REVO Checklists
REVO Checklists
REVO Checklists
nose (loose bolts, safety pins, nose battens) Cross bar joint free of damage Trim actuator secure and cables free Nose cover velcro aligned and secure Right Side Inspection Nose cable from wing to control bar (fraying nico press slippage) Control bar frame and bolts Down tube (look for dents or damage) Hang point and compression strut bolts and safety pins secure Rear cable from control bar to wing trailing edge Struts from control bar to cross bar junction (dents or damage) Cross bar hinge junction bolts and safety pin secure Cross bar hinge junction zipper closed Leading edge (look for dents or damage) Wing tip (trim tip cap tight, wing-tip tensioner batton secure) Winglets velcro secure Left Side Inspection Nose cable from wing to control bar (fraying nico press slippage) Control bar frame and bolts Down tube (look for dents or damage) Hang point and compression strut bolts and safety pins secure Rear cable from control bar to wing trailing edge Struts from control bar to cross bar junction (dents or damage) Cross bar hinge junction bolts and safety pin secure Cross bar hinge junction zipper closed Leading edge (look for dents or damage) Wing tip (trim tip cap tight, wing-tip tensioner batton secure) Rear Wing Inspection Trailing edge (batten tips, damage) Inboard and outboard Sprogs (velcro secure and zippers closed) Check rear swan latch and tension cable Sail condition inspection (damage, water) Keel pocket (check stitching) General inspection of complete wing
Engine Pre-flight Master Switch OFF BRS Chute Pinned for Safety Check fuel level and add fuel as necessary Left side of engine Choke check operation then verify off position Fuel valve on BRS canister intact and free of damage Hoses (Oil & Water) secure; no leakage or cracks Carburetor (check air filter and rubber manifold mount) Spark plug wires secure Exhaust bolts and springs Rear of engine Oil level, grill bolts secure Drain Gascolator and Curtis Quick Drain Oil filter secure check markings Propeller hub bolts secure Engine cover bolts secure check markings Propeller blades free of splitting, denting, delaminating Spin prop counter-clockwise (normal direction of rotation) 3 turns Right side of engine Exhaust bolts and springs Spark plug wires secure Carburetor (check air filter and rubber manifold mount) Hoses (secure, signs of oil or water leaks) Coolant overflow container (check coolant level) Throttles check instructor, cruise, foot and verify idle position Trike Chassis Pre-flight Mast wheel bolt secure Hang bolt, backup strap bolt, mast strut and safety pins in place Rear seat belt secure Passenger seat back pins secure Passenger arm rest pins secure Steering and control linkages secure Foot pedals adjusted and aligned Front wheel undamaged, inflated, and secure Check fairing (missing/loose bolts, windshield clips, BRS safety pin) Rear wheels undamaged, inflated and wheel pants secure General inspection of complete trike