English Grade 8and9
English Grade 8and9
English Grade 8and9
The Keep
Spring 2014 2014
Spring 1-15-2014
Recommended Citation
Ames, Melissa, "ENG 3401-001: Methods of Teaching Composition in Secondary Schools" (2014). Spring 2014. 72.
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English 3401:
Methods of Teaching Composition in Secondary Schools
Course Policy & Syllabus
ENG 3401-TR-2:00-3:15pm- 3120 & 3130 Coleman Hall
Course Description: This course explores various best practices and approaches to teaching and
evaluating written composition in secondary schools. Course work will consist primarily of
reading and responding to pedagogical texts, applying the findings in such to contemporary
educational concerns, and crafting/modeling instructional tools both independently and
cooperatively in ways that mirror professional learning communities. The required work for this
course includes crafting lesson plans, thematic units, a course design, and various reflective
essays. This course requires on-site observation hours and the live-text submission of one
required assignment.
Course Objectives: Following the NCTE Guidelines and Illinois Content Area Standards, after
the completion of this course, students will be able to:
l. demonstrate how reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and thinking are
2. recognize the impact of cultural, economic, and social environments upon language;
3. show a respect for an understanding of diversity in language use/patterns/dialects across
cultures, ethnic groups, geographic regions, and social settings;
4. demonstrate the influence of language and visual images on thinking and composition;
5. demonstrate how written discourse can influence thought and action;
6. display an understanding of the role of technology in communication;
7. use major sources ofresearch and theory and understand the relationship between
research and practice;
8. examine, evaluate, and select resources for classroom use and teacher planning;
9. design instruction to meet the needs of all students and provide for students' continuous
progress and success;
l 0. organize classroom environments and learning experiences that promote effective whole
class, small group, and individual work;
11. create learning environments that promote respect for and support of individual
differences of ethnicity, race, language, culture, gender, and ability;
12. use assessment as an integral part of instruction and learning.
Course Requirements: You must complete all major assignments to be eligible to pass the
class. Your grade will be based on a point system that factors in all scores you earn on major
writing assignments/projects, minor assignments/products, and in-class work/participation.
Attendance is mandatory and will be factored into your in-class grade. Detailed assignment
instructions and scoring rubrics will accompany all major assignments as the course progresses.
In accordance with NCATE content-area guidelines, five clinical experience hours, in addition to
required College of Education hours, are required for course completion. Also, College of
Education Live Text requirements will apply to one required course assignment.
Course Grade: Your grade in this course will be calculated using a straight point system
and standard grading scale. Your final grade will be determined by the following
breakdown and grading scale:
A = 90%-100% D = 60%-69%
B = 80%- 89% F 0%-59%
c = 70%- 79%
Instructor Class Policies:
Submitted Assignments: All documents should be submitted on time and must have a
professional appearance. Every assignment should be typed on white, 8.5 x 11 paper and
formatted according to MLA guidelines and standards when applicable. All assignments
should be submitted in a slim 2-pocket folder that houses the final assignment and
scoring rubric (and drafts/peer-editing checklists when applicable). For larger
assignments (course design, unit plan, portfolio), a larger binder can be used if needed.
For your own protection, keep copies of all completed work.
In-Class Work: In-class activities must be completed in the class period they are
assigned. No make-ups will be given on any of these activities unless arrangements have
been made with the instructor in advance.
Presentations: Please be present when you are scheduled to give a presentation. If you
miss class on the day of a scheduled presentation and your absence is undocumented
you will receive a zero and will not be able to make up the presentation.
Students with Disabilities: If you have a documented disability and wish to receive
academic accommodations, please contact the Coordinator of the Office of Disability
English 3401 Course Schedule
NOTE: This course is allotted both an Integrated Technology Classroom & a Traditional
Classroom for its use throughout the term. The schedule below is broken up into "weeks". On
ODD weeks this class will utilize the Integrated Technology Classrooms (the computer lab)-
3120 Coleman - and on EVEN weeks we will meet in the Traditional Classroom - 3130
Coleman. Please make sure that you are present in the room assigned for us on any given week.
Week #1: The Joys of Teaching (and the Pains of Teaching the Overwhelmingly Large
Curriculum Category They Call Language Arts)
T 1/14- Course Introduction & Overview
R 1/16 -The Myth & Mystique of the "Great" Teacher (From Hollywood Portrayals
Our Profession to Textbook Snapshots) I The Classroom as Writing Workshop
Prepared Reading: Teaching English Chapters 1 & 2, Middle Chapter 1
Week #4: Conceptualizing YOUR Language Arts Classroom (and then Getting There)
T 2/4 - Voice & Style - to Each Their Own
Prepared Reading: Inside 6
Must Have Copy of Favorite Poem or Fiction Passage in Class
R 2/6- Your Vision & Procedures -The Classroom as Utopia I Peer Editing For
Writing Pedagogy Paper
Prepared Reading: Middle Chapter 4 & 5; Binder Needed
Rough Draft of Writing Pedagogy Essay Must be in Class
Week #7: The Wide World of Research - From Traditional Term Papers to
Multigenre Papers
T 2/25 - Research Evolutionalized? The Multigenre Paper vs. The Traditional
Term Paper
Prepared Reading: Blending Chapters 6-10, 14; Binder Needed
Assignment Due: Course Design
R 2/27 - Teaching Research (and Finding Plagiarism) I MLA
Prepared Reading: Blending Chapters 1-5
Week #8: Assessing Quality Writing - The Evaluation and Grading Dilemmas
T 3/4-Reading Informational Texts I Defining "Assessment"
Prepared Reading: Teaching English Chapter 9 & 12, Blending 24; Binder
Assignment Due: Research/MLA Activity
R 3/6 - Analyzing Common Assessments & Writing Prompts
Prepared Reading: Inside Chapter 14, Argument Chapters 1-3; Binder Needed
Week #11: Two Sides of the Same Coin? Composition and Creative Writing
T 4/1-The Art of the Mini-Lesson
Prepared Reading: Grammar Chapter 5; Middle Chapter 6; Binder Needed
Suggested Reading: Teaching English Chapter 7
Assignment Due: Grammar & Language Mini-Lessons & Peer Critique
R 4/3 - Beyond the Standard Curriculum - Fiction Writing
Prepared Reading: Blending Chapters 11, 12, & 17; Binder Needed
Assignment Due: Creative Writing Justification Letter
Assignment Due: Unit Plan & Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan
Saturday-April 51\ 2014 -10am-2pm: Mandatory Attendance at the English Studies Conference
Week #14: Reality Check- Fitting it All In Under Time (and Curriculum) Restraints
T 4/22-The Writings of the World-Discussion ofMcCourt's Memoir (heavy focus
on Chapters 6, 13, & 14)
Prepared Reading: Teacher Man -Part III complete; Middle Chapter 14
Response Paper Due
Assignment Due: Visual Rhetoric/Media Analysis Writing Prompt
(Note: This Schedule is Subject to Change at the Instructor's Discretion & Reading
Selections are Abbreviated by Title)