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Course Instructor: NGUYEN THANH BINH, PhD

Email: binhnth@hcmue.edu.vn


1. Foundation
It is useful for you to know that:
•the course is designed for people who want to open and
manage their own EFL schools in the future
•The course is an integral part of your program, so it aims to draw
out as well as draw together concepts and questions raised in
other courses
•as the study is part your professional development, the process
we will follow will be one of professional exchange in which each
of us will contribute experiences, ideas, opinions and questions
•preparing the reading and sharing roles in group work will also
be significant in our study approach and method

2. Focus: the teacher and the curriculum

Our study naturally involves reading the literature,
including general points on FL learning and teaching.
However, your particular experience will be a focal part
of your study. You will be encouraged to relate this to
what you read – as follows:
professional experience, formal education,
research, current practice / policies

beliefs / principles

Graves, K. 2000. Designing Language Courses: a Guide
for Teachers
Richards, J. 2017. (2nd ed.). Curriculum Development in
Language Teaching
Nation, I. S. P. & Macalister, J. 2010. Language
Curriculum Design. Routledge.
Richards, J & Farrell, T. 2005. Professional Development
for Language Teachers: Strategies for Teacher Learning
Richards, J & Lockhart, C. 1994. Reflective Teaching in
Second Language Classrooms
Richards, J & Rodgers, T. 2001. Approaches and
Methods in Language Teaching
White, R, Hockley, A, van der Horst Jansen, J &
Laughner, M. 2008. From Teacher to Manager:
Managing Language Teaching Organisations

Ò Assignment 1 (20%): Week 6

Ò Assignment 2 (40%): Week 10

Ò Assignment 3 (40%): Week 15

Assignment 1: Your learning experience

Ò 20%
Ò Length: 1500 words +- 10%.

Ò A graded report: a critical reflection on your

own learning and a conclusion about what you
have learnt from the experience.
Assignment 1: Your learning experience
Collecting personal data in the form of a retrospective account:
1. Choose a personal experience of second language learning you
have had, or are having. If second language learning experience is
lacking, you can choose an equivalent experience of learning a new
2. Over the period of at least a week, make retrospective notes about
your learning, starting with a narrative of the context and including
reflections on your sense of purpose, your attitude towards learning,
any obstacles or difficulties, your strategies to deal with your learning
and communication, your achievements. These diary-like entries are
important for this exercise. Making them over several days enables
your thoughts to develop. Aim to write 5 to 10 pages or more of
3. Once the diary is complete, identify the themes that emerge from
your reflections and annotate your notes around these themes.
Assignment 1: Your learning experience
The report:
Have it organised under the following headings:
Ò 1. The context of learning: (brief).

Ò 2. The themes of learning: (a discussion of each of the

themes that you have identified with illustrative self-
quotes from your retrospective account).
Ò 3. Conclusions from the experience: (factors that
contributed to more or less success, how you would
manage similar learning in future, what you would
need from a formal curriculum as a learner).
Assignment 2: A curriculum problem

Ò 40%

Ò Length: 2000 words +-10%.

Ò An informal topic proposal.
Assignment 2: A curriculum problem
Ò Identify a ‘real-world’ curriculum problem for which you are
seeking a solution and propose a transformation.
Ò E.g. You might want to decide to transform the quality of
teaching in an institution to a high and consistent standard.
This is the sort of problem that a Director of Studies has.
Ò You would discuss the context of the problem (facts about the
teachers, the students, the time available for learning and
teaching, attitudes etc.) and then propose an approach to
addressing the problem of bringing about the transformation,
and describe a procedure for evaluating whether or not that
strategy had addressed the problem.
Assignment 2: A curriculum problem
Have the report organised as followed:

1. The problem (or the ‘transformation’ to be achieved) and the

2. The proposed strategy with some specific examples.
3. A plan for evaluating whether or not the strategy has in fact
addressed the problem.
Ò Each section should refer to published literature to support
your discussion and decisions, as appropriate.
Assignment 3: Syllabus design
Ò 40%
Ò Length: 2500 words +-10%.

Ò Design and critically evaluate a syllabus.

Assignment 3: Syllabus design
You are a teacher manager of an 8-week course for 20 students and you are
asked to draw up a Syllabus for this course. You should:

1. describe the context of the Syllabus, including the school, the 20 students
and the language focus of the 8 weeks’ teaching (no more than 200 words).
2. select or design the Syllabus. It should follow a normal general format
including but not limited to sections of Language Objectives, Language Focus,
Learning Activities (including extra-curricular learning, if relevant) and
Materials. The Syllabus should meet the needs and expectations of the
students, the school and of the community. A Syllabus sample will be shown in
3. The Discussion Paper should:
a) demonstrate that you have thought critically about the Syllabus and
of how it addresses the needs of students, of the school and of the community;
b) reflect on curriculum elements pertinent to this context. This may or
may not be all curriculum elements, but your discussion must demonstrate
your sound understanding of the nature of a FL curriculum and of its role in
learning and teaching.
All assignments:

Ò Use APA 7th style referencing.

Ò Use at least 5 sources in your reference list. Include only
sources to which you have referred in your text. Your reference
list must be typed on a new page.
Ò Your assignment should be an argument: make your argument
clear in the introduction and use your references/sources and
personal experience to support your argument. It is acceptable
to express your personal opinion in the assignment but this
should be supported by evidence (e.g. from your experience,
references to the literature).
All assignments:

Ò All assignments are to be typed in Times New Roman font size

13, and with double spacing, one-sided.
Ò All assignments must have a cover page which includes your
name, ID and email address; the exact title of the assignment
and the lecturer’s name (sample to be provided later).
Ò All assignments are to be submitted electronically into
Microsoft Teams and as hard copies to Room B603 (Ms. Hồng
Yến) on the respective due dates.

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