Occurrence AND Age of Tin Mineralization IN: Economic Geology Vol. 78, 1983, PP 514-520
Occurrence AND Age of Tin Mineralization IN: Economic Geology Vol. 78, 1983, PP 514-520
Occurrence AND Age of Tin Mineralization IN: Economic Geology Vol. 78, 1983, PP 514-520
The "tin-silverbelt" (Turneaure, 1971) of the Cordillera Oriental (Eastern Cordillera) of western Bo-
livia haslongbeenrecognized asan areallyrestricted metallogeneticsubprovinceof the central Andean orogen.Recentgeochronological studies (Clark and
Farrar, 1973; Evernden et al., 1977; Grant et al., 1979;
McBrideet al., in press) haveshown that felsicmagmatism andassociated hydrothermal tin-polymetallic mineralization in thisregion occurred alonga narrow longitudinalbelt, close to the inner (i.e., eastern) boundary of the orogen, in threeepisodes: the Middle to Late Triassic(225-200 m.y.), the late Oligocene to early Miocene(29-19 m.y.), and the middleto late Miocene (17-12 m.y.). The tin belt experienceda southward migrationof igneous and hydrothermal activity,although at 18 S thereisan en echelon areal overlap(McBrideet al., in press) of the two younger subprovinces distinguished by Grant et al. (1979). Moreover,tungstenand antimony-bearing, possibly Late Tertiary, subvolcanic centers cropout alongthe
is one of severalcomplex polymetalliclode systems underdevelopment in the Cordillerade Carabaya. The occurrence of significant amounts of tin in base metal oresin PunoDepartmentwasfirstrecorded by Raimondi(1878), who examinedPb- and Sb-richvein samples from the Vilquechicodistrict, situatedclose to the northernshoreof Lake Titicaca. Subsequently, at Cerro Calvario in the samearea, de Romafia(1908) observed thin veinlets,apparentlyof Sn-Pbsulfides. Although that authorconsidered there waslittle convincingevidence of the extension of the Boliviantin belt into southeastern Peru, Petersen(1960) was able
to record seven further occurrences of tin minerals
in the region, includingboth bedrockand fluvioglacial deposits. Moreover, limited productionhad taken place from the latter. The San Rafael deposit was apparently first recordedas containingtin by Zambrano et al. (1965),while Rodriguez (1966)tabulated several new localities at which tin occurs in
the region.The CordilleraOriental of PunoDepartment is definedas a tin-polymetallicsubprovince on the 1:2,500,000 metallogenetic map of Peru (Bellido northeastern shore of Lake Titicaca in northwestern et al., 1972), but systematic treatment at that time Bolivia (Ahlfeld and Schneider-Scherbina, 1964), at was hindered by the lack of reliable informationon the samelatitudes asthe Triassic plutons of the Cor- eventhe locations of someof the Sn-bearing deposits. dillera Real (Fig. 1). The Cordillera Oriental is bounded, to the southThe limited southward prolongation of the Andean west,by the northernextremity of the elevatedA1tin belt into northwestern Argentina is apparently tiplano basin, whereas,on the northeasterly flank, well delimited (Ahlfeld, 1967),but its northwardex- altitudes fall abruptlyto the sub-Andean rangesand tension into southeastern Peru is poorlydefined(Pe- the headwaters of the Rio Inambarl and its tributaries tersen,1972). In recentyears,however,thissegment (Fig. 2). MostknownSn-bearing deposits are located of the PeruvianCordilleraOriental, and particularly on the southwesterly slopes of the main, ice-cladCorthe Cordillerade Carabayadistrict(lat 14 to 14$0'S dillera de Carabaya,at altitudesof up to 5,000 m. long70 to 7045'W:Fig. 1), hasemerged as a sigWe are engagedin an investigation of the geonificant source of tin concentrates. The San Rafael chronology, petrochemistry, and metallogenetic remine in northernPuno Department (lat 1412'00"S, lationships in the Cordillerade Carabaya(Robertson, long7020'15"W; Fig. 2), operated by Minsur,S. A., 1978; Palma, 1981; Palma and Clark, 1982; Clark et was formerly a modestcopper producerbut has al., 1982;D. J. Kontak,unpub.studies), involving a with the better known northern Bolivian yieldedover 10,000metrictonsof cassiterite concen- comparison trates(avg.gradeca. 42.2% Sn) since1970. Produc- segment of the tin belt. In the presentcommunication in 1981 amounted to 1,500 tons of Sn metal tion, we providethe first geochronological evidence (Minsur,S. A., unpub.repts.).The SanRafaeldeposit for the age of tin-polymetallic mineralization in this
061-0128/8/151/514-752.50 514
little known but extensively mineralizedarea of the central Andes. ConventionalK-Ar mineral ages are presented for the producingSan Rafael Sn-Cu vein systems and for the SantoDomingoSn-Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag prospect, locateda shortdistance to the westof the former mine (Fig. 2).
70 :i.
69 1
The K-Ar ages(by D. A. A. and Geochron Laboratories)were determined following standardtechniques,usingthe reviseddecayconstants of Steiger
I /
,,-. ....
' L'%7
Althoughthe study area has receivedcomparatively little detailedgeologic investigation, the major relationships are definedon the 1:1,000,000 geologic map of Peru (INGEOMINAS, 1975).Recently, Laubacher(1978)hasprovideda 1:500,000 geologic map of part of the CordilleraOrientalof PunoDepartment and a description of the pre-Cenozoic evolutionof the area, updating the pioneeringwork of Newell (1949)and Newell et al. (i955). Stewartet al. (1974), Lancelotet al. (1978), and Audebaudet al. (1979) havereported radiometric ages for granites andother igneous rocksin the region. The geologic historyof the CordilleraOrientalin
southeastern Peru is summarized in Table 1 and will
. -I_&
livia but is generallymore complete.Large areasare be discussed only briefly herein. The stratigraphic underlainby lower and upper Paleozoic strata(Laurecord is similar to that in the Cordillera Real of Bo- bacher, 1978) and recordtectoniceventsof both Andean (i.e., Middle Triassicand younger)and pre-Andean (Hercynian: M6gard et al., 1971) orogenies. It
is evident that intrusive and volcanic rocks were emSAN
200 km
placed both in the Carboniferous-Triassic interval, i.e., at the closeof the younger of the pre-Andean tectoniccycles,and in the Cenozoic,as an integral part of the Andeanorogeny.Each igneous suitedisplaysa wide compositional range, from gabbros and diorites to monzogranites (Streckeisen, 1967). The pre-Andean volcano-plutonic bodiesare more voluminousthan the Andean, and all large granitoid intrusionsare of Permo-Triassicage (Stewart et al., 1974; Lancelotet al., 1978; Laubacher, 1978). The agesof intrusionof the probably numerous (Laubacher,1978) Andean plutonsin this region are in part constrained by their stratigraphicrelationships,as in the Precordillerade Carabaya (Fig. 2; Laubacher, 1978), where severalsmall stocks intrude
Cretaceous sediments. In the main Cordillera de Car-
abaya,however, the graniticrockswere emplacedin Paleozoic strataand could,therefore,be of any postPaleozoicage. It hasbeen assumed that the majority of plutons are of Oligocene or Mioceneage (Petersen, 1960;Laubacher, 1978)because they are inferredto
postdate the postulated middle to late Eocene(Incaic) episodeof Andean deformation.This interpretation is not convincingly supported by stratigraphic or tec-
al. (1979),and Laubaeher (1978).Numbers on Oligoeene-Mioeene plutonsin Boliviaare ages(in m.y.) from McBride et al. (in press).
<:300 <1,100
rems,particularly thosein which copper and tin are abundant,showa spatialassociation with granitic intrusions. Severalof thesedistricts displaymetal zonation patterns, showing, for example,Cu and Sn concentratedwithin and adjacentto the plutons,whereas Pb, Zn, and Ag occurin peripheralareas(D. Kontak, unpub.studies). Several smallvein and skarndeposits, includingsomeof tungsten and copper,are located within or adjacent to largegranitoidplutons of Permian or Triassic age, suchasthe Coasabatholith(Laubacher,1978),but the magnitudeof the Permo-Triassic metallogenetic episode is undefined.The known tin-polymetallicdeposits of proven or probablepotential in the Cordillera de Carabaya are associated with youngergraniticintrusions emplacedduring the Andeanorogeny.These include the San Rafael SnCu deposit(and, almostcertainly, the nearby Quenamari, or Mina Carabaya,Sn-Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag district) and the SantoDomingoSn-Cu-Pb-Zn-Agvein system. San Rafael district
> 1,500
This intensely mineralizeddistrict(Fig. $) hasbeen mappedby N. Roldn (unpub.rept.) and, morecomprehensively, by Arenas (1980). Palma (1981) has carriedout a mineralogical and fluid inclusion study of the mineralization (see Palma and Clark, 1982). The SanRafaeland Quenamari(Carabaya)minesare
situated at altitudes of over 4,500 m above sea level
Basementnot exposed
on the slopes of the snow-capped NevadoBartolom( de Quenamari, in Melgar Province.At San Rafael, mineralizationhas been exploitedover a vertical interval of 500 m.
has nevertheless been confirmedby our geochronologicalstudies. The mostvoluminous Andeanigneous bodies in the Cordillera de Carabaya are probably the thick and areallyextensive sequences of felsicperaluminous ignimbrites (Francis, 1959; Laubacher, 1978), which
All known mineralizationat SanRafael and Quenamari is localizedin steeplyinclined veinsand strucrurallycomplex lodes, with longitudinal extensions of up to $ to 4 km. Mostof the veinstrend northwesterly and, althoughconcentrated in the immediate vicinity
controlledby regional shear systems. The country are of Mioceneto Plioceneage (Barnes et al., 1970; rocksare slates,phyllites,and quartziteswhich disNoble et al., 1982). play evidence of at leasttwo periods of strong folding and,on structural and paleontological grounds (Palma, Mineralization 1981),are assigned to the Late Ordovician.It should map A wide range of metallic mineralizationis repre- be notedthat Laubacher(1978), in his geologic sented in the Cordillera Oriental of Puno Depart- of the Cordillera Oriental, does not recognizethe ment, but productionto date has been limited. In occurrence of lower Paleozoic strata in this area and the areal extent of the granitic addition to the San Rafael Sn-Cu deposit,there has stronglyexaggerates longbeena modest recovery of gold from veinsand, stocks. The SanRafael and Quenamariintrusions are premore widely, fiuvioglacial gravels. Several small of peraluminous coarse-grained minesare currentlyproducing Pb-Zn-Agconcentrates dominantlycomposed in both the Cordillera de Carabaya and the Precor- alkali feldspar-megacrystic biotite monozogranites, dillera de Carabaya,as well as in the contiguous AI- containingabundanteuhedralcordieriremegacrysts tiplano. and minorsillimanite. In their mineralogy and chemThe great majority of the deposits are vein type, istry (Palma,1981),theserocks conformto the S-type although several strata-bound Pb-Zn-Ag,Cu, and Mn and ilmenite seriesclans of Chappell and White centersare known. Baseand precious metal vein sys- (1974) and Ishihara(1977), respectively.
Palma(1981)distinguishes fourmajorstages of vein development in the largeSanRafaellode,asfollows: (1) early, essentially barren, quartz-tourmaline veinlets and brecciabodies;(2) a botryoidalcassiteritequartz-chlorite stage, in whichthe bulk of the tin was deposited;((3) a chalcopyrite-"needle tin"-quartz chlorite stage;and (4) minor, unmineralized,late quartz-calcite veins.In the SanRafael lode theseepisodes of mineralization were superimposed, leading to the developmentof complex vein fabrics, with widespread fine brecciationand wall-rock replacement, similar in many respects to thoseof the major Sn-Cu lodesof Cornwall-Devon,England (Hosking,
1969). Asnotedpreviously, the mine beganoperations as a copperproducer,and only beganto yield substantialamounts of cassiterite in the early 1970s.The trend reflectsan unusuallyclear-cut vertical metal
zonation (Arenas,1980) in which copper overliestin,
againaslocallyin Cornwall,England.The transition from the tin to the copper zonesin the San Rafael lode is at ca. 4,600 m abovesealevel, and stoping has
beencarried out from the 4,555-m level to just below
5,000 m above sea level.
Fluid inclusionstudiesby Palma (1981) demonstratethat the bulk of the tin and copper were depositedfrom nonboilinglow-salinityfluids at moderatetemperatures (ca.220-$90C)and at very shallow depths (confining pressures<$00 bars). The emplacement of the SanRafael stockis alsoinferred to havetakenplacevery close to the surface, although there are no local, or regional, exposures of coeval
volcanic rocks.
O 0.5
The nearby Quenamari (Carabaya) vein system ing district.Modifiedafter N. Roldfin(unpub.repts.)and Arenas (Fig. $) shows many featuresin commonwith the (1980). San Rafael district,in that tin and copperare abundant metals, but recentproduction hasbeenrestricted to zinc and argentianlead concentrates. In contrast therefore, lower Paleozoicsediments,overlain to the of the Mississippian Ambo to San Rafael, the individual veins, exposed over an southby clasticsediments elevation interval of some 250 m, show little metal Group.Theseare intrudedby several smallstocks and dikes of coarse megacrystic cordierite monzonation;thus, the Nazareth vein (Fig. (3) is appar- numerous ently rich in Zn, Pb, and Ag along its entire strike zogranite,very similar to that of the San Rafael and lengthof over4 km and between4,690 and 4,922 m Quenamari plutons. The major vein recognized to date, the SantoDoabove sealevel,whereas the adjacent Quenamarivein mingo,hasbeentracedfor over $ km and ranges is Cu and Sn bearingthroughout.
from 50 cm to over 5 m in width. At least in its south-
eastern portion,oresof Cu, Sn, Pb-Ag, and Zn are associated, andthus themetalzoning charThis Sn-bearing polymetallic center (14012 ' S; intimately acteristic of the San Rafael lode is not shown at the 700(32 ' W), under active developmentby Minsur, levels.The SantoDomingovein is structurS. A., is located 20 km to the west of San Rafael, at exposed showing evidence of several episodes altitudes of between 4,600 and 5,000 m above sea ally complex, of fracturingand mineralization. level on the southern flanks of Cerro Ccasahuallata. Reconnaissance geologicstudiesof the mineralized Sample Locations and K-At Data zonehave beencarriedout by geologists of Minsur, S. A., and by M. J. Arenas.A series of northwest- San Rafael trending steeply inclined veins (Fig. 4) cross-cut At San Rafael, our intention was to establish the weakly metamorphosed but multiply deformedand, ageof intrusion of the monozogranite and to delimit
marginalchloritization, the potassium contents of the analyzedfractionssuggest that thesemicasare acceptably fresh. The three biotiteages, determinedat Queen'sUniversity (24.0 and 23.7 _ 0.6 m.y.; error expressed as 2a), and by GeochronLaboratories (25.9_ ca. 1.0 m.y.; recalculated, followingSteiger andJiger, 1977, from Arenas,1980), althoughnot identical,suggest that intrusionof the San Rafael stocktook place in the latest Oligocene.All three age determinations appear valid from the analytical standpoint,and the minor discrepancies betweenthem may reflect thermal resetting, perhaps duringquasi-pervasive, preore, high-temperature hydrothermal activity (Palma, 1981).The depthof emplacement of the granitecannot be directlyestimated but is unlikelyto havebeen great, and it is inferred that intrusionand consolidation of the pluton occurredat 25 to 26 m.y. The age of hydrothermalmineralizationat San Rafael is estimatedfrom analysisof a specimenof massive milky-white adularia.The unalteredfeldspar is intergrownwith quartz and is associated with chalcopyrite,sphalerite,galena,and chlorite;it was collectedduringJuly 1979 from the "north" end of the 4,820-madit on the Jorgevein. Crystallization of the feldspartook place late in the emplacementof the third Cu-rich stageof lode development (Palma, 1981).The adulariahasa monoclinic (highsanidine)
The apparent ageof the adularia, 22.6 _ 0.5 m.y. (Table 2), falls at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary the interval between magmatic and hydrothermal but isnotsignificantly younger thanthe apparent age events. Three samplesof magmatic biotite in the of at least one of the magmatic biotites. The granitewere dated (Table 2); thesewere takenasfar shallowdepth of emplacementof the San Rafael ores
as possible from the main San Rafael lode or subsid- and the moderatetemperatureof mineralizationimiary veins,on the 4,660- and 4,555-m levelsof the ply that the adularia K-Ar age providesa reliable mine. Although biotite in the stock widely shows estimate of the time of ore formation. If the oldest
TABLE 2. K-Ar Age Determinations, San Rafael and Vicinity, Peru
FI(;. 4. Geologic sketchmap of the SantoDomingoprospect ature of ca. $00C. area. Modified after M. J. Arenas(unpub. rept.).
Analysis no.
Specimen no.
Mineral analyzed
4hr(rad) cm NTP/g
% 4Ar (arm.)
2 $ 4
SantoDomingo deposit
5 SD-7
6.841 X 10 -4'
24.3 0.6
Analysis 1 by Geochron Laboratories, remainderby D. A. Archibald; analysis 4 is for vein adularia,othersamples are for magmatic biotite in monzogranite
"Ageswerecalculated using the constants suggested by Steiger andJiger (1977); errors represent the analytical precision at 2a
biotitedate(25.9+_1 m.y.) may be regarded asprovidinga minimumagefor intrusion, theadularia date wouldbe in permissive agreement with a modelinvolvinga hiatusof ca. 2 m.y. between graniteemplacement and stage $ mineralization.
Santo Domingo
two centerswas essentiallycontemporaneous. The throughthe Miocene (Everndenet al., 1977; Grant similarities in the styleof mineralization in thesedis- et al., 1979;McBrideet al., in press). However,the trictsalsosuggest that they may be assigned to the ages determined for the importantSanRafaeldeposit samemetallogenetic episodeand district. andfor theSanto Domingo prospect show clearly that this time-spacepattern is not extrapolatednorthDiscussion:Regional Relationships westward alongthe Peruviansegment of the belt. The K-Ar age data presented herein demonstrate Thesepolymetallic vein systems are coevalwith the that, although somemineralization in the Cordillera mostproductive of the tin vein deposits in the plude Carabaya is certainly of Permo-Triassic ,age, the tonic subprovinceof northern Bolivia, i.e., in the
The K-Ar biotiteage of 24.$+_ 0.6 m.y. is very of the tin belt in Bolivia was reactivated in the late similar to those reported above for themagmatic bio- Oligocene (28-29 m.y.), presaging a broadsouthward titesfrom SanRafael,implying that intrusion in the movement of magmatic and hydrothermal activity
At thisprospect we haveobtained an ageonlyfor cordillera(R. M. Tosdal,A. H. Clark, and E. Farrar, magmatic biotite.The analyzed specimen (Table 2) unpub.data). There is, however,only limited eviwascollected from a narrow,coarse-grained, mon- dence of metallicmineralization of thisage in the zogranitedike locatednear the southernlimit of the Cordillera Occidental of southern Peru,perhaps remineralized district. Thisrockis slightly chloritized, flectingthe restricted exposure of intrusive bodies. but the biotite is fresh. Asnoted in theintroduction, thenorthern segment
McNutt, 1982).Thisepisode hasbeententatively ascribedto the immediately preceding reorganization of plateconfigurations in the contiguous eastern Pacific basin, and coincided with widespread physiographicuplift throughout the westernand eastern
to 28.$ (+_1) m.y. for basaltic and trachytic volcanics may be widely separated from those of northernBonearthe southwestern marginof the CordilleraOri- livia. ental,andof 22.0 to 26.0m.y. for several smallstocks
mostimportantmetallogenetic eventso far recog- CordilleraQuimsaCruz (McBrideet al., in press) nizedin the region occurred in the late Oligiocene some450 km to the south.As far as is known, there (ca.26-25 m.y.).No otherdates havebeenreported arenosignificant Oligocene-Miocene tin-bearing cenfor ore deposits in thisregion, but Audebaud et al. tersin thenorthwesternmost segment of the Bolivian (1979) havedetermined K-Arages in therange 25.6 tin belt, sothat the mid-Tertiarytin veinsof Peru
Field studies in Peru were fundedby grantsto eral region.Thus,the Sn-polymetallic mineralization Sciences andEngineering was associated with a magmaticepisode which af- A.H.C.fromthe National Councilof Canada,as part of the Central fected wide areasof the Cordillera Oriental of south- Research Project (CAMP). The same eastern Peru. Volcanism persisted in this region AndeanMetallogenetic
through the Neogene and,locally, intothe Quaternary (S. L. McBride,unpub.data),but asyet there is no definite evidence for post-Oligocene mineralization; thus,the middleto late Miocene episode of Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag-Au oreformation distinguished in central Peru(e.g., McKee et al., 1979) has yetto becon-
Field work in the Cordillerade Carabayawould not have beenpossible withoutthe generous cooperation of Minsur, S.A. We are particularly indebted to FaustoZavaleta,GerenteGeneral,for permission to undertake thisresearch and to publish thiscontri-
Simultaneously with the late Oligocene initiation bution. At SanRafael, we receivedthe kind assistance Adolfo Mdico, JulverAlvarez, of magmatic andhydrothermal processes in the Cor- of NestorRoldftn, Luque.The earlierstages of dilleraOrientalof the studyarea,thereoccurred a Hugo Cruz, and Pastor with regional reactivation of thecentral Andean magmatic the programwere carried out in collaboration of the former InstitutoCientificoy arc in areas as widely separatedas southernPeru Flavio Estrada, Minero del Per6. (Nobleet al., 1974;Tosdal et al., 1981),and north- Tecno16gico ernmost (Mortimeret al., 1974)and northern(Clark et al., 1976;Quirt, 1972)Chile.At thistime (ca.26- August 6, December 1, 1982 REFERENCES 20 m.y.)thepreviously narrow, longitudinal, volcanoplutonic belt of the Cordillera Occidental (western Ahlfeld, F., 1967, Metallogenetic epochs and provinces of Bolivia:
Mineralium Deposita,v. 2, p. 291-$11.
Mgard, F., Dalymayrae,B., Laubaeher, G., Maroceo, R., Martinez, C., Paredes, J., and Tomasi,P., 1917, La ehanehereyninneau
Prou et en Bolivie: Premiers resultats:France, Office Recherche Sci. Tec. Outre-Met, Cahiers, Ser. Gol., v. 18, p. 5-44.
Audebaud, E., Bernard, D., Vatun-Perignon, N., and Vivier,G., 1979,Quelques ages K/Ar surlesroches ign6es cnozoiques du
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Mortimer, C., Farrat, E., and Satin, N., 1974, K-At ages from Tertiary lavas of the northermost Chilean andes:Geol. Rundschav,v. 68, p. 484-490. Ann. Rept. 1969. Barnes, V. E., Edwards, G., McLaughlin, W. A., Friedman,I., and Newell, N. D., 1949, Geologyof the Lake Titicaca region,Peru Joensuu, O., 1970,Macusanite occurrence, age,andcomposition, and Bolivia:Geol. Soc.AmericaMem. 86, 111 p. Macusani, Per6:Geol.Soc.AmericaBull.,v. 81, p. 1589-1546. Newell, N. D., Chronic,J., and Roberts,T., 1958, Upper Paleozoic Bellido, E.,Girard, D.,and Paredes, J.,1972, Mapa metalog6netico of Per6: Geol. Soc.America Mem. 58, 276 p.
Earth Planet. Sei. Letters, v. 21, p. 218-220. types:PacificGeology,v. 8, p. 178-174. P.S., Vogel, T. A., Landis,G. P., Grant, Clark,A. H., andFarrar,E., 1978,The Bolivian tin province: Notes Noble, D. C., Petersen, N. K., and Jezek,P. A., 1982, Rare-element-enriched ilmeniteon the available geochronological data: Ecor. GEOL., v. 68, series ash-flowtuffs containingphenocrystic muscovite, andap. 102-106. Macusani region,southeastern Perulabs.l: Clark,A. H., andMcNutt,R. H., 1982, Interrelated arc-broadening, lusite,and sillimanite, Geol. Soc.America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, p. 577. topographic uplift,andcrustal contamination of magmas in two transects of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic centralAndes labs.l: Internat. Palma, V. V., 1981, The San Rafael tin-copperdeposit,Puno, S. E. Peru: Unpub.M.Se.thesis, Queen'sUniv., Kingston, OnConf.Geochronology, Cosmochronology, Isotope Geology, 5th, tario, 225 p. Nikko, Japan,June27-July 8, 1982, Abs.,p. 55-56. Clark, A. H., Farrat, E., Caelles, J. C., Haynes,S. J., Lortie, R. B., Palma V. V., and Clark A. H., 1982, The San Rafael tin-copper lode system, Puno,S. E. Per6: A Cornwall-type deposit in the McBride, S. L., Quirt,G. S., Robertson, R. C. R., andZentilli, centralAndeantin belt:Geol.Assoc. Canada/Mineralog. Assoc. M., 1976,Longitudinal variations in themetallogenetic evolution Canada,Joint Ann. Mtg., Winnipeg 1982, Programwith Abof the Central Andes: A progress report:Geol. Assoc. Canada
Spec. Paper 14, p. 28-58.
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del Per6:Lima,Per6,Servicio Geologla. Mineria,1:2,500,000. Noble, D.C., McKee, E. H., Farrat, E., and Petersen, U., 1974, Episodie Cenozoicvolcanism and tectonism in the Andesof Peru: Chappell, B.W., andWhite, A.J.R., 1974, Twocontrasting granite
Clark, A. H., Kontak,D. J., and Fartar, E., 1982,Metallogenetic en el Per6:Soe.Nae. Minerla Bol.,v. 72, ser.2, p. 86-44. and geochronological relationships in the northernpart of the Petersen, U., 1972,Geochemical and tectonicimplications of South central Andean tin belt, southeastPer6 and northwest Bolivia
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