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Final Report

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Contents Page No.

Acknowledgement..4 Preface....5 Executive Summary....6 Profile of Organization... !" #ntroduction to Pro$ect Exi%ting %y%tem&' Pro(o%ed Sy%tem..&& O)$ective% of Pro$ect.&* Preliminary #nve%tigation...&+ Software ,e-uirement% S(ecification%...&4!&. S/01.&"!*& 2ea%i)ility Study**!*5 Scri(t 0anguage% 3%ed..*6!*. Programming 0anguage and 4ool..*"!+4 /e%ign+5!+" /2/.4'!4* 5A644 17art..4+ PE,4 17art..44 1O1O8O 8odel.45!4 /ata)a%e /e%ign..4.!5* 1oding.5+! 4 Sna( S7ot%... 5!.* 4e%ting...+!"& 8aintenance."* #m(lementation"+!"6 /ata /ictionary" !""


Advantage% of (ro$ect..&'& 9i)liogra(7y.&'*



Particulars of the Figures

4y(e% of ,e-uirement% .6E4 2ramework Arc7itecture .6E4 2ramework 1la%% 0i)rary /ata 2low /iagram of Admini%trator 0ogin /ata 2low /iagram of Staff 8em)er 0O5#6 in to :o%(ital 8anagement Sy%tem :ig7 level /ata 2low /iagram of :o%(ital 8anagement Sy%tem 5A644 17art for Software /evelo(ment Plan PE,4 17art for Pro$ect Evaluation and ,eview Sna(%7ot of 0ogin ;indow

Page No.
2 !1 "# "1 "2 "! "" &$ &% && &' &' & '# '# '1 '2 1 1##

! " $ % & '

1# 11 12 1! 1" 1$ 1% 1& 1' 1 2#

Sna(%7ot of Admini%trator 0ogin Sna(%7ot of 17ange Pa%%word ;indow Sna(%7ot of /e%ignation Addition Sna(%7ot of Em(loyee Addition Sna(%7ot of Outdoor Patient module Sna(%7ot of #ndoor Patient ,ecord Sna(%7ot of 9ill 5eneration 8odule Sna(%7ot of ,oom Addition and Editing Sna(%7ot of Em(loyee Editing /ifferent Stage% of 4e%ting Site 8a( of :o%(ital 8anagement Sy%tem

INDEX FOR ()*+ES Serial No.

1 2 ! " $ % & '

Particulars of the (a,les

4a)le for Admini%trator 0O5#6 4a)le for ;ard #nformation 4a)le for /e(artment Addition 4a)le for ,oom Addition 4a)le for Outdoor Patient 8aintenance 4a)le for #ndoor Patient 8aintenance 4a)le for /e%ignation Addition 4a)le for Em(loyee Addition 4a)le for 9ill 5eneration

Page No.
" " " " $# $# $1 $1 $2 2


4a)le for 4e%t 1a%e%


Per%everance< #n%(iration = 8otivation 7ave alway% (layed a key role in t7e %ucce%% of any venture. At t7i% level of under%tanding it i% -uite difficult to under%tand t7e wide %(ectrum of knowledge. ;it7out (ro(er guidance and advice making a (ro$ect during my training (eriod wa% a difficult ta%k for me. A(art from t7e effort% of me< t7e %ucce%% of my (ro$ect de(end% largely on t7e encouragement and guideline% of many ot7er%. # take t7i% o((ortunity to ex(re%% my gratitude to t7e (eo(le w7o 7ave )een in%trumental in t7e %ucce%%ful com(letion of t7i% (ro$ect. # t7ank of Goral (echnolog0 P1t. +t2.. ;7o 7ave enric7ed me wit7 t7eir ex(erience and 7el( me in %7a(ing u( t7i% (ro$ect .#n (articular # 7ere)y t7ank my guide% and re(orting officer%. #t i% a matter of great (lea%ure for me to undertake Goral (echnolog0 P1t. +t2. # would like to %7ow my greate%t a((reciation to my (ro$ect in!c7arge< /iss. 3ar4eet -aur. # can>t %ay t7ank you enoug7 for t7e tremendou% %u((ort and 7el(. # feel motivated and encouraged every time # attend 7er meeting. ;it7out 7er encouragement and guidance t7i% (ro$ect work would not 7ave materialized. # would like to give my %incere t7ank% to 8r. ?aila%7 17ander @:.O./.< 81AA for 7i% con%tant motivation and in%(iration.

5Neha )rora6


47e -ue%t for knowledge can never end .47e dee(er you dig t7e greater t7e unex(lored %eem% to )e no man can 7one%tly %ay. #n t7e modern era of %cience and tec7nology a% a (owerful nation. #ndia i% %till legging )e7ind due to di%!advancement in com(uter tec7nologie%. 47i% (ro)lem can )e overcome only w7en t7e yout7 of #ndia of t7e (re%ent generation give full co! o(eration in ri%ing #ndia a% a (owerful nation )y learning more and more com(uter. 47at 7e 7a% learned all t7at t7i% world 7a% to offer we can>t ac7ieve anyt7ing wort7w7ile in any field only on )a%i% t7eoretical from )ook< (rogramatical knowledge o)tain t7roug7 working at zero level and gaining ex(erience< in my view . #n order to ac7ieve tangi)le (o%itive and concert re%ult< t7e cla%%room knowledge need% to )e effective wedded to t7e realitie% of t7e %ituation exi%ting out%ide t7e cla%%room. Smart4ec7Era (vt. 0td. #% one of t7e leading (u)lic %ector organization% in t7e country in area of develo(ment. 47e keen intere%t of tec7nical Smart4ec7Era (vt. 0td< in ex(laining variou% (roce%%e% 7a% 7el(ed me to add muc7 more in my knowledge and # am really to grateful to all t7e mem)er of Smart4ec7Era (vt. 0td. 4o %uc7 great 7eig7t a% ac7ieved )y Smart4ec7Era nationally and glo)ally during (art few year. 47i% re(ort cover% a %mall introduction of Smart4ec7Era and com(lete de%cri(tion of my (ro$ect< w7ic7 )a%ed on A%(.6E4 wit7 1B and SC0!Server .


Na4e of Su9er1isor: Praveen ?umar Designation: Contact No: E4ail ID: Senior /evelo(er ". .6 4'' (kumarE%marttec7era.com

)*OU( CO/P)N8D!
S4art (ech Era P1t. +t2 )22ress:;S12 !&* 2ir%t 2loor< ?algidar7 Enclave< 9altana ,oad <Firak(ur Pin G &4'6'4 .e,site:; www.%marttec7era.com Contact No:; '& 6*!5*5* 6 E4ail ID:; infoE%marttec7era.com

;e 7ave a growing team to make a mark in #4 and #4ES %ervice %ector% in #ndia. ;e are one of t7e leading com(anie% in t7e field of we) %ervice% in #ndia. ;e take t7i% o((ortunity to introduce our%elve% a% a very young and dynamic com(any offering total and co%t!effective %olution% u%ing t7e late%t #nternet 4ec7nology. ;e 7ave a%%ociated wit7 leading com(anie% worldwide to (rovide t7e )e%t availa)le 4ec7nology to our cu%tomer%. Hou a%k for it< we give itI Our com(re7en%ive %olution% aid our client% acro%% variou% domain% to get a new com(etitive edge in t7e glo)ali%ed era. Cuality i% a $ourney< not a de%tination< and new millennium indu%try leader% mu%t ad7ere to world cla%% -uality %tandard% to retain t7e com(etitive edge in t7e glo)al market(lace. #n order to %erve our glo)al client% acro%% ma$or indu%try vertical%< it 7a% )een mandatory for t7e com(any to develo( and maintain a %tringent Cuality 8anagement Sy%tem @C8SA t7at continuou%ly rai%e% our (erformance level and im(rove% our efficiency. Since it% ince(tion< Smart4ec7Era 7a% con%tantly %trived to meet rigorou% -uality (arameter%. 47e work done )y u% i% a -uality mile%tone t7at furt7er validate% our cea%ele%% effort% to (rovide -uality %olution% and %ervice%J en7ance (erformanceJ and %u((ort )u%ine%%e% wit7 mo%t effective tec7nology %trategie%.


.e, Designing
Effective ;e) de%ign i% a com)ination of art and functionality. 47e de%ign of a we)%ite i% t7e fir%t %te( of conveying your me%%age to your cu%tomer% and a%%ociate%. Our endeavor i% to develo( we) %ite% w7ic7 are uni-ue and elegant vi%ually yet u%a)le.

Sen2er Re=riting Sche4e 5SRS6

@S,SA i% a tec7ni-ue to re!mail an email me%%age %o t7at eventual /elivery Statu% 6otification% can reac7 t7e original me%%age %ender. #n t7i% context< re!mailing i% an alternative to Email forwarding< w7ic7 i% not allowed )y t7e %ender Policy 2ramework.

.e, 3osting
Providing ;e) 7o%ting %ervice% to t7e client%.

.e, *ase2 )99lication 2e1elo94ent

Some of t7e ma$or we) develo(ment %ervice% we (rovide areD &A ASP *A E!1ommerce /evelo(ment +A ;e) Portal /evelo(ment 4A 1ontent 8anagement Sy%tem 5A ;e) A((lication /evelo(ment

S/S Gate=a0s
8S 8arketing i% u%eful for all ty(e% of )u%ine%%e%< e%(ecially in targeting t7e local cu%tomer%. ;it7 t7e 7el( of )ulk S8S you can increa%e your %ale )y *''K during t7e fe%tival% or (romotion%.

E;Co44erce Solutions
E!1ommerce %olution% are an ea%y exten%ion of commerce. #t i% an accom(li%7ment of financial )u%ine%% tran%action% or %7aring information wit7 )u%ine%% (er%on%< con%umer% or ot7er% over t7e internet.

Search Engine O9ti4i>ation 5SEO6

Searc7 Engine O(timization @SEOA %ervice% im(rove t7e volume and -uality of traffic to a we)%ite from %earc7 engine%. #nternet marketing i% a tec7ni-ue for getting your we)%ite 7ig7 vi%i)ility on t7e ma$or %earc7 engine% %uc7 a% 5oogle< 8S6 and Ha7oo increa%ing t7e targeted traffic and )u%ine%%.


Online 3os9ital /anage4ent S0ste4:
7o%(ital and 7el( in o(timal utilization of t7em. Online :o%(ital 8anagement Sy%tem will

manage all t7e re%ource% of any 7o%(ital. :8S will centralize t7e control of re%ource% in t7e

E@isting S0ste4:
#n t7e exi%ting 7o%(ital %y%tem all t7e activitie% are done manually. 4o attend large num)er of (atient%< t7e 7o%(ital %taff 7a% to do everyt7ing manually. &. 8anually enter t7e data of eac7 (atient in %ome editor. *. A%%igning a (articular (atient to any doctor i% again done manually. +. :a% to manually create an admit 1ard for eac7 (atient 4. ,e%ult of eac7 0A9 te%t% conducted i% %tored in t7e textLexcel file. 5. ;ork %c7eduling of doctor% and nur%e% i% maintained in excel. 6. 8anually c7ecking of availa)ility of 9ed for t7e admitting (atient%. #n t7e exi%ting %y%tem all t7e%e activitie% are done manually. #t take% lot of time to in%ertLu(dateLdelete t7e information of eac7 and every (atient. #n order to overcome t7i% entire %7ortcoming we t7oug7t to develo( a %olid (latform for an Online :o%(ital 8anagement Sy%tem t7at can )e ra(idly cu%tomized and de(loyed to meet t7e %(ecific need% of eac7 u%er. And t7i% (roduct will )e fully cu%tomized %o t7at it can full fill almo%t eac7 every re-uirement of t7e admini%trator and al%o will )e very u%er friendly and ea%y to navigate %o t7at it can )e u%ed very efficiently.


47e (ro(o%ed %y%tem i% to (rovide an Online :o%(ital 8anagement Sy%tem t7at will not only overcome t7e exi%ting %7ortcoming of t7e (re%ent %y%tem )ut will (rovide admini%trator a (owerful< dynamic and interactive way to ac7ieve 7i% re-uired ta%k% very efficiently. Admini%trator manage% 7o%(ital information $u%t )y giving t7eir u%ername and (a%%word online to t7e we)%ite. :e can only #n%ert< 3(date< /elete t7e record of t7e /octor and 6ur%e and add t7e new ward%< room% and al%o c7ange t7e u%ername< (a%%word. Staff rece(tioni%t can in%ert< u(date t7e record of #n!Patient and Out!Patient a% well a% di%c7arge module. ;7en any admitted Patient w7en get di%c7arge t7e room and )ed %tatu% u(dated automatically w7ic7 eliminate t7e confu%ion t7at )ed i% occu(ied or not. Auto Admit Patient #/ generation% after entering t7e demogra(7ic% information of eac7 (atient devoid of any mi%take%. A uni-ue (atient #/ will )e a%%igned to eac7 (atient automatically< %o t7at du(licity of data can )e avoided. Any record in t7e 7o%(ital regarding /e(artment< /e%ignation< ,oom% and Em(loyee% can )e u(dated anytime )y t7e %y%tem Admini%trator.



/emogra(7ic #nformation of Patient can )e %avedLu(datedLdeleted. #nformation of all /e(artment% and /e%ignation can )e addedLu(dated. ;ork Sc7eduling G a%%igning nur%e% to doctor% and doctor% to (atient%. Admi%%ion% ! Admitting (atient%< a%%igning t7e (atient% to a((ro(riate ward%. Patient 1are ! 8onitoring (atient% w7ile t7ey are in t7e 7o%(ital. 9ill 5eneration G At t7e time of (atient di%c7arge a )ill will )e generated on t7e )a%i% of t7e (atient admit and di%c7arge date.

;ard 8anagement ! Planning and coordinating t7e management of ward% and room%. ;aiting li%tD 8onitoring to %ee if t7ere are any (atient% waiting for availa)le )ed%< a%%igning t7em to doctor% and )ed% once t7e%e )ecome availa)le

8anaging ,oom Statu% in %uc7 a way t7at a((ro(riate room will )e allotted to t7e (atient%.


:ealt7care )u%ine%% model% are con%tantly evolving wit7 tec7nology a% t7e indu%try ex(and%. /ue to %oaring co%t% you need to control variou% (roce%%e% t7at govern t7i% %ector and for t7i%< an efficient :o%(ital 8anagement Sy%tem @:8SA i% nece%%ary. Our Online :8S %olution% addre%% t7i% need< w7ile leveraging exi%ting infra%tructure. 9a%ed on t7e 8icro%oft .6E4 (latform< :8S 7a% ro)u%t module% all integrated %eamle%%ly to eac7 ot7er. :8S 7a% ro)u%t functionality covering admini%tration< clinical %y%tem%< %u((ly c7ain module% and )u%ine%% intelligence. 47e clinical %y%tem com(ri%e% an electronic (atient record w7ic7 form% t7e core of t7e %y%tem and link% to all ot7er de(artment% in t7e 7o%(ital. 47i% 7el(% in (roviding im(roved clinical outcome% and )etter diagno%i% and care to t7e (atient%. 47e admini%trative and %u((ly c7ain module% im(rove (roductivity and efficiency< driving down co%t% and wa%te. If ne= a22itions are to ,e intro2uce2 in the s0ste4

#ntial #nve%tigation

,e-uirement Analy%i%


#m(lementation of t7e %y%tem and maintenance

4e%ting of de%ired feature%

1oding of t7e module%


47e following are t7e %oftware re-uired for t7e :o%(ital 8anagement Sy%temD ;indow% ASP .6E4 Mi%ual Studio *'&' 8S SC0 Server *''. 8icro%oft #nternet #nformation Server @##SA 4.' 3ltimate or A)ove

47e following are t7e 7ardware re-uired for t7e :o%(ital 8anagement Sy%temD P1 wit7 /ual 1ore &.+ or :ig7er Proce%%or & 59 ,A8 8inimum *' 59 7ard di%k %(ace. 1/!,O8@4. N or :ig7er recommendedA 8ou%e or Similar Pointing device.

2or t7e %oftware :o%(ital 8anagement Sy%tem t7e%e are following alternative%D! 2ront EndD 9ack EndD EditorD /ocumentation toolD ASP.net wit7 1B SC0 Server .6et #/E 8S!;ord



Software ,e-uirement% S(ecification @S,SA for t7e :o%(ital 8anagement Sy%tem @:8SA de%cri)e% t7e function%< goal% and ta%k% t7at t7e %y%tem can (erform. Software 4eam /evelo(ment #nc. @S4/A will u%e t7i% document to de%cri)e t7e %co(e of t7e (ro$ect and to (lan for t7e %y%tem>% de%ign im(lementation . 47i% document form% t7e )a%i% for t7e contract )etween t7e 7o%(ital and Software 4eam /evelo(ment #nc. @S4/A. 47e document li%t% t7e following feature% a% t7e 7ig7!level re-uirement% t7at t7e :o%(ital Patient 8anagement Sy%tem will %ati%fyD

/aBor ReCuire4ents:;
;ork Sc7eduling G a%%igning nur%e% to doctor% and doctor% to (atient%. Admi%%ion% ! Admitting (atient%< a%%igning t7e (atient% to a((ro(riate ward%. ,oom Allotment G room allotted to t7e #ndoor (atient. Patient 1are ! 8onitoring (atient% w7ile t7ey are in t7e 7o%(ital. ;ard 8anagement ! Planning and coordinating t7e management of ward% and room%. ;aiting li%t ! 8onitoring to %ee if t7ere are any (atient% waiting for availa)le )ed%< a%%igning t7em to doctor% and )ed% once t7e%e )ecome availa)le.

4y(e% of ,e-uirement%

2unctional ,e-uirement%

6on! 2unctional ,e-uirement%


Fig;1 (09es of ReCuire4ents

Non;Functional ReCuire4ents:;
6on functional re-uirement% can )e u%ed to im(rove t7e functioning of t7e com(uter %y%tem< )ut not t7e management of t7e 7o%(ital a% a w7ole. 2or t7e%e re-uirement%< Software 4eam /evelo(ment recommend% t7at t7e :o%(ital management identify a %et of ex(ert% from t7eir com(uter de(artment and t7eir legal de(artment to formally acce(t t7e re-uirement%. 47e (rimary area% of concern are (erformance< %ecurity and u%er!interface. Non;Functional ReCuire4ents are:;
Security Patient #dentification Admini%trator%O ,ig7t%

Functional reCuire4ents:;
2unctional re-uirement% are re-uirement% directly related to t7e 7o%(ital management. Software 4eam /evelo(ment #nc. @S4/A al%o recommend% t7at t7e 7o%(ital management identify a %et of ex(ert% in t7e different domain% to examine and formally acce(t t7e%e re-uirement%. Functional ReCuire4ent are:; 1. Registration:; )22 9atients 47e :8S %7all allow front!de%k %taff to add new (atient% to t7e %y%tem. )ssign ID 47e :8S %7all allow front!de%k %taff to give eac7 (atient #/ and add it 7i%L to t7e (atient>% record. 47i% #/ %7all )e u%ed )y t7e (atient t7roug7out 7er %tay in 7o%(ital. 2. Consultation:; )ssign .ar2 47e con%ulting nur%e %7all u%e :P8S to a%%ign t7e (atient to an a((ro(riate ward.


)ssign to .aiting +ist 47e con%ulting nur%e %7all u%e :P8S to a%%ign Patient to a waiting li%t if no )ed i% availa)le.

Pur9ose of SRS:;
47e (ur(o%e of t7i% document i% to de%cri)e all t7e re-uirement% for t7e :o%(ital Patient 8anagement Sy%tem @:P8SA. 47e intended audience include% all %take7older% in t7e (otential %y%tem. 47e%e include< )ut are not nece%%arily limited to< t7e followingD admini%trative %taff< doctor%< nur%e%< %urgeon% and develo(er%.

Functions Perfor4e2:;
47e %y%tem function% can )e de%cri)ed a% follow%D
Registration: ; ;7en a (atient i% admitted< t7e front!de%k %taff c7eck% to %ee if

t7e (atient i% already regi%tered wit7 t7e 7o%(ital. 47e (atient>% information %uc7 a% date of )irt7< addre%% and tele(7one num)er i% al%o entered into com(uter %y%tem.
Consultation: ; 47e (atient goe% to con%ultation!de%k to ex(lain 7i%L7er

condition %o t7at t7e con%ulting nur%e can determine w7at kind of ward and )ed %7ould )e a%%igned to 7imL7er. 47ere are two (o%%i)le circum%tance%D aA #f t7ere i% a )ed t7en t7e (atient will )e %ent to t7e )ed to wait for t7e doctor to come. )A #f t7ere i% no )ed< t7e (atient i% (ut on a waiting li%t until a )ed )ecome% availa)le.
Patient checD outD ! #f a (atient c7eck% out< t7e admini%trative %taff %7all

deallocate 7i% ,oom 6um)er from t7e %y%tem and t7e $u%t evacuated room i% included in availa)le!room li%t.
Re9ort Generation: ! 47e %y%tem generate% re(ort% on t7e following

informationD (atient%< )ed availa)ility and %taff %c7edule% after every %ix 7our%. #t (rint% out all t7e information on w7o 7a% u%ed w7ic7 )ed< w7en and t7e &

doctor t7at i% taking care of a given (atient a% well a% ex(ected medical ex(en%e%.

User Characteristics:;
47e %y%tem will )e u%ed in t7e 7o%(ital. 47e main u%er% will )eD Admini%trator% /octor% 6ur%e% 2ront!de%k %taff Owner 8anager

9ut t7e u%er t7at may )e an Admini%trator< /octor< 6ur%e etc u%ing t7e :o%(ital 8anagement Sy%tem may or may not )e a com(uter!literate. Some u%er% may 7ave to )e trained on u%ing t7e %y%tem. 47e %y%tem i% al%o de%igned to )e u%er!friendly. #t u%e% a 5ra(7ical 3%er #nterface @53#A












#f t7ere i% an exi%ting %y%tem< it% deficiencie% are identified. 47i% i% accom(li%7ed )y interviewing u%er% and con%ulting wit7 %u((ort (er%onnel. 47e new %y%tem re-uirement% are defined including addre%%ing any deficiencie% in t7e exi%ting %y%tem wit7 %(ecific (ro(o%al% for im(rovement. 47e (ro(o%ed %y%tem i% de%igned. Plan% are created detailing t7e 7ardware< o(erating %y%tem%< (rogramming< and %ecurity i%%ue%. 47e new %y%tem i% develo(ed. 47e new com(onent% and (rogram% mu%t )e o)tained and in%talled. 3%er% of t7e %y%tem mu%t )e trained in it% u%e< and all a%(ect% of (erformance mu%t )e te%ted. #f nece%%ary< ad$u%tment% mu%t )e made at t7i% %tage. 47e %y%tem i% (ut into u%e. 47i% can )e done in variou% way%. 47e new %y%tem can (7a%ed in< according to a((lication or location< and t7e old %y%tem gradually re(laced. #n %ome ca%e%< it may )e more co%t!effective to %7ut down t7e old %y%tem and im(lement t7e new %y%tem all at once. Once t7e new %y%tem i% u( and running for a w7ile< it %7ould )e ex7au%tively evaluated. 8aintenance mu%t )e ke(t u( rigorou%ly at all time%. 3%er% of t7e %y%tem %7ould )e ke(t u(!to!date concerning t7e late%t modification% and (rocedure%.



#n de%ign an efficient and effective %y%tem i% of great im(ortance to con%ider t7e 7uman factor and e-ui(ment t7at will re-uire to u%e. Sy%tem analy%t mu%t evaluate t7e ca(a)ilitie% and limitation% of t7e (er%onal and corre%(onding factor% of t7e e-ui(ment it%elf. 47e c7aracteri%tic% a%%ociated wit7 effective %y%tem o(eration% areD Acce%%i)ility /eci%ion 8aking A)ility Economy 2lexi)ility O(erata)ility ,elia)ility 8aintaina)ility Sim(licity

Succe%% of a new %y%tem de(end% on it% acce(tance or non!acce(tance )y t7e organization.


/e(ending on t7e re%ult% of t7e initial inve%tigation t7e %urvey i% now ex(anded to a more detailed fea%i)ility %tudy. P2EAS#9#0#4H S43/HQ i% a te%t of %y%tem (ro(o%al according to it% worka)ility< im(act of t7e organization< a)ility to meet need% and effective u%e of t7e re%ource%. #t focu%e% on t7e%e ma$or -ue%tion%D ;7at t7e admin want%R ;7at re%ource% are availa)le for %taffR ;7at are t7e likely im(act% of t7e candidate %y%tem on t7e organizationR ;7at information )e %7owed to t7e (atient% online a)out :o%(ital %y%temR /uring fea%i)ility analy%i% for t7i% (ro$ect< following (rimary area% of intere%t are to )e con%idered. #nve%tigation and generating idea% a)out a new %y%tem doe% t7i%.

Ste9s in feasi,ilit0 anal0sis:;

2ollowing %te(% involved in t7e fea%i)ility analy%i% areD 2orm a (ro$ect team and a((oint a (ro$ect leader. Pre(are %y%tem flowc7art%. Enumerate (otential (ro(o%ed %y%tem. /efine and identify c7aracteri%tic% of :o%(ital 8anagement %y%tem. /etermine and evaluate (erformance and co%t effective of eac7 (ro(o%ed %y%tem. ;eig7t %y%tem (erformance and co%t data. Pre(are and re(ort final (ro$ect directive to management.

(echnical feasi,ilit0:;
47e %tudy of re%ource availa)ility t7at may affect t7e a)ility to ac7ieve an acce(ta)le %y%tem. 47i% evaluation determine% w7et7er t7e tec7nology needed for t7e (ro(o%ed %y%tem i% availa)le or not.


S 1an t7e work for t7e (ro$ect )e done wit7 current e-ui(ment exi%ting %oftware tec7nology = availa)le (er%onalR S 1an t7e %y%tem )e u(graded if develo(edR S #f new tec7nology i% needed t7en w7at can )e develo(edR 47i% i% concerned wit7 %(ecifying e-ui(ment and %oftware t7at will %ucce%%fully %ati%fy t7e u%er re-uirement.

Front;en2 an2 ,acD;en2 selection:;

An im(ortant i%%ue for t7e develo(ment of a (ro$ect i% t7e %election of %uita)le front!end and )ack!end. ;7en we decided to develo( t7e (ro$ect we went t7roug7 an exten%ive %tudy to determine t7e mo%t %uita)le (latform t7at %uit% t7e need% of t7e organization a% well a% 7el(% in develo(ment of t7e (ro$ect. 47e a%(ect% of our %tudy included t7e following factor%. Front;en2 selection: &. #t mu%t 7ave a gra(7ical u%er interface t7at a%%i%t% em(loyee% t7at are not from #4 )ackground. *. Scala)ility and exten%i)ility. +. 2lexi)ility. 4. ,o)u%tne%%. 5. According to t7e organization re-uirement and t7e culture. 6. 8u%t (rovide excellent re(orting feature% wit7 good (rinting %u((ort. . Platform inde(endent. .. Ea%y to de)ug and maintain. ". Event driven (rogramming facility. &'. 2ront end mu%t %u((ort %ome (o(ular )ack end like 8% Acce%%. According to t7e a)ove %tated feature% we %elected )SP.NE( a% t7e front!end for develo(ing 3os9ital /anage4ent S0ste4. *acD;en2 Selection: &. 8ulti(le u%er %u((ort. *. Efficient data 7andling.


+. Provide in7erent feature% for %ecurity. 4. Efficient data retrieval and maintenance. 5. Stored (rocedure%. 6. Po(ularity. . O(erating Sy%tem com(ati)le. .. Ea%y to in%tall. ". Mariou% driver% mu%t )e availa)le. &'. Ea%y to im(lant wit7 t7e 2ront!end. According to a)ove %tated feature% we %elected SA+ Ser1er a% t7e )ackend. 47e tec7nical fea%i)ility i% fre-uently t7e mo%t difficult area encountered at t7i% %tage. #t i% e%%ential t7at t7e (roce%% of analy%i% and definition )e conducted in (arallel wit7 an a%%e%%ment to tec7nical fea%i)ility. #t center% on t7e exi%ting com(uter %y%tem @7ardware< %oftware etc.A and to w7at extent it can %u((ort t7e (ro(o%ed %y%tem. 47e %y%tem P3os9ital /anage4ent S0ste4Q can im(rove ea%ilyJ guarantying accuracy< relia)ility = ea%e of acce%% = data %ecurity a% t7ere i% no re-uirement of making any modification in t7e exi%ting %y%tem a% t7e tec7nology u%ed t7at %im(ly meet% t7e organizational need%. 47e %y%tem %7ould en%ure t7e facility of (reventing unaut7orized (er%onnel from acce%%ing t7e information and t7e data wit7in t7e %y%tem. Q 3os9ital /anage4ent S0ste4Q can al%o )e ea%ily u(graded a% w7en re-uiredJ t7e %erver )eing u%ed i% A%(.6et @freeware %oftwareA for utilizing ATAN and $ava %cri(t%. SC0 Server *''. i% )eing u%ed for %torage (ur(o%e%J )e%t for #nternet a((lication and ea%y retrieval. 2or t7e ea%e of (orta)ility of t7e data)a%e attac7 and detac7 (ro(ertie% can )e u%ed ea%ily< w7ic7 i% al%o a ma$or feature of P:o%(ital 8anagement Sy%temQ a% .6et framework i% )eing u%ed.

Econo4ical Feasi,ilit0:;
Economic $u%tification i% generally t7e P9ottom 0ineQ con%ideration for mo%t %y%tem%. Economic $u%tification include% a )road range of concern% t7at include% co%t )enefit analy%i%. #n t7i% we weig7t t7e co%t and t7e )enefit% a%%ociated wit7 t7e candidate %y%tem and if it %uit%


t7e )a%ic (ur(o%e of t7e organization i.e. (rofit making< t7e (ro$ect i% making to t7e analy%i% and de%ign (7a%e. 47e financial and t7e economic -ue%tion% during t7e (reliminary inve%tigation are verified to e%timate t7e followingD S 47e co%t to conduct a full %y%tem inve%tigation. S 47e co%t of 7ardware and %oftware for t7e cla%% of a((lication )eing con%idered. S 47e )enefit% in t7e form of reduced co%t. S 47e (ro(o%ed %y%tem will give t7e minute information< a% a re%ult t7e (erformance i% im(roved w7ic7 in turn may )e ex(ected to (rovide increa%ed (rofit%. S 47i% fea%i)ility c7eck% w7et7er t7e %y%tem can )e develo(ed wit7 t7e availa)le fund%. 47e Online 3os9ital /anage4ent S0ste4 doe% not re-uire enormou% amount of money to )e develo(ed. 47i% can )e done economically if (lanned $udicially< %o it i% economically fea%i)le. 47e 3os9ital /anage4ent S0ste4 can )e con%tructed wit7 t7e ea%ily availa)ility of 7ardware and %oftware w7ic7 re%ult% in t7e im(roved (erformance and reduce t7e %y%tem co%t.

O9erational Feasi,ilit0:;
#t i% mainly related to 7uman organization% and (olitical a%(ect%. 47e (oint% to )e con%idered areD S ;7at c7ange% will )e )roug7t wit7 t7e %y%temR S ;7at organization %tructure% are di%tur)edR S ;7at new %kill% will )e re-uiredR /o t7e exi%ting %taff mem)er% 7ave t7e%e %kill%R #f not< can t7ey )e trained in due cour%e of timeR 47e %y%tem i% o(erationally fea%i)le a% it very ea%y for t7e End u%er% to o(erate it. #t only need% )a%ic information a)out .E* (latform. 47e 3os9ital /anage4ent S0ste4 i% de%igned in %uc7 a way t7at t7e different u%er% w7ere it may )e an admini%trator< a doctor or a nur%e can ea%ily o(erate t7e %y%tem and (erform t7e record kee(ing and editing accordingly.


?)7) SCRIP(
;7enever we want to im(lement %ome ty(e of validation on client mac7ine< t7en we u%e a conce(t of $ava %cri(t. #t wa% develo(ed in &""* to interact wit7 t7e client mac7ineL)row%er. #t i% t7e (roduct of %un micro %y%tem and 6et%ca(e 6avigator. TavaScri(t wa% de%igned to add interactivity to :480 (age%. A %cri(ting language i% a lig7tweig7t (rogramming language. 3nlike :480< TavaScri(t i% ca%e %en%itive.

?a1aScri9t State4ents
A TavaScri(t %tatement i% a command to a )row%er. 47e (ur(o%e of t7e command i% to tell t7e )row%er w7at to do. 47i% TavaScri(t %tatement tell% t7e )row%er to write U;elcome to SSS #nfotec7U to t7e we) (ageD
document.write("Welcome to SmartTechEra Infotech");

#t i% normal to add a %emicolon at t7e end of eac7 executa)le %tatement. 47e %emicolon i% o(tional @according to t7e TavaScri(t %tandardA< and t7e )row%er i% %u((o%ed to inter(ret t7e end of t7e line a% t7e end of t7e %tatement. Note: 3%ing %emicolon% make% it (o%%i)le to write multi(le %tatement% on one line.

?a1aScri9t Co2e
TavaScri(t code @or $u%t TavaScri(tA i% a %e-uence of TavaScri(t %tatement%. Eac7 %tatement i% executed )y t7e )row%er in t7e %e-uence t7ey are written. 47i% exam(le will write a 7eading and two (aragra(7% to a we) (ageD
<script type="te t!"a#ascript"$ document.write("<h%$This is a headin&<!h%$"); document.write("<p$This is a para&raph.<!p$"); document.write("<p$This is another para&raph.<!p$");



?a1aScri9t Co44ents
6on Executa)le %tatement% are called comment%. 1omment% can )e added to ex(lain t7e TavaScri(t< or to make t7e code more reada)le. Single line comment% %tart wit7 LL. 47e following exam(le u%e% %ingle line comment% to ex(lain t7e codeD
<script type="te t!"a#ascript"$ !! Write a headin& document.write("<h%$This is a headin&<!h%$"); !! Write two para&raphs' document.write("<p$This is a para&raph.<!p$"); document.write("<p$This is another para&raph.<!p$"); <!script$

?a1aScri9t /ulti;+ine Co44ents

8ulti line comment% %tart wit7 LV and end wit7 VL. 47e following exam(le u%e% a multi line comment to ex(lain t7e codeD
<script type="te t!"a#ascript"$ !( The code )elow will write one headin& and two para&raphs (! document.write("<h%$This is a headin&<!h%$"); document.write("<p$This is a para&raph.<!p$"); document.write("<p$This is another para&raph.<!p$"); <!script$

?a1aScri9t 7aria,les
Maria)le i% a location in t7e memory w7ic7 7old %ome value and t7i% value can )e c7anged during t7e runtime of t7e (rogram al%o. A varia)le can 7ave a %7ort name< like x< or a more de%cri(tive name< like car name. ,ule% for TavaScri(t varia)le name%D *

Maria)le name% are ca%e %en%itive @y and H are two different varia)le%A Maria)le name% mu%t )egin wit7 a letter or t7e under%core c7aracter.

Declaring 5Creating6 ?a1aScri9t 7aria,les

Hou declare TavaScri(t varia)le% wit7 t7e 1ar keywordD
#ar ; #ar carname;

After t7e declaration %7own a)ove< t7e varia)le% are em(ty @t7ey 7ave no value% yetA. :owever< you can al%o a%%ign value% to t7e varia)le% w7en you declare t7emD
#ar =*; #ar carname="+ol#o";

After t7e execution of t7e %tatement% a)ove< t7e varia)le @ will 7old t7e value $< and carna4e will 7old t7e value 7ol1o.


O7ER7IE. OF (3E .NE( FR)/E.OR.hat is .NE( an2 .h0 .NE(E

.6E4 i% an environmentL(latform de%igned e%(ecially for #nternet a((lication% alt7oug7 /e%kto( a((lication% are al%o (o%%i)le. #t i% not (latform inde(endent. #ntero(era)ility )etween language% and execution environment%. 3niformity in %c7ema or format% for /ata Exc7ange u%ing N80< NS0. Extend or u%e exi%ting code t7at i% valid. Programming com(lexity of environment i% reduced.

.hat is .NE( Fra4e=orDE

A com(onent model for t7e #nternet. 47e new a((roac7 to )uild large %cale di%tri)uted %y%tem for t7e #nternet. Provide% t7e ca(a)ility to integrate multi(le device%. 9uilt around t7e tool% and (rotocol% @N80< ;S/0< SOAP< :44PA t7at are )ecoming %tandard on t7e #nternet. 47u%< .6E4 2ramework i% a collection of tool%< tec7nologie% and language% w7ic7 work toget7er to communicate on multi(le (latform%. #t i% com(o%ed of cla%%e% and %ervice% t7at form a layer )etween a((lication% and o(erating %y%tem. All a((lication% develo(ed under t7e .6E4 2rameworkJ including ASP.6E4 a((lication%< 7ave certain key feature% t7at en%ure com(ati)ility< %ecurity and %ta)ility.

.NE( Fra4e=orD Design Goals:

1om(onent /evelo(ment for t7e #nternet U1ro%%!0anguage /evelo(mentQ


#n7eritance< /e)ugging< Exce(tion 7andling ,elia)ility and Security Sim(le /evelo(ment and /e(loyment /evice!agno%tic


Fig;2 .Net Fra4e=orD )rchitecture


Co44on +anguage Runti4e 5C+R6:

#t i% an environment t7at manage% t7e execution of code. 2unction%D 1. /e4or0 /anage4ent 2. Gar,age Collection !. (o su99ort 4ulti9le languages ;it7 t7e .6E4 2ramework and 10,< we write code and com(ile it. :owever< in%tead of com(iling it into t7e language t7at com(uter under%tand%< we com(ile it into a language called 8icro%oft #ntermediate 0anguage @8S#0A. ;7en we com(ile it to 8S#0< t7e a((lication (roduce% %omet7ing called 8etadata. 47i% i% de%cri(tive information a)out t7e a((lication. #t tell% w7at t7e a((lication can do< w7ere it )elong% to< and %o on. ;7en you want to run your (rogram< t7e 10, take% over and com(ile% t7e code once again into t7e com(uter>% native language. 47i% way 8S#0 can go on any ty(e of com(uter. 47e 10, can %(eak many different com(uter language% and doe% all t7e com(iling for you.

*ase Class +i,rar0 5*C+6:

#t i% a collection of commonL%tandard cla%%e% w7ic7 we can u%e in .6E4 %u((orted language%.


Fig;! .Net Fra4e=orD Class +i,rar0

.NE( Fra4e=orD Class +i,rar0:

#t include% reu%a)le< O)$ect Oriented and exten%i)le cla%%e%. #t i% integrated wit7 10, and i% common %et of cla%%e% acro%% (rogramming language%. 47e%e cla%%e% can )e u%ed to create new cla%%e%< to develo( t7e a((lication and to im(lement cro%% language in7eritance. 1la%%e% in it are organized in 7ierarc7ical form. At t7e to( mo%t of t7e 7ierarc7y i% t7e %y%tem name%(ace w7ic7 contain% cla%%e% t7at ena)le you to (erform t7e following ta%k%D 1. Con1erting 2ata t09es 2. /ani9ulating 9ara4eters !. In1oDing local an2 re4ote 9rogra4s ". /anaging a99lication en1iron4ent

ASP.6E4 i% a tec7nology t7at allow% u% to )uild and control dynamic ;e) (age% ea%ily. #t al%o (rovide% many en7ancement% to take advantage of t7e new tec7nology a% we can interact wit7 data)a%e%< (er%onalize ;e) (age% for vi%itor%< di%(lay (age% on mo)ile device% @%uc7 a% cell (7one%A< and even )uild an entire e!commerce %ite from %cratc7.


Previou%ly< internet worked on request/response model t7at i% an integral (art of client/server model. Alt7oug7 it i% a marvelou% way of communicating and di%tri)uting information< itO% rat7er %im(le and %tatic. ;7en t7e (roce%% i% over< once client receive% t7e re-ue%ting (age from t7e %erver t7e %erver 7a% no idea w7at t7e client i% doing unle%% it make% anot7er re-ue%t. 47ere i% anot7er model for communicating )etween %erver and client%< known a% event! driven model. ASP.6E4 work% on t7i% model< it detect% action and re%(ond% to t7em i.e. t7e %erver wait% around for %omet7ing to 7a((en on t7e client. Once it doe%< t7e %erver take% action and (erform% %ome (iece of functionality. Of cour%e< a ;e) %erver cannot know w7at you are t7inking< )ut it can re%(ond to your action%. #f you ty(e %ome text on ;e) (age< t7e %erver re%(ond% to it. #f you click an image< t7e %erver re%(ond%. 2ollowing are %ome of t7e %ignificant new features of ASP.6E4D ASP.6E4 u%e% com(iled code written in 1ommon 0anguage ,untime language% %uc7 a% Mi%ual 9a%ic and 1B. 3nlike (reviou% ver%ion% of Active Server Page%< t7i% ver%ion doe% not u%e inter(reted %cri(ting language% %uc7 a% M9Scri(t. ASP.6E4 (age% are )uilt out of %erver!%ide control%. ;e) %erver control% ena)le you to re(re%ent and (rogram again%t :y(ertext 8arku( 0anguage @:480A element% u%ing an intuitive o)$ect model. ASP.6E4 include% a new tec7nology called ;e) Service%. Hou can u%e ;e) Service% to acce%% met7od% and (ro(ertie% and tran%fer data)a%e data acro%% t7e #nternet. ASP.6E4 i% (art of 8icro%oftO% .6E4 2ramework. Hou can acce%% t7ou%and% of .6E4 cla%%e% in your code t7at ena)le you to (erform %uc7 wondrou%ly diver%e ta%k% a% generating image% on!t7e!fly and %aving an array to a file. ASP.6E4 include% (age and data cac7ing mec7ani%m% t7at ena)le you to ea%ily and dramatically im(rove t7e (erformance of your ;e) %ite.


SC0 Server i% an SC0!com(liant ,/98S. SC0!com(liant mean% t7at it u%e% t7e A6S# @American 6ational Standard #n%tituteA ver%ion of Structured Cuery 0anguage or WSC0>. SC0 i% a command t7at allow% u% to modify or retrieve information from t7e data)a%e. SQL Server is designed to store data in the central location (the server) and deliver it on demand to numerous other locations (the client). 2ollowing are %ome of t7e features of SC0 SE,ME, *'''D #nformation re(re%entation 3ni-ue definition of row% Sy%tematic treatment of 6ull value% 5uaranteed acce%% :ig7 level 3(date< #n%ert< and /elete ,etrieving information from t7e data)a%e. Acce(ting -uery language %tatement%. Enforcing %ecurity %(ecification%. Enforcing data integrity %(ecification% Enforcing tran%action con%i%tency 8anaging data %7aring O(timizing -uerie% 8anaging Sy%tem catalog%

Enter9rise /anager:
SC0 Server Enter(ri%e 8anager i% a gra(7ical tool t7at allow% ea%y configuration and management of 8icro%oft SC0 Server and SC0 *''' (rogram grou(. #t can al%o )e u%ed toD 8anage login%< (ermi%%ion and u%er%.


4ake )ack!u( of data)a%e and tran%action log%. 8anage ta)le%.

Auer0 )nal0>er:
47e SC0 Server Cuery Analyzer allow% u% to create ad7oc -uerie% and run t7em interactively. ;e may al%o execute 4ran%act!SC0 @4!SC0A %tatement% %tored in text file% and view t7e re%ult in re%ult (lane or re%ult grid. 47e Cuery Analyzer al%o 7a% a color!coded editor to a%%i%t t7e u%er wit7 c7ecking of %yntax. #t al%o 7a% context %en%itive 7el(. Cuerie% are (roce%%ed in two %te(%D #nter(ret; 2ir%t< t7e -uerie% are c7ecked for %yntax. Execute- 47en< t7e (roce%%ing take% (lace.

D)() F+O. DI)GR)/

#n our /2/< we give name% to data flow%< (roce%%e%< and data %tore%. Alt7oug7 t7e name% are de%cri(tive of t7e data< t7ey do not give detail%. So t7e following t7e /2/< our intere%t i% to )uild %ome %tructured (lace to kee( detail% of t7e content% of data flow< (roce%%e%< and data %tore. A data dictionary i% a %tructured re(o%itory of data a)out data. #t i% a %et of rigorou% definition of all /2/ data element and data %tructure.


5ra(7ical< eliminating t7ou%and% of word%J 0ogical re(re%entation%< modeling ;:A4 a %y%tem doe%< rat7er t7an (7y%ical model% %7owing :O; it doe% itJ :ierarc7ical< %7owing %y%tem% at any level of detailJ and Targon le%%< allowing u%er under%tanding and reviewing.


47e goal of data flow diagramming i% to 7ave a commonly under%tood model of a %y%tem. 47e diagram% are t7e )a%i% of %tructured %y%tem% analy%i%. /ata flow diagram% are %u((orted )y ot7er tec7ni-ue% of %tructured %y%tem% analy%i% %uc7 a% data %tructure diagram%< data dictionarie%< and (rocedure!re(re%enting tec7ni-ue% %uc7 a% deci%ion ta)le%< deci%ion tree% and %tructured Engli%7. /ata flow diagram% 7ave t7e o)$ective of avoiding t7e co%t of.. 3%erLdevelo(er mi%under%tanding of a %y%tem< re%ulting in a need to redo %y%tem% or in not u%ing t7e %y%tem. :aving to %tart documentation from %cratc7 w7en t7e (7y%ical %y%tem c7ange% %ince t7e logical %y%tem< ;:A4 get% done often remain% t7e %ame w7en tec7nology c7ange%. Sy%tem% inefficiencie% )ecau%e a %y%tem get% Ucom(uterizedU )efore it get% U%y%tematizedU. 9eing una)le to evaluate %y%tem (ro$ect )oundarie% or degree of automation< re%ulting in a (ro$ect of ina((ro(riate %co(e.

DFD S04,ols
#n t7e /2/< t7ere are four %ym)ol%< &A ) SCuare define% a %ource @originatorA or de%tination of %y%tem data. *A )n )rro= identifie% data flow! data in motion .#t i% (i(eline t7roug7 w7ic7 information flow%. +A ) circle or a ,u,,le @or a oval )u))leA re(re%ent% a (roce%% t7at tran%form% incoming data flow@%A into outgoing data flow@%A 4A )n o9en rectangle i% a data %tore!data at re%t< or tem(orary re(o%itory of data. 47e /2/ wa% fir%t develo(ed )y P0arry 1on%tatineQ a% a way of ex(re%%ing %y%tem re-uirement% in a gra(7ical form. A /2/< al%o referred to a% a )u))le c7art 7a% a (ur(o%e of clarifying %y%tem re-uirement% and identifying ma$or tran%formation% t7at will )ecome t7e (rogram in t7i% %y%tem de%ign.


DFD S04,ols
A %-uare define% a %ource or de%tination of %y%tem data.

An arrow line identifie% t7e data flow or data in motion. #t i% a (i(eline t7roug7 w7ic7 information flow%.

A circle or )u))le re(re%ent% a (roce%% tran%form incoming data flow in to outgoing data flow.

A 7orizontal line re(re%ent% data %tored or data at re%t or a tem(orary re%t re(o%itory of data.

An o(en rectangle refer% to t7e data)a%e %torage

47e External Entity %ym)ol re(re%ent% %ource% of data to t7e %y%tem or de%tination% of data from t7e %y%tem. 47e /ata 2low %ym)ol re(re%ent% movement of data. 47e Proce%% %ym)ol re(re%ent% an activity t7at tran%form% or mani(ulate% t7e data @com)ine%< reorder%< convert% etcA. 47e /ata Store %ym)ol re(re%ent% data t7at i% not moving @delayed data at re%tA.

Any %y%tem can )e re(re%ented at any level of detail )y t7e%e four %ym)ol%.

&. Are named wit7 a((ro(riate name. *. 1an )e du(licated< one or more time%< on t7e diagram to avoid line cro%%ing. +. /etermine t7e %y%tem )oundary. 4. 47ey are external to t7e %y%tem )eing %tudied. 5. 47ey are often )eyond t7e area of influence of t7e develo(er. 6. 1an re(re%ent anot7er %y%tem or %u)%y%tem. . 5o on margin%Ledge% of data flow diagram.

D)() F+O.:
&. Are re(re%ented wit7 a line wit7 an arrow7ead on one end. A fork in a data flow mean% t7at t7e %ame data goe% to two %e(arate de%tination%. 47e %ame data coming from %everal location% can al%o )e $oined. *. S7ould only re(re%ent data< not control. +.

+. 4.

Are A0;AHS named. 6ame i% not to include t7e word UdataU. Are referenced )y a com)ination of t7e identifier% of t7e con%truct% t7at t7e data flow connect%.

&. #t %7ow% data tran%formation or c7ange. /ata coming into a (roce%% mu%t )e Uworked onU or tran%formed in %ome way. 47u%< all (roce%%e% mu%t 7ave in(ut% and out(ut%. #n %ome @rareA ca%e%< data in(ut% or out(ut% will only )e %7own at more detailed level% of t7e diagram%. Eac7 (roce%% in alway% UrunningU and ready to acce(t data. *. 47ey are re(re%ented )y a rounded corner rectangle +. 47ey are named wit7 one carefully c7o%en ver) and an o)$ect of t7e ver). 47ere i% no %u)$ect. 6ame i% not to include t7e word U(roce%%U. Eac7 (roce%% %7ould re(re%ent one function or action. #f t7ere i% an UandU in t7e name< you likely 7ave more t7an one function @and (roce%%A. 4. 47ey 7ave (7y%ical location %7own only for exi%ting (7y%ical %y%tem% or a (7y%ical de%ign i% )eing re(re%ented. 5. #t %7ould generally move from to( to )ottom and left to rig7t.


D)() S(ORE:;
&. 47ey are generic for (7y%ical file% @index card%< de%k drawer%< magnetic di%k< magnetic ta(e< %7irt (ocket< 7uman memory< etcA. *. 47ey are named wit7 an a((ro(riate name< not to include t7e word UfileU< and num)ered wit7 a num)er (receded wit7 a ca(ital letter /. +. #t can )e du(licated< one or more time%< to avoid line cro%%ing. 4. 47ey are detailed in t7e data dictionary or wit7 data de%cri(tion diagram%. 5. 47ey can %7ow two or more %y%tem% t7at %7are a data %tore. Adding a %olid %tri(e on t7e left )oundary doe% t7i%. 47i% can occur in t7e ca%e of one %y%tem u(dating t7e data %tore< w7ile t7e ot7er %y%tem only acce%%e% t7e data. 2or exam(le< t7e data %tore could )e a freig7t rate )ook t7at one %y%tem )uild% and maintain%< )ut i% u%ed )y t7e re(re%ented %y%tem.

47e (rocedure for (roducing a data flow diagram i% toD

#dentify and li%t external entitie% (roviding in(ut%Lreceiving out(ut% from %y%temJ #dentify and li%t in(ut% fromLout(ut% to external entitie%J 1onfirm t7roug7 (er%onal contact %ent data i% received and vice!ver%aJ 4race and record w7at 7a((en% to eac7 of t7e data flow% entering t7e %y%tem @data movement< data %torage< data tran%formationL(roce%%ingA

Attem(t to connect any diagram %egment% into a roug7 draftJ Merify all data flow% 7ave a %ource and de%tinationJ Merify data coming out of a data %tore goe% inJ ,edraw to %im(lify!!(onder and -ue%tion re%ultJ Ex(lode and re(eat a)ove %te(% a% needed.


E2it Doctor Recor2 +ogin E2it Roo4 Recor2

E49 (*

Roo4 (*

+ogin 7ali2


)24in ; 3o4e Page

OPD Patient Registration

OPD Recor2

In Patient /aintenance

In9atient D* ),out Discharge

In9atient (*

*ill (*

E2it De9ttG DesiG E49

E2it (*

Fig;" DFD Of )24inistrator +ogin


Staff 0ogin

#n(atient Admit

Em(loyee /9

Out(atient /9
0ogoff /i%c7arge

/i%c7arge /9

Fig;$ Data Flo= Diagra4 of the Staff /e4,er login to the 3/S



Admini%trat or




Edit /octor = 6ur%e ,ecord

Edit ,oom and ;ard #nfo

Admit #n(atie nt Out(atient ,ecord

/octo r ,ecor d

/octo r ,ecor d ,oo m 6o Ex(iry /ate

17ange Pa%%word

/i%c7arg e #n(atient


Fig;% 3igh +e1el DFD of 3/S

G)N(( C3)R(
A 5antt c7art i% a 7orizontal )ar c7art develo(ed a% a (roduction control tool in &"& )y :enry 0. 5antt< an American engineer and %ocial %cienti%t. 2re-uently u%ed in (ro$ect management< a 5antt c7art (rovide% a gra(7ical illu%tration of a %c7edule t7at 7el(% to (lan< coordinate< and track %(ecific ta%k% in a (ro$ect. 5antt c7art% may )e %im(le ver%ion% created on gra(7 (a(er or more com(lex automated ver%ion% created u%ing (ro$ect management a((lication% %uc7 a% 8icro%oft Pro$ect or Excel. 5antt c7art% give a clear illu%tration of (ro$ect %tatu%< )ut one (ro)lem wit7 t7em i% t7ey donOt indicate ta%k de(endencie% ! you cannot tell 7ow one ta%k falling )e7ind %c7edule affect% ot7er ta%k%. 47e 5antt c7art %7owing t7e %oftware develo(ment (lan i% %7own )elowD


Fig;& Gantt Chart

PER( C3)R(

:OSP#4A0 8A6A5E8E64 SHS4E8







Fig;' Pert Chart A PE,4 @Program Evaluation and ,eview 4ec7nologyA c7art i% a network of )oxe% @or circle%A and arrow%. 47ere are different variation% of PE,4 17art%< %ome u%e t7e )oxe% to re(re%ent t7e activitie% and %ome u%e arrow% to do %o.



47e co%t of t7e (ro$ect can )e calculated )y 1on%tructive 1o%t 8odel @1O1O8OA. 9arry 9o7em introduced 1O1O8O 8odel. 9oe7m>% 7ierarc7y of model% take% t7e following formD /o2el;1: 9a%ic 1O1O8O i% a %tatic %ingle!valued model t7at com(ute% %oftware develo(ment effort @and co%tA a% a function of (rogram %ize ex(re%%ed in e%timated line% of code.

/o2el;2: #ntermediate 1O1O8O com(ute% %oftware develo(ment effort a% a function of

(rogram %ize and a %et of Pco%t driver%Q t7at include %u)$ective a%%e%%ment% of (roduct< 7ardware< (er%onnel and (ro$ect attri)ute%. /o2el;!: Advanced 1O1O8O incor(orate% all c7aracteri%tic% of t7e intermediate ver%ion% wit7 t7e a%%e%%ment of t7e co%t driver>% im(act on eac7 %te( @analy%i%< de%ign< etc.A of t7e %oftware engineering (roce%%. So< for t7e develo(ment of t7e automated %y%tem for On!0ine com(laint monitoring %y%tem< # will u%e t7e 9a%ic 1O1O8O 8odel. 1O1O8O may )e a((lied to t7ree cla%%e% of %oftware (ro$ect% a% givenD 1.Organic /o2e:; ,elatively %mall< %im(le %oftware (ro$ect% in w7ic7 %mall team% wit7 good a((lication ex(erience work to a %et of le%% t7an rigid re-uirement%.


2.Se4i;2etache2 /o2e:; An intermediate @in %ize = com(lexityA %oftware (ro$ect in w7ic7 team% wit7 mix ex(erience level% mu%t meet a rigid and le%% t7an rigid re-uirement%. !.E4,e22e2 /o2e:! a %oftware (ro$ect t7at mu%t )e develo(ed wit7in a %et of tig7t 7ardware< %oftware and o(erational con%traint%. 47e )a%ic 1O1O8O e-uation% take t7e formD EXA)V@?0O1A 9) /X1)V E /)

;7ere E i% t7e effort a((lied in (er%on!mont7%< / i% t7e develo(ment time in c7ronological mont7% @ela(%ed timeA< and ?0O1 i% t7e e%timated num)er of delivered line% of code for t7e (ro$ect @ex(re%%ed in t7ou%and%A. 47e coefficient% A) and 1) and t7e ex(onent% 9) and /) are given t7e ta)le D 47e develo(ment of a %oftware (ro$ect com(ri%e% of t7e following ex(en%e% 7ead%D 8an(ower 1o%t :ardware 1o%t Software 1o%t 4ravel 1o%t 4raining 1o%t Admini%tration 1o%t 4ime (eriod Online :o%(ital 8anagement Sy%tem 7a% )een develo(ed for t7e :o%(ital in order to com(uterize t7e w7ole %y%tem. ;e con%ider all of t7e a)ove mentioned criteria for e%timation of co%t. /an9o=er Cost: 47e man(ower mean% total num)er of (er%on worked on t7e (ro$ect on 7ow muc7 time. #f we find t7e co%t of man(ower< O6E (er%on worked on t7i% (ro$ect for a)out 6 mont7%. 3ar2=are costD :ardware co%t mean% t7e 7ardware u%ed for develo(ing t7e (ro$ect. ;7at amount we 7ave inve%ted for (urc7a%ing or 7iring t7e 7ardware according t7e re-uirement come% under t7e

7ardware co%t. Some time %ome %(ecial 7ardware if re-uired for a (articular (ro$ect t7at i% al%o con%idered for co%t e%timation. Soft=are Cost: 47e %oftware co%t mean% t7e (articular ty(e of %oftware u%ed for develo(ing t7e POutdoor and indoor Patient ,ecordQ< a% we know co%t of %oftware i% very 7ig7 t7u% w7y it con%idered for co%t e%timation. (ra1el cost: #n t7e (re(aration of t7e (ro$ect fir%t we 7ave to analy%e t7e re-uirement. 2or t7i% (er%on% 7ave to travel 7it7er and t7it7er. 47e (ro$ect team al%o conduct% t7e meeting to concerned form. 47e%e are con%idered a% travel co%t.

(raining cost: 47e training co%t related to t7e training offered )y t7e (ro$ect form for end u%er%. 47e co%t e%timation of t7e (ro$ect POnline :o%(ital 8anagement Sy%temQ can )e given a% under! &. 8an(ower 1o%t *. :ardware 1o%t +. Software 1o%t 8S ;indow% 8S Office *''+ SC0 Server 4. #nternet 17arge 5. 4ravelling 1o%t 6. 4raining 1o%t . Admini%tration 1o%t 3ltimate ,%. *5<''' ,%. *'<''' ,%. *5''' ,%. *<''' ,%. 5<''' ,%. 4'<''' not con%idered & (er%on + mont7% & Sy%tem ,%.&5< ''' (er mont7 ,%. 45<''' ,%. *4<'''

4otal co%t

,%. &< .6<'''.''@a((roxA


47e data)a%e de%ign for t7e Online :o%(ital 8anagement Sy%tem i% a% follow%D! 47e%e are t7e 9a%ic " following ta)le% in t7i% data)a%eD &. Admin49 *. /e(tt49 +. /e%i49 4. Em(49 5. O(d49 6. #n49 . ;ard49 .. ,oom49 ". 9ill49


+ogin (a,le:;
Fiel2 Na4e Data (09e 3%ername Marc7ar@5'A Pa%%word Marc7ar@5'A (a,le;1 47i% ta)le re(re%ent% t7e login u%ername and (a%%word. Constraint

.ar2 info (a,le:;

Fiel2 Na4e Data (09e Constraint ;ardY#/ #nt 47i% i% auto generate ;ardY6ame Marc7ar@5'A (a,le;2 47i% ta)le re(re%ent% t7e information regarding different ;ard%.

De9art4ent (a,le:;
Fiel2 Na4e Data (09e Constraint /e(tt#/ #nt 47i% i% auto generate /e(tt6ame Marc7ar@5'A (a,le;! 47i% ta)le re(re%ent% t7e different de(artment% in t7e 7o%(ital.

Roo4 )22ition (a,le:;

Fiel2 Na4e ,oom#/ ;ard4y(e ,oom6o Data (09e #nt Marc7ar@5'A #nt 5' Constraint 47i% i% auto generate

2loor Marc7ar@5'A 17arge% 8oney Statu% 9it (a,le;" 47i% ta)le maintain% t7e room %tatu%< different ward% and variou% floor

Out2oor Patient /aintenance (a,le:;

Fiel2 Na4e Data (09e P#/ #nt Sli(6o #nt OP//ate /ate4ime Patient6ame Marc7ar@5'A /i%ea%e Marc7ar@5'A /octor6ame Marc7ar@5'A Pre%cri(tion Marc7ar@5'A Ex(iry/ate /ate4ime (a,le;$ 47i% ta)le maintain% t7e Outdoor Patient ,ecord Constraint 47i% i% auto generate Auto #ncrement

In2oor Patient /aintenance (a,le:;

Fiel2 Na4e Data (09e P#/ #nt 26ame Marc7ar@5'A 06ame Marc7ar@5'A Addre%% Marc7ar@8ANA 1ontact6o Marc7ar@5'A P:i%tory Marc7ar@8ANA /i%ea%e Marc7ar@8ANA Su(ervi%ionOf Marc7ar@5'A ;ard4y(e Marc7ar@5'A ,oom6o #nt Admit/ate /ate4ime ,oomStatu% 9it (a,le;% 47i% ta)le maintain% t7e #ndoor (atient record Constraint 47i% i% auto generate


Designation (a,le:;
Fiel2 Na4e Data (09e Constraint /e%i#/ #nt 47i% i% auto generate /e(tt6ame Marc7ar@5'A /e%i6ame Marc7ar@5'A (a,le;& 47i% ta)le re(re%ent% t7e de%ignation of variou% of variou% em(loyee% in t7e 7o%(ital.

E49lo0ee Recor2 (a,le:;

Fiel2 Na4e Data (09e Constraint Em(#/ #nt 47i% i% auto generate 2ull6ame Marc7ar@5'A 2at7er6ame Marc7ar@5'A 8ot7er6ame Marc7ar@5'A Addre%% Marc7ar@8ANA State Marc7ar@5'A P7one6o Marc7ar@5'A Email Marc7ar@5'A ,eference Marc7ar@5'A /e(artment Marc7ar@5'A /e%ignation Marc7ar@5'A Toining/ate /ate4ime (a,le;' 47i% ta)le %tore% t7e record of every em(loyee of t7e 7o%(ital

*ill Generation (a,le:;

Fiel2 Na4e 9ill#/ 9illno 9ill/ate Data (09e #nt #nt /ate4ime Constraint 47i% i% auto generate Auto #ncrement


,oomno #nt 17arge%Per/ay 8oney 4otal17arge% 8oney Service4ax 8oney 9illPaya)le 8oney /i%c7arge/ate /ate4ime (a,le; 47i% ta)le contain% information of t7e )ill generation at t7e time of di%c7arge .

CH CODE DESIGN Default.as9@.cs

u%ing Sy%temI u%ing Sy%tem.1ollection%.5enericI u%ing Sy%tem.0in-I u%ing Sy%tem.;e)I u%ing Sy%tem.;e).3#I u%ing Sy%tem.;e).3#.;e)1ontrol%I 5+

u%ing Sy%tem./ataI u%ing Sy%tem.;e).SecurityI u%ing Sy%tem./ata.S-l1lientI (u)lic (artial cla%% Y/efault : Sy%tem.;e).3#.Page J S-l/ataAda(ter ad(I /ataSet d%I String errm%g X String.Em(tyI String %tr X U/ata SourceX.ZZSC0Ex(re%%J#ntegrated SecurityX4rueJAttac7/)2ile6ameX[ /ata/irectory[:o%(ital/9.mdfJ3%er #n%tanceXtrueUI (rotected void PageY0oad5o)$ect %enderG EventArg% e6 J if 5Page.#%Po%t9ack XX fal%e6 J t7i%.4itle X U;elcome to ,.?. 5u(ta :o%(ital D :ome...UI K K (rotected void loginnowY1lick5o)$ect %enderG EventArg% e6 J if 5d)Yaut754ext9ox&.4extG 4ext9ox*.4ext6 XX true6 J 2orm%Aut7entication.,edirect2rom0oginPage54ext9ox&.4extG 17eck9ox&.17ecked6I K el%e J 0a)el&.4ext X errm%gI K K (rivate 9oolean d)Yaut75String unG String u(6 J ad( X new S-l/ataAda(ter5USelect V 2rom Admin49UG %tr6I d% X new /ataSet56I ad(.2ill5d%6 /ata4a)le dt X d%.4a)le%L'MI /ata,owLM dr X dt.Select5U3%ernameXOU \ un \ UOU6I if 5dr.0engt7 ] '6 J if 5drL'MLUPa%%wordUM.4oString56 XX u(6 J return trueI K el%e J


errm%g X U#nvalid Pa%%word.....UI return fal%eI K K el%e J errm%g X U#nvalid u%ername.....UI return fal%eI K K K

u%ing Sy%temI u%ing Sy%tem.1ollection%.5enericI u%ing Sy%tem.0in-I u%ing Sy%tem.;e)I u%ing Sy%tem.;e).3#I u%ing Sy%tem.;e).3#.;e)1ontrol%I u%ing Sy%tem.;e).SecurityI u%ing Sy%tem./ataI u%ing Sy%tem./ata.S-l1lientI


(u)lic (artial cla%% AdminY/efault : Sy%tem.;e).3#.Page J S-l1onnection connI S-l1ommand cmdI S-l/ataAda(ter ad(I /ataSet d%I String %tr X U/ata SourceX.ZZSC0Ex(re%%J#ntegrated SecurityX4rueJAttac7/)2ile6ameX[ /ata/irectory[:o%(ital/9.mdfJ3%er #n%tanceXtrueUI String errm%g X UUI 2orm%Aut7entication4icket 2A4I 2orm%#dentity 2#/I (rotected void PageY0oad5o)$ect %enderG EventArg% e6 J conn X new S-l1onnection56I conn.1onnectionString X %trI if 53%er.#dentity.#%Aut7enticated XX true6 J 2#/ X 52orm%#dentity63%er.#dentityI 2A4 X 2#/.4icketI if 5Page.#%Po%t9ack XX fal%e6 J 4ext9ox&.2ocu%56I t7i%.4itle X U;elcome to ,.?. 5u(ta :o%(ital D 17ange Pa%%word...UI K K K (rotected void 9utton&Y1lick5o)$ect %enderG EventArg% e6 J if 5Pa%%YAut752A4.6ameG 4ext9ox&.4ext.4o0ower566 XX true6 J conn.O(en56I cmd X new S-l1ommand56I cmd.1ommand4ext X U3(date Admin49 %et Pa%%wordXOU \ 4ext9ox*.4ext.4o0ower56 \ UO w7ere 3%ernameXOU \ 2A4.6ame \ UOUI cmd.1onnection X connI cmd.Execute6onCuery56I cmd./i%(o%e56I conn.1lo%e56I clear56I 0a)el&.4ext X UPa%%word 17anged Succe%%fully...UI K el%e J 0a)el&.4ext X errm%gI K


K (rivate 9oolean Pa%%YAut75String unG String u(6 J ad( X new S-l/ataAda(ter5USelect V 2rom Admin49UG %tr6I d% X new /ataSet56I ad(.2ill5d%6I /ata4a)le dtI dt X d%.4a)le%L'MI /ata,owLM arru%erI arru%er X dt.Select5U3%ernameXOU \ un \ UOU6I if 5arru%er.0engt7 ] '6 J if 5arru%erL'MLUPa%%wordUM.4oString56 XX u(6 return trueI el%e J errm%g X U#nvalid Old 1onfirm Pa%%word...UI return fal%eI K K el%e J errm%g X U#nvalid 3%er...UI return fal%eI KK (rivate void clear56 J 4ext9ox&.4ext X UUI 4ext9ox*.4ext X UUI KK

u%ing Sy%temI u%ing Sy%tem.1ollection%.5enericI u%ing Sy%tem.0in-I u%ing Sy%tem.;e)I u%ing Sy%tem.;e).3#I u%ing Sy%tem.;e).3#.;e)1ontrol%I u%ing Sy%tem./ataI u%ing Sy%tem./ata.S-l1lientI

(u)lic (artial cla%% AdminYEm(Addition : Sy%tem.;e).3#.Page J S-l1onnection connI S-l1ommand cmdI S-l/ataAda(ter ad(I /ataSet d%I %tring %tr X U/ata SourceX.ZZSC0Ex(re%%J#ntegrated SecurityXtrueJAttac7/)2ile6ameX[ /ata/irectory[:o%(ital/9.mdfJ3%er #n%tanceXtrueUI (rotected void PageY0oad5o)$ect %enderG EventArg% e6 J conn X new S-l1onnection56I conn.1onnectionString X %trI if 5Page.#%Po%t9ack XX fal%e6 J )ind56I )ind&56I item%add56I K K (rivate void )ind56 J ad( X new S-l/ataAda(ter5U%elect V from /e(tt49UG %tr6I d% X new /ataSet56I ad(.2ill5d%6I /ro(/own0i%t&./ata4ext2ield X U/e(tt6ameUI /ro(/own0i%t&./ataMalue2ield X U/e(tt#/UI /ro(/own0i%t&./ataSource X d%I /ro(/own0i%t&./ata9ind56I /ro(/own0i%t&.#tem%.#n%ert5'G USelectU6I d%.1lear56I ad(./i%(o%e56I K (rivate void )ind&56 J ad( X new S-l/ataAda(ter5U%elect V from /e%i49UG %tr6I d% X new /ataSet56I ad(.2ill5d%6I /ro(/own0i%t*./ata4ext2ield X U/e%i6ameUI /ro(/own0i%t*./ataMalue2ield X U/e%i#/UI /ro(/own0i%t*./ataSource X d%I /ro(/own0i%t*./ata9ind56I /ro(/own0i%t*.#tem%.#n%ert5'G USelectU6I d%.1lear56I ad(./i%(o%e56I K (u)lic void item%add56


J for 5#nt+* i X &I i ^X +&I i\\6 J /ro(/own0i%t+.#tem%.Add5i.4oString566I K /ro(/own0i%t+.#tem%.#n%ert5'G U/ayU6I /ro(/own0i%t4.#tem%.Add5UTanU6I /ro(/own0i%t4.#tem%.Add5U2e)U6I /ro(/own0i%t4.#tem%.Add5U8arU6I /ro(/own0i%t4.#tem%.Add5UA(rU6I /ro(/own0i%t4.#tem%.Add5U8ayU6I /ro(/own0i%t4.#tem%.Add5UTunU6I /ro(/own0i%t4.#tem%.Add5UTulU6I /ro(/own0i%t4.#tem%.Add5UAugU6I /ro(/own0i%t4.#tem%.Add5USe(U6I /ro(/own0i%t4.#tem%.Add5UOctU6I /ro(/own0i%t4.#tem%.Add5U6ovU6I /ro(/own0i%t4.#tem%.Add5U/ecU6I /ro(/own0i%t4.#tem%.#n%ert5'G U8ont7U6I for 5#nt+* i X *'&*I i ^X *'*'I i\\6 J /ro(/own0i%t5.#tem%.Add5i.4oString566I K /ro(/own0i%t5.#tem%.#n%ert5'G UHearU6I K (rotected void 9utton&Y1lick5o)$ect %enderG EventArg% e6 J /ate4ime dt X 1onvert.4o/ate4ime5/ro(/own0i%t+.Selected#tem.4ext \ ULU \ /ro(/own0i%t4.Selected#tem.4ext \ ULU \ /ro(/own0i%t5.Selected#tem.4ext6I conn.O(en56I cmd X new S-l1ommand56I cmd.1ommand4ext X Uin%ert into Em(49 Malue%@Ee&<Ee*<Ee+<Ee4<Ee5<Ee6<Ee <Ee.<Ee"<Ee&'<Ee&&AUI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe&UGS-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X 4ext9ox&.4extI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe*UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X 4ext9ox*.4extI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe+UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X 4ext9ox+.4extI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe4UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X 4ext9ox4.4extI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe5UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X 4ext9ox5.4extI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe6UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X 4ext9ox6.4extI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X 4ext9ox .4extI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe.UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X 4ext9ox..4extI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe"UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X /ro(/own0i%t&.Selected#tem.4extI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe&'UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X /ro(/own0i%t*.Selected#tem.4extI


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u%ing Sy%tem.;e).3#.;e)1ontrol%I u%ing Sy%tem./ataI u%ing Sy%tem./ata.S-l1lientI (u)lic (artial cla%% AdminY/i%c7arge : Sy%tem.;e).3#.Page J S-l1onnection connI S-l1ommand cmdI S-l/ataAda(ter ad(I /ataSet d%I #nt+* anoI %tring %tr X U/ata SourceX.ZZSC0Ex(re%%J#ntegrated SecurityXtrueJAttac7/)2ile6ameX[ /ata/irectory[:o%(ital/9.mdfJ3%er #n%tanceXtrueUI /ate4ime admi%%ion/ateI (rotected void PageY0oad5o)$ect %enderG EventArg% e6 J conn X new S-l1onnection56I conn.1onnectionString X %trI if 5Page.#%Po%t9ack XX fal%e6 J 0a)el5.4ext X /ate4ime.6ow.4oString5Udd!888!yyyU6I 9ind56I clear56I item%add56I K K (rivate #nt+* Auto#ncrement56 J ad( X new S-l/ataAda(ter5U%elect i%null@max@9ill6oA<&'''A 2rom 9ill49UG %tr6I d% X new /ataSet56I ad(.2ill5d%6I if 5d%.4a)le%L'M.,ow%.1ount ] '6 J ano X 1onvert.4o#nt+*5d%.4a)le%L'M.,ow%L'ML'M.4oString566I K d%.1lear56I ad(./i%(o%e56I return ano \ &I K (rivate void 9ind56 J ad( X new S-l/ataAda(ter5U%elect V from ,oom49 w7ere Statu%XO4rueOUG %tr6I d% X new /ataSet56I ad(.2ill5d%6I /ro(/own0i%t&./ata4ext2ield X U,oom6oUI /ro(/own0i%t&./ataMalue2ield X U,oom#/UI


/ro(/own0i%t&./ataSource X d%I /ro(/own0i%t&./ata9ind56I /ro(/own0i%t&.#tem%.#n%ert5'G USelectU6I d%.1lear56I ad(./i%(o%e56I K (u)lic void item%add56 J for 5#nt+* i X &I i ^X +&I i\\6 J /ro(/own0i%t*.#tem%.Add5i.4oString566I K /ro(/own0i%t*.#tem%.#n%ert5'G U/ayU6I /ro(/own0i%t+.#tem%.Add5UTanU6I /ro(/own0i%t+.#tem%.Add5U2e)U6I /ro(/own0i%t+.#tem%.Add5U8arU6I /ro(/own0i%t+.#tem%.Add5UA(rU6I /ro(/own0i%t+.#tem%.Add5U8ayU6I /ro(/own0i%t+.#tem%.Add5UTunU6I /ro(/own0i%t+.#tem%.Add5UTulU6I /ro(/own0i%t+.#tem%.Add5UAugU6I /ro(/own0i%t+.#tem%.Add5USe(U6I /ro(/own0i%t+.#tem%.Add5UOctU6I /ro(/own0i%t+.#tem%.Add5U6ovU6I /ro(/own0i%t+.#tem%.Add5U/ecU6I /ro(/own0i%t+.#tem%.#n%ert5'G U8ont7U6I for 5#nt+* i X *'&*I i ^X *'*'I i\\6 J /ro(/own0i%t4.#tem%.Add5i.4oString566I K /ro(/own0i%t4.#tem%.#n%ert5'G UHearU6I K (rivate void clear56 J 0a)el4.4ext X Auto#ncrement56.4oString56I /ro(/own0i%t&.Selected#ndex X !&I 5ridMiew&./ataSource X nullI 5ridMiew&./ata9ind56I 4ext9ox5.4ext X UUI /ro(/own0i%t*.Selected#ndex X !&I /ro(/own0i%t+.Selected#ndex X !&I /ro(/own0i%t4.Selected#ndex X !&I 0a)el&4.4ext X UUI 0a)el&5.4ext X UUI


0a)el&6.4ext X UUI 0a)el& .4ext X UUI K (rotected void /ro(/own0i%t&YSelected#ndex17anged5o)$ect %enderG EventArg% e6 J ad( X new S-l/ataAda(ter5U%elect V from #n49 w7ere ,oom6oXU \ /ro(/own0i%t&.Selected#tem.4ext \ U and ,oom%tatu%XO4rueOUG %tr6I d% X new /ataSet56I ad(.2ill5d%6I 5ridMiew&./ataSource X d%I 5ridMiew&./ata9ind56I admi%%ion/ate X 1onvert.4o/ate4ime5d%.4a)le%L'M.,ow%L'M LUAdmit/ateUM.4oString566I d%.1lear56I ad(./i%(o%e56I ad( X new S-l/ataAda(ter5U%elect V from ,oom49 w7ere ,oom6oXU \ /ro(/own0i%t&.Selected#tem.4ext \ U and %tatu%XO4rueOUG %tr6I d% X new /ataSet56I ad(.2ill5d%6I 4ext9ox5.4ext X d%.4a)le%L'M.,ow%L'ML4M.4oString56I d%.1lear56I ad(./i%(o%e56I K (rotected void 5ridMiew&YSelected#ndex17anged5o)$ect %enderG EventArg% e6 J K (rotected void 9utton&Y1lick&5o)$ect %enderG EventArg% e6 J ad( X new S-l/ataAda(ter5U%elect V from #n49 w7ere ,oom6oXU \ /ro(/own0i%t&.Selected#tem.4ext \ U and ,oom%tatu%XO4rueOUG %tr6I d% X new /ataSet56I ad(.2ill5d%6I 5ridMiew&./ataSource X d%I 5ridMiew&./ata9ind56I Sy%tem./ate4ime admit/ate X 1onvert.4o/ate4ime5d%.4a)le%L'M.,ow%L'M LUAdmit/ateUM.4oString566I d%.1lear56I ad(./i%(o%e56I Sy%tem./ate4ime di%c7arge/ate X1onvert.4o/ate4ime5/ro(/own0i%t*.Selected#tem.4ext \ ULU \ /ro(/own0i%t+.Selected#tem.4ext \ ULU \ /ro(/own0i%t4.Selected#tem.4ext6I Sy%tem.4imeS(an diff,e%ult X di%c7arge/ate.Su)tract5admit/ate6I


0a)el&4.4ext X diff,e%ult./ay%.4oString56I 0a)el&5.4ext X 51onvert.4o/ou)le54ext9ox5.4ext6 V 1onvert.4o#nt+*50a)el&4.4ext66.4oString56I 0a)el&6.4ext X 551onvert.4o/ou)le50a)el&5.4ext6 V &+.56 L &''6.4oString56I 0a)el& .4ext X 51onvert.4o/ou)le50a)el&5.4ext6 \ 1onvert.4o/ou)le50a)el&6.4ext66.4oString56I K (rotected void 9utton*Y1lick5o)$ect %enderG EventArg% e6 J conn.O(en56I cmd X new S-l1ommand56I cmd.1ommand4ext X Uin%ert into 9ill49 value%@Ee&<Ee*<Ee+<Ee4<Ee5<Ee6<Ee <Ee.AUI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe&UG S-l/)4y(e.#nt6.Malue X 1onvert.4o#nt+*50a)el4.4ext6I cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe*UG S-l/)4y(e./ate4ime6.Malue X 1onvert.4o/ate4ime50a)el5.4ext6I cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe+UG S-l/)4y(e.#nt6.Malue X 1onvert.4o#nt+*5/ro(/own0i%t&.Selected#tem.4ext6I cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe4UG S-l/)4y(e.8oney6.Malue X 1onvert.4o/ou)le54ext9ox5.4ext6I cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe5UG S-l/)4y(e.8oney6.Malue X 1onvert.4o/ou)le50a)el&5.4ext6I cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe6UG S-l/)4y(e.8oney6.Malue X 1onvert.4o/ou)le50a)el&6.4ext6I cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe UG S-l/)4y(e.8oney6.Malue X 1onvert.4o/ou)le50a)el& .4ext6I cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe.UG S-l/)4y(e./ate4ime6.Malue X 1onvert.4o/ate4ime5/ro(/own0i%t*.Selected#tem.4ext \ ULU \ /ro(/own0i%t+.Selected#tem.4ext \ ULU \ /ro(/own0i%t4.Selected#tem.4ext6I cmd.1onnection X connI cmd.Execute6onCuery56I cmd./i%(o%e56I cmd X new S-l1ommand56I cmd.1ommand4ext X U3(date int) %et ,oomStatu%XO2al%eO w7ere ,oom6oXU \ /ro(/own0i%t&.Selected#tem.4ext \ U and ,oom%tatu%XO4rueOUI cmd.1onnection X connI cmd.Execute6onCuery56I cmd./i%(o%e56I cmd X new S-l1ommand56I cmd.1ommand4ext X U3(date ,oom49 %et Statu%XO2al%eO w7ere ,oom6oXU \ /ro(/own0i%t&.Selected#tem.4ext \ U and %tatu%XO4rueOUI cmd.1onnection X connI

cmd.Execute6onCuery56I cmd./i%(o%e56I conn.1lo%e56I clear56I 0a)el&+.4ext X U,ecord Su)mitted Succe%%fullyUI 9ind56I K K

u%ing Sy%temI u%ing Sy%tem.1ollection%.5enericI u%ing Sy%tem.0in-I u%ing Sy%tem.;e)I u%ing Sy%tem.;e).3#I +

u%ing Sy%tem.;e).3#.;e)1ontrol%I u%ing Sy%tem./ataI u%ing Sy%tem./ata.S-l1lientI (u)lic (artial cla%% AdminYEm(Edit : Sy%tem.;e).3#.Page J S-l1onnection connI S-l1ommand cmdI S-l/ataAda(ter ad(I /ataSet d%I %tring %tr X U/ata SourceX.ZZSC0Ex(re%%J#ntegrated SecurityXtrueJAttac7/)2ile6ameX[ /ata/irectory[:o%(ital/9.mdfJ3%er #n%tanceXtrueUI (rotected void PageY0oad5o)$ect %enderG EventArg% e6 J conn X new S-l1onnection56I conn.1onnectionString X %trI if 5Page.#%Po%t9ack XX fal%e6 J )ind56I K K (rivate void )ind56 J ad( X new S-l/ataAda(ter5U%elect V from Em(49UG %tr6I d% X new /ataSet56I ad(.2ill5d%6I 5ridMiew&./ataSource X d%I 5ridMiew&./ata9ind56I d%.1lear56I ad(./i%(o%e56I K (rotected void 5ridMiew&YSelected#ndex17anged5o)$ect %enderG EventArg% e6 J K (rotected void 5ridMiew&Y,ow3(dating5o)$ect %enderG 5ridMiew3(dateEventArg% e6 J #nt+* em(#/ X 1onvert.4o#nt+*55ridMiew&./ata?ey%Le.,ow#ndexM.Malue%L'M.4oString566I String e6ame X 554ext9ox65ridMiew&.,ow%Le.,ow#ndexM.2ind1ontrol5U4ext9ox5U66.4extI String f6ame X 554ext9ox65ridMiew&.,ow%Le.,ow#ndexM.2ind1ontrol5U4ext9ox6U66.4extI String m6ame X 554ext9ox65ridMiew&.,ow%Le.,ow#ndexM.2ind1ontrol5U4ext9ox U66.4extI

String addre%% X 554ext9ox65ridMiew&.,ow%Le.,ow#ndexM.2ind1ontrol5U4ext9ox&U66.4extI String %tate X 554ext9ox65ridMiew&.,ow%Le.,ow#ndexM.2ind1ontrol5U4ext9ox*U66.4extI String (7on X 554ext9ox65ridMiew&.,ow%Le.,ow#ndexM.2ind1ontrol5U4ext9ox+U66.4extI String emailX 554ext9ox65ridMiew&.,ow%Le.,ow#ndexM.2ind1ontrol5U4ext9ox4U66.4extI String refer X 554ext9ox65ridMiew&.,ow%Le.,ow#ndexM.2ind1ontrol5U4ext9ox.U66.4extI String de(tX 554ext9ox65ridMiew&.,ow%Le.,ow#ndexM.2ind1ontrol5U4ext9ox"U66.4extI String de%t X 554ext9ox65ridMiew&.,ow%Le.,ow#ndexM.2ind1ontrol5U4ext9ox&'U66.4extI conn.O(en56I cmd X new S-l1ommand56I cmd.1ommand4ext X Uu(date Em(49 %et 2ull6ameXEe* < 2at7er6ameXEe+ < 8ot7er6ameXEe4 < Addre%%XEe5 < StateXEe6 < P7oneXEe < EmailXEe. <,eferenceXEe" < /e(artmentXEe&' < /e%ignationXEe&& w7ere em(#/XEe&UI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe&UG S-l/)4y(e.#nt6.Malue X em(#/I cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe*UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue Xe6ameI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe+UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X f6ameI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe4UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X m6ameI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe5UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X addre%%I cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe6UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X %tateI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X (7onI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe.UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X emailI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe"UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X referI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe&'UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X de(tI cmd.Parameter%.Add5UEe&&UG S-l/)4y(e.Mar17ar6.Malue X de%tI cmd.1onnection X connI cmd.Execute6onCuery56I cmd./i%(o%e56I conn.1lo%e56I 5ridMiew&.Edit#ndex X !&I )ind56I K

Sna9shot of +OGIN .in2o=

Fig; 47e 0ogin ;indow% t7at allow% admini%trator to create an account to avail t7e facility of making record of every em(loyee and (atient.

Sna9shot of )D/INIS(R)(OR +OGIN

Fig;1# Only aut7orized (er%on can login into t7e 8anagement ;izard. 7ali2ation:; 3%er name and (a%%word mu%t enter correct. #n ca%e of wrong entry you 7ave to relogin. 2ield% are not ca%e %en%itive.

Sna9shot of C3)NGE P)SS.ORD

Fig;11 An admini%trator 7a% full rig7t% to c7ange exi%ting (a%%word )y enter t7e Old Pa%%word and confirm 6ew Pa%%word. 7ali2ation:; Enter old (a%%word Enter new (a%%word 1onfirm 6ew (a%%word

Sna9shot of DESIGN)(ION )DDI(ION /o2ule

Fig;12 After t7e addition of variou% /e(artment% a de%ignation of Em(loyee% can )e added )y u%ing t7i% form.

Sna9shot of E/P+O8EE )DDI(ION /o2ule


Fig;1! #n t7i% all re-uired information of every em(loyee i% enter in to t7e /ata)a%e

Sna9shot of OPD RECORD


Fig ;1" 47i% allow% admin to maintain record of every Outdoor Patient on daily )a%i%.



Fig;1$ 47i% allow% maintaining record of every #ndoor Patient t7eir Admit /ate and allotted ,oom 6um)er.

Sna9shot of *I++ GENER)(ION

Fig;1% At t7e time of /i%c7arge all t7e c7arge% )eing calculated and t7e )ill i% )eing generated )y u%ing t7i% form.

Sna9shot of ROO/ )DDI(ION /o2ule


A %(ecification of Mariou% ;ard< 2loor and ,oom 6um)er can )e done )y u%ing t7i% form.

Sna9shot of ROO/ EDI(ING

Fig;1& ,ecord Editing can ea%ily )eing done )y clicking on Edit 9utton and two o(tion% are t7ere 3(date and 1ancel. On click of 3(date )utton c7ange% can )e done %ucce%%fully and on click of 1ancel )utton t7e (reviou% record mu%t retained

Sna9shot of E/P+O8EE EDI(ING


Fig;1' 47e )a%ic information of eac7 em(loyee w7ere it may )e a /octor< 6ur%e< 1lerk< and ;ard 9oy etc. can )e u(dated any time.



Soft=are (esting i% t7e (roce%% of exerci%ing or evaluating a %y%tem or %y%tem com(onent% )y manual or automated mean% to verify t7at it %ati%fie% %(ecified re-uirement%. #t i% t7e (roce%% of executing a (rogram or %y%tem% wit7 t7e intent of finding error%. #n %oftware life cycle t7e earlier t7e error% are di%covered and removed< t7e lower i% t7e co%t of t7eir removal. Software te%ting i% it%elf an ex(en%ive activity< yet launc7ing of %oftware wit7out te%ting may lead to co%t (otentially muc7 7ig7er t7an t7at of te%ting. Effective %oftware te%ting will contri)ute to t7e delivery of 7ig7er -uality %oftware (roduct%< more effective u%er%< and lower maintenance co%t%< more accurate and relia)le re%ult%. :ence< %oftware te%ting i% nece%%ary and im(ortant activity of %oftware develo(ment life (roce%%. (est case can )e defined a% a %et of te%t in(ut%< execution condition%< and ex(ected re%ult% develo(ed for a (articular o)$ective< %uc7 a% to exerci%e a (articular (rogram (at7 or to verify com(liance wit7 a %(ecific re-uirement. /uring te%ting< we com(are t7e o)%erved out(ut wit7 ex(ected out(ut to know t7e outcome of a te%t ca%e. #f ex(ected and o)%erved out(ut% are different< t7en< t7ere i% a failure and it mu%t )e recorded (ro(erly on order to identify t7e cau%e of failure. #f )ot7 are %ame< t7en< t7ere i% no failure and (rogram )e7aved in t7e ex(ected manner. 47e te%t ca%e de%igner>% main o)$ective i% to identify good te%t ca%e%. A good te%t ca%e 7a% a 7ig7 (ro)a)ility of finding an error. #t %7ould )e P)e%t of )reedQ< not redundant and %7ould )e neit7er too %im(le nor too com(lex. 47e %et of te%t ca%e% i% called a te%t %uite.

(esting Strategies:
.hite *o@ (esting:
;7ite )ox te%ting< al%o called a% structural testing i% a %oftware te%ting tec7ni-ue in w7ic7 we derive te%t ca%e% on t7e )a%i% of (rogram>% logic. 3nlike )lack )ox te%ting t7at u%e% t7e (rogram %(ecification to examine out(ut%J w7ite )ox te%ting i% )a%ed on %(ecific knowledge of t7e %ource code to define t7e te%t ca%e% and to examine out(ut%. 3%ing w7ite )ox te%ting met7od%< t7e %oftware engineer can derive te%t ca%e% t7at @iA @iiA guarantee t7at all inde(endent (at7% wit7in a module 7ave )een exerci%ed at lea%t once< exerci%e all logical deci%ion% of t7eir true and fal%e %ide%<


@iiiA @ivA

execute all loo(% at t7eir )oundarie% and wit7in t7eir o(erational )ound%< exerci%e internal data %tructure% to en%ure t7eir validity

;7en we look in to t7e (rogram< examine t7e code and watc7 it a% it run%. 47i% activity i% dynamic and i% a)out te%ting a running (rogram< t7erefore it i% called dynamic w7ite )ox te%ting. #f we want to te%t t7e (rogram wit7out running it< meaning t7ere)y examining and reviewing it< t7en it i% called %tatic w7ite )ox te%ting.

*lacD *o@ (esting:

9lack )ox te%ting< al%o called a% functional testing< focu%e% on t7e functional re-uirement% of t7e %oftware. 47at i% )lack )ox te%ting ena)le% t7e %oftware engineer to derive %et of in(ut condition% t7at will fully exerci%e all functional re-uirement% for a (rogram. #t involve% only o)%ervation of t7e out(ut for certain in(ut value%. 47ere i% no attem(t to analyze t7e code< w7ic7 (roduce% t7e out(ut. 4e%ting i% conducted wit7out knowledge of %oftware im(lementation i.e. t7e %y%tem i% treated a% a )lack )ox 7ence it i% called a% )lack )ox te%ting. 9lack )ox te%ting attem(t% to find error% in t7e following categorie% @iA @iiA @iiiA @ivA @vA incorrect or mi%%ing function% interface error% error% in data %tructure% or external data )a%e acce%% )e7avior or (erformance error% initialization and termination error%

3nlike w7ite )ox te%ting< w7ic7 i% (erformed early in t7e te%ting (roce%%< )lack )ox te%ting tend% to )e a((lied during later %tage% of te%ting. 47ere are a num)er of tec7ni-ue% t7at can )e u%ed to de%ign te%t ca%e% w7ic7 7ave )een found to )e very %ucce%%ful in detecting error%.

Unit (esting: 3nit te%ting i% t7e (roce%% of taking a module and running it in i%olation from
re%t of t7e %oftware (roduct )y u%ing (re(ared te%t ca%e% and com(aring t7e actual re%ult% wit7 t7e re%ult% (redicted )y t7e %(ecification and de%ign of t7e module. A unit te%t i% t7e lowe%t level of te%ting and i% normally done )y t7e develo(er 7im%elf. 3nit te%t% are


(erformed for cla%%e%< )lock% and %ervice (ackage%. 3nit te%ting i% normally con%idered a% an ad$unct to t7e coding %te(. After %ource level code 7a% )een develo(ed< reviewed and verified for corre%(ondence to com(onent level de%ign< unit te%t ca%e de%ign )egin%. 3%ually w7ite )ox te%ting a((roac7e% are u%ed for unit te%ting and t7e %te(% can )e conducted in (arallel for multi(le module%.

Integration (esting: Software integration te%ting com)ine% or integrate% com(onent% of

t7e %oftware %y%tem and te%t% t7e re%ulting configuration to determine if it work% a% re-uired and ex(ected. One %(ecific target of integration te%ting i% t7e interface. #ntegration te%ting can )e eit7er incremental or non incremental. #ncremental te%ting i% (erformed )y te%ting a %mall (art of t7e %y%tem and t7en incrementally adding com(onent% to t7e configuration< (erforming %(ecific te%t% on eac7 increment. 6on incremental te%ting involve% a%%em)ling all com(onent% of t7e %y%tem and t7en te%ting t7em all at once. #ncremental te%ting 7a% (roven to )e a more %ucce%%ful a((roac7. 4wo main %trategie% are u%ed to integrate a %y%tem incrementallyD to(!down and )ottom!u(. (o9;2o=n testing i% t7e (roce%% of integrating t7e %y%tem under te%t< (rogre%%ively< from to( to )ottom< u%ing %imulation% of low!level com(onent% @called %tu)%) during te%ting to com(lete t7e %y%tem. 47i% i% in contra%t to ,otto4;u9 testing< in w7ic7 t7e %y%tem under te%t i% )uilt u( (rogre%%ively< from )ottom to to(< u%ing %oftware driver% to %imulate to(!level com(onent% during te%ting.

S0ste4 (esting: 47e te%ting t7at i% conducted on t7e com(lete integrated (roduct% and
%olution% to evaluate %y%tem com(liance wit7 %(ecified re-uirement% on functional and non functional a%(ect% i% called a% %y%tem te%ting. Sy%tem te%ting concern% te%ting t7e entire %y%tem or t7e a((lication a% %uc7. 47i% take% an end G u%er view of t7e %y%tem and t7e te%t .

ca%e% (erform ty(ical end G u%er action%. Sy%tem te%ting i% done after unit and integration te%ting (7a%e%. #t involve% )ot7 functional and non functional te%ting of t7e (roduct.

47i% %na(%7ot %7ow% t7at t7e email mu%t )e according to ne7aEgmail.com format.

Functional (esting: :el(% in verifying w7at t7e %y%tem i% %u((o%ed to do. #t aid% in te%ting
t7e (roduct>% feature% or functionality. #t 7a% only two re%ult% G re-uirement% met or not met. 2unctional te%ting normally de(end% on t7e (roduct and not on t7e environment. #t re-uire% in G de(t7 cu%tomer< (roduct a% well a% domain knowledge to develo( different te%t ca%e% and ..

find critical defect%. #t i% (erformed in all (7a%e% of te%ting i.e. unit< integration and %y%tem te%ting.

Non functional (esting: #t i% (erformed to verify t7e -uality factor% %uc7 a% relia)ility<
%cala)ility< (erformance< %cala)ility etc. 47e%e -uality factor% are al%o called non G functional re-uirement%. #t re-uire% a large amount of re%ource% and t7e re%ult% are different for different configuration% and re%ource%. #t i% a very com(lex met7od a% large amount of data need% to )e collected and analyzed. 47e focu% (oint i% to -ualify t7e (roduct. #t i% not a defect finding exerci%e.

47i% %na( %7ot S7ow% t7e re-uired validation field in t7e de(artment name.

)cce9tance (esting: #t i% normally (erformed )y t7e organization ordering t7e %y%tem and
it i% t7e final c7eck )y t7e ordered. 47i% i% often al%o t7e validation of t7e %y%tem. 47e %y%tem i% now te%ted in it% real environment. 47i% ty(e of te%ting i% often called al9ha testing. 47e te%t% may range from ad 7oc te%t% to well (lanned %y%tematic %erie% of te%t%. 47i% te%t can )e done for a longer time w7en t7e %y%tem i% working in t7e environment for w7ic7 it 7a% )een


develo(ed. ;7en t7e te%ting 7a% )een done< t7e deci%ion i% made a% to w7et7er t7e (roduct i% to )e acce(ted or not. #f t7ere i% no %(ecific ordered< for exam(le in t7e ca%e of a com(iler (roduct< ,eta testing i% often u%ed. 47i% mean% t7at t7e (roduct i% te%ted )y %(ecially %elected cu%tomer% w7o u%e t7e %y%tem and re(ort t7e fault% t7ey detect. 9eta! te%ting i% done )efore t7e (roduct i% %7i((ed and i% form of (re G relea%e.

47i% Sna(%7ot %7ow% t7at t7e de%ignation already exi%t%.

(ES( S(R)(EG8
:ow we (lan to cover t7e (roduct %o a% to develo( an ade-uate a%%e%%ment of -uality. good te%t %trategy i%D


S(ecific Practical Tu%tified


A %olid te%ting %trategy (rovide% t7e framework nece%%ary to im(lement your te%ting met7odology. A %e(arate %trategy %7ould )e develo(ed for eac7 %y%tem )eing develo(ed taking into account t7e develo(ment met7odology )eing u%ed and t7e %(ecific a((lication arc7itecture. 47e 7eart of any te%ting %trategy i% t7e ma%ter te%ting %trategy document. #t aggregate% all t7e information from t7e re-uirement%< %y%tem de%ign and acce(tance criteria into a detailed (lan for te%ting. A detailed ma%ter %trategy %7ould cover t7e followingD ProBect Sco9e ,e%tate t7e )u%ine%% o)$ective of t7e a((lication and define t7e %co(e of t7e te%ting. 47e %tatement %7ould )e a li%t of activitie% t7at will )e in %co(e or out of %co(e. A %am(le li%t would includeD Software configuration% to )e te%ted /ocumentation to )e validated :ardware to )e te%ted

(est O,Becti1es 47e %y%tem under te%t %7ould )e mea%ured )y it% com(liance to t7e re-uirement% and t7e u%er acce(tance criteria. Eac7 re-uirement and acce(tance criteria mu%t )e ma((ed to %(ecific te%t (lan% t7at validate and mea%ure t7e ex(ected re%ult% for eac7 te%t )eing (erformed. 47e o)$ective% %7ould )e li%ted in order of im(ortance and weig7ted )y ,i%k. Features an2 Functions to ,e (este2 Every feature and function mu%t )e li%ted for te%t inclu%ion or exclu%ion< along wit7 a de%cri(tion of t7e exce(tion%. Some feature% may not )e te%ta)le due to a lack of 7ardware or lack of control etc. 47e li%t %7ould )e grou(ed )y functional area to add clarity. 47e following i% a )a%ic li%t of functional area%D 9acku( and recovery< ;orkflow< #nterface de%ign< #n%tallation Procedure% @u%er%< o(erational< in%tallationA< ,e-uirement% and de%ign< 8e%%aging 6otification%< Error 7andling< Sy%tem exce(tion% and t7ird!(arty a((lication fault%.


Different Stages of (esting

Plan the testing )cti1ities

Design an2 2e1elo9 test cases

4e%t Planning

Re1ie= the test cases

Pre9are the test en1iron4ent

E@ecute the tests Resol1e (he Defects in (est cases

Resol1e (he 2efects In co2e No

+og the Defects

4e%t Execution

Deter4ine if the test cases 3a1e 9asse2 the testing Yes E@it

Fig;1 (his figure sho=s 2ifferent (est Cases

(est Cases
(est case 4e%tca%e!&Dlogin Descri9tion ;7en u%er enter% wrong u%er name or



4e%tca%e!+D/e(artment Addition 4e%tca%e!4DEm(loyee Addition


(a%%word a me%%age a((ear% t7at Pu%er name or (a%%word incorrect< try againQ. ;7en u%er c7ange% (a%%word a u%er 7a% to enter new (a%%word and confirm t7at (a%%word again ot7erwi%eQ a me%%age a((ear%Q #n ca%e a u%er enter a de(artment name t7at already exi%t P me%%age a((ear% t7at de(artment already exi%tQ An email!id of em(loyee mu%t )e according to t7e format ar0aNg4ail.co4 ot7erwi%e an error me%%age P #d i% incorrectQ will )e generated An admit date and di%c7arge date of (atient mu%t )e according to t7e /ate4ime format and )ill amount calculated on t7e date )a%i%.

4a)le!&' 4a)le %7ow% variou% 4e%t 1a%e% and t7eir de%cri(tion

8aintenance involve% under%tanding t7e exi%ting %oftware @code and related document%A< under%tanding t7e effect% of c7ange!to )ot7 t7e code and t7e document%!te%ting t7e new


(art%@c7ange%A<and rete%ting t7e old (art% t7at were not c7anged. 9ecau%e often during develo(ment t7e need% of t7e maintainer% are not ke(t in mind< few %u((ort document% are (roduced during develo(ment to 7el( maintainer%. 8aintenance i% t7e ty(e of c7ange or %oftware rework t7at ty(ically i% done after t7e %oftware develo(ment i% com(leted and t7e %oftware 7a% )een de(loyed. 8aintenance i% )a%ically of two ty(e%D Correcti1e /aintenanceD #t i% commonly )elieved t7at t7e %tage of t7e art today i% %uc7 t7at almo%t all %oftware t7at i% develo(ed 7a% re%idual error%< or )ug%< in t7em. 8any of t7e%e %urface% only after t7e %y%tem 7ave )een develo(ed and 7ave )een in o(eration< %ometime% for a long time. 47e%e error%< once di%covered< need to )e removedJ leading to t7e %oftware getting c7anged. 47i% i% %ometime% called corrective 8aintenance. )2a9ti1e /aintenance: #t 7a% )een argued t7at once a %oftware %y%tem i% de(loyed< t7e environment in w7ic7 it o(erate% c7ange%.:ence< t7e need% t7at initiated t7e %oftware develo(ment al%o c7ange% to reflect t7e need% of t7e new environment. 47e c7anged %oftware t7en c7ange% t7e environment< w7ic7 in turn re-uire% future c7ange. 47i% (7enomenon i% %ometime%< called the law of software evolution.8aintainence due to t7i% (7enomenon i% called ada(tive 8aintenance.



#m(lementation i% t7e %tage in t7e (ro$ect w7ere t7e t7eoretical de%ign i% turned into t7e working %y%tem and i% giving confidence to t7e new %y%tem for t7e u%er% i.e. will work efficiently and effectively. #t involve% careful (lanning< inve%tigation of t7e current %y%tem and it% con%traint% on im(lementation< de%ign of met7od to ac7ieve t7e c7ange over< an evaluation< of c7ange over met7od%. A (art from (lanning ma$or ta%k of (re(aring t7e im(lementation i% education of u%er%. 47e more com(lex %y%tem i% im(lemented< t7e more involved will )e t7e %y%tem analy%i% and de%ign effort re-uired $u%t for im(lementation. An im(lementation coordinating committee )a%ed on (olicie% of individual organization 7a% )een a((ointed. 47e im(lementation (roce%% )egin% wit7 (re(aring a (lan for t7e im(lementation for t7e %y%tem. According to t7i% (lan< t7e activitie% are to )e carried out< di%cu%%ion% may regarding t7e e-ui(ment 7a% to )e ac-uired to im(lement t7e new %y%tem. #m(lementation i% t7e final and im(ortant (7a%e. 47e mo%t critical %tage i% in ac7ieving a %ucce%%ful new %y%tem and in giving t7e u%er% confidence t7at t7e new %y%tem will work and )e effective. 47e %y%tem can )e im(lemented only after t7oroug7 te%ting i% done and if it found to working according to t7e %(ecification. 47i% met7od al%o offer% t7e greate%t %ecurity %ince t7e old %y%tem can take over if t7e error% are found or ina)ility to 7andle certain ty(e% of tran%action w7ile u%ing t7e new %y%tem. 47e ma$or element% of im(lementation (lan are te%t (lan< training (lan< e-ui(ment in%tallation (lan< and a conver%ion (lan.

(here are three t09es of i49le4entation:

#m(lementation of a com(uter %y%tem to re(lace a manual %y%tem. #m(lementation of a new com(uter %y%tem to re(lace an exi%ting %y%tem. #m(lementation of a modified a((lication to re(lace an exi%ting one< u%ing t7e %ame com(uter. Succe%%ful im(lementation may not guarantee im(rovement in t7e organization u%ing t7e new %y%tem< )ut im(ro(er in%tallation will (revent it. #t 7a% )een o)%erved t7at even t7e )e%t %y%tem cannot %7ow good re%ult if t7e analy%t% managing t7e im(lementation do not attend to every im(ortant detail. 47i% i% an area w7ere t7e %y%tem% analy%t% need to work wit7 utmo%t care.


4raining (er%onnel 1onver%ion Procedure% Po%t!im(lementation review

(raining of Personnel in1ol1e2 =ith s0ste4:

Even well de%igned %y%tem can %ucceed or fail )ecau%e of t7e way t7ey are o(erated and u%ed. 47erefore< t7e -uality of training received )y t7e (er%onal involved wit7 t7e %y%tem in variou% ca(acitie% 7el(% or 7inder% and may even (revent t7e %ucce%%ful im(lementation of management information %y%tem.

S0ste4 O9erators (raining:

,unning of t7e %y%tem %ucce%%fully de(end on t7e (er%onnel working in t7e 1om(uter 1entre. 47ey are ,e%(on%i)le for (roviding t7e nece%%ary %u((ort. 47eir training mu%t en%ure t7at t7ey are a)le to 7andle all (o%%i)le o(eration%< )ot7 routine and extra! ordinary in nature. #f t7e %y%tem call% for t7e in%tallation of new e-ui(ment< %uc7 a% new com(uter %y%tem< %(ecial terminal% or different data entry mac7ine%< t7e o(erator% training %7ould include %uc7 fundamental% a% 7ow to turn t7e e-ui(ment on and u%e it< 7ow to (ower off and a knowledge of w7at con%titute% normal o(eration%. 47e o(erator% %7ould al%o )e trained on different ty(e of malfunctioning< 7ow to recognize t7em and w7at %te(% %7ould al%o )e taken w7enever t7ey ari%e.

User (raining:
3%er may )e trained on u%e e-ui(ment< (articularly in t7e ca%e w7ere< e.g. a micro com(uter i% in u%e and individual involved i% )ot7 o(erator and u%er. #n %uc7 ca%e%< u%er mu%t )e given training on 7ow to o(erate and u%er. #n %uc7 ca%e%< u%er mu%t )e given training on 7ow to o(erator t7e %y%tem al%o. Cue%tion% t7at may )e trivial to t7e analy%t< %uc7 a% 7ow to turn on a terminal< 7ow to in%ert a di%kette into a micro! "6

com(uter or w7en it i% %afe to turn off e-ui(ment wit7out danger of data lo%% are %ignificant (ro)lem% to new u%er% w7o are not familiar. #n mo%t of t7e ca%e% u%er training deal% wit7 t7e o(eration of t7e %y%tem it%elf< wit7 (ro(er attention given to data 7andling tec7ni-ue%. #t i% im(erative t7at u%er% )e (ro(erly trained in met7od% of entering tran%action< editing data< formulating in-uirie%< deleting and in%erting of record%. 6o training i% com(lete wit7out familiarizing u%er% wit7 %im(le %y%tem% maintenance activitie%. ;eakne%% in any a%(ect of training may lead of awkward %ituation t7at create% u%er fru%tration and error.

Con1ersion /etho2s
A conver%ion i% t7e (roce%% of c7anging from t7e old %y%tem to t7e new one. #t mu%t )e (ro(erly (lanned and executed. 2our met7od% are common in u%e. 47ey are Parallel Sy%tem%< /irect 1onver%ion< Pilot Sy%tem and P7a%e #n met7od. Eac7 met7od %7ould )e con%idered in t7e lig7t of t7e o((ortunitie% t7at it offer% and (ro)lem% t7at it may create. #n general< %y%tem conver%ion %7ould )e accom(li%7ed in %7orte%t (o%%i)le time. 0ong conver%ion (eriod% create (ro)lem% for all (er%on% involved including )ot7 analy%t% and u%er%.

Parallel s0ste4s:
47e mo%t %ecure met7od of converting from an old to new %y%tem i% to run )ot7 %y%tem% in (arallel. 47i% met7od i% %afe%t one )ecau%e it en%ure% t7at in ca%e of any (ro)lem in u%ing new %y%tem< t7e organization can %till fall )ack to t7e old %y%tem wit7out t7e lo%% of time and money.

(he 2isa21antages of 9arallel s0ste4s a99roach are:

#t dou)le% o(erating co%t%. 47e new %y%tem may not get fair trial.

Direct con1ersion:


47i% met7od convert% from t7e old %y%tem to new %y%tem a)ru(tly< %ometime% over a weekend or even overnig7t. 47e old %y%tem i% u%ed until a (lanned conver%ion day< w7en it i% re(laced )y t7e new %y%tem.

Pilot s0ste4:
Pilot a((roac7 i% often (referred in t7e ca%e of t7e new %y%tem w7ic7 involve% new tec7ni-ue% or %ome dra%tic c7ange% in organization (erformance. #n t7i% met7od< a working ver%ion of t7e %y%tem i% im(lemented in one (art of t7e organization< %uc7 a% a %ingle work area or de(artment.

Phase OIN; 4etho2:

47i% met7od i% u%ed w7en it i% not (o%%i)le to in%tall a new %y%tem t7roug7out an organization all at once. 47e conver%ion of file%< training of (er%onnel or arrival of e-ui(ment may force t7e %taging of t7e im(lementation over a (eriod of time< ranging from week% to mont7%.

Post I49le4entation Re1ie=:

After t7e %y%tem i% im(lemented and conver%ion i% com(lete< a review %7ould )e conducted to determine w7et7er t7e %y%tem i% meeting ex(ectation% and w7ere im(rovement% are needed. A (o%t im(lementation review mea%ure% t7e %y%tem% (erformance again%t (redefined re-uirement. #t determine% 7ow well t7e %y%tem continue% to meet t7e (erformance %(ecification%.


+ogin (a,le:;
Fiel2 Na4e Descri9tion 3%ername 1ontain% admini%trator login Pa%%word 1ontain% (a%%word of admini%trator login (a,le;11 47i% ta)le re(re%ent% t7e login u%ername and (a%%word.

.ar2 info (a,le:;

Fiel2 Na4e Descri9tion ;ard#/ 1ontain% t7e integer auto generated ward id ;ard6ame 1ontain% t7e ;ard 6ame (a,le;12 47i% ta)le re(re%ent% t7e information regarding different ;ard%.

De9art4ent (a,le:;
Fiel2 Na4e Descri9tion /e(tt#/ 1ontain% t7e integer auto generated /e(artment #/ /e(tt6ame 1ontain% t7e /e(artment 6ame (a,le;1! 47i% ta)le re(re%ent% t7e different de(artment% in t7e 7o%(ital.

Roo4 )22ition (a,le:;

Fiel2 Na4e Descri9tion ,oom#/ 1ontain% t7e integer auto generated ,oom #/ ;ard4y(e 1ontain% t7e ;ard 4y(e from ;ard49 ,oom6o 1ontain% t7e ,oom 6um)er from ,oom49 2loor 1ontain% t7e floor of %elected ,oom 6um)er 17arge% 1ontain% t7e ,oom c7arge% Per /ay Statu% 1ontain% ,oom Statu% eit7er 4rue or 2al%e (a,le;1" 47i% ta)le maintain% t7e room %tatu%< different ward% and variou% floor

Out Door Patient 4aintenance (a,le:;

Fiel2 Na4e P#/ Sli(6o OP//ate Patient6ame /i%ea%e Descri9tion 1ontain% t7e integer auto generated Patient #/ 1ontain% t7e Auto increment Sli(6o 1ontain% t7e Sy%tem date in t7e 0a)el 1ontain% t7e Patient 6ame 1ontain% t7e detail of Patient /i%ea%e ""

/octor6ame 1ontain% t7e /octor 6ame from t7e Em(49 Pre%cri(tion 1ontain% t7e (re%cri(tion of Patient Ex(iry/ate 1ontain% t7e date after day% of OP/ /ate (a,le;1$ 47i% ta)le maintain% t7e Outdoor Patient ,ecord

Discharge (a,le:;
Fiel2 Na4e Descri9tion 9ill#/ 1ontain% t7e integer auto generated 9ill #/ 9illno 1ontain% t7e Auto #ncrement 9ill 6um)er 9ill/ate 1ontain% t7e Sy%tem date ,oomno 1ontain% t7e ,oom 6o from #n /oor Patient 4a)le 17arge%Per/ay 1ontain% t7e ,oom 17arge% Per /ay 4otal17arge% 1ontain% t7e 4otal 17arge% Service4ax 1ontain% t7e Service 4ax on 4otal c7arge% 9illPaya)le 1ontain% t7e 9ill Paya)le Amount /i%c7arge/ate 1ontain% t7e /i%c7arge date of t7e Patient (a,le;1% 47i% ta)le contain% information of t7e )ill generation at t7e time of di%c7arge .

Designation (a,le:;
Fiel2 Na4e Descri9tion /e%i#/ 1ontain% t7e integer auto generated /e%ignation #/ /e(tt6ame 1ontain% t7e /e(artment 6ame from /e(tt49 /e%i6ame 1ontain% t7e /e%ignation 6ame (a,le;1& 47i% ta)le contain% t7e de%ignation of different em(loyee% in t7e 7o%(ital

In2oor Patient /aintenance (a,le:;

Fiel2 Na4e P#/ 26ame 06ame Addre%% Descri9tion 1ontain% t7e integer auto generated Patient #/ 1ontain% t7e 2ir%t 6ame of Patient 1ontain% t7e 0a%t 6ame of Patientl 1ontain% t7e Patient Addre%%


1ontact6o 1ontain% t7e Patient 1ontact 6um)er P:i%tory 1ontain% t7e Patient :i%tory /i%ea%e 1ontain% t7e detail of Patient /i%ea%e Su(ervi%ionOf 1ontain% t7e /octor 6ame ;ard4y(e 1ontain% t7e ;ard 4y(e from ;ard49 ,oom6o 1ontain% t7e ,oom 6um)er 2rom ,oom49 Admit/ate 1ontain% t7e Admit /ate of (atient ,oomStatu% ,oom Statu% %et% 4rue after room allotted to Patient (a,le;1' 47i% ta)le maintain% t7e #ndoor Patient ,ecord

SI(E /)P

#ndoor Patient%

/i%c7arge and 9ill

3os9ital /anage4ent S0ste4


Cuery A)out Patient

Cuery A)out /i%c7arge

A)out 8e

Fig;2# Figure sho=s the site 4a9 of 3/S.

Automatic 5eneration of uni-ue id for (atient in OP/. Malidation to (revent re(etition of #d>%. 1entralized /ata)a%e on 1lient!Server arc7itecture. 3%er 2riendly #nterface. Ea%y and Secure Acce%% to /ata. #nformation Searc7ing i% an ea%y ta%k for admini%trator. 1an )e ea%ily modified to meet t7e re-uirement of Em(loyee% of different de(artment% like /octor< 6ur%e< ;ard 9oy< 1lerk etc w7enever re-ue%ted. ;ill encourage more doctor% to modernize and com(uterize t7eir 7o%(ital%.



Mi%ual 9a%ic.6E4 :ow to Program< Second Edition )y :arvey 8./etiel Sim(ly Mi%ual 9a%ic .6E4 *''+D An A((lication! /riven 4utorial A((roac7< )y :arvey 8./eitel<Paul T./eitel 8icro%oft ASP.6E4 1oding Strategie% wit7 t7e 8icro%oft ASP.6E4 4eam@Pro!/evelo(er@Pa(er)ackA )y,o) :oward< 8at7ew 5i))% 9eginning ASP.6E4 &.& wit7 M9.6E4 *''5 @9eginningA )y 17ri% 3llman< 8c5raw :ill% G PSoft=are EngineeringG ) PractitionerPs )99roachQ 9y ,.S.Pre%%man



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