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Metodologjia e Mesimdhenies

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Fakulteti Filozofik-Filologjik Departamenti i Gjuhve t Huaja Programi: Gjuh angleze-prkthim Lnda: Statusi: Semestri: Fondi i orve: iti akademik:

!simdhnsi: e-mail: Metodologjia e Msimdhnies Obligative V 2+0 2012/2013 Mr. Hysen Kas mi! "h# $andidate h"sen#kasumi$universitetiaa%#&om

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This course intents to familiarize students with theoretical and practical considerations of language teaching and learning and it also reflects current methodologies in teaching English as a foreign language. The course investigates ways in which different approaches and methods can be utilized in the foreign language lesson. It aims to construct a foundation of understanding about the main components include in the foreign language teaching. Some of the issues discussed in the ELT course are: the young learners, teaching all language s ills, selecting teaching materials, lesson planning, testing and evaluation, etc. ,avt -ema +ssignments ,ava . ( ,ava . (( ,ava . ((( ,ava . (V ,ava . V ,ava . V( ,ava . V(( ,ava . V((( ,ava . (/ Introduction to the course and course syllabus E!planation on Individual "ssignment # Initial discussion $ow to be a good teacher % how to be a &rite a reflection paper good learner $ow children, tenagers % adults learn &rite a reflection paper languages Some teaching methods &rite a reflection paper Teaching listening and spea ing Teaching reading and writing Selecting materials Course review Mid-term exam Lesson planning and practice teaching 'ractice teaching # ( to ) students teach a lesson 'repare and submit a sample lesson plan &rite a reflection paper &rite a reflection paper &rite a reflection paper

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The use of technology in teaching 'ractice teaching # ( to ) students teach a lesson +lassroom management 'ractice teaching # ( to ) students teach a lesson The use of games and storyboo s in ELT 'ractice teaching # ( to ) students teach a lesson .ecord eeping and assessment 'ractice teaching # ( to ) students teach a lesson Teaching listening and spea ing 'ractice teaching # ) to / students teach a lesson Teaching reading and writing 'ractice teaching # ) to / students teach a lesson

'lan and submit a lesson using technology in teaching 'lan and submit a lesson applying different classroom management techni,ues -se games and storyboo s in a lesson plan # submit a copy of it 'lan and submit a lesson to show utilization of a variety of record eeping and assessment techni,ues .eview of teaching language s ills .eview of teaching language s ills

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By the end of the course, students should be able to: 0now a range of teaching strategies and resources including technological tools to foster interest and support learning in English as a foreign language "pply their methodological s ills in their teaching profession in the primary and secondary schools. +an evaluate appropriateness of teaching techni,ues which engage different learning styles in the classroom where English is taught as a foreign language. 1evelop different teaching techni,ues and materials relevant to their teaching situation

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Primary textbooks: 1 !armer, " #$%%&' !ow to teach (n)lish: *n intorduction to the +ractice of (n)lish lan)ua)e teachin) Pearson (ducation ,imited $ Brewster," and (llis, - #$%%$' .he +rimary (n)lish .eacher/s -uide 0ew (dition Pen)uin (n)lish -uides 1 !armer," #$%%1' .he Practice of (n)lish ,an)ua)e .eachin) .hird (dition Com+letely 2evised and 3+dated 4ther online resources: 1. .he 5nternet .(6," "ournal #htt+:77itesl8 or)7' 2. (,. "ournal #htt+:77elt8 oxford8ournals or)7' Students will get familiar with the main concepts of E2L Students will get familiar with different methods used in teaching language s ills Students will ,ualify themselves as English language teachers Students will manage an English classroom with ade,uate pedagogical s ills Students will ma e a number of lesson plans based on units of a te!tboo currently being used in primary3 secondary schools Students will teach a lesson to and with the class.


*ssessment =rade Scale >*6 : *556 ?*6 : >56 A*6 : ?56 B*6 : A56 8*6 : B56 856 : below =rade 1escription E!cellent @ery good =ood Satisfactory 'assing 2ailing Incomplete 4I;7 =rade 'oints *5.5 >.5 ?.5 A.5 B.5 8.5 5.5 4*567 4*567 4*567 4(567 48567

*. +lassroom 'articipation (. "ttendance ). .eflections 4up to (55 words7 /. Lesson plans and practice teaching 8. 9id:term e!am


Policies *ttendance Students are obliged to come to classes in time. .egular attendance will be valued and students collect points for that. $owever, active participation in class wor and discussions, regular completion of wee ly assignments is e!pected from all students. 0ote ;ote: +heating on a test will automatically result in e!pelling of the student from the e!am. +ases of plagiarism will be handled in accordance with polities outlined in the ""< .iinvest -niversity catalogue.

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