the problem. High political risk projects are beyond economics and are typically implemented and cancelled for political reasons.
Design Dimculty
Design T y p e Knowledge Complexity
Scoring Esplmation
O - 6 for cedesign or continuous improvements 7 -1 3 for original innovative design 14 - 15 for breakthrough O - 2 for common knowledge held by many
Quaiity Emphasis
Process Design
people 3- 5 for complex knowkdge held by many people 6 8 for cornplex knowledge held by few people 9 10 for cornplex or undiscovered knowledge O - 2 for systems with less than 50 steps 3 - 4 for up to 500 steps or cornponents 5 - 8 for up to 10,000 steps or components 9 - 10 for greater than 10,000 steps or components O -3 for developers with low emphasis on implementing quality pmgrams and techniques 4 - 6 for medium emphasis 7 - 10 for high emphaas O point for manufactunng operations of low complexity that are designed to produce only one system 1 point for low complexity with systems to be sold to a srnail market 2 points for moderate complexity with systems to be sold to small market 3 points for highly complex manufacturing with for small market 4 points for highly cornplex manufacturing for moderate sized market 5 points for highly cornplex manufacturing for large market O - 1 point with little to no challenge due to lack of competition 2 - 3 for moderately chailenging pnce requirements 4 - 5 for highly challenging sale pn w i t h high competition Total Design Dinculty Score
Cost of development
O -2 for affordable systems 3 - 8 for moderately expensive systems 9 - 13 for very expensive systems that are
O - 10
rarely developed 14 -15 for massively expensive systems requiruip: major sacritices. O for less than one month 1 for one to 3 months 2 for 3 to 6 months 3 for 6 to 12 months 4 - 7 for one to f i e years 8 - 9 for five to eight years 10 for more than eight years O - 2 for common, low cost infiastnicture 3 - 5 for moderate infiastnicture require support people 6 - 8 for large complex infiastnichire representing a substantial portion of the total
cost 9 - 10 for massive infiastnicturerequirements
Interestingly, Figure 62 indicates that the complexity of the integrated Mine DesignPlanning System is mostiy within the consumer product zone and suffers neither fkom excessively high technological or political risk. Although the project is relatively cornplex, techniques and resources appear available to carry it through to completion. As a cornparison, Moody et al. (1997) stste that building the Microsofl Windows 95 operating system is the software equivalent of a Moon Landing type project, requinng huge financial and labour resources. The Mine DesignfPlanning System is complex, but not likely as complicated as Windows 95. This cornparison places the development effort for the Mine Design/Planning System in perspective.
computerized Mine DesignlPlanning System presents des. These risks are listed in Table
29 dong with an assessment of the seriousness, an estimate of the probability of
High system complexity
Kgh High
ocwrnncc W h
4 5
8 9
High maintenance cos& and diffldties Buggy or unstable software or components CancelledProject Unanticipated acceptance 1 criteria Legal ownership of software and deliverables Inadquate customer/users involvement Hardware and software obsolescence Creeping user requirements
Cost overrun
Delays Added c0sts No completion Delays Added cos6 Delays to canllation Delays Added cos&
M e d i u m
W h
High High
Law-Medium Low
Medium-High Medium-High Medium-High
W h
Medium Medium Medium Medium Law-Medium
11 12 13
Late delivery Excessive schedule pressure Friction between contractor and client personnel Design and programming complexity Low quality and error-prone
Delays Added costs Added costs Delays Delays to canceliation Delays to cancellation Delays Added costs Added costs
It should be noted that it is highly likely that the development of the system wili be contracted out or outsourced to one ore more programrning h s , thus some of these risks are interrelated.
1) The proposed system is highly complex and wiil both difficult to develop and to
maintain. The scope of the system also requires severai specialists to develop and maintain the system. Not only is there mine engineering information, but there is also visualization, solid modeling, database, simulation, and expert system technology. Experts in these areas are in demand and it will be difncult to recruit and retain these individuals. The scope of the system also makes the maintenance learning c w e long and steep. The loss of an expert will be costly in both tirne and money to replace. Even
if this work is contracted out to a single consulting firrn, this firm will have the same
problems as if the muiing Company had its own experts. Every strategy available to make the system as maintainable as possible must be considered before initiating development. Carefl and thorough planning wil be required.
2) High maintenance costs and maintenance dficulties are to be expected with this
project. This is due partly to the complex nature of the proposed system as weil as expected development environment. A project of this sue is expected to involve many programmers who will have difFerent coding and documenting styles. The complexity of the System will also result in an increased potential for the introduction of defects or bugs. Formai quality plans, prototyping, structured analysis and design techniques, reusable designs and code fiom certified sources, as well as reviews and inspections can help in reducing the number of defects and thus maintenance costs. Welldocumented and coded sofhvare wiU help in reducing maintenance difficulties.
3) Buggy, unstable software or components can destroy the usefulness of the System by
causing low user satisfaction and high maintenance costs. Formal software guality testing is a pre-requisite to identiQ and correct defective software and components. There should also be a software defect tracking system to log errors and record corrections.
4) Canceling o f the project before its delivery is
complex the project the more likely it will be cancelled. Cancelled projects are typically one year behind schedule and almost double their anticipated budget (Jones,
1994). This risk can be rnitigated with carefl planning and estimating by experienced
5) An unanticipated acceptance cntenon refen to a new and possibly more stringent
criteria levied on the contractor by the client as a condition of product acceptance or payrnent of fnds. This can result from the failure in establishing a criterion early in the contract or due to fiction and hard feelings by the client that the work was not
entirely by clearly defining the ownership within the contract. 7) hadequate customer/user involvement can senously affect the project particularly at the early stage when user requirements and specifications are being defined. Client buy-in and support is critical and management must clearly cornmunicate this message to al1 involved with the project. Failure to do so will result in missing requirements, low user satisfaction, and a product that will not meet the needs of the organization.
known for its rapid obsolescence. Over a period of five to ten years, the tirne required to develop this system, it is expected that computer systems will have evolved frther, e of this providing increase capabilities. Over a period of 20 to 30 years, the s e ~ c life system, it is expected that computer technology wiii have advanced radically. How does a software developer or a client maintain the value of its investment over such a tirne fiame? Technological obsolescence can be handled by fieezing the development
considered endemic to the process, resulting in increased development costs and delivery delays. Rapid prototyping and joint application development (users working with developers) can be veiy effective in mitigating this risk.
10)Cost ovemns occur for a variety of reasons ranging fiom poor initial estimating,
effort, accounting and adjusting for changes in user requirements and scope of work. Experience is dso a factor where scme programmers can be much more productive than their counterparts. Another faitor has to do with the nature of the application
itself New applications, with no development history, are more likely to be late that those commonly seen in the industry. 12) Excessive schedule pressure results when the client insists on sofhware delivery within a tirne fiame that is technically impossible. This risk is relatively comrnon and large software projects are more susceptible. Good planning tools can help in mitigating this risk. It is particularly important to quant@ and control the growth in new user requirements and to adjust the schedule. Accurate historical data, in particular, prograrnrning productivity, will help in setting good, workable schedules. Reusable software components can dso help in controlling schedules by reducing the labour component in programming. 13)Friction between client and contractor can originate fkom several sources including misunderstandings, unanticipated changes in the scope of work, missed or delayed delivery or some other point of dispute. This risk is considered endemic to the soflware industry especially for those projects under a fixed-price agreement, as high as 65% (Jones, 1994) for large projects. Contracts for new and uncertain kinds of applications, where neither the client nor the contractor has much experience, are especially prone to this risk. Low bids, poorly-defined schedules, unclear deliverables, missed deliveries or impossible delivery dates, changing scopes, low quality can al1 cause fiction. A related risk is litigation. The use of joint application design (Le. clients and developers working together) can mitigate this risk.
14)Design and programming complexities do present a risk mostly due t o the broad scope
of the project. The Mine DesigdPlanning System is new and wiil therefore present technical problems. This risk can be rnitigated by formal design techniques, by the use of domain experts who can clthe requirements and explain the complexities involved. The use of object-oriented techniques, with its related analysis, reusable
design and coding technique, as well as structured analysis and design, should prove
Estimating software development costs and effort has always been a difficult issue especially at the preliminary stages. Several empincal metrics have been published that include "Lines of Code" (LOC) estimates, fnction point analysis, and rules-of-thumb. These estimating methods are typically based on historical data for hopeflly similar
projeas. The Mine DesignIFlanning System project costs were estimated using all three above-mentioned methods.
"rules-of-thumb" metrics provided by Jones (1998). These metrics are based on the fnction point analysis (FPA) of several hundreds software projects. Presented in 1977 by
A. J. Albrecht, then of IBM Corporation, function point counting or analysis was
developed as a software metric to masure various aspects of software development like: The evaluation of productivity rates in fnction points per hour The evaluation of software quality The estimation of a software project's size (and in part, duration) The estimation of tture software support requuernents The estimation of system change costs The impact of programming language seiection The impact of using rnixed programming languages The impact on the type of application (real-time, M I M S , systems, etc.)
FPA consists of a weighted total for the following five factors in software development
(IFPUG, 1996; Heller, 1996):
For obtaining a FPA estimate, Jones (1 998) classifies software projects according to: scope (from a subroutine to a compound system) class (individual software package to military contract)
type (non-procedural to hybrid of AI, robotics, etc)
This score, essentiaily the sum of the scope, class and type is used to calculate a fnction point count by raising the sum to the power of 2.35. As a starting point, matching the
System will be a new system development, most likely outsourced to a contractor, and be
a hybrid of several types. Summhg the t h e classifications scores and raising this sum
(i.e. 42 = 9 +13+ 20) to the power of 2.35 yields an approximate fiindon point of 6,526.
This scoring is summarized in Table 30
Comparing the Mine DesigdPlanning System to comrnercially available software, Microsofl Word 7 and Excel 6 have a fiinction point count of 2,500 each (Jones, 1998). Microsofi Office Standard has a fiinction point count of 10,000 while Windows 95 has a count of 85,000.
12 15
1 Marketed ComrnerciaUy
M i l i w Contract
3 14 15
16 17 18
Embedded Image Processuig Multimedia Robotics and Automation Artincial Intelligence
Jones (1998) assumes that there are approximately on average 103 Fortran statements,
128 C statements or 53 C* statements per fnction point. Because
CH is speciied as the
prefened development language, the Mine Design/Planning System would have approximately 350,000 nes of code. Jones (1998) provides mles-of-thumb for estimating several parameters like documentation size, estimated monthly increase in user requirements, potential defects in the system, as well as development t h e , statnng levels and costs. These estimates are listed in Table 3 1.
Based on Jones' metrics, the Mine Design/Planning System would cost approximately
$16M t o build and take about 3 years to develop. The system would have approximately
1000 undiscovered bugs at delivery and require nine maintenance programmers to
maintain the System. The development and delivery of this System would create several thousand pages of documentation, manuais, etc.
Jones is quick to point out that his metncs are for approximations only and should not be relied upon for contractuai purposes. In fact, Jones recomrnends that a detailed anaiysis be carried out by certified point counters using automated costing prograrns.
1 Dctaiir
Classification sum raised to the 2.35 power Approx, 53 C * statements per fnction point. Function Point count raised to the 1.15 power. Generally 2 to 5% per month. Function Point count raised to the 1.25 power. Approx. 1% to 15%. Note 15% is idustry nom. Maintenance programmers can fix 8 bugs/month on averaeeMonths. Development xhedule is fiom start of formai requirements to finai delivery. Function Point count divided by 150. Stafiing includes system analysts, coders, debuggers, testers, quaiity control, and technid writers, support staff and management. Fuoction Point count divided by 750.
Function Points Count Software Code Sizinp: Page Cowit for Documentation New Monthly Creeping U s e r Requirements Potentid Life-Cycle Defect Estimate in System Defect Count at Delivery Post-release Defect Repair Rates
979 8
1 Approximate Development
hedule Program Development Staffing
9 9
Years. Function Point count raiseci to the 0.25 mwer. $16,000,000 Each function point i s asswned to be worth $2,500.
To estimate the potentiai range of costs, the fbnction point count for the Mine DesignPlanning System was haived to 3,000 and doubled to 12,000. Table 32 summarizes
the results and indicates that the System's development could cost from $7SM to S30M and require fiom two to four years to deliver.
3 159,000 9,970
450 8 25 20 4 7
16 10
One item to note is the monthly requirements creep esthate as development proceeds. Table 33 indicates that 60 to 240 new requirements could be expected (baseci on an average of 2% new requirements per month). The cost of adding new requirements to the application will Vary substantially depending when they occur during the development cycle. Requirements added at design time are much less expensive then at coding or testing stage. It is likely the development contractor wiii have a sliding cost scaie for adding or changing requirements during the job. Creeping user requirements present a significant nsk to the completion of any software project. In fact, Jones (1998) States that creep rates above 5% per month make the project vimially unmanageable.
Jones (1998) also provides typical percentage breakdowns for the development effort of projects in the 1,000 to 10,000 fnction points range. This breakdown is summarzed in Table 33. It should be noted that coding costs (Le. actual programming) are just a fiaction
of the total costs incurred during software development, especially for large or major
software projects.
% Y 0
12% 22%
7% 8% 11%
(LOC) cost metnc. Estimates around S30US per line of code have been published
@&race and Stahl, 1993). This translates to roughfy $50 per LOC. Assurning the Mine DesigdPlanning System has 350,000 lines of code (based on the function point analysis done previously), then the development cost of the system would be approximately $17.3 million dollars.
McComell(1999) has published a metric relating LOC with development effort. The total effort is estimates as:
For the Mine PISUiningDesign System, with its 350,000 LOC or 350 KLOC, the total effort is estimated at 2065 staff-months. At an approximate total cost of $10,000 per staffmonth, the total development cost is estimated at $20 million dollars.
In conclusion, an accurate cost and scheduling estimate for the development of the Mine DesigdPlanning System is dificuit at this tirne due to the prelixninary nature of the information available. However, the project is expected to cost tens of millions (with a cdculated range of !HOM to $30M) and take several years to complete. It is the author's opinion that the estirnated cost range is probably low and the actual costs more likely to be
Actuai cost data for cornparison purposes is rather scarce and typically considered to be
an asset to firms engaged in software and system development. However, there is some cost information for a somewhat related package - GOCAD. This software is a sophisticated 3-D object-oriented earth resource modeiing package originally developed for, and by, the petroleum industry and is somewhat similar (except for its much narrower scope of capabilities) to the system being proposed in this thesis. The development costs for GOCAD are estimated at $42M over a 14 year period (Source: J-C. Dulac, T-Surf, 2000, pers. cornm.). The package consists of approximately 490,000 lines of C* code (T-
Surf, 2000) representing a LOC cost of approximately $85. Considering that GOCAD does only a fiaction of what is required fkom a mine desigdplanning qstem, development costs in the $100M range are realistic for the proposed system.
Justwng an expenditure of tens of millions of dollars to design and develop an integrated system fiom scratch may appear, at first glance, difcult. However, when one considers that the capital cost for developing a new mine ranges fiom $300M to over SIB and that the operational expenses will be several times that amount, the expeniture of even $SOM for developing an integrated design and planning system is not prohibitive. A large rnining Company could spread the development costs over several properties. As well, a consortium of companies could agree to split the development coas. The actual cost of mine design and planning errors can be very hi&. While there are few published papen
dealing with bad mine design and planning, there is no lack of anecdotal cases. While an integrated design and planning system rnight not protect against incompetency, such a system could have helped in many of the following cases.
9 7 0 ' s after a raise Balmoral Gold Mine in Quebec was closed permanently in the late 1
broke into the saturated siltklay overburden. The resulting infiow of liquefied soi1 killed eight miners and the mine was lost. A computerized mine planning system with good bedrock profile data and accurate surveying could have prevented this tragedy.
Campbell Red Lake Mine lost potential production as a result of using an improper rnining method in its F2 Zone. The use of shrinkage stopes in high stress ground resulted in rockbursting conditions and the loss of high-grade ore reserves (Source: C. Pelley, 2001, pers. comm.). The use of numencal modeling coupled with experience could have
Gay's River Mine, a base metal mine located in Nova Scotia, had severe operational problems that forced the eventual closure of the mine. The karst topography overlying the deposit resulted in severe water and mud infiows into the mine workings located too close to sunace (Source: C. Pelley, 2001, pers. comm.). These problems were essentially caused by a modeling assumption that should have been foreseeable c o n s i d e ~ g the geology.
In June 1999, Kinross Gold ciosed the Macassa Mine in Kirkland Lake, Ontario (Kinross,
1999a; 1999b). According to Kinross Gold, the combination of weak gold prices and high rnining costs made closure necessary. Some of the high mining costs were a result of the loss of their primary production shafl, the No #3 S h d fiom an April 12, 1997 rockburst (Kinross, 1997). This 7239 foot deep single-lift rectangular timbered shaft had been sunk in or very close to the orezone. The loss of the shaft and the lack of mineable reserves above the 5000-foot level made the mine uneconornical. This problem might have been avoided had a risk analysis based on numerical modeling of ground stresses been performed as part of the decision as to where to locate the shaft.
In 1997, Kidd Mine in Timmins, Ontario, had a major rock wedge movement within its former open pit (Sheldon et al, 1999). With an estimated mass of 60M tonnes and a height extending from surface to 850 metres below surface, this wedge created a major operational and safety problem. The movement was triggered by an interaction of gravity, adverse rockmass structures daylighting into mined out stopes and the open pit. The resulting ground movement aEected underground operations and caused the mine to shutdown until the problem could be assessed and safety measures implemented. This problem rnight have been foreseeable had there been detailed rock structure mapping infiormation avaiiable, software to analyze it, and people to recognize this potential problem early on.
There does not exist at this time a single commercial package that can provide afl the functionality described in this document. Nor is it likely that the currently existing mining s o k a r e vendors will ever build such a system. An investment of several million dollars and several years of work will be required to design and build this system. Few mining software vendors have this financial strength. Therefore, it is expected that such a system wili have to be developed privately. Several development options are possible:
1) The client can buy one or more existing stand-alone programs and develop translation
3) The client cm work with a rnining software developer and get them to modify their
4) The client c m buy development tools and libraries and build a tightly integrated system
fiom scratch.
5) The client could form a consortium of mining companies or establish a user's group
representing the interests of those working in or for the mining industry. This consortium or group would have the goal of developing an open data interface standard that would aiiow data to flow easily between dserent mining applications.
Option 1 - Buy Esisting Applications and Loosely Integrate Tbem A loosely integrated system consists of several diierent applications joined through data interchange programs. DBerent user interfaces are likely and file management may be a chore.
A loosely integrated system will not offer a consistent software architecture and data
mode1 and will likely meet only some of the client's needs (due to the limitation of each component). However, this option will be much less costly to implement because existing programs will be purchased fiom commercial vendors and customized to meet the client's needs. One advantage of this integration approach is that the client cm purchase the best components on the market or the preferred ones. It should be expected that the components making up this system will be upgraded on an ad hoc basis by their vendors. These upgrades may or may not be reversely compatible with previous versions because of changes introduced to the data structures and could result in maintenance problems for the client. Another issue is if one of the vendors goes out of business or seils his
company/product to another one. The product rnay dissapear fiom the market, leaving the client locked in with a gradually aging application with no chance of upgrade. Another disavantage may be that the client wiil be locked in on a specific hardware platform or with specific software components, therefore unable to take advantage of new
n the development of the system. Over the long developments because of the coas sunk i
term, Option 1 has little ment.
Option 2 - Client Buiids on top of an Existing Application Option 2 has some merit because the development effort would be based on an existhg
and hopefully powerful platfam. However, the package must provide strong core systems
particularly in the area of solid modeling as well as a good programming language and a way to integrate new functionalities. In al1 Mcelihood, a macro language will not be sufficient to develop new applications. The programming language would have to be on the level of C or C++ in capabilities as well as having the ability to link extemal Libraries. Detailed specifications on the intemal data structures and hooks into these structures are also needed for programrning purposes. New applications would need to be compiled for speedy operation. If the development platfonn was offered as a library, it might be possible to integrate new functionality easily. However, this approach would require the CO-operation of the software vendor(s). This is not Likely to happen because it would make it possible for the license holder of the platform to design and potentidy market new mining applications in direct conflict with the software developer. However, a licensing agreement limiting what could be done with the package could resolve this issue.
Option 3 - Contract Out Development to an Exisitng Vendor Option 3 would be more palatable to the software vendor(s) than Option 2 because the vendor(s) would maintain control of their product. If difZerent vendors could CO-operate then this option has merit. The software would gain new functionaiity and become more appealing to the mining industry. However, this option would be expensive since it is likely that the client cornmissioning the project would have to pay a good percentage if not
al1 of the development costs. Considering the potential scope of work, the cost would
likely run in the millions of dollars. At the end, the client would have a produa that would fit its needs but with little to no control over anything else. However, a special agreement could be drafted between the client and vendor dictating the rights and obligations of each Party. Possible developrnent agreement between the vendor and the client could include the profit sharing of sales. In any case, the client must retain some intellectual property rights should the vendor go out of business or is acquired by another b.
Option 4 - Building the System from Scratch to Achieve Tight Integration Building the System fiom scratch should result in a tightly integrated system having a consistent user interface and providing a seamless application (Le. there are no obvious visible differences fiom one application t o another). Data would flow from one application to another in its native format (Le. without the use of data translators) and file management would be taken care automatically by the system.
A tightly integrated system offers a consistent software architecture and data mode1 and a
set of tools that could be used for al1 underground mine design, planning, tracking, and reporting functions while fully customized to the client's needs. However, a tighly integrated system wiU require much planning, design and programming pnor to its implementation and therefore will be much more costly and take more tirne to develop than a loosely integrated system. If the system is developed fiom scratch and source code is available, it may be possible to migrate the system to improved hardware platforms that come on the market.
Technically, Option 4 is the most chdenging one. An application could be developed provided good commercial libraries are available. Certainiy, this option offers the moa flexibility since the System would be tailor-made to the client's needs and modifiable as required. The problem lies in finding the right component libraries. Software components are likely to have bugs in them, bugs that are hidden at the onset but come out during development.
The System could be developed fiom scratch or fkom available source code. A wealth of code exists, good and bad, in the areas of public domain and commercial. The client would need to hire competent programmers (this is not as simple as it sounds) or retain the seMces of a programming contractor to develop the System. At the end, the client could have a marketable product if it so desires.
Under Option 5, a user's group or consortium made up of mining companies, software developers and acadernics would be formed to represent the interest and voice the concens and requirements of the mining industry. This group would focus on educating the sofhvare developers on the needs of the industry. The software industry would likely be interested in joining such a group to gain industry exposure, contacts, and potentially new marketing ideas. Academics would also benefit with potential research and developrnent work.
Any one of the above options can be implemented. However, the h a 1 selection should be
based on the company's corporate objectives. Two options are likely to have the best chance for success. Building upon an existing mine planning package (Option 3) should result in increased fiinctionality provided the client is willing to foot most of the development bill. The software vendor knows his product the best and has fli access to the source code. However, Option 4, with the client building the System fkom scratch, offers the most flexibility and control over the design. However, it should be pointed out that mining companies are in the mining business and not in the software development business. This option will require that the client invest heaviIy in software development and maintenance programmers.
Option 5, the open data standard, may prove to be the most cost effective option, provided a standard can be agreed on, one that software vendors are willing to support. There would be a cost for performing the requirements analysis and developing the data model. Depending on the development approach used, by cornmittee or by an extemal third Party, it could take a couple of years to several years before the standard would be available. Ultimately, the open standard option would have much more influence if the mining companies specify that the software vendors provide such fiinctionality as part of their products.
The Mine Design/Planning System comprises several interrelated and interdependent components. However, logical breaks rnay help in simplimng the System and permit a phased approach to development and implementation. Table 34 lists the design and planning tasks typically performed by geologists, engineers and planners and rates them according to frequency of use, criticality to the System and implementation complexity.
This rating scheme provides a guide for setting up development pnorities. The availability of commercial software packages (components) and their potential to be integrated within the Mine DesigdPlanning System were also rated. An explanation of the rating system for each evaluation criterion as well as obsewations follows.
Frequency o f Use
Low - Once a year or less Medium - Once a month
High - Once a week
Outside of the core systems, there are substantial variations in the frequency of use of
rnining specific components. Mine design is generally an eady stage process that tends to
remain unchanged for long periods. For instance, once a shaft has been designed and built, it is unlikely to be changeci. Mine planning and scheduling aaivities are done rnuch more frequently, generally on a weekly to monthly basis (with some work done on a yearly basis) while production control is more fiequent stiil, on a daily to weekly basis.
cf iflctZ&
Low - Systern could work without it Useful (Medium) - System ninctionality wouid be enhance by the component Important - Functionality would s&er substantially without this component Criticai - System can not work effkctively or at ali without this component
There are severaI critical and important components in the Mine Design/Planning System. The solid modeler and visualization systems as well as the database system are critical core systems. The simulation system and the expert system engine are rated as important. Orebody modeling, as well as short-term planning activities, and production and costs monitoring components are rated as cntical as well. An orebody mode1 is critical because it forms the basis for all fture mine design and planning work. Most of the other components are rated as important or useful. Only the mining method selection is rated as low in criticality.
Impfementution Complexity
Low - Straightforward, well-dehed process Medium - More complicated to implement due to interrelated components
Implementation complexity varies substantially for ail components depending on how much a component is interrelated to others. Some components like s w e y h g and geological data capture are relatively simple to implement. Others, like short-terni planning and scheduling, are highly complex due to severai factors as follows: Cost considerations Considerations of required and available resources Considerations for production objectives and constraints The optimization of the mining plan and schedule. A vailabiiity o f Commercial Componen2 s
Many activities have no real commercial equivalents (although there may be some
proprietary or research-based systems available). The core systems generally have many commercial equivalents because these systems are meant to be general tools and can sometimes be used to create other applications.
Good - There is a high Likelyhood that the component can be integrated Fair - It may be possible to integrate the component Poor - It is unlikely that that the component could be integrated
N/A - No rating is possible because there is no commercial equivalent available
Overdl, the integration potential of commercidy available components is poor to wtually unlikely. Except for general software packages related to graphics, database, and expert systems, the potential to integrate existing rnining-specific software is poor. These mining packages were created to be stand-alone applications ahhough some offer data importexport capabilities.
The work required before actual coding and prograrnming will depend on the development approach used. The irnplementation of Option 4, where the development is done from scratch, will be quite radically different fiom Option 1, where data translation programs are written. However, several tasks and decisions wiil have to be performed regardless of the development methodology selected.
First, the requirements outlined in this thesis will have to be fleshed out further and followed with a detailed design. A set of programming and documentation standards should be defined. There must be a comprehensive testing and software quaty program put in place. Domain experts taken fiom the development group as well as fiom other
areas (academic, consultant, etc.) will have to be selected to form part of the testing and quality assurance group.
Microsoft windowsm, on a UMX compter or some other system? The choice of platform will likely dictate the choice of design libraries and components available to the programfning team.
A selection on the database system will have to be made at this point - relational or
object-oriented or hybrid?
Any software lbrary or component will have to be thoroughly tested before being selected as a design tool. If feasible, the vendor of the product should have resources available to troubleshoot and fix problems identified with library components. If possible, the source code for the library components should be acquired.
The key to the whole system is the surface/solids modeler. This component will need to be thoroughly tested to ensure that the desired fiinctionality is available. This certification
h i s component process must be performed before any large coding effort is initiated. T
should be tested with realistic data sets for speed, accuracy and correctness of solutions. The basic Boolean fiinctions (i-e.union, intersection, difference, etc.) must be checked for numencal instabilities on surfaces and solids of arbitrary complexity.
The design and development sequence for the Mine Desigfllannhg System should be based on the cnticdity and fkequency of use of the sub-systems as outlined in Section 9.8.
AU sub-systems rated cntical and important (the simulation engine in particular) must be
considered during the design stage. AU cdical systems wili need to be designed and tested first. These critical systems include the following: The solid modeling system (core system) The visualization system (core system) The database system (core system)
Ail prograrnming and customization capabilities of ail critical core systems
The orebody modeler The stope (mine) layout modeler The short-term mine planner and economic analysis The resource scheduler (equiprnent, labour, supplies and consumables) The production cost estimating and tracking system The surveying system (layout preparation and excavation boundary monitoring)
Al1 above cntical systems also have a high to very high fiequency of use and generally a medium to high implementation complexity. An integrated system pmviding the above capabilities will offer a high level of fnctionality and capability to any mining operation and would have a very high fiequency of use.
The implementation of the critical systems should be foUowed with the important systems like the sirnulation and expert systems engines, the ventilation, drilling and blasting design sub-systems. Drilling and blasting design work, in particular, is a highly repetitious activity that should be automated as much as possible.
The remaining components could be developed later. A small group of users should be selected to be part of the designltesting tearn. These users wiU be training during the prototyping and the development of the System, helping in making changes and improvements and critically analyzing the funaionality and accuracy of the System. Once the System is ready for implementation, these users would help with the training of other users and provide initial system support.
The development of the Mine DesignlPlanning System will require the successful completion of several tasks that include:
1) The selection of a mine site to implement and test the System on. 2) The selection of a small team of mine users to provide advice and help to the system
lmporting a representative geological data set and creating a geological model Calculating the grade and tonnage resulting from stope and geological model intersections (Boolean intersection). Merging two or more stopes (Boolean union) and calculating the new tonnage and grade. Splitting an existing stope into two or more new stopes (Boolean ciifference). Laying out shafls, raises, levels, stations, drifts, rarnps and stopes of arbitrary complexity. Creating and attaching a unique object ID that can be used to Link the object to an extemal database.
5) If the soiid modeler passes ail these tests, then the detailed design of the mine object
models can proceed. The object models must eventuaily be integrated into the simulation engine. If the solid modeler fails these tests, then another core system will have to be selected and re-tested.
6) The design of an appropriate database structure depending on the database
9) The design and implementation of an interface for exporting the solid model to a
geomechanics numencal modeler and imponing the results back into the solid modeler (for design stope size and mining sequence).
10)The design and programrning of a mine scheduling system module. The scheduiing -stem would use the mining sequence defined previously to define a long-term schedule. The activity-based costing system would be used to design a cost estimating and budgeting system. 1l)The design of a financial analysis module that incorporates the mine schedule, production tonnage and grades, estimated metal prices and cost estimating and budgeting system.
12) The design, implementation and testing of the short-term scheduiiisimulation engine
foliowed with the integration into the mine planner/scheduler components. 13) The design, implementation and testing of the expert system engine foliowed with the development of various expert systems to support the System.
14)The design, implementation and testing of a drilling and blasting module.
It is obvious that a Mine Design/Planning System with the proposed scope of capabilities
will radically alter the IT (Information Technology) landscape of a mining Company. This
is especially true if the System is eventually linked to a Production Control and Monitoring System. AU existing design and production monitoring systems have the potential to be
Unless directed by upper management, it is unlikely that the accounting department will completely give up their system in favour of an ABC systern. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that both systems will have to run in pardel until everyone is convinced that an
ABC system is workable, accurate and of value to the Company.
There may also be changes in other extemal computer systems particdarly if production control and monitoring is integrated. Strong links may be established between the production and monitoring system and the warehousing, the maintenance system and the payroll systems depending on the degree of desired integration. There may already be a production reporting system in place that will need to be upgraded, even possibly replaced. in many ways, production and maintenance are directly related. Production can not proceed without equipment and equipment will not be available without being maintained. Maintenance requires adequate time and this time requirement must be allocated within the production schedule. Ideally, the maintenance system should keep track of the failure rates of the equipment, the time between filure and the required repair time and costs. This information would be used to improve future production schedules and budgets as well as help in scheduling maintenance t h e .
Production can also be linked with the warehousing system, using the schedule for estimating supply and consumable quantities, verifying that the supplies are available and triggering replenishment orders when appropriate. The production system could also:
Place orders to the warehouses for supplies to be delivered at specific workplaces while tramferring the appropriate charges to the workplace accounts. Monitor and record the labour costs for payroll purposes. Administer the work incentive or bonus system.
The above discussion points to a fusion of traditionally separate computer syaems. However, this fsion wiil cross several traditional departmental boundaries and is likely to be met with resistance on several fionts. It will have to be stressed that this re-engineering process wiil streamline data management within the company, resulting in operations that are more efficient.
Ideally, this idormation flow should be done for the existing situation (i.e. "as-isy') and the proposed system (i.e. "to-be"). The flow of information should be smooth and with as little backflow as possible. Information backflow is valuable when it is used for correcthg a model, otherwise, it is simply inefficient rework. There must be a clear, logical reason for collecting, storing, processing and reporting information about the processes and productS.
This analysis and modeling work would define the critical information that is required, who creates or wUects and maintains this iformation, and who needs this information and why. There rnay be other questions to be answered such as the fiequency of collection, the infiormation control and accessibility, and the retention times.
Data models that meet the information requirements would be designed next. These data models would be implemented using a suitable CASE tool to help the system andyst in creating and maintaining the models. A computer system and database system capable of meeting the information requirements would have to be selected. Several issues need to be considered at this stage. The type and quantity of data to be stored may favour a database architecture over another. A centralized computer system with a database server may be favoured by some, others may prefer a distributed architecture implemented over a network. It is important to consider critical database issues like scalability, reliability and control. A diverse computing environment (Le. several diierent computer systems,
databases and application), common in many existing minhg companies, may require a datarnart or meta-database environment.
Eventually, the information will have to be moved to the database system. The degree of ease with which this migration is made will depend on how clean the information is7 the nature of the information itself, and how open the current database systems are.
It is critical that the users and stakeholders of the information be involved with this process. These people know best what they need and the nature of the information itself.
As well, this work will require the full unconditional support of the company's
management. It is Lely that some usen will feel that they are losing control of the data. It will be important to stress that this data represents a critical source of decision-making information and is an essential asset to the entire Company. Co-operation will be required by al1 to make this data migration work.
This thesis represent the first attempt at formally describing through the use of software engineering and systems analysis techniques the thought process that takes place when designing and planning an underground hardrock mine.
This thesis is also about defining and describing the capabilities required fiom a cornputer system capable of integrating al1 the necessary elements found and operations perforrned when designing and planning an underground hardrock mine.
factors, parameters and considerations as well as the relationships between them to provide an encompassing look at the mine design and planning process (Chapter 4).
A detailed set of requirements and specifications for creating an integrated
computerized underground mine design and planning system. System programmers and software developers can use this set of requirements as a starting point for creating the system (Chapters 6, 7 and 8). Detailed documentation, via structured graphical models of the mine design and planning process showing inputs and outputs, controls and mechanisms. These models
illustrate some of the decision process that take place when designing and planning as well as the infiormation required to make such a decision and the constraints that apply (Chapter 5, Appendices A, B, D and E). Preliminary data models of the rnining information (DFDs and 00 models) to be used
functionalities of the system should be implemented and in which sequence to show real benefits to developing the entire system (Chapter 9).
An evaluation of the system's feasibility (Sections 9.3, 9.4 and 9.5)
A description of the fttwe research work required in creating this integrated system (Section 10.4). The review of fomal software engineering methods as a tool for developing complex mining software systems. A basis for fiiture business process improvements and for business process reengineering activities in mine design and planning work. An understanding of the mine design and planning process and the factors that Muence this process represents the first step in either improving or modifjing this process.
Several constraints have lirnited the completeness of this research. Available resources, that is time as w e U as the lack in expertise in several areas, have prevented the complete identification and definition of al1 the requirernents for the System. Although this thesis contains several hundred requirements, a ftil and detaiied requirements document would likely contain several thousand.
No user interface or other system interfaces have been defined. User intefiaces are
typically prototyped and require substantiai involvement from the future users. NO system interface work was designed because it is typicaily system and application dependent.
The datdsystem models contained within the thesis are preliminary in nature. There is no
point in defining a complete data mode1 until a decision has been made on the type of database system that wiil be used (i.e. object-oriented, relational or hybrid). Therefore, no attempts were made to define al1 the tiinctions or methods needed to implement these data models. The proposed System is extremely complex and will therefore require considerable expertise to transfonn the broad requirements outlined in this theis into a workable data and system architecture.
The proposed System calls for the development of severai expert systems, many of which do not yet exist. The thesis made no effort to assess the research effort required to develop these expert systems.
Generality The System outiined in this thesis is meant to address the requirements for underground hardrock mines. The System could be generaiized by extending it to underground coal mines. As well, surface mine design capabilities could be made available with the addition
of pit limit optimization and road layout routines. AU other designlplanning routines with
the exception of mine ventilation could be transferable to open pit mine design. The
System could be extended further with the integration of a production control and monitoring system as well as the inclusion of a Mine Information Management System. At that point, the System would provide an dl-encompassing level of data integration.
The System could be used for the design of large-scale civil engineering projects like tunnels and nuclear waste repositones. The System could be extended to modeling geothermal and hydrogeological problems with the inclusion of suitable algorithm in the numerical stress modeler.
The mine design and planning system examined in this thesis goes beyond what is considered traditional computerized mine design and planning work. ncluded with exploration data capture, orebody modeling, and ore reserves estimation are sophisticated surface and solid modeling techniques, a 3-D visualization system, mining method selection, stress and strain modeling, ground control measures evaluation, equipment selection, ventilation analysis, scheduling and budgeting, mine valuation and optimization, production simulation, activity-based costing, surveying, cost control and production reporting.
The primary benefits in developing such as system would be an integrated software architecture and data model complete with a core set of tools that could be used for all underground mine design, planning, tracking, and reporting functions. In the future, it is
hoped that the Mine DesigdPlanning System would be linked to a Production Control and Monitoring System that would in real-time control equipment remotely, monitor machine health as well as track muck flow within the mine. Information gathered by the Production Control and Monitoring System would feed back to the Design and Planning System for improved plans, schedules and budgets.
hardrock mines. The creation of a consistent, coherent and up-to-date database of current conditions within the mine for more accurate and more timely plans as well as improved decision-
Better analysis and consideration of available options via simulation and analyticaVoptimizationtechniques.
A strong foundation for future enhancements and modifications as well as the
business process re-engineering. The justincation for developing the System wili have be made on the basis of improved decision-making. With a development cost in the tens of miilions of dollars, the "per ticense" cost will othenvise be too high to be acceptable to potential buyers of the system. However, if it can be shown that better decisions can result in savings of millions of dollars, something quite possible when one considers the substantial capital investment required for a mining project or the annual operating budget f o r most mines, then the justification to develop this system is clear. The availability of an integrated Mine Design/Planning System would represent an extremely valuable strategic asset to any rnining Company.
offers many opportunities for future work. This thesis, outlinhg the System's feasibility, the general requirements and preliminary data architecture, is but the first step in a lengthy design and implementation process.
The detailed architecture of the Mine DesignIPianning System as well as the Production Control and Monitoring System should be defined using object-oriented principles. This work needs to be followed with the design of a comprehensive object-oriented data model, complete with detailed classes, attributes and methods defined for each object. This data model would build upon the work of Chapter 7 and Appendices A, B and E and incorporate the requirements of the core systems outlined previously in this document.
This data model could form the basis for an open data architecture that eventuaUy could be transformed into an industry-wide open data standard. This work is very important because it could eventually enable applications to fieely communicate with one another thus providing a greater degree of integration.
There is much work to be done in the area of expert system development. This development work will help in achieving a greater understanding of the decision process that takes place when designing and planning mines. The design and integration of expert systems will bnng about greater system "intelligence". Without these expert systems, the System will never achieve its full potential and wili at best ody provide cornputer assistance to the mine pianner.
There is generally a lack of systematic, precisely defined, and well-understood decisionmaking protocols and procedures. Although this thesis has attempted to ident@ some of the more critical factors and considerations, it is not always clear how decisions are made. Knowing this information is critical for creating the several expert systems that have been identified.
The implementation of these systems will require knowledge engineering in the specific domains and domain experts will be needed to aid the knowledge engineers in building, testing and c e r t w g these experts systems. Expert systems couid be applied to the following areas:
Orebody interpretation Geostatistical modeling and interpretation Mining method selection and nsk considerations Stope sizing, orientation and optimization Stope layout and sequencing Numencal stress analysis and interpretation Ground support strategies and optimization Pnmary infrastructure selection, sizing and location Production level selection and production objectives Grade cut-off selection and grade control requirements Drilling, blasting and fragmentation control Mining equipment fleet selection Equipment productivities, reliabilities and operational policy Muck handling system selection
Ventilation system requirements sizing, design and control Mine project valuation, sensitivity and risk analysis Metai pice and metal dernand forecasting Long and short-term mine planning and scheduling Electncal power usage optimization Appropriate work incentives and bonus levels Cost control and analysis interpretation
There is also statistical work that needs to be done in the area of mining cost and productivity analysis. This information is critical for the creation of the activity-based costing system and the operation of the simulation system. These systems are identined as core decision-making tools.
Obtaining and analyzing this information will require considerable time. Frequently, the currently available data is inadequate and represents aggregated information. Also, to be representative, the data may have to be accumulated for lengthy penods of time and will have to be nonnalied.
Although al1 mines have an accounting system in place for tracking costs, it is generally not amenable to good decision-making. Generaliy, too many overhead costs are aggregated and then assigned to workplaces based on some dubious allocation method.
properly. The design of an ABC system will require an in-depth understandiig of where costs originates, how they are measured and how they will be allocated. There is also a need for empirical cost curves relating the capitaVoperating costs of various facilities based on their size for the purposes of quickly sizing and optirnizing mining facilities and infiastructure, mine layouts, and production equipment selection.
Equipment Costs, Productivity and Reliability Data Anrilysis This information is required for mine planning and scheduling activities and in particular, for simulation purposes. This information wili take time to obtain and analyze. Several factors need to be considered dependmg on the degree of simulation sophistication. For exarnple, travel times for an LHD could be calculated based on equipment speed, road conditions and loading. Fuel consumption could be estimated under similar operating conditions. Other relevant simulation information includes bucket loads, bucket filling and dumping times, as well as tumaround times for LHDs. Some of the parameters may be iduenced by the muck fragmentation distribution. Drills would have information relating drill bit advance to d d bit type, age, rock conditions and so on.
Labour Resources Productivities, Reliabilities and Costs Andysis The nature of the mine scheduler being proposed requires that development and production processes be described in term of the activities and resources that are needed. Resources include equipment (which was discussed above), labour and supplies and
consumables. Labour, much like mining equipment, has certain productivities, reliabilities
and costs-
The use of genetic algontluns (Holland, 1975) for solving resource-constrained mine scheduling problems has to be examined fiirther. Over the last decade, genetic algonthms have seen increasing use in several applications including construction scheduling (Leu and Yang, 1999; Haidar et al., 1999; Hegazy et al., 1999). Genetic algorithms, with their
combination of heuristics and optimization, may offer a workable solution that is more efficient than the more traditional linear and integer programmig approaches in optimizing complex mine scheduling problems (Denby and Schofield, 1995). The development of optimizing algorithm wiil ultirnately provide the financial retums and justification for developing and using the System.
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igure A-1 . Data Flow Mode1 1.0 . Orebody Modeling igure A-2. Data Flow Mode1 1.1 . Geology Data Acquisition igure A-3 - Data Flow Mode1 1.2 - Geology Modeling igure A-4 - Data Flow Mode1 1.3 - Geology Data Analysis igure A 4 - Data Flow Model 1.4 - Geological Reserves Estimation igure A-6 - Data Flow Mode1 2.0 - Mine Design & Planning igure A-7 - Data Flow Mode1 2.1 - Rock Mass Classification igure A-8 - Data Flow Mode1 2.2 - Mining Method Selection igure A-9 - Data Flow Mode1 2.3 - Primary Access Design igure A-10 - Data Flow Mode1 2.4 - Long-Term Scheduling igure A-1 1 - Data Flow Mode1 2.5 - Economic Evaluation igure A-12 - Data Flow Mode1 3.0 - Mine Planning & Scheduling igure A-13 - Data Flow Mode1 3.1 - Mine Process Definitions igure A-14 - Data Flow Mode1 3 . 2 - Material Handling System igure A 4 5 - Data Flow Mode1 3.3 - Secondary Access Design igure A-16 - Data Flow Model 3.4 - Process Productivity & Costs igure A-17 - Data Flow Mode1 3.5 - Short-Term Planning gure A 4 8 - Data Flow Model 3.5.5 - Dwelopment Resources Requirements igure A 4 9 - Data Flow Mode13.5.6 - Production Resources Requirements gure A-20 - Data Flow Mode1 3.6 - Drilling & Blasting Layouts gure A-21 - Data Flow Model 3.7 - Ventilation Anaiysis & Control gure A-22 - Data Flow Mode1 4.0 - Production Control & Monitoring gure A-23 - Data Flow Model 5.0 - Mine Monitodng
......................................... A-5 ..............................A-6 ......................................... A-7 ...................................A-8 ....................A-9 .............................A 4 0 ............m................ A-11 ............................A-12 ................................A 4 3 ..............................A-14 .................................A-15 ....................A 4 6 ........................... A-17 .........................A 4 8 ...........................A-19 ....................A-20 ................................. A-21 ..A-22 .....A-23 ......................A-24 .......,.........A-25 ............A-26 ........................................A-27
an information system without being overly concemed with the process details. DFDs
can be expanded into entity-relationship diagrams (E-R Diagrams) and eventually translated into a data structure suitable for a relational database system.
The senes of DFDs presented in this chapter (Figures A-1 to A-23) illustrates the data fiow for various mine design and planning processes. The DFDs, based on the Gane and Sarson notation (Gane & Sarson, 1979), were drawn using a general drawing tool called Visio 5.0 (owned by Microsofi Corporation).
Some of the DFDs show the flow of information (using a dashed line) for use with automated mining equipment controlled through a Mine Process Controller. The Mine Process Controller (a component of the Production Control and Monitoring System) is a terminator. It obtains information from the Mine DesigdPlanning System, uploads this information to the automated equipment and receives machine status and remote sensor data back from them. This downloaded data is processed and stored in various files (data store) within the Mine DesigdPlanning System. An explanation o f the content for each file or data store is summarized in Table A-1.
File Name
Topopphical Features
File Coateat
Contains topographical data in the form of nrrface contours, tessellated meshes, open and closed polylines and point data Roads, lakes, rivers, power lines, cozltours, buildings and other surfie-b;ised surveys are contained in this file. Some of this data will be obtained 6om d a c e - b a s & surveys, 0th- will be fiom aecial photographs, some data will be from satellite imagery. The data oui be obained h m specific nirveys or frorn g e n d commercial mapping sources. Contains diamond drill hole collar information, typically an ID no., spatial coordinatcs, hole orientation. depth, site. Contains diamond tiril1 hole surveys used to correct the alignrnem of the drill hole. Long holes fiequently drift off course fiom their origuut orientation Contains diamond drill hole rock type i n f i i o n Contains drill hole geomechanics data like joints, fnctures, dykes for use in rock mass classification schemes. Contains the diamond drill hole assav information. Contins gcochernical exploration da!a obtained h m surface-based samples Each sample has a spatial location as well as a suite of assay resuhs. This information is more of use in early c x p l d o n efforts and forms part o f a comprehensiveGIS-bascd (Gcographicai hfannation Sydem) explorationpr&grarn Contains assay daa t?km fom buik samplcs out of a production blasthole. Blastholes are ais0 logged f a ore-waste contact positions. This i n f i i t i o n is uscd to refme thc blasting pattern and c d i or adjust the elrpeaed grades and tonnages. Contains drill hole based gcophysics data like electrical conductivity or resistivity, mametism, radar wave penetraticm diila Data is in the fonn of a continuous profile ob6ined fkom a probe lowercd or pushed &wn a hole. Contains geophysics data obiained from a surface-ased exploration program. Daia is obtained typi&aly 6om profiles walked. driven or flown ov& spccific li&. Daia fan be magnetic, gravity, resisbnce, or scismically-based D a t a will corne fiom spccific exploration program or from commercial data obtained fiom private or commacial sources. The data is spatially-baseai wdh specific values. Contains open c?r closed polylines tha defines the b o u M e s bewern diffaent lithologies or rodc types. Note that an ore-waste classification m y k applied to the lithology. Typically, the lithology is intcrpretcd on specific sections applied to drill hole data. Note iha Iithological boundaia are applied in the broad sense. Air. watcr, backfill are al1 in -Contains volumes ( d a c e s ) defmed fom lithological bounddes. These arc simply sutface-based outiincs. These volumes (surfaces)form Iithologicai unils (of spe&c rock type). Lithological boundarics also includc spccific sinictural feahires likejoints & dykes. Rock mass p r o p d e s will be assigned to lithological volumes for rock mectranics numerical modelink The intersection of lithoIonical units and mine excavations wiii define the boundan'es for BEM numerical mode&. Contains solids created from the lithological volumes. Thesc soli& cari be octrec-based and formed by the intersection of the rock &s with the mine warkings. herefore, t h i s file also contains stope and developmcnt acccss datz The octree-based solids will be transfotmcd into FEM mcshcs for numericd modcling. Contains drill holc assay data tbat has bccn pocessed This means that the dam has becn spatially correctcd for its position, the data has been dc-cluaered to remove statistid biases, and it has becn composited into regular sized i n t d to rnake it valid fur geostatistical andysis. Confains raw geostatistical or variogram information. Each variogram has a spccific type of variogram, orientation and search cone for specific lithological units. Contains processe and modeled variogram information for each lithological unit This informa& is ready f a use in Kriging-edmatcs. Contains thc individual results obtained fiom testing pieccs of rock, fiom diamond drill c a e or extracteci underground fiom the rock mas. This includes spatial position. lithological unit (or volume) as well as popcrties. Contains the rcsults of the analysis of raw joint & tiacture data obtained f i o m the field a bom the diamond-drillhg program. This includes spatial position & orientation as well as ioint properties. Contains the statisticai analysis of similar pieces of rock (same lithological unit w volume). These properties will be used to detenninc rock mass properties for rock mechanics work and numerical modciing. Contains the statistical analysis of joints located within the same lithological unit or volume. These properties will bc used to d e t m i n e rock mass properties for rock mechanics work and numcrical modeling.
002 003
004 005
Drill Hoie Coltars Drill Hole Alignmcnt surveys Drill Hole Litholow Drill Hole Stnrctural Data Drill Hole Assays Field Geochemical Data
f l
Lithological Volumes
Lithological Soli&
Experimental Variogram Models Fitted Variograms Models Specific Rock Sample hperties Specific Joint Ropcrties Avcrage Intact Rock Ropelties Avcrage Joint Set Orientations & Roperties
O30 03 1 032
033 034
Contains rock properties obtained tiom extcmal sources (Le. the Merature, other mines or sites. external reports). This data is useiid for checking the dafa obtained 6 o m the site and offers the rock rnechanics engineer with vaiuable information for analysis, modeling and design. Contains general definitions to describe specific rock types. Typicaily. a code will be used Lithologid Definitions (Rock Type) to describe the rock type. This files also stores typical rock type properties and descriptions far later use in geology and rock mechanics. Assay Definitions Contains general definitions to describe the assay data being acquird. This would include 1 assay codes, units used to describe assay values. typical range of values. 1 1 Coordinate Systems 1 Contains the coordinate svstems used for various data sets. A mine mav have several Definitions coordinate syaems in use: Typically, there will be a TM qstern ref&ncing the mine to the world There will likely aiso be a l o u l coordinate system usually aligneci with the orebody main axes to simpiifi design and survey. This file will contain ail the translation and rotation parameters to translate the data to and from local to global coordinate systems. Units ( f a t or mares) will aIso be specified as part of the system. .Mine Layouts / Mine This complex spatial file system contains d l mine layouts including support systtms like Sequence & Long-Terrn air. water, power, etc. Also include in a stoping and developmcnt squence (created fiom Schedulc geomechanics considerations) as well as expended mine development phases. Embedded within the spatial layouts is the long-tenn mine schedule. This Iong-tcrm schedule f o m the basis for the short-term mine schedule. Conains the boundaries ( d a c e s ) dcfining each stope and mine dcvelopment wilhin the mine as well as the long-tenn produaion/developmein schedule. Associated with each stope will be a s a of stope attributes containing mining methad. grades & tonnages, development & production schedute (data), badrfill type, ground uppmt rcquirements, production priority. The layouts can be ' * a s proposcd" or "as excavated". The s t o p production sequence / schedule includes start of development ( s t o p preparation), start of produdion, end of production, start of backfilling cnd of backtllling, finai closme date. The devclopment Iayouts include shafb & ramps, raises, levels and subtevels, stations, shops and garages. The devefopncrd sequence / schedule infiormation is rmiinly about the date a t which a given point becomes accessible and the costs incurred for its development. Contains typical (or avcrage) productivity, unit wsts, recovcry Yb, dilution O h figures for .Minhg .Method Statistics (Productivities & Co*) defmed mining mahods. Note tha this inf-ion can be in the form of distributions. Average haulage costs (based on distance and tonnage - hauled) are also included Used for 1 long-& schedule andmine valuation work 1 1 Far-Field Stress Equations [ Contains the equations that define the far-field stresses ihat surmund the orebody. These are typically inthe form of 3 orthogonal equations (orientcd almg axes of 1 - the geojgaphA - - 1 the mine. or the ihree principal str&es) with a depth below d a c e factor. 1 1 Rock Mriss Stress 1 Contains the results of overcoring stress cells for detcnnining stress at specific poink within the rock mass. This i n f ' o n is used to calibrate the mode1 and ver& that it is Calibration Points representative. These stresses have a soccific location in soace and are a result of the ' 1 imeraction of the mine excavations and the rock mass. 1 Geomcchanics Numerical 1 Contains a cornpiete ~eometrical rnodel of thc rock mass.- maior structurai features. mine excavations (1ayoue)as well as mining sequence used in the analysis. Rock mass . pperties are included as well as the calculated stress and displacement results (which vary as mining progresses). This complete mode1 permits the rnodeling of various options to determine the best option Commodity Prices Contains the prices (current or estimated) for the meial commodities k i n g extracteci. Millin&Refuing Method , dilution % figures for detined Contains typical (or avaage) unit costs, recovcry % Statistics miilinp.lrefming rnethads. Note ihat this information can be in the form of distributions. Contains the information for evaluatinn the econmics of a minina omiect. Inflation rates Inflation Rate 8t Discount -. are used to increase ca* as time progresses. Discount ratcs are used to evaluate the return Rate Forecas& Models oii inveslments. Roduction Objective and Contains the production objectives of the mine as well as the current output This includes Current Tally tonnage pcr day as well as metal Ibs. per day. Contains the octrce-encoded developmem layouts as well as development costs and tirne Dcvelopment Solids requirements. The development solids aiso contain a status CO& identifiing ifthe stope is under plannina development. or closure. Tbere will also k scheduline dat;r available as to when ihe wo& will SC& how long it will l a s and when it will e n d Average Devclopment Contains direct costs and productivity data for differcnt types of development worlc For COSIS& Productivitics instance, a lO'x12' hcading costing so much p a rnctre or so many mare advance per day. Stations can be costed out on a volume basis. Average haulage cos& (based on distance and tonnage hauled) are also included Used for Iong-term schedule and mine vatuation work.
T_vpicalRock Roperties
Stopc Soli&
Contains typical overhead cost data for dculating profitability of dopes. Overhead includes office costs, support personnel marketing costs. R&D cosls and other indirect costs. Formed by the Boolean union of the lithological solids with the stope layout. Stope solids have weightcd mehl grades. tonnage, costs. ore value and forecasted revenues. equivalent
Equiprnent Resources
~Uining Advities
Ground Support System Ground Support Pattems Explosives Performance Drilling & Blasting tayouts
Wakplace Costs (Direcf Lnduccts. & Ovaheads) ,Mine incidents Microscismic R C = & Muck Flow Statistics Ventilation Surveys Testing & Inspection Schedules Ground Displacernent Monitoring Rockbohs / cablebolts Pull
cut-off grade (based on equivalent mctal grade and metal prces) as well as pmfitability. The stope soli& also contain a stahis code identiSing if the stope i s under planning, &veloprnent, production, or closure. Thae will also be scheduling data available as to when the deveIoprnent will awhen production will star& how long production will last when backfilling will start an whcn it i i l l be completed It is formed by extracting stope and development schedutmg information for a selected t h e period Th complex file systern contains the description of mining processes as well as related equipment, supplies). For mining A v i t i e s (&ks) and typical requirrdresaurces (lababaUr, each rnining process, we can then calculate average or typical unit costs and poductivities for detailed short-term schedule preparation and simulation work This file contains the unit costs for various supplies and consumables used in the mining activities and rnining processes. This file contains also items Iike ventilation, electrul power. proces WC&.-compressecl air. badrfill. This file contains al1 labour resources avaiiable for carrying out work This includes production and developmem crews, maintenance and staff; as well as pay rates, overtime rates, average benefits, typical productivities and average reliabilities. Current and fture w d assignmentsare contained in this file system. his file contains al1 equipment resources available f a carrying out work Equipment includes both mobile and stationary equiprnent. Purchase costs. o p d n g cost~, typical mductivities and reliabilities are includcd as well as Derformancc data and metrics are kcluded Currcn and firmew o k asignmcnts are c o k n c d in this file .s This file contains for each activitv. a description of the equipmmt, labour and supplies/consumabIes resources fequired. ach activity wili have -ous poductivities. unit c o s & , and masuring metrics for use m preparing scheulcs and budgets. Activities are linked together to form minmg processes. This file conlains the geornechanicai properties for various s o u n d support system whether fhey be rodcbolts, cablebons. wemesh, shotacte, fill. nie information will be uscd to select support stfategies and defuic the requirements. This files contains the dcails for various ground support systems. Systems could be general (standard) or specific. This file contsins detailed specificationsof explosives f i designhg blasting layouts. This file contains the drilIing patterns and explosive loading layouts. The layouts can be general (standard) of specificCO a stope a heading. For ea& layouf the is a piaimcd layout and an actual (as-drilled) laywt This file contains the detailed costs incurred for each workplacc. This file is ultimately tied 10 the mine layout file. This file is a record of d e t y incidents, injuries and frtilitics in the mine. This file contains al1 rnicroseisrnic events recorde at the mine This file s t a e s the production statistics for specific contral points in the mine by shiR day, month, y . A spekfi conlrol point includk an ore pass. &orage bin, skip. cnishn. This file stores the ccsutts of ventilation surveys(air flow quantity and quaiity). his file stores the schedules for equipment that must be tested and certifiai. This includes brake test on LHDs, shaft inspections, hoist inspections. rope tests, water samples and so
m .
This file stores the displacement record for a specific point in spacc.
This file staes the results of pull tests on ground support systems.
T e s t s
Rockbolt Toque Tests Stress Measurernents Laad C e l Measurements Rockbursts Falls of Ground
;I n p
Table B-1 Detailed Attribute List for Jumbo Drill Object .................................... B-3
Figure El . Object-Oriented Mine Design & Planning Data Mode1 ES Figure B-2 . Object-Oriented Graphie Modeling System Data Hierarchy B-6 Object-Oriented Mine Excavation Data Model B-7 Figure E 3 . Figure B-4- Object-Oriented Mine Equipment Data Model .................................. B-8 5 9 Figure E S - Object-Oriented GcdogiciVGeomechanicaJ Data Mode1 Figure B 6 - Object-Oriented Drilling & Blasting Data Mode1 ....., E l 0 ................ El 1 Figure B-7- Object-Oriented Mine Ventilation Data M d e l Figu t e 5 8 - Object-Oriented Mine Events Data Mode1....................................... B I 2
SUMMARY O F OBJECT CLASS MODELING Appendix A descnbed a potential data structure for a relational database system capable
of handling the data storage requirements for the Mine DesigdPlanning System. This
One of the pnmary requirements for the creation of the Integrated Mine Design1 Planning System is the need to design and program the System using an object-oriented approach. Although it is possible to design a system that ties spatial objects with a relational database (using unique object identification numbers), there are several benefits in integrating the database requirements within the objects themselves in a fully objectoriented design (OOD). These benefits are a result of the basic characteristics of objectoriented programming (OOP) languages. These characteristics are abstraction,
The use of object-based class models should simplify the creation of new objects that have small variations from a similar class. This is especially applicable to mining
equipment that have small variations fiom one unit to another. Another application is in replicating a complete or a partial mine model for use in sensitivity analyses or for examining similar but slightly different options. For instance, a mine model could be used for design and planning purposes while another is used for remrding actual excavation layouts.
Figures B-1 to B-8 outline a preliminary object-oriented data model with Figure B-1 being the key to the model. These figures show many, but not necessarily all, of the required object attributes. Refer to the tables located in Appendix E for a more complete listing of attributes. It must be pointed out that objects lower in the model hierarchy inherit the attributes of objects above. The models contained in this section were created using this fact to simpliQ the presentation. For example, the Jumbo Drill object would inherit attributes fiom the Equipment Superclass object, the Mobile Equipment Superclass object, the Trackless Equipment object, and the Drills Object resulting in the detailed attribute list shown in Table B-1.Several objects are also cross-referenced to other objects using various unique object identification numbers o r codes. It is expected that during the design stage that these object models (and their attributes) will be modified and refined.
In addition, these figures do not include any of the required object methods (procedures) that are applicable to each object. These methods will have to be outlined during the detailed design stage.
It is expected that the final design will be a combination of relationai database systems
and object-oriented mine modeling systems. Most mining companies have invested
considerable sums in establishing relationally based accounting, maintenance and production control database systems so are unlikely to abandon them completely in favor
1 Equip Series ID
Equip Mnfr ID Stam Code Eaui~ Equip Account No Equip Desc Equip Mode1 EquipOptions Equip Date Purchased Equip Purchase Price Equip Account No muip Current Value Equip Replacement Cost Service Life ~quip Equip Length Equip Width
PUK:tiasingP r i a
M i M S accounting code for cost tracking
1 Equip Curb Wt
Cwrent book value Equipment Replacement Cost ( Equipment Service tife 1 Equipment Curb Weight Equipment Length Equipment Width
MITR Mean Cost to Repair m v g Utilization Avg Operatinp, Avail Avg Mechanid Avail Avg Availability Usage Drill Bit Diameter DriU Bit Supplier ID Drill Steel Supplier ID Max Drilling Depth Cum Foota~e Drilled Avg Repair Cost per Ft Avg Footage per Oper Hr m v g Cost p r Ft Drilleci
Mean T e to Repair (distribution no.) Mean Cost to Repair (distribution no.) 1 Average utilization Average operathg availability Average mechanical availability Average availability usage Drill bit diameter ID Code to cross-referen bit supplier ID Code to cross-referen d d l steel supplier Maximum drilling depth of drill Cumulative footage dnlled Average repair costs per footage drilled Average footage drillai per operatinp:hour 1 Average costs per footage drilled
Avg Setup T i e 1 Tirne to setup drill Avg Moving T h e Time to move drill to new hole Avg T h e to Add/Rernove Steel Length T h e it takes to addkmove drill steel length Avg Travel Speed Average speed at which drill travels Avg Footage per Driii Bit Average footage that is typically achieved by a drill bit
Activity-Based Costing - An accounting method where the indirect and resource e.upendiwes are sorted according to activities and assignecl to the cost drivers of those activities. ABM Activity-Based Budgeting Account A record of debits or credits against a standard corporate assigned nurnber, for c.uamples payables. It is the extent to which the results of calculations approach the tme value of the Accuracy caladations and are free of emr. Activity In simulation work or sheduling work, this is an operation of finite time duration that alters the pmperty(s) of an entity and thus the state of the system. API Application Rogramming Interface - A set of callable routines that a programmer uses to interact with an application Architecture In software, the design of application or system software that incorporates protocols and interfaces for interacting with other pmgrams and for hiture 1 flexibility and expandability. A selfcontained, &d&e program would have program logic, but not a software architecture. Architectural High-level modeling, either of the problem domain or technical domain, whose Modeling: 1& l is to provide a&nmon, o v e d l vision of the domain. Architectural models provide a base nom which detailed modeling can begin. Artificial Intelligence A field of computer science research aimed at enabling computers to mimic (a best) the processes of human experts. A &up of-relateddisciplines h t includes vision, robotics and expert systems. A chernical test performed on a sample of ores or minerais to detemine the &=Y amount of valuable met& contained. Attribute A colwnn of a relation; also called a column or field. A property in an entity or semantic object. In simulation work, propetty or information about an entity, used to determine the status of the entity during the simulation pexiod. Availability Equipment term relating what percentage a piece of equipment is available for duty. Equipment down for repairs is considered unavailable. Automation The process of controUing industrial production processes by cornputers or programmable "logic-controllers" with a minimum of human involvement.
Bacffill Backfill Schedule Material placed inside a stope to provide support to the walls W o r a working nlatform for miners and eauinment The sequence of activities and associateci resources by stope and other work centres required to meet the backfill, production and development plans. Any non-precious metal (e.g. copper, lead, zinc, nickel, etc.). Solid rock forming the Earth's cnist, fiequently covered by soi1 or water. Boundary Element Method The cutting end of a driU frequently made of an ultra-hard material such as The distribution, quantity and sequencing of explosives h a set of holes designed to be initiated at one time. Set of measurements of a single blast pertaining to its performance. The timing and signalling of blasts within a mine during a period of t h e . It is used to ensure safety. A hole drilled for purposes of blasting rather than for exploration or g e o l o s d
Base Metal
Bedrock BEM Bit
1 Blast Pattern
BIast Report Blast Schedule
1 Blasthole
information Detonating explosives to loosen rock for excavation See Rockbolt Cornmon term for a drill hole. Business Process Improvement Business Process Reengineerine: Any large-scale, mechanized method of mining hvolving many thousands of tonnes of ore king brought to surface per day by a relatively few number of miners.
A steel cable, capable of withstanding tens of tomes, cemented into a drillhole to
C Cable bolt
CAD Capital Capital Costs CASE Cash flow Caving Claims Class
Client Clipping Collision Detection Collar Computer-aided Concurrency Core Cost Driver Crater
lend support in bloc6 ground Computer-Aided Design or Cornputer-Aided Drafting Financial resources of a companyThe surn of money required to bring a minhg property into production. Generally broken into three components, fixai capital costs, variable capital costs, and working capital. Computer-Aided System Engineering or Computer-Aided SoAware Engineering A measure of the fiscal strength of a business. The net of the inlow and ouflow of cash during an a c c ~ u n t & period. ~ Does not account for depreciation or bookkeeping write-offs that do not involve an actual cash outlay. A mining method where or is purposely caved. Assertion of a legal right to extract minerals h m a specific location. In OOT programming, it is an abstract data type, grouping together objects that can be described by the same set of attributes and manipulated by the same set of methods (operations). Class is the geneml category while an object is a specific instance. - -The party that initiates a remote procedure cal1 WC). Some applications act as both RPC client and RPC semer. See ais0 semer. Cutiing off the outer edges or boundaries of a word, signal or image. In rendering an image, clipping removes any objects or portions thereof that are not visible on screen. ~lgorithmsthat detect &Esions betw&rtual objects or soli&. In muiing, the top of a shaft drill hole or borehole. A method of cfeating plans, sections and oblique views of orebodies using
A condition in which two or more transactions are processeci against the database at the same time. The long cylindrical piece of rock, about 2 cm or more i n diameter, recovered by diamond drilling. Factor dictating or infuencing the volume of an activity or related activities. Cone shaped hole mude in the rock by an explosive charge placed inside In this document, refets to the number of minets to do a specific ta& An horizontal level driven at a large angle or across the strike of a vein. A machine for cnishuig rock, such as a gyratory crusher, jaw crusher or cone cnisher. In blasting, that part of a drill round that must break out before the rest of the holes can break; i n Cut-and-FiU mining, an horizontal dice. A method of stoping in which ore is removed in slices, or lifts, following which
/ the excavation is flled with rock or other waste material known as backfN,
before the subsequent slice is mined; the backfill sup ports the walls of the stop. The value above which a minerai deposit becomes economic.
Database Data Dictionary
A selfdescribing collection of integrated records. A database about data and databases. It holds the name, type, range of values, source, and authorization for a a a s for each data elemad-h ?he organization's
Data Entity Data Flow DFD Data Mode1 Data Store Data Warehouse
Delay Detailed production schedule Developmcnt Development Drilline Development Plan Development Schedule Diagram Diamond Drill Dilution Dip Direct Costs Disseminated Ore
files and databases. It also indicates which application programs use that data so that when a change in a data structure is contemplated, a Iist of afiected program can be generated. The data dictionacy rnay be a standcalone system or an integral part of the DBMS. Data integrity and acCUZ;Icy is better ensureci in the latter case. A person, place, event, hing or wncepL Data entities are drawn on data models and are similar to classes with the exception that they have data attributes, but do not have functionality (methods). In a process model, a data flow represents the movement of information, either physical or electronic h m one source to another. Data Flow Diagram A diagram used to wmmunicate the design of a (typicaiiy relational) database. Data models are often referred to as enti&relatiom;;hip (R) diagrams. In a process, it is a place where information is stored, such as a database. A database designeci to support decisionmaking in an organization. It is batch updated and can contain enormous amounts of data. The data in a data warehouse is typically historical and static and may aiso contain numerous sununaries. It is structureci to support a varie@ of analyses, includiag elaborate queries on large arnounts of data that can require extensive searching. Database Management System - A generalized software system that is used to create, manage and protect he data used by an organization Distinct EIement Method or Discrete Element Method In simulation work, duration of time of unspecined length encountered by a part or entity as its flows through the system. The sequen of activities and associated fesources by - sto - p or some other work center to meet the production plan. Underground work Cameci out for the purpose of opening up a minera1 deposit. Includes SM sinking, crosscutting, drifting and raising. Drilling to establish accurate estimates of mineral reserves.
The development strategy and assumptions requirecl to gain access to production resources to meet the production plan. The sequence of activities and associated resoufces by work center to meet the production plan A visuai representation of a problem or solution to a problem A machine-driven rotary drill with a diamond-set bit which cuts a core. Waste or low-grade rock hat is unavoidably removed dong with the ore in the mining process, subsequently lowering the grade of the ore. Angie of inclination of a deposit, measured fkom the horizontal. See Variable Operating Costs Ore carrying small particles of vaiuable minerals, spread more or less unifonnly through the gangue matter, distinct h m massive ore wherein the valuable minerals occur in almost solid form with very little waste material included.
1 Distributeci Database 1 A distributed system exists when a database or portions of a database exist on
System Distribution Distribution No. Drag and drop Drawpoint Drift Drill Hole Drilling Pattern DnIl log Drill-indicated Reserves two or more cornputers. In this document, refers to a statistical distribution ( e g normal, exponential, lognormal, triangular). Used in simulation Refers to a database table containhg the specic parameters defining various distributions to be used in simulation work. A technique in which a person uses a pointing device (typically a mouse) to 1 select an object on the &n and th& uses &e mouse i m o v the object on top of another screen object. An underground opening at the bottom of a s t o p through whkh broken ore is extracted from the s t o p Primaxy or secondary horizontal or near-horizontal underground opening driven dong the course of a vein; an underground tunnel. Inforsnation pertaining to the identification complete location in 3D space, date, time and method of creation, and data h m every drill hole. The number, size, length and orientation of holes rquired for setting up a drill rig for development or production driUing (see Blasting Pattern). A record of drilhg results compiled as the work progresses. The size and quality of a potential orebody as suggested by widely spaced drillholes; more work is required before reserves can be classifieci as probable or pniven. Digital Temin Modeling Projections of inflation, interest rates, operating costs, and product pnces. Relationshipsand assumptions used to understand and calculate the monetary parameters for determinhg proftabiiity, cash flow, etc. Cuniently part of long range production plan The quality of software that uses the machine's resources economically, with a minimum of waste. A person currently or formerly on the company's payroll. In a OOP, a m e c W s m whereby the spedication and implernentationof an object can be separateci. This is achieved if the data and the method of implementation are hidden and only the operations are visible to the programmer. The act of modeling an organization and its extemal environment h m a business, not an information system, viewpoint In simulation, the physical components of a system that must be defined to describe a system. Machines and equipment are referred as permanent entities since they exist for the entire simulation period. Temporary entities, on the other han4 enter the system, are changed by it and then exit. The process of breaking rock to muck would be a temporary entity. Measured operating characteristics of a piece of equipment, such as utilisation hours, reliability, mecMcal availability, speed, capacity,tonnes moved, faults, etc. Specifies the particular equipment, and the number rquired to perfonn and given function Engineering documentation describing performance capabilities of the equipment, and its specificparameters In simulation work, instances in a mode1 in which a change occurs in the state of the system (e-g. amival of an equipment to a face, dump& a load of ore down
Economic Forecast Economic Mode1 Efficiency Employee Encapsulation Enterprise Modeiling Entity
the pass). Computer software which attempts to mirnic the feasoning processes of a human expert. The work involved in lookine for ore. Descriptions and performance characteristics of compounds used underground f o r blastinp: rock and ore. In OOP, the ability of a system to define new types or classes that can be ~ILanjpulated in exactly the same way as those withui the system. The end of a drift, cmsscut or stope in which work is pmgressinp:. A fracture in the earth d a c e , one side of which is displauxi with respect to the other. Finite Element Method A logical group of bytes in a record. In a relational model, a synonym for attribute, A one-year financial plan used to rneasure annual financial performance. A projection of short-tenn fhkmcial resources required and e*ed results. Plans related to the management of the company's finances. Refers to the order in which a series of explosive charges are detonated in sequence. (see Blasting Paem). The part of the capital costs which are not dependent on the production rate but only to the project itself, such as land acquisition, environmentai studies, pennitting, outside accesses, part of d a c e facilities (builing road, etc), feasibility studies, engineering & design expenses, detailed d a c e geological dnliing and samphg, etc) Costs i n d as operating expenses but not dependemt on production rate. These include administrative, accouning and support labour, &op & repair facilities, insurance, depreciation, inte& and &&, travel, offi& supplies, etc. The quality of sofiware that allows it to be easily and effectively changed and expanded. Wall rock under a deposit The size distribution of rock or ore ftagments resultine h m blastine ooerations.
See Overhead Expenses. A 3-D representation of the location and distribution of ore indicating elements. The science concerneci with the study of the rocks that compose the Earth. A 3-D representation of the location and distribution of geological structures and attitudes (faults, fractures, folds, etc.) and mineralization in the volume of interest.. Contains such attributes as: minerai content, hydrology and rock mass characteristics. A 3-D representaion of the mechanical properties of the rock m a s used to u n d e k d a d predict its performance nder stress and time. A 3-D re~resentation of various eeobhvsicai measurements and intemolations. Geogmphical information System Reports that the Company is re~uired to submit to government agencies periodidy. Percentage amount of rise or fa11with respect to some horizontal distance; also uercentaee or value of minerai. The rock parameters andior measurements which reflect the stability of rock
Face Fault
( Field
Financial Budget Financial Forecast Financiai Plans F i ~ Sequence g Fixed Capital Costs
1 Ground Stability
- -
adjacent to mine openings. Guidelines for the control of rock movement and stability adjacent to mine openings. Craphical User interface. A gmphics-base user interface that incorporates icons, pull--downmenus and a m o G . The G U has become the standard way users interact with a computer. The three major GUIS are Windows, Macintosh and Motif.
Wall rock above a deposit.
A stmcture erected over a &ait to support the sheave wheels for hoisting PurPo=-
Hanpjngwall Headhe
The average grade of ore fed into a mill, The machine used for raising and iowering the cage or other conveyance in a Overhead data used in a database to improve access and sotting performance.
A characteristicof object-oriented systems whose attributes are obtained h m m n t obiects. The quality of soAware bat allows it to w&keasily and efficiently with other software. Internai Rate of R e m (economic analysis technique) A 2D or 3D contour in a data set where the value of a parameter remains
Isoline, Isosurface
Another word for object The extent to which software is seen as k i n g wel-integrated and has a sense of wholeness. It aiso involves preventing access to software or data by unauthorized people, and the extent to which the software can be protected from virus or data fiom contamination.
A mining tenn for a hand-held percussion airdrill.
. K
The process of optimizing the set of linear weighting factors applied to a set of samples, given their positions in an area for which a variogram mode1 has k e n obtained, such that the estimation variance of the new grade k i n g calculated is minimized. Refers to the delay between haviag a piece of information and acting on it. Mining t e m explainhg how the various mine excavations (existing or proposeci) are physically layed out in space. Refers to a radio type communication network used in underground mine. System of horizontal openings comected to a shaft; comprises an operating horizon of a mine. Load-Haul-Dump (or scooptram). A mobile piece of mining equipment that load broken muck in a bucket, haul it over a aven distance and dump i t A set of ready-made software routines (hinctions) for programmers The routines are nked into the program when it is compiled. A description of the rock types.
Library iithology
Local Area Network ( A set of computen sharing a network that d o a not include bridges or Wide Area (LAM 1 Network links. Location A defined point in three-dimensional space about which data is collected Lock An indication that a table, record, class, object, and so on is reserved so that work can be accomplished on the item king locked. Typically, a lock is established, the work is done and the lock is removed. Locks can be read locks or mite locks. A "read" lock lets someone or something read in the inionnation. A "write" lock can not be tead or wrtten to until cleared. Long Range Development Plan Long Range Production Plan Long-term Schedule M
Schedule and costs of the development advances required to access ore in three to five years. Schedule, grades and tonnage of ore production for the long-term (5 to 20 years).
Long-tenu schedule means the proposeci development and production work over to typi~alli 20
Machine Program Maintainability Manpower Allocation Manpower Requirements Material Consumeci Material hventory Material Requirements Metal Prices Message
A series of instructions that control the operation of a machine. A measure of how easy it is to add, remove, or modify exsting features of a
system. The easier a system is to change, the more maintainable that system is. A record of manpower resources ~ n e n t l y used for mining operations as well as a list of available resources. Schedule, skills and training requirements of personnel.
A record of the supplies used at a given location and t h e during the rnining
Metric Microseismics Mill Requirements Minable reserves Mine Mode1 Mine Plan
I in rock.
The long-range and shortorange mining plans to be used to extract ore from a mine in the most economical way. MIS Management Information System Mode1 A set of data arrangeci mathematically in such a way as to provide a usefiil description andlor & p r e s e n ~ o n of a situation. in Gmulation work, an abmact representation of a system using logical a d o r mathematical reiationships and is capable of describing ihe state of the system on an event by ment basis with the help of entities, attributes, system variables, delays, activities and events. Modeh g The process of reduction of the initiai data, sorting it into its most important and relevant features, and the incorporation of hese features into a mode1 of the situation for which the data is a measure. Monthiy Production Specifies the targeted production (grade and tonnage) expected from the mine, one a daily basis. Schedule Mean Time Between Failure - how much time a piece of equipment will be able MTBF to work More it breaks down. (used in equipmek reliabilik d y s i s ) M'Tm Mean Tinte To Repair - how much time will it take to repair a broken piece of 1 equipment once n$airs have started. (used in equipment reiiability andysis) A minhg tenn for any broken ore or waste undergroundMuck Multiple Inheritance i n OOT techology, when a class directiy inherits h m more than one class, we say tbat we have multiple inheritance.
Mining strate&
Net smelter r e m or
An interest in a mining property held by the vendor on the net revenues generated fiom the sale of metal produceci by the mine. An entity in a tree. Net Present Value (economic analysis technique) (Non-Uniform Rational B-spline) A type of b-spline ihat is very flexile. NZTRB m e s can represent any sbap from a -&ai@ k e to a circle or ellipse with very M e data. They can also be used for guiding animation paths, for approximating data and for controliing the shapes of 3-D surfaces. NURBs are known for their ability to control the smoothness of a curve.
O Object
Object UUID
Open pit
In OOT programmig, an object is something that is tangible, that can be distinctly identifiai, that has a crisply defined boundary. It is a specific instance of a class. A self-contaned module of data and its associated processing. Objects are the software building blocks of object technology. The universal unique identifier that identifies a particular RPC object. A server specifies a distinct object U U I D for each of its RPC objects; to access a particuiar object RPC object, a client uses the object UUID to find the server that offers the object. See al& object, Universal unique Identifier. A surface mine, open to daylight, such as a quarry. Also referred to as open-cut or open-cast mine. Object-riented Database Management System; A relational database manaRement system tbat has object-oriented capabilities. Object-riented Programming System - A class of programming languages in which independent objects perform specinc tasks. An evolutionary form of modular programming with more formal mies that aliow pieces of software to be reused and interchanged between programs. Major
Ore Contact Ore inventory Ore P a s Ore M u c t i o n Ore Reserves Outcrop Overburden Overhead Expenses
concepts are (1) encapsuatition, (2) inheribce, and (3) polymorphism Object-Oriented Technology The quality of software that makes it easy to operate. See usability. Monies spent directiy or indirectly on pmducing marketable products tiom the 1 underground minefalized materials. *rating -&ts are bmken into two - fixed and variable. Naturally occurrig material, either in place or mined, fiom which one or more 1 mineral-laden minerals can be re&ered at a time and a place ai a profit; valaable or economic rock. (see Rock). The portion of a naturally occuning concentration of materiais in or on the earth's crust h m which a usable minemlcommodity can be economically extracted at the time of its detemination. An econornic interpretation of the Geological Mode1 that outlines areas of mineralization that can be extracted for a profitThe definition of an orebody with respect to its size, shape, grade and other physical parameters in such a way as to provide a mathematical W o r visual representation of it which is of direct use in the design and planning of its optimum extraction. The location and attitude of the boundary between rock of economic value (ore)
( A measure of the tonnage and grade of broken ore in process (Le. in muck piles
and storage bins). Vertical or near-vertical opening through which bulk material flows downward by gravi@. A record of the tonnage and grade of ore removed h m underground The calculated tonnage and grade of mineralization which can be e m c t e d profitably; classified according to the level of confidence that can be placed in the data. The edge or surfa expression of a mineral deposit. The valueless dirt or material overlying a deposit or the vaiueless solid outcrop of a deposit, Also referred to as General Costs or simply Overheads. These expenses contribute to total produa costs but are &ically i n d as off-slte charges. These include marketing charges as well as corporate expenses (administrative, general accounting, central engineering & geology, legai staff, R&D, public relations, etc). A string presented by a principal to pmve its identity. The login fadty aansforms this string to generate an encryption key that is used by the Authentication Service to authenticate the principal. Drilling term relating how fast a drill bit is penetrating the rock mass. The ratio of excess waste rock produced to ore. In OOT technology, the issue of how to store objects to permanent storage. 1 Objects need to k persistent ifthey are to be available next tirne the appication is run. UNnined portion of a deposit, ptoviding support to the roof or hangingwall. In OOT technology, polymorphism says that an object can take any of severai forms, and that other objects can interact with the object without having to know what specific form it takes.
Password Penetration Rate Percent Dilution Persistence Pillar Polymorphism
1 Portabihty
Possible reserves
1 A meas& of how easy it is to move & application to another computer 1 1 environment ~ ~ ~ l i & teino~no n m e n t s - &Vary ~ by the configuration of both 1 m &the more their hardware and software. The easier the m
Vaiuable rnineralization not sampled enough to accurately estimate its tonnage and grade, or even ver@ its existence. Also called "infened reserves". Primacord Detonating cord (explosive). Probable reserves Vaiuable mineralvation not sampled enough to accurately estimate the t e m of tonnage and grade. Also d e d "indicated reserves". Process A thing that transforms incoming &ta into one or more outgoing data flows. Also, a set of activities tbat add value to a product. Proces Mode1 or A diagram that shows the mwement of data within a system. Similar to a DFD Diagram but not as rigid or dofumeniation heavy. Production Records detajiing achial capability, production and quality results of each stope 1 as compareci to a-predete&ed standard or expected result, an production dates ( for tracability d t s . Production Rate The rate at which ore will be mined h m the mine expresseci typically in tonnedday or tonnedyear. Production Scheduie A detailing of the quantity and quality of products for each s t o p necessary to meet schedded requirements during a period of time. Pnwen reserves Reserves that have k e n sampled extensively by closely spaced diamond drill w ~ r l c & ~ s&&&t in detail to render an holes and develope by und&unl accurate estimalion of grade and tonnage. Also called " m e a s d reserves". Powder Factor Blasting term for mass of explosive usai per ton of rock broken 1 In OOT technology, a subclass inhexits everything fkom its superclas. Pure Inheritance
In simulation work, the position in he system of an entity that is waiting to be operatecl upon.
R Raise
Secondary or tertiary, vertical or near-vertical opening, driven upward h m one level to another or to surface. Piece of equipment used to bore tong circular raises. Secondary or tertiary inclineci opening, driven to connect levels, usually in a downward direction. and used for haulage. In mining, the percentage of valuable metal in the ore that is recovered by In datab& technology, the ability for a system to handle contingencies. It is a measure to which a program or piece of equipment can be expected to perform its intended fnction with the precision the user requires and when the user needs it. In computer graphies, tuming one view of a 3-D mode1 into a 2-Ddispiay image that in&rpor%& basic lighti& such as shading or more sophisticatedeffects that simulate shadows, reflection and refraction. It may also include the application of textures to the surfaces. A document that describes the user, technical and environmental requirements for an application This doaunent ptentially contains the major use&s, detailed usease xenarios, and traditional re~uirements for the application as well. Requirements documents are a deliverable of the Initial Phase and are regularly updated during modeling. They are also updated during the Maintain and Support Phase as bugs and enhancements are identified.
Requirements ~ k e n t
scheduled work. Generai term used at INCO to indicate \vaste rock (i.e. no economic value). See top, or overlying rock of an excavation.
Structured Analysis and Design Techniques; Techniques developed i n the late 1970sby Yourdon, DeMarco, Gane and Sarson for applying a systematic approach Io systems analysis. It included the use of data flow diagrams and data modeling and fostered the use of implernentaion1 independent pphical notation for documentation 1 1 Sample 1 A small portion of rock or a minerai deposit, taken so that the metal content can be determinecl by assaying. Scaiar A quantity that has only magnitude (e.~.temperature). The act of removing loose slabs of rock h m the back and walls of an Scaling underground opening, usually done with a hand-held scaling bar or with a boommounted scaline hammer. underground vehicle used to remove and hauled broken rock. Also called Scooptram LHD for Load-Haul-Dump. Seismic Reports A report of the location, time and magnitude of shock waves associated with rock fracniringand movement. The party that receives remote proedure cals. A given application can act as Server -both m & server and an RPC client, See also client. In simulation work, a collection of entities grouped logicaly or physically to Sets 1 1 describe a state of the svstem. The proess of coloring the surfaces of an object. Shading A vertical or inclned excavation made h m surface which has a small crossShaft section when compareci to its depth A mininp: t e m for a large pulley. Sheave Refers to a work period of specific length. Shift Short-term Schedule Short-tem schedule means the proposed development and production work over the short-term, typically over the next 2 years. Shotcrete The name given to concrete blown ont0 a face using compressai air. Shrinkage stoping A stoping method wtiich uses part of the broken ore as a working platform and as support for the w d s of the stope. Si11 An intrusive sheet of igneous rock of roughly uniform thickness, generally
Steel rods inserted in holes drilleci in the rock and anchored to help support the rock in placeA sudden violent release of enerpy coniained in highly stress rock. The physical characteristics of a mass of rock at a pjven location in space. The study of the mechanical properties of rocks, which ncludes stress conditions around mine openings and the ability of rocks and underground structures to withstand these stresses. RQD - The physical characteristics of a sample of rock. A physical sample of rock at a given location in space. A description of the physical and chernical characteristics of a rock samples. A method of mining flac-lying ore deposits in which the mined- out area, or rooms, are separateci by pillars of approximately the same size.
Solid Modeling
extending over considerable lateral extent, that has been forced between the bedding planes of existing rock. A computenzed sequencing of a series of expected events or activities and tabulation of the results with the events or activities. A mining tenn for a selfdumpine;container for hoisting broken rock up a shaft. Type of explosive that looks Iike a stiff gel. Relatively water-resistant, Cornputer programs, procedures, and associated documentation and data pertaining to the operation of a computer systemA mathematical technique for representing solid objects. Unlike wirefhme and surface modeling, solidmodeling systemsensurethat ail d a c e s meet properly and that the object is geometrically correct. Solid models ailow for interference checking, which tests to see if two or more objects occupy the same space. Solid modeling is the most complicated of the CAD techncbgies, because it simulates an object i n t d l y and e x t e d y . Solid models can be sectioned (cut open) to reveal their intenial features, and they can be stress tested as if they were physical entities in the real world The relative weight of a mineral as compared to the weight of an equal voiume of water. Software Quaiity Assurance. T h e planaed and systematic approach to the evaluation of the quality of and adheren to sofiware product standards, processes, and procedures. SQA includes the process of asswing that standards and procedures are established and are followe throughout the software acqWsition/development life cycle. Pre-approved procedures and specincations for specific minhg conditions. An enlargement of a shaft made for the storage and handling of equipment and for driving drifts at that elevation. An excavation from which ore is king or has been removed. Stopes are located within the orebody itself and are usually separated from one another by rock pillars which rnay consist either of ore or waste rock material. The geometry of production areas in a mine, including the size, global location, shape and orientation. A description of the current conditions associated with a stop (e.g. active, inactive, bacWed, closed, in development) Horizontal bearing or azimuh in the plane of a vein, bed, fault, joint with respect to the cardinal poins of the compass. A method for idenwng the processes needed to automate an existing:system. Secondary or intermediate level between main levels or horizons, usually close to the stoping area The sinking, settling, or collapsing of the surface over an underground mining operation. In OOT technology, ifclass " B inherits h m class "A" then we say that "B" is a subclass of " A . Consunable materials required to operate facilities and equipment. Specifications of consumable materials required to operate facilities and equipment. A mathematicai technique for representing solid-appearing objects. Surface modeling is a more cornplex method for representing objects than wireframe modeling, but not as sophisticatedas solid modeling. Surface modeling is widely used in CAD (compute&ded design) for illustratic& and a r c h i t d
Superclass Survey R d t s System
Thin-Sprayed Layers
1 1 Refers to thin coatings sprayed on the rock face to aid in its support. This
includes shotcrete and other poly-synthetics.
renderings It is also used in 3-D animation for games and other presentations. Although d a c e and solid models appear the same on screen, they are quite different. Surface rnodels cannot be sliced open as can solid models. In addition, ui W a c e modeling the object can be geornetrically incorrect; whereas, in solid modeling, it must be correct. In OOT technotogy, ifclass " B inherits h m class "A" then we say that " A is a superclass of " B . Raw data gathered about an underground area indicating information such as location, minera1 content, rock mass characteristics In this document, system refers to the Mine Design/PlanningSystem. It also includes the suppo&ng computer hardware and opaating gs(em software.
An estimate of the total tons of ore that have k e n blasted and remain in situ.
An estimate of the total tons of ore awaiting transportation to the mill. An estimate of the total tons of ore transportecl to the surface.
The physicai features of the W a c e in an area. Total Quality Management is the emphasis plad on customer satisfaction, the broad application of quality concepts, and the participation of aU employees and sumlier to achieve beter aualitv in a ~rocuct. Trairiing involves developing lesson plans and materials for operators, end users and maintainers; providing realistic exercises, and making available sufficient online help and diagnostic information To haul cars of ore or waste in a mine. The record of an event in the business world. A coliection of records, entities, or other &ta structures in which each element has at most one parent except for the top element which has no parent. toxic g i s content etc.
Underground E~ivironmental Data Universal Unique 1 Identifier Usability Use Case Use Case Diagram
Variable Capital Costs
The quaiity of software that makes it easy or convenient to use and enables a user to be effective in the task for which the software is intended to help. A description of real world scenaro that a system may or may not be able to handle. A diagram that shows the use cases and actors for the application under development. Miing tenn relating how much a piece of equipment is used when it is available 1 for work. The part of the capital costs which are dependent on the production rate. These include pre-production development, micng equipment and facilities, mil1 plant, part of surface facilities @ower & water supply lines, work shops, etc), underground geological work (dnlling, samplng), underground development (drifts, raises, haulage system, etc). Operatine;costs that vary according to production rate ( a h called Direct Costs).
1 Variable Operathg 1
) These hclude underground labour & supervision, direct maintenance, supplies &
A mode1 of the coninuity of mindization in a given area of a deposit. It is half of the average squarecl di8lerence in value between al1 samples or points a given disiance apart in the deposit Vertical &ter Reveat (blasting melhod & minine: method) A data set containing magnitude and direction (e-g. stress)
The sides of a mine working, rock on either side of an ore body. Rock units on either side of an orebody. The hangingwall and footwall rocks of an orebody. Non-valuable or uneconomic mineral-laden rock or rock that contains no mineral content of any wortfi. See Orepass World Coordinate System Blank lines in source code or document to enhance clarity and readability. A network that includes cornputers spread amss a large geographical distance, usually involving several cities, States or countries. Communications connections in a WAN are typically done over modems, T l lines, or satellite hookups. An intemal shaft (Le., does not reach Mace). A see-throua view of an object. Sum of money to be useci for carrying out production and is meant to cover the operating expenses for a period of one to three months (dependuig on cash flow). Wait Time To Repair - how much time will a broken piece of equipment will have to wait befok repairs can start. (used in equipment reliability analysis)
Table D-1 - SADT Model Definitions. Table D-2 - SADT Mode1 Activiy Definitions .............................m............m..m........D2 Table D-3 - SADT Model - Arrow Definitions
Al A12 A2 A21 A21 1 A2112 A21 127 A21 128 A212 A2122 A2123 A21232 A21233 A21234 A21235 A213 A2131 A2132 A2134 A214 A22 A22 1 A222 A223 A2231 A223 1 1 A22312 A22313
Design, Plan, Support and Monitor the Underground Hard Rock Mine Design, Plan, Support and Monitor the Underground Hard Rock Mine Perform Strategic Planning Create & Maintain Corpomte Strategic Plan Perfoni Long-term Planning Assess Mine Geology Collect the Geological Data Collect Diamond Drilling Core Information Check for Cross Errors Correct Spatial Position of Data Andyze the Geological Data Identifj. Geological Domains Select & Perform Statisticai Analysis on Geological Domains Perform Statistical Analysis Perform Geostatistical Analysis Interpret Statistical Results Interpret Geostatistical Results Model the Orebody Transform Geological Domain Solids into Block Model Calculate Block Grades Vaiidate Block Grade Model Assess the Mineral Inventory Design Mine Layout di Facities Select Production Rate Select Appropriate Mining Method(s) She up, Layout and Sequence Stopes Geomechanics Numerical Anaiysis Assemble Rock Mass Data for Modeling Assemble Proposed Stoping & Excavation Sequence Select Numerical Method
Solve with Finite Element Model for Non-Linear Elastic, Plastic, or Dynamic Problem Domain Establish Element Response (Stiffness Coefcients) Solve FEM System of Equations Solve with Boundary Element Model for Linear-Elastic Problem Domain Solve BEM System of Equations Interpret Modeling Results Sue Up & Layout Stopes Sue Up Stopes Calculate Stability Number N ' Select Stope Dimensions Determine Stope Stabiiity Calculate Stope Ore Grades Layout Stopes Select Pillar or Pillarless Mining S u e Up Support Pillars Assess Dilution Risks with Selected Stope Layout Calculate Potential Dilution Due to Rock Mass Calculate Potential Dilution due to Fault-Related Sloughage Determine Stope Support Requirements Determine Failure is Stnicturally Induced Determine Failure Effect is Local Determine Failure Effect is Stope-Wide Determine Failure Effect i s MinoWide Determine Stoping Sequence Assess Risks of Mining Method with Proposed Stoping Design Design Mine Excavation Support System Design Muck Handling System Prepare Long-term Development & Production Schedule Evaluate Project Economics Perfarm Short-term Planning Prepare & Validate Detailed Schedule Perform Plan Support & Monitoring Provide Monitoring & Technical Support Monitor Excavation Work (Surveying) Design Drilling & Blasting Layout Design Drill Hole Layout Design Blasting Layout Monitor Production Grades Monitor Ground Conditions Provide Ground Control Support Monitor Ventilation Network Implement Short-term Plan
Author Name Creation Date System Last Revision Date User Last Revision Date
Mine DesignPlanning Proces The process needed for designing, planning and control an underground mine h m its eariy exploration bepsnning to day-to-day production The scope of this model included strategic planning, long-term planning (or design) and short-term planning (resource analysis and scheduling). Because available capital and financing is a constraint to this process (in terms of quality of information but also in the type of development, Le. decision-making), revenues and costs have k n included to complete the pictwe. htially control was not added, but without control, there is no feedback loop as to how well the planning is working and also without c o n m l the oniy thing that are produceci (i.e. output) are mine plans, drawings and reports. The rnininer ~mfessional (eeoloeist, eneineer. damer) (TO-BE) WORKING To define he mine design, planning and control process that takes place in an underground hardrock mine. T h i s model describes the desigdplanning steps needed, the data required, and the decision variables and process. This mode1 is based on the author's knowledge of mining engineering and planning, interviews with INCO personnel, documents, reports and files taken h m INCO's archives and cornputer systems, applicable legislation, and the literature. Mario A MOM
2000- 12-22
Acquire New Production Resources Adjust Production Rate for Other Factors Adjust Stope Ore Grades Allocate Committed Resources According to Plan Analvze Potential Fragmentation ~ i s t r i b s o n Analyze Potentiai Vibration b e l s Analyze the Geological Data
Analyze the Geological Data refers to examuiing the data for trends, consistenciesand so o n Geological analysis has a saong statisticai and geostatistical component to it.
Apply Cut-off Grade to Mineral Inventory Apply Reserves Classifications to Mineral Inventory Assemble Boundary Element Contributions Assemble Element Solution Matrix for SDecifie Conditions Assemble Proposed Stoping & Excavation Sequence
Refers to the process of assembling or combining ail element contn'butions to fonn the response matrices for the ~roblem to be solved. Refers to obtaining the shape, location and orientation in spce of al1 existing and fiiture planned excavations. Minor excavations include drifts, shafts, raises, levels and sublevels. Major excavations are pits and stopes. In general, the large excavations will affect the rock m a s stress levels on a local level however, several stopes together will aEct the entire mine including rninor excavations. Refer to gathering rock mass data for modeling purposes. Sources of data include: 1) fieldwork 2) labwork 3) the literature 4) exuerience
Assemble Rock M a s Data for Modeling Assess Risks of Mining Method with Proposed Stoping Design Assess & Adjust Stope Dimensions by Considering Orezone Variations
The Mine Engineer has to examine the geometric variations that exist in an orebody and determine if
changes to the s t o p dimensions have to be made. For instance, an orezone that varies considerably in width may be difficult to mine out without excessive dilution if the sublevel vertical distance is large. Drills cannot follow the ordwaste contact closely when the contact varies. This is a matter of judgement that wiil be confirmed when economic analyses are done on the resuiting diluteci ore. Refers to assessing potential problems w i t h the select& s t o p sizing. Pmblems muid include exessively high stopes with related driliing accuracy problems, weak hangingwalls resulting in excessive dilution, back problems.
Assess Fit of Theoretical Variogram Assess Goodness of Fit to Histogram Distribution Assess Impact of Recovery on Ore Reserves Assess lmplementation Risks with Mining Method
Assessing Mine Gcology is the process of transforming exploration data (either fiom prelimuiary drilling or even dehition drilling) to a geological model. This geological model contains a 3dimensional picture of the rock mass, where the various geological domains are located including stmcturai data like faults, as weU as the minera1 grades that exsts.
Assess Ore &serves for Quality Assess Pillar Stability
Refers to calculahg pillar sability using the Confinement Formula Stability Graph. The graph compares the (Average Pillar S W C S ) vs. (Pilla Width~Height d o ) of the design pillar to assess where the pillar stability fis witbin the graph.
Assess Potential for Excessive Dilution Assess Potential for Recovew Problems Assess Poteniial for Stoping Layout Roblems
Refers to the b c t i o n that d e m i the unknown at the boundary of each boundary element The unknown can be displacement, temperature, stress, and strain and is calculated fiom the boundary points defining each element. Build & Anaiyze Ventilation Network Mode1 Calculate Experimental Variogram & CrossV a r i 0 ~ Calculate Rock Mass Ouatv O' Calculate & Store Additional Quantities as Required (Strahs, Stresses, Dispiacements, Heat Flux, etc.) Calculate Approximate Pillar Srength Calculate Awroximate Pillar Stress
This refers to the dilution that is built in the stoping layout. Frequeniiy, in paricuiar, m w vein deposit, there is a minimum mllung width to be used
by men or equipment. This required minimum mining width causes dilution tha is accounted for in the grade calculation Calculate Block Rock M a s Rating & Geomechanics Parameters Calculate Block Grades
Calculate Block Mode1 Size ~istribution Statistics Calcuiate Costs Calculate Cross-plots & Correlations Calculate Dilution Percentage (using volume of failure zone and original s t o p volume) Calculate Gravity Adjusunent Factor C Calculate Joint Orientation Factor B Calculate NPV Calculate Ore Volume, Average Ore Grade &
- - - -
Calculate Potential Dilution Caldate Potential Dilution due to Fault-Related Sloughage Caiculate Potential Dilution Due to Rock Mass Calculate Revenues Caldate Rock Stress Factor A' Calculate Scatter Plots Calculate Shape Factor S Calculate Simple Statistics
Dilution can also occur as a result of faults located in the hanpjngwali or footwali. Stope Orientation can impact s t o p dilution due to rock mass aualitv and l o s of confinement.
standard deviation, number of samples. Caiculate Stope Hydraulic Radius ( p ~ e r i m e t e r ) Calculate Stope New Average Ore Grade Calculate Stow Ore Grades Calculate Stope Volume Calculate Using Inverse D i s t a n c e Square (IDS) Method Calculate Using Nearest Neighbour Method (polygonal or Voronoi) Calculate Volume Difference & Average Specific This i s the merence in volumes between the stope Gravity and the ore zone within the stope. Check for Gros Errors Check for Gros E m s means checking for e m r s in data entry or inconsistencies in the data set. Check Results Against Calibration Data Collect Geophysical Information Collect Geophysics Information refers to collecting surface geophysics data Typical geophysical data includes seismics, magnetics, resistivity,ground penetrating radar, and gravity. This type of data is frequently obtained on a somewhat regular grid pattern, sometimes only in 2D but sometimes in 3D. Seismics and Ground Penetrating Radar usually give a 3D picture with data obtained at various depths. Collect Borehole or Bulk Sample Information Collect Borehole or Bulk Samples refer to coilecting a disturbed sample from driliing operatio&. These couid be chips or g o G d up rock samples taken from production drilling underground or fiom air-track or rotary drilling done h m
1 Activity Name
Collect Diamond Drilling Core information
Activity Definith
surface. Collect Diamond Drilling Core Information refers to al1 information obtaind from coring operations where an u n d i e samplc of the rock is obtained. Diamond drilling is the most common method of retrievine d e e rock ~ sarn~les. c o l k t Geohemid Data refers to collecthg geological information based on geochemisy. Soi1 and water samples are frequently coiiected and analyzed for trace elements. Frequently, indicator elements can be used to locate more significant mineralization Geochemical data is frequently collected using: GIS Technology. Collect Surface Mapping Information fefers to collecting al1 infarmation h m surface work. This includes topographical data (surface elevation), surveys, and location of roads, streams, rivers and lakes. Surface mapping includes surface showing trenching and channel work. There can also be joint mapping.
- -
a t a CoUect the Geoloeicai D Compare Assay Values with ~ y p i Ranges d Compare Drill Hole Lengths Between Data Sets Compare Ore Lithologies with Assay Values Commsite Assavs for Varioexam Calculations Compute Selected Values inside the Domain
Refers to caiculating other values h m the boundaq element solution set BEM is Merent Erom 0 t h methods in that the other output of interest may be selected after the anaiysis is complete (if the solution set is stored).
Consider S t o p Shape Factor on Hydraulic Radius Correct Diamond Drilling Data Using Correction Data Correct Spatial Position of Data
Correct Spatial Position of Data refers making or caldating the assays, lithography, and rock daa tme spatial position by using the Drill Hole Correction Data. Create & Maintain the Corporate Strategic Plan means looking at al1 aspects for the long-term Mability of the company. Strategic Planning involves several areas including marketing, finances, organintion (people and its management), production (operations) and for some large rnining companies, Research an Development (W).
Create Standards, WorWJob Procedures Define Block Mode1 Define Convergence Criteria Define Geologicai Grid System
Define Geological Grid System refers to defning a @d system for transforming information from one &stem to another. ~ r e q u e dlocal ~ , gridsi or even
NTS grid systems are used for surveying diamond driiling operations The data grid, aithough useful during the exploration phase, may not be usefd h m the point of view of analysis, design and planning. The data is therefore transfomied to a new system.
Define Ore Reserves Classincations Defme Variogram Search Cone Angle Describe Far-Field Stresses & Orientations
Refers to the boundary conditions that will be applied to the model. These far-field stresses are regionally based and are affecteci by major geological structures. Refers to the sequence or the order of precedence chat will be used-to create the required-mine excavations. The sequencing is important for the proper control of rock mass stresses, so as to shed thern away h m the stopes aad towards the
Design Blasting Layout Design Drill Hole Layout Design Drilinp: & Blasting Layout Design Horizontal Muck Transport System Design Main Ventilation System Desien Mine Excavation Smbort Svstem
Refers to hauling the muck h m the stope or development heading horizontally to some dump
Refers to determinhg the size of the broken muck. Muck sinng is important in selecting compatible mucking and muck hauling systems. For instance, bulk mining produoes large muck that can be effectively handied by large L m s . Fine muck, like development muck, can be handled by smaller LHDs and aiso mucking machines, slushers, rocker loaders and so on. The Mining Methoci tends to control the d t i n e muck size.
Design Muck Handihg System Desien Piliarless Sto~ine Lavout Design ~&&&y tope Access Design Stope & Piliar Layout Design Tie-In & Detonation Sequence Design Vertical Muck Transport System
Refers to the movement of muck (ore and waste) in the vertical direction Ramp design 1s more a matter of location, size and steepness (referred to as grade). Shaft design tends to be more complex with combined or separate cage/skips, multicompartment shafts, single or double d m hoists, single or multi loading pockets, supplies and labour hoisting internai equipment - requirements, movement, production tonnaRe to be handled, and
Activity Definition
system flexibility (for friture capacity e.vpansion). Ordwaste pass design depends on muck size, ground conditions i d r6uired system flexibility.
( Design, Plan, Support and Monitor the Underground Hard Rock Mine
Determine Mine P r h a q Access(es)
Refers to locating the shaft(s) anci camp@)surface position and orebody point(s) of entry.
Determine Development & production Schedule Detennine Development/ Production Meiod Sequence Determine Distance of Fault to Stope Wall Determine Drill Equipment Capabilities &
Capabilities and limitations refer to the ability of a d r i l l to driii a certain width or reach a certain height, or be able to drill a certain length (while rernaining sufficientlyaccurate). For longhole and ITH drills, drillhole deviation can be a key cause of dilution or poor (Le. coarse and large) fragmentation The decision process is cornplex.
Determine Local Support System Required Determine Mine-wide Support System Required Determine Mining Direction Determine No of Stope Required to Meet Production Rate Determine Ore & Host Rock Relative Rock Strenghs Determine Orebodv Size
M v i t y Name
Discretize the Problem Domain
Determine Resomes Reauired Determine Stope Stability 1 Determine Stop Support Requirements 1 Determine Stope-Wide Support System Required I Determine Stouine Seauence Method(s) Determine Suitable hdinin~ Determine Which Elements are Yielding or Failing & Adjust Properties Discretize the Boundary of Each Geological
Refers to subdividing the problem domain into a number of boundaries. Refers to subdividing the problem domain into a number of f i t e sub-domains or finite elements, =ch of simple geometry. This is lkquently referred to a mesh cfeation.
Enter Assay D a t a
Enter Primary Access Layout (optional)
Enter Rock Mass Data means entering al1 rock geomechanical and/or suctural information. The typical record includes Drill Hole ID, From Depth, To Depth, RQD, Joints, Faults, rock strength, RMR, and so on. Refers to the tentative future excavation plans for minor excavations like sublevels, drifts, raises, ramps, and orepasses. in most cases, it is the local excavation work requred to access the s t o p from the primary access points. The semice Ise of secondary accesses is usualiy much shorter, generaily just a few years. Refers to describing the tentative stoping work, the size, location and orientation of the stopes including backfilling. This is referred to as the stoping layout Refers to the process of describiag how each finite element will respond to extemai influences. in solid mechanics, this is refened to as caiculating the stianess matrix K. This stianess matrix is related to the deformation modulus of the rock m a s and ties the stress and strain toeether. Refers to the process of assembling the response of each finite element into a whole that will describe the behaviour of the entire region. Applied to the boundary of thk region will be fai-field stresses or boundary conditions that will be eventuafiy, through the solution process will be transfened to each element.
Evaluation of the Mine Economics is critical to assessing the financial retums fiom developing the deposit. This evaluation is based on the long-terrn ~chedule, as well as forecasted metal prices. The predicted ROI is compared to a target value to judge the investment value of the project-
Evaluate Risks & Sensitivity Examine & Correct Data for Clusters Examine Block Grade Variances & Classify Examine Blocks for Misshg Estimate Examine C o r d o n Data for Abnormal Values Eauamine Extent of Rock Mass Failure (Shear & Tende) Around Stopes Due to Orientation to FarField Sigma1 Principal Stress Examine Ore Grade Characteristics & Required Selectivitv Examine Orebody Uniformity
- - - - -
Activitv Name
Activitv Detibition
a t meet The Exploration/Reserves ~ b j e c t i ~ t hwill the Comrate Obiectives. The Financial Objectives that billm&t the Comrate biectives.
Fit Cross-Variopam Fit Distribution to Histoeram Fit Theoretical Variogram Mode1 Generate Histogram Cmmechanics Numerical Analysis
IdentifY Cause of Grade Variations Identif) Covariance in Non-stationary Variables IdentifY Currently Active Stopes Iden- Currently Active Work Areas Identifir Drift in Non-sationaty Variables
Implement & Monitor Scheduled ~ e v e l o p m e n t ~ Work Implement & Monitor Scheduied Production Workp Im~lement & Monitor Short-term Plan Improve Schedule Using GAs & Valiate Through Simulation Inspect DriUing & Loading Work Inspect Muck Fragmentation Install& Monitor Ground Movement Monitors & TDR Cables Install& Monitor Load/Stress Cells Install& Monitor Microseismic Systems Integrate Al1 Risks Assessments & Make Adiustments if Reauired Interpret Geostatistical Results Refers to displaying the numerical modeling results Interpret Modehg Results and hterpreting t h e a These resuts include strains, suesses, displacements, factors of safety, yielded or f~led zones, zones unda tension and so o n Interpret Statistical Results Investigate Fa11 of Ground Incident Investi~ate G r o d Suomrt Failure incident Investigate Rock Bursting Incident
, Activity Niune
Layout Drill Holes Layout Stopes Layout Stoping Sequence Locate & Desien Cut or Slot Maintain Corporate F i c e s
Maintainhg Corporate Finances means keeping track of all financiai rnatters regarding the Company. This includes ownership issues, capital or cash on hancl, loans and debt management, paying a.xes, selling products and thus generating revenues and keeping the "books".
M g Fans, Doors Se6ngs ModifY Stiffiiess Ma& for Yielded Elements Monitor Development Advance Monitor Excavation Work (Sweying) Monitor Ground Conditions Monitor Production Grades Monitor Roduction Stoping Monitor UN^ Costs & Resouces Productivities Monitor Ventiiation Netwodc Obtain Average Stope Grades Obtain Current Fan Doors & Baffle Settines Obtain ~ S & i n g Mine ~xcavationEkundanes
Operations Objectives
Refer to obtaining ail currently existing mine excavations- This could be limited to onIy stopes but could include minor excavations like drifts, raises, shafts, etc. Refers to obtaining the boundaries of al1 geological niese can include ore domains or rock zones, hangngwall and footwail only or be more extensive. Also included are all major faults, dykes, joints (structures) that break up the rock m a s but have a definite influence on the analysis. Refets to obtaiing representative geological and rock mass parameters and propexties. This can be obtained from fieldwork, the lab, the litmature or other sources. This a h include rock m a s behaviour We: 1) linear elastic 2) elasto-plastic 3) elastic-brittle Refers to obtaining localized stress data for calibrating the numerical mcQi. This UiTomtion is usually obtained h m stress cells placed in the nidc mass. A comrnon method is the CSIRO stress ce11 based on the overcoring method. The Operations Obiectives tha will meet the
Activity Name
Activitv Definition
Corporate Objectives. Perfom & Monitor Unscheduled Maintenance Work Perform Geostatisticai Analysis Perform Long-term Planning -
Preparing the Long-term Plan means making the ) de&sionsthat will sustain the long-tm viability of the mining project. Under l o n g - t h plan coma the ore reserves, the mining and extraction methods, the expectecl production rate and mine Iife, the required equipment f l e t as well as the necessary infiastructure to support the mine. Decisions made here can aEect the mine for its entire Me. Production Control involves the implementation of the Short-Term Plan. It is cal1 Production Control because it involves the control of resources to implement the plan. Preparing the Short-Term Plan means looking at the issues to produce sucessfully over a shortduration horizon (ranging from one to five years). Shortt e m Planning involves m a h g sure resources (labour, equipment, supplies) & available in diicient quantties to implement the development and minuig plan Short-term Planning also means looking at budgets and forecasts, getting approvals to proceed and Wizing the mine design and plans. Strategic Planning refers to al1 the activities that a company performs to enhance its long-tem viability. This involves selecting venture areas, knowing the market and the cornpetitors, predicting long-tenn demand and revenues, looking for the optimum allocation of financial resources, looking at long-term growth but making sure short-term cash flow is SUBcient, market skue desires, making the right investment d&isions. Strategic P l g means determining if the company is equity-driven versus profit-driven
Place Skin Over Cross-sections to Create Solid Plot Values on Stope Stability Graph & Examine Prepare & Validate Detailed Schedule Prepare Development Layout Prepare Long-Term Development & Production Schedule
The Preparation of Long-Term Development & Production Schedule is the process of definhg how the ore deposit wiU be developed and mined over the long-tem The preparation of this long-term plan is fundamental to proper economic a d y s i s since it is the best way to capture the time value of money, looking at when expenditures wili occur and when-revenues-will come 6.
Acivitv Name Provide Ground Control S u ~ m r t Provide Safety ~ra&g R&D Objectives
Activitv Definition
Research & Development Objectives that will meet the Corporate Objectives. Note that not al1 mining firms wiil have an active R&D Department Generaily, the major frms do. Howevcr, rnost firmsdo engage consultants to help them with technical or even business ~roblems.
Read Nela Set of Conditions Review Minine Plans Save Solid & IdentifL Geological Domain Search for Open Exploration Drill Holes Select Appropriate Mining Method(s) Select Complementary Mucking Equipment
Select Parameter of Interest to Display Select Powder Factor Select & Perform Statistical Analysis on Geological Domains Select a Fundamental Solution to the Goveming Differential Equation Select a Variation or interpolation Function for the F i t e Eiements
Refers to selecting a fndamental solution for satisfying the goveming differential equation exactly. Refers to the fiindion that descfl'bes the unknown inside each finite element. The unknown can be displacement, temperature, stress, and strain and is calculated from the nodal points d e k g each element.
Select Appropriate Grade Conrol Strategy Select Backfill Select Backfill StrateSelect Bulk Explosive Select Cablebolts Select Failure Critenon for the Geological Domains Select Geological Domain Select Gnd Cross-section Select Grouted Rebars Select Hole Diameter Select Kriging Methods Select Lithologies to Display Select Mechanical Bolts Select Natural Caving Strategy Select Numerical Method
Refers to selecting a rock mass failure aiterion. This could include: 1) Mohr-Coulomb 2) HoekBrown 3) ~ r u c k e r - h g e r
Refers to selecting a numerical appropriate for the problem to be solved. Each method has strengths and weaknesses. Choosing a method is usually a rompromise berneen ease of creating the model, qxed of obtaining a solution and accucacy of the
Select Preliminary Pillar Dimensions & Orientation Select Production Rate Select Production Stoping Area Select Shotcretd Surface Covering Select Solution Algorithm Select Stope Dimensions Select Stope Layout tobe Designecl Select Suitable Production Drilling Equipment
Select Support Prop Select Sweiiex b l t Select Theoretical Variogram Model Select to Let Stope Cave Select Variogram Direction Select Wiremesh Set Colour CodedRanges for Assay Grades and Lithology
This refers to selecting suitable production drills for the stope. Drills often control stope dimensions. For instance, ITH drilling accuracy set an upper limit on stope height, drill jumb mach will set a limit of cut&fiii slice thickness or stope width. Likely drill candidates would be selscted based on experience and manufacturer's speciflcations.
Refers to defining according to Company standards the colours to be used for rock lithology, grade ranges (rock, low, medium and high-grade ore), as well as numeric ranges. This information wiil be used by the visualization system to aid the user i n seeing the data, determine patterns and so on. The Orebody wiU frequently define one or more of the stope dimensional parameters baseci on the Mining Method seiected. Stopes generally have 2 kinds of orientation. Stopes can be longitudinal (long dimension foilowing strike of orebody) or transversal (long dimension set to width of orebody). The selection will be based on the width of the ore zone and the mining method used. Approximate stope dimensions can be determined using Mahew's Open Stope Stability Graph Refers to determining the size of the support piliars to be used in the mining method. Note: support pillars can be orientai vertically between Stage 1 stopes or horizontally between stopes (e-g. cutBtfil1 stoping). In some rnining method, in particular, pst-pillar cutBtfill, the pillars must be designed to fail rlatively eariy in the stopiq process. Refers to solving thc set of equations. Depending on the BEM method implemented, different
Set One or More Stope Dimension(s) Based on Drl Selected Set Remaining Stope Dimensions Based on Mineral Inventory Model Dimensions
Size up, Layout, and Sequence Stopes Solve BEM System of Equations
Solve System of Equations Solve with Boundary Element Model for LinearElastic Problem Domain Elastic, Plastic, or Dynamic Problem Domain Store Numerical Results for Later Processing Trace Out Lithological interfaces for Defned Cross-section Track Costs Transform Diamond Drillhg Data to New Gnd System
Refers to the process of solving the set of equation describing the region and each h i t e element. Finite element matrices are generally sparse and require special algorithm to solve them efficientiy, particularly when iheir size is considered. Reirs to solving the set of equation Note that unlike a finte element m a & that is sparse but large, the boundary element matsix is fdly populated but smaller (due to a 1-D reduction). Overail, it is questionable if FEM or BEM yields a faster solution. Refers to using the Boundary Element Method for solving complex numerical problems in solid mechanics. Refers to using the Finite Element Method for solving complex numerical problems in solid
Transfocm Diamond Drillhg Data to New Grid System is the process of changing information fiom one grid system to another.
Domain Solids into Block Transform Geological Model Troubleshoot Ground Froblems r a d e Model Validate BIock G
Accounting Technology Active Stopes Active Work Areas Allocated Labour, Equipmenk Supplies,
wire frame and surface modelig, solid modeling systems ensure that all surfaces meet properly and that the object is geometrically correct. Solid models allow for interference checking, which tests to see if two or more objects occupy the same space. Solid modeling is the most complicated of the CAD technologies, because it simulates an object i n t e d l y and externally. Solid models can be sectioned (cut open) to reveal their interna1 features, and they can be stress tested as if they were physical entities in the real world. Accounting Technology refers to techniques and tools used by accountants to keep track of assets and Liabilities and thus produce a balance sheet. In general, it includes the traditional accounting methods but could also include activity-based costing (ABC). Accountiag Technology also includes accounting sohare and databases. Active stopes are either in development or in production (or soon to be). Active Work Areas are where mining development and production is currently taking place. Mining activities are king Camed out in these areas. This arrow refers to production resources needed to do either development or production mining An Approved Budget has been approved by Management. The Approved Budget will meet the Production Objectives and Targets, the Revenue Objectives and thus the Corporate Objectives.
Assumed BEM Variation
Assigned resources cefers to labour, equipmen, supplies, consumables, power, water, compressai air assigneci to a workplace and activity. Refers to priorities assigneci to specific mining activities carriecl out as part of the development and rnining processes. Higher priority activities must be accomplished before lower priority advities can cake place. Refers to the mathematical equations used to d e s c n i the stress variation withh a b o G w element mode1 formulation Available Capital and F i c h g is a consbauit that affects the entire mine design, planning and production process. Available Capital means the cash on hand that a company has to implement its objectives. Financing refers to the ability of a company to raise capital through the stock market or obtain loaus and debenhues from financial institutions. Financing could also refer to the potential of the company to interest investors or joint partners.
Atroff Namc
Average Pillar Stress Bacidil1 Support Requirements BEM Equation Set BEM Fundamental Solution Block Grade Model Block Grade Model Refinements Block Model Refinements Block Model Statistics Boimdaw Elements Calculated Nmv Ore Volume Grade Calculated Ore volume & Grade DfTerences Calculated Ore Volume, Grade & S.G. Caiculated Stope Volume Checked Diamond DriUing Data
- -
a t a refers to &ta that has been Checked Diamond Drillhg D entered into the geologicai database and checked for gros data entry errors.
The Company Engineering Standards refer to a set of d e s , procedures, analysis and design methods used to store, manioulate. Drocess and Dresent corninformation.
Company Geology Standards Company Maintenance Procedures Combanv WorWJob Procedures Convergence Criteria Corporate Laws & Regulations
Corporate Objectives
Corporate Laws & Regulations reguiate the behaviour of corporations and companies. These laws involve the financial reporting aspects but couid also include Seanties laws and Taxation laws. Corporate Objectives are a constraint to the Mine Design, Planning and Prouctioti process. Corporate Objectives will dictate the desired level of economic r e m acceptable, the production level wanted, whether or not market share is important Corporate Objectives will define the long-tenn objectives and strategy of the company. For insance, what kind of minerais do they want to mine, the exploration policies they desire and so on
Correcteci Diamond Drilling Data Cost Control Cost Scheduie Cos& & Expenditures Tracking Standards Costs & Expenses
Planning and Roduction process. Although there are costs associateci with exploration, feasibility studies and s o on., most of the cos& in a mining project corne from the development and production phases of the mine. Costs include labour, supplies, equipment, consumables, energy, taxes, dividends, interest payments and so o n
Refers to the most up-todate model of al1 existing excavations. This model does not include hiture planned excavations. Database Technology is aii the computer technology related to the storage of information The storage of geological data is a strong database application Database Technology can also include GIS (or Geographical Information System) I S provides a sophisticated analysis and Technology. G visualidon svstem cou~ied with a database WStem.
De-clustered Assay Data Defind Block Model Defined Geoloeical Grid Svstem &ed Variogram Cone Angle Defined Variogram Direction Development & Roduction Selections Dwelopment Layout Drawings Development/RoductionSequence
Diamond D r i l l Core Data Difncult Ground Condition & incidents h a r g e s Distributed Explosive C
This refers to the spatial layout of the bu& charges in each blasthole. Note (hat each blasthole is not n e c e d y charged with explosives. The charges may be decked. There may also be stemming (inert material) used. DiEerent explosives may be used depending on iis purpose. For instance, special explosives may be used for pre-shearing walls for a clean break.
Drifts & Crosscuts Sizing Drill Eaui~rncnt Cambilities & Limitations Br~ole Diameter Drill Hole Layout Drawings Drill Hole Sbacine Drill ffole Spatial Layout Driliing & Blasting Control Drilling/Loading inspection Reports Economic Evaluation Criteria Economic Evaluation Technology The Economic Evauation Critena refers to the desirable ROI Le. Retum on Investment) for a project. This target can be used to evaluate whether or not a project should pmeed. Economic Evaluation Technology refers to tools, methods and techniques for evaluating the hvestment benefits of a project. This evaluation requins costing estimahg tmls, as well as a schedule of predicted expenses and revenues. There may also be intangible costs and benefits to evaluate, some with no appmnt &nornic benefits or costs.
ArrorvNimte Equipment & Labour Resources Productivities/Reliabilities Equipment Dimensions Equilibriurn Matrix Results Estimated Airfows, Velocity & Directions Estimateci Production Resources Requirernents Excavation Control Excessive or Unacceptable Dilution Excessive or unacceptable Ore Recovery Losses Excessive Vibration Levels
A m w Defmition
Refers to the possibility that there are too much explosive charge detonated at once or the rock mass encourages the concentration of blasting seismic waves that are detrimental to man-made structures located too close to the blast and thus need to be protected. Excessive vi'brations could also cause rock mass deterioration or excessive ore dilution or overbreak. &fer to all currently existing mine excavations. This could be limited to only stopes but could include minor excavations like raises, shah. etc. Exploration Data is all the geological data required to evduate a mineralization 'Ibis &volves generally diamond drillhg information but couid alo involve geochemical and geophysid data as well. Some properties have an extensive hisGG of exploration, others a r s p i k z . The Exploration.Acquisition Appmal Request is a pmcess whereby a promiring new pmpa<y is approved for funher exploration or acquisition ExploratiodAcquisitionCosts are cost hcurred for doing exploration work or buying options and properties. The Corporae Policy for acquiring new mineral reserves either through active exploration or rtiroughoptions or buying existing, undeveloped, semi, or even hilly developed properties. Al1 explosives have unique properties that must be considered when designing a blast These properties include b u l k strength, bulk density, relative strength, cost per lbs, velocity of detonation, sensitivity, minimum hole diameter, water resistance and so on. Refers to a set of drawings showing the blastholes as well as al1 the charge layouts, stemming, delays, detonators, primers, and tie-in sequence.
Explosive Properies
Failure Criterion Failure Zone Extent Fa11 of Ground Incident Fall of Ground incident Report Far-Field Stresses & Orientations
by major geological S
FEM Analysis Results Finite Element Matxix Finite Elernent Mesh Fitted Cross-Variogram Fitted Histogram Distribution VarioFitted ~ h = Forecasted Metal Demand & Price
U U ~ .
Forecasting - Technology
Fragmentation Adjustments Fragmentation Reports Funding Further Selections Geological Data Display Standards Geological Data Emrs Geological Domains & Stnictures
Refers to the boundaries of al1 geological domains or rock types. These can include ore zones, hangingwall and footwall only or be more extensive. Also included are al1 major faults, dykes,joints (stnictures) that break up the rock ma& but have a definite influence on the analysis. -
1 Geological Faults
Geomechanical Parameter of Interest Geomechanics Analysis Results
Refers specifically to the results of geomechanicai modeling and analyses. These results could be one run or multiple computer nuis to examine a stoping sequence.
Arrow Defikition
systems used to keep track of various data sets located on surface. Govenunent Reports Grade Control Grade Vanation Cause(s) Grade Variation Correction Poteniial Grade Variations Grass Root Exploration Data Ground Controi Ground Movement Data Ground Problems Ground Support ~ailurexcident Ground Support Failure Incident Report Ground Support Requirements Historical Cost Data Historical Unit Cost Data Historical Unit Roductivity Data Hydrauiic Radius Identifieci Geological Domains Inadequate Fragmentation Inadequate Ventilation Incorrect Modeling Results Incorrect Solids Insufficient Geological information Intermediate Numerical Results Intermediate Stress Results Key Dates & Milestone Changes Key Delivery Dates & Milestones
Refers to numerical results that are incorrect due to: 1) poor alibration 2) improper rock m a s properties and parameters 3) incorrect sele&on of a numericd &&le1
Key delivery dates and milestones refers to specific dates when a given amount of work is accomplished This could include the completion of a given amount of development so as to provide needed access to a stoping area Knowledge & Experience is a constraint that also a e c t s the mine design, planning and production process. Knowledge & Experience are valuable assets if available because they pexmit better decisions. A shortcoming in Knowledge & Experience may mean hat sub-optimal solutions are implemented. For insrance, a low-grade complex deposit may be beyond the skills of a small, young inexperienced company to develop. Multi-metallic deposits or hose with difcult contaminants may require special technical "knowhow" to mine successfully. Kiiowlege and Experience of the work force also impacts the mining. M o u s practices and experience will frequentlydictate which mining method wiil be used. A sophisticatedwork force will not like to do heavy manual labour. Similarly, an unsophisticated work force may not be able to use and repair complex mechanical or automateci equipment. The level of technology must be matched to the skills of the work force.
Knowledge & E.xperience in Evaluating Mineral Proiects Knowledge & E.uperience in Geology d h e Design Knowledge & ~ x p e r i e n h Knowledge & Expenence in Numerical Anaiysis Knowledge & Expenence in Preparing Schedules Laws & Regulations
Knowledge & Experience in Geology is required to analyze complex geological data in order to make out sense of it. Refers to the knowledge and experience acquired as a d t s of doing geomechanical or rock mechanics work. This work involves numerical models to represent and anaiyze the complex nature of these pmble&.
Laws & Regulations consiraineci the mine design & planning process in various ways. The Ministry of Labour under the Occupational Health & Safety has paxticular importance in the mine design and production. Refers to the spatial position of the primary levels in relation to the orebody.
Level Layouts Level Spacing Load/Stress Data Long-term Plan Long-term Plan & Closur~h Long-term Plan Adjustments Long-term Plan Update Long-term Production Schedule Maintenance Costs Market Economics Report
Long-tenn Plan refets tothe development and production that will take place over the long-term, generatly five years or more. Long-terrn can also means for the entire mine Iife. Long-term Plan Upates means adjustmenis to the schedule, grades and tonnage of ore production, development for the next 5 years or more, Market Economics afXsthe entue design, planning and production process. Market Economics affect the pice of the mineral commodities king mined as weU as the demand for a product. Low demand means that prices will have to drop if there is excess production capacity. Minerai Exploration ~ec~hnology means al1 the tools available to explore, discover and assess the rock mass for mindizatio& and its economic potentiai and value. The Minerai Inventory Model is based on the Orebody Model but includes: 1) cut-off grade 2) estimated dilution (totai) 3) estimated recovery (total) These factors are important for calculatin~ Lhe mine valuation Mining Laws & Regulations refers to the legisbtion that regulates mining acivities. These laws & regdations apply to labour and occupational health, mine exploration, development, operation and closure, environmental control, treatment and discharge of waste.
Microseismic Data Mine Plans & Work Schedules Mineral Exploration ~ e c h n o l o i Mineral inventory Mode1
Mining Method
Mining Method Adjustrnents Mining Method Report Mining Method Risks min in^ Method Selection Parameters Muck Fragmentation Sizing Muck Handling System
Refers to al1 the components required to extract the broken rock (Le. muck) from the development heading or s t o p to its final destination ( e g . underground as fill, or on d a c e as processing ore or waste rock to be dumped or processed.
Muck Hading Equipment Muck PassingMoisting System Muckine Eauiument Mdti-Stage Pillar Mining New Technology
New Technology is any new technology that is used in the Company to reduce cos& and/or make processes more efficient. New Technology could also involve the dwelopment of new producs that could change the demand for the metal.
Newlv Acauired ~roduction ~esourz Next stop in^ Sequence No. of Working Horizons Required NPV Results Numerical Analysis Results Numerical Results
Refers to the calculation results obtained fiom Geomechanical Numerical Analysis. Numerical Resuits typically include stresses, strains, and displacements. Depending on the mode1 selected, the failure criterion chosen, and the type of problem being solved, th= may other results of interest These could include a failure zone, factor of safety and so on.
o s t s and Revenues generated h m the mining The C Operations The Revenues come fiom the Product Sales and the C o s t s are the expenses incurred for labour, supplies, equipmen, energy, local taues, etc.
Operations Budget Approval Ore Reserve Classifications Orebodv Denth &body Dip Orebody Grade Characteristics Orebody Model
The Orebody Model is the graphical representation of the Geological Domains. The Orebody Model therefore includes: 1) lithology 2) structural faults, joints, gouge zones 3) the mineralized zones and the barren zones 4) the mades in the mieralized zones
Orebody Rock Mass Strengths Orebadv Shabe Orebody Size Orebody U n i f o r m i t y Parameter Distilav
The Mine Modelis a superset of interrelateci models containing incormation about an operating mine, nich as the geo-models (geological& rock mass), openings (excavations which include access), infrastnicture(for supporthg the excavation process), etc.
- -
Poor Framentation Poor or Non-convergence Poor Recovery Risks Potentiai U n ~ i ~ ~ . Dilution ned % Primary Access Layout Processed Geological Data
Refers to the primary access points to the mine. This includes the main shaft, main ventilation raises, main levels and stations. Processed ~ e o l o $ dData refers to all uiformation required for doing geological analysis, interpretation and modeling. This information has been entered, checked for errors, validated and is in a form ready to be used by geological analysis tools. This data consists of one or more type of
Production Costs Production Costs Production Layout Drawings Production Objectives S Targets Production Rate Production Rate Adjustments
Production Objectives & Targets represent what the Operations must produced to fiilnll the Revenue Objectives and thus the Corporate Objectives.
Production &sources Production Zones Proposeci Stoping Layout Re-combine Assav Data Required No of Working Stopes Required Resources Resource Allocation Changes Resource Assignment Changes Resources Shortfails Revenue Objectives
The Production Rate is the rate at which ore will be mined from the mine expressed typically in tonnes/day or tonnes/year It may be necessary to adjust this rate based on circumtances. The production rate is a fimction of ore reserves, unit value of the ore, bancing capabilities of the owner or corporation, and the mining cost. Changes in production rates will affect the time distribution of expenditures and revenues thus changing the economic value of the deposit. Production Resources includes labour, equipment, power, water, compressed air, supplies & consumables used in the production pnicess.
Required Resoutce~ means the labour, equipmen, supplies & consumibles rquired to cany out the short-term plan. Required tesources will depend on the mining method used.
Revenue Objectives represent the desired level of revenues required to & e t the corporate Objectives
Refers to the assembly of information for numerical analysis of rock masses. ~his-includes: 1) geological domains structures 2) urrent and future excavations 3) rock mass properties and behaviour 4) far-field stress or boundary conditions 5) caiibration points 6) rock mass failure
------ - -Rock Mass Model Rock M a s Model refers to the geomechanical properties of the rock mass. The Rock Mass Model is based on the Geological Domains information obtained duxng the creation of the Orebody Model. The Rock Mass Model includes the ore zones, the host rock (hangingwall8t fwtwalls), significant faults and dykes and information about the major joint sets. Refers to representative geological and rock mass parameters and properties. This can be obtained fiom fieldwork, the iab, the literature or other sources.
Scheduling & Optunization Technology refers to tools, methods and techniques for scheduling muiing activities. There should be an optimum schedule for any given set of circumstances however obtainng that optimum schedule may or may not be simple or even feasble. Refers to the tentative future excavation plans for minor excavations like sublevels, drifts, raises, ramps, and orepases. In most cases, it is the local excavation work required to access the stope h m the primary access points.
Bulk explosives are the primary explosives used to fiagrnent the rock mas.
Powder Factor is a typical metric used to evaluate consurnpfion and effectiveness of bulk explosives in hgmenting a rock mas. It is usually measured as Ibs. of explosives / ton of rock or kgdtonne.
towards the abutments of the mine. Strateeic Plan Undate Stress Calibration Points Refers to the localized stress data for calibraihg the numerical model. This information is usually obtained from stress lls placed i n the rock mas. A common method is the CSIRO stress U based on the overcoring methoci-
SupeMsion Knowledge & Experience Suumrt Piliar Sizin~! Surface Topographicai D a t a Taxation Laws
Taxation Regime
Tauation Laws are ail the laws describing the taxes to be collecteci and paid to the jurisdictions under which the corporation or company operates. In Ontario, there are both provincial and federal taxes to be paid on profits realized, sales taxes (GST and PST on purchases), as well as property taxes. There are ais0 tax exemptions depending where the tax was incurred For instance, there is no sales tax on eq iipment purchased for production Because the company is an employer, the company has to coliect and remit income tax on al1 its employees. Taxation Regne is a ansiraint that wiU aJTect how a company will operate i n a jurisdiction. High taxes will essentially drive companies to other places where taxes are lower. Simiiarly, attractive tax write-offs, tax deferments or hoiidays wili attract mining companies. The Taxation Regime may impact how and when a mine is developed. Taxes affect the coxporate bottom line directly. Technology is a critical mechanian in the Mine Design, Planning and Production process. Tcchnology impacts the level and quality of information that can be modeled, the ease at which alternative solutions may be compared, the mining and extraction method that can be implemented and ultimately the economic value of the deposit.
Temporary Cross-sections Temporary Selections Temporaq Solids Tentative Mine Access Layout Tentative Stoping Plan
Refers to the tentative friture excavation plans for minor orepasses, excavations ke sublevels, dntts,raises, kmPs, stations, levels, and shafts. Refers to the tentative mine fiiture excavation plans. This generally refers to the major excavations (i.e. &opes). This would include the location and size of the excavations as well as the sequence of these excavations. The tie-in sequen refers to all explosive accessories used to detonate the main or bulk explosive. These include delays, detonators, boosters, primers, detonating cord, initiation systems as well as the actuai connection sequence. Blasts are alwavs initiateci outward fiom an open or fiee
Arrow Defimition
Total S t o p Dilution % Transformeci Diamond Dnlling Data Typical Resource Requirements Unacceptable Pillar Stability Unacceptable P i k Stress Unbudgeted Costs & Poor Resource Underground Survey Data Unscheduled Equipment Break-Down Validated BIock Mode1 , Variation Function Ventilation Control Ventilation Control Settings Ventilation Network Ventilation Network Calibration Data Ventilation Network Modifications Ventilation Network Sizing Adjustments Ventilation System Verified & Calibrateci Numerical Results Work Priority Changes 1 Yielded Elements
face. Each charge is detonated in sequence. An out of sequence detonation may niin a bl&due to cut-offs or outof-sequence detonations. Tonnage & Grade Requirements refer to the Production Objectives & Targets for the mine. These can be set by either the mine operator, mine owner or corporation. The critical concept is that tonnages x grade d e f i the quantity of metal to be producecl and sold to market to generate revenues and &ver costs.
. . .-
Ventilation System includes fans, motors, housings, as well as ventilation control doors & banles, ducting and secondary
Market Economics
Conrd (Consbalnb)
Corparate Objectives
Exploiation Data
Purpose To document the processes performedas part of underground hardrock mine design and planning. Viewpoint Mining Professionals (e.g. mine geologist, engineer 6 planner)
Government Reporls
Design, Plan, Support and Monitor the Underground Hard Rock Mine
AUTHOR: Mario A Morin PROJECT: Integrated Computerued U Mine ~esignl~lannin~ NOTES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Min~ng Laws 6 Regulations Corporate Law 8
Mining Laws & Aegulations
1 A-O
Knowledge8 Expenence
fiquipment 6 Labour Resourcee Productnrities/Reliab~I~t~ Mining Method Report
Grass F oot Explora on Data
stirnated ~roduhio R
3D ModelingNibualkationTechnology Short-Term Plan Updates NUMBER:
Design, Plan, Support and Monitor the Underground Hard Rock Mine
AUTHOR: Mario A Morin PROJECT. lntegrated Computerued U Mine DesigWlanning NOTES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Knowledge 8
- 0
Muck Handling System Mining Method Model Design Mine Layout 8 Facillies Ventilation System
ml ~ine
Proje :ts
Prouction Rate
Long-termPlan Updti P
Long-termPlan Adlustments
y luation
AUTHOR: Mario A Morin PROJECT. Integrated Computerued U Mine DesignlPlanning NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RECOMMENDED PUBLICATION
A21 1
Checked Diamond
A21 12
REV; 6/26/00
7 8 9 10
Company Geology Standards
NOTES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10
A21 328
DATE ~ N T E N -
Selected GeologicalDomain
Geostatlstical Anaiysis
Further Seleciions
A21 23
A2 1232
0 0
Knmiedge 8 Experiencein
ProcessedGeological Data
* +
Calculate Experimental Vanogram66 Cross-Variograrns
Geostatistical Anaipis
. r
~ ~ o cModel lc
Model Statistics
Database Technology
3D ModelingNisualuntion Technology
1 3
' .
Select Kriging Methods
Geostatistical Analpls Technology
AUMOR Mano A Monn PROJECT lntegrated Computenzed U Mine DesignlPlanning NOTES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Block Grade Mode1
Production Rate
1 ,
NOILW3IlBnd a3a~3ww033~
OC 6
L 9
OWUZL ' h 3 ~
~ ( 3 1 ~ 03 31 ~ 0
~ D N I W U O MO W Z U :am
AUTHOR. Mano A Morin PROJECT: lntegrated ComputerizedU Mine DesignIPlanning NOTES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Knowledge 5 Experiencein Mine k i g n Rock Mass
Knowledge 5 Ewperience in Numerical Analysis Assemble Rock Mass Data for Modeling Rock Mass Data
A223 1
al Domaina 8 Structures
Numerlcal Analvsis
A2231 1
( A2231
Numerical Resulls
T ~ E :
Rock Mass Data
Exisiting ine Excavations Knowledge 8 Experience in Numerical Anaipis
Domains 8
or Interpolation the Finle Elements
8 Sequence
Rock Mas6 Parameten Properties Far-Field Stresses 8 Onentations Element Response Matfin
Failure Crnerion
Stoping Sequence
1 4
MadelingNisualuation Technology
Nex Sloping Sequence
1 0 0
Variation Function
Current Conditions
Assemble Element Solution Matrii for Specfied Conditions A3 Elernenf Response Malnx
AUMOR. Mario A Morin PROJECT: lntegrated Computerued U Mine DesigWianning NOTES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 eological Domains 8 Structures
E M Fundamental Sc IL
Etement Contributions
AUTHOR: Maflo A Morin PROJECT: lntegrated Computerued U Mine DesigniPlanning REV. 1213100 DRAFT RECOMMENDED PUBLICATION Shape Factor KnowledgeCI Exprience in Mine Design
A22321 Mining Method Rock Mass Stability Nurnber
NOTES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 S t o p Dimensions
O n 1
Stope Dimensions
S t o p sizinpW Adjustments
DATE. 7/5/00
-a rn
Mineral lnventow
NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Production Rate
Mining Method
Excessive or Unacceptable
Stope Layout
Layout Stopes
AUMOR Mario A Monn PROJECT lntegrated CornputeruedU Mine [3esignlPlanning NOTES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 Rock Mass Model
Examine EMeot of Rock Mass Failure (Shear 8 Tensile) Around Stopes Due to Orientationto Far-FieldSigma1 PrinicipalStress A1
Calculate Dilution
KnMedge 8 Experience in Mine hjgn
1 Mining Method
Anaipis Results
Failure is
Company Standards
Planned Mine
A223231 1
REV: 12/3/00
Selecled Ground
Topographical Data
Determine Stope-Wide Support Systern Required Analysis Resutts Select to Let Stope Cave
Select Cableboit8
A223231 2
AUTHOR: Mario A Monn PROJECT: lntegratedCornputerued U Mine DeslgniPlanning NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Knowledge 8 Experience in Mine Design
n O
Geornechanics Analysis Resuns
1 phical cal +I
Assess lJotential for Recovery Problems
' 1
Assesfi Polential for Stoplng Layout Problems A3
Planned ~ i r l e
-' 1
' 1
L 1
A4 Stop Sequence Rlsks
3D ModelingNisualization Technology
AUTHOR. Mario A Morin PROJECT: lntegraled CornputerizedU Mine DesignlPlanning NOTES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mining Method
Mining L a w 8 Regulations
O , -
Mucking Equlpment
Drins 8 Cross-cutsSuing Muck Hauling lquip nent Systern A3
' .
Muck Passingkloisiir g
w v
Design Vertical Muck Transpoit Systern A4
AUMOR: Mario A Morin PROJECT. lntegrated Computenzed U Mine DesignlPlanning NOTES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Planned Mine Long-terni Plan Updale PUBLICATION BackflII Mining Melhod SWpor Requir menta P Historical Unil ProductMty Ground Support Reauirements Knowledge 8 Ewperience in Preparing Schedules A2
Production Rale
for Produdion
%toping Sequence Determine
Secluence Changes
Ist~mated Production Resources bquiremenls evelopment 8 Production Schedule Long-term ?roduction Schedule ProduclionRale
Schedule Changes
- .
.. .
Historical Unit Cost Data Forecasted Metal Long-term Production Scheule
1 I I
Economic Evaluatton Crileria
Revenue Schedule
Selecie Dimunt Rate
Calculate Revenues
Cost Schedule
Calculate NPV
NPV Results
Production Resources
~ong-terrn Plan
&%gI 1
Estimateci Production
Long term Plan Update Prepare 8 Validate elailed Schedule Repurces Shortfalls mitleci Resources Short-term Plan Operations
3D Modelin[ Nisualuatlon
Sirnulalion Technology
AUTHOR Mario A Morin PROJECT Inlegrated Computerued U Mine ~esi~nl~lanning NOTES, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Knowledge 8 Ewpenence
Acquirea Production Resources
Production Resources Knowledge 8 Enpenence Resources According to Plan Allocaled Labour, Equipment, Supplies, Ventilation, Water, etc
Commctted Resources
Provide Monitoring U Technical Suppart Company Maintenance Procedures Costs 8 Expenditures Tracking Standards
1 1 DRAR
Short-lem Plan
W0WJob Procedures
Monitor Ground Company Procedures W0rWJ0b Procedures Monitor Ventilation Cost Control
a b
' r
Planned Mine Model
-- 7 ='l
Short-lem Plan
Develcprnenl ~ayout Al
Excavation Control
Government Reports
Monitor Production Stoping
30 ModelingNisualization Technology
E l
NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fragmentation Adjustments
Knowledge 8 Experience
Selected Drill Hole Spatial Laput
Powder Factor
d Mine Mode1
Explmm Propifies
Lb ' b
NOTES: 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
( = 1
Short-ten Plan
Stop Grades A2
Grade Variations
Grade Variations
Short-term Plan
Knowiedge 8 Experience
A c t w
Work Areas
Measure Airflows 8 Contaminant Levels ln ~ e ~ocations y A2
Government Reports
Plzned Mine Model
V Modihi 2m,k by
Changing, Adding , Modnying Fans, Doon, 8 Bames Setings
Approved Budget
k 0
l Problem
Developmenb Costs
lmplement 8 Monitor Scheduled ProductionWork
' I
-UnM;heduled Equipment Break-Down
Produclion Costs A3 Maintenance Cosls Database Technolq
w w * v *
Page Table E-1- Accessories (Blasting) Object Attributes .............................................. E-3 Table E-2- Air Coolen (Ventilation Network) Object Attributes E-3 Table E-3 - Air Heaters (Ventilation Network) Object Attributes E-3 Table E-4 - Air Pipelines Object Attributes E-3 Table E-5 Alimak Rzise Climbers Object Attributes E-4 Tabk E-6 - ANFO Loader Object Amibute E-4 Table E-7 BackM Object Attributes E-4 Tabk E-8 - Baffle/Door (Ventilation Network) Object Attributes E-4 Table E-9 . Battery Objeet Attributes E-5 Table E-10 Belt Object Attnbutcs E-5 Table E-11 . Blasthole Stope Objeet Attributes E-5 Table E-12- Blasting Heat Load (Ventilation) Object Attributes E-5 Table E-13- Boosters (Explosives Accessones) Object Attributes E-5 Table E-14 - Branches (Ventilation Network) Object Attributes E-6 Table E-15 - Bulk Explosives Object Attnbutes E-6 Table E-16 - Cables ( h e r Distribution Equipment) Object Attributes E-6 Table E-17- Cablebolts Object Attributes E-7 Tabk E-18 Cages Object Attributes. E-7 Table E-19 - Cavity Surveys Objeet Atbibutes ....................................................... E-7 Table E-20 - Chemicd Spills (Unusual Events) Object Attributes E-8 Table E-21 . Chutes Objcet AttributE-8 Table E-22 Circular Section Shaft-Raise Object Attributes E-8 Table E-23 Cornpresson Object Attributes E-8 Table E-24 . Conveyors O b j e t Attributes ............................................................... E-9 Table E-25 Crushers Object Attributes ................................................................. E-9 Table E-26 Cmsher Room Object Attributes E-9 Tahk E-27 . Cut-and-Fill Object Attributcs ............................................................ E-9 Table E-28 - Detonating Cords (Explosives Accessories) Object Attributes E-10 Table E-29 - Detonaton (Explosives Accessories) Object Attributes E-10 Table E-30 - Diainoad Drillhole Core Sampng Object Attributes E-10 Table E-31 . Diamond Drills Object Attributes .................................................... E-10 Table E-32 Diesel Power Object Attributes E-11 Table E-33 . Draw Point Object Attributes E-11 Table E-34 - Drilling & Blasting Patterns Object Attributes E-11 Table E-35 Drls Object Attributes E-12 Table E-36 - Drillhole Object Attributes E-13 Table E-37 - Drillhole Surveys Object Attributes E-13
......................... ......................... ............................................................ .......................................... ........................................................ ..................................................................... ......................... ...................................................................... .......................................................................... ....................................................... .......................... ......................... ........................... ......,............................................. .............. ...............................................................
Table E-38 . Drums (Hoists) Object Attributes E-13 E-14 Table E-39 Dump Point Object AttributTable E-40 . Elastic (Rock Constitutive Model) Object AMibutes E-14 Table E-41- Elastic-Plastic (Rock Constitutive Model) Object Attributes E-14 Table E-42 - Electric Detonators (Explosives Accessories) Object Attributes E-14 Table E-43 . Electric Power Object Attributes E-14 Table E-44 - Equipment Heat Load (Ventilation) Object Attributes E-14 Table E-45 . Equipment Superclass Objmt E-15 Table E-46 - Events Object AttributE-16 Table E-47 - Exploration Drilling Object Attributes E-16 Table E-48 - Explosives (Blasting) O b j a t Attributes E-17 Table E-49 Explosive Loaden Object Attributes E-17 E-17 Table E-50 - Fali of Ground (Rock Mass Related Events) Objeet Attributes Table E-51 . Fans Object Attribut- ..,............... E-18 Table E-52 Fans Bladcs Settings Object AMibutes E-18 Table E-53 - Far-Field V d u a Constant Method (Rock Mass Stresses) Object Attributes ......................................................................................................... E-19 Table E-5& Far-Field Values Gravitational Method (Rock Mass Stresses) Object Attributes ......................................................................................................... E-19 Table E-55 - Fatdity (Unusual Events) Object Attnbutes.................................... E-20 Table E-56 - Feeder (Crusbers/Conveyors) Object Attributes E-20 Table E-57 - Fil1 Pipelines Object Attributes E-20 Table E-58 - Fuel Pipelines Object AMibuta E-20 Table E-59 Fuel Trucks Object Attributes .......................................................... E-20 Table E-60 - Fuse Detonaton (Explosives Accessories) Object Attributes E-21 Table E 4 1 Garage-Serviring Object Attnbutcs E-21 Table E-62 . Gates Object AttributE-21 E-21 Table E-63 Graders Object Attributes Table E-64 - Gmundwater Sampling Objcet Attributes E-22 Table E-65 Ground Support Object Attributes ................................................... E-22 Table E-66 - Band Tools Object Attributes E-22 Table E-67 Eau1 Road Object Attnbutes............................................................. E-23 Table E-68 - Heat Measurements (Rock Mus) Object Attributes E-23 Table E-6% Eoek-Brown Failure (Rock Miss) Object Attributes E-23 Table E-70 Hoists Object Attributes E-24 Table E-71 - Idler (Conveyon) Object Aaributes E-24 Table E-72 - Injury (Unusud Events) Object Attributes E-24 Table E-73 - Intact Rock Samples Object AQributcs E24 Table E-74 - Isotropie (Rock Constitutive Model) Object Attributes E-25 ITHs Drills Object Attributes E-25 Table E-75 . Table E-76 - Jack Leg Drills Object Attributes..................................................... E-25 Tabk E-77 Jeeps Object Attributes E-25
.......... ..... ................................................ ................... ...................................................... ................................................................... ............................................ ........................................... ................................................ ...... ................................................... .............................................
............................. ........................................................ ....................................................... .......... .................................................. ..................................................................... ................................................................ ....................................... ........................................................... ....................... ....................... .................................................................... ................................................. ..................................... ............................................ .................. ............................................................ .....................................................................
Table E-78 . Joint Measurements (Individual) Assessments Object Attributes E-26 E-26 Table E-79 . Joint Set (Family) Assessments Object Attributes Table E-80 . Jumbo Drills Object Attributes E-27 Table E-81 . Large Diameter Blasthole Stope Object Attributes E-27 Tabk E-82 Level Objeet Aitributes E-27 Table E-83 . LHDs Object Attributes E-28 E-29 Tabk E-84 - Loaded (Drillhole) Object Attributes E-29 Table E-85 . Loading Chute Object Attributes Table E-86 . Loading Pockets Object Attributes E-29 Table E-87 . Locomotives Object Attributes E-29 Tabie EM) . Longhole Drills Object Attributes EH) Table E-89 - Material Displacements (Falls of Ground) Object Amibutes E-30 Table E-90 . Mine Object Athibutes ...................................................................... E-30 Table E-91 . Mine Development Object Attributes E-31 Table E-92 . Mine Excavation Object Attributes E-32 Table E-93 - Mine Surveys Object Attributes ...............I...................................... E-32 E-33 Table E-94 - Mineralization Assays Object AttributTabk E-95 . Mobile Equipment Superclass Objcct E-33 Table E-96- Mohr-Coulomb Failure Object Attributes E-33 Table E-97 . Moton Object Attributes ..............-.... E-34 E-34 Table E-98- Moton (Compressed Air) Objcct Attributcs Table E-99 . Motors (Diesel) Object Attributes E-34 Table E-100 Moton (Ekctric) Objcet Attributes ................................................ E-34 E-35 Table E-101 . Nodes (Ventilation Network) Objeet Attributes E-35 Table E-102 - NONELS (Explosives Accessories) Object Attributes E-35 Table E-103 - Open BIasthoIes (Cut-boles) O b j e t Atthbuta Table E-104 . Orebody Object Attributes E-35 Table E-105 - OrdWaste Pass O b j e t Atihbutes E-36 E-36 Table E-106 Orthotropic (Rock Constitutive Model) Object Attributes E-37 Table E-107 Other Equipment Superclass Object Attributes Table E-108 . Personnel Objcct Attributes E-37 E37 Table E l 0 9 - Photos Object Anributes Table E-110 . Pipeline Object Attributes E-37 Table E - l l l - Planned Events (Sampling, Inspections) Object Attributes E-38 E-38 Table E-112 - Point Value (Stress Measuremeiits) Object Attributes Table E-113 - Power Distribution Equipment Object Ataibutes E-38 Table E-114 . Primay or Capital Development Object Attributes E-38 E-38 Table E-115 - Primary Explosives (Blasting) Object Aaributes E-39 Table E-116 - Primers Explosives Accessorics Object Attributes Table E-117 - Production Drilling Object Attributes E-39 Table E-118 - Pulley Object Attributes E-39 E-40 Table E-119. Pumps Object Attributes
. . . . . . . . .m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.. ........................... ......................................................... .......................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ............................................... ...................................................... ..........................*...........*............ .......................................................... .................................................. ......... ............................................... .................................................. ......................................... .........,.................................... ......................................... ..................................... ..................................................... ............................. ................... .............................. .............................................................. .................................................. ........... ............................ ............................................................ ................................................................. ............................................................... ........... .................. ......................... ...................... ........................... ......................... ........................................... .................................................................. .................................................................
E. iii
E-40 Table E-120 Pump Station Object AMibutes E-40 Table E-121 R a i l Cars Object Atthbute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E-40 Table E-122 Rail Lines Object Attributes. E-41 Table E-123 Rail Trams Object Attributes Table E-124. Raise Object Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-41 Table E-125. Raiseborer Object Attributes E-42 Table E-126 Raise/Rock Pass Object Attfibutes E-42 Table E-127 RampIDrift Object Attributes E-42 Table E-128- Reciprocating Cornpressors Object Attributes E-43 Table E-129 Rectangular Section Shaft-Raise Objeet Attributes E-43 Table E-130 Refuge/Lunchroom Station Object Attributes E-43 Table E-131 Remuck Station Object Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-43 . Table E-132-Rockbolts/Rebars Object Attributes E-44 Table E-133- Rockburst Events Object Attributes E-45 Table E-134- Rock Lithology (Drill Core Sampling) Object Attributes E-46 Table E-135- Rock Mass Object Attributes E-46 Table E-136- Rock Mass Heat Load (Ventilation) Object Attributes E-48 Table E-137- Rock Mass Related Events Object Attributes E-48 Table E-138 Rock Pass Object Attribut= E-48 Table E-139. Rock Pass Object Attributts... E-49 Table E-140 Rock Quality Assessrnent Objert Attributcr E-49 Table E-141 Roof Bolters Object Attribut- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E-49 Table E-142- Ropes (Hoists) Object Attributes E-49 Table E-143 Scaiers Object Atthbutes E-50 Table E-144 Scissors Lifts Object Attnbutcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-50 Table E-145- Scrapers/Slushen Object Attributes E-50 Table E-146- Screw Cornpressors Object Attributes E-50 Tabk E-147. Secondary Blasting Drills Object Attributes.. E-50 Table E-148= Secondary or Operating Development Object Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E-50 Table E-149. Secondary Blasting Chamber Object Attributes E-51 Table E-150- Segment Object A t t r i b ~ t E-51~ Table E-151. Shaft Object Attributes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E-51 Table E-152. Shaft Compartment Object Attributes E-52 Table E-153 Sbaft Station Object Attributea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-52 Table E-154 Sheaves (Hoists) Object Attributes E-52 Table E-155 Shop Objcct Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-52 E-53 Table E-156 Shotcreters Object Attributes Table E-157 Skips Object Attributes . E-53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table E-158- Skip Dumps Objcrt Attnbutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-53 Table E-159- Stationay Equipment Superclass Object Aaributes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . m . . . . . . E-53 Table 5160 . Station/Facility Object Attributes E-54 E-54 Table E-161- Stemming (Blasting) Object Attributes
, . ................................................... ............................................................. .......................................................... .......................................................... .................................................. ......................................................... .............................. ....................... ................................ ................................................ ......................................... .............. .......................................................... ................. ................................ ............................................................ ......................................................... .................................. ................................................. ................................................................. ..........................................W.. ........................................... ................................. ............................
Table E-162 . Stope Object Attributes E-54 Table E-163 . Stoper Drills Objcrt Amibutes E-56 Table E-164 - Storage Bins Objeet Attributes E-56 Table E-165 Storage-Warehouse Station Object Attributes E-56 Table E-166 - Stress Measunments (Rock Mars) Object Attributes E-57 Table E-167 Sublevel Object Attributes E-57 Table E-168 Sublevel Stoping/CavingObject Attributes E-57 Table E-169 Sump Cleanen Object Attributes E-58 Table E-170 Sump Station Object Attributes ...................................................... E-58 Table E-171 Support Vehicles Object AttributE-58 Table E-172 - Suwey Instruments Object AttributE-58 Table E-173 - Suwey Plugs Object Attributes ...................................................... E-59 Table E-174 - Switchgear (Power Distribution Equipment) Object Attributes E-59 Table E-175 Thin-liner Sprayers Object Attributcs E-60 Table E-176 . Track Switchw Object AttributE-60 Table E l 7 7 Tracked Equipment Object Attributes E-60 Table E-178 . Tracklss Equipment Object Attributes E-60 Table E-179 Tractors Object Attributes .......................................................... E-60 Table E-180 - Transformers m e r Distribution Equipment) Object AttributcsE-61 Table E-181 Transformer-Switchgear Station Objeet Attribut- ..,.........e..... .. E-61 Table E-182 - Transvenely (Rock Constitutive Model) Object AttributE-61 m ..l .m .m .m .m e .................... E-61 Table E-183 Trolley Power Object AttributTable E-184 . Tmcks Object Amibutes E-62 Table E-185 - Tuggers Object Attributes E-62 Table E-186 - Viscoplastic (Rock Constitutive Model) Object Attributes E-62 E-63 Table E-187 VCR Stope Objcet Attributes Table E-188 - Ventilation Nehvork Object Amibuta E-63 Table E-189 - Ubiquitous Joint Model Objcet Attributes E-63 Table E-190 - Underground Fire (Unusual Events) Objcrt Attributes E-63 Table E-191 - Unusual Events Object Attributes E-64 Table E-192 Water Pipelines Object Attnbuta.0 E-64
................................................................... ....................................................... ....................................................... ............................... ................... ......................................................... .................................... .................................................. ................................................ ........................................... ... ......................................... ................................................... ........................................... ......................................... , .
.... .. , . ..........................................................
This appendix includes a set of tables that list the attributes for the object classes defined in Appendix B. To reduce the length of these tables only the new attributes pertinent to a specific object have been listed and that the attribute list includes also al1 the attributes
fkom object classes located higher up within the hierarchy. It is recommended that the
reader uses the object class figures of Appendix B as a guide to understanding the class hierarchy and deteminhg what is the full attnbute list for each object.
Some objects have no attributes other than those inhented fiom higher up objects. The difference between these objects and others objects having similar attributes lies in the methods or procedures (which have not been defined in this research). The definition of these methods has left as funire research to be done as part of the design stage.
e a JO !sd
sassol vw
L I P ? JO ~ 61alaldu~o3 PIIY*OIS
sassol IWS
lOriUO3 uo!lwadg
Hoiirs Hours
Belt Widh
Data Type
Actual Air Flow Actual Air Velocity Rcquirements Air Flow Direction Pressure Losses BaMdDoor Exist
Dellcription Object Nodc ID no at bcginning of segment Object Node ID no at end of segment 1 DriA, raise, ramp, stop, ducting 1 Interna1 lengh of cagc Intemal Height of cage Description of rope condition Date of last inspection Minimum air flow required in this branch (based on cquipment HP) Minimum air velocity required in his branch (based on equipment speed) Actual air flow in the branch Actua air velocity in the branch Air Flow Direction (positive down branch, negative up branch) Calculated air pressure tosses in the branch 1s t h e a baffle or a door installed in this branch (yesho)
1 1
Data Type Integer Intcger Charactcr Dccimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Deciinal Dccimal
Decimal Dccimal Character Dccimal Character
NIA Ton or Tonne NIA Ft. or ni. Ft. or in, Ft. or in.
1 1
Data Tvne
Dccimal Decimal Decinial Characler
Cable Description Voltage Rating
Daia Type
Charactcr Integcr
Cable Diameter Cable Length Cable Modulus Cable Type No of Cables Peak Capacity per Cable Residual Ca~acitv 1 Cable Pre-tensionine Grout Strcngth Cable Pattern Spacing Avg Time to Install
De~ription Ciible Diamctcr Cable Lcngth Cable Modulus Cable Type No of Cables Peak Capacity per Cable Residual Ca~acitv 1 Cable Pre-tensionine Grout Strength Cable Pattern Spacing Avg Time to lnstall
Ave Cost to Suo~lv & Insiall
Data Type Dccimal ~ccimal ' Dccimal Character Integer Dccimal Decimal 1 Dccimal 1 Decimal Dccimal Decimal
Cagc Width Cage Lenglh Cage Height 1 Hoist Condition Last Inspection Date Inspection Ccrtificate No
Intenial width of cage Intemal lenm of cage Intemal Height of cage 1 Description of ropc condition Date of last inspection Inspection Certificate No
Ft, or m. Fi. or m.
Data Tvpe
Data Type
Character Character Dccimal
Chcmical Descri~tion
Units NIA N I A
Gal or litrcs
1 Attribute
Chute Type Chute Width Chute Height Chute Opration y p e Chutc Control T Chute Ground Clearance Chute Wall Clearance
1 Deireription
Description of gate Gate Width Gate Height Automatic, Manual, Remote Motive power (air cylinder, hydraulic, mechanical) Distance from floor to bottom of chute Distance from walls to side of chute
Characier Decimal Decimal Charactcr Character Decimal Decimal
NIA Ft or ni. Ft. or m. NIA NIA Ft. or m.
Ft. or m.
Data Type
Decimal Character Dccimal
Ft or m.
Ft or in.
MO^ Horsepower Comprcssor Type Outlet Pressure Outlet Volume *ration Type
Horsepower Rcquired Description of comprcssor Pressure Flow rate out f compressor Automatic, Manual, Remotc
HPor kW
NIA Psi or klBA Cfs or cms NIA
Travcl spce of thc belt Tonnage movcd per hour Largest piece of muck that can bc conveyed Motor Horse~ower
Data Type
Dccimal Decimal Dccimal Decimal
Crusher Type Tonnage Per Hour 1 Inlet F d Size Oulet Size Motor Horsepower
Demription Type of crusher (conc, jaw) Tonnage crushed per hour 1 Lar~est ~iece of muck that can bc fed in the cmsher Largcst piece of muck to come out of the cnishcr Motor Horsepower
Units NIA
1 Descdption
Data Type
Data Type
Intcger Decimal Decimal
FI or m, Ft or m.
Data T y p e
1 Attribue
Detonator Type Dctonator Nominal Dclav 1 Detonator Delav Disiribution ID No.
1 Description
Detonator Type Detonator Delav 1 Distribution 1D No.
1 Data Type 1
Character Dccimal Cliaracter
NIA Milli-seconds N/A
Drillhole Corc Diameter Code 1 Overburdcn thickness 1 Code describing ype of overburden observed Was the Dnllhole Cemented after completion (yedno) Drillhole was logged by whom? 1 Drillhole Notes
Data Type
Units N/ A
Data Typc
Code to indicate si= of corc (BO. AX. etc) 1 Descri~tion of core barre1 used
Charactcr Character
1 Description
Galhr or litres/hr
Data Type
Description Drilling pattern ID No. (specific to a stop, mining mclhod, etc) Code to classify pattern used (rings, staggere layouts, development)
Units NIA
Description Drill bit diameter ID Code to cross-refcrencc bit supplier ID Code to cross-referme drill steel supplier
Maximum drillhg depth of drill Cumulative footagc drilled 1 Average repair cosls per footage drilled
Data Type
Decimal Dccimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
Cdn. $
l u JO 1~
w n
=W ma
ala au ma m a
Data Tyw
1 Delicnption
Data Type
Data Type
Data Type
0ata ~ y p e
D a t a Type
HP or kW
Data Type
Character Cliaracter lntcger Date Time Character Charactcr Charactcr Charactcr Character Character Character Character Date Character
Data Tyw
Units NIA
33spSy JO m p q ~ VIN
ppaa law~qf)
J ~ I X J I ~ ~
a~oy UIpadumd a e sa~~soldxa I~IYM it! al^ apo3 mm?~sisau lalefi ajy a8e~o1s a p 3 ai ~aml=!~nt~~q (hossme 10 W u d )uo~iduxaa ~o!~dpa , a
M m
alw~uv .
1 Atributc
Motor Horsepower Fan Housing Type Fan Diameter Fan T m Fan Pressure-Flow Curves Operation Type Reversible Operation Flag
1 Description
Horsepowcr Rcquired Fan Housing Type Diameter of Fan Blades Twe of Fan Used Pressure-Flow Curvc Automatic, Manual, Remote Can air flow direction b rcvcrsed (yedno)
HP or kW NIA Ft, or m.
Delicription BIade Pitch Automatic, Manual, Remote Pressure-Flow Curve for Blade Pitch Setting Efficiency at Particular Blade Pitch
Data Type
1 Attribute
1 Durription
Personnel Injured ID No, Fataliy Details Fataiity Cause
1 Feeder Capacity -
Feedcr T m
Tonlhr or tonnclhr
Fill Pressure Type of fi11
Data Type
Decimal Character
Psi or kPA NIA
Data Type
Data Type
Decimal Dccimal
Dota Type
Decimal Dccimal
Units Ft or m.
Data Type
Description Description of gate Gate Width Gate Height Automatic, Manual, Remote Motive power (air cylinder, hydraulic, mechanical)
Data Type
Units NIA
Ft or m, Ft. or m.
Width of the blade used by tlic grader Distance graded per operating hour
Decimal Dccimal
FI or m. FI or m.
Sample ID No Sample Point Elcvation Coordinatc Sainple Point Easiing Coordinate Sample Point Northin~ Coordinat , Test Reference ID No. 1 Minerai Content Analvsis Rcsults
Descdption Samplc ID No Samplc Point Elevation Coordinatc Sample Point Easting Coordinate Sample Point Northing Coordinate Cross Reference to swific rewrt or test 1 Mineral Content Analvsis Results
Data Type
Character Dccimal Decimal Decimal Character Decimal
Support Y -Sp;rcing Screcn Present Flag Screen Type Ground Sumort as aer Desim Flag
3 JO sm~8aa VIN 'ur JO +id 'urJO -)A .ui JO .l.~ VIN swn
~rruipaa Ja13w3
IRU!33Q 1aw1 3 3 a
adA&w a
pwpaa ~ a ~
~U!PWI 1mH )sq JO uod3~ q m d s 01 a3ua~ajaa SSOJ~ aleyp~oo3 alu!quo~lupd a~dwes aieu~p~ 8u!lsea w au!od aldumg aieu1p~oo3 uotia~a~a )u!od a~dwes ON QI aidwes
%u!pea~ WH a 1 a3ua~a~ay 1~3~1 aieutp~oo3 tru!wo~iu~od aldwes aiewp~oo3 %u!isea iyod a~dwes aieu!pJooa uo!it?Aalg iyod aldues ON a1 ~ I ~ W = S
Description Description of hoist type (single or double drums, koepe, etc) Description of controls used Hoisting speed or rope speed Code to indicate road conditions (for simulation work) Code to indicate road conditions (for simulation work) Description of ropc condition Date of last inspection Inspection Certificate No
Data Type Charactcr Character Dccimal Decimal Deciinal Character Date Character
Units NIA NIA Ft/scc or m/scc Seconds Seconds NIA NIA NIA
1 Attribute
1 Delicnption
Attribute Personnel lnjured ID No. 1 Iniury Details 1 lniurv Cause lnjury Compcnsable Flag Injury Medical Aid Flag
Personnel Injutcd ID No. 1 Injury Dctails 1 Iniurv Cause Injury Compensablc Flag (ycdno)? Injury Medical Aid Flag (yeslno)? lnjury Lost Time Flag (yedno)?
1 Attribute
1 Constitutive Mode1
1 Derription
DataTm Integer
Young's Modulus Poisson's Ratio Elastic Bulk Modulus Elastic Shear Modulus
Deacnption Young's Modulus (E) Poisson's Ratio (u) Elastic Bulk Modulus (K) Elastic Shcar Modulus (G)
Psi or MPa O- 1
Compressor Equip ID
Data Type
Units NIA
Data Type
1 Aribute
Joint ID No. Measurement Elevation Coordinatc Mcasuremeni Easting Coordinate Measurement Northing Coordinate Calc Normal Stress Calc Shear Strcss Calc FOS against Slip
1 Description
Rcference number to the joint Spatial position of the joint measurement (clevation) Spatial position of hc joint mcasurcment (casting) Spatial position of the joint measurcment (northing) a , ) Calcuiatcd Normal Stress ( Calcuhted Shear Stress (a,) Calculated Factor cf Safety against Slip
Data Type
Character Decimal Dccimal Decimal Decimal Character Decimal Decimal Decimal Character Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Dccimal Dccimal Decimal Decimal Dccimal
Rcference numbcr to rhe joint x t or farnily Diameter of the pilot hole Raiseborer diameter Power requirements ed cutters Hvdraulic Svstcin pull in^ Camcitv (Force a ~ ~ l i to 1 Descri~tion of the cutter uscd 1 Weight of the machine (for hoisting pwgoses) Shear Stiffness Normal Stiffness 1 Infilling Material Description 1 Infillinn Material Thickness ( InfiUing Material Solubility Dilation Angle Aperture T r a c e Length Peak Friction Anale Residual Friction Angle Joint Tensile Strength Cohcsion
1 1
1 1
Inches or inm. Dcgrccs Inches or mm. Ft or m. Dearccs Dcgrccs Psi or MPa Psi or MPa
Data Type
Integcr Decimal Decimal
No of drill booms (1 to 3) Maximum height that a drill boom cm reach Maximum offset that l d boom can reach L e n a of drill steel (determines depth of round)
1 Dneription
Bucket capacity of LHD (scoop) Bucket Fill Factor (distribution no,) Cumulative tonnage moved by truck Average repair costs pcr ton movcd Average tonnage rnoved per opcrating hour Average operating costs per ton moved Time to load tmck box Time to dump load I Timc n d e d to turn truck around 1 Average spccd at which LHD travels when fully loaded Average spee at which LHD travels when cmpty C w c describing LHD spced wlren empty for various grades Curve describinn LI-ID s w d when loaded for various eradcs Minimum Tming Radius Optimum Travel Distance Maximum Travel Distance
Data Type Decimal lntcgcr Decimal Dccimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Dccimal Decimal ~ecim3 Decimal Decimal Decimal Dcimal Decimal
Cubic fcct or mctrcs Unitlcss Tons or tonncs $/ton pr $/tonne Tons or tonncs $/ton pr $/tome scconds seconds seconds Ft/scc or mfsec Ft/scc or mlsc Ft/scc-O/o or ndscc-% Ft/scc-% or mkc-% Ft or metrcs Ft or mctres FI or inetses
Holed Decked Flag Charge Sequence Used Detonator Position Explosive Column Height Slcmming Column Height Loading Date Timc Stamp Loading Crew ID No. Loading Equip ID No.
1s the blasthole deked (ycsfno)? Charge Sequence Used Detonator Position Explosive Column Height Stemming Column Height Loading Date Timc Stamp Loading Crew ID No. for cross-rcferencing Loading Equip ID No. for cross-referencing
Data Type Logical Charactcr Charactcr Decimal Dccimal Date Character Character
Data Type
. Attribute
Data Type
Character Decimal
Data Tvpe
Decimal Decimal
Kg-dsec2 or IbsfVsec2 Kg-dsec2 or Ibsftlsec2 Lbs. or kg.
r~axpulling Cap
Data Type
Point Obicct ID No Material Displad From Chher Arca Details Material Dishced Tonnam Estimate
Descnption Smtial location of dis~laced material Material Displaccd From Whcrc (walls, back, pillar, floor, etc) Details about the displacernent Material Dis~lacd Tonnage Estimate
D a t aT y p e
Character Character Character Dccimal
NIA NIA NIA Tons or tomes
Note: An event may have multiple material displacements, particularly for rockbursts.
Table E-90 Mine Object Attributes ' Atrribute ] Descriptioa
Mine Name Mine ID No Mine Address Mine Telephone Minc Fax Name of the mine Mine ID No Street or mailing address to the mine Mine main telephone numbcr Mine main fax number
Data Type
Units NIA
1 Developrnent Lcngth
! Material Tvoe Code
) Mucking Distance to Waste Pass ore P a s ID No Waste Pass ID No Plannecl Stari Date of Development Planned End Date of Development Actual Scart Date of Development Actual End Date of Dcvelopment No of Piwlines 1 Surface Rouahncss
Aifflow Direction 1 Total Cost per Unit Advance Time per Unit Advance Development Drilling Costs Development Blasting Costs Development Mucking Costs Development Ground Suppori Costs 1 Development hiliing Time 1 Development Blasting Time
Length Ore or Waste rock Disiancc to haul ore muck Distance to haul waste muck Ore Pass ID where ore is hauled to Waste Pass ID where \vaste rock is haule to Date whcn the development work is planned to start, Date when the development work is planned to end (bc completcd). Date when the development work actually started. Date when the development work actually endcd. Number of pipelines inside object (fluids and air) Surface rouhess of excavation for ventilation work Volume of ventilation air flowing in excavation Velocitv of ventilation air flowina in excavation Direction of ventilation air flowing in excavation 1 Total Cost per Unit Advance Time per Unit Advance Development Drilling Costs (cumulative) Devclopment Blasting Costs (cumulative) Development Mucking Costs (cumulative) Development Ground Support Costs (cumulative) 1 Development Dnlling Time (cumulative) 1 Dcvelopment Blasing Time (cumulative)
Development -
Decimal Character Dccimal Decimal Charactcr Charactcr Datc Date Date Date lntcger Decimal
Fct or Mctrcs NIA Feet or Metres Ft or Metrcs NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA
1 1
1 1
Decimal Logical Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal ~ccimal
1 1
cfs or cms FVsec or m./scc O = up, 1 = down Cdn $IR or $Im Cdn $IR or $/m Cdn. $ Cdn. $ Cdn. $ Cdn. $ Hours Hours
Development Mucking Time (cumulative) Development Ground Support lnstall Time (cumulative)
Dccimal Decimal
Hours Hours
Object ID No. Workplace ID No Object Name Object Description Object Colour Object Purpose bject Volume Rank Accounting Systcm Code No. Ground Support Systcm Code
Desrription Unique 1 D No. to identiS, the excavation Name assiplned to the excavation by lnco Name of the excavation Gencral description of he excavation Assign colour code to the excavation Purpose of this excavation Volume of the excavation Ranking for the excavation of this object (for scheduling-simulation) 1nco's accounting system No. for cross-referencing Ground support system code used in the excavation
Data Type Integer Character Charactet Character Integcr Character Daimal lnteger Charactcr Integer
Units NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Cubic rnetrcs or yd, NIA
Data Type
Date Character Clmcter Character Character
Date of the swvey Survev iob no, Survey party or crew no. Mine Level Wotk~lace I D No
Attribute Assay Test Reference ID No. Measured Nickel Grde 1 Masurcd C o ~ mGrade r 1 Mcasured Cobalt Grade Measured Gold Grade Mcasure Silver Grade Measured Platinum Grade Measurcd Palladium Grade Measurcd Suiphur Grade Measured NiPo Ratio
Description Drillhole I D No, Measured Nickel Grade in thc assav 1 Measured C o ~ mGrade r in the assav 1 Mcasured Cobalt Grade in Ihc assay Measured Gold Grade in the assay Measured Silver Grade in the assay Measured Platinum Grade in the assay r a d e in the assay Measured Palladium G Measurcd Sulphur Grade in the assay Measured NiPo Ratio in the assav
Data T s
Decimal Decimal
Units NIA Pcrcciit Pcrccnt Percent Pcrccnt Percent Perccnt Pcrccnt Percent Pcrccnt
Data Typ
Unit8 HP or kW.
Dewription Cohcsion (C) Dilation Angle (\y) Friction Angle (Phi) Tensile Strength (O,)
WMW$ sdwv
J W - ~
WLw a
sis03 J ~ M 3 O ~~3 3 l i!un 3 siuauia~!nbayl u a m 3 '31a'm?qd-ald~ 'aseqd ~@u!s' 3 ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ W I OaA ugmad~ adAJ,~U!SIIOHJOlOty
~~'WJNV j
Dewription Circular or Rectangular Ore, waste, fil1 Dip of pass (up is positive, down is negative) Raisc starts at level Elevation of starine ~ o i n t 1 Easting coordinate of starting point Northing coordinatc of starting point Raise ends at lcvcl Elevation of end point Easting coordinate of end point Northin~: coordinate of end mint Maximum storage capacity of pass Currcnt Available Storage
Data Type
Character Decimal Charactcr Dccimal
Units NIA
Dcgrces NIA Fi or m. NIA Ft or m.
1 C haracter 1 lecimal
1 1
Decimil Dccimal
Cubic ft or m Cubic ft or m
1 Description
Direction of x-plane normal Dip of x-ptane normal Young's Modulus in x-plane (Ex) Young's Modulus in y-plane (EJ Young's Modulus in z-plane(E3 Poisson's ratio in x-plane (ox ) Poisson's ratio in y-plane (o, ) Poisson's ratio in z-dane (u, 1 ( Elastic Shear Modulus (G)
Data Type
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
Units Dcgrccs Degrces Psi or MPa Psi or MPa Psi or MPa 0- 1 O- I 0-1 Psi or MPa
( Attdbute
11 ennption
. - -
. Attribute
Photo ID (uniaue ID Code) 1 Photo Comments
Units N/A
Data Type
1 Pipe ~
Data Type
Data Type
Dccimal Dccimal Decimal
Ft. or m. Ft, or m. Ft. or rn,
Data Tyw
Units NIA
Data Type
Character Character
Lbs or Kgs,
Drillhole Pattern ID No. for cross-referencingto specific workplacc 1s drillhole opcning into excavation or is it blind? Drillhole plug depth (if requircd) Drillhole burden 1s the dnllholc wet (yedno)? Was he dnllhole surveyed for correct alignment (yedno)? 1s ihe drillhole to be loaded for blasting (yeslno)? Was he drillhok sample (yeslno)?
1 DataTvae 1
charactcrP Logical Decimal Decimal Logical Logical
Ft or m. Ft or m.
Piilley Diameter
1 3 1 3 ~ 3
y 3 w JO uogpuo:,
0 1 apo3
aw~ wa
~eutpaa law!=a
apo3 s u o y ~ u y o3 ~q , ~UPMS WU
l @ ! a ~43El.L
m n =YI!W
q~du~ 1 w
1 Attribute
No of Rail Car per Tram Car Type Used in Tram Code Maximum Tonnage per Trip
Avg Repair Cost per Ton Movcd
1 Description
No of Rail Car per Tram
Code to describe the car uscd in the tram Maximum tonnage that can be haule by the t r a m
1 Data Type 1
lnteger Integer Dccimal Decimal Dccimal Decimal Decimal
Units NIA NIA Tons or toiuics $/ton pr $/tonne Tons or tonnes $/ton pr $/tonne seconds
Avg Tonnage per Oper Hr Avg Oper Cost pet Ton Moved AVELOadin~ Time
Average repair costs per ton movcd Average tonnage moved per operating how Average opcrating costs per ton moved Time to load tram
Operation Type
Data Type
No of Compartments
smi8aa .UJO )A
U I JO ) d
I W I ~ ~
*W 1 0 I~J
lu 1 0I~J 'U JO i b ~
reuwa l a i m q ~
leuyma leiupaa
w n
(a~!le#au s! w o p ' a ~ q s o d S I dn) .sa JO d!a i u p d pua JO a m p m ;lu!wo~ )u!od pua JO aleulpiom %uyseg i u p d pua JO u o y e q a l a q i e q u a as!^ ~ u p 8d ~ ~JO)a l s m l p m %u!quo~ iu~o% d u ! p ~ JO s aiewpioo3 %upseg lu@ %u!Wls JO U O ! W ~ ( a p a l ie s m s as!^ (alsefi g 310) ssed q m JO a s j w
u o p q a q1 0d!a alWPJoo3 a u W 0 0.L ~ ~m!p~w WW3 3 OJ, aimiq1w3 u o ~ i e q OJ, a PhalOJ, =!QI aieupi003 %UWON WOJJ aieu!pioo3 'iluyseg u ~ o q aleuyp~oo3 u o t r e q a WOIJ l a ~u qr o i a ~s g
U O ! I ~
Data Type
1 Dcccription
1 Dimensions of shaft
Data T y p e 1 Dccimal 1
1 1 I
1 1
Ft or in.
1 Descdption
Table E l 3 1 Remuck Station Object Attributes
Data Type
WU$ 'W3 spuoms 'U JO id v/N N P U JO uoL NW JO W, 1 0uol edyY JO !Sd 'lu JO I . J -UNI JO sayml
leuipaa louipaa pui!q-~ l~gol lawpaa leurpaa ~~urpaa leurp~a pupaa p!ma
llelsulq hlddns 01 1so3~ A V [lasu101a w l ~ ~A V 8 u p a s UJaIlEd lloa (OUPIC) PlnoJD 1lOa %u!uo!sual-a~dlloa S!=~Q ImP!sa 4!3de3 P d Wv"' lI08 rl)auu~ lloa m w q a ipa uopdpw
Alddns 01 1so3%AV Ilelsu1 01 a q , %AV aupeds utaiied lpa PWJ~) ilo~ Yu!uo~sual-aqqoa JQ!~MOlenP!sall
w d
~ ~ J u v
Burst Event Hcard Where No of Subscquent Bursts Mamitude of First Burst 1 Maenitude of Lareest Burst No of Events with Magnitude < 1 No of Events with Magnitude 1-2 No of Events wih Mamitude 2-3 No of Events with Magnitude >3 Damage to Mine Structure Details Raikburst Mechanism Rockburst Containment Code Rock Proneness to Bursting Code Failure Extends Bevond Suomrt Flae 1 Support Effectiveness Comments
Description Whcn was the Previous Blast Time in the ara Excavation Damaplcd Flag (yeslno)? Mamitude of First Burst 1 Maenitude of Lareest Burst No of Evcnts with Magnitude cl No of Events with Magnitude 1-2 No of Events wih Mamitude 2-3 No of Evcnts wih Magnitude >3 Damage to Minc Siructure Details Rockburst Mechanism Code Rockburst Coniainment Code Rock Proneness to Bursting Code Failure Extends Bevond S u ~ m rFlae t (vcs/no)? 1 Support Effectivencss Comments
Data Type Date Intcgcr Decimal 1 Decimal 1 Integer Intcger Intc~er Intcger Charactcr Character Character Charactcr Loeical 1 Charactcr 1
Richter Richter
Data Type
Character Charactcr Dccimal Dccimal Decimal Decimal Charactcr Characier
N/ A NIA Ft or m. Ft or m.
Ft or in. Ft or in. NIA NIA
Core ends at Easting Coordiwte Core ends at Northinei Coordinate 1 Litholoeiv Code to describe rock t w 1 Detailed Rock Lithology Notes & Comments
Spatial Object ID No Spatial Object Volume Rock Mass Namc (footwall, hangingwall, orezonc, dyke, etc) Litholorzical descn~tion 1 O r N a s t c Ciassification Code Estimated Nickel Grade Estimated Coppcr Grade Estimated Cobalt Grade Estimated Gold Grade Esiimate Silver Grade Estimate-Platinum Grade Estimated Palladium Grade Estimate Sulphur Grade Estimated NPo Ratio Rock Mass Unit Weight Rock Mass Density (p) Rock Mass Specific Gravity (SG) Rock Mass Porosity
Data Type
Inteplcr Decimal Character Character Character Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Dccimal Dccimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
Units NIA
1 1
Cubic ft or m, NIA NIA NIA Percent Percent Pcrcent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Lbs/fl3 or kNlm3 NIA NIA
Data Type
Dccimal Dccitnal Decimil
Rock mass background temperature at given dcpth Amount rock niass tcmpcrature incrcascd wiih dcpth Amount of exposcd walls contributing heat to mine nctwork
Event Failure Mode Comment Stress Fracluring Observe Flag Stress Fracturing Location Stress Fracturing Details Materiai Dispiad Flag Material Dis~iaced Descri~tion Ground Support Present FIag Failure Extends Bevond SUDDOII FIae 1 Su~port Effectiveness Comments
Evcnt Failur Mode Comment Stress Fracturing Observed Flag (yedno) Stress Fracturing Location Stress Fracturing Details Material Displaed Flag (yeslno)? Material Dis~laced Descfi~tion Ground Support Present Fag (ycdno)? Failure Extends Bevond S u ~ ~ o Flae r fvcdno)? 1 Sunwrt Effectiveness Comments
Tons or tomes
1 Ore or Waste
( Rock storage capacity of pass
1 1
1 1
1 Depcription
Cross Refcrencing code to somc assessrnent report
Data Type
Maximum reach of bolter No of bolts typically installed pcr operating hour Lcngth of bolts installed
Rope Type
Rom Rated Camcitv Rope Breaking Capacity Rope Condition Last Inspection Date Inspection Certifiate No
Dcncription Diameter of the hoist rorx Descriptions of rope construction Maximum o~erat ina ca~acitv Maximum strength Description of rope condition Date of last inspection Inspection Ccrcificate No
Data Type
Description Maximum reach of the scalcr Average a r a typically scalcd per hou
Plalforrn Rcach
Data Type
Units Ft or m.
escriptioa Volume capacity of scraper Tonnage per operating hour Distance from load point to dump point
D a t a Type
Dccimal Deci mal Decimal
Table E-147 Secondary Blasting Drills Object Attributes
Data Type
1 Description
'ui JO ld
p~ma I
Shotcrete Storage Capacity Current Shotcrcte Rcmaining in Tank spray in^ Rate A r a Covered uer Hour Thickness Applicd Max Rcach
Storagc tank capacity Current shotcrete remaining in Tank Rate at which shotcretc is pumpcd out C ~ omrating hour Area S D K ~ V ber Sliotcrete thickness applied Maximum reach of spraying nozzle
Units Lbs or Kgs. Lbs or Kgs. Lbslscc or Kgdscc Sauarc fi or m. lnches or rnin. Ft. or m.
Data Type
Dccimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Dccimal Decimal Charactcr
Skip Design Type Skip Capacity ski^ Travel S d 1 Travel Distance 1 Loadine!Time Dumping Time Operation
Description of skip Tonnage capacity of skip Travel s c w d UD & down shafi 1 Distance from loadin~r m k e t to ski^ d u m ~ 1 Time to load ski0 Time to dump load Automatic, Manual, Remote
1 1
1 1
1 1
Data T y p e
Character Decimal
Units NIA Ft or m.
Data Type
lai3e~'q) ia'6alu1
alu!~uaraja~-sson 'ON irraa ialnpap Aq pau%!sse S u o y M uop3npoid ioj ]ou JO alqyssme s! adois (puop ~ O luawdola~ap) (313 ' p o p 'luauidola~ap iapun '8upnpo1d 'a~!pu! adols
'ON lm8 'ON @oud Mois s n l Al!l!q!ssa%v ~ adoas snlws uo!13npid adols
~ L .w L a
Iu![!~gluo!ia~sa q 01 ou auoydap~ '31a 'dwns 'doqs 'asnoyan~ 'a8en 'laymd %uqeol'uogqs uo~~e~uasaida~ ayi ioj pasn svfi p~los xalduim 10aldw!s v WIO~ e JO 3sn ~q !3~J/uol)ifl~ JO U O P ~ IWIMS I
'ON auoqdqa~
~ W~!I!w L
peyns-Alod io pllos iqnay 13arqg lulod
aawwv .
'(paialdwo3a@ pua 01 p a q d s ! ~ O aM ~lliflq a q uayfi awa w i s oi pautqd SI yofi 3q1lrypeq a q u a q aies ~ p p u a Alp?n131? ~ O uopnpwd M ayl uayM alaa p w s IClpnl3t! IJOM uo!pnpoid arl) uaqfi a)ea
~JOM %u!llyq~e JO
~ J O~ Aq
ma pua pauue~d ~ ~ pJO pawa e a ms p q d q i o uo!~npo~d ~ JO aaea pua IWV JO aiea ms ~ P V l i o uo!impoid ~
*tu10 'ad
J W E J ~ ~
I E U I I ~ ~
'W 1 0 *id
1 ~ 3 3 ~ 1
'UI10 id
'auop YJOM uo!13npoid 'buqla% u! A)![mgu3 a q JO uo!tduxaa oi padwnp s ! y m ai~ail^ ~ iaqlunu a[ ssad a ~ o ssw ay) oi m w ! a au!ympu au!UW II16'4PW JoJ JWmN ln3 (SHB 'PNA ' i 1 ! 6 ' 4 ~JOJ) ~ ssainl3!u =!IS
<u:ssed a i 0
ssed ay) oi mutsp!a 8ugmy 'ON in3 ssaw!rll, =!IS
Stope B a c ~ l l e d Satus Code Fil1 Code Drill Pattern ID No. Stow Drilline Costs ltope Blasting Costs ltope Mucking Costs ;topeBackfilling Costs ltope Ground Support Costs ;tope Drilling Time ;tope Blasting Timc ;topeMucking Timc
1s stop to be backfilled (yes or no) If stop is backfilled, enter code for type of fiIl Drill pattern no used for drilling off stop Stobe Drilline Costs (cumulative) Stope Blasting Costs (cumulative) Stope Mucking Costs (cumulative) Stope Backfilling Costs (cumulative) Stope Ground Support Costs (cumulative) Stop Drilling Time (cumulative) Stop Blasting Time (cumulative) Stop Mucking Time (cumulative) Stope Backfilling Time (cumulative) 5 Stope Ground Support Install Time (cumulative) ;topeGround Suppor Install Time
Logical Cliaracter lnteger Decimal Dc mai Dec Dec Dcc Dec mal Dec mal Dc ,mai Dec mal Dec ,mal
N/A N/A N/ A
Cdn. S Cdn. S Cdn. $ Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours
Data Type
Decimal Decimal
Storage Capacity Current volume availabl
D a t a Type
Decimal Decimal
Data Type
*utJO IJ
'ut JO )J
l~!=a l~!=a *a w a
a3eld s 3 ~%u~ymu ) aJaqfi palqns sau!yw~m IaAalqns uaam~q Su!~irdsp ~ ~ a r \ sauyaium IaAaIqns uaafiaaq ;lir!~?ds pluozuo~
1 Attribute
Liner Storage Capacily Cment Shotcrete Remaining in Tank S~ravine Rate Area Covercd per Hour Thickncss Applicd ( Max Reach
1 hnptioii
Liner material storage tank capacity Current material remaining in Tank Rate at which material is oumDcd out Area sprayed per opcrating hour Thickness applied ( Maximum reach of spraying nozzle
( DataType
Decimal Dccimal Deciinal Decimal Dccimal Dccimal
Lbs or Kgs. Lbs or Kgs. Lbdsec or K~dscc Square fi or m. Inches or inni. Ft. or m.
pration Type
Data Tvpe
Maximum pulling capacity
1 1
3. 1 1 1
fa i
x q q 3 w p q 01a q , paA0l. uoi lad slsm %upmadoa % u M y moy 8u11eiadoiad p a ~ o w a%euuo~ a8uanv p3AOW UOI rad SIS03 i!I?daJ ~ % E J ~ A v y ~ n rAq l p ~ o a'baniol w a~gqniiin3 ('OU UO!WQ!JIS~)) JOW~ xoa y m l JO b p e d m xoa q ~ d ~ = a
a~1.1, Su!Peol
UOJ, i dI S O ~
~ A v
lad0 ~ A V
Data T y p Dccimal
Ft or m.
Data Type
Account Code 1 Total Ventilation Costs ber Hour Total Heating Cosis pcr Hour Total Cooling Costs per Hour Total Airilow lnto Mine Air Humiditv Level 1 Air Tem~eraturc hel 1 Dew Point Temperature
lnco Accountin~r Code for ventilation 1 Total Ventilation Cost ber &ratine Hour Total Heating Cost per Opcrating Hour Total Cooling Cost per Operating Hour Total Ventilation Air Flow Pushed into Network Air Humiditv Lcvel 1 Air Tem~erature Level 1 Dew Point Tempcrature
- --
Data Tvw
Fire Location Firc Initiaid Bv
Data Type
Firc Initiated Bv
Description Uiiusual Event Type (Burst, fa11 of ground, firc, spill, etc) Event Primary Cause Event Sccondan, Causc
Personnel Lacation Rclativc to Evcnt Per wmel Injured Flag tyedno)? Personnel Working in A r a Flag (yeslno)? Arca Access Restricted Flag (yeslno)? Perso~el Distance to Event 1 Risk kvel to Personnel Code (cg. ni!, low, med, hi&)
Data Type
Character Character Cha~dctct Character Logical Logical Logical Decimal Logical
Ft or m.
Data Type
Water Pressure
Water Pressure