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Job | Urgent opening for C++/VC++ with C# Developers for Gurgaon

Experience re uire! for the Job" 3 - 6 years Job #ocation" Delhi/NCR

$ppl% &ow 'epl%

Dear Can!i!ate( Hi Got your resume from Naukri, We have urgent requirement for C/ !!/"C!! #ith C$ %evelo&ers #ith Nagarro 'oft#are( )elo# is the small *rief a*out Nagarro+ 'kill 'et #e are looking for+ , C/C!!, "C!! -./C an% Win301, , Win/orms using C$ an% (Net /rame#ork 2(3 , C!!/C45 or .anage% 67tensions for C!! , .ulti8hrea%ing , Goo% kno#le%ge of '94 an% RD).' , )asi 8C:/5: so ket &rogramming ;*out Nagarro Nagarro 'oft#are :vt 4t% is a C..5 level < ertifie% soft#are Develo&ment =rgani>ation foun%e% in ?@@6( 5t #as starte% *y a team of engineers formerly gra%uate% from various 5n%ian High-8e h ; a%emies like R6C, 558 et ( We have Glo*al :resen e in A', Germany '#e%en an% 5n%ia( 5n 5n%ia #e have an offshore %evelo&ment enter in Gurgaon( Nagarro has *roken into the D9-5DC )est 6m&loyer 'urvey 03?? having *een ranke% at ?3th in the B6m&loyee 'atisfa tion RankingB a ross all 58 om&anies in 5n%ia( We are also ranke% 2th in the Nass om list of C8o& 67 iting 6merging Com&anies to #ork forC( Nagarro &rovi%es innovative *usiness solutions #ith &rimary fo us on =ffshore =utsour ing, 'oft#are =utsour ing, =ffshore 'oft#are Develo&ment, offshore %evelo&ment, ustom soft#are %evelo&ment, offshore &rogramming, ustom a&&li ation %evelo&ment, outsour e% &ro%u t %evelo&ment, %istri*ute% %evelo&ment, %evelo&ment of enter&rise a&&li ations, &ortals, a&&li ation integration, messaging an% #orkflo# solutions,em*e%%e% solutions, %atamo%eling, an% #e* a&&li ation %evelo&ment( =ur lientele in lu%e the to& .NCs in the #orl% in lu%ing fortune <33 Com&anies( .ention 8he follo#ing Details+ 8otal 67Current C8C67&e te% C8CNoti e &erio%-

Current 4o ationavaila*ility for fa e to fa e intervie#Din%ly revert *a k #ith your u&%ate% resume an% availa*ility for the fa e to fa e intervie# intervie#( 8hanks E Regar%s :ra*hu F HR F Nagarro 'oft#are :vt( 4t%( :lot 36, 'e tor-?G,6le troni City,Gurgaon-H(R(1-?003?<, 5n%ia California Ne# Hork Chi ago ;tlanta Germany '#e%en 5n%ia

'e uire)ent for C++/linux *ith +ptra ,%ste)s'e uire)ent for C++/linux *ith +ptra ,%ste)s*y =&tra 'ystems :vt 4t% in :une 67&erien e+ 0 to 6 yrs( F =&ening-s1+ 2:oste% on+ 36 De

#ogin to $ppl% ;&&ly #ithout Registration

Ne# AserI Register No# 'hare

Job Description'en% me Jo*s like this

'houl% have han%s on e7&erien e in C!! E ==:s 67&erien e in using 4inu7 as an o&erating systems -u*untu is &lus1 67&erien e using C:: 8est for unit testing 'houl% have e7&osure to#ar%s Win%o#s 'DD an% ;84 67&erien e in em*e%%e% is &referre% 'alary+ Not Dis lose% *y Re ruiter 5n%ustry+ 58 'oft#are, 'oft#are 'ervi es /un tional ;rea+ =ther Role Category+ :rogramming E Design Role+ 'oft#are Develo&er Deyskills+ C!!, 45NAK, =o :rogramming, C:: 8est

Desire! Can!i!ate .rofile

6%u ation+ -AG - ;ny Gra%uate - ;ny '&e iali>ation, Gra%uation Not Require%1 ;ND -:G - ;ny :G Course - ;ny '&e iali>ation, :ost Gra%uation Not Require%1 ;ND - Do torate - ;ny Do torate - ;ny '&e iali>ation, Do torate Not Require%1 .ust have han%s on %evelo&ment e7&erien e on C!! an% 4inu7 .ust *e a*le to multi-task an% qui kly a quire *roa% kno#le%ge of a&&li ations 'trong ver*al an% #ritten ommuni ation skills .ust *e a*le to ommuni ate to the lient solely

/0 C++ Developer

*y 'ofta ulous 4t%( in .um*ai, Navi .um*ai, 8hane 67&erien e+ ? to 3 yrs(:oste% on+ 36 De

#ogin to $ppl% ;&&ly #ithout Registration

Ne# AserI Register No# 'hare

Job Description'en% me Jo*s like this

C!! ==:' on e&t /ile 'ystem .emory management an% %ata stru ture 8hrea%s, 'ema&hores 'o ket &rogramming Gra&hi al user interfa es in 4inu7 an% Win%o#s( 'alary+ Not Dis lose% *y Re ruiter 5n%ustry+ 58 'oft#are, 'oft#are 'ervi es /un tional ;rea+ ;&&li ation :rogramming, .aintenan e Role Category+ :rogramming E Design Role+ 'oft#are Develo&er Deyskills+ 98 C!! Develo&er, C!!, ==:' Con e&t, /ile 'ystem, .emory .anagement, Data 'tru ture, 'o ket :rogramming, 4inu7,Win%o#s

Desire! Can!i!ate .rofile

6%u ation+ -AG - )(8e h/)(6( - Com&uters1 ;ND -:G - ;ny :G Course1 ;ND - Do torate - Do torate Not Require%1 )a helorBs in a Com&uter relate% fiel% -or equivalent #ork e7&erien e1 Dno#le%ge 9t2 frame#ork Goo% kno#le%ge of the 4inu7 system /amiliarity #ith o&en sour e GA5 toolkits su h as G8D an% 9t, as #ell as net#ork &rogramming is %esire%(

Co)pan% .rofile
'ofta ulous 4t%(
htt&+//###(softa ulous( om/ ; lea%ing lient of 'ofta ulous 4t%(

C/c++ &etwor1ing Developers

*y =ne 'our e Glo*al in Chennai 67&erien e+ ? to 0 yrs( F =&ening-s1+ ?3:oste% on+ 3L De

#ogin to $ppl% ;&&ly #ithout Registration

Ne# AserI Register No# 'hare

Job Description'en% me Jo*s like this

C/C!! &rogramming &roMe ts in the 4inu7/Win%o#s/6m*e%%e% &latformsWorke% #ith Net#orking &roto ols 8C:/5:/AD:/R8:/H88: et (Cyg#in, 4inu7 Develo&ment tools like gmake, g , g%*, svn, valgrin%, et (

'alary+ ;s &er the om&any st% - ;&&ly *y givivng C8C %etails 5n%ustry+ 58 'oft#are, 'oft#are 'ervi es /un tional ;rea+ ;&&li ation :rogramming, .aintenan e Role Category+ :rogramming E Design Role+ 'oft#are Develo&er Deyskills+ C, C!!, 8C: / 5:

Desire! Can!i!ate .rofile

6%u ation+ -AG - )(8e h/)(6( - ;ny '&e iali>ation, )(' - Com&uters1 =R -:G - .C; - Com&uters, .(' - Com&uters1 ;ND - Do torate - Do torate Not Require%1 =*Me t =riente% Design an% %evelo&ment - Data 'tru tures, ;lgorithm %esign( , 'trong in net#orking on e&ts, memory han%ling, inter&ro ess ommuni ation, threa%ing, %evi e %rivers, et (

Co)pan% .rofile
=ne 'our e Glo*al
htt&+//###(onesour eglo*al(net 8hey are an innovator in mo*ile unifie% ommuni ation an% olla*oration -ACC1 &rovi%ing the *est-in- lass solution

#inux 2ernel Developer

*y 'ofta ulous 4t%( in .um*ai, .um*ai 'u*ur*s, Navi .um*ai, 8hane 67&erien e+ 0 to 2 yrs(:oste% on+ 36 De

#ogin to $ppl% ;&&ly #ithout Registration

Ne# AserI Register No# 'hare

Job Description'en% me Jo*s like this

'trong 4inu7/Win%o#s Dernel :rogramming, multithrea%ing an% syn hroni>ation( Dee& un%erstan%ing of =' on e&ts, multi&ro essing, /ile 'ystems, "irtual memory( 67&ertise in C an% Data stru tures Dee& un%erstan%ing of &ro essor ar hite ture, '.: 'ystem 'alary+ Not Dis lose% *y Re ruiter 5n%ustry+ 58 'oft#are, 'oft#are 'ervi es /un tional ;rea+ Net#ork ;%ministration, 'e urity Role Category+ :rogramming E Design Role+ 'oft#are Develo&er Deyskills+ 4inu7 Dernel Develo&er, 4inu7 Dernel, 4inu7, Win%o#s Dernel :rogramming, =' Con e&ts, .ulti&ro essing, /ile 'ystems,"irtual .emory, Data 'tru tures

Desire! Can!i!ate .rofile

6%u ation+ -AG - ;ny Gra%uate1 ;ND -:G - ;ny :G Course1 ;ND - Do torate - Do torate Not Require%1

,Dno#le%ge of storage system on e&ts #ill *e a%%e% a%vantage( ,:ossesses suffi ient te hni al kno#le%ge an% e7&erien e to &i k u& ne# e7&ertise qui kly #ith gui%an e from a te hni al lea%er ,67&ertise in De*ugging 8ools + GD), DD) et (

Co)pan% .rofile
'ofta ulous 4t%(
htt&+//###(softa ulous( om ; lea%ing lient of 'ofta ulous 4t%(

,torage Device Driver Developer

*y 'ofta ulous 4t%( in .um*ai, Navi .um*ai, 8hane 67&erien e+ ? to 2 yrs(:oste% on+ 36 De

#ogin to $ppl% ;&&ly #ithout Registration

Ne# AserI Register No# 'hare

Job Description'en% me Jo*s like this

'trong 4inu7/Win%o#s Dernel :rogramming, multithrea%ing an% syn hroni>ation( Dee& un%erstan%ing of =' on e&ts, multi&ro essing, /ile 'ystems, "irtual memory( 67&ertise in C an% Data stru tures )lo k storage %river( 'alary+ Not Dis lose% *y Re ruiter 5n%ustry+ 58 'oft#are, 'oft#are 'ervi es /un tional ;rea+ Net#ork ;%ministration, 'e urity Role Category+ :rogramming E Design Role+ 'oft#are Develo&er Deyskills+ 'torage Devi e Driver Develo&er, 'torage, 4inu7, Win%o#s Dernel :rogramming, Win%o#s, =' Con e&ts, .ulti&ro essing,/ile 'ystems, "irtual .emory, Data 'tru tures )lo k 'torage Driver, Data 'tru tures

Desire! Can!i!ate .rofile

6%u ation+ -AG - ;ny Gra%uate1 ;ND -:G - ;ny :G Course1 ;ND - Do torate - Do torate Not Require%1 67&erien e+ ? - 2 Hrs(

Co)pan% .rofile
'ofta ulous 4t%(
htt&+//###(softa ulous( om/ ; lea%ing lient of 'ofta ulous 4t%(

4ogin to ;&&ly ;&&ly # ithout Registration

'8-6ri sson is a #orl% lea%er in %evelo&ment of #ireless &latforms an% semi on%u tors( '8-6ri sson ena*les smarter ommuni ation, mo*ile entertainment, as #ell as *enefits of a ess to mo*ile an% *roa%*an% onne tivity to &eo&le aroun% the glo*e( '8-6ri sson is unique in its a*ility to %eliver state-of-the-

art &latforms, integrating mo*ile multime%ia an% onne tivity for G'., 6DG6, WCD.;, H':;, 8D-'CD.; an% 486( 8he om&any is a lea%ing su&&lier to the to& han%set manufa turers, as #ell as to other e7 iting in%ustry lea%ers, in lu%ing mo*ile o&erators an% %evi e manufa turers( 'omething a*out our &resen e in 5n%ia Designation Job Description 'oft#are 6ngineer-us*, )angalore *e have current opening for people with 345 %ears of experience in U,6-

Desire! Can!i!ate .rofile"

?1 67 ellent kno#le%ge an% han%s on in C 01 Domain e7&ertise in the /ollo#ing areas+ A') 0(3/A')3(3 '&e ifi ations A') lasses An%erstan%ing of 4inu7 ga%get an% Host sta k( 31 An%erstan%ing of 4inu7 ga%get an% Host sta k( 21 67&erien e in 4inu7 %evi e %rivers <1 'trong e7&erien e in 4inu7 Dernel Develo&ment 61 Goo% un%erstan%ing on A') &roto ol analy>er L1 4inu7 De*ugging 'kills -g%*, kg%*, rash analysis1 G1 'trong kno#le%ge in =' 5nternals -/ile systems, D.;, 'ystem initiali>ation, Drivers, .emory .anagement an% ' he%uler1 @1 67&erien e in systems #ith %ifferent har%#are &latform -;R., .5:', KG6 an% ::C1 ?31 Design 67&erien e an% Dno#le%ge on Design .etho%ologies ??1 67&erien e in ;&&li ation :rogramming+ 5nterfa ing #ith kernel, 5:C #oul% *e a%%e% a%vantage ?01 67&erien e in Configuration .anagement on e&ts( ?31 Dno#le%ge of o&en sour e tools like Git, Gerrit #ill *e a%%e% a%vantage

+ther ,1ills 'e uire!"

Goo% ;nalyti al 'kills 'trong ommuni ation an% :ro*lem 'olving ;*ility

Desire! .rofile Experience 7n!ustr% 0%pe 'ole 8unctional $rea E!ucation

:lease refer to the Jo* %es ri&tion a*ove 3 - 6 Hears 'emi on%u tors, 6le troni s 'oft#are Develo&er 6m*e%%e%, 6D;, "4'5, ;'5C, Chi& Design AG - )(8e h/)(6( - Com&uters, 6le troni s/8ele omuni ation :G - .(8e h - Com&uters, 6le troni s/8ele omuni ation D=C8=R;86 - ;ny Do torate - ;ny '&e iali>ation, Do torate Not Require% )engaluru/)angalore A') lasses, A') '&e ifi ations, C, C!!, 4inu7 %evi e %rivers, linu7 kernel %evelo&ement, linu7 ga%get, A') &roto ol analy>er, linu7 %e*ugging skills, linu7 internals, 4inu7 Dernel 'ystem :rogramming, system level &rogramming :reeti 'aM#an '8 6R5C''=N 66<?2?20 36 De

#ocation 2e%wor!s

Contact 0elephone Job .oste!

,%ste)s Engineer( Google-co)

*y Google 5n%ia :rivate 4imite% in )engaluru/)angalore 67&erien e+ 3 to 6 yrs(:oste% on+ 3L De

Cli king a&&ly #ill take you to the om&anyNs #e*site Ne# AserI Register No# 'hare

Job Description'en% me Jo*s like this

Hour mission #ill *e to ensure Google is al#ays fast, availa*le, s ala*le an% engineere% to #ithstan% un&arallele% %eman%( Hou #ill %esign an% %evelo& the systems #hi h run Google 'ear h, Gmail, Hou8u*e, .a&s, Do s, ;%s, )logger, ;&&6ngine, Google! an% more( HouBll o#n the &ro%u tion servi es #hi h om&rise ,(google( om, as #ell as key infrastru ture like G/', )ig8a*le, .a&Re%u e, Chu**y an% larges ale B lou% om&utingB lusters( Hou #ill also *e %riving &erforman e an% relia*ility from soft#are an% infrastru ture at massive s ale, #here even the 3(3?O ase must *e onsi%ere%( Hou #ill en ounter hallenging, novel situations every %ay, an% #ork #ith Must a*out every other engineering an% o&erations team at Google( Hou #ill *e looke% u&on as an e7&ert an% a%vo ate to fello# engineers on making %esign an% relia*ility tra%e-offs in running large-s ale servi es an% engineering om&le7 systems that fail gra efully an% trans&arently to users( 8he most su essful an%i%ates for this role #ill have strong analyti al an% trou*leshooting skillsP fluen y in

o%ing, algorithms, an% systems %esignP soli% ommuni ation skillsP an% a %esire to solve om&le7 &ro*lems of s ale #hi h are uniquely Google( We are &arti ularly intereste% in soft#are engineers, systems a%ministrators, an% Ani7 &rogrammers familiar #ith as&e ts of running #e* servi es at s ale( De&th in net#orking te hnologies an% Ani7/4inu7 internals are strong &luses( Res&onsi*ilities+ .anage availa*ility, laten y, s ala*ility an% effi ien y of Google servi es *y engineering relia*ility into soft#are an% systems Res&on% to an% resolve emergent servi e &ro*lemsP *uil% tools an% automation to &revent &ro*lem re urren e Revie# an% influen e ne# an% evolving %esign, ar hite ture, stan%ar%s, an% metho%s for o&erating servi es an% systems :arti i&ate in soft#are an% system &erforman e analysis an% tuning, servi e a&a ity &lanning an% %eman% fore asting :erform &erio%i on- all %uty as &art of a glo*al team( 'alary+ Not Dis lose% *y Re ruiter 5n%ustry+ 58 'oft#are, 'oft#are 'ervi es /un tional ;rea+ 'ystem :rogramming Role Category+ :rogramming E Design Role+ 'oft#are Develo&er Deyskills+ Ani7 / 4inu7 systems, :ython, C, C!!, Java, :erl, 'hell, 8e hni al trou*leshooting, ='es, :erforman e tuning

Desire! Can!i!ate .rofile

6%u ation+ -AG - )(; - ;ny '&e iali>ation, )(' - Com&uters1 ;ND -:G - ;ny :G Course - ;ny '&e iali>ation1 ;ND - Do torate - Do torate Not Require%1 .inimum 9ualifi ations+ );/)' %egree in Com&uter ' ien e or relate% fiel% -5n lieu of %egree, 2 years relevant #ork e7&erien e1 3 years of relevant #ork e7&erien e, in lu%ing #ith Ani7/4inu7 systems requiring the use of languages like :ython, C, C!!, Java, :erl, 'hell or :H: 8e hni al trou*leshooting an% &erforman e tuning e7&erien e :referre% 9ualifi ations+ 6 years relevant #ork e7&erien e, in lu%ing in a high-volume or riti al &ro%u tion servi e environment as #ell as e7&erien e lea%ing short &roMe ts involving outsi%e teams 67&erien e oor%inating or lea%ing small ross-team te hni al &roMe ts 67&erien e in ='es an% systems -e(g( AN5K internals, %evi e %rivers, /ree)'D1, o&en sour e tools -e(g( %tra e, ktra e1, #e* servi e om&onents -e(g( loa% *alan ing, 4;.: sta k1, storage an% lustering -e(g( olumn stores, Ha%oo&1, s ri&ting an% &rogramming languages -e(g( 6rlang, Haskell, ' ala or ' heme1 'trong #ritten an% s&oken 6nglish language skills(

Co)pan% .rofile
Google 5n%ia :rivate 4imite%
htt&+//###(google( o(in Google is not a onventional om&any, an% #e %onBt inten% to *e ome one( 8rue, #e share attri*utes #ith the #orl%Bs most su essful organi>ations - a fo us on innovation an% smart *usiness &ra ti es omes to min% - *ut even as #e ontinue to gro#, #eBre ommitte% to retaining a small- om&any feel( ;t Google, #e kno# that every em&loyee has something im&ortant to say, an% that every em&loyee is integral to our su ess( We &rovi%e in%ivi%ually-tailore% om&ensation &a kages that an *e om&rise% of om&etitive salary, *onus, an% equity om&onents, along #ith the o&&ortunity to earn further finan ial *onuses an% re#ar%s( Googlers thrive in small, fo use% teams an% high-energy environments, *elieve in the a*ility of te hnology to hange the #orl%, an% are as &assionate a*out their lives as they are a*out their #ork(

Job #ocation" )engaluru/)angalore, Hy%era*a%

$ppl% &ow 'epl%

Dear Can!i!ate( H5 N=86+5/ ;::456D =R 8;D6N ;NH 5N86R"56W 5N 8H6 :;'8 '5K .=N8H' :4' D= .6N85=N 8H6 ';.6 =N4H /R=. :R=DAC8 );'6D C=.:;N56' C;ND5D;86' 'H=A4D ;::4H 5 Re&resent from a &la ement onsultan y alle% ;%vaita 5nfote h, )angalore Currently We have reqs #ith our Client ;.;Q=N for Hy%er*a%+ ?-03 Hrs of e7& in - 67&erien e, - Jo* lo ation - Hy%er*a% - Co%ing skill --Java/J066 -&referre%1 =R C, C!! / C$11 - Data-stru ture an% ;lgorithms - ==:' on e&t -'houl% *e a very goo%1 - :ro*lem 'olving -'houl% *e very goo%1 - "ery goo% at 8e hni al ;r hite ture - "ery goo% at ==;D, High level an% lo# level %esign( 5n 5ntereste% &ls sen% the u&%ate v asa& to vinuthaRa%vaitainfote h(net

Din%ly %o mention the *eol# %etails Current Ct +/ 67& Ct + /Noti e :erio%+ 6%u ation Details+ :referre% 4o ation Regar%s "inutha ;%vaita 5nfote h 6masil+ vinuthaRa%vaitainfote h(net

urgent re uire)ent for c++/U&79 .rofessional for Gurgaon

5n*o7 7

$gile 7nfor)atics .rivate #i)ite!

infoRmonsterin%ia( om via monster( De o(in 3 -@ %ays ago1

to me
To respond back directly to the Employer, please click on Reply button, or send an email toasingh@wwdts.com (Please don't delete or modify while replying to this email !or "nternal #se of Employer - Monster Resume ID: 32702727 Personal Folder ID: 12564407

$ear Rahul, Hope Y u are do!n" #ell #e $a%e some ur"ent re&u!rement 'or ())*+,I- Pro'ess!onal 'or .ur"aon /D :0apa1le o' understand!n" te($n!(al spe(!'!(at!ons and re&u!rements and (on%ert!n" t$em to a "ood and sta1le des!"n2 3tron" !nterpersonal and (ommun!(at!on s4!lls 0apa1le o' mult!tas4!n" and $andl!n" load under pressure 0apa1le o' pro5e(t est!mates 67per!en(e o' lead!n" so't#are pro5e(ts 67(ellent 4no#led"e o' 0))8 39:8 +,I- plat'orms8 3$ell 3(r!pt!n"8 De1u""!n"2 Possess stron" P:*3;: s4!lls pre'era1l< us!n" ra(le 3tron" 4no#led"e o' Des!"n Patterns and +M:2 +nderstand!n" o' 3!l4 9est #!ll 1e an added ad%anta"e2 Must 1e a1le to use ne# te($nolo"!es to del!%er $!"$ &ual!t< and opt!m!=ed produ(t2 3$ould 1e a1le to pr!or!t!=e t$e tas4s and a((ord!n"l< s$ould 1e a1le to allo(ate resour(es2 Interested (and!dates please send t$e!r 0>3 ?3?P #!t$ 'ollo#!n" deta!ls 9otal 67p : rel 67p on 0)) +,I- : 0urrent 090 : 0urrent :o(at!on : ?re <ou read< to relo(ate to .ur"aon : ,ot!(e Per!od : t$an4s Re(ru!tment team @@D93

$ear Rahul, Hope Y u are do!n" #ell

#e $a%e some ur"ent re&u!rement 'or ())*+,I- Pro'ess!onal 'or .ur"aon /D :0apa1le o' understand!n" te($n!(al spe(!'!(at!ons and re&u!rements and (on%ert!n" t$em to a "ood and sta1le des!"n2 3tron" !nterpersonal and (ommun!(at!on s4!lls 0apa1le o' mult!tas4!n" and $andl!n" load under pressure 0apa1le o' pro5e(t est!mates 67per!en(e o' lead!n" so't#are pro5e(ts 67(ellent 4no#led"e o' 0))8 39:8 +,I- plat'orms8 3$ell 3(r!pt!n"8 De1u""!n"2 Possess stron" P:*3;: s4!lls pre'era1l< us!n" ra(le 3tron" 4no#led"e o' Des!"n Patterns and +M:2 +nderstand!n" o' 3!l4 9est #!ll 1e an added ad%anta"e2 Must 1e a1le to use ne# te($nolo"!es to del!%er $!"$ &ual!t< and opt!m!=ed produ(t2 3$ould 1e a1le to pr!or!t!=e t$e tas4s and a((ord!n"l< s$ould 1e a1le to allo(ate resour(es2 Interested (and!dates please send t$e!r 0>3 ?3?P #!t$ 'ollo#!n" deta!ls 9otal 67p : rel 67p on 0)) +,I- : 0urrent 090 : 0urrent :o(at!on : ?re <ou read< to relo(ate to .ur"aon : ,ot!(e Per!od : t$an4s Re(ru!tment team @@D93

$ear Rahul, H!8 Aelo# are t$e open!n"s !n our (ompan< ###2pr!meso'tsolut!ons!n(2(om #!t$ e7per!en(e le%el 3 B C Years2 :o(at!on: H<dera1ad 12 :!nu7*De%!(e Dr!%er De%elopment 6n"!neers #!t$ stron" 0*?ssem1l< pro"ramm!n" s4!lls2 67per!en(e !n Real t!me 3*@ de%elopment #!t$ e7posure to R9 :!nu78 >- @or4s or 362 :!nu7 Dernel :e%el De1u""!n" s4!ll2 De%!(e Dr!%er De%eloped or en$an(ed su($ as 69H6R,698 +?R98 3PI et(2 67per!en(e #!t$ P0I8 .!"a1!t 6t$ernet De%!(e Dr!%er2 Aoard 3upport Pa(4a"e 67per!en(e2 67per!en(e #!t$ Mult!-0ore Mult! 9$read ?r($!te(ture2 0ompre$ens!on o' Intel ?r($!te(ture2 Dno#led"e o' 4ernel net#or4!n" proto(ol2 Intel pro(essor E7C6F2 67per!en(e !n :2 and IP Pa(4et Pro(ess!n"2 5) D!re(t 67per!en(es2 22 ,et#or4 Pro(essors8 6G 0$!p8 0a%!um8 ,et lo"!(8 90?M8 :u(ent8 Pa(4et For#ard!n" t$ru ,et#or4 Pro(essor Dno#led"e o' -elerated ,P+Hs I 6G 0$!p2 0ompre$ens!on o' ,P+ ?r($!te(ture2 Dno#led"e o' 90?M8 Pa(4et Pro(ess!n"2 67posure on Fast pat$ pro"ramm!n"2 67per!en(e #!t$ Mult!-0ore Mult!-9$read ?r($!te(ture2 Dno#led"e o' 9ra''!( Mana"ement2 6n"!neers #!t$ stron" 0*?ssem1l< pro"ramm!n" s4!lls2 67per!en(e !n Real t!me 3*@ de%elopment #!t$ e7posure to R9 :!nu78 >- @or4s or 362 67per!en(e #!t$ Pa(4et Pro(ess!n" IP and 6t$ernet 'rames a must 32 ?ssem1l< :an"ua"e Pro"ramm!n" I 7C6 Pro(essor B 3tron" e7per!en(e !nto ?ssem1l< :an"ua"e Pro"ramm!n"8 -C68 ?3M8 AI 32 Intel pro(essor E7C6F2 0ompre$ens!on o' Intel ?r($!te(ture2 67per!en(e #!t$ Mult!-0ore Mult! -9$read ?r($!te(ture2 67per!en(e !nto :!nu7 I net#or4!n" doma!n2 42 ,et#or4 ?ppl!(at!on I 3o(4et le%el pro"ramm!n"

3o(4et pro"ramm!n" Emult!-t$readed appl!(at!on de%elopmentF2 67per!en(e !n de%elop!n" and de1u""!n" :!nu7 appl!(at!on E mult!-t$readedF 3o(4et 1ased8 :!nu78 Inter-pro(essor (ommun!(at!on8 em1edded pro"ramm!n"8 02 Pr!me3o't 3olut!ons8 In(2 !s produ(t en"!neer!n" ser%!(es8 o''er!n" so't#are ser%!(es to produ(t de%elop!n" (ompan!es 1ased out o' ,ort$ ?mer!(a I 6urope2 @e o''er Produ(t 6n""8 ?ppl!(at!on De% I ;? ser%!(es to 6MJs I I3>Js ran"!n" 'rom %enture 'unded startups to pu1l!(l< traded (ompan!es !n net#or4!n" I tele(ommun!(at!on2 D!ndl< !"nore t$!s ma!l !n(ase re(e!%ed !n last 3 mont$s2 In(ase <ou are !nterested 'or t$e pro(ess respond #!t$ 1elo# deta!ls:

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