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Energy Drinks

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ulant im t S X drinksWhatyouneedtoknow!

Doyouknowthedierencebetweenasports/electrolytedrink(one that contains carbohydrates and electrolytes) and an "Energy drink?Allofthesenamesfordrinkscanbeconfusingbutdontbe fooled. Look closely at the ingredients. If you are drinking some thing that adver ses itself as an Energy Drink you are probably helpingyourselftoahe ydoseofs mulants.Thepropernamefor thisclassofdrinkscouldbeS mulantDrinks. Beforewegoanyfurther,letsdeneenergy.Thebodyssourceof energy is glucose. Carbohydrates (sugars)are a direct source ofglu cose, but the body can also make glucose by burning amino acids and fats. Glucose is like the coal in a power plant. When your body needs more energy, it burns more glucose, just like when energy needs in acityincrease morecoal is burned(or nuclearfuel, or gas, yougetthepicture). In contrast, s mulants bind to neurons and ac vate them. But s mulants cannot subs tute for glucose. Using the analogy above, when you take s mulants, its as if a ton of coal is dumped into the powerplantallatonce.Yes,yougetabigincreaseintheamountof energy being released but only because you are burning it up all at once. When the coal is gone, its gone. The same thing goes for your own energyglucose. S mulants make people feel like they have more energy but its mostly because they are using it all up at once. When was the last me you carefully examined an ingredient label for a s mulant drink?Takealookatthisexample.Ifyoubought thisdrink,wouldyouactuallyknowwhatyouweredrinking?

Ephedra is an extremely strong s mulant that was taken o the market years ago by the FDA because it caused many adverse health eects and even some deaths. None the less, ephedra is nding its way into dietary supplements. For most people the an swertoalloftheseques onsisNOIdidntknow.Soaskyourself Isthisreallyahealthydrink?

S mulantscancauseposi vean -dopingtests.Thereareseveral s mulantsthatareontheWADAProhibitedListthatpopupin dietarysupplementsandsome mesins mulantdrinks.Takea lookattheexamplesbelow.Areyouguzzlingdownanyofthese prohibitedingredients? OntheProhibited Listas: Butsome mesalsocalled:


Octopamine Oxilofrine

Geranium(extract,stems,oroil),gerana mine,geraniumsurgeandothermadeup names.1,3Dimethylamyline,dimethylpen tylamine. ,4Dihydroxyphenethylamine;p Hydroxymandelamine;ND50;Noroxedrine; pNorsynephrine Methylsynephrine Fenprometamina;Phenpromethamine; Phenpromethaminum;Phenylpropylmethyl amine;Benzedrine.Benzedrineitselfisan amphetaminelikes mulant,butitseemsthe namemayalsobeusedascodeforphen promethylamine.Acaciarigidula(theingre dientlabelmaylistthisplantbuttheproduct mighthavephenpreomethylamineandother substancesinit).

Phenpromethyla mine

Keep in mind that s mulants are prohibited as a category in com pe on (except for caeine and synephrine, both of which are in the WADA Monitoring program). The example product and label discussed in this ar cle could cause a posi ve an doping test. S mulantdrinks are not limited to what you nd inbo les or cans in shelves they can also come in powder form that you mix up yourself. They are also found in the grocery checkout line deco rated with bracelets and other gimmicks to a ract young consum ers. Physicians speak out on dangers of energy drinks. TheAmerican Academy of Pediatrics has discouraged the use of energy drinks in children and adolescents. Even caeine can cause neurological and cardiovascular problems, and should be avoided. www.aap.org/advocacy/releases/may3011studies.htm. And for a chillingreallifeexampleofthedangersofsuchdrinksreadDakota Sailors story on ESPN (easily found by searching for his name on ESPN.go.com). This high school football star nearly died a er drinkingtwocansofNOS!

Looking at the label above, did you know that tyrosine and phenyl alanine,ingredientscommonlyaddedtoenergyproducts,caninter act with a lot of medica ons? One of the ingredients, methyl synephrine, is a s mulant that is on the Prohibited List. If a friend asked you to describe what the dierent ingredients are for, you would be able to tell them? Do you know where the ingredients come from? Did you know that Kola Nut and Guarana are both sources of caeine? Can you tell how much caeine is in one serv ingofthisproduct?Didyouknowthatcitrusauran um(alsocalled bi erorange)containssynephrinewhichalsohass mulantproper es? Synephrine is not prohibited but added together with all of theotheringredients,alloftheses mulantscouldposehealthdan gers. Did you know Yohimbe interacts with an depressants? Did youknowthatMaHuangistheplantsourceforephedra?

Donttradeyourhealthandmoneyforfalsepromises orhopesforamazingresultsfroms mulantdrinks. Getrealenergyfromhealthywhole foodsandbeverageswithnutri ous ingredients!

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